i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,751 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2024 21:31:58 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar
[attr="class","rowwtw"]"Cillian, you have company." He issued the warning to , watching from afar as two unfamiliar shapes encroached upon his brother. "I'll be there soon." It didn't surprise Rowan that the League would be willing to attack someone defending civilians from a rampaging Kyogre, it made the violence he intended to inflict upon them that much more justified. Not that he needed an excuse, not anymore. [break][break]

Water splashed into the air as Walking Wake strode across the surface of the lake, closing the distance between himself and the combat in mere moments. A whistle from the back of the Pokémon issued a command, Rowan's eye fixated upon and her companion. "Time to even the odds."[break][break]

The Walking Wake crawled up a set of rocks with lizard-like agility, snaking its way to a higher point of vantage. "Now!" He shouted over the din of war, the throat of the paradox Pokémon bulging and ballooning with energy for a moment before unleashing a DRAGON PULSE at the attacking Dusknoir.[break][break]

"Get us closer." The paradox Pokémon leapt forward from the rocks, landing close to the combatants with a boisterous roar to announce their presence. Any attention away from Cillian and Lugia would be enough to give the Underboss some breathing room. [break][break]


[attr="class","rowwttag"] [break][break]


TL;DR:[break] - D:2 [break] - Rowan sees the League swarming Cillian, warns him. [break] - Shows up with Walking Wake to help defend him. [break] - Walking Wake uses Dragon Pulse on Ana's Dusknoir.


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May 02
Rustboro City, Hoenn
Pokémon Ranger
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
531 posts
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Roy Aker
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2024 21:49:46 GMT
Roy Aker Avatar
Amidst the chaos of battle, Roy arrives at Sootopolis by boat, flanked by the enigmatic canine he'd encountered earlier. Their connection had been minimal, marked by a shared silence and mutual observation. Now, with the clash between the League and Team Rocket in full force, it was time to put their unspoken bond to the test.

Freya's voice crackled through his comms, a sound that brought him a moment of comfort, though he never doubted her resolve to be here. Through the power of Rayquaza, the culmination of centuries of draconid heritage surged within him, awakening a latent strength in his blood. But before he could respond to his cousin, the Zygarde beside him acted out on its own.

The green band around the hound's neck extended, wrapping itself firmly around Roy's forearm. In an instant, the strap tightened, and the creature bolted forward, weaving through the crowds of League soldiers with Roy in tow. The hound leaped from cliff edge to cliff edge, dragging Roy along in a rapid, jarring ascent. Gritting his teeth, Roy gripped his arm tightly, absorbing the impact with his heels as they hurtled towards the heart of Sootopolis.

As they landed amidst a cluster of Team Rocket grunts, the Zygarde's leash slackened, freeing Roy. Wasting no time, he lunged at the nearest grunt, silencing him with a swift strike before the enemy could release a pokemon. Meanwhile, the hound plowed through the remaining grunts, its focus unbroken as it surged toward higher ground, with Roy pushing himself to keep up.

At the top of the stairs, Roy caught sight of 's Zeraora streaking across the battlefield, its form engulfed in a brilliant blue light. In response, the Zygarde let out a piercing howl. With its body radiating a greenish glow, it fires a barrage of hexagonal projectiles that are aimed specifically at the airborne feline.

Zygarde used Thousand Arrows.

[attr="class","zygarde-notes"]⬢ Located in D-2
⬢ Roy is using Zygarde
⬢ Zygarde drags Roy into the fray
⬢ Roy briefly fights a grunt
⬢ Zygarde attacks 's Zeraora




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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
3,526 posts
Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2024 22:38:54 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.




Kyogre finally smashes through the wall of sootopolis. The waves created in the aftermath start to capsize several boats as people begin to clamor and scramble to upright it with their pokemon, Meloetta floats next to melody with a concerned expression and Melody nods to her and recalls her meowscarada into the safety of it's pokeball. [break][break]

She uses her psychic abilities to gather the rubble that it created to make a wider platform for herself to stand on and float above the water. "I need to get into a good position to gather as much info on the situation." she says as melody recalls meloetta for now and sends out her chatot. She uses the rubble she gathers and creates a staircase. Her Chatot creates a TAILWIND to help speed her up as she rushes up the stairs.[break][break]

She tries to rush from H-1 To H-2 quickly and whoever else may see the stairs and make decide to take advantage on going up. If she arrives to the top without being interrupted, Melody looked over the entire area and begins to fill with dread as she sees the ocean levels rising thanks to kyogre and rockets being at the advantage. She sees the calryex, armed with weapons and shields and decides she needs to go after it as it was jamming their dynamax bands. That could give the league the advantage here...[break][break]

She uses her avatar abilities to magnify her voice to the civilians in the city and to anyone else who would listen. "This is Top Champion Melody Miro. Non-combatants to please evacuate the city, the league will not bring harm to those of you who surrender! Leaguers, infiltrate the city and destroy the trees in the center!" [break][break]



notes about this post

Notes go here

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Melody grabs rubble using her psychic energy and adds it to her platform she created in her prelude thread.[break]
Meloetta is recalled and chatot is sent out to use TAILWIND[break]
Uses her psychic energy to create a pathway that goes up the created (H1-H2)[break]
Once she makes it to the top she magnifies her voice to speak to everyone in the city to evacuate and rallies the league's forces to enter the city and destroy the trees in the center.
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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,511 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2024 22:46:28 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar
[attr="class","ambrosia annal"]
[attr="class","amilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


from atop the crater wall, annalise looks down and glimpses the split bowels of the cave of origin and the furious god writhing within it. illeana's theories have gone to violent plan, out of their hands before they could even set foot within the city. somewhere in its cradle, she hopes, it will find its missing piece without their intervention.[break][break] thunder cleaves through the wound made by kyogre, heralded by the hauntingly familiar cry of 's lugia, setting in motion team rocket's retaliation against the frenzied invader. she watches, eyes wide, as everything unravels.[break][break] "we need to help kyogre!" [break][break]she appeals through her earpiece, hand to ear to muffle the sounds of nearby attacks, her voice static as it comes through other league officials' communicators. it's truly meant for and , but she has neither the time nor the opportunity to flip through communication channels to address them individually.[break][break]"you too." [break][break]she turns to matias as her hand falls away from her earpiece, eyes pleading. help me, her face says. defy your nature. prove you've really changed. and then she blinks and the look is gone, replaced by clouded concentration as she starts to descend the cliffs. [break][break]mew swims through the air over her shoulder, eyes flashing to encapsulate oncoming projectiles within its psychic. they float in place for a moment, seized by a pink aura, then mew tries to volley them back into the city.


[attr="class","icon-league"] location: F-1, cliffs[break]says we need to protect kyogre @ league[break]starts making her way down to the city[break]mew sending rocket projectiles back into city[break]can SQUARE UP




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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,325 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2024 23:17:18 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb illie"]

who's afraid of little old me? [break]
well, you should be




echoes of war beat like drums across starry expanses, sinking and festering until it's all she hears even in the safety of a rift. explosions pepper all around. they sound like quickly dying stars.


and from the expanses of a giant pink slash opening up above kyogre's head, she comes ripping back into creation.


's voice echoes across the comms. it's staticky in her ear, distorted. between the syllables, she can hear 's whispers. compromised. corrupted. meddlesome. callow. her expression fractures. a snarl looks bloodthirsty in the rosy light of holy ichor.


kyogre's beached body sits below her, rain and wind whipping sootopolis into a frenzied battleground. from all angles, attacks litter its body as league and rocket clash amongst rubble. and she glowers downward at the lot of them, hands alight with pink. behind her, palkia emerges from its rift with a roar. the sound akin to shattering glass echoes against storm clouds.




her arms sweep out, spatial matter stretching and morphing with stirring touch until shimmering barriers are conjured up into being. she erects them in front of kyogre, a means to protect the titan from further harm.


"shields up," comes slithering into league comms. a beat passes before she adds, "if you wish to harm kyogre, i'll stop you myself."


her gaze shifts, honing in on in particular as she speaks. there, her eyes narrow on him, his mongrel of a dog, and his proximity to rockets nearby. shadowy whispers grow louder, threatening to drown out the growing storm.


and as the alchemist floats behind her barriers, palkia lingering protectively at one side, she tosses a pokeball down toward the rubble. the flash morphs into a discolored blacephalon, its head already crawling off its stem and juggling from one arm to the other.




the blacephalon's arms still. its head is gathered into its hands and its funky body sways slightly with excitement. the arms wind up, head held up above body...




silence settles... for it is the only warning before the blacephalon's head is lobbed up into the air, a mind blown launched out into the fray unfolding across a broken sootopolis.


- positioned at d-1[break]
- appears from a spatial rift with palkia (real, idly lingering w shiv permission)[break]
- a lil crazy n mad, thanks walsh![break]
- creates spatial shields & places them in front of kyogre to protect it from attacks[break]
- comms to league & ab shields being up for kyogre, mentions she'll fight if ppl try to attack it.[break]
- summons blacephalon, who launches a mind blown out into the field - up to shiv where it lands, i didn't aim in particular.

[attr="class","oocnotes"]jOXa6Bjr [break]
sooty - war.


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
787 posts
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TAG WITH @caleb
Caleb Harcourt
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2024 3:17:29 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar

"Don't you dare make that promise. I won't have your blood on my hands."
Caleb gasps for air, breaking the surface of the turbulent sea, the adamant words of willing him to live.[break][break]
The Ranger has found himself just outside Sootopolis, its massive cliffs looming above him like ancient sentinels. Frantically, he flails his aching limbs, trying desperately to fight the pull of the tide.[break][break]
Waves crash against a too-distant shore as Caleb scrambles to make sense of his situation. How the hell had he survived the Rocket ship's explosion? His ears are still ringing. Everything feels fuzzed at the edges, like he's looking through a foggy window.[break][break]
He's too weak to swim properly, the water around him stained red with his own blood, so he fills his lungs and tries to float vaguely in the direction of the rocky walls that surround the Rocket-controlled city. His body feels so heavy, weighed down by more than just physical injuries. It's not going to work. He's not going to make it.[break][break]
The water around him grows colder and he wonders, not for the first time, if he's about to die.[break][break]
A massive shell, icy to the touch, rises from the ocean from beneath him, and he sputters, confusion replacing exhaustion until he realizes what is happening. Relief floods him, not only because he's going to live, but because with her, he will still be able to fight for Freya.[break][break]
The Lapras - no, Mega-Lapras - trills loudly in confirmation, twisting her massive neck to gaze at him with worried eyes. He'd left her behind when he'd boarded the Rocket ship, commanding her to patrol the area and wait for him should he need her.[break][break]
And boy had he needed her.[break][break]
But when had his Mega Accessory activated? He glances down at the device strapped to his wrist, seeing that it is, indeed, glowing with a soft blue light. Strange, but not unwelcome.[break][break]
He lays on his back, staring up at the stormy sky, as Lyra swims them to shore. His earpiece - how that had survived Caleb's water-logged landing, he has no idea - crackles with static, a familiar voice coming through.[break][break]
Demak ve. Troth kyogre.[break][break]
Protect Kyogre? Isn't it trying to destroy the city?[break][break]
"Freya calls for aid!" He yells to Lyra. "We need to reach Kyogre, and help her defend - "[break][break]
His breath catches in his throat, and his words die. There is a man dragging himself up the rocky cliffside, as drenched and disoriented as Caleb feels.[break][break]
Caleb knows the man. They'd been fighting one another when the ship exploded, after all.[break][break]
He hesitates, then makes up his mind.[break][break]
"HEY!" he calls out to . "Where the hell do you think you're going?"[break][break]

Caleb tries not to drown in the turbulent sea outside of Sootopolis after the Rocket ship he was fighting on prematurely exploded[break]
Caleb's Lapras has MEGA-EVOLVED, and she saves him from drowning[break]
Caleb receives 's message and resolves to help her protect Kyogre[break]
Mega-Lapras and Caleb approach the shore around G1 (on the map)[break]



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Gwen, "Gwennie"
May 29
Twinleaf Town
Closeted Lesbian
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
287 posts
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TAG WITH @gwendolyn
Gwendolyn Conway
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2024 3:41:44 GMT
Gwendolyn Conway Avatar

Like the many League members that had floored into Sotopolis, Gwendolyn had been washing into the crater as the rampaging waters brushed against the raft that had held other members. Still suffering from the bad headspace that had been forced on her by watching other members of her team space perish, Gwendolyn had been fully ready to seek some kind of vengeance against Rocket for their crimes. The other people in the raft shared these sentiments and sailed through the entrance.

The waters were dangerous as their vessel floored through the impromptu entrance, thought not as much as the Rockets firing upon their position. "Hold on!" Gwen shouted out, pushing herself to the front of the raft as she tried to steer it away from the incoming attacks. An Electrode began to glow a bright color, its trainer throwing it in the water in front of the water as the ranger's eyes looked at what awaited in front of them.

"G-Get! Down Explo-"

A thundering boom. Gwen felt her body be forced back from the explosion and be submerged into the waters behind her. She couldn't see or feel, though water entered her opened nose and throat as she floundered to catch onto something, anything to save her. The other people with her, were they alright? She could only hope so, desperate for them to jump off somewhere safe. Her downfall continued, despserate to keep her head above water. It bounced up and down until, mercifully...

Gwen tumbled onto dry land, landing a short distance away from the main slide. "Ugh..." she groaned, feeling her vision returned and coughing up a decent amount of water from her lungs. The rampage close by could be heard for miles. Brief shapes and people shot attacks out at one another, though Gwen heard something nearby that made some panic flow through her veins once more. She pushed herself up and looked around the corner nearby to see a woman and her Pokemon.

A Gothitelle was telepathically lifting people to safety as its owner watched. For a brief moment, Gwen wanted to attack with her back turned. It was an easy time to cut this Rocket down here. All she had to do was to bide her time and wait until the people the Gothitelle was done lifting people and then strike then. All it would take was Ethernet coiling around her neck and ordering Ethernet to tighten until it popped.

It would be what she deserved, Rockets and all to the end. But she hesitated, watching her save the innocents. Wasn't Rocket supposed to be stopping them, no matter the cost? It made her confused more than anything, just unable to comprehend such a thing. It wasn't until the sound of Melody sounded off about where their priorities were. A tree instead of the people here. That Gothitelle would

She...couldn't do this. Not while other people were in danger. Her priorities needed rechecking.

Gwen tossed out her Xurkitree, the Ultra Beast letting out a crackling sound while it would wander over towards the crowd. She looked up at where the civilians were being led off and pointed in the general location. "Now power Whip up there and make a bridge!" The Xurkitree shot out its tendrils at the cliff face, one by one, until a wire trail leading up to the cliff more easy would be accessible for the people present. While shaky, it was a way to get more civilians up to safety than the other woman.

Speaking of which.

"You're trying to get people to safety, right?" Gwendolyn asked the other woman, her expression one of confliction. "So am I. That tree can go fuck itself, I joined to save people and that's what I'm doing. So we can fight and waste time to get these people to safety, or we can help each other out. Your choice." Gwen said to the woman, looking at the small row of people starting to make thei way up the makeshift bridge created by her Xurkitree.


Location: E2,

• Comes out of the raft by the entrances Kyogre made and almost drowns
• Washes up near and begins preparations to strike, but backs out due to people needing help
• She comes forward and makes a bridge leading to safety alongside the Rocket
• Offers her a truce to focus on getting civilians out as soon as possible

[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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April 8
Ecruteak City
5'11" height
5'11" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
143 posts
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TAG WITH @tsuru
Mitsuru Kagami
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2024 3:51:27 GMT
Mitsuru Kagami Avatar
The Cave of Origin was crumbling. Its walls were coming down. What little sanctuary it provided had been torn away, exposed to the harsh waves and the lashing rain. There was no more safety to be found here. Now, this sacred place had become nothing more than the next objective in this war of faith and blasphemy.

And here Mitsuru was, stuck in the middle of it all.

B-but at least she wasn't alone, right? She was here with and ! The former of who was leaving to go battle a dragon off in the distance, and the latter who'd likely be heading into the fray soon after... Though, really, even if they DID both stay, it wouldn't exactly make much difference against the full force of Kyogre, would it...?


Having lost what little confidence she had left, the mystic immediately scrambled for cover. She didn't know what to do. What WAS she supposed to do? What could she even possibly do in this situation besides not be here in the first place?!

Clearly, she didn't know, and she wouldn't be able to figure it out herself. So, in this desperate time, it was time to resort to desperate measures. Clutching a Pokeball in her hands, she sent out her Dusclops, the spectre manifesting besides her with a low, dull groan.

"Um, Ichi? Could you use Future Sight and see what I'm supposed to do? Please...? Please..."

>Mitsuru is at E4, inside the Cave of Origin, next to the big Blue Orb Stalactice. She's freaking the HECK out!!! Calls out her Dusclops and gets it to use Future Sight because oooooo this is scary and she doesn't like it!!!!!
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,861 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2024 4:12:46 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The waves had swallowed Aslan and had only grown more turbulant as the whale's rampage grew. Violent waters had exposed the Cave of Origin -- and the Halls of Origin's monochrome corridors beneath Sootopolis -- to daylight it had never seen. Its labyrinthine space, now filled with floodwaters pulsing with toxic amounts of Primal Energy, would be uninhabitable for the foreseeable future.

After his bloody battle with , the seas became so rough that traversing them would be impossible in his current condition. His SYGNA SUIT was inert, its Infinity Energy flow severed with the life of his Shiny Pyroar. Having little choice, he sat atop his Dragonair and took to the air, his left arm mildly throbbing as he flew to the Ranger Captain's side, dismounted, and stood next to . The undulations hurt just as much as the whistling projectiles that grazed his skin, his cheek dripping red. "You need any supplies or interference run, Captain, I've got your back," Josh huffed, starting to regret his stubbornness.

He really should not have been here.

Reiterating his message over League comms, the frustration in Josh's tone was clear as a Suicune's crystal. "The best I can do is run supply lines. I'm just not in fighting condition yet. You need anything, let me know, and you'll get it. By lightning strike if I have to." The riderless Dragonair began to hover over the northeast side of the island, launching THUNDER WAVES toward hostile Pokémon stoking Kyogre. The moment Josh got a call, though, he would order Resheph to stop and make that supply drop.

Arceus knew they would need it.


LOCATION: F-1, far southeast corner of the square
- Josh flies to the cliffside and lands near , then announces to League comms that his role in the battle will be a dedicated supply runner.
- Josh's DRAGONAIR alternates between loosing debilitating THUNDER WAVES upon Rocket Pokémon that get close and delivering medicine and other supplies as needed.

{PC: 1}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Sigmund       Iron Crown     Fair
Swift         Raikou         Good
Resheph       Dragonair      Good
Kairi         Vaporeon       Good
Aleph         Type: Null     KO
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October 19
Sootopolis City
In bad dreams
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,603 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2024 4:23:22 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
[attr="class","prophet susge"]
[attr="class","amilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

It had once considered the tree sacred. Adrian doesn't know what he feels now, however...[break][break]

But there is so much going on, and orders are scarce amidst all the rancor. Declan has called for them to punish the League's advance, but he hails from a westerly airstream, and is unable to find himself in a suitable position in time. As they swoop low over Sootopolis, Adrian gauges their advance...[break][break]

They haven't made it to the city proper. Good.[break][break]

He is not the only one keen on an aerial vantage. In the distance, positions herself as a looming figure, imposed upon the Sootopolis skyline. Projecting her voice, she rallies the League to destroy the trees in their assault...[break][break]

Calyrex sits atop its own, but there seems to be nothing to challenge their quest to raze the other. It's a conflicting feeling he experiences...[break][break]

...Yet he heads East on a tailwind...[break]

SoQBevnp[break]Rocket Advantage

[attr="class","nametag"] [break]ADRIAN'S SEA GARB[break]CORVIKNIGHT uses TAILWIND![break]Heading East




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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,653 posts
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2024 4:24:28 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

[attr="class","cp cp-target-o"]


Remember Them (Instrumental) - Epic the Musical

Hopper TELEPORTS him to the edge of the city, off the ship and offshore of the crater. The ocean reflects the chaos within and he can hear the comms going off. He swallows hard as his Porygon beeps worriedly before bracing himself. Another jump to the cliffs reveals a better view as he pulled out a pair of binos. Kyogre screaming, Avatars he recognized, and a plethora of elemental attacks going off. Hopper blinks in and out to bring out his rifle. He can vaguely see and near not quite attacking him. It makes him itch, antsy. Revenge boils in his gut. But he can't stay to try to shoot them down. There’s other work to be done. He braces against a rocky cliff face, pulling in the rifle tight and aiming at the Shadow Lugia’s master. Round, in and bolt pulled back, he fires. A single shot that goes flying accompanied with a call over the comms. “Navy, take the set up!”, seeing he was probably the closest with Cillian’s back to him. The tide swells on Kyogre as more join. He recognizes and who move to the forefront ready to defend Kyogre. “Henderson, Reyes, good luck.” His sparring with the ex head ranger would, hopefully, come in handy. He knew how long she’d been waiting for something like this. He just hoped he’d see them all in one piece after the fight. [break][break]

A bullet casing goes flying out of the rifle and falls into the abyss. His attention moves quickly to find another point he can TELEPORT. If they intended to take the city, they had to act fast, while the biggest players were defending against Kyogre. The green iridescence streaks out above the city and he finds the origin point. An identical Calyrex to 's, but not hers. He knew she was in Petalburg, and this one carried a strange sword and shield with it. Paxton understood the advantages before he really looked at the terrain. That deer god was doing something to help Sootopolis, and by extension Rocket. Done deal. He sets his sights on the tree. Without seeing the terrain fully, he understood the danger he was walking into. Especially with ’s Rayquaza setting fire to the tree. Focus would be torn between both of the weather legends. It would be rife with Rocket. The familiar cold chill runs through his blood. [break][break]

But this isn't the first time he's fought through enemy territory. Echoes of Kanto pulse within him, he almost feels the weight of all the fallen he's buried. , I wish you were here right now.” But she knew what to do. She'd know how to keep on going if he died. He let out a huff [break][break]

Paxton steels himself before going into the comms once more. “This is Cassidy. Understood, ! Moving to intercept Calyrex.” and just like before, he disappears and moves to breach the city, his Porygon transporting him closer. It’s not an easy run, but every familiar uniform sparks hatred unlike any other. The same uniform he’d turned his back on to go to Hoenn, now here. was right. He was a coward. He should’ve stayed. “I’ll make it up to you guys.” he promised, eyes focusing on the path forward. Hopper MAGIC COATS to return fire while Paxton claws his way through until they eventually end up on a rooftop. It’s enough for now. Paxton doesn’t stop to check himself for injuries, only hoping the few blood splatters he saw weren't his own before eyeing Calyrex. [break][break]

He wondered if this was how felt facing the rotting king in that dream they’d shared. It hadn’t been real in the end, clearly, since this thing was still alive. It's funny, when he was younger he would've adored to see something like Calyrex in war regalia. Would've done anything for a chance to get close to sketch out the symbols on its shield or sword. Now it's tainted, just like everything Rocket touched In the end, no man nor god could sway him from the retribution Rocket had earned. And if murdering an old god was what it took to take down the parasitic organization, so be it. “Dispatch anyone or anything that approaches.” he ordered the normal type as it beeped and laid low. He builds a better spot. Steadies, level, calmer than the cliffs. It's burned into his muscles and carved into his bones. [break][break]

Remember them. [break][break]

Breathe in, hold, then out. Breathe in, hold, then out. Breathe in, hold. [break][break]

CRACK [break][break]


He fires his shot at Calyrex’s bulbous head. Hopper floats near him, glowing iridescent and waiting. There’s too many people to not quickly find the temporary next. And every second between them finding a new spot to stow away in was crucial. [break][break]




+ @vvarious [break][break]
tl;dr [break][break]
- TELEPORTS off exploded ship to F1 to take a gander [break]
- sees Navy near Cillian and shoots Cillian to incentivize Navy to kill him [break]
- Pogs out for freya and Rayquaza [break]
- Wish his girlies Anna and Illie to stay safe [break]
- Fighthing, teleporting, and killing his way thru rocket turf to land on F4 [break]
- says fuck all rocket no exceptions, and shoots Calyrex Dead Ass. [break]
- Hopper the Porygon prepared a MAGIC COAT for retaliation [break]

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,439 posts
part of
TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2024 4:49:51 GMT

[attr="class","vvolatile mattyias"]



the appeal rings loudly—help kyogre; help kyogre; through history, there has never been a single instance of such an act. to do so now would be defiance on the grandest scale, befitting for someone of his reputation.[break][break]

but where there is defiance, there is also contrition. as peels away from him to descend the crumbling cliffs of sootopolis, he reaches up to his earpiece.[break][break]

"freya—" in the silence of his hesitation, he almost finds doubt, but it is swiftly snuffed out in favor of duty. "—where do you need me?"[break][break]

even before an answer from calls back, he's descending down the cliffs, staying true to his word to . he will not stray from her side, not when she needs him most.[break][break]

static sounds in his earpiece followed by an order from someone who had once made an attempt at his life on a different battlefield. now, they fight alongside each other as allies.[break][break]

"...excavate the civilians trapped in the cave. when they're clear, you go for rocket."[break][break]

backropped by a frenzied kyogre, matias' hands weave to manipulate the essence of the continent. underneath them, the earth begins to shift to his will. quickly, a path forms out of the cave of origin, providing a relatively clear escape.[break][break]

"guide the civilians out of the cave!"[break][break]

whether his words can be heard over the comms remains to be seen, but he has never been a patient man. his charizard soars down, hurricane whipping incoming projectiles to keep the escape path safe.[break][break]

for a brief moment, he swears he can feel kyogre's starved gaze on him, but if he continues to defy his nature, then surely it can, too.[break][break]

location f-1, cliffs[break]
important note matias' continued avatarship with groudon is not publicly known but it can be assumed as he has been seen using his powers to raise the island[break][break]

. asks & listens to lead war strategist freya[break]
. uses his powers to try and form a path out of the cave of origin for civilians to escape[break]
. charizard uses hurricane to keep formed path safe from projectiles[break]
. makes his way down the city with anna


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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May 12
Goldenrod City
Victory Runs in My Veins
310 posts
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TAG WITH @lydiamagnusson
Lydia Magnusson
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2024 14:45:04 GMT
Lydia Magnusson Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb lydspost"]

brave men rejoice in adversity, just as good soldiers triumph in war.




The warm water embraces Lydia as Kyogre’s tidal wave upends her ship. Bullets whip through the water around her. Blue eyes drift close for a moment as she remembers another time like this. A strange force had catapulted her entire family from its boat. Stunned by a piece of wreckage, the toddler had sunk. But then her angel had intervened.

It spread its hand-like wings and looked at her with white eyes. It gave her the strength to find her way to the surface. Whether truth or a phantom, she is not certain. But she thinks of it as the wall falls. Stop feeling sorry for yourself! Get up and fight! A hand wrapped tightly around her Lugia pendant as the veteran rights herself in the water. A few drops of blood leak where her hand meets sharpened wings.

Around that time, a Kingdra finds her. He places himself under her arm and pushes her up. “Thank you, Triton.”

As they break the surf, the soldier’s eyes widen. The ocean may bring to mind a god, but there is something far more important in her heart. A creature that had been on the ship beside her. “Minerva!?” A nearby whine draws a noise of relief. The wolf is scrambling for purchase on a shattered piece of wood. “Zank Arceus you are all right.” Pulling herself into an intact boat—though it is damp—the blonde pulls her friend into the boat.

She does the same for her Iron Valiant. Endymion seems particularly sour. Its LED eyes are focused irritably on a gleam of silver on the Kyogre’s tail.

Making their way to the far side of the island, Lydia looks for an area they can scale. She hopes they will escape Rocket’s notice as she clambers on the Lycanroc’s back. A sniper rifle is slung over her back as are a few other weapons from the boat. The woman can only hope they will work.

With a click, the rock type begins to scale the city’s outer walls.

Settled onto her perch, she pulls her binoculars. Water drips from her onto the rocks below. Declan’s order earns a sneer. “What a bastard.” She sweeps her gaze over the area around the cave. “Can he not zee we have bigger fish to fry?” Her heart stops in her chest as Lydia spots her soul’s guardian. But it is wrong. The skin is dark and its eyes an angry crimson.

When she touches her pendant this time, it is almost in search of confirmation, as if she is afraid the silver has been similarly corrupted. Her heart pounds as she shakes off the feeling of blasphemy. It is horrifying and it is beautiful. "Enough! Fool!" So obsessed is she with her corrupted guardian that she does not notice Entei nor the Calyrex. “Now iz not the time for zat.”


From here, she can see the wounds left by her and Phoebe’s attacks. But they look like papercuts. In its hide, her Iron Valant’s weapon sits like a harpoon. Any hope felt as the groups try to stave off the whale ends as some woman attacks @navy. “What a cad!”

Lifting her rifle, Lydia fires at the eye of one of the Doublade. Then, she hears 's order. Turning to her Lycanroc, she nods. It unleashes a Stone Edge on a nearby Rocket outpost.
Pulls herself from the water and arms up[break]
Uses Lycanroc to scale a flat part of the wall and set up her rifle[break]
Has a momentary lapse as she sees Shadow Lugia[break]
Fires on as her Doublade goes for Navy[break]
Sees Leaguers fall and has Minerva use Stone Edge on a nearby gathering and weapons station[break]
Currently at A5



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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January 5
Elite Ranger (ooc)
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
852 posts
robin coello DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @robin
robin coello
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2024 17:21:33 GMT
robin coello Avatar

The world changes in the blink of an eye.

From genesects and poisonous gas to a flooding city, Robin should feel overwhelmed, but she's actually overcome with a feeling of peace. Her vision had come true today. She had found the shiny Duskull of her dreams and found her truth: she was a psychic like the rest of her family. The natural conclusion was that everything happened for a reason, and everything was as it was meant to be. Kyogre was supposed to flood this city, and she was supposed to be here.

At the edge of the city, she needed better sightlines to make the right decision. She followed Melody because the Champion was the first Leaguer she saw upon reorienting herself. "I'm with you," she'd said encouragingly as she followed the artist up her floating platform. Melody's orders about the tree bring a natural question to Robin's lips. "Is that hare pokemon an enemy?" She's unfamiliar with it, but it just seems to be standing there with a sword and shield.

Robin hurries to Melody's side with Quagsire at her back.

Following Melody on platform
Quagsire is out
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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
1,040 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2024 2:22:01 GMT
fern delaney Avatar
[attr="class","pilots fernie"]

feel your dirty face[break]oh, don’t it leave that filthy taste?




As soon as their feet touch down on Sootopolis soil, they are recalling their Roaring Moon, and they are running. The gift of their patron allows Fern to cover the terrain at breathtaking speed. The lightning fire of synapses coming from within them and dancing along their heels in little sparks.[break][break]

"Find ," they tell Tapu Koko as it hovers over their shoulder. "Follow Lugia's lead for now." It blinks at them curiously, almost as though it might refuse - and then heeds the request. The guardian spins through the air and then takes off toward the sound of Kyogre's bellows.[break][break]

But they do not go with their patron. They do not follow it into the din and rubble of the city at its breaking point.[break][break]

No, selfish as they are...The Charlatan goes home.[break][break]

This place they've carved out for themself alongside . Their corner of the world, a respite from everything else. It's easy to feel regret now for allowing their bad feelings to simmer there in the past months. To let it swallow up the warmth they associate with the building. With the other person who lives within.[break][break]

And it is there that they hope to find him when coordinates on his location didn't follow their request.[break][break]

From the yard, they can see the water rising. It hasn't reached this level of the tiered slopes of the city. Not yet, anyway. And all they can do is hope that it stops before everything becomes submerged in the murky ocean.[break][break]

"Jayden?" They burst through the door with crisp efficiency, but it is their dragapult who greets them. Fern passes a hand over the flat expanse of Cecilia's head, quietly praising her for standing guard while the rest are out there attempting to batter back Kyogre. Or get the hell out of dodge. Or descend upon the tree. Or maybe all three back to back.[break][break]

They step away and leave her to it - knowing that if the water rises too high, she will escape and find them later. Fern trusts this. Knows it intuitively.[break][break]

So when they step away to look through the doorway again, it is to see a city descending into chaos. The feeling is thrilling. At a distance, they see a familiar peal of THUNDER and know that the pulse of electricity comes from Tapu Koko as it aids Lugia in attempting to push back against the rage of the Kyogre.[break][break]

And they know that they will be unable to linger long. But they still wait, just over the threshold of the home they've built. Just to see a face they wish they hadn't been so cold toward in the last few days.[break][break]

Just in case.[break][break]

+ is roughly around G3. rather than do anything that might actually be useful - fern goes home! is checking on the state of their shared home with , and is hoping to cross paths with him. their anger post-pp (among other things) suddenly feels small. but they look for him before they dive headlong into the fray. tapu koko has been dispatched, though and it also uses thunder in an attempt to push kyogre back out.


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP