i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,329 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2024 3:04:30 GMT

's call to arms echoed off the old, seaworn cliffs surrounding Sootopolis and spurred on from where he'd just contended with the likes of and . Consequently, 's order fell on deaf ears. Admin Bee — and the MOLTRES he rode — was focused solely on RAYQUAZA's descent and its bid toward the DYNA TREE. [break][break]

's pleas were answered — for now. The compulsion to guard the DYNA TREE and its caretaker, CALYREX, was stronger than the desire to beat back KYOGRE.[break][break]

They needed to protect the king and his fruit. After all, the tree harbored power that couldn't be allowed to be lost or stolen from them. [break][break]

"I need backup at the Dyna Tree," Admin Bee called out over comms. [break][break]

An otherworldly screech then thrummed out from MOLTRES' gullet, warning LEAGUE interlopers to stay away, though it hardly slowed RAYQUAZA's charge toward them. As flames licked at the great dragon's lips, MOLTRES spread its wings wide to PROTECT CALYREX from RAYQUAZA's fire and, by extension, 's bullet as well.[break][break]

When a break in the flames presented itself, MOLTRES then flew in close toward RAYQUAZA and released FROST BREATH near the tender areas of its head and neck, though it was ready to nimbly dodge away, if necessary.[break][break]



• masked [break]
• location: D4 near dyna tree/calyrex[break]
• admin bee calls for backup at the dyna tree over comms[break]
MOLTRES uses PROTECT to guard the tree/calyrex from RAYQUAZA's flames and paxton's bullet[break]


[newclass=.barnaby-wrap] margin: 0 auto; width: 460px; background-color: #272727; box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #333333,-2px 2px 0px #333333,2px -2px 0px #333333,-2px -2px 0px #333333; border: solid 1px #232323; border-radius:3px; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.barnaby-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: lowercase; color: #796477; [/newclass]·
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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,390 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2024 4:02:03 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","bloodmoon rocketchar"]

[attr="class","subtext"] i will die on the sword


[attr="class","lyrics"] i found you without looking [break] and love you without trying

defy your nature.

[break][break] as silently calls out for , pleading with the league's most volatile, to fight against the beast that cries from within, rocket's own charges into the fray. the whiteout that resurrects from the rage lingering across 's own form, a replication of the failures that he and had faced on the shore, both proves as the perfect cover and yet also an additional hurdle.

[break][break] the moment that jayden breaches the walls of the city that he calls home, his eyes are locked on the raging storm that crashes into the city's crater walls, combined with the sound of bullets and gunfire echoing over the city's walls.

[break][break] he hears several rocket's voices echoing through the comms, including and .

[break][break] but none echo as deeply as 's voice.

[break][break] where is your position?

[break][break] he should answer. he knows he should answer. but the sudden concern he feels upon hearing his lover's voice, after seeing the strike of lightning from the sky that was certifiably not theirs —

[break][break] it's as if thorns tighten around his throat, making him unable to properly speak.

[break][break] before 's commands to defend the tree can be heard, disappears in the blight of ice that signifies his patron's presence. the sudden heat from the screeching bird dissolves the ice into fire, into nothing, because jayden is gone.

[break][break] in that moment, defies his nature. he flees. he returns home.

[break][break] nothing can stop the admin from returning. cascades of ICE ripple from his palm as he rides his dragapult into the fray, freezing any ill-placed leaguers or even the projectiles that ram it's way through the city's defenses, thanks to the volleys by 's MEW.

[break][break] with the city's waters flooding nigh high, the rocket admin arrives on their garden front.

[break][break] the frosted glow of Mihr's PHANTOM FORCE fades as it drifts behind him, peering over his shoulder in search of its fellow dragapult.

[break][break] tortured agony pierces Jayden's expression, sharp and intense, as he searches for the other, blood still soaking his face and body from the battle he fought not long ago with and .

[break][break] "you're alive."

[break][break] frosted blue meets crushed teal, relief so sharp in his chest that it hurts.

[break][break] and it doesn't matter — the rejection, the hatred, the pain that he felt in all the recent weeks — none of it matters.

[break][break] because they are alive.


he runs towards them.


and while one reunion happens, another also occurs.

[break][break] outside the two admins' home, nearer to the heart of the city, those defending the tree might sense something far colder, far more hateful manifesting beside , summoned by the fury burning in her heart.

[break][break] as she snarls at the leaguers that attempt to attack the tree, chien pao appears stoically at her side, like a trusted steed, as if all those hours spent perfecting her sword and shield were enough for them to tie a fateful bond.

[break][break] and should she turn to look at it, she might find that the deadly ice once in the ruinous beast's gaze now stoked with pride — with determination — for the vengeance that she called for now.

[break][break] KILL THEM.


location: jayfern home, G3

[break][break] jayfern reunion post :CATTO:

[break][break] jayden's dragapult drags him home with a PHANTOM FORCE, where he reunites with fern. some of the projectiles lobbying towards the city by are defended by his ice powers.

[break][break] also, chien pao is tempted by 's anger towards the dynatree (D3) and draws upon it.




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December 26
Slateport City
6"1' height
6"1' height
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2024 4:05:57 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Cold nothing greeted him as his eyes rapidly fluttered open. Everything was weird. Not real. Something flowed around him freely, and a hard object shoved itself into his shoulder. Suddenly, it didn’t feel as weird. It felt painful. Tiring. Something told him to wake up.

So, he did.

Something greeted him alright– chaos.

He looked backward. Relicanth had shoved him onto the beach to the best of its ability. It shimmied around for a moment before it swam away. Not to run away, but to await its spherical home. Grigori’s ached arm complied, and a flash of red swallowed it whole. But he couldn’t hear it.

It was almost impossible to hear anything over the deafening rain. It slammed into the sea, beach, and even his own skin with ferocious intensity. Like a monsoon, or a hurricane. It was the season for it after all. Much like war, storms came and went and left thousands devastated in their wake.

So what happened when the sea itself decided to take matters into its own hands? Cause destruction on a city-wide scale and destroy everything? Even with the impossibly hard rain and harsh vision, it was literally impossible to ignore the rumbles of stone and howls of wind.

Kyogre had breached Sootopolis, and her people would drown.

Thus, he started to pull himself further towards the city. He had to help the people. Stop Kyogre. Forget the war, forget the factions. None of it mattered if there was nothing left to fight over.

Unfortunately, someone called to him from behind. On a Mega-Lapras sat a familiar face. Barbed thorns bit into his flesh.

Preventing a second Kanto,” he called back thoughtlessly. Brick had protected him to ensure he could do the right thing. This was right. Natural. Odd. Something tugged at his heart– a soothing, gentle feeling. Despite the rage and chaos and pandemonium and cries of death and despair he imagined, his heart felt right.

Right? That couldn’t be right. It should be filled with sticky blood and barbed wire and desire. Not ease. Not now. Why?

It didn’t matter. He continued to pull himself up, and then gave up. He wouldn’t get anywhere on foot or hand. Another Poke Ball flashed red, and a fierce Braviary emerged. It leaned a wing to assist Grigori, who clambered on with the grace of a drunk sailor.

If you don’t wish to know how it feels to have a thousand souls screaming your name from the depths of hell, you will not stop me.

He tried to fly away. Up the walls, above the skies, and to the Kyogre. He did not know how to stop it– yet. But he had to. It was the only choice.

Maybe the life of a city would clean his slate?

 - Wakes up to death and despair and chaos
 - Sees that Kyogre has fucked the shit all up
 - Crawls seventeen inches before calls to him
 - Feels peaceful, which is stupid and dumb and not good
 - Tells the ranger off before climbing aboard a Braviary and beginning to ascend the walls and survey the scene of destruction
 - Going from Top of G1 to Bottom of G1


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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,691 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2024 5:21:30 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar









From the cliffs to the WEST, a radiant dawn of bright blue appears over the jagged white peaks that bite at the night sky. This 'dawn' intensifies into a dazzling display of ELECTRIC power before the BLACK YIN appears in full, looming over SOOTOPOLIS with a gleaming glare. In pursuing an IDEAL WORLD, it has deemed this hub of TEAM ROCKET an offense.[break][break]

A great multitude of the enemy forces below engage, casting all manner of projectiles at ZEKROM before the dragon SHIELDS itself in an orb. There it hovers, gathering its TERAVOLT with a resonating hum from its tail, as zooms past upon his GARCHOMP.[break][break]

The recent skirmish with and on the shores of the island has the AVATAR fired up with an uncharacteristic HATRED. And, though he doesn't know it yet, he had KILLED the latter while leaving a handful of others to DIE. This blind rage follows him into this engagement, filling his eyes with bright neon blue as sparks of electricity angrily hiss off his body.[BREAK][BREAK]

In the distance, the damned TREE and the CALYREX that sided with them. Both stood as a monument to TEAM ROCKET's false IDEALS. Both became the target of THE EXACTING's righteous fury.[break][break]

Heretics. Immoral thugs. Misguided FOOLS.

Spotting another just ahead who rode upon a TAILWIND, however, Remiel steers the GARCHOMP he rides upon to ride that same wave. In the chaos of the rain, lightning, and destruction, the royal spawns a LIGHTNING BOLT in one hand while his draconic mount spawns an electrifying orb in its open maw as they give chase. "PERISH!"[BREAK][BREAK]

And, in conjunction, the pair launch their attacks: one seeks to blast out from the sky with his bolt while the other seeks to afflict his CORVIKNIGHT with an ELECTRIFYING influence.[BREAK][BREAK]


  • ZEKROM gathers its TERAVOLT in the sky above SOOTOPOLIS, SHIELDING itself
  • rides in upon his GARCHOMP and catches the TAILWIND
  • With his sights set on CALYREX as well, casts a LIGHTNING BOLT at

using x1 SALAC BERRY



[attr="class","remy-lb-bannerbottom"]BATTLE OF SOOTOPOLIS ♔



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October 13
808 height
808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 3:09:53 GMT
shiv Avatar






FOR THIS FLASH RAID, heavy moderation will not occur unless required. There may be instances where the thread "freezes" for several characters to interact, etc. Below is a list of summarized actions from the participating characters, including some resolutions of actions.


[attr="class","prompt0"] communicates with Rocket that he is engaging with KYOGRE. His SHADOW LUGIA uses THUNDER on KYOGRE successfully.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s SHADOW KABUTOPS successfully lands a SHADOW HOLD to try and keep the KYOGRE in place, while on its back. is able to enter the city through the hole created by the Sea Basin Pokemon.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s SHADOW SERPERIOR uses SHADOW RAVE to try and further beach KYOGRE against the broken crater wall.

[attr="class","prompt0"] encourages the League to PROTECT KYOGRE as she enters the city, avoiding incoming Rocket fire. Her MEW protects her by rallying projectiles back.

[attr="class","prompt0"] lands near , avoiding Rocket fire as well. His DRAGONAIR THUNDER WAVES Rocket threats that come near.

[attr="class","prompt0"] successfully forms a path for civilians to escape out of the CAVE OF ORIGIN with his abilities. His CHARIZARD uses HURRICANE to protect them as they leave, while he descends into the city with .

[attr="class","prompt0"] appears via SPATIAL RIFT and provides shields for KYOGRE, which terminates and 's Pokemon's attacks from causing further harm. Her BLACEPHALON launches a MIND BLOWN, which soars toward THE GREAT DYNA TREE...

[attr="class","prompt0"] assists 's efforts and orders her ZERAORA to THUNDER PUNCH the KYOGRE successfully.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s 10% ZYGARDE strikes 's ZERAORA with a THOUSAND ARROWS, but they are accosted by incoming Rocket fire.

[attr="class","prompt0"] fires an arrow at KYOGRE, while his ZACIAN attacks the Pokemon with SACRED SWORD successfully.

[attr="class","prompt0"]However, as avoids incoming Rocket fire, gets the jump on him. She unsheathes a sword to strike at his back.

[attr="class","prompt0"] attempts to fire her rifle at , but misses as Kantonian Rockets use suppressive fire from their Pokemon on her location. Nevertheless, her intervention may be the difference between a fatal strike and a non-fatal one. Her LYCANROC searches for gathering and weapon stations; however, there are none for most if not all Rocket reinforcements are using their Pokemon. Instead, the dog defends its trainer against any incoming threats.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s SALAMENCE DRAGON PULSES and SHADOW LUGIA, before standing between the Underboss and the KYOGRE. RAYQUAZA heads toward the source of KYOGRE'S MADNESS, which it believes is the GREAT DYNA TREE.

[attr="class","prompt0"] is with on her SALAMENCE. Her DUSKNOIR uses DARK PULSE on the SHADOW LUGIA to dissuade it rather than to outright kill or harm it.

[attr="class","prompt0"] arrives on his WALKING WAKE to defend and its DRAGON PULSE nullifies 's DARK PULSE.

[attr="class","prompt0"] creates a pathway with Sootopolis stone to tell everyone in the city to evacuate, while rallying League's forces. The Top Champion encourages the destruction of THE GREAT DYNA TREE & THE PETRIFIED XERNEAS TREE.

[attr="class","prompt0"] follows on her levitating platforms with her QUAGSIRE. She is suddenly granted an abstract vision of BLOOD DRIPPING ONTO ENDLESS BLUE.

[attr="class","prompt0"] calls upon her GOTHITELLE to try and lift any scrambling citizens over the crater wall.

[attr="class","prompt0"] survives drowning and washes up near . She changes her mind about an offensive and instead, orders her XURKITREE to make a bridge using POWER WHIP to help civilians escape.

[attr="class","prompt0"] receives orders from to PROTECT KYOGRE. His MEGA EVOLVED LAPRAS had saved him from a watery grave and now ferries him to .

[attr="class","prompt0"] berates before mounting his BRAVIARY in order to survey Sootopolis from above. From this view, like , he sees that the water is not only rising within the crater city, but around it.

[attr="class","prompt0"] is able to successfully enter the city on BASCULEGION, avoiding Rocket attacks.

[attr="class","prompt0"] flies into the city by CROBAT and is interested in the GREAT DYNA TREE. From her vantage point, she can see that the water is not only rising within the crater city, but around it.

[attr="class","prompt0"], in his sea garb, soars into the city successfully by his CORVIKNIGHT'S TAILWIND. However, he is soon pursued by and his ZEKROM. His own LIGHTNING BOLT and/or an ELECTRIFY from his GARCHOMP successfully strikes the CORVIKNIGHT.

[attr="class","prompt0"] is able to fly into the city by DRAGONITE, avoiding attacks thanks to the dragon's HURRICANE.

[attr="class","prompt0"] moves into position, aiming his weapon at CALYREX. His PORYGON uses MAGIC COAT to protect itself and against retaliating Rocket fire.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s ENTEI leaves the CAVE OF ORIGIN and beholds the GREAT DYNA TREE & CALYREX.

[attr="class","prompt0"] remains inside the CAVE OF ORIGIN near the BLUE STALACTITE. Her DUSKNOIR uses FUTURE SIGHT and communicates the sensation of sinking/submersion.

[attr="class","prompt0"] heals before heading toward the GREAT DYNA TREE. She attempts to defend the CALYREX & TREE.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s GALARIAN MOLTRES protects against 's bullet. With , the Galarian Bird also attempts to engage 's RAYQUAZA as flames and ice clash. calls for back-up at the tree.

[attr="class","prompt0"] and return to their home in the city safely. The former defends against 's MEW's rebounding attacks with ice—but and MEW still manage to hamper and their ✨TAPU KOKO'S THUNDER with gathered projectiles, allowing to successfully protect against it. Meanwhile, CHIEN-PAO begins to empower itself thanks to 's anger.


🎼 Heavy Rainfall – Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Original Soundtrack

AS THE KYOGRE BELLOWS IN PAIN AND FRENZY, the following trainers and their Pokemon are battered by projectiles from their enemies OR the savage rains and tempestuous gales conjured by the semi-primal leviathan:

The KYOGRE is temporarily restrained, but in spite of the punishment it endures, the Sea Basin Pokemon shows no signs of surrendering. Domineering rain clouds strangle the skies and scorch the air with lightning. From the Cave of Origin, many civilians evacuate out of the city thanks to your efforts... however, where can they escape to? Outside the city, the waters begin to rise as well.[break][break]

While the civilians ponder their fates, they witness the arrival of RAYQUAZA. Many stand stupefied and behold the creature in venerable awe. Draconid and Hoyeon culture runs strong in the blood of Sootopolans and the presence of RAYQUAZA AND KYOGRE further gilds their beliefs.[break][break]

Like KYOGRE, the verdant dragon senses something within the CAVE OF ORIGIN TOO, and while carefully and secretly safekeeps the MEGA STONES granted to her from , the storm rages on.[break][break]

Inside the city, the seawater overtakes the first few neighborhoods. The GREAT DYNA TREE and the PETRIFIED XERNEAS TREE are partially submerged, the salt gnawing at their bark. However, the GREAT DYNA TREE seems to be sturdier, able to withstand the harsh brine better than its paler counterpart that has become more frail... As the water rises, the Rocket Headquarters, a Kyogre-shaped submarine is forced to resurface briefly.[break][break]

Rocket Boss issues a command to those in the expansive Rocket submarine/headquarters: "rig for dive. take her down and relocate outside of the city, northeast."[break][break]

's BLACEPHALON lobs its head toward the GREAT DYNA TREE—but before the bomb can detonate, Team Rocket's CALYREX lunges for it with its sword, forged by . The Hare King cleaves the bomb, stopping it in mid-air before it reaches the tree.[break][break]


The KYOGRE flails and its massive fins tear into crater stone. will witness the massive BLUE STALACTITE beginning to dislodge from the unstable ceiling. White rubble is blown apart as it seems to be reaching for something beneath its belly, within the CAVE OF ORIGIN. Above its glowing body, swirls of bright blue energy manifest as blinding lights. As it prepares an ORIGIN PULSE, the waters surge once more.[break][break]

From MOSSDEEP, reinforcements from both Team Rocket and the League begin to arrive. However, those coming will notice an alarming conundrum: the water around SOOTOPOLIS is RAISED above normal sea level. This unnatural disruption of nature causes horrible, turbulent waves to roll outward, threatening all who arrive by sea.[break][break]


FOR THIS ROUND, you MUST ROLL using the roll command. SALAC BERRIES can be used for REROLLS.[break][break]

If you roll a 1-25, your character and/or their Pokemon MAY fall into the rising seawaters. Those coming from MOSSDEEP are NOT AT RISK for falling into the rising sea just yet.[break][break]

If , , , , , , , , , or ROLL A 1-49 this round, one of their Pokemon will faint. You can choose which Pokemon faints (it does not need to be the one that is out currently).



ATTACHED BELOW is an updated map of Sootopolis City. The map now features grid lines.[break][break]

(click and drag to a separate tab for full image)




THIS IS A RAID EVENT where characters post every round, attempting actions and/or responding to prompts or scenarios present within provided MODERATOR POSTS. Oftentimes, characters must make use of the ROLL command, which can determine the success of actions and/or create narrative tension.

This event is "DEATH-ENABLED". However, one should not worry too much about Pokemon or characters dying. Depending on player action, these high stakes can potentially be navigated without loss. Regardless, players can collaborate with me if they would like to craft dramatic moments like sacrifices, if it is able to be integrated into the event well.[break][break]

IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to take advantage of this event to connect with new characters and to step out of your comfort zones. These events often act as a springboard for a variety of plots in its aftermath, with consequences that impact the wider site narrative and/or setting.[break][break]

Considering 's current health, this event will likely be SHORT, HAVE QUICKER TURNAROUNDS & HAVE LESS DETAILED MODERATOR POSTS. It is up to you to develop your stories, your dramatic moments, and more in response to the scenario presented.[break][break]

The plan is to conclude this event by the END OF AUGUST.[break][break]

Do note that this is A ROCKET VS LEAGUE faction-based event.



  • only ONE POKEMON can be out at a time (when applicable). in certain and permitted cases, another pokemon may be out on the field as well- but they cannot make an action.
  • [break]
  • please only use ONE MOVE.
  • [break]
  • please provide a tl;dr &/or bold moves/abilities/items used with each post.
  • [break]
  • i will not tolerate complaints about not being mentioned, tagged, acknowledged or feeling "useless" in a raid. generally, i attempt to mention all characters and their actions in each post, but depending on the number of participants, this may not be feasible.
  • [break]
  • remember that although i am essentially the DUNGEON MASTER or GAME MASTER of this event, much of this event's enjoyment and storytelling rests upon the players shoulders. collaborate with what i provide in each moderator post and each other for the best result!
  • [break]
  • lastly, be cognizant of participating players and characters. no one is the "main character" of an event, and allowing space for give-and-take between characters and their actions is highly encouraged.
  • [break]





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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,404 posts
part of
TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 3:38:40 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Allies swarm around him, bolstering Cillian's confidence as they work together to subdue the rampaging Kyogre. He tenses on 's approach, then offers the Warrior a curt nod when he draws his sword in aid of the civilians, not in opposition of the Rockets.[break][break]

They'd get the civilians to safety, then they could fight.[break][break]

But not everyone in League or Rocket share that same sentiment. Attacks fizzle out against shields laid by , and takes advantage of a turned back to try and carry out an assassination against the Sheriff. A DARK PULSE arcs toward Cillian and Lugia, intercepted by the welcome sight of . The DRAGON PULSE from lands, though Lugia twists to shield her Avatar from the worst of it. Still he feels the burn of dragon's fire, hot pain lancing along the side of his right arm.[break][break]

He grits his teeth against the pain and snarls at the League. His image twists into something inhuman, horns and claws of shadow and smoke. His voice rumbles like Lugia's thunder, loud enough to ensure the panicked civilians might hear the underboss's admonishment.[break][break]

"What the hell are you doing? We're protecting our goddamn city."[break][break]

Lashing her tail as the waters surge ever upward, Lugia attempts to pull skyward to avoid the two of them being submerged in the expanding bay.[break][break]

Powerful wingbeats inspire a violent gale that strikes out at the encroaching League (, , ), the glittering SPRINGTIDE STORM far too beautiful for the destruction it seeks to create.
If KYOGRE was caught in the crossfire? Even better.[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"]BATTLE OF SOOTOPOLIS



Desired location: D-2.[break]
Attacked by several people, Cillian snaps at them and claims he's only defending Rocket's city, demanding to know why the fuck they're protecting Kyogre. Loud enough that civilians might overhear, b/c it's also a political play lmao.[break]
Lugia tries to fly up to avoid the rising water, while using SPRINGTIDE STORM against the attacking League.[break]


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[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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july 27
Driftveil City, Unova
when it's time to shoot, quit yappin'
251 posts
part of
TAG WITH @montgomery
Montgomery James
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 3:40:13 GMT
Montgomery James Avatar
[attr="class","monty"]Montgomery took off from Mossdeep as soon as he'd laid to rest, ensuring that she was safe before he vanished.

"I wish this could have been different, sweetheart."

Deep inside his chest, his heart ached. Not only did he leave behind what could have been, but he had to leave the charred remains of SKARMORY behind as he set sights for SOOTOPOLIS. It appeared that the fighting was still ongoing, as he hopped from the back of his SHARPEDO.

Water splashed around him, crashing waves as he recalled his Pokemon and took off into the fray. The smell of sea salt and smoke filled his nostrils.

"The water's too high..." he noticed, spotting earth-structured bridges beginning to form across the water. What he and feared was coming to pass. The citizens of the city were in danger. And not only that. There was...


Through the pelting rain, Montgomery spotted an onslaught of attacks on the beast of legend, whereas other people were fending off the attacks. It was utter chaos. And in the middle of it, he spotted him. unsheathed his sword, now wielding it as a bow, and attacking the Pokemon. However, someone raised their sword, threatening to bring it down.

"Navy!" the deputy shouted, his pistol drawn with the speed of lightning. Without hesitation, he fired, straight and true toward in an attempt to disable her. Then he charged, running across wet rock.

He recalled the sheriff's plea: "if you can keep from killing the Rockets, do so."

"Get outta here! You and ZACIAN needta go!"

[attr="class","montytag"] &
- landed on D2 from Mossdeep
- noticing the water rising
- spots attacking KYOGRE and attacking Navy: shoots to disable Aoki from attacking him so Navy and ZACIAN can continue onward
[googlefont="Nunito"][googlefont="Quattrocento"][newclass=.monty] width:370px;background-color:#232323;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:13px;line-height:16px;letter-spacing:.5px; margin: 0 auto; font-family:nunito, sans-serif; border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px; [/newclass][newclass=.monty b] color: #d4a53c; font-size: 13px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-weight: 700; [/newclass][newclass=.monty i] color: #888; [/newclass][newclass=.monty u] text-decoration: none; font: bold 10px Quattrocento Sans; letter-spacing: 3px; color: #666666; text-transform: uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass][newclass=.montytag] padding: 15px 44px 15px 45px; background-color: #2b2b2b; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 0px; margin-top: -30px; width: 369px; text-align: right; border-bottom: solid 1px #232323; border-left: solid 1px #232323; border-right: solid 1px #232323; border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px; [/newclass]

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Black Dog, the weakest beast
November 9th
5'3" and 1/2 height
5'3" and 1/2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
881 posts
part of
TAG WITH @hitoshi
Hitoshi Inoue
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 4:11:10 GMT
Hitoshi Inoue Avatar

Oi!” He shouts as she tries to peel away from their fight. Hitoshi is weakened. Haggard. Breathless. He speaks like one who knows what will soon come. Sootopolis needs aid, and he will be expected to act.[break]
There’s someone over there you wanna protect, ain’t there?” The words hang between them, and he pats his Lapras’s shell. “Get on. When we’re close, jump off, act like we don’t know each other. I didn’t do shit for you.”[break]
And so they go together, two people on opposite sides of a war without end.[break]
He is one of many. One arrow loosed by Rocket, one sword let loose to fly free in this city. He rides his Lapras like a samurai from Johto myth, poised to strike those who would take Rocket’s foothold in the region from them. Distant specks turn into figures looming close. The time to break off and pick his targets will soon be upon him. Having kept his distance from the rest of Rocket’s returning armada, he can only pray he will not fight the coming battle alone.[break]
There. On the cliff, descending into the city. and . The latter isn’t supposed to be here. The former holds close a threat marked for death by Rocket. Two on one. Bad odds, especially here.[break]
Someone’ll back me up. He thinks. If not, I’ll beat a fighting retreat. Down into the basin. Blondie’s there. Senpai. The General’s coming. Ain’t so bad if a pawn gets sacrificed to take out a knight n’ a queen.[break]
Oi!” He shouts at them as they move into the crater, moving with purpose and all too human conviction. “Not so fast.” A stone on his sword begins to glow with green light. Taking to the shore, his Lapras is recalled. In its place spills a Gallade freshly mega-evolved, rushing for the proto-Pokemon at the blonde woman’s side.[break]
Lancelot, drinking deep of the mega stone’s power, levels a night slash at the creature. Shadows and malevolent power gather around the arm-blade, an impromptu ambush on a god.


[attr="class","hitoshi-notes"]❖ Earlier: Hitoshi offers a ride 2 Sootopolis, telling her to break off and act like they don't know each other. Keeps his distance from the rest of the returning Rockets.
❖ Upon arriving at Sootopolis, Hitoshi jumps on the cliff at F-1 (depending on where Space/Noodles have their characters go). Lapras is recalled. Gallade mega evolves and rushes Mew, trying to use night slash on the Pokemon. Mask was broken by Genny so you can see his face.


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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,020 posts
part of
TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 4:12:24 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

Durandal's sticking claws are pushed out abruptly from the Leviathan's skin. It's almost enough to shake the Kabutops off; she slides down, long blades skittering against the shield, but manages to get her balance. Even as Kyogre roars and ravages, the fossil pokemon makes it to the top of the infuriated beast.[break][break]

Tempest is still in the water. The rising levels unnerve him; he's almost positive that his home is under water by now. But he's prepared, still in his wetsuit for his usual navel combat tactics. From inside the city, even in the raging rains, he can see that it looks like is getting targeted heavily, as he usually does. Still too-close to Kyogre, he sees the water running off the barriers. Snarling, he sees how attacks deflect.[break][break]

It was that bitch .[break][break]

Tempest had been there when he got her powers; he had helped and in trying to take her out before she became a worse thorn in their side. Thought he hadn't attacked her himself, he was near. Far above, the cause of the problems linger- that pink fucker floating like it owned the whole fucking bay.[break][break]

"I've got sights on Palkia; it's protecting Kyogre! Focus attacks if you can. We can't take that blue bastard out until that peckerheaded freak out." Tempest grouses over the comms to any Rocket who cares to listen.[break][break]

A loud whistle, sharp, leaves him before he snaps his rebreather between his teeth and sinks back under the water. Kicking furiously against the angry waters, he tries to move closer to where he had last seen .[break][break]

Durandal's eyes snap upwards, to the floating legend, when it hears the echoes of that whistle. The rain helps her kick up speed as she suddenly launches herself forward; the rain sticking to her plated body as if she were skating on top of the Kyogre's slick head and the barriers between. When she reaches her peak, powerful legs kick upwards, claws gleaming in the dim light with Shadow aura. It's a long jump, just she attempts to sink those same claws into Palkia's haunches; leeching and siphoning energy as well as infecting.

shadow, physical, 75 power — The user drains the target's blood with a vicious bite. The user's health is restored for a portion of the damage dealt. Wounds caused by this attack will not clot, preventing the Pokemon from being healed for the rest of the thread.

[attr="class","tag"]@battle OF SOOTY



🔗 Temp is still in the water, but he has his wetsuit and rebreather and stuff on still. He calls over the comms to ALL ROCKETS NEARBY about Illeana.[break]
🔗 Temp tries to make his way over to CILLIAN'S SQUARE[break]
🔗 Meanwhile, Shadow Kabutops loses grip thanks to the shields. She manages to regain balance and make it to the top of Kyogre's fat head.[break]
🔗 Her Swift Swim helps her pick up more speed to launch herself off of Kyogre and attempt to attack Palkia directly.[break]
🔗 She uses Shadow Leech, whose effects are listed above.[break]
🔗 Kill All Canons


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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
882 posts
part of
TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 4:40:36 GMT
Shred Avatar
[attr="class","pilots shredtyphon"]

the beginning and the end



this is your moment.[break][break]

? a modest introduction. ? a simple warm-up. gnashing fangs and sharpening claws, nothing more. but this? this is your coronation. amidst the din of a war and the ceaseless downpour, you shall make yourself known to the adoring and the fearful alike. the world will know that it failed to change you, and it will tremble, because it knows what will come next.[break][break]


a barrage of orichalchum rains down from up high. a hundred half-formed bolts of molten metal launched with little care or consideration. they land wherever they may land, be that upon and , or and . there is no lethal intent within the gesture, though that does not mean it is not lethal. instead, it is merely an invitation to turn their eyes upwards and see what must be seen to be believed.[break][break]

and thus, you descend. carried upon the winged king, you soar down from the heavens and above the heart of the battlefield. and, with a smile on your face, you make yourself known.[break][break]

"PEOPLE OF HOENN, REJOICE! your chains have been broken! your cages are open! no longer shall you suffer as sleeping slaves! for i am here, THE NEW GOD OF THE NEW WORLD! AND I SHALL SET YOU FREE! all you need do..."[break][break]

the apex paradox begins to stir. its jaws open wide, and its body runs hot. though the leviathan's squall might cast sootopolis in shadow, the ancient sun within its heartbeat cannot be denied. though it has no chlorophyll and performs no photosynthesis, light gathers within its maw all the same. and then, with a primal roar, it releases the solar beam with reckless abandon. the beast sees no allies, no enemies, only competitors and prey. as it swings and whips its head around, none are safe from the burning light's path of destruction.[break][break]

" BEAR WITNESS!"[break][break]

shred is entering at D2 and he is CAUSING PROBLEMS!!! fires a bunch of orichalchum arrows in the general area around him, then descends on koraidon who solar beams with similar lack of concern for friendly fire.[break][break]
no specific callouts but he is loosely "attacking everyone" (not actually but generally), so uhhhhh tagging d1 boys - [break][break]


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,926 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 4:57:23 GMT
Navy Avatar







…blegh.” Virtue’s reward is a sword slid between his ribs. It’s a blow that should kill, incapacitate, maim. Yet still, he stands. Blood pours from his mouth as he holds her blade in place with magnetic force. Twisting around, Hana is met with a harsh backhand, strong enough to crack bones, combined with a sudden expulsion of the metal piercing his body.[break][break]
Ironic. The pain and the sudden movement might well have saved her life. Ascalon is conjured in his hand in a heartbeat while Zacian contends with the monster in the distance. Blinking, he sees approach through the fog.[break][break]
Deputy.” He says, without any time to say more. Another weapon is conjured and tossed to the man. This one is the Pale Rider’s own weapon, an antiquated weapon weighed for Navy’s hands. Montgomery will manage just fine with the piece. For now, he turns back to Hana.[break][break]
Wondered where you went. Alright, samurai girl. You wanna tussle, let’s-”[break][break]
And then, he appears. appears in primordial sunlight. He appears in a hail of meteoric bombast, raining destruction down upon all of them. Ascalon pivots up, parrying a piece of orichalcum that would have shattered his head like a grapefruit.[break][break]
And at this new-crowned king’s side? A dragon. A warrior’s natural enemy.[break][break]
Zacian! We need you!” The hero looks up, seeing the solar beam descending upon all of them at the winged king’s command. She howls, and the howl commands the stars.[break][break]
Silver light shoots up, day meeting night in a dazzling explosion of color. Solar beam collides with her moon blast, a promise of future battle should this king not declare his allegiance upon this battlefield.



notes about this post

Navy is in D2. Gets hit by Hana. Holds her in place with magnetism. Backhands her and expels her with that same magnetism. Accidentally throws her out of the way of Montgomery's bullet. Tosses Montgomery a gun that can use the Pokemon move anchor shot. Draws Ascalon. Squares up with Hana, only to be interrupted by Shred. Zacian launches a moon blast for a cool kamehameha clash w/ Koraidon's solar beam.

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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,046 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 5:06:19 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

Standing at the bow of the main warship as it surged ahead of Team Rocket's fleet, Zev was one of the first to observe the calamity at Sootopolis: the cliff face breached by Kyogre's fury, sea levels rising around it. 's Shadow Lugia engaged in battle with the leviathan, while Galarian Moltres clashed with Rayquaza in the skies above the crater. [break][break]

Zev's mouth pressed into a thin line as cold blue eyes regarded the two Primal Pokémon. How dare they force him to retreat, he thought. How dare they snatch his victory from him. [break][break]

The ship's radio network, silent for the majority of the race back from Mossdeep, crackled as it finally picked up distant comms from the city. Zev pressed a hand to his earpiece, listening closely. [break][break]

It was Admin Bee's voice, shouting for backup at the Dyna Tree. [break][break]

Zev patched into the ship's comms to dispense orders. "Keep going at full speed," he instructed the fleet's steersmen. To everyone else, he said, "Engage with any League forces you encounter. Stop them from taking the city, and stop Kyogre." [break][break]

He turned to , who stood nearby, her identity hidden by mask and codename. [break][break]

"Nova, you're with me." [break][break]

As his gaze swept back toward Sootopolis, he looked inward. He plunged himself into the psychic bond that tethered him to his patron, flooding it with all his rage and hatred. Filling it with the unquenchable urge to destroy. [break][break]

Heartbeats passed. [break][break]

Above the advancing fleet, in the storm-wreathed heavens, light exploded outward as an Ultra Wormhole tore through the fabric of reality itself. From within the portal, a massive obsidian form emerged, dwarfing almost everything within sight. Necrozma stepped forth like a living nightmare, its alien roar reverberating through the air to herald doom. [break][break]

Zev's heart soared, his entire body thrumming with his patron's presence. He dashed forward in a reckless sprint and launched himself clear off the bow of the ship. An enormous claw scooped him up, and together, the Destroyer of Worlds and its Avatar descended upon Sootopolis. [break][break]

Once he was within range, Zev switched to the city's Rocket comms. "Incoming, Admin Bee." [break][break]

A scintillating beam of light lanced through the air toward Rayquaza as Necrozma fired a POWER GEM. Spying the Dyna Tree far below, Zev leaped from his patron's hand, manipulating gravity for a harmless landing on nearby high ground. He threw a suspicious look in the Entei's direction first, then took in the rest of the scene. [break][break]

"What's the status?" he asked, glancing around to make sure Nenet had followed him as ordered. [break][break]


TAGS [break]
– Zev is at LOCATION D-4. He is unmasked and unarmored.[break]
– Orders the returning Rockets to engage with the League ASAP, and orders Nenet to follow him into the battlefield.[break]
– The real Necrozma emerges from Ultra Space to answer its Avatar's call.[break]
– Zev and Necrozma descend upon Sootopolis. While Necrozma uses POWER GEM on Rayquaza, Zev lands on high ground near the Dyna Tree.



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November 17th
Opelucid City
5'11" height
5'11" height
Days fade into a watercolour blur / Memories swim and haunt you
313 posts
Alba Evovae DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @alba
Alba Evovae
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 8:31:36 GMT
Alba Evovae Avatar


da capo

Sootopolis is drowning. Slowly being swallowed up by a rising tide, by a raging god.[break][break]

Alba does not have the strength to challenge this fate. If his encounter with has reminded him of anything, it is that he is a small thing in the great machine on the world, ever chasing, never changing.[break][break]

But there, on the shoreline, is another pawn on the board, charging forth to attack pieces worth magnitude more.[break][break]

“Need some help?” His entrance is not as cool and casual as his cheery greeting to seems to believe. He arrives on the back of a Relicanth, dripping water onto the sand as he returns it to its Poké Ball.[break][break]

“Petal Dance, if you would.” It's a request, not a command: the words of someone swinging a sword not because they pulled it from the stone, but because it lay next to them in the lake. It's a strange feeling to the scientist, commanding a Pokémon he has not molded into his own, but it was the sharpest weapon he could bring to bear.[break][break]

The Eternal Floette was not a sword by nature; it had merely been saddled with power far beyond its fragile form. It swings its flower in a fevered waltz — moving almost like a puppet on a string — scattering petals that regrow over and over. They hurry towards where and stand, unfocused, like the wild slashes of a knight who had never seen battle.



Arrives at F-1, uses Petal Dance on Annalise and Matias




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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,584 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 9:30:53 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
brine drenches the volcano pokemon's paws as it stays by the tree.

its attention goes from the dynamax tree to petrified ivory tree. it had seen its effects, and longing overcomes the spectator of the little play conducted by the rocket boss.

entei steps away from the protection of the calyrex and walks towards the other tree, trudging along the flooded grounds of sootopolis to take a brief study of what has birthed life from dreams.

this was a solution to the problem that entei was searching for, but taking a look at the breached walls, this has already been claimed by someone else in the playing field.

the beast decides to go to higher land, but is stopped by seeing one petrified soul by the collapsed caves. it approaches and motions for it to get out.

the stalactite is noticed by then-- but it's all it does to it. notice it.

  • entei meanders from dyna tree to xerneas tree
  • notices mitsuru and tries to tell her to get to higher ground before she fucking drowns
  • E4 ig



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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
814 posts
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 10:17:22 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar


Tapu Bulu sat before her, the grave made. A white egret orchid sits on the grave of two Pokemon, in a fight that meant everything to them. A memory to never forget those who helped her reached this. She limps to the beach, Tapu Bulu follows lazily behind, noticing first, a snort pushing orange-red hair over Genny's eyes. The bell rings, to gain Genny's attention, to let Hitoshi know of his foe's new friend with a thinly-veiled threat.[break][break]

Their duel had ended. With a hand clinched tightly on her other arm, as she looked on. The adrenaline hadn't yet fully worn off, but it was. The burns on her back were going to scar, and the many wounds she suffered needed treatment.[break][break]

But. Hitoshi was right. This wasn't over. When she turns to Tapu Bulu, and the bull would snort again. Tapu Bulu hated unnecessary violence. But Genevieve knew that she could not avoid this. If she laid down her sword now, she wouldn't be able to fight anymore. In one word, she responds to Hitoshi, returning Tapu Bulu to his ball, for now. Best to keep Rocket guessing her ace in the hole.[break][break]


And that was that.[break][break]



The journey was quiet, silence as Genny tried to push down the urge to surrender. She thought about her Pokemon she had left, how much energy in the tank she had left. But she had little time to think. Sootopolis was in the distance.[break][break]

Wordlessly, she departs from the ferryman, falling backwards into the sea, and sinks down. For moments under the sea, she felt peace in the violence of the turbulent waves. She could see the storm that brewed above, and the abyss below as its own endless ocean. She could let go now. She could rest her eyes. She could fall.[break][break]

The moment of tranquility can't last forever. What feels like an eternity goes by, when Sasha the Milotic is released, and Genny grabs on. And together, they split the other direction under the water.[break][break]

It's not long before she reaches the cliffside, and with it, the climb. Everything in her body is telling her to stop now, that she can rest, and she pushes against it. She races upwards, her Milotic following suit best she can, as the duo make their way up the cliffside, and reach the summit into Sootopolis. Like a scene from a nightmare.[break][break]

"No," she cries out quietly.[break][break]

She'd seen Kyogre well before arrival, but the horror of seeing the whole of Sootopolis flooding was something else entirely. Sasha cried next to her, as she gazed down towards the battlefield. A Lugia bathed in shadow duels the maddened Kyogre. A Galarian Moltres duels with Rayquaza, joining in with Necrozma, a memory of at the beach resort burning into her memory. Fear started pushing through, laboring her breathing. Below, a legendary dog duels an apex dragon. All Genny had was one steely dragon, a half-dead thunder god, a cuddly water snake.[break][break]

And Bulu, who forcibly re-emerges from their ball, snorting at landfall, and staring at Genny. Eyes filled with a stone cold determination to fix things. Blue eyes that mirror hazel eyes. Genny smiles.[break][break]

"Let's go," she stumbles forward into Bulu's bulky arm, the bull snorting out once more, the hot air over her ever-lengthening hair. A challenge?[break][break]

The bull would stare on. Some woman was flying through the sky ( ) southward. Violence was useless on her. She hurt no one, and therefore did not need to be hurt. For now.[break][break]

Tapu Bulu would instead help Genny back to her feet fully, patting her back.[break][break]

It's okay to go slow.[break][break]

All she wanted to do now, was to subdue. To defend. To be the shield. And now, she was needed. Some crazy dragon was trying to blast away at Rocket or League. That would stop now.[break][break]

"Take it down!" The roaring cry of the guardian deity comes, Tapu Bulu flexing its muscles, as it slams downwards with everything it has, the bull smashing both of those golden, cloven hooves into the ground to cause a NATURE'S MADNESS from the cliff above, intent to attack the Koraidon, and its maddened rider with a shockwave of pink energy, the pink bolts and energy intent to strike at it, even in its flying magnificence, right for .[break][break]

She calls out from above. "Only false gods declare themselves so divine!"[break][break]

Genny doesn't need to win. But to give cover to Councilwoman , to the blonde ( ), the black-haired man ( ), and Sheriff ? She can do that much.[break][break]

Tapu Bulu from behind Genny floats like a guardian, smashes their hooves together. They deem the Koraidon rider a threat, and are ready to throw down.[break][break]




- SUIT, minus jacket, ripped[break]
- Earlier flashback scene after scene with Tapu Bulu, and accepts 's ride, breaking off on her Milotic before they are seen together. Too many questions. Hitoshi sees Tapu Bulu himself before Genny returns him.[break]
- ENTER SOOTOPOLIS A2 -> end at C2[break]
- Arriving, she sees the insanity of legendary-sized battles, such as 's Shadow Lugia, or @barnab's Moltres and 's Rayquaza. Also terrified of 's Necrozma.[break]
- Tapu Bulu forces himself out of his Pokeball, wanting to provide courage for Genny, despite the exhaustion hitting different. Sees , but Tapu Bulu does not wanna beef when unnecessary.[break]
- Also sees 's Koraidon as he spouts nonsense and attacks Leaguers in D2, including a clash with 's Zacian. Genny ain't having this.[break]
- Racing to C2, and striking from a vantage point, has Tapu Bulu attack, uncertain how they fight. They release a Fairy type NATURE'S MADNESS on Koraidon and Shred to strike at them.[break]
- One madness to another, Genny calls Shred a false god. She's beefin'.



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP