i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,038 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2024 1:19:34 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

Annoyance burns in Tempest's gut as and the others reply to him. Did they really think him so stupid that he meant the first time the Legendary saw a human? They were not baby birds imprinting on the first thing they saw. If that were true, he and would be sharing joint custody of Cresselia at this moment. To be so misinterpreted, intentionally or not, stokes the flames already going in his blood. Some of them were too brainwashed by the ideas of Avatarship that they couldn't see the forest for the trees.[break][break]

At least Tempest could agree with that Avatarship was a curse.[break][break]

He does, at least, answer before allowing the conversation to move along. Tempest could swallow his anger for now. It wasn't productive to argue it.[break][break]

"That's what I asked earlier, Neon, just phrased differently. If I had an answer, we wouldn't still be talking about it. Pay attention."[break][break]

's words make him pause from trying to antagonize Mint, however. His frown deepens as he turns to face the white-haired man, confusion clear on his face.[break][break]

"I'm not trusting that thing." He says, of Ting-Lu. Look what it had done to Jayden. It was all the proof that Tempest needed to not trust it. But there were others with better points to make, so he would allow them the chance to argue it.[break][break]

actually had the best question about the fear beast, as it were.[break][break]

Tempest sits up, hand hovering over his pokeballs, when the red dragon bursts into the room. He's tense; only calming when it seems that this is what has chosen Shred. Tempest has no idea what in the fuck it is. It's adorable. He wants to feed it something and pet it's nose. Would Shred allow him the chance after this is over? Would it try and bite him?[break][break]

Shame they had a meeting to fight through.[break][break]

"From the last few showings of the Triad, I think they're floundering. We also shouldn't put all our eggs in one lion-shaped basket."[break][break]

He glances back to .[break][break]

"I second Admin Fox's earlier question, though. What happened to Xerneas? I was under the impression we needed it."

[attr="class","tag"]@ DISSEMINATE TRES



🔗 temp continues to be salty but quiet about it, tries to shame mint, isn't impressed by the ting-lu prophecy, IS impressed by shred's hot new ride and question, and also pushes the xerneas thing


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Black Dog, the weakest beast
November 9th
5'3" and 1/2 height
5'3" and 1/2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
909 posts
part of
TAG WITH @hitoshi
Hitoshi Inoue
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2024 1:46:18 GMT
Hitoshi Inoue Avatar

The conversation moves on, and he falls silent. Color in his cheeks fade. has no time for foolish speech, and for once he is grateful. Inoue Hitoshi is a heartbeat away from breathing easy when his head grows heavy.[break]
Huh…?” He whispers, quiet enough where only and , those closest to him, can hear. His head charts a course for the table, like it’s rising up to meet him all on its own. Strong fingers grip the edge of the table and wedge themselves there. His head is bowed low, but he stops himself just before it looks awkward.[break]
The…hell…?” And it is in this awkward position that he sees the arrival of a winged king. Beautiful. Brilliant. Wild. Scales as red as blood, feathered mane adorning its head. He forgets to prop himself up. Hitoshi’s head hits the table. Laying there, he listens to outbursts and meandering complaints.[break]
Someone has words for , and it is in a language for he and his patron alone.[break]

[attr="class","gscnote"] HASEGAWA MURAMASA : [break]


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[attr="class","hitoshi-notes"]❖ Hitoshi suddenly has to deal with Mint being a little quirky. Gets awed by Koraidon and hits the table.
❖ Honedge is sheathed and talks to Shred.


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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,742 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2024 2:46:29 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","pilots elisabethchar"]

Bury me in the roses and rot;[break]I'll come back thorned




"Are and I Ting-Lu's keepers?"[break][break]

She fixes with a blank, incredulous look. He might as well have asked where is Arceus, or where is Ho-oh.[break][break]


"If you want to hunt for a Ruinous Beast, you have far better means available to you."[break][break]

She nods at the newly arrived Koraidon, its malice palpable despite the fact it is their first and only meeting to her memory. She nods once more to , her expression cool.[break][break]

"Your creatures hunt for the things they despise. If Regirock and your patron cannot find the being they so loathe, what makes you think we'll be any more successful?"[break][break]

At that, the underboss snorts derisively.[break][break]

"They are intelligent beings. Have you considered perhaps my patron might have means of alerting Ting-Lu were I to bring you to it with malicious intent? Should Wo-Chien's allegiance to Ting-Lu prove greater than its alliance to you, following its trail would lead to naught."[break][break]

Her emerald eyes narrow perceptively at Admin Fox, viperous in their gleam.[break][break]

"Especially given one of you present tried to kill its Avatar," she leaves unsaid, saying instead:[break][break]

"Predators hold no such loyalty when hunting their prey."[break][break]

She ignores the sight of banging his head against the table, save for a faintly disgusted curl of her lips at the unprofessionalism of it all.[break][break]

- lol think it's stupid for and to ask where Ting-Lu is, the thing can fuck off wherever it wants[break]
- points out Regirock and Koraidon have a better shot of finding it than Wo-Chien/Chien-Pao cuz the Ruinous Beasts might have reason to protect one another[break]
- silently thinks it's audacious to assume Wo-Chien would be loyal to Rocket over its siblings considering Rocket tried to kill its Avatar[break]
- judging 's headbanging



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2024 5:18:41 GMT
priam conrad Avatar

the word ruminates in his head for a bit, shutting him down for a moment. the smile is forced as he continues on with the program, listening intently with every taunt thrown.

the passive aggressiveness emanates from one side of the table, then thrown back at the other. factions within factions seemingly form in the table based on ideologies, leaving behind only a few unattached individuals.

quietly, he types on his tablet. when there's nothing for him to say, he busies himself with transcribing the conversation. it's a common activity in the lab, where observations are made on the fly and the scientist does not carry the means to perform the experiment and record at the same time.

as tensions slowly die down (and inevitably rise up again if another sensitive topic is thrown), priam lifts his head back up to hear his own voice after a long while.

"what is it boss?" priam asks walsh. "where are we heading next?"

empty words were meant to fill in the silence, but mostly with his voice. it does sound nicer than most of the other people's voices in the room, and it wasn't just narcissism at work. it's just his correct subjective opinion.

  • transcribes
  • i'm just posting so it doesn't look like i afk'd on the thread


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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,597 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2024 16:39:06 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

"They trust me because they are susceptible to heroism," she replies, rubies meeting 's sapphires, unrelenting. "I tell them the truth about - show them evidence of - the DRK Triad's intentions to destroy this world and everyone in it. It has worked remarkably well."[break][break]
, , , , , even . They are all, in their own ways, intent on protecting that which they love - sometimes to a foolish degree. Easily softened by an honest appeal to their morality, to their inherent willingness to acknowledge the bigger threat. Rocket need not know the extent to which she, herself, can relate.[break][break]
Her head snaps towards , however, as the voice of desolation speaks through him. Now, she must endure his frigid gaze. Now, she must face that which had warned her of, in all of her miserable certainty.[break][break]
"We must not kill the Avatars, Jayden," she urges. "Not unless we absolutely have to. Not yet. The DRK Triad fears Avatarship. It is our greatest weapon against them."[break][break]
She turns, then, towards , and listens as Wo-Chien's influence colors her words, as it is wont to do.[break][break]
"I would not be so sure," Nomi murmurs, of the Triad. "That they haven't learned their lesson about that."[break][break]
Nisa Holo would know, now, that whatever predictive technology they have access to - it is fallible. had not become the Purifier, but the Liberator. She, herself, the Visionary, rather than the Architect. The Triad had certainly learned, by now, that these things were not, in fact, a monolith.[break][break]
appeals to her curremt understanding of their enemy, however, and she nods to him appreciatively.[break][break]
"There is also another - the Collector. An ex-member of the DRK Triad, supposedly. She appeared within the League's version of the RKS Machine recently, involving herself with a man named and the Ranger Captain . I am currently trying to find her again, as she may also be of use to us in working against the larger organization."[break][break]
Before she can elaborate further, 's Paradox makes its dramatic entrance. Her eyes widen slightly; she had not known, precisely, what the nature of this beast would be - but she instantly recognizes it. It is the Pokemon etched into the cover of the Scarlet Book.[break][break]
She quiets then, listens to the back-and-forth about Ting-Lu. Ruination is yet another matter she must contend with. It would do little good to save their world from the DRK Triad's cosmic judgement only to lose it to a localized apocalypse.

- Answers 's question about why some of the League would trust her[break]
- Disagrees with / Chien-Pao about killing the League Avatars before the DRK Triad can be dealt with[break]
- Also disagrees with that the DRK Triad doesn't realize, by now, that Avatars are not a monolith - and not as predictable as they initially thought[break]
- Tells everyone about the Collector[break]
- Recognizes Koraidon from the Scarlet Book[break]
- Sits back and listens to the Ting-Lu conversation, frustrated by the prospect of Ruination as yet another thing she and the Unown must work to prevent



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played by


saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,708 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2024 23:58:42 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar
[attr="class","pilots rocketchar"]

the devil bites dirty[break]
we wax and we wane




all the talk of worthiness rubbed a sore spot. beside , she seethed. and then, the reveal, so casually dropping from ’s lips.[break][break]

was an avatar.[break][break]

, , .[break][break]

her anger boiled over, cracking the cool vessel that contained it. rage poured out, through the wild look in her eyes, the heat that began to color her pale face, and the setting of her jaw.[break][break]

"we must not kill the avatars, jayden – not unless we absolutely have to.”[break][break]

just as she was about to start foaming at the mouth, ’s patron arrived, a giant lizard bursting through the wall. perhaps strangely, she barely flinched, already consumed by the destruction playing out in her head.[break][break]

the paradox pokemon would have her undivided attention, just not at that moment.[break][break]

is in our prison. feisty thing,” she informed through gritted teeth.[break][break]

”as for greyson connors,” she glanced at , ”admin bee and i fought him in the giant chasm. after disarming me, connors nearly strangled me to death. had it not been for admin bee, i would be dead.” a story that perhaps many present had not heard, but their dear visionary had. ”yet, you’ve continued to insist we need him – even before his avatarship. now you want to ensure he has power i can’t touch?”[break][break]

she went on, ”what would you have us do? put our war on hold, until we defeat another enemy whose location we do not know? except for , of course. she scoffed. ”do you think the league will simply allow our avatars to exist for your cause?”[break][break]

”is livy’s death worth more because she is a threat to you, or because she is a threat to them?[break][break]

finally, her gaze tore away from her old protégé, and to the rest of the table. ”i am loyal to this organization. is it wrong of me to expect loyalty in return?”[break][break]

her eyes landed on , finally. ”he is one of the league’s aces. if by some chance i found the opportunity, would i have your blessing to kill him?”[break][break]

  • cool exterior cracks from all the mentions of and nomi's defense of the league's avatars
  • tells nomi shalin is in rocket's prison, then rage monologues cause greyson almost strangled her (lulu) to death
  • pledges loyalty to rocket and asks if it's wrong to expect the same
  • asks for the boss's blessing to kill greyson if she finds an opportunity
  • no active pkmn currently



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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saffron city
Hoenn TR Boss
Rocket Boss
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
151 posts
declan walsh DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @declan
declan walsh
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2024 6:06:36 GMT
declan walsh Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]DISSEMINATE III





TEMPEST INQUIRES ABOUT THE BLUE ORB. The previous had been corrupted, forever ruined by the substitute of nightmares: a sadistic reversal of the RED ORB and its murder of Bailey Cooper. Its attempted assassination of .[break][break]

"the blue orb is created naturally over time by the cave of origin. deep beneath the earth, the stalactite becomes a conduit for the world's natural primal energies. it drips, forming a stalagmite touched with the same energy. in the gap between these two deposits, the blue orb begins to form." In a rare display of his abilities, the Boss manifests shadowy, visual exemplars. Tendrils of smoke form each structure and a swirling orb of black. "the cave has been sundered by kyogre's collision. creating another blue orb will prove nigh impossible. my fabrications are simply that: fabrications. they do not work on their own. the blue orb that overtook dross was a bomb with an open circuit."[break][break]

Of Xerneas' sacrifice, the Boss speaks. He is thankful that is not here, for Walsh believes he would have surely lost his lid.[break][break]

"without it, sootopolis may have been remained submerged. quelling kyogre did not guarantee that the sea would have receded from our city." The Boss says. "sootopolis is also vulnerable to dynamax. any dynamaxed pokemon could treat this crater like a dart board and achieve a bullseye with every strike. xerneas' sacrifice has allowed the dynamax barrier to remain."[break][break]

speaks of assisting with her infiltration—but the Boss takes note of the point of contact with their enemy. But does he suspect more? The even tone the scientist orchestrates is seemingly an infallible shroud for the shroud maker.[break][break]


"kill connors. i have heard they are recruiting more into the aqua initiative so kill them. cull their numbers should you find the opportunity to. as the commissioner scrambles to redistribute her weapons, we can take advantage of the chaos." Certainly, there are exceptions. must remain alive like some, tickled and milked for knowledge. Others like must be hunted later. Though the DRK Triad may fear Avatars, they too, seek their blood. After he grants permission to , the pale man looks to . "that goes for you, my fledgling beast. claw reyes down... but you may find more pleasure in watching her unravel by tormenting her as i had." he goads, but goads with purpose.[break][break]

The League indeed has amassed an impressive array of boons. At one point in time, Team Rocket held the advantage. The scales had been heavily tipped to their favour, weighed by blessing and technological advancement fought for with blood and bone. Indeed, they are outnumbered.[break][break]

Even as the roaring paradoxical dragon joins their ranks, even as grows his wings and and scrutinize the furthest, obscure nooks of ultra space, Rocket fights an uphill battle.[break][break]

"What is it Boss? Where are we heading next?" asks—but Walsh does not answer his question.[break][break]


"gahahaha! i got an answer for that, my boy!"[break][break]

Ulysses, the Kanto Rocket Boss steps through the hole 's KORAIDON had unceremoniously created. He pulls a chair from between and , twirling it on one leg before straddling the seat lazily. He sets his hat on the table, the Aerodactylite on his hat's band shining under the lights.[break][break]

"we'll surround hoenn. west coast. east coast. south, north, from the skies, by the seas, in the front, from the back." He clicks his tongue, shoots a lazy finger gun and winks at no one in particular.[break][break]

"and from ultra space." Walsh says. "i acknowledge your fears of the drk triad. they are a threat for as long as we possess powers beyond the common zigzagoon. nevertheless, to fight the drk triad concertedly is to lose two wars."[break][break]

"i heard they've appeared in those ultra whatzits. if we nab some of the ultra wilds as rocket territory, we can kill two pidgey with one stone." Monroe spins his finger like a mixer in the air. "we encircle hoenn physically and by yer primal rifts. if the drk triad appear? we clobber them!"



THIS "EVENT" IS NOT IN A RAID FORMAT. There may be no battles at all. After all, these meetings are opportunities for Rocket's higher-ups to mingle, express opinions, and assist with shaping the direction of the faction. Though there will be "moderator posts", these threads largely live by the interactions and decisions made by writers and their characters.[break][break]

You are encouraged to have characters ICLY DISAGREE with each other and conflict even though they are a part of the same faction.[break][break]

Although DISSEMINATE III is exclusive to canons, the consequences of this thread diffuse into the wider cast of characters. Furthermore, canon characters are granted opportunities to weave in non-canons into their stories from new hooks, new inspirations, and/or revitalized or reaffirmed conflicts, themes and relationships.[break][break]

Participation in this thread is NOT MANDATORY for Rocket canons, but an absence requires IC JUSTIFICATION. Furthermore, there are no sign-ups for this event. Your sign-up will be your first post in the first "round". Please include THREE POKEMON that your character is bringing in your first post. Again, there is no guarantee that they will be used.[break][break]


  • there is no posting order; however, be conscientious to some degree of other players' response time. however, preserving momentum should take priority.
  • remember, in-character actions (or lack of actions) will have natural narrative consequences.
  • you can only bring 3 POKEMON.
  • 1 pokemon out at a time.
  • 1 move per pokemon if using moves.
  • too long; don't read (tl;dr) notes are required.
  • bold/highlight Pokémon moves/abilities in posts.
  • until stated otherwise, you may post multiple times within a single "round".

Please remember, these rules are tentative and subject to change.


There will be no specified deadline before the next "moderator post" where will enter. However, try to post as soon as possible. If you are participating, you are committing to posting in the majority of the "rounds".[break][break]


can not participate because he has been captured.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,858 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2024 22:23:43 GMT
mint frost Avatar
[newclass="nullelem"]} .palise-mini-avatar.user-1432 .palise-mini-avatar-3 { background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/nc8xkjd.png)!important; [/newclass]






He looks to and frowns. "I get you've spent a lot of time honey potting several key League figures, but 'absolutely have to' is any time we fight. They're not all bleeding hearts that'll stay their hands. They're all at this point." he said, remembering how angry she'd been at Penelope attacking her during their intel meeting. Much like and others he was unaware of, she'd weaving her little webs with fury and protecting the time she spent on it. He supports her efforts, but with this many interconnected pieces and Elisabeth's own machinations in the background, he knows it's only a matter of time before the League completely turns its back on any sort of collaboration. "Until we face another METENO, I doubt we'll have anything more concrete than this ceasefire anyway." That'd been the only time he'd considered a truce with the League, and even then it was shot down for mining the meteor. Which, to be fair, had been fun too. [break][break]

's patron makes an appearance, who knows why. He looked to and wondered if it'd taken a hatred to her like the Regis had during the raid. But aside from being as loud as the Beast it contracted with, it doesn't do anything else other than add a breezeway to their meeting. Which admittedly, felt pretty nice. [break][break]

Walsh speaks again and he makes a couple of notes for himself, putting facts together on a timeline. The ceasefire was as temporary as he imagined, and the League was emboldened to strike again. He doubted didn’t know. "Do you have any idea how quickly the orb is forming, sir? It sounds like Sootopolis is on borrowed time." he asked the Boss, looking at . [break][break]

"I imagine it'll be a race to the finish, and will probably spearhead it." he looked to before adding his brief report. "During Sootopolis I was able to observe his Avatarship. He's like a mirror so attacking him directly doesn't work. I managed to stop and drown him, but I didn't stick around to see if he died. By that point Kyogre was devouring Freya, and Calyrex had been struck so I moved to support." He pulls up the few clips of Zamazenta's champion that weren't married with static or audio issues and drops them for anyone else with a tablet to review. "I didn't have too long so I haven't tested out every kind of attack but he embodies the Shield Dog quite literally." [break][break]

Finally he turned to Monroe, smiling as he naturally matched the old man's energy. "In any case, this is good timing, sir. The League has controlled entry to the wilds long enough.” He shifted excitedly, swapping briefs with ease. [break][break]

“On Underboss 's request, I've sped up the timeline on Phase 2 of PROJECT INFINITY in preparation for a future expedition into the DISTORTION WORLD. The project was already working on developing satellites that could withstand space in order to widen the range we could track legendary signatures. To do that, I've been redirecting INFINITY's efforts into diving into the wilds to collect materials there. The thought being if it can survive there, it could survive in space or the DISTORTION WORLD." [break][break]

He flips to his notes on the next phase before continuing. "If I'm already pushing excursions out there, I can also assist in settling territory. Though, I'm unsure if we should since a human can only stay out there for so long even with our SYGNA SUITS." he looked at again. Her work during METENO had been the main inspiration for this endeavor and where he even got the idea from. "Professor Flint has been helping me analyze the new typing plates in case the type strengthening effects can be used to strengthen sygna suits or other equipment we currently use. It has the potential to lengthen the time someone can stay out there, but it's unclear how much right now."



@various | slut era fit mint [break][break]
- tells nomi any battle against a league avatar is a necessary death, jayden is RIGHT [break]
- flaps his wings to the breeze shred's legend makes [break]
- asks the rate of creatio non this orb/a timeline for how long sooty has before the ceasefire ends [break]
- suggests league could prepare an incursion with greyson at the front [break]
- reports what he had time to test on greyson [break]
- exoplpain phase 2 infinity revv up on theo's request for distortion world [break]
- explains why he needs THE SATELLITES AND MATERIALS [break]
- suggests he can help with settlign turd in the wilds [break]
- talsk about how lulu is helpign him look at plates to power up sygna suits for wilds living [break][break]

it's a highway, highway to the dark [break]
and a neon medusa's got your heart .

[newclass=".neonmint"] --color: #48cbf0; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body u"] font:11px Roboto; letter-spacing:2px; border-bottom:1px dotted; text-decoration:none; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body b"] color:var(--color); font:bold 12px 'Poppins'; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body i"] color:var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint"] width: 490px; margin: 0px auto; min-height: 500px; background: #171718; padding-bottom:20px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .top"] background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/8aINXGd.png); height: 300px; margin-left: 20px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .colorbar"] height:20px; background-image: url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; background-color:var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body"] background:#222; margin: 20px 30px 20px; padding:30px; font:12px 'Roboto'; text-align:justify; color:#eee; border-radius:0px 20px 20px 20px; text-transform:lowercase; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .lyricbox"] background:#222; font:11px 'Consolas'; padding:20px; background-image: url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; color:#eee; text-align:center; letter-spacing:2px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .lyricbox b"] color:var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .lyricbox i"] border-bottom:1px solid var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .oocbox"] text-align:right; border-top:1px solid #333; padding-top:10px; margin-top:20px; font:10px/12px 'Poppins'; margin-bottom:-10px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .oocbox .title"] font:bold 15px 'Poppins'; color:var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint a"] color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font:bold 13px/11px 'Poppins'; text-transform:uppercase; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .pkmnparty"] text-align:center; width:400px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .pkmnparty img"] margin-left:-20px; margin-top:-10px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body .iconimage"] float: left; margin: 8px 15px 5px 1px; border: solid 9px #272727; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: -1px -1px 0px #232323, 1px -1px 0px #232323, -1px 1px 0px #232323, 1px 1px 0px #232323, 3px 3px 0px #303030, -3px 3px 0px #303030, 3px -3px 0px #303030, -3px -3px 0px #303030; [/newclass]

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,408 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Sept 25, 2024 23:08:44 GMT
jayden cross Avatar


[attr="class","bloodmoon rocketchar"]

[attr="class","subtext"] i will die on the sword


[attr="class","lyrics"] half gods are worshipped [break]
in wine and flowers [break]
real gods require blood

Questions arise. Disagreements soar. But none are enough to rid him of the poison that undoubtedly runs through him, that connects him to those like , that floods like golden ichor through his human-less veins.

[break][break] To :

[break][break] He blinks, owlishly, as if his brother-in-law had not spoken of a treasonous thing.

[break][break] "I am not asking you trust that thing," he says, wielding his authority like a blade. "I am asking you to trust me."

[break][break] "Do you trust me, ?"

[break][break] Briefly, at 's outburst, his attention diverts. Only to be brought back once again by his fellow admin.

[break][break] To :

[break][break] "If you are so curious," he says, adding onto what has already said. "Perhaps you should ask Regirock. Surely, it knows — considering that it was able to find it before."

[break][break] Beneath the tolling tundra, wherein a twisting labyrinth lay. Admin Fox was an Archeologist — surely, such mysteries were not lost on him?

[break][break] "And resign ourselves?" he shakes his head. "Perhaps you are unaware, Admin Fox. Just as Kyurem's prophecy that eventually rang true," His eyes glimpse both to and . "So did Ting Lu's, when it saw Sootopolis besieged."

[break][break] "And so will the vision of our Future Terminal that we all saw within that cybernetic space."

[break][break] Dozens of dead bodies, of Legendary pokemon, no doubt the cause of some divine intervention.

[break][break] For a moment, his eyes consider , who cares so deeply about the DRK Triad that she would leave them destitute and ruinless. Then, to , who rises on teeth and bone, snarling at the betrayal of her sister scientist.

[break][break] Jayden thinks of her own fingers around his neck, strangling him so.

[break][break] But then he thinks of the faithless Elite Four, who once called him a simple cog in the machine. How weak he'd been then. How strong he was now.

[break][break] "Of course she doesn't mean him," he defends his sister to . Just of those Avatars that do not defy Rocket and their loyal crest. A simple answer, he thinks. Because of course, would never suggest such a thing. She is too loyal — to him, to their family, to even .

[break][break] A hand curls into a fist at his side.

[break][break] "I have fought him before," he growls , feeling black crystals crackle beneath his fist, poking out from bloodied vessels like daggers. "And I will fight him again. Say the word, and I will help you bring his head on a silver platter."

[break][break] "And the same goes for you, Beast ."

[break][break] And just like that, the world explodes in an explosion of stone and gravel. speaks, and thus Boss Monroe follows.

[break][break] Loyal soul that he is, Jayden's gaze immediately dips in the presence of the Kantonian monarch, taking his seat again.

[break][break] "I agree with the acquisition of the Wilds," he speaks up after , head tilted this time towards . "Both our patrons come from the Border. Perhaps we can start there."


❄️ tldr:

[break][break] • sorry for the wait! feel free to ignore the first half since it's a little belated.
[break][break] • : refers to the future terminal in cyberspace, as well as sootopolis city; asks him to ask regirock where ting lu is
[break][break] • asks if he trusts him :PLEADING_EYES:
[break][break] • tells and that he'll help them kill and ; says that OFC thats not what nomi meant pffft [break][break] • recommends that he and acquire the border, since their patrons know it best



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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
part of
TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2024 0:05:29 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Cillian tenses as Koraidon crashes through the wall. His eyes flash deep violet in response to a potential threat, but gold slowly bleeds back through when nothing more comes of it.

"I do hope you won't make a habit of that."

He speaks half to and half to his patron, unsure if it can understand.

He is quiet through the rest of the back-and-forth, though his eyes narrow dangerously as suggests keeping the League's Avatar's alive. Others are quicker to point out the flaws in it, and Cillian nods along emphatically. When demands 's blessing, Cillian fixes his full attention on the Boss.

We've been loyal. He pushes away thoughts of Lulu's stint in Galar. Don't deny us this shot at vengeance.

Triumph spikes through him as the Boss agrees.

's eagerness inspires a similar, but softer glee. He blinks gratefully at his brother.

Cillian's attention shifts to Monroe as he enters, but it lacks the reverence with which he'd observed Walsh. The Obfuscator's words still ring in his ears. Here, in Hoenn, he was king.

He notes the Aerodactylite in the hat with begrudging respect.

"Beast Quinn, Admin Fox and I," Cillian speaks up at last, when conversation turns to the Wilds, "have made headway in establishing a foothold in the Ultra Deep Sea. Though the League may think they have control of it, Rocket is not without a way in. It could be used to catch them off guard, should we desire."

[attr="class","tag"]DISSEMINATE III



Cillian is exasperated by Koraidon.[break]
Furious with Nomi as she suggests not killing League Avatars but doesn't interject (yet).[break]
Very happy when Walsh approves of killing them.[break]
Less in awe of Monroe b/c Walsh is our big boss, not him. But the Aerodactylite gets respect.[break]
Yaps about the backdoor that he, Howard and Temp exploited in the Deep Sea.


[newclass=.twtgm] --accent: #765d75; [/newclass]
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played by


Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,141 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2024 8:47:45 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
His eye met 's from across the table. They share a mutual, contemptuous look. Howard had little care for any prospective traps that Wo-chien could construct. He'd love the opportunity to catch the snail with its hand in the cookie jar, right before Regirock and Regice turned it into paste.

Even a trap designed to kill could reveal one's plans if it failed to find its mark. Proving disloyalty from the Scorned and her patron would be a worthy trade. It made 's demand for loyalty from her colleagues even more tragic.

Lulu, if you expect loyalty from these jackals, then your dream has long since turned into a nightmare. They hardly care about Bryan. Why would they care about you?

As Walsh finished his speech, the admin nodded in a murmured agreement. had explained his logic and defended his point. That was acceptable. It was the occasional reminder that Team Rocket knew its direction. When Monroe entered the room, Howard raised a cigarette to the man. He had respect for the Rocket Boss. His family had benefitted from the Monroe's policies when he had been commissioner, after all.

"Regirock will tell me what it knows. If it can locate Ting-lu, then it will." Either it or 's dragon would have to lead that charge. Its cry was familiar to that thing yowling in Area Zero several months ago. "If we fail..."

He shrugged. The message was clear to and . Pray that we do.

"It will because we didn't look hard enough. Not because of some prophecy."

With the topic of Ruination kicked into a corner, Howard turned his attention to Monroe and Walsh's proclamations. They'd be far easier to perform with the Coveted, Cursed, and Scorned in shallow graves, but Howard was rarely so fortunate. Instead, he focused on the topic in which he stood uncontested: Dynamax and Eternatus.

"We will always outpace the Pokémon League when it comes to waging war with Dynamax. They will not destroy their Power Spots. Let them build the infrastructure that we can use to topple them. Regirock and Regice can moved while Dynamaxed, as well. We can utilize their make far better than the stationary targets that Dynamax typically provides. Regirock leveled the city with its mere presence. Dewford is still rebuilding."

He extended his hands, his Dynamax Band gleaming against flesh carved from ice and stone.

"Five giants. If we have them all, we can outmanuever the League on the battlefield. Think! Marching Dynamaxed Pokémon through rifts! Through other worlds! Throw a dozen trainers on a moving artillery platform and we could level a city. We have leveled a city." He nodded to and Monroe. "Petalburg is a valley, now."

Dynamax was a scourge, but it was a scourge that Team Rocket and the Pokémon League would continue to use. He had proclaimed its dubious nature from the moment it had occurred, and he had yet to be proven wrong on its dangers. Yet it was a useful sword, even if it risked cutting them each time they swung it.

Eternatus would have its due. and knew that, now.

"And if we must travel across every world, we should consider those we have yet to access. They are potential battlegrounds as well." His eye found , and he remembered their conversation in the Unown Dimension. "What of Land and Sea Hoenn?"

Is like 'bet' to chasing Ting-lu and doming it. Hopefully he never finds it :clueless:
Walsh explained his logic, Howard is like bet
Yaps about Dynamax and other worlds, and how Dynamax is their most efficient engine of war and leveraging it across multiple worlds is the key to victory.
God I hate Eternatus ft. Temp/Cill
Yaps about Land/Sea Hoenn

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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,051 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2024 16:08:42 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

A section of the Pokémon Center's wall exploded inward as an unfamiliar Pokémon burst into the building. Zev's entire body tensed and his keen gaze snapped toward it, black crystals quickly spreading across his body. They stopped at his jawline when it did not attack, leaving his frowning face uncovered. [break][break]

In many subtle ways, the creature reminded him of Miraidon from the RKS simulation. But in all the obvious ways, it was completely different. Was it an alternate version, perhaps, as some Paradox Pokémon seemed to be for each other? [break][break]

Slowly, Zev's armor retreated back into his skin as the conversation resumed. His eyes flickered to as she claimed to be helping . This was not part of the plan he'd discussed with his wife; either this collaboration was part of Nenet's plan, or the Head Scientist was lying. [break][break]

Zev remained silent as he focused his attention on Walsh. The Blue Orb, the Sootopolis arrangement, the confirmation to kill the League's Avatars—none of that was worth a comment. [break][break]

Then Monroe arrived and mentioned claiming Ultra Space as Rocket territory. earned a nod from the God General when he mentioned the limited timeframe for visits to those realms. [break][break]

"I've been exploring Lesser Megalopolis extensively, myself. There are pockets that are safe where we can begin establishing ourselves, but it will likely take some time considering the high level of danger there," Zev offered after and mentioned the Border and Ultra Deep Sea. [break][break]

Not that they were any less dangerous than Lesser Megalopolis. [break][break]

's inquiry regarding Sea and Land Hoenn prompted Zev to raise another possibility. He locked eyes with before adding, "Admin Delaney and I have also been investigating new Ultra Wilds locations as we look for the other shiny Tapus. Places without rifts here that the League doesn't know about yet." [break][break]

He paused to give Fern a chance to speak on the topic.

TAGS – disseminate iii[break]
– Surprised by Koraidon's sudden appearance and thinks it looks somewhat like Miraidon.[break]
– Considers Nomi's bluff but chooses neither to confirm nor deny it.[break]
– Offers to acquire Lesser Megalopolis on behalf of Team Rocket since they did not acquire Ultra Megalopolis after all.[break]
– Also mentions that he and Fern have been exploring other Ultra Wilds locations that the League doesn't know about yet (or so he thinks).



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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,038 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2024 22:56:13 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

I don't trust you when you're like this. Goes unsaid. Tempest just gives a sad look to before trying to help move the conversation along. [break][break]

"I've been extensively exploring the Borders recently as well." He would be going on another trip in a few days with . Hopefully it would be the last one until he was ready. Tempest nods to when he says it, knowing the boss would understand the mission. "It's getting more unstable. Having an ever expanding area will be as much a boon as it will be a hassle." Is warned.[break][break]

Then speaks of Sea Hoenn.[break][break]

"The rift the League used to make contact with Sea Hoenn was under Rustboro. If we take that town, we might be able to use it as an access." Tempest didn't know that rift was closed. Maybe if they found it, they could still use it for something, though.[break][break]

But, something about this did give him pause.[break][break]

"But if we target other worlds, they will have access to target us, too. We'll need to be careful if we go that route."

[attr="class","tag"]@ DISSEMINATE TRES



🔗 temp talks some short


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[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]

Written from Samsung Smart TV
Want the screen of your dreams? Find it here.
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saffron city
Hoenn TR Boss
Rocket Boss
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
151 posts
declan walsh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @declan
declan walsh
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2024 5:33:29 GMT
declan walsh Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]DISSEMINATE III





"the orb can not be recreated. that is the reason for the repetitive ritual."[break][break]

about future expeditions, the hoenn rocket boss continues:[break][break]

"the distortion world is a place unkind to human and pokemon alike. any asset that can increase our survivability in the antithetical realm will be valued."[break][break]

the bosses catalogue possible and processed ventures: and may explore the border, while , and have thoroughly scraped through the gore of the ultra deep sea. lesser megalopolis and unknown worlds are probed by and .[break][break]

"all this talk about dynamax excites me. really revs me up!" after glancing at koraidon some, monroe claps his broad hands together. " march on through and bulldoze right through! just my style."[break][break]

"if we settle in the ultra wilds quickly, discreetly, or merely prior to them recognizing our actions, the league's attempts to retake control will force them to exhaust precious resources." the boss says. "i recognize our resources must be utilized wisely. however, our increasing mastery of the dynamax phenomenon can and will compensate."



THIS "EVENT" IS NOT IN A RAID FORMAT. There may be no battles at all. After all, these meetings are opportunities for Rocket's higher-ups to mingle, express opinions, and assist with shaping the direction of the faction. Though there will be "moderator posts", these threads largely live by the interactions and decisions made by writers and their characters.[break][break]

You are encouraged to have characters ICLY DISAGREE with each other and conflict even though they are a part of the same faction.[break][break]

Although DISSEMINATE III is exclusive to canons, the consequences of this thread diffuse into the wider cast of characters. Furthermore, canon characters are granted opportunities to weave in non-canons into their stories from new hooks, new inspirations, and/or revitalized or reaffirmed conflicts, themes and relationships.[break][break]

Participation in this thread is NOT MANDATORY for Rocket canons, but an absence requires IC JUSTIFICATION. Furthermore, there are no sign-ups for this event. Your sign-up will be your first post in the first "round". Please include THREE POKEMON that your character is bringing in your first post. Again, there is no guarantee that they will be used.[break][break]


  • there is no posting order; however, be conscientious to some degree of other players' response time. however, preserving momentum should take priority.
  • remember, in-character actions (or lack of actions) will have natural narrative consequences.
  • you can only bring 3 POKEMON.
  • 1 pokemon out at a time.
  • 1 move per pokemon if using moves.
  • too long; don't read (tl;dr) notes are required.
  • bold/highlight Pokémon moves/abilities in posts.
  • until stated otherwise, you may post multiple times within a single "round".
Please remember, these rules are tentative and subject to change.


There will be no specified deadline before the next "moderator post" where will enter. However, try to post as soon as possible. If you are participating, you are committing to posting in the majority of the "rounds".[break][break]


can not participate because he has been captured.

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played by


Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,141 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2024 6:13:39 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
The God General ( ) spoke of other worlds. More facets of Ultra Space that could be mined for valuable materials. With each world that opened, a new war emerged, and a new shiny Tapu revealed itself.

They were outdated remnants of old worlds, but if Rocket could take them, they should. If kept them from trashing his office, Howard wouldn't complain. Their coloration concerned him, but the Tapus of this world were lazy and unreliable. He suspected that the others were the same, regardless of what strange worlds they were found in.

"The Distortion World is still opening those little portals in Area Zero, right? Let's march on Oldale, take it, and then let the Head Scientists and Neon poke around in the crater. There's nothing feasibly stopping us from doing it now by taking the Tera Tunnel in Petalburg to Area Zero, but it would behoove us to take Oldale as well. It's an irrelevant town, regardless of the strength of its Gym Leader. Land is land, though."

was young, but youth meant little in a Pokémon battle, where the strength of one's partners could make up the difference, unless Hideo's legs were blown off my a mortar. The admin thought of and his eye twitched. If they took Area Zero, Howard could use the nexus of caves for his own projects. He had not forgotten the desert.

With a lazy drag of the cigarette, he nodded to .

"Let's march on both Rustboro and Oldale, then. Pull the same trick we did in Mossdeep and Petalburg, except actually win both of them." The admin shrugged, leaning on an elbow. A steel ring on his finger shined in the light. "I'll provide a giant to Dynamax to both campaigns, if that is the wish of those dictating the war. I'd like them back, though."

His eye flicked to , , and the God General as he spoke. He lingered on Theo for several moments, recalling the conversation he had witnessed alongside at Area Zero. The Distortion World was not a new prize, yet it was slowly leaking into Hoenn. Regirock had escaped from there, unbeknownst to him.

He gave 's tablet a look, looking at Zamazenta. Zaria's brother was back, then? Lucky him. Another person to oppose Dynamax. Bad for this fraudulent war, good for the true one against Eternatus.

"Throw Regirock and Regice at a theater each and divvy up the Elite Four. Split the sword and shield. They're more dangerous together, anyway." He looked at with a glimmer in his magenta eye. Give me the leave you gave in Area Zero, Walsh. They seemed to say. "Or keep Zar- those dogs together and we can hamstring one city."

Howard leaned back, shrugging as he adjusted his hat. His mouth felt like ash from all this talk of annihilation. Rustboro was his home, and he was going to feed it to the war machine?

"I am not enlightened in war, though. I am no Warrior." He kept his face impassive in the face of his jest. "I'm just an accountant."

He had only helped seize Petalburg, after all.

Waxes on the Shiny Tapus, writes them off as unreliable like Hoenn's Tapus.
Yaps about the Distortion World and how Rocket should seize Oldale to breach it via Area/Zero. Lets Rocket be productive while Howard/Shred go bowl hunting. Give Lulu/Nomi/Mint a few pointy sticks and let them poke around. Makes a note of the huge ass tunnel that Regirock made next to Petalburg.
Quickly amends to add Rustboro to the campaign. Proposes the splitting forces trick again. Offers Regirock and Regice to a warfront so each can Dynamax if needed. Notes that he wants them back because they're HIS and not Rocket's.
Thinks of the Area Zero meeting with Lulu/Walsh/Theo where the order to focus on the Distortion World was given. Challenges Walsh to give him the same leave he was given when chasing Regirock.
Proposes either splitting and to avoid dealing with both sword and shield simultaneously, or keeping them together to steamroll a city. Two giants versus two DOGGIES can be rectified with more of one or the other.
Needs another smoke



it's a long life full of long nights

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing