i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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777 height
777 height
5,257 posts
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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2021 15:56:14 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]TEMPLE OF REGIROCK





ONE BY ONE, each person enters the tight crevice. and have the hardest time fitting in due to their built physiques but all of them pass through successfully. Their crawl seems to have no end, magnified as each one seems to plant their hands and knees into something sticky. They can’t tell what it is but whatever the liquid was, it’s caked onto the stone, rubbing against them until they end up on the other side of the tunnel. [break][break][break]

When they exit the tight space, they land into a small room. Only then can they review the splotches, realizing it to be dried blood. It still smells of iron, a clear sign that the blood has only been here for a few days at most. With no further clue, they’re forced onto a singular track deeper into the endless chasm. From the distance, they can hear the sound of someone grunting and something pounding against flesh. [break][break][break]

Anyone can light the way but none of them will be able to tell what it is until they come into the clearing. Those who have been in some scraps may realize the sound. For someone like , a protector of the weak, it reminds him of the sound of someone being beaten up. [break][break][break]


leads the way with her Dragapult’s WILL-O-WISP. The ghastly embers paint their way with an eerie blue glow. It’s enough for them to get a good look of what’s ahead but overpowers the artificial lights of her colleagues. It is ’s sudden FIRE PUNCH that works in tandem with her own light to really cut through the darkness. From a distance, they can see their first real obstacle. [break][break][break]

Ahead, the flooring breaks apart. Solid footing is swallowed up by the constant funnel of quicksand underneath. You can hear the slow tides of sand turn on each other as several item slither within view. [break][break][break]

'S SPOTLIGHT illuminates the path forward. Several pieces of stone still remain. It’s enough to bypass the sands entirely if anyone is confident enough in their hopscotch skills. For those who came prepared, there’s enough headspace for fliers to pass by altogether. But, that would mean missing out at the chance of treasure. [break][break][break]

For those that are willing to take the risk, it’s not impossible to wade through the quicksand. At the current speed, most should be able to shrug past it. Those who are brave enough to embrace their greed will be able to pick up any items within their reach. What will they find here? There are hints of golden objects among the masses, with the faint glimmer of a Mega Stone should someone prove lucky enough. [break][break][break]


Beyond this impediment the walkway returns to normal. Stone stretches as far as the eye can see but several holes jut between the ancient tiles. The remnants of several traps still extend from their recesses, an obvious spike trap for those who've seen adventure movies. While most of them remain untriggered, it goes without saying that navigating through it will prove treacherous. As if to demonstrate, a stalactite breaks lose from above, landing on a stone tile and applying enough pressure to set off the trap. An immediate STONE EDGE springs from underneath, impaling the stalactite and breaking it into brittle pieces. [break][break][break]

Those who try to pick up items must roll in their post. This will be their second roll. They will spend their post navigating through the quicksand in a bid to pick up treasure. [break][break][break]

Those who do not may proceed and attempt to navigate the booby trapped path ahead. Find a way through and roll for this as well. [break][break][break]


THEY PICK THE MIDDLE PATH and start their descent into the depths of the ruin's temple. Unlike their previous encounters with the ruins, this tunnel is not slathered in murals or pictures. Instead, this one seems like a natural deposit of the land, carved through years of groundwater erosion, widened by the shifting earth beneath them. [break][break][break]

's light helps shine their way forward. As rangers, they're able to navigate the unsure footing with ease, adept field experience coming into play as they stop short of tripping from the steep incline. Once they get far enough that the way back becomes dark, they feel a slight tremor disturb their spelunking. The sound of a small cave-in rumbles from behind them, a warning that their way in has been closed through no fault of their own. [break][break][break]

Their Pokemon companion, Lucario, is able to DETECT several life forms ahead. Their auras are numerous but none of them seem to be active. It gives them a quiet warning, allowing them to sneak past a colony of Golbat by making careful, quiet movements. Each of their silhouettes cast long, swaying shadows on the floor, a sure sign that they're asleep. Thankfully, all three rangers should be able to make it past without issue. [break][break][break]

have rolled 132 against [break]



Whether it be a brief slip up or misfortune personified, ' foot becomes unstable on his next step. It causes a part of his ledge to crumble and it breaks off, rolling into the void due to the downward slope of their path. The sound, while not particularly loud, is enough to wake several Golbats. They SCREECH in unison with their SUPERSONIC. In the blink of an eye, the whole flock is awake, circling above and ready for their next meal. [break][break][break]


Their numbers are many and they outnumber you like hungry Carvanha gathering for a feeding. Use your best efforts protect yourselves from the wild Pokemon or book it Rangers! [break][break][break]


ALL THREE TRAINERS manage to land safely albeit not together. Priam and Gavin remain close to each other but Cait finds herself on the other side of the large chamber. It’s only when they start to illuminate the walls with their flashlights that it becomes obvious that they are not alone. [break][break][break]

is able to discern that several of these statues seems to have small ‘button’s that may trigger if too much pressure is applied to them. Thin lines outline the tile shaped triggers, easy enough to avoid as long as one remains delicate. Above the statues is a mural that outlines a line of people gathered for a parade. None of their expressions prove vibrant, all etched with a monotone look of acceptance. Is this one on purpose or a stylistic approach to art for that period of time? [break][break][break]

’s preemptive SAFEGUARD helps dispel some of the stale air that permeates the chamber but nothing else happens. Both Team Rocket members are given a moment’s respite to gather their bearings and adjust to their surroundings. [break][break][break]

’s Lucario scans the vicinity using its aura vision. It’s able to map out the chamber and notices the hollowness of several statues. It barks to warn its trainer once it realizes that the wrong move could trigger a trap. How much Gavin can understand from its frantic barking is a mystery but it wants their attention. [break][break][break]

have rolled 188 against [break]


However, the aura sense doesn’t last for long. As if a living organism, the temple detects the free flowing energy radiating from Lucario’s innate power and puts an end to it. A force, invisible to the human eye, rushes all at once, overriding the Pokemon’s ability to read aura as it becomes overloaded by a spectacle of bright, red light. The sudden rush knocks the Pokemon out of its MAGNET RISE, causing it to plummet while caught in the supernatural stupor. For now, the Pokemon will be unable to use its AURA SENSE or MAGNET RISE. [break][break][break]

On one end of the chamber, coincidentally the mid-point between Cait and Priam, one of the statues lights up. This statue, reminiscent of Regirock, has a several of its dot glowing periodically, providing another source of light and revealing the doorway underneath. [break][break][break]

will feel something well up inside him. An unfamiliar warmth starts to manifest, boiling in his gut, forced back to life as it reacts to the Regi statue. Drawn by unseen circumstances, it propels him not to the doorway, or any particular path, but to the statue itself. [break][break][break]


[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


THE FOLLOW EFFECTS have been applied. This will pertain to certain routes, moves, Pokemon, and characters as applicable. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. [break][break][break]


ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

  • Please ROLL with your post using the roll command (dice button). Your first roll will always be your sabotage roll! This does not impact your own character's performance. This roll only represents how much OOC impact you will have on another character of your choosing.
  • Bold the name of the character you intend to sabotage! This is an OOC decision. Once you post you must stick by your decision!
  • Those who post before 1/8 7PM CST will get a +10 modifier to their sabotage roll! They may instead apply a +2 modifier to any obstacle roll if applicable.
  • Pokemon can only perform 2 moves per round.
  • Please include a tl;dr note of your important actions.
  • If you miss the deadline, you will be kicked.
  • If everyone posts early a mod post may come early.


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2021 18:50:41 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
[attr="class", kheader"]


his body is a tight fit within the crevice and with each inch moving forward he could feel the walls dragging along his muscles and get them slightly soaked which was a call of worry as he couldn't be sure what it was. when he came out of the hole and landed inside he took a moment to scrape off the substance and recognize its texture and smell. blood. he knew that they weren't the first ones to enter these ruins but weren't they sealed off a long time ago?
his train of thought about why it would even be here was cut off when he heard something but the darkness around them made it hard to even see a few feet past them. "hey storms! mind being our flashlight? something's up." feeling around with his feet to make sure he didn't bump into something kazimir edged himself closer to the source of the sound, as he did he could slowly recognize the sound of...flesh pounding flesh? the first thought into his mind was how someone could think that dark and mysterious ruin could be the perfect place to do a real cyber meet up. he suddenly remembered the blood that was smeared across his chest and he listened a little closer and was starting to get a clearer picture of what might be going on.
"hey, i think someone else is down there! c'mon we gotta help them, think they're being attacked or something!" without a second to lose he quickly sprinted off deeper into the chasm. they had just started their little expedition and already someone was in trouble, this was going to be one heck of a story for Zac's channel if he could keep them all alive.

    + using roll on [break]
    + kazimir freaks out about blood[break]
    + kazimir urges everyone to hurry up to save some poor soul[break]
    + also tells stormy to light herself on fire.


template by kay

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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2021 0:50:56 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar


Ruins of Regirock
The desert | raid



  Zac squeezed through the tunnel. His palms and knees stuck to the walls as he clambered through, coming away covered in some sort of residue. What is going on in here? Zac wondered, as the crew pushed through the narrow darkness. 
    They came out the other side into a small room, and Zac looked at the group. They were all covered in some sticky red substance. Zac sniffed his palms. There was an unmistakable smell of metal.
    "Dugtrio droppings," Zac declared "Alolan. You can tell by the high metal content. The naturally occurring steel in their body passes through into tiny particles of iron, and the oxidation with the air is what causes the rusty red colour."
    "Judging from the amount in the tunnel we're looking at thirty, maybe thirty-five of the buggers all roaming around, so keep an eye out for a crowd of blonde hair." 
    Zac pointed down the single tunnel leading off the small room and further into the darkness. "If i'm on the money with this then the other side of that hall is gonna have more blonde hair than one of Kazimir's fan meetup," he said, just as Kaz ran off down the tunnel, presumably to give autographs. Zac followed, and was about to pull out his head-cam to live-stream their adventure until he heard the sound of meat slapping. He left his camera in the bag. Zac's vlog was PG-13 and he wanted to keep it that way.    

- Pushed through the tunnel
- Covered in red sticky stuff
- 'Identified' it as Dugtrio droppings
- Continued onward down the dark tunnel

Busta - Mega Launcher/Water Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Dark Pulse, Heal Pulse, Aura Sphere, BounceREM - Levitate/Dragon Breath, Crunch, Earthquake, Sand Tomb, Lock-On, BoomburstKev - Sheer Force/Slam, Rock Slide, Head Smash, Smack Down, Steel Roller, Magnet Rise
NOTES: Using my sabotage on

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,605 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2021 7:43:34 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
 A PROMISE OF TREASURE. ahead of them the way narrows and crumbles away, smooth-surfaced masonry replaced by churning sands and dilapidated ruins. as it's all siphoned away deep into the earth, gleaming trinkets can be seen sinking into the glittering sands.

they make one weigh the risks against its many treasures...

"delta, see if you can use rapid spin to get across safely..." it immediately hurtled itself forward while spinning rapidly, ricocheting off anything it touched.

should everything continue according to plan, delta would be able to illuminate the path ahead, that he might traverse it more cautiously. "now shine your spotlight back over here!" he motioned back to his pokemon, bringing its attention back to him.

the next part was going to be dodgy. his footing wasn't the worst; he'd skateboarded a lot growing up, so he was pretty spry on his feet. but the stones wouldn't always offer him a flat and stable surface; ever step forward was a leap of faith.

as he's crossing over, adrian keeps a keen eye on his surroundings, hoping to snatch up one of the trinkets.

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon kubfu shiny"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon starmie"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon beheeyem"]

FlAaZLMK [break]
@regirockraid / route 1[break]
Attempts safe crossing; SPEED enhanced, etc.[break]
Provides dedicated lighting for .[break]
Adrian attempts to cross[break]
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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2021 12:11:17 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

i have a need of crueler waves
they sicken of the calm, who knew the storm
The beam of light from their flashlights doesn't reach past the gloom ahead, the steep slope disappearing down into looming darkness. The sight sends a shiver down Skyler's spine, the thrill of the unknown pumping through her veins. She can't help the excited smile that curls her lips.

The tunnel itself, unlike the entrance, looks to have been carved by underground waters rather than by any kind of artificial means. Still, the captain's on the lookout for anything that might endanger them - the low rumble of shifting earth has her head snapping back, eyes narrowing. "If this is a trap I swear to Arceus..."

The captain's about to call for her companions when shifting shadows catch her eye. Thankfully, Razz's Lucario had been able to Detect the flying menaces in time, so their steps are careful as they sneak past the flock of unaware bats. 

They're making good time, almost past this first obstacle - and then Lars stumbles. Her hand shoots out to in an attempt to stop their fall from alerting the Golbats, but it's too little too late.

The curse that she spats out is lost amid a cacophony of screeches. 

Slowbro quickly vanishes into his pokéball; with a swift movement of her wrist another Pokémon takes his place. "Selkie, Safeguard!" The Lapras seems disoriented for a second, not having expected to find herself in the middle of a Golbat-infested tunnel - but after the initial shock, a thin, near-invisible barrier surrounds the group.

"We gotta g- shit!" Skyler barely dodges a Golbat who thought it'd try its luck by sweeping down and trying to take a bite of her. "Ice Beam on the ground, hurry!" The captain jumps onto the Lapras as an icy path settles over the descending slope, gesturing to her companions to jump aboard. With a swift kick, the Lapras starts to slide down, gaining speed as she goes.

Was this a terrible idea? Possibly. Would Skyler still do it? Absolutely.


- skyler notices the cave-in behind them and hopes this isn't a trap
- tries to sneak past the golbats with little success
- slowbro is replaced by lapras, who uses safeguard to protect the group and then ice beam on the ground to make an... ice slide?
- skyler hops onto lapras and they start sliding down
- sabotaging  ♥️

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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2021 21:46:18 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
 There are faces around him, familiar but also not at the same time. One of the things about being a courier, he supposed, is that more or less everyone struck a sense of recognition in him after seeing client after client, day after day. Angelo may very well know these people, may have delivered to them but from first glance he doesn’t remember any names. They are treasure hunting rivals today, although he bears none of them any ill will.

Standing at the edge of the first obstacle, Angelo blinks down at the swirling beads of gold as they drain towards the centre of the pit; sinking down into unknown depths. There’s a flash of excitement in his gut, corner of his lips curling ever so slightly, as the rush hits. That sensation is only fanned brighter when blue eyes catch sight of something twinkling in the steady flow of the sand and Angelo feels intrigue curl. Treasure meant money. Money meant opportunities, not just for himself.

He can’t resist getting his feet stuck in, taking the plunge…

With a flash of determination and maybe a pinch of desperate greed to boot, Angelo steps into the sand; his feet sinking until it reaches up to his thighs and the tug of the swirling pressure can be felt pushing against him. It’s not too strong but he resolves to keep himself close to the edge of the pit regardless, not quite stupid enough to venture into the middle depths, even if that is where most of the treasure will ultimately end. 

Above him, Auriga hovers, one of her claws holding onto the back of his jacket like a feline would grab the scruff of its kitten – clinging to her trainer like a lifeline while she maintains FIRE PUNCH with the other to illuminate their immediate space.

You got me? Right, beautiful?

It’s not a refined approach nor is it particularly elegant but Angelo really doesn’t care; not when a ravenous hunger claws in tandem with the thrill of the challenge as he wades towards where he thought the shiny objects glittered and called.

When he thinks he’s managed to grab hold of something – although it may very well just end up being a chunk of sand stuck together – Angelo calls up to his Dragonite. “Okay, Auri! Use Dragon Dance and let’s get out of here, before I’m stuck carrying the whole fucking desert in my pants for all eternity.” Flapping her wings, fire disappearing from her outstretched claw, Auriga hooks both of her arms underneath Angelo’s armpits and begins to glow from the energy of the DRAGON DANCE; attempting to haul her trainer out of the sand with her accelerated speed and over to the other side of the pit.

notes; ( route 1 )

- going for the items
- wading close to the side, dragonite holding onto him
- dragonite uses FIRE PUNCH to light their way
- dragonite uses DRAGON DANCE for speed to pull angelo free
- sabotaging
- first roll sabotage / second roll obstacle
- +2 modifier to obstacle roll

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2021 2:49:28 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




ruins of regirock

if you could only see the beast

you've made of me


"Suck it in, Kaz, squeeze those butt-cheeks! You can do it!"[break][break]

For the most part, her encouragement is another form of banter, a tease as a result of Kazimir's struggle to push himself through the crevice. Fortunately, he manages, and finds himself on the other side. Stormy follows not far behind, recalling Blissey to save her the embarrassment of not fitting. However, she pauses when Zac pushes through, suddenly aware now that he was blocking the only form of sunlight just how dark it is.[break][break]

She makes room, shuffling on her hands and knees to try and make her way through this makeshift tunnel. It honestly makes her stomach turn when the smell of metal hits her head on. The wet seeps between her fingers and stains her knees, and before she knows she's almost certainly covered nearly head to toe in whatever substance is covering their crawlspace.[break][break]

Kazimir ahead of her calls out to her, asking for a flashlight. She takes a deep breath, shifting her weight in order to lift one hand out of the muck. Without thinking, the woman wipes her hand on the breast of her shirt, staining it with a disgusting hand print. But she focuses her energy on lighting her palm on fire. She would be slower moving, but the fire from her hand should help provide a little bit of light.[break][break]

Zac behind her starts going on about Dugtrio droppings, and she squints.[break][break]

"Are you sure? I can't say I've ever seen either of my Dugtrio take a dump, but.."[break][break]

She shrugs, however, because he said it with such confidence that she may as well take his advice. Her eyes would be peeled for mops of blonde hair.[break][break]


notes: using my ooc sabotage on angelo vestri[break][break]

> squeezes through, covered in muck/blood/dugtrio shit[break]
> takes kazimir's suggestion to get the fire started, conjures flame in the palm of her hand as a source of light




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[newclass=".punkianger-stcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,448 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2021 18:51:59 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
the presence of is quickly taken note of priam, glancing back at as if looking up to him for orders. he knows not to act rashly under these circumstances and would rather not interrupt any plans his superior may have with this encounter with his rash decisions.

they exchange a look, but priam gives no words and assumes gavin understands.

his gaze returns to the other reaction after a moment, and that's when priam feels the sensation in his gut. a hand grabs his shirt, making creases along his stomach as he attempts to remain composed amid whatever he was experiencing.

he decides to step forward and suddenly goes against the script regardless of his initial musings. his dragonite, perturbed, follows closely behind his trainer, who would eventually stumble and reach for the statue.


  • route 4
  • goes towards the statue and reaches for it
  • dragonite follows behind
  • sabotaging

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,408 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2021 21:17:09 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]








's presence does not go unnoticed, nor does the look that shoots him. Without words, the underboss does his best to convey a need for caution. That she was no longer a gym leader meant little. She could still be in contact with the League.[break][break]

Gavin winces as Lucario's sharp warning bark echoes through the chamber; had this been his Lucario, the stalwart companion he'd raised from a pup, the Rocket might've known the meaning behind the sound. His Lucario was dead. This one, obedient though it might have been, was a stranger to him. He can only discern that it's trying to tell him something about the statues by the way it directs its noise at them.[break][break]

"All right, all right," he insists, irate, for his ears are starting to hurt. "I get it."[break][break]

He doesn't.[break][break]

His annoyance with the Pokemon is overriden by a stab of alarm as it suddenly fumbles in the air, crashing back down to the ground. He'd never seen that happen before. He rushes over to check on the fallen canine, briefly abandoning Priam to his own devices.[break][break]

Lucario whines, touching its temples, but Gavin can see no injuries. He frowns, glancing back over his shoulder—[break][break]

—to see Priam stumbling toward one of the statues.[break][break]

"Hey! What are are doing?" he hisses, staggering back to his feet in his haste to catch up. "You're the one who was worried about curses; don't touch that if you don't know what it does!"[break][break]

He reaches out to snag his fellow Rocket by the arm in an attempt to pull him back.[break][break]



Traversing ROUTE 4.[break]
Can't understand the details of what Lucario is attempting to tell him, only that it has something to do with the statues.[break]
Briefly abandons Priam to check on Lucario; turns back to see him reaching for a statue.[break]
Gavin attempts to catch up and tug Priam back from the statue before he can touch it.



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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
596 height
596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
2,558 posts
cait alfric DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cait
cait alfric
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2021 22:17:57 GMT
cait alfric Avatar
cait took care to remain a respectable distance from the statues, deciding to turn her attention toward the ancient art. the piece was old, but the paint remained visible enough to showcase what appeared to be a somber parade. its depiction caused her to contemplate her own research, but no memories were stirred as she continued to examine the work.

mothim take my camera and take a few pictures."

her pokemon obeyed, handling the device gingerly and angling it to take several snapshots. she reclaimed it with a smile, appearing satisfied with her companion's work. the combined presences of and were eventually felt, the strange-eyed woman raising her gaze to peer at them.


they had already turned their attention elsewhere, with cait witnessing priam reaching out to touch the statue of what appeared to be a rough effigy of regirock.

'how about no?'

wisely, she'd retreat a few paces, distancing herself as she indicated that her mothim should be on alert.

- takes pictures of the pictures to add to her personal research.

- fails to identify who tf priam gavin Merlino are.

- gives both priam and the statue he's touching a wide berth because that there looks like a trap.

- sabotaging . stahp touchin' stuff.

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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
senior ranger
333 height
333 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
777 posts
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2021 18:22:36 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
[attr="class","light"]there was quicksand before them and beyond it more potential danger. mateo had yet to call out a pokemon, so for now he was doing this on his own. "treasure, nice! maybe i can pawn this off for money." and so mateo would take on the challenge of procuring what he could from the sand.

it was time to play hopscotch.

- first roll is sabotage / second roll is obstacle
- playing hopscotch
- i am sabotaging

[newclass=.light]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.light b]color: #dea02c[/newclass]

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2021 20:23:37 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar


Dragapult’s WILL-O-WISP refreshes, the ghastly orbs of blue flames igniting with a renewed fervor. They continue to illuminate Katherine’s immediate surroundings, providing assistance in treading through the dark.

Despite the lack of trouble, the gym-leader continually reminds herself that this is all a ruse. These ruins would not welcome them inside with open arms. Whatever treasure lays within, it must be protected by someone.

The idea that the wrong person might lay claim to it was nauseating. If it was anything dangerous, she’d prefer for it to be tucked away, hidden from those who might abuse it. And frankly, as far as she was concerned? There was only one person who was fit for such a job: herself.

Egotistical was in fact an accurate way to describe the woman, and such words would never shame her.

Katherine knows what’s best, and she acts on it. Plain and simple.

Which is why it comes so easy and natural for her to ignore the trinkets that seemed to captivate others. A tap on her dragon’s head assures it that it’s safe to continue, or rather, urgent.

It stops only at the sight of something falling from the ceiling, causing a trap to reveal itself. Such knowledge was scarce and not to be ignored— and it leads to further action. An immediate PHANTOM FORCE is exerted, a portal emerging before both Katherine and her ghost-type.

If successful, it’d allow them to safely cross the path.


☆ first roll is sabotage / second roll is obstacle (+2 thanks to modifier)
WILL O WISP is reused so they still have light, etc
☆ katherine is still on her dragapult's back
☆ they ignore the items and keep moving. once the trap is accidentally triggered, katherine guides her pokemon to phase and pass through a PHANTOM FORCE portal in an attempt to skip more of those traps.

☆ sabotage on

[attr="class","katherinetag"] @ruins of regirock

[newclass=.katherine] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherine b] color: #7a737e; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinetag] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinetag a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinepokes] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinepokes img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]··
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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2021 21:10:51 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

“I sure hope—“ Lars began, hissing before he felt his footing… slip. Wait, what the fuck?!

A scream in his mother language and a few choice swear words later, mostly ending with a string of randomly-spat out “Che cazzo!” before he scrambled to regain his footing, and… ah, fucking shit.

“Well, fuck,” he grumbled as he pulled himself back into a standing position before the shrieking began echoing all around them. “What now?!” he hollered as he stuffed his fingers into his ears, before the Metagross squinted up with a dangerous glare at the Golbat that were going absolutely bananas.

Thank the fuck for Skyler’s quick thinking, summoning a Safeguard from… a Lapras? What the fuck? He was about to point out that it was going to be trickier to traverse since the dual-type was out of its natural element, but one Ice Beam later there was a slide made of ice and the Lapras was pretty much going to yeet itself down into what lay ahead.

“Razz, get on the Lapras! I’ll follow!” he shouted at the other Ranger, finally unsticking his fingers from his ears and banging exactly once on the Metagross’s leg (the closest part of Ro he could reach). “Fly, follow that Lapras! And keep those shitty bats away!”

What this meant:

The Metagross folded its legs in and used Magnet Rise to levitate before shooting off after the Lapras, before releasing a powerful blast of Psychic in an attempt to repel the damned Golbat.

Lars, meanwhile…

Stood at the point where the ‘ice slide’ had shimmered into existence, before quickly taking off his gloves. Stuffing the pen and paper into a secure inside pocket of his jacket along with his gloves, he then rubbed his hands for a few moments and literally slapped his hands on the ice, adding more onto the ‘natural ice slide’ as he conjured up a second layer of ice to help the Lapras along.

How deep were they going? He didn’t know.

Seeing as how far ahead they were (most likely) he forced himself to concentrate before remembering to take off his jacket and tying it securely around his waist. A few moments later, the same wings that Skyler had seen exactly once made another appearance before he catapulted himself into the air, coalescing the wings into something more… solid, attempting to hit any stray Golbat that may still be in the air, following after the sliding Lapras.

• Ah shit, what the fuck
Stupid bats!
• Lars is basically expletive central, before finally managing to catch himself
• Surprised that Skyler had summoned a Lapras, about to question but—
• One ‘ice slide’ later, he understands what she’s planning
• Tells the Metagross to follow, using Magnet Rise and shoots after the Lapras Express
• Metagross also followed up with Psychic, an attempt to shoo away any more (Gol)bats
• Lars is at the point where the ice slide came into existence, so…
• Slaps his hands together, conjures up more ice and adds onto the ice slide, making it thicker
• Once done, out come the ice wings, and he shoots off after the two
• sabotaging


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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,582 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2021 23:49:18 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar


Thankfully his job has prepared him for the up coming terrain. Climbing down and watching his step was nothing new to the various terrains he's come across. Even his Lucario was doing his part and warning them of the trouble ahead. For now not giving much mind to the rumbling behind them, "Just means we'll have to find another way out of here is all, but be careful ahead," Razz warns for his group as he puts a finger to his mouth in a 'shhh' motion. [break][break]

And while Razz always expected the worse, he definitely didn't expect of them that it would be his boss to mess up. His slipping up and making the Golbat around them turn violent as they didn't care for the intruders. Shit, is all he can think to himself as thankfully Skyler calls on her Lapras to help them out. With the Safeguard to help them from the probable confusion, then decides on the risky movement of making an ice slide down a steep slope. Though with the amount of Golbat on them there isn't much choice. "Dodger on top!" [break][break]

The younger ranger orders having heard his boss and he does jump onto Lapras with Dodger there as well keeping on the edge of her shell. For now the aura pokemon would trust the Laprus to get them to safety though dodger would make sure to launch a DRAGON PULSE along side the Metagross' psychic in order to drive off any that would be chasing after them. [break][break]

Razz could only wonder why Lars stood behind to try and combat them, he couldn't see what he did as they had gone to far from where they were originally. Though it didn't seem long for the head ranger to catch up once again because he was flying.....[break][break]

Okay so add his boss to the weirdo avatar list.

sO|oL8hg [break][break]



+ Both Razz and Lucario jump onto Lapras to slide down with her [break]
+ Lucario uses DRAGON PULSE to drive off any Golbat that chase them. [break]
+ Is surprised to learn his boss is an avatar [break]

+ Sabotaging

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[newclass=.leprosearlo1 a]font:10px Oswald;color:#2b2b2b!important;[/newclass]
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the good commissioner
lilycove city
league commissioner
5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
625 posts
dahlia goode DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dahlia
dahlia goode
POSTED ON Jan 9, 2021 9:53:10 GMT
dahlia goode Avatar
 QUICKLY, dahlia recalls her mr. rime. despite the pokemon's nimble footwork, she calls upon her vespiquen instead. the sands hiss below and match the careful beat of the queen's leathery wings.

while and shed light for the hidden commissioner, the illuminated shape of treasure catches her eye. she whispers, "DEFEND ORDER, please."

and as underlings swarm out from her cell, the vespiquen is wreathed with a living shield. it goes ahead of her. ruby beacons scan the sands above golden mandibles. while the commissioner navigates the quicksand, she plucks the nearest treasure.

she does not dally— but only can the sands determine whether one is fast enough.

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon mr-rime"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon dragonite"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon vespiquen"]

NaXwenCb (sabotage) (treasure)[break]
@regirockraid / route 1[break]
sabotaging (ohoho)
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP