i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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777 height
777 height
5,257 posts
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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2021 7:37:24 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]TEMPLE OF REGIROCK





THE CONSTANT RINGING OF SUPERSONIC rattles the brains of everyone present. The CONFUSION starts to prick at their temples like the onset of a headache. ’s quick actions allow for the SAFEGUARD to protect them going forward but the initial blaring of the first Golbats pulse within their ears.[break][break][break]

Her Lapras creates a narrow path of ice with ICE BEAM, providing them an alternative to running. , , and his Lucario mount the ferry Pokemon with haste, avoiding the confrontation entirely as gravity takes its toll. They leave Lars behind with a complimentary DRAGON PULSE to help bat back the crowding wild Pokemon as they gain speed. [break][break][break]

remains behind at first, using his ICE POWERS to widen the path while reinforcing it. His efforts grant them a stable getaway and helps accelerate their descent. As their boss, a good boss at that, he sacrifices his own position to ensure their safety. Due to the length of his actions, he gets left behind, able to sprout ICE WINGS but swarmed all too quickly by the Golbats numerous numbers. [break][break][break]

His Metagross, Ro, remains impervious to the Golbats fangs. The Pokemon’s PSYCHIC repels them to an extent but like Durants, they swarm, burying the Pokemon in a colony of predators. It’s able to levitate with MAGNET RISE but rendered blind due to being dogpiled. [break][break][break]

The Head Ranger is not as lucky. His escape is faster, yes, but not nearly as quick as the other two trainers. The Golbats swarm him as well but are unable to sack him due to his ICE POWERS. Those that manage to bite him end up frozen, falling to the floor, as their wings grow frigid. With his best efforts, he follows after them, protecting them at his own expense. [break][break][break]


The ice path comes to an abrupt end when the tunnel does as well. Except there's no wall or point or stopping. It just ends as a steep cliff, allowing them to slide into the open air, launching both trainers and their Pokemon into the air and into freefall. The distance below them is great enough to allow them to react but also vast enough that despite the lake underneath them, landing without assistance will cause harm. [break][break][break]

The cave surrounds the rim of the lake. Those who crawl out of the clean, luminescent water will find a set of stairs leading up to the next floor. It ends with a set of solid, stone doors. [break][break][break][break]


A FOREIGN SENSATION STRIKES when tries to channel her avatar powers. Her energy bubbles like normal, channeled through her body, coming out as a practiced flame. Nothing too complicated and completely ordinary for an adept avatar. However, the usage of her powers within the temple causes it to stir. [break][break][break]

have rolled 182 against [break]


An affliction overcomes her. It's vision is overbearing at first but only lasts a few seconds: an all encompassing red light that blinds her from everything else. The effect it has on her mental causes her flame to expand past her wrist, igniting the blood smeared onto her hand, imploding. It's a small blast overall but enough to catch her by surprise and knock her off her feet.

Neither the heat nor fire harms her. Her pact with Moltres renders her impervious to such injuries. Yet, the scalding blood, toxic in nature, burns her skin. It covers her hand and forearm with minor burns. For the first time since granted avatarship, Stormy knows the pain of being burnt. [break][break][break]


The fluctuation passes in a moment, her powers returning to normal immediately. Aside from her newfound injuries, Stormy will realize that she can no longer set that part of her body on fire. The rest of her body is fair game, unhindered by her incident. [break][break][break]

The sound of the explosion is enough to attract the attention of whatever lies behind the corner. charges ahead and to no surprise, his hypothesis proves true. Two Megalopolan soldiers, dressed in the tattered uniforms, are seen kicking a robed figure chained to the temple’s walls. [break][break][break]

Two Naganadel flank the Megalopolans on either side. Their stingers rise at the sight of the intruders, firing off a mix of TOXIC and SLUDGE BOMB at and . Make no mistake, these are not the Ultra Beast owned by the other trainers of Hoenn. Without the administration of ’s ANTIDOTE, they prove as potent as they were in the war, able to corrupt and maim anyone unfortunate enough to get soaked in their poison. [break][break][break]

and roll in your next post to determine the outcome![break][break][break][break]


REACHES OUT TO THE STATUE but reels him back in. The Underboss stops their little rocket child from tampering with the ruins and for good reason. His abrupt grab snaps Priam out of his trance just in time for him to hear a voice only meant for him. [break][break][break]

Knock, knock. Anybody there?” [break][break][break]

is never given a chance to answer. As soon as the foreign energy of the LEGENDARY MARK comes to life so does the temple in response to the intruder. The chamber starts to crumble, collapsing in on itself. They’ll be buried alive if they’re not fast enough. [break][break][break]

have rolled 235 against [break]


One of the first pieces to fall snags by the leg. Due to the shape of the boulder, it doesn’t crush the limb outright but a sharp pain racks through his body. He’s stuck underneath it right at the edge of the doorway and inches away from safety. Several more dangle above, prone to fall any second now. [break][break][break]

Further down the hall will provide shelter should they heed caution and make haste. The next chamber is filled with SPORES, dimly lit by the special moss that grows on the walls. Morelull line the wall, oblivious and pacified should any of them come into contact. While their human presence is interesting, none of the Pokemon really care. [break][break][break][break]

must roll in their next post to break free. [break][break]
and may roll as well if their character assists in freeing him. [break][break]
If they assist, they forego their sabotage roll.


GREED IS GOOD; evident by the choice made by everyone sans . The Mauville Gym Leader has no need for such paltry treasures. Instead, she focusses on making headway into the temple to secure what lays inside. [break][break][break]

When presented with the spike trap, her Dragapult’s PHANTOM FORCE makes it seem like child’s play. Unfortunately, the portal only goes halfway, interrupted by an unknown force and leaving her stranded amidst the tiles. Even so, the ghost type’s levitation should render it impervious, and it does. However, several spike traps trigger of their own volition, blocking the path ahead. [break][break][break]

Those still working their way through the quicksand come up with novel solutions of their own. 's Starmie RAPID SPINS over the distance effortlessly. It’s SPOTLIGHT allows him to jump from stone to stone safely, even grabbing something shiny in the process. [break][break][break]


's humble request is met with great success. For someone burdened with the grandest title of all the land, her own adventure proves unremarkable. She makes this look easy on account of patience and precision. Her reward comes in a solid transition, pocketing a small crystal she comes across. It glistens in different colors, a small token of prosperity that does little to discount the dangers still ahead.


And, in contrast to the Commissioner, also makes this look easy. The only issue is that he doesn't have the same grace that Dahlia exudes. Each leap he takes is fraught with tension, a thrilling risk that comes from a breakneck speed that highlights his athletics and confidence in his own skills. The risk pays off handsomely when he pockets an ancient coin emblazoned with an unknown symbol.. [break][break][break]


YoU gOt Me? RiGhT? [break][break][break]

His trusty companion does at first but all that comes undone when they're the last of the group to pass. A monumental greed rewards him with a monumental prize: a MEGASTONE uncut and rendered in its natural form. It fits nicely in his calm, allowing his fingers to hook into it as the sand tries desperately to prevent his escape.[break][break][break]


have rolled 198 against [break]


But bad things happen to stragglers. As everyone else leaves the quicksand, treasures in toe, the chasm shifts. Every item removed from the pool causes the pit to become a little more unstable. The speed in which it swallows him intensifies to the point that not even his Dragonite can resist its pull. It swallows him first, drowning him in a mouthful, before pulling in his trusty steed as well. His Pokemon never gives up even when it can no longer see him, holding on for dear life.

They both suffocate, out of sight and out of mind, a small price to pay for the sins of their avarice. [break][break][break]

When they come to, they’re no longer on the main path. They awaken to a small chamber devoid of anything of note. One path lies ahead, the other behind them. The sound of something heavy stomping comes from both sides. They’re not alone. [break][break][break][break]

, , , must roll in their next post to pass the spike trap. [break][break]
may roll twice.


THE FOLLOW EFFECTS have been applied. This will pertain to certain routes, moves, Pokemon, and characters as applicable. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. [break][break][break]

  • 's LUCARIO may not use MAGNET RISE or AURA SENSE.
  • 'S cannot use her FLAME POWERS from her injured hand / arm.
  • TELEPORTATION or PORTAL based moves will not allow you to past the SPIKE TRAP in ROUTE 1 in one go.

[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

  • Please ROLL with your post using the roll command (dice button). Your first roll will always be your sabotage roll! This does not impact your own character's performance. This roll only represents how much OOC impact you will have on another character of your choosing.
  • Bold the name of the character you intend to sabotage! This is an OOC decision. Once you post you must stick by your decision!
  • Those who post before 1/13 8PM CST will get a +15 modifier to their sabotage roll! They may instead apply a +4 modifier to any obstacle roll if applicable.
  • Pokemon can only perform 2 moves per round.
  • Please include a tl;dr note of your important actions.
  • If you miss the deadline, you will be kicked.
  • If everyone posts early a mod post may come early.


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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,408 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jan 11, 2021 9:41:18 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]








Gavin's hand is still clutching Priam's arm as the chamber starts to rumble around them. Their recent experience with Hoenn Adventours means that the underboss has his guard up immediately, but it doesn't stop the spear of rock from snagging the younger Rocket by the leg and breaking Gavin's grip.[break][break]


Gavin glances anxiously at the ceiling, the unstable cavern begging to crumble and crush them beneath its weight. He RECALLS the distressed LUCARIO in favour of SENDING OUT his Ultra Beast, instead. STAKATAKA is a mystery to him still, but he had hope that the alien could use its structural bulk to his advantage.[break][break]

"Protect us," he orders, sharp. To Priam, he insists, "Don't worry, I'm not leaving without you."[break][break]

His own avenue for a quick escape is immediately abandoned in favour of ASSISTING PRIAM. Stakataka uses its own MAGNET RISE to levitate above the ground and provide an umbrella of solid rock with its bulk. With any luck, the WIDE area of its GUARD would buy them precious time to free Priam from his predicament. Gavin throws his weight against the rock in an attempt to gain some leverage for Priam to scramble free.[break][break]

Should Priam escape, Gavin would offer a hand to help him up. "You good? We need to get out of here." He gestures toward the doorway, urgent. "Careful, though. We don't know what other traps this place has..."[break][break]



Traversing ROUTE 4.[break]
LUCARIO is swapped out for STAKATAKA.[break]
STAKATAKA uses MAGNET RISE + WIDE GUARD to hopefully provide protection from falling debris.[break]
Gavin chooses to ASSIST PRIAM rather than sabotage someone. He's trying to leverage the rock so that Priam can pull free.[break]
Urges CAUTION over HASTE moving forward, but will keep pace with Priam if he rushes ahead!



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[newclass=".punkianger-gvcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Jan 12, 2021 21:07:33 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
 You got me? Right, beautiful?” He’d asked her.

Even when Angelo tells her to let go, backtracking in the face of his imminent doom to at least spare her, the Dragonite keeps hold of him with claws clutching fiercely – desperately. Loyal until the end.

Sand pulls him in and although Angelo at first attempts to fight against the drag, he quickly realises at a frightening, chilling speed that he holds no power here. Not in comparison to the weight of the ravenous tide that threatens to swallow him whole.

It happens too quickly for him to think, for him to shout out anything beyond his plea to Auriga before the wave can take him, every sense dominated by a suffocating murkiness and every limb rendered useless by the heaviness of the surging sand. Instinctively, he takes in a desperate gulp of air into his lungs and squeezes fearful blue eyes shut, right at the final moment before he vanishes out of sight.

He feels himself being consumed in darkness by a greed that rivals his own. Swallowed. Pinned down. Crushed like he was being compressed into himself, until there’s no air left in his lungs. His end is silent, unnoticed and of little note to the grand scheme of things. If Angelo has one last thought it’s that this death is, ironically, befitting.

His next breath is ragged, desperate and so very, very dry – thirsty.

Pulse thundering as he startles, Angelo awakens on the cold, stone floor with sand as a faint blanket; Auriga curled around his body and breathing against his hair. Instinctively, he pushes himself up, hand splaying against her side as if checking that her form is real and alive. It’s only then, as he slumps his shoulder against her for support with a wave of relief, that he realises his lungs are attempting to gather breath; panting but finding his mouth to be dry and his throat scratchy. Like he’d just ingested the whole desert.

Every part of him is screaming: his blood, his chest, his head… It’s all too much noise. Fingertips clench around the stone in his hand until his knuckles turn pale. Rather than delve too deeply into what had just happened, Angelo internalises it; shoving down the memory of sand consuming him – crushing him – into the furthest parts of his fatigued, foggy mind. For now, he surrenders himself to instinct.

Automatically, he checks that Auriga is okay before returning her to her pokeball, thankful that she seems safe albeit dazed like himself. Then he shoves the mega stone into his backpack before replacing it with a bottle of water, dunking a generous portion over his head to get the sand out of his eyes and another into his dry mouth, swilling it before spitting out whatever grains he can.

Wiping at his lips with the back of his hand, Angelo surveys the room while his heartbeat slowly begins to calm down from its frantic pace, allowing him to hear the distant thuds echoing from the paths that link to the chamber he had fallen into. His routes are forward or back with no apparent differences between them, or at least, none that he can tell. There doesn’t seem to be anything of note to be found in the place he’d awakened.

Flashlight in hand, Angelo releases Cepheus from his pokeball. “Forward is always best… But use protect, just in case.” His voice is scratchy as he issues an order to the Nidoking.

Staying close to Cepheus’s side, they QUIETLY CONTINUE ALONG THE PATH THAT LIES AHEAD on careful steps with the torch to light the way, the Nidoking creating a PROTECT bubble around them – just in case.

notes; ( route 1 ? )

- dragged into the quicksand, suffocates
- wakes up in an empty chamber
- returns dragonite
- takes the path leading ahead
- using his torch for light
- nidoking uses PROTECT to shield himself and angelo as they walk

- sabotaging

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,582 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Jan 12, 2021 21:57:34 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar


With his boss growing wings he was a little less worried as they slid down faster and faster. This was concerning because with them going so fast just how were they going to stop themselves from crashing? Though apparently there wasn't even anything to crash into. Like if this was some Hana Barbara cartoon when Skyler's Lapras flies off if feels as though they're stuck in the air floating. At least until he looks down, and it feels as if gravity only hits at that moment, okay he didn't do much before but he could help now. "Recall Lapras!" he orders Skyler as he recalls Dodger. [break][break]

Within the same beat he would call out Wyn the Gallade, "Cushion and Teleport!" the ranger quickly orders, with that order Gallade takes only a brief moment to take in everything. It's protective instincts kicking in as it used PSYCHIC to bring his trainer and Skyler closer to him, at the same time using that force to slow their fall considerably. With them slowed down Gallade uses TELEPORT coming up only a few feet above the water as it was unsure how fast they would still be falling, and would rather the water cushion it than risk landing on land. [break][break]

After landing in the water Razz would swim back up again with Wyn following suit. "Good job," he compliments thankful for the save his pokemon gave as he swims over toward land, Razz trusting the sailor was more than in her element in water. He notes the stairs that lead to a pair of doors but before he he would look back to see Skyler joining him, afterward he would wait for his boss to come.[break][break]

"So... avatar or something right?" the younger ranger asked remaining pretty calm on the manner. It was surprising that much was for sure, but after having witnessed surfing lightning or having battled it out with 's Tapu Fini as well as others encounters. Razz has become a tad desensitized to it all. "You both alright?" he'd ask as he tried to ring out his jacket of water, as he would await orders to see how'd they continue.

UfNGjD57 [break][break]



+ Razz recalls Lucario [break]
+ Razz brings out Gallade [break]
+ Gallade uses PSYCHIC to slow their fall considerably before TELEPORTING them a few feet above the water to a softer landing than land would.

+ Sabotaging

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[newclass=.leprosearlo1 a]font:10px Oswald;color:#2b2b2b!important;[/newclass]
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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,605 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 0:04:43 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
 A CACOHPANY OF FOOTSTEPS. while they've all managed to pass in relative safety, they lose an individual to the shifting sands; to those with a more cynical outlook, he would be considered dead. beyond saving. not that anyone was willing to risk everything just to try.

their eyes rest on the path ahead...

damn, an actual boobytrap? it looked like any other floor of tiles, and yet they skewered their mark at the slightest touch. at the far end of the room, katherine had already set off one of such traps, allowing the group to take their measure. yet they bar the path ahead once triggered; the solution unclear.

"alright delta, you've done great," adrian murmurs while cupping two pokeballs, exchanging the starmie with a beheeyem. the alien organism seems distracted as it takes in the vicinity, before adrian garners its attention more firmly. "hey, are ya listening??"

it snaps out of its thoughts before offering a nod, and a slight grumble. "i need you to use psychic terrain on those tiles." it tilted its head curiously, but cooperated nonetheless. the environs became saturated in its psychic energy as it expanded... but it wasn't obvious anything changed. the question was whether they could hold the spikes back long enough to pass, if not indefinitely.

after scratching at his chin in idle thought, adrian decided it would be safer to avoid testing it directly. he'd look for a fist-sized rock to toss over towards the tiles, in the name of testing their presumably pressure-activated trigger mechanisms. only once he's sure it's safe would he consider crossing.

"beheeyem, keep up your guard." even if they could neutralize the tiles for safe passage, allowing him to walk across, there was a chance of secondary countermeasures.

should his methods prove ineffective, adrian would be forced to wait as the party picked at the defenses of the ruins.
[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon kubfu shiny"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon starmie"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon beheeyem"]

@regirockraid / route 1[break]
STARMIE is WITHDRAWN; BEHEEYEM is sent out![break]
Protects against PRIORITY moves; PSYCHIC-types are enhanced.[break]
Protects against STATUS moves.[break]
Adrian would throw a stone to gauge the effectiveness of Psychic Terrain, and cross only if the tiles prove safe after testing them this way!
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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 0:50:02 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




ruins of regirock

if you could only see the beast

you've made of me

sS2meb_P + 15

That familiar warmth bubbles beneath her surface, spreading from her chest into her fingertips. But instead of comfort, it brings only pain and panic. Just as flame opens in the palm of her hand, her mind goes blank and she cannot see, but instead of darkness it is red. She sucks in a breath, fear gripping her before she has a chance to compose herself.[break][break]

Unfortunately, her distraction and the affliction that takes over her is more than enough to cause irreparable damage. The fire in her hand explodes, knocking her off her feet. She lands, winded, her hand snuffed of its prior heat. What she is left with, however, are minor burns across exposed skin, bubbling up where the blood had been. It burns, a concept foreign to her since her pact with Moltres.[break][break]

"Holy shit, did you guys see that?"[break][break]

Stormy gets herself to her feet just as creatures from the black lagoon creep up to gank them. Apparently, they weren't alone, and the explosion had been loud enough to alert the alien authorities. She sucks in a breath, tucking her injured hand against her chest. Compared to the rest of her, it feels both colder and hotter, and she has a feeling that she won't be able to pull Moltres' power into that hand a second time.[break][break]

"Be careful!"[break][break]

It occurs to her now that she's fallen behind, watching both men charge forward to meet the Naganadel and their Megaloplan trainers. She runs after them, still holding her hand against her chest to protect it. Her other hand reaches for a pokeball, releasing her Aegislash to act as her shield.[break][break]

"Get behind Aegislash if you need to, don't let that poison touch your skin!"[break][break]

She, herself, is tucked behind the steel-type Pokemon just as Aegislash's metal body hardens with an iron defense and his form shifts into a kings shield. [break][break]


notes: using my ooc sabotage on dahlia goode + 15[break][break]

> blows up, gg ez. recovers in time(?) to chase after kazimir + zac[break]
> if she makes it to them on time, she's releasing aegislash to used iron defense + kings shield defensively




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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 2:46:39 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar


Ruins of Regirock
The desert | raid


Zac and Kaz ran ahead in search of the Dugtrios, but instead found robed figure chained to the wall. Two men were kicking them, striking with dull, meaty thuds. Next to them floated a pair of Naganadel. Zac recognized them as the same pokemon that Kazimir had with him when they reached the temple, but these ones looked wilder. More toxic somehow.  
    The flying, purple, people-beater helpers noticed the handsome and heroic pair, and with a series of sick squelches they launched poisonous globs from their stingers.
    Zac sent out Steelix, and the massive metal monster tried to body-block the toxic shots with his huge frame. "Lets ground those bugs!" Zac shouted, and Onix launched a pair of SMACK DOWNs at the Naganadels, in an attempt to knock the pair of them to the ground. 

OFAFNq4C +15

- Found a one-sided fight
- Nadanadel attacked us!
- Used Steelix to body block the attack
- Used SMACK DOWN x2 on the Naganadel

Busta - Mega Launcher/Water Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Dark Pulse, Heal Pulse, Aura Sphere, BounceREM - Levitate/Dragon Breath, Crunch, Earthquake, Sand Tomb, Lock-On, BoomburstKev - Sheer Force/Slam, Rock Slide, Head Smash, Smack Down, Steel Roller, Magnet Rise
NOTES: Using my sabotage on

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 5:45:08 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
[attr="class", kheader"]


as kazimir ran the sound of an explosion from behind scared him enough that he had to stop and turn on a dime just in time to see stormy fall to the ground with her arm covered in burned skin. "Stormy! holy shi-are you okay?!" he was ready to spring towards her when the sound of pokemon growls surrounded him and turning his head to the side he was met with the sight of two megalopolans, a prisoner chained to a wall, and two naganadels flying right at him. that alone caused him to fall back onto his own butt from the suddenness of running into people he thought he was once done with.
luckily for him both stormy and zac were quick on the draw and came to his rescue and intercepted them. the sight of them was enough to give kazimir the second of breather he needed to reach down for a ball and open it up in his own hand. "king's shield!" from the ball came out his aegislash already wrapping itself around kazimir as its shield was brought up and its king's shield projected a barrier that protected him from the toxins that washed over them.
"goddamn megalopolans...didn't we kick your assess outta here already!?" kaz screamed as he pushed through and threw his aegislash at the two naganadels, the pokemon kept spinning in place as it reached them and unleashed a wide brutal swing like slash that aimed for both pokemon at once. as his pokemon handled the ultra beasts kazimir himself rushed forward, trying to run past the two otherworldly pokemon and jumped at one of the cannibalistic aliens he was all too familiar with with a dropkick to send them hurling into a wall. "kiss my foot ya fuckwits!"

    + using roll on [break]
    + kazimir falls on his butt.[break]
    + kazimir brings out aegislash![break]
    + aegislash uses kings shield![break]
    + aegislash uses brutal swing! on both naganadels![break]
    + kazimir uses dropkick on x1 megalopolan!


template by kay

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the good commissioner
lilycove city
league commissioner
5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
625 posts
dahlia goode DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dahlia
dahlia goode
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 6:08:54 GMT
dahlia goode Avatar
 dahlia watches as their constellated group pushes onward; however, in her elegant dance across the sands, the invisible and imagined bonds between their spheres break.

while moves on ahead with others, the commissioner notices through the obstruction of her fabrics, a delivery boy's disappearance. she gasps, granules of sand scattering across her clothes as she watches disappear.

"no!" her vespiquen's combee fruitlessly strike the sands. there is no limb left to grasp, no sign left for hope. "we just lost someone!"

she cries out— but the commissioner knows she can not remain still. faking her confidence, dahlia casts her dragonite out of her pokeball.

mounting the MARVEL SCALED dragon, she attempts to navigate the spike traps in the air as her vespiquen follows close. her pokemon attempt to PROTECT and DEFEND ORDER in order to forge brief shields angled toward the spikes should they protrude more than expected.

P4V__Z2x (sabotage) (obstacle)[break]
route 1 / sabotage (angrypepe)

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon mr-rime"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon dragonite"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon vespiquen"]

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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
senior ranger
333 height
333 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
777 posts
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 6:19:26 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
[attr="class","light"]he would pocket the spoils earned from the first obstacle. with one issue out of the way did a new one spawn. mateo would call out garchomp to assist in DRAGON RUSHing him through the path. as mateo climbed upon the back of his dragon, he'd give the signal to use the move and rocket launch them over the spike trap.


note: using dragon rush to ram through.
- sabotaging .
- +4 modifier to obstacle.

[newclass=.light]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.light b]color: #dea02c[/newclass]·
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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 13:32:47 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
i have a need of crueler waves
they sicken of the calm, who knew the storm
Calloused fingertips scramble to hold onto the Lapras' neck, the temperature in the dark tunnel dropping a few degrees in the span of seconds - Skyler's gasping breath coming out in puffs of fogged air due to the frigid cold. "Hold on, Razz!" There's a momentary thought for her best friend - which quickly turns to relief when she catches the icy wings from the corner of her silver eyes. 

At least this legendary comes in handy.

Selkie skids over the ice as gravity does its job for them, propelling them forward past the initial momentum, the walls of the tunnel soon turning into a blur as the Lapras gains speed at an alarming rate. The captain can't help the brief bark of adrenaline fueled laughter that escapes her mouth. 

And then they're thrown into a dark, yawning precipice.

Breath held in her throat, seconds seem to stretch out strangely as the glitter of some underground lake blinks up at them. Then time reasserts itself - and gravity pulls them down into its hungry clasp.

"Fuck!" Lapras is swiftly recalled into her pokéball. Skyler's reaching for her belt when Razz calls forth a Gallade, issuing some orders the captain can't hear due to the wind whistling at her ears.

The tug comes unexpectedly, and before Skyler knows it she's been pulled to the psychic-type's side, Razz on its other side as their fall slows considerably before they - blink out of existence. In the flash of time between one breath and the next, they phase into existence over the water.

It is an easy thing to follow Razz onto the stairs, feeling naturally at ease in the water. "That was - something." Blond curls stick to the sides of her face, dripping water onto the ground. The sea captain doesn't seem bothered by it - an exhilarated grin curls her lips instead.  "Thanks for the save, Razz." 

She'd wait for Lars to make his way out of the tunnel and down to them. "Showing off, huh?" An eyebrow would be quirked up teasingly, eyes gleaming. Her attention, however, would soon be caught by the doors at the top of the stairs. "Think we should knock? Be polite?" 

A subtle squishing sound follows her footsteps, the lure of the door calling out to her. She releases her Slowbro before laying a hand on the door's surface, looking back at her companions with a challenging tilt of her chin. "Come on, slowpokes."


- skyler is having the time of her life ice sliding
- i believe i can fly moment before razz teleports them to the water
- skyler swims to the stairs, then waits for lars to make his way down to them
- she calls forth slowpoke and climbs up the stairs to the door
- sabotaging ♥️

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 18:33:33 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar


The PHANTOM FORCE proves to be useful, but only somewhat. Katherine’s Dragapult manages to cut some of the distance that they have to traverse, leaving another half that is undoubtedly swarmed with traps in abundance. The ruins have proven to be treacherous in nature already, unwilling to welcome greedy explorers with open arms.

Speaking of which, Katherine turns her head back just in time to watch be swallowed by the quicksand.

There isn’t a moment spared to express any sorrow Katherine may or may not feel. Unlike , she keeps her head in the game. Angelo chose not to heed her warning, and it seems as if he paid the price with his life.

He should’ve listened.

“Quickly, Dragapult,” Katherine issues another command to her ghost, urging it to speed things up by utilizing its AGILITY. ”We just need to avoid these spikes.” For the briefest of moments, the dragon is shrouded by a bright, silver aura. In the next, it proves that your average Pokedex was not lying: Dragapults really are that fast.

Should they avoid the traps and reach the other side successfully, the WILL O WISP orbs will reignite, their spectral blue flames lending their light to reveal what else lies ahead.

zruFfzxe (sabotage)
(obstacle, two rolls due to last round)

☆ +4 modifier to obstacle roll
☆ katherine doesn't get paid enough (or at all, in this case) to turn back n help a stranger. sorry!
☆ still on her dragapult's back, she tells it to use AGILITY so they can move faster n avoid traps.
☆ assuming they reach the other side / are unaffected by the traps, WILL O WISP is reused to provide light for them to scan the area. what do they see O.O

☆ sabotage on

[attr="class","katherinetag"] @ruins of regirock

[newclass=.katherine] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherine b] color: #7a737e; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinetag] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinetag a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinepokes] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinepokes img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]··
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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,448 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 20:13:43 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
had the underboss' yank not have snapped priam out of his daze, the sharp sensation of pain in his leg definitely did. he sucks a breath in as he endures the pain of the rock pinning his leg. the first thing that his thoughts prioritize was wondering if it was broken or not.

"th-thanks!" he musters out of his lips, trying to feign his usual tone.

the dragonite helps with clearing the rubble that pinned priam down. priam takes 's hand and pulls him up before he hops on his dragonite's back. he's certain he can't sprint with it just yet.

"i told ya this place was cursed!" he yells at gavin as he positions himself comfortably by the dragonite. "did'ja hear that voice?!"

the dragonite then leads priam out of the room and into the next chamber. the earlier safeguard cast on both him and gavin makes the spores negligible at best.


  • route 4
  • dragonite helps get priam out
  • priam rides his dragonite to the next chamber
  • safeguard protects from priam and gavin from spore
  • sabotaging

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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
596 height
596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
2,558 posts
cait alfric DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cait
cait alfric
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 22:01:27 GMT
cait alfric Avatar
had priam gone unassisted, she'd have intervene on his behalf. they had a small window of time before everything collapsed - after all. she'd shoot the ancient pictures and statue a mournful glance prior to their exit, ultimately aware their arrival had spelled their destruction.

'i have pictures, at least.' 

both she and her mothim hurried toward the safer section of hall, both their eyes round with alarm as they fled and eventually slowed to a halt. cait immediately took in their surroundings surroundings, the woman identifying both the spores and the unresponsive morelull. 

what is all of this?"

she'd tentatively reach for the wall, her fingers brushing against the moss. but she'd pull away, her expression transitioning into one that betrayed very little. the woman eyed priam, stepping closer to curiously glance at his leg. 

do you need medical assistance?"

both mothim and cait blinked for a moment, a fresh wave of drowsiness coming about. she shook her head and mumbled for her mothim to cast a protect, aware that breathing too much could rob them of their consciousness. the spell was cast, the spores bouncing off of the shielding. 

- cait notices that priam is being taken care of. deciding to hurry for the safer section of hall.

- notices the morelull, spores and moss and brushes her fingers against the latter.

- asks if he requires medical attention. 

- mothim uses protect against the spores. 

- sabotaging .

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2021 0:45:55 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Fucking bats.

That was the very first thing on his mind.

While the Metagross had been dogpiled, thankfully he was still afloat—which was what mattered. Having a body made out of metal helped some wonders, too.

Before anything else—and seeing as the dogpile was becoming too much, the Metagross released another Psychic bomb, forcing the dogpiled Golbat horde away from himself as he continued to careen after sliding Lapras down the slope.

Noticing that the dual-type had gone over the edge in a dramatic show of skidding—he was surprised the two humans weren’t screaming. Yet.

Waiting for his human companion to catch up, the Metagross hovered over precipice, finally seeing the human—flying? Wait, since when could Lars fly?!

For a few moments the Metagross threatened to drop out of the ‘sky’, almost releasing its hold on the technique he’d used earlier. But no matter, he could hear the human screaming and cursing as he peeled away more… oh.


“Where are they?!” Lars exclaimed, finally catching up to Ro as he turned to the pile of frozen Golbats he’d left behind in his wake before unceremoniously flipping the bird not once, but twice, at the fucking shits that had gaping mouths that constituted a big part of their body before turning back to face his companion.

The Metagross pointed downward with one of its legs, before he sighed. Thankfully he’d caught up in time to see that Razz had taken charge, what with Skyler recalling her Lapras before the younger Ranger had summoned the Gallade and warped—no, Teleported them—out of free fall.

“Smart kid,” he ruminated, flying over to where Ro waited for him. Settling down on the Metagross’s back, Lars recalled the icy wings out of existence as he knocked once on the hulking silver beast’s back, before pointing downward.

“Let’s go,” he said as he sat down, finally able to catch his breath. Thank fuck the wings had saved his ass, otherwise he’d be in for a bad time—Golbat bites were fucking annoying to deal with.

Eventually, the silver beast hovered close to where the other two had landed after some time traveling down the drop, and he could only sigh.

“Quick thinking there, Razz. Thank you. Sorry I got held the fuck up,” he said, pointing upward in the general direction where they’d left the Golbat pile. Seeing as he had nothing left to hide, he nodded.

“She’s seen it before, so no surprise there,” he acknowledged. “I prefer not to use it too much, though. Only in times of dire necessity.”

To Skyler, he rolled his eyes in a teasing manner.

“I was not showing off, thank you very much,” he replied. “That moment earlier was a dire necessity, so it prompted me to call upon that.”

Now that they were all back on solid land, he had… a suspicion about the door. Sliding off his Metagross and standing behind the two, he then pointed at the door, before giving Ro a knowing look.

Just in case, the Metagross readied a Telekinesis action, if in case they had to blast whatever came out of that door away from them.

Better safe than sorry, right?

• Ro waits for Lars to catch up to him. Fucking bats as well
• Metagross releases a Psychic bomb-blast of energy, repelling the dogpiled (Gol)bats
• Lars makes a belated appearance.
• Fuck those Golbats. No, seriously.
• Lars flips the bird at the pile of frozen uggos before landing on Ro’s back
• Recalling the ice wings, the two sail downwards into the abyss
• (Yes he saw Razz’s rescue effort, nicely done young Padawan)
• Eventually he arrives where the other two are at the bottom of the drop
• Now that they’re together again, he gets off Ro’s back and has the Metagross prepare a Telekinesis blast just in case something else decides to come springing out of the door, because you never know
• Sabotaging


The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP