i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2021 9:46:09 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]TEMPLE OF REGIROCK





’S COMPASSION FOR HIS TEAMMATE leaves him to choose between or the Megalopolans, a lethal predicament by all means. Having to react to both areas of contention knock him straight on his ass, vulnerable to the incoming poison that threatens to melt through skin and bone. Thankfully, he is not alone. [break][break][break]

His partner, , comes to his aid. His burly Steelix matches his trainer’s image, taking up a copious amount of space in the narrow tunnel, walling off the poison from splattering all around them. When the TOXIC and SLUDGE BOMB connect, it splashes harmlessly against the Pokemon’s metal coat. [break][break][break]

Toxic residue seeps past the Pokemon in the following splash back. As diluted as it is, it can still be harmful should it touch exposed skin. covers them with her Aegislash’s IRON DEFENSE. As their last line of defense, nothing gets past her KING’S SHIELD.[break][break][break]

Without the element of surprise, the battle devolves into both sides lashing out at each other. Unfortunately, Zac’s Steelix proves too cumbersome to move around freely. Try as it might, every time it positions its tail to SMACK DOWN the Neganadel, they wisp away, like the annoying insects that they are.[break][break][break]

Kazimir takes the more direct approach of confronting their enemies head on. As he breaks rank, the KING’S SHIELD protects him where his allies can’t. However, as audacious and bold as his charge may be, heading straight into the throes of dangers has its consequences.[break][break][break]

Again, the Naganadel raise their stingers to parry the Aegislash’s BRUTAL SWING. The one on the right is unable to parry it and gets swept away by the Aegislash. It latches on, claws clinging to the blade’s ridges as it tries to pierce the metal with its FELL STINGER.[break][break][break]

The other Naganadel parries perfectly, unfazed as it allows its comrade to deal with the steel sword. It opens its mouth to fire a DRAGON PULSE straight at Kazimir and the group but the Pokenger evades it as he breaks through their front line. Instead, Zac’s Steelix will have stomach the blow as the attack fills the entire tunnel.[break][break][break]

When he enters striking distance, Kazimir leaps into his signature POKEKICK! It’s explodes in a shout of bravado that will catch any mid-tier or lower combatant by surprise. After all, who could expect someone to leap straight past feuding Pokemon just to lay a personal smackdown on the opposing trainer?[break][break][break]

has rolled 85 against [break]


This one apparently; Kazimir picked the wrong Megalopolan to mess with. The soldier evades the attack with ease, side-stepping it as if she predicted it from the way the Pokenger threw himself in a breakneck charge. The timing lines up perfectly, allowing the Megalopolan to wind up a solid punch right as Kazimir passes him by. It’s enough to throw him off his momentum and land between the Megalopolans.[break][break][break]


The other soldier, the less experienced of the two, takes the opportunity to assault a fallen foe. A heavy foot comes down to stomp on their mutual opponent, hurried to put him out of commission before his allies can comes to his rescue. It goes without saying, the one that punched Kazimir joins in as well once she recovers from the pain of his scuffed knuckles. [break][break][break]

The mysterious person chained up against the wall coughs, struggling against his chains. A tattered robe covers the entirety of his body. As the closest person, Kazimir may be able to catch the sight of blue skin peeking out from the covers. Well, maybe if he isn’t preoccupied with the constant sight of feet coming down on him.[break][break][break]



A TRUE UNERBOSS looks after his own. ’s immediate reaction proves critical in preventing further harm. Each block of his Stakataka falls into place to erect a formidable WIDE GUARD, creating a safe zone underneath it long enough for Gavin to throw himself against the boulder. [break][break][break]

It’s not much but it proves enough; Priam is able to pull his leg out from the narrow crevice, pain alleviated almost instantly now that there’s no pressure being applied. Still, it remains too wobbly to walk but that’s what his Dragonite is for. They make their escape alongside , delving deeper into the temple and the moss-lit chamber. [break][break][break]

The SPORES are held at bay by ’s SAFEGUARD. Both rockets are able to pass without issue. is not as fortunate. Although her Mothim’s PROTECT wards them off at first, the constant swirl of cotton catches onto the barrier like spiny seeds on a sock. Her protection will only last for so long. Once it’s down, the SPORES will hit at full force, already causing her and her Pokemon to become slightly DROWSY the longer they’re exposed. [break][break][break]

Up ahead, the chamber reveals a gapping hole into a much larger arena underneath. The drop is quite a distance, requiring some form of assistance lest you fall to your doom. From above, everyone will be able to see the ruined statues of several artificial Pokemon. Regirock and its brethren are among them. If not for the obvious signs of rust and wear, you would almost mistake them for the real deal. [break][break][break]


In the center of the chamber, a raised pedestal reveals an outcropped map of Hoenn. It’s impossible to read from a distance but a closer inspection will reveal the finer details. The entire pillar is chiseled out of rock, a magnificent piece of art with several additional statues bound to specific spots on the map. These statues reflect those found at the entrance but the patterns of the dots seem different. Each one is unique, as if corresponding to something more.[break][break][break]


Whatever this means, you realize that each of these statues can be removed. Do you dare tamper with the ancient and unknown? Your options are boundless but whatever choice you make, it may not play out as you’d expect. [break][break][break]

If you decide to ATTEMPT to remove a statue pick a number between 1-4. [break][break]

Mention which statue in your post based off their patterns.



UNLIKE THE OTHERS, their journey is one without consequences. The only thing of note is that the heavy sound of footfall grow the deeper they venture. Angelo’s flashlight reveals the way, refracted off the neon green sparkle of his Pokemon’s PROTECT. While caution is the correct move, not all journeys are laden with misfortune. [break][break][break]

His discovery is as remarkable as it is plain. At first, one may notice that the source of the sound is nothing more than a ROGGENROLA. But there’s one exception: this one is larger than any previously recorded. It proves so massive that it dwarfs even the largest Gigalith. [break][break][break]


Upon his approach, the Pokemon reacts with an uncanny nervousness, leaping forward with an exaggerated cry of aggression. Despite its outward nature, it seems to be trying to intimidate the duo, threatening to respond with violence in a bid to pacify them. The way it glitters when it HARDENS almost conceals the fact that it's SHINY. [break][break][break]


IN A PERFECT WORLD everything goes off without a hitch. But this place is far from perfect; this is Hoenn! [break][break][break]

demonstrates a clear understanding of the situation and his quick thinking formulates a decent plan. However, all of it hinges on the performance of his Gallade. The call to use PSYCHIC pulls both and himself close to the Pokemon as they latch onto each other. The three of them flicker, channeling the sudden shift, but they don’t move from that spot. [break][break][break]


Whatever had impeded the psychic powers of the FIRST EXPEDITION TEAM seems to come into play once more. The TELEPORT only allows them to stutter in place, the following PSYCHIC locking up as their descent is no longer cushioned by a show of telekinesis. [break][break][break]

Their reliance on one solution —one that failed— causes them to continue to fall without a second chance at redemption. The three hit the water at full velocity, a sudden rush of vertigo coming to an abrupt stop that forces all that nausea up in one go. , his Gallade, and PASS OUT from the impact. [break][break][break]


None of them are able to defend themselves as they drift underneath the water’s surface. and his Metagross are free to save them from drowning but it’ll take him time to cross the distance below. During these seconds, minutes even, they’re left to their own devices. [break][break][break]

For Skyler, something in her possession starts to hemorrhage into her spirit. Water rushes in through her mouth and nostrils but it doesn’t crush her lungs as it might Razz. An AQUA RING coils around her, sprouting from nothingness, lulling her into a ring of comfort as her body reverses course as her buoyancy comes to play and she floats to the surface. [break][break][break]

Before she can come to, a vision will plague her, just like the others within Regirock’s temple. Unlike everyone else though, these hallowed grounds have no effect on her. This power comes from elsewhere. [break][break][break]

In her dream a body of water mimics her figure, reaching out for her before her eyes peel open. [break][break][break]


Underneath, the water illuminates in an unnatural sheen. It comes to life, revealing a spiraling set of sigils that line the walls of the pool. The spirit of a Wailord comes to life, thrashing wildly above them as the water level slowly starts to rise. Unfortunately, this part of the adventure isn’t well documented. The solution from the previous exploration team is no longer present. [break][break][break]

A Relicanth who calls this place home comes to Razz’s aide. It prods the unconscious ranger and his Gallade onto its back as it breaches the water’s surface to lay them out against the edge of the pool that meets solid ground. They’re both alive but left gasping for air. His Gallade looks like it stomached the brunt of the blow, left in a much worse condition compared to its trainer. [break][break][break]

You may repeat your actions from after the 'landing' of your last post. [break][break]

Gallade has not 'fainted' but is unconscious. Apply CPR and assist it for TWO ROUNDS OF POSTS for it to wake up. [break][break][break][break]


THE WORLD IS NOT SET ON ONE SOLUTION; there are many ways through the spike trap and the party shows their varied plans of attack. [break][break][break]

For , his plan seems to work to an extent. The PSYCHIC TERRAIN lights up the path ahead, its range evident in how far the light extends. Several tiles end up dyed in the purple hues, painting which way forward he should partake. [break][break][break]

When tested, the rock doesn’t trigger the trap at first, ticking down for several seconds before the trap reveals itself in a deadly spear. As long as he’s quick after triggering each trap, the delayed priority should allow him to pass. Prove too slow and he’ll be punished accordingly. Unfortunately, the PSYCHIC TERRAIN only reaches about half way through the traps. [break][break][break]

’s approach is more simplistic. The dauntless DRAGON RUSH propels them half way through the way, landing on an inactive tile, as they charge forward once more. He’ll clear the trap without issue, heads above the rest, but he’s still trailing on ’s tail. [break][break][break]

Not all advances show progress. continues to take the cautious approach but it leaves her dead last. Akin to the horror genre this temple exudes, she’s picked off by misfortune and fate’s malicious sadism. When she brings out her Dragonite, with no regard to returning her Vespiqueen, she’s punished with a delayed reaction. [break][break][break]


Her pair of shields may protect her from the spikes but nothing can protect her from the undisclosed rules of superstition. As they push forward, her Vespiquen will feel a sudden force of gravity collapse onto it, crushing it as its forced back into its Pokeball with an unseen injury. [break][break][break]

The spontaneous reaction is enough to startle her Dragonite. As if timed, the spikes trigger from the sudden movement and vibrations, some striking the dragon while others discharge into the ceiling above. Those that do end up disturbing the structural integrity of the carvings causing several stalactites to fall. [break][break][break]

A particularly large one strikes her mount, causing it to fall and inadvertently throw her off. Both of them land in the minefield and this in turn sets off another series of traps. As if the tragedy of Slateport Plot Prison wasn’t bad enough, the commissioner must endure another slew of torture as she’s battered between sudden impacts and sharp projectiles. None of them prove lethal but the repeated maiming will collect their toll with interest. [break][break][break]

You may play out the injury at your own discretion. [break][break]

You must suffer at least something equivalent to a broken bone or sprain. [break][break][break]

As the furthest among them, clears the obstacle in the shortest amount of time. With the speed of her Dragapult’s AGILITY crossing the rest of the distance should be easy. [break][break][break]

has rolled 137 against [break]


However, unrelated to her own movements, one of the spike traps trigger on their own. It springs up, erect well before they reach it. With their current speed, there’s no way for the Dragapult to evade, much less react. It crashes into the stone pike, crashing through it as the Gym Leader is dismounted and sent sprawling past the finish line. [break][break][break]

As the only one to clear the spike trap, Katherine will find what lies ahead: a blunt end to their progress. The ground suddenly stops with several pillars between her and the path forward. Somehow, some way, she’ll have to find a way to travel between each pillar. Below her, the sound of rushing water echoes within the veil of darkness.



THE FOLLOW EFFECTS have been applied. This will pertain to certain routes, moves, Pokemon, and characters as applicable. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. [break][break][break]

  • 's LUCARIO may not use MAGNET RISE or AURA SENSE.
  • 'S cannot use her FLAME POWERS from her injured hand / arm.
  • TELEPORTATION or PORTAL based moves will not allow you to past the SPIKE TRAP in ROUTE 1 in one go.
  • TELEPORT will not work. PSYCHIC and other PSYCHIC TYPE attacks will be less effective.
  • Having TWO POKEMON out at a time will cause the Pokemon that has been out longer to be returned. They will suffer damage as a penalty.

[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?


ENSURE THAT YOU FOLLOW THE RULES which are posted below. Remember to refer to the sign up page for more details.[break][break][break]

  • Please ROLL with your post using the roll command (dice button). Your first roll will always be your sabotage roll! This does not impact your own character's performance. This roll only represents how much OOC impact you will have on another character of your choosing.
  • Bold the name of the character you intend to sabotage! This is an OOC decision. Once you post you must stick by your decision!
  • Those who post before 1/19 8PM CST will get a +15 modifier to their sabotage roll!
  • Pokemon can only perform 2 moves per round.
  • Please include a tl;dr note of your important actions.
  • If you miss the deadline, you will be kicked.
  • If everyone posts early a mod post may come early.


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2021 0:06:47 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
[attr="class", kheader"]


well no one said kazimir wasn't brave, he was probably a bit reckless however as his kick landed him between the two cannibal aliens as one of them punched him mid air and sent him falling on his back. he was lucky they weren't jumping on him instantly to tear him apart for a quick snack but being repeatedly stomped on wasn't really an improvement. he was just lucky to be quick enough to put his arms up over his face to protect it from their boots as they rained down on him.
meanwhile his aegislash was fairly a bit better than his trainer even if only by a little. it whined when it felt the scraping of the ultra beast's needle against its blade but was determined to not show weakness and instead retaliate with a shadow sneak that weaved its way from behind the naganadel and wrapped its shadow around the ultra beast's arms to try and pry it off its blade before going in with a sacred sword to cut through it.
kazimir on the other hand wasn't going to go out either without some kind of fight. as another foot came down on him he grabbed the ankle attached to it with both hands and twisted his body over to try and swing the megalopolan into the other by sending them off balance. it wasn't a move he used a lot but he figured now was a good chance as any to put it into some proper application. as he did he caught sight of the blue skin under the robe and for a moment his mind thought one thing, were there more of them?
dqOaVXCJ+15 for sabotage

    + using roll on [break]
    + aegilash uses shadow sneak and sacred sword on naganadel![break]
    + kazimir grapple throws one megalopolan into another while on the ground!


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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2021 12:49:19 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]








Stakataka and its emotional capabilities are, quite literally, alien to Gavin; he looks up at the specifically arranged set of cubes and dips his head in silent thanks for their assistance as Priam calls out his Dragonite to forge ahead. As Gavin follows the younger Rocket through the passage, Stakataka rearranges itself to hover behind them.[break][break]

"A voice?" Gavin frowns, brow knitting together in confusion. He can't help but to think of Articuno, how it had seemed to speak with thoughts rather than words. "No... what did it say?"[break][break]

He acknowledges with a nod when she approaches, but doesn't speak.[break][break]

Priam's safeguard proves instrumental in avoiding the spores. "Your Dragonite is brilliant," Gavin muses, coming to a halt at the edge of a steep drop into a cavern below.[break][break]

The sight of the rusted behemoths nearly stop his heart; he is sharply reminded of a cold October night spent shifting through time, the devastation of Regirock up close. The imitation is faithful, but worn with age.[break][break]

"I think that one next to it is Registeel..."[break][break]

He recognizes what he believes to be Registeel from what lore he's read on the metal titan. An aspiration to attain mastery over the Steel-type had drawn him to such myths and legends, though he could say nothing of their validity.[break][break]

"Lower me down," he orders Stakataka.[break][break]

It arranges itself in such a way that he can climb aboard, using its persisting MAGNET RISE to lower itself and its trainer into the expansive chamber. Gavin is drawn immediately to the map in the chamber's center, caution keeping him a few paces back... until he realises that the statues appear to be removeable.[break][break]

"Be on guard in case this goes wrong..."[break][break]

He doesn't look at either or Stakataka, but the words are intended for them both. Stepping forward to close the remaining gap between himself and the map of Hoenn, his hand hovers uncertainly above a statue in its center. Six dots form a circle around a seventh in their pattern, and Gavin draws a deep breath before closing his fingers delicately around the figure and attempting to remove it from its base. His other hand dips into his pocket, clutching an odd fragment like a talisman. Nothing would be worse than Necrozma.[break][break]

Stalwart at his side, just as it had been during the final moments of the battle with the Light-Devourer, Stakataka readies itself to PROTECT him from danger.[break][break]

052LGP0P +15[break]


Traversing ROUTE 4.[break]
STAKATAKA remains under the effect of MAGNET RISE. [2/5][break]
Gavin and Stakataka follow Priam through the passage.[break]
Thinking he recognizes Registeel from descriptions in lore, he boards his Stakataka so it can lower him down to the chamber below.
I can't resist the urge to touch things, so against his better judgement Gavin will attempt to remove the MIDDLE STATUE. Choosing number THREE.[break]
Stakataka readies a PROTECT to try and help out if shit hits the fan.[break]



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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2021 14:20:49 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar


Ruins of Regirock
The desert | raid


    Toxic gunk had slid off Steelix like Water Gun off a Ducklett, but a Dragon Pulse?
    Zac withdrew Kev, switching the steel serpent with his cannon-carrying crustacean. Naganadel's Dragon Pulse shot towards them, filling the whole passage. An attack that wide usually meant it was spread thin, and a strong enough hit on the nose would scatter the whole thing.
    "WATER PULSE! Aim for the centre." Zac commanded, and Busta's claw bucked as he shot a tight lance of water at the head of the oncoming attack. Busta let the recoil push him back down the corridor towards Zac, and the two of them sheltered behind Stormy's Aegislash.
    "What the hell happened to your arm!" Zac asked, shocked by the extensive burns running up Stormy's arm. "Busta! Heal her up mate. We can't have one of our team running around injured." Languid waves of healing energy rippled from the Pokemon's claw and lapped at his friend's burnt skin. Hopefully the psychic tide would drown her pain.

VDu6eYWM +15

  • Returned Steelix
  • Sent out Clawitzer
  • Shot a WATER PULSE at the oncoming Dragon Pulse
  • Hid behind Aegislash
  • Attempted to heal Stormy's arm with HEAL PULSE

NOTES: Using my sabotage on

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2021 18:16:54 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




ruins of regirock

if you could only see the beast

you've made of me

l|HGaw3L + 15

Poison splashed against steel, ineffective until it pools on the ground. It smells terrible, and it only spurs Stormy's survival instinct. With adrenaline pumping through her veins, she can barely feel the ache along her skin where the blood had burned her. There is no time to worry about that, not when Megalopolans are attempting to neutralize them.[break][break]

Her Aegislash maintains it's shield-forme along with what remains of its kings shield just long enough to deflect anything that might have gotten past 's water-pulsed attempt at deflecting and neutralizing the inbound dragon pulse. She hunkers down behind her own Pokemon, attempting to shield herself from whatever might splash anyway.[break][break]

In the meantime, her hands reach for another pokeball, this one containing Blissey. The cheery pink medic surfaces from her brief slumber, and her face is contorted in a fit of rage, both at seeing Stormy's arm all burned up and seeing the enemy launching attack after attack.[break][break]

Blissey sprays a ceiling of life dew into the air to cleanse ally wounds. She follows this up immediately with a charge of thunderbolt beading in the palm of her hand. Should there have been any inconviencey surrounding the enemy Naganadel benefitting from her support, they would be in for quite the shock in a second as she blasts the thunderbolt toward the nearest Naganadel.[break][break]

Assuming the coast is clear, at least for now, Aegislash opts to follow up with Blissey's offense with his own. The sword and shield Pokemon shifts from shield-forme to blade-forme in order to strike out with a shadow sneak on the same target Blissey is thunderbolting. [break][break]

Stormy turns to Zac, thankful for his Pokemon's heal pulse. [break][break]

"Don't worry about me, it's but a flesh wound."[break][break]

She winks picking herself up to stand beside her Blissey. [break][break]


notes: using my ooc sabotage on priam conrad + 15[break][break]

> aegislash is in shield-forme, standing and maintaining the last of his kings shield to protect stormy + zac[break]
> releases blissey. blissey uses life dew and thunderbolt - (serene grace + healer activated!)[break]
> aegislash uses shadow sneak in tandem with blissey's attack on the nearest naganadel




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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
596 height
596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
2,558 posts
cait alfric DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cait
cait alfric
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2021 18:56:24 GMT
cait alfric Avatar
understandably, the two males seem disinterested in her presence. she was a stranger among their small number, so it's likely they'd disregard her for the duration of this venture.

'on my own then,' she accepted. 

if priam accepted her desire for assistance, he'd find she'd tentatively press her hand against his leg. a soothing energy would pass from her into the limb as her eyes adopted a dim glow, the discomfort ebbing away and allowing the male to stand without complication. but if refused, she'd merely give a polite nod and distance herself. the protect flickers, cait aware that it would fail after prolonged use.

'i have no idea how i can fix this.'

her tongue flicks out, her eyelids hefty as she offers the spores around them a wary look. with her mind partially muddled, cait took in the strange statues with the sweep of her gaze and stepped forward. 

fortree," she murmured, reminded of her home.

she reaches for the statue, attempting to lift it. 

- cait will heal with her power if he accepts it and gives him his space if he doesn't. 

- is becoming increasingly tired alongside her pokemon - the mothim's protect flickers.

- she selects the statue that is placed over fortree's respective area - the one that's slightly top right. 

- picking number four

- sabotaging

|RdbClhb + 15
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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,448 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2021 19:52:32 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
“knock, knock. anybody there?” he answers in the most serious tone to , coupled with a straight laced face. he tries his best to tell gavin that he's not joking, but the voice's choice of words made it difficult.

"y-yeah, i'm good..." he wasn't sure how to respond to the previous gym leader. not that it matters, as his tough man act overrides any conscious decision as he answers in autopilot.


he follows after gavin, reaching the map of hoenn in the middle of the chamber with him while still on his dragonite's back. this is when priam turns around to check on . while she's stuck in the same predicament as them, she is definitely the odd one out of the three of them.

"you were the previous mauville gym leader, right?" he asks as he makes small talk while gavin does his thing. "my leg's gonna be fine after a while, i think. it's not broken at least, so don't worry! oh, are you into archeology and stuff too? to be honest, i don't know much about them, but they're kinda neat."

oblivious to the effects of the spores because of his dragonite's safeguard, priam continues to chat up cait. he doesn't want to bother gavin after all, especially since it seems like he knows what he's doing while priam has no idea what the map was supposed to be for.

seeing as cait went for the map as well, priam decides to ignore every thought he had and tries to finally stand with his injured leg, using his dragonite as support. he takes it easy for now, at least until he feels like he can actually use his legs.

he looks at the ones both gavin and cait chose, and then chooses his: the one at the furthest right by mossdeep. he's had pretty interesting experiences with that city.

YYC9zo9d (+15)

  • route 4
  • priam is still on the back of his dragonite
  • priam chats up cait while waiting for gavin
  • choosing 1
  • sabotaging


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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2021 20:45:51 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
i have a need of crueler waves
they sicken of the calm, who knew the storm
'IN A PERFECT WORLD everything goes off without a hitch. But this place is far from perfect; this is Hoenn!'
- Spiral, 2021

When tug comes for her, Skyler lets it wrench her to the Gallade's side along with Razz. The pull of gravity has them hurtling down, and a dizzying sense of vertigo brings an acrid taste to her mouth. The captain almost expects them to blink out of existence then, and although for a moment they seem to flicker, reality is quick to cruelly reassert itself.

Nothing happens.

With a sudden shock of understanding, Skyler knows that something went horribly wrong. Her hands are frantic, hovering over her belt where pokéballs are clipped. But even as fingers grasp frantically at the spheres, she knows it is far too late. "Razz-!" Her scream echoes out, startling loud even through the wind rushing past her ears, and her arm reaches out in a desperate gesture, in the empty hope that it would do something, anything

The crash brings with it suffocating darkness. 

Captain Dross had always thought that she'd die at sea. It made a twisted sort of sense, given how willingly she threw herself into its whims and moods.  The thought of salt water filling her throat and collapsing her lungs was an old one, worn around the edges like a well-loved teddy bear. She'd made peace with the idea of being dragged down to the depths, cradled in the ocean's cruel embrace.

That it was an underground lake in some long-forgotten, ancient ruins made little difference.

Strangely, Skyler has no idea of opening her eyes. The burning agony she'd been expecting when she came to, if she came to, is absent - instead, a comforting aura surrounds her.

Silver eyes catch the glint of water as it surges and twists in front of her, taking an intimately familiar shape. Its arm reaches out to her, beckoning, and there's no thought to the way Skyler reaches back, arm stretched out in an inexplicable compulsion to take hold of the figure's grasp.

A startled gasp precedes the captain's return to consciousness, splashing about as she searches out her friend in the water. The strange glowing runes and the splashing Wailord spirit are nearly ignored as Skyler makes her way to Razz, almost frantic to make sure he's okay. It was - a long fall. 

By all means, Captain Dross should've drowned then.

She doesn't even feel hurt.

That particular set of thoughts is quickly shoved aside to make way for more pressing matters. "Razz, are you- shit." The rising water level catches her attention. "Come on, we should- We should get to the door." Skyler would help Razz in supporting the hurt Gallade if needed, letting out her SLOWBRO to hit them with a HEAL PULSE. As soon as Lars joined them (thankfully he hadn't fallen along with them), she'd motion to the door, Slowbro already by her side and readying a FOCUS BLAST. "We have to get to the other side!" 


- skyler is NOT having the time of her life falling to her doom
- cue thoughts about drowning + a weird vision before she regains consciousness
- skyler swims over to razz and helps as best she can. releases slowbro who then uses HEAL PULSE
- when lars arrives, skyler motions to the door and has slowbro use FOCUS BLAST on it
- sabotaging  ♥️

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,582 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2021 22:47:54 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar


Never put all your eggs in one basket. [break][break]

A lesson, while he was well aware of, he had forgotten to take into consideration in the heat of the moment. Razz had put so much trust in Wyn that when whatever cosmic forces that haunted these ruins messed with his psychic abilities they weren't prepared for it. The last thoughts that came to mind before the water would knock him out was how so far he was the weakest link for the trio. [break][break]

It would be a bit before any sense of consciousness would come back to him. Though as he attempted to breath he would be quick to find a struggled as he started coughing up the water that had clogged his lungs. His entire body ached from the harsh collision, it was Skyler's words that helped slowed the dizziness the was looming over him. Razz was about to answer her until he looked to his left side to see Wyn in a similar if not worse condition. In his panic and worry for his own pokemon Razz ignored the way his body protested as he was quick to move. "Wyn!?" he called before having another coughing fit hit him as more water came out. [break][break]

Still choosing to still push past his own pain Razz put his hear down to the Gallade's chest to feel or hear for any breathing. Locking one arm over the other he began to pump the sword pokemon's chest before leaning down to lift his chin and breath into his mouth to give him some air. The ranger has lost too many of his pokemon already and he didn't want to add another to that list. The panic would only subside as Wyn finally started coughing up water. [break][break]

"Th-thanks and sorry," he coughs out at Skyler as he is still struggling a bit from the fall. With his anxiety about Wyn down the aches of the fall had come back to him. For now all he could be grateful was her using the Healing Pulse to help his Gallade. "You alright?" he ponders thinking that the captain may as well be in the same boat as him, and sadly all because of him. It was then that his Boss finally drifted down and as many questions as he would love to ask all he could asked out was "So... avatar or something right?"[break][break]

Not that they'd have much time to think about it as Skyler mentioned the rising water. Rather than putting him back in his pokeball Razz carefully picked up his Gallade and putting most the pokemon's weight on him as they moved. The ranger wanting to be sure they were in an okay condition before recalling them as he would follow the others to the door.

XTEnstOY +15 [break][break]



+ Despite waking with both pain and dizziness from the fall Razz preforms CPR on his Gallade. [break]
+ At the mention of the water Rising Razz picks up Gallade with his arm over his shoulder to take him up the stairs and just follow his companions.

+ Sabotaging

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[newclass=.leprosearlo1 a]font:10px Oswald;color:#2b2b2b!important;[/newclass]
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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,605 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2021 23:23:23 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
 A STORM OF SPIRES. there are those who can't help but set off traps, raising the alarm with the sound of crashing, quaking granite to send them into a panic. nerves wracked with the fear of a domino effect, adrian wants to cross the remaining distance without further delay. how to achieve that was the million dollar question...

they'd only been permitted up to three pokemon which had been screened during their conscription; he'd been left with a starfish, a martian, and a bear boasting martial prowess. the solution wasn't as simple as flying across for him, and their improvised plan had only gone so far as to avail them halfway. marooning them amidst the traps.

would the same trick work twice?

even if it did, that was boring. you know what wasn't lacking in excitement? the clamor of dahlia's dragonite setting off a string of mishaps; he'd heard the sudden commotion from further behind him, but he was perhaps the closest one available to even hear it. in the dim lighting of the psychic terrain, he can see she has fallen.

he reaches out back behind them in vain; a well-meaning man at heart, he's reluctant to let a second slip away from them so casually. beheeyem can sense his intentions through its telepathy, channeling the necessary energies before he can vocalize:

"bring them to us with your teleport!"

though he'd been advised against teleporting around the danger-ridden ruins blindly, this seemed the exception, as he could clearly visualize Dahlia's silhouette against the dim, amplifying light of beheeyem's psychic terrain. the psychic-aligned field around them echoed with beheeyem's power, perhaps allowing it to dull the cursed chamber's effects, god willing; providing them a way to bring dahlia to safety.

if i can just bring them over here...

the plan was simple: bring dahlia to him, and assess the situation. she most likely needed some first aid, even if it was something slight. gods, i hope they're alright... in the vantablack lighting of the ruin, he could scarcely see three meters, as the lighting from the others began to shift further ahead, wither; and fade. it wouldn't be until she was within grasp that he could see her condition.

yet they were falling behind at an alarming rate.

"hey. are you okay?" adrian tried to rouse dahlia from the shock, hoping to see her hale and whole. "we've gotta go, can you walk?" in the event she couldn't, he'd have to find a workaround. perhaps the commissioner would proffer a solution of her own.
[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon kubfu shiny"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon starmie"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon beheeyem"]

@regirockraid / route 1[break]
Attempts teleporting Dahlia co. to Adrian's location.[break]
Hoping to cross the rest of the way, slowly if necessary.[break]
Going off the very loose wording here that says the trap cannot be cleared "in one go" by teleport. Teleporting Dahlia to Adrian, making sure she's okay, then continuing along the way with her (assisting her walking if necessary).

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2021 23:56:09 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Everything was fine—but then, in the span of a few seconds, it… everything suddenly went to shit.

So instead of putzing about and landing gracefully on the staircase, Lars sees the—insanity happen in time as the attempted rescue… well, it didn’t go as it should have.

Oh, holy fucking shit.

So, instead of him sitting down and watching the rescue unfold just fucking fine, everything changed as the failed attempt was what he witnessed. Thank fuck he’d already recalled the ice wings, and was hanging onto Ro’s back for dear life.

“Get us down there, FAST!” he shouted, knocking twice on the hulking silver beast’s back. Normally, a single knock usually meant ‘go at your own pace’, but for him to knock twice? Well that was a sign that shit was in a dire predicament.

The Metagross then propelled itself down as fast to the water as it could go—much as he wanted to risk using Agility, after what happened with the Teleport that shit wasn’t going to fly as good—and eventually caught up with the other two as they resurfaced from the water.

Ah, shit.

“Are you two alright?!” he called out as he slid off the Metagross’s back, helping them both as best as he could manage once they were all on solid ground. Shit, what was up with this place anyway?!

As for the question, all he could do was look at Razz quietly.

“Well, now isn’t the time or place for that—I’ll get to your questions later,” he remarked in Razz’s direction as he took up the rearguard (seeing as Skyler already attempted to blast the door open with a Focus Blast) he decided to remain on his guard.

With how the Teleport maneuver had malfunctioned earlier… well, that certainly put things into a forced perspective. It made him think—what other mysteries did this place have?!

“Give us cover, will you?” he said, pointing after Skyler’s Slowbro. “Get a Rock Slide ready just in case something comes busting out of that door.”

For now, he would watch… and wait.

• for all interested parties, Lars is redoing his own landing as well along with Razz and Skyler because nothing will go to plan
• well, the rescue attempt was… fucked up, to say the least
• Lars requests for Ro to travel downward faster because holy shit what the fuck just happened out there?!
• (The ice wings have been recalled, they are out of existence, they have been concealed once more)
• eventually gets to where the two are, helps them up as best as he can manage
• decides to answer Razz’s question at a later time. Or let the rest of the exploration answer that for him indirectly
• requests the Metagross to prepare a Rock Slide just in case something comes out of the door after the Focus Blast
• sabotaging


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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2021 0:07:59 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Woah, okay… Someone’s been eating well.”[break][break]

As he’d approached the earth-shaking footsteps, Angelo had been mentally preparing to face the worst, his mind still somewhat frazzled around the edges from his… experience. Only as he stepped into a gargantuan chamber, what stood before him wasn’t a behemoth with razor sharp fangs but instead a Roggenrola. A very, very big Roggenrola but a somewhat familiar sight none the less. [break][break]

He has just enough time to rub his eyes (perhaps he was still a little hazy from almost suffocating or he still had sand stuck in there) before the stone beneath him violently shakes. Roggenrola leaped forward, its cry thundering and Angelo almost gets knocked off his feet from the tremor – thankful when PROTECT materialises before him, shielding himself and the Nidoking as the creature aggressively jumps. Although, he notes, it makes no effort to attack… [break][break]

Hey, hey! It’s okay,” a hand raises as Angelo calls out on even tones when the creature doesn’t make a move to smother him with rocks or rubble, blue eyes craning up at the overgrown pokemon with a smile. It’s a little weary at the edges, strained from his frayed consciousness but the intent is still there. Angelo isn’t here to hurt it. “We’re just passing through, stellina. I’ll be out of your business in no time…”[break][break]

As he talks, soothingly in an attempt to pacify the creature and show they weren’t a threat, the pair start to walk around the edge of the chamber, sticking close to the wall to show he didn't intend on invading the pokemon's personal space – looking for an exit or some kind of passageway. [break][break]

Angelo wasn’t sure if he could put up a fight against something this strangely… huge. (He thinks about catching it but there’s no way he could afford to look after something of that size.) But if the Roggenrola decided to attack then he’d have no choice. [break][break]

He didn’t just survive almost being suffocated to end up getting squished under a giant Roggenrola foot.

+ 15


+ shocked pikachu face at roggenrola[break]
+ nidoking using protect[break]
+ trying to pacify the roggenrola[break]
+ looking for an exit, sticking close to the wall[break][break]

+ sabotaging



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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2021 1:52:09 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar


Even the traps appeared to be treacherous. Where Katherine was counting on them to spring up only if they’re activated, they defy expectations and operate on what feels like…

Nothing but bad luck, really.

Dragapult crashes into the earth spike head-on, causing Katherine to dismount her dragon and fall right past the other traps. Luckily, she hadn’t triggered any of those while falling. “O-Ow…” The gym leader mutters under her breath, wincing a tad. Just because it’s nothing she can’t handle doesn’t mean that the pain inflicted upon her is appreciated.

However, as much as she’d like to stay and wait for the others to catch up, there are other things on her mind. “Dragapult, hurry up.”

The dragon returns to her side and lowers itself just enough for her to mount it again.

“We can’t fall here. I don’t know what’s waiting for us down there— but I also don’t want to find out.”

With a quick nod that almost lets one of its hidden Dreepys fall out, Dragapult rushes into action and continues to fly under the guidance of the ghost-specialist.

“Keep going, PHANTOM FORCE to the next one,” She asks, and it complies by opening a wispy portal for them to cross through. “If one of these pillars crashes, use PHANTOM FORCE again and transport us to the next one.”


☆ +15 modifier to sabotage
☆ she falls, ow
☆ dragapult reaches her after she tells it to hurry and she mounts its back again
☆ warns her pokemon against them falling down from one of the pillars but already begins to direct it (while flying) towards the next so they can move faster.
☆ first PHANTOM FORCE is used in order to cover more distance
☆ second PHANTOM FORCE is in case they fall / a pillar crashes. it would [hopefully] allow them to move onto the next without crashing or reaching the bottom of the pit. spiraleyes

☆ sabotage on

[attr="class","katherinetag"] @ruins of regirock

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the good commissioner
lilycove city
league commissioner
5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
625 posts
dahlia goode DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dahlia
dahlia goode
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2021 5:25:17 GMT
dahlia goode Avatar
 the cruel noise of her vespiquen's forced return catches her off-guard. it happens all too fast. her dragonite is hurled downward as stalactite shards cascade over their bodies. she strikes the ground with a hard thump, and as the temple's dust erupts outward, the traps strike her body with an ancient impunity.

a spike cuts through her arm— crushing flesh and bone. for a moment, her brain does not acknowledge the pain. it is only until she slides her arm off the stake does she release a wail.

"not good, not good, shit," she mutters.

pulling off the scarf from her face, she wraps it around her bleeding, limp arm and frantically ties it as she leans against her injured dragonite. teary-eyed, she sniffles as she mounts her dragonite once again.

the traps have been triggered, but she does not risk another activation. should successfully TELEPORT her to him, the commissioner would quietly nod, preserving her voice yet.

should 's TELEPORT attempt fail, her dragonite would attempt to carry her from pillar to pillar as she whispers warnings of the waters below.

ROLL WAS A 38 (sabotage)[break]
route 1 / sabotage POGU

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon mr-rime"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon dragonite"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon vespiquen"][break]

- left arm breaks
- if teleport successful from , would stick by him
- if teleport fails from , uses dragonite to move from pillar to pillar
- warns dragonite of the water below

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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
senior ranger
333 height
333 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
777 posts
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2021 12:31:59 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
[attr="class","light"]"we're ramming through, let it rip garchomp!" he'd issue the same order as last. mateo's goal was to attempt a speedy DRAGON RUSH, but this time with the a powerful force known as GIGA IMPACT. he wanted to smash anything that stood in his path. whatever the obstacle that may ( or may not? ) have stood before him, with enough propulsion and force, garchomp wasn't going to let up just yet.


- sabotaging
- garchomp swaps dragon rush for giga impact in order to catch up to and steamroll anything attempting to hold them back.

[newclass=.light]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
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Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
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Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP