Vital Spirit Festival

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,652 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 14:02:14 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
The knowledge if 's past affiliation is not one that Chu-e is even mildly aware of. If he ever found out, it would be a shock; the guy seemed more... virtuous, was one word for it. For now, it was blissful ignorance.

"Aw, you could use a little fun in your life, Razz. There's an area with less people if the crowds get to you." Pompom nodded along with her trainer, giving a light pat as she did so. Then the pink pokemon offered a smile to Salem and gave him a wave as well.

"It's been nice so far, though! I've not been here too long. I was thinking of maybe conning someone into winning me one of the Miltank plush from one of the booths." Sharp eyes wouldn't miss how his eyes briefly drifted in the direction of the man playing piano that Chu-e had not so subtly been fawning over.

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 14:49:36 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
"Ah, look there." Addressing and , Gavin gestures toward a small stand filled with Blacephalon-styled balloons. While to some it might've seemed in poor taste thanks to the events of last year's celebration, the Rocket finds it more amusing than offensive. "That looks fun."

He knows what it is, of course. He also knows it's rigged as hell.

There's a twinkle of mischief in his eyes as he steps up to 'Vanessa', feigning ignorance as to 's identity.

"We'll give it a shot." It's unclear if we indicates Gavin and his human companions, or the two Pokémon that now hovers beside him. Klinklang's gears click softly as they spin.

"Wish me luck," he hums, and tosses three darts in quick succession with an impressively steady hand. Though his aim brings him close to hitting three of the balloons, the darts seem to just miss their mark. Was that part of the rigging, or just rough luck?


Post #7 / outfit
Hanging out with and .
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 14:56:29 GMT
Deleted Avatar
as the crowd parted a bit and chunhau stopped splashing strangers, jinhai could finally see someone he recognized with certainty. though he only had the fake name he'd been given now that he was surrounded by other people it would be fun for him to either squirm or talk to him as he was. however he stayed seated, instead urging the sunflora forward that the underboss had met once before to gather his attention.

she of course obliged, remembering him as the man with the baby budew and that gave her a high five. so urgently she began to pat him on the back as she arrived next to him. hoping that he still had the baby budew on him as well.

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 15:16:49 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

"You wish I was curious about the goods." The snarky response is immediate, eyes sparkling with barely contained amusement as she quirks an eyebrow at her best friend. Before she has time to say anything else, however, it seems 's attention has drifted away - and he's gone from her side to try his hand at the strongman game.

Watching curiously, Skyler nearly bursts out laughing at Lars' pitiful attempt. The captain manages to hurriedly swallow it down into a cough, nearly choking on her own spit for a second. Suddenly those displayed abs of his don't look as threatening anymore... 

Captain Dross should’ve known better than to tempt fate, really. When her own attempt wields less than spectacular results, barely reaching past a fifth of the way to the top, a flush taints her sun-kissed skin. The deathly glare she throws at the mallet is only surpassed by the flashing of thunder in silver eyes when a single ‘hah’ reaches her ears in a familiar tone of voice.

The mallet is carelessly abandoned in favor of facing ; bold, wide steps taking her towards the courier with the promise of violence darkening her eyes. Their dance is an intimate one, Skyler stopping just shy of touching his skin, an unspoken dare in the way she leans towards him and tilts her head up to brush a breath over his lips. So close the captain nearly tastes rum on her tongue.

There isn’t much time for a reaction; a blinking of eyes and Skyler is walking past Angelo. Though not before sneaking a mischievous hand out to pinch his butt.

“Celly! You’re here!”

’s farewell is met with a mischievous smirk of her own. “You’ll have to find me first, boss. Lots of places to hide in the festival.” She doesn’t mind paying for his food, exactly. But the words are out of her mouth before she can help it; gleeful mischievousness taking over her expression for a small length of time. Unable to resist taking his words as a challenge.

Only then does Skyler bring to her, wrapping an arm around the smaller woman’s shoulders and squeezing. The woman’s sarcastic quip has the captain throwing her head back in laughter - and when she faces Celeste again, a wide smile curls her mouth. “I guess I’m afraid you’ll have to rely on my guidance, Celly. I feel bad for you already.” The girl’s attempt at the strongman game hadn’t gone unnoticed either, and Skyler raises an eyebrow. “But I think this time you’ll have to be the one to carry me in your arms.”

The grin curving her mouth is utterly shameless.

When calls out to her with a harebrained, ludicrous proposal on his tongue she finds herself unable to resist - arm entangled with ’s as she’s pulled with Lars next to a clump of nearby trees. Something gleefully bloodthirsty stains the edges of her toothy smile. She turns to Celeste briefly, handing her the bottle of tequila. “Guard this with your life, Celly.” The deadly serious tone of her voice is belied by glinting silver eyes.

“C’mon, spiky. You do know that climbing a tree requires, y’know, actually moving your ass, right?” She’s having too much fun goading him. Unlike the head ranger, Skyler wastes no time in studying possible paths up the tree bark, taking to climbing with a heedless, thoughtless enthusiasm.

’s message blinks in her phone screen, to be noticed later.

for tree climbing

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,796 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 15:34:48 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar

Eva watch Syah eagerly with emerald green eyes. She only peeled them off the action for a brief moment when angled the camera her way. Considering this was all in good fun, she gave the ‘audience’ a cheerful wave before focusing her attention back on the Machamp and Dragonite.

The two were going at it with all their strength! Both seemed a formidable opponent which was no surprise. Both Dragonite and Machamp were known for their brute strength and unmatched power, “That-a-girl, Syah!” Eva pumped a fist into the air as the Machamp drove the Dragonite to the edge of the arena.

The match kept everyone on the edge of their seat. You could taste the determination radiating form each pokemon as they fought to push the other outside the ring’s boundaries. After some very close and nail-biting rounds, Syah was victorious . . . and exhausted. You could see the sweat glistening off of her blue skin with every heavy breath she took as she shuffled back towards Eva, “Way to go!” she slapped the Machamp playfully on the arm, “Your Dragonite is so strong! I was definitely nervous there for a while. He really wore Syah out,” she complimented, turning to Logan, “I look forward to a rematch, sometime,” she threw the boy a playful wink.

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
1,815 posts
Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 16:18:42 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

"We'll he's cute Ji." The evil teasing expression Ki wore when they first met was now Sénon's to wear. "I like his earring, really centers his face. Right Cai?"

He turned to see apologizing for an apparent bumping into Cait.

"Kingsman." He skipped a proper greeting, rangers saw each other so frequently it felt like hellos and goodbyes were redundant. "What are you gonna do with that Magikarp?"

Was he really going to put in the absurd amount of work to raise it into a Gyarados?

"By the way King, this is Cait, my bondmate. It's like the level beyond 'Girlfriend'." He'd taken the term from a videogame but it was still true to his feelings.

When Ji-hoon asked about his past connection to the younger ranger, Sénon remembered vividly his earliest days of knowing the young man, before his incident back when still had ties to his family.

Razz suffered a lot to earn his new path, and Sénon himself wasn't willing to spout off his own history of wearing a big red 'R'.

It was a secret to be kept for both their sake.

The organization had changed so much since his time with them that it was hardly a lie to say he was never a member of Team Rocket at all. "We've done a few assignments together." He propped himself against Razz' free shoulder. "I'm actually pretty fond of the kid."

He didn't have any treat this time for little Salem but hopefully the meowstic would tolerate the redhead all the same.

● tags: , , @vsfest
● notes: post 11

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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
1,199 posts
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 16:21:12 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar

Crimson colored orbs flickered left and right, munching down on his beef stick while observing people that passed before his line of sight. The man so last in the food he wasn’t really paying attention to who or what was around him. The taste of the teriyaki chicken was so delectable to his taste buds. With him being so busy lately, the man hasn’t had a decent good meal in a while. The instant oatmeal for breakfast and peanut butter and jelly sandwich for dinner had made him forget that he could make other meals. His hunger graved for more, mouth watering with each and every chomp he took.

It was only when his line of sight got blocked that he realized he was hard core zoning out. Eyes blinked rapidly to clear his vision as they focused on a young woman in front of him. Her expression seemed delighted to see him. It was odd. Normally, his appearance intimidated people away. Yet this woman seemed happy to see him for some reason. Have they meet before? Was he getting soft?

He cleared his throat, snatching a napkin off the table. Surely, his was full of food or sauce. “Uhhh…. No,” he managed to get out while he whipped off his face before placing the napkin down, “I mean… I’m not waiting for anyone. Just stuffing me face.” He offered a small smile and a light chuckle, his gaze on her. “You can sit. I was just…. spacing out I guess.” He let her sit, unsure of what more to say. Despite of all the years, Maverick was still terrible at small talk. “The food is good here,” he forced himself to say, waving his stick that was almost gone, “It’s been a while since I had been to one of those types of events.” He gave her another half smile before champing down on another piece of meat, his eyes never left hers.

for @vitalspiritfestival at olde town. plz tag me if you engage with maverick. . sorry for the delay!

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 17:15:47 GMT
Deleted Avatar
A large festival was the perfect place to search.

After going absolutely up one side and down the other of that woman, Celia had been so incensed and angry she hadn't even the sense to ask for a phone number. Anything. The best she could hope for at this point was to accost any stranger on the street with a photograph and ask. The phrase 'Have you seen this boy?' was most of what she spoke nowadays, if at all. Which, not too far from where was at currently, was what Celia was doing. Down the way, past the games, towards the food.

She had enlisted help today. The crowd was too thick for her to do this on her own. Cepheus fluttered over the crowds, red eyes scanning below. The Butterfree didn't really fit in with the floating ghosts, some of the more naughty ones reaching out to grasp at her as she passed.

But she had spotted something.

So down she went, wings delicate as they caught the wind under them, circling lazily down and down until she tried to very soundly land right on top of Andy's head.

"Freeeeeee." Her voice was raspy with age as she cooed at her human's larva, much like she done when Andy was younger. She had missed him, too.
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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 18:14:01 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

It didn’t take too long for Skyler to catch up with him—and there was more company with her. Well, the more the merrier, he supposed.

“Yeah, keep an eye on that bottle, she values it more than her own blood,” he added in the other young woman’s direction () before turning to examine Skyler critically.

“Ladies first, as they say,” he sassed back, mischievous twinkle in his eye. Okay, for starters, the clothes he was currently wearing weren’t exactly—suitable—for tree-climbing, but what the hell.

The bark on the tree didn’t look to be that knobbly and bumpy anyway! He then waited for her to shimmy up the tree, arms crossed as he blew out more smoke from his pipe. Letting the vanilla scent linger in the air for a few seconds, he then bit down on the other end before beginning his own ascent.

Slowly, but surely—

climbing a tree

his thematically-appropriate festival get up


mostly and for now

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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 18:17:36 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
It’s not the tequila brushing against his lips or the rum that warms the tip of his tongue that Angelo is intoxicated by. Instead, he’s drunk on the tantalising taste of danger, on the thrill of the back and forth chase with the ship captain as she presses close to him, pushing them towards the edge of their flirtatious game; wild, bold and free.[break][break]

With her, he’s lost to the rest of the world and he can't help but drink it up – greedy. [break][break]

Barely a moment passes but it’s enough time for Angelo to tilt his chin upwards by a fraction, peering down in a silent, encouraging invitation at for a heartbeat; quicker in tempo than what it had been a few seconds prior. Resisting the urge to be the one to close the distance, either by a kiss or with a hand snatching out to grasp hold of her retreating wrist as she slips away like the breeze. That pinch against his ass does earn Skyler a look over his shoulder however, darkened gaze chasing after her as she walks away to join her friends. He guesses he'll see her later… [break][break]

Angelo’s left (mostly) alone with and the taste of simmering tension, savouring it. At least until it turns bitter with defeat on his tongue. [break][break]

What th- No way…” He chokes out, having to do a doubletake as the marker shoots up – seemingly stops for a fraction of a second – before climbing higher. “Get the fuck out…” Although the bell lets out a cheerful ‘ding’, it only twists something frustrating and sour in Angelo’s gut, his skin crawling with competitive dissatisfaction. His mood certainly felt executed…[break][break]

A bet is a bet however and so Angelo digs into his pockets and forces what little loose change he has into Fernando’s palm, perhaps slightly rougher than he intended, as if he's hastily pushing it away from his person before he changes his mind and rips it back. “Congrats,” he says begrudgingly, lip the slightest bit curled into a grimace, unable to hide his dissatisfaction with the taste of the rum numbing his senses. Speaking of, he should probably nurse that now he’s officially broke… [break][break]

Hope your booth doesn't need any cash to play or we're going to have a bit of a problem.


post #9[break][break]
+ & [break][break]
+ angelo loses 50pd so fernando can buy himself a replacement SALAC BERRY :angrypepe:[break][break]


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sab, bean
june 1
hammerlocke, galar
polyamorous bisexual
artist, art collector
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
165 posts
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TAG WITH @sabine
Sabine Calcifet
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 18:40:28 GMT
Sabine Calcifet Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




vital spirit festival

is it really a surprise if i'm playing

with your mind?

She's crumbling. The more she looks, the less intersting the various booths become. Her eyes scan over what appears to be a glorified fighting ring with Pokemon going head to head: barbaric. There are almost a dozen people crowded around a hammer-arm contest swinging around a gigantic mallet: also barbaric.[break][break]

And the further they walk the more Sabine realizes that nothing here is interesting or anywhere near the ballpark of something she'd be caught dead doing. [break][break]

Lulu eventually speaks up and Sabine's mouth goes dry with her sudden lack of inspiration. There is nothing brilliant that comes to mind because she's out of her element. Too many sights, smells, sounds, and people brushing past her and her brain seems to have a nuclear meltdown. [break][break]

In accordance with this, Sabine chooses to avert her gaze neatly and appear disgruntled.[break][break]

"I must admit, I am unfamiliar with festivals such as these. So... I don't know where I am going."[break][break]

And boy does that absolutely crush her ego and sour her mood.[break][break]


notes: :festive kiss: - post 9/15



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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,668 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 19:08:14 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Andy's response was...unusual. Hideo would’ve expected the other boy to take his turn and completely outdo him, but he seemed to be avoiding it, even offering Hideo a reward if he went at it again. Hesitation like that was the last thing Hideo expected.

His Hatterene didn’t even need to read his emotions to know something was up. She looked the bewildered boy over up and down, not appreciating how wild his emotions were getting.

"You feeling anxious after that last game?" Hideo teased. 3 out of 10 was better than the last time he tried playing this kind of game, and he could attribute that to getting a lot of practice throwing pokeballs, but it was still a poor performance by most standards. He was certain even if Andy had never thrown a basketball before, he’d do a lot better knowing exactly where the basket was.

But he just shrugged. If Andy was too anxious, then that was that. He wouldn’t push the other boy. “Well, if you insist. Come on, Vibes, lead me back to the game. I’ll take another shot if Andy doesn’t want to. I’ll think of what I want after I’m done.

His Pokemon nodded, though she kept an eye on Andy as she lead Hideo back to the stand.

He says he wants me to go again,” Hideo said, “Dunno why, but he insists.

The festival worker looked back at Andy, then to Hideo. “Well if that’s what he wants. But you gotta get five or more for a prize this time, alright?

Hideo nodded, the ball placed in his hand once again. He took a shot, confident he remembered exactly where the basket was - and didn’t realize he wasn’t standing in the exact same spot as before, completely missing the basket.

That miss left him confused for a moment, his confidence dissolving pretty quickly. And the festival worker didn’t give him any advice this time. Looked like he was on his own again. At least he could guess it was still at the same level, but it took another five shots before he could find exactly where the basket was. Didn’t help that he had to throw at an angle this time; his previous attempt was made easier by it being a straight shot.

His seventh shot managed to hit the basket, though it bounced off the rim. Another shot hit the other end of the rim, which gave him enough to work with. Ninth was a near miss, rolling along the rim before sliding right into the basket. His last shot was a much cleaner score.

Two out of ten is still better than most blind kids,” the worker said, “Nice try.

Thanks,” Hideo said, shrugging. “Help me back to Andy, will you?” he asked his Pokemon, the Hatterene complying and leading Hideo back to the other boy.

Guess I won’t get anything from that, huh?” he asked - completely unaware that there was now a Butterfree on top of Andy’s head.

Post 12

Hideo notices 's acting odd, but goes along with his request
Only scores 2 out of 10 baskets this time

Hideo goes back to Andy, unaware of 's Butterfree
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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,705 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 19:29:59 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

Boy, she’d picked the right one to tear up the night with, hadn’t she? As they passed, stall by stall, she became more emboldened to take control into her own hands. She didn’t get to have fun often. She’d done a favor, and she wouldn’t be robbed now of what she wanted, crown or not.

Again, there was a shift in the dominance of their hands. Her fingers grasped around the woman’s wrist and she attempted to pull her closer and whisper in her ear, “Then let me lead.”

With that, they would be off towards the barbaric hammer-arm contest. And, oh, what faces they’d find.

Before she’d even noticed , Lulu’s eyes had homed in on a flash of blonde hair, as though had some force of gravity over her. Who was she to reject destiny twice?

She didn’t look over at Sabine, and there was audible aggression in her voice as she took command. “Come on.” Something had given her the gall to order around a princess.

That thing, that someone, was the captain.

As they walked past, she made no attempt to hide her staring. “Captain!” she called up, offering contact to no one else. Her voice was chipper at first, with an edge surely only Skyler would catch. “Come redeem yourself!”

This was in reference to their first meeting, during which Lulu had drunkenly beaten Skyler in an arm-wrestling match before they’d both literally fought their way out of a pub brawl.

As previously described, quite simply: chaos.

And she'd decided she'd changed her mind about how tempting it sounded. She couldn't turn it down.

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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 22:23:57 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar
[attr="class","killianpost"]"You're sure it's nothing?" Killian asked, still not convinced. It wasn't that he doubted her exactly. He just knew Lex could be stubborn. Sometimes it took a bit of prodding to get her to tell you what was on her mind. "If you're worried about - " the stall merchant's arrival forced him to shelve his thought.

Trying to play the role of a concerned father, Killian looked down at his daughter. Her smug smile mixed with what the merchant had to say told him he should be upset. "Fireworks, really? You could have gotten hurt." he sighed and shook his head. Killian grabbed his wallet from his back pocket and pulled ₽100 Poké from it.

"For the trouble she caused you - and some of the fireworks she tried to steal."
NOTES: Post #5



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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,612 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 23:17:14 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar






“Work can be fun,” Razz protest though with his tired tone that may have been an argument against it. Besides he was still in the process of finding something ‘fun’ he enjoyed doing so until then just working was fine. Salem can’t help but comment something about how his trainer was a stick in the mud to his fellow service pokemon with a bit of a chuckle making Razz shoot them a small look. He didn’t pick up what was said, but he knows the cat enough to know when they’re chuckling at him. [break][break]

The fawning is easily unnoticed to him as reading that off people wasn’t his thing, ”Couldn’t you get Game to win you something? It’s sort of in his name,” was this his attempt at a joke? The world will never know. At said man’s question he tilts his head a bit in thought before shrugging clearing not having any plans as it was an unexpected win. ”I guess let it loose in the ocean with my other water pokemon, and if it wants more it’ll let me know?” [break][break]

At ’s introduction the younger ranger finally has a chance to match a face with the name. He nods at her in greeting, “Nice meeting you, Game has mentioned you a few times, I’d shake your hand but they’re full,” case in point the illgypuff in his arms. Though honestly even if they weren’t he’d probably still make an excuse. There does seem to be a hint of embarrassment in Razz as the other mentions having a fondness over him. Personally he doesn’t think he deserve it but there is a small happiness that it’s there, “Yeah... Game is okay too,” because that’s probably the best compliment anyone really gets from him

Notes: Post #9/15 [break]



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