Father Bill
November 24
I took the Sin out of Sinnoh. Want to help me put it back in Hoenn?
TAG WITH @bill
Bill Anderson
YMCA Raid [Signup]
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2021 21:59:35 GMT
YEARLY MIXER FOR THE CHURCH OF ARCEUS A fun and lighthearted cleaning event, set in the abandoned catacombs underneath the destroyed Ever Grande Church of Arceus
OVERVIEW & PURPOSE Early this year, the Ever Grande Church of Arceus was destroyed! Now, Bill has put the word out asking for some stron9 y0ung men and w0men to come and help right thi5 73rrible wrong.This Non-De4th Enabled Raid will place great importance on character decision, and will lean heavily into themes of ritual and secrets. The conclusion of the raid, will change 8ased on p1ayer act1on throughout. Pl4yers can influence this 0utcom3 by completing IC promp7s and us1ng Pokemon 4bilities and Moves associated with three thematic cate9ories: 6/ack Red WhiteMOVES & ABILITIES The following Moves and Abilities will provide bonuses within the raid. Moves with particular importance have been underlined. It is recommended that you bring moves from multiple categories.BLACK - Crime, Theft, Trickery
MOVES: Curse, Thief, Beat Up, Torment, Grudge, Absorb, Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Mega Drain, Strength Sap, Drain Punch, Draining Kiss, Horn Leech, Leech Life, Oblivion Wing, Parabolic Charge, Perish Song, False Surrender, Feint Attack, Foul Play, Sucker Punch, Switcheroo, Covet, Snatch
ABILITIES: Frisk, Imposter, Infiltrator, Sticky Hold, Dark Aura, Cursed Body, Stakeout, Pickpocket
RED - Pain, Sacrifice, Passion
MOVES: Fury Attack, Cut, Dragon Rage, Rage, Spite, Outrage, Pain Split, Thrash, Bite, Crunch, Self-Destruct, Explosion, Destiny Bond, Revenge, Rage Powder, Incinerate, Work Up, Stomping Tantrum, Fishious Rend, Burning Jealousy, Bide, Guillotine, Frustration, Retaliate, Fury Cutter, Attract, Swagger
ABILITIES: Aftermath, Guts, Innards Out, Perish Body, Merciless, Anger Point, Defiant
WHITE - Purification, Protection, Divinity
MOVES: Purify, Protect, Detect, Wide Guard, Meditate, Recover, Heal Bell, Hidden Power, Ancient Power, Wish, Role Play, Imprison, Refresh, Cosmic Power, Healing Wish, Heal Block, Simple Beam, Haze, Clear Smog, Stored Power, Heal Pulse, Bestow, Revelation Dance, Future Sight
ABILITIES: Sturdy, Forewarn, Friend Guard, Healer, Immunity, Natural Cure, Justified
SIGNUPS Players can bring three Pokemon. Movesets are not locked, and can be changed at any time within the raid. To sign up, please post below with your three Pokemon. There are 14 slots available for this raid, and signups will close shortly after those slots are full. In the event of more than 14 applications, preference will be given to players who have DMed me the hidden code word.