i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


January 1st
Snowbelle, Kalos
Search and Rescue / EMT
Ex-Gym Leader
Be kind to yourself
Even though it gets hard
5' 3" / 160 CM height
5' 3" / 160 CM height
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
322 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mudlark
Georgette Bluebottle
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 19:29:41 GMT
Georgette Bluebottle Avatar

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@ tags

strength may fail[break]
the eyes grow dim

The fact of the matter was people might be in trouble in Sootopolis. Whether they were Rocket or merely unlucky civilians still living in the city was irrelevant - they deserved help and protection just as much as anyone on the mainland of Hoenn or her own little slice of peace on Mossdeep. Thus, once Georgette finds it within herself to peel away from the news dinging constantly on her phone she packs up a medical kit, Mylar blankets, and extra bottles of water for her Mudsdale to carry.

She is, as they say, late to the party and a crowd has already gathered around the Tree. The sky above is roiling and dark, crackling with fingers of lightning with wind whipping in violent, unpredictable gusts. It was, all things told, a nightmarish scene, one primed for chaos to erupt at a moment's notice.
Mindful of the surrounding people, Georgette navigates her Mudsale through the throng of bodies. The mare's collected trot reverberates loudly with the strike of her massive hooves, spraying clods of dirt with each step; soon, it is simply too dangerous to navigate on horseback and Georgette slides from Clementine's back. Her hand resting on the Mudsale's shoulder, they move as quickly as they can.
She needs to find someone in charge.
Her mouth opening, she pauses at the sight unfolding; there's an odd-looking man at the base of the tree but aside from the silhouette she cannot make out anything more than that. Brow furrowing, the tiny woman once more scours the area for any indication of someone taking the lead.
Skewing up her resolve, Georgette calls out sharply into the void of the crowd, her words softened by her thick Kalosian accent, "Who is in charge?"
The civilians need to be looked after. The trainers need to prepare if something goes wrong. They need a plan.

+ Georgette packs up medical supplies in case of injury after reading the breaking news [break]
+ She calls out asking who is in charge after arriving on the scene [break]
+ Ready to begin organizing bodies to ensure no one is hurt


but the heart shall ever last
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,740 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON May 24, 2022 21:15:20 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar







Something was wrong. Very wrong. [break][break]

he was within the tree when the dark crystals began to sprout out. The pokemon had begun to evacuate and run away in whatever direction they could possibly go. [break][break]

"Xerneas! What's going on?!"
he'd ask as Xerneas quickly spoke to him telepathically."We must leave, there is an abomination approaching. Quickly now, do not delay in your escape or it will consume you." [break][break]

Bryan placed his hand on the tree and began to try and tree-stride away but crystals began to block him off, threatening to consume his energy. From the bark, Bryan would be launched outwards as if the tree had begun to reject him, tumbling along the ground as this monster began to feast upon the endless buffet. [break][break]

A smaller tree emerges, Xerneas creating a new tree to escape from, ready to act against the intruder who threatened his domain. "Be ready. All of you." he says speaking to people within earshot as he began to channel GEOMANCY as a rainbow light began to glow around Xerneas. Bryan stood up, shoving his mask onto his face to protect his identity. He took a pokeball out ready to throw it if it started to make any sudden moves. [break][break]

A shiver ran down his spine.


notes about this post

Notes go here

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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
1,374 posts
part of
TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
POSTED ON May 25, 2022 2:50:16 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




294 words

don't let it take the skin

from your bones


For the first time in months, Killian graced the halls of his Sootopolis home. Exhaustion's heavy hand guided him to the stone-white house. The air inside is stale, thick with the pungent odor of the waterlogged city. His face twisted in disgust. [break][break]

"Fuck me." and fuck too. That bastard fought too hard for three on one. Killian prayed tortured the fuck out of him before getting what she needed. [break][break]

"Ugh." His body and mind screamed for relief, for the comfort of a memory foam mattress and cotton sheets. They'd get neither.[break][break]

Killian slowly walked to the couch.[break][break]

He's about to sit when the light drains from the balcony window. Immediately, Killian frowned. "No." he groaned. Can Hoenn not be Hoenn for a day? Eight hours, even? His frown deepened on the way to the window. He gazed out at the city, and dread filled his weary bones.[break][break]

Pitch-black curtains drew across the sky, snuffing out the stars like the flames of a candle. The sight echoed conversations with in Killian's mind. [break][break]

The Darkest of Days[break][break]

Not a moment later, Martín's voice fills the radio in his ear. "Of course we do." Killian pinched the bridge of his nose, "I'll be right there." [break][break]

The admin prodded the creature inside him. Deoxys, equally exhausted, contested the call. Rather than argue, Killian released one of his Beheeyem and TELEPORTED to the tree.[break][break]

He arrived next to .[break][break]

"What's going - "[break][break]

Diamonds found the bodies of , , , and . But they aren't what catches his tongue in his throat. It's the sight of or what looks like the underboss beyond them. Killian's eyes narrowed.[break][break]

"That can't be Chu-e, can it?"[break][break]

What the fuck was going on here?[break][break]



- Exhausted[break]
- Gets Mars call and teleports to the Tree[break]
- Questions wtf Chu-e is doing alive



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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,333 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON May 25, 2022 3:02:58 GMT
He'd come when he heard the call.

A distress signal. RED ALERT. The Tree of Life under siege by some foreign threat.

As Barnaby approached the perimeter, donned in a stark white mask and cloak meant to hide his identity, he recognized the faces of comrades almost immediately. , , , , and Underboss were all ROCKETs he'd either seen or interacted with before.

Upon noticing two other familiar faces, though, he found himself settling next to , , and the masked man beside them. Similar to Elisa, as soon as Barnaby heard the man's voice he was intimately aware of who it belonged to. .

"I'm not sure what we're in for," He spoke loudly enough so that all three could hear while looking toward the distorted figure spawning dark crystals from the Tree's bark. "But I'm here to help."
• hidden identity (masked)
• standing beside mars, elisa, & killian
• ready to help when needed
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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
part of
TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON May 25, 2022 3:21:53 GMT

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
stare into the abyss and find bravery

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
within the mantle of the reaper


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
and the steel of his scythe

Derek is too preoccupied with his duties at the ranch to notice the shadow sprawling across the sky. His phone began ringing non-stop, but it goes largely ignored because his hands are dirty. He's busy. It isn't until his Skarmory wakes up and starts crowing that he is made aware of the blackening clouds and sky...

Dropping everything, a single click of the phone and a stern "I'm on it!" makes this the shortest call he'd ever taken. Derek snatches his belt from the wall of the makeshift barn stall, fastening it to his waist and checking all the holsters. Good. Each and every one of them was full, and so too were the pockets in his jacket.


"Eao, time to go!" Taking to the sky, Derek is quick to realize they're heading directly towards Sootopolis City. His phone comes out a second time, dialing the only number he felt he could trust at a time like this. The only ranger who he really knew, not in the line of duty, but outside in the real world. "Callan, can you meet me at Sootopolis?!" The urgency in his voice speaks to the matter at hand.



Those who take the time to scour the media on their phone find that news of this has reached all over. How could it not with such a grand size to the perpetual darkness looming overhead? Likewise, many are standing in awe of the spectacle the tree and sky provided. "Let's fly down for a closer look." A crowd had begun to form at the base of the tree, and though he wanted to land, this was Rocket's turf. He wouldn't touch down before knowing more about what was going on.

- witnesses the dawn of the darkest day[break]
- accepts league call to investigate[break]
- calls for help[break]
- arrives at sootopolis[break]
- gets a closer look


template by punki

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON May 25, 2022 3:37:05 GMT
Deleted Avatar

are we laughing? are we drowning?
The heat-sun-sweat of the open ocean was usurped by the suffocating canopy. A ranger route- two known safe points used as a test in independence and wilderness survival.

That was two days ago.

The darkness hurt to breathe. A lingering tension in the air, perhaps. Something was happening, and Sirocco didn't know what to do.

Form-fitting tank top and sweatpants he used as sleepwear. Strap-on sandals. Was there time to change? Maybe. Maybe not. A click of a heal ball, and a companion materialized at his side. Banana and Luna were safe at home.

He made his way to the tree. Crowds gathered haphazardly. Crystals, shouting, a strange figure-

Sirocco was useless here. I don't know what to do.

A mudsdale pushed its way past him- packages of some sort were strapped to its sides. Medicine?

"Hey," he called out after a moment, eyeing the person leading the ground-type. He waved an arm, and after a moment, the psychic type copied his posture. "let me help with that. Been through the ranger first aid courses and I can treat pokemon in a pinch, too." He wasn't a doctor- he was a biologist. But at this moment, the distinction didn't seem as important. He could give stitches, tie a tourniquet.

He very carefully did not think back to the dissection labs.

-Sirocco arrived two days ago from Pacifidlog on ranger business
-Mans barely gets to sleep before Shit Goes Down
-Has Nina on deck to heal(?) any potential pokemon injuries- doesn't really care to distinguish between other league or rocket members
-Approaches and offers to help with first aid prep
@tagsomeone ● notes here ● word count
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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,621 posts
part of
TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON May 25, 2022 3:41:17 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar



[attr=class,charname accenttext]
A night like any other...


Adrian plucks at the strings of an underused, out of tune guitar, listening to the ambiance as they and the rest of the city finally settle down for the night. There's a breeze in the air that Howitzer helps push back, earning a few scritches behind the ear before he overhears Rowan leaving in a bit of a hurry. What is that about...?[break][break]

Rising to his full height, he feels a familiarly intrusive presence invading his mind as Yveltal tries to share with him a memory of another time. Its visceral in that he remembers it all too well: Reign, Miser, Karma. Screams, shouts, the blanket of night...[break][break]


...I worry that fated day is finally upon us...[break][break]

Yveltal gave no other solace or comfort, abandoning him to his thoughts, which ran rampant with panic and confusion. Why now? And what could he hope to do now, in the face of some strange, impermeable darkness once again? He couldn't even be sure what had postponed its last culling, only that it had eventually passed.[break][break]

"Howitzer, STAY!" She was already rising from her haunches when he barked at her to stay put, which went against her instinct, but her stubborness was only rewarded with a firm, disapproving hand reaffirming his position.[break][break]

Adrian would dart out the door while following in Rowan's footsteps, casting a weary gaze across the preternatural blanket of shadow hanging over them, his discerning eyes finding little in the world that wasn't shades of grey... "Rowan, where are you—"[break][break]

Rowan... Why the goddamn tree?

tags [break]
tl;dr After their evening is interrupted, Adrian follows after Rowan


template by punki

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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
261 posts
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Rex Drago
POSTED ON May 25, 2022 4:21:32 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar

Sootopolis was welcoming to Rocket’s now, a trait Rex was quick to take advantage of. The apartment that should have been nice to live in already had ruin all over it, strewn with bottles and old food. Not that it was all his fault. One lived here too, and the crumbs around the Aerodactyl’s mouth spoke to its guilt.

This would be the day he wished he hadn’t chosen to live in the safest option.

Rex lurched to his feet, grumbling as shrieks and panic rose in volume.

What the-what the fuck?” His voice wavered, and he stumbled back, tripping over One.

His Pokeballs scattered, and he scrambled to pick them up in the dark, a tightness in his chest suffocating him. One nosed him, helping him to his feet and baring its teeth at the quickly darkening skies. The rocky beast had been his partner in everything, even when he thought he was going to die. Except today he didn’t think he would, he was certain.

One. Hold down the fort. Don't let anyone steal my stuff.” The beast warbled in confusion, head whipping to him like he was a stranger. Rex simply started picking up Pokeballs, hating how his hands shook in the process.

I’m gonna find Gav. I’m gonna find him, and we’re gonna leave.” Cause screw this, screw all of it. He would not die in some horrible event just cause he was here…and he liked Gavin too well among the Rockets to at least not drag him along his cowardice. He was such a moron, hopefully the man wouldn’t be too mad at him. The thought made him sad, he noted with an odd bit of clarity.

One lowered to the ground, eyes wide, but listening. Good. One was like Gavin, if anything else happened, he’d still be glad as long as those two were around.

Random Pokeballs in hand, and shaking like a leaf, Rex rushed out in little more than pajamas.

Pokemon: Four - Raichu/Female/Lightning Rod - Calm Mind, Nuzzle, Agility, Light Screen, Grass Knot, Thunder.
Five - Floatzel/Female/Swift Swim - Sonic Boom, Aqua Tail, Swift, Razor Wind, Agility, Aqua Jet.
Six - Exploud/Male/Soundproof - Crunch, Echoed Voice, Boomburst, Roar, Extrasensory, Solar Beam.
Twelve - Zweilous/Female/Hustle - Dragon Breath, Slam, Hyper Voice, Body Slam, Taunt.
Eight - Haxorus/Male/Mold Breaker - Dragon Pulse, Taunt, Scary Face, Dragon Claw, Draco Meteor, Snarl.
Seventeen - Morpeko/Male/Hunger Switch - Aura Wheel, Thrash, Bullet Seed, Quick Attack, Super Fang.
Fifteen - Anorith/Female/Swift Swim - Bug Bite, Slash, Rock Blast, Smack Down, Cross Poison.
Eighteen - Houndour/Male/Early Bird - Smog, Flamethrower, Howl, Roar, Foul Play, Nasty Plot.

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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
1,565 posts
Callan Young DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
POSTED ON May 25, 2022 16:18:43 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
It was spit black by the time he had arrived, riding underneath Hahn, his Vikavolt, after receiving the call from . He had already been en route, but he linked PokeNav's to join up prior to arriving at Sootopolis.

Miles of black, all around, Sootopolis was illuminated only by the cone of lights within.

Trainers, rangers, all flew into the maelstrom to help out. Lars had asked him to scout out the situation, and he obliged. No theatrics, he was only here to help out against the massive threat, if it was possible. Derek asked to fly down at the base of the tree, but something caught the corner of Callan's eye, a Salamence, and the flow of pink hair in front of it. His heart sank into his stomach.

"I'll join up with you in a sec, I need to check something out first. Be there in a minute." Callan said, before diving Hahn towards Gon, 's Salamence. "Elinor!" He yelled out, as he tried to close the distance towards her. "This place is a death trap, you gotta go!"

Callan knew, deep inside him, that she had every right to be here. She was a ranger too, and an accomplished trainer at that, but that didn't stop the sinking despair from creeping into him from imagining every possible harm that could be coming towards them.

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October 25
Canalave City
ANVIL General
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,187 posts
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TAG WITH @felix
Felix Gallagher
POSTED ON May 26, 2022 4:30:10 GMT
Felix Gallagher Avatar
10 minutes ago, Felix was simply spending his time casually rehashing the plans with Jayden, thoughts of intel procurement and usage hot on their collective minds. It'd felt nice, especially since, for once, he felt himself actually inching closer towards the goal he had set for themselves a while ago.

That is, of course, until the BLACKOUT occurred.

Within an instant, the two were out the door and moving towards the TREE OF LIFE, following the other straggling grunts and beasts rushing over.

Felix had left the communication to , while keeping his eyes forward, head leveled, and thoughts focused.

When they arrived, the man had already slipped on his kakeshi mask, and his eyes surveyed their surroundings. Familiar, yet obscured, faces filled his vision, and with them came a sense of responsibility. The prickly sense of danger only fed into this feeling. One, in particular, caught his eye-- a woman wrapped up in a cloak ( ), not too far behind the growing group of rockets congregating around the base of the tree. He kept his eyes on her as they marched forward, momentarily drawn to her presence.

Finally, Felix looked back at Jayden, serious, as if to say "I've got your back." in their own weird language. If he was meant to be a sharpened sword, he'd be the durable shield he needed to succeed.

Together, the two rockets made their way to the base of the tree, Jayden breaking away to be closer to , while Felix kept to their tailcoats. He released Ageislash out beside him. "Be on the alert," He told the pokemon, eyes narrowed at the tree. "Be ready to shadow sneak" Unlike the others, he held no attachments to its shifting behavior or fallen victims. The only thing on his mind was: defense.

- was vibing w jayden, talkin about plans n shit
- saw blackout, went to tree
- noticed familiar faces, attention caught by elisabeth
- followed jayden towards the base of the tree, where remy is
- mind on defense
- Ageislash or however u spell it is out n ready to  defend oncoming attack with anyone within the area (via shadow sneak movement)


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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,408 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON May 26, 2022 5:14:57 GMT
jayden cross Avatar



as he has of recent, he had been spending the afternoon with when it had all struck. the two consort of their mutual plans for SPECTRA, discussing various topics at hand. they spent much of the day at jayden's own apartment in sootopolis, for convenience sake but also because there is very few places more secure than the ex-beast's own apartment.

[break][break] that was when it happened.

[break][break] darkness fell upon sootopolis city, not unlike that of the slateport night market. his hand freezes on the handle of a kettle that he had been pouring for his comrade, body tensing, and gaze immediately flickering to the large, looming branches of the TREE OF LIFE that is always visible from the city's skyline.

[break][break] moonlight shines in from the apartment proper.

[break][break] "we have to go."

[break][break] donning a matching kakashi mask and uniform just like felix, it takes them mere seconds to realize the source of the change. the moon that hangs over the crater calling all rockets to it like moths to a flame. it's not surprising that most other rockets had the same thought that jayden did in that very moment: something was wrong. very wrong.

[break][break] sure enough, communications come in varying speeds. jayden recognizes several of them — notable ones among them being , and jayden tunes into the comms as well, "underboss merlino, cross and gallagher are en-route to the tree as well."

[break][break] once they arrive, there's a palpable tension in the air. he glances briefly at , sharing a look between them in their own language that jayden acknowledges with a subtle nod. should it come to it, jayden knew they were willing to defend one another. such was the thing that bounded all rockets. loyalty.

[break][break] jayden stands in view of the tree, between and . the sound of beating wings that belong to his mentor's own patron echo through the air, filling in the otherwise silent atmosphere. jayden is not concerned about the terrifying aura of the legendary beast, however. or the cluster of crystalblooms pooling out from the base. no, his eyes are now focused on the shadow in the distance.

[break][break] his throat goes dry.

[break][break] "... chu-e?"

[break][break] it couldn't be, could it?

[break] + jayden and felix arrive to the tree together [break]
+ he recognizes other rockets but is like o_o;; at chu-e or the chu-e-like projection [break]
+ he has his INKAY currently out and about

[attr="class","bar title"]THE DARKEST DAY

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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON May 26, 2022 13:21:33 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar

Dawn of the Darkest Day

A worrying omen.

A hand falls atop ' hat with a pat. The owner of said hand nods 's way... not that the boy can see it.

"Good evening, Girl Scout citizen! Hideo!" Comes a cheerful crow as a Police Officer Gwyar walks past the two. "This is an awfully dangerous place to be in. Please, stick close to me."

He knew by now it was useless to tell Hoenn youths to go away.

The father of two glanced down and felt his heart twist at the look in the little girl's face. Such raw suffering on someone so young...

His generation was an absolute failure; they just kept giving children more reasons to be sad.

Speaking of failed adults, he quietly noted the presence of a few well known Rockets amongst the several masked ones.

Nothing that mattered now, given the horrifying cloud that hung above all of Sootopolis; but what a missed opportunity nonetheless!

Speaking of masked individuals, Gwyar noted the rather impressive arrival of the masked Psychopath .

'Still alive, then.' Not that it seemed like anything could truly put him down for long.

Then, a voice rises over the crowd.

His gaze shifts towards a woman riding astride a Mudsdale. Her face is vaguely familiar, but upon seeing her snow-white hair, it hits him.

That is one of the new Gym Leader, .

He lifts his hand while smiling.

"I suppose legally, that would be me? But then, I don't think that matters much to these folk." He informed her, before palming a pokeball. "It doesn't seem like too many civilians have approached the tree, mercifully."

Luckily so.

Hoennians were notoriously hard to dissuade from putting their own necks at risk while being entirely unqualified for little to no gain.

-Saying hi to Eris and Hideo.
-noting the curse upon mankind that is Bryan's continued existence.
-Responding to Georgette's question.
TAG: @noonr
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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,704 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON May 27, 2022 2:03:37 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

the blood of stained her hand, and there was a wild look in her eyes. while things had not gone entirely according to plan, she had never been quite so drunk on power. [break][break]

her brother had left to attend to matters at the tree of life. initially, she had not been in such a hurry. however, darkrai had gone to investigate, and quickly returned. they were going. rocket needed them. [break][break]

soon enough, their dark figures emerged from the shadow of the tree.[break][break]

”this is flint. i’m—“ at the tree. and so were several others. and there was... ? [break][break]

it all came rushing in a memor: the crystal, the look in his eyes, and the hunger he’d warned her about. that, and the horrible monster in his nightmare. the way it had seemed more real than anything. the way it had changed all that she had believed about dreams.[break][break]

the way he’d asked her to kill him.[break][break]

her warning came over comms, though some of them seemed to already have realized:[break][break]

”that’s not chu-e.” [break][break]

darkrai hovered close, rather than lurking in the shadows, alert not only to the monster in front of them, but also for the wrath of tapu fini under a full moon. [break][break]

she reached for a device in her pocket and pushed a button. inaudible soundwaves were sent into the air, and soon, the silhouettes of bats of all shapes and sizes were nearing, aglow by the light of the moon. [break][break]

eventually able to pull her eyes from chu-e’s reanimated, mutating body, lulu saw the tree’s condition. was he somehow draining the life of it? did it feed on infinity energy, and had it too been attracted to hoenn’s energy just as the megalopolans had?

- arrives at the tree with darkrai[break]
- undisguised with blood on her hand[break]
- speaking over rocket comms[break]
- lulu's bat horde is approaching

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-darkrai"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
In this and every life
I choose us every time
1m62 / 5'3 height
1m62 / 5'3 height
Through my rise and fall, you've been my only friend
150 posts
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TAG WITH @aura
Brynnhildr Erling
POSTED ON May 27, 2022 2:09:18 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

There was something about the Unovan and poorly timed strolls that kept repeating itself. Meteor Falls was one; a hike that ended up in her getting jumped by a gang of small pokémon, while another was at Mt. Chimney, where she ever so hopelessly got lost. In both occassions she was aided by a kind stranger frequenting the neighbourhood, but she wasn't expecting any of the sort this time around.

No, this time things were different. Both the vibe and general area; this was not some godforsaken wildland she wandered. This was Sootopolis, nigh a metropolis in its own right. A holiday destination to many, just like her. She'd come to perceive the wonders of this beautiful city, and like quite a few others had just been enjoying the starry skies until the darkness started clouding them. It wasn't like a sudden thunderstorm or anything, that much she could determine of the situation, and the way the people around her were reacting to the phenomenon made it even more certain that something was off. Horribly off.

She should've turned around, headed somewhere safe, or at the very least away from the center of this disturbance, yet Brynnhildr found herself moving towards it instead. Against the frantic scuttles of her Joltik Ari, who was all but calmly squeezed against her neck. Even Bell, otherwise the first to turn things upside down, kept himself glued to her side, wary of every stranger that passed her by. She wasn't the only one moving towards the Tree of Life, even though she's still quite the distance away. She hears shreds of conversations in passing, about the Blackout of Slateport, but knows too little about it to really worry. Maybe if she had known, she would've been more careful.

- Brynn's Joltik and Galarian Ponyta are glued to her side
- She honestly has no idea where she's going *thumbs up*

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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,437 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON May 27, 2022 2:41:03 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
greyson stands near the back of the crowd, eyes lifting to the inevitable spectacle. again he found himself captured by the majesty of the tree. it was like something out of a fairy tale — the kind that had the grotesque and often uncomfortable endings, that is.
his nose turns up at a scent he can't place. it was like the way you could smell rainfall before it came, only it was much more... putrid.
"it smells like death," he says at last, footsteps joining him from behind. "what the hell is going on?"
regardless of what was happening, something struck him as not right. his danger sense flared and he immediately moved to release three pokemon — comfey, all of them.
each of the fairy-types find a wrist and wrap themselves around it. first , then , and lastly the champion, . they would give it all to ensure the safety of those in their charge, though silently, greyson wishes it doesn't come to that.
"keep these on your wrist. they'll protect you should things get wild."
he releases another to clamp around his, but it's not the usual presence of ellie. no, it was too dangerous. he would have to be selfish just for today.
satisfied, or as much as he could be, he takes a step back. he wasn't meant to be the power house here, though he certainly could be. no, the league had brought the best of the best to handle that.

[attr="class","notes"] | | [break][break]

a comfey for each companion, plus himself. and he lets the big boys go to work, just staring up at the tree.


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing