i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,408 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2022 4:39:01 GMT
jayden cross Avatar



[attr="class","inner"] they are stronger in numbers. as the cascade of attacks all bombard down on necrozoma, it is only a matter of time before they break him. as the RED CHAIN from the lake trio manifests and slithers into view, binding the prism pokemon.

[break][break] as the pokemon pushes and pulls against his chains, the scream that releases the air is enough to send a chill down jayden's spine. he grates his teeth — it is awful. everything about it is unnatural, from the way it makes the earth tremor beneath their feet from the way it echoes across the blackened sky.

[break][break] so distracted by the attack, he nearly doesn't notice when his SHADOW VULPIX goes on the attack. fangs sink into his arm and his eyes widen. pain surges across his skin, blood seeping into his fabric. immediately he reaches with his other arm to rip the vulpix away.

[break][break] his charmander and kingler come out to defend him, but it is a futile effort. a combined SLASH and CRABHAMMER is enough to pull the vulpix away from his trainer, as jayden stumbles back to clutch his arm. but the vulpix snarls, turning on the two — his friends. the reflection of his eyes are empty and souless as fire flares around him, INCINERATING the two into ashes.

[break][break] it's enough of a distraction that jayden is able to reach for the vulpix's pokemon and return him, but not after the flames scald his shoulder in turn. "PROTECT LUNALA!"

[break][break] called to the frontlines, his unknown-k uses HIDDEN POWER in combination with his flygon's BOOM BURST to attack the shadows that swarm the fallen legendary.

[break] + charmander + kingler sacrifice for shadow vulpix
[break] + boom burst + hidden power attack the shadows [break][break]


[attr="class","bar title"]THE DARKEST DAY

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,704 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2022 4:43:09 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

her attention was stolen from the sky to marvel at the crimson chain which wrapped around the tree of life necrozma. what was it made of for it to be so strong? where had it come from?[break][break]

where had any of this shit come from?[break][break]

with a grunt, lulu pulled herself off the ground, off the splintered bones of her broken bird. she returned it, the pokéball lingering in her sore hand as she watched the chaos. there was no jumping in with any hope. there were stronger forces at work.[break][break]

darkrai drifted closer. she could sense the increasing unease, the only warning before the next happened.[break][break]

shadows burst out of the doors of hell, running through sootopolis and into the air, and she watched as their self-inflicted doom approached like a dark wave. as they came, solgaleo’s light broke like a hole through the black of the sky to reveal something she’d only seen in strange illustrations. the pokémon from the blackout of slateport. the one had told her about.[break][break]

”we have to get out of here.”[break][break]

if the world was ending, there were only a few hopeful routes that she could think of. her unown was dead. if the ultra space monster was entering their world, it meant that it wouldn’t be in ultra space.[break][break]

her eyes returned to the sky, where shadow pokémon had chased lunala. lulu tossed two pokeballs up, and two of her remaining noctowls burst from them, fresh for the fight. one of them was her best.[break][break]

she pointed, ”help lunala!”[break][break]

screeching at the chaos and doing their best to evade attacks, the owls soared straight up in pursuit. the moon was absorbed again through a moonblast. the largest of the two unleashed a z-move, shattered psyche.[break][break]

below, lulu slipped into the shadows as doomsday further unfolded. while darkrai remained close, it continued to defend rocket in what would perhaps be their final moments. a shadow ball hurled towards the tree of life necrozma.[break][break]


• lulu wonders about chain[break]
• returns injured noctowl, releases two more noctowls[break][break]
• lulu commands noctowls to help defend lunala in hopes she can escape to ultra space with it if necrozma breaks through[break]
• noctowls use moonblast + shattered pscyhe on shadow pokemon[break]
• darkrai uses shadow ball on tree of life necrozma[break]
• lulu hides in shadows to watch lol[break]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-darkrai"]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-noctowl"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-noctowl"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-noctowl"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,333 posts
part of
TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2022 5:24:44 GMT
At the precipice of salvation, where terrible giants seem ready to fall - reality once again forsook Hoenn.

Shadow Pokémon, hatched at the hands of their trainers, turn their backs on those that raised them. Legendary Pokémon and Ultra Beasts fight tooth and nail, their power nearly unimaginable as it shook the very ground they stood on. And from the darkened sky a hopeful light opens up - deliverance from this terrible night?

No. Damnation.

Another NECROZMA here to reap their ill-fated world.

Chaos reigns. Lake Guardians fall. The Red Chain becomes defunct.

As this all transpires, Barnaby can only focus on what is immediately in front of him. had just returned - a relief beyond words - but disappeared in the span of minutes without warning. Not far, and for good reason. But that didn't stop Barnaby from staggering forward, abandoning to instead run across the raging battlefield toward AZELF.

The imp was injured, devastatingly so, the jewel on its forehead cracked and bleeding. Bloodwit showed no remorse for the carnage she had caused; instead, she doubled down, a flurry of unbridled rage against two of Mars' other Pokémon.

From the periphery Barnaby could see more of her kind closing in.

"GET ME THERE." It was a desperate plea, shouted above the din. This was taking too long, he wouldn't make it in time. His ALAKAZAM complied, TELEPORTing both him and his HAKAMO-O closer to where Mars now stood with AZELF in his arms.

As he materialized beside , Barnaby bore witness to the slaughter of his friend's MUSHARNA. Blood from Mars' butchered Pokémon splattered across Barnaby' mask, obscuring his vision. Reflexively, he wiped the blood away, smearing it on his hands, yet it still left a red film for him to view the rest of the madness through.

"Protect us at all costs. Don't let any others near." His two Pokémon took a defensive stance on either side of the two gathered humans.

"You're not hurt?" He asked, raising a hand to Mars' shoulder; as perceptive as the admin was, he'd likely notice Barnaby's trembling touch. His bloodied palms, too.

And then the rain came. Cleansing and welcomed. The red began to fade from sight... some, but not all.

• hidden identity (masked)
• pressure from first DE event
• standing beside mars near AZELF
HAKAMO-O & ALAKAZAM defending them

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2022 6:02:02 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar
katherine's eyes dart to the emerging ultra wormhole. 's solgaleo is cursed silently as the tear in space grows bigger, brighter, stronger. she knows it spells trouble.
she just doesn't expect this kind of trouble. a second necrozma? how is that even possible..?
She draws a deep breath as the Ultra Beast is called upon, drawing its attention. "We're not letting that thing pass." It is that simple. Her decree was simply, and as such, only actions follow. At first contact with the jellyfish pokemon, Katherine is embraced into its form, claiming her throne inside it.
ULTRA BURST, in its full form, is achieved.
The need for vocal orders is eliminated. Their thoughts are one. When Katherine thinks that they must flood the wormhole with poison, the beast acts. A sludge wave of BEAST NEUROTOXIN is launched forth mercilessly, uncaring for what may lay in its path.
Elsewhere, Gengar rallies behind Kyogre and supports Captian in her endeavor, lending its aid by launching a DARK PULSE against the Tree Necrozma.

💎 ultra burst occurs[break]
💎 nihilego/kat flood the wormhole with a sludge wave (beast neurotoxin is at play)[break]
💎 gengar supports kyogre and attacks tree necrozma with a dark pulse[break]
💎 three salacs used haha

[attr="class","fas fa-moon"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2022 6:17:37 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar

Dawn of the Darkest Day

Gawain the Gallade's POV

[player]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/850907874325823529/980171107258761216/The_Knight_has_arrived.mp3[/player]They won. Seemingly against all odds, they had managed to pull through.

But they were not supposed to.


Pokemon began to turn on their trainers without warning.

The weird, borderline deformed pokemon anyway. Mercifully, it did not look like his Uber-charged Mega brother would be taking a swing at his head. Though that did little to change the fact that everything that they had worked for was swiftly going up in smoke.

The magical chain was breaking, ANOTHER monster was tearing into their dimension, an army of deformities was attacking them, and a fucking kaiju was on the loose!

Naturally, Gwyar was most worried about the monster they had been fighting to begin with. If they let it break free, every single life lost would've been for nothing.

"We must stop that thing!" He said hurriedly to his pokemon partners, his writer utterly lacking in any creative juices at the moment. Not to mention, the fact that he had already played out his trump card with his Z-move before.

All they had left was Gawain's bizarre, superpowered Mega form. Hopefully that would be enough to make a difference!

Rushing forth, Primal Mega Gallade leapt to action, dancing through the air as he moved through the chaos of the battlefield, his power flowing into Galatine as her Sacred Sword grew to gargantuan size, primal energy supercharging her abilities before she was swung violently at the monster trying to break free.


-I've no creativity left atm. Head empty, no thoughts.
-Primal Mega Gallade is using Swords Dance to empower his move. He's transferring his power through Aegislash, who's using Sacred Sword on Tree of Life Necrozma.
-1 salac, holy hell.

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2022 6:55:17 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
They had won? As the Primal energy left Sceptile and he reverted back to his normal mega form, Amor watched as the red chain form, and bind their nearly unstoppable foe. A slight sigh of relief rushed from his lips as he let his guard down for a second, but it was in that single moment that everything started to go down hill. The shadow pokemon that everyone had began to go berserk, and turn on their trainers slaughtering other pokemon, and he grit his teeth. As the three Lake Guardians were caught up in the counter attack. Each of them having the gem in their forehead crushed, and he bit his lip hard enough to draw blood. The chain that was binding Necrozma was slowly being whittled down. If it got free again there was nothing they could do against it as all of their energy was pretty much spent right now.

Tossing out another pokeball he summoned his Gallade, and rushed over to where he had last seen Azelf. Someone had the same idea he did as they used a powerful healing move.

"It would seem great minds think alike." He would say to the stranger as he looked to his Gallade. "Heal it use everything you've got to help heal it." Amor didn't have a powerful healing Z-move of his own yet, but Gallade let the droplets of water flow around him as he used his own Life Dew to help heal Azelf. The little guy had been kind enough to warn him of the events that were going to be happening today which meant that he couldn't stand by, and let it die.

Another Pokeball was released from his grasp as he summoned his Zeraora, and it was in that moment that he did something questionable.
]"Stryker use Plasma Fists on Vilu. It's time to amp him up with everything we've got!" With Gallade healing Azelf, Amor watched as Zeraora grabbed Sceptiles tail with his electric charged fists, and the lightning coursed through his pokemon but there didn't seem to be any damage instead Sceptile seemed to get stronger from it as his Lightning Rod ability activated quite literally amping him up.

"Now Vilu! Smash into our foe with Leaf Storm!" He ordered hoping that his attack would be enough to aid the others, and their attacks he knew that after this attack it would drain the rest of the mega form out of him so they had to make it count!


Amor went up to and Azelf
Gallade used his own Life Dew on Azelf
Amor summoned Zeraora
Zeraora used Plasma Fists on Mega Sceptile activating Lightning Rod
Mega Sceptile used Leaf Storm on the bound Necrozma after getting a Lightning Rod boost!
Salaac used x2

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,611 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2022 7:05:43 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

For a small moment there is a small ray of hope at the scene unfolding.

Damage upon damage is dealt, and the little fairies of light(?), he is unfamiliar with them, seem to create a chain that finally has put a possible stop to the creature. Though Razz knows not to get his hopes up by now. Especially as it seems shadow pokemon seem to turn on their trainers. Making him feel much better about not using his own, especially as he knows his came from a beast similar to this one. [break][break]

Though it seems the past was coming back as yet another one was coming. And as he was a survivor from the Blackout of Slateport there is some fear that another Nacrozma was coming out. Knowing what this thing was doing, and having seen the wrath of the previous one Razz wasn't going to have it. "Reshiram!" the masked ranger calls out to the white dragon and they don't need any other words between them. Sensing the danger and Razz's fear through their bond Reshiram attacks the Necrozma in the portal with BLUE FLARE. [break][break]

Along side the Inferape slams their fist on the ground to use FIRE PLEDGE to try and create a wall of flame to help try and prevent it from coming. As they're attacking Razz does dry to create a larger than usual fireball in his hands before aiming it at the Nacrozma in the portal and have it explode in it's face. [break][break]

razz's pokemon's FIRE-TYPE MOVES are INCREASED IN STRENGTH should Reshiram be on the field.

these explosions will BURN targets caught in the detonation and scorch the land they hit, rendering struck areas and targets within these areas unable to be affected by TERRAIN or WEATHER or ORGANIC GROWTH for a period of time.





    [Break]+ Reshiram uses BLUE FLARE on the Necrozma coming from the portal.
    [Break]+ Infernape uses FIRE PLEDGE on the same Necrozma
    [Break]+ Infernape's fire moves are boosted with Reshiram on the Field
    [Break]+ Razz creates an fireball to try and blast it as portal Necrozma



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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2022 7:31:44 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

The SHADOW POKEMON revolt. Remiel wants to believe he'd seen this coming, but in truth he'd never actually believed it would. They were supposed to be soulless and obedient versions of themselves. Those that snapped at their handlers were supposed to have all been broken in. It seemed almost as though none of them had ever been subservient at all, now. Just in waiting.

As events unfold all around, the royal's attention is brought to the entity clawing its way out of the portal instead. ZEKROM, too, turns to face this malevolent force. A chill runs down their spines. Pointing forward, the black dragon's avatar announces his command:


As the sky above them develops a draconic blue hue, it eventually spawns a blazing meteor that comes shooting down towards the PORTAL NECROZOMA. In the meantime, down below, Remiel's ILLUMINA TYRANTRUM roars with great fury and stomps his clawed foot on the ground, summoning explosions of earth from the ground below (EARTH POWER). Rabid shadow Pokémon are sent blasted backwards as a result.


watches the events unfold in awe
ZEKROM aids in striking back PORTAL NECROZOMA with a DRACO METEOR


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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2022 18:20:12 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]Fly me to the moon
Let me play among
the stars
Let me see
what spring is like
on Jupiter and Mars
Rowan followed Adrian’s gaze to , understanding that Adrian had some plan involving them. “I’ll work on protecting Mars, then. Stay safe.” He leaned forward and kissed Adrian on the cheek, hopping off Howitzer once she’d drawn close enough to the CEO. “You look like you got your hands full, champ.” With a Pokéball in each hand, Rowan called out his Araquanid and Golisopod, nodding towards Mars. “Defensive positions, Goliath use Iron Defense, Arachne use Mirror Coat.” Both Pokémon took their spots by Martin Del Mar, looking to be a blockade for anything that would come his way.

“What do you need help with?” Rowan asked as he jogged over to , hoping to be somewhat useful in this clusterfuck of a bloodbath. “...and what the hell is that thing?” A finger pointed towards Azelf, never having seen a Pokémon like that before in his life.



(notes)⏤Golisopod and Araquanid are using Iron Defense and Mirror Coat respectively to defend Rowan and Mars from future assaults.
[newclass=.exhausted]width: 480px; height: 20px; padding: 10px 0px 5px 0px; letter-spacing: 1px;background-color: #000; opacity: 0; color: #AFAFAF; text-align: center; font:bold 10px Montserrat; text-transform: uppercase; transition:ease 1s; -webkit-transition:ease 1s; -moz-transition:ease 1s; -o-transition:ease 1s; -ms-transition:ease 1s;[/newclass][newclass=.Im:hover .exhausted]opacity: 0.75;[/newclass][googlefont=Montserrat][newclass=.really]width: 0px; height:2px; margin-top: -37px;background: #FF326C;background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #FF326C, #349EDB);background: -o-linear-gradient(right, #FF326C, #349EDB);background: -moz-linear-gradient(right, #FF326C, #349EDB);background: linear-gradient(to right, #FF326C, #349EDB);transition:ease 0.7s; -webkit-transition:ease 1s; -moz-transition:ease 0.7s; -o-transition:ease 0.7s; -ms-transition:ease 0.7s; [/newclass][newclass=.Im:hover .really]width: 480px;[/newclass][newclass=.PT_table .PT_spots]background-color:#AFAFAF;[/newclass][googlefont=Open+Sans][newclass=.PT_table .PT_tabs]width: 80px; padding: 7px;background-color:#AFAFAF;text-align:center;font: bold 6pt calibri; text-transform:uppercase;margin: 3px 3px 3px 0px; transition: .3s;[/newclass][newclass=.dirty]font: 9px Playfair Display; color: #AFAFAF; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: justify;[/newclass][googlefont=Playfair Display][newclass=.rhythm]width: 80px; height: 80px;border: 8px solid #111111; margin-bottom: -20px;transform: rotate(45deg);transition: 1s; filter: grayscale(100%);-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);-moz-filter: grayscale(100%);[/newclass][newclass=.Im:hover .rhythm]border: 8px solid #111111; transform: rotate(315deg);transition: 1s; filter: grayscale(0%);-webkit-filter: grayscale(0%);-moz-filter: grayscale(0%); [/newclass]

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sleeping beauty
July 15
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she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2022 23:26:07 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


what's a bad miracle.[break][break]

is there a word for that?[break][break]

the way the sky opens up is nothing short of miraculous but it portents calamity instead. their victory over necrozma is short-lived as everything falls to pieces again, and Luka succumbs further to despair.[break][break]

she wants @remiel. she wants to be at home with a mug of hot chocolate, blissfully unaware like always, cuddling with her pokemon and naïve to the darkness that surrounds them all.[break][break]

she had always seen the world the way it could be. now, she sees it as it is.[break][break]

oh god, she thinks. please don't let me lose my kindness over this.[break][break]

as much as she wants to, she can't keep sniveling on the ground like a child. as the wave of shadow pokemon and the creature from the sky descends, luka stands and takes her place to defend this small, sad, struggling land she wants to call home.[break][break]

tuile is still out on the field. her aromatherapy curls in perfumed tendrils around approaching shadow pokemon, hoping to quell their frenzy. and if that doesn't work, she goes for a slightly riskier strategy. aiming her ally switch at the onslaught, she hopes to create chaos among their ranks, make them fight against each other.[break][break]

attention is paid to the struggling lake trio as well. as mespirit is toppled under the weight of shadow assailants and the jewel breaks, luka steps in to try and save them.[break][break]

she kisses the love ball for safekeeping and releases a clefable. the little fairy doesn't stray far from her side, but nods in understanding of her role. though the moon is obscured she dances just as she might when it's round and full, and collapses into luka's arms moments later.[break][break]

she's recalled just as quickly, the lunar dance complete.[break][break]

the lunar wing, tucked safely under her blouse, feels cold against her skin.[break][break]

- florges uses aromatherapy to try and calm some of the rampaging shadow pokemon
- florges attempts to use ally switch to make the shadow pokemon attack each other
- clefable uses lunar dance to heal mespirit and hopefully repair it's jewel. she faints and is recalled[break][break]
- used 3 salacs


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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She / Her
January 2
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your blood and tears
5'10'' height
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Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2022 17:45:01 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

It’s utter chaos as the red cracks and the saviors that came to aid them begin to fall. A new threat tries to tear through space and time itself to invade Hoenn. No. Hoenn has had enough. Sootopolis is theirs. Hoenn is theirs.

“Gengar, focus on the new threat,” The Mega-Gengar nods, focusing her crimson gaze on the Necrozma trying to tear into their world. She claps her palms together pushing a vicious NIGHT SHADE out towards the monster.

In all the chaos, Lex can’t take her eyes off the fallen Lunala. Val’s patron, a ghost-type, one of Rocket’s own. She feels a protective draw towards the fallen legendary, “Keres, help Lunala,” she says as she throws a pokemon forward. The light materializes into a Dragapult. The ghost hisses, curling its tail beneath it as it inspected its surroundings before it’s astute gaze finds the Lunala. Keres feels a pull towards the fellow ghost-type. The small dragon nested atop her head ready themselves as she rushes forward. Keen eyes target the shadow pokemon attacking Lunala, a barrage of DRAGON DARTS spit forward like missiles, looking to take out the swarm heading for Lunala.

-3 Salac

Mega-Gengar uses NIGHT SHADE on Necrozama
Lex releases Dragapult that flies to help Lunala
Traget Shadow Pokemon with several DRAGON DARTS

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777 height
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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2022 4:56:17 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]DAWN OF THE DARKEST DAY





A HEAVY FIST comes down on the crowd as the DYNAMAX BUZZSWOLE displaces those below. the super sized pokemon continues to rampage until ’s SILVALLY lands a critical MULTI-ATTACK. the synthetic pokemon is able to deftly evade the ultra beast’s retaliation, a testament to JULES COTILLARD’s programming.

as the champion’s pokemon does battle, it will find assistance in the form of an upcoming councilman and established gym leader. the league’s greatest find surprising cohesion as ’s pokemon provide a HELPING HAND. when ’s AGGRON topples the ultra beast with its CONTINENTAL CRUSHER, ’s GLISCOR will find itself in prime position to hold the pokemon down with a crucial GUILLOTINE.

key pieces of the league’s hierarchy come together to defeat the frenzied BUZZSWOLE. it is ’s SILVALLY that lands the final blow, targeting a specific weak spot with its AIR SLASH. with the pokemon subdued, it starts to shrink.


DYNERGY saturates the area, seeping into several individuals. , , , and won’t realize they’ve been contaminated but each possess different conduits for this scarce energy. whether it is on them or they come into contact with it later doesn’t matter.

it will rest within these catalyst, dormant but present.

the fainted BUZZSWOLE finds its way back to its pokeball. the next time calls upon it, there will be no noticeable difference. whatever effect NECROZMA had on it seems to have disappeared.


SHADOW POKEMON RIP AND TEAR into the downed LUNALA. the wake of MANDIBUZZ like feeding pries the attention of several trainers.


’s pokemon put a stop to that as his MEGA STEELIX swipes them away with its HEAVY SLAM. and too have their pokemon assist, some with good intentions, others with more selfish reason should the situation descend further. as the sound of ’s DRAGON DARTS explode against the last few shadow pokemon, the LUNALA flees.



it flies away injured and defeated. whatever chance it stood against the NECROZMA from ULTRA SPACE seems paltry compared to this new one. perhaps the interference of XERNEAS has given it a stronger foundation. created from the TREE OF LIFE, this NECROZMA no longer abides by the relational dynamic between these LEGENDARY ULTRA BEASTS. or, is it the presence of SHADOW POKEMON, reinforcements that were noticeably absent the last time they fought?


regardless, the checks and balances have shifted. this ANOMALY has given birth to a pokemon that has no known equal.


unfortunately, VALERIO is not given the same concern. as attends to , the KANTO ROCKET BEAST is assaulted by his own shadow pokemon. “we got—” are the last words will hear as he is overran by his own pokemon.


THE RAZOR SHARP WINDS of ’s AIR SLASH ride the coat TAIL WIND of ’s NOIVERN. inadvertently, the two work together to protect young . protective pillars of STONE EDGE stave off these ferocious pokemon while ’s try to buy them time.

in his arms is the LAKE GUARDIAN UXIE. caught by surprise, the pokemon remains dazed within his arms. fragments of its RED JEWEL start to disintegrate. it only needs a moment’s rest, by no means incapable just because it lost the source of its power.

it lets out a shrill cry as its two tails wrap around ’s wrist. in the same place that he had worn his UNUSUAL CHARM, a brand now rests. the symbol is unique to UXIE, a sign of his involvement in this ordeal and a symbol of the pokemon’s acknowledgement.

it flies away shortly, leaving him to fend for itself as the pokemon resumes its duties.

SHADOW SHEDINJA, the pokemon that had caught it by surprise, is defeated by . the power of the elite four makes short work of the preoccupied shadow pokemon. but what he leaves behind is a charred corpse of a surprisingly fragile pokemon.

before he can lob his pokeball, the body has already disappeared. while it is certainly a GHOST TYPE pokemon, this behavior is unheard of. at most, it should only be able to escape his SHADOW TAG if it were still alive...


SEVERAL POKEMON ATTEND TO MESPRIT. and no matter how potent their powers, they cannot restore the RED JEWEL. this component exists in another plane, as if the symbolic manifestation of their chance to stop NECROZMA with the RED CHAIN. when tabled with all the pieces present, such a task is impossible.


the LAKE GUARDIANS have failed.


the HEAL PULSE from and is enough to rouse the pokemon awake. conscious, it resists the pokeball from , fully committed to the task at hand. when ’s LUNAR DANCE grants the pokemon a sudden surplus of vitality, it rolls both of its tails around ’ arm.




it squeezes tight. tight enough to hurt. tight enough to leave a mark. but neither time nor rest will weather away the pink brand it leaves on her. this symbol, unique to MESPRIT, signifies both her involvement in this ordeal and is a sign of the pokemon’s acknowledgement.


it lets out another high pitch SCREECH before flying off, opening a path for to escort them out as shadow pokemon chase after the fleeing LAKE GUARDIAN.


TEAM ROCKET DEFENDS THEIR OWN. between the perimeter set by and ’s pokemon, no shadow pokemon can get past. the battle rages all around them as and attempt to fix up the wounded LAKE GUARDIAN.


ANGELIC SHOWERS drench them in rain. XERNEAS’ boon forces life into AZELF’s body. the RED JEWEL remains cracked, a good portion already reduced to dust, but the pokemon awakens. it glares at , owner of the SHADOW PERSIAN that had sabotaged their mission.


its twin tails flay in the air, as if to ensnare him, but the pokemon hesitates. it looks to ’s UNOWN which use their HIDDEN POWER to assist and .

think bigger than the binds of blood.
defy your fate.
become something more.


from ’s perspective, UNOWN seem to glitch out before his mind is overtaken by his affinity to the UNOWN REPORT. the words start to cycle through his brain, inflicting him with a migraine.


AZELF leaves them to their own devices, chased off by ’s SHADOW COMFEY and SHADOW KLEFKI. the two shadow pokemon leave their trainers at NECROZMA’s beckon, giving in to their innate biology.


RAIN CONTINUES TO SOAK THE BATTLEFIELD. a tremendous WATER SPOUT from ’s KYOGRE lands against the struggling NECROZMA. this water makes the potency of 'S GIGAVOLT HAVOC all the more powerful as the pokemon tries to fry the ultra beast.


vines break out from the underground. the JUNGLE WRATH of ’s zarude attempts to bind the giant as ’s super powered SCEPTILE strikes repeatedly with LEAF STORM. the guttural growl of SHADOW LUGIA’s SPRINGTIDE STORM try to drive it back.


’s ABRA is able to piece together the broken RED CHAIN but its power has waned. now, it is no more than red stone, innate and useless. portions of it crack as ’s SACRED SWORD comes down in retribution. fragments break away, brittle like the RED JEWELS of their patron LAKE GUARDIANS.


THE SOUND OF ’S BEAST TRIO engaging with an onslaught of shadow pokemon litters the background. they work in unison with the champion while others try to push back against the invading NECROZMA.


the combination of DARK PULSE and DRAGON PULSE are siphoned into the ULTRA WORMHOLE, nailing NECROZMA right in the face. the dynamic duo of ZEKROM and RESHIRAM also unleash their attacks as well, causing the pokemon’s black claw to rescind. add in the SLUDGE WAVE from the ULTRA BURST NIHILEGO and now the pokemon seems to take visible damage. had LUNALA faced this NECROZMA instead, perhaps it would have stood a fighting chance.


between the myriad of attacks, ’s DITTO gets lost somewhere between their melding. behind the scrawling SACRED FIRE, the pokemon gets sucked in, disappear into a vacuum of ULTRA SPACE as it EXPLODES. smoke plumes and what actually happens becomes obscure behind the pokemon’s attacks.


what those present do see is a purple cut into the dimension. the SPACIAL REND seals the ULTRA WORMHOLE like a winding zipper. when it closes, an abrupt swell of power hits those present with its backlash, forcing them back and threatening to obliterate them should they tamper further.


this move cannot be SKETCHED at this time.


with this NECROZMA out of the picture, ’s SOLGALEO calms down. the teamwork of his TERRAKION and ’s VIRIZION proves more than enough to keep the pokemon at bay. united once more, these SWORDS OF JUSTICE start to comprehend just how dire this region has become. their own priorities shift ever so slightly, casting their trainers some leeway in light of such terrors.




WHAT IS LEFT of the RED CHAIN breaks into pieces. NECROZMA, no longer restricted, roars as it rises once more. neither the people of hoenn or the LAKE GUARDIANS have been able to put down this amalgamation of death and terror. the darkness of the night starts to fade as the sun breaches the far horizon.


between its hands is one final attack. a BLACK HOLE represents its mimicry of using a Z-MOVE. the gulf expands and the dead carcasses of the pokemon slain, as well as other remnants of their battle, are swallowed by this vortex. it takes maximum effort to escape its growing pull.

as those present flee assured destruction, the shadow pokemon also flee. when the sun finds its place in the sky, it sheds away the leftover darkness. at the base of where the TREE OF LIFE once stood is an empty battleground, spotless despite last night's carnage.



this brings to an end hoenn’s first HYPER DEATH ENABLED event while also concluding the tail end of BOXING WITH SHADOWS! it was a great time and you guys were fantastic. i hope everyone had fun and enjoyed getting wrapped up in an event that will have lasting repercussions as we approach the end of this arc.

another mod post will come later with an epilogue for this event thread as well as rewards. look forward to it!

@sirocco @miette

[newclass=".omgentop"]background-color:#89828d;background:linear-gradient(to bottom right,#89828d,#333333);font:800 35px Poppins;font-weight:800!important;line-height:30px;text-align:left;padding:45px;letter-spacing:-2px;margin-bottom:7px;border-radius:3px; [/newclass]
[newclass=".blockquote h1"]color:##333333;[/newclass]
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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2022 20:17:38 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]DAWN OF THE DARKEST DAY






NECROZMA FLEES. to where and when, no one is certain. several reports spread throughout the region. rumors of unnatural umbrage during daylight hours leak online and from word of mouth. upon further investigation, neither the league or team rocket is able to verify these claims.


should they have been true, the cause and expected destruction is long gone. not unlike what has happened in sootopolis.

reports of these events seem to congregate around the outskirts of FORTREE, LILYCOVE, PETALBURG, as well as the DESERT and METEOR FALLS.


by mid july, GALAR will face the repercussions of hoenn’s negligence. at first, small towns are encroached by this sudden darkness. those who spend too long within its confines will find themselves victims, disappeared in their version of the BLACKOUT OF SLATEPORT. this time, there is no PURPLE HAND to bail them out of their pending doomsday.


instead, the region finds itself having to cope with a living natural disaster. people evacuate based on NECROZMA’s movements. the pokemon is given free reign to nest as it pleases. as per MACRO COSMOS MEDIA, it seems to travel to sites with high levels of DYNERGY, feeding off the energy source before moving onto the next. unfortunately, the cost of this pokemon’s gluttonous appetite is the function of their critical infrastructure. life becomes difficult and sentiments start to brew.


it all starts from hoenn.


LUNALA, along with the LAKE GUARDIANS, have all but disappeared. like NECROZMA, there are rumors but far from any confirmations. as people scour the region for their whereabouts, more often than not, they are too slow and one step behind. however, those familiar with legendary pokemon will surmise that they have retreated due to their injuries. in the same instance that TAPU LELE had fled after the ULTRA BEAST WARS, these pokemon too may be nursing their wounds until a more fateful time.


the same can be said for SHADOW POKEMON. from where they have appeared, no one knows. but after today, the RANGERS will be able to connect the dots between reports of pokemon betraying their trainers and fleeing prior to tonight. likewise, a common thread among these trainers is that there pokemon were recently HATCHED.


among the chaos of the battle, several trainers are able to capture some of these SHADOW POKEMON. , , , , , and will find their balls heavy, even if they are unaware. inside, one of the SHADOW POKEMON that appeared today lies in waiting. they may seem more docile now but make no mistake: these pokemon have killed and will kill again. it’s just a matter of when and to what extent. for whatever power they may lend now, they will accost later, evident in the way SHADOW PERSIAN’s gem gleams with the same luster of the blood it’s shed.



sootopolis returns to normal. the absence of the TREE OF LIFE is noticeable but more pressing concerns loom over the horizon. without its thick canopy to shield them from the skies above, the growing gleam of METENO 99943 becomes a nightly reminder than their end is only a hundred days away.


MANY EVENTS HAVE LED UP TO TONIGHT. the origins of which can be traced to numerous individuals. the CHARM HOLDERS, those who have ventured into ULTRA SPACE, even characters that remain behind the scenes. their actions, and the fallout of the events that have transpired, have created broad strokes on the paintesque canvas that is hoenn.

however, no matter how many cooks are in the kitchen, one stands front and center over a burning stove. , the SCOURGE, host of NECROZMA and the one to die so the ultra beast could be once more. his body remains unconscious throughout the turmoil of the night but under the protection and watchful gaze of his daughter, , he is evacuated along with the rest.

perhaps it was the TREE OF LIFE, or maybe even and XERNEAS presence at this event, that curried the favor needed for him to survive the ordeal. or maybe it was preordained, as hoenn twists and turns under the constant edits of ANOMALIES it sparsely understands. regardless, the man who was destined to die lives again.

now he carries the burden of responsibility, weighed down by the constant reminder that sifts under skin. NECROZMA is still out there and it is not their friend. for the avatarship it gave him, if it could even be called that, is no more than a byproduct of using him.

he now knows that this ULTRA BEAST is no pokemon. it does not share their feelings or perspective. all it knows is hunger.

and it will be sated.

[attr="class","chosen"]YOU ARE... ALIVE?
remnants of necrozma still reside within , the scourge.[break]

chu-e retains the following perks:

  • chu-e gains control over the dark crystals in his body.
  • chu-e’s body has naturally increased REGENERATION. any injuries that require immediate attention (fatal) will replace damaged tissue with necrozma crystals.
  • chu-e is able to manipulate the dark crystals within his body. they can be weaponized in the form of tendrils, claws, or other protrusions.
  • at this time, the DARK CRYSTALS cannot be removed by any means from chu-e.




FOR COMPLETING THIS RAID, the following rewards will be distributed to all participating characters:[break][break][break]


any character that participated in this raid may claim an ENDORSEMENT for their respective faction. to do so, post in the AWARDS & BADGES thread. doing so also means that your character has let their respective faction know that they were present and participated in this event.


the rolls used in the LAST ROUND of this raid were used to reallocate some existing SHADOW POKEMON. below you will find which characters received which SHADOW POKEMON. it should be noted that some of their abilities have been reworked to better align with the current story arc and our narrative goals. more information can be found here: SHADOW POKEMON.






  • this pokemon can identify SHADOW POKEMON and ULTRA BEASTS. it can also track freshly-traveled FALLERS, who have recently traveled ULTRA SPACE and other extra dimensions, for a brief period of time.
  • luxray has unlocked an event move: SHADOW END. this is an exclusive 7th move that cannot be replaced.





  • the first time the user uses the move MOONBLAST it will cause the weather condition LUNAR ECLIPSE for FIVE TURNS.

LUNAR ECLIPSE: [break][break]

full moon strengthens the power of FAIRY and GHOST type moves and weakens the power of FIGHTING type moves. specific moves are also affected in special ways by this weather effect.

  • METEOR BEAM becomes a 1-turn move. it still increases the user's SPECIAL ATTACK.





  • this pokemon is now composed of DARK CRYSTALS in addition to its normal steel alloy.
  • this pokemon may use its DARK CRYSTALS to change their ROCK TYPE ATTACKS into DARK TYPE ATTACKS. using this ability causes the user to take RECOIL DAMAGE. the RECOIL DAMAGE cannot be prevented in any way.





  • togekiss' METRONOME can now only be used as SHADOW METRONOME, which will randomly select a SHADOW MOVE other than SHADOW SKY.
  • togekiss has unlocked an event move: SHADOW SKY. this is an exclusive 7th move that can not be replaced.





  • this pokemon cannot evolve.
  • togepi has an additional ability SHADOW LUCK.

SHADOW LUCK: [break][break]

twice per thread, this pokemon allows you to swap your roll with another player’s roll. their roll must be applicable to the current round.





  • the move DISABLE allows the user to use the move that was DISABLED. this move can only affect one pokemon at a time.
  • it now has the additional event move DARK ROLE PLAY. this is an exclusive 7th move that cannot be replaced.

DARK ROLE PLAY: [break][break]

the user mimics the target completely, stealing the target's ABILITY. the pokemon affected by DARK ROLE PLAY loses that ability until the user is returned or knocked out. this can only affect one pokemon at a time.

[newclass=".omgentop"]background-color:#89828d;background:linear-gradient(to bottom right,#89828d,#333333);font:800 35px Poppins;font-weight:800!important;line-height:30px;text-align:left;padding:45px;letter-spacing:-2px;margin-bottom:7px;border-radius:3px; [/newclass]
[newclass=".blockquote h1"]color:##333333;[/newclass]
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing