i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2022 5:18:43 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

kaz watches as the fire his vulpix produced managed to do more to the spores than his zarude's healing, burning them away and even melting the few that stuck to him letting him breathe a little bit better now. there was little time to question what was going on just that he knew he had to act and act fast. "i'm leaving you guys to take out the tree, but not without some help alright?" he says to and as he swaps out his zarude for a hulking aggron that hovers over them while erecting a protect to follow them around with to act as their shield. with everything that was happening around them it didn't hurt to play it safe.

taking off in a mad dash kazimir and his vulpix kept their eyes on the large tree ahead of them with kaz looking around at the field to try and get a good grasp of the entire situation. that's when he saw it, a familiar white with polka dotted head flying above the sky.

crap baskets

"hit the deck!" was what he shouted to everyone in particular that could hear him as he reached out and threw a ball that erupted into a golurk that scooped him and his vulpix up into its arms before slamming into the ground and melting into it via a dark portal to escape the light that was the barcelona lighting up the area around them in a large explosion. there was a beat before the portal reopened and kaz and his pokemon tumbled out nearly at the feet of who Kaz didn't really pay attention to, only know that there was someone here calling pokemon to strike at the tree as he saw the large...lugia? a purple lugia. firing off a familiar looking attack at the tree and what caught him off guard the most was the walking corpse of chui.

talk about walking into the oven.

"look man you got the right idea taking out the tree, but i don't think that's gonna be enough." he told the other blond as he searched around his belt for a ball and released a strange looking arcanine that he breed earlier this month. he knew it was special in more ways than one and aimed his hand at the direction of the tree and the walking chui zombie in front of them. "burn down the tree, and try to keep...chui on his toes over there, give them some of that special sauce boys!"

his vulpix look towards the tree and spouted some shadow fire in its direction to at least singe its bark if it couldn't set the damn thing on fire while the growlithe turned it eyes onto @chui and fired off its own shadow fire at the strange corpse to surround it in purple flames and block any advance it might try to make. kaz had his doubts about it holding it back for very long but every second counted when it was the end of the world after all.


    * notices the strange fire taking out the spores
    * decides to make it to the tree, swaps out zarude with deva the aggron with and , aggron uses protect to protect them
    * sees the barcelona head and monkas
    * brings out gutsman the golurk, uses phantom force to hide in the darkness to avoid jester's demise
    * reappears next to and backs him up
    * brings out a hisuian growlithe, both growlithe and vulpix use shadow fire, vulpix on the tree, and growlithe to block chui(?)
    * updated map

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2022 5:42:31 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Thomas looks on in horror as his Incineroar is coated in the spores. He looks back to see his Inteleon collapse, a spore having latched onto him as well. And all the same, his energy is sapped by the spore, causing him to collapse. The man tries to think of some way to remove the spores, before an explosion catches his attention. Given his distance, he's able to quickly bring out his Aegislash, Shalibur. "Wide Guard!", he orders frantically.

The Aegislash extends his arms outward, to erect a barrier over not only him, but those nearby, which include , , and . Unfortunately, this protection comes at the cost of coating the haunted blade in spores, which immediately sprout into seeds that bloom. The Aegislash lets out a disturbing cry in his last moments. The Incineroar suffers a similar fate, his spores sprouting into his death.

"Tony, Shalibur, No!", Thomas cries out, looking around.

The spores that hit his Inteleon grow slowly, giving him time to hopefully do something. Thomas sends out his Comfey. "Vine Whip the seed off of Golgo!", Thomas calls out with urgency. The Comfey would attempt to swipe the Dark Seed off of the Inteleon. Though it wasn't what either of them preferred, it was their best option in the moment.


notes: -Incineroar immediately collapses after protecting his master
-Inteleon is hit with the spores, collapses
-Before Thomas can retrieve a Pokemon to remove the spores, Jester's Demise starts
-Thomas quickly sends out Aegislash to protect him and those around him with Wide Guard
-Thomas watches Incineroar and Aegislash die horrific deaths
-Thomas sends out Comfey to try to knock the Dark Seed off of Inteleon with Vine Whip, before he dies too
-Thomas is in the furthest circle from the tree

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
1,815 posts
Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2022 5:45:01 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar


The fact that he was hearing his own voice talk to him separate from his thoughts was unnerving enough to stick to the forefront of his mind. Aside from the brain power it took up process something so eerie; he knew a riddle when he heard one.

Darkness didn't yield anything but pain. Whether the pain of your loved ones having to move on after your death, or even the pain hitting your shin against the edge of the coffee table because you were walking around the cabin with the lights off so you didn't disturb the twins sleeping.

Pain was the only thing darkness yielded, that and mushrooms.

Though in the presence of darkness light could be born, and they were sure as shit lacking for it out here. The arcing pops of light particles from his wrist not withstanding.

In the wake of his pledged water and fire bomb he saw the ground adorned symbolism he couldn't understand. He only knew to get off of it as soon as possible, being reminded of the portal room that jumped himself and the others into water world.

Go figure finally making to Locke brought him right onto this alchemy circle or whatever it was and his charm was more triggered than ever; but by Locke's charm, or by the markings at their feet?

He would have liked to have laid into the other charm-bearer for keeping him out the loop but things were happening so fast he took what answers he was given in the here and now.

He wasn't even given the time to gawk at Xerneas in the flesh and so close by, ". . . ." he sized up the human working with it but ultimately had to leave the moment be.

With swift hands he replaced Pignite with Coalossal and after a SCALD from Simipour to help it along, it was left as the only 'mon of his in the field.


Holding its arm and finding footing on its black feet Sénon hid himself from the falling DARK SPORES using his pokémon as cover, with any luck its revved up STEAM ENGINE would destroy any spores falling down unto it and light up the area at least a little.

With souped-up speed from the water move the Fire/Rock type shot swift back to the circular marking furthest from the tree putting Sénon in place. Cait would kill him if he died out here but he trusted in Jamison's instincts enough to give this a shot, emotions aside about not being with his family in this literal dark hour.

the future is lost.
your choice doesn’t matter.
there is no correct one.

Shutting the words out of his mind he held tight in his decision to support Jamison's idea. "Watch the drip." He prefaced the pokémon guarding him, both of them on alert.

The last thing he needed was molten rock falling on his head. Scanning the darkness beyond, he tried to make out other allies and objects moving about in the darkness.

● tags:
● notes: @darkestday

Pignite & Simipour returned; Coalossal Scalded!
Coalossal Steam Engine activated; (Speed +6)

Sénon using coalossal as natural cover,
standing in the furthest circle from the tree

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,044 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2022 7:08:26 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar
There is a lot of shit to react to. The most important probably being the bomb (damn you, ! (ooc it was really funny tho)). It blasts somewhere ahead and Temp can hear it but he's not close enough to feel more than wind. Then not just , not just , but also breaks up the party they had forming. Temp chews on his lip and glances at where he thinks is.

"Keep yourself safe, kay? My fiance is out here."

That's all he says before also fucking off, running closer to the tree- and into danger. The blinking of the Illumina pokemon is what draws him closer. He calls out his Lumineon, grabbing the fish and hoping the glow will help him find his way as he moves. The faint glow doesn't really help. His Medicham follows him, panting faintly from the spores that his infected her body.

It was dark and he had no idea where was. As it was, he overshot and ended up tripping over the fallen form of . He hit the ground face first.

"Ophf! Sorry!" Pushing himself up, he offers his hand to the other. It's only then the coppery scent of blood hits him and Temp wrinkles his nose. The brief flash of light shows him the other on the ground. Alive, but bleeding. Temp doesn't think, just leans over to grab and pull the other up so he can lean on his shoulder. Temp is more than strong enough to hold them both up.

"Aw, man! We need..." He chews on his lower lip. The good part of Temp wanted to help out of this. The selfish part of him wanted to do what he could to help keep his fiance safe. "Shit." He didn't get a prophesy or any fun words. Temp, both figuratively and literally, was in the dark. "I have no idea what the hell is going on."

From what little he did know, this thing was like... a virus? Hungry for energy or something? Temp was always taught to feed an illness because that would make it go away faster. But would that... do anything in this case? Did he even have anything that could help?

Patting himself down with his free hand, he finds a Z-Crystal tucked in his pocket. He must have stashed it there and forgotten about it.

Weren't Z-Moves big releases of energy?

What was probably a very stupid idea strikes him.

He calls out his Pelliper. The bird squawks in confusion, but Temp just pushes the crystal into her fat mouth.


And so she does.

Right at the corpse of .

- Temp is ABANDONED by the gang
- goes to look for
- finds instead and tries to help him
- had the VERY SMART idea of feeding a cold
- calls out his Pelliper to Fling a Z-Crystal at Necrozma/Chu-e
- i'm helping : )
- oh his medicham is still out and with him and is also infected by the spores and will die soon probably or something idk
- his lumineon is also out as a makeshift light
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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,631 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2022 11:21:31 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

Razz grunts as he is pushed down by the other. At the same time as the other's Appleton uses Protect his Drampa gets in the fray and aids with PROTECT against the explosion. For a brief moment forgetting that right he isn't immune to all explosions just his own. Unlike his Marowak and himself Drampa wasn't as lucky to keeping the spores off himself and so drops from the stamina drain. And while he is concerned right now he can't focus too much on the dragon as the masked Rocket ask for his aide. [Break][break]

He nods to both him and their Patreon as he tries to think about what even has infinite energy. Not that there is much chance to think as a blast comes for them due to . Thankfully saves them which has Razz acting fast to call out the Glaceon gifted him. Hoping they could help in this battle as it seems another tried to send the attack again . [Break][break]

Can't these assholes see they have a bigger problem here!? "Absorb and about-face!" he orders as Glaceon uses MIRROR COAT to catch the counter attack but rather than send it back Glaceon would turn his head at the Tree before firing. After Razz would attempt to remove the spore from with a gloved hand.




    [Break]+ Drampa's more protective nature kicks in and uses protect to help cover trainer and others along side Bryan's Pokemon.
    [Break]+ Drampa is tired and drained from Spores.
    [Break]+ Agrees to help though seems unsure/hesitant how.
    [Break]+ Brings out Glaceon
    [Break]+ Glaceon uses MIRROR COAT to absorb the on coming attack.
    [Break]+ Razz orders an about-face to have them Direct the MIRROR COAT at the tree
    Razz attempts to remove the Spore on with gloved hand

    [Break][break]+ Having big internet issues sorry if anything is missed, difficult to check



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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,630 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2022 11:52:45 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar



[attr=class,charname accenttext]
Shuffle off this mortal coil...

Through his eyes Adrian can glean the lights from Xerneas are surging with life. They have no expiration or health, but they still register as a life force, aura and all. What's it mean?[break][break]Colors fill in where Xerneas' GEOMANCY are allowed to fill in the blanks, begging the question of what else may be done to assist this endeavor. But more pressing than that is the nature of the spores, and how they cause their host to quickly wither and languish, their life sapped from them with an efficacy to match his own. He is thankful not to be himself afflicted.

Even as Adrian begins to understand the context of what he sees, a brilliant light blindsides him to the dangers of a rogue Ultra Beast. On instinct TYRANITAR places itself between Adrian and harm's way, mitigating the aftermath of the attack, but it is Adrian's GRIMMSNARL who withstands the brunt of the attack as its turgid limbs fail to muster a meaningful defense with its SCREENS.[break][break]

"Rowan!" His cries are muted by the roar of combustion, seeing only the blaze racing towards them as they muster a defense.[break][break]



Thank goodness everyone's okay, I——[break][break]

Grimmsnarl's aura dulls to monochromatic tones as its silhouette withers away without reprieve. His name had been Omen, and he had seen Adrian through much hardship. Upon Mt. Pyre's summit, and once again on the Mauville Warfront. Noble service offered up to him, every ounce of trust—in that singular moment—misplaced. But there is a clarity offered up by the burden of guilt. While much of the DARK ZONE around them disperses, it reveals the truth around him: The dark effigy of CHU-E looming over them, and the markings beneath their very feet which stretched miles.[break][break]

He takes the moment to mourn, but only that briefest moment.[break][break]

"We need to destroy it... if we even can." He has his doubts.[break][break]

Though it appeared in the guise of CHU-E, it was not itself human, its aura reeking of otherwise unthinkable power. It was upon this abomination he could lay the blame of deaths undeserved: Karma, Miser, Reign and now Omen. If it was to be believed it had orchestrated these events, then it must be excised, like the bullet from a gunshot wound... Only he would not risk innocents in this.[break][break]

Shinigami eyes fixate on the defunct pariah existing beyond their alotted time, hanging by the thread of a malicious marionettist's string; and the execrable nature of its exuded aura—marking it a plain enemy of his so-called patron... The source of their ill-fated premonitions.


Seeping from out of that wounded sky like the oozings of a pustule, Yveltal, silent and death-borne, descends on Sootopolis clad in shadows. Like a farmer's sickle drawn to the harvest, it seeks to reap that which has avoided its perfect cyrcle, talons poised to rake and tear away at flesh and bone like separating wheat from the chaff.[break][break]

It takes what it requires, exploiting TYRANITAR for its own ends.

On the ground Adrian continues inspecting the Tree of Life's puzzling presentation, taking steps to inspect it more closely, approaching and of the mind to try and make contact with the powers vying for control; lend himself to their concerted efforts.[break][break]

But the plan is not without its flaws and eminent risks; such forces were not meant to be contained within the crucible of human flesh and spirit. Rather than elect to harm himself perhaps irreparably, if he could tug on the ebb and flow of this suspicious force, he would promptly reallocate it to his KLEFKI and observe the results.
tags [break]
tl;dr Adrian witnesses the "life lines" along the tree, etc.[break]
Blacephalon's attack tragically kills GRIMMSNARL[break]
Adrian can see CHU-E/(???) for the first time since arriving[break]
YVELTAL descends on Sootopolis, fixated on CHU-E/(???)[break]
YVELTAL uses SKY DROP on CHU-E's/(???'s) mortal component (POG?)[break]
TYRANITAR's vitality is siphoned to bolster YVELTAL's overall strength[break]
KLEFKI's vitality is siphoned to make Adrian temporarily IMPERVIOUS[break]
Adrian makes physical contact with the Tree of Life[break]
Attempts to siphon the darker essence tainting the Tree of Life[break]
Knowing the risks, would direct "vitality" towards KLEFKI (SHADOW)[break]
Visual map for reference (not to scale): [x]


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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2022 14:22:58 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

To say that everything was going to hell in a handbasket would be the most massive understatement of the century. The spores seemed to go inert they were no longer attacking or attaching themselves to anything so he, and his pokemon managed to dodge that bullet. The extreme darkness had been lifted as well, and now it was just night time. Which was much better than the alternative. That was when he saw the jester pokemon, or alien? He had little familiarity with Ultra-Beasts, but he there was this imposing sense of nausea in his stomach like something horrible was about to happen. The hair on his neck stood on end, and then it began to rampage throwing explosive attacks where ever they may land. He had no chance to react, but one of his Pokeballs opened up, and released his Goodra, Orira. The dragon stood in front of him, and a Protect was erected defending them from the explosions that were raining down around them.

When that attack subsided Amor took a good look around the landscape, a large ritual looking circle had appeared underneath them all, and his head began to pound as new information was forcibly downloaded into it. First it had been the word Darkness now it was something telling him that this was all hopeless. Another word popped into his head, Yields, his head wanted to reject the prophecy that he was just told. That there was no right course, that isn't why he had spent so long training in solitude gathering his strength. Azelf had given them all warning, which meant that there had to be a way out of this.

"Really wish Azelf was here right now, could use the help honestly." He mused with a wry chuckle as he did his best to regain his senses. There was to many unknowns. Trainers had begun to attack other trainers as well for some reason. However there was a bigger problem to contend with for the moment. The clown couldn't be allowed to send out those explosions so from his vantage he gave the orders to his pokemon. Hoping that wouldn't hold to much of a grudge against him. Though they had never met he knew how he would feel if someone attacked one of his pokemon during a warzone, but it had to be subdued at the very least.

"Fire Blast, Flast Cannon, Dragon Pulse! Concentrate your attacks on that clown!" He commanded his three pokemon quickly, and without hesitation Magmortar, Metagross, and Goodra all released their attacks on the creature. Amor had no idea how durable the creature was, but he presumed it was going to be on the level of at least a legendary pokemon, and it would take some doing to put down. So much data lacking, he was going to need to review the battle data Zac gave him once again so he could get a better grasp on everything or at least start to.


Amor wishes Azelf was around to explain things to him *cries*
Amor's Goodra uses Protect to keep him from getting sploded.
Amor decides that the clown who can throw bombs willy nilly is a more immediate threat, and commands his Pokemon to attack 's Blacephelon.
He is currently out of the way on the circle off the side will update with the map later!

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2022 14:40:15 GMT
luka chêne Avatar



What is it that she'd just said about teamwork? Infighting seems entirely antithetical to surviving the night— though karma has a kiss for those that instigate it.[break][break]

The impact of Jester's Demise has Luka staggering back, the sudden shock of it distracting from the seeds that attempt to burrow past her clothes and continue to sap her strength. It's a stroke of luck rather than foresight that has saved both herself and her Chansey from the brunt of the attack, though she's devastated to realize that her attempts at protection had failed to affect anyone else.[break][break]

And Chansey, wounded but alive, collapses in a little pink heap on the ground. Luka hurries to recall her, but is unable to rejoice that her own team member had survived when so much death pervades around them. The reality of their bleak situation is thrown into sharp focus as the dark zone dissipates, and it takes every ounce of willpower she possesses to not despair.[break][break]

Pressure still bores down on her, but within it resides a spark of hope. The message she receives is garbled and dim, as though spoken through a radio transceiver in another room. She barely receives any of the words, but the feeling is there.[break][break]

d̸͈͆ǫ̸͗ ̸̛̭n̸̨̕o̶͍͝t̴̫̆ ̷͍̈́l̷̻̍o̷̘͑ṡ̸̯e̵͔͝ ̷̻̎s̷̖̍ȋ̶͕g̶̻͑h̴̡̓t̸̻́ ̸̟̎o̶͙̐f̵̹͂ ̵̺̂t̵̯̀h̶̪̕é̴̝ ̶͚̚f̷̗͂u̶̡̓ẗ̷͍́ü̶͖r̵͚͊ẹ̸̈.̴̫̊[break]
̷̜͐ḁ̸͆ ̶̦̚c̵̰̎ẖ̵͛o̵͓͘i̷͍͆c̵͇̿e̵̽͜ ̵̭̊w̶̯͆i̶̙͂ḷ̵̍l̶̠̉ ̵̢͆c̶̟̚o̶̱͒m̵̲͝ë̵͇ ̸̞̾t̴̰̐h̶̢̄a̸͉̍t̸̜́ ̵̘̾o̵̰̐n̸̺̑l̸̺̾ẏ̸̜ ̶̫͊ẙ̶̥õ̵̦u̷̬̅ ̴̖̀c̸͙̐å̷̪n̴̗̾ ̵̤́m̷͍͊a̸̜͑ḱ̵̯ê̵̺.̸͖̅[break]
̵t̵h̴i̸n̷k̷,̸ ̵f̴e̷e̸l̵,̵ ̵a̵c̶t̴.̵[break]
̵̀ͅṁ̷͍a̸̙̽k̷̠͆e̵̖͌ ̵͍̂t̴͖̒ḧ̶͔́e̴̞͝ ̶͔̆c̸̮̃ọ̸̏r̸̫̕ȓ̸̖e̸̪͊c̸̡͆t̵̠̚ ̴̲͠c̸̫͂h̴͖́o̶͕̓ǐ̴͇c̸̘̽e̴̪̚.̵͕̊

Darkness rises, and the light to meet it. Somehow, it's become a mantra.[break][break]

attempts to drag her back, and perhaps he even succeeds. But no matter where Luka ends up, and no matter what he says, she continues to be a stubborn thorn in his side, too dangerously altruistic to consider her own safety. A firm scolding goes in one ear and out the other while dark flowers bloom in her pastel hair.[break][break]

She attempts, in the moment, to channel lessons learned from Remiel, , and in a tea room ages ago. Quick thinking, teamwork— and above all, strategy. Their last challenge sticks with her the most: if you lack the power on your own, simply borrow from someone else.[break][break]

If she has to pick, the giant glowing deer seems one of her better options.[break][break]

Teeth worry her bottom lip as she prays she isn't sending more beloved Pokemon to their doom. Mienshao erupts from a Love Ball first, immediately adopting a defense stance as she senses the dark aura around them. At Luka's request, she erects a Wide Guard to protect both herself, and the Wigglytuff released soon after.[break][break]

"L-let's try to Mimic, if you can! T-that, um, that thing, there! The lights, if you can do that..." It's a fumbling command, but Luka's always lead by gentle suggestion rather than firm demand. Mousse, the Wigglytuff, catches on faster than her trainer can explain as she attempts to mimic Xerneas' Geomancy.[break][break]

The light that Wigglytuff exudes is far weaker than that Xerneas can produce. But if successful, a soft glow of energy is added to whatever already pulses towards the tree.[break][break]

- Impacted by the spores[break]
- Chansey is recalled safely[break]
- Might be pulled away by Remiel? Unclear lol[break]
- Mienshao uses Wide Guard[break]
- Wigglytuff attempts to use Mimic on Geomancy[break]
- Map placement (may be changed!)



[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,704 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2022 16:13:20 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

Two gongs of the church bell in the t-rex's throat manage to break past the miasma of darkness and death that suppress the others. The first fills its scales with purifying vibrations, clearing itself of the DARK SPORES that had been inflicted upon it. The second resonates within , clearing the DARK SPORES there, too.

The loss of this parasitic entity is instantly felt as a revitalizing jolt. Despite the PRESSURE still hanging thick around them, the ambassador manages to breathe better now that his energy and stamina are no longer threatened. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about his girlfriend or her pokémon.

Not one to give in to hesitation during such time-sensitive situations, the royal swiftly RECALLS Adrasteia and clips the ball back onto his belt before summoning another: an AEGISLASH. Particularly, the same one had given him for his birthday.

Laevateinn is meant to shield them from any more spores or attacks in the area. The familiar glow of an impending JESTER'S DEMISE, however, isn't something Remiel had quite expected to see. Flashes of that explosive NEW YEARS FESTIVAL AT SLATEPORT go through his mind in less than a second before he commands his loyal blade. "KING'S SHIELD!"

The Aegislash erects this noble defense just a moment before a blaze of roaring light fills the area, much as SOLGALEO's light had earlier. And it holds while Remiel casts another LIGHTNING STILETTO outward, masking its creation and travel within the light and chaos of that explosion. It whizzes past leaves before lodging itself in the ground behind a bush and some cover.

Stewing in a need for vengeance, especially for having Luka's life threatened by an ULTRA BEAST he'd helped capture himself, he silently curses before returning his attention to his ward.

"Return your pokémon," He snaps at , the flames behind him dying down before Laevateinn collapses in heap of scorched metal and death. "I'm getting you out of here, Luka. You don't understand what you're putting yourself against." Nor the limits she'd unwittingly placed on his ability to do things, simply by being there in his presence.

Reaching down to grasp her wrist, she's given little time to protest before they disappear in the blink of an eye. They leave nothing but ephemeral sparks of electricity in the air where they once stood. Then they reappear where the stiletto had been placed previous, upon which Remiel releases her from his grasp and rubs at the bridge of his nose with an absolutely fed-up sigh.

He'd almost lost her.

It had frightened him to his core more than he knew. And it made one thing entirely too clear: those feelings— the ones that made him feel so warm and seen and taken care of— also made him feel vulnerable. Weak. Restrained. The shift from caring about someone so deeply then being exasperated with their presence was easier for him than he'd thought.

"What are you doing here... endangering your life so foolishly. Didn't you stop to think about the weight of responsibility you'd be placing on me? The people I'm unable to assist because I'm stuck ensuring your safety? Honestly, Luka..." The words come out sharper than he'd intended. He sighs again, and he's reminded of the last time he'd felt this anxious and exposed.

Illeana. Isra. Dad.

Words soften in the wake of that.

"I... I don't think I can bear this anymore. Not again."

ADRASTEIA the ILLUMINA TYRANTRUM removed the spores from itself and its trainer, , using its previous HEAL BELL
LAEVATEINN the AEGISLASH (that gave him for his birthday) is sent out and uses KING'S SHIELD to shield them from the blast before DYING
masks throwing a LIGHTNING STILETTO in the light and chaos of that explosion
whisks away from battle with a TELEPORT after urging her to recall her POKÉMON
gets a good SCOLDING



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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
part of
TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2022 16:58:42 GMT

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
stare into the abyss and find bravery

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
within the mantle of the reaper


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
and the steel of his scythe

[attr=class,bulk]Though the sky still wore the dark gown of night, trained eyes would quickly make out the fact that the DARK ZONE had been eradicated. If not for good, then for the time being. Which was more than enough for those who noticed to act upon in many a ways. But for the most part, Derek followed the pattern...
To shield himself from the ill effects of what can only be viewed as a rogue explosion, Derek summons his Bastiodon to act as a shield and PROTECT both him and the Slowpoke. They make it out in one piece, save for the fossil pokemon whose remains added to the aftermath like any other debris.
When able, they moved forward trying to make sense of the obscure. But before Derek could make it very far, he noticed markings along the ground. Trying to contact anyone on the open comms, the failure to do so prompted a warranted sense of paranoia. What they witnessed so far was just the tip of the sword. But what kind of pokemon prioritized jamming comms over keeping everyone literally in the dark?

- Derek on the map[break]
- Returned Salamence[break]
- Summons Bastiodon[break]
- Bastiodon uses Protect vs. Explosion[break]
- Bastiodon dies[break]
- Slowpoke's Spotlight reveals part of the "circles" to Derek[break]
- Derek's comm device still doesn't work[break]
- Begins wondering/worrying what's next, etc[break][break]
p.s. sorry I feel so sick rn tummy said fuck ya life I didn't even sleep properly last night I hope this post can suffice for the moment idek if I should've rolled but, well, there it is OTL


template by punki

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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
1,374 posts
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2022 17:34:04 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




407 words

don’t let it take the skin

from your bones


An explosion at his back slowed Killian's pace. Immediately, his thoughts jumped to Lex and her safety. She could be hurt or worse. His already racing heart flooded with panic. [break][break]

"No." he told himself. The world cut from stronger stuff, and she's more than capable. She'll be fine without him to protect her. [break][break]

He can't say the same about himself.[break][break]

Killian charged ahead, nearing 's left when 's crystallized nail struck the center of his chest. While Killian felt no pain, Deoxys screeched. Bloodcurdling, it sounded like high-pitched static or a train whistle inside his mind. He clutched a hand to his forehead.[break][break]

"Fuck, why are you - "[break][break]

Killian felt it as Deoxys retreated. The overwhelming presence of another attempting to invade them. Bond with them. Already tired, it took everything Deoxys had to fight back.[break][break]

What the fuck was inside Chu-e?[break][break]

He clutched his teeth and lowered his hand. Diamond blues kept glued to , only looking away briefly to acknowledge 's scream of pain. If not for Deoxys, that be him right now.[break][break]

Grabbing two Poke Balls, he released another BEHEEYEM and a SHIINOTIC. They'd have to keep him safe now.[break][break]

"Morel, use STRENGTH SAP." the SHIINOTIC'S mushroom top glowed bright, its fingers extending like vines to latch on and drain Chu-e of power. [break][break]

Now for the big play. "BEHEEYEM, link my mind to Chu-e's." risky and desperate, but Killian needed to know if it was possible to save Chu-e. That somewhere down the line, should he lose control of the thing inside him, it wasn't over.[break][break]

Psionic power surged forth, and like an invisible chain, BEHEEYEM attempted to latch it onto Killian and Chu-e's minds.[break][break]

"Chu-e, snap out of it. Don't let that thing control you."[break][break]


Elsewhere, Killian's EEVEE obeyed order and fired another LIGHT OF RUIN at the TREE OF LIFE.[break][break]



- Killian hared a moment of terror with Deoxys over the near-takeover. [break][break]
- Noted @gwayar's wound but otherwise ignored him. [break][break]
- Released a SHIINOTIC and BEHEEYEM[break][break]
- SHIINOTIC used STRENGTH SAP on /Necrozma [break][break]
- BEHEEYEM used TELEPATHY to try and connect Killian to 's mind.[break][break]
- EEVEE fired another LIGHT OF RUIN at order.[break][break]
- Map Position: HERE



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[newclass=".punkiangercredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
343 posts
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2022 18:56:34 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar










Although Beau isn't quite hard of hearing, the same message echoes in his own mind, causing him to blink in confusion. His eyes meet 's for a brief instant, and he still manages to shake his head in a negative at her half-asked question, rubbing the back of his head in frustration. "What's that even supposed to mean?" he grouses, only to be interrupted by the distant explosion.
It's enough to make him stumble, and although sweat beads his brow he manages to stay standing upright in contrast to his companion. Reaching down, he helps Gigi to her feet, one arm curling protectively about her shoulders as he regards the increasingly chaotic melee near the Tree with some trepidation. "When I signed up to help people, I don't think anybody had this in mind, exactly," he murmurs. "We have to help, but what can we do from here?"
His brow furrows in consternation - and whether it's the darkness veiling the area, the pressure exerting itself upon him, or merely an unexpectedly cynical take against the face of such extreme resistance, the next question to quietly voice itself is, "What if there's nothing left to help when it's done?"


  • ILLUMINA STUFFUL is illuminating the immediate area with SPOTLIGHT.
  • Staying put relatively distant from the center of the action, trying to help Gigi.
  • Thinking Bad Thoughts
  • Map location!





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Shizu, Theo
44 height
44 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
128 posts
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TAG WITH @lime5
Shizue Murasaki
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2022 23:34:36 GMT
Shizue Murasaki Avatar
Fascinating. Even a poison type was affected. And from the looks of it, this was not even a diminished effect. The Venipede still had its strength sapped, much as herself. The little bug(ger) was visibly suffering. Despite looking droopy and tired by default, that much was obvious. “Interesting. The effect applies to poison types as well. Clearly not one of the known status effects. Possibly not biological. Or terrestrial, given everything else,” she continued to muse, mostly to herself, but also to others. But she is also already thinking about how to best take samples, instead of everything else.

This was a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing. Naturally, she was doing her best to take in what she could. In doing so, she relied on others to do their thing. The other members of the team were to take care of matters as best they could. Defeat the enemy. Potentially protect others, even if they were no goody-two-shoes. But she was a scientist. It was her role to observe, learn, think and apply.
And it was the role of her Pokemon to protect her, even in that state. The little Venipede was draining fast, but it did manage to curl up and protectively move between the indiscriminate assault and its trainer. It sacrificed itself, but she would have sacrificed it too without hesitation, had she thought of it. Something did hit her arm, some kind of branch or something, but especially with those spores, she was all but numb to that. It had probably been kicked up by the explosion.

But who cared about explosions? That was a scientific phenomenon thoroughly explored. Yet, these spores, the tree, the stranger? That required her attention, her mind still being the most functional part of her body. “The spores are not meant to debilitate. Not even to kill, no. They help the tree feed on life. That is where this all leads. The tree does not need to absorb life for sustenance. That means this feeding frenzy has to lead to transformation of some kind. Unless energy is not gathered for the tree, but rather through it for that thing…”

- Still weakened by spores
- Venipede sacrifices itself
- Continues to observe and theorize about what is happening.

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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
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TAG WITH @aura
Brynnhildr Erling
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2022 0:47:52 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar

”Wuh- Hey! That’s not very professiona- oh, who am I kidding. she tries to call after as he too, after , , and , leaves her presence with the mere advice to stay safe. Why yes, sure, let the foreigner find their way to safety in a city she’s never visited before, why don’t you? Well, not that they knew this, of course. That and at least she could sympathize with for ditching his job to go and find his fiancé out there. She probably would’ve done the same, had she a significant other to worry about.

For now however, she’d just focus on herself, and the pokémon left in her care. Or rather, to care for her. The hulking Aggron was looking at her in a rather funny way while it kept its Protect up. And she on her turn just looked back at it for a short while, locked in a staring contest amidst the chaos.


do not lose sight of the future.
a choice will come that only you can make.
think, feel, act.
make the correct choice.

The voice resonates inside her head like a choir’s song echoing through an empty church, and for a moment the Unovan clasps her head, palms pressing against her temples in a futile attempt to offset the headache that’s hit her like a brick.

It fades just as quickly, but the pressure she’s been experiencing— the physical one, is doubling, leaving her nigh-close to dropping to her knees. Brynnhildr’s becoming more and more aware of the cheer chaos reigning Sootopolis. Aside from the fact that everyone bolted towards wherever their legs could take them, each seemingly with an intent to actually do something about the situation, she’s left questioning what her role in all this is. Within the safety of Deva the Aggron’s Protect, and its physical prowess, she manages to keep herself on her feet by leaning against it, and mulls over the words of the prophecy that flooded her mind.

”A choice only I can make…”

Well, as vaguely as that sounds, her life seemed to have had plenty of those as of yet. Her brow creases as she regards the Aggron beside her, her Galarian Ponyta, Bell, and the small Joltik on her shoulder, who’s seemingly growing worse for wear underneath the safety of her hair. She still has no idea how badly the little thing is doing because of the dark seed, as her Joltik has had the habit of randomly vibrating while hiding in her hair. Yet her focus returns to the decision left to be made.

Yes, she’s rather poor at handling pokémon the way trainers do. So if it were to come down to fights she’d be basically useless, and would have to rely on her pokémon’s instincts to get her through. On the other hand, there must be something she can do to help, even if it’s just… she sighs, not even bothering to finish that thought, and clips one of the pokéballs off her side, tossing it up in the air. A Togekiss takes flight the very moment it’s released, and lets out a shrill cry when it swoops down to get its orders. ”Go! Find a burly guy with spiky blond hair, that kinda smells like this guy here,” she points her thumb at the Aggron, who almost seems offended for a moment. ”Help hi—!”

think. feel. act.

”WAIT!” she calls out for the Togekiss as it is about to leave, and watches as it goes full circle and straight back at her. There’s a gesture its previous handler had taught it before the Togekiss was gifted to the Unovan, and as she repeats it the flying type goes low. Brynnhildr grabs her ponyta ever so tightly and holds her arm out to grab hold of the Togekiss as it soars past mere inches away from her, taking her up in the air. ”I’m sorry, we’ll be back!” she shouts at the Aggron before burying her face into her Togekiss. It’s only when it starts leveling and floating in the sky above the tree’s battlefield that she dares take a peek, only to be left baffled at what’s going down beneath her. She should have stayed with the Aggron.

Maybe this wasn’t quite the correct choice after all.


- All alone with Kaz’s Aggron, Deva
- Not sure whether rolling is/was necessary for Brynn’s Joltik, but would like to opt out so its fate becomes death
- Togekiss is called out and currently flying towards the heart of the chaos with Brynn
- Leaving Deva, the Aggron in the dust
- Brynn gets a better look at what’s going on near the tree
- Is this me basically begging for her to be shot down by a stray projectile/move? Yes. Yes it is.
- Map Location
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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2022 3:28:26 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]DAWN OF THE DARKEST DAY





PROTECTIVE SHIELDS MITIGATE the powerful explosion that wipes out the unexpected. as pokemon are returned, charred corpses among them, the cause behind such a tragedy receives an unexpected boost. a red aura coats the pokemon, despite its BEAST BOOST being traded out for MAGIC GUARD. even when it is restored, the aura simmers even brighter, shielding it from the combined fury of and ’s assault.


something has altered the ULTRA BEAST. it becomes bigger, incrementally, as each pokemon caught in its blast draws their last breath. once their attacks dissipate, what is reveals is a pokemon that seems to be more at home in ultra space than here in hoenn.

the BLACEPHALON will no longer obey .[break][break]
it cannot be returned until it is knocked out.[break][break]
its temporary BEAST BOOST has made it larger and more durable / powerful. its power has been boost dramatically due to how many pokemon have died to it.

from an unseen vantage point, near the outskirts of tree, a SHADOW BALL is launched toward katherine’s vicinity and her pokemon. the nature of the surprise attack bears a striking resemblance to a RANGER REPORT not too long ago.


WHILE CONTINUES her astute observations, others lack the empirical evidence to navigate the tree without punishment. CLEFABLE is able to TELEPORT her to her destination but they blip into a nasty surprise. with sentient precision, roots shoot up from underground, skewering the fairy. likewise, ’s GOLURK will end up dropping them upon exiting the PHANTOM FORCE. by the time his pokemon can respond, it has already started to transform into a crystalline husk.

’s situation is not as instant. however, once the togekiss ascends high enough to give her a good vantage point, they’ll be able to recognize the blooming flowers. dozens of pine like needles pin cushion the pokemon into crashing back onto the field, throwing off its trainer as it bleeds out.

’ CLEFABLE DIES! [break]
’s GOLURK DIES! [break]
’s TOGEKISS DIES! [break][break]

may crash land anywhere on the field.


THE ATTACKS KEEP COMING. some are aimed at the tree while others address the more pronounced figure that team rocket has identified as . those close up to the figure, such as gwyar, are subjected to the innate powers of THE SCOURGE. as his AEGISLASH comes down with its SACRED SWORD, the blade clatters against the black nail, bouncing off a material stronger than the blade itself. it reverberates with a loud twinging sound as the creature retracts them of their own accord.

it’s about to attack again when a sudden AURORA BEAM from ’s WALREIN freezes it in place. ice covers the point of impact but cracks form almost immediately, unable to stop the figure from moving. the HOWLING sound of ’s pokemon provide reinforcement as their sound based attacks berate the figure further. ice shatters and it’s forced back several steps, providing ample time to escape.

the momentary stall is enough for ’s pokemon to act. the STRENGTH SAP attempts to leech ’s life force but its proportionate power is too much. black crystals erupt across the pokemon’s skin, like sudden blisters, ballooning into a gruesome size before bursting. it showers the pokemon with black shrapnel, covering it like durants descending onto fresh prey. the pokemon is unmoving, disappearing under rabid crystalline growths.

likewise, the TELEPATHIC bridge between , his BEHEEYEM, and is established.

’s voice echoes in the void. there is no light. no color. no sight or taste. no feelings. only the sound of his own thoughts keep him company but even that disappears as soon as he thinks he hears it. but this sensory goes beyond just the physical senses.

his memories. his ego. his very sense of being. they’re being swallowed up, dying by the second. not even DEOXYS exists anymore.

wait. what is DEOXYS? who is DEOXYS?

who am i?

the only sense that exist is an unexplained feeling of loss. a lack of purpose that bubbles in the vacant cauldron of his consciousness. and where the entirety of what made a sentient being once was is now a need to fill the only thing he knows: nothingness.

there is a hunger that encompasses his very being.


the voice of another wakes him up. and when he comes to, his hands are bloodied, nails chipped, as he holds the entrails of his own BEHEEYEM. what is an lapse, or blackout, of no more than a moment is in actuality enough time for him to rip his pokemon apart with his own hands.


but he has little time to recognize what has happened. the sight of a sparkling Z-CRYSTAL passes right by his as ’s PELIPPER FLINGS the item straight into ’s chest. it shatters upon contact, releasing a sudden burst of energy.

behind the sudden light, ’s SHINIGAMI EYES will witness ’s life force. from an undisclosed limbo, nearing non-existent, it suddenly balloons into the inverse, still an undisclosed limbo but one that has infinite life. something that has a life force that does not taper or have room to decline. it is an essence that does not bind itself to the binary cycle of life and eventual death.


AT THE SAME TIME as others deal with , attacks batter against the TREE OF LIFE. numerous attacks land against the great land mass and some affect the tree to various degrees. normal attacks, such as the FLASH CANNON from , SHADOW BALL from , BOOM BURST from , HIDDEN POWER from , and MIRROR COATED MIRROR COATED MIRROR COATED SOLAR BEAM from , , destroy what remains of the decayed wood. pieces fall onto the ground, revealing the trees innards: pure black crystal.

some of the odder attacks such as ’s SPRINGTIDE STORM and ’s SHADOW FIRE have very different effects. they seem to slow the pursuit of the GEOMANCY lights that dance across the tree’s surface. as the LIGHT OF RUIN from ’s EEVEE and SMEARGLE, RIOLU, ’s EEVEE, ’s EEVEE strike, more lights appear. red, orange, yellow, green, and indigo. they join in, swirling too and fro as other pokemon join in with their GEOMANCY.

the exception is ’z SILVALLY. it’s TRI-ATTACK continues to strike at these lights but to little effect. the only time it deviates from this pattern of futile frustration is when his own SMEARGLE starts to join in with a GEOMANCY of its own. it immediately turns hostile toward the SMEARGLE, lashing out to prevent the pokemon from ‘assisting’ further.

and, entirely unrelated, the ground around crackles with more pronounced black lightning. a sudden pain erupts from his wrist where his COMFEY is adorn immediately after it uses PETAL BLIZZARD. the pokemon too suffers such pain, afflicted by the residual damage while 's restorative powers try to offset the constant stings.


EVERYONE ELSE SCATTERS in accordance to the diagrams outlined below their feet. as the CHARM HOLDERS reach each circle, they’ll notice their wrist sparkle brighter than before. as they near the center of their respective circle, it comes to life, illuminating the area of the contained circle with a white light.

that’s when the PRESSURE compounds. a terrible tension wracks their brain as they feel their head being torn apart. audible pops rattle inside as streaks of red, yellow, and blue lights cackle within the circle. , the only one out of the three CHARM HOLDERS to have experienced this, will recognize the foreboding omen.

this effects the following characters:[break][break]

[break][break] [break][break]



MANY ATTEMPT TO remove remnants of the DARK SPORES from themselves and their pokemon. however, many will find that it proves harder with time. the DARK SPORES grow as they suck their victim’s vitality. sharp barbs dig into the skin until they harbor deep into flesh. only those who put their full attention, much like before, are able to ween these off.

anyone who has brought out a FRESH POKEMON who’s ONLY ACTION was to remove a spore has successfully removed the DARK SPORE.

this is not limited to but may affect the following characters and their pokemon:

and they manage to do so just in time. as the Z-CRYSTAL from ’s PELIPPER explodes, so too do the DARK SPORES sprout. the ILLUMINA or POKERUS pokemon that were unable to free themselves earlier will find themselves gouged by their SPORE’s blooming within them. crystalline thorns bulge in all directions, killing the host.


any ILLUMINA / POKERUS pokemon that was afflicted by the DARK SPORES and did not roll under 21 die this turn.

those who rolled successful numbers managed to remove the DARK SPORES.

this is not limited to but may affect the following characters and their pokemon:

LEGENDARY POKEMON and AVATARS seem to do better despite the DARK SPORES still blooming. unable to bury into them, their thorns expand from outside, turning into vines that bind and spread across their body. even so much as touching them, like in the case of , causes them to suddenly expand and latch onto their new victim.


, despite only touching the TREE OF LIFE, will find himself in a similar predicament as the tree itself covers him in its own machinations. while his powers work, able to move whatever deviation of life force the tree still holds, it seems ineffective on his SHADOW KLEFKI. as he moves power away from the tree, the vines spread faster, expanding in size.

the CRYSTAL THORNS that sprout from the dying ILLUMINA POKEMON start to wiggle on their own accord. they end up pointing at the pokemon using GEOMANCY before firing off with a magnetic like pull. only the tree being powerful enough to hold the power of life will survive.

any pokemon using GEOMANCY last round is targeted. unless they are XERNEAS, they will die.

may have his SILVALLY interfere before the SMEARGLE is attacked. both will FAINT instead, otherwise the SMEARGLE dies.

this is not limited to but may affect the following characters and their pokemon:

the XERNEAS, crucified by the DARK THORNS is unable to continue its GEOMANCY. it’s alive but heavily injured. it, along with the AVATARS afflicted, will feel their life force sapped at an increased rate. it’s significant enough that their powers start to weaken, usable, but not nearly at the potency they’re used to.

high above, YVELTAL makes an appearance. it looks to scoop from the ground only to SKY DROP him later. the lingering SPOLIGHT from ’s ILLUMINA SINISTEA reveals the pokemon against the night sky as it descends. those unfamiliar with it, will be in awe by the pokemon’s fearsome appearance. those, more privy to the situation, will realize what’s behind it.

the GEOMANCY lights across the TREE OF LIFE have stopped moving. its appearance no longer resembles the world tree.

with the wood torn off by earlier attacks, the TREE OF LIFE reveals its transformed state of pure black crystals. likewise, the light the lights have gathered into a single spot, straight at the center, high above.

then the TREE OF LIFE moves…


the TREE OF LIFE is no more.

the GEOMANCY that looked to reinvigorate it has restored life onto the tree. the same life that will have noticed with his SHINIGAMI EYES. the same lights that ’s SILVALLY tried so desperately to attack. and now that XERNEAS is disabled and the DARK SPORES have had their fill.

the last can be released.



YVELTAL IS ABLE TO GRAB . there isn’t much of a struggle as the legendary pokemon crushes him with its claw. but as yveltal rises, a branch of the TREE OF LIFE, necrozma’s arm, comes down on it. clamps around the yveltal’s neck as necrozma pulls it down with the entirety of its power. it crashes on the ground, landing near ’s position.

as its AVATAR he can feel the NECROZMA siphon YVELTAL’S life force. it’s an inverse of their usual position and it shows as own ability to alter, sap, and redirect life force diminishes. however, as his bond weakens, other afflictions rise to the surface. while the vines of the TREE OF LIFE cover parts of his arm, the REGI RUNES on his arm appear once more. they haven’t been seen since destroyed his REGI REMNANT but here, they start to glow with an menacing pink glow.

those who were privy to this being a foregone conclusion will realize that the figure in their vision was many times smaller than the TREE OF LIFE itself. this pokemon dwarfs that figure entirely. it’s a small detail on paper but the ramifications are only outsized by the pokemon itself. likewise, the TREE OF LIFE was still present in the background. what else has changed to tamper with their previous fate?

those who look to change their fate are being punished for tampering with matters beyond this realm. as the stress of the runic circles push , , and to their limits, two of the circles change color.

to the south, and ’s wrist start to glow with a bright blue. their presence within ’s circle help alleviate the pressure as they share some of his burden. a shrill cry echoes from within the circle that invites them closer to him. the charm starts to restore its color the closer they get.

to the west, and ’s wrist flick with a deep yellow. will feel his head adjust as the feeling of IMPLODING starts to dwindle. they too hear a shrill cry as ’s charm grows more vibrant.

north, , alone, struggle as she hears the repeat of the same prophecy. your choice doesn’t matter…

at the very center, will find that his charm points squarely in ’ direction. it remains colorless but tugs him toward the emptiest circle nonetheless.

and, should any of those affected by the charms look up at NECROZMA, the voice reveals more.

N E W[break] E N E M I E S


here are some possible prompts to follow for those who need a little guidance! [break][break]

  • attack NECROZMA!
  • assist XERNEAS or YVELTAL!
  • assist any AVATARS that are afflicted by DARK SPORES!
  • those who were tagged last round as having their wrist spark may want to navigate to one of the CHARM HOLDERS.




after the ULTRA BEAST WAR, a NECROZMA appeared in SLATEPORT. several trainers managed to keep the pokemon at bay until it was dragged back into ULTRA SPACE by a MYSTERIOUS HAND.

while no one was able to document this pokemon, it left behind a DARK ROCK which was licked by the ROCKET UNDERBOSS . over time, CHU-E exhibited some physical and behavioral changes, eventually manifesting into something close to AVATARSHIP.

eventually, this killed CHU-E. since then, his body has gone missing.


the recently hatched LAKE GUARDIANS have visited several trainers, leaving them with CHARMS and cryptic PROPHECIES. the unknown phenomenon known as THE DARKEST DAY is mentioned repeatedly.

three individuals are given a vision that alludes to the breaking news about THE DARKEST DAY affecting GALAR.


a strange IVORY TREE shows up in a littleroot threatre. it grows out of control during a contest and is destroyed by those present. an extract of its BLUE MULCH has exhibited the capacity to resurrect some living things.

team rocket searches for XERNEAS and calls the energy it exudes INFINITY ENERGY. on an EXCURSION they find another IVORY TREE.

when team rocket attempts to take over sootopolis, several spatial distortions occur. the league uses PRIMAL QUARTZ SHARDS to teleport an ANCIENT TEMPLE. in its place spawns a massive tree dubbed the TREE OF LIFE.

eventually, team rocket investigates inside the TREE OF LIFE. among their many discoveries, they realize the TREE OF LIFE is from another world. when XERNEAS uses GEOMANCY, the tree grows exponentially.

coincidentally, CRYSTABLOOMS and breeding ILLUMINA pokemon appeared directly afterwards.


below is a list of some predetermined plot decisions. this is revealed ahead of time to allow players to better navigate their characters and actions, temper expectations, and prevent this thread from bottlenecking other plots and site progression.

this only covers what will definitely happen within the thread. finer details along with additional clues and cameos will make an appearance based on character choices and corresponding narrative beats.

  • NECROZMA is controlling CHU-E’s dead body.
  • NECROZMA reaps the TREE OF LIFE.
  • NECROZMA splits from CHU-E.
  • CHU-E is resurrected.
  • the TREE OF LIFE no longer exists.
  • NECROZMA visits several spots in HOENN before disappearing.
  • WALSH enlists crucial medical care for injured rockets, appoints/receives two new underbosses.
  • GOODE makes a public statement offering support for sootopolis and the region as a whole before considering a new meeting.



this is an OPEN MINI EVENT to help tie together budding narratives, conclude old storylines, and serve as a run-up for the upcoming site plot! participation is voluntary and missing out on this event will not affect your ability to jump into the overarching site narrative.

this thread is considered HYPER DEATH ENABLED which means that players should expect to lose the pokemon they use. while CHARACTER DEATH is treated as normal (a rare one-off), expect heavy losses. the theme of this thread is POWERLESSNESS.

players may join with ONE CHARACTER and can post ONCE PER ROUND.[break][break]

please include TL;DR with every post, bold your ATTACKS or applicable ABILITIES, and refer to your pokemon by their SPECIES to make this thread more accessible for other players.[break][break]

reducing the amount of digging for information other players, including myself, have to do, the smoother this thread can proceed.

this thread is expected to have at least FIVE MOD POST but has room to expand up to ten. the predicted deadline for each round is FRIDAY 11:59PM PST but this is subject to change.

@sirocco @miette


included is an OPTIONAL MAP for those that would like to visualize where characters are. those who would like to participate will have to modify existing images to assist with the workload. for those who need assistance feel free to ask other members in the discord channel BOXING WITH SHADOWS or GFX REQUEST.

for those that would like to participate, copy the map of the POSTER BEFORE YOU and add in a 50x50 image of your CHARACTER ACCOUNT'S AVATAR in respect to their position. if the poster before you did not participate, refer to the poster before that and so on until applicable!

an example has been applied with respect to 's position.


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Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
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