i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,767 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2022 18:50:16 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]



Eva follows Matias’s gaze over towards and . . . ?!


“Oh my god, that’s my brother, what’s he doing here?! And how does he know Kyle?” she grabs Matias’s arm and points towards Ollie, she give shim a wave and a smile, “Heya, Ollie!” Had she told Matias she ran into him in Lilycove yet? Probably not . . . she’s been busy.


Eva grabs Matias’s hand and tugs him over towards the other two, “Let’s grab a tent next to them,” she suggests before turning back to glance towards Zinnia. A few of the other had taken up to chatting with her and asking questions. Eva has about 1000 questions but based on their initial interaction, they can wait, “She seems . . . on edge,” she responds to Matias, “But I guess I would be too with a bunch of strangers on my island,” even thought they were here to help, you could never tell whose intentions were pure and who was harbored malicious intentions.


+ & &



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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2022 12:27:26 GMT
luka chêne Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]❀ PINKAN ISLAND ADVENTURE





questions filter in slowly, and all about malfunctioning technology. zinnia's eye twitches with the suppressed urge to roll.[break][break]

"the island is out of service range," she explains to and with a shrug. "we've put measures in place to prevent pictures and recordings for the sake of confidentiality. there shouldn't be any permanent damage."[break][break]

that vague explanation is all she offers. a thin brow arches at 's enthusiastic reply, but she gives a tight-lipped smile and nods. "thank you. make sure to stay near the campsite at night." she glances over at the captain, who tips his cap in a half-salute. "right. we'll be getting to work first thing, so get some rest. goodnight."[break][break]

the evening wears on, a pink and orange sky gradually fading into deep blacks and blues. there is a full moon overhead, and the stars are unobscured by clouds. the night is beautiful, encouraging some to stay up and admire the clarity of the sky, the freshness of the cool night air, and the distant sound of crashing waves. but eventually chatter around the fire dwindles as campers pair off and head to sleep.[break][break]

the first night passes peacefully. however, at half past two, night owls and light sleepers might hear the faintest rumble. it almost sounds like distant thunder, too soft and low to pose any present threat. there is no rain, and the rest of the night is uneventful.[break][break]


in the morning, with the sun just barely over the horizon, the sound of a clanging bell rouses the group from sleep.[break][break]

zinnia stands outside the cluster of tents, banging on a cowbell like a deadpanned will ferrell. "rise and shine!" she shouts with all the forced cheer of an underpaid camp counselor. beside her stands the captain, dressed in the same clothes as yesterday, a lazy half-smile on his lips[break][break]

the first to rise, however, might forgive their rude awakening as soon as they open their tents. for a flock of pidgey pecks at the ground around the campfire, and a few zigzagoon scavenge any scraps of leftover food they can find. all of them, whether they have fur or feathers, are pink.[break][break]

tiny, fluffy joltik scurry underfoot, beady blue eyes staring out from rosy fur. near the edges of the campground, a few bulbasaur sport sakura-colored bulbs as they lounge in the sun. there are caterpie and yipping lillipup— the briefest glance of an eevee’s fluffy pink tail. these are clearly something other than shiny variants; it seems that every pokemon on the island, in one way or another, is pink.[break][break]

an azurill squeaks as it bounces towards zinnia on a bubblegum tail. her expression softens when she scoops it up, clearly well acquainted with the island’s inhabitants.[break][break]

“welcome to pinkan island,” she announces again when most have emerged from their tents. “it’s, erm. pink.”[break][break]

an awkward silence follows her incredibly thorough explanation. zinna clears her throat and tries again.[break][break]

"pinkan island gets it's name from the unusual berries that grow here," she explains, gesturing towards one of the trees that bear ripe, pink fruits. "the unique diets of the pokemon here have turned them pink, as you can see. our island remains remote to protect them, and preserve their food source. it’s been years since we had any strangers here, and that’s why it’s been able to remain so pristine. she fixes the group with a long, hard stare. “and i hope i can trust you all to keep it that way.”[break][break]

curious pokemon begin to flock to the group, having never seen so many people at once. some seem more timid, others excited. zinna allows some time to fawn over them while a modest breakfast is brought over: fruits and a giant vat of porridge.[break][break]

after a quick meal, zinnia rejoins the group near the edge of the campsite. hoisted up on her back is a backpack so large it nearly dwarfs her. “let’s head out,” she instructs brusquely, turning on her heel and leading the way through the forest. the captain, smiling lazily, brings up the rear.[break][break]

“most of the species that live around the base are used to u- to me, and aren’t much of a threat. but the worst of the damages are much deeper in. the pokemon that live near the heart of the the island are far more hostile, so be on your guard,” zinna warns as they trek through a forest of even more pink. “this first area hasn’t been so badly affected by the storms, but it’s gotten to the gardens. we’ve got to get this sorted out first.”

evidence of the storm’s devastation is obvious. trees are downed, stone and debris lay scattered. it almost looks like a miniature tornado had blown through a small section of the forest.[break][break]

there are four areas in particular that need attention, and pokemon that need your assistance. zinna draws them to your attention and explains each one:[break][break]

  • a game trail is obstructed by fallen trees and other debris. clear up heavy logs and broken branches so a herd of ponyta safely navigate through the woods! bonus points if you can collect some firewood for the ranger base
  • bird pokemon have had their nests ruined by falling trees and blustering winds. help a pair of pidgeot rebuild a nest for their pidgey babies by gathering materials and finding a suitable place for them to roost
  • plots of regular berry bushes and vegetables have been damaged by the storms. rocks, branches and weeds almost obscure the cultivated plots of land. clear them up and gather as many healthy berries as you can...and try to keep a herd of mischievous whimsicott from eating them all
  • a river cuts through part of the clearing, and the bridge across it is almost completely destroyed! use some spare planks and tools provided by zinnia to help fix it up so a skulk of water-fearing vulpix can safely cross


zinna doesn’t hand out individual assignments, but does stress the importance of each task being completed. once the group divvies themselves up she helps out where she can, though her gaze continually flits towards the heart of the island.[break][break]



please include a roll with your post and a tl;dr that specifies which area your character is going to assist in. zinnia is an interactable NPC, so a mid-round update may be included with her dialogue, etc. there is no penalty for not posting before a mid-round update![break][break]

feel free to NPC the pokemon your character might be interacting with and write them as you wish[break][break]

the deadline for this round is JULY 18TH, 11:59 PST[break][break]
  • there are pokemon! they are pink!!! go wild
  • ask zinnia questions or try to interact with the captain
  • choose a 'route' to clean up and get to work
  • make a perception check (roll!)




each member that participates in the raid to completion will be eligible for the following REWARDS. these may be redeemed in the site shop after the raid is complete:[break][break]
  • 250 PD
  • 1x 16-week berry (excluding passho)
  • 1x salac berry
  • 1x z-crystal
  • an additional EVENT EXCLUSIVE reward will be added as the raid progresses!

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
1,829 posts
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2022 13:36:22 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
After having spent a rather uneventful night with in the tent (there was no reception on the island and she'd brought no games with her; how else were they supposed to pass the time in there?), Andrea woke up to the chirping of the birds. She let out a big yawn and stretched her limbs within the limited space the tent offered her, before getting dressed and stepping outside.

Much to her profound surprise, the birds whose chirping had woken her up were pink. The Zigzagoon were pink, the Lillipup were pink, and by the holy ring of Arceus, the Joltik were pink! Andrea marveled at the rosy fauna surrounding them, not believing her eyes. Zinnia, being ever the helpful guide, explained that the reason for their pinkness was related to their diets.

The young PokéManiac stared inquisitively at Zinnia, then at the pink Pokémon, then back at Zinnia, then back at the Pokémon, and finally back at Zinnia a third time. "Unique diets, huh? Is that why your hair is pink?" The dragon-cosplaying girl mused, before pointing at the tree that bore the island's rare, namesake fruit. "Gimme that berry! I wanna turn pink too!" She declared out of the blue.

Before the overly enthusiastic girl could climb that tree herself and stuff her face with as many berries as she could, Zinnia told them it was time to head out. The ranger handed the crew a number of tasks that needed fulfilling, telling each person to pick one. Andrea groaned in mild frustration, but agreed nonetheless. "Fine, we'll do chores first. But I AM gonna eat those berries later!"

Opting for the job that best suited her skill set and required the least amount of brain power, Andre went to help clear up the game trail with the help of her Pokémon. For her Kangaskhan, moving hefty wooden logs was a piece of cake, stacking them together in a neat pile further away from the trail. Andrea tried her best to carry one of the heavier branches too with her pencil thin arms, grunting and struggling all the way through.
//declares her desire to eat the berries and turn pink
//decides to help clear the game trail with the help of her KANGASKHAN


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played by


The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,767 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2022 13:44:28 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]



Eva is a heavy sleeper and sleeps soundly through the night cuddled up with . The only thing that startles her awake is the excessive cowbell struck over and over again by Zinnia. After slowly getting ready, Eva crawls out of the tent, standing to stretch her back and sway back and forth, “Good morning, everyone!” she chimes happily as she beelines it for the coffee.


That is, until she spots the pink pokemon.


Pink Pidgey, pink Joltik, pink Zigzagoon.


“Whoooaaaaa, that’s incredible!” naturally, her scientific mind is running a million miles a minute. After getting her coffee, Eva is distracted by the cutest Joltik she’s ever seen in her life. After some gentle coaxing and letting the pokemon get use to her, she finds herself settled on the ground, scratching its little back and letting it crawl all over her, “What a frikken cutie!” she giggles, as it crawls over her shoulder to peer up at the others with it’s Compound Eyes.


Once it’s time to actually get to work, Eva says goodbye to her new friend and follows the others to their destination. The island is a mess, and this isn’t even the worst of it according to Zinnia. For a moment Eva wonders where the second head ranger is. Aren’t there supposed to be two?

“Hey Zinnia! Just wanted to let you know that I’m a vet, and we have a licensed pokemon vet tech running around here somewhere,” she points towards , “I have some of my supplies with me. If there are any injured pokemon from the storm we are happy to check them out!”


Take it or leave it, Eva offers it either way before venturing off to help with something that suites her own talents. Eva started as a ranger In Hoenn doing conservation medicine so reconstructing a Pidgeot nest seems right up her alley!


“I’ll climb up there, you find some branches, twigs, and long grasses, ok?” the Mr. Mime beside her nods with his signature goofy smile before teetering off to find the supplies. Eva easily scales the trees (thanks to her an climbing everything they came across when they were younger) to make it up to a comfortable set of branches sturdy enough to make a safe home for the little flying family.


“Just send it up here with PSYCHIC when you’re ready!” Eva shoots the Mr. Mime and whoever else is helping a thumbs up from her perch. From all the way up here, Eva has a pretty good view of the island. As she waits for the materials she takes a look around, scanning the horizon and glancing towards the heart of the island.


+ & [break]
+ Eva lets Zinnia know that she is available to look at any pokemon that might have been injured during the storm along with her new friend [break]
+ Eva starts with helping the Pidgeot rebuild their nest with Mr. Mime’s help[break][break]




[newclass=".evaa"]--accent:#a9d39d; --speech:#a9d39d;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".evaa .ooc"]background:#171717; border-top:1px solid var(--accent); margin-top:20px; padding:20px; font:9px 'Roboto Mono';[/newclass]

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August 22nd
Goldenrod City
Pokéathlon Athlete
Rising Star
my howling heart is yours
to do what you will
6'2" / 187 cm height
6'2" / 187 cm height
don't dry with fakes or fears, 'cause you will hate yourself in the end
249 posts
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TAG WITH @toshiaki
Toshiaki Macallan
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2022 8:35:16 GMT
Toshiaki Macallan Avatar
[newclass=.avatar]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.avatar img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]



He slept like a log throughout the night, and was roaring and ready to go to start the morning! This place was like something out of a fairy tale. Granted, he didn’t read too many of those as a child, but the sentiments there! There were a number of jobs that could be carried out, and while Toshiaki was determined to get most of them done it’s best to start straight from square one. His Umbreon and Bayleef help navigate the terrain for him. Three pairs of eyes are better than one![break][break]
He stumbles upon a bunch of broken nests which catch his attention. The pink Pidgeot and Pidgey are outwardly dejected, upset by the destruction of their homes. Mother and babies out of a home. That hits him right in the heart and just like that, he’s found his first task of the day.[break][break]
He claps his hands twice.[break][break]
“Alright, you two! We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us. Umbreon, you and me are going to see what’s salvagble among the destruction here. Bayleef, I want you to comfort the Pokemon, especially the lil’ ones. You’re good at that!” [break][break]
He’ll look for new places to place the nets. Bayleef would come in handy for that to place them in higher, tucked away places from most predators. On that note, Umbreon and Toshiaki start searching the forest floor for suitable materials. One time, while in Johto, he and his mother nursed a baby Pidgey back to health and made them a new nest- so he has the experience, minimal as it is. Better than nothing![break][break]
Still, he has to wonder what caused all this brutal damage in the first place. This was too intense for a normal round of predators passing through. Poachers, maybe?[break][break]
Well, it didn’t matter yet.. Right now, he has some nests to rebuild.[break][break]

  • Decides to help the Pidgeot and Pidgey rebuild their nests!
  • He’s skeptical on what could’ve caused all this damage. Was it human made? Who knows..





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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
784 posts
Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2022 9:07:25 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

She spent most of the late evening, and early night just staring from the campfire to the stars and back. It was nice to experience nature like this, unpolluted by the machinations of man. But as a human, she was not nocturnal, even if her sleep habits sometimes suggested otherwise.

And so she found herself in a tent with . All the experiences and social interactions done today quickly overcame her with mental fatigue and so she fell asleep. Alas, it was not a deep sleep. She drifted from stages of semi-awake to lightly sleeping, due to no fault of his own Angelo’s presence and the weird rumbling she heard coming from him or so she assumed since she slept turned towards the very wall of the tent.

When she finally truly awoke to the sound of clanging bells, she was ready to murder whoever had the audacity of being so noisy. Alas, when she exited the tent all dressed in the same clothes she wore yesterday her mood changed completely.

The sight of various Pink Pokémon filled her stomach with butterflies. Perhaps it was the Joy part of her genes reacting to the sight or perhaps it was simply because the Pokémon were damn cute. Either way, she had to physically halt herself from D’aaaaaw’ing at them.

Some curious Pokémon jumped her way, though when she carefully tried to pet them, they jumped away skittishly. This saddened her for a bit, but nothing a hearty but quick meal couldn’t fix.

When Zinna rejoined them, Johanna was ready and willing to get on with the day’s work. And so she followed their esteemed Ranger-leader to where they would be doing work. A series of tasks were given to the group to pick from.

With a smile, she realized she had just the right Pokémon for one of those tasks. She summoned her Trevenant. It looked around curiously. The big tree and its trainer went over to the damaged berry plots. “Hauke, I will let you handle this. And I will keep away any unwanted guests.” Her eyes fell upon a pair of Whimsicott which were mischievously looking towards the pair.

And so the Trevenant went to work. He uses all of his Grass-type instincts to work the earth. First clearing the plot of land, then checking the berries and vegetables there. Carefully collecting any healthy berries he might stumble upon.

Meanwhile, Johanna was trying to handle the Whimsicott who playfully tried to get past her. Though whether that was their real objective or if they just wanted to play with her, she couldn’t quite deduce, for they certainly seemed more focused on messing with her than getting past her. And their loud laughter seemed to agree with that assessment.


- Sleeps lightly, but hears the rumbling.
- Sees pink Pokémon, tries to pet.
- After meal goes with the group.
- Makes her Trevenant work on the BERRY PLOTS while she deals with Whimsicott.


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november 14th
elite four
a life
to live for.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,290 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2022 9:42:51 GMT

"your brother?"[break][break]

one of many, as matias recalls, so it's nice to finally be able to put a face to a name. he waves at , then again at as they begin setting up camp.[break][break]

the night passes uneventfully. the next day, however? he hopes it'll be far more eventful.[break][break]

with everyone split along the different tasks, matias chooses the one that's empty at the moment and heads over to the RIVER.[break][break]

"maybe we can bring back enough berries to turn you pink, virizion."[break][break]

but then it'd defeat the purpose of virizion loving nature and all. green for nature, right?[break][break]

either way, virizion speeds off to collect spare planks while matias starts working the tools.

pinkan island![break]
- going to fix the BROKEN BRIDGE by the RIVER[break]
- feel free to join![break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-virizion"]

[newclass=".sixeyes"]--accent:#5d464e; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".sixeyes .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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May 18
Snowpoint City, Sinnoh
oh, i was lost, but now i am found
180 posts
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TAG WITH @ceejay
CJ Mizikar
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2022 15:32:22 GMT
CJ Mizikar Avatar

CJ’s sleep is fitful, if it comes at all. Not a stranger to snoozing under the stars, their mind is just too whirlwind-like, a broken blender of anxiety and hope and wonder, to find rest. They have vague recollections of dozing, but distinctly remember seeing the sun peek out over the horizon-- so they’re up and alert when Zinnia calls for waking, backpack strapped on, buzzing with the lingering jitters of a night of intermittent sleep.
The collection of pink Pokemon poking at the remnants of their night of camping could put a Victoria’s Secret campaign to shame.
It’s, erm. Pink.
CJ laughs during the silence that follows. Unfortunately.
Zinnia lays out the back-cover summary of Why Pinkan Island is Pink and for all CJ wishes to delve into the meat of the matter-- namely, the genetics and science of what’s going on here-- they reel that in because, above all, they have a deep and abiding respect for nature. Plus, they did their time as a Ranger in Snowpoint, and they understand how tiring it can be dealing with tourists.
They eat their rations and properly dispose of everything before releasing Norrigal (in keeping with the color scheme) before falling in the queue to follow Zinnia into the heart of the island. Everything is pink. CJ has the image of a strawberry Starburst in their head. Like the entire island is made out of a forbidden snacc.
They’re distracted by the thought of unlawful consumption when they hear their name cheerily called through the air; they turn a sharp about-face, hands on backpack straps. Norrigal rubs lazily over the backs of their calves, wrapping around their ankles.
“That’s a-me, CJ-o,” they say, excited at being recognized and failing to be ashamed of their corniness. They hurry to stand beside Eva, only sort of tripping over Norrigal on the way.
“Can you go help clear the path?” they asked their Espeon, who yawns, disinterested, before stalking off to assist in lifting debris out of the road with her psychic abilities. While Norrigal is doing that, they go about collecting supplies to help Eva rebuild nests.
“I have some bandage material we could probably use for securing the nests, if we need to tie anything to a branch, or something,” they say, gathering some thinner twigs that are spry and bendable. “Too bad we don’t have any old tissue boxes.”



+ (wearing) [break]
tl;dr they're here ig. their espeon is helping clear out the ponyta path while CJ is assisting and assemble and replace nests.



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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2022 21:31:00 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
(It was the Wingull that was snoring, ! Obviously!)

Angelo's head hits the pillow long after many of his fellow Pinkan Island adventurers have crawled to their tents, and is one of the first to emerge in the morning. After years spent getting up at the first light of dawn, routine is not about to be broken.

He's drinking a coffee outside with whatever other early birds are in attendance, when Zinnia and the captain unleash their alarm.

And when're we scheduled time to explore the island?” He asks Zinnia with a lopsided smile, scooping up an equisitive pink Joltik puff in his palm. Shameless in his desires and his nudging as he tickles the little bug with an index finger. “If you're worried about me making a mess, I could go for a guided tour.

If he doesn't get it soon, Angelo would be very tempted to wonder off alone. Maybe when everyone is busy with their chores...

First things first, he'd have to at least do some work. Even if it's just for a little while.

Angelo picks the game trail.

Orion bounds towards one of the trees blocking the path, teeth CRUNCHING into a long, thin branch with a crackling of bark beneath the pressure. As the pilot hefts a chunky log onto a broad shoulder with a grunt, his energetic canine takes off, lumbering with her... lumber. 

Orion! Shit - hey, Dragon girl! Behind you!

Poor ol' had better watch her legs. There's an excited dog with a comically long stick on the loose!



- when do we get the full tour, zinnia? i can go alone if you're too busy no problemo
- clearing the game trail
- LYCANROC is 'helping'

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litton wickham
september 25
lumiose city, kalos
webnovelist / council assistant
if desire is the heart’s intransigent verb.
353 posts
nagi miwa DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nagi
nagi miwa
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2022 16:42:46 GMT
nagi miwa Avatar

it's so pink.[break][break]

unlike , who woke with the wherewithal to level her gattling gun of questions at zinnia before the sun has even crested the sky, nagi is dangerously close to face-planting into his porridge. it's pink is as far as his thought processes can take him this early, though he manages to mumble a greeting to on instinct when he sees her. it's an auto-piloted, incomprehensible g'af'rmoon. [break][break]

not a morning person by habit, he had reaped the spoils of his haphazard sleep schedule the night before: it had been late when he had finally drifted off into a fitful doze, long after the rumbling had ceased, only to wake what felt like minutes after to sun in his eyes and the raucous rattling of a cowbell. [break][break]

he needs a full bucket of coffee, delivered intravenously. because the world is cruel, what he gets, instead, is a list of chores. [break][break]

the walk wakes him up, at least. enough for him to take note of the strange hitch in zinnia's voice as she changes track mid-explanation: are used to u—...? tongue-tied, perhaps? it is inhumanely early. [break][break]

he files the thought away for later, and follows the trail down to the BERRY PLOTS.[break][break]

as wrangles the whimsicott, nagi trails after her trevenant, assisting it with the grunt work of gathering weeds and fallen branches — leaving the bulk of the actual gardening work to the grass-type's expertise. happiny toddles at their feet, gathering whatever berries she can get her stubby hands on. more berries, in fact, than could be believed from its diminutive size. [break][break]

“oh my god,” he says, as happiny sequesters her fifteenth berry into the bottomless recesses of her pouch. “you’re doraemon.”


[attr="class","ooc"] @ PINKAN [break]
• barely slept[break]
• notices the strange break in zinnia's explanation[break]
• helps clear the BERRY PLOTS, as his happiny gathers berries [break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-happiny"]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,547 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2022 5:44:53 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Thomas sleeps through the night quietly, getting what rest he can for the coming day of work.

Upon waking up, and getting his boots on, Thomas emerges from his tent. He'd be greeted by the sight of all the Pink Pokemon to come out. He couldn't help but smile at all the adorable Pokemon. Despite wanting to, Thomas refrained from attempting to reach out and touch the Pokemon, seeing as they probably wouldn't welcome it.

"If you don't mind me asking, how often does the island face hurricanes of this sort? Because if I've gathered right, this is the first I've heard your detachment reach out to the mainland for aid. So what about this one would necessitate reaching out to the mainland?", he'd inquire.

Either this was the worst hurricane to hit the island in a number of years, something happened to the detachment, or there was something more sinister afoot. Those were Thomas' three guesses.

When the first tasks are assigned, Thomas wastes no time in having his Pangoro carry wooden planks, while he handled the tools. Freke the Alakazam would aid the Pangoro in placing the planks along the bridge, while Thomas would join Matias in mending the broken bridge by way of hammer and nail.

"Matias.", Thomas greeted his successor, while he was working.


notes: Thomas wakes up to find the pink Pokemon
Thomas admires the cuties from afar
Thomas asks Zinnia about how often Pinkan Island faces hurricanes, how bad they are, and what about this one caused them to break their isolation
Thomas joins in fixing the broken bridge

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Zuzu (Josh only)
she / her / hers
april 17
Lavaridge, Hoenn
senior ranger
always look ahead, but never forget what you left behind.
412 posts
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TAG WITH @izumi
Izumi Yamamura
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2022 16:07:24 GMT
Izumi Yamamura Avatar

The evening was—well, that was a nice distraction.

(See what she did there?)

Either way, there was full-on regret on her face the moment she’d began spotting all of the pink-hued Pokémon, and she was legit beating herself up over it by not bringing her pink-colored Metagross… shame, really.

So she’d gotten out of ‘bed’ earlier than her husband (which was a surprise, normally she preferred sleeping in) and she couldn’t help but internally wail at all the pink Pokémon that called the place home.

Such a fucking shame, Izumi!

Either way, she’d grab herself some breakfast and decide to do a little poking around the area—wondering if she’d be able to get a word out of their ‘host’ for the day. Wandering over with a piece of toasted bread in her hand (and a cup of hot chocolate in the other) she then tried to call Zinnia’s attention.

“I’m curious—why allow outsiders like us now to visit, of all times?” she posed her first question.

(She figured, it was best to ask questions now rather than later, lest she forget.)

“Is there… is there like, something you want us to check out that your Rangers can’t access?”

Okay, that was a bit unfair, asking two questions—but there you had it.


• is still beating her figurative ass over not bringing her pink Metagross along (she’s hella upset)
• wakes up earlier than / , decides to get herself some breakfast
• asking Zinnia a couple of questions, from one Ranger to another

impt mentions tagged up in post

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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @josh
Josh Dragomir
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2022 20:53:13 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

It appears that they would be without service for this duration. A pain when they were a pair of parents who had left two children back home. And this was supposedly intentional too. This was a concern to the blonde, who quirked a brow upon overhearing that nugget of information. That could be a problem in emergencies, a glaring oversight on their part. At the least, his parents were once ace trainers of their own. Hopefully they could handle any problems that came about in their absence.

In the night, the perpetual light sleeper would find himself roused by the rumbling. He didn’t speak of it for the time being though. Not until there was cause for alarm. But unfortunately for him, he didn’t find too much sleep before the bell would shock them awake. The ranger groaned as he plugged his ears, waiting out the chimes as he tried to get his bearings. Soon enough they were up. Though Izumi had already been up by then, and he would need to go and find her.

Soon enough, Izumi’s half-asleep husband would place a hand on her shoulder from behind. From behind her, he curiously peered at the pink-colored Pokemon that had begun to appear. So it was true! They really did have pink Pokemon! From behind Josh, a Raichu would peer at them as well. Lightning had been let out of his Pokeball, and he didn’t seem very happy that his containment had been a condition for his traveling here. The tent wouldn’t fit them all, had been Josh’s explanation. Of course, it was a cover, but the Raichu didn’t need to know that.

“The both of us are Rangers. If there’s anything we can do, we would be happy to assist” Josh chimed in for Izumi’s question.


- Josh hears the rumbling but puts it aside for now.
- Is groggy and half-asleep upon waking.
- Watches some pink Pokemon.
- Joins Izumi in her questioning.
- Raichu is out of its ball. It's not happy.

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
now you got me blushin'
5'6" height
5'6" height
✨ I'm addicted to shining and glowing
2,739 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Jul 19, 2022 5:46:48 GMT
mint frost Avatar




Thankfully, the whole tent thing passes on pretty quickly. Mint is too tired to care and moments after his head hit the pillow and Biscotti curled up next to him, he's out cold. The morning is a rough awakening and even the constant noise doesn't make Mint hurry and he applied a bare minimum skin routine after wiping his face clean with a baby wipe. He did his best to pull back wavy hair into a ponytail and donning clean work clothes begore stepping out.

Zinnia spoke, but he barely hears her, too take by all the pink pokemon surrounding them. His Skitty is just as delighted, moving to greeting a pair of curious pastel pink Zigzagoons rooting through trash. Mint attempts and fails to take photos of it before moving to eat his...bland breakfast. He forced it down, remembering he'd packed more than enough snacks for the trip.

When the head ranger delegated tacks, he let out Tortellini with a grin. "River crossing it is. Help me out ok?" He said to theb oddly colored Weezing. His Skitty movedto climb onto his shoulders as the trainer followed the people moving up to the river. "I think he can ferry some of them accross." He suggested to no one in particular. To help convince the nervous fire types, Biscotti hoped ontop of her partner and floated over to the other side before meowning to convince them to join her.


tagged ▸ ooc @open [break]

- lets out both pokemon [break]
- heads out to help vulpix at the river [break]
- offers tortellini the shiny weezing as a pokemon ferry




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no preference
november 25
Brighter than tomorrow and yesterday
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TAG WITH @lilith
lilith eirwin
POSTED ON Jul 19, 2022 6:10:56 GMT
lilith eirwin Avatar





[attr="class","hanalyrics"]into the unknown
[attr="class","hanalyrics2"]pinkan island

[attr="class","hanatext"]Thankfully, the night goes by without a hitch. It does help that a literal giraffe of a childhood friend takes the bed closest to the exit instead of her - What with his long bean limbs helping to trip intruders up before they get to her...

When she arises, she's quick to ready up and head out, squinting a little at the morning sun and the hordes of pink that appeared overnight. But even that isn't enough to convince her to join the group for breakfast so she keeps her distance, allowing Rubia to wander for food but always within sight. It's when they get moving that she's far more at ease, blending in with the crowd as she listens to the tasks given.

"Be careful..." She murmurs, looking over before turning her gaze to the game trail. "I think... I'm going that way... Don't get lost, okay?"

She trusts him to be a big boy with some sense of direction.


As they move on over, her thoughts begin to wander - How would Sylvatica like it here? Would she lose her temper at the state of this road? Considering the weather patterns of thie region, why was there such a horrible storm to begin with? All these questions will find no answers, so she should just... focus on the task at her, shouldn't she?

Rubia is already way ahead of her, tugging smaller branches to the side of the road and occasionally stopping to snack on a few leaves or two. Awkward and unable to approach the other two present, Lilith just commits to picking up whatever she can, collecting whatever seems good enough to be firewood and stacking it to the side for later transport.


Tl;dr -
- Toshi's a big boi, he can handle himself
- Going to help clear game trail
- Gathering firewood while she's at it

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay