i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2022 0:20:31 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
The first hurdle seemed to be over, with everyone and their mother guessing 'Data' to be the answer to the riddle. However the ride has yet to stop, there was still a whole sea of bullshit to wade through in order to escape this cybernetic hellhole. Oscar took note of the file attached to him, tapping it cautiously as others began to open theirs.

Examining the image told Oscar nothing, it seemed like gibberish for now. It might make sense soon, but until then Oscar would dismiss it with disgust. "Everything is fuckin' cryptic with these assholes. I miss the days when bad-guys would just attack us and be done with it!" Oscar's complaining was interrupted by a violent shaking, with the dome slowly opening to reveal three paths.

Everyone seemed to flock to the first two labeled 'Avatars' and 'Legendaries', the third labeled 'Ultra Beasts' went mostly unloved. Oscar sniffed, and looked to Robbie. "Which one do we go for Rob?" Robbie thought for a minute, buying time since he could not read the signs. Eventually he pointed to the third path, which Oscar thought made complete sense. 

"Figures, I mean that's what you are."

Robbie nodded, pretending to know what Oscar was talking about. Oscar headed toward Terminal 3, along with anyone else who felt like joining him. Of course by this point might still be in his shadow. Will she accompany him or go elsewhere? I dunno, I can't read the fucking future.


--Oscar is heading toward Terminal 3
--Oscar does not know Lulu is in his shadow.
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March 26th
Chroma Highlands, Almia
Bounty Hunter/Ethologist
You say you're a god man, so what I'm the devil herself
207 posts
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TAG WITH @aura1
Yvaine Varron
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2022 1:18:24 GMT
Yvaine Varron Avatar

When the dome is dispelled and the Porygons cease their assault, Yvaine calls her Gliscor back to her side, where the giant bat-like pokémon now casually floats about as she checks the new file that popped up on her body. For a moment she's reminded of those videogames she's seen kids playing before, never having indulged in them herself, and wonders if not having done so would prove to be a setback in the occurring events. Well, not that she could change any of that right now.

The file opens and shows a strange map, and the number 820 highlighted on it among a series of others, each connected to a path. Although she does not grasp the meaning she just presses on, watching as the massive crowd disperses and each takes their own path among the three displayed. Her choice takes some time, and eventually she saunters towards the sign stating "Legendaries", since she has little knowledge of the two other terms stated in the other signs. As Yvaine goes she tries to take a closer look at her surroundings, hoping to catch anything that might help her better understand.



- Checks the file 01 that's attached to her
- Makes her way towards Terminal 2
- Investigating her surrroundings for clues or anything helpful as she goes
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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2022 2:37:22 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


Get to it, Agent.

He responded to with a professional nod, his attempt at playing it cool somewhat undermined by Raki's cheerful yipping at her praise.

There was some banter going on between the Silph brothers that Gwyar was only half paying attention to, but ultimately it seemed like it hardly matter.

The elite 4 member charged into Terminal 2 of the paths that had formed befor all of them, and in doing so seemed to have more or less forced Councilman 's hand.

Well, that and .

Gwyar didn't care about which terminal they chose; he was more preoccupied with his spanking brand new Data brooch. Technologically inept as ever, he had no idea of what he was looking at.

Which meant he should probably try sticking to people who did...

Needless to say, he fell in line with the CEO of Silph Co. and Hoenn's premier head scientist, Raki on his tail.


-nods at Eva in a totes cool fashion. Doggo does not.
-follows his group to terminal 2 cause he ain't got a clue or what's going on.
-sorry for my lame post, phone posted it out quick so I could go to sleep early.
-Raki the riolu is out.

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2022 3:03:34 GMT
luka chêne Avatar




What a horrible way to put it.[break][break]

Living beings reduced to ones and zeroes, erased with all the ease of hitting ctrl+z. Like moving a file into the trash. It makes her sick.[break][break] Though none of the affected Pokemon are her own, Luka mourns them all the same. There's an aching sense of loss that lingers in hollowed bird-bones, the grief still fresh.[break][break]

She swallows and grips 's hand so hard her knuckles go white, and it doesn't loosen until they're safely past the barrier.[break][break]

The immediate threat vanishes but with it comes something new. Shadow clones erupt from various devices, and she's not just seeing double. But before Luka can react in any significant way, others come to their aid. What she can offer, almost as an afterthought, is a spot of healing if they need it. "Um! I-if anyone's hurt, just let me know! We can help," she calls to , , , and . It doesn't look like they need it, but one can never be too careful.[break][break]

Her concern lingers with those four and the other pokemon still lost. Frankly, she's not paying attention to the terminal that Michail leads her to. Only vaguely does she realize they're sticking alongside , , and the like. That's good. In a place like this it's very cheering to be among friends.[break][break]

They have but a moment to get their bearings, and in that time Luka, for once, comes up with an idea. Her Clefable is recalled in favor of Musharna, who floats lazily by her side in a peaceful doze.[break][break]

"Ume," she asks, trailing her fingers through threads of hazy dream mist, "It's probably dangerous. Can you see...anything? A-any hints of what might be over there?" Though their path is set it doesn't hurt to be prepared. Any hint, any clue to what might be waiting behind the second terminal could be a lifesaver.[break][break]

Ume's forewarn alludes to danger but that's a given. It's her future sight instead that attempts to peer into the fabric of reality and through time itself, trying to give shape and form to whatever new dangers await them.

- upsetti spaghetti over the deleted mons[break]
- offers to heal the clone gang if they need it[break]
- going to terminal 02[break]
- musharna uses a combination of forewarn and future sight to try and see what awaits them


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2022 3:12:08 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

Remiel is quick to tap the file attached to his body, summoning a holographic projection in front of him with the designation 'FILE 01'. It seems their success at unlocking the dome has kept the Porygon from attacking any further, so he's given some time peruse the data therein a little more carefully than he might have otherwise. Though the chaos continues before too long as digital towers break and shatter all around them.

Minimizing the file, the royal is quick to step forward with the others as three different routes are formed. A streak of pink hair draws his immediate attention on the way there, and he finds himself reuniting with and once more. Hues of cobalt examine the designation for each route briefly as they talk, nodding in agreement with Melody's proposal as his HUNTAIL, ABRAHAM, rejoins him.

"The AVATAR route might prove to be enlightening, however..." Any information that may be garnered in either the LEGENDARY or ULTRA BEAST route could prove to be valuable, too... if only because it might pertain to ZEKROM and ISRA, respectively.

He stews in this indecision for a moment... and, ultimately, he decides what takes greater precedence. Given the recent implosion of his love life, Remiel isn't sure if it's desperation or determination that compels him to finally put a close to some long unfinished business. But, whatever it is, it fills him with a fire the likes of which he hadn't experienced in a while.

The Galarian prince turns to Rowan and sets a reassuring hand on his shoulder before shaking his head. "I have to go to TERMINAL 3, my friend," He says, shifting his serious look between both him and Melody. "But I'll see you two on the other side, yes? Look after each other. We'll convene afterwards."

And, with that, Remiel runs off with a wave goodbye with his Huntail in tow. As he enters TERMINAL 3, he soon finds himself running alongside : another familiar and welcome face in the fray.

Briefly, he finds the sight of a SHADOW ( ) in this digital world quite odd... but disregards it for now in favor of a greeting.

"What brought you down this path, Clayton?"


reunites with and ; wishes them luck on TERMINAL 1
joins up with on TERMINAL 3 and asks why he chose it


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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,705 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2022 3:50:52 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

in the onslaught, she lost sight of . Her attention was stolen by the sight of pokemon ‘deleted’, glitching, gone. what did it mean? had she herself become holograms here? [break][break]
had she always been a hologram?[break][break]
the sound of samurott bursting through wall cut her thoughts short. it revealed three outlets. the first? a trap, clearly, if one remembered the avatar killers. she watched both of her brothers enter ahead of her--unsurprising. this time, death was blatantly obvious, and she would not follow.
Why? because existence was infinite. If they didn’t make it, she would just catch them in the next place.[break][break]
”right behind you oscar.”[break][break]
a porygon-z hovered past as lulu rose out of the beast’s shadow, following him towards terminal 3. she greeted as well with a short nod, ”mr. calcifet.”[break][break]
her eyes were ahead, hardly sparing a glance. she wasn’t smiling, but there was something very much thriving, sparkling in her gaze.[break][break]
ultra beasts. the most interesting of the three options. what was ahead?[break][break]
”it’s kind of exciting, isn’t it?”[break][break]
even if things were trying to kill them. even if, all this time that hoenn had been collecting data for the unown report, she’d been saying don’t mess with it. they were here, now, it was time to fuck shit up. reality had expanded. there really was a whole multiverse of opportunity.[break][break]
it was theirs for the taking.[break][break]


• going to terminal three

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-poipole"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-alakazam"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-porygon-z"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2022 4:08:00 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
338 for @cyberchase conudrum
With the children safe under Probo-Probo's protection, Locke returned to his mysterious device, hurrying to unlock it and find answers in the Unown Report within. However, as he swiped the lock screen away he was greeted not by the drk triad's symbol-but by his own face.

Two hands burst from the screen and wrapped around their own throat in a death grip-knocking Locke back into the arms of behind him.

He couldn't breathe. His throat was free-the hands were only there for a few seconds at most before he was wrenched away-but he still couldn't breathe. He was dully aware of other people nearby-shouting around him and trying to move while all he could do was stare and stare and stare at himself and the dozen other dead Lockes crowding his mind they were all shouting at him-

's Life Dew crashed like a wave over their head. They resurfaced back in the current reality-Angelo already pulling them along to follow down one of the new routes-terminal one? They couldn't quite catch the rest of the sign, but trusted in their friends' judgements.

That would have to include…

Locke's eyes flicked briefly and . The underboss' presence was as intimidating as ever, but burdened now with the memory of a similar time of vulnerability. They answered with only a mute shake of their head, hand absently rubbing over their throat as their thoughts drifted away again.

The time between the doppelganger's appearance and their running down hall was slowly catching up to them. That blonde guy had suggested something hadn't he? Some idea involving psychic Pokémon?

Their free hand ghosted over the Pokéballs at their hip-returning their Probopass once again to replace her with a gently-floating Munna. Immediately sensing her trainer's distress, Mu-Mu hovered close enough to bump her soft pink head against theirs and Calm their Mind. It would be a brief reprieve before she turned her focus to the near future-ready to Telepathically Forewarn the group of any threats that lie ahead.

- If Locke had a nickel for every time an alternate version of himself tried to kill him...
- The Life Dew from 's Cleffable gets him out of his head
- Gets dragged away to Terminal 1 by and
- Is very uncertain of , please get better friends
- Following 's previous suggestion, they put away their Probopass to summon their Munna
- Munna uses Calm Mind to get Locke to chill
- Munna's dual abilities of Forewarn and Telepathy will be sued to keep the group aware of oncoming danger
- locke i am begging u to roll above a 50
- alright die then
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]···
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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2022 4:14:50 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

As predicted, 's answer to the riddle is correct. Katherine obviously doesn't thank the champion for fulfiling his role, but she's ever so slightly grateful. Deep down, that is.
As the skyscraper-like pillars begin to bend and break and new paths are formed, Katherine remains by her Sableye's side-- not in a rush to make a decision quite yet. Scarlet eyes flit to when he approaches, swift in their movement akin to a predator's.
Although she's still tense, another familiar face helps to comfort her.
"Something like this? No, never. Blade & Bulwarks was sort of similar, but it was a fucking video game." Amethyst, her Sableye, leads the way as they strut in the direction of TERMINAL 1.
"Something tells me that this isn't a game."
It probably had to do with people's Pokemon disappearing as though they were nothing but a bunch of computer-generated pixels.

- dialogue with xander[break]
- sableye leads the way, they're all headed to TERMINAL 1[break]
- 2 salacs used

[attr="class","fas fa-moon"]

@ @cyberchase

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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Laika Boss

June 12th
Lilycove City
Lighthouse Keeper
Shut up and be happy
it's all in your head
5'10" / 177.8cm height
5'10" / 177.8cm height
You will find no hidden agendas in the sea's desire to swallow you whole
220 posts
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TAG WITH @klaus
klaus anchoret
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2022 4:17:01 GMT
klaus anchoret Avatar

Klaus's face pales somewhat as his Dreadnaw is just... gone. For a brief, hysterical moment, he wonders if he can somehow CTRL+Z in this digital landscape, his magenta-pink eyes casting around the area. He's pull from his manic thoughts at the sound of a familiar voice: . In place of answering the young man simply lifts his hand, a listless gesture that's swiftly interrupted by something - a doppleganger - erupting from Mars' phone to attack the man.
In place of helping, Klaus stumbles back in shock away from the scene. Hardly paying attention, he eventually finds himself at Terminal 1, his choice seemingly made for him.


+ Dreadnaw noooooo [break]
+ Notices Mars and waves [break]
+ Ends up at Terminal 1



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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,408 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2022 4:33:49 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","postbody"] 's voice falls on deaf ears as jayden sprints towards the exit, fingers wrapped tightly around hers. jayden has faith in his comrades — and especially. for the first, he knows that rocket has prepared mint for the inevitable. for the latter, he's sure that her father has.

[break][break] it's only the shouts of alarm from behind that still him, if only for a heartbeat. pokemon disappear in the flash of an eye and is that a copy reaching out to choke out their originals? but before jayden can choose to do anything to mint's aid, many more arrive to assist. 's fingers hold his in a whitened chokehold, but jayden withstands it gladly.

[break][break] they speed through in terminal 2, along with the others.


[attr="class","jayooc"] + tldr [break]
+ i am SORRY i hope this post is ok im kinda booty blasted rn and th wifi sucks
+ jayden runs into terminal 2 w efveryone

[attr="class","fas fa-crow"]

@ @cyberchase

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2022 5:10:34 GMT
Deleted Avatar











aries wasn't expecting their pokemon to work so well in protecting them against the porygon's attack- or 's, for that matter, just because it's a pokemon she doesn't know that well. it does, though, and she can't help but breathe out a sigh of relief at the realization that she's okay.[break][break]

for now, anyways. if she had known it was going to be like this, she didn't know if she would have came along, curiosity be damned.[break][break]

the worst of it isn't over, though, and she doubts it will be any time soon, even as she tries to nudge her way closer to the paths ahead- and she's proven right as digital copies of people lunge out at them from their phones. is the only person out of them she knows, and she thinks (hopes) people are doing well enough to defend him. she still directs syl, the luxray to the copy with an order to crunch as she tries to push her way through.[break][break]

there's a moment of hesitation as she tries to figure out which terminal to go to, hoping syl will catch up to her soon. everyone else seems just as unsure as she is, so she pauses, hopes for the best- and starts to head towards terminal two. legendaries.[break][break]

as she does, she glances back, trying to check on mint, syl or lethe themselves- and trying to see where they'd be going with a note to thank them for everything later on if she can.[break][break]

- is glad her pokemon and lethe's managed to protect them both[break]
- starts heading to the front to see the paths[break]
- spots the copies and directs syl the luxray to use crunch on mint's.[break]
- heads to terminal two. hopes syl will follow behind.[break]
- looks back to check on lethe, syl and mint.[break][break]








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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2022 5:54:44 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
Amor watched everything carefully. How everyone reacted and the choices they were all making. It would seem that their next challenge wasn't going to be as easy as the first. A set of three choices and internally he groaned. Though he had his suspicions on which one was the right choice he watched as one by one everyone made their choices. It would seem terminal one wasn't the popular vote. 

That suited him just fine, and so he carefully made his way through, and took the path. What he and the others were going to face up ahead he had no clue. However he felt disconcerted by the fact that everyone was slowly becoming digitized. Whether they noticed or not he had no clue, but he kept his eyes in front occasionally glancing downward where his other copy might form. 


Amor goes to terminal 1!
Short post
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,742 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2022 5:57:08 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
Être un Mirage

As Pokemon glitched in and out of sight, Elisabeth's heart sank as she withdrew her Tsareena. Oh. This was a digital space, then? The sheer alien notion of such a thing overwhelmed her, leaving her off-balance as she looked to for guidance.

Did this mean if they vanished, it was for good? Or only here, as their supposedly holographic selves?

The more important question, of course, was which terminal to enter. Her eyes read the first's label, and held it there: Avatars. The very notion of such power had intrigued and horrified Elisabeth in equal measure, for she loathed unknown variables as much as she relished in ambition and power. Ultra Beasts and Legendaries did not hold her interest nearly so well.

To her relief, she and Bee were of a single mind on the matter. Into the terminal they went, and as they did so, Elisabeth brought out her Goodra. "Protect," she murmured, thinking better safe than sorry.


  • Went to Terminal 1 with (WHO IS BEE)
  • Goodra used PROTECT.

Cyberchase Conundrum ✿
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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december 21
freelance job-runner
we are stood, and somehow calm, inside the madness of this storm
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TAG WITH @lethe
Lethe Ascelin
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2022 7:38:23 GMT
Lethe Ascelin Avatar

lethe is both shocked and relieved that their attempts at protection had worked, as both them and aries stand seemingly unharmed.

the dome falls before their eyes at the answering of the riddle, but they don’t allow themselves to be relieved for long. this didn’t seem to be the end. while simple things existed, lethe doubted this could be one of them. context clues, or whatever.

before they can say or think much in response to it, aries is leaping into action, heading towards a path before them. and to be perfectly honest, they aren’t paying attention to much other than aries, themself, and their own thoughts. it feels as if there’s no more room in their mind for much more, given how much it buzzes with ideas on those few topics.

their options are to follow aries, or… follow aries, given that there’s only one path out they can see for now. “…wait for me,” they mutter, hesitant but unwilling to leave the only companion they may find here. they follow after her, feeling slightly ridiculous in doing so.

down the path, another change in the environment catches their attention, as something is attached to them. disturbed, they try hitting it off in a moment of impulse, only to find it to be… a file?

sure, that made as much sense as anything else did in this god-forsaken place.

it opens before their eyes as they hit it, expanding into the projection. they can’t make sense of it, no matter how much they peer at the image before them. looking ahead, they consider that it may have something to do with the now-splitting paths ahead of them. a fork in the road, with three paths. “avatars,” “legendaries,” and “ultra beasts.” they figure there has to be something tying them together, but unable to draw any sort of connection, they resign themselves to watching what others do and attempting to decide from there.

or rather, that’s what they would have done if aries hadn’t made a decision so quickly. damn it. there she was, already heading off to a path labeled “terminal two,” with “legendaries” tacked on at the end as if that was supposed to explain anything at all. it’s embarrassing, following her like this — but they figure it is only fair, since she did catch a ride on their kingler. even is even.

they gesture for chive to follow them towards terminal two.


- lethe is surprised the protection works
- they follow aries to terminal two
they gesture for chive, their kingler, to follow behind them

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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,751 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2022 10:18:26 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]CYBERCHASE CONUNDRUM





THE COPIES ARE QUICKLY DISPATCHED. Above, blocks of data swarm around like Beedrill.[break][break]

With each passing second, , , and can feel their bodies lighten. It's as if their digital copies are siphoning energy away... but the four realize it is not just energy. It is data. The doppelgangers are copying their data, and stealing it in the process...[break][break]

Suddenly, a powerful spell descends upon the malicious copies as 's DELPHOX conjures a potent PSYCHIC. It holds them in place for them to be struck by the other attacks, effectively allowing the subsequent actions to succeed:[break][break]

A SHADOW QUAGSIRE thrusts FRENZY PLANT VINES toward 's clone, holding it in place briefly. As watches, brandishes a knife, throwing it like a dart as it weaves in through the thick cordage. This buys enough time for and his UNOWN to strike back and retreat; however, it is 's HYDREIGON that manages to smash it into blocks of data. An OUTRAGE pummels the doppelganger into bits and pieces that splash away. Deleted.[break][break]

Simultaneously, punches the fake . The copy looks hurt. Poochy-eyed and betrayed, the doppelganger flashes a glance at the Sea Captain before 's PINCURCHIN paralyzes it by using THUNDER WAVE. While 's device is FRIED, 's TOTODILE ICE FANGS to wrestle the copy away so that 's RIBOMBEE can strike with a THIEF. Fraying pieces of data demarcate the doppelganger's dying form. Before it can retaliate, and have their BEHEEYEM and FRILLISH finish the clone off in an explosive burst of GHOST AND PSYCHIC-TYPE HUES.[break][break]

Nearby, 's PHONE will record the distorted audio (only) of violence as trainers and Pokemon come to their rescue. braves the close quarters. As she grabs 's doppelganger's fingers, the clone erratically cranes its neck towards her, dead-eyes flickering with glitching colors. @aries's LUXRAY pounces for a damning CRUNCH. Bits of data fly from fangs. Above, 's NOIVERN swerves downward. An AIR SLASH assisted by 's BLISSEY'S HELPING HAND flinches the digital creature. It is enough to help pry the fingers off of 's throat. As a finishing blow, 's CHESTNAUGHT is quick to slam the DELPHOX-SECURED clone's head with a NEEDLE ARM, embedding the bytes with needles before the clone explodes.[break][break]

In a room fool of heroes, deems himself the loser. But who can blame him? When confronted with the overwhelming scope of this digital world, a doppelganger clutching 's throat is sure to cloud the mind. A DRAGONAIR bashes into the PSYCHIC-SEIZED clone. watches as his Pokemon follows up with a THUNDER WAVE, allowing the journalist's MILOTIC to COIL around the digital creature. A harsh thwack from 's FIST cracks against digital jaw before the doppelganger implodes into various blocks of data.


IN MIDST THE CHAOS, a second scan runs below them. In the aftermath, a loud robotic proclamation is made by the system:


The following trainers and ALL OF THEIR POKEMON, regardless of whether they are out of their balls or in them, will experience some kind of DATA LOSS: @aries, , , , , , @tobias, , , , , , , , , , .[break][break]

Characters affected by DATA LOSS can choose from one or all of the following to "forget"; however, they must choose at least ONE:[break][break]

  • their name and age
  • a detail about their pokemon
  • the name of someone they know in the raid (relationship knowledge is intact)

All of the Pokemon owned by the affected characters will FORGET 3 MOVES FROM THEIR MOVESET FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE RAID. Select the 3 forgotten moves and include them in your TL;DR.

Others are able to withstand the scan a bit better. Just luck. Nothing else. Yet, everyone will see that their doppelganger reflections have become more real. More solid. More animated, even. , , , and will see that their own reflections are little more vivid than the rest too, presumably from the contact they've had with them.


IN THE AFTERMATH, kinder souls offer healing. While 's HEALING MIST, a remnant of her previous patron, allows for passive rejuvenation around her, others are more directed. 's GALLADE stands at the ready, willing to provide a HEAL PULSE for , , , and .[break][break]

's CLEFABLE is able to help clear 's head before it is switched out for her MUSHARNA. It focuses. The pink elephant stills as it attempts to divine the future— and what it can see shocks it awake. To , it communicates THE SOUNDS OF BATTLE... POWERFUL CRIES OF DESTRUCTIVE POKEMON... THE PHRASE: SYSTEM FAILURE.[break][break]

FOREWARN from and 's Pokemon detect little. There is nothing dangerous up ahead immediately. For now. However, one may determine the swirling blocks of data around them as potential threats, for they continue to swarm menacingly. However, they do sense Porygon nearby. Some may be coming from afar, attracted by their foreign presence.[break][break]

Similarly, 's PORYGON2 attempts to scan the path alongside 's investigative advance. The two will see that their paths feature beeping veins of data. Presumably, this circuitry or wiring connects back to the main terminal to power it. However, upon closer inspection, they can see that the physical make up of the blocks of data, the paths, all feature coding within them... Numbers? Binary? And or shapes frighteningly similar to UNOWN.



THOSE WHO ENTER TERMINAL 1 will encounter a similar room to the one the main terminal was in. The path leads to a cul-de-sac— and the members of terminal 1 can not see where the other groups are. Upon everyone's entry, the pixelated blocks swarming around them form a dome that encloses everyone inside.[break][break]

In the middle, a terminal expands a screen with two pop-up boxes. One contains the riddle. The other contains the possible answer.


C:\u820\maldacena>WHO SHOULD BE THE LAST TEAM MEMBER?_[break]



EVERY CHARACTER must PHYSICALLY SELECT what they believe is the correct Pokemon by tapping the screen (e.g. Squid Games vote). Players must include the answer in the TL;DR.



THOSE WHO ENTER TERMINAL 2 will encounter a similar room to the one the main terminal was in. The path leads to a cul-de-sac— and the members of terminal 2 can not see where the other groups are. Upon everyone's entry, the pixelated blocks swarming around them form a dome that encloses everyone inside.[break][break]

In the middle, a terminal expands a screen with one pop-up box that contains the riddle.


C:\u820\maldacena>WHICH POKEMON DOES NOT BELONG?_[break]

EVERY CHARACTER must PHYSICALLY SELECT what they believe is the Pokemon that does not belong by tapping the screen (e.g. Squid Games vote). Players must include the answer in the TL;DR.[break][break]



THOSE WHO ENTER TERMINAL 3 will encounter a similar room to the one the main terminal was in. The path leads to a cul-de-sac— and the members of terminal 3 can not see where the other groups are. Upon everyone's entry, the pixelated blocks swarming around them form a dome that encloses everyone inside.[break][break]

In the middle, a terminal expands a screen with two pop-up boxes. One contains the riddle. The other contains the possible answer.





EVERY CHARACTER must PHYSICALLY SELECT what they believe is the correct Ultra Beast by tapping the screen (e.g. Squid Games vote). Players must include the answer in the TL;DR.



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please include the PKMN SPECIES' NAME in the tl;drs alongside their nickname for my convenience.

Do note, there are almost 50 CHARACTERS participating in this event. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.


JULY 29TH - 11:59PM PST

NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.

has been RETCONNED from this event.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing