i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
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Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2022 6:19:38 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

A voice reached out to her. Eyes glancing toward it, she saw the terrifying view of Isaac missing a good chunk of his head. But she didn’t scream, she could not. She controlled the urge to give into the panic, fearing that her wounds might worsen, even if she felt NOTHING from them right now.

“Yeah, we really do, don’t we?” She replied with a nod, and tried to smile, though the smile was turned towards ‘s Pokémon, who looked rather worried. “Thank you for protecting us. I am sure I would be way worse off if it hadn’t been for you.” Her Trevenant wasn’t out right now, so she figured giving thanks on its behalf was alright.

And so while Isaac, and to some degree, Johanna regained their bearings. It seemed Isaac overheard something. Figuring she had nothing better to do, she followed along quietly. Clutching her missing Abdomen for the ever-present fear that it would start hurting.

She watched as Isaac offered the TERMINAL 03 file to the machine, and figured she would do the same, perhaps it was like last time when they all had to answer. If the Machine would have the file, she would offer it to it, popping right after Isaac.

- Replies to Isaac, and tries to comfort Duster
- Offers her File to the Machine (if it wants it)


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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,796 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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Eva Morales
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2022 16:34:42 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]



It’s absolute chaos. And the Porygon2 isn’t use to such a disaster. A high pitched whirl squeaks out from the digital pokemon. It’s mass flinches, moving backward as the multiple legendries come out of the digital world swinging.


“FEMA!” is all Eva is able to get out before she is bulldozed by her own pokemon. The Porygon2 knocks her over, sending her small frame scrawling across the platform along with a good thunk on the head.


A large gasp bring air back into her lungs. The weight of the Porygon on top of her keeps her from immediately rising, “FEMA!” but the pokemon doesn’t hear her above the chaos. The doctor is able to reach her waist and extract a pokeball. It returns the Porygon2 and give Eva a brief respite.


It doesn’t last long. Her eyes widen as a ROCK TOMB materializes and slams towards the ground. She rolls, but is blocked by the falling debris of the train that has been derailed. A particularly sharp shard pierces her left side.

There’s a sharp, overwhelming pain that takes her breath away again. She tenses, crying out in agony. This is it. This is how she dies. In a digital world. She’ll never see Hoenn again. She’ reluctant to look down as see the damage. To her surprise, the pain begins to fade until it is nothing more than a tickle. She looks on in horror when she sits up, emerald eyes glued to her torso. There’s a perfect circle, smooth, round, as if Primal Energy had taken a chunk out of her.


With delicate fingers she touches the edges of the circle. It doesn’t feel real, “It’s just . . . gone,” that’s not possible. She should be dead.


Eva rises to her feet, a quick scan tells her she’s not the only one with a mysterious injury, “Blade,” she releases the Gallade, “Life Dew,” she commands. The Gallade raises his hands, summoning a healing rain to sooth those injured while the others figure out the puzzle. Her fingers remain glued to the edge of her wound, as if it’s going to spontaneously start bleeding. She seeks out , stumbling towards him, “It’s just . . . gone,” she repeats, showing him the “wound”.


When she looks down, she almost screams, the dead eyes of her own doppleganger staring at her. The other smirks, as if it knows something she doesn’t, and is waiting patiently to srike.




+ Eva is hit with a rogue ROCK TOMB[break]
+ Eva is stabbed in the gut and part of her left torso is deleted (will be a last wound IRL when they leave)
+ Gallade uses Life Dew while they figure out the puzzle


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litton wickham
september 25
lumiose city, kalos
webnovelist / council assistant
if desire is the heart’s intransigent verb.
353 posts
nagi miwa DOLLARS
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nagi miwa
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2022 17:07:04 GMT
nagi miwa Avatar

triumph is a hollow, brittle thing, pockmarked with guilt.[break][break]

he inhales, once, sharp and quick. exhales, sharper and quicker. cold fingers spasm, tangled knuckle-to-white-knuckle around smaug’s neck.[break][break]

“smaug,” he starts, before his voice is wrenched away from him. his arms close around empty air. overhead, the porygons studding the substitute sky blink, ersatz stars watching silent and still as he pitches backwards and backwards and —[break][break]

bodiless, all bytes, he lurches down; his reflection, all uncanny form and cold, knowing eyes, swims up to meet him.[break][break]

the riddle has found better brains and hands. there are too many gaps in his knowledge for him to be of any use; he hovers at the periphery of the discussion, cataloguing the conversation with a silent focus. [break][break]

as he listens, his eyes drift over the crowd, stuttering in its meandering path as it lands on holes, carved out of bloodless flesh as if cauterised. he relaxes for a moment, a knot of tension melting when he sees that and are unscathed and whole — only to have it tangle again, tight and hot, when his gaze runs across in the distance. a tunnel through his head where his eye should be, a mockery of a telescope framing the backdrop behind him.[break][break]

guilt bites at him. he takes a faltering step forward, and then another. sherlock shimmers into place on his shoulder, expression placid and knowing.[break][break]

“i,”i’m sorry, he almost says, but swallows it — “sherlock can help. if you want. pain split.”[break][break]

he trails off, awkward and anticlimactic.

[attr="class","ooc"] @ CYBERCHASE [break]
• offers to have his litwick lessen 's pain with pain split[break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-litwick"]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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angelo vestri
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2022 18:43:45 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Forget soulless eyes reflected in black mirrors and riddles for the advanced for five seconds. At the top of Angelo's list sits checking in on what's really important - at least, to him.

His touch finds 's pinky finger first, giving his wife the smallest of squeezes in a wordless you good?

I'll take this one.” Angelo tilts his head towards , before ocean eyes drag over to where another familiar face stood amongst the turbulent crowd.

After the shit show that had just gone down in their terminal, ▇▇▇▇ could probably do with someone in his corner. (Perhaps he'd have gone himself, had the unpleasant space where ▇▇▇▇'s name used to fill hadn't been vacant.)

You check on that one before rips him a new one. She's on the warpath.” It's always the small ones you've got to watch out for...

He'll check on them later, for now, he makes for Locke.

Hey, birdbrain.” He greets the postman with a fond smile, name sporting no venom in its acknowledgement of their earlier actions. A quick glance reassures Angelo that Locke looked okay, aside from just being on the receiving end of multiple scolding stares and a close shave with Reshiram.

Sounds like you already got an ear-full, but keep sharp for me, alright? I don't want to get in trouble with our friend back home if I have to carry you out of here.

What is meant to be a reassuring pat on the back turns out to be anything but.

Angelo's hand swings past fabric to squelch against something wet and slimy, as if he'd just plunged his hand into a tank of Eelektrik at the fish market.

Ugh! What the...!” Hand pulling back, Angelo looks down and finds himself relieved his palm doesn't come back red.

What happened to your back?” He hisses under his breath, going in for another touch.


- poke poke

[newclass=.angelocam] [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam b] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam i] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2022 19:26:01 GMT
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The soft rasp of 's worry tickles up her finger, and she doesn't have to think before mimicking the gesture - fingers entwined in wordless affection for each other, before the world encroaches upon them.

Mutually reassuring themselves of the other's well-being. 

"On the warpath? I can see that." She follows ' movements as she fires off on Razz and Locke alike. Kindness drains from her words faster than lightning, reflecting a surface of icy reproach. "Everyone else too." Certain Rocket members included - which did not bode well for the young ranger.

Who the fuck let kids in?

Skyler's animosity isn't partial to details like age or context, and it doesn't hesitate before spreading to encompass the child. When Eris moves away to undoubtedly spout off some more nonsense, the captain approaches

"Heya Razz. D'you need healing?"

While the captain would usually greet her friend with a hug or some equally enthusiastic (and awkward for the ranger) gesture, she refrains from it this time. Her hands glow a light-blue, on the verge of summoning her Aqua Rings.

'Are you okay?' Is what she doesn't say. The answer seems clear enough, given his haunted expression.

Reassuring people is far from being Skyler's top qualities - in fact, she's downright awful at it. But her loyalty is a steadfast and stubborn thing, reflected in a reaching hand towards Razz. Always there, whenever he had need of it. 

"I wouldn't pay much mind to annoying gnats." Is she referring to . Yes, yes she is. The description isn't an exaggeration, not at this time. "Thanks for not letting us burn to a crisp, Razz. Would've been kind of a bad time." 

Thank you for saving our lives. Now let me heal you.

- hello dear, glad you're still surviving thriving and kicking ass
- who dares scream at razz. sorry , you're on skyler's shitlist now 
- offers to heal , should he accept next post
- riddle? who dat?

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,708 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2022 22:09:59 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

the simulation came down, xurkitree turning into nothing. she hadn’t noticed that her middle was gone yet.[break][break]

”there you are,” she said to her reflection as her data traveled over it. ”what are you doing?” shouldn’t her copy be trying to fight her to the death?[break][break]

why did it look dead already?[break][break]

she couldn’t tap the glass, she soon realized. only moments later, then, she materialized with the rest. many of them had missing parts, but seemed fine. prompted by their own concerns, she looked down to realize the middle of her own torso was missing.[break][break]


was she dead? was that why the copy looked dead?[break][break]

no. she refused to believe it. this whole game was a trick. there had to be a way to get their parts back. and if not… she’d just steal it from her copy.[break][break]

she looked over, noticing still whole as she helped with the new puzzle. rage filled her, just barely stifled as she moved strategically in the outer edge of the crowd, careful to stay in ’s blind side. her gaze shifted around, regarding the porygon briefly before searching casually for , again. just to keep an eye on her. two, even.

• loses part of torso[break]
• plots to steal her copy's torso[break]
• bein a creep[break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-poipole"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-alakazam"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-porygon-z"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".lulu"]--accent:#806e81; position:relative; z-index:1; overflow:hidden; [/newclass]

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,971 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2022 23:59:20 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar should have jumped onto Robbie when he had the chance, but alas he actually remained on the ground. Perhaps if he did take flight he would have been able to avoid the surge of electricity that came his way. Oscar yelped, hopping to the side. He thought he dodged the strike successfully, after all he felt no impact or pain. He chuckled to himself as he readjusted his footing, "I guess I'm more agile than I-HOLY FUCK AHH!!!" 

Oscar made the mistake of shifting his view to his left, his voice turning shrill as he screeched with panic. His left arm was gone, it had completely disappeared up to the shoulder. It made Oscar sick to his stomach, and soon enough he would find himself fainting from distress. As the Xurkitree was vanquished, Robbie looked to his master for praise--only to find that he was out cold. Robbie gasped, flying toward Oscar to assist him. Unfortunately he would not get the chance, Robbie's pokeball acted on its own volition and withdrew the frantic dragon before he could be helpful. 

Oscar himself was pulled away by the shifting data, pulled with his fellow trainers underground. He awoke during his journey, just in time to view the sea of copies laying dormant beneath them. Right before he reemerged, he would indeed get a glimpse of someone that looked exactly like him--only he bore a solid left arm. Oscar grimaced, "Mother fu--"

He was abruptly pulled back to the main terminal, abruptly kicking the wind out of him and splaying him flat onto the floor. Oscar got up quickly, rubbing the empty space where his arm used to be. He already missed it. He quickly looked through the swarm of faces for someone familiar, his eyes resting on the nearby . He jogged up to Lulu's side, greeting her despite her occupied state. "Hey...I lost my arm. This place sucks."

--Oscar lost his arm!
--Oscar is gonna stay near Lulu.
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,925 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 0:04:51 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh's breathing still ran heavy, expending more energy than usual as he was learning how to control his Manectric with just his left hand. His wire-frame right hand awkwardly "grabbed" the reins way closer than he was used to, trying to lean to his right to make up for the resulting imbalance from losing an entire limb. While they would not be tight, he found he could make turns by sliding his left hand across the reins. Left turns were quite easy, but having to reach across his body to make right turns, on top of dealing with Saber's gait, was uncomfortable at best and even a bit painful at worst.

"As okay as I'll ever be," Josh groaned, setting the reins down and letting Saber take over in terms of direction. "Name's Josh, semi-pro Pokémon racer. Though I might be forced to take an early retirement..." he sighed as his Manectric let out a howl to try to cheer him up. "Thanks, Saber," he gently pat the blue and yellow electric Pokémon. "What about you two?" he asked the person whose life he attempted to save, and the person who saved his own life.

When Josh was asked about the two legendary dog Pokémon, Josh shrugged. "Never seen them. I studied Pokémon myths when I was in school, but not once were those two covered," he admitted. "Zacian and Zamazenta, you said? Never heard of either of them. They look majestic, though. If I didn't like--" He stopped himself from going any farther with that thought. Everyone in Terminal 2 had heard him, and if they were paying attention, they had a very good idea what he stopped himself from saying. "...Never mind," he cleared his throat.

{WC: 292}
{PC: 5}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Josh          Human          Poor
Resheph       Dragonair      KO
Twilight      Absol          Good
Saber         Manectric      Good
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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 0:28:33 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
194 for @cyberchase conudrum
"H-hey, I don't think that was his-" The courier's valiant defense of would go forever unsaid, as they too were put under the young girl's fire.

They flinched, both from the sharpness in ████'s tone and the alien name that left her lips. In the next breath though, she was carefully trying to reach her too-small coat around them-a gesture they hadn't experienced since they themselves were a child. They quietly bent down to give her a better angle, while their own words were being thrown back at them.

"…Sorry," they repeated dumbly, long after the young girl was already gone.

Locke-as was apparently his name-mulled over the outburst for a bit before 's voice broke through his mopey silence.

"I don't get it," he mumbled, "s'not like there's much else I could've done. And it's not like I got hurt, riiIEEk!"

He jumped forward, reaching awkwardly at the spot where Angelo had touched him. The odd, jello-like sensation rippled uncomfortably across his back again, making him shiver-which of course only made his back wiggle more.

"Okay-now I get it," he whined, adjusting ████'s coat so it covered the "wound" like a cape.

- Tries to defend but gets scolded by
- Mopes a bit cause he doesn't know why he got scolded
- touches their gross back jello so now their aware of their injury
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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december 21
freelance job-runner
we are stood, and somehow calm, inside the madness of this storm
22 posts
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TAG WITH @lethe
Lethe Ascelin
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 0:31:11 GMT
Lethe Ascelin Avatar

The chaos had completely overtaken Lethe, overwhelming them as they’d tried their hardest to battle alongside @aries . The mud shot had hit, to Lethe’s relief, and they guess they spent a second too long looking at the effects of that. They’re moving as soon as they see the psycho cuts, trying to back away from the things with Aries, keeping themself closer to them than Aries in an attempt to keep them in their sight. It’s hard to stay focused on it all, the sounds and chaos around them distracting and drawing their attention.

Somewhere in the chaos, a feeling comes over them. They know they’ve been hit — they’re not sure by what, or by who, it had been at a range. They’d probably failed to dodge the psycho cuts of the Cresselia. To be honest, whatever it was doesn’t matter. What’s important is that they had been hit, and there’s this absolute nothing that accompanies it. It envelops their left arm, which they’d clumsily failed to move out of the way of an incoming attack. This feeling is the only thing that tips them off. They’re afraid to look at the damage; maybe the shock could hold things back for now, if they just didn’t look.

Lethe is not the only one to have been impacted, though, and they can see that the injuries aren’t right. There’s none of that blood and gore they’d been fearing so heavily, and instead just… emptiness. As horrifying as this fact is, it pushes them to look, driven by morbid curiosity.

They’ve seen injury before. And this… this isn’t it. It’s unlike any injury they’ve ever encountered. Unlike those they’d been most intimate with in the past, this is followed by no visual signs of injury. Just like the sensation, the only thing they can see is nothingness.

Attention is needed elsewhere, though. The setting around them is changing, the porygon once more around. Worries about a new battle surface in Lethe’s mind — they aren’t sure how effective they’ll be without an arm. Soon though, Chive is returning to her ball.

Next thing Lethe knows, they’re back to their previous path. This is admittedly one of those things Lethe knows they’ll be horribly overwhelmed by when they get the chance. For now, it’s time to push those emotions down.

Fearing a battle, they look down at their missing arm once more. Something past it catches their attention, though. A copy of them, a version whose one-eye seems disturbingly dead.

They turn their gaze upwards, not wanting to look at it any longer.

Apparently, there’s a new riddle to be solved, and god, they hate riddles. Nearby, a discussion on it appears to be taking place. They try to listen in on it, to figure out different branches of logic one might take to answer it. Tempted to ask Aries, they glance at her to see if they can get a hint of what she may think on the riddle.

- lethe lost their arm (probably to those psycho cuts), they’re scared and confused
- they try to repress any emotions they may have on the situation for the sake of being able to focus
- they’re still trying to chill by aries

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 0:45:02 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

A lash of wire strikes him across the face without warning. Suddenly, the world around him seems to glitch in and out of existence. It takes Remiel a moment to figure out whether it's a result of his own state, or the surrounding digital environment itself.

He doesn't even notice his HUNTAIL dragging him away from the conflict until it releases him, draping itself defensively across his torso as it snarls.

Well... that certainly hadn't happened during the real thing. He almost chuckles as he staggers up from the ground, prompting his Huntail to slide off of him and encircle his legs instead. As he begins to regain his bearings, however, and soaks in the chaos surrounding them, the ambassador notices something... odd.

Reaching up, he finds... an empty space where the left side of his face would have been. It seemed the lashing he'd received had ripped out a significant portion of it.

♔ ♔ ♔

Even when is returned to the main terminal with the others, the royal finds he's still walking around like some half-drawn Phantom of the Opera. Grateful for his arms and legs, however, he tries to shake off that uneasy feeling and focus on the new riddle at hand. And he tries, sure, hovering by to be privy to the discussion being had.

But what he'd seen on his way here... his own doppelganger... it reminded him of what they'd faced in GEOMANCY. And he couldn't seem to rid himself of the memory of that wretched imitation's smile. Not until he catches sight of familiar pink hair nearby.

The one cobalt blue eye he has left widens in shock at the sight of .

"loses" the left side of his face to Xurxitree whip
hovers near after returning to the main terminal, but is going through a bit of a rough spot mentally
notices and is shocked


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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 3:54:20 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


Short-posting cause I'm a loser ;w;.

At 's modest reply, What's-his-face very obviously stared at the literal pool of his own blood they were all standing on.

"Not sure I can agree." He said with a chuckle. The title sounded just about right if you asked him; but nevermind that. "But I'll take the compliment, madam."

Turning his attention back to , What's-his-face blinked as the man clarified, his mouth opening into an 'o' shape. Oh, he had seen that.

The knight with no face-, er, name, grimaced.

"Ah... That. Thank you! Your praise humbles me... Though I fear 'By myself' might be giving me too much credit. Galatine might take offense." He said with a laugh, rubbing at his scarred chest; the wound from Zacian's Sacred Sword refused to not burn at him. "I haven't been so thoroughly outmatched as a swordsman since I was a child. And by a dog, no less. I... learned quite a lot."

It was a learning experience he hadn't been expecting. He couldn't have ever expected it. He had been convinced that he had reached the peak of his swordsmanship for a few years now...

Funny how getting beaten like a red-headed step-child seemed to have dragged him both near death and near martial enlightenment.

Problem was, it was only near for both.

"... I might need to go another round with it." The man said yet again, grimacing, not quite explaining why.

And then, joined them. A very confused, very out of it Alexei.

"... Oh dear." He uttered, staring wide eyed at the Gym Leader, who seemed to be going through the same as him, only much, much worse.

"That is correct. I, for example, cannot, for the life of me, recall my own name." The blonde said in response to Memo's prompt with much pep, trying to look strong and cheerful for poor Alexei. "It might be in our best interest to gather all we came with and stick together from here on."

Safety in numbers- and really, it was already too irresponsible of them to have left alone , and - aka: literal children..

-chatting with , and .

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 5:06:07 GMT
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Only and know what she'd experienced with Cresselia in that alternate universe. Ever since then, she'd felt the moon spirit's absence like a dull ache between her ribs— or maybe it's just scar tissue.[break][break]

Had it felt wrong to attack Cresselia in such a manner? Yes. Had it been the right thing to do? Also yes. It's a fact she's found herself grappling with quite often these days: the right thing to do is not often easy.[break][break]

Luka stands there in her idle animation as chatter explodes around her. Discussions of theories, explanations thrown about by those from different terminals.

Honestly, she doesn't follow much of it. She hovers adjacent to the rest of the group, having done all she can to help. Her skills lie in observation, not insight; collecting pieces of a puzzle she can't begin to imagine the shape of.[break][break]

So she just nods silently along as and theorize, joined by and to no surprise. She does acknowledge Fernando's prediction with a puzzled frown, a soft "How do you know?" on her lips before she finally spots , and gasps.[break][break]

She'd imagined their reunion dozens of times before. But never had she considered it under the worst of circumstances. Luka's face pales as she stares at the remaining half of Remiel's face, scooped out clean like a spoonful of ice cream. Her heart throbs and she forgets herself, fluttering to his side as she has so many times before.[break][break]

"Are you okay—" Her mind goes blank and his name sticks in her throat. Luka chokes on it before she manages to rasp out a quiet, "Monsieur?"[break][break]

- idle animation[break]
- thank u puzzle gang ur the real ones[break]
- forgot dollar-store phantom of the opera's name :sadge:


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,752 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 9:28:15 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]CYBERCHASE CONUNDRUM



🎼 THEME SONG - "Battle! Colress: Remastered ► Pokémon Black & White 2" by ZAME


AS TRAINERS NURSE THEMSELVES AND EACH OTHER, several minds come together to decipher the answer to this conundrum. Although theories are tossed around and references to the past are unearthed, the intended process of deduction is simpler. Rather, the question is, what is the logical order or sequence? Through the image files and their shifting states, one would be able to determine the correct arrangement.[break][break]

Those who watch—or at least, the single person watching them—finds the group to be worthwhile subjects for their experiment and for their gamble. Some they deem as relatively worthless—despite how unfair and untrue that line of thought is. Idling about as they depend on others to solve the riddle for them. This observer does not care for battling prowess or athleticism, no. Instead, they value the mind. The resilience and drive to seize destiny for themselves. Much like themself.[break][break]

The input sequence is correct:[break][break]

First, is FILE ONE, labeled so graciously by the observer. Second, is the file from TERMINAL TWO. Next, TERMINAL THREE and lastly, the file from TERMINAL ONE secures the last place.[break][break]

One by one, each file's image expands with accompanying narration: the voice of the observer, the figure they saw first when entering the cloud.


THE FIRST FILE opens and expands its image.[break][break]

"if you've made it this far, then i figure you deserve to know my name. my name is maldacena." Below the image file, closed captioning scrolls above an audio file's wavelength. "file one depicts a very simplified depiction of the multiverse. your world is one of many worlds. a world that was born and destined to die. in the end, every world will meet this fate."[break][break]

"we, the dark triad, have discovered that your universe, universe 820, will be the cause of a cataclysmic event that will threaten the end of all universes as we know it. the orange circle depicts that your universe houses the origin point. the origin point for the early death of all realities."[break][break]

"the orange circle also reflects the state of your region. closed off from the rest of the world. the dark triad have helped place it over your region to ensure its destruction. it was easy, really, which i will explain soon."


THE SECOND FILE opens and expands its image.[break][break]

"and why have we done such a thing? well, the origin point event your universe is responsible for hasn't occurred yet."[break][break]

"but everything your region and its people have committed thus far has set up the perfect conditions for the origin point of the end. mega evolution. constant extradimensional traversal. avatars. anomalies. there is a reason why your region is in chronic turmoil."[break][break]

"moreover, the constant dimensional tampering your people have done has caused your universe's dimensions to collide too. the star soiree! hah! the litleonids coming early. the meteoroid speeding up? your dimension is curved and overlapping with others. your dimensions are not in their proper places."[break][break]

"in fact, the cloud, the very realm you stand upon is not correctly oriented too! the cloud is jutting out into your reality, pushed out their by the overlap and piling of dimensions. think of your dimension as a bubble among bubbles on a bubble blower. the cloud is the flat wand, but the disruption of your universe's topology has knotted and twisted everything out of place. we simply made the cloud's extension into your world more solid with our unown."[break][break]


THE THIRD FILE opens and expands its image.[break][break]

"once your universe meets its untimely demise, you cause the whole multiversal apparatus to contract. now, everything is destined to die a little quicker."[break][break]

"when the contraction is initiated, two other universes will collide at the origin point. and ha! the origin point, indubitably, is hoenn. your region is the progenitor of the early end of all times. everyone here holds a part in the demise of all things. how fascinating."[break][break]


THE FOURTH FILE opens and expands its image.[break][break]

"when these two universes collide, they destroy each other. they meet a swift end and their reality is deleted with no chance of recovery."[break][break]

"another contraction occurs, and similar to the 99943 meteno picking up speed, the universe begins to die quicker than ever before."[break][break]

"you might be asking, what is the origin point's incident? what will happen to secure the early death of your universe? even i don't know the answers. perhaps it is logical to assume that it is the culmination of everything that happens in your region. after all, you're affecting other regions too."[break][break]

The images fade and a newspaper article from MACRO COSMOS MEDIA manifests and can be taken unto the body as a file. The date of the issue is TODAY. The headline reads: "GALAR IN SHAMBLES; WHAT IS THE DARKEST DAY?" Should the file be extracted, the article can be read: CLICK HERE.[break][break]

"however, i want to see your region survive. i want to see it live on. detecting and documenting your anomalies have been absolutely enthralling... this is why i am telling you this now. you have three terminals left. best wishes."[break][break]

The audio stops. The images minimize and Maldacena, the observer, only offers silence...


AS THE IMAGES ARE EXPLAINED, another scan sneakily crosses underneath their shoes. Like before, a robotic proclamation is made by the system:


All characters and Pokemon will be affected by DATA LOSS. In particular, EVERY POKEMON MUST FORGET THEIR ABILITY. You do not need to indicate this in your TL;DR notes.[break][break]

Your characters must CHOOSE AT LEAST ONE OPTION from the ones offered below to demonstrate the effects of data loss:[break][break]

  • deletion of the body (e.g. limb, a segment of the torso).
  • memory loss of some kind (your choice of memory)
  • personality alteration or the loss of being able to feel an emotion(s).

Everyone will see that their doppelganger reflections have again become more real. They talk now too, occasionally speaking phrases that the originals have spoken before or mimicking voices that the originals have once heard....[break][break]

Additionally, will begin to feel more effects of traversing through data. He sees more letters. More words. The coding of Unown seem to be swimming within him, literally. His vision blurs at times and as he attempts to comprehend what is happening to him, the OTHER SIDE OF THE MAIN TERMINAL rearranges to reveal a bridge that splits INTO THREE NEW PATHS like before.


ABOVE THE MOUTHS OF EACH SEPARATE PATH, a pixelated sign can be seen. Like before, it labels what is ahead.[break][break]




You must CHOOSE which terminal you are going to. Feel free to SWITCH the terminal of choice before the round's deadline.



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please include the PKMN SPECIES' NAME in the tl;drs alongside their nickname for my convenience.

Do note, there are almost 50 CHARACTERS participating in this event. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.



NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.

has been RETCONNED out of Cyberchase.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 10:36:44 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
250 for @cyberchase conudrum
Most of the information flew over Loc-no, it still feels off, even in-his head. The most he gathered was:

1) This guy's name was weird and he probably couldn't pronounce it if he tried.
2) Their universe is going to be destroyed, and then spread that destruction to other universes like a disease.
3) -

The bubbles are long gone, but there's still a phantom pain behind their eyes as the headline flashes across the screen-a distant pop as the vision settles into reality. They stepped forward and pushed their way to the front, reaching a hand out to open the article on the screen-

Skin, muscle, and bone slowly dispersed before their eyes, starting from the missing portion of their back and crawling down the length of their right arm until all that was left was the same thin, wire mesh that apparently made up everything in this reality. Life Dew rushed behind to fill the gaps, until a new limb formed in its space not unlike that of a Reuniclus.



The courier's gaze snaps to the floor, where his doppelganger echoed. The copy's face was twisted in fear and despair, but he felt…strangely calm at the revelation.

Was it bad luck that it had downloaded the worst part of himself first? Or was fear really so intrinsic to his personality that he couldn't rightly be called him without it?

Where had he learned that fear?

- uh oh sisters
- Opens the article on screen for everyone to read
- Deleting right arm from the shoulder down, connecting it to his previous back injury. 's Life Dew fills it up Reuniclus-style
- Deleting fear
- Deleting Locke's memory of Rocket's attack on Vermilion five years ago
- Ability changes in Pokémon hovers. Munna forgets Forewarn but retains Telepathy
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing