i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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leo, leon
september 30th
rustboro city, hoenn
demirom. bisex.
ceo, inventor
save a little
love for me
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
i wish i were better, i wish i had strength. i wish i had anything to prove i was brave.
468 posts
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TAG WITH @leonidas
Leonidas Stone
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 3:06:58 GMT
Leonidas Stone Avatar

Though it had almost escaped his attention at first, the words he initially had in response to fell short within his throat as a familiar transparency upon her caught his eye. Rather than an immediate confirmation and an attempt to ensure that she had, indeed, been as fine as could be, his brows furrowed pensively as he took just a step or so closer.[break][break]

No words at first.[break]
No more distance ventured.[break][break]

”...Shit, you, too…?” he murmured, instinctively glancing back down towards the visible (or invisible, rather) portions of his body as they laid hidden beneath his shirt for the most part.[break][break]

Yet again, he attempted to touch the void upon his form as if confirming its reality, though his attention soon drifted towards those around as the realization further dawned upon him. Eyes of amber narrowed faintly upon noting the more notable vacancies within the bodies of those around; an ample enough of a distraction to drive him to almost completely tune out the words and visual recording of the man cast out before all to see.[break][break]

It was then that he really regretted not staying in the office.[break][break]

And yet, the situation had been finalized. He was there, and with a deep breath and a smile that had been more forced than usual, he steeled himself before peering back towards his companion. ”Fine enough, at the very least,” he murmured lowly, the tug upon his lips faltering slightly as his mind betrayed his wishes to keep the faith; to keep the hope that the situation would rectify itself. ”Fine as I could possibly be, and I’m…pretty sure it’s the same for the others.”[break][break]

He hoped it was. He really hoped it was.[break][break]

And the hope would have been enough to turn the tides of his mind if not for the progression of the environment and its happenings. The recording had fallen on somewhat deaf ears (he’d heard enough to make a gist if he thought about things, and if there was an article, he figured that he could read it if he left alive), though the scan had been what snapped him back into reality. It was hard for it not to, after all.[break][break]

It was the cause of another smile faltering, and it was the cause of a sudden numbness and void that had been more parts metaphorical that time around.[break][break]

He couldn’t put his finger on it at first, but the more he thought on it, the more he realized that there was nothing to think about. A face with a name; a man hailing from a family so renowned and loved by him and his own.[break][break]

…But the family, themselves. Who were they?[break]
What had he done? What had he accomplished?[break]
…Why had there been a smile of hope and encouragement upon his face, given the chaos happening around them?[break][break]

They were all questions that fired rapidly within his mind, and the inquisitive natures of them hadn’t been lost as the confusion reflected within his eyes. He stared idly towards the woman before him. He eyed those around them as his lips faltered more, and by the time he’d looked towards Marisol again, a look made of sterner stuff settled itself upon his face.[break][break]

He furrowed his brows.[break][break]

”...What the Hell did that scan do...?” he murmured lowly, a creeping sense of agitation mingling with the lapses of memories and persona as he side eyed the feuds occurring around him with little care.[break][break]



  • leo's pre-hoenn memories, optimism, and sympathy + empathy have all been nixed. why limit to one thing tbh lessgo
  • feeling a bit numb in the aftermath of suddenly losing the above. frustration about not being able to remember is eminent oop
  • absolutely doesn't care about the attacking happening right now
  • unwritten, but will be heading to terminal 04: past by the next mod post.


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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
554 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 3:34:08 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
"That sounds about right. The fact that my body can still function even in this state..." Elaine moved her free arm around and watched as the disconnected wrist and hand still moved as if the joints they connected to existed was evidence enough that there was merit to Violet's hypothesis."Means that there is the potential for reversal. Though the question of how is another story."

It wasn't just that, however. The multitude of people with similar injuries. The methods of how they had been moving between terminals. The presence of their dead-eyes copies beneath them. Each of them was evidence that there was potentially some method for reversal of the damage they had all taken from the assaults and scans. However, Elaine had little time to ruminate over it all as the voice of the spectacled man from before had broken through, signaling that someone had solved the sequence.

In other words, it was at least time to listen to what he had said. And as she did, something became clear. The talk of the death of the multiverse. Multiversal contraction. Calamities. Dimensional Traversal.

All of them were grand concepts that alluded to an impending end.


Yes, they were all grand concepts. Such was fitting for someone like Elaine who held grandiose dreams...for someone who had been chasing...what exactly?

Elaine pondered for a short moment as she realized something.

Multiversal Contraction?

The Origin Point of the End?

None of that really mattered to her in the end.

Elaine lightly squeezed at the hand of as she came to think through it all.

"Yeah, none of those larger than life ideas really matter."

The people who had gone berserk and started attacking each other. Escaping from this godforsaken space with their lives intact. Escaping alive with the friend whose hand she was clutching.

She looked back to Violet and gave a smile that was so uncharacteristically gentle that one would think that she had lost a few years of time, enough to erase those days from her mind.

Elaine was not the type of person who cared for those grandiose realities. She was the type of person who could fight for something smaller and face the world for the sake of it. To prevent the tragedy before it could happen. 

She faced back towards the one who had lost his restraint and attacked. Her smile had become a momentary grin before being replaced with a scowl.

"Astrape, set." She pointed two fingers towards the Gyarados. That was all it took. All she needed to steel her courage and walk forward into the fray without hesitation. All it took for her to just momentarily let go of Violet's hand. "Use Roar towards all of them."


Jubilife's Juvenile Ace had returned in full force.

  • A visual reference for Elaine's missing body parts.
  • Scan Result 1: Fear-Erased. Grandiosity-Erased. Courage-Restored.
  • Scan Result 2: Elaine forgets the series of events that led to her trauma. Her Megalomania is erased as a result.
  • Scan Result 3: Astrape (Luxray) forgets Ability Intimidate. Asteria (Absol) forgets ability Pressure. Ginga (Metagross) remains deleted.
  • Elaine lets go of Violet's hand for a moment
  • Elaine commands Astrape (Luxray) to use Roar in an attempt to forcefully send back 's Gyarados and intimidate all the people making threats

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,601 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 4:23:40 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
there's only stress from the revelations given to them. he closes the file containing the news from galar, ending the note with a heavy sigh.

the noise echoes underneath him.

his eyes lock with his copy's. kyle crouches, watching the reflection mirror the movement. he taps on the floor, trying his best to communicate with the doppelganger

another commotion starts. a sharp sensation on his head kills a part of him as he stands up, though he ignores it as he observes. kyle recalls his jolteon for his smeargle. he taps the pokemon in the head before crouching down to watch everything, waiting until everyone else has gone before going to a terminal.

"how convenient," he mutters under his breath.

that rocket suddenly cares for the wellbeing of the world after various committed war crimes.

that rocket gets away with their shit but those that take action against them get fucked over by circumstances.

that rocket are the one that needed to exact revenge when it was them that did the first strike against silph's family.

...but kyle doesn't mention it.

"yeah, just let them get away," he jeers at . "it's for the best of the universe, you see. they're going to save it, didn't you hear, like how they were useful in these challenges. believe it."

he speaks in a flat noted, dry sarcasm. he's tempted to say /s but at the end, he figures it doesn't matter.

how he wished he had the same privileges as them when it comes to doing what he wants. the self-righteous always favor the wicked and those who go against them will always be bounded by laws, morality and public opinion.

the past is full of shit. the future is going to be full of shit. there's no other choice.

maybe the world needed to perish after all.

  • personality alteration > reverts to season 1 hoenn kyle
  • watches the dumpster fire
  • going to terminal 5: present


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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 5:00:05 GMT

it happens quickly. [break][break]

it happens too quickly. she's already processed what happened to her head, and her eye, and her ear - and she's lucky that a part of her brain wasn't taken along for the ride. but now it's so troublesome, trying to listen to the words with one ear. now it's hard for her to eep one eye open, and she wants to open both, only to realize the other one is gone. is this what they called a phantom limb? she hates it. [break][break]

but if there's something she's sure about, she isn't dead, and her body is still working - it's just that the attached senses are no longer there. and she has to wonder if this is the real world, or reality. when she thinks hard.. the voice said something about multiple dimensions? a complex network? ah, it's too much information to take in, and she's starting to wish she stayed home. things were so complicated, and so complex, but this explains all the anomalies that were happening in the region. some of them, at least. not sufficiently, but it will do. [break][break]

is trying to be optimistic in this kind of situation, and she can't help but to wonder how. then she remembers who she's talking about, and all her answers are suddenly answered. "that's good to hear--" she's picking herself up, letting a soft sigh escape her lips. at the same time, she staggers, and another scan runs the large group of trainers over. it's then when marisol holds the remainder of her face in her hand, and she pauses. [break][break]

it's a feeling that wells up, filling what used to be apathy and indifference. it's something that she hasn't felt in a long time, in so long. [break][break]

she doesn't feel the void; she feels an entire zoo. but she's trying to figure out why she's lowering her other hand to hold her heart, and why she's starting to pant a little more quickly. she takes a step back, staring at the unfamiliar woman through the glass. her eyes are empty, but she stares at her, and wendy doesn't quite understand. "wh-what the--" she's staring at her reflection, and yet she doesn't even know. [break][break]

she looks around, and still recognizes leonidas. but when she tries to think, and recall their relationship, she can't put a finger on it (rather she can't remember what she thinks, or feels, or how she acts). it's void and when she thinks too hard, she holds her head and winces. "i-i don't--" wendy stammers, and for once her eyes are filled with such a familiar fear. when she glances around, she recognizes the figure of , the same man who.. kicked her out of rocket, or let her go, or just let her run away from rocket how long ago. what did she do in the time in between? [break][break]

she doesn't want to find out, and her hands reach to search for a pokeball, only to feel only three. three pokemon who are so unfamiliar. "where--" she starts with a whisper, gradually rising into panic as she searches her belt "sero..?! where's sero?!" the frantic panic escalates until wendy's confusion reaches a peak, when she feels the locks of pale blue. [break][break]

she's panicked, and frantic, but there's one thing for certain; gavin merlino is here, and her leg still remembers the stinging. [break][break]

so she grabs the wrist of the man who knows her, and who she knows, but can't remember anything about herself. "i-i don't know." she glances back, with one eye. gavin has disappeared, but she doesn't want to be here, with all the chaos. "i just d-don't want to be here..!"[break][break]

it's ironic that her feet bring her to the past.

𓆙 marisol's memories of reformation are gonezo. she's lost her apathy.
[break]𓆙 wendy's back and making a cameo here we go
[break]𓆙 and because of that, she's absolutely terrified of people she recognizes. Specifically .
[break]𓆙 slightly panicked because her emotional support sylveon isn't there
[break]𓆙 ignoring the fighting and noping the heck outta there
[break]𓆙 walking down terminal 4: past

cyberchase conundrum

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played by


He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 6:06:54 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
Who would he have been had he never them? Amor often wondered this there weren't many that knew of who he use to be. How he gained his wealth, they didn't know they had hired a psychopath to take it from those far more privileged than himself. While he had been born into a wealthy family it hadn't been enough after his parents were killed, and he was forced on the run. And so he changed the hands of fate on his own terms. Two out of the four families he had stolen every cent they had, and rendered them powerless against him when he rose. Rose? Pain seared into his brain at the unfamiliar word, but he shook it off. Those actions had defined him, and set him to do anything he wanted for the rest of his life.

But what if he had never met them? What was he trying to remember again? There was something missing that shouldn't be, but he didn't really care. There were a sea of faces of in front of him, and he recognized none of them as important enough to bother remembering. The only thing he had in common with these people, was that he was forced to share air with them, and that was a travesty in itself. While portions of his body were missing, he was beginning to think far more clearly than he had before. Something within him seemed to unlocked itself, and there was a clarity he hadn't felt before. Teal eyes looked boredly upon the gawkers as apparently lost his cool, and tried to kill someone.

"How the mighty have fallen." And that was coming from him who was missing an entire arm, and part of his face. Was it a jeer? Or just a statement, there was no emotion in the tone, it was delivered in a soft flat sound as he took in the information that was forced into them. Perhaps this new state of being was what was keeping him from being overwhelmed. There was no surprise upon his features, not even a single quirk of his brow as it was all laid out in front of them. It was almost as if he was thoroughly unimpressed with everything that had been shown.

"So the multiverse is real, and is coming to an end because of our own universe." He sounded bored as he looked to the three terminals. Past, Present, and Future. He was almost surprised that there were no ghosts coming to accompany them, but any joy he might've felt at the thought was suppressed entirely leaving only a vacancy where emotion should have been. "Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. Isn't that right me?" He spoke to his shade as he looked down at the almost solid reflection of himself.

The fact that he was disappearing into data particles should have been alarming, it should have caused survival instincts to kick in, but he felt nothing. It wasn't that he was fearless, or courageous. There was just no longer anything to feel. It was almost as if all of his emotions had been completely vacated, and his doppleganger gave him a smile, and a wave, and uttered a simple word.

"Charming...." There should have been anger, repulsion, or disgust, but it was all strangely liberating.

"The most intelligent conversation I've had in a while. Let's be off me." He said speaking oddly calm to his replicant. "And pray the rest of the Neanderthals don't kill one another before the universe does." He said as he walked through the crowd towards the terminal that would be labeled past.

"Charming...." Came the reply of his replicant.

"I am curious to see what this terminal has in store for us." Would come his reply as he left the rest of the plebeians behind to let them sort through their petty issues. It would be beneficial if Fernando got himself killed, only because that would be one less competitor in the business realm, but he doubted anyone here actually had the stones to go through it.

Maybe if Fernando was an old woman they would be more enticed? Further studies would need to be conducted.

Amor forgot his entire history with and
Amors emotions (all) have left the building.
Amor feels strangely okay with everything.
Amor talks to his doppleganger. Kind of?

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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 10:08:53 GMT

matias glances down at to assess the damage only to find the same mysterious wound as some of the others. just a perfect circle carved into her torso.[break][break]

"i know, i know, but you'll be fine." for now. "it'll come back once we leave this place."[break][break]

his assumption is aired right as the third scan is complete. it takes away parts of him though it does not leave him any less. in fact, some could argue that it makes him more.[break][break]


anger flashes at the attacks directed at . his brother. it only takes a second for a pokeball to crack open before he's soaring straight at them.[break][break]

HURRICANE sweeps at and , threatening to cut and buffet them away. matias slides off his charizard, landing next to .[break][break]

"the both of you can fuck right off."[break][break]

- joins his brother.[break][break]
- loss of REGRET and GUILT.[break]
- gains FAMILIAL BOND & DUTY.[break]
- memory loss of 's betrayal and everything leading up to it.[break]
- memory loss of all negative interactions with the silph family (including ).[break]

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-charizard color-shiny"]

[newclass=".sixeyes"]--accent:#5d464e; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".sixeyes .top"]background-color:var(--accent); padding:10px; height:15px; background-image:url(; background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right; width:430px; margin:0px auto; border:1px solid #232323; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sixeyes .ooc"]border-top:1px solid #222; padding-top:15px; text-align:center; margin-top:15px; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sixeyes .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 11:30:26 GMT



INTERFERENCE IS EXPECTED. but not from these people. not from those with no quandary in this matter.

the gyarados’ clenched teeth successfully CRUNCH down. but where they expect soft flesh, they find raw steel instead. the pokemon cringes in surprise, bamboozled by the smooth ALLY SWITCH that allows to escape from it and fernando’s gaze.

narrowed eyes tries to track him amidst the spool of SHADOW MIASMA but he cannot. not with so many distractions on the field.

how ironic the underboss utilize his powers in the same way fernando would have.


fucking interlopers.

they plead for him to stop. beg for him to consider the matters at hand. and, for a moment, it works.

’s appeal to CALM MIND his anger dissipates it like a washed out wave. it fizzles under the brine of its own weight. revenge and hatred have no place here.

so when the RISING VOLTAGE threatens him from pursing, he does not flinch. when the ROAR rattles his ears and terrifies his gyarados into returning, he does not quake. he feels no INTIMIDATION.


he is calm.

half of you sit around twiddling your thumbs, unaware of what the files mean, contributing nothing.

he is collected.

some of you go against the general consensus and pick the wrong answer, endangering us all.

this insidious intent is not irrational. it is not born from passion or emotion. it is precise. cold and calculated.

the DARKEST DAY is a threat to all of us. we cannot let TEAM ROCKET continue to contribute to the ORIGIN POINT.

it is by all means intentional.

and when appears among the crowd, weaving past those that look to the necessary terminals, he calls upon a different pokemon.


he’s unable to throw the pokeball accurately. the pokemon’s entrance, and therefore it’s positioning, will have to settle for right next to his feel. in such a high-stakes moment, he cannot chance his success on a still adapting depth perception.

a zygarde appears, growling with the same animosity of is trainer. it takes a moment to adjust to its surroundings.

when arrives, by the machinations of this distorted hellhole, fernando recognizes him as who he ought to be.

a silph.

the call to action is laced with the same timbre of ’s resentment. with absolution.

together, brother!

and, with the CALMEST MIND, fernando stands behind his pokemon as the glass floor ripples with green lights. energy surges past observant dopplegangers, coursing toward lulu.

this is not his wrath. it is hoenn’s.

it is the LAND’S WRATH.

- gyarados CRUNCHES dhelmise.
- fernando loses sight of gavin as he flees.
- locke's CALM MIND works.
- elaine's ROAR forces gyarados to return.
- argues not everyone is needed to work together.
- references some characters not doing anything.
- references contributions that have negative effects.
- accuses team rocket of being a threat to multiverse.
- recognizes lulu.
- summons zygarde.
- zygarde uses LAND'S WRATH on lulu.

- memory loss of pre-magma involvement with .
- memory loss of ’s involvement with rocket.
- memory loss of collaborations with prior to his neutrality.
- memory loss of encounters with prior to poaching.
- memory loss of prior to her first run as head scientist.
- memory loss of silph fallout.

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played by


Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,062 posts
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 14:11:48 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
As Andrea was walking along the path leading to Terminal 05, she heard a wild and violent ruckus behind her. Oh no, had the rest of the crew gone under attack again? She worriedly ran back to the main terminal, fearing the worst. The scene she saw as soon as she came back surpassed her expectations. What the heck had happened in the five seconds she was gone?!


The air was filled with a sinister, shadowy miasma. The young PokéManiac thought she caught a glimpse of making his sneaky getaway, but she didn't think much of it. People seemed to have turned against each other, their Pokémon trading blows. The source of the infighting was none other than , who along with his brother threatened as well as a very small child.

Following that, the renowned CEO of Silph Co. gave everyone a stern lecture about how half of them hadn't contributed to the puzzle-solving and instead endangered everyone by picking the wrong answer. Andrea took that personally. "Hey, that happened one time! ONE TIME!" She hastily retorted, a faint blush gracing her cheeks after realizing that she'd unintentionally raised her tone.

This wasn't the time to get flustered, though. Fernando's strange dog directed a powerful attack against Lulu. Given her past encounter with the Rocket scientist, Andrea had tried to avoid her for as long as possible, but this time her body almost acted on its own. "Barron, use Protect!" She exclaimed, hurling a Pokéball forward.

The Aggron that was sent out took the Land's Wrath head on and suffered a great deal of damage from it. The Steel type roared in pain and collapsed on the floor, barely clinging to consciousness. The draconic cosplayer gasped in horror, running up to the armored rhinoceros and hugging him desperately. "Barron, stay with me! Why couldn't you use Protect?! What's wrong with this place?! Nothing that happens here makes sense!" The girl wailed, tears cascading her face.

With the last of his strength, Barron let out a deep growl, reassuring his trainer that he was alive, before his eyes turned into swirls, fainting. Sniffling, Andrea returned him to his ball and then directed an incensed glare at the Silph siblings. "You're the ones endangering everyone!" She accused them. "Sure, we're not all smart enough to solve those riddles, but we're still doing what we can to help! You're just finding people to blame instead of trying to deal with the problem!"

Truthfully, she had no idea why she was standing up for Lulu of all people. That woman had tried to kill her on top of being genuinely terrifying. Maybe her intuition was telling her that the true villain was hiding in plain sight... Regardless, it was too late to turn back now. She'd made a decision, even an impulsive one, so now she had to stick with it.
//Andrea returns to the main terminal and sees utter chaos
//Sends out AGGRON to protect from ZYGARDE's attack
//Due to having forgotten Protect, AGGRON takes the attack head on and faints
//Andrea is angy and yells at the Silphs

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 15:20:38 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

[attr="class","ltr-tags"]for cyberchase conundrum

[attr="class","ltr-lyrics"]All of this [break] is temporary



"Are you alright, Mars?"
There's concern in Katherine's eyes when they avert to him, not minding the hand on her shoulder. Normally, she would, but he seemed... Unwell.
"Talk to me-"
The third scan brings upon a change that even Katherine herself does not anticipate. So far, she'd managed to avoid data loss expertly. What she presumed to be a selfish act was, in fact, selfless. The parts that Katherine loses of herself are what some would consider the most important.
Her humanity.
A self-proclaimed goddess lacking her humanity is just that-- a goddess. One without morals, one without the capacity for love or concern, one whose sole purpose is the bigger picture. One who sees the bigger picture. The one that she painted.
A Pokeball is retrieved, and the release of a familiar Ultra Beast, Nihilego, occurs next. She extends her hand towards the beast without so much of a word, without even paying a final glance at the struggling Mars.

They fuse. It's easy, familiar and intuitive.
"Incompetence will not be tolerated. The fate of our universe - or others' - will be not be affected by a petty squabble," this is all beneath her. Beneath godhood.
"You will all stop."
The SLUDGE WAVE builds up into a vicious, toxic current that targets all, friend and foe alike. It's fired off as a warning. An excessive one, for even the slightest of contact with BEAST NEUROTOXIN is sure to afflict BAD POISON.

Although it's left unsaid, no second warning will be offered. The next pawn to defy her will pay the consequences.

- katherine loses her humanity[break]
- katherine releases nihilego and fuses with it to achieve ULTRA BURST[break]
- threatens everyone and launches a SLUDGE WAVE at everyone fighting, targeting ALL.[break]
- nihilego loses its BEAST BOOST ability due to data loss but gains BEAST NEUROTOXIN ability from ultra burst. (details) [break][break]
- i believe the targets would be: , , , (unless thorn would prefer to have gavin flee before the attack, which also works!), , , , , . if i missed someone who's also involved in the conflict and you'd like to include yourself in the attack, feel free!


[attr="class","gimcredits"]made by gimmick

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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
696 posts
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 15:49:46 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

There truly was a whole lot to take in. Granted, it all only mattered in the first place when one believed this man to be accurate. Yes, he had no obvious reason to lie. And given what he was able to do here seemingly at will, it was certainly at least somewhat reasonable that he would be correct with what he was saying here. But just because one did not have a reason to lie did not mean they would not. And just because one outlandish thing was true did not mean that the person behind them was telling the truth about another outlandish thing. It did play into her own theory at least, the one that this was more or less a simulation created for their sake, not for his. But she still felt herself quite irked when she tried to open her mouth and actually reply to that guy, only for him to cut off immediately after dumping all that information on her.
Really, it was annoying. However, there was no point in getting too riled up about this. Just because she somewhat suspected that to be what he wanted, so she on the other hand did not want to give him the satisfaction.
Still though, this was difficult. There was another scan. Once more, people seemed to lose things. And to lose it, for that matter. However, Mina found herself summarily distracted when her partner turned towards her and gave that kind of smile. It was different from before. More….real. And she could not help but blush immediately, somewhat flabbergasted. “R-right. None of this really matters. When we get out of here, let’s go on a proper date,” she replied, somewhat embarrassed but still pulling through.
Then she let go and allowed the other to do something about these issues. There was a look in Elaine’s eyes, the kind that father often showed when he switched from being a bit of a goof into serious work mode. It was best to let her do her thing. Instead, she released her third and final Pokemon, since it just seemed right for the moment. The big, dark ape appeared next to her. “Go and use Jungle Healing on whoever seems to need it most,” she replied, gently, causing her Pokemon to seem a bit confused at first but still go on and do his thing.
Then she turned towards the guy who so aptly rejected Elaine’s intervention. In part because his logic pissed her off. “Yes, we, mister! So far, when we got wrong answers, we got problems. And we needed the files from all terminals to proceed. It is pretty obvious that we need to cooperate if we want to succeed, so get with the program! Pick a lane, do whatever busywork he has planned for us next, leave and then you can go and pick fights!”
That got a snicker out of Violet. Which was odd. Much like she was the odd one out here. Everyone seemed to have some kind of doppelganger, yet where hers would be was some girl with white hair she did not know, one who now snickered at her. Why was she the only one with that issue, anyway?

+ answers , sends Zarude out for free heals for anyone who needs, also loses knowledge of, well, Violet and thus shifts towards her older self, yells at @sylph . Also loses some of her fear to account for any attacks i might have missed while writing this



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litton wickham
september 25
lumiose city, kalos
webnovelist / council assistant
if desire is the heart’s intransigent verb.
353 posts
nagi miwa DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nagi
nagi miwa
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 17:57:39 GMT
nagi miwa Avatar

the name sticks out to him. an image settles uneasily along the frayed edges of his memory. a pixelated screen, familiar from repetition:[break][break]


he draws lines between the dots of the disturbingly digital vernacular, until his thoughts spiral out into their own path: a command line. a directory. a user profile?[break][break]

(and if so, then: the administrator privileges to their universe, in the hands of a triad pulling at strings of data. their fingers, he presumes, hovering above Delete.)[break][break]


the third scan passes out of his notice, the robotic announcement and the sudden, still quieting of his own breath blending into the ambient noise — a murmur of unrest that grows unsteadily into a explosive cacophony, finally snaps him back to the present.[break][break]

but it isn't his fight. his first inclination is to leave: twiddle his thumbs, contribute nothing and head down the middle road; the merry, silent freeloader of 's well-deserved ire.[break][break]

the surge of toxic purple wrenches his attention back.[break][break]

his pokeball shoots forward, an unpracticed motion drilled into his instinct over the course of the day's trials. as his mr mime drops into position, he whips his hand out, a command on his lips —[break][break]

" — ̶̲̞̭̹͇͈̇̅̃̈ ̶̱͉͇͔͑̓̈͂͌ ̴͍̻̝̯̖̖̂ ̸̜̭̣͕̌̓ ̶̢͍̤̠̲͙̔͌̋̉ ̶͉͙͆̈͘͘" — "[break][break]

his breathless breath catches in an absent throat. he chokes on nothing[break][break]

panic sends him lurching unsteadily on his feet. soundless and frantic, he points until understanding sparks in mr. mime's gaze. turning to , the pokemon mimes a tug on an unseen rope — the digital space between them warping as he attempts to ALLY SWITCH her to safety.


[attr="class","ooc"] @ CYBERCHASE [break]
• attempts to ALLY SWITCH out of range of 's attack[break]
• has lost a perfect circle out of the center of his throat, as well as his voice and breath.[break]
• will eventually head down Terminal 5
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-litwick"]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 18:45:45 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar
[attr="class","rowanwtw"]It didn't take long for hell to break loose, in fact Rowan was surprised it hadn't happened sooner. He'd expected some confrontation between and , but the fact that it ended up being to attack his brother caught the beast by surprise. The assault didn't seem like the attempt of a League official to apprehend a criminal, instead it seemed far more personal, vindictive. If something had occured between the two, Rowan wasn't privy to that information, having been buried in his own projects for a long time. "Garnet, come back."[break][break]

Leaning against the wall to brace himself, Rowan returned the Starmie to it's Pokéball, reaching for the one that contained his Greninja. He was determined to help defend his half-brother, whatever implications that might have had for his identity and his future in Hoenn. Kotaro appeared in a flash of light, an ironic choice considering he'd been given to Rowan by himself. "Kotaro, use-!" [break][break]


Amber eyes blinked in confusion as he stared down the scene of battle, uncertain of who he intended to defend just before. "use..." As he looked at the blond-haired man, he couldn't draw any recollection of them, not even sure if they'd met before this event. Kotaro tensed with anticipation, wanting to leap to the assistance of their former master, but unwilling to act without the direction of his current one. "Can you help me walk?"[break][break]

Kotaro resigned the promise of a fight, a look of silent apology to the underboss being momentarily shared. Greninja slipped an arm behind Rowan's back and underneath his shoulder, helping him stand. With no desire to join the brawl, Rowan instead focused on the words that were spoken by the audio files, how their universe was bound to cause the destruction of all others.[break][break]

He wasn't sure what path to choose until stepped in, directing the crippled Beast and his Greninja to the PRESENT PATH
[attr="class","rowanwttag"]CYBERCHASE CONUNDRUM[break]Rowan forgot GAVIN MERLINO, Rowan chooses the PRESENT PATH.

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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 19:29:14 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
359 for @cyberchase conundrum
████ was quick to appear at his side-but not as quick as she was to direct her Luxray towards , an action that drew to the other's defense.

There was a fury to her the postman had never known her capable of, her words held against the Silph brothers like the edge of a knife. It felt wrong, like he was witnessing some twisted version of her constructed by someone who'd never known the young girl.

But this reality only took-never gave.

The malice he was seeing now had always been there.

"Ho-OOoow do you think I got thesszzze wounds, Locke?"

His doppelganger's voice warbled between his own and that of Matias, a reminder that this was not new information-it was only just now being put in front of him where he couldn't deny the truth of it anymore.

The Roar of 's own Luxray snapped them out of their head, just as it sent their Munna back to confines of her Pokéball. Probably for the best, it seemed a Calm Mind wasn't going solve everyone's problems like they'd hoped.

"Do you want us to do nothing or give wrong answers? Not all of us got to finish high school ya know!" they added their own gripes to the peanut gallery. "And besides Mr. Smarty-Pants, that Malasada-or-whatever guy never said anything about Rocket causi-EEK!"

The ground-or whatever passed for it in this realm-rumbled beneath them, disrupting the already awkwardly-weighted courier's balance. They tapped against one of the capsules on their belt as their knees hit the floor, summoning Probo-Probo field where Mu-Mu hovered before.

"Cover us!"

A trio of mini-noses fired from the Probopass' body as she appeared, Protecting both their trainer and with a screen of hard light conjured between the them and the rest of the group.

Wind, earth, and poison alike pounded against the screen while they tried to reformulate their "plan". Accepting that there was simply no way for them to diffuse this situation with the severely limited options available to them, they turned to the girl beside them.

"We need to move forward! Pick a terminal, and I'll follow!"

- Woah maybe is a little crazy after all
- 's Roar returns his Munna
- Everyone else has already pointed out the flaws in 's logic, so frankly Locke's just complaining at this point
- Gets knocked off balance by all the wind and earth shaking, and summons their Probopass to Protect themselves and Eris
- Doesn't have any way of stopping this fight, so he tells Eris to pick a terminal while Probo-Probo keeps up the defense
- Will follow Eris into Terminal 05: The Present
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
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jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 20:07:07 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","postbody"] fate was such a funny thing. intertwined destinies, like an endless pool tied into knot after knot. were they all connected somehow? perhaps.

[break][break] as turns to him, in his eagerness and sudden passion, jayden blinks.

[break][break] where did he hear those names? how did he see them? of course jayden knows the answers to those questions. they should be obvious. but it is after all, someone from the league, asking them to him so he is naturally hesitant.

[break][break] .... THIRD SCAN COMPLETE.

[break][break] at least, until he isn't. a shudder passes through him as the data scan completes, and when he looks down he finds an entire piece of his TORSO MISSING. pulling up his shirt briefly, he can sees the pixels spread thin — if he reaches in, will he lose his hand too?

[break][break] his thoughts return back to and his question, and this time he finds that body parts are not the only thing that's missing. his HESITATION and CAUTION, the shelter in which he has built his entire persona, is gone too.

[break][break] he snorts, his expression looking uncharacteristically expressive for what he normally is like. "of course — weren't you listening? we saw them in terminal two, and they chased mint —"

[break][break] his words cut off, however, as the man decides better of the conversation and begins to walk towards TERMINAL 6.

[break][break] as chaos erupts among several people - gavin, lulu, the silph family - jayden turns towards them. his eyes widen briefly as the SLUDGE WAVE cascades above him. reflectively, he calls his DUOBLADE to his aid. he reaches for the hilt of the blade, slashing through the air as a PROTECTIVE BARRIER shimmers over him and everyone in proximity.

[break][break] glancing towards , he reaches for her hand and smiles. "let's go."

[attr="class","jayooc"] + tldr [break]
loses part of his TORSO (crop top era?)
[break] jayden forgets HESTITATION and CAUTION. he learns EMOTION?!
[break] duoblade uses PROTECT
[break] he follows ganggang into TERMINAL 06: FUTURE


+ his pokemon forget THREE MOVES EACH. current moveset below: [break]
— samurott - aqua jet, hydro pump, ceaseless edge [break]
— ditto - no moves [break]
— duoblade - sacred sword, protect, shadow sneak

[attr="class","fas fa-crow"]

@ @cyberchase

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,922 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 22:38:45 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Provided those two didn't split up, Josh attempted to stay close to and while their captor explained the events to them. The concept of a multiverse was one Josh was at least somewhat familiar with. "BUT WHY?!" he shouted, Saber letting out a loud bark echoing his trainer's sentiment toward the Dark Triad's destruction of their Hoenn. So the reason he was trapped in Hoenn was at the whims of this Dark Triad? There had to be another way. He only wished he wasn't so powerless to help.

He instinctively thrust his wire-frame right hand toward the image of their captor out of frustration, both for his missing limb and the revelation that shed some light on why Hoenn was going through all the calamities it was. Wanting more insight, Josh downloaded the file to his body and immediately begins reading the article. While reading, the THIRD SCAN passes over Josh without him noticing. If his mobile device is still working, he will send a message about discussing the events he had experienced here, as well as discussing the content of the article; otherwise, he would make a mental note to do so as soon as possible.

The three terminals appeared before him. His first instinct was to dart toward the FUTURE terminal. "I want to go down the Future path," he addressed and . "Wait no, the Present path. Wait no, the Past path." He let out a scream of frustration. "I...I don't even KNOW ANYMORE! I'll go wherever you two want to go! I just can't decide! You decide for me!" Wait, when did he get so indecisive? He had been good at making impulse decisions his entire life, and now this simple pick-a-path decision was giving him so much trouble?

The THIRD SCAN had deleted Josh's CONFIDENCE, filling the void of that sacred Virtue with the curse of INDECISION. This was far worse than losing his right arm.

His heart raced in panic.

{WC: 331}
{PC: 6}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Josh          Human          Poor
Resheph       Dragonair      KO
Twilight      Absol          Good
Saber         Manectric      Good


- Josh wants to make sure and are okay.
- Josh reads the HNN article and promptly messages to discuss it and the events of this raid at their earliest convenience.
- Josh loses his CONFIDENCE to data loss, replaced by INDECISION. This will cause his reaction time to substantially increase.
- Josh defers his decision on which terminal to go to, to where  and go. If both of them pick different terminals, he will follow Mint. If in the event neither of them choose a terminal in time, he will choose the FUTURE terminal.
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing