i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2022 8:06:12 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
[attr="class","ltr-tags"]for CYBERCHASE CONUNDRUM
[attr="class","ltr-lyrics"]born under a bad sign [break] with a blue moon in my eyes
Their surroundings become surreal as they continue upon the Noivern's back. It reminded Remiel of visions he'd seen when he'd eaten special mushrooms from BALLONLEA with his mates. Though, for obvious reasons, he'd never spoken of that with anybody else.[break][break]

When a staircase forms out from the ether, seemingly built of hard starlight, Guavafang is hesitant to climb it. Feeling fear in his Pokémon's heart, and sympathetic about it, the prince slides off its back and bids to do the same before RECALLING his dragon-bat.[break][break]

"We'll go on foot from here," He nods with a reassuring smile after clipping his ball to his belt. "You and me." He adds, taking her hand as they begin ascend what seems to be a stairway to heaven with the others.[break][break]

But the staircase would turn out to be the least of their frights.
They reach the top to find the sigils there, and Remiel's interest as an archaeologist seizes him completely. Suddenly he's desperate for a pen and paper, a camera, anything he can use to record this information apart from his now seemingly unreliable memory. But even quick eyes aren't given enough time to process everything in full before—[break][break]


He's speechless. He's in disbelief. His hand slips from 's. But, eventually, a life-changing cocktail of horror, awe, and shock rattles him out of it. Just as he begins to try and wrap his mind around it, however, it disappears. They're left with FOUR EGGS and twirling UNOWN in its wake. His mind flips through countless pages of mythology and lore he's read in the past: about the 'Pokémon that emerged from an egg and shaped all there is in this world'.[break][break]

It's only the sight of the TERMINAL ahead, however, that finally prompts him to shake his head and snap out of it. He must consciously remind himself of what's happened so far, and what kind of danger they're in, before unclipping a ball from his belt and summoning his AEGISLASH to their side.[break][break]

"T-That's our way out," He says, still a bit rattled. Regaining the sympathy of his youth, it seemed, came at the cost of other emotions his usual self would have rather left forgotten.[break][break]

After running towards the aforementioned terminal, the shirtless royal hurries to the read the riddle therein with the others. Eyes squint at the image shown, struggling to discern exactly what that could be. Then the four eggs surrounding them crack, and all hell breaks loose.[break][break]

"Luka, stay close!" He says, pulling her in before issuing a command to his Aegislash. "Arthur, KING'S SHIELD!"[break][break]


The phantom sword puts its all into attempting to widen its shield enough to protect , , and as many others as it can from the blasts of HIDDEN POWER that shoot to and fro in all directions. Meanwhile, Remiel hurries to input his answer:



recalls SHINY NOIVERN[break]
summons AEGISLASH[break]
inputs 'MAGIKARP' as his answer (it's probably MAGMAR but I want to cover our butts just in case!)[break]
AEGISLASH summons a KING'S SHIELD to protect itself, , , and as many others as it can[break]
🍒 using X1 SALAC BERRY


[attr="class","gimcredits"]made by gimmick
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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2022 14:22:47 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
She waits for no one before slipping into the TERMINAL, thoughts turned to unexplored horizons and the tightly knit coil of greed that expands past her ribcage to reflect in a hungry silvery gaze. And yet, despite everything that she's seen so far in the last few years, despite all the curve balls sent her way by some sadistic fate entity, it doesn't prepare her for the apocalyptic vision that blooms before her.

The gears in her brain grind to a halt, poised as she is before the sight of Hoenn. Their Hoenn, sprawled green and blue beneath her feet. It should feel like home. She should be able to pinpoint the locations where she's lived her entire life, attached to memories indivisible from who she's grown to become. And yet.

And yet.

She expects the feeling to seize her by the throat, sweet and nostalgic. Beckoning her always to the defense of that and those which she holds dear. One breath passes, two. The realization trickles in slowly, silver eyes blinking in confusion as she waits for something that is not there anymore.

Home suddenly doesn't seem as important anymore.

hadn't stuck around long enough to receive a reply, and yet Skyler notices his figure ahead along with others, diving under the vision of Hoenn. 

"Over there," she calls out to and whoever had followed him, voice pitched low as she points towards their destination.

No other explanation springs forth from Skyler before she takes to action. Calling forth Dhelmise, the captain has it Phantom Force close to the Generator, hopefully bypassing the legendary duo without having to deal with forces beyond their mettle. Or the Unown. 

And if happened to make use of his sharp reflexes, he might be able to get a free ride too.

The riddle has her blinking in utter bafflement, but once an answer is given, her mind has a hard time seeing anything else. "Donphan, I s'ppose."

If anything happens, she'll just blame .


-skyler's pokemon lost their abilities
- skyler loses one of her core characteristics: her loyalty
- loses her left eye and attempts to replace it with aqua rings
- forgets about her childhood and her family (sorry, mr. dross)

- notices where kyle has gone 
- has Dhelmise use Phantom Force to get to the Generator quickly and hopefully avoid garnering unwanted attention
- c'mon , hop on
- replies with donphan. if she's wrong, she'll just blame it on kyle
- salac x1

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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
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angelo vestri
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2022 15:45:20 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Sure, champ.” Comes the short response, lacking in any of the usual light-heartedness that often accompanies the abridged version of 's title. 

Angelo doesn't get to hear more about the proposed 'fight of the century' nor does he even ask. He doesn't even stop in his march into the darkness of their chosen terminal.

There's no time for hesitation. 

It doesn't matter whether Macadamia nut (or whatever his name was) had spoken the full truth or not. In Angelo's unleashed impatience, umming and ahhing is not a risk he's willing to take on the off-chance it's true.

It's why he pays little attention to the chaos of the simulation, focused instead on what must be done.

He hitches a ride through space alongside and they end up next to at the terminal.

The champ better be right...

Ghoulish hands adorned in gold snatch greedily towards those of them in the room. From the depths of Angelo's pocket, his Ribombee draws on its power a LIGHT SCREEN shimmering around those that joined himself, and .

Make sure to stay close, guys. Got it?





- ribombee uses light sceen around the terminal

[newclass=.angelocam] [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam b] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam i] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2022 21:40:51 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

What is a man, but a miserable pile of secrets.

He had heard that quote once from something, was it a game, or a book? It didn't really matter, but he couldn't help to feel that it fit this entire scenario everyone was in quite well. They were all struggling so hard, so valiantly to live, but to what end? To buy a few more precious years before that meteor collided? So they could send the meteor to another universe, and cause harm to innocents? So they could continue on with the petty squabble that was the League, and Rocket against one another? To what end did they struggle for their ultimately meaningless lives? Love, desire, riches, possessions, it was all ultimately meaningless in the face of the end.

Everyone died, and yet here they all were struggling to prevent the inevitable. If it wasn't so amusing, he might have applauded. Hypocrites each, and every one of them. But it took one to know another. Or so he thought as they ascended the steps to the realm of the gods, or a facsimile of it at the least. Looking around as he witnessed the dawn of creation of itself it seemed. The amorphous horror might have unsettled him, if he could even feel unsettled anymore. He felt more like a zombie than a man at the moment. To what end did he want to save Hoenn?

Power had always been goal, the power to bend reality to his will so he could prevent that singular moment from happening in his life. Yet somewhere along the way he had given up on. Did it all truly matter? Why shouldn't he let the world explode so that he could go back to the serenity of the quietness that he had found during his time away. For a moment....A single moment he thought about turning his metaphorical blade upon those who had gathered here. To wash them away, and simply let it all end. But a flash of gold brushed through his thoughts.

"Ah is that why I am here?" He thought to himself as he watched the giant eggs form as the swarm of Unown erupted, and began their assault upon the group. There were those who were quick to reach to reach the terminal while others stayed back to defend.

"Vilu carry me to the terminal. Use Detect to avoid their attacks." He gave the eerily calm order as his Sceptile scooped him up, and with it's eyes glowing to detect the incoming attacks it rushed off towards the terminal. If they made it, he would read the riddle, and come to the same conclusion as the others. There was no need to complicate matters by second guessing himself. Besides if he was wrong then the quiet would return. He won no matter the outcome. So he typed in Magmar because the patterns were similar enough.


Sceptile is carrying Amor to the Terminal using Detect
Amor is having some thoughts, but not acting on them yet.
Wishes he could feel the joy of being in the realm of creation.
typed in Magmar at Terminal 4

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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
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Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2022 21:57:05 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
290 for @cyberchase conundrum
's Comfey slipped around the courier's neck alongside another urging for his safety, but the moment was as short as it was sweet. Where normally she might've grabbed him by the hand and pulled him towards the next part of the adventure, instead all he received was a curt invitation.

She was right though. If 's previous warnings were anything to go by, they didn't have much time left here one way or another.

He didn't miss the way followed them down the passage, but chose to ignore him for now. Rather than the empty room that had greeted them in the previous terminal, however, a kaiju-sized battle raged above the group, surrounded by a sea of Unown. The setting for the brawl wasn't too dissimilar to the outer portion of the "cage" he and a dozen other versions of himself had been transported to last winter, and he wondered briefly if that Vermilion too had been a mere digital copy.

But theories like that could come later.

"Jeez. Champion seat, space vacations-kids these days are pretty ambitious," they joked as they joined the group already gathered around the generator. They turned their attention to the rain of Hidden Powers crashing around them, then roughly searched around inside their satchel, thankful that their items had also been copied over into this reality, even if they had been hoping to save this for later.

"Probo-Probo, catch!"

The Probopass' mini-noses caught the Z-Crystal midair, hovering it between them with magnetic force as the mineral began to glow. Finally it broke, scattering a fine crystalline dust over the noses before they shot out in opposite directions, spreading a wide barrier over the area around the generator.

"Z-Protect: Sanctuary!"

- forgot to roll,,,,,
- Follows down Terminal 5
- Joins the group around the generator
- Uses a Z-Crystal to allow Probopass to use Z-Protect: Sanctuary (a temporary, protective dome rises around all creatures within the vicinity of the user, protecting against all attacks including z-moves. within the dome, ongoing attacks and status conditions are neutralized briefly.)
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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Eris Halla
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2022 22:59:30 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]To defy a god.[break][break]

Some call it brave, others call it a death wish.[break][break]

Turning her attention to the legendaries being choked out, Eris pats Reiner's mane and hugs him tightly.[break][break]

"Just this once..." She murmurs, giving him one final scritch behind the ears before letting out a whistle. A Springtide Storm begins to brew, lashing out at the gargantuan arms and sweeping away whatever Unown happen to get caught in the way. Dialga and Palkia seem to want to fix this universal overlap and if Arceus intends on getting in their way, she'll do whatever it takes to protect her home, her family.[break][break]

Even if it means readying herself to kill it.[break][break]


- I wonder how badly this could go:tm:[break]
- Luxray uses SPRINGTIDE STORM against the weird gargantuan arms holding Palkia and Dialga[break]
Wake up sisters, it's time for Hoenn's demise!!

[attr="class","adrie-note"]a hohohomicide but its not december || into the cyberverse


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March 26th
Chroma Highlands, Almia
Bounty Hunter/Ethologist
You say you're a god man, so what I'm the devil herself
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TAG WITH @aura1
Yvaine Varron
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2022 1:18:38 GMT
Yvaine Varron Avatar
Something was wrong with Terminal 6; she could feel the change in the air and the atmosphere around her. The subtle scent of scorched earth and dust; something like death, though it wasn't exactly like the scent was strong. No, it was faint. There, but faint, not like how she'd experienced it in the past. Even Zoroark was acting out of whack with cautious growling as it lessened the distance between him and his trainer, just in case. The reactions from the others only brought back home the hunch that something was off about this place; yet perhaps she was blessed with the fact that she could not perceive the destruction around her. The supposed Hoenn of the future.

Zoroark loses no time to lead Yvaine further into Terminal 6, past the impaled legendaries and across the fallen trainers, pokémon, and debris. All towards the central terminal's generator lodged within the corpse of the Unbound Hoopa. He finds it eerie, but knows that said spot will be where all the rest will gather; and sees it come true as several gather and try to make light of the riddle it projects. It's not something he nor his master can deal with right now, so instead he swats her with his hair and urges her forth.

Yvaine's quite certain she hears scream in the distance, but at this point his sorrow is none of her concern. What is of her concern is the sharp bark Zoroark gives her, and the rapid succession of impacts around her. The mercenary tries to focus on the incoming rays of light and in a moment of cheer luck and skill, jumps out of an incoming meteor's way, feeling the blazing heat as it passes and misses her every so narrowly. Yvaine outstretches her hand, prompting her partner pokémon to take action. Using Agility, Zoroark flips his trainer unto his back and makes a dash for the generator, and the multitude of protective shields being thrown up by the other trainers. Had it been a single source of danger, this had not been necessary, but with this sky-borne onslaught, risks weren't meant to be taken... yet.



- Still blind and a cruel cucumber
- Is unphased by future Hoenn's apocalyptic outlook
- Does not enter an answer the question, relies on the rest to have picked the right answer
- Momentarily unlocks Ultra Instinct and dodges an incoming light/meteor
- Zoroark uses Agility to dodge the incoming onslaught
- Brings Yvaine into the safety
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2022 1:34:40 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

For the most part, it had been an instinct. It had been his fear of the situation guiding him, telling him they need to get out of here quickly. Mars is thankful to for trusting him, for being there, and when he’s the only one who is closeby, words are whispered to the friend he has forced himself to pretend is no more than someone he met once by chance:
”Gavin… There’s something not right about all this. There’s Unown here. They’re everywhere.
comments on his condition, and Mars does no more than shake his head then. She’s right, he’s not well, but are any of them? This place is doing terrible things to them. They need to get out of here. Escape. Return to their Hoenn. But, what will that solve? What if this “Maldacena” captor of theirs has answers that may save their dimension? What if this place has the solution they’ve hoped for?
Even though the banker has never met her before, he’s thankful for ’s protection, giving the League’s scientist a simple yet thankful nod. It’s then that he knows that they can’t just waste their time and do whatever Maldacena wants from them.
”I’ll be fine, don’t worry. We need to focus on getting out of here.” He tells Elisabeth, and after a few other people input answers of their own, he returns to the terminal generator under the protection of both Elisabeth and Eva’s pokémon.
Maybe the terminal can give them a way out. If they can download the data… Find a way to reach out to the Unown around them… Something. Anything.
He looks down at the Unown by his side, which now hops on the ground, unable to LEVITATE anymore. ”I need you to help me out here.”
If only he had thought to bring one of his Porygon with him. Instead, all he has is an Unown, the report that has been etched into his mind, and his instincts. Will the terminal be able to tell them anything?



[break]- Whispers to Gavin about not being okay
[break]- Thankful for Eva and Elisa's protection ♡
[break]- Tries to get info from the active terminal/generator with his Unown, while under the protective dome of Eva's Gallade
[break]DATA LOSS: Mars forgets all about his past before coming to Hoenn, including who he used to be. Additionally, he feels heightened fear.


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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,333 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2022 2:36:23 GMT
He was one of the last to move through the terminal. It was as if shackles of stone had been chained to Barnaby's feet. Every step up the translucent, glowing staircase occurred at a glacial speed. His pace was unhurried, unmotivated, and so unlike him.

There was no need to rush now, he reasoned. Whatever happened next could not be stopped anyway.

What awaited him at the summit was an unsettling scene: a giant surrounding a platform of glowing designs, not unlike those seen at Sootopolis on that dark day not so long ago. The ominous behemoth did not stay, though, disappearing into a hazy mist and leaving behind four gargantuan eggs. UNOWN buzzed around them like a swarm of enraged BEEDRILL.

Barnaby could not even fathom what this all meant and, truly, he did not care. His eyes didn't linger on the eggs; rather, they scanned the crowd for one familiar face. If he was to greet the end of the world in this bizarre realm, he wanted to do it with .

There. At the terminal, surrounded by a protective force. Even so, Mars' countenance was clammy and unwell, his body tensed in pain. A marked difference from when Barnaby had last seen him. What had happened in the meantime?

He continued on, walking toward the ROCKET underboss at the same unhurried speed. Unfortunately, this made Barnaby an easy target for what came next. One by one the eggs began to crack open, releasing surges of energy which seemed to agitate the swarming UNOWN even further. Enough that they felt compelled to attack.

A concentrated blast of HIDDEN POWER shot through his right shoulder blade with enough force to knock him forward and onto his knees. Barnaby's arms barely reacted in time to brace his fall. He heard himself cry out in shock, but it was as if someone else had done so. Like he was a spectator in his own skin.

The pain felt real, but there was no blood, only pixels that made up his digital body disappearing into cyberspace.

"M-Martín..." From the ground Barnaby looked across yet another battlefield, to where his friend stood, so close yet so far away.

Around him the bombardment continued. Somehow, though, Barnaby just couldn't muster the will to stand.

• using ROCKET persona (BEE + black hair)
• circular hole in his chest where his heart would be
• loses his HOPE
• right shoulder hit by HIDDEN POWER - gets another hole in his chest!

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Laika Boss

June 12th
Lilycove City
Lighthouse Keeper
Shut up and be happy
it's all in your head
5'10" / 177.8cm height
5'10" / 177.8cm height
You will find no hidden agendas in the sea's desire to swallow you whole
220 posts
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TAG WITH @klaus
klaus anchoret
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2022 2:45:33 GMT
klaus anchoret Avatar

A perfunctory nod is offered in return to , the young man's stance surprisingly solid.Someone spouts the answer to the riddle, though his brow furrows in confusion as he eyes the visual clue. How the hell they managed to come to that conclusion is beyond him.
Klaus's attention is soon captured by the egg which appears, his eyes blinking slowly and head tilting faintly to the side; its surprise isn't hidden for long as Unknown begin to swirl out and attack the group.
He hums once, the scene unfolding into chaos once more as Hidden Power attacks begin to fly across the air. Pursing his lips, he unpockets his last pokeball and releases his Litwick, his head tipping towards the impending attacks to direct, "Protect."


+ Has his Litwick use Protect against the Hidden Powers [break]
+ Using Salac



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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,408 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2022 3:15:24 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","postbody"] digital blocks grow and pixellate in front of them, shifting like puzzle pieces in a dark room. the last thing that he sees is his clone's mirrorimage, and the sharpness of it's smile.

[break][break] as if it knows something he does not.

[break][break] his heart lurches — and they are deposited into a nightmarish future. something bleak and hollow echoes in the distance of the space, blotches of purple and red shadow mixing to reflect upon the images of the legendary pokemon pierced dead.

[break][break] XERNEAS, KYOGRE, GROUDON.

[break][break] his eyes snap to the images of origin form giratina, thoughts filling of and cerberus' mission. then, he sees the body of shadow lugia and darkrai, and the rockets associated with them. he can't reaffirm anything, what with and transported to other portals. his heart sinks.

[break][break] dialga and palkia are missing, he notes, as long as a few others.

[break][break] and of course - there were the humans. the ones that were scattered all over the floor — trainers, rangers, both rocket and league alike. his fingernails dig into his palm, marks forming. unbidden, a memory shoves its way to the forefront of his thoughts. he sees a red ocean, hundreds - no thousands - of dead bodies scattered on a beach. cinnabar.

[break][break] it's only when he hears speculating outloud that he realizes where he is. "don't you dare," he snaps at the other boy, remembering what happened in the previous terminal.

[break][break] how mint had nearly condemned them to failure.

[break][break] following the others, he inputs KLEFKI as an answer before chaos descends upon them.

[break][break] as others throw up shields, jayden joins them. his duoblade materializes and in a flash of light joins the others in rearing up a PROTECT from the ongoing meteor shower.



[attr="class","jayooc"] + tldr
[break] has emo flashback and snaps at .
[break] duoblade uses PROTECT.

loses part of his TORSO (crop top era?)
[break] jayden forgets HESTITATION and CAUTION. he learns EMOTION?!


+ his pokemon forget THREE MOVES EACH. current moveset below: [break]
— samurott - aqua jet, hydro pump, ceaseless edge [break]
— ditto - no moves [break]
— duoblade - sacred sword, protect, shadow sneak

[attr="class","fas fa-crow"]

@ @cyberchase

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,969 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2022 3:55:50 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar did not know how to react to the simulation at the Present terminal. What was this scene taking place, was this happening right now? This was the 'present' after all, this could not possibly be a prediction. The two pokemon striking the barrier were familiar to Oscar, the first was the master of time who really fucked up their job last year. The other was the master of space, having made Rocket's invasion of Sootopolis a lot harder than it had to be. Neither was a welcome sight, but their actions did make Oscar curious about their motication.

Were they trying to free Hoenn? Perhaps just bust through the barrier so they could spread chaos themselves? The latter interpretation would be much more in character as far as Oscar was concerned. For now it would be an unknown element, though the optimist in Oscar hoped that Hoenn had some divine allies hoping to deliver them from their prison.

Unfortunately another force did not want either of them to interfere, nor did it wish for the present trainers to answer the terminal's riddle. Forces that be began to throw hands, literally. Divine hands began to appear, along with an army of hostile Unknown. Oscar slapped Abner on his bicep, "Fuck, Abner throw me to the terminal!"

Upon hearing his master's order, Abner smirked. Never before has an easier request been asked of him. Abner lifted Oscar over his head, chucking the beast at the terminal. Oscar flew through the air, smashing against the machine like a discarded ragdoll. He lay there for a moment, realizing how dumb that decision probably was. 


Oscar lifted his right hand, his keystone ring flashing with light. Abner became enveloped with infinity energy, a pearl-like shell forming around him and bursting with incredible power. As the smoke cleared he would emerge as a warrior clad in red and white, fueled by an insatiable lust for battle. Oscar pulled himself up to the terminal, shouting orders behind him. "You know what to do! Go nuts!" And go nuts Abner did. He leapt toward every Unkown he could, Sucker Punching with the force of one thousand flying fists. 

Oscar meanwhile entered his own answer to the riddle: DONPHAN


--Urshifu threw Oscar at the terminal like a football.
--Urshifu Mega Evolved 1/3 posts.
--Urshifu attacked the Unknown with Sucker Punch.
--Oscar entered DONPHAN as his answer to the riddle.
--2 Salacs used
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litton wickham
september 25
lumiose city, kalos
webnovelist / council assistant
if desire is the heart’s intransigent verb.
353 posts
nagi miwa DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nagi
nagi miwa
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2022 6:31:54 GMT
nagi miwa Avatar

hunched forward and small, his boss is the pale ghost of who he remembers her to be. [break][break]

what should we do? [break][break]

desperation overpowers cowardice. wordlessly, he steps in front of , eyes flitting from the hovering hoenn to the duelling gods, the grasping hands and swarming unowns, trying to sear each detail into his memory. the overwhelming stimuli sends his senses scattering — he feels like he's watching the world around him through a pinhole. he'd hyperventilate, if he could. [break][break]

air whispers through the hole in his throat; nothing to choke on, if there's nothing to choke with. small blessings. [break][break]

he gesticulates at his mr. mime — pointing at the palkia, following it a series of jerky gestures that are a poor mimicry of his pokemon’s own. behind the shield formed by the buffeting winds of and ’s draconic pokemon, mime attempts to mimic dialga’s roar of time.


[attr="class","ooc"] @charname [break]
• leaves answering the riddle to the rest[break]
• g!mr mime attempts to copy roar of time with mimic[break]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-litwick"]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2022 6:38:36 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


What's the bad kind of nostalgia?[break][break]
In the mess of numbers and lost cognitive function, the only word that comes to her mind is 'nightmare'.[break][break]
leads her up the stairs but somehow she feels like she's descending. He murmurs reassurances but all he receives in return is a mantra under her breath: "Trois cent quinze, quatre-vingt-dix-sept, deux cents, quatre cent quatre-vingt-dix, quatre cent quatre-vingt-onze, huit cent vingt."[break][break]

The numbers seem to tremble as they fall out of her mouth, or perhaps that's just the shaking in her hands. She clings onto Remiel as he leads them up, up, up, and for some reason she still feels like they're going down, that the stairs are made from cracked marble, and that the room they enter smells like dust and moldering paper.[break][break]

She glances over at and wonders if her fellow augur feels the same: a creeping sense of familiarity and dread to go along with it. Her throat burns, but no words appear upon it. Perhaps whatever connects this place to the church of Arceus is tenuous at best, but the threads are still there.[break][break]

Eerie similarities only seem to increase when they reach the platform, for the patterns on the ground are familiar. Though she hadn't gotten a birds eye view the circles still resemble those stood upon during Necrozma's attack. Intertwining circles, triangles, three points— though without three lake guardians to greet them.[break][break]

Instead they meet a creature that puts the church monster to shame. Something vast, something infinite, and very, very old. It's eyes are blank and unblinking, but Luka still gets the feeling that it knows they are there.[break][break]

Though Remiel has dropped her hand she finds him again anyways, gripping his arm with white knuckles and wide eyes. The numbers are dead on her lips. But before she can fully process what she's seen the creature vanishes again, leaving eggs in it's place and more unanswered questions.[break][break]

Her mind is reeling, trying to string together connections that might be there but that don't make sense. Like trying to assemble a puzzle from a random assortment of pieces she shoves disparate clues together; but nothing fits. She gives the terminal puzzle little more than a cursory glance and agrees with Remiel's answer on principle, but doesn't bother to input a solution herself. There's too much going on.[break][break]

It's really no surprise when they come under fire again. Luka's slow to react but luckily Remiel shields the pair of them first and she focuses, finally, on the threat facing them.[break][break] Her first instinct is to throw up a barrier of her own. It's in her nature to shy away from conflict and seek out the most peaceful option. Protect, heal, but rarely go on the attack.[break][break]

But where has that gotten her?[break][break]

"Ume," she calls instead, releasing her Musharna once more, "Hydro cannon. L-let's, um, break them up."[break][break]

From behind the protection of the king's shield Ume readies another powerful attack. This time, and quite unusually for a Musharna, she summons a powerful jet of water that bursts through the crowd of attacking Unown like spraying down ants with a fire hose. The intent is to clear a path for the group to safely traverse through the terminal— so long as their answer is correct, at least.[break][break]

- ymca flashbacks bc that raid will haunt her forever apparently[break]
- recognizes the floor patterns as the same from dawn of the darkest day[break]
- agrees with the answer 'magikarp' but is too distracted to input it[break]
- Musharna uses hydro cannon on the Unown


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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december 21
freelance job-runner
we are stood, and somehow calm, inside the madness of this storm
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TAG WITH @lethe
Lethe Ascelin
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2022 7:02:22 GMT
Lethe Ascelin Avatar

the one before them answers their question in the negative, and lethe can’t help but wonder where the hell they knew her face from, then. it isn’t relevant in the moment, sure, but lethe doesn’t love being without answers; it makes them pretty nervous, actually. or at least it would, if they thought they could get any more nervous in this moment.

"huh. looked familiar."

their attention turns to the terminal. things are changing, shifting before lethe and it makes them feel more than slightly dizzy. the scene that it settles upon doesn’t help, though; the wasteland that forms before them is not something lethe would have ever imagined they’d witness.

death surrounds this land in a final, permanent embrace, and they wonder what had led to such a fate. impaled great creatures around them serve as images of just how great this finality is. that isn’t what worries lethe the most, though; the very human corpses before them are the greatest concern in their sight. not a single person stands, except for those lethe recognizes as having come through the terminal with them. they can’t help it, as they find themself sticking closer to the familiar stranger for some sense of safety.

of course, this place is not safe. lights, reminding lethe of the ones which impale the beasts around them, fall from the sky, and lethe reaches out for stranger-companion in a hopeful attempt at moving them out of the way of one. they'd already lost an arm, they don't need to lose anything else.

acting quickly, they move to grasp the ball containing their kingler, using protect in an attempt to spare aries or themself any immediate harm.


- lethe is as horrified by the surroundings as one might expect
- trying to keep aries safe still ig
- kingler chive uses protect to try to protect lethe and @aries

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing