i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2022 7:00:38 GMT
luka chêne Avatar



Oh, thank goodness.[break][break]

Luka makes a beeline for the bar as soon as it opens. Perhaps some liquid courage is exactly what she needs to get this evening off to a better start! She hums softly as she surveys the menu— everything looks wonderful but it's the starlight champagne that catches her eye. Sweet and elegant...a perfect drink to start off the night.[break][break]

She hovers near the bar while it's prepared and catches snippets of chatter and gossip, though still feels a little too awkward to interject herself. For a while she's fine simply listening, until a lilting Galarian accent catches her ears, and she freezes. She daren't look for the source, nor listen further and confirm her fears. Instead she keeps a measured smile on her face, thanks the staff handing her her drink, and immediately turns on her heel and heads in the opposite direction.[break][break]

Her first glass is drained in minutes, the bubbly champagne cool against her lips. Thankfully, one of the passing Bulbasaur quickly provide another. As her heartbeat returns to normal she stares out at the crowd again, tapping her fingers against the glass in time to the orchestra.[break][break]

It's a lovely melody, and she can't help but be swept up in it. Standing at the edge of the dance floor, champagne in hand, Luka sways gently in time the the music, gazing out at the other partygoers and wishing her hand was held too.


- open to interaction![break]
- prompt 7: music appreciation[break]
- dress & mask


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2022 7:27:13 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Isaac could feel the sea change in Cygne's demeanor. The adrenaline had faded, and now that feeling of not belonging was starting to take its place. Her face fell slightly, a motion all too recognizable under her transparent mask. Her hand seemed less steady in his. She had that faroff look in her eyes as she stared out onto the dance floor.[break][break]

Frankly, Isaac understood. At the start of this year, he was living his life from route to route. He still was! But that was equal parts by choice and by necessity, rather than by pure desperate circumstance. The fact of the matter remained; he was not the kind of man to go to fancy masquerade galas. Hell, if it wasn't for the chance to dress like the dramatic ho he was, this couldn't have been further from his taste.[break][break]

But if there was anything Isaac was good at, it was thriving in circumstances where he shouldn't have. He punched above his weight class against foes that should have left him in the dust. He had a contest ribbon and the Silph Cup to his name despite being a nobody. And he'd managed to charm the beautiful, brilliant, and sweet-as-can-be woman whose hand was currently intertwined with his.[break][break]

If anything, it was the circumstances where he did fit in that scared him more.[break][break]

Isaac's hand wrapped more securely around Cygne's, his thumb gently caressing hers. Even through several layers of obstruction, warmth seemed to radiate from his eyes as he turned to look at her. He didn't say any words. He didn't need to. Around Cygne, he was practically an open book. Just from the way his hand settled so perfectly into hers, and his smile turned up at the corners so lovingly, his thoughts were plain for the world to see.[break][break]

You got this.[break][break]

Cygne tossed down a drink. Damn, it was impressive how quickly she could finish those off. Though she seemed a little bashful about that fact, quickly switching gears to sipping instead. "Hey, you're talking to Mr. Hand-No-Eye-Coordination here. Trust me, anything you can't do, I can't do better," he teased, shooting Cygne a cheeky wink. Or was that a blink now? More questions for midnight philosophy with Professor Merlo. "We're totally gonna make assholes out of ourselves on the dance floor, aren't we?"[break][break]

And there was that smile again. That damn smile. "Good."[break][break]

For the time being, he eyed the bar. "See? There's our practice run. Lots of mingling. Lot less dancing. And if anyone is dancing, they're probably already so wasted we'll look better in comparison. Figure from here, we can scout out the dance floor, see what people are doing, and mangle together our own version when we're ready. Sound good?"[break][break]

Were Cygne to accept, Isaac would lead them to a nice, comfortable wallflower spot. Close enough to the bar to not be That Guy at the edge of the dance floor, not close enough to the bar to be That Guy glued to a stool at the party. Perfection. He raised a glass to as she passed, the two's paths cris-crossing as they made their way to their respective vantage points.[break][break]

Huh. Were those two glasses stacked on the table next to her? Clearly, Cygne wasn't the only nervous one here.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / Mask and Eyepatch + Outerwear + Innerwear / Hat!


[newclass=.skullhover]width:420px;-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);filter: grayscale(100%);-webkit-transition:all 1s ease;transition:all 1s ease;-webkit-transition-delay:0.1s;[/newclass]
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october 8th
lilycove captain
334 height
334 height
lower than i thought we'd go, why'd the guilt spread so slow?
1,438 posts
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TAG WITH @lance
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2022 13:50:38 GMT

and sure enough, 's tease earlier might just hold some semblance of truth as lance is genuinely having trouble picking her out from the crowd. in his defense (poor defense), he's had a couple of drinks, it's dark, and there are a lot of masks to sift through.[break][break]

but he has no issues picking out . as much as lance dislikes the thought, if anyone may know where she is, it's probably him. so he approaches his fellow ranger captain with a drink in hand.[break][break]

"surprised to see you here, maher. looking real sharp, too. nice suit."[break][break]

he pats bo on his shoulder, fake-friendly more than anything.[break][break]

"have you, uh, seen will yet?"[break][break]

- chatting with [break]


[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-shedinja"]

[newclass=".revivedpog"]--accent:#d49736; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".revivedpog .ooc"]border-top:1px solid #222; padding-top:15px; text-align:center; margin-top:15px; [/newclass]

[newclass=".revivedpog .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2022 13:58:29 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

He was late, or was he on time? Stepping out of the car after Walter opened the door for him he looked at the venue. It was nice that his donation had helped pay for such an expensive event, and locale. At least there were some people who appreciated his charity unlike , or . A simple sigh left his lips as he donned the golden mask with a sapphire embedded in the crown of it. Of course he could go with any gem, he had almost ordered a diamond, but if someone were to rob him a sapphire was the least expensive option.

"Sir shall I take the car around, and meet you inside?" Amor didn't have a plus one to bring, and he sure as hell wasn't going out in public without his bodyguard.

"Yes, don't forget to put your mask on, the hostess was very adamant that we not show up unmasked. It would be rude, and I'm sure you won't have any trouble spotting me." He said to the older gentlemen as he walked into the venue to see a large gathering of people that he didn't recognize. Perhaps he saw some hair here, and there, but they didn't have any distinguishing marks like he did. He had often thought about cutting his hair, but reneged each time because he enjoyed standing out even if it was troublesome more often than not.

So he showed up in a grand suit black with golden trim, a few frills here, and there. A cane that was purely decoration as he walked up. A few moments later Walter appeared, and then a weight appeared on his shoulder. There was a Pikachu in a matching suit with a similar mask on it's face. Though instead of a sapphire there was a ruby. Adontis liked the color red, and Amor had the money to spare. Besides anyone who tried to harm his Pikachu would be in for a rude awakening. Making his way past everyone he reached the object of his current affection.

The shard of Meteno that had recently been retrieved by the League. Amor simply admired it, it was beautiful, and he wanted it for his own purposes, but he wasn't so stupid as to try, and openly take them. At least not in his civilian guise.

"There is a lot of people here." Crowds like this often brought a few worries to his mind, but with Walter, and Adontis he wasn't worried about anyone trying something. But crazier things had happened in this region.

Amor arrives fashionably late.
His Pikachu, Adontis, Is dressed in a suit that matches him
Walter is hovering around doing bodyguard stuff
Open to interaction....His long silvery hair kinda gives away who he is even without his mask...
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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2022 13:59:22 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
A shock of recognition comes in the wake of 's departure. He's already stepping into the gathering crowd when Skyler's voice pipes up over the general din of conversation, bold as brass.
"I'll hold you to that, Bond!"
She would. Lilycove's docks offered endless possibilities for those who were looking to make trouble and have a good time - and Skyler had become intimately acquainted with most of them.
For now, she'll make do with a more tame endeavor. For now. Formal wear and politeness had never stopped her from making a nuisance out of herself before, and if the drink that fetches her is any indication, so wouldn't the drinks.
"Gravedigger, huh? That's what I'm talking about!" She exclaims, eyes bright and lips unfurling into a lopsided smile as she accepts the glass. Barely a glance is given at its contents before Skyler takes a generous, fearless gulp.
Compared to the hard liquor within her flask, this is definitely higher quality. By a mile.
Sweet, too.
While not usually her poison of choice, the captain can't help licking her lips, a pleased hum leaving her throat as she goes to take another sip of it. "Fuuuck, this is really good. That'll show me for shitting on 'em without really giving them a chance. I think I might have another." She wasn't even close to finishing this one.
As if taking that as a challenge, a nice portion of it disappears into her mouth.
As soon as her attention is diverted from the alcoholic beverage, however, she finally allows herself the time to give  a slow once-over, taking in the way white fabric stretches over the massive length of his shoulders, and how it hugs a muscled frame. Impressive. And weirdly familiar.
"I feel like I know you." Her brows furrow and Skyler steps forward, right up against the masked man. Wholly uncaring for personal space as she peers up at his mask - as if she could divine his identity just by squinting harder. Her head tilts, pensive. "I wouldn't forget those muscles."

[attr="class","notes"]outfit | coat | mask[break]- parting shot for . she just wants to be a bad influence, forgive her[break]- accepts 's drink and is pleasantly surprised[break]- chats with and attempts to identify him (it's the muscles really)


[newclass=".skyler0"] --accent:#6592A0; [/newclass]

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litton wickham
september 25
lumiose city, kalos
webnovelist / council assistant
if desire is the heart’s intransigent verb.
353 posts
nagi miwa DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nagi
nagi miwa
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2022 16:31:47 GMT
nagi miwa Avatar

the shoulder pads on nagi's suit are too wide. the weight of the foam feels unwieldy, too broad and too stiff under the forward curl of his shoulders. his dress shirt, at least, fits; he'd gotten it, and a pair of grey slacks, tailored after he had received his first  salary at hbs — the first two of the now three pieces of formal clothing he owns.[break][break]

nagi couldn’t not attend; if only to show support for his boss . he's read the dossier for the event three times over; taken time to memorise the names of sponsors (even if he can't place them with any faces), but he finds himself out-of-sorts nonetheless. the gilded grandeur of the venue: light glittering off sequins and dress shoes clicking across the polished floor; the sweeping crescendoes of the woodwinds and strings in ’s orchestra — it’s lavish. tasteful. elegantly expensive in a way that makes him feel self-conscious in the scuffed-up leather shoes he had 'forgotten' to oil for two years and counting.[break][break]

it helps, then, that they’re all play-acting; no one knows him, and if he doesn’t try to guess, he can carry on without knowing anyone else. it’s the anonymity he’d raised himself on as an adolescent on the internet, in masked, extravagant flesh. even if the glue he used on his domino mask may be giving him a rash. [break][break]

taking the long way round the perimeter of the ballroom, sticking so close to the sidelines his ill-fitting shoulder-pads dust the wall every few steps, he drifts his way to the bar, where he squints down at the menu with the muted unease of someone with a family history of alcoholism. [break][break]

“a monarch black bergamot, please.”[break][break]

he curls his hands around the glass when the drink is served, letting the heat from the tea suffuse his chilled fingertips with steadying warmth. the bright fragrance of bergamot and citrus bursts on his tongue when he sips, wrapped in the embrace of gentle vanilla. floral and subtly bittersweet — comfort in a cup.[break][break]

he finishes the drink faster than he means to, and makes a mental note to visit ’s cafe sometime in the near future.


[attr="class","ooc"] outfit (img credit)[break]
+ PROMPT 2: BREAK OUT THE BUBBLY (monarch black bergamot)[break]
+ hanging by the bar drinking tea[break]
+ open to interaction![break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-litwick"]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".naggy"]--accent:#717E95; position:relative; z-index:1; overflow:hidden; [/newclass]

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font-size:12px; line-height:15px; border-radius:0px 0px 10px 10px; border-top:none; padding:30px 50px; letter-spacing:0.2px; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".naggy .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,877 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2022 18:00:39 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
It should have come as no surprise that people recognized him instantly. After all, he had worn this costume to several smaller costume parties around Halloween. Saber's eyes shifted between the two that were also donned in gear bearing the likenesses of legendary Pokémon. "Howdy!" Josh replied, his voice muffled a bit through the bars of his helmet's facepiece. There was something familiar about Matias' voice, but he couldn't quite put a finger on it. "Busy. Could only come out here due to timing, but I'm glad I did." It would be no fun if he explained why he was busy. Anyone in Hoenn could connect the dots if he talked about his Gym directly.

He turned his attention to the individual dressed like the Emerald Sky Serpent. "And howdy to you too!" Not too long after that, the dance proper was to begin. Event staff requested Josh hop off and recall his Manectric. "But Raikou is part of my--" He got a stern reiteration of the event's policies about large Pokémon. "Fine..." With that, he slid off the storm cloud and recalled his Manectric. "Killjoy," he mumbled, though loud enough and could hear him. "Back in a flash."

He left the duo's side just long enough to sample 's Mantis Green Jasmine Tea. While he wasn't much of a tea drinker, everything else at the event was alcoholic, and he was a Designated Rider. "Wow, this is quite good," Josh remarked as he raised his helmet's face guard, facing only Matias. He didn't want to reveal his face to Eva, after all!

{WC: 267}

NAME           SPECIES         STATUS
Saber          Manectric       Good

- Josh continues to make small talk with and .
- Josh reluctantly agrees to dismount and withdraw his Manectric.
- Josh samples 's tea and is pleasantly surprised!
- Costume: Manectric> Painted like Raikou, wearing a mask, tail dongle, and saddle in the likeness of Raikou's face, tail, and thundercloud. Josh> Dressed in his Halloween costume resembling his vision of what the Hero of Johto/Raikou's Avatar would look like. Very Medieval knight-like.
- The following characters can immediately recognize him and have permission to privately verbally unmask him: NIKY RACZ KYLE LOPEZ ELINOR ANDERSON CALLAN YOUNG ASHLEY SAWYER MINT FROST MELODY MIRO ISAAC MERLO MATIAS SILPH EVA MORALES
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played by


dr. graves
he / him
October 28
fallarbor town, hoenn
museum director
professor / researcher
allopatric isolation
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
i get by, but it's hard to forget in the smoke of denial and the fog of regret.
463 posts
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TAG WITH @gideon
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2022 18:30:10 GMT
Intentional the hint had been and, of course, picked up on it right away.

"Nice to see you too, John. You know I'd never let you flounder for too long." Gideon replied lowly, a distinct warmth in his voice. His arrival had had the desired effect in that his friend seemed to visibly relax, maybe even shake off some of his nerves a little bit. Enough to enjoy the rest of his evening?

Hopefully, because already the office worker was proving to be a hot commodity. in particular was rather complimentary, but a new face in the form of arrived as well to request a dance.

"Well, aren't you quite popular tonight. No surprise there, though." Although their reunion was short-lived, Gideon felt only happy relief that his friend was finding fun and companionship at the event.

With an amiable pat on John's back and a parting nod the museum direction stepped away, saying, "Enjoy your dances. Maybe save one for me if you have the time."

So it seemed 's wolfish plotting had been successful, unbeknownst to Gideon.

Inevitably as the ballroom doors opened and a chorus of sweet instrumental notes spilled from the chamber, Gideon's eyes scanned the masses of suits and dresses and masked faces for one in particular. She did not take long to find; Elisa exuded a radiant confidence that no one could miss.

"I believe I was promised a first dance." A guiding hand was offered, palm-up, for her to take. "Shall we?"
suit check + mask
• good luck !! have fun!
• first dance time ♡
• prompt #1 (dance the night away)

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august 21st
slateport city
office worker
everyday i think a little less like how i did when i was younger
96 posts
john nelson DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @john
john nelson
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2022 19:27:48 GMT
john nelson Avatar
Having Gideon there to ground him momentarily really does do wonders for John's anxiety. All the more so when he knows it's why Gideon came to talk to him. There's no fresh nerves over whether he's distracting his friend from having fun or pulling him away from something to save him. Just the comfort associated with someone caring enough to check in.

"Really, Giddy, thanks," he says gently before turning to the young man still hanging off his arm.

There's a bit more comfort drawn from the fact that the stranger isn't some big shot, and that he doesn't recognize the name floated to him. Of course John would never be so rude as to vocalize those thoughts -- no one wants to feel like they're small time -- but it's good to know he's not talking to 's brother or something.

"Orchestras are cool! Not my style, but maybe you've got some records more up my alley or uh . . . the DJing? Electronic stuff isn't really my -- anyway," The music is starting and Niky is pulling away. John doesn't have time to ramble if he's going to be polite, "I work in data entry and my name is uh . . ."

Part of the spirit of this party is discretion, right? So he leans in a little closer so he can tell the young man his name without exposing his "secret" identity to everyone.

"John, my name is John. Kinda boring, right? See you for a dance later, I guess."

He sees the boy off with a pat on the back before turning back to Gideon -- right in time for someone new to float into view. A woman this time. Pretty. Certainly having put much more work into her look than John. Again he gets an unpleasant butterfly sensation in his stomach as she asks for a dance. Unfortunately, when he looks to Gideon this time his friend is on the way out -- smiling and joking as he turns to go.

"I'll try to squeeze you in!" he calls after Gideon's retreating back, not-so-secretly affecting more humor than he truly has in him. He turns back to the woman who's just approached and wipes his hands on his pants.

"Yeah, sure, a dance? I can do that," he finally replies, "just one second."

The bar is right there so John takes a few steps, stammers out the name of that fancy drink Gideon had sold him on, and then hurries back. He even manages to avoid spilling the drink -- so long as one doesn't count a few splashes on their own fingers as spilling. He licks the outside of the glass to prevent any more dribbling. The bite of whiskey, offset by something sweet, coats his tongue.

"Do we just uh . . ." John questions when he returns no more than a few seconds later, extending his unoccupied hand awkwardly.
[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #C4AD87; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #C4AD87; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #C4AD87; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]

notes: feel free to start our dance thread, or message me and I can!

PROMPT 6: Just on his fingers

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March 03
Alamos, Sinnoh
boy genius
Associate Scientist
nature, nuture
heaven and home
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
sum of all and by them driven
541 posts
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TAG WITH @kepler
kepler brueshaber
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2022 20:39:30 GMT
kepler brueshaber Avatar
Kepler snorted a laugh, resting his head against the outside of Ash’s arm. “I tried to grab one as I was, you know, free falling back to earth. Can’t imagine why I missed.”

It was… slightly a stretch on the truth. Pluto had had him slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. But Kepler had been otherwise occupied, with the meteor’s disappearance and the opening of rifts all over Hoenn-- a sight he’d gotten to witness from a bird-eye view, firsthand.

“We can find one together, anyway,” he added, hasty, not entirely prepared for Ash to go off and have his own adventures by himself, yet. Part of him knew it was just a matter of time, but Kepler wanted to hold on as long as he could. Those moments in the hospital and before, when he hadn’t known if Ash was alive or dead, or if he was going to be okay-okay, had been the scariest moments of his life. Even scarier than that time he’d gotten handcuffed to a bike rack and left on the street in a thunderstorm…

He shakes his head, dispelling the memories, grounding himself in the feeling of Ash at his side and the warmth and glamor of the night.

“We can mingle!”
Kepler says, eyes still locked on ’s Tera Shard; his endeavors to approach her and question her about it are interrupted by someone ( ), who, by the tell of his handshake, is already doing something along those very same lines.

A Bulbasaur passes with a tray of beverages. “Or, um. A drink first? A drink first.”

He doesn’t drink often. Alcohol makes his heart do bass boosted hurdy gurdy. But he’s starting to get nervous, so he uses his free hand to grab something that appears remotely drinkable as the doors to the ballroom sweep wide and, like a current, they get drawn towards the dance floor.

“Do you want to dance?” he asked, looking up. “My parents made me take ballroom dance lessons as a kid. For some fucking reason unbeknownst to manki-- oh, shit, sorry!”

’s dreamlike, melodic swaying put her right on a collision course with Kepler’s drink arm, though he’s quick enough to jump out of the way as it hits the ground with a wet plop.

“I didn’t spill on you, did I?”

+ spill a drink oops

outfit | mask | hair

[newclass=.min] width:500px;text-align:justify;font-family:roboto;font-size:12px;letter-spacing:.8px;margin:0 auto; [/newclass] [newclass=.minpkmn] margin-top:-30px;padding-bottom:10px;text-align:center; [/newclass] [newclass=.minpkmn img] float:none;margin:0;box-shadow:none;border:none;margin-top:-10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.mintag] margin-bottom: -20px; padding-top: 10px; text-align: center; [/newclass]
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,741 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2022 22:58:20 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar

departed towards in a glamorous swish of skirts as her heels clacked against the tile, and Elisabeth watched the following exchange with no small amount of satisfaction as her scheming designs came to fruition. She smiled at as he walked towards her, unhindered by his previous company, grinning like the Persian who'd caught the Chatot. [break][break]

It was pleasant, to have one's plans work out so nicely.[break][break]

"Well. I wouldn't want to be accused of breaking promises so early in the night."[break][break]

The offered hand was graciously taken in her own, and she moved towards the centre of the dance floor with all the grace of a queen returning to her court.[break][break]

"Viens, cher étranger, allons danser."



- Front & Back, Hairstyle, Butterfly Mask.[break]
- Potentially recognizable due to fragrance (lily-of-the-valley/honeysuckle) and tendency to wear flowers at events. [break]
- Pleased af that she successfully diverted with . Jane Austen villainy COMPLETE. [break]
- Accepts dance with , beginning spin-off thread! [break]
- Prompt #1: Dance the Night Away.[break]
- Open to Interaction!



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played by


December 2
Aspertia City, Unova
Picking up the pieces
But I, I will, go on howling and hollow
1,109 posts
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TAG WITH @ashley
Ashley Shepard
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2022 23:30:51 GMT
Ashley Shepard Avatar

Happiness stirs in Ashley's mind, as he feels Kepler's head on his shoulder. Heavenly. Ash dotes upon Kepler, and for good reason. He nearly died, he wants that warmth. His chest feels fluffy, his heart is beating faster.

When Kepler locks eyes to , unfortunately they are both interrupted by , Ashley smiles quietly. Missed opportunities were fine, though when Kepler swipes a drink, Ashley doesn't. Not for lack of trying, but it would be incredibly awkward to try and grab a drink with his teeth, and his other arm? No chance.

Probably for the best anyways. Painkillers and drinks mix as well as Tide Pods and people.

The revelation that Kep could dance has Ashley's silvers turn to him. That was incredibly surprising. Not so much his response, but the fact he knew how is what surprises him most of all. But he's cut short when the drink spills. Taking a moment to look at , he grabs Kep's hand. "You okay?" He smiles, taking a second to assess the situation. While not yet going out to the dancefloor, the music is nice. The song sounds familiar. He's not even a holiday lover, but he likes the arrangement.

Makes sense why this would happen, considering.

He brushes Kep off with his left hand, looking over him. "How about you?" The dance could wait, he would look over them both before an altercation would start.

He just hopes that isn't the case!

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

[newclass=".sawyer"] [/newclass]
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- banter with Kep.
- attempts to lighten mood with drink spillage.
- will diffuse situcation
- enjoying music. All I Want For Crimbas specifically (Prompt 7!)
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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,048 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Dec 11, 2022 1:01:19 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar


After left him with her parting words, Zev only chuckled to himself, shaking his head with amusement at what a different woman she was when she thought no one could recognize her. Did she thrive in anonymity, then? Was it possible she only allowed herself to be who she wished she was when unshackled by the presumptions and judgements of others?[break][break]


When the ballroom's doors opened, Zev swept in with the rest of the eager guests. Instead of heading to the dance floor, he made a beeline for the bar. Discreetly, he checked to make sure everything was running smoothly before stepping up to the counter for his own drink.[break][break]

"A sazerac, please," he said to one of the bartenders, who promptly poured the cocktail and handed it to him.[break][break]

Then he pushed off and wandered, taking note of the decorations, the music. He'd started to recognize outfits and masks, piecing together possible identities and making new ones for the night when he could not. One in particular stood out to him — a young woman with pink hair who'd been alone all evening.[break][break]

Zev stood next to and flashed her a pleasant, disarming smile.[break][break]

"Careful, there's mistletoe." He raised his glass toward the well-placed sprig of green above them, its tiny white flowers barely visible from where they stood. "Might want to take a half-step that way so you're not caught under it."



Open to interaction![break]
Outfit + mask[break]
Grabs a drink and chats up Luka, pointing out the mistletoe above her[break]

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[newclass=".zevh .zevhpkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
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the nightingale
December 4th
Wedgehurst, Galar
in the low lamp light i was free / heaven and hell were words to me
106 posts
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TAG WITH @nightingale
thomas nightingale
POSTED ON Dec 11, 2022 2:08:02 GMT
thomas nightingale Avatar
[attr="class","thadmain"]One would never imagine it from looking at him, but Thomas was quite the accomplished dancer.

On good days, when his pain was low, he’d been one of the most pined-after, devilishly handsome, rakish suitors in all of the Galarian societal circulate. He had not suffered through years of etiquette education to come away with nothing.

The problem was, the older he got, the fewer good days he had. And, since he’d arrived in Hoenn, he’d had almost none. This was the second edge of the sword they always spoke about; certainly, his employers had hoped to get a few more good years out of him before taking him out back like an old racehorse.

Still, he so rarely got the chance to dress up anymore…

…and so it was that Thomas arrived at the Gala, fashionably late and far behind any news coverage that might announce his presence. He had, in fact, scoped the locale and find a trail of Mime-adjacents heading in and out through a particular doorway; this is the route by which he entered, cutting a short path through the kitchens to emerge near the bar.

He was dressed simply, but expensively, in a well-fitted black suit with a gray, embroidered greatcoat overtop; his mask, silver and hewn into the shape of a hawk’s beak; his cane was black and tipped in silver fleur de lis, and, for once, fit in quite well.

The smell and sounds of the ball took him back. He wondered how the Hoennites effectuated dance cards, though he had no intentions of dancing; he would, perhaps, like to find the marchioness of celebrations and pass along his compliments, enjoy a fine beverage, and people watch. All facets of his profession, though frequently overlooked.

He finds himself, through the push and shift of the crowd, brought into orbit of a young man with a spring-fresh visage… though the thunderstorm of exhaustion, so hinted at by Molly (who perched on his arm with oogling eyes as though he were her chaperone for the season, and not the other way around), that clouded the air around him came off quite contradictory to such.

“Looking for someone?” Thomas asked, as he sipped his drink. “I’m quite proficient at wallflowering. Perhaps I can help you look?”

+ i was told that someone needs a hug.
wearing | mask
+ dwinking a bevewage

[newclass=.thad] font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; [/newclass][newclass=.thadmain] margin: 0 auto; width:330px;background-color:#2b2b2b;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:11.5px;line-height:14px;letter-spacing:.5px;[/newclass][newclass=.thadtag] text-align:right;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom: -15px; padding-top: 15px;[/newclass][newclass=.thad b] color: #876C7C; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.thad i] color: #876C7C; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.thad u] text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: #876C7C; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; font-weight: bold; [/newclass][newclass=.thad a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 13px Poppins!important; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.thadpoke] width:420px;background-color:#272727;height:60px;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center right;text-align:center;padding-bottom:15px;margin: 0 auto;margin-top:-10px;[/newclass]
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,584 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Dec 11, 2022 4:13:31 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

Winter Masquerade


Nomi had never actually been asked to dance before, not by anyone half as charming as this man, which is why she momentarily forgot to be cautious (given the anonymous nature of the event), and eagerly took 's hand. He led her to the dance floor, where music had just begun to echo through the large chamber.[break][break]
's rendition of All I want for Christmas is You was instantly recognizable, and Nomi found herself humming along to the tune as she and her mystery man started dancing, joined by several other couples. "I always liked her version," Nomi commented, more to herself than for anyone else to hear. More than a few eyes swept over her as she was twirled past; she assumed, as she had before, that it was because of her crystal - though she couldn't help but notice a few eyes on her partner, as well. Was he more recognizable than she had realized?[break][break]
Valerian stalked the perimeter of the dance floor, baby blue eyes locked on Nomi's dance partner like some kind of laser beam. Nomi ignored the Sylveon, instead focusing on the fact that her face had grown quite hot indeed beneath her mask, what with the feel of strong arms around her, holding her close as she swayed. She was glad for her anonymity all of a sudden, given that she was quite inexperienced with dancing and was surely making a fool of herself. All of a sudden it felt rather foolish that she had never actually attended more social events before, focusing much more on her studies than she ever had on going to dance clubs or house parties with other university students.[break][break]
Well, she was here now and someone had noticed her. Better give him her full attention.[break][break]
"You asked about the exhibit, and any rumors I might have heard about it," Nomi began, trying to meet the stranger's gaze from behind his mask. "I believe there will be at least one Tera Crystal and one Primal Crystal on display, as well as remnants of 99943-Meteno itself - meteoric rock, that is. I'd also expect a Mega Stone or two, and some precious and rare gemstones. I know for a fact that this museum has all of the evolution stones in its possession, as well as many rare fossils." She paused, then lowered her voice somewhat. "To be quite frank, whatever's in there will likely be things I have seen before. I'm more curious about...the reactions I might witness, when my own Tera Crystal passes by all of the objects I listed."[break][break]
The man had clearly identified what Nomi had secured to her mask, that much was obvious. It twinkled at him, like a miniature aurora borealis. What use was there in lying to him or trying to play coy? She ought to be proud of what she'd recovered, she'd displayed it for a reason, hadn't she? A part of her had wanted to be noticed. I wouldn't be noticed otherwise, a small voice in the back of her mind lamented.[break][break]
"But now it's your turn to answer some of my questions," she declared boldly. "What exactly do you do for a living, anyway? How would you come across worldly curiosities? What have you found recently, for example?"

| Open to interactions![break][break]


- Nomi's Dress[break]
- Nomi's Mask[break]
- Fulfilling Prompt 7: Music Appreciation[break]
- Allows to lead her to the dance floor[break]
- Tells him about her interest in the special exhibit, then asks him for more information about what, exactly, he does for a living...



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP