i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 3:29:16 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]The time for second thoughts had come to an end.[break][break]

Isaac had wormed his way out of the hospital (perhaps sooner than he should have). He'd cobbled together something resembling a daily life. He returned to work at the Howling. He snuck onto a few dead simple Rocket missions. He survived the Great Snowboy War of 2022, for crying out loud![break][break]

He still wasn't feeling great about his hand eye coordination. But maybe that was okay. After all, he had a hand to hold onto tonight. His beloved had promised to guide him through the night, through dances and navigation alike. Frankly, there wasn't a single hand he'd rather have in this whole damn museum. This was all he'd need to make it through.[break][break]

"You ready?" he asked, his smile shy and uncertain. Then he slipped his mask atop his face, and the uncertainty vanished in a second. It wasn't his usual style; rather than the rubber masks he was more familiar with, this mask was more of a solid shell. Nevertheless, there was something satisfying about how it settled onto his face.[break][break]

The mask was an ivory color, delicate trails of gold leaf traced around its surface. It was a very bright accompaniment, serving as a stark contrast to the dark eyepatch that rested against it. In the leadup to this night, Isaac had fervently been debating whether to cover his eyepatch or not. Instead, he decided to accentuate it, dolling it up with golden decor and letting it nestle into the crook of his half-mask. After all, it wasn't how he looked that he was ashamed of. He'd rather be loudly and proudly eyeless than cover it up and look like some stumbling fool.[break][break]

The rest of his outfit was a handsome mix of gold and black, a flashy and ostentatious combination for a flashy and ostentatious night. Most of his body had been draped in a dark greatcoat, lined with all manner of flashy, golden patterns. While the coat's bottom was far more decorated than its top, this is because its pattern seemed to seamlessly interweave with the vest that he wore beneath. Outward to inward, toe to tip, Isaac's outfit was a solid flow designed to catch attention and carry it right towards his mask.[break][break]

The musketeer's hat on top, with a wine-dark feather and matching golden trim, brought the whole look together. The greatcoat and eyepatch already made him look like some kind of sexy pirate, so he'd figured, fuck it, why not? With the whole ensemble readied, he was ready to be Hoenn's next top many of mystery.[break][break]

He entered the museu, with a flourish, yet he hadn't come alone. After all, he was hand in hand with another, and what kind of boyfriend would he be if he didn't spin her in like the belle of the ball that she was? If tonight was about putting on a show? Then they'd put on a show, alright!


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST /


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played by


dr. graves
he / him
October 28
fallarbor town, hoenn
museum director
professor / researcher
allopatric isolation
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
i get by, but it's hard to forget in the smoke of denial and the fog of regret.
463 posts
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TAG WITH @gideon
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 3:30:16 GMT
CRISPR was not one to usually show interest in strange Pokémon, yet as Evangeline the BEAUTIFLY floated over he dipped his wing in greeting. A tinkling tone soon followed the gesture - a friendly word comprehensible only to the two butterflies and not the humans surrounding them.

Meanwhile, Gideon had been relieved of his offered champagne glass and received a question from in the same motion.

"Charity at a charity ball? I suppose a giving spirit is appropriate for the setting." A cheekier statement than he would normally reply with, but the anonymity of the evening had emboldened him.

Before more could be said, tugged at their attention, which Gideon willingly gave to the older man in the delightfully theatrical mask. "Not at all, and thank you for the compliment."

Just as August was about to issue his toast, several guests flocked to the refreshment table to join their group, including , , and @girard. They were just in time to raise their glasses to the older man's hope for a wonderful evening.

Gideon himself dipped his flute and took a sip of the bubbling champagne within before sweeping his umber gaze across the newest members of their little gathering. was given a friendly, acknowledging nod (the elder Graves brother refrained from eyeing her chest), although she seemed to want to strike up conversation with . @girard, on the other hand, was offered a lingering look - one of appreciation for the man's nature-themed outfit.

Then , of course, whom Gideon recognized immediately. He'd play oblivious though, for the sake of tonight's theme. "It's only just begun, but I've already found myself in good company. And you?"
suit check | mask
• at refreshment table with , , , @girard, &
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played by


The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,048 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 3:59:59 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

As guests arrived, grabbed drinks, and formed small groups with each other, Zev prowled the foyer like a wolf on the hunt. He snatched snippets of conversation — a toast here, a compliment there. Discerning blue eyes noted the way people held themselves, their gaits, their gestures. Zev's mental file cabinet was wide open, trying to connect the smallest details to potential identities.[break][break]

He thought he located among the crowd, sipping wine with an unknown woman on his arm. The blonde woman with ivory roses woven into her hair was undoubtedly , especially considering the Beautifly who hovered by her. The cut of 's hair was familiar, though the woman in red did not appear to be wearing an eyepatch with her mask. And then there was a young man of the same height, missing eye, and eccentricity as .[break][break]

But then Zev laid his eyes on a couple approaching one of the bars, and the world seemed to slow.[break][break]

The masked man's height, stride, build — everything about him was instantly recognizable.[break][break]

It was , and he had come with a date.[break][break]

The woman at Caleb's side was familiar to Zev — too familiar, though he could not figure out why just yet. Her dress was as stunning as it was dangerous; one wrong movement and she could reveal more to the crowd than unmasking would by itself.[break][break]

Zev walked toward the pair without hurry, timing his movement so he reached the bar just as they did. "I'll have a whiskey, neat," he told the bartender, who happened to be one of his employees.[break][break]

Then he turned to Caleb and the woman, and he smiled the most charming, dimple-cheeked smile he knew to make. But instead of addressing his brother, Zev addressed her.[break][break]

"What about you, miss? What's your poison of choice this evening?" His eyes flickered to Caleb ever so briefly, and his smile widened. "Or if this gentleman has already ordered it for you, then perhaps I could offer you the first dance instead?"



- Open to interaction![break]
- Outfit & mask[break]
- Makes guesses as to the identities of a few guests, but absolutely recognizes Caleb[break]
- Intercepts Caleb and Rosalie (unrecognized) and asks her if she wants a drink/dance



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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,741 posts
part of
TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 4:14:02 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar

Stepping into the high-spirited nature of ballroom conversation felt natural now, after so many years of having honed that verbal skill to her own satisfaction. It elated her in a way that was only heightened by the champagne.[break][break]

To , Elisabeth offered a chiming laugh, demurring politely: "A sparkling jewel of Lumiose City? My, to think a Galarian would speak so highly of anything Kalosian. You must have had more champagne than your filled glass implies."[break][break]

When arrived, masked but her voice revealing a playfulness that suggested closeness, Elisabeth greeted her fondly with a peck on the cheek. "Ah, they do say beauty is pain," was her quip regarding the interior's décor, lips curving into a self-satisfied smile. "Which is to say you must be in agony, looking as stunning as you do this evening."[break][break]

she did not recognize, but his unabashed interest in her companion's decolletage neither went unnoticed nor without silent judgment of his character. There goes a man who has no understanding of subtlety, she thought, both entertained and blissfully unaware of his actual employment as a secret agent of the League.[break][break]

She was about to respond to the Galarian gentleman's invitation to dance when @girard appeared, yet another unexpected foray into her Ariados's web tonight. Deeply amused, Elisabeth let out a bright laugh, gesturing airily to the foyer and the security guards keeping the ballroom closed until the right hour chimed.[break][break]

"Dancing has not even begun yet, no? Yet here you are filling my dance card before we even step foot inside. Il y a cependant un temps et un lieu pour chaque chose, as we say in Kalos. The night is young, gentlemen." [break][break]

A mocking smile preceded her final deciding answer as she turned the full light of her emerald eyes on , a challenge in their gleam.[break][break]

"Call me uncharitable, but I don't trust men who give things without wanting something in return. Shall I repay that debt with your first dance tonight?"

@girard [break][break]


- Front & Back, Hairstyle, Butterfly Mask.[break]
- Potentially recognizable due to fragrance (lily-of-the-valley/honeysuckle) and tendency to wear flowers at events. [break]
- Playful banter with , , @girard, and . Low key judgment of for sneaking peeks at Summer's ample assets.[break]
- Asks to be first dance. >:3[break]
- Open to Interaction!



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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,211 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 4:17:35 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
out of the ruins,

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
flowers will grow


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
i can offer nothing, still you won't let go

"Canvas Mask..." There is thought that revolves around her words as she looks to his mask, a faint Kalosian accent lingering on her tongue. "Then I guess I'm Stars! Or Polaris? Constellations!"[break][break]

It's funny how the little things are what's enough to get her mind off intrusive thoughts. The glimmer in her eyes matches the sparkles on her own mask, the decorative stars clearly made to look like a Luxray's own.[break][break]

"Could we sneak in though? Won't we get in trouble?" With a difference in persona comes a slight difference in worded demeanor, and yet the way she tugs on his hand tells him just how excited she is to go take a peek.


tagged & open!

template by punki

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
part of
TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 4:31:55 GMT



FORMAL WEAR IS FERNANDO’S BREAD AND BUTTER. no suit, no matter how extravagant, would make him unrecognizable to those familiar with the league’s premier councilman. his wardrobe is polished with painful repetition. suit jackets and button downs that make even the most complicated mask useless when everything from the neck down is ingrained in the halls of league headquarters.

only those who have yet to meet him in person would fall for such a weak guise. one that shows little care for the anonymity that such an event prides itself on. his mask, in that regard, proves contradictory. a blanche domino mask that covers both eyes. a stark difference to those that only reveal their eyes. for what they hide behind their mask, he would instead reveal by showing his circumstantial loss.

a sight to see, or rather his lack thereof.

does it live up to your expectations,” is his version of small talk as he extends a hand for his ‘date’. the repeated flash of paparazzi cameras litter the main entrance and fernando pays them little mind. even as someone shouts his name, an obvious guess considering how little he’s dolled himself up, he moves to usher both of them into the museum with little detour.

for he has little mind to drag her into a gossip mill of societal vultures and prying leers. his choice in the matter is one of convenience: someone detached enough away from his life to categorize such an invitation as ‘work’ or as a courtesy while close enough that it bears more meaning than picking a stranger off slateport’s street.

- fernando arrives in his normal suit
- people who have met him in person repeatedly can probably recognize him
- wearing a plain mask that hides his eyes
- asks his date a question as they walk past paparazzi and into the museum

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played by


Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
553 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 4:37:17 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
And once again, Elaine Highland arrived fashionably late to another formal party. At this point, it seemed part and parcel for her life to do so when a case was not involved. Festivities had long since been underway before she had arrived so she had felt quite out of place in the world of formality. No matter how many times she experienced it, it always felt like she had been whisked away to a different world.

And yet here she was.

In stark contrast to the usual dress she wore to events like this, she had chosen a new red dress that had slowly made a gradient towards black as it reached her chest. Further upon her shoulders was a red shawl held together with a golden clasp and two chains. Atop her face was the requisite masquerade mask.

The vibrant dress would have been a perfect fit for her were it not for the dissonance laid bare by the presence of bandages reaching across her left upper chest and arm and the sling in place over her shoulder. She had been injured in the arduous battle on the meteorite and though it was hardly enough to leave her hospitalized, it was something she still needed to be wary of. The amount she pushed herself despite the ungraceful landing on the celestial object was far beyond what any doctor would have been fine with so her own doctor ordered her to keep the sling for a few weeks.

Unfortunately, that even meant forgoing motorcycle riding for the time being. At least, given her dress, that was probably for the better.

Quickly moving past the entrance, Elaine avoided the crowds and cameras, passing by multiple people who were rocking their outfits than she was capable of at the moment. Deciding to avoid the bar for now (there was no need to get a drink this early, after all), she made her way down towards the ice sculptures.

As she did, another person entered her view--a young woman in a white dress and ornate mask, running her fingers across an accessory on her arm.

"So, I'm not the only person who gravitated here, huh?" Elaine asked, loudly enough for the young woman to hear.

TL;DR: Elaine encounters at the ice sculptures. 
Elaine is open to interaction with anyone.

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august 27
laverre city
league intern / student
25 height
25 height
we survive only by our nature
172 posts
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TAG WITH @iseult
iseult babineaux
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 6:22:45 GMT
iseult babineaux Avatar

she had taken it as work. it was written on her face, the moment she’d begun to process his invitation, and while she’d assumed it had been due to his being too busy to find a real date, she wondered if he had considered the media.[break][break]
if recognized at some point, there would be a brief wave of press coverage in kalos. suddenly, the babineaux name, having mostly disappeared over the course of their absence, would be relevant again for a moment. from a political family promised to return to kalos, it would be exciting news that iseult was spotted on the arm of a hoennian councilman after the region had just overcome certain doom.[break][break]
she had expected the cameras, at least for him, recognizable even with the mask that obscured his remaining eye. she was unenchanted by all the noise and flashing. it wasn't particularly new—she simply hadn’t seen it in a few years. her life had become more 'normal' as a student and assistant to hoenn's council.[break][break]
”precicely.” she forced a smile for the press, and went along with him. ”and yours?”[break][break]
her eyes, not hidden like his, passed over the room from behind a sparkling gold mask, as classic in its shape as the long red dress she wore.

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]
  • arrives with fernando
  • wearing gold domino mask & long red dress

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
816 posts
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 7:05:14 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

You know, white dress, white heels, hair done up, silver mask, all of it might make it easy to hide her appearance. Her perfume has her smell of cashmere wood, cinnamon, vanilla, with a cool blast of eucalyptus and wintergreen. There's a couple of reasons to wear something like this; one reason comes to mind but Genny isn't sure if that is here.

Besides, she's here of her own accord. Pulling up her dress, and wobbily walking towards the security, she gives a curtsy to the Mimes. "Good evening!" It's a little cold outside, too cold for a more proper greeting, so she wants in before her tootsies freeze!

Once inside, she adjusts her dress, pulling it up and grabs at the sides so it doesn't drag on the floor. It's a rental, and she's not getting it dirty! She's not someone who walks in heels often, and it shows, but she has had practice.

Time to mingle. Still, her tiny maybe now five foot one inch frame thanks to her heels was miniscule to most of the crowd, so she began to look about the place... so many beautiful people!

You know what? This is just the occasion for something to take the edge off!

As she quietly begins making her way towards the bar, seeing a bunch of people toasting (, , , , , , @girard, ) she saw on the news, she holds up a finger towards the bartender. "One champagne glass please!" She's mousy, quietly moving forward, as she grabs the glass, and holds it up to at the very least help in the late toast.

As she raises her glass, she smiles and continues it for just a moment. "I think I'm a little late to the toast, but a toast to how beautiful everyone looks tonight!" And then proceeds to down it because, honestly, she's so nervous that she needs the edge taken off. If only @elio were here, though she is at least hoping to have a few dance partners tonight. She had to mingle! Like that one woman with that big green cat!

With the drink now drunk, she makes a comment immediately. "I just wish I got here a little earlier." She's sheepish now, but at least she still intended to mingle! To get to know the masked individuals. Whoever they were! And if all went well, another drink or two through the night would help her unwind!

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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- arrive at party, kinda late
- goes to bar to try and unwind
- gives a toast to the toastees (August, Gideon, Kyrenai, Aurelie, Penelope, Cian, Girard, Summer)
- trying to mingle, please excuse redhead Galarian girl!
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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 7:14:24 GMT




he pauses for good measure, as if trying to create a word suitable for such festivities. ultimately, he comes up short, settling for an acute, “—much.

camera shutters continue to snap behind them as the entrance crowds with vehicles and pokemon alike. the shuffle inside is uneventful as fernando secretly scan those around him from behind his mask. what he looks for is not their identities but instead key signs of danger.

what was once paranoia becomes due diligence in light of all he’s suffered this year.

a bit too gaudy for my taste,” he continues, “but perhaps that is what the region needs. a chance to indulge now that the pressure of armageddon no longer looms over us.

once inside, he is decisive with his intent. the emptiest place, the dance floor, becomes his area zero. it promises freedom from the lingering extras around them.

care for a light warm up before someone steal you away from me, babineaux?

- recognizable to those who have met him in person repeatedly
- wearing a plain mask that hides his eyes

- converses with iseult
- steers toward dance floor
- requests first dance with iseult


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august 27
laverre city
league intern / student
25 height
25 height
we survive only by our nature
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TAG WITH @iseult
iseult babineaux
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 7:40:35 GMT
iseult babineaux Avatar

”perhaps you’re right.”[break][break]
it was a ball. glamorous, and full of social performances. of course it was a gaudy, and of course it was ‘a bit much’, and it wasn’t quite her taste either. she felt jaded by such qualities of her old environment.[break][break]
they were here to go through the motions, and try to make it out headache-free.[break][break]
”steal me away?” she gave a small smile over, eyes lingering on his mask. there was something odd about not being able to meet someone’s gaze, almost unsettling—but she knew the councilman, and wasn’t made uncomfortable by it. her hand was offered. ”i’ll take you up on that.”

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]
  • time to dance silph
  • wearing gold domino mask & long red dress

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".iseult"]--accent:#a192ca; position:relative; z-index:1; overflow:hidden; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".iseult .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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October 25
Canalave City
ANVIL General
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Felix Gallagher
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 9:50:42 GMT
Felix Gallagher Avatar
The Winter Masquerade acted as 's latest method for torturing Felix. It'd been quite some time since the last ANVIL assignment had found its way back to his desk, given his more pressing responsibilities as an admin. So when he did receive the invitation, there was a lot of dismay in his initial reaction.

That is until he noticed one of the names attached to it.


So that was how he found himself dressed to nines on a chilly December night, stationed up against one of the many pillars of the museum's hall. He was, of course, wearing the exact shirt had picked out for him several nights beforehand, so they'd at least be matching in one way.

"I'll try," he recalled whispering to her last night, in reference to being asked to sneak away for a dance or two. He wondered if he'd even be able to keep his end of the promise.

Until then, his green eyes only continued to survey the expansive room, flicking from side to side, face to face, keeping note of everything and nothing all at once. The points he'd continue to reach back to were:
(1) the entrance, in hopes of catching ,
(2) the exhibits,
(3) the golden crown of the party-- a woman behind a butterfly mask, surrounded by a sea of guests.

- just watching and acting as SECURITY!!! 



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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 10:58:15 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
While masquerades typically called for a bit of flair, particularly when it came to GALARIAN customs, was neither in the mood for such customs nor in GALAR. So, abandoning the fanciful cravats and ascots he might have worn otherwise, the prince chooses instead a modern black tie and a dashing black suit to accompany it. It suited his demeanor as of late.

The real trouble came in choosing a mask.

He had many in his collection: the Scholar, the Owl, the Demon... the FOX. But only one whispered to him now. It was a refurbished relic of the DRACONID people, a mask of obsidian and gold once made for some sort of long-forgotten ritual. Upon closer inspection, its intricate designs included unknown plants and unknown dragons as well.

The prince steps down one of the many halls of his estate, placing this mask on as a SHEDINJA hovers along behind him. Then, as his hands reach up to straighten his tie, he nods. "Very well... CICERO, PHANTOM FORCE."


A SHADOWY PORTAL spawns just outside the NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. With an air of confidence and regal standing, the MASKED PRINCE emerges from said portal with his SHEDINJA attendant, bypassing the slightly annoyed aristocrats behind them who had taken limos and Corviknight taxis.

Thankfully, they pass the ANVIL security checkpoint without issue, entering the MAIN HALL of the museum and stopping to marvel at scenery and finely dressed people attending.


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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 11:15:44 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
arrives on a wintry gust of wind from a departing Corviknight, coat flaring out behind her as she graces the Museum’s grand entrance with the not-so-gentle thump of leather boots on shiny marble floor.
Elegantly curled horns catch the soft ambient lighting as the ship captain casts a silver gaze across the expanse of masked people, casually unapologetic about her lack of social finesse.
As one of the listed sponsors, it would only be fitting for her to attend this event. Never mind the obstinate tilt of her chin, or the brusque manner in which she unhesitatingly strides forward to peer at one of the cordoned off rooms. Gleaming platters and bottles winking tauntingly just out of reach.
No matter. Skyler is nothing if not adaptable.
She keeps a fair distance from the ice sculptures, eyes darkened by the thought of the newly formed Silent Icelands, and leans against one of the colossal pillars in the room. She wasn’t, the captain tells herself, going to be a problem tonight. No matter what.
From one of her pockets emerges a silver flask, which she takes to her lips.
Then again, she’d never been that good of a liar.
[attr="class","notes"]outfit | coat | mask[break]introductory post - just chillin' and drinking some tequila woop we're starting early boys


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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2022 12:35:23 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar




- locke is standing around awkwardly
- open to interaction
- locke outfit and mask
- latias disguise, outfit, and mask




Locke was at one of the fanciest parties he'd ever been to, in the nicest thing he'd ever worn, and he could not relax.


His gloved hands fidgeted underneath the cape-a cape, when would he ever wear a cape again-unable to decide on the least awkward place for them to rest. He desperately wished he could busy them with a drink or one of the little foods being passed around, but every time he reached for one he remembered the price tag attached to the loaned outfit and quickly drew away.


At least at Mossdeep's soiree they could pick out and drift towards the people they knew. Here, under the sea of masks, even the most familiar faces became strangers. They could only hope their own choice of facial wear-a feathery half-mask that resembled a Delibird's face-would be enough to signal their identity to anyone who knew them.


Latias was not so intimidated.


Bringing the legendary-under the disguise of Lottie for tonight-as a plus one also meant getting her own outfit, or an illusory copy of one while the real dress was carefully tucked away in Locke's bag, which they kept an iron grip on while their companion gawked at the decorated interior of the museum.


After a few moments of sensing her building curiosity, the courier finally relented.


"Just don't get into any trouble."


With that the disguised legendary took off to explore, leaving Locke to their usual wallflower routine.


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP