i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 3:29:17 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Isaac was the shining speartip of Motostoke's sworn defenders, but he was far from alone. , as always, was the wind beneath his wings. They stood side by side, a protective point for Motostoke's peasantry to rally behind as they smashed back at the mounting sludge. So, too, had , her Venusaur clearing out one flank as a person () Isaac didn't recognize smashed down the other. Isaac felt his grudge simmer at the back of his brain, but he forced it down to shoot Lis a nod of acknowledgment.[break][break]

Others used his earthen field for their own ends. fought back invaders by the barricades, while took advantage of it to push onwards towards the train station. His single, reckless charge, born not from his resentment and grudge towards others but from a simple desire to protect others, had rippled into explosive successes up and down the city limits.[break][break]

On the outside, Isaac offered Caleb a casual fistbump. On the inside, he was ecstatic. He'd reignited his spark.[break][break]

They couldn't rest now, though. Not when other threats to the city were approaching. On one side, a beast that looked like an off-colored Articuno sailed towards outer walls. An army of corrupted Pokemon shambled in its wake, the sludge surrounding them like some sort of liquid parasite. In the colosseum, a titanic Garbodor emerged, only the valiant efforts of the station crew stopping it from reaching full power.[break][break]

"If we split our focus, we're just gonna have two monsters running wild on this town," Isaac warned. "And Aurelie's the best smith I know. If she says those walls can hold off an army, I trust her. So lets hit Stankzilla with everything we've got while they last!" The Noticuno would be occupied by walls. The Garbodor would be occupied by taking lives.[break][break]

His Ground-type field continued to pulsate around him. He had no idea how much longer it would last, but he sure as hell wasn't going to miss his chance at taking advantage of it. He headed now to Aurelie's side, his Aron landing next to her Gollet to let their Earthquakes magnify each other's strengths.[break][break]

l4rkbveF (+15)[break][break]

TEAL DEER;[break]
Isaac is proud of what he helped spark.[break]
Isaac suggests most fighters focus on Garbodor, instead of splitting the damage and pissing off two town-wide threats at once.[break]
He joins ranks with Aurelie to send another Earthquake the titan's way.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / M-M-M-M-MEGATHREAD


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,884 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 4:54:32 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Try as the hands might, Raikiri was simply too slippery to be caught by them. The mythical thundercat proved to be fast and powerful, cleaving through hand after hand. While not Raikou, it certainly felt like Raikou Lite. More importantly, that power was his. He was doing great work on his own, just like said he would. Feeling like what he did actually mattered for the first time gave him courage, and most importantly, independence. It was gratifying, even liberating. 's words rang true.

He didn't need the blessing of a god to be great.

The reports of the GALARIAN ARTICUNO made Josh briefly shiver. The stories he and had exchanged long ago came to mind, as well as the Head Ranger's warnings about how being involved with the divine had drawbacks for every advantage it bestowed. From what he had gathered by talking to many people, he had concluded that a hidden prerequisite was proving one could face the divine without the help of the divine.

Hearing the reports of the Iceborne Mirage look-alike's incredible speed, Josh found his calling in the battle. He radioed to his allies over League comms.

LEAGUE COMMS ( ): " and I may be the only ones fast enough to keep up with the Articuno, or whatever it is. I'm going after it and I'm giving it everything I've got. Clear the center of the street if you can, because we're going hypersonic. Over and out."

The Emergent knew exactly what that meant; after all, he had passed down the secret of his Z-Move to the Champion as part of their training regiment before the Battle of Dewford. Turning off his comms before deploying his ultimate move, Josh braced himself as close to the thundercat as he could, making sure his cocoon was fully zipped into place before giving the order to barrel down the street. Thankfully the two had a nice, long main road to get started. The long street was one of the reasons he had chosen to go to Hammerlocke in the first place. "HYPERSONIC..."

Squeezing his Zeraora's sides, Josh coaxed his mount to get up to speed. And what awe-inspiring speed it was. To those familiar with Johtonian legends but not familiar with Zeraora, they very well could have looked like Raikou and the hero that rode on his back. A cone of arc lightning flew around the Gym Leader as he absorbed the harsh acceleration force to come.


With a deafening sonic boom that was the reason he silenced his comms, the cone of lightning surrounding feline and rider grew, Josh whipped back and forth with every blistering speed turn Raikiri's screeching paws navigated. Even with the small but essential layer of protection his idle Sygna Suit provided, the speed was overwhelming. Paralyzing, even. It reminded him of his Extreme Speed ride on Kyle's Raikou-familar. Was this comparable to that?

After the last turn, he could barely see the Articuno through the arc lightning, anything not directly in front of him a blur from the ludicrous rate of speed he had reached. Perhaps it was for the best he had regrouped his focus away from Raikou. If this was the kind of speed Raikiri was capable of, how much faster would the legendary's version of this hidden technique be? There was no time to think about that, though; despite their great distance, impact with the bird was a split second away. He let out a loud war cry as the Zeraora lunged toward the legendary foe, though no one could hear him as all the knuckles on his hands turned a solid white.

He was going too fast to hear his own scream.


- As word of the Galarian Articuno reaches Josh, he goes on League comms and invites to fight alongside him.
- Josh straps himself onto Raikiri and initiates the Z-MOVE: HYPERSONIC PLASMA CHARGE.
- Quickly overwhelmed by the intense speed he felt was comparable to Raikou, Josh braced himself for impact.

{WC: 569}
{PC: 5}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good
Saber           Manectric         Good
Aslan           Pyroar**          KO
Resheph         Dragonair         Good
Mastema         Togekiss          Good
Sidewinder      Dragapult         Good

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April 1
Tackle Shop Manager
Got My Wingman
Ace's Basses
34 height
34 height
Someone's always criticizing. You might as well do what the fuck you want.
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TAG WITH @maddmckenna
Madeline McKenna
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 10:00:04 GMT
Madeline McKenna Avatar
[attr="class","samjermain"]As the turtle top spun, Madd’s breath hitched in her chest. Her tongue darted out to nervously taste her dry, cracked lips. You can do this, Aurora. A growl reverberated deep within the Blastoise’s shell. For a second, it seemed like this would work as well as she thought. They’d just get muddy with nothing to show for it. Suddenly, the earth caved with a loud crash. Water pooled at the Blastoise’s belly as its head emerged. She looked a little dizzy—green tinting her figurative gills.

A call of approval went up from the crowd on the other side of the guest house. The roar of gushing poison subsided to a dribble as water again filled the spring. “Heh.” Madd couldn’t help chuckling. Better to let them think their hard work put an end to the tide. “Let’s keep this our little secret, all right?” She was surprised how good this success made her feel. It'd been a while since Madd felt like what she did matered.

She reached down to help the turtle from the hole. After the mud almost sent her tumbling into the canyon, the redhead pulled back. “You all right if I put you in your ball?” After a third failed attempt at climbing up, the Blastoise huffed. Then, as she stumbled for the fourth time, Aurora’s pride cracked enough to force a nod.

The moment the turtle vanished, a call of alarm erupted from the city’s borders. Reports of an army echoed from her dusty old communicator. Since when is Articuno purple? But any chance of admiring the bird vanished as it attacked. ”Yo, Oranguru here.” Gods, that was a stupid name. But teenage her thought it was funny. “I’d try throwing a ball at Cyclops. Pretty sure ye olde Galar didn’t have—oh, shit.” Communications ceased in a burst of static. The ground beneath her shook, sending the redhead to her knees.

In a shower of dirt and mess, a gigantic crab burst from the earth. Madd took a few steps back as if a few yards might fix the scaling issue. With a nod, she plucked a Pokeball from her belt. She did her best to tamp her fear down as the Kingler turned to face her, the foam on its beard hissing like a barrel of snakes. “Let’s do this.” An Ampharos erupted in a beam of light. Its beady eyes narrowed at the crab, a grin forming on its pointed snout.

Madd never really got into battling—not like , anyway. Father found the idea of his daughter scrapping like some schoolyard ruffian quite unappealing. So, she never really focused much on ranged attacks, instead preferring stuff that was up close and personal—a decidedly dumb decision in this scenario. “Thunder punch.”

With a bleat, the fearless Amphsros rushed the Kinger with a fist of white sparks. The smell of ozone filled the air as it threw its attack at one spindly, chitin-covered leg.

gtBGVbS_ (+15)



  • Has a moment of silent celebration as she succeeds
  • Listens to the defenders cheer as the flow stops—decides to keep her involvement to herself
  • Suggests someone tries throwing a Pokeball at Big Bird
  • Withdraws the Blastoise in favor of Ampharos
  • Ampharos uses Thunder Punch on the Kingler’s nearest leg


TAG GOES HERE[newclass=.samjer] font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; [/newclass][newclass=.samjermain] margin: 0 auto; width:350px;background-color:#272727;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:10px;line-height:14px;letter-spacing:.5px;[/newclass][newclass=.samjertag] text-align:right;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom: -15px; padding-top: 15px;[/newclass][newclass=.samjermain b] color: #AF6D28; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjermain i] color: #D89654; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjer u] text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: #D49736; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; font-weight: bold; [/newclass][newclass=.samjer a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 10px Poppins!important; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjerpoke] width:440px;height:60px;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat; border-top: 6px solid #CC7D2F;background-position:center right;text-align:center;padding-bottom:15px;margin: 0 auto;margin-top:-10px; background-color: #191919;[/newclass][newclass=.samjertop] width:440px;height:50px;background-color: #CC7D2F;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center right;text-align:center;padding-bottom:5px;margin: 0 auto;margin-top:-10px;[/newclass]
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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 10:15:52 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
Once the barricades are erected, and once people are tended to, El is content to let out a gentle exhale as they sit down nearby. They need to give their knee a rest, with how much they've been on the move in these past hours; Akero returning to her pokeball and Bibidi settling down next to them, in the process. They take the time to massage at the muscles around their knee - wondering if they ought to put their brace on...

... But then comes the toll of the warning bell - and the two snap to attention. "Wh-what's going on..?" They question in rhetoric - namely, because they can see it past the gaps in the barricade; a swarm of pokemon, led by some bird pokemon they'd never seen before!

And not far behind the army's appearance is chatter from the comms - namely, that of . Hearing that the gym leader and fellow ranger was going to target the Articuno lookalike, El would force themself up onto their feet and cane - already reaching for their pokeballs. They weren't sure how much they could help with the actual fighting - especially given their anxieties over joining in - but they sure as hell could support.

"Behemoth!" El called, as the Nidoking in question was brought out. "Give Josh's ride pokemon a Helping Hand!"

The poison-type would snort as he was brought out - eyes glancing towards Raikiri. The electric-type was like nothing that he or El had ever seen before - but seeing that Josh was preparing for a Z-Move atop the feline's back, he was ready to give some support - both cheering and goading on the feline with a mighty roar! They better make it extra flashy, he dared them!
- El supports Josh + Zeraora by having Nidoking use Helping Hand on it
- If this ends up being a KO roll you can say Nidoking joined in the fighting afterwards + got a bit vibechecked gfhdkfjgd
kkf_wffD + 15
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June 22nd
Anistar City, Kalos
10 height
10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lucette
Lucette Castellane
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 17:20:40 GMT
Lucette Castellane Avatar

The teamwork between two of the male league-aligned trainers that came to help her plus the clearance of the poisonous hands by the shaking Earthquake move from her fellow co-worker’s Golurk made for a quicker finish of the vault cleaning. Lucette gives a big smile to the ones that helped her clean the Hammerlocke Vault and spoke her thanks. “Good job, I think we’ve got everything cleaned up. Thank you all for helping.” Giving a little wave of good-bye, the pink-haired heiress walks outside of the vault down the stairs until she reaches the heavy door to make her exit out to the streets.[break][break]

Warning bells sound out that there were Pokemon attacking the city and destroying the barricades being set up. Her Greninja points towards the giant Charizard near where the Pokemon Center was as the duo of trainer and Pokemon rush to aid in the protection of the other Galarian peasants fleeing to try to get to a safe distance away from the giant fire type.[break][break]

“Hydro Pump, Kotaro! Help take it down!” Luce orders her Greninja in a feeling of urgency as the ninja frog shoots out a strong torrential stream of water towards the Dynamaxed Charizard in his effort to take it on![break][break]


63 + 15 = 78

@rustedshield [break][break]


- Lucette thanks , , and before leaving the vault.[break]
- Luce goes to engage Dynamaxed Charizard in battle, tells Greninja to use Hydro Pump on it (main action)



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Alicia Jewel

July 5
Fortree City
Elite Ranger
135 height
135 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
612 posts
Julia Davis DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @julia
Julia Davis
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 17:21:45 GMT
Julia Davis Avatar

Unfortunately, Julia's question to would remain unanswered. Alarm bells rang, warning of an army of frenzied Pokémon charging toward the city. In the lead was what looked like an Articuno, though its feathers were lavender rather than the icy blue Julia knew. The Legendary bird's talons clashed against the barricades, as did the poison-controlled Pokémon it led.

[break][break]"Got it," Julia said to 's message over comms. "I'll back you up."

[break][break]She stood off to the side, returned Chester, and sent Lazuli back out. "Lazuli, Resonance!"

[break][break]The Mega Lapras sang out a haunting note that summoned a chunk of ice above the invading army. It crashed down indiscriminately to hit whatever enemy it could and then began to reflect the city's newfound light, creating a rainbow Aurora Veil that dulled the foes' attacks. Man, that was always pretty. Helpful, too!

ijcqulEJ +15




  • Mega turns used: 4/5
  • Lapras uses G-Max Resonance on the crowd of enemy Pokémon, setting up an Aurora Veil (turn 1/5)


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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 20:14:54 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Well, someone was getting all hot and bothered about Pokemon murder. Not that it was too far-fetched for a Rocket to be like that, of course. But still, that lady needed a bit more style. You were supposed to hide your frustrations about people not fighting to their fullest, not scream them at the top of your lungs. But, alas, at least the other garnered more attention with that than she did by being calm and composed in the air. So, maybe there was at least a little bit to it after all.
But also: other problems. Like a legendary bird rushing them while all the sludge she’d gathered in the stadium had apparently coalesced into an even more poisonous Venosaur. See, that was why being a hero was so incredibly tiring. The bad guys always seemed to have more stuff hiding in some corner, no matter how far you went. And sadly, being Rocket was no guarantee to not accidentally become a hero either, apparently.
She sighed. Then, she took stock of the situation, seeing trainers picking their battles, usually with type advantages. The Venosaur sure was big and everything, but that Arcticuno was a legendary. And they were supposed to make for the tales of heroism. That was what the lightbulb Pokemon had said. Good tales of heroism. Difficult ones. That meant that they would have to struggle. Maybe it was silly of her to go all meta on this, but in the heat of the moment, that just made the most sense. She recalled her Jellicent and instead nudged her Aegislash towards where the Arcticuno would impact their defenses.
That one was leading the enemy army. It had to be the biggest threat. And it would certainly not be deterred by a few mortal attacks. No, that would make for an awfully lame story. Hearing about people making sensible defenses that paid off by efficiently deterring the enemy would not rouse any listeners. Terrible tales of heroism all right. Tilting her Aegislash into a slow head-dive, she hopped off of it when it got close enough to the ground. “Prepare yourself, watch that Arcticuno. If you see it start anything big, King’s Shield and get in-between it and the target.” That was what was needed for a true heroic tale needed: a mighty foe throwing a powerful attack at valiant defenders. She just had to do her part in ensuring people actually survive.


+Dismounts Aegislash near , has it ready a King's Shield against Arcitucno if it attacks FnAJfkzT (salac)



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  • Mawile Female Hypercutter Sucker Punch |Taunt | Iron Head | Play Rough | Endure | Hyper Beam
  • Frosmoth Female Icy Scales Quiver Dance | Bug Buzz | Icy Wind | Feather Dance | Tailwind | Powder Snow Ice Bug
  • Spiritomb Male Pressure
    Sucker Punch | Curse | Nasty Plot | Confuse Ray
  • Jellicent female
    cursed body
    whirlpool / shadow ball / night shade / hydro pump / strength sap
  • Aegislash Female Stance Change traded aerial ace, automize, king's shield, power trick, sacred sword, swords dance
  • Zarude Male Leaf Guard Jungle Healing, Power Whip, Bind, Hammer Arm, Scary Face, Growth

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he / him / his
october 13
Malie, Alola
blissfully unaware
shepherd & lorekeeper
remember me
for centuries
40 height
40 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
421 posts
Jack Napier DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @napier
Jack Napier
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 20:58:47 GMT
Jack Napier Avatar
“Thanks!” he hollered in the direction of the Golurk, not knowing who it belonged to () before saying the same in the pinkette’s direction who joined them with clearing out the tapestries () and he stood back to look at their handiwork.

“Crap. Nothing we can do about the trashed one, huh?” he hummed quietly before taking out the little notebook he always carried with him along with a pen.

(Because yes, he never went anywhere without this notebook and pen.)

“I’ll catch up to you, give me a few minutes,” he muttered as he began sketching down what he could make out on the tapestries, working as fast as possible because the sounds of fighting were picking up not too far outside.

Once he was done sketching everything he could onto the tapestries down, he then beat a hasty retreat back outside—only to hear the sounds of battle.

“Well, shit,” he hissed as he looked between the direction of the gigantic flaming pillar, and whatever was coming up through the barricades. He had to pick one direction, but where would he be most useful?

Curses for not bringing a Water-type Pokémon!

“I dunno where you’re going, but I’m heading over to the barricade to help out, let’s meet back here if you’re going in that direction,” he continued as he pointed at the flaming pillar that had… was that a Charizard inside of it?! Either way.

Swapping out his Gardevoir for his Kingambit, Lonq (and a shiny one at that) he then pat the large Pokémon’s arm. “Let’s go over there,” and made his way towards the barricade, his Kingambit jumping out and rushing towards the strange… was that other Pokémon outside wearing ‘glasses’ of some sort?!

Either way, the shiny Kingambit then executed a flurry of slashing attacks, the Kowtow Cleave hopefully landing some kind of hit against the strange, purple-colored Pokémon!

Because what else could he do at this point but hope?


+ Hammerlocke squad lesgo
+ mostly, with additional mentions up above
+ takes a few minutes to sketch the tapestries into his notebook, committing them to memory
+ upon exiting the vault, the sounds of battle can be heard
+ talks with redhead, asks where he’s going and decides to meet up outside the vault should they split up for now
+ summoned (shiny) Kingambit (swapped out Gardevoir)
+ Kingambit joined the battlefield against the purple bird (Galarian Articuno) with a flurry of Kowtow Cleave attacks!

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
553 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2023 3:43:00 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

It was only for a short moment but she had seen something--the strange ores glowing a faint magenta. She had seen enough before the ground began to crumble around her. Torn apart in this grand vortex of destruction, the city would deteriorate. Miasma and poison from within and the invading force from without would disintegrate everything.

One misstep and it was over. She hoped that who had been on the track the same as her would not make any missteps that knocked the two of them into what felt like an unending abyss.


But she could not let what she had found here fall to the abyss yet. The more pressing matter was the towering beast that had emanated from within the city. There was also the matter of the new enemy who had reached their doorstep.

Destruction from within.

Destruction from without.

Given the the options, it was apparent that there was truly an obvious best option. Though she had not been one to agree with an enemy, she could see objectively to know what was truly the best choice.

"In that case."

Yes, in that case, we absolutely should.

"Crush the towering foe with pure power."
It was for a short moment, but Elaine and her past self were of one mind. She pointed to the one who had fearfully taken the first step. "Assist it and help its EARTHQUAKE with your own."

The dragon took no qualms with the order as it slammed into the ground in a nearby area, attempting to move the tectonics of the world it no stood upon.

  • Elaine's outfit, no longer that cold
  • Elaine attempts to stick to the narrow location she's in.
  • Flygon uses Earthquake on Garbodor
  • Going along with the plans of the two Rockets who took the initiative

b97jTc2H (+15)

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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2023 10:55:15 GMT



static rings in his ear, alerting him that something may be wrong back where he came from. he taps at the earpiece.[break][break]


but the presence of a GIGANTAMAXED pokemon draws his attention away. even from afar, he recognizes the threat it poses, and so he wastes little time in turning back around to return atop his charizard.[break][break]

casting a shadow over the army of poisoned pokemon below, matias nears the GIGANTAMAXED pokemon.[break][break]

"you got this."[break][break]

his charizard's HURRICANE looks to keep it at bay.[break][break]

b1J5uTWo +15[break]
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x]

- matias is at HAMMERLOCKE[break]
- matias worries about [break]
- matias leaves the TRAIN STATION[break]
- matias flies back with CHARIZARD[break]


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January 01
Fortree City
Rocket Employee
175 CM height
175 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
417 posts
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TAG WITH @gerald
Gerald Kaiser
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2023 17:57:25 GMT
Gerald Kaiser Avatar

The fighting of poison hands were all fun and games. It would have kept him occupied if it wasn’t for the warning bells ringing loudly out over Circhester.

A rally and defend order soon came through his communication device. A nod came, though he knew Cillian could not see it.

Gerald recalled his Kecleon and hurriedly ran through the town. He ran past townsfolk hurrying away. He ran past trainers trying to do what they could against the giant Pokémon that suddenly appeared. But that was not his concern. He ran to the walls of Circhester's front.


He reached the top of the walls and gazed out onto the approaching army and their Galaring Articuno leader. For once Gerald felt hesitation, even doubt. A monster in the back, an army in the front. Could they persevere against this?

He slapped his own cheek, the pain stinging him out of his paralysis. Right, we can’t afford to NOT act.

He pressed the comms-device in his ear and spoke hoping that as many as possible would hear the message.

“Deploying an attack that hits a wide area against the Army at our walls. Anyone out there Watch out.”

And so Gerald summoned his Decidueye. The Ghastly Archer took one gaze at the army and then its trainer, and understood the assignment. It grabbed an arrow from its feathery quiver and notched it on its bow before firing off a Powerful Z-Move.

And as the arrow flew glowing petals would descend in its wake upon the army. The moment they touched anything, whether it be the ground, friendlies or anything in between they would cause a powerful explosion to happen.

Yb9stEJy + 15

- Gerald hear the bells
- Gerald recalls the Kecleon
- Gerald goes to the front and warns all Rockets on the comms that he will AOE the army.
- Summons Decidueye and deploys the Z-Move: THE END

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2023 23:33:31 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
Upon seeing the tapestry, Amor immediately snapped a picture of it. What it meant he had no idea, but he recognized one of the figures. The creature in the third tapestry was the Skeletal Dragon he had seen in Cyberchase. It was the fourth, the one that was said to bring ruin. Did this mean that he could find more information on it here in Galar? Or at least the real Galar, assuming it hadn't been destroyed at all. Maybe he could talk to to take him there, leverage her Princess status so that he could see if these tapestries were there in the real world as well.

Everyone was dispersing now going to one place or another, so after making sure there was nothing left to discover in the vault he would exit as well, and run smack into what appeared to be a new foe that was attempting to breach the barricades that others had erected to protect the citizenry. Amor knew nothing about this blue bird pokemon, except for that it was clad in black armor, had an army behind it, and was attempting to undo all the work they had done. Whatever was going on behind him would have to wait, this was the threat in his immediate area. With his Golurk still out, he would make use out of it until it could no longer fight.

"Shadow Punch." He gave the order to his colossus as it gained a black ghostly aura, and then launched itself forward as fast as it could in order to smash into it's opponent with a Shadow Punch.

This was a creature that Amor knew very little about which meant that he would get as much data on it, as he possibly could now, and refine his strategy against it later.

"Okay do we have a plan on how to deal with all the things here?" the way he saw it they were going to be overrun with sheer numbers, and they would need a strategy to make sure that didn't happen.


Golurk uses Shadow Punch on the Galarian Articuno!
Amor is helping defend the barricade right now!
Amor asks the others at the barricade if they have a plan of action!
We are living in a Dynasty Warriors World....

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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,330 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2023 0:03:11 GMT

The loud, metallic crumpling of the train hitting ground was a call to arms for all those gathered within the city. One success amidst a million more problems that needed to be dealt with. Motostoke Station was still oozing poison into the adjacent streets, toxic hands still emerged from the remaining ick, and—[break][break]

Shit. They had a lot bigger things to combat now.[break][break]

The GIGANTAMAX GARBODOR that suddenly appeared at the stadium could be seen from every point in the city — it was just that unfathomably huge. Not only that, but the thundering sound of hundreds of footfalls echoed over 's barricades. Both were threats that needed to be addressed. [break][break]

Barnaby heard 's rallying call, but did not heed it, reasoning that the man's group could hold their own for now. Instead he returned his STEELIX and released Lucien, mounting the CHARIZARD and instructing it to fly them to the edge of the wall. As they passed over the city, the mysterious glowing ores found by and caught the ROCKET admin's eye. Something to look into at a later time.[break][break]

As he neared the barricade, the poisoned army on the other side came into full view. Barnaby tightened his grip on Lucien at the sight of it; they were sorely outnumbered, by the look of things. Instinctively, he peered around for . Was she still with Isaac's group? Unharmed? He hoped so.[break][break]

Just then, the an oddly avian cry drew his attention to the barricade itself. There Barnaby saw... was that — an ARTICUNO? ...Hm, no. Similar, but distinctly different. Possessed by the poison, perhaps? Changed in some way? Not only was it's appearance strange, but also the dark armor that it wore. What was going on here?[break][break]

Whatever it was, the threat needed to be addressed. If it was an ARTICUNO, Barnaby reasoned that fire would be a good deterrent against the thing and instructed his CHARIZARD to use BLAST BURN on it. After all, while the walls had been fortified, what was stopping this giant bird from simply flying over? It had to be stopped before it caught them off-guard while dealing with GARBODOR.[break][break]

S_QFhxL9 + 15 = 75


• hidden identity (masked)[break]
call sign: bee[break]
motostoke gang[break]
• releases CHARIZARD[break]
• x1 salac berry used


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[newclass=.barnaby-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: lowercase; color: #796477; [/newclass]
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August 18
Nimbasa City
Pokeleague Soccer Player
10 height
10 height
38 posts
Lucas Holden DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @clown
Lucas Holden
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2023 0:25:30 GMT
Lucas Holden Avatar
The consequence of leaning too much into your headbutt is that you'd often be knee-deep in whatever target you tried to engage. With the Cinderace coming out on the other side of the sludge poisoned, their calamitous obstruction receded. He paid the price already.
While he proceeds to faceplant on the ground, struck down with poison, it seems he still manages to cling to life regardless. It's one thing he shares with his trainer.
Switching the striker in once again, Lucas withdraws the medic once more. The pokemon center might have seen better days, but with the healing efforts, they could at least simulate medical treatment. had set up an impromptu healing service, and Lucas allowed Carne the Blissey to help.
Plus, it will at least allow Zico to recuperate.
Once the Pokemon Center becomes something resembling functionality, Lucas excuses himself to go to the observatory. He hoped there would be something to explain whatever was in the town, but no such convenient exposition exists.
Maybe sending football players to investigate observatories wasn't the best of ideas.
Thankfully (?), the rapid development of events left little room to breathe, and Ballonlea is again under siege. Lucas Teleported in time to experience 's Psychic Field. He looks to the skies at the apparent leader of this army.
"Shoot him out of the skies!"
In response, Carne releases a wave of electricity, flying straight into the sky. The army below would also feel the residual energy from the attack, but by and large, Blissey's focusing her efforts on the leader.



+ Switches Cinderace to Blissey again (happens really often this raid)[break]
+ Blissey heals Cinderace and everyone else in the Pokemon Center that needs it. She also has a chance to alleviate the Poison because of Healer[break]
+ Searched the observatory for anything that might clue him in the Frozen Feather, but he's not expecting much[break]
+ Once the alarm sounds, he and Blissey engages Articuno and his army[break]
+ Blissey uses Thunderwave at the Articuno[break]



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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
817 posts
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2023 1:01:56 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

Dr. Rhythm does his best with the Boomburst to get the sludge away, but his body can't take the strain. Right before Genny's eyes, she watches him getting slapped with some of the poison, and her heart enters her throat. That fear was getting to her. It was working. It had to. But here she was, feeling the pressure surmounting. It was staring to break.[break][break]

The peasantry is being inspired. The people are being saved, and with the Hero's Bath, there was a source of water again. A good one. To some degree, it was working.[break][break]

But hell breaks loose when the Galarian Articuno enters the frey, and her hazel eyes couldn't believe it. And doubly bad, there is some gigantamax beast in the stadium. The bird holds an army, and they are coming. They are pincered both ways. Individuals like , , and rush to the army. Trepidation ensares her back from ordering Dr. Rhythm.[break][break]

The Toxtricity places a hand on her shoulder. He was fine.[break][break]

He wasn't. But he would fight for her smile.[break][break]

With a thumb to him, he gave a wordless declaration; he was going to do what he could to take this army down. He was one tiny Toxtricity, poisoned, battered, bruised. But as he pulls Genny into a hug... he can't promise he'll come back.[break][break]

As soon as he lets go over Genny, the the Low-Key'd lizard runs with everything in his four legs as he can, throwing his weight forward as he he generates every volt of electricity he can, amped by the PUNK ROCK ability, to take as many with him as he could in one hellbent attempt at a OVERDRIVE. Take as many as he could before the timer goes out, and protect his Trainer, no matter what.[break][break]

Light the fuse, bitch.[break][break]

Genny collapses to her knees, and grabs at her heart. Would she lose another today?[break][break]

Pd42R5Kj + 15



- Man. Circhester, you nasty.[break]
- Genny's having a bad day. Dr. Rhythm is poisoned, oh no. Things go bad to worse.[break]
- Dr. Rhythm the Toxtricity sees her fear, and decides to do what he can to protect the city, and her. OVERDRIVE into the army.[break]
- Genny collapses to her knees. She can't take much more. Stop torturing her, RNG. Please.



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP