i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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She/Her; They/Them
Ecruteak City
Fond of girls
26 height
26 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
63 posts
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TAG WITH @serendipity
Saki Shitachi
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2023 1:22:39 GMT
Saki Shitachi Avatar
Their effort was bearing fruit. Though a seemingly uphill battle, it was not an unwinnable one. Although Saki knew well that there was no guarantee of victory. There was always something unforeseen that could turn the tide and rip every lovingly crafted plan to shreds, and crush every hope and dream one's heart could ever hold, until one's feelings were an eternal sea of ash. Of course, the enemy reinforcements did fit that description, but that much seemed par for the course. That didn't preclude the arrival of something else terrible, something even worse. Nothing ever could.

Though had given his orders, and Saki fully intended to follow them, there was more front they needed to concern themselves with. Marisa could do with some rest, and that Kingler was looking rather concerning, especially with almost none of their number headed towards it. Actually, Saki herself could do with some rest too. Her monster took off with great haste, losing its magnetic levitation but retaining its speed, paying no heed to the damage inflicted on the pavement as it scrambled to the north. Its trainer, meanwhile, took the chance to close her eyes.

She awoke to a loud splash and the sensation of water seeping into her clothes. Warm water, almost enough to send her into shock, instead merely shocking her back to life. Rather than circumnavigate the Hero's Bath, her trusted partner had simply gone right through, walking along the bottom of the hot spring after unceremoniously throwing Saki into it. As the Metagross began scaling the wall to continue its charge towards the stadium, Saki recalled it, then flung a different Pokeball over the wall. She'd probably die of cold if she went out while this dripping wet, so the trainer took her time finding ways to dry herself off.

The Pokemon that emerged did not know where she was, nor why she was here, to say nothing of what was actually going on. She'd long forgotten even things like who or what she was. All unnecessary thoughts, emotions, and memories had been burned away in a calamitous blaze, leaving no room in her body or soul for anything other than grudges, malice, and hatred. That was all she had, and all she could think about. So in this moment, all Touka knew was that an enemy stood before her, and that she had to kill it. There was no other choice. With silently burning rage, she charged, lunging straight at the enormous Kingler and striking with relentless blows, blending wild fury with focused precision.

Saki goes to the hot spring. Metagross spends brief time in the water. Saki spends a while in the water.
Saki switches Metagross to Annihilape.
Annihilape uses Cross Chop on Gigantamax Kingler.
Saki attempts to get dry.

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,398 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2023 1:43:38 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","textarea"] it works better than expected. soon, the citizenry are mobilized — whether by jayden's own efforts, or those around him — and they climb the balustride with ease. the soft tops of mushrooms bounce beneath their feet just as they are swept up in 's phantom force and moments later sure enough, the doors of the OBSERVATORY open wide for them.

[break][break] he spots and xerneas first, as his fellow rocket is revealed from an exposed tree trunk. violet eyes snap towards the beast in understanding, before he quickly heads to investigate the various pamphlets scattered around the room.

[break][break] his gaze scours the alchemist textbooks, finding them unfinished and otherwise blank, before looking towards . "do you recognize these constellations?" jayden doesn't. he's never been one for astrology, but he pockets them nevertheless, in case might find them for use later back in their homeworld.

[break][break] as chaos rings true outside, the rocket admin heads towards the bookshelves to see if he can find anything of worth. however, when he peers out the observatories windowpanes, he spots something that he's not yet witnessed before.

[break][break] was that a venusaur?

[break][break] and though it was far away, from their high point in the observatory, he could already see the beginnings of a BLACK ARMY approaching the barricade.

[break][break] almost as soon as he heard it, he hears 's voice ring through the COMMS. "NEON, let us know if you need backup. WOLF, ALOPEX and i will cover the northside. there's a giant venusaur approaching from the stadium."

[break][break] giant was selling it short too. with each passing second, it seemed to grow larger and larger still. he glances at and then , before sprinting out the exit. in the same breath, he turns off his SYGNA SUIT before replacing his ceruledge with a pokemon better equipped for long range.

[break][break] vodnik, his roaring moon, soars out from it's pokeball with a feral roar. jayden climbs atop its broad back, offering a hand out for should he want it. towards , he says, "we'll do an aerial attack."

[break][break] with that, he directs his roaring moon. the pokemon plunges into the sky above the observatory, opening it's maw with a mighty FLAMETHROWER that cascades down towards the rapidly growing VENUSAUR.





— jayden is disguised as YORU [break]
— location BALLONEA [break]
— wearing his SYGNA SUIT (deactivated) [break]
— explores observatory, tries to pocket some of the alchemist notebooks, and then deactivates his sygna suit [break]
— swaps ceruledge for roaring moon [break]
— rides with to above the observatory [break]
— roaring moon uses FLAMETHROWER on GIGANTAMAX VENUSAUR [break]
— use x1 SALAC [break]


— with


[attr="class","fas fa-crow"]


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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
3,173 posts
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2023 2:33:02 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar


she prepares for the worst and is instead met by a resplendent surge of fresh water. lyune's legs are splayed, every muscle coiled and ready for whatever lay beneath the muck and grime, but with the help of others in their vicinity there is nothing but the spring lapping at his scales. 

she wipes her brow, heartbeat still skittering, strung out from adrenaline and exhaustion. 

then what they'd been waiting for comes to pass. the ground rumbles. a horrible, babbling being crawls out from the fissures in the ground and grows, and grows, and grows. she pales, hands gripping reins tight, because its size parallels that awful ultra beast that had razed their world so many years ago. 

the first warfront where she realized she would never be enough as she was. 

lyune is quick to take to the skies. their fire will be useless here, but the z-crystal glowing in one of her braids casts its light across the dragon's form. he rises and she sinks into that energy. 

this is how it happened before. battered and bruised and nearly beaten, they were touched by this energy. and her dragons had become something more. green light gathers in lyune's throat, his belly, his claws, as dragon ascent surges into a devastating drake aimed straight for the heart of the gigantamaxed beast. 
main action: salamence uses dragon ascent -> devastating drake on kingler

s5ZtmTQO +15
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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,048 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2023 3:02:57 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

By the time Zev finished his rounds with the peasantry in Hammerlocke, he was near enough to the Vault to hear the cries of Pokémon rushing toward the city walls. Flying above the horde was a purple-and-white bird he had never seen before.[break][break]

More importantly, however, it was covered in black, metallic armor.[break][break]

Zev's eyes widened behind his mask. Could the armor be similar to his? As members of the League and Team Rocket near him ordered their Pokémon to attack the armored bird, he recalled his Hatterene, exchanging her for a Pokémon few League members have seen before.[break][break]

In a flash of light, his Genesect appeared.[break][break]

"Rocket! Use area of effect attacks on the horde of Pokémon below!" Zev barked into the comms. "That bird is mine." He turned to his Genesect. "Flight mode!"[break][break]

The artificial Pokémon transformed and waited for its master to hop onto its back.[break][break]

"Go! Get close to the purple bird!" Genesect took off, zooming through the air and dodging attacks. As soon as they were close enough, Zev gave another command: "ELECTROWEB! Reel it in!"[break][break]

The electrified web burst from Genesect, connected to its source by a strong tether, even as the Rocket war machine drew as close as it dared. Its master waited until the bird was within arm's reach. Then, with one hand gripping tightly to Genesect, Zev stretched out his other hand, trying to brush his fingertips against cold metal.[break][break]

Hoping it would react as the black fragments had.[break][break]

biiJ3m1R + 15 = 87

[attr="class","tag"]gg: rusted shield


Zev is wearing black tactical gear + mask[break]
LOCATION: Hammerlocke[break]
Recalls Hatterene and summons Genesect[break]
Orders Rocket to attack the horde of poisoned Pokemon because he wants Galarian Articuno[break]
Rides on Genesect's back to reach Galarian Articuno[break]
Genesect uses ELECTROWEB on Galarian Articuno[break]
Zev tries to touch the black metal armor on Galarian Articuno[break]

Salacs used: 1[break]



[newclass=.zev2]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".zev2 h2"]font:bold 14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zev2 .text b"]font:bold 12px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zev2 .tag a"]font:bold 15px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zev2 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zev2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zev2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]·
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Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
787 posts
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TAG WITH @caleb
Caleb Harcourt
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2023 3:08:50 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar

One fistbump later, Caleb was feeling a bit better about 's mental state. The younger man seemed bolstered by his success in rallying those around him to defend the city and its people. Hadn't the Calyrex said something about "becoming heroes"? Well, Isaac was certainly displaying the qualities of a hero, steadfast in his resolve to continue fighting no matter what this strange memory of Galar threw at them next.[break][break]
Caleb grinned, wolfish and wild. He felt alive, adrenaline pumping as the fight continued. It felt good to protect people, and it felt good to stand side-by-side with a friend. A brother. One that wasn't intent on killing him, but rather, joining him in the uphill battle of trying to build a better world. Be better people. Make better choices.[break][break]
Caleb was shaken from his sense of triumph, however, by the arrival of the largest Pokémon he had ever seen: a Garbodor the size of a skyscraper descended on their little vanguard with a guttural, putrid groaning. Its stench was horrible, and Caleb felt himself gag as the plague of noxious odors threatened to consume them. They had to get rid of this thing, and do it fast.[break][break]
Luckily, Isaac was quick to act. Caleb followed after him as they joined up with . Caleb nodded to her, wondering if she remembered him from the year before. He had meant to visit her shop again, but the days had slipped by without him realizing: so much had been happening in Hoenn, after all. One near apocalypse after the next. He wore the knife she had crafted him on his hip, however.[break][break]
With a sudden pang of guilt, he remembered what that knife had last been used for. Best not to think about that.[break][break]
"We've got your back, Isaac," he assured the other man, then turned to Avi. The Abomasnow was tensed, ready to attack. "Another earthquake can't hurt," Caleb told him. Avi bellowed in agreement and sent another wave of Isaac-powered EARTHQUAKE at the gigantic Garbodor.[break][break]
crB6A2q2 + 15

[attr="class","tag"]GOODBYE GALAR: RUSTED SHIELD


Caleb is wearing League-issued tactical gear (inspiration)[break]
Caleb is in MOTOSTOKE[break]
Caleb is glad to see Isaac in higher spirits now![break]
Caleb follows Isaac over to where Aurelie is fighting the Gigantamax Garbodor[break]
Abomasnow uses EARTHQUAKE again, on the Garbodor, because it's the only Ground move Caleb has (lol)[break]
Isaac's GROUND FIELD powers up Abomasnow's Ground move[break]



[newclass=.calebtest2]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.25px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".calebtest2 b"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
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[newclass=".calebtest2 h1"]font:bold 15px Poppins;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.1px[/newclass]
[newclass=".calebtest2 h2"]font:bold 14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);letter-spacing:.1px[/newclass]
[newclass=".calebtest2 .text b"]font:bold 12px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".calebtest2 .tag a"]font:bold 15px Poppins;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".calebtest2 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".calebtest2 .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
[newclass=".calebtest2 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,589 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2023 3:21:56 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
alarms went off, and kyle has to leave his station to handle it with the rest. "oh, yeah, don't worry about it. i told you guys they live for this," he reassures the peasants before heading out.

he turns to and opens his mouth, only to realize it wasn't needed. everyone knows to take up arms at this point of the story. instead, he turns to his terrakion. "let's go."

he travels with his terrakion to where the articuno reportedly was. people have already taken up arms, and kyle finds himself decently comfortable situated behind 's aurora veil.

"oi! don't underestimate everyone else!" he shouts in jest towards , who probably wouldn't hear him after breaking the sound barrier. "that's really going to make people think i need to do more than them," he whines to no one in particular.

terrakion joins the fray soon afterwards, situating himself in the front lines as he goes for the kill. a stomp on the ground shakes the ground, igniting an eruption of energy as rocks propel themselves in the air.

boulders smack down against the hordes, though that was just collateral damage from having a big enough attack to reach the skies, where the main target was. clipping its wings and dragging it to the ground spells victory for them.

kyle thinks its fitting, like using trebuchets to knock down dragons of medieval settings. the other side of the fight at least shows a different genre of rpg at least.

kyle can choose to make the ash manifest as raikou and suicune to aid him in battle. they will act as separate, additional entities in threads/events before fading away after a period of time.

would find himself with kyle's sacred ash beasts. it's not the answer he expected, but it's a response from the champion that doesn't need further explanations.

in the midst of the chaos, suicune brings forth a rain dance, conveniently washing away poison alongside aiding moves aimed at the charizard. alongside him, raikou conjures an impressive strike of thunder from above.

  • sygna suit deactivated
  • location: hammerlocke city
  • kyle + terrakion heads to articuno
  • terrakion uses smack down on articuno
  • smack down collateral @ horde
  • raikou/suicune appear at charizard
  • suicune uses rain dance
  • raikou uses thunder


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March 14
Shalour City, Kalos
Fashion Designer
My fire isn't just for show—it's the blaze that will burn down anyone who dares to stand in my way
106 posts
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TAG WITH @mirabella
Mirabella Fontaine
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2023 3:33:59 GMT
Mirabella Fontaine Avatar

Good. With the posion palms gone there was nothing stopping them from focusing on other things. Like the army of posion pokemon and Articuno? Is that the legendary ice type pokemon. No this thing was something entirely different from what she could see. However her zoura seemed more eager to fight onward? For something who was normal so quiet he was quite headstrong today. [break][break]

"Alright, focus on the bird. The others can pick off the army." Now if she had strong pokemon and moves Mirabella would happen see such her pokemon to bulldoze through this however after what happened to  her first one. She was more cautious than anything. [break][break]
Keeping wait his trainer said in mind the Hisuian Zorua unleashed a shadow ball and mysterious armor bird.[break][break]



-[disguise/outfit] [break]
jWm4iGEM + 15 [break]
-Mirabella is proud that her Hisuian Zorua made good work of them palms. [break]
Staying cautious as all hell break loose, they focus on bird and her Hisuian Zorua unleashes a shadow ball(Power up by it's previous nasty plot from a few round ago I forgot about) at the bird.



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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
1,040 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2023 4:29:32 GMT
fern delaney Avatar


The search through the observatory yields little result. They’re not sure what they’re looking for, exactly, but they know they don’t find it. They look at the charts held out to them curiously, head tilting in consideration. These don’t look like any constellations I’ve ever seen before. Different shapes, different patterns. Strange.[break][break]

Chaos breaking loose snaps them back to attention, though, and they find themself staring out a wide pane to see a great bird attacking down below and an unmistakably massive venusaur leading the charge of what looks like dozens of Pokémon swarming the city below. “Looks like they’re having all the fun without us,” they remark dryly as they move to stand beside Jayden.[break][break]

There’s little doubt in Fern’s mind about following the other admin back toward the fray. On his heels, they exit the conservatory seconds later with their flutter mane, and take the hand offered to them. They swing up onto the back of Vodnik just as they had done earlier.[break][break]

“Follow suit,” they command, and their flutter mane does so—drifting along behind the roaring moon and actively giving it a wide berth so that it isn’t clipped by the dragon’s wide wingspan. When Fern whistles over the wind, the spectral Pokémon knows this is its cue. Aiming for the rampaging Venusaur, it conjures a swathe of mystical fire that goes hurtling toward the overgrown reptile.[break][break]

Fern’s attention shifts down toward the barricades. Despite the distance in the air, they don’t miss the gleaming metallic black coating its feathers. “Hey,” they lean forward over Jayden’s shoulder so that he might better hear them. “Doesn't that look like the stuff that was coming off the shield earlier?”
lH_gnmI3 +10

+ explored the conservatory but doesn’t recognize anything familiar.[break]
+ we flyin with on his roaring moon above the conservatory[break]
+ flutter mane uses mystical fire on that big ‘ol venusaur [break]
+ comments on the black metal coating g!articuno[break]
+ x1 salac berry used




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leo, leon
september 30th
rustboro city, hoenn
demirom. bisex.
ceo, inventor
save a little
love for me
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
i wish i were better, i wish i had strength. i wish i had anything to prove i was brave.
468 posts
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TAG WITH @leonidas
Leonidas Stone
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2023 4:44:09 GMT
Leonidas Stone Avatar

Attack after attack, by the look of it.[break]
Utterly relentless on both fronts.[break][break]

To say the sight of the goliath of a Pokemon risen before all to see had been jarring would've been a simple understatement, though at the very least, there had been some degree of solace granted by the immediate action that those around him had taken. Though difficult to maintain his footing amidst all of the Earthquakes that crumbled and struck the city grounds, he glared towards the Gigantmaxed beast for just a moment more before recalling his Jolteon and replacing it with yet another bird.[break][break]

In contrast to the first, however, his feathers boasted a sleek blend between greens and blacks, all while his eyes fixated upon his trainer. The Stone, himself, took a brief look across his surroundings before settling his gaze upon the distance. Auburn hues narrowed onto the barricades forged some time before, and as his bird turned his head to share a similar glance, the man gave another, long drawn whistle while nodding twice— first towards it, and then to his companion.[break][break]

A brief trill in recognition and obedience had been all the Decidueye gave in response before it leaned forward, flourishing its wings within a faint move before dissipating with naught more than a trail of ghastly feathers left within his midst. Search around— such was the command, condensed into a simple, yet all too familiar whistle he'd been given.[break][break]

So when he found the lavender-hued avian by the city gates afar, he spared no hesitation in shooting a Spirit Shackle its way.[break][break]


  • jolteon is recalled.
  • decidueye is sent out.
  • decidueye uses spirit shackle on the galarian articuno in hopes to both damage and bind it in place.
  • roll: 78 + 15 = 93
  • total salacs used: x2

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]

@ @rustedshield

[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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July 17
Driftveil City
Closeted Lesbian
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
224 posts
soyeon kwan DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @soyeon
soyeon kwan
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2023 4:45:27 GMT
soyeon kwan Avatar
Soyeon watched as the train would collapse down into the terrain below. She smiled at the work they had done, one less glob of poison to really go around and hurt somebody or something. So far, by the looks of things, they were putting a dent in how this town was ridding itself of the poison plague that had gripped it tight. She was about to take it easy before the alarms would begin to ring. Shouts and words of something approaching the gate could be heard, as the woman looked towards the entrance into town. She opened her mouth to speak before another threat loomed on the horizon. A gigantic Garbodour rose from the middle of the town that smelled about as pleasant as it looked.

"Ugh...It smells awful..." Soyeon mumbled to herself, holding her nose as the scientist called for Ferrous. The Metagross moved towards its owner and lowered its head to then quickly allow her to step onto his head and then brace herself. "Let's head for the front gates, Ferrous!" The two sped off, passing by many people, with one man crying out for a "Roxie" as Ferrous passed him just in time to disappear into the crowd. It was a short dash to the front line, as the front gates bashed from the outside as the bird going outside was storming the gate. Soyeon launched into action with the other defenders, ordering Ferrous to use Psychic on the bird.

_LKSTIsT +15

- Views their handiwork of collapsing the train
- Feels sick from the giant Garbodour
- Metagross speeds to the front gate to face Zapdos.
- METAGROSS uses Psychic on Galarian Zapdos

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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,737 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2023 4:47:53 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar







Missing stars? Or was that this universes' constellation?...he didn't want to think the worst, but the hairs on the back of his neck stood on edge as he remembered the look of hunger on 's face. [break][break]

There was no way it was eating stars was it? It absorbed energy...were stars made of infinity energy? Or did it just consume whatever power source it could? No, no. just because light was vanishing didn't mean necrozma was involved, however it was certainly a conversation to have with later. [break][break]

Jayden snaps him out of it, issuing an order and a plan of action. He visibly shook his head as if waking himself up as Xerneas watches him carefully. It was one of the few moments his chosen was paralyzed with fear. "We're leaving. There's a thread." he tells Xerneas as the pokemon does not even respond as he was just curious to see how things would turn out. [break][break]

He tree strides again with Xerneas in tow as the pair of them suddenly fly out of the tree projectile shooting themselves outward. He recalls xerneas for safety into his pokeball as he begins to plummet over the stadium as he activates his Z-MOVE for grimmsnarl. "MEMENTO MORI!" he shouts as the grimmsnarl temporarily mega evolves during this z-move and his tendrils of hair grip onto the venasaur and begin to sap it's energy. Bryan grabs onto the grimmsnarl and holds on as grimmsnarl uses his other hand and latches onto one of the branches of the treelines. [break][break]

Grimmsnarl begins to drain the venasaur and sends the energy into the trees as if trying to strengthen the energy of the land tainted by the trees. [break][break]

He prayed that Jayden or someone else would help him stay secured as he was stuck hanging in the air between the dynamax pokemon and the massive branch he was holding onto. [break][break]

tvPMmRaV +10


notes about this post

.TLDR [break]
Bryan tree strides out of the observatory after some observations [break]
launches himself out of the observatory tree attempting to do an aerial attack on the massive pokemon jayden told himself about.[break]
withdraws xerneas and sends out grimmsnarl as it uses it's z-move MEMENTO MORI [break][break]
Grimmsnarl begins to drain the energy from venesaur and sends it through his body into the treelines to see what might happen.


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december 10
lacunosa, unova
pokemon researcher
43 height
43 height
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TAG WITH @sergeidachev
sergei dachev
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2023 6:02:20 GMT
sergei dachev Avatar
SERGEI RETURNS THE GRATITUDE to the people he has worked with cleaning the tapestries, and the result of their hard work at least salvages the two remaining tapestries that drape the brick walls of the Hammerlocke Vault.

He watches take out his sketchbook—in a true geeky fashion—and chuckles as he brings out his roto-tablet to do the same thing. "An artist through and through. I'll still be checking this out too. I think this gives us a clue or something."

His eyes are drawn by the artwork weaved into the garments: a skeletal serpent-looking creature traverses the two clothing, a terrifying force of nature which mere illustration sends shiver down his spine. There is a rugged terrain. And there manifests power.

Sergei grabs the souvenir he retrieves from the Calyrex and wonders. Is it this creature? Is this the one that poisoned the High King CALYREX?

His musings is disrupted when calls about an army of Galarian Pokemons rushes to the fort built by the peasants. And the most curious of all: the Galarian Articuno!

Sergei wastes no time with . "I’ll help out as well! Let's go!"

As the locals and the Hoennian forces send their barrage of attacks against the Galarian Articuno, Sergei has a different idea.

Commander Wise uses TAUNT, allowing the strange bird to focus on the Tatsugiri as the others attempt to overwhelm it with attacks. Whenever and if ever the commander catches its attention, both will run away as the tiny dragon prepares to maneuver and take control of its flight (COMMANDER).


- SERGEI thanks as well, probably towards too
- SERGEI takes a photo of the tapestries and tries to study thoroughly and attempts to do a perception check; asks himself: Is it this creature? Is this the one that poisoned the High King CALYREX?
- SERGEI goes with and helps in the barricades
- TATSUGIRI uses TAUNT to catch the GALARIAN ARTICUNO’s attention
- TATSUGIRI attempts to use COMMANDER (ability) to try and take control of the GALARIAN ARTICUNO

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,791 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2023 6:08:39 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar

 Eva’s spirit lit up with renewed hope as the peasantry stirred to their aid and ’s risky stunt at the bath cleared the sacred pool of its poisonous ichor. At that moment, she’d never been more proud to call her a sister-in-arms.

Celebration is cut short by the tremor that tears through the city. ’s warning of the approaching horde of pokemon shoves them directly back into the heat of battle. Eva wipes a soaked strand of blonde hair from her eyes, peering up at the strange purple bird battering their defenses.

Eva feels the tug of urgency at her core, “Sorry, Blade,” she briefly apologizes before returning the Gallade back to his pokeball. Her gaze travels up as the rain begins to slow.

Rayquaza reappears amongst the gray clouds. Their slitted pupils narrow on the abominations below. A truly massive Kingler looms over the stadium and the dark metal of the bird flashes against the dull light. It all reeks of chaos. There’s unmistakable, unnatural properties embedded in the creatures. They do not belong. They disrupt the balance.

They must be eliminated.

They catch the flash of familiar sapphire scales racing towards the Kingler. They trust to make easy work of the massive beast. Rayquaza chooses to confront the Galarian Articuno alongside and @tempest. The SPOTLIGHT locked on to the bird provides a clear target.

Gold streaks flash across the gray skies. The air snaps with electricity that culminates into a thick thick bolt of THUNDER that roars down from the heavens and towards the Galarain bird. They would be struck down from their domain. The god of the skies would rule in Hoenn and beyond.

+ Brief celebration and praise of ’s risky but successful stunt
+ Returns the Gallade
+ Rayquaza appears again, appalled by the appearance of the abomination covered in dark fragments
+ Rayquaza focuses a THUNDER on the Galarian Articuno, aided by the SPOTLIGHT


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bel, lyle
june 21
rustboro city
SPECTRA co-captain
the renegade who had it made
180 posts
Belial Stone DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @belial
Belial Stone
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2023 6:14:42 GMT
Belial Stone Avatar
Warning bells ring and immediately draw the attention of Belial and his Chingling. The wave of poison sludge had been diverted underground, but another threat soon approached. And, though the telltale glow of a GIGANTAMAX Pokémon in the stadium nearly lured him away, the sight of a purple ARTICUNO proved to be a little more interesting to the mercenary.

As a veteran who had served in various conflicts throughout the world, he knew enough about Gigantamax Pokémon and their applications in warfare. He'd never witnessed a GALARIAN ARTICUNO in action, however. This could prove beneficial to SPECTRA in the long run.

As a result, though he hurries to go meet it with his Chingling in tow, Belial does not intervene as quickly as he could have. Instead, he watches with great fascination as it moves and attacks the barricades and others. Every so often, he is forced to shoot down a rabid Pokémon with his harpoon or have Tink blast them away with its PSYCHIC power.

It isn't long before he sees emerge onto the scene as well. Standing at the edge of a rooftop nearby, the half-masked mercenary smirks at the younger man. "I didn't know EVENTIDE's CEO liked to get his hands dirty," He remarks, watching as the man's SHINY DECIDUEYE attempts to pin the opposing bird down with an arrow.

"What's your stake in all this, hm?"

Meanwhile, his Chingling places itself forward for action. Without further ado, Belial orders an OMINOUS WIND that takes advantage of the previous attack and attempts a SUPER-EFFECTIVE knockout on Articuno.


⚜️ chooses to defend MOTOSTOKE against the GALARIAN ARTICUNO!




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February 2/14
Nimbasa City
10 height
10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Rhydia Ver DOLLARS
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Rhydia Ver
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2023 6:58:16 GMT
Rhydia Ver Avatar

Deny it all they wanted, her words being disturbing simply meant that they carried a modicum of truth that none present wanted to admit to. Regardless of what time period or world they were in, it was natural for humans to want to deny things that unnerved them. [break][break]

Evolution dictated that only the fittest would survive, and those tended to be whoever stayed the furthest away from that which they didn’t understand. It wasn’t a personal slight- that much she understood, it was merely their nature as scared, powerless humans that kept them in line. She’d just have to carry on without them…[break][break]

… or so Rhydia thought, only for the sounds of cheers to grace her ears, as her words carried across the crowd well enough to stir the hearts of enough of the peasantry, giving them a reason to fight… as well as something to die for.[break][break]

She smiled softly, holding her fingers up to form the shape of a camera over a group of rallied peasants, looking down on them from the elevated position she stood upon, relishing the expressions they made and the rallying cries they let out.[break][break]

This is what she considered beautiful- or rather, this was a prelude to that beauty. Life found in utter darkness, a light where there was once ruin, hope in a place where only despair remained once.[break][break]

She could’ve stayed there and took in that scene of humanity proving why it’s existence was beautiful forever, but the timelost trainers wouldn’t be given that courtesy.[break][break]

Her expression darkened, a cloud of malice casting a shadow over the pure euphoria she’d been experiencing mere moments earlier. ”Clair, return. Picasso-“ She dropped down from her elevated place and began to rush towards the barricades, news of the report causing her good mood to collapse in on itself.[break][break]

A crimson flash recalled one of her partners, only for another to send out another one of them. An unintelligible screech was all it said, meeting her malignant gaze for a moment before flying right off to confront the Galarian Articuno.[break][break]

”Vivisect it. I want to see what color it is.” On that single order, the Sigilyph released an viciously sharp gale, swinging its wings like blades though the air, whipping up new blades to slice into the legendary bird.


Pokémon + Tagging/TLDR Here[break][break]

TL;DR - Nearly cries over how amazing the peasantry rallying are, stands around taking it in for a bit.[break]
- Bad vibes.MP4 when the Articuno report comes in. It ruined her people watching.[break]
- Recalls Hisuian Zoroark and sends out Sigilyph.[break]
- Orders Sigilyph to [AIR SLASH] the Articuno, little bloodthirsty.[break]



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP