i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 4th
Celadon City
Rocket Scientist
76 height
76 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
187 posts
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TAG WITH @kaname
Kaname Fujihara
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2023 9:32:08 GMT
Kaname Fujihara Avatar

The clarion call sounded, hordes of Pokemon were marching on the Castle City of Hammerlocke, led by a strange lavender-colored bird. Kaname quickly returned his Galarian Slowking after it had dispersed the creeping sludge with his Eerie Spell. The scientist hit the ground running, heading toward the nearby front barricade. [break][break]

He activated the earpiece and spoke. “Can we get a status update?! What’s going on? I’m headed to the front barricade.” He was winded as he approached the large barricade being bombarded by the claws of the large, armored bird. “Something has to give here…” he murmured, producing a pokeball and sending out his Swalot as he arrived at the scene winded shortly after a sonic boom shook the area as sped off on his Zeraora, shrouded in crackling lightning. [break][break]

“Haradashi, Helping Hand that Lapras at once!” A decisive order followed by Kaname’s Swalot. As the Lapras prepared its song, the corpulent body of the Swalot giggled and wavered hoyously, as it shared energy with ’s Lapras, empowering her Resonance several times over.



+In Hammerlocke; Kaname returns Galarian Slowking and calls out Swalot to Helping Hand ’s Lapras’s Resonance[break]

+ Wearing black clothing and a mask [break]



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CCfjD3ba + 15 = 96

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the ferryman
october fourteenth
lavender town, kanto
team rocket
alone with all my illusions
1,306 posts
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samuel carter
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2023 13:50:30 GMT
samuel carter Avatar


The attacks continue, on and on. Sam knows better than to simply rely on pure power. He knows that behind every battle there are not only strategists, but good medics as well.[break][break]

While he refuses to play the role of both, he knows he can be a healing cog in this chaos machine.[break][break]

"Aether, mend their wounds."[break][break]

While it might not be able to cure the poisoned ones, Aether lets loose a heal pulse to keep his comrades from falling immediately.[break][break]

The galarian articuno takes his attention. It's as if he's seen something like it before, other than the Kantoian articuno he knows so very well from story books and myths his mother would read him as a boy. No, something else feels ... personal.[break][break]

+ ballonlea[break][break]

+ frozen shed feather of purple[break][break]

+ focuses on ATTACK THE POISON HANDS[break]
+ plays support with gardevoir[break]
+ gardevoir uses heal pulse[break]
+ does the feather in his pocket react? who knows




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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
we could
have been us
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
1,436 posts
ana fell DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cygne
ana fell
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2023 19:00:44 GMT
ana fell Avatar


rusted shield (MOTOSTOKE)

The ground is shaking and there is the sound of battle, though Cyg is so in the zone she could be convinced it was very far away. She’s already three levels deep in a mental blue-print for replumbing Motostoke so the poisonous scum diverts away from the more populated areas.
Someone () radioed they needed to stop the train from spewing shit, which was all well and good, but until he also came up with a guaranteed way to do that which wouldn’t make things worse, Cyg would continue to be the flex-seal meme down here. So she ignored him.
She is joined in her efforts by , whom she hasn’t seen since they almost got fucking eaten by a giant fish, like, a year ago. Her Gardevoir’s psychic merges with his Chinglings to help better guide the muck to where they would like it to go. Together, they make a good team.
Then the ground really shakes and cries of alarm go up from numerous parties. Cyg is finally pulled out of her work-induced stupor, and just in time to see the giant fucking Garbodor punch up above the tops of buildings like the goop creature in Monster’s vs. Aliens but not nearly so cute.
votes for ’s capability and Cyg doesn’t have anything else to go on but their mutual trust. “Talk about a carbon footprint,” she cracks over comms, trying to figure out the best way to get close to the giant trash pile without getting murked. She runs her fingers over the mega-stone resting in the rifle shell strung around her neck and turns to Kanaya, who nods her assent. A few steps forward and she’s subsumed in light and re-emerges in her Mega-Evolved form before unleashing a fierce psychic attack on the Gigantamax Garbodor.






has gardevoir out - mega-evolves (turn 1/3) [break]
uses psychic on garbodor [break]
make-a the joke [break]
shiv said i could




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October 25
Canalave City
ANVIL General
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,187 posts
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TAG WITH @felix
Felix Gallagher
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2023 20:25:59 GMT
Felix Gallagher Avatar
Fortification came second nature to Felix. Defense, safety, protection - it was all he knew since he was young and thrumming with fervent rage.

It even acted as the very first lesson his father had taught him along Snowpoint City's expansive outskirts.

"Don't ever be weak, son," he had spoken in his typically grueling way of speaking. Low and gravelly, no different than felix's current language. He held one hand pressed down against Felix's head, watching until the snow became infused with saliva. "Weakness is for Pokemon. And are you a pokemon?"

The correct answer was no, of course, but he could never answer. Too much snow coated his thoughts, and numbed his brain.

"Never forget that."

Static sliced through the buzz of war, drawing his attention. His eyes followed suit, gleaning the same information that poured into his ear: war was coming. And it was arriving with speed.

"Omen here, holding our backline."

His words only act to confirm what was already given to him. and @xenon would be able to act knowing his shadow, his presence, shielded all that came. Whether it be through their right or their left, Gallade and his copies would slide up and down the sludge-filled field, employing SACRED SWORD as a means to slash whatever made itself known as an enemy.

- watching mint and xenon's backs
- using sacred sword against the poison army


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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2023 23:39:13 GMT

marisol isn't fazed. [break]
but maybe she should be. [break][break]

after all, this is poison - or blood - strewn across the walls of the station. were she not braced, she'd have a little moment - thankfully that isn't the case. when she stares at the writing, her eyes squint, and she's careful of the poison despite the protection of her dewgong. "milk..?" she wonders aloud, and the shivers are starting to crawl up her spine. this place is unsettling. [break][break]

when she looks, there's residue poison seeping around. it doesn't hurt her, thankfully, due to the safeguard, but she has to wonder: is there something about it that's made these drawings so frantic? they're so desperately drawn, so hurriedly, as though crazy, in a trance. if the poison were sentient, somehow, or it had other dangerous capabilities other than being a monster... [break][break]

"i need to investigate this.." she grumbles, but she can't just perform an on-site inspection, now can she? no, she must grab some and bring it back to her lab for research. so with a pokeball, she recalls the dewgong, reaching instead of the gardevoir once again. she, took, is protected by the safeguard. [break][break]

"use psychic." she commands the pokemon, as the trainer holds up ziplock bag she pulls from her sack. it's not big, but it should be enough as a sample. "bring some poison to me, if you can. I want to bring this back to examine." though, she doesn't know if she could bring it back in the first place. [break][break]

when she glances back at the scribbled words, she thinks there has to be something - there has to be something.




  • marisol is investigating the station
  • swaps out dewgong for gardevoir
  • gardevoir uses PSYCHIC to grab a lil sample of poison gunk at the station
  • marisol tries to put the gunk in a plastic ziplock.
  • yall can handle the attacks ty bless your souls

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]

@ @rustedshield @motostoke

[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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March Twenty-First
Vermillion City
League Turncoat
Should I bite my tongue, until blood soaks my shirt?
1,477 posts
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TAG WITH @king
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2023 0:25:30 GMT

The Lucario would discern threats sprawled out deep within the earth—but perhaps, more pertinently, a modest army of Pokemon mobilizing toward Circhester. It is led by a powerful force, traveling by air.

lucario's eyes flash open, the appendages on the back of his neck flaring straight like a canine on alert. king catches the canine's tense body language and he narrows his eyes.
"pick up on somethin'?"
lucario nods once, finger pointed out to the expanse outside the city. then, surprisingly, downwards.
"so yer sayin' we got enemies comin'? and they're below?" nearly three decades of friendship has allowed the man to read his own pokemon easily.
"well, now we're talkin'. i'm keepin' ye on standby." he knew the steel-type wouldn't like it, but a stalwart companion that was reliable could not be underlooked.
he gives a brief nod to and no one else; she could tell who she wanted to, however, not that it mattered to the turncoat.
so when the attack comes - they're prepared.
the appearance of the large crab takes king by surprise, for just a moment, before decades of traniing kicks in.
"get 'is ass!" he roars to the urshifu at his side.
a wicked blow thunders in response.


@raid[break]> urshifu basically falcon punches the giant crab[break]i|4eg9bw+15


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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,741 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2023 2:05:16 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","minimal elisa"]


Chaos. Glorious, glorious chaos.[break][break]

Elisabeth watched the GIGANTAMAX GARBODOR and the panic that its arrival in the stadium had inspired with open fascination. Some part of it stirred a competitive desire in herself to likewise inspire fear.[break][break]

Her carmine eyes caught sight of a masked man running towards the barricades, and his dark hair made his identity as Admin Bee -- -- clear and readily apparent to her. She followed his gaze to the CHARIZARD he summoned to the skies, its FIRE BLAST aimed at a peculiar creature overhead.[break][break]

An ARTICUNO? No, it looked too wrong to be that. Regardless, its talons sought to collapse the walls that had so deftly built.[break][break]

She scanned the others present, frowning when she saw she didn't recognize the other faces joining him save for . Her low opinion of the aid of strangers was enough to for her to commit herself to the admin's aid.[break][break]

"Challenging legends, are you?" she called to him with a mocking smile as she released a Pokemon of her own: a VOLCARONA that soared up to meet his Charizard overhead. "It'd be a shame for you to take all of the glory."[break][break]

The Bug-type performed a bewitching FIERY DANCE as it aimed for the GALARIAN ARTICUNO with unassuming grace, attempting to distract it from the Charizard as much as it attempted to do it harm.[break][break]

2g3PGe4q + 15

  • Motostoke is all chaos and Elisa loves to see it.
  • Supporting our homie , ayyy.

[attr="class","ooc"] [break][break]


[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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played by


November 17th
Opelucid City
5'11" height
5'11" height
Days fade into a watercolour blur / Memories swim and haunt you
315 posts
Alba Evovae DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @alba
Alba Evovae
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2023 11:29:29 GMT
Alba Evovae Avatar



"The poison is potent enough to affect Poison- and Steel-types. Symptoms include paranoia, memory loss… In other words, don't touch it if you don't want to end up like Calyrex." Alba's voice chimed in on Rocket's comms, sharing what he'd managed to glean from the sludge.[break][break]

He was on his way to the Power Spot to see if the source has anything more interesting to offer, when the warning bell started to chime. And then, of course, how could he ignore the titanic Venusaur that appeared out of nowhere?[break][break]

"Sludge Wave. You're an interesting beast… But I can't do much until you're cut down to size."



Currently concealing his identity with a mask.[break]
Poison infodump[break]
Heads to the Power Spot to fight Gigantamax Venusaur[break]
Using Sludge Wave to do a little deforestation[break]
+10 to roll from Ballonlea Gang

[break][break]@ballonlea squad



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December 31st
Blackthorn City
Assassin / Architect
my most beautiful chaos
One day I will find you
1m85 // 6'1 height
1m85 // 6'1 height
Her heart in spite, is warm and bright
162 posts
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Kyrenai Black
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2023 20:53:23 GMT
Kyrenai Black Avatar
When the bells ring, signaling danger at the frontlines, Kyrenai's attention shifts from the hands that have just crumbled underneath her Tyranitar's might to a newer foe. The ground trembles, and while a beastly-sized Garbodor rises from one side, a wave of odd-looking pokémon crashes into the barricades, lead by a futuristic, regal bird.

The assassin's lips quirk into a wicked smile as her hunger grows, as she allows herself to embrace the surge of violence threatening to overwhelm her. The chaos -like it does for others- becomes her playfield as she turns her attention and her destructive partner towards the army of corruption beyond.

She smiles with glee as she mans the barricades, her voice bellowing across the fields. "As if we'd ever fear such sorry lot trying to drive us out," Something wicked in her eyes cometh, but when she regards the peasantry around her, her words ring with truth and confidence. "And neither should you! Stand strong, show them what Motostoke's truly made of."

Because how else would she share the violent chaos stirring in her blood, dragged out by something far less kosher than she could ever anticipate. Her mind desires only one thing at this point;

Level the playing field.


"Vox, let loose! GIGA IMPACT!"

And once again she allows her mega Tyranitar to wreak havoc, its magnified power unleashed upon the attacking forces.

7GlpcKm0 +15

- Motostoke Squad
- Mans the barricades, spurs on the people
- Is unknowingly getting influenced by
- Mega Tyranitar uses Giga Impact on the invading masses while protecting the barricades


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August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,301 posts
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2023 23:16:40 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

The trenches he dug, the resistance that his Roaring Moon felt, all of it was conveyed through the comfort of the ride. To say, there was little of it; Kouji felt jolted, the rapid turns made him feel as if he would soar off, but he hung on, sometimes brute strength did have some use. The rough and tumble of his less than leisurely flight was interrupted quite quickly as he soared throughout the city, tired, and sweaty; he looked down to Roaring Moon who was in a similar state.
But his golden eyes latched onto something, in the distance, he soared closer on his pokemon which he spurred on with a buck of his hips. The red wings furled out even wider before it took off into the deep sky, looking on down at the host before them, Kouji watched the pokemon at the front, and scanned further in as he flew near it.
While the pokemon in front was definitely one he didn’t know of before, but the rest that peaked behind, various poison types he had seen, and many others he had never come across. But the first thought…
”Come in. Large Horde of Poke-” He could only hear static, the communications he had rarely relied upon had naturally become damaged, disused, and now completely useless.
He chucked them, the pokemon leading them was too much for them, this entire army was. He took his roaring moon higher up into the sky, as high as the dragon could take him. It was a dangerous maneuver, but he decided on it anyway.
Recalling his Roaring Moon, and switching to his Iron Jugulis, he found himself going from the comfort of his dragon to a freefall, barely managing to latch onto the artificial life that he called his pokemon, his Iron Jugulis.
”Oi oi, we’ve got a big one, we’ll go for the back, let everyone else deal with the front, we’ll take some spoils for ourselves, yeah?”
He had a toothy smirk on his face as he took his dark three-headed mount lower, there was no need to engage that bird; if he had one foe, or a hundred foes, he’d pick the higher number, and it seemed his steed agreed.
So, he had it throw out a roar, just minutes before his mouths opened up with a stream of hot-air which only grew hotter by the minute, a heatwave to be released on his foes.



-Kouji tries his comms, but they don't seem to work, so he chucks them.[break]
-He rides his roaring moon higher up before switching to his iron jugulis in a pointlessly dangerous maneuver.[break]
-Takes iron jugulis towards the back to use a heatwave on the rear of the approaching poke-army.




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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2023 7:04:20 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]GOODBYE GALAR:[break]



🎼 Battle Vs. Wikstrom - Pokémon Sword and Shield


IN BALLONLEA, the army crashes into the STAKEWALLS and have managed to repair and produce with the townsfolk. They advance in the same way their one-way minds work, for they are comprised of the sludge itself.[break][break]

As the battle wages on, 's GARDEVOIR is a constant support. Its HEAL PULSE soothes those injured throughout the battlefield, while 's GALLADE weaves in and out using SACRED SWORD. Each swing of its arm-blades rewards it with a squelching poisonous pop.[break][break]

Eventually, calls upon his ORBEETLE. As it hovers above the army, it executes its Z-MOVE: G-MAX GRAVITAS. As globules of poison rise among the ascending army's troops, 's BAXCALIBUR uses EARTHQUAKE to force the poisonous troopers into the air. With the earth razed, the dragon continues to fight amongst the Poison Pokemon, tossing them up into the ORBEETLE'S GRAVITATIONAL PULL before they are done away with.[break][break]

However, from inside, the GIGANTAMAX VENUSAUR attempts to burst through the stadium with its thick vines. 's CORVIKNIGHT slams into it with a BRAVE BIRD, but is eventually knocked out of the air and subsequently KO'D. Similarly, 's GRIMMSNARL attempts to drain the VENUSAUR with its Z-MOVE: MEMENTO MORI. As its hairy tendrils latch around the poisonous toad, the GRIMMSNARL attempts to siphon energy; however, it is stopped once it is flung by the VENUSAUR'S GARGANTUAN VINES to KNOCK IT UNCONSCIOUS..[break][break]

Enraged, the GIGANTAX VENUSAUR begins to spread its POLLEN from the huge flower on its back. Though 's IRON MOTH and 's FLUTTER MANE strike with poison and flame, both Paradox Pokemon succumb to the POLLEN, forcing them to FAINT. Before the allergens can cause further harm, 's ROARING MOON uses FLAMETHROWER to burn through the incoming spore-like POLLEN. On top of the same dragon, would watch from above as 's BEHEEYEM executes its Z-MOVE: SHATTERED PSYCHE.[break][break]

PSYCHIC ENERGIES encase the VENUSAUR, throttling backward a few steps. Each footfall causes the entire city to quake. takes advantage of this pivotal moment. Having deciphered no new information from the observatory's notebook or telescope (for the stars are not out yet), she converts from researcher to soldier. Her SYLVEON uses PSYSHOCK on the staggered VENUSAUR, finally knocking it unconscious before it reverts slowly back to its original size.[break][break]

The GALARIAN ARTICUNO, armored in black, continues to attack. Around it, PSYCHIC FEATHERS SHARP ENOUGH TO CUT THROUGH IRON cycle around. They slam into the barricades, cutting them apart with ease. As 's BLISSEY attempts to THUNDER WAVE it, the keen-eyed ARTICUNO reacts instantaneously. A FREEZING GLARE collides with the shackle of electricity, bursting through it to KO and FREEZE THE BLISSEY.[break][break]

However, this is enough of a distraction for to strike. His GLAMEOW leaps toward the bird, striking at it with a NIGHT SLASH. The bird screeches. With a swing of its wing, it bats the cat away, but thankfully, it does not faint. More PSYCHIC FEATHER BLADES slam into barricades as it summons multiple COPIES of itself: illusory shapes that disorient and confuse.[break][break]

After attempts to inspire with bloodlust, calls upon her SIGILYPH. The eccentric Pokemon is quick to AIR SLASH every single copy thanks to its trainer's bloodthirsty enthusiasm and a blade of air finally lands. It strikes the GALARIAN ARTICUNO, but fails to FLINCH IT... but it does, succeed in knocking out a PLATE OF BLACK ARMOR. In retaliation, the ARTICUNO soars down toward and , firing a FREEZING GLARE from its black-masked eyes.[break][break]

Before it's too late, launches herself and her AEGISLASH before them. A KING'S SHIELD is erected, and as ice crawls up the Pokemon's shield, 's GENGAR hurls a powerful, crackling orb of spectral energy: a SHADOW BALL that detonates against the bird's exposed plumage.[break][break]

As an explosion of purple erupts from the bird's breast, the GALARIAN ARTICUNO FALLS, DEFEATED.


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
cleansing sludge and claw by earth, pool and mind,[break]
walls art hath raised to protect us i'm told.[break]
as speeches forge our hearts so bold[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Did clothe in the black knight's armeth'r didst a bird[break]
arriveth, with froren stare and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
from the depths, a geant Venusaur didst appeareth,[break]
bringing vine and pollen to our Ballonlea.[break]
our h'roes combated backeth, and did protect our town[break]
and so we didst bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]


THE ATTACK ON CIRCHESTER is alerted by and his LUCARIO. However, the army is fast. Comprised of hideous sludge, the Poison Pokemon smash themselves against the barricades that and her METAGROSS had created. Thankfully, their advance is slowed, but for how long?[break][break]

Witnessing its trainer's fear, 's TOXTRICITY OVERDRIVES into the army. Electricity erupts from its conductive body, incinerating countless Poison Pokemon from the inside out. However, it is eventually overcome alongside several townsfolk and their Pokemon. Thankfully, is able to save the Pokemon from perishing. Though it is knocked out, channels 's essence and swings his AEGISLASH AS IT AERIAL ACES the enemies away, bisecting them clean.[break][break]

The wave is relentless however. As the battle burns, 's DECIDUEYE is called upon to Z-MOVE: THE END. A stunning array of SOLAR-INFUSED PETALS strike across the army. They explode in rapid succession, shattering defenses as those struck pop like putrid pimples on the field.[break][break]

Inside the city, the GIGANTAMAX KINGLER wreaks havoc. From its FROTHY BEARD bubbles scatter, exploding against buildings and defending Pokemon. 's URSHIFU summons all of its strength. Weaving through the froth, it launches itself to land a WICKED BLOW on the crab. The punch strikes the crustacean violently, forcing it to stagger back; however, its beard detaches a sizeable chunk from its end. The bubbles burst, KNOCKING THE URSHIFU OUT. Regardless, buys everyone time.[break][break]

's AMPHAROS cries out defiantly. Its fist is charged with crackling electricity before it strikes the GIGANTAMAX KINGLER'S LEG. A CLAW swings low and knocks the AMPHAROS against a vendor's stall, splintering it upon impact. But it DOES NOT FAINT.[break][break]

Eventually, 's ANNIHILAPE lands a CROSS CHOP, its ghostly vengeance channeled into the strike. It forces one of the long legs of the GIGANTAMAX KINGLER to bend. From the sky, descends. Her SALAMENCE barrels downward with a furious Z-MOVE: DEVASTATING DRAKE. A draconic aura, befitting of its trainer's lineage, engulfs its frame as it strikes the KINGLER with full force. An eruption of energy shrouds the KINGLER and everyone nearby... and when it fades, the KINGLER can be seen, reverted into its normal size and knocked out.[break][break]

Outside, many engage the GALARIAN ARTICUNO. Its FREEZING GLARE immobilizes townsfolk and Pokemon with frigid immediacy and its PSYCHIC FEATHER BLADES slam into the barricades with ease, cutting them like soft fruits.[break][break]

However, before the ARTICUNO can summon illusory copies of itself, 's ILLUMINA LUXRAY glimmers as it casts SPOTLIGHT on the bird. As the copies arise, the true avian is marked. Several of its army fire SLUDGE BOMBS toward the ARTICUNO, loosening its BLACK PLATES.[break][break]

takes the opportunity to use his own SHADOW LUXRAY. It rams into the ARTICUNO with shadowy force and tears off some armor. In the process, it detects that the material is similar in signature to that of an ULTRA BEAST. As the ARTICUNO hovers backward, its eyes glowing within their black frames, and her RAYQUAZA summon the heavens and their lightning. A THUNDER slams down into the bird, aided by the SPOTLIGHT. The bolt travels immediately into the exposed weak spot, and downs the bird from the sky.[break][break]

The city is protected, and the townsfolk continue to spin their tale.


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
and protect our kingdom with psychic mind,[break]
a rousing speech inspires by angelic rains,[break]
while claws and sludge art quell'd before teen[break]
falls upon our realm again, but fret not shouldst[break]
we incur did wind once more, the hero's bath[break]
returns to glory by a queen of dragons,[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Did clothe in the black knight's armeth'r didst a bird[break]
arriveth, with froren stare and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
from the depths, a geant kingler didst appeareth,[break]
bringing brine and froth to Circhester.[break]
our h'roes combated backeth, and did protect our town[break]
and so we didst bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]


HAMMERLOCKE IS PROTECTED BY LIGHT AND EARTH. Missiles of poison strike against 's LIGHT SCREENS as workers recoil, despite being protected by 's ALAKAZAM. However, 's TRENCHES, carved by his ROARING MOON prove to be pivotal roadblocks for the army. Poison Pokemon slip into these fissures, struggling to escape as their slippery forms squelch and splash against earthen walls.[break][break]

calls upon his SWALOT. With puckered lips and bright whiskers, the poison bag claps its stubby hands together. A HELPING HAND allows 's MEGA LAPRAS TO G-MAX RESONANCE with incredible efficacy. An ICY BLAST descends upon the army, freezing the earth before erupting outward like a geyser. An AURORA VEIL bejewels the air despite the absence of hail.[break][break]

Under this protective glacial curtain, and his IRON JUGULIS dive down from the heavens. With inspiring recklessness, he scorches the army with his mount's HEAT WAVE. Protected by sludge thanks to the AURORA VEIL, he clears countless poisonous platoons, turning the tide of battle.[break][break]

Inside the stadium, and the townsfolk defy the GIGANTAMAX CHARIZARD. It is a long, perilous battle. A G-MAX WILDFIRE incinerates the field and creates fiery walls that tower above trainer and Pokemon alike. However, is not deterred. Despite her profession within the legal industry, she proves to be a capable trainer in this moment of desperation. 's ASHEN RAIKOU AND SUICUNE act as pivotal distractions while 's GRENINJA leaps from crumbling bleachers. Swiftly and stealthily, the GRENINJA gets close and lands a powerful HYDRO PUMP, empowered by a RAIN DANCE as the final blow. The CHARIZARD reverts to regular size, drenched with water and rendered unconscious.[break][break]

Outside, many contest the GALARIAN ARTICUNO. Plated in black armors, it is a formidable force. PSYCHIC FEATHER BLADES cut through some of the barricades like butter and shatter some of 's LIGHT SCREENS. 's MAGNETON launches a THUNDER WAVE against the bird, forcing it to slow momentarily with PARALYSIS.[break][break]

It buys enough time for 's TERRAKION to SMACK DOWN the GALARIAN ARTICUNO. The bird is GROUNDED, but this close, the ARTICUNO manages to FREEZING GLARE the SWORD OF JUSTICE. The TERRAKION is FROZEN SOLID within its glacial cage until the bird is defeated.[break][break]

The ARTICUNO sheds its PARALYSIS, but with its aerial advantage nullified, and join forces to strike the bird. 's GOLURK lands a powerful SHADOW PUNCH against the bird's armors, while 's KINGAMBIT attacks with KOWTOW CLEAVE. Screeching in frustration, the bird sends PSYCHIC FEATHER BLADES at each Pokemon, tossing them away. Though the GOLURK is hurt, the KINGAMBIT is the one who is KNOCKED OUT.[break][break]

The GALARIAN ARTICUNO ascends, but is TAUNTED by 's TATSUGIRI. With a flap of its wings, a HURRICANE tears across the field toward the small dragon. Enough time is bought for and to act. The NIDOKING HELPING HANDS 's ZERAORA, and its empowered Z-MOVE: HYPERSONIC PLASMA CHARGE collides with the ARTICUNO with a spectacular spectacle of lightning.[break][break]

Haphazardly, beams of FREEZING GLARE swing about from the bird's twisting head. One strikes 's NIDOKING, FAINTING AND FREEZING IT INSTANTANEOUSLY. As electricity crackles against the GALARIAN ARTICUNO, moves in quick with his manufactured GENESECT. The robotic bug fires an ELECTROWEB and as it is distracted by the webbing, the Beast manages to SIPHON A BLACK PLATE OF ARMOR from the bird, confirming that it is indeed, of the same material NECROZMA is.[break][break]

After 's ZERAORA leaps back to a safe distance, closes the gap with her HISUIAN ZORUA. Its SHADOW BALL soars through the air and lands in the exposed area on the bird's body. Finally, it falls and crashes onto the field.


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
to recup'rate our wounded, our walls, and minds. [break]
a dragon scout carves deep trenches [break]
while lightning and spells stomp hands of noxious stenches[break]
the townsfolk art did inspire by two strange men[break]
while the vault returns to its former glory again[break]
what m're shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Clad in the black knight's armor did a bird[break]
arrive, with thunderous legs and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
From the depths, a geant Charizard did appear,[break]
bringing hellish flame to old Hammerlocke.[break]
Our heroes fought back, and protected our town[break]
And so we did bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shall be remembered?[break][break]


IN MOTOSTOKE, the noxious army charges against the city's barricades. However, 's forgework is indomitable. Her fortifications force the Poison Pokemon to rake themselves against the walls with reckless abandon, losing parts of their sludge-bodies in the process.[break][break]

is a pivotal frontline trainer. Her MEGA TYRANITAR charges into the malodorous invaders. Its incredible bulk and strength instantly obliterates their viscous forms. Throughout the battle, the titan can be seen raising hell as its trainer finds the effects of 's new patronage leaking into their mind.[break][break]

In the meantime, attempts to obtain a sample of poison with her GARDEVOIR'S SLUDGE. She does—but she must evacuate for immediately, for the GIGANTAMAX GARBODOR is headed her way. The GARBODOR crashes through the stadium. From its immense shape, a putrid miasma wafts with every lurch and groan.[break][break]

's FLYGON attempts to halt the GARBODOR'S advance. Her EARTHQUAKE rocks the earth, forcing segments of its waste to slough off into the streets. Groaning, the GARBODOR unleashes a G-MAX MALODOR. A surge of sewage gushes out from its bottom and its pores, forcing everyone's noses to burn.[break][break]

On top of his CHARIZARD, commands his mount to use HURRICANE. The impressive gale channels some of the sewage back and away from the other trainers as the wind cuts into the GARBODOR like fan blades. Groaning, the GARBODOR tosses a plane from its body. It crashes through a city building as summons her GARDEVOIR. As it MEGA EVOLVES, the GARBODOR manages to engulf the TRAIN STATION—but a PSYCHIC from the newly transformed GARDEVOIR prevents it from moving any further.[break][break]

's ABOMASNOW launches an EARTHQUAKE; the earth shakes severely underneath the beast, empowered by the GROUND ZONE to incredible effect. However, as the GARBODOR struggles to regain its composure from and her GARDEVOIR'S ATTACK, it reaches for the TRAIN. Thankfully, due to the efforts of trainers, there is no TRAIN TO THROW AT AND HIS POKEMON, and they are SUBSEQUENTLY SPARED.[break][break]

By and , 's ARON joins 's GOLETT. Though it is small, it is powerful—especially due to the connection of the SYGNA SUIT. The city shakes as an GROUND ZONE BOOSTED EARTHQUAKE forces the GARBODOR to double over, weakened significantly where 's GARDEVOIR had struck. Finally, 's GOLETT lands the final blow. Another EARTHQUAKE ripples through the GROUND ZONE, forcing earth to spike into the GIGANTAMAX GARBODOR to devastating effect. It falls, reverting to regular size as a knocked out body on the city floor.[break][break]

Outside, the battle with the GALARIAN ARTICUNO is a longwinded struggle. 's DECIDUEYE fires a SPIRIT SHACKLE, the arrow embedding itself in the creature's shadow to keep it in place. Shrieking, the ARTICUNO hurls a PSYCHIC FEATHER BLADE that narrowly misses the bird. 's METAGROSS fires a PSYCHIC against the avian too; however, it is able to resist the intelligent Pokemon's attack with ease.[break][break]

Another FEATHER BLADE toward @banarby and his CHARIZARD. As the CHARIZARD narrowly evades it, aided by the shrill billowing of 's CHINGLING'S OMINOUS WIND, a BLAST BURN manages to scorch the invading bird and its black armors. The wind continues, preventing the ARTICUNO from retaliating.[break][break]

Immediately, assists the Admin with her bitter flames. Her VOLCARONA spreads its wings in beautiful display as a FIERY DANCE wreathes around the bird and tears off a plate of BLACK ARMOR.[break][break]

Shrieking, the GALARIAN ARITCUNO uses a FREEZING GLARE on 's DRAGONITE who quickly approaches. Though it is a move that can FREEZE, the heat provided by and lessen its potency. The DRAGONITE manages to endure the hit and lands a THUNDER PUNCH against the armored bird before falling back. Though injured, it does not faint.[break][break]

But the GALARIAN ARTICUNO succumbs. The THUNDER PUNCH had landed on an exposed stretch of body, where the armor had been pried off by flame.


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
acting as earthen bulwarks for our town to survive[break]
violent women slayeth the hands at our throats[break]
while a mistress of the forge builds cotes[break]
for our wingless people as the bleeding train[break]
is severed from its track.[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]

Did clothe in the black knight's armeth'r didst a bird[break]
arriveth, with froren stare and its poisonous fyrd.[break]
From the depths, a geant Garbod'r didst appeareth,[break]
bringing stench and sludge to Motostoke's sph're.[break]
Our h'roes combated backeth, and did protect our town[break]
and so we didst bestow our crowns.[break]
What more shalt beest remembered?[break][break]


THE DRUMMING OF WAR FINALLY SUBSIDES. As the remaining threats dissipate into poisonous waste, each township erupts into merry cheers.[break][break]

Upon closer inspection, the GALARIAN ARTICUNO are not simply unconscious. They are dead. Some can surmise that the BLACK PLATING was responsible for their demises, as if the black armor converted the GALARIAN ARTICUNO into thralls for whatever power they came from.[break][break]

However, within the BALLONLEA ARTICUNO'S PLUME, two eggs would eventually hatch. Two infantile GALARIAN ARTICUNO would emerge and immediately imprint on those who carry their mother's scent due to the feather they possess: and . In the other cities, there is only a single egg. Other heroes would be imprinted on by their close proximity to the ARTICUNO, or by luck: , , and .

Those who had inspired the peasantry—or were instrumental in cleaning THE HERO'S BATH initially are suddenly swarmed by the townspeople. In reverence, they kneel to the following characters: , , in BALLONLEA. , , , in CIRCHESTER. & in HAMMERLOCKE and & in MOTOSTOKE.[break][break]

They are granted makeshift crowns. No matter what the situation, the townspeople of each city will consider them as ROYALTY, rulers of each territory.[break][break]

Now unclogged, the POWER SPOT in each town has a bright beacon of magenta shooting into the sky.[break][break]

Eventually, time begins to pass in the memory like a relentless current.


UNLIKE THE MEMORY REALM OF SWORD, there is no High King. The prophecy is not told by the late CALYREX, but instead, is communicated by ominous writing on the walls of your city. This writing appears during the FIRST MONTH in poisonous sludge, its magenta hue causing it to take a blood-like appearance that is nightmarish and unnerving.[break][break]

In the realm of feudal memory, where sorrow unfurls,[break]
Of a kingdom beset by darkness, where chaos whirls.[break]
Unjustly slain, the high king's spirit mired,[break]
The Black Knight would rise and attack, vengeance acquired.[break][break]

Yet from the shattered armor, a sword and shield would be forged,[break]
Infused with the high king's essence, their power surged.[break]
They'd unlock the secret of new heights, a celestial key,[break]
Transforming heroes into giants, their purpose set free.[break][break]

The stars would hold the tales, secrets of cosmic design,[break]
Guiding the chosen champions, their destinies entwined.[break]
Through celestial revelations, wisdom would be found,[break]
Unveiling truths and legends, their significance profound.[break][break]

Before the final clash 'twixt The Black Knight and Skeleton's dread,[break]
They'd read the constellations, their meaning widespread.[break]
Armed with sword and shield, their purpose crystal-clear,[break]
They'd vanquish chaos, restore the realm, dispelling fear.[break][break]

Thus, the prophecy beckoned the heroes, bold and brave,[break]
To shape their destiny, the kingdom to save.[break]
With resolve unyielding and starry insight,[break]
They'd forge their legends, in the darkest night.[break][break]

Before the final clash 'twixt Black Knight and Skeleton, cursed and dread,[break]
They'd decipher the constellations, what terrors lay ahead.[break]
For destiny's tapestry weaves an intricate dance,[break]
And the heroes must wield sword and shield, in this fateful circumstance.[break][break]

When poison overcomes the land, hope dwindling in its might,[break]
And all seems lost in shadows, engulfed by endless night,[break]
The major canine shall emerge from stone, a beacon of heroic splendor,[break]
To tear the long-lasting memory asunder.

Many attempt to understand the prophecy as they rebuild their new lives in this memory.



ONE YEAR PASSES. The attacks on each township have increased, bringing with them, more and more aggressive Pokemon created from the sludge.[break][break]

Anyone involved in the observatory such as will discover that the notes in the lab gradually fill with information. The pages fill in with STAR CHARTS that reveal the location of astronomical objects such as stars, constellations... galaxies. In particular, there is a focus on constellations, including one labeled "★CMa".[break][break]

The DYNITE ORE and others have discovered appear to important for the ability to DYNAMAX; however, our heroes will not be able to learn how to dynamax yet. DYNITE ORE can be found in the deep, down the POWER SPOT as well. Heading down into the caverns will allow trainers to mine more of this ore, while also defending against DYNAMAXED OR GIGANTAMAXED POKEMON in the cavern. The pulsating organ does not seem to be able to be penetrated by normal attacks or metals...[break][break]

Throughout the year, the occasional threat from the deep will emerge as a DYNAMAXED POKEMON that must be defeated.



ONE DECADE PASSES. Eventually, a NECROZMA appears at each of the settlements. The townspeople cry out in fear of THE BLACK KNIGHT, worried that it may lure in a cataclysmic conflict with what they deem THE SKELETON. The NECROZMA is drawn by the LIGHT EMANATING FROM EACH POWER SPOT and will stop at nothing to get there even if there are attempts to reason with it.[break][break]

While the assault is relentless, eventually THIS VERSION OF NECROZMA would give up and move on, but not without massive casualties in the town. However, it leaves countless BLACK METALS in the aftermath...[break][break]

These metals can be forged to create new weaponry and defensive equipment and in this memory, can be imbued with the INFINITY ENERGY of Pokemon. Though this technique would normally not work in the real world, the nature of this realm allows it to be done.

Furthermore, a mysterious boulder begins to emerge from the earth in each town. It begins to slowly chip away to reveal canine-like features...[break][break]

More breakthroughs begin to develop through the investigation of the stars and of the DYNITE ORES. It is evident that the prophesied "final clash" will come eventually as the poison begins to consume more of the region of Galar. Your characters must prepare.


IN YOUR POST, you may detail what your characters are doing for the first ten years. Do not feel restricted to any action. Also imagine any information not dispensed (e.g. the parchment strips in the first few rounds) has been distributed to everyone by this mod post.[break][break]

You may choose to have your post focus in the immediate period after ten years, focus on brief summaries of each period, or whatever way you'd like to approach your post. However, please be reasonable with your TL;DRs and with will be able to include in his mod post.[break][break]

Lastly, all of your Pokemon can be healed for this MOD POST. However, after the final jump, be aware that POKEMON THAT HAVE BEEN KNOCKED OUT OR POISONED may be unusable for the last stretch of the raid.


Though this time skip is long, your characters do not need to be dramatically affected by their experience after the raid is over. The raid's events may begin to fade like a dream (though this is up to player discretion).



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • please refrain from using Pokemon nicknames in your TL;DR. use the POKEMON SPECIES NAME.
  • please ROLL THIS ROUND.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please POST ONCE this round.

Do note, there are many characters participating. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.


JUNE 16TH - 11:59PM PST

NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

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March 6th
Nimbasa City
5'7 height
5'7 height
Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
514 posts
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TAG WITH @flood
Xenon Antheil
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2023 14:36:30 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar

The Legend falls under the force of the compacted malice of Argon, a chink in the armor exposed and exploited in a detonation of spectral hate. She's the first to confirm its death as the rest celebrate their hard earned victory, the first to find the eggs, the first to ignore them entirely as she begins pulling off the black plates from the bird with manic zeal burning in her eyes. But she's been running off of adrenaline all this time, once all is said and done she finally passes out and is forced to drag her away if she wants to claim her prize in the end. When she wakes up next, the agonizing experience of removing the frostbitten limb begins and ends, but that's a tale for another time.
For the first week she is quiet. She assists in rebuilding the town's defenses, wary of another attack so soon after the first. She trains the other townspeople, even earns some respect as she teaches them techniques and strategies they could use to kill a god. Nothing happens.
For the first month she is quiet. She inscribes the prophecy into her heart, then just as quickly discards it as she seeks to carve out her own future. She journeys out into the ruins of Galar with those who would join her, attempting to forge a new trail into the new world she finds herself in, trying to understand and shape the future by her own means. What she discovers is yet to be known.
For the first year she is quiet, perhaps she hopes that the other Rockets will find her, perhaps she hopes that she'll find her opportunity to shatter this dream ere long. Yet nothing changes.
She is no longer quiet.
It happens between attacks on Ballonlea, an explosion in the Pokecenter that sets the building ablaze. It would be easy to pass this off as an unforeseen accident, some chemicals from some unknown item reacting in some way and destroying the building. She claims responsibility for it as she flies above on Rhodium, she proclaims the end of the age of the divine right of kings, the beginning of the age of equality. The beginning of the age of Ultramodernism.
When the first uprising proves to be a fruitless endeavor, she's eventually released. They simply lack the resources to keep an eye on her 24/7, and she's a useful asset in defending the city from the Poison Pokemon that appear. She continues her expeditions out into the world, she finds minor interests in the stars during her brief stays in the town, but never for long. If she stayed too long, things would get messy with the "royalty" as they were so proclaimed, regardless of if they had once been her boss or not. Distinctions such as Rocket Beasts meant nothing, relics of the past to be thrown into the trash.
And so the years go on and on and on.
Ten years go by as such, incidents of chaos and revolution spring up interspersed between the assaults of the Dynamax Beasts and Poisoned Legion. Injuries occur, but no fatalities, at least none that are a direct result of her actions. So long as nobody tries to order her around at least. She's one of the greatest leads in finding cures for the poison that those wretched beasts are comprised of after every battle, there are even times where she seems almost caring as she tends to the wounded and the dying. But she never remains consistent, that's just not her style.
There is one singular moment that focuses Xenon, the attack of the Black Knight. A Beast from another world, the Void Prism Pokemon Necrozma and its insatiable hunger for the light of Ballonlea. It is the first time throughout the entirety of the ten years that she brings the full power of Rhodium to bear against another, the first time she shows her full strength as she fights alongside everyone else to push back the Legendary. Much of the town dies in the siege, Xenon certainly doesn't escape without scars as she loses her eye in the fight. But she's hardly the same person she once was regardless, it was about time to redesign herself regardless.
She's the first to create a weapon from the scales left behind, an arm incorporating the very same poison they had all fought against within its claws. And once more for the first time in ten years, the others find her to be actively helpful as she forges yet more weapons from those dark scales, dipping into the energy of the Power Spot to create Ultramodern Masterpieces that seemingly shouldn't function at the level they do. Its only once every single prism is used up and forged that she once more ventures out into the wilds to find the exit which they had seemingly given up on in favor of their stagnant survival.

+ is in Ballonlea[break]
For a year Xenon remains helpful as she waits for something to happen, but after a year she blows up the Pokecenter to protest the new monarchy. Spends her time either in jail, studying the stars, or exploring out ruins of Galar to find a way out of the dream. Notably does not kill anyone unless they directly try to start something with her. [break]
Uses her full strength for the first time when fighting Necrozma, forges weapons for everyone using its scales, including a new arm for herself with the ability to use Dire Claw. After the fight is over, continues exploring the Galarian ruins until something big enough happens in Ballonlea to keep her attention.



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february 3rd
malie city
senior ranger
5’2” height
5’2” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
253 posts
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TAG WITH @absalom
absalom steel
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2023 16:10:26 GMT
absalom steel Avatar

[attr="class","header"]LIVE LIFE FOR YOU NOT FOR OTHERS


He watched the attacks hit the Articuno. Royal was able land a hit on the Articuno and he tensed when his Pokémon was thrown back. To his relief the feline Pokémon wasn’t knocked out. He felt the fear in his throat lesson and he barely paid attention to the rest of the fight to busy being relieved that he wouldn’t be down another Pokémon. It was bad enough that Mirage was knocked out, he wasn’t sure what he would do if anymore of his Pokémon for down for the count.
The teen was pulled out of his thoughts as the battles were won. It was relief that they had won. And he expected them to be beamed up or whatever so they could finally go home. However nothing like that happened. He frowned wondering why they weren’t being sent home. Hadn’t they protected the towns enough? Hadn’t they accomplished what they had been sent to do?
Fear shot through him wrapping around his heart like icy tendrils as he watched people get chosen to become royalty. One person being made Queen snapped him back to his senses. He remembered what she had said to rally the townsfolk. And at the time too much had been going on to worry about it. But he had thought her approach crazy and hadn’t believed a speech like her would work on inspiring the towns people. Only except it had. By some weird miracle it had.
”They’re making the crazy lady Queen?” he asked staring at . It took him a few seconds to realize something he had only meant to think he had said out loud. His face quickly heated up in embarrassment before he ducked away. Yeah he was going to hole himself up somewhere now. Less of a chance for him to embarrass himself that way.

The First Month
The first month came and he frowned as he noticed he was getting low on his remedy. Of course he had been getting pretty low before he had come here. So the fact he was running out shouldn’t be too surprising. It did make him wonder what would happen once he did run out. Hopefully he would be able to come up with alternatives.
Because something told him they would be here awhile. Probably had something to do with the prophecy that had been found. After hearing it he had a terrible feeling of foreboding. That they weren’t leaving anytime soon. A feeling he had failed to share with anyone else.
Perhaps he didn’t want to be that person. The person who brought everyone’s mood down. Or maybe he still wasn’t use to interacting with people. After all he was still avoiding at due to what he had said a month ago. It was to easy for him to get overly embarrassed about something and he knew he would probably feel this embarrassment for awhile.
A normal person might apologize and be done with it. But he didn’t really know how to deal with people so he hadn’t done that.
Mirage, who had woken up a few days after dealing with Articuno, sensing his distress would try to comfort him. He was relieved that his companion had managed to wake himself up. And he would make sure to keep a better eye on Mirage in the future.

A Year Later
A year had passed. It had been a long year. As he expected it had taken long for him to run out of his medicine. They had also been here for awhile as he initially thought. His health had started to deteriorate further. It had taken awhile for him to tell someone about his condition. Though so far he had only come clean to one person.
And that person was who he felt would be the most likely to be able to help him since he had seen his healing with his own eyes. To his day it was hard to imagine being able to accomplish such a feat. The logical part of his brain just didn’t see the logic of someone being able to accomplish such a feat.
Thanks to he had been able suppress his symptoms. However it only worked so well. As long as he didn’t push himself to hard he was fine. Due to his ten years of isolation he didn’t always know how to take things easy. He had been on best rest recently. Though usually when he ended up on bed rest he would spend the time writing letters to the only person he knew in this twisted version of Galar that wasn’t in his current location.
He would send the letters out when he was able to before waiting for a reply. While doing that he would work on his social skills by socializing with others. It hard since he was socially awkward. But those he had interacted with hadn’t seemed to care. He had even met another person that was socially awkward his name was . Their social awkwardness was something they could bond over.
Over the year he had decided to be look out along with Royal. With the observatory being the best place for that he would go up there. Often times he would run into others there. The most notice being and two of new royalty that had been chosen. After a year he had long since gotten over his embarrassment and would greet both politely with a bow of his head. However it was clear he was too comfortable with either of them, whenever they did meet, especially who he was still a bit wary of. The best way to know he was uncomfortable in their presence was how stiff his speech was when addressing them. Then again that was how he talked to most people until he got to know them. But considering they were both considered royalty now getting him to relax the way he spoke to them would be practically impossible.
Whenever he ran into anyone in the observatory he would exchange a few polite words with them before going to keep watch like he had initially intended. With him and the feline Pokémon working as look outs they were able to call a warning whenever some more of those hordes of poison Pokémon would arrive. Then he would join the frontlines with Mirage at his side. With his aid they would battle back against the hordes of Pokémon that would show up.

Ten Years Later
Ten years. Ten who years had passed it was hard to believe he was now twenty-three. Everyday he thought of his family. About what they were doing. About how they were handling his disappearance. Did they think he had run away? Or did they think he had died. The idea that it was either of those made him frown.
He sighed and patrolled the town. Being look out was something he still did among other things. Now he also tried to use science to help them out. He was figuring out new things about science since they had been brought here. Like science didn’t work completely the same way here.
On his patrol he spotted making him grin. Though the mask he wore over the bottom half of his face would hide it his eyes would give away the fact he was smiling. Him and the other male had become close over the years. To the point he was less stiff with his speech with the other male. Or course he as that way with a few others but Jayden was the second outside of but that had been out of necessity. He would say he was also pretty close to as well due to being the same age as the other young man it also helped that the the blind youth had helped him with finding ways to suppress his symptoms during that first year after he had found out, despite being busy with the school he had started up. Those three were probably the ones he was closest to for one reason or another.
He made his way over to the other male coming to a halt once he had gotten close enough to the older male. ”Hello, how have you been?” he would ask his expression curious. Once he received a response he would ask the question that was really on his mind. ”Hey do you ever think about what’s happening out there? What people thinks happened to us?” He would ask his expression a strange mix of pained and wistful.
He missed his family. The young man even missed his overbearing parents. He supposed that was pretty common though. The weight of what his family might think had happened to him weighed heavily on his mind.
He supposed he should be grateful he still had his Pokémon but he just couldn’t get over not having his family by his side. Not even the presence of his Pokémon could make up for not having his family by his side. Even after ten years. It was something he had talked to in their letters and in person.
He shook himself wincing at the tightness in his chest thinking about such sad things had caused. Before Jayden could worry he would wave the older male off. ”It’s okay I was just thinking about my family. Who knew sadness could have some affect on my condition,” he said with a sigh.
It was at the point that he remembered he was supposed to be patrolling the town. ”Ah dang it I’m on patrol right now. We’ll catch up later though right?” he would inquire. Rather or not he would receive a response he would move on. He would make his way to the observatory and slowly make the climb up. He would first make sure didn’t see him knowing the older male wouldn’t like him overexerting himself.
Reaching the top he would take a few minutes to catch his breath before releasing Royal from his pokeball. Then he would make his way over to the telescopes and peer through one to look out over the area. He knew Royal would be able to notice before any enemy arrived but he liked being about to check things out himself.
At first he didn’t see anything. But soon enough he would spot something coming their way. ”Something’s coming!” he would call out as he sounded the alarm. Hoping the early warning would help.

Necrozma Arrives
Wanting to get down quickly he would withdraw Royal and send out Mirage getting on the dual type and riding him down the mushrooms. The young man would remain on top of Mirage but would release his Jigglypuff from her Pokémon to aid in protecting the town. After doing so he would join the others on the front lines. He would help defend their home by having Song use disarming voice against the new threat. Eventually their attacks would drive it away making him sigh in relief.
It would be after they had driven it away that he would notice the metal left behind. Frowning he would go over to it and pick up a piece examining it. ”If you give me a bit of time I can see what this can do and tell everyone what I’ve discovered,” he tell the gathered people.
After that he would spend his days tinkering with it along with some other people like , a girl he frequently met when he was in the observatory keeping watch or doing science related things, to discover what it could do. And after some time he would find out what it could be used for. He would share his findings with the others. And tell them how the metal could be used to make weapons infused with Pokémon moves.
After a but he would figure out how to make the weapons and would make his own. An archery set infused with H.Zoroark’s bitter malice. After commissioning his own weapon and getting over the fact he had Mirage by his side again he would offer to work on other’s weapons. Mostly focusing on the weapon’s for the royals or his friends at first like he would also make the weapon for another person he considered a friend.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + Watches people become royalty and calls crazy (whoops) which he didn’t mean to say out loud. [break] Mirage is revived after a few days [break] A month passes and he worries about whet will happen after he runs out of his remedy [break] a year passes and during that time he’s kept in touch with [break] he’s told about his condition and had worked out a schedule for healing sessions [break] still doesn’t know his limitations though [break] starts slowly befriending the people around him [break] ten years has passed and he has become pretty close with [break] Talks with [break] His condition briefly acts up but he insist he’s fine before returning to his patrol [break] Goes up to the observatory and keeps an eye on things with his Glameow [break] Notices Necrozma approaching and sounds the alarm [break] Helps everyone drive it away with his Jigglypuff by making her use disarming voice [break] Tells everyone what the metal can be used for and crafts his weapon an archery set infused with bitter malice [break] Offers to help make other people their weapons [break] Makes and their weapons



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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,741 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2023 17:26:06 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar


The crowning of and meant nothing to her, at first. Motostoke was a temporary resting place; what or who its sheep-like people saw fit to worship was unimportant, to her mind. She focused her time and attention on escape, choosing to limit her company to those like and who had proven themselves worthy of it.[break][break]

Until the days stretched to months. The months to years. The tedium of fighting back a barrage of monsters over and over, while discovering nothing of note in her attempts to return back to her home world, threatened to push her to the brink of madness.[break][break]

Elisabeth Fiorelli was not a woman given to rolling over and letting fate decide her destiny for her. So instead, she seized what little power she held in Motostoke, and staked her claim on it.[break][break]



Galar and Kalos were not so different. Elisabeth's background in the aristocracy primed her for certain methods of survival to attain money and power.[break][break]

Her first marriage had lasted ten years. Elisabeth's second marriage barely lasted ten days.[break][break]

The question was simple: who held power in Motostoke, save for the monarchy? And the answer was established in the trains that ran through this town, hatefully mechanical and lifeless in a way that reminded Elisabeth of too many other things she despised.[break][break]

Elisabeth despised her next husband, too, though he never did her harm. He was an older man, although he remained a powerful one, running several of the railways that ran through the town. He held some minor noble title, enough to suggest some clout.[break][break]

Importantly, he was dying. And she planned to accelerate that process.[break][break]

It was a calculated decision to seduce him. Tapu Fini's MISTY TERRAIN left his addled mind satisfied that he had enjoyed their romance more than had actually occurred in reality; in truth, they'd barely shared any words in one another's company, much less anything else. The opportunity to explore this level of manipulation on Galarian shades of memory, admittedly, felt too good to resist.[break][break]

Not as satisfying as using it on would be, but ah well. One made do with what one had.[break][break]

Once the paperwork settled, she went back to her old standby: toxicology. It was a nice touch, she thought, to drink from her poisoned chalice before offering it to her victim. Wo-chien's immunity was a terribly useful thing, in that way.[break][break]

Her stepdaughters were not exactly happy about the thieving of their inheritance, but everyone sent to investigate their father's death met an unusual disappearance, or alternatively, came back curiously content to cease in their searching and wafting the faintest scent of pixie dust.[break][break]

She offered to let run the company she inherited. She was decidedly uninterested in trains and railways. Her second husband's house she kept for herself, though.[break][break]

Was it ironic, that she'd be isolated in a manor for another ten years? She tried not to dwell on that.[break][break]

At least she had the company of when the nights were too long. And here, in the monotony of this false Galar, they always were.[break][break]


It was generally understood that it was best to leave the Witch of Motostoke alone. Her own stepdaughters broke off all contact with her, speaking vile insults behind her back and to her face as the years wore on.[break][break]

She remained an unmarried widow; she never seemed interested in having children of her own.[break][break]

Like some reclusive spider, Elisabeth preferred to hide away in her ivy-wreathed tower, emerging only when attacks on the barricade shuddered through the city. Her mysterious companion, a Ruinous Beast that inspired the basest and most vile emotions in those who witnessed it, would slither at her side as she ordered its RUINATION to keep the city safe.[break][break]

She showed no fear in battle. Not to the enormous Pokemon that staggered towards them, and not to Necrozma either.[break][break]

In her hand, she held an elegant scepter wrought of blackest metal, its clear crystal orb swirling with frost that could summon BITTER MALICE at her behest. She was not one to compliment others, but she had to admit that 's skill had not been overestimated in the slightest.[break][break]

Her standing in the royal court had been a contentious one. She wondered, sometimes, if it was 's fondness for that kept her from more retaliation. Another part of her knew she was too powerful for him to restrain her, not with the city as relentlessly under siege as it was.[break][break]

She was the sole Avatar of Motostoke, after all. Who could contain her, really? Save for these damnable walls.[break][break]

To wile away the hours, she contented herself meddling in the lives of the peasantry. They came to her as if she were a fairy godmother in their story, and not some witch toying with their emotions and wants out of her own boredom and frustration.[break][break]

"You can make me into who I truly want to be," they'd say, hesitant and wondering, before the secret bliss of her MISTY TERRAIN warped them into her playthings. She became frighteningly talented with that ability over the span of a decade, but she had learned one thing from observing her predecessor in Tapu Fini's Avatarship:[break][break]

The willing always made for the most successful results, and the cleanest mistakes to pick up after.[break][break]

She'd ask for books when went out on his Spectrier, spending her days attempting to research the poisons in the city and the prophecies that had been written in magenta-blood. Sometimes she sent letters to and from people she once knew in another lifetime. . . Once, on a whim, .[break][break]

But she didn't feel tethered to her previous reality, not in the same way she used to. Just dissatisfied, as she always had been. As she knew, deep down inside, she always would be.[break][break]

It had taken only a decade to break her, the first time. This second decade wore at her differently, little by little, peeling back the layers of her own sanity until she was an even more self-interested, vengeful creature.[break][break]

Waiting for the next battle to sate her bloodlust.[break][break]




- Black Widow Arc 2.0. Bye, rich bitch. #WickedStepmomEra[break]
- Inherited some train and railway stuff that we chucked to .[break]
- Was messing around with .[break]
- Tanked in raids as an Avatar.[break]
- Studying the prophecies and poisons in her lil tower.[break]
- and were probs sus of her, but what happens in the Misty Terrain STAYS in the Misty Terrain (and to be clear, what happened was testing her Tapu Fini powers on hapless memory peasants).[break]
- Made a sweet mage staff with that knows BITTER MALICE.



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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,654 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2023 18:01:06 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Attacks flew left and right. Hideo's Z-move did a lot to damage the Dynamax'd Venasaur, each strike followed by the quaking earth. It may not have been the blow that struck down the Venasaur, but he could feel some satisfaction that his strikes hit hardest. The others are able to defeat the remaining threats to the town, both the army beat back and the bird leading them brought down.

Surely, that meant they were the heroes that the memory wanted? That they would be able to return to Hoenn?

The first month was the worst of it. There was no relief from the Pokemon attacking Ballonlea, no end in sight, no word on when they could finally go home. Hideo and his Pokemon fought to protect this land, but it was not his home. He wanted to get back to Hoenn, where all his other friends were, where his gym was.

It was only a week in that the cracks in his facade would show, when the stress and exhaustion of putting their lives on the line was getting to Hideo. He'd ask if anyone had any idea when it'd all be done, when they could leave this place. He made no secret of his growing discomfort, and more than one raid ended with Hideo in a panic, hiding in his room so he could be a sobbing mess in (relative) peace.

The night before the strange text appeared, Hideo had had enough. He'd waited until the middle of the night to ride out, to find some way, any way to get back to Hoenn. He wanted to go home, even if he had to ride across the sea to get there. It was hardly the first time he'd run away into the night in his life.

Yet as luck would have it, before he could ride out, he'd encountered one of those poisonous Pokemon trying to sneak in. They'd caught each other by surprise, and in the moment, Hideo had killed it, a panicked stab with a knife being all it took. Others had found him after that point, the commotion drawing attention to him, but rather than seen as a coward that tried to run away, they'd proclaimed him a hero that'd helped defend Ballonlea.

It was that night that Hideo realized he couldn't run away from this; that the people here needed him.

After that night, it all became easier.


Battling wasn't the only thing one had to do to survive. Farming, medicine, construction. All things Hideo knew the basics of, but little more than that. Yet he had the perfect way to learn, to teach others: Uxie could share this knowledge with him, and with others, to help them attain what skills they'd need to survive. He'd opened up a school to help teach both the citizens of this world, and the Hoennians he'd come here with. It'd be awkward at first, Hideo wanting to maintain Uxie's secrecy; he'd have to pretend it was his Beheeyem sharing these things or teaching them, or things he'd learned back home or from people in Ballonlea. Hideo'd even lend a hand to try and help alleviate 's illness, and through his efforts (and proximity in age), they'd become friends.

Over time, it became easier.

Hideo also had to learn to fight himself; him slaying that poisonous Pokemon on the night he'd tried to run off was sheer luck. Learning to use a weapon was difficult, especially when he had to struggle with battling without sight, and the first few times he had to put it to use hadn't gone very well. He'd survived, but his iconic sweater didn't. Though he couldn't wear it anymore, he kept it as a sort of shawl, a memory of his life from before.

With practice, it became easier.

Factional lines didn't last long when survival was everyone's priority. Hideo's own reservations about Rocket quickly dissolved, not that he could've been certain what everyone's allegiances were in the first place. In particular, he'd visited Neon ( ) fairly frequently, their mutual appreciation for Hideo's newly-acquired Glastrier serving as the foot in the door, so to say. helped him early on, helping protect him in the first few years, yet their friendship lasted beyond those vulnerable years. With , Hideo's (Pokemons') knowledge had led to the two working closely on more than one project.

As the smolderings of hatred he'd entered with went out, it became easier.

Ironically, Hideo would ride out atop Glastrier, not to escape but to communicate between the other settlements. He was never alone on these journeys, being his most common companion. It was often a perilous journey, but someone had to make sure there was some communication between those scattered across this memory of Galar. And it showed him that Ballonlea was far from the only place suffering their own challenges.

As with all things, it became easier.

But it was never truly easy for them.

Necrozma, that monster that'd slain many of his Pokemon in the past, appeared. "The Black Knight", as the townspeople called it. Hideo fought as best he could, his Pokemon battling alongside him. The battle was not without loss, much of those lost being those Hideo taught before.

But he did not stop. He would not stop.

From the battle, Hideo had gained something: the metal the monster left behind could be used. While he'd been trained in battling before, that was mainly self-defense; that day proved it wouldn't be enough, that he'd have to fight alongside his Pokemon. He'd have someone forge the metal for him to create a blade, one that could help him protect the future, a blade that had the power of Future Sight behind it.

How it was able to do that, he wasn't completely sure. And it would take practice to learn how to properly use its energies, how it gave him small premonitions of what was to come, how it would let him make slashes in the air that would return in the future.

It became easier.

Hideo really wants to get back home
Stress gets to him quickly, he tries to run away the day before the text appears. Ends up intercepting+killing a poison Pokemon that tried to infiltrate Ballonlea.
Hideo sticks around.
Hideo opens up a school. Teaches people skills they'd need to survive, courtesy of Uxie and his Beheeyem (note: Uxie still remains Illusion'd and speaks through Hideo). Ppl are free to say they learn certain skills this way.
Hideo learns how to fight.
Hideo befriends , , , . Screw factional divides, we gotta survive.
Travels between cities atop Glastrier. Often goes alongside , other ppl allowed to join.
When Necrozma attacks, Hideo battles. Soldiers on even despite the losses.
Weapon of choice: Blade with Future Vision

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP