i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2023 18:06:52 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar


Ambition is an appetite insatiable.[break][break]

In Rocket, fear had suppressed that hunger. The first months see him no less determined to return home than he'd been in the first minutes since stepping foot on the soil of memory.[break][break]

Then, slowly but surely, a change.[break][break]

That chain of servitude that winds invisible about his neck is replaced by a crown upon his brow. People look to him to rule. Not him alone — there are others, too. , , . But they are not above him. They do not control him.[break][break]

For the first time in Cillian's life, he is free.[break][break]

This is not his world. This is not his Circhester. But these will be his people.[break][break]


His trust is a fragile thing, slow to build. But with Circhester's people relying upon them, Cillian learns to set aside his differences with and . They are no longer the agents of Rocket vs the officers of the League. They are the kings and queens of a suffering people, and they must work together to bring that suffering to end.[break][break]

He takes on the arduous and often thankless task of maintaining order in their fractured kingdom. Just as he'd once persecuted traitors among Rocket's ranks, those who sought to endanger the city of Circhester would be dealt with by his hand.[break][break]

They called Freya the Queen of Dragons. They call him the King of Shadows, the Harbinger's MIASMA inspiring hope in place of dread.[break][break]

Their existence is a dangerous one, the Black Knight's threat ever-looming.[break][break]

But he can he happy here, he thinks.[break][break]


will never leave him.[break][break]

His husband had promised, and here is Cillian's proof: ten years added to the few they'd spent together in Hoenn, their relationship standing firm against the test of time.[break][break]

Cillian's loyalty to him is unshakeable.[break][break]

His loyalty to Rocket, however, has faded like an old dream. He would still look out for those who'd come here beneath his command... but he looks out for the others, too. Faction lines are blurred and erased.[break][break]

This is the closest thing to fatherhood that he will ever know: the children of the community look up to . Lugia takes the hatchling Articuno beneath her wing. Together, they are a family.[break][break]

He is happy here. He knows this for certain.[break][break]

And so when the day of reckoning comes, the King of Shadows dons his claws of crystal and prepares for war.[break][break]

[attr="class","tag"]RUSTED SHIELD



Cillian is in CIRCHESTER.[break]
WEAPON: Knuckles tipped with claws. (SHADOW HOLD)[break]
After a few months, Cillian abandons his previously relentless attempts to return home to Rocket, and accepts his new life as the KING OF SHADOWS. Lugia helps mother the baby Articuno. He's happy here. He doesn't want to leave.[break]
He's ready to throw hands with anything that gets in their way.[break]
Over the course of time, he deals with lawbreakers in the city, just as he'd once dealt with traitors in Rocket. Some things never change.


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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2023 18:13:11 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Her luck was always rotten. That much was for sure. For once, she had managed to be cool, to deflect a mighty attack and help fell a legendary. But not only did someone else get the reward of a baby bird imprinting on them, their victory was also essentially meaningless. They beat back the tide, but they were not returned. They just kind of continued to exist, lost, in this weird facsimile of their world.
And as the days went by, it became apparent that they were to stay. Fortunately, the animosity between the sides is deftly discarded for the time being. Heck, it would not surprise her if the people of the League simply assumed that she was either a drifter or one of their own that had been pulled in. Ultimately, she had lost her mask during her travels to this place anyway. At least some of the Rockets knew, of course, but as those labels were quickly discarded – externally at least – it was a coin toss to see if someone could peg her right, anyway.
That certainly was helped by the fact that she found something to do rather quickly. Somehow, she had managed to leave an impression with a superior for once – even if that impression was simply ‘that girl that did science with Lulu’. But that was enough. Yes, she had mostly been an aide and helper, a sounding-board and tester of trinkets, but she had always been watching and learning regardless. In the absence of any actual scientists around, she had an opportunity and, in a way, no other choice but to fake it until she made it. [break]
While others focused on defenses and building things up, she decided to gather any scrap of knowledge she could find and collect it inside the observatory. These peasants might have given those they liked the most crowns, but that was not an authority she really recognized. Authority, to her, was something that was earned. Hence, she recognized those of her superior rockets still and instead worked to forge a lab coat she found into an authority of her own.[break] Whether that was accepted by others or not? That was a different question. At least the boy she found in the observatory, did do what she told him when it made sense, though he made it clear he only did so because he wanted to. That was good enough for her, given that she had much the same attitude with others.
It was a role she grew into over the years, disconnecting herself from most of the politics of their little commune but also integrating herself as someone who researched what was going on while trying to re-discover modern techniques that the villagers could not know and that the other ‘heroes’ did not bring with them. Her father’s teachings once more came in handy, for sure. A synthesis of half-forgotten lessons, half-truths and half-taught methods coalesced into something useful for the community, at least. She would even disseminate what she had learned about smithing by watching her father and older brother back in the day, though she would leave the actual work in that field to those more suited to it.
That was something she only returned to when after one particularly bad assault, they found blackened ore. Violet did not participate too much in that particular fight, ostensibly because in her then-current role she was not exactly one to take to the frontlines, but also because she thought that dark Pokemon to be a mesmerizing sight to begin with.[break]
Either way, the task of researching the new material fell to her. Or, at the very least, she simply took it upon herself. With the help of Absalom and others, the link between it and infinity energy was discovered, alongside the properties of dynite ore. Violet had herself forged a weapon that could utilize infinity energy of ghost Pokemon to channel Shadow Ball – though naturally that ended up being a sword because of course.
Naturally, she shares all she discovers with the community, mostly to gain attention and praise. Because that was, at her core, who Violet was. In a situation where she could not gain much from lies and vagrancy, she simply reverted to trying to be useful.

+ Tries to take the observatory in Ballonlea and researcher role, researches what happens, dynite ore and the black metal, dissiminates what she finds, has herself a sword made that shoots Shadow Ball YZgyoyuI



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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
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Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2023 19:17:57 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

The plate of black armor on the strange, purple bird shattered under Zev's touch. But instead of falling away, the shards crawled onto his hand and into his skin, wriggling like worms into his flesh.[break][break]

But he was starting to get used to the awful sensation.[break][break]

Zev's Genesect peeled away just in time to dodge the final attack from 's Zoroark. When the dust settled, he hopped off his Pokémon and strode toward the felled bird. Regardless of who watched, he rested his hands on its armor and siphoned the black metal into himself.[break][break]

And then he found himself surrounded as the peasantry cheered for him. Shouts of "Our king! Our king! Our king!" rang in his ears. Behind his mask, he frowned as a young woman placed a makeshift crown atop his head.[break][break]

Zev turned to face them, and together, the citizens of Hammerlocke knelt before him.[break][break]



A month after their arrival in Hammerlocke, writing appeared on the city's walls in poisonous sludge. Fearful whispers passed through the peasants, who were calling it an omen or prophecy.[break][break]

Unmasked, Zev regarded the words with a critical gaze. He had traded his combat gear for more comfortable clothing and the makeshift crown given to him for one of his own design. Necrozma's black crystals wreathed his head in a crown of jagged spikes.[break][break]

"Have someone write this down for analysis by ," Zev ordered the peasant who he'd chosen as his royal secretary. "Then send the Adventurer's Guild over to clean this mess."[break][break]

If was going to insist on that silly project, Zev was going to put them to practical use.[break][break]



Between the incessant attacks from Dynamaxed Pokémon and the brutal reality that the Hoennians would not be returning home anytime soon, the factional divide between the League and Team Rocket was set aside.[break][break]

Zev embraced his responsibilities as king. At first, it was only to make sure 's ideas had function and relevancy. It helped, of course, that kingship meant they were the supreme authorities of the city. People listened whenever they spoke and rushed to carry out their orders.[break][break]

And while Kyle was not always a serious person, he was easygoing and amenable to most ideas. He never got in Zev's way.[break][break]

It was how the world should be, Zev thought. Obedient to his demands.[break][break]



Tales of Hammerlocke's King of the Night inspired both terror and awe. In matters of rule, he was frighteningly competent. In battle, he was fearless, capable of covering himself in black armor that made him impervious to all harm.[break][break]

He carried himself with an air of authority that bordered on arrogance. Though his speech was rational, his tone was always cold and cruel, as if his subjects were not people but merely tools for carrying out his bidding. And whenever he got bored, he went down into the dungeon where they kept criminals for his amusement.[break][break]

When Necrozma attacked, Zev led the defense of the city after failing to entreat with the abomination. In the course of the battle, it became clear to all witnesses that the black crystals covering his body were the same metal that shed from Necrozma's wounds.[break][break]

There was too much detritus even for him to absorb, however. Instead, he ordered them all collected and brought to so the blacksmith could forge weapons and armor for the rest of the city.[break][break]

But that did not leave Zev with nothing. The next time a Dynamaxed Pokémon attacked, he stood on the wall surrounding Hammerlocke, the left sleeve of his shirt rolled up past his elbow. Crystals rippled upon his skin, extending from his hand, expanding outward in opposite directions.[break][break]

A void-black longbow formed, its string made of light. Aiming his weapon at the hostile giant, he drew back its full weight. Brilliant pink energy gathered in place of an arrow.[break][break]

When Zev fired, LIGHT OF RUIN shot like a laser through the enemy. The air reverberated with its agonized screams.[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"]gg: rusted shield


Zev is wearing black tactical gear + mask medieval clothes[break]
LOCATION: Hammerlocke[break]
Zev becomes King of the Night alongside 's King of the Day[break]
He is a terrifying but incredibly competent ruler; joins in the defense of the city[break]
Tries to speak with Necrozma but fails![break]
Instead of making a separate weapon, Zev is able to create a LONGBOW OF LIGHT OF RUIN using the crystals in his body[break]



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June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
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TAG WITH @pokejun2
Oliver Shrakes
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2023 19:27:29 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
Dragonite soldiered on after the direct attack, and struck hard at the opening that others had provided, killing the birb, though it wasn't immediately apparent. Once the poisonious globs stopped moving and just became polluted liquid, Oliver figured the battle was over. Flying down, he inspected the body to find an egg. That immediately started to hatch. Uh oh. Out from the egg was another one of those odd looking Articuno, minus the armor. It...actually looked both cool and majestic. Looking up at him with those slitted eyes, Ollie took out a little bit of food and fed it. As it pecked at the food, the tail feathers wrapped themselves around his leg. Did it...just imprint on him? Well, that could be both good and bad he guessed. Dragonite could at least teach it to fly. "C'mere little buddy." The birb hopped on his arm, then settled on his shoulder, rubbing against his head.

Then back to the mine carts they went, completely ignoring the cheers and the crowning of a Rocket boy and . Going back, the ore didn't seem to be part of the sludge. So he just flew all the carts he could get towards the Pokemon Center. At the crowd, he spoke up. "Whoever is a scientest or smeltor, can you take a look at these, they seem...odd. And possibly connected. If we knew more about it, we could potentially be in a better position to defend ourselves. I highly doubt this is over." With that, he zipped on over to the Pokemon Center that was likely to get overwhelmed, and added his Dragonite to the list.


As cleanup continues, and further fortifications maybe being developed/made, Oliver notices the writing in the bloody looking sludge. Unnerving him. A Skeleton Hand and a Black Knight. He couldn't think of any Pokemon that would fit those descriptions. If this "prophecy" was correct...then his warning a month earlier was very much right. Training camps were going to be needed. Going over to and , he would ask them a question. "You guys heard about the prophecy and/or message? I think we need to prepare for the future struggle. Not just training ourselves up, but the citizenry as well. Permission to create a training camp of sorts? I'll gladly take any volunteers to assist in training." He wasn't even going to descriminate between Rocket and League. Although he would still be extremely wary of any Team Rocket Members.


The training camps had been helpful, even as interrupted as they had been due to the attacks. Even when he was in the middle of training the baby Galarian Articuno, he had to go to action. Leading from the front, he was there with the others to fight against wave after wave of highly aggressive sludge monsters. He would also join others in fighting against the Dynamaxed and Gigantimaxed threats that rose from time to time. It just seemed like he didn't have enough time for anything, but the training camps were proving to be well worth it.


Ten years of constant fighting and struggling...what a decade. Whle Oliver was older, and had gained an enormous amount of combat experience along with his Pokemon, the biggest surprise was the Galarian Articuno, now fully grown, and a member of his team, if unofficially. He had made special riding gear for the Articuno, and they had practiced as well. It seemed to have enjoyed being around him when he could, more so when he decided to use it a time or two for the threats that still happened. Certainly not his ace, but still a very strong card for him to have.

Even so, when Necrozma appeared...things went to shit real fast. His training camps couldn't prepare for this. While they were able to stall it enough to make it leave, the devastation wrought was...painful. His Chansey did what it could to help out, but...things were bound to happen. New discoveries were made, however, from the metal that they were slowly peeling off the Necrozma. Oliver had a war club imbued with Freezing Glare. Even so, he continues the training camps, doing his best to prepare not just the citizenry, but also whoever wishes to train up. They were going to need all the power that they could get, and there was one way for him to contribute towards that.

Inspected Articuno's body to find EGG. EGG hatches into baby Articuno. Takes it with him.
Brings minecarts full of ore to the Pokemon Center, Calls on Smiths and Scientists to study them. Gives dire warning that this isn't over.
Heals Dragonite.
One Month Later, sees the writing on the walls, with permission from and , sets up a training camp with volunteers to prepare for the coming storm.
The First Year, Oliver is bounced around training the baby Articuno Birb and defending the town. His training camps proving to be fruitful...hopefully.
Ten years later, Galarian Articuno is now fully grown, complete with riding gear.
Necrozma attacks, and Ollie does what he can to assist in driving it back. A war club imbued with Freezing Glare is made for him.
Continues with his training camps and his own personal training.

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2023 0:00:11 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

The First Months

They had won, and in that moment Amor assumed that they would be released from this dimension, that was usually how it worked, but this time it would seem that his assumption was wrong. A problem had arisen they were going to have to find a way out of here, and he couldn't take his suit off in front of these people who didn't know about him. Amor frowned as he simply vanished from the site of the battle with his Golurk, using Phantom Force. Appearing in an alleyway he saw a door, and he walked into it, and immediately took his suit off. As the few who had seen him take this thing off would know, Amor only wore his underwear while in his cyber suit. So he was effectively naked at the moment, and that posed another problem as he returned his Golurk.

His suit looked like a statue, and he realized that he had made his way into an armory of some sort, and that was when he heard a loud voice.

"OI! What the feck are you doing in here dressed in nothing!" The loud yelling caught him off guard as he looked back to see a stout man behind a counter. His hair was a deep crimson color, and he was balding on top. The man was built like a barrel, and Amor immediately thought he looked like a dwarf from a fantasy world, but he quickly dismissed that thought.

"Ah you see, erm well....I...." He floundered for words, but none came to mind.

"Ye run around in that tin can? But ye can't have a decent pair of clothes on standby? Worthless..." the old man rolled his eyes, and vanished into a door, and came out, throwing a set of clothes on the floor in front of him. "Yer gonna work yer ass for those. Now put em on, I'm tired of lookin at ya!" He bellowed, and Amor immediately got dressed, not use to being treated like a child.

The old man didn't question him about the suit, and simply told him to put in the storage in the back, and it was on that day, that Amor became apprenticed Leif Ironson. In this world with no major technological advances, he still had the ability to create, and so he was taught blacksmithing.

When other people from Hoenn asked him when he got there, he just laughed, and said he arrived at the same time as the rest of them....Which wasn't technically a lie....

The First Year

Amor often thought of hoping that she was okay where ever she was. In this world he put his sketching skills to use, and managed to paint a picture of her that he kept in his room above the forge shop. It was all he had left, until he could get back to her.

Despite working for Leif for a year, he was still considered an apprentice, and Leif refused to sell anything that he made calling it "Salvage Crap" at best. It was infuriating to always have his hard work talked down to by him, but that only served to make him work harder. Often when he forged he was shirtless, and he was no longer ashamed by the vast array of scars on his body. Leif had told him that they were marks of a warrior, and should be proudly displayed. So Amor usually walked around the city like that since his clothes were usually covered in soot, or some other forging refuse.

The people of Hammerlocke know of him as Leif's apprentice, when he goes around doing errands for his master. The children all try to play with his hair, and ask him when he is going to become a fully fledged blacksmith. Sometimes he even plays with them with his Pokemon out, but the life of an apprentice is busy. And Amor hates being bested by anyone, even Leif....

So he continues to forge ahead. There are some of the women who try to court him, or seduce him but they are let down in as gentle of a way as he can. Giving the appearance that he only has eyes for the forge.

So he works day in, and day out, perfecting his new craft in this strange, and wonderous land.

The Third Year

Leif has upgraded from calling his works from "Salvagable Crap" to just "Crap" which might not sound better, but from that bitter old man, Amor was over the moon at the compliment. In fact he was so overjoyed at first, that Leif hit him over the head with a hammer to get him to calm down, and called him an idiot. All that mattered was that Amor was over the moon, and he skipped around town that day. For those that were on monster patrol duty had grown to know him well since he helped fix their gear, and even had managed to get Leif to sell a few of his wares to them.

If they passed that old mans inspection then nothing could go wrong in Amors mind.

He had learned some basic jewelcrafting from one of the local shops to supplement his blacksmithing to make some decorative pieces for , and the two kings. It was for a crafting competition that was held during one of the many festivals the city had. Amor meanwhile had the same daily routine, he would wake up, stair up at the painting he had made while he ate. Then go shopping for Leif in the morning, before going to the forge, and starting his day.

Business was booming since everyone needed their gear repaired, or new stuff made.

The Fifth Year

Leif wasn't looking so well, in the past two years his health had started to take a turn, and Amor was becoming more responsible for the orders coming through. It wasn't anything that he couldn't handle, but he made sure to contact the healers daily to look after him. His work had upgraded from Leif calling it to "Crap" to "It's still crap, but you can sell it..." Which only made Amor more worried as he watched his teachers health degrade.

Leif wasn't able to make it to the shop everyday, and so he entrusted Amor to run things on those days, and there was a pit in his stomach each day the old man couldn't make it. So to ease the tension he continued to forge, and he was becoming incredibly competent at it. His skills had drastically improved since the first day when Leif caught him almost buck naked in his shop. Business was still good, even in this world, Amor didn't want for anything.

There were days when he helped defend the town, but he never donned his Cybersuit, it's power had long run out, and there wasn't a way to recharge it in this world. So he kept it hidden away so that his past as a Rocket could never be found. Those lines were long since gone. League, Rocket....In this world none of that mattered, and this is what he had talked about with once long ago....Both sides were wrong, it was only when they could unite like this, that true peace could be found. How ironic was that it only took everyone being held captive in an alternate dimension for that dream to become a reality.

Such things felt so long ago, and he frowned. Every day he tinkered alone in the shop. Doing as he had done in Hoenn, trying to find a way to breach dimensions. So far everything he had tried had failed, he didn't have enough power.

Mega Evolution, Terastallization, even the collision of those powers against a Z-Move....It all failed to give the result he wanted. Every failure broke a little more of him, and with Leif's health. Amor felt the pressure. He wanted to fix it all, it was the same issue he always had. His biggest problem is that he couldn't fix everything no matter how hard he tried, and it was killing him.

How long would he be stuck here? What about Walter? Adontis? The rest of his dragons....Would he ever see them again?

The Seventh Year

Amor stood in front of a fresh grave, the ceremony had ended an hour ago, and he stared at the headstone. The emblem of the Ironson family emblazoned upon. In his grip the finest sword he had ever made, so much so that many said he had finally reached Leif's level, or even surpassed it, but they didn't know. They didn't know how it killed him to be compared to a man so great that he seemed to blot out the sun. A man who had found a stranger in his shop seven years ago, and took him under his wing without hesitation. Gave him a place to stay, food to eat, and taught him everything he could about his craft, and never asking for anything in return.

Amor's heart broke as he knelt down, and placed the sword across the headstone. The tears fell freely.

"Thanks old man...."

Just before his illness had taken him he had paid Amor his first ever genuine compliment and that was when he knew things were bad. Amor had panicked. He called both the doctor, and apothecary, and demanded that they do everything in their power to fix him. He was outraged when Leif sent them away.

"What is your problem! LET THEM TREAT YOU!" Amor had screamed at the old man in a fury so pure that even Draco was put off by it. Amor had lost so much already. His old life, , he had lost it all. Even that life had been filled with loss, his parents, Vivienne, he couldn't lose anything else.

"Lad....cough....There ain't nothin they can do fer me....I know what ye've gone through, it took ye a while, but you finally told me....I know it's gonna be hard for ye. I ain't never had a kid fore. Yer a pain in the arse I'll tell ya, but I taught ye everythin ye need ta know. So stop makin crap, and keep my shop goin after I'm gone, ye hear?" The old man chastised him.

Amor just shook, this was to much for him, and so he just let out an angry "augh" sound. He was in his mid thirties now, and he still sounded like a petulant child.

"I had a wife once to y'know....I'd like to see her again, so quit bein selfish, and let an old man rest, ya brat!" Leif scolded him again, and wacked Amor with a hammer, before sending him away.

Then came the day, and Amor had found his will, and he followed it to the letter. He made sure Leif was buried next to his wife, and it also left all of Leifs assets to the silver haired man....It was frustrating, and he felt his heart crumble.

The shop was closed for a week after that. Amor was depressed, he couldn't bring himself to walk into that building without breaking down, but eventually he heard the old man nagging him in the back of his mind. Telling him that he was wasting his gift, and so Amor eventually went back to work. He was quiet, a bit reclusive. Still he did his morning routine, and he got visitors of all kinds, the shop was still open. Amor however felt alone.

The Tenth Year

It had taken the better part of a year, but Amor had finally gotten out of his depression following Leifs death. Every morning he would go visit the old mans grave, and tell him about everything that was going on, new techniques he learned, or a piece he had just made. It helped, he hoped that the old man could hear him, and if he could he figured he'd be yelling at him that he didn't need to know about each detail.

Amor liked to think that he was happy with his wife in the afterlife. After finding a portrait of her, he painted a new picture, and hung it in his room alongside the one he had of . It was Leif, and his wife looking out over a sunset together, and that helped him get over it. Amor didn't feel so alone.

Then the attack came, and it was all hands on deck, so they fought against the Black Knight, the thing that had caused all of this, and despite the casualties they had managed to secure victory. Though there were scraps of it's, armor?, left behind. So Amor gathered up all of these black fragments, and did what Blacksmiths do best. He began to forge, it was a piece for himself, it was a simple glaive. And it was then that he realized that this black metal was unique since after a few days of him wielding it, it let loose an attack filled with draconic energy. It was an attack he recognized. Glaive Rush....

When word of this got out a few other people came to him to have weapons of their own forged.

The first he forged was a Lance belonging to . He explained to her that the metal was unique, and it would respond to her will, her desire, and it would manifest a power matching that.

The second piece he forged was for the city healer . They had done their best to try, and keep Leif comfortable during his final days, and even trying to cure him. So it was the least he could do to repay that kindness. Staves were a new territory for him, but he managed to make one in the semblance of a monks purifying staff for them. Complete with the six rings that clattered when you struck the ground. Telling them the same thing he had with that the metal would respond to their will, and to be patient.

The next one he made was a unique design, for . It was a series of concentric circles with a gem in the center, and filigree around the edges. The detail work was the most time consuming but he was up to the task. When it eventually came to life in 's hands he was surprised to see that it floated around him, but Amor just warned him to be careful with it. Whether that was heeded, or not he didn't know.

There were undoubtedly others that he forged, and when his work was done he visited Leif's grave again, and told him about the metal, and how it made essentially magic weapons.

"Honestly you'd probably crap your pants if you saw some of these things in action. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing, but I like to believe in what you taught me. I just hope people use them responsibly....Though for what is coming I think we're gonna need them...." Came the soft sigh. "I'll see you tomorrow old man...." And so he went home for the night.


Amor becomes a Blacksmith apprentice
Amor tries to find ways back home, and fails.
Leif dies.
Amor becomes a Master Blacksmith
Amor forges himself a Glaive with the power of Glaive Rush!
Amor forges weapons for , , , and anyone else that wants him to, just make note of it in your post for me!

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2023 2:45:20 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Come back with your shield or on it.
Handel: Air and Variations (The Harmonious Blacksmith)

[Written on a torn-out notebook page that was clearly used for scratch paper in the past, with scribbled calculations penciled in one corner and a phone number written along one side in blue ink]

Dear Diary,

Maybe it was a little optimistic to think I could join the Rocket raid against Zacian, Zamazenta, and the two new Legendary Pokemon, and be home by dinner and write everything down in my journal that night. But I don't think I could've ever anticipated it would turn into
this, either. For now, what happened today was way too noteworthy and frankly unbelievable not to be documented right away.

Today, we faced a CHIEN-PAO and the ZAMAZENTA, found some strange BLACK FRAGMENTS, and were buried under an AVALANCHE. Then we were somehow transported to Galar in winter, where we met a dying CALYREX, were ambushed by the League, executed the CALYREX, and were
then teleported to a "memory" of Galar, which turned out to be like the ruins of modern Galar (I'm guessing?) but filled with medieval peasants.

We even had a choice, so I went with being teleported to Motostoke. There we fought off disgusting POISON HANDS, built walls and barricades to protect the city, and battled a GIGANTAMAX GARBODOR
and a GALARIAN ARTICUNO. It was crazy! But we all survived and won, and my GOLETT Argile even landed the final blow! Afterward, (apparently, that's his name now, or his real name, and not Caleb Sharpe) and were crowned king of the city by the medieval peasants in Motostoke. They totally deserved it, and I was happy to see it happen.

So, whew! What a day! It was incredible! So much to remember, and so much to think about! I can't wait to go home and tell everyone about all these events. I bet no one would ever believe it was all real and not something out of a movie or a book!

[Written on a sheet of rough parchment paper in ballpoint pen that's clearly running out of ink]

Dear Diary,

I keep poring over that unnerving purple-poison-goo prophecy written on the walls, looking for clues or hints on how we can
go home. By now, I could probably recite the whole thing in my sleep. The last two lines about the "major canine" that would "tear the long-lasting memory asunder" gave me hope, though, that eventually we can all escape this "memory" of Galar and return to normal life.

Because I
want to go home so bad. I want to return to my shop and my old life so much I can taste it. I don't want to wake up every day in this decayed version of Motostoke, surrounded by medieval peasants, technology, and living conditions.

The rest of the day, I worked on continuing to reinforce the city walls against the ongoing waves of attacks from poison sludge Pokemon. Then I continued cataloging the contents of Motostoke's armory. It's pretty awesome, honestly, and surprisingly well-maintained considering how abandoned and empty the city feels. I already found a lot of fascinating weapons and armor in there already, and I'd love to make more—just as soon as I can dredge up all the metallurgy I remember so I can teach the peasants how to manufacture a higher grade of steel.

The important thing is to keep busy. Keep busy, and keep looking for a way home. Don't give up hope.

[Written on parchment paper with a quill and messy ink, with all manner of blots, scratches, and smears all over the page]

Dear Diary,

Well, keeping busy certainly hasn't been a problem. The city frequently comes under siege from poison sludge Pokemon, who grow more aggressive and numerous as time passed. I almost feel like we're living in a warrior society right now, locked in seemingly constant conflict with no end in sight.

I practiced the basic forms of strikes and parries, blocks and feints that had started teaching me some more this morning. I want all these moves to be etched deep into my mind and muscle memory, until I can do them backwards and forwards, standing or kneeling, eyes open or closed. Then I sparred again with my GALLADE. Laurent kicked my ass, as usual, but I think I'm lasting longer! It all helps keep my skills sharp and my nascent training fresh in my mind.

Then, of course, I got to work crafting orders from the citizens and kings. We've actually assembled a pretty good number of apprentices and fellow artisans and craftspeople at this point to make whatever needs making in Motostoke. I've also been lucky to partner with to build stuff; she's a genius on the engineering side of things. I worked on nails, pots and pans, furniture, farming implements, and—of course—weapons and armor.

In a way, it's lucky I ended up in Motostoke. It's easier to use the stripped metal from the derelict train tracks and the factory machines. But we've also taught the peasants to smelt iron ore into some pretty good low-carbon and mild steel alloys. Plus there's always trimmings and shed pieces from the Steel types like my SCIZOR.

Then I watered my vegetable garden and experimented some more with the DYNITE ORE they were mining from deep within the caverns. Pokemon in particular seem to react strongly and unpredictably to it, but the ore's material properties also intrigue me. It's hard to tell, but it seems like it could be used as a possible substitute for conventional metal, at least for some applications.

I've been thinking about taking one or two of the peasants I work with, Alice and Roland, to bed with me. If they're interested, of course. I know the people here are only "memories", whatever that means. Like dream people, I guess. But somehow that feels like it makes things...easier? I don't know why.

Thankfully, there wasn't an attack by the poison Pokemon today. The peasants here call me their
Fiery Fighter and rely on me to raise the defenses and fight on the battlefield whenever an attack happens, which is exhausting and draining. But I do it because I want to survive. Sometimes I wish people had at least given me a cooler nickname, but at least I guess this one is accurate.

I still miss home. But I'm getting more used to it here. I'm never going to stop looking for a way back, though.

[Written hastily on a piece of rag being used in place of paper]


[Written later on a piece of parchment paper, in much neater writing with fewer blots and blotches]

Dear Diary,

Thank Arceus we survived. We built up our strength and our defenses in this city, we've fought for ten years, and we were still
devastated by the NECROZMA. God, fuck, it's so strong. But it's gone now. Thank Arceus, it's gone. Now, we just have to scavenge what we can and rebuild what we need. We can do it. We've done it before, after all.

[Written on another piece of parchment paper]

Dear Diary,

The BLACK METAL that the NECROZMA left's incredible. It's the same stuff as the fragments I found—Arceus, was it really a whole decade ago?—that got all freakishly absorbed into 's body when I tried to hand them to him. I'm sure of it.

But this time, there aren't just fragments. There's enough of the metal to experiment with, study, and even use in whatever form I could possibly imagine.
And and some of the other science-minded types even figured out something even more unbelievable. We can imbue this metal with Pokemon INFINITY ENERGY, which means we can use them to execute Pokemon moves of our own!

Just imagine the weapons and the armor we could make!

[Written in precise, neat script on parchment paper, with a few small burn marks from sparks]

Dear Diary,

I've been working nonstop on forging amazing new creations from the BLACK METAL. If you can believe it, even the fabled Witch of Motostoke, the notorious , actually commissioned a scepter from me! She wanted hers to be imbued with the move BITTER MALICE, which seems pretty on the nose for the avatar of WO-CHIEN, I guess.

and both asked for BLACK METAL creations as well. The latter wants a shield, which seems...well, it just seems so
Isaac. Of course, he wants to protect everyone, and as the king, he probably should. So many people seem to have a lot of respect for what I can do with the metal, versus what they could make themselves, even though I'm pretty sure they could probably create their own incredible weapons out of it if they needed to.

am pretty proud to say we have developed some new techniques, patterns, and designs here that I never would've dreamed of living back in Lilycove City. [There are a few hesitation marks and one crossed-out letter in the city's name, indicating a certain uncertainty about the name.] I'm a much better smith now, it can't be denied, with much more experience under much more challenging and difficult working conditions. Maybe I'm not incredible, and I'm still a far cry from my father's level of skill. But by now, I'd say I'm pretty good.

I want to make a weapon for myself too out of the BLACK METAL. I thought really hard about making it a sword, but in the end, I know who and what I am. I'm a smith first and a swordswoman...oh, maybe third or fourth. Maybe fifth.

So, I'm planning a war hammer with a big, durable steel head that's blunt on one end and spiked on the other. And since the people here still insist on calling me the
Fiery Fighter, I'm going to imbue it with a classic FLAME CHARGE. Might as well live up to the nickname they've given me and embrace it, right?

Arceus, this thing's going to be
beautiful. I'm so excited! And maybe it'll be enough for that "final battle" in the prophecy. Maybe after that, we'll finally be at peace.


- Located in Motostoke
- Blah, blah, blah, living life, surviving, being a blacksmith, working with , fighting against poison sludge Pokemon. Woo diary entries
- Uses the BLACK METAL to forge weapons for , , , and anyone else in Motostoke who asks
- For herself, forges a war hammer imbued with FLAME CHARGE, because fire and steel are cool

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2023 3:00:10 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar

'king kyle' sounded so bad. it doesn't fit him the slightest. there's no reason for him to be royal when they're going to leave anyways. the other king makes no comment, but he can tell that wasn't keen on the idea either.

he supposed he could play along, just until some mysterious force ferries them away. he's already used to being considered important just because of an arbitrary title anyways. they completed the prompt, and he surmises it should come soon.

king of the day was such a tacky title, but kyle takes it with pride regardless.

the return to their world didn't come. among the first ones to give up was kyle, not because he lacked resolution, but because they ran out of means to try. as others scramble to grasp the reality of their situation, the king who was reluctant to take position acts with purpose.

if calyrex's prophecy doesn't come into fruition, and worse comes to worst, shelter becomes the topmost necessity against the adversity they face. whether their stay was temporary or not, it needed to be addressed sooner or later.

the world was his canvas at this point. city planning was almost a child's game with his experience with management games. this is how he spent most of his time during the first few months.

the foundation of his work took time. while carries out most of the work to keep the city afloat in the early days, kyle works on his project incessantly behind the scenes. it'll be worth it, he convinces his counterpart, to which it worked out.

in a blink of an eye, the ruins that was hammerlocke would soon flourish to be 'the' city.

each piece of the puzzle that is kyle's sandbox fits into place one after the other.

the people they've been transported with were assessed based on personality and skills. sometimes, he asks them directly, often times, he relies on word of mouth.

when they get bored of their personal pursuits to escape galar, an establishment conveniently catering to each person gets built. a clergy, a forge, garrisons, inns, marketplaces— the dream comes to fruition with the adventurer's guild being the heart of the city.

a standard medieval town of a classic rpg gets risen from the ground, and with it, a system likened to games of the old takes root consequentially.

invasions were a common occurrence, but even with it, their city never faltered. with kyle's vision and zev's judgement, hammerlocke not only survived, but also thrived in the age of monster hunting.

most of the days, he toils in the castles, doing administrative work that kept the city running behind the scenes. an influx of adventurers kept the outskirts safe, giving an opportunity to expand.

if this was a game, kyle would be winning. like every other game, however, this was just an escape from reality.


their ring hangs precariously on a chain dangling around his neck. the emotional baggage remains in his heart, though he doesn't yearn for support, knowing that everyone else has their own problems.

just like how frequents his office to vent off his frustrations...

kyle wonders if he had been forgetting about his friend in lieu of his responsibilities as a royal of hammerlocke. kyle stands up from his seat and stretches.

hammerlocke's been progressive enough. he can afford cutting loose.

kyle has a lot of tools in his disposal: a regular pokemon with moves it shouldn't wield, a beast from beyond their world capable of traveling across dimensions, and a suit harnessing infinity energy among other things.

he's tried them all over the course of the years ever since they arrived. nothing bore fruit out of the endeavors, even with the aid of the king of the night who can harness the black knight's abilities.

kyle never accepted this reality. he simply shoved it to the recesses of his mind out of necessity. he thinks that, maybe, it wasn't so bad after all. he'd always wanted a life of thrill and adventure, and he has it now.

the wind hits his face as he ventures out the city. the smell wasn't pleasant, but he'd take it over the musky scent of stacked parchment and dust. to build a city based around his interest and not take part of the main attraction was a crime.

a zweihander strapped on his back serves as his self defense. it's a deliberate choice given its role in battle, knowing his personal knight wouldn't have agreed to let him take charge otherwise.

"that's the place." he points to an old ruins beyond the outskirts of the city. "it's an s-rank job. i'm sure it'll be fun."

mirroring his sygna suit, kyle's boundless imagination manifests his weapon's ability to use sketch. he takes it out, pointing it at the horde of monsters, as he turns to his partner briefly before jumping in.

"better keep up, matias!"

  • sygna suit deactivated
  • location: hammerlocke city
  • kyle becomes king of the day alongside 's king of the night
  • orchestrates hammerlocke's transformation to an adventurer town with minmaxing
  • conveniently provides people jobs that fit his theme
  • hammerlocke thrives since their system fits the setting
  • kyle speedruns the game to have time adventuring after finishing his duties
  • kyle wields sketch!zweihander


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February 2/14
Nimbasa City
10 height
10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Rhydia Ver DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rhydia
Rhydia Ver
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2023 3:42:25 GMT
Rhydia Ver Avatar

Crowns have been given as indicators of royalty since ancient times. Kings and Queens, Emperors and Empresses... they all ruled with the power the people under them allowed them to have. No matter how mighty the man or woman who sat upon the throne, it was the peasantry and those beneath them that gave them their power.[break][break]

Even the most tyrannical of rulers could not exist in a kingdom with no laborers, and thus even they were forced to pretend that cared even a fraction of a percent for the middle and lower classes.[break][break]

In all kingdoms, the power ultimately fell to the people, whether they were smart or cunning enough to take it for themselves however... well, that was a different matter. [break][break]

Thus, what took Rhydia by surprise was that the people of Ballonlea, of that ancient Galar, would choose to make her one of their rulers. They would relinquish their power to her and two others, granting them the right to lead them, to direct their resources and laborers as royalty had the right to.[break][break]

In her eyes there could be no more comical joke. Rather than a proper hero with upstanding morals and a righteous heart, the people gave away their freedom to someone who only rallied them so that their deaths would be more beautiful. The crown of royalty was given to someone who fought a legend not for them, but because it ruined the euphoria she felt seeing them march towards that death.[break][break]

Truly, this transfer of power could be described as nothing but a tragedy. Of all the people to set upon a pedestal, they picked one that wasn't even seen as human by her own Pokemon.[break][break]

A detractor spoke up immediately, yet Rhydia hardly even reacted to them at first, merely turning her head to meet 's gaze. Those violet eyes she carried around in that head of hers dug into him, taking in every last detail of she could of him in the moment. The new Queen crystalized the memory of the young man in her mind, and then decided to play a little prank on him to begin her rule.[break][break]

"A royal pardon for that man... this time~"[break][break]

The First Month[break][break]

The peasantry made their decision a full year before it truly began to sink in that this dream they lived in was a new reality for Ballonlea’s Queen. [break][break]

The days were fast initially, a rush of preparation and expectations she’d never experienced before. The expectant and devoted citizens and the uncertain yet driven Hoennians were dumped into a pot together and stirred by the hands of time, expected to either figure it out or… well, perish.[break][break]

It wouldn’t be until the fourth week that Rhydia truly made up her mind about her place in the world she and many others now resided within, reminiscing on the sight of lying beneath her in a pool of crimson of her own making. She wanted her to be awake for the experience she promised to her, but the sight alone was enough.[break][break]

She came to understand in the recollection of that memory that even if the world they were in was not real, it was still their reality. This was a world where people could experience pain, suffering, joy, euphoria, ecstasy, and every other plus and vice available to humanity.[break][break]

She sat on a balcony overlooking the whole of her new kingdom- or rather, she sat atop the observatory- as that realization struck, and from that realization she derived purpose.[break][break]

This was a work of art as well. A grand, majestic piece upon which the canvas itself had given her the authority to paint as she liked.[break][break]

Thus began her rule, from that moment on. Thus began the Queen’s master stroke.[break][break]

Three Years Later[break][break]

’Did you hear? The Queen’s coming to the square to unveil a new piece!’[break][break]

’Seriously!? The last two started trend shifts when she did! Maybe I’ll be able to get rich selling something like it!’[break][break]

In those three years, what Rhydia gifted to her subjects was something the world she came from experienced as well. The people of Ballonlea were mere peasants without leaders before League and Rocket’s war granted them to them, but they also clearly had not been embroiled in such deep conflicts as they were also plunged into.[break][break]

The world grew darker with each attack, as lives were lost more and more with each more aggressive wave and dynamax ed Pokémon. They endured, as humans always did, but they wouldn’t endure completely on their own, and they couldn’t endure if war was all they knew.[break][break]

Thus, their Queen granted them purpose through artistic expression, pushing laws and policies that would instill an artistic spirit within the peasantry. Men, Women, and Children were urged to create, and their Queen only showered them in her own creations, some more esoteric than others.[break][break]

It was through art that they could create beauty in the midst of the terror of war. It was thanks to that ugliness that they could create a kingdom of fantasy where only poverty existed before.[break][break]

All the while, Rhydia continued her art in secret. Her masterpiece became one of a greater scale, yes, but her tendencies remained. The disappearance of one or two members of the peasantry every few months wouldn’t be too much of a shock given the presence of the attacks, yet the twisted, unpleasant artwork that only few in the new kingdom could see the beauty of would only stir their hearts further…[break][break]

She knew one of her allies suspected her of these ‘incidents’, but she never claimed responsibility. After all, she and were not too dissimilar, they could maintain a fitting status quo so long as neither was willing to overstep their bounds.[break][break]

Of course, she’d long since overstepped those bounds anyways. Her place in the realm had been established ever since a Hisuian Zoroark “Daemon” freed from their incarceration in the dead of night years ago. A wraith composed of hatred and illusions could only disguise itself as an ancient spirit before Xenon, leaving her with a single message as she escaped.[break][break]

’Keep moving forward, this isn’t your final canvas.’ It was a repayment only another alien existence would understand, a thank you for a sight she’d needed to create her masterpiece….[break][break]

Ten Years Later[break][break]


Ballonlea’s Queen of Fantasy was a mysterious, yet enigmatic woman to her people.[break][break]

She was- by most metrics- a giving and passionate ruler, yet she was distant enough to not be ‘one’ of the people. After all, she’d given ten years of her life towards giving the people the same purpose as herself, nearly every waking moment since being gifted a crown she never should’ve been.[break][break]

The ideals she attempted to instill within the hearts of the citizens of Ballonlea were ones of freedom and expression. She wished for each of them to create their own masterpiece, to view the world as an individual canvas upon which their truth could be overlaid onto the soil and become reality.[break][break]

Even as the attacks came, the people would only be encouraged to create more. Their desperation for peace was made into fuel for passion and creativity, seeking to rapidly develop each and every one of them out of a peasant’s mindset.[break][break]

Rather than a golden age, she sought a renaissance. The kingdom Rhydia sought to create was one that emissaries and travelers from the other settlements would be forced to see as a fantastical kingdom, a shining star of humanity’s light in a barren and evil world.[break][break]

At least… that’s what she’d allowed them all to believe. No kingdom could ever truly be a Utopia, for every light casted a shadow.[break][break]

In the shadow of fantasy laid tales of countless ‘daemons’ and monsters, instigating factors for small scale uprisings and rebellions that only served to blacken the pristine kingdom enough that a utopia remained exactly what it was: a Fantasy.[break][break]

When the BLACK KNIGHT arrives, Ballonlea’s Queen confronts it at the front of the conflict, fighting alongside her ‘trusted partners’ every step of way, every grueling moment of the battle.[break][break]

Throughout the course of the battle foretold in the prophecy, a strange shift occurs, if only for a moment. Standing beside her people, Rhydia began to feel as if she belonged to them, as if she was ‘human’ like them.[break][break]

When NECROZMA finally relented and the survivors cheered, it was only then that Rhydia smiled in a way that reached her eyes for the first time in a long time. The first ‘human’ smile she’d worn in far more than a decade came only after a disaster unlike any other.[break][break]

If she fooled herself into believing she too was part of her masterpiece, then it’s beauty only became more magnificent.[break][break]

”Gather up the survivors, all who fought on the frontlines, and all the corpses. We’ll hold a celebration tonight… the observatory should work for a location.” Her first words were to the other two Royals of Ballonlea, and . Of all people, they especially would notice that the Queen’s usually dead eyes now carried a spark of life, however dim.[break][break]

After the ceremony, rumors spread of the weapon made for the Queen. Many expect it to be a sword or a shield, in honor of the battle fought on the front lines against the BLACK KNIGHT. Though a surprise to the people, Rhydia had only ever envisioned a single item being fitting for her once the discovery of the weapons imbued with Infinity Energy was made.[break][break]

She unveils it in court, removing an ornate paintbrush from a case prepared for her. In accordance with the Infinity Energy that runs through it, a single wave of the brush through the air envelopes a glass in. blue and pink hue. Using PSYCHIC, Rhydia brings the glass to herself, then takes a drink.[break][break]

Rather than a blade, it was a tool to impose the impossible upon the possible world. A brush that could- by some metrics- reshape the world itself.[break][break]
”Fitting… isn’t it?” She asks, reaching beside her to run her hands through the hair of her son, the young boy who would perhaps inherit her crown one day. ”I couldn’t imagine any other symbol for a Kingdom of Fantasy, fufu~”[break][break]

Her eyes and smile were unlike they were upon that battlefield. Her smile was convincing, but it too was a falsehood. She who had seen the true value of her rule would only want more of that high in the future.[break][break]

The Inhuman Queen of Fantasy could only pretend not to be desperately awaiting the next calamity.

Pokémon + Tagging/TLDR Here[break][break]

TL;DR - Thick asf post, please forgive my brain worms.[break]
- Rhydia pardons immediately as a joke, just because.[break]
- In the first [MONTH], Rhydia basically follows the motions of a Queen without changing much. It's only when she remembers how she felt cutting of 's arm that it really clicks to her that how 'real' the world they were all in was didn't matter. It was just as real a canvas as the rest. In this realization, she finds purpose.[break][break]
- In the first [THREE YEARS], Rhydia begins her push to towards making Ballonlea a kingdom of the arts. She takes the authority given to her by the peasantry and runs with it, looking to rapidly develop their culture in a renaissance-like fashion. She never stops her twisted art pieces, but uses the cultural development and rumors of 'Daemons' as covers for a few people going missing and coming back as 'art'.[break][break]
- In the same time period, she has Hisuian-Zoroark free out of their imprisonment while wrapped in the illusion of a spooky traditional shrine maiden, the most twisted version of Xenon Zoroark can create. She, of course, continues to push this off as the work of 'Daemons', just to scare the people.[break][break]
- After [TEN YEARS], Rhydia has herself established as Ballonlea's "Queen of Fantasy", as that was the kind of kingdom she tried to create. Using the 'Daemons' (Read: Hisuian-Zoroark and various other bad actors such as Xenon and other instigated forces), Rhydia secretly instigates small uprisings and conflicts, just to ensure that a healthy dosage of suffering exists in her kingdom, all while playing the role of Queen.[break][break]
- The weapon she has forged from NECROZMA is a Paintbrush that can utilize [PSYCHIC]![break][break



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Black Dog, the weakest beast
November 9th
5'3" and 1/2 height
5'3" and 1/2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @hitoshi
Hitoshi Inoue
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2023 23:38:20 GMT
Hitoshi Inoue Avatar
This world is many things to many people. It is a stage on which they all dance. Some dance to remember, some dance to forget. That first night, after the battle, they celebrate him like he’s some kind of hero. All he did was swing his sword around. He climbs to the city walls, leaning his katana over his shoulder, looking up at the moon.[break]
It’s quiet, and reflective. Eventually, someone drags him against his will down to the celebration. That first night, he thinks this is all a dream, a short-lived fantasy. This is enough, right? They can wake up the hero with this. They’ll go to sleep here and wake up back in Hoenn. It’ll be back to business as usual.[break]
The next morning, he’s still in Galar. Pushing himself up, chasing away his hangover with bread and water, he realizes he’s here for the long haul. They’re lost in a dream of another life. He sees the writing on the wall. Many take to this illusion, this dream. They become different people. The skin’s the same, but they’re different. They have to be, to survive.[break]
Something’s waiting for them, an existential threat that means to kill them. He wonders if it’s walking amongst their bodies right now, wondering who to bargain with, biding its time. Maybe it has fled. All he knows is that he must kill that creature. He must be strong. He has to grow, hone his skills. He has to protect from what’s coming.[break]
So, he trains. Day in, day out. He does not lose himself to the fantasy. Every day is real to him, every day matters. Every day is met with a determination of steel. He starts with his Pokemon. Having never cared much for them, or thought much of their existence, he takes the time to get to know them. So many of the trainers around him seem to have whole armies of the things.[break]
When you’re one person, what good is one thousand blades? Better to hone but a few. Polish them, turn their edge into something sharp enough to cut a god. He remembers the name given to their Spectra team. Godkiller.[break]
Hitoshi trains to kill gods. Civilians, creatures of the dream, ask to join him. Not caring, he allows them. Some keep up. Many don’t. Hitoshi finds most of them to be inadequate training partners. Little by little, they improve. He’s pressed into service by and . He serves them, but he prefers the title of samurai to knight.[break]
I’ll kill whatever you need me to kill.” He says in a voice deeper than before. His voice is more even, clear. His amber eyes are sharp, focused on this world. He has been planted in one place and forced to truly know this place.[break]
But I’m doing it for Yumi. Your dream’s going to end. And when it does, I’m going to kill the thing waiting for us.”[break]
He allows himself to be wielded by them. When they want him to explore the depths and kill the monsters that dwell beneath their feet, he does so. Hitoshi throws himself into every battle like a fanatic. Anyone who cares to notice can tell his bladework is improving. His coordination with his Pokemon improves. He comes to understand his place – a distraction at best, a nuisance at worst. Many a creature is felled when it turns to swat him away, only to be met by Jubei’s bitter blade, Tokugawa’s kowtow cleave, or any of the other tricks his Pokemon have.[break]
Yumi is on his mind every day. He thinks about her kindness. He thinks about her smile. This dog possesses no capacity for delusion. He is no one’s servant, no one’s sword, no one’s dog save her.[break]
Each year, he celebrates his birthday and hers. He holds onto those memories. He resolves to keep his promise to the king, to herald the dawn, and then go back to her. A man has to keep his promises, or so the samurai films tell him.[break]
He’s ten years older before he knows it. The militia of this city is well-trained, oiled. They know how to fight. He’s done that for them.[break][break]
When the Black Knight attacks, he thinks it just might be over. Maybe this battle will be the one that sends him back to Yumi and the true target he must slay. This one delusion dies with the retreat of the Black Knight. Just another in a series of battles.[break]
From the remnants of its body, Hitoshi has a katana forged. In the eyes of a certain famous swordsmith, it would just be another failure. An aggressive blade, red. Thirsting for blood. Scalding. A bitter blade he names after the swordsmith Muramasa.[break]
Just hold on, Yumi.” He prays, surrounded by cheering men. “I’ll be back soon.

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March 14
Shalour City, Kalos
Fashion Designer
My fire isn't just for show—it's the blaze that will burn down anyone who dares to stand in my way
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TAG WITH @mirabella
Mirabella Fontaine
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2023 3:04:35 GMT
Mirabella Fontaine Avatar

The final shot on the Articuno/Moments after the all the battles were over[break][break]

Yeuri put everything he had into that attack. No holding back with his shadow ball. He managed to make the last hit on the bird and end its poor forsaken life. That was the end of the Galarian Articuno's story. He lacked pity for the pokemon at first. The world was a cruel place after all. That's what he had known all his life: slaying the legendary pokemon was no different than average pokemon. This cruelty had proved a kindness when the pair put and put together this was necrozma doing. The galarian pokemon clearly forced against its will to do this. [break][break]

As Mirabella and the fox move closer towards the body. The ghost type began to be covered in bright light. He felt immense surge of energy ready to be unleashed. He knew this feeling all too well. Evolution was something he rejected time and time again. Up until the battle now he felt it was finally time. If he wanted to protect Mirabella and Yumi then he needed to become stronger to do so against any new threats. didn't rejected this time as had done some many times before. Before were the little fox once stood was a powerful hisuian zoroark in it's place.[break][break][break][break]

"Yeuri?" Mirabella hesitantly called to her beloved pokemon. The feral pokemon stared back. The malice has he feared that would consume and control him didn't. He felt indifference to at most even a bit of rage in between but more important then then anything. He was sane. The fox lead towards his trainer allowed Mirabella to show his head.  Showing her that he was still very much still here. The gesture made her smile despite still feel a bit anxious least until she notice the egg. "That's could be a..." Did it know? [break][break] Did the galarian Articuno we killed know? There was a bit of irony the very person who slain the mother.  Now had a changed to race their successor. Mirabella only brief touch the egg before it started hatching and the little bird appear. It seem have been imprinted on her almost immediately much to the zoroark annoyance. "Don't complain. You don't get after everything that happen." The Articuno let a small cry nuzzling against the zoroark leg. Mirabella keep up the small bird into her arms before her zorark could turn her into it's next meal like he wanted too. "I will call you Eunice. Come there much that needs to be done. Who knows how long we going stay here."[break][break]

 One Month[break][break]
Mirabella completely disappeared from the public eye with the young galarian bird. The bird proved to be the worst. She could have compared to trying to raise an actual human child  however least more powerful and moody. Eunice was quite cruel in nature and made the red head life a living hell. Her only friend who knew about her whereabouts was . Never for more than an hour but her company help through the first month of training the hellish bird. She heard other both Team Rocket and League has become royalty however for once in her life. She didn't care for politics or the power than came with it. Just for the little life that given to her.  She did however heard about the odd prophecy give to them. She knew more grim were ahead and it help remain steadfast for the task at hand.

[break][break] First and Second Year[break][break][break][break]

Eunice has grown in size and mature a bit. They had began to test their powers and understand the past events of Galar and their parent. Never once did they seem bitter about it allow for their relationship to grow stronger. Near the end of the first year was when she was finally returned to the public disguised for the most part managed to see a few times as well as . Mirabella also had been training her with weaponry making speak and lances.[break][break]

Eunice was almost twice in size with cold disposition. They often prefer to be alone until one day the bird met a lost boy and aid in return his family. It managed to warm their seeming cold heart understand both her relationship with Mirabella and her team and herself. She was know for appear to appear everywhere children lives were in dangers. [break][break] Third year[break][break]

Mirabella has reveal herself to public. She had changed for the better and worst. She was not want to used be anymore. She served the people to extended however she never one to be toyed nor a complete hero. Some could call her cruel and they weren't wrong. She had been know to against others who deemed weak but against the efforts fighting dynamax or gigantamax pokemon not to mention Eunice. Mirabella was powerful ally for the cause.![break][break]Four to Nine year[break][break]

Mirabella has grown and bosom with age. She made a name for herself despite not associate herself with others much. She defended Galar in her own way. However a baker caught her eyes. He was scholar and historian book lover who knew how to be romance and feel like someone new. Although they never married she became his lover. Eunice acted like a angst teenage until even with his patience and cuteness found a small place in their heart. Eunice training has gotten wonderful to the point she was nearly grown and proper force to be reckoned with.[break][break][[break][break]Ten Year[break][break][break][break]

Mirabella hasn't so death in a very long time. She remember hearing about Necrozma in reports but this would first time ever battling the creature. She fought with all her mighty and the battle was worn not with pain. Nathan died and the little boy who Eunice has save were among those who had died in fight. Both human and legendary grieved with the latter doing as far as to attack Necrozma directly and almost dying because of it. There was hollow and bitter with their however both remainder. [break][break] Eunice  now whole grown finally took up the role of being a guardian of Hammerlocke or what other refer to them as the "Mystic Warden" as did Mirabella with her title of the Valkyrie. Cruelty was in her blood at this point. No matter how kind they could. Mirabella could never be completely good.  , an ally has force a mighty weapon a lance gifted with the power due necrozma's armor. She thanked him take the lance which cold the touch almost like at this point. It carried the power of Triple Axel. The more she hit her foe the more likely they would break and more than pleasure with that.[break][break]



Eunice’s personality and New Bio[break]

- Eunice doesn’t care what pronouns others call them. She/Him/Them/It Go wild![break]

- Eunice knows that Mirabella has slain their parent but bears no ill will towards her. Being prideful she will never admit to looking toward the human as a mother figure. [break]

- Eunice is cruel in nature, sometimes even downright sadistic. They can be very temperamental and shouldn’t be toyed. Mirabella can calm them down but don't push it.[break]

-Eunice can’t take a joke. Literally daddy jokes or anything like just flying places their head. However you managed explain them you might be able to a low chuckle or snort out of them.[break]
- Eunice has a soft spot for children, especially orphans. Eunice may seem extremely elusive to adults but in certain areas around Hammerlocke. Children find and often play with them. She has been known to appear when danger is near and will hesitate to search for a lost child or thugs to steal them.[break]
- Eunice bares a large scar on their stomach from personally attacking Necrozma’s directly in fit of anger after nathan and a child she was partially close to. Mirabella managed to close them before it was too late however she has never forgotten the event. It has allowed her to play more of “black” knight like protector to the Hammerlocke people [break]

-Eunice is known as “Mystic Warden” after the events of newcroma. Most respect them other some fear them while understand the legendary as gotten to finally love them![break][break][break]
Mirabella New Personality Changed and New bio[break][break]

- Mirabella has a blacked heart either completely good nor evil[break]
- She has found a lover in a man called Nathan who died in the battle against [break]
- She has rarely kept in contact with other interested Team Rocket unless necessary. Executed for and for she feels extremely close towards[break]

- It took her a few years before she dropped her disguise[break]

- She known as "the valkyrie" like Eunice she's both love, respected, and feared by the people
- Being the trainer of Eunice has help her but deep down she despite what people see. There will always be a darker ruthless side[break]

- Many still question her moral compass Mirabella and  her articuno gruesomely killed them for steal precious food from the people.[break]
- Mirabella will almost never part from her lance view it a keepsake from what she lost from Necrozma![break]
- necrozma is her near moral enemy after what happened with nathan, the unnamed boy, and her dearest Eunice[break]

tl dr![break]

Final Shot/Moments after all the fighting is over: Yeuri gets lost.[break] He doesn't pity nor get satisfaction in dealing the final blow on the legendary pokemon nor ending it’s life. Yeuri feel a urge of energy and evolves into his final form: hisui zoroark. Mirabella discovered the egg after touching the new galarian Articuno and imprint with her. She names them Eunice[break]

[break]First month [break] Mirabella remains hidden while beginning training Eunice. Only amor and lucette she keep in contact with.[break]

[break]First year - Nine year [break] Mirabella grew up a lot. Never afraid to be ruthless or cruel when need be. Eunice would help aid an unnammed  lostboy and growing a fondness over children while Mirabella took more of a "black knight" and found a lover in a guy called Nathen. Eunice grew more of many years despite being kinda of jerk more enough than not. Mirabella and  Eunice were to be extremely close making a good/bad? reputation for themselves.[break]
[break]Ten Year [break]  Nathan and the unnamed boy were killed in aftermath of the battle against necrozma and for a time Eunice was out seriously hurt from reckless attacking "black knight" directly. They still bare the scar from and either of them have ever been the same. Only more cruel! Amor would forge his very weapon a lance with power of Triple Axel.



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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2023 6:57:50 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

They battle hard. There are casualties. Yet the strange bird and it's army falls. Temp is not afraid to step forward first after it drops, makeshift shield raised in defense. Yet the bird isn't breathing. A shift in it's feathers and his heart clenches for the poor creature. An egg, left motherless. Temp takes it in his arms.[break][break]

When he returns to the thick of it, seeking , the people cheer. They call the two of them, as well as and , royalty. Temp frowns and shies away from the spotlight. yet when he glances at the ravaged city, the previously dull eyed people with sparks of hope in their eyes when they look at them and their comrades....[break][break]

How could Temp refuse them?[break][break]


searches for an escape. Temp assists where he can; Temp is a child of Hoenn, after all, and he misses his home dearly. The frigid weather bites into his skin in the snowy town even after months. A few of the children still giggle at him when they see him bundled up in thick clothes with a dripping, red nose.[break][break]

Yet where , , and seem better at leading than he. However, Temp has always excelled at building community. The Hoyeon people were small; he and his father had leadership thrust upon them in their own small Tribe. To him, one did not lead by sitting at a round table and making choices. You led by example, by taking off gloves and getting your hands dirty. That's not to say the other's wouldn't do that! Just that was all he knew.[break][break]

So Temp buckles down on what he can do. If they will be leaving these people soon, from what he expects, he wants to leave them in the best shape he can.[break][break]

Temp stands side by side with the people as they rebuild. His own two hands help hammer nails into wood, pass food out to orphaned children, medicine to the elderly. Temp doesn't just care for these people. He adopts them as his own.[break][break]

At his side, the Galarian Articuno resides. She is small and gentle, a shy thing. She clings under Lugia's Shadowed Wings for comfort when the legend is around. When not, she sticks close by Temp's side and watches with observant eyes. How hard he works. How he does his best to be selfless.[break][break]

Temp was a warped person with warped morals. His love for his husband had tainted him beyond repair in Hoenn.[break][break]

Yet here, without the poison of Rocket being pumped into his veins, Temp resembles what he could have been if the organization had never existed.[break][break]


It is a slow and uphill battle. Yet, slowly, Temp and the others manage to grasp Circhester by the reins. They make it better. While they can't close up old wounds, they all work so very hard to patch up whey they can. Threats still loom.[break][break]

Temp steps back from his work and wipes sweat from his brow, a puff of cold air escaping his lips. In another world, this hilltop held the Quinn Manor. In this one, Temp had replaced a crumbling watch tower with an aviary. A tower for the Corviknight who had helped them, indirectly, in that first battle. It sits in the middle of the grounds of... the Circhester Orphanage.[break][break]

So many had been lost in the battles, in the sickness of the sludge from months after. Temp is a king here, now. Yet he takes this responsibility in hand and grips it tight. The children run around the halls when he opens the doors, giggling and excited. They won't have to worry about rags any longer. Bedrooms meant just for them. A few personal objects in a safe place. Food in their bellies. A warm fire to sit by when it was chilly.[break][break]

Out front a few of his pokemon sat. Angi was still much too vicious for small children; but they used some of his others as playmates more than the new playground equipment. Having Trigger pick them up and run around, or trying to climb Bongo, or even sliding down Compass' neck. Temp smiled to himself and his work.[break][break]

had never wanted children. He wondered if the other would mind being surrogate for the ones here.[break][break]

From the aviary, The Galarian Articuno, still a fledgling, comes to land nearby. Temp smiles at her, lifting a hand to ruffle through shedding feathers; she would be losing her baby down soon to make way for the sleek adult feathers. It was a shame she was getting so big; soon she wouldn't be able to fit in the house anymore.[break][break]

"The most important thing is to keep them safe." He mumbles to the bird. She gives him a reserved look but leans into the touch. Always so shy and cold, that one. Temp just grinned nodded to her before heading inside.[break][break]


Temp's hair starts to turn grey sooner than most. A salt and pepper; when he looks in the mirror he sees his father. The memory of him is muddled, yet Temp can see where he takes after Tulio.[break][break]

A heavy shield sits on his back. It is a lot fancier than the ones he made himself that fateful day ten years ago. A commission from in Monostoke; an ally.[break][break]

The lines have blurred so far that, to Temp, they are now gone. He trusted to protect him not because they both used to be Rocket, but because he trusted as a person. He knew that was trust worthy to help with managing the town not in spite of her League affiliation, but because she was a good person. Letters were written to , , , , , , , , , ... in some ways to keep close to the life left behind. The bond of otherness they all had even after all this time.[break][break]

When Necrozma comes, Temp is on the front lines. He is not afraid of the creature that could take the light away.[break][break]

More children join the orphanage after these clashes. It pains Temp each time.[break][break]

Yet on days when it is clear, when it is safe, Temp sits in the town square with the children, with the elderly. They sit by the bath and he whittles small rabbit-like dolls to hand out as the elderly pass on stories to those younger.[break][break]

Resting on the roof of the Hero's Bath, nearby, the Galarian Articuno perches. A few of the younger children play in her shadow. Now fully grown, her lovely lavender plumage shines with health. When a smaller child falls and starts to cry loudly, she leans down and plucks it up by the shirt; bundles it into her feathers and coos softly until the tears stop falling[break][break]

Hoenn was his home, once, but that is long past. Temp has carved out a new life for himself here. With his husband, who he loves more every day, with the people. He is not the best at making the important choices; where the money goes, how much to tax, what resources goes where... but he has an undeniable bond and trust with Circhester as a whole. They trust him because they know he will stand up to protect them.[break][break]

Many nicknames have been passed around for Temp over the years... none stuck quite as well as the King of Shadow, the Queen of Light, or the Queen of Dragons...[break][break]

Yet in the end, the people adore their King of Heart.[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"]@ tag



🔗 SYGNA SUIT (Deactivated)[break]
🔗 TLDR is long-ish so i'm gunna put it under the spoiler below![break][break]

After the battle, Temp finds the Articuno Egg and is crowned King![break][break]

In the first months, Temp misses him and helps the others in trying to find a way out. The Articuno is just a hatchling at this point and very shy and gentle and regards Shadow Lugia as her Mother even if Temp was the one who hatched her. Temp isn't good at the more technical aspects of being a King, so he leaves most of that the Cillian, Eva, and Freya and works on building up rapport with the townsfolk and fixing Circhester back up. He works hard on more social issues to build a community.[break][break]

When the first year ends, Temp has managed to finish his long term project of building an orphanage on top of the hill, which he will run!
Any other characters that want to get involved in this can, since Temp would welcome the help! The now-fledgling Articuno observes how Temp takes care of people, and Temp imparts how important it is to protect the people you care about to her.[break][break]

After the first ten years, Temp is always willing to throw himself into the frontlines to protect Circhester and the people he loves.
He tries to keep in contact with the people he knew from Hoenn in the other towns, even if it's just through the occasional letter.
Temp passes out whittled dolls to the children that resemble Calyrex while they listen to the older people of town tell stories. The Articuno, now an adult, sits on the roof of the Hero's Bath and cares for a crying child. Temp is pretty down to earth and cares a lot, so the people call him the King of Heart.[break][break]

OUTSIDE OF THAT, Temp's weapon is a (black)Metal Tower Shield which is infused with King's Shield. He resembles this at 10 years older, starting to grey early![break][break]

This post was really fun to write!!!!


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genni, gen
twenty three
august 10th
aspertia city, unova
ghost, poison, & steel
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @genesis
genesis aria fox
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2023 18:14:47 GMT
genesis aria fox Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]Despite the sheer size of the gigantamax venusaur that towered over them, there wasn’t an ounce of fear in raven haired woman. In fact, a wicked smirk spread across her lips as the beast roared with life. The rocket grunt called for her shiny corviknight to attack the beast, confident in her avian’s ability to take down the their foe. The steel and flying type screeched into the heavens, ready to dive into the grass and poison type with all her might. However, the venusaur was tougher than they thought.[break][break]

The avian crashed into the foe, all air leaving her lungs and body flattening like a pancake. The blow knocked her clean out, body falling almost lifeless to the ground as the foe turned to address another target. The woman cursed, once brilliant smile quickly turned sour. Genesis scrambled to her pokemon, only to recall it and quickly get out of the line of fire. She wasn’t expecting that. It wasn’t just her pokemon too, several of their pokemon got knocked out in a single blow. How strong was this creature?[break][break]

Luckily though, the barrage of attacks take their toll on the venusaur. And after careful planing from a few others, the mighty creature gets knocked out cold and falls victim to unconsciousness. While many others celebrate their victories over the defeating the foe, Genesis’s crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes. It was the attack of her bird that won the fight. Duh.[break][break]

Soon after their defeat over the massive venusaur, word spread of the victory over at the barricades. A Hero’s Bath was offered to those who fought valiantly. Of course, no one recognized her for almost losing several of her own pokemon to win these fights. Annoyed, the raven haired woman was quick to leave the party to go drink her troubles away. Probably should heal her pokemon too.[break][break]

THE FIRST MONTH of being trap in this hell hole was exhausting to say the least. A strange prophecy was formed in the toxic sludge, many of the people bring to guess or predict what it could mean. Not one for that kind of stuff, Genesis merely rolled her eyes and moved on. Who cares?[break][break]

Although there was no change in the woman in the first year, THE FIRSY YEAR of hardship has changed her some. The constant battle against the pokemon created by the sludge kept her busy for the most part. A new discovery makes her venture into the caverns, only to be met with more of those massive pokemon. What a drag…[break][break]

Before she knew it, TEN YEARS had pass and boy has the woman changed. Her interest in the black metals turned her attention from fighting day in and day out to something more engaging for her. And in the first few years, the woman learns the way of blacksmithing. And by the end of the ten years, the raven haired woman manages to craft her own weapon. A pair of IRON KNUCKLES with her very own Pokemon’s RAGE FIST to give it a little extra hard hit. She practices with them as much as possible once forged. In return, body becomes stronger and more lean. Is this even the same person?[break][break]


for @teamrocket at route 120.[break]
team ballonlea. all pokemon healed. not the best but at least its something. x.x iron knuckles with rage fist move.

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he / him / his
october 13
Malie, Alola
blissfully unaware
shepherd & lorekeeper
remember me
for centuries
40 height
40 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Jack Napier DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @napier
Jack Napier
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2023 22:15:20 GMT
Jack Napier Avatar
Why was his luck the absolute worst?!

He cringed as he felt the—wait, how the hell was that even possible didn’t Dark trump over Psychic when it came to the typing chart—

“What?!” he exclaimed as he watched another one of his more powerful companions, Lonq, bow under the fury.

“What—how—did you… did you see that?!” he exclaimed in the redhead’s direction, the utter disbelief of it all.

(At least in the end the damned thing goes down. Good riddance.)


He sighed. When would his shit luck end?!

One month later.

The writing appeared on the walls of the city. Of course people would be fucking freaked out. Not Jack, though. He realized, somehow, that… these words, they meant something.

Taking some time from each day to visit the wall proper, he jots down the words and shares the findings with the rest of Hammerlocke—specifically, made the words known the most to and , kings of the city they now called ‘home’.

Unlike most, though, his memory is much more accommodating—such is the work of a lorekeeper—and he can recite them from memory within weeks on command, or when anyone else asked for them.

(But of course he keeps a note of this in the notebook, as well. Just a page over from the tapestry sketches he’d made.)

“What do you make of this?” he asked the redhead. Practically the only person he hung out with, for the moment. “It’s ominous, but… you know. Since we’re stuck here. I think it’s best we unravel what this all means as soon as possible.”

And to the words that appeared in that ominous poison, he can’t help but crack a laugh.

“What a way to be subtle, too. Reminds me of that ‘the Chamber of Secrets’ has been opened crap,” he added with a quiet chuckle.

One year later.

Strange, terrifying, humongous Pokémon come and attack their walls time and again. The biggest huff he’d made was when a gigantic Gengar appeared, its mouth seemingly leading to Hell.

“Yikes,” he cringed as his Absol, Cordy, came back—battle-weary but victorious—in helping take the damned thing down. Had she not been extremely lucky, well, things would’ve gone from bad to worse. “Good work, girl.”

However, it was the citizenry that he noticed needed calming the most, and so he began devoting his extra free time with the Hammerlocke kids, spinning them extremely tall, absolutely fantastical tales of Alola—the region he once called home—of how they came from ‘beyond the sky’, and were here to save them all from whatever ruin was coming.

After every siege it was the same. He would go around, whistle and call the kids to follow him, and put on a one-man show—even changing his voice here and there to match the ‘voices’ of the characters in his ‘stories’.

At first, the kids would stare at him dumbfounded. The more he would persist, though, he would eventually get through to them…

Five years. later.

By now he would always keep the kids busy while their parents were off to war, training alongside those who arrived to the city—honestly, he was thankful his memory was as sharp as it was, because he’d started noticing that the others—those who’d come with him to the city—were… forgetting(?) where they’d really come from.

It was mostly his tales of Alola, and by now Hoenn—to the natives of Hammerlocke, ‘Alola’ and ‘Hoenn’ were places beyond the sky they knew—and this man, this strange, blonde-haired man continued to regale them with stories and one-man shows of what he knew.

It was like… they’d reverted back to the old, literally, where lore was passed down orally and not written. Orally, committed to memory…

On one such night, he would brush his hair aside and look over at Sergei—the stable presence amidst all this chaos.

“I… I’ve been wanting to ask you… something, you know. For some time now. Would you… would you humor me?”

Ten. years. later.

It was at this point he sort of made the connection of the ‘Black Knight’ to one of the so-called ‘scourges’ that lived beyond the space of Alola… the way the two shared a resemblance, of how light vanished at their so-called ‘presence’…

Most of the kids he’d originally told his tales to have grown up. But unfortunately, at Necrozma’s arrival, swathes of the dead would greet them—and amongst the many—most of the kids he’d watched grow up.


Still, he had to keep everyone’s spirits up. He would then begin spinning the ‘tales of the dead’, ones that he’d always keep in reserve—but now felt much more appropriate in the moment. Helping the people of Hammerlocke understand that ‘death’ was not to be abhorred, but to be honored. To celebrate the victorious, of how they fought valiantly, how they gave it their all.

He then realized that he would inevitably have to join them once more—but how? He wondered how Sergei would fight, but knowing himself, he would…

Finding was no easy matter—he even insisted on watching how his ‘weapon’ was made, no funny business there—and out of every single attack that existed, he chose Tri-Attack.

Why that? Because of the infinite possibilities that came when that attack was thrown. Flames, frost or thunder? Who knew?


+ Hammerlocke squad lesgo
+ mostly, with additional mentions up above
+ being a lorekeeper came in handy, apparently, strong memory yo!
+ the years fly by and he grows into the role of being the storyteller to the Hammerlocke kids
+ Mage / Bard days here we go!
+ his weapon is a tome that shoots off Tri-Attack!
+ +10 timeskip FC is Luocha from Honkai: Star Rail

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,884 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2023 3:24:32 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Raikiri's charge was blistering fast, but not uncontrollable... at least, not until 's HELPING HAND. The poison-type's efforts raised the thundercat's speed to unprecedented levels that caused physical pain for even the Gym Leader, perhaps the second fastest Pokémon rider in the world. Second only to the Peacemaker, . As awesome of an experience as riding Rayquaza was, it was one for which his body would never forgive him if repeated.

At last, the grip of speed paralysis left Josh, leaving him in a blissful state from feeling the tail end of an adrenaline rush not unlike what he experienced riding on Raikou's back. While it wasn't the finishing blow, it was one of the most significant, if not the most significant, against the Galarian legendary. This was definitive proof of what , , , and many others had been trying to teach Josh:

"You don't need a legendary Pokémon to defeat a legendary Pokémon."

- The First Year -

The threat of Dynamax Pokémon causing the complete destruction of Hammerlocke, Josh's new home, was a call to duty for the Mauville Gym Leader. Whenever there was an attack, he was on the front lines alongside his friends (and enemies that had allied with him out of necessity). In times of relative peace, he would offer his services as a bodyguard and sword arm to those exploring the caves and extracting DYNITE ORE.

In between operations, he would attempt to raise the citizens' morale with a little friendly competition: introducing the sport of Pokémon Racing. While it would only be temporary, it would provide a distraction that he hoped would keep the city's morale high. In particular, it would be awe-inspiring to watch his Zeraora zip around Hammerlocke as a whole, even Hammerlocke Stadium too small for the electric-type to truly showcase the speed he was known for.

During evenings, Josh would write back to , sharing how much he missed Hoenn, his Gym, and his other Pokémon. On the positive, he detailed his victory against the Galarian legendary, and how he got to spend time with 's Raikou.

- The Tenth Year -

While Josh was still in great physical shape, his limits were beginning to show. They were limits his SYGNA SUIT could suppress, whether his Manectric was present or not, but those limits were still there. By now, Josh almost always wore his suit when on a mission for the King, . Under the royal's guidance, Josh became a KNIGHT of the Royal Guard, subject to the monarchs' whims. He could not be a knight without a blade hinging on his expertise. With a shard of BLACK METAL the Necrozma left behind, he was referred to to craft a weapon only fitting of someone with the title Master of Faster:


A replica of the blade the Hero of Johto wielded (at least, as he understood the myth of his homeland), the edges of the blade's business end danced with electricity. Its lightning bolt shape made him look like he was wielding the power of an electric deity. With every slash came an ELECTRO BALL from the blade's tip, Through experimentation, he would discover that the potency of the ELECTRO BALL was tied not to his own speed, but the speed of his mount. There was only one logical conclusion.

Any day his services were not needed and was available to help him, Josh would borrow the ruler's ASHEN RAIKOU, sit astride the Beast's thundercloud, and practice mounted combat with the very god of speed he once obsessed over. The euphoria he experienced summoned one of his last remaining memories of Hoenn, and the only mental thread that tied him to his old identity of Mauville's Gym Leader.

With every slash of his sword, an ELECTRO BALL flew outward, colliding with its target faster than the blink of an eye. There were times when Josh simply left his sword sheathed and pushed the Raikou to EXTREME SPEED, his suit the difference maker in letting him maintain some motor control despite riding at speeds better expressed as a factor of Mach.

Toward the end of his training session, Josh saw how devastating his sword's Electro Ball was when used alongside Extreme Speed. This knowledge would prove critical in the final battle to come...


- Josh feels liberated that, though not on his own, majorly contributed to the defeat of the Galarian Articuno without a legendary of his own.

> YEAR ONE: Josh prioritizes the following tasks, in order:
- Josh is one of the first to be on the front lines against the Dynamax Pokémon defending the city.
- Josh serves as a bodyguard for those exploring the Dynamax Caverns.
- In downtime, Josh introduces the sport of Pokémon racing to the Galarians to raise morale and provide entertainment in a time of great tribulation. He hopes that it will spread as far and wide as it did in Hoenn.

> YEAR TEN: Josh recovers some of the Black Metals left behind by Necrozma to, with 's help, forge a LIGHTNING SWORD imbued with the attack ELECTRO BALL.
- Through experimentation, Josh discovers the potency of the Electro Ball is determined by the speed of his mount.
- Josh pushes the power of his sword to its limit by riding 's Raikou-familiar and practicing mounted combat with it.

{WC: 719}
{PC: 6}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good
Saber           Manectric         Good
Aslan           Pyroar**          Good
Resheph         Dragonair         Good
Mastema         Togekiss          Good
Sidewinder      Dragapult         Good

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april 15
mauville city
47 height
47 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mrcamm
Colton Boothroyd
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2023 6:19:10 GMT
Colton Boothroyd Avatar
Lodestone's magnets spun with glee as it's Thunder Wave landed, freezing the Articuno in place long enough for their allies to really lay down the hurt. Its black armor chipped and fell away under the assault, the bird itself soon collapsing after as the damage became too much to withstand. The attacking poisonous sludge retreated soon after and the air became filled with the din of cheers from the peasants they had worked with, their praise being directed at and as the saviors of Hammerlocke and their new kings.

Colton smiled, falling back to the ground with his Magneton floating down next to him. He was content to simply observe, simply glad to have made it through the battle. With the threat eliminated, he fully expected for them to return back to their proper reality before too long. A few days, at best.

That hope was dim following the first month they'd been in Hammerlocke.

It was strange, being stuck in a time with such primative technology. It was like going to school all over again for Colton, having to learn research techniques fitting to the era. But, with little else to do, he persevered, spending most of his waking moments learning these ancient methods and perfecting them. With the arrival of the prophecy and the Power Spot acting as a prime spot for raw research materials, understanding their new world and exploiting it to its maximum potential was going to be of the utmost importance.

The first year had been spent much like the first month, toiling away in a personal lab, though by now Colton had managed to craft tools and research methods, almost entirely dedicated to studying the black shards left behind by Articuno and the dynite ore mined from the Power Spot. It was frustratingly slow, the rocks unable to be pierced by any tool or attack his Pokemon could muster. The increasing threat of the sludge Pokemon were equally as vexing, as he found himself being pulled away more and more to help maintain and improve their physical barriers.

At the very least, Colton could not say he was upset he was trapped in this foreign place, in a time so separated from his own. He could still be helpful, still provide as a man of science and math. And, so he worked, further refining his knowledge and skills for ten, long years...

It appeared that Colton was something of an extremely late bloomer, that or living in a place without his creature comforts had done quite a number on him. His youthful features had disappeared and his hair had begun to gray, his age showing quite early on. But still he worked, trying to his best to help maintain the city and its people, no matter the threat, but it was clear that the passion the man had once held for learning and discovery had begun to slip away.

Despite how terrifying the Necrozma's sudden attack had been, Colton could not deny that his research had only been benefitted by its arrival. The amount of black metal that had been left behind, it was all the material he could have ever hoped to do work with. While much of his work in the last decade had begun to grow stale, this oppurtunity brought new life to Colton's work and he was quick to begin working with the mysterious metal.

But, with the prophecy seeming to be right on the horizon and the poisonous Pokemon an ever present threat, Colton would need to carefully consider what he created. Even after all these years, he was still no warrior. But, with how much time he had spent with the walls, he could certainly say he knew a thing or two about barriers and defending others.

So, Colton made a shield, fashioned in the shape of Zamazenta's golden mane and imbued with the power of King's Shield. While it may not have been a flashy weapon, it would suffice in keeping others safe should anything get passed the more capable warriors of Hammerlocke.

- Colton spends much of the decade studying scraps of black metal and dynite ore
- When not studying, he is applying his engineering and science expertise to help improve the barricades to better defend against the sludge Pokemon
- With the abundance of metal available to them, Colton creates a proper King's Shield, aiming to serve as a better wall to defend others when the next attack comes.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP