i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 4th
Celadon City
Rocket Scientist
76 height
76 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @kaname
Kaname Fujihara
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 9:55:06 GMT
Kaname Fujihara Avatar

Stepping through the portal, Kaname and his Swalot are whisked across space and arrive in Hammerlocke, near a broken pokemon center. He takes a quick moment to look around the city, drinking in the ruin and dilapidation. Sludge seeps across the city streets, strange hands grasp for nearby peasantry who are scattering or rushing behind makeshift barricades. The sight of it all is overwhelming, until ’s voice cuts across the Rocket comms.[break][break]

“Understood, Ghost.” His reply was curt at best, a tinge of concern present in his voice. Work with the League? It wasn’t a bad idea, but how trustworthy were the League officials? How long would this pact hold out? Kaname’s mind spun with possibilities until the sound of a man screaming drew him back to reality. The sludge had encroached quickly and a purple hand was dragging a young man toward the oncoming flood. He quickly returned his Swalot to his pokeball, knowing the poison would be of little help here.[break][break]

Kanane quickly produced a purple colored pokeball and pressed the button, calling into existence the Hexpert Pokemon, his Galarian Slowking. “Douman, Eerie Spell.” The scientist ordered, directing his attention to the sludge hand grappling with a nearby peasant. The Galarian Slowking let out a throaty laugh and began to murmur, waves of strange energy bombarding the poisonous hand and surrounding sludge in an attempt break it up.[break][break]



+Hammerlocke; Kaname returns Swalot and uses Galarian Slowking’s Eerie Spell to save a peasant and break up the sludge.[break]

+ Wearing black clothing and a mask[break]

+ Prompt: Attack the Poison Hands [break]



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October 13
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808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2023 7:26:31 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]GOODBYE GALAR:[break]



🎼 Battle Vs. Wikstrom - Pokémon Sword and Shield


IMMEDIATELY CHARGES INTO THE FRAY. Feeling BOLD allows his CERULEDGE to endure the relentless claws emerging from the sludge. In his SYGNA SUIT, manages to inspire the townsfolk he saves as his Pokemon cleaves through limbs.[break][break]

attempts to inspire with a rousing speech—if one could call it that. Though some may understand her approach, the core philosophy of her words, others seem a little disturbed. Still, the inspiration lands.[break][break]

As the citizenry mobilize, begins to fortify the barricades under the cover of his DOUBLE TEAM GALLADES. manages to find various crates and sturdy planks among the dilapidation. His contributions prove pivotal to fill the gaps between stakewalls.[break][break]

assists too, but with his CINDERACE with the diversion of sludge. The rabbit leaps with fiery step through the poison pools as 's ORBEETLE MEGA EVOLVES. Waves of poison are moved away from the city center, sparing many buildings and shrooms. 's JELLICENT summons a WHIRLPOOL to prevent new rivers from forming, allowing the new barricades to be made.[break][break]

When attempts to investigate the POISON, he would be able to discern the following:

Some head to the OBSERVATORY despite the mess of writhing graspers lunging from the poison. On his borrowed GLASTRIER, 's UXIE would strike with its FUTURE SIGHT. Psychic energies plunge like spears onto palms as 's GARDEVOIR distracts hands in others' blind spots with a DOUBLE TEAM.[break][break]

's BEHEEYEM gathers several hands together with a deft PSYCHIC. As if being sucked by a BLACK HOLE, they momentarily struggle... but the more that are amassed, the stronger the hands seemingly become. 's ANNIHILAPE leaps and STOMPING TANTRUMS the wriggling mass before they can escape.[break][break]

Unfortunately, 'S BEHEEYEM & 'S CINDERACE are POISONED as a consequence of their battles. Thankfully, should someone assist them, they can be cured by proper support from a Pokemon's move.

does the same with her SCOLIPEDE. The equine-like megapede clobbers several hands obstructing the POKEMART with an EARTHQUAKE. Inside the mart, there are indeed supplies. Some are able to salvaged, like potions and repels; however, many are either expired or marred by poison that has managed to leak into the building.[break][break]

In the OBSERVATORY, manages to emerge from an exposed piece of the tree trunk that faces into the lab. , , and eventually make their way into the druidic observatory too. Soft sunlight beams through the ceiling, casting light against the wooden flooring and mushroom-motifs carved into the walls. A telescope rises toward the open roof. Several notebooks can be seen resting on alchemist benches—but the pages appear to be mostly blank, with several illustrations seemingly depicting incomplete constellations...


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
cleansing sludge and claw by earth, pool and mind,[break]
walls art hath raised to protect us i'm told.[break]
as speeches forge our hearts so bold[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break]


IN CIRCHESTER, manages to inspire the peasantry with his speech. The reclamation of "home" is a powerful idea—one that is made more poetic and sublime by 's GALLADE'S Z-MOVE: ANGELIC SHOWERS and 's SHADOW LUGIA'S RAIN DANCE.[break][break]

With a roar, the peasantry mobilize. Many go to erect new defenses. is already busy at work, her METAGROSS constructing several key layers of palisades facing toward the borders. In the mean time, 's LUCARIO attempts to sense incoming threats—and in time, it indeed discovers them:
The Lucario would discern threats sprawled out deep within the earth—but perhaps, more pertinently, a modest army of Pokemon mobilizing toward Circhester. It is led by a powerful force, traveling by air.

As the townsfolk rush to reclaim the city, saves several crowds with his GALLADE. It predicts their locations before striking them down with its blades, while 's KECLEON leaps to fire PSYBEAMS at hands bubbling up from the sludge.[break][break]

focuses on THE HERO'S BATH. Her BLASTOISE digs deep to prevent the vein from the CIRCHESTER POWER SPOT from further contaminating the spring. It manages to obstruct the tunnel before RAPID SPINNING out again, for summons the power of her SALAMENCE, Lyune.[break][break]

TERASTALLIZED INTO STEEL, the dragon slams into the bath's tiles. Steaming water erupts like a crown all around and her mount as an EARTHQUAKE ravages the pool.[break][break]

is quick to use her TOXTRICITY'S BOOMBURST to clear any remaining sludge away as it splashes outward, allowing people to marvel at the result.

Unfortunately, 'S TOXTRICITY is POISONED as a consequence of their battles. Thankfully, should someone assist them, they can be cured by proper support from a Pokemon's move.

CIRCHESTER'S HOT SPRING now features clean, flowing water. Miraculously, the EARTHQUAKE and precise digging of 's BLASTOISE have allowed the bath renewed access to a clean source... water that heroes of old have washed in before.


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
and protect our kingdom with psychic mind,[break]
a rousing speech inspires by angelic rains,[break]
while claws and sludge art quell'd before teen[break]
falls upon our realm again, but fret not shouldst[break]
we incur did wind once more, the hero's bath[break]
returns to glory by a queen of dragons,[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break]


IN HAMMERLOCKE, 's MAGNETON provides much needed illumination city by erecting LIGHT SCREENS. Dismal parapets adopt this colour as 's ALAKAZAM provides pivotal assistance to these workers. A PSYCHIC fends off encroaching POISON HANDS while darts in and out of the city.[break][break]

DEEP TRENCHES ARE CARVED around the old city; however, during the last of his scouting, he is the first to spot alarming movements ahead:
A modest army of poisoned Galarian Pokemon are led by what appears to be a purple-plumed bird, armored in shining obsidian.

Though and may not make for the most charismatic of leaders, their temporary truce allows them to inspire the peasants of HAMMERLOCKE. Flanked by a TERRAKION and bestowed benevolent healing by a HATTERENE, the townsfolk are quick to join everyone else in rebuilding the city.[break][break]

As they mobilize, 's HISUIAN ZORUA darts from crate to castle wall, conjuring a BITTER MALICE that destroys any encroaching palm. does the same. Heroically, and his ZERAORA dart about; shocks of electricity ring out through the air as they leap from hand to hand with PLASMA FISTS.[break][break]

In disguise, he commands his GALARIAN SLOWKING to use its magic: an EERIE SPELL dispells pools of poison before they flood more of the city. @juliadavis's DODRIO dashes throughout the city too. In the wake of its STOMPING TANTRUM, no sludge dares to form.[break][break]

In the HAMMERLOCKE VAULT, , , and attempt to save the tapestries. 's GARDEVOIR attempts to clear the stone walls of sludge, while 's GRENINJA does the same with a HYDRO PUMP.[break][break]

As the murky water runs off the walls, POISON HANDS lunge out from the remaining sludge. 's GOLURK forces them back to their purple pools with isolated EARTHQUAKES.[break][break]

However, attempts to clear the tapestries. His TATSUGIRI SOAKS them, revealing only TWO that have survived. With the VAULT CLEARED, the tapestries can finally be seen:[break][break]


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
to recup'rate our wounded, our walls, and minds. [break]
a dragon scout carves deep trenches [break]
while lightning and spells stomp hands of noxious stenches[break]
the townsfolk art did inspire by two strange men[break]
while the vault returns to its former glory again[break]
what m're shalt beest remembered?[break]


MOTOSTOKE'S PEASANTS ARE INSPIRED by the brave vanguard that summons. A GROUND ZONE spreads across the field thanks to his SYGNA SUIT, empowering the EARTHQUAKE of his ARON significantly.[break][break]

Sludge and poison are pushed back with indomitable force. 's ABOMASNOW assists too, its own EARTHQUAKE shoveling a huge pool of sludge away from the cowering peasants; the GROUND-TYPE ENERGY OF THE ZONE keeping it from forming again.[break][break]

begins to organize the peasants too. With her expertise of forging and smithing, she fortifies the city air-tight. Her GOLETT'S STOMPING TANTRUM prevents the graspers from interfing—allowing the townsfolk to marvel at her work.[break][break]

's TYRANITAR MEGA EVOLVES. With a roar it EARTHQUAKES and crushes a wave of POISON HANDS. As they squelch, a bitter, Galar-hating commands her VENUSAUR to ground more of these threats. An EARTH POWER splits several of these schloppy limbs in two.[break][break]

does the same. His JOLTEON grants him safe passage into the TRAIN STATION as it downs several POISON HANDS with a COPY CATTED EARTH POWER from 's VENUSAUR..[break][break]

In the TRAIN STATION, is joined by and who make it under the cover of her DEWGONG'S SAFEGUARD. In the station, they notice messages sprawled throughout the walls written in dried poison or perhaps, is it blood?:
𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔠𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢'𝔰 𝔱𝔢𝔞𝔱 𝔣𝔩𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔡 𝔦𝔱𝔰 𝔭𝔲𝔱𝔯𝔦𝔡 𝔪𝔦𝔩𝔨... 𝔪𝔦𝔩𝔨 𝔦𝔱 𝔴𝔢 𝔪𝔲𝔰𝔱... 𝔪𝔦𝔩𝔨 𝔦𝔱 𝔴𝔢 𝔪𝔲𝔰𝔱...

They can see the TRAIN COMING THROUGH THE STATION, but before it can continue its route, 's SHADOW STEELIX launches a FLASH CANNON and 's METAGROSS join it too thanks to the Admin's command.[break][break]

Their attacks blast into the elevated track and obliterate it, forcing the TRAIN OFF THE TRACK. Consequently, the IMMINENT THREAT FROM THE POWER SPOT will be UNABLE TO USE THIS TRAIN in its GIGANTAMAX FORM.[break][break]

As the track falls apart, and reroute the sludge. The former is clever with her GARDEVOIR, forming aqueducts for the sludge to naturally ooze away from crowded areas with carefully placed debris. diverts these noxious currents with his CHINGLING too, with some being forced into these safer passages created by .[break][break]

and investigate the mine carts, but they must be careful. The brick bridge they are on crumbles apart at its edges. Should they fall, it would be a steep dive into the WILD AREA...[break][break]

The carts house glowing ores. They radiate a magenta hue, similar to that of the poison's...


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
acting as earthen bulwarks for our town to survive[break]
violent women slayeth the hands at our throats[break]
while a mistress of the forge builds cotes[break]
for our wingless people as the bleeding train[break]
is severed from its track.[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break]


THOSE MANNING THE DEFENSES OF EACH CITY ring warning bells. An attack is imminent. Whether it was thanks to or 's scouting or anyone else who breaks the news, eventually someone would report that they see a GALARIAN ARTICUNO rushing for the front of each city. The bird is incredibly fast, and its clawed feet clash against the BARRICADES MADE.[break][break]

Upon closer inspection, one would be able to see that it is ARMORED BY BLACK METALS. Similarly, it brings an army of POISONED GALARIAN POKEMON who are controlled by the sludge, who continually attempt to breach your city walls.[break][break]

However, that is not all. From the POWER SPOT in each city's stadium. A POISONED POKEMON crawls upward and out in tortured frenzy. Upon hitting the ground, the Pokemon GIGANTAMAXES, expanding to an incredible size... one that almost rivals the size of the ULTRA BEASTS THAT HAD ATTACKED MOSSDEEP ALMOST 4 YEARS AGO...[break][break]


BALLONLEA TRAINERS get +10 TO THEIR ROLLS thanks to their efforts.[break][break]

CIRCHESTER TRAINERS get +15 TO THEIR ROLLS thanks to their efforts.[break][break]

HAMMERLOCKE TRAINERS get +15 TO THEIR ROLLS thanks to their efforts.[break][break]

MOTOSTOKE TRAINERS get +15 TO THEIR ROLLS thanks to their efforts.[break][break]


IN THIS ROUND, trainers may attempt to fight back against the threats— or perform other actions should they so desire. By the end of this round, both threats will be felled.[break][break]

Any ROLL BELOW 50 will result in their POKEMON BEING KNOCKED OUT. Please heed the ROLL BONUSES and CITY MAPS above. The ROLL BONUSES were determined by the success of certain actions and their rolls (e.g. a 99 for inspiring the peasantry).



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • please refrain from using Pokemon nicknames in your TL;DR. use the POKEMON SPECIES NAME.
  • please ROLL THIS ROUND.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please POST ONCE this round.

Do note, there are many characters participating. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.


JUNE 9TH - 11:59PM PST

NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

has been RETCONNED from the event.

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,028 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2023 12:55:24 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

The peasants rally! Temp raises his makeshift sword into the air and gives a battle cry before surging after them. He intends to help them fight back against sludge as it seeps into the city. Yet troubles are like a poisoned chalice overflowing; spilling over the edges and providing no rest for the wicked.[break][break]

Temp barely has any idea what regular Articuno looked like, and that was most thanks to the knock off merchandise of that he had seen peddling before their falling out. He had no idea what in the fuck this big purple and metal freak was. All he needed know to know was that they were going to kick it's ass.[break][break]

Trigger vanishes back into her pokeball, swapped out with Mitten. The Illumina Luxio sparks before snarling at the legendary bird. Her claws dig into packed cobble.[break][break]

"Raise your weapons and fight! I'll help guide your strikes!" Temp bellows. Taking her cue, a dazzling light shines from Mitten as she tries to place the Spotlight on the Articuno. If they were lucky, it would land and assist their comrades in hitting it. If they were luckier, some of the infected army may even attack their own general.[break][break]

[attr="class","tag"]@ tag



🔗 rolls + 15! woo![break]
🔗 Has no idea what in the fuck Galarian Articuno is[break]
🔗 Going to beat it's ass anyway[break]
🔗 Yells a call for battle (anyone nearby him can hear it! let's work together!)[break]
🔗 Returns Kommo-o and calls out Illumina Luxio[break]
🔗 Tries to use Spotlight on Articuno to help his allies land their attacks[break]
🔗 If lucky, also hopes maybe some of the army it brought attacks it as well


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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,063 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2023 16:32:28 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


Rusted Shield

The onslaught of sludge came to an end. He collapsed against the barricade they had all been pushing, returning his Orbeetle to its pokeball with a relieved sigh.

Swiping at his dripping chin, he panted whilst looking around at the exhausted people around him.

"... That happen often?" He asked a man sitting besides him, gulping at the response.

He had wondered how they would create legends before— naive, in retrospective. Surrounded by the victimized folk of Galar, in such horrific circumstances, the only way for them to fail was to do nothing.

"... Everyone." Doug said as he stood up, collecting himself and his breath before clapping his hands. "Listen up."

He raised his hand in the air, it glowing a bright, luminous magenta. Without warning, its burst outwards in a shower of pink petals.

All whom they touched, they healed, brushing aside exhaustion and disease as the youth spoke.

"The King of Bountiful harvests sent us to help y'all." He said to the men, his eyes aglow as they shifted from pure black to cyan and pink. "Bring me all yer injured— all yer sick. I'll give them the aid they need."

Pokemon healing was surely impressive to the peasants. But he wagered witnessing their fellow man perform feats of magic would stick with them even more.

He touched base with and to let them know of his plans before moving on, inviting and to join him in his efforts as well.

Which efforts? Cleaning up the abandoned pokemon center. In the time between attacks, he decided to try and make the pokemon center useful again, washing out whatever sludge had crawled inside its walls by freezing and then telekinetically taking it out with his Frosmoth and Orbeetle, along with whatever help he received from others.

It seemed appropriate, given the role he had taken upon himself.

All the cots and mattresses inside had been moved from the back to the front, laying them on the floor before the healing machine he was not even sure still worked, for the injured and sick of Ballonlea to rest upon while he worked on them.

He tried to channel as much of as he had in him as he treated the folk. The people didn't need a layman like him, they needed a saint.

"You'll be okay." He said softly as he cradled a villager's hand, healing scales dispersing into their system—

And then a horn suddenly rang through the town, sending fear lancing through the villagers around him.

He rose to his feet, turning towards the people around him.

"Look after each other." He said, before sending out Bedwyr and Tsuchigumo, his Escavalier and Ariados. "And you guys, look after them."

He turned towards the door.

"Be back soon!"

There were two enemies threatening the city. A titan, and an army. Neither the kind that should be left alone.

League Comms (, , , ):

John 'ere. Gonna go deal with the army— keep in touch and speak up if yer in trouble!

Standing atop scaffolding behind the barricades the villagers had built, Doug nodded at his Orbeetle, before sweeping his arm over the silhouette of the army barreling towards them.

"Let's make 'em all an easy target!" He said, snapping his digit. Yet again, his Mega Orbeetle's eyes seemed to glow before a Psychic Terrain expanded outwards. "Good job. Now— Put 'em in the air!"




-Demonstrate his healing powers in a fancy way to the villagers that had been holding the barricades.
-Tells them to bring all the injured and sick in town.
-Clears up the Pokemon Center in the time between attacks with the help of his pokemon and maybe allies.
-Turns it into a medbay for the people
-Spends his time healing folk until the attack.
-Joins the battle against Articuno and his army.
-Psychic Terrain + G-Max Gravitas Vs the Army.
-Holy f-ck balls batman SALAC DAT SHIT AAAAH
-Sadge 2nd salac.
-daily salac till 40+.

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,654 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2023 17:49:28 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Uxie's strength, along with the strength of many others, was enough to repel the hands, even forming a path for others to advance further in. 's question does bring into question the source of all this. "It might be the same," he answered, "but I doubt it only started because the King died. This had to be going on before we got here. No idea if we'll be alright staying here…but I don't wanna just leave people to die. We gotta try."

They would have to take the moment of quiet that they had. had informed him of a plan to clean up the abandoned Pokemon Center. Hideo would remain outside, to help keep watch for any more incoming threats - and to have Glastrier add weight to Doug's claims of the King of Bountiful Harvests (whoever that was) sending help.

Once that horn rang out, he knew Ballonlea was once more under attack. Uxie gave him a good idea of what was attacking: a strange bird with an army of Pokemon from outside, and a Gigantimax'd Venusaur from the arena within the city. It sounded like Doug was already heading out to face the former.

"I think we're in more danger from the Pokemon that's already inside," Hideo mused aloud. "Let's go!"

The Glastrier charged towards where the Venusaur had set up. "Gonna need a big attack for this one," Hideo said, raising up his Beheeyem's Pokeball. Uxie got the hint, pretending to return to its own Pokeball as Hideo let out his Beheeyem.

The Beheeyem sat behind him atop Glastrier, already aware of Hideo's target. "Elga, we gotta try and take that out fast, before it starts attacking everything from inside. You know what that means."

The Z-ring around his wrist growed bright, Psychic energy building in his Beheeyem. As much as Hideo wanted to strike the appropriate pose, he had to hold on to Glastrier so he didn't risk falling off. Once the energy built up fully, it would fly towards the Venusaur, the Shattered Psyche striking from multiple sides.

Hangs around abandoned PokeCenter to cover for
Chooses to ride towards the Gigantimax'd Venusaur
Uxie switched for Beheeyem
Beheeyem uses Z-move Shattered Psyche on the Gigantimax'd Venusaur

fLkx6O_O +10
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June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
241 posts
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TAG WITH @pokejun2
Oliver Shrakes
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2023 20:36:45 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
Oliver took one look at the minecart and had Dragonite set it down. Some kind of glowing ore...similar to that of the poison. Were these the cause? Looking back at the commotion, the train was destroyed along with more of those hands. Good. Taking a stick, he poked at the ore, just to see what happens. That was when even more went wrong. A Garboder Gigantimaxed in the station, and a pokemon resembling Articuno was attacking the walls. Fan-fucking-tastic. He didn't know the full situation...and if these ores were part of the leave them here for now. And let the others deal with the threat inside. He may not be a one man army, but hopefully one more person would assist with the Articuno.

Hopping back on Dragonite's back, they took off towards the gate. Flying high above, he could see the hoard of other corrupted Galarian Pokemon following the flying-type. And upon closer inspection, the Articuno was armored with the same black fragments that were falling off of Zamazenta. That definitely wasn't good. "Dragonite, use Thunder Punch, let's take that bird out and see what we can find afterward..." Still riding on Dragonite's back, the dragon's fist surged and glowed with lightning as it darted towards Articunto for an electrofied punch to the face!

Oliver is riding on Dragonite.
Had Dragonite set down minecart, poked ore with a stick.
Decided to leave it there, and hopped back on and left to the entrance.
Uses Thunder Punch on the Armored Galerian Articuno.

FL5e5Mxc + 15
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,412 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2023 5:02:56 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Lugia's RAIN begins to sparkle like morning dew in the glow of sunrise, and both legend and Avatar turn their gaze to the source. was their enemy in Hoenn. She would be so again, should they return safe. But for this moment in a history not their own, there is gratitude in the combining of their strengths.[break][break]

Cillian doesn't think he can fall any further in love with , but butterflies alight in his stomach as the man returns to his side with makeshift weapons and armor. He has no words, and speaks none, but knows that Temp will see it in his eyes.[break][break]

This world would be worse off without you.[break][break]

His world would be, too.[break][break]

Though their fates are strangely intertwined by a woman they'd once loved, he has never met . Yet he'll never forget the drop in his stomach as the EARTHQUAKE ravages the ancient baths, nor the relief he feels upon realising it is not an act of destruction, but change.[break][break]

When warning bells echo through the storied city of Circhester, Cillian calls out to the likes of , , , , , and through whatever line of communication is available to them. Be it Rocket comms or word of mouth, he conveys the will of a Rocket underboss: "Rally and defend! That black metal reminds me of Necrozma; be careful."[break][break]

To Lugia alone, he communicates his gratitude. I am forever in your debt.[break][break]

Shadows swirl around the leviathan as she returns willingly to the confinement of the Beast Ball, replaced by a SHADOW LUXRAY. The shadowed feline could detect FALLERS and SHADOW POKEMON, and Cillian seeks answers about this strange Galarian bird. Was it connected to Necrozma? To Ultra Space? To shadow?[break][break]

this pokemon can identify SHADOW POKEMON and ULTRA BEASTS. it can also track freshly-traveled FALLERS, who have recently traveled ULTRA SPACE and other extra dimensions, for a brief period of time.

With a growl rumbling low in her throat, the lynx charges toward the great purple-and-black bird and launches herself toward it, SHADOW wreathing her as she seeks to bring about its END.

[attr="class","tag"]RUSTED SHIELD



Cillian is in CIRCHESTER.[break]
Orders ROCKET to rally together and DEFEND THE CITY.[break]
SHADOW LUGIA is swapped for SHADOW LUXRAY.[break]
Suspicious of anything covered in black crystal or metal because of his Necrozma trauma, Cillian's looking to see if Luxray has any reaction to Articuno thanks to its SHADOW ABILITIES. (See the quote above).[break]


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March 6th
Nimbasa City
5'7 height
5'7 height
Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
514 posts
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TAG WITH @flood
Xenon Antheil
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2023 6:24:03 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar

Of course this place is too ancient for her, it goes without saying that this kind of archaic fairy tale forest would grate on her nerves to the extreme even if she weren't in such immense pain. The promise that will take this relic of a limb away from her is somewhat comforting, but she knows better than any that promises have no worth in the world she builds, so she takes those phantom words about as seriously as she takes these hands grasping at her from hell. Which is to say, not very seriously at all.
The earth rumbles and rips open underneath those venomous limbs to swallow them whole into its belly, the Scolipede rampages across the battlefield and tears open deep trenches to shake the land and demolish the poison that threatens to kill it. None of this holds any serious weight for Xenon as she fights for her life, its simply going with the flow because she has nothing better to do in this miserable ruin that refused to die. The peasantry is sufficiently inspired by the words of the madwoman whilst everyone else fights on, but a whisper of something interesting catches her ear as she turns away from the flattened battlefield and towards the barricades of the town.
No, nothing the townspeople actually had to say interested her as she walks forwards towards those barriers. Even as a living jungle bursts from the well of power housed within Ballonlea's stadium, letting out its dying roar and inspiring those around her to drive it back into the dirt from whence it came, she focuses on the Legend that attacks their walls as it leads an army of envenomed Pokemon behind it. That slick purple plumage, those cold visored eyes, the unmistakable glint of intelligence behind its actions, the jet black armor of darkness that adorns it... a name finally breaks through the haze, a name that controls her attention, distracts from the pain as fury bubbles over.
"Radon, back! Argon, go!" Xenon shouts as she switches out her Pokemon in the blink of an eye, abandoning the fight against the poison hands and sending out her Gengar to face off against the Legend of Cruelty. The ghost emerges with a chilling cackle as he looks for his next plaything, yet even he goes uncharacteristically silent as he spots the legend of Galar soaring through the air and attacking the city. Even he feels the hate, echo of the past though he may be. "You know what to do shade. Tear that thing apart." She whispers hatefully as their wills synchronize, a raging ball of shadows forms between his hands as he floats into the air, aiming carefully at the Articuno as it attacks and attacks and attacks and- THERE! The crackling ball of darkness is launched from the Gengar's hands with all the speed and precision of a sniper shot as it screams through the air, the wails of the damned exploding in the sky as it impacts against the bird to knock it down to the ground where it belonged, in the fucking dirt. "What the hell do you all think you're doing!? You think mindless defense is going to save your lives from the horde!? Stop hiding like a bunch of Wimpods with your tails between your legs, and get out and kill that damned relic!!!" Xenon screams at everyone around her, a very different kind of inspiration than that which the others had tried, but there was nothing like a half dead brat screaming at you to piss you off enough to get off your ass and get to killing.
utINPKS| + 10

+ @xenon is in Ballonlea[break]
Xenon abandons the fight against the poison hands, heads for the barricades when she sees the Galarian Articuno in the distance[break]
Recalls Scolipede and sends out Gengar, orders a Shadow Ball to be thrown at Galarian Articuno to knock it out of the air[break]
Screams at everyone around her to hurry up and get to killing, hopefully inspiring?



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february 3rd
malie city
senior ranger
5’2” height
5’2” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
253 posts
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TAG WITH @absalom
absalom steel
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2023 17:23:21 GMT
absalom steel Avatar

[attr="class","header"]LIVE LIFE FOR YOU NOT FOR OTHERS


Luckily they kept the wall from falling but he still allowed his sharp gaze to trail over the wall. His efforts to plug up any weaknesses in the wall had helped so that was a plus. He considered maybe standing sentry but one look at the climb that he would have to take to get to the observatory had him changing his mind.
He didn’t have Mirage anymore. The Hisuian Zoroark still knocked out in his pokeball. So it would mean having to make the climb himself. He needed to keep himself in tiptop shape while here and putting strain on his body to stand guard didn’t seem like the best idea.
‘s invitation to help out with the Pokémon center caused him to tear his gaze away from where the observatory was and he nodded. He had nothing better to do and long as he was helping he was okay with that. The teen would just have to be careful.
Making his way back into the Pokémon center he worked on cleaning what he could. He had to avoid doing anything about the poison but the least he could do was throw out stuff that was to damaged to be off use anymore. Axel took care not to overexert himself while keeping an eye on what was going on around him.
A horn sounding out immediately had him moving towards the entrance following out of the Pokémon center. Seeing the strange Articuno smacking into the barricade with a line of poison induced Pokémon his hand immediately fell onto the pokeball containing Royal. For some reason his instincts were telling him to use the normal type against the Articuno.
Frowning he moved towards the gate his gaze flickering away momentarily as decided to go for the Gigantimax'd Venusaur in the opposite direction instead, before turning back to the pokemon on the other side of the barricade. Taking a deep breath he released Royal from his pokeball the Glameow looking around in confusion.
”Get close and use Night Slash,” he told the feline Pokémon pointing at the Articuno. He knew the cat Pokémon would have to get over the barricade but he would be watching closely and Royal was agile enough he wasn’t overly worried.
Having his orders the feline Pokémon went to do we was asked of him. While he did that Absalom kept an eye on the situation ready to recall Royal if he needed too.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + Helps with getting the Pokémon center usable[break]
Decides to protect the barricade[break]
Sends out Glameow[break]
Has his Glameow use night slash against the Articuno[break]
Mentions of and



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genni, gen
twenty three
august 10th
aspertia city, unova
ghost, poison, & steel
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
329 posts
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TAG WITH @genesis
genesis aria fox
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2023 18:20:05 GMT
genesis aria fox Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]The ghost and fighting type stomped around in a furry of angry tantrums, much like a toddler who didn’t get what they wanted from a toy store. Expected, the annihilape had a purpose to his uncontrollable angry fit as he crushed those mysterious hands and made quick work of them to boot. However, all their efforts were in vain when an alarm rang out. The raven haired woman cursed, spotting something big in the distance.[break][break]

Recalling the annihilape, the woman was quick to shove the sphere into her pockets only to pluck out another. With a simple press of the center button, a beam of light shoot out of the ball and an oddly colored corviknight was formed. Without a word, Genesis leaped onto the back of her steely avian. A kick of her heal forced the bird into the sky, wings thrusted hard as they were airborne without a moment to lose.[break][break]

From high above the ground, Genesis could see the massive venasuar that had spawned from whatever hell it came from. And already, many trainers were down at the front line fighting it back. A wicked grin spread across her face, a click of her tongue and a jab of her heal was all it took for the steel and flying type to dive down to join them.[break][break]

The shiny CORVIKNIGHT hovered just inches off the ground, giving Genesis time to leap off before the bird rose in altitude once more. The rocket grunt gave them a finger wiggling mocking wave before turning to face the beast of a creature. “Hit it hard with BRAVE BIRD.” The avian screeched into the heavens from where it flow about above the grass and poison type. And when she seen an opening, her wings folded in and tucked. A whirl wind of energy swirled around her frame as her aimed to drill into the foe with all her might.[break][break]

guHe4izF +10

for @teamrocket at route 120.[break]
team ballonlea. genesis heads towards the venasuar. corviknight uses brave bird.

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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luka chêne
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2023 18:26:50 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


It's unlike her, but Luka doesn't stop to acknowledge the others in the observatory with her.[break][break]

She hops off her Spectrier's back, who stands and keeps silent watch over the young woman as she carefully picks her way through the lab, picking up a few of the notebooks and flicking through them. It's strange that they're all mostly blank, and she puzzles over the incomplete star maps on the pages.[break][break]

She's a casual fan of astrology, and there are several constellations that she can recognize on-sight. But none of these illustrations look finished, and she wonders if the starts outside match. Carefully, Luka hurries to the telescope and looks through it, wondering if the stars outside match the unfinished constellations, or if the observing astronomers had simply been unable to complete their work.[break][break]

Green eyes flit between the stars overhead and the notebook in her hands, and an idea born from reading too many fictional dramas is born. Carefully, she reaches into her pack and pulls out a lighter, and even more carefully flicks it on and holds it to the back of a page. It's probably a stupid idea, and she might look to others like she's lost her mind. But if anything's written invisibly on the back, a bit of heat might be all it takes to reveal some secrets.[break][break]

Or maybe not. Regardless of the outsome, her amateur sleuthing is put on hold when alarm bells sound. From her vantage point in the observatory, she can see the enormous Venusaur that emerges from the Ballonlea stadium, not far at all from where she and the others are fortified. 's voice filters in through her comms as well, and she nods.[break][break]

"There's...a giant Venusaur over here! I'm going to stay and help on this side. S-stay careful over there!"[break][break]

She takes her own advice as she steps outside the safety of the lab and peers over at the giant threat. Her Sylveon emerges at her side, this time activating her sygna suit with a flash of pink infinity energy, not unlike a magical girl from her favorite shoujo mangas. Carefully, in order to keep herself and her Pokemon from harm, she asks Sugar to unleash a psyshock on the Venusaur.[break][break]

They might be at a disadvantage from this distance, but the careful nature of their attack helps the ball of energy to zone in on the Venusaur, greatly increasing their accuracy. Calming ribbons reach out and wind around Luka's arm as well, offering comfort and stability as the pair tries to keep the Venusaur from advancing further on Ballonlea.


8XPFKc3z +10

- has a sygna suit on (active!)[break]
- in ballonlea![break]
- flips through several of the notebooks and pockets a few for herself[break]
- looks through the telescope to see if the constellations are also incomplete or if they just haven't been charted- or just to see whatever might be out there[break]
- tries to see if there are any hidden messages in the notebooks in invisible ink[break]
- sylveon uses psyshock on the venusaur[break]
- used salac x1


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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april 15
mauville city
47 height
47 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
132 posts
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TAG WITH @mrcamm
Colton Boothroyd
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2023 18:50:00 GMT
Colton Boothroyd Avatar
A grin grew across Colton's face as Lodestone's Light Screen lit up the dark city, with the others around him battling back against the sludge that threatened to overwhelm him. It was working, at least for the time being and perhaps it would be long enough for the others scouting the city out to find the source and purge it. "Stay strong, pal. Not much long-"

Colton's sentence was cut off as warning bells began to ring around the city, mixing in with the cacophony of Pokemon cries and shouts of panic. He directed his attention past the barricade, seeing a large purple bird clad in black armor flying towards the barricade. Its clawed feet clash against the defenses, including Lodestone's Screens. The force sent the Magneton tumbling backwards, the three magnemites making up its body bouncing apart for a moment before their magnetic attraction pulled them back together.

Lodestone floated up off of the ground, its trio of eyes narrowed at the Articuno as it continued its assault on the city's defenses. Despite the heavy hit, the Magneton was far from out of the fight and Colton nodded in confirmation. "THUNDER WAVE!" he ordered, his plan to try and slow the Pokemon's assault before the barricade broke down completely, especially since its army of poisoned allies had quickly joined in on the assault. Sparks charged along Lodestone's magnets, its body glowing before a pulse of electricity released off of its body, directed right at the Articuno.

But, whatever minor advantage Colton thought he was making, it mattered little as a massive roar shook the city. He covered his ears, the sound shaking him to his very core. Slowly, he turned backwards to look at the newly Gigantamaxed Pokemon behind them, his eyes wide and his jaw hanging loose. "Shit..." he muttered to himself, needing to use all the strength in his legs to simply stay upright. What the hell were they supposed to do against that?!
- Magneton releases a Thunder Wave to try and paralyze the Articuno attacking the barricade.

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,845 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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mint frost
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 0:54:08 GMT
mint frost Avatar





Cleanup doesn't go as well as he'd hoped. Despite typing, Gnocci isn't immune to the sludge that the strange living hands leave behind. He almost wonders if they're corrupted Grimer, attacking wildly. Was it a virus? Some sort of PLAGUE? The poison sludge is so sentient, but he can't seem to find any of the telltale features a Grimer might have, mainly it's eyes. [break][break]

He's forced back as the hands nearly drown his Beheeyem before ' Annihilape leaps into action and smooshes Gnocci free. "Thanks Lynx, but that might've done something to my pokemon. Moving back to the Pokemon Center. I saw some locals going over for healing." He pulls back, dodging over traces of poison leftover from the attacks should they rise again while Gnocci struggled to float near him protectively. [break][break]

"Get in there." he ordered, giving a nod as the stepped through the pokemon center. There's a weird glowing, like fireflies, within the center. One of the Leaguers that managed to come with them busy healing up. Mint clocks this one as the kid that gave him his first gym badge years ago during a pokemon tournament. He also recalls they're part of the AQUA Initiative. Despite the glowing, he doesn't see the patron, though he's RECORDING every second of this encounter anyway. The Beast is silent as Gnocci approaches, accepting scales that is so willing to give. The other Leaguer ( ) seemed busy as well. Mint doesn't say anything, not about to go out of his way to bite the hand feeding them right now. [break][break]

Mint leans on the door frame taking stock of the place. Not a very good shelter. The walls aren't terrible fortified. Maybe they should fix that- [break][break]

Then there's screaming, and alarms ringing. "Never a dull moment here." he said, catching the eyes of a small peasant woman, flinching in fear. He stares before growing cold as he recognized her- . "What-" his voice drops, slipping into another tongue before Gnocci knocks into him distracting him. They needed to go. He steps outside to assess the situation, Gnocci beeping at his side feeling a little better. [break][break]

"Rocket, don't rely on the townspeople to assist you. They're constructs. Rally them all you want, but we have to do this ourselves. I knew this place wasn't real." he said in the comms. His sister was back in Sinnoh, not stuck in this mess. He would've seen her at the statue. He would've- [break][break]

Gnocci TELEPORTS him to the top of the barricades as he takes the sight before reporting it for those farther in. The monstrous Venasaur behind him forgotten in favor of the incoming wave of attacks. A quick scan and he notes many Rocket missing, possibly responding to the Venasaur instead. Either way he updates them. "Beast Neon at the gates of hell. Barricades holding fast for now. Incoming wave- army of what looks like... They're all covered in that weird sludge- and it's leader looks like an Articuno but maybe going Ultra Burst?" SPECTRA'S archives only really had some weird info about Moltres but nothing he could recall on the other two birds. [break][break]

He spots nearby, and grins. "Most of CERBERUS can cover front, but there's not many people out here other than X!" he added as he looked over at as she frothed angrily while her Gengar ass blasted the Articuno. He reached for his pokeballs to swap out his Beheeyem for his Baxcalibur. "Omen, watch our backs?" he asked, though the question is mostly rhetorical. He would. He could trust Felix with that. Into the comms, mainly for those handling the front lines still, "I'll try to make it harder for them to encroach. Heads up!" His Baxcalibur leaps into the fray ignoring the Articuno. Almost as if assisting the ex gym leader, Mint's Baxcalibur Drops to the ground, smashing pieces of earth up and crunching through dead fauna as Tiramisu unleashes his own EARTHQUAKE. The ice dragon does its best to shatter and create a difficult terrain as well as shove back whatever monstrous soldiers have come too closed to the town's walls. [break][break]

+ 10 = 95 [break][break]


@any rocket | sorry its long i did a lot of reading ;; | use one of the following words in an ic-post:
curare, hemlock, wolfsbane, plague [break][break]

- tortellini the weezing is fainted
- gnocci the beheeyem is poisoned [break]
- mint thanks genesis for her help before running to the pokemon center [break]
- RECORDS doug and doesn't speak to him or absalom as he tries to wait for Gnocci the Beheeyem to get HEALED?!??! [break]
- as the attacks start notices one of the peasantry looks like his sister?? ARIANNA WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE???? [break]
- tells rockets he doesn't think the people are REAL??? [break]
- TELEPORTS in to the top of barricades and takes stock and reports it to the surrounding rockets who haven't appeared yet [break]
- swaps out Beheeyem for Tiramisu the Baxcalibur [break]
- Tiramisu the Baxcalibur uses EARTHQUAKE to help create DIFFICULT TERRAIN + kill bite maim + assist Doug in yeeting poison mons up into Orbeetles GRAVITATIONAL PULL


it's a highway, highway to the dark [break]
and a neon medusa's got your heart .

[newclass=".neonmint"] --color: #48cbf0; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body u"] font:11px Roboto; letter-spacing:2px; border-bottom:1px dotted; text-decoration:none; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body b"] color:var(--color); font:bold 12px 'Poppins'; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body i"] color:var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint"] width: 490px; margin: 0px auto; min-height: 500px; background: #171718; padding-bottom:20px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .top"] background-image: url(; height: 300px; margin-left: 20px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .colorbar"] height:20px; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; background-color:var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body"] background:#222; margin: 20px 30px 20px; padding:30px; font:12px 'Roboto'; text-align:justify; color:#eee; border-radius:0px 20px 20px 20px; text-transform:lowercase; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .lyricbox"] background:#222; font:11px 'Consolas'; padding:20px; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; color:#eee; text-align:center; letter-spacing:2px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .lyricbox b"] color:var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .lyricbox i"] border-bottom:1px solid var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .oocbox"] text-align:right; border-top:1px solid #333; padding-top:10px; margin-top:20px; font:10px/12px 'Poppins'; margin-bottom:-10px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .oocbox .title"] font:bold 15px 'Poppins'; color:var(--color); [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint a"] color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font:bold 13px/11px 'Poppins'; text-transform:uppercase; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .pkmnparty"] text-align:center; width:400px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .pkmnparty img"] margin-left:-20px; margin-top:-10px; [/newclass] [newclass=".neonmint .body .iconimage"] float: left; margin: 8px 15px 5px 1px; border: solid 9px #272727; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: -1px -1px 0px #232323, 1px -1px 0px #232323, -1px 1px 0px #232323, 1px 1px 0px #232323, 3px 3px 0px #303030, -3px 3px 0px #303030, 3px -3px 0px #303030, -3px -3px 0px #303030; [/newclass]

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Black Dog, the weakest beast
November 9th
5'3" and 1/2 height
5'3" and 1/2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
897 posts
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TAG WITH @hitoshi
Hitoshi Inoue
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 2:42:37 GMT
Hitoshi Inoue Avatar
Every blow is repetition, a strike carried out to its natural conclusion. Say what you will about these poisoned hands, but they are neither creative nor inspired. Munenori falls into an easy pattern of attack under Hitoshi's direction. It passes the time. There's no grand ideas in his mind, no notions about how to truly remedy these problems. These are human matters.[break]
But he is a sword, and nothing cuts quite as well as a honed blade. This he can do. He can do it for hours without losing focus or interest. As the townsfolk move, they do so under his watchful eye. He guards the flock.[break]
When they show him gratitude, he does not know how to react. In his line of work, it is a rare thing to be thanked. Killers are usually reviled, but these people cheer for a man willing to cut down all challengers.[break]
The dog blushes, waves them off. Acts aloof, mysterious. Pulling his straw hat down tighter over his head, he says something cryptic and walks off as the fighting for the day seems to die down.[break]
At least that's what it looks like at first. Right up until a giant monster appears. The city walls are besieged. There's an army of the claws surrounding some strange bird.[break]
It's another of the legends the higher ups in Rocket are all so weary of. He doesn't know anything beyond that, but he can recognize power at a glance. Best to leave fighting that thing to the big shots. He's a nobody. Just a sword.[break]
But, like he's already said, a blade can cut. That's what a blade is for. Munenori is recalled into his pokeball. In his place is drawn an Aegislash. Muramasa, named for an famed swordsman.[break]
Muramasa shrieks in surprise when Hitoshi grips him by the handle. Before he met , he would have never thought to do this. Leaning the blade against his shoulder, he grins from ear to ear. Falling in alongside his fellow Rockets, he makes them a promise.[break]
"Oi, Bosses. I can't fight the purple bird, but I'll keep everything else off of ya. Let's show 'em a good time."[break]
He needs no order. His place is to attack. So, he dives into the claws, blade in hand. His Aegislash shrieks but does what an Aegislash is supposed to do. It cuts. Tearing into the horde, he howls like a mad dog.[break]
He could get used to this.[break]

Gets bashful about the townsfolk cheering him on.
Speaks to and the other Rockets
Pulls out his Aegislash, charges into the horde surrounding the Articuno.
Channels the spirit of by using the Aegislash as a sword.
Aegislash uses aerial ace to send them flying for those sick Devil May Cry air combos.
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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,202 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 2:58:16 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Come back with your shield or on it.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]From behind the now heavily reinforced and fortified barricades, Aurelie had let out a cheer as she watched her fellow time-and-space-travelers destroying pools of sludge and POISON HANDS, blasting the train off its track, and cleverly diverting the pouring sludge into safer channels away from the peasants. It all made for an impressive display of teamwork across Rocket and League alike—though she rather suspected that there were more Rockets than League members involved. The peasants near the red-haired smith cheered as well, clearly hopeful and inspired by everyone's efforts.

But then, as they always did, things suddenly got worse.

Aurelie could only gape in horror, her panicking mind turning into a perfect blank, when a GALARIAN ARTICUNO dove toward the front of the city with terrifying speed. It flew at the head of a milling army of zombie-like Pokemon who battered relentlessly at Motostoke's walls. But what truly took her breath away was the shocking emergence of a GIGANTAMAX GARBODOR at the city stadium, so huge it looked like it could cross the city in a couple strides.

"What is happening, what is happening, what is going on here," moaned the decidedly not-battle-ready, crisis-unseasoned Aurelie, gripping the rim of a barrel so tightly that her knuckles were bone-white.

It wasn't until she heard the even more panicked moaning and screaming of the peasants around her that she snapped out of her trance. If she was frightened, they were absolutely terrified. And for good reason—at least Aurelie had her Pokemon to help her, while the peasants seemed relatively defenseless against their Pokemon attackers.

Taking a deep breath, she swung to face the peasants nearby. Pitching her voice to carry above the shrieking, Aurelie called out, "You should be safe enough behind these walls even from...that!" She gestured toward the advancing army and screeching ARTICUNO.

"At least for a little while, anyway," Aurelie couldn't help amending, realistically. "And you can keep that army at bay by gathering anything you can throw—rocks, cobblestones, bricks, even rotten vegetables or fruit—and throwing at them to keep them confused and scattered. Pretend they're a really, really bad actor onstage and throw as hard as you can!"

"What about weapons? Bows or spears or pikes?" one peasant, clearly also coming back to their senses, asked. "Maybe we should raid the armory and see what we can use!"

Aurelie perked up with interest at the word "armory", not having realized before that Motostoke boasted such a thing but now deeply curious about its contents. But then the GIGANTAMAX GARBODOR roared from terrifyingly close range, and she had to tell herself to investigate the existence of the armory later, assuming she ever got the chance. Instead, she nodded in agreement at the peasant, who gathered a small group that pelted away down the street, presumably to raid the armory.

"As for me," she declared, trying to draw herself up with dignity and hide her nervous trembling, "I'm going to help deal with the threat inside the city." Summoning her courage, she walked away a little unsteadily but with her head high, beckoning for her GOLETT to follow her again. No one tried to stop her, though some of the peasants at least eyed her with respect.

She dared not come too close to the gargantuan, frenzied Pokemon that had crawled out of the stadium and was now terrorizing the city. She had no idea what it could do or how much damage it could unleash on her and her Pokemon. As soon as she judged she was close enough for any attack to have an effect, she held her nose to ward off the GARBODOR'S stomach-turning STENCH and turned to her GOLETT.

"Use EARTHQUAKE, please, Argile," Aurelie instructed her GOLETT, no longer troubling to hide the breathless quaver in her now very nasal voice. "And pray to Arceus that it even puts a dent in that monstrous thing." Hopefully, it would at least knock the massive Pokemon off its feet and keep it from trampling anything else into oblivion for a while.

w0Bzdwo3 + 15

- Wearing jeans, T-shirt, sneakers, sunglasses, and a dark hoodie with the hood pulled up all the way
- Located in Motostoke
- Advises the peasants to try and hold the city walls against the attacking army of sludge-controlled POISONED GALARIAN POKEMON
- Meanwhile, very anxiously and fearfully sets off to fight the GIGANTAMAX GARBODOR, telling her GOLETT to use EARTHQUAKE
- Spent 1 salac

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:8px;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP