i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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december 10
lacunosa, unova
pokemon researcher
43 height
43 height
109 posts
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TAG WITH @sergeidachev
sergei dachev
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 3:55:37 GMT
sergei dachev Avatar
AFTER SLIPPING THE LEAFY FRAGMENT INSIDE HIS POCKET, and Sergei gets teleported to Hammerlocke. Sergei has not yet visited Galar; he has only seen photos and videos of it in the web. He cannot tell if this is real or not.

"I didn't say I was raised Galar, silly." He corrects . "My ancestors are, though."

One thing is for sure: if this is their way out as what the High King CALYREX has said, then they have to fulfill their roles as this epic's 'heroes'.

"Seems like more people are going north. Let's meet at the West end and I'll catch you there."

Unlike , Sergei's body is a sculpted marble. There is something he must do first.


The Hoennian delegates takes control of the situation, ensuring the high morale of the Galarians and aiding them from the threat that is about to come. Sergei only noticed the people seem like they are from another epoch, adorned with peasantry fashion he is not accustomed to. It must be because they are in the tale that the CALYREX has written for them. But is he really the author of this shit show?

Sergei does not peg himself as charismatic so he tries to work in the background.

"Let me help you." He assists one of the farmers who piles up some wooden carts for the barricades. Should the peasant be inclined to answer, Sergei will try his luck for being curious. "Do you know how this started? Do you know what's the source of this poison?"

There is always a prelude to the world's greatest epics. If they are to resolve the root of the problem, then he figures they must go to the very beginning.


The first thing he notices is the tapestry on the walls smudged with poison. As if depicting something, he begins to help and a lady () in taking care of the dirty embroideries.

Sergei brings out Commander Wise, who, like her curious trainer, inspects her surroundings with an inquisitive gaze. "Help them out, Commander. Let's wash the poison out!"

The Tatsugiri then channels its power, spitting water from its mouth to SOAK the tapestries in cleaner liquid.


- SERGEI slips the leafy fragment in his pocket
- SERGEI teleports to HAMMERLOCKE with
- SERGEI tells he is gonna help the peasants with the barricades
- SERGEI asks a peasant: "Do you know how this started? Do you know what's the source of this poison?"
- SERGEI goes to the vault and observes the tapestry drenched in poison
- TATSUGIRI uses SOAK to clean the tapestry (PRIORITY!)

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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
1,040 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 4:08:00 GMT
fern delaney Avatar

[attr="class","fernpost"]After yet another transport, they land in Ballonlea. Well, it’s Ballonlea and not. It’s certainly not the brightly lit city that he remembers from his own childhood. The Glimwood Tangle looms dark and oppressive to the south, and he knows that were he to stumble through the wood to the other side, his own childhood home would await.[break][break]

Or whatever was left of it.[break][break]

It takes most of his willpower (which is currently fickle at best, to not break for the opening and do exactly that. But ’s hand tightening around his brings Fern back to reality, and they glance at him curiously. Will he treat it this place the same as if it were the exact version of Ballonlea from his memories? It seemed so.[break][break]

The city seems wilted in a way, and noxious sludge trails and drips off surfaces, into streets. Fern’s first inclination is to join the fray of pushing back the lurching hands that appear, but at the other admin’s suggestion he pauses. “Alright, I’m not sure what you think we’ll find up there, but it might give us good vantage.”[break][break]

How can he not follow? His flutter mane floats up to accompany Jayden’s ceruledge, the bright, dazzling beam of power gem sizzling through the toxic sludge to deter them from reaching the civilians who are unable to help themselves. It is not Fern, though, who speaks to motivate these citizens, though. He finds himself uncharacteristically reticent in the face of their plight, as Jayden rouses their ambitions instead.[break][break]

The tide of his mood remains inconsistent. But for now he remains focused on the task of cutting anything around them down if it so much as looks at them wrong.[break][break]

The climb to the conservatory is still long and tedious—winding through bioluminescent mushrooms that have lost most of their glowing sheen. But the building remains in clear view, and so Fern calls back his flutter mane, then looks to Jayden. “Short cut?” he offers instead, as the flutter mane readies the potential opening of a phantom force rift, should it be agreed upon.

+ Ballonlea sure looks weird hehe[break]
+ flutter mane uses power gem to stop a sludge hand from following [break]
+ doing a climb to the observatory with




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July 17
Driftveil City
Closeted Lesbian
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
224 posts
soyeon kwan DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @soyeon
soyeon kwan
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 4:21:41 GMT
soyeon kwan Avatar
Soyeon watched as the train would collapse down into the terrain below. She smiled at the work they had done, one less glob of poison to really go around and hurt somebody or something. So far, by the looks of things, they were putting a dent in how this town was ridding itself of the poison plague that had gripped it tight. She was about to take it easy before the alarms would begin to ring. Shouts and words of something approaching the gate could be heard, as the woman looked towards the entrance into town. She opened her mouth to speak before another threat loomed on the horizon. A gigantic Garbodour rose from the middle of the town that smelled about as pleasant as it looked.

"Ugh...It smells awful..." Soyeon mumbled to herself, holding her nose as the scientist called for Ferrous. The Metagross moved towards its owner and lowered its head to then quickly allow her to step onto his head and then brace herself. "Let's head for the front gates, Ferrous!" The two sped off, passing by many people, with one man crying out for a "Roxie" as Ferrous passed him just in time to disappear into the crowd. It was a short dash to the front line, as the front gates bashed from the outside as the bird going outside was storming the gate. Soyeon launched into action with the other defenders, ordering Ferrous to use Psychic on the bird.

CU2xpOnt +15

- Views their handiwork of collapsing the train
- Feels sick from the giant Garbodour
- Metagross speeds to the front gate to face Zapdos.
- METAGROSS uses Psychic on Galarian Zapdos

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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
part of
TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 4:22:35 GMT

it's suffocating. [break][break]

the air reeks and, if she were any less prepared, she wouldn't have a mask to tug over her lips and her nose -- call it the perks of being a nurse, and for always having something like this on hand. she's already ahead of the curve when she tugs a second one out, passing it to who flies on talonflame back. but.. although she has masks, the residents of this poison-ridden city aren't safe from the fumes. [break][break]

when they land, her first reaction is to pull out the pokeball of a DEWGONG. "SAFEGUARD, please block out the poison." the commands the seal, who shoots, and releases, a soft, green barrier to protect both trainers of motostoke and civilians from the polluted air, and polluted fluid. [break][break]

you know, it's odd. [break][break]

watching rocket, and the league, working together - there are some faces somewhere amongst the crowd that she recognizes, and maybe she's a little too underwhelmed in comparison when she realizes that, indeed, maybe they could have time-travelled - but she has already experienced weirder earlier this year. [break][break]

dulled violet gaze out at the masses of peasants who are being rallied, before turning her attention to the men, and woman, who are working on a barricade - a barricade made of earth, and stone. good of an idea as it was.. she's unsure if it'll be able to hold sludge and the monsters that come with the darkness. [break][break]

her defenses are made, behind the sanctuary of stone that was so kindly put up by , and . wonderful. [break][break]

now leaves the sludge that leaks from the train. [break][break]

if there's anything she's learned, it's that nothing will be cured unless you nip it at the bud. so she makes way to the train station, a soft grumble escaping her lips as a dewgong follows in tow. it should be alright with SAFEGUARD protecting her, but she has her hand hovering over another pokeball just in case. [break][break]

"i'm heading to the train." her brows are furrowed, fingers adjusting the mask over both nose and lips. she's slow, and careful to move to the station, where the sludge leaks, taking advantage of the earthen barricades and psychic attacks that clear the sludge and poison.




  • DEWGONG uses SAFEGUARD to protect against the poison
  • Marisol is making her careful merry way to the TRAIN STATION, with SAFEGUARD protecting her from poison

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]

@ @rustedshield @motostoke

[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,737 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 4:23:09 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar







Mint was eager to jump in and help out Bryan despite the fact that he had no healing Pokémon. Which, if he had just wanted to cop a feel, then he just could. But whatever at least he was getting patched up faster than if he was allowing the wound to heal on it's own. [break][break]

However he couldn't rest for too long, there were things to do. As soon as Mint was done, 's voice erupts from the crowd and begins to spew those weird scales. Bryan braces himself, reaching for his pokemon to use heal block...but instead of harming him, the scales were accelerating his healing even further. [break][break]

He pauses, he was going to attack the leagues who had come here to wipe them out...but with this bigger threat looming on the horizon, he instead decides to at least return the debt he just earned from the league. "Fine. A ceasefire." he says to himself as there was a lot going on. [break][break]

He observes the others using PSYCHIC MOVES to battle the hands and that they were effective. "Xerneas. Bind and destroy them with Psychic!" he orders as the pokeball pops open and Xerneas unleashes a wave of pink energy from it's body and begins to try and destroy the hands with PSYCHIC. In the meanwhile, Bryan spots the observatory high in the treeline. "Xerneas, we're moving to a better vantage point for fighting." he says as he grabs onto the tree that the observatory was attached to, ascending quickly parallel to the mushroom staircase as xerneas also tree strides with their avatar abilities. [break][break]



notes about this post

.TLDR [break]
Bryan gets healed by mint and subsequently is healed by 's scales. [break]
Decides to ignore the fact some leaguers followed them.[break]
Has Xerneas uses Psychic to try and fight against some of the hands. [break]
Decides to find a better vantage point for the fight and tells xerneas to tree stride up the tree with him next to the mushroom stairs to get to the observatory

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March Twenty-First
Vermillion City
League Turncoat
Should I bite my tongue, until blood soaks my shirt?
1,477 posts
part of
TAG WITH @king
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 4:23:42 GMT
[attr="class","char-words"]king relished his feet on the earth once more. while not afraid of the saddle, he preferred control over his own actions, at least to the best of his ability.
his eyes capture bits and pieces of the other rockets and their attempts to coerce members of this realm onto their side. he smirks sardonically, turning his attention away from the spectacle to his lucario.
"try ta determine what we're dealin' with, ye?"
he lowers his center of gravity with a grunt, as 's earthquake shakes the ground around him, but remains standing with little issue.
unlike his trainer lucario has no issues with the side-effect of the earthquake, instead he leaps atop a nearby building and surprisingly, sits down. legs-crossed, paws laying flat on his knees, he expands his aura awareness to detect.




» ignores the rocket preaching.[break]
» lucario uses detect/aura sense to determine objects of interest, pending threats, and anything of the sort.


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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
part of
TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 4:31:33 GMT



met with 's words as they come out of the portal, he can do no more than nod, too indifferent to argue even if—[break][break]

there's nothing to win.[break][break]

the only thing to do is to survive; in that regard, this incident is unlike any other.[break][break]

feeling inspired by 's heroism, matias makes his way through the city, weaving across the weathered stone of a once thriving city.[break][break]

"i'll protect the peasants."[break][break]

he says to no one in particular. the comms, maybe.[break][break]

hand-like manifestations are met with his own EARTH SPIKES along with his urshifu's SURGING STRIKES. together, they move through the city, acting as a mobile line of defense to keep the peasants safe.[break][break]

whether he realizes it or not, they move toward the direction of the TRAIN STATION.[break][break]


- matias is at HAMMERLOCKE[break]
- inspires matias[break]
- matias moves EAST and helps clear the city of the HANDS[break]
- matias tries to help PEASANTS[break]
- matias ends up at the TRAIN STATION[break]


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leo, leon
september 30th
rustboro city, hoenn
demirom. bisex.
ceo, inventor
save a little
love for me
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
i wish i were better, i wish i had strength. i wish i had anything to prove i was brave.
468 posts
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TAG WITH @leonidas
Leonidas Stone
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 4:45:28 GMT
Leonidas Stone Avatar

"Makes two of us, then— I'll meet you there."[break][break]

A statement spoken in haste as he soared through both portal and down, veering closer along the ground for just a moment in order to allow the means to light onto the pavements below. With a small cry later, the Talonflame carrying him flapped its wings with a large heave, further rushing and weaving through the city as his trainer did his best to take a quick survey of their surroundings.[break][break]

"A blast from the past, huh..." he murmured to himself, furrowing his brows while peering across the varied forms of action that those teleported into that selfsame city seemed to embark upon. He eyed for a short while as he lent his own aid to those accompanying him, and then across the city and towards the station that seemed equal parts familiar and not.[break][break]

A low, elongated whistle prompted the bird beneath him to turn and dive closer to the entryway to the station, being as careful as possible to light down at a distance from the sludge pooling around. Another glance, and he would've paid enough attention towards and her Venusaur before recalling the crimson-hued avian accompanying him, instead sending out a Jolteon in its stead.[break][break]

With a concession of more whistles—a duo of short ones, ended by a long one—the Eeveelution gave a short, electrifying cry before using Copycat— and, by extension, an augmented Earth Power that rose from the ground with the aid of the first Rocket's Ground Field in an attempt to impale any hands and leave its remaining spires standing tall.[break][break]


  • flying in to support the train scene.
  • talonflame is recalled.
  • jolteon is sent out.
  • jolteon uses copycat (earth power) on elisabeth's venusaur.
  • primary action: using earth power on the sludge hands closer to the station.
  • secondary action: using the earth spiked up by earth power to reinforce barricades, buffed by isaac's ground field.
  • Total Salacs used: x2

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]

@ @rustedshield

[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,791 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 6:16:02 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar

 The familiar feeling of being pulled through space and time tugs at her gut. They emerge in a desolate Circhester. Eva’s first impression is the sting of ash against the back of her throat. She coughs, falling to the blanketed ground then the dragon releases her from its grip. Her momentary fit is interrupted by screams. Haunting, to the core. Trauma resurfaces and the drums of war thrum in her ears.

Eva scrambles to her feet, surprised to see the Rocket isn’t the cause of such chaos. In fact, The man () she once stood opposite of on the battlefield seemed to be . . . inspiring the people?

Rayquaza’s AIR LOCK challenges Lugia’s RAINS. After a moment of hesitation, Eva dismisses the dragon to allow the weather effect to take hold, recognizing the opportunity it provides.

Any Doctor knows the solution to pollution is dilution!

But getting rid of the ichor is the cure. Before she can protest, makes a daring move. Blind faith, a concept Eva is familiar with. For a moment, her gaze travels upwards toward the sky and the faint green flash that remains from the dragon’s brief departure. Blind faith brought them together, and it would win now.

“Without hope, there is no future,” a crimson light splash against the unnatural poison and a Gallade is summoned to their aid. Eva pours her faith into those around her, a brilliant beacon of hope that pulses amongst the darkness, “We will prevail,” she reaches skywards, a move imitated by the Gallade. A beam of energy infiltrates the storm clouds.

ANGELIC SHOWERS: The user causes a downpour of healing rain that affects everyone within the vicinity. This rain and its healing will last for a brief period.

Each drop of Lugia’s RAINS being to shine like stars. The ANGELIC SHOWERS bathe the downtrodden city in a HEALING rain. Eva has faith it will be enough,

It has to be.

+ Rayquaza is dismissed so Lugia’s rains can wash away the poison
+ Eva cheers on Queen
+ Eva releases Blade the Gallade that uses the z-move ANGELIC SHOWERS to add a healing aspect to Lugia’s rain and INSPIRE the people that all hope is not lost


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March 14
Shalour City, Kalos
Fashion Designer
My fire isn't just for show—it's the blaze that will burn down anyone who dares to stand in my way
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TAG WITH @mirabella
Mirabella Fontaine
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 6:50:04 GMT
Mirabella Fontaine Avatar

Being Hammerlocke didnt come as a shock. Mirabella relax once she was there only to see than horrible place. This chaos was more than she never seen before even her known family history. They had to aid the people or more or less. That should be too hard however she was near the pink haired girl. Not good but she had time to find her later.[break][break]

Posions hands?!? Mirabella has never seen anything like this however there was a better time to procced her thoughts right now wasn't it. Her little fox ground. "Don't worry, I'm fine. Let's see if we can help get rid of those hands. Bitter Malice!" The ghost type nodded his eyes glowing red and  his resentment fester into a physicals form and unleashed a blast from from his now towards the disgusted hands.[break][break]


Mirabella appears in Hammerlocke but sadly not near her new friend. She consider but at the same time while worry about it later. [break][break]

She decided to help aid destroying the poison hands. She commands her Hisuian Zorua bitter malice on hands[break][break] h7kzkPSm




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February 2/14
Nimbasa City
10 height
10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Rhydia Ver DOLLARS
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Rhydia Ver
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 6:57:09 GMT
Rhydia Ver Avatar

What Rhydia observed in that parallel Ballonlea was not a ruin, or a grove of despair and death, but a magnificent and lively landscape that truly was beautiful.[break][break]

The pouring sludge, the vicious and mysterious hands, the withering and wilting flora that contrasted the aging peasantry that refused to give up life even in the face of such utter hopelessness and grime…[break][break]

It brought tears to her eyes, genuinely. She thanked her creator for allowing her to live to see these people live in that defiled world, pushing on through what clearly had to have been horrible lives.[break][break]

If every breath she’d taken up until that point had been to witness this, then she’d happily die after it was over- why, she might even remove the eyeballs she saw with after she painted a picture of the sight, since there’d be no reason to even witness anything less![break][break]

At first, all she can do is simply go around doing nothing but observing the people as they are, taking in their expressions, struggles, highs and lows and etching them into her mind’s eye, studying them like one would background characters in a hand drawn painting.[break][break]

After all, she wasn’t sure they were real people.[break][break]

What the people lack is leadership, a unifying cause beyond survival. They’re no different than beasts, which means they could all be slaughtered like them for all she cared. That would simply be nature doing it’s job…[break][break]

That’s what she would’ve thought at least, until Clair shifted the illusions around it near her, becoming a terrifying, venomous creature to fool the woman who approached.[break][break]

”Ah… this place must be too ancient for you, hm?” Her voice was almost a whisper behind , but she was sure she’d hear her amongst the chaos. ”I’ll be happy to remove it for you after this… you wouldn’t need such a relic after all.”[break][break]

She slips away without awaiting a response, allowing the grudge given form that followed her around to carry her up to higher ground, where more of the peasantry could hear her.[break][break]

What they needed to truly shine like the stars in the ruined world they called home was not more grit or determination, but hate.[break][break]

”Everyone~ These hands just want to kill you, that’s all. Mindless monsters, and you’re just letting them do it too easy! Why shouldn’t they suffer more than you? This is your home isn’t it?” Hers was not a speech of inspiration, but an admonishment of the fools who failed to perform like they should have.[break][break]

Humans were not beautiful if they did not struggle.[break][break]

”So struggle! Fight tooth and nail, squirm for your life as long as you can! If you can’t struggle, you’ll never get your peace!”[break][break]

’Because you should at least die a beautiful failure instead of a worthless success.’ She didn’t speak the last lines out loud, they could hear those later…


Pokémon + Tagging/TLDR Here[break][break]

TL;DR - Gets transported to Ballonlea, thinks it looks beautiful as a hellscape.[break]
- Looks around a little bit with Hisuian Zoroark.[break]
- Offers to cut off (and probably keep) ’s arm + Hisuian Zoroark disguises itself as Drapion.[break]
- Gives honestly really screwed up INSPIRATION to the peasantry.[break]



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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 7:04:01 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


The teleportation isn't as disorienting as she expected, but perhaps Luka is just used to this by now.[break][break]

That in and of itself is a disconcerting thought, but there's no time to dwell upon it. For just as she'd feared, the Ballonea they'd arrived in is far from the idyllic forest town that she had visited with once upon a time.[break][break]

The glimwood tangle is sick. Diseased flora and fungi rot amidst the poison that flows in disgusting rivulets throughout the city. It's as though a plague had descended upon the town, and Luka has a feeling that it's tied to whatever had infected Calyrex before.[break][break]

"Whatever happened here...i-it's like the King's disease, i-isn't it? Do you...d-do you think it's this bad because they died?" she asks and , and anyone else in the League that might hear them through the comms. Allies seem slim here, but fortunately the gravity of the situation prevents infighting for now. It's something she hasn't seen since the Darkest Day, and she shudders to think that the outcomes of both events might be similar.[break][break]

"I guess there's no way to tell," she continues to muse. "Do you think you guys will be okay here? I'd like to go help the townspeople...and I don't think Rocket is going to be a problem for now."[break][break]

To assist Doug and Hideo in fortifying the city and attacking the hands, Luka's Musharna stays behind and stems the tide of posion with her psychic. She herself releases her Spectrier, who whinnies upon seeing the Glastrier is riding upon. It seems her own spectral steed is rather distressed at the devastation that's befallen their native land.[break][break]

Whisps of spirit energy curl around Luka's hands, and she uses them to help hoist herself up upon the horse. Their fuschia mane glimmers almost eerily in the tainted light from the bioluminescent mushrooms, but the effect is striking nonetheless. Certainly enough to help capture the attention of the locals.[break][break]

Luka doesn't make much of a knight; she's very dainty, a fairy-like little thing. Perhaps she could be likened to a princess instead as she flicks the reins and takes off at a canter, roseate curls streaming behind her and her skirts fluttering in the wind.[break][break]

Like Lady Godive upon her noble steed— only with far more clothes on.[break][break]

Once she reaches a group of townspeople, she slows to a trot. Many of them are trying to stave off the flowing poison and fight the hands, though some seem sick and wounded. All of them seem terrified. Luka's Clefable rests in her lap after being unable to use her dance on Calyrex, but this allows her to bless the peasantry with a healing shower of life dew instead.[break][break]

It becomes clear that they recognize her mount. Luka feels rather abashed as some of the locals gape up at her, though whether in awe or fear she isn't certain. But she radiates kindness as she offers them all a soft smile, one as warm and sweet as the first breath of spring.[break][break]

"You've been fighting so hard. I'm so sorry we couldn't have helped you all sooner." Her voice is full of an earnest regret, and it gets louder as she continues to speak. "But to stave everything off like this, and to be fighting so're all amazing, really! All of, all of us together...w-whatever it is that's plaguing us, we're going to fight it back! Hope and courage shine the brightest in darkest of times...and I hope you can all believe in yourselves as much as I do!"[break][break]

Spectrier's ghostly neigh punctuates her declaration, and Luka almost feels like an emissary of Calyrex themself. It's a bold thought, perhaps, but one that helps build her confidence as she rides on to the next group of commoners, relaying similar sentiments of hope. All the while, her Clefable trails life dew to help the sick and injured, and it catches the light of the luminescent flora to create a prismatic rainbow behind them.[break][break]

It's quite the sight: a beautiful girl on the back of a mythical beast, trailing healing aureoles like an angel come to bless Ballonlea in it's hour of need.[break][break]

Her destination eventually becomes the observatory at the top of a spire of mushrooms. At first she'd feared that her Spectrier would find it difficult terrain, but the spectre seems adept at leaping from springy mushroom tops to bring them up the glowing spire. The faces of the others headed in this direction are mostly masked; Rockets, no doubt. It's a perilous position to be in perhaps, but if something happens at the peak it might be worth it to have someone from the League in attendance.



- has a sygna suit on (not active!)[break]
- in ballonlea![break]
- riding spectrier and looking cute to inspire the peasantry[break]
- clefable uses life dew to heal the injured in ballonlea[break]
- various mons are assisting with fighting the hands and diverting the poison in the background[break]
- making her way up to the observatory and trying to inspire people along the way!


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 7:08:49 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

A thousand thoughts in the space of a second, a short travel, a singular moment, and yet he found the dusk of a new place reveal itself seconds after the bright light faded. A town that stank of a time long past, the taint was strong, and the soft growl by his side that signified the appearance of his Absol.
This was a different world…No, just a different region, it wasn’t Kanto, it wasn’t Johto, strange lands he had stepped upon in his youth, smuggling goods alongside his father. It wasn’t Hoenn, the region of his boyhood, the place filled with memories both good and bad, no, it wasn’t such a place at all. It was an alien land, filled with people from another time. Just what was it all about?
He had no time to dwell on such wasteful thoughts as he heard from his comms. ”Faker here, copy.” He ran a hand through his hair, understanding the command, but he didn’t like it. Distaste was more than clear enough in his voice, but he wouldn’t go against it.
An order was an order, so he bit his tongue, biting down on it before he spoke even more words, his eyes going to the walls of this place, and thus he called Absol back into his pokeball and called Roaring Moon, his overly proud dragon. He climbed upon the back of his dragon, sat upon his back. ”We’ll scout, look over the area, see what areas we need to fill in. These guys can deal with strange hands.”
Kouji spent his time upon dragon back, looking over the area. ”Let’s draw trenches, just like when we met.” He whispered, the dragon roared in what Kouji almost feared was defiance before it began to float towards the ground, claws glowed with blue energy before it ran across the ground just beyond the walls of the city, a long tiring run, but even so…
It was what they could do, and so they would make sure to do it.



-Kouji appears in Hammerlocke
-Kouji switches Absol for Roaring Moon
-Kouji flies on Roaring moon to scout for a while.
-Main Action: Roaring moon uses Dragon claw to try draw trenches around Hammerlocke.




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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 7:25:31 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

Hearing 's words over the comms about working with the League, Amor let out a sigh. That was annoying, but it could also work to his advantage at the same time.

"Copy on that, work with the League for now." the robotic voice would reply back to him. That cleared up one problem just as another arose. There was poison everywhere....Draco wasn't suited for this, and so Amor swapped him out, and in a flash of white light a Golurk appeared on the field. They needed a place to gather the citizens into one spot to make them easier to defend. While this place looked like absolute hell had torn through it, there had to be a spot for that right? He was closest to the Vault, and so he rushed inside.

It was covered in the goop, and that wasn't all, hands began to form out of the stuff. It was like something out of a video game, and they began to try, and grab him, but that wasn't going to end very well for them. His Golurk stepped up, and unleashed a powerful Earthquake on the surrounding area in order to clear out the poison, and the hands near them.

"I'm in....Some kind of vault? If we get it cleared out, we may able to use it as a place to protect some of the citizens." He spoke to the others over the comms, as the hands dealt with the new intruder to their domain. Amor looked around curiously trying to figure out what was in this supposed vault as well. If there was something useful here that he could use to help protect the civilians. Almost hoping there would be some magic sword that would cut away all of these poison hands in one go, but of course he wouldn't be that lucky.


Hammerlocke let's go!
Amor is helping to clear out the Vault!
Amor swaps out Dragonite for Golurk!
Golurk uses Earthquake on the Gloom Hands!
No Guard is active!
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bel, lyle
june 21
rustboro city
SPECTRA co-captain
the renegade who had it made
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Belial Stone DOLLARS
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Belial Stone
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 7:33:02 GMT
Belial Stone Avatar
Belial finds himself in MOTOSTOKE before long and is alarmed at the scenes surrounding them. He'd been here before, in the real world, once. Apart from the waves of sludge and weird peasants walking about, it looked as drab and dreary as he had remembered it. Not unlike RUSTBORO, he thought.

Nevertheless, the black sheep of the Stone family finds himself in immediate danger as a wave of that poison sludge suddenly rounds a corner and rushes in his direction. "Tch!" Belial is swift to recall the Spewpa on his shoulder before summoning a CHINGLING to his side instead. "Tink, PSYCHIC!"

Though the wind chime Pokémon is most certainly alarmed by its surroundings, it is given little time to soak it all in before summoning its psychic power to save them both. Like a conductor's wand, it gracefully sways itself in the air as it seizes the wave of sludge telekinetically and gently guides it down another street and into a sewer drain nearby.


SHINY SPEWPA is swapped out for CHINGLING!



The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP