i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 26
Slateport City
6"1' height
6"1' height
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2023 1:40:10 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Hello… stranger,” Grigori responded to both parties. ’s idea to not look bad in front of the stranger was a good one, but he didn’t want to leave his question in the air. Besides, this man looked to be on the same wavelength as Shred. Even if only in terms of outfit and immediate attitude.

And upon the small flame that guided them to the way of safety making itself present, Grigori nearly jumped at the opportunity. Not as fast as Shred though. For the better, once his companion got stuck in some nasty purple mud. That wasn’t natural–but yet again, what here was?

Brick, if you could please give me a lift,” the grunt called as he released his own Pokémon. A massive Druddigon stood tall in the environment. Couldn’t hold a candle to these trees, but could easily get him from point A to point B. With careful steps and help from the big blue arms, Grigori climbed atop his Pokémon. Its rough scales dug into his clothes, but that probably beat whatever the hell was going on otherwise.

And with the Safeguard, it didn’t take long for him to make it to the rest of the group. So many people, yet so little at the same time. And yet, there were still more to join. Shred and that other guy were the first to come to mind. What also came to mind was the other grunt’s pitiful attempt to escape the mud.

That’s to be expected though. He was a good guy, but did it in the most inefficient way possible. And it wasn’t on purpose either. A curious enigma, but a good one nonetheless.

He’d have to thank whoever sent out that Will-o-Wisp in a bit. As soon as his compatriot got himself out of the mud. “Brick, please assist that Gholdengo.

In the meantime, he watched the other people mill around, scan their environment, or even start their search in earnest. “And make it quick. It looks as though the group is starting to venture out.

They would NOT continue their trek through the mud. That bridge would be a good spot to start. Even better, that wisp of ethereal flame led to the pair that stood huddled, right to the start of the bridge. Grigori glanced at Shred. He looked free from the mud… enough. The grunt strode ahead in earnest, to the one with the Zorua.

Sorry to bother you two,” He interrupted, “but I must thank you for your guiding flame. We might’ve been stuck out there for who knows how long. Has the group leader called for the search to begin yet?

 - IN AREA 1.
 - Followed the Will-o-Wisp from Zorua. 
 - Did not get stuck in the mud. Used Druddigon to avoid it almost entirely, and sent said Druddigon to help Shred.
 - While that happens, he walks over to and to give thanks and to ask what's going on. 


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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
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TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2023 6:54:50 GMT
"Damn." The remark comes as those in area one come across a poisonous sludge, which proves to be quite the hazard as always. "This might be worse than I thought."

There was a time before, during his investigation into the jailbreak of late champion 's pokemon. Traces of poison could be found, which ultimately lead their search to a temple in the jungle of Fortree. One where a certain regi seemed to be performing some ritual just before it was blown sky high.

But they still had to move forward, and a GRASSY TERRAIN produced by the Maractus at Derek's side would hopefully help them to traverse it with ease.


- acknowledges the poison sludge, recalling similar instances during the ranger raid investigations.

- derek has his maractus use GRASSY TERRAIN on the way forward, aspiring to reduce the swampyness (and sludge?) of the area for safer travel.
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She / Her
June 10
Ecruteak City, Johto
Ace / ?-romantic
Boba Cafe Barista
May you always know pain as temporary and laughter better.
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TAG WITH @xiura
Xiura Balfaltin
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2023 13:23:27 GMT
Xiura Balfaltin Avatar
Xiura smiled in bright greeting and recognition as came upon the scene, observing as he went to speak with a couple of other members of the group.
Conversing with , she said, “This area is pretty large. Maybe we should explore further to find more clues.”
joined Ryker and Xiura, and she greeted him in turn. “I’m not too familiar with the area, either. But if we get lost, my Hatterene can at least teleport us somewhere else,” she said, reassuring and optimistic.
Her gaze wandered over to the bridge as a glow entered her periphery. ’s Zorua psychically carried an object beside him in pale flame. Xiura narrowed her eyes, but couldn’t quite see—but could it be—? It couldn’t. No.
But her Pokemon’s eyes were far better than hers.
With a chitter of alarm, her Sableye, Jin, clambered down the tree and into Xiura’s arms to grab her attention, tracking filthy mud up her pants without discretion. Her Pokemon began gesturing wildly and tugging at his elongated ear, a wild glint in his gem-like eyes. “Sable! Sableye!”
Xiura’s hand flew to her mouth in shock as she realized what he was saying. “They found an ear? Where could the rest of the body be?” she wondered aloud, worried.
Sableye was still unsettled, wriggling in her arms, so she let him go to jump down to the ground. He wandered off, his eyes once again blazing with agitation and perceptiveness.
Xiura said, “Jin, don’t go off on your own,” but followed after him when he didn't listen. She glanced back at and , and further into the area, trying to catch 's eye. “I think my Sableye senses something,” she called out. “I’m going a little bit ahead, if you would like to come along.” She followed Sableye down a small set of stone stairs, boulders set into the landscape. Soft green-yellow rushes sprouted in the muddy ground, and further along she could see a larger, submerged part of the swamp with a bridge traversing the breadth of the water.
“Jin,” she whispered loudly, growing a little nervous the further they headed from the group. “Come back. There's something aggressive out here.” Her Sableye chittered, eyes glowing like embers and aggressively sending a MEAN LOOK at the surrounding area to intimidate any creature that might approach them unawares.

| | | open to interaction[break][break]


- Area 1[break]
- Continuing into new area to search for more clues, invites and (and maybe friend !) along[break]
- Her Sableye Jin uses Mean Look, to intimidate any approaching creatures.[break]



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Ji-Won Ki
April 8th
Cerulean City, Kanto
You'll need it
like a craving
5'8 height
5'8 height
Maybe somehow I came off too strong to you~
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TAG WITH @tori
Victoria Beckett
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2023 15:19:24 GMT
Victoria Beckett Avatar

Just as she had been thinking about her actually showed up. Had she summoned her or something? The timing was eerily convenient, not that it mattered. "Unfortunate weather for the hunt," she said in greeting as Tori nodded in agreement. "Perfect weather for hiding our little beast's tracks." she muttered. "Keep an eye out." she warned. [break][break]

Just as she did so Osiris swatted away a Yanma that almost rammed into the group. With a quick glare towards the bug she notices that the poor thing is terribly frightened. With a nod towards Osiris they continued their trek through the swamp knowing to stay alert so they could be ready to spring into action at any time. [break][break]

Just then Lulu's houndoom takes off sprinting down the slope towards other investigators and the like. In the group it was barreling towards Tori believed she spied the features of little . She hadn't seen her around since she returned back to the region, but she made no move to close the distance between them now. [break][break]

The Houndoom had seemed interested in the severed leg that had appeared. And now that Tori noticed blood and flesh seemed to decorate the slope they were near. A awfully gruesome sight for young kids now that Tori actually thought about it. Still, little had made the executive decision to go on such a dangerous mission like this, surely she could handle herself. [break][break]

Perhaps her fearlessness reminded Tori of herself when she was younger. Either way, things were certainly starting to get interesting now. "djall!” called out to her houndoom as it attempted to bite a chunk out of the severed limb. "leave it!” she ordered as she swiftly moved to chase after here hound. [break][break]

Victoria nodded her head towards Lulu with a playful wink signaled to her friend, , for them to follow suit. While trailing behind the disguised scientist Tori noticed colored shards scattered across the ground nearby. "What's this?" She began to grab a few that were closet to her, just to hold on to. Perhaps Lulu could tell her about them more if she showed them to her later. [break][break]

A low gutteral growl came from Osiris nearby. "Hm?" Tori asked as she glanced towards her Lucario. "What is it?" she said as she followed his gaze. In the far off distance it seemed like something was out there. Tori was reminded how she felt like she was being watched this entire time, could this be the source?[break][break]

She wasn't sure if this was their target or not but it was better to be cautious. "Careful Cam," Tori warned as she nodded in the direction of whatever lurked in in the area where the swamp overtakes the landscape. "We've got company..."[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"]blood, mud, & iron


𓆩♡𓆪 starting from area 2[break]
𓆩♡𓆪 tl;dr:[break]
- Greets right before shit starts popping off[break]
- When 's houndoom takes off in the distance she spots a familiar face, (Tori's not up to date on things surrounding her though!)[break]
- While following Lulu she spies different colored shards littering the ground and tries to snag a few for herself. [break]
- Her Lucario is on edge as they both notice the blood and flesh decorating the slope nearby, but above all something was deeper in the swamp[break]

𓆩♡𓆪 tactical gear w/ hood & mask



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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2023 15:41:59 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

"Thank you. Though I was looking for little details, like if the attacker in question left behind any claw or bite marks. And if said markings line up with known specimens.", the Kalosian addressed Tsubaki.

"She's right, things are looking grim for our missing travelers.", he'd agree with the teenager.

With the group assembled, Thomas and Mordred would carefully navigate the area. Using the light of the Zorua's Will-O-Wisps, Thomas would slowly make his way over. That was, until Kazimir called out to him. Thomas made his way over to the vigilante, taking note of the sludge. Rather than stick his boot in it, Thomas instead grabbed a nearby branch, poking the sludge, only to find that the stick got stuck in it. Like the poison was adhesive.

"Shit.", Thomas blurted out. "Whatever you all do, stay out of the sludge!", he'd warn the group.

When he saw Desiree and Tsubaki examining the severed ear, he'd rush over. Despite the grisly sight before him, Thomas stayed composed. The fact that the bud was still playing music, that the MP3 player still had a charge, meant that the attack couldn't have been that long ago.

"Desiree, we found sticky sludge in the area. The hallmark of the Poipole family of Ultra Beasts. If that's the case, then Megalopolans might be involved. Whatever did this could be acting under the influence of Nihilego's Neurotoxins.", he'd tell the pink-haired woman.

Mordred, looming over the group, would Bulk Up in anticipation for a fight.


notes: Thomas responds to Tsubaki
Thomas agrees that the missing people might be fucked
Thomas and Ceruledge carefully navigate the area
Thomas tests the sludge with a nearby branch
Thomas warns everyone to stay out of the sludge
Thomas rushes to join Desiree and Tsubaki under the bridge
Thomas elaborates on the Ultra Beast toxins to Desiree
Ceruledge used Bulk Up

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2023 16:31:29 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]"Never been better."[break][break]

Some of it was a lie. Some of it was the truth. Some of it was more complicated than a Facebook relationship between a rubiks cube, rocket science, and an Avril Lavigne single. All of it was swept under the umbrella of the winning smile Isaac shot 's way. The slight strain of the past was met on by the bright hopes of a new future, one Isaac couldn't spend cooped up in some hospital bed.[break][break]

Maybe he'd need that smile where he was going. Isaac's disappearance hadn't fallen on deaf ears. His re-emergence, in turn, had been met by prying eyes. approached Isaac with a knowing smirk in his eyes. His pat on the back was a little too hard. His posture was a little too dangerous.[break][break]

Yet, in his own strange way, that was how he expressed camaraderie. Isaac knew Kouji would make good on those vicious promises he'd made, and yet he knew there wouldn't be a shred of malice behind it. Did that make it better or worse? Kouji was always such a hard one to figure out. "Could say the same for you," Isaac said, returning a wry smirk of his own.[break][break]

wasn't Kouji. He wore his heart on his sleeve. He made his intentions all too clear. Kouji's pat on the back, for all the implications beneath it, was genuine in its own weird way. Temp's hug was more of a grab. His smile was little more than bare teeth. The look in his eye made his true feelings all too clear.[break][break]

Had Isaac known Temp was here, he would have skirted around him as he did . This was another one that hurt; someone he genuinely thought the world of, now thinking he was the scum of the earth. Did Temp even know why Isaac had been kicked out? Did he even know what Isaac had gone through? Or was his stubborn refusal to die just 's pillow talk of the night?[break][break]

Isaac refused to let himself outwardly wither. However, while it was just the two of them so close, his eye wandered to meet Temp's. "Temp, please," he whispered, so quiet it could be mistaken for a whistle in the wind.[break][break]

Luckily, he wouldn't be alone in the lion's den. made his way out from the Lotad pond, shooting Isaac a wave and a smile. snatched his wrist, prying him away from Temp and closer towards her. El had his back at all times, and that went without saying by this point. They were four to two, and the two would need to risk their lives if they wanted to try anything. Isaac didn't hate those odds.[break][break]

Security brought a warm smile back to his face. "Sheesh, guess I'm popular today," he joked, because it was both easier and healthier than letting himself panic. "It's good to see you all." He meant that, even towards Temp. Especially towards Temp.[break][break]

For all the people clustering around him, he wasn't the only one here. Some people loudly wondered what a kid was doing here. Concern shone in Isaac's eyes as he wondered just who the heck decided to tag along. It was always so much easier to feel it for others than himself.[break][break]

Said concern immediately faded when he spotted ' little hat poking out from the crowd. Frankly, Isaac trusted her to handle herself better than most adults by this point. Sure, she could do better at making smart choices, but she was even better than he was at worming her way out of her own bad decisions. As soon as she grew out of making them in the first place, she'd be unstoppable.[break][break]

Before anyone else could dogpile onto him, Genny staked her claim. She looped an arm around Isaac's, pulling him surprisingly close with a surprising amount of strength. Frankly, he wasn't complaining. There was safety in numbers, and there was something comforting in having her here. He intertwined his arm with hers, silently glad she didn't grab the one that had been broken weeks ago. "Aye aye, boss," he gently teased, a cheeky grin on his face.[break][break]

That cheeky grin faltered a little as he saw the severed leg. "Eris," Isaac gently chided, because what the hell child. It was easier to focus on her decision to start poking it with a stick than it was to focus on the literal severed human leg kicking around in the first place, because what the fuck nature.[break][break]

"I'd say we should check for footprints," Isaac said, doing his best to scan the muddy, rain-slicked area. "But between the rain, the fog, and all of us running around . . . not liking our odds. So maybe we should keep an eye out for other signs instead. El, you getting a good view from up there?"[break][break]

For the time being, he'd follow Genny's lead. Cambria stood by her Abomisnow's side, settling down to Sucker Punch anything that tried to ambush them.[break][break]


TEAL DEER;[break]
Isaac is popular! Kouji and Temp concern him, Genny and Row relieve him.[break]
He suggests scoping out footprints, before realizing they're walking around in a giant bowl of soup.[break]
For now, he and Genny investigate, arm in arm.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / M-M-M-M-MEGATHREAD


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Laika Boss

October 13
Ula'ula, Alola
Supply Coffee
God General's Wife
There are more things in heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy
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TAG WITH @nenet
Neffatari Nzingha
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2023 17:22:38 GMT
Neffatari Nzingha Avatar

Nenet is more than content to let others around her take the lead, though she rather wishes the group hadn't found the remains of someone. Nenet isn't squeamish, a cursory glance at the trail of viscera leaves her concerned for her own well being.
Perhaps this trip isn't worth so much as a rescue mission anymore and should merely focus on recovery.
All of her concerns briefly go out the window with 's Houndoom does his best to sneak a snack. Coughing to disguise her laugh, she gives Lulu a faint nod of greeting and understanding because dogs and then pulls her coffee thermos from her bag to sip at it.
Something deeper in the area draws her attention, however. Some looming presence that seems to grow larger and larger. Pulling out a pokeball, Nenet releases her Lunatone and directs lowly, "Future Sight."


- AREA 2.[break]
- Moves closer to look at the remains.[break]
- Tries not to laugh at 's Houndoom because dogs are just like that.[break]
- Releases her Lunatone and directs it to Future Sight.[break]



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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2023 18:23:04 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
From their perch, El watched how and interacted - and their brows couldn't help but furrow a little. To someone who didn't know, the interaction here might've looked perfectly fine... But to El, there was a tension in the air that felt an awful lot like the same vibes they'd feel way back when, whenever Isaac was trying to 'play nice' with their father to avoid a scene.

So, when Temp's attention finally turned to them, perhaps the reception wasn't as warm as before - even if El was still friendly enough. "Brioche can ride with Yggy," They nodded - Yggdrasil pausing for long enough for Temp to set the Dachsbun on her back. Brioche would even be given a warm welcome - El carefully hanging down from one of the branches of Yggy's tree to offer him a treat.

But glancing back to Temp, they'd state "I don't like that you're picking on my brother." A simple way to put it, given the drama of Rocket and Isaac's departure from it, for sure. But they were sure that being more outright about it would cause a mess, too - especially if other people overheard. "I don't mind being nice to you - I wanna be nice to you - but... If we're gonna be nice, you gotta be nice to Isaac, too."

Because even if El was willing to set aside someone being a member of Rocket - especially given the circumstances of some of those people - they weren't going to set aside someone knowingly mistreating their brother.

Though, their attention soon shifted to strangely familiar folks such as , who introduced herself as a ranger. Smiling brightly, El would wave in her direction, mentioning "Hello! I'm El - and I'm a Ranger, too!" Though scratching their cheek a little, they added with a sheepish hue "I'm just a Cadet right now though, eheh." But, they were sure it wouldn't be long before they rose further up in the ranks; it was just a matter of time, with the hard work they were putting out!

would be another person who drew El's attention, for the friendly approach he gave Isaac. They'd give him a smile and a wave as well, given their tagging along with Isaac.

The friendly and happy tidings couldn't last forever though, before they were given the reminder that they were tracking down a bloodthirsty beast. Following after their brother, El caught sight of blood, and a severed leg - and they couldn't help it when they stiffened at the sight. After having seen skeletons in Ultra Deep Sea and burnt bodies in the Cicatrice, the shock was not as hard-hitting; but it wasn't something that they could get used to.

(Seeing 's Houndoom try to take a chunk of it didn't help.)

Instead, they tried to turn their attention to - and though they recognized her as the child in Ultra Deep Sea, back during the fighting in Dewford... They were surprised to hear that Isaac seemed to recognize her, too!

But for the time being, they'd address Eris. "Hey there; this is the second time we've, uhm, met in a dangerous situation." They commented with a light and sheepish chuckle. "I'm glad to see you're okay, though. Do you and Isaac know eachother? He's my brother." She had seemed shy and avoidant before - maybe her knowing that they're related to Isaac would help put her at ease?

From their perch though, another thing caught their eye. Namely, a number of shards that were scattered across the ground. would speak up about it - and El nodded in agreement. "Yeah -- it kinda looks like when those Space-time Distortions happen." They spoke - carefully descending from Yggy's tree (but remaining on her shell) to get a better look. "But if one popped up recently... Wouldn't someone have noticed?" For something so close to Fortree and Mauville both... "Usually stuff like the news is quick on that..."

Was this one super quick, or on a smaller scale? Or was there something else going on? Something, deeper within the swamp, was giving them a bad feeling...
- El lets put Brioche on Yggy's back + gives the puppy a treat, but also stands up for Isaac.
- Greets , introduces themself as a fellow Ranger (even if a Cadet-)
- gets a smile and wave :D
- Severed leg is spooky; El would rather focus on , who they greet + ask if she knows their brother. They're happy to see she's more or less okay.
- Agrees with about the shards - moves from Yggy's tree to her shell to get a better look.
- Wonders about the spacetime distortions. If one happened so close to Fortree and Mauville and recently enough for shards to still be around, wouldn't someone have noticed it and reported it?
- Has a bad feeling about deeper within the swamp.
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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,038 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2023 19:09:16 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

There is a lot more than Tempest could say. Would like to say. But is pulling from his grasp. People bristle and circle around Isaac like shields. Tempest just huffs and shakes his head, rolls his eyes and gives his full attention to . He pulls back for now, from traitors and unease, to walk beside of them.[break][break]

"Flatten those hackles, shortcake. He's the one who broke my heart, not the other way around."[break][break]

It's bitter but resigned. Words meant for the quiet conversation between the two of them. While El might have been an enemy, a Ranger no less, Tempest did carry an odd sense of duty. They had reached out a hand to him and shown him kindness when it wasn't warranted. So, he would show them that kindness in turn and give up on this battle for now.[break][break]

Properly cowed, his phrasing made it seem more like Isaac had broken up with Temp instead of just leaving the claws of Rocket as a whole. Funny, if you knew him.[break][break]

They find a leg. It seems crowded enough, so Tempest hangs back with El and . The shards are pretty familiar- Tempest isn't shy about squatting down to look closer, sticking his fingers in the muck of the marsh to pick one up. It's hard and sharp between his fingers.[break][break]

"We just know about the big ones. Who knows how many small, localized ones are popping up we don't see." Tempest had personally seen a few of the smaller ones; just lasting a few minutes and only big enough for one or two pokemon to slip through before vanishing.[break][break]

Standing back up, he wipes the shard and his fingers on his pants before offering it to the blacksmith.[break][break]

"They use these to make Sygna Suits. Brioche, come here." The blue light of a pokeball flickers as he calls the dog back, which was a real shame since he had just gotten cozy. Instead, a Riolu was called out, the small pokemon giving a curious look to his trainer.[break][break]

"if whatever is out here came from a distortion, or even was in one and got fucked up by it, it's a lot more dangerous than just killing a few tourists. Skipper?"[break][break]

The Riolu squeaks before nodding. His tiny legs slosh through the muck as he starts to visit with the other pokemon in the area Coaching them to get ready for something big.[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"]@mud blood iron



🔗 route 2 gang[break]
🔗 is cowed by el and accidentally implies isaac broke up with him[break]
🔗 picks up and examines one of the shards before offering it to aurulie[break]
🔗 mostly talking to el and auralie this turn[break]
🔗 calls back his dachbun and calls out his riolu[break]
🔗 has riolu use coaching on the other pokemon around him to try and prepare for something big


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scarlet dove
January 21
Laverre City
now everything
is down in flames
5'10" height
5'10" height
from the very beginning you have utterly failed to take action.
196 posts
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TAG WITH @camellia
Camellia Lemaitre
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2023 21:43:52 GMT
Camellia Lemaitre Avatar

Camellia noted the YANMA that flitted by them, bouncing off the QUICK GUARD Tori had set up. It seemed any Pokemon present in the area were nervous...[break][break]

"There's something not right."[break][break]

Her thoughts were cut off by , shouting at her HOUNDOOM taking off in the distance. She shared a quick glance with Tori before following after her.[break][break]

Not without picking up a few crystals on the ground, though. She wondered if they would be useful... well, hopefully they wouldn't kill them.[break][break]

Camellia nodded. "I'm going to check out what her Pokemon found. Stick close," she told the other girl, jogging through the mud toward Lulu and the others who appeared nearby.[break][break]

When she approached, she noticed the shape of a leg. However, the familiar, metallic smell of blood was washed away by the rain, intermingling with the mud. It confirmed her suspicions.[break][break]

The beast was nearby.[break][break]

"I hope this wasn't one of our party members?" she asked, allowing her SIGILYPH to fly beside her. She set up a LIGHT SCREEN in hopes of protecting from a sneak attack.

[attr="class","tag"] &



- follows tori[break]
- snags several shards from the ground[break]
- comes to investigate the leg beside lulu[break]
- SIGILYPH puts up LIGHT SCREEN[break]
- current location: investigating the leg


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Forty Five
March 26
Castelia City, Unova
Musical Artist
I'm just a holy fool
32 posts
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TAG WITH @ambrosia
Ambrose Hendrix
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2023 23:40:31 GMT
Ambrose Hendrix Avatar
Shred had made a very dire mistake. By engaging Ambrose, he has forever bonded them through the spirit of shenanigans. Ambrose looked back, smiling deviously at the stranger who dared to speak to him.

"Wetter is better in my book."

Ambrose's attention was pulled toward a set of strange lights that forged a path away from his current trajectory. This could have almost certainly been a trap, but Ambrose hardly cared about possible danger. After all, he was here to catch a physical abomination. What could possibly be more dangerous than that?

So Ambrose followed the lights, and was left very disappointed when all he found were the other hunters. The rocker flourished his poncho, dramatically turning his back on the other participants. Did they truly intend to cooperate?

Ambrose paused, scratching his chin as if deep in thought. Perhaps teamwork was not as foolish as Ambrose had first concluded. He could capitalize on the group's efforts in order to pave the way to his own victory. Yes, Ambrose chuckled at his own cunning. He would no longer walk the path of the lone wolf, instead it would be time to make friends to best abuse this lot's good will.

Ambrose attempted to step forward to go mingle, but found that he could not lift his legs. He looked down, and found that his boots were now consumed in mud! Ambrose let out a retching noise, tugging on his legs to try and break them free from the mud. As he struggled he would look around for a sympathetic soul to show him pity.

"I could use just a bit of help. Maybe some butter or oil? Or the jaws of life?"

--Ambrose will now be forever bonded with because he dared to talk to him. The consequences of this soul-union will reveal itself in the future!
--Ambrose gets stuck in the mud after following the Will-o-wisps and finding the other explorers in AREA 1.

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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
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TAG WITH @aubremckenna
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2023 1:01:31 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar
[attr="class","samjermain"]As Shred struggled to get out the mud, the Jumpluff did the only thing she could: cheered. Her little pom-poms smashed together repeatedly, dripping little bits of pollen into the mucky ground below. When he finally emerged, Maggie let out a single cry. “Pluff!” But those sparkling eyes held a teasing light. What a silly little man! Humans are so fragile!

Now above the thickest part of the fog, the creature’s red eyes spot something gleaming in the mud. It’d been highlighted by the Sableye’s Detect. Its straps curl around one of the bridge posts, where it’d been tossed in a panic. “Jum?” Her original path to Aubre twists away as she rides the chilled, damp winds toward the bridge. With a shake of her poms, little vines unfurl from her hands. Weighed down by it, the flower Pokemon half-carried, half-drug the camera back to basecamp.

The redhead remained near the outskirts of the group beneath the tarp. Occasionally, a scarred finger would reach up to rustle the lavender feathers of the Oricorio on her shoulders. The sight of the ear made her gasp. A hand swung behind her, finding support in the tree behind her. Her stomach roiled as images of carnage flashed through her mind. Why are you even out here!? What happens if Leon finds you like that? Dismembered and spread around like a game of 52 pick-up?

These thoughts ended as a little noise reached a favor pitch. But the sense of unease reached a fever pitch as she saw the Jumpluff drop into a mud puddle with a splish. “Maggie!” With a distressed breath, she raced toward the downed grass type. “Are you all right!?”

Without a second thought, she dropped into the muck. Through the filth, the little thing smiled up at her, shaking like a dog. At about that time, the redhead found the camera in the mud. "Where'd you find this?" A wet pom-pom lifted to point to the area ahead of them.

With wide eyes, she turned to face the remaining parties beneath the tarp. “Excuse me—” She tried again, her voice coming out louder. “--does anyone have an electric type on them?”

Cradling it like a baby, the doctor rose from her crouch. “We—Maggie found a camera in the mud. I think someone must have thrown it at whatever attacked them.” Again her belly rolled.

[attr="class","samjer","samjertag"]Area 1
  • Maggie cheers for Shred and company
  • Gets sick at the sight of the air and wanders off into the rain for a few deep breaths
  • Maggie returns with the camera.
  • Asks if anyone has an electric type to charge it.

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June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
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TAG WITH @pokejun2
Oliver Shrakes
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2023 1:15:53 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
While he did get much closer to , he did stop when he saw her flinch. But a couple of others join them, making her jump right into a severed leg. Lovely. Before he could tell the little lady to not touch it, someone else got her attention (). Giving the guy a small glare, Oliver turned to see the kid poke it with a stick, trying to turn it over. "Hey, don't do that. Why don't you go back to town. This really isn't a place for a kid...please leave?" He tried to give her a princely smile, hoping that she'll leave. With that, he released Breloom. The fighting type yawned and shook itself and took a look around. A gory sight.

"Breloom, try to stay close to that lad over there, but also keep a sharp eye out. If something happens, come to me or get my attention. I'll also try to stay reasonablely close." He whispered to the Pokemon. Nodding, the Breloom went over to and . Though it maintained being in the background, still keeping a close look to see any kind of traces. Oliver himself did much the same, but a little bit further ahead. Still, he heard one of the ones near the lad make an astute observation ().  He also heard a panicked Pokemon hit something and continue to fly away through the group. Oliver decided to move in that direction. Maybe they're closer than they thought... 

~Tries to convince to leave, likely fails. Gives a glare for scaring her.
~pushes forward a little, releases Breloom, instructs him to stay close to to make sure he doesn't get jumped.
~listens to , secretly agrees.
~follows the gore, hears the fleeing Yanma, catches a small glimpse on the direction it came from. Goes over to that direction.


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litton wickham
september 25
lumiose city, kalos
webnovelist / council assistant
if desire is the heart’s intransigent verb.
353 posts
nagi miwa DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nagi
nagi miwa
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2023 3:35:11 GMT
nagi miwa Avatar

petrichor, earth and the metallic, fungal stench of decay. [break][break]

dread is an acrid rock of bile at the back of nagi’s throat. fear knifes, hot through his diaphragm, calves seizing as his body prepares for flight. his hand twitches at his side, yanks at air instead of eris’ shoulder, as he fights the instinctive urge of any responsible adult to not let kids touch corpses. [break][break]

child prodigy, he reminds himself. [break][break]

but also: child prodigy. [break][break]

nagi wears anxiety like a second skin — has splayed it open and studied it like a specimen; knows the cold touch of its frostbitten fingers like a bedfellow. there was panic in every skittish step backwards that had taken.[break][break]

“give her space,” he murmurs, loud enough for and to hear over the swirl of noise from the captive audience surrounding the mangled leg. steps back, shards crunching under his feet, to let the girl work.[break][break]

(he keeps one eye on eris, all the same.) [break][break]

rot makes a home in his lungs. he breathes in — a slow, hissed inhale — mud giving easy way to his heel as he digs it in, anchoring himself into the muck. [break][break]

the SPOTLIGHT of his illumina eevee glitters off the scattered shards; throws the lurid web of veins across the leg into stark relief. nagi’s gaze picks its way across the ground, into the clearing ahead, searching for what else could be lurking, buried in the murk.[break][break]



・advancing into next part of AREA 2[break]
・attempts to get and to give space. can't a girl poke a corpse in PEACE (relative) [break]
・illumina eevee's SPOTLIGHT lights up the surrounding area in an attempt to make it easier to investigate[break][break]


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[newclass=.unagipokes img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,301 posts
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2023 4:39:54 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

Unfairable odds was just the way that Kouji liked it, but not foolish ones. He didn’t want to make a scene, but more importantly, he had no interest in blowing up his hardly fought for spot. ”I didn’t go through a terrible break up, so I’m doing pretty well.” He said with a snort, but it wasn’t Isaac that had his attention after that point, it was the brat.
”Tch.” His mood soured quickly as he detached himself from the group, there was some hubbub, but seeing his own failure in front of him would sour even his mood; but he had a task to do, just as he had told himself with Isaac Merlo, Kouji looked over at the Abomasnow, and the leg it had found. He was a knife man at his core, but that wasn’t the kind of clean cut he expected from a weapon.
”Doesn’t look like it even took a second, is that a chick’s leg?” He pondered for a moment, his voice was even as he looked at it, standing in a squat, keeping carefully balanced with all of this muck around. The previously shined shoes, and pressed pants were now covered in splotches of mud.
”It’s not like we’ll find out much, unless one of ya is good with medicine, better to keep moving or else the fear’ll get ya.” He said as he stood up straight once more, taking in a deep breath he went for his pokeball to pull forth his Umbreon, who looked around with a sniff before sighting the leg.
But Kouji walked back towards Tempest, patting his shoulder; might as well stay near someone familiar.



Replies to Isaac[break]
See's Eris before breaking up with the group for a bit, spots leg, makes some guesses at the gender, then tells everyone it's better to just move[break]
Brings out Umbreon, pats Temp's shoulder



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing