i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the crimson dragon
january 19th
pyrite town, orre
6’7” height
6’7” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
120 posts
ryker hayes DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ryker
ryker hayes
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2023 7:06:45 GMT
ryker hayes Avatar

[attr="class","header"]RATHER BE THE HUNTER THAN THE PREY


He was content just to keep watch, ignoring the shelter the tarp would provide from the rain. It wasn’t like he was getting to soaked anyway, not with the raincoat he was wearing anyway. The raincoat would keep him mostly dry, the exception being the lower half of his body. Perhaps he had invested in one of those raincoats that was like a trench coat. A trench coat would’ve been longer and kept more of him from being wet.
Oh well not much he could do about it now. A sound of footsteps alerted him to someone approaching and he turned his attention to the approaching woman. It wasn’t someone he knew, though that wasn’t to surprising. Getting to know people wasn’t exactly his forte. In fact usually he was all for keeping his distance from people, since he wasn’t really sure how to deal with others.
Still he inclined his head towards the woman in greeting, deciding now was not the not the time to come off as rude. Because that was what he had heard. That sometime but not taking part in a conversation could make a person come off as rude. It was probably reserved him someone who totally ignored someone who was trying to strike up a conversation with another person.
Upon hearing the purple haired woman’s introduction he committed her name to memory. While some people with his kind of alliance would use a fake name he decided against it. No one knew of him. So there would really be no point in using a fake name. Especially since none of his targets since joining up with Team Rocket had lived, nor had he provided his name to any target.
”Nice to meet you Xiura and Jin, my name’s Ryker and the Gallade currently ignoring our presence is Ares,” he said glancing over at the Gallade who like he had said was ignoring them, in favor of continuing to keep watch. It seemed Ares would continue to keep watch while his trainer interacted with the young woman.
Shaking his head at his Pokémon’s behavior he turned his attention back to Xiura and resumed the conversation that had been having. ”As to rather or not I mind, I don’t see how it matters what I feel. But as it stands you being here doesn’t bother me,” he said his eyes fixed on her as he spoke.
He was just about to resume keeping watch when movement from his peripheral vision caught his attention. His attention would drift over to the new arrival who he would eye impassively. Another person he didn’t really know. Someone else he had to interact with. Hopefully it wouldn’t be to much of a struggle.
Not wanting to seem like he was staring his gaze would drift away from the new arrival from time to time. However upon him speaking his gaze would snap back to the younger male and he would have his full attention.
”A bit, I’ve done some exploring of the area in the past.”
While he would await his response he would take the time to scan their surroundings once more. There was really nothing else to do until they started moving forwards. But he wasn’t about to be the one to take the lead. If this all went sideways he wanted someone else to take the blame for that.[break] ,

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + Is keeping watching with his Gallade when he is approached by Xiura [break] agrees to let her keep watch with him [break] Interacts with Adrian when he approaches [break] He’s still just someone who follows orders so he decides to let someone else take the lead but has ulterior motives for doing so not that he would ever disclose them



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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
890 posts
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2023 7:11:19 GMT
Shred Avatar
"...Gregory, do we know this guy?"

You address this accomplice with a whisper, partly because you don't want to hear you, and partly because... No, actually, there's no other reason. You just really don't want this guy to hear you, because right now, he's giving off major murderer energy. Honestly, the two of you should probably just jump his ass right here. Even if he didn't do the killings, it's probably just better not having him around. Despite that, you don't, because there's something about him that tickles the back of your brain, as though you should remember him from somewhere. That, and probably wouldn't agree to mugging strangers over bad vibes. Alas.

...It probably isn't a good look if you just murmur to each other in front of him, is it? Shit. Quick, make some small talk. It might dissuade him from putting a knife in your ribs if you build some sort of emotional connection based on small talk.

"I wouldn't say fresh." You comment, looking at the swamp around you. Nothing is fresh here, not even the air. You'd lean more towards "stale" for that. "Definitely wet, though. Definitely wet..."

Holy SHIT, this SUCKS. You need to get out of here before this conversation carries on for a second longer. Glancing around, a helpful little wisp of fire offers you an exit strategy, and you decide to take it without a second thought. What's the worst that can happen here? You get your soul stolen by a ghost? That's probably an upgrade from staying in the current conversation.

So, you move swiftly along, ignoring the motorcycle accident that happens just next to you, because let's be honest, that's not really any of your business, is it? Unless the Bloodmoon Beast is driving a car and running people off the road, then you couldn't care less about people's vehicular incompetence. So, pretending that didn't happen as hard as you can, you finally arrive at the camp proper, where all the other volunteers are waiting, no doubt planning their next move--


...You've stepped in a muddy puddle. A deep one, too. It's up to your knees and sizzling your shins, but luckily, you seem to have been spared the worst of it. Unluckily, your legs seem to be stuck, more so than if you'd just stepped in regular mud. Fuck, man, this sucks! Why couldn't somebody else have stepped in the shitty fucking quicksand toxic gunk? And you've got this fucking Jumpluff hovering around you now. What the hell does it think it's going to do? Drag you out? With those shitty little pompoms? Unbelievable. Letting out a weary sigh, you grab a Pokeball from your belt, and release your Gholdengo to assist you.

"Chester, get me out of this shit, please."

"GADZOOKS! That's quite the foul sludge you've stepped in, old sport." The coin man muses aloud, stroking his golden chin as he looks down at the sticky poison. "If I were you, I wouldn't go traipsing around in strange substances. It'll scuff your boots and stain your socks! Though, if you need a new pair, I can get you a discount. See, I made a deal back in '09 with a Leavanny, and for a fair price, she'll--"

"--Ghoghogho ghogho gho gho gholden gho ghoghogho ghogho ghoghogholden gho--"

"Yeah, bud, it's been a few seconds, just checking in, got a quick question for you: Why am I still in the mud?"

"Alright, alright! Don't get your wallet in a twist, now! I'm working on it, but you have to be careful with this sort of work. Nobody wants a sticky penny in their purse, see? Now, give me a moment, and let me..."

And so, slowly but surely, Chester C. Coins takes on the arduous task of pulling you out of the slime, all while you enjoy the even more arduous task of having to be witnessed as you're dragged out of the slime in front of no less than a dozen people. There's nothing in this world that you hate more than what's going on right now. You're certain it can't get much worst than this. But, if there's a way that it can, Arceus knows you'll find it.

>Joining the rest of the group, following 's Will-o-Wisps and ignoring 's potential severe car crash injuries.
>Immediately steps in the muck, figuring out that it is, in fact, poisonous and sticky. Summons Gholdengo to pull him out.
>Curses Arceus, the Bloodmoon Beast, and HOENN Moderator SHIV for his misfortune.

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samsa, kafka, nika
august 26
slateport city
by the time i awoke, i had become a poisonous insect
114 posts
part of
TAG WITH @nikola
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2023 16:20:19 GMT
nikola blinks. "oh! thank you." now able to see again, they scan the horizon for any signs of life. not long after, though, they hear a scream not far away. their fall is already forgotten, and they leave genevieve behind. concerned, they follow the sound to the source, finding a small girl there poking something. there's another man they don't recognize as well.

"miss, are you alright--?" they come closer, and see what she's investigating. their breath catches in their throat when they realize what it is she's looking at. they kneel down and touch the leg as well, murmuring under their breath. their umbreon is now on high alert, standing guard beside them. looking it over, nikola tries to figure out how old the remains are and what might have taken that chunk out of them. they glance at eris, wondering if it's safe for such a young girl to be here... it seems the situation might be more dire than they originally thought.
nikola is in AREA 2.
thanks for the assistance.
approaches and .
is also investigating the leg to try and determine how long it's been here.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
part of
TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2023 16:27:36 GMT
Deleted Avatar
despite his nerves and general moody weather encompassing them. elliot still kept his spirits up. giving a warm smile towards greeting the senior ranger with politeness. "it's nice to meet you, sir." soon after another person appeared on the scene, having escaped the clutches of the dizzying forest the man, made himself known. in which the trainee ranger also gave his greetings towards. [break][break]"welcome, glad to have you here." he expressed honestly. feeling his nerves eeb slightly due to the presence of far more confident and capable people. which helped stem his concerns just enough that he could focus on the matter at hand.
the added safeguard quelled the young man's anxiousness. as he went to survey the general area. only to find his feet sinking into something wet and sticky. "huh?!" his whimiscott began to become frantic at the sight of it's stuck trainer. as the brunette attempted to calm it down all the while trying to pull his feet out of the weird gunk.[break][break] "uhm... a little help, please?" he asked weakly, quite embarrassed and trying to hide his desire to cry. instead his eyes were slightly damp as he gave a somewhat exasperated expression.
of course such a thing would happen! trying to pull his feet out of the mire. he managed to pull one foot out but his other remained stuck. if he had a little help perhaps he could escape. "what is this stuff? super glue?" he held his nose. "it stinks too." he peered down at it. [break][break]"and definitely doesn't look safe." he noted aloud. "i really don't like this..." he all but whined. finding the situation growing more concerning by the second.


[attr="class","annalooc"] + greets and [break]
+ is protected by 's togekiss's safeguard.[break]+ however it doesn't stop him from getting his boots stuck in the sticky poison as he needs help to get free.

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]

@ @elliot

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,704 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2023 18:42:11 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

as lulu looked upon , ’s daughter, there was no recognition. as far as the scientist knew, she was speaking to a civilian–but a mask was always suspicious.[break][break]

”sure.” at the disguised woman’s introduction, rather than a name, she simply offered back, ”nice to meet you.”[break][break]

her eyes fell on the gaze of , then, even as strode up to them. a fear for her brother rose in her chest. however, her attention was torn away by the howl of her dog.[break][break]

djall went barreling, summoned by gore. the houndoom would attempt to shoulder check out of the way as she poked at the leg with a stick, paying no mind to and ’s investigation. a hasty crunch sought to steal a chunk of his own.[break][break]

”djall!” lulu’s voice cut sharply across the distance, freezing the dog in place. leave it![break][break]

she had followed him over to the trio and their company, not protesting if and chose to tag along. a defeated whine left her houndoom, and whatever he may have managed to grab was dropped to the ground again.[break][break]

”go!” lulu’s index finger pointed straight into the dark. djall trotted down its trajectory, nose low as he rejoined the search party once again.[break][break]

”damn dog. no harm done i hope?” she checked with and , pretending not to notice .[break][break]


• at area 2[break]
• wearing blonde wig as disguise[break]
• lulu's houndoom investigates the leg, tries to steal a chunk with crunch[break]
• lulu yells at houndoom, it leaves the leg and runs off to continue searching[break]
• lulu is now near those inspecting the leg[break]
• rolled again lol[break][break]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-houndoom"]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-genesect"]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-alakazam"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
826 posts
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2023 20:18:57 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

"Absolutely. And we're fine, but thank you!" Genny responds to Nikola, their glasses cleaned off, as the pretty appears. Genny has no idea who they are personally. Though a difference voice cuts through the mist and fog. , accompanied by... someone who seemed familiar on the back of a Torterra. Who were they? ... they seemed so familiar. Like a deja-vu kind of... familiar. "Hi there! Ranger Cromwell, nice to meet you! And everyone here!"[break][break]

But Izzy looked a little different. Something changed. Heat fills her cheeks, but she shakes it off once he pulls the phone over.[break][break]

And lookie there, another person she knows. . She's brimming with a sunny smile towards him. "Good to see you here Kou." And the interruption by someone who Genny thought seemed familiar too... but she can't place why in . Both seemed to know Izzy. Friends? Pretty buddy-buddy.[break][break]

With an eye to Izzy's face though, she pulls Isaac's wrist closer.[break][break]

Either way, Genny can eye the map on the phone. El was right, they were on the southern end. "Let's see... so Route 119 is here... we came in through the southern entrance here..." she begins pointing at the screen, zooming in by expanding the map itself, as Frosty the Abomasnow lingers in waiting. She points to the proper location, at least, her best guesstimation. "So if we take the cardinal direction north, we can-"[break][break]


Hazel eyes focus to what should be cardinal north. Something feels off. The swamp seems to have overtaken the area, but something is in there. Whatever it is, Genevieve doesn't seem to shake. There's a scream, a younger voice tearing through the fog and mist. Genny pushes the phone back towards Isaac.[break][break]

"We should head further in." Genny recommends, keeping her composure, and looking to Izzy and the person he came with, El. "Shall we?" Looping one arm around Isaac's arm, and a glance towards El up from his Torterra, and another to Kouji and Temp.[break][break]

Frosty the Abomasnow continues to surveil. If and when the missing leg enters the yeti's peripheral, he would frown. Ever vigilant, and ready to throw down at a moment's notice, as they could move north.[break][break]

So much blood. Frosty uses SWORDS DANCE in anticipation.[break][break]


, , , , , [break][break]


- IN AREA 2[break]
- Genny greets Nenet, Temp, Kou, El, and Isaac. Sees Isaac is popular as always. But can feel something is up with Izzy.[break]
- Pulling him closer, and agreeing with El's guesstimation, she points on the map exactly where they'd be, and suggests going north.[break]
- Cut-off by a larger presence in the woods. Keeps her composure.[break]
- Loops an arm around Isaac's, and shoots everyone a glance as she pulls him in, intending to lead the way on foot if desired.[break]
- Frosty the Abomasnow makes note of the missing leg if walking closer, and the blood. The Abomasnow uses SWORDS DANCE.



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July 2
Dewford Town
5'9 height
5'9 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
826 posts
Noel Parker DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @hellboyryan
Noel Parker
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2023 22:50:34 GMT
Noel Parker Avatar
[attr="class","mango leaguechar"]


Stepping forward with his newfound friends, Noel scans his eyes over the rustling trees and wet grass around the area. The foreboding atmosphere caused him to be on high alert as any sort of danger could come across their way. With his focus so deeply rooted, he became oblivious to the swamp lying ahead of him. In fact if it weren't for @elliot's cry for help, he could've been the one in the exact same situation. [break][break]

"Now how did you end up like this? If you aren't more careful you could've ended up worse" He lets out a light chuckle with a smirk as if he wasn't the one about to do the same. "Here, let's see if we can try and get you out."[break][break]

He brings out his Hisuian Goodra in an attempt to rescue the poor lad. The droopy-looking Pokemon steps forward at the edge of the poisonous sludge and turns around. Using its large Iron Tail as something for Elliot to hold onto. Noel grabs hold of his Goodra's body and pulls back as best as he can, hoping that this is enough force to release him from the binding.[break][break]


[attr="class","notes"]Area 1[break][break]
Goodra uses Iron Tail to help Elliot out of the sticky situation

[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,087 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2023 0:55:29 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu"]Area 1[break][break]

As more of the party arrives, her eyes narrow. They make a good target just standing here, like a pre-packed lunch for whatever's devouring people in the marshes. There's not time to linger and greet people. She falls from the branches to the ground as finishes his story. Her Zorua skips around the gloom excitedly, feeding off the fear his ghost story inspires. [break][break]

"Big fan of all this foreboding, huh?"[break][break]

She sighs, taking stock of everyone here. Everyone's useful in a way, though some are more useful than others. Except the guy ( ) caught in the muck, who's shouting out loudly and making a ruckus. He's probably only hindering things, calling attention to the search party. [break][break]

If there is a flesh-eating beast in these woods, it'll notice him first for sure.[break][break]

She nods along with , determining that clues are more important than exchanging pleasantries. She walks a little ahead of the group, following the old protocol of fanning out for clues. The man himself was never meant for that kinda work, usually ran ahead and blundered into the answer by accident, but even so - the idea was sound. [break][break]

She stops at the bridge, using the vantage point to scan the treeline.[break][break]

"Ugh. Visibility's gettin' worse..." [break][break]

She cringes, wondering if it's best to wait out the storm. But there's always a chance clues get lost overnight in conditions like these, so as long as there's no thunder...[break][break]

"Hey, Koyo... what'cha got?"[break][break]

Tsubaki takes a step forward as her Zorua emerges from under the bridge. Attracted to the lingering resentment of something, drawn to it like a Volcarona to flame, he pauses to show her. Something floats alongside him, carried in spiritual flames that protect it from the rain. It's pale white with a little dab of red, the same color as the fox.[break][break]

"A-an ear... huh?"[break][break]

It's got an earbud still in it, meaning it must've been lost quickly. Her Zorua begins to glow, venting the lingering feelings of whoever the owner used to be, cloaking itself in their resentment. A combination of Bitter Malice and its Illusion work together to paint a picture of the circumstances surrounding it. [break][break]

Who it used to belong to. Who used to own it. Where the rest of them might've gone.[break][break]


"Hey, Des... lend me an ear. This song's by you, ain't it?"[break][break]

She recognizes those haunting chords anywhere, a fan of 's breakout hit. She beckons the woman over to listen to it. The beat punctuates the silence as she watches Koyo with bated breath, unsure of what to make of all this quite yet.[break][break]

+ #Area1gang @elliot @guin [break]
+ Baki shivers at 's ghost story.[break]
+ Baki determines 's totally useless, leaves him to the poisoned muck.[break]
+ Agreeing with 's suggestion, Tsubaki sets out looking for clues. [break]
+ Baki's Zorua (Koyo) is attracted to the resentment of human remains, and vents the Bitter Malice contained within the ear to project an Illusion of whoever it belonged to over itself. [break]
+ Baki asks about her music, exposing herself as a secret fan.


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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,902 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2023 1:16:11 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

Giving a nod to her guard’s suggestion when he pointed towards Vanilla, she gives a wave to the younger dark-haired girl. “It’s nice to see you again, Vanilla.” With more people arriving, one of them would give a friendly wave since the pink-haired woman was someone she recognized from the mission they had done at the beach in the summer month. “And hello Luka, I’m very happy to see you too.” Her greetings were done since the ranger cadet didn’t want to just stand there like a sitting duck when the ‘Bloodmoon Beast’ could be watching them from the darkness.[break][break]

The silver-haired young woman giving most of the information she had gotten would be useful on the investigation. Putting away her smartphone inside her bag while the Charizard’s wing protected her from the rain water, the royal gives a little nod over to her Gastly for the small ghost to help her in going to work and both the ranger cadet and her ghost would attempt to help investigate for clues too for identifying whose severed ear it belonged to.[break][break]

As well as the pair of royal ambasador and her ghost would be looking for more parts of whatever body it would come from with the Gastly using Dazzling Gleam to illuminate the way in the woman going through the mud and fog.[break][break]


@bloodmudiron [break][break]


- Area 1[break]
- Greets and .[break]
- Starts to help investigate for some clues on the severed ear and looking for any more parts of the body where that ear could come from.[break]
- Gastly uses Dazzling Gleam to help light the way for Elise to investigate



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august 12
travel blogger
elite ranger
Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
643 posts
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TAG WITH @jack
jack wainwright
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2023 1:47:50 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar


"Please mate, just Jack is fine," Jack said to Elliot with a kind smile. He didn't think anyone had ever called him sir before, but now that someone had, he got a good chuckle out of hearing the honorific aimed at him. Jack squinted through the rain, attempting to see further into the swamp. Distracted from staring into the distance he hadn't notice Elliot's predicament until the man's weak cry for help snapped his focus back to those nearby.[break][break]

Jack turned and headed toward where Noel and his Goodra were already helping the Ranger trainee, giving them all a thumbs up. "Great teamwork," he said as he pulled a small flag on a stick out of his pack and stuck it into the group near the sludge puddle, "I'll scout ahead and mark any more of these I find while you lot get sorted. Meet back up when you're set?"[break][break]

"Oi!" Jack called out to the rest of the group, "Watch for sludge puddles, they are sticky." He proceeded carefully toward and over the bridge, dropping flags near any more puddles he was able to spot. Curving around a stand of trees, he passed out of sight of the bridge and away from the group of trainers and their pokemon. The uneasy feeling he had since he arrived intensified and he stopped to allow his eyes to adjust to the foggy gloom, swapping out his Togekiss for Mismagius in case of a fight. What's out there? he thought to himself as his eyes darted around his surroundings.[break][break]

"Mismagius, use Sunny Day and see if you can make the weather a little more bearable," he asks his pokemon in a quiet voice.[break]





+ Area 1.[break]
+ Jack marks any sludge puddles he finds on his way through Area 1 and across the bridge to the start of the next area.[break]
+ Jack swaps out Togekiss for Mismagius and uses SUNNY DAY.[break]

[newclass=.jackpost]font:14px Calibri;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:16px;[/newclass]
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november 17
stay at home son
6'3 height
6'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
591 posts
aaron faust DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @aaron
aaron faust
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2023 2:54:40 GMT
aaron faust Avatar
aaron processes very little of 's motivations for being here. the archeologist's words roll around his mind, occasionally hitting a rogue neuron, but most of it sounds like: blah blah worthless professor, blah blah references. [break][break]
and then, mid-conversation, the man's aerodactyl flies off. then the man leaves. then aaron's pikachu, watching her food source depart, sinks tiny, razor teeth into her trainer's hand and wriggles free to chase after them both.
"ow! what the — ?! wait!"
he lags behind, but 's scream makes him hustle the rest of the way. through the foliage, he finds howard, his round pikachu, and a middle schooler poking at a dismembered leg with a stick.
he does a double take at eris, mouth open in shock, then he moves in to try and snatch the stick out of her hand with a hastily-spoken: "stop poking it!"
a houndoom rushes up to the leg and tries to tear a piece off of it.
"what the fuck is going on right now, dude," he mumbles, rubbing his rain-soaked face with his palm. then he looks at the newcomer, , and folds his arms against his chest. "can you put your dog on a leash? it's going to eat the whole moonblood beast trail."
his pikachu, meanwhile, sniffs the air to catch a whiff of the aforementioned creature.
[attr="class","annalooc"] + starting area 2 [break]
+ aaron and his pikachu follow [break]
+ aaron tries to take 's stick cuz why is she touching the leg !! [break]
+ pikachu is smelling for beasts :snubbysniff: [break]

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


[break] [break]


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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,211 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2023 3:15:30 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]The blood moon rises once again
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]The chorus of helpful responses to what Aurelie had thought was a dumb question was both startling and gratifying. Having expected jeers or nothing at all, the red-haired smith flushed and broke into a soft, thankful smile, at once moved and humbled by the friendliness of the assembled Beast-chasers.

"Ha! Thanks for the advice," she said first to , arching an eyebrow at his mention of the local meteorologists. "Aww, thank you. That's very kind," she said next to , smiling warmly.

"And thank you," she added, turning toward upon their Torterra. She tilted her head to one side, looking at them, feeling like she'd met them once a very long time ago but unsure where or when.

Then Aurelie waved hello to in response to , whose greeting and very presence was a surprise in a place like this. Are the stars somehow involved? Or Miniors? she wondered. Or Arceus help us, is Zev here? The thought filled her with unease but also macabre amusement. If Zev were here somewhere too, then the Bloodmoon Beast wasn't the one with the highest body count anymore.

She also caught a glimpse of someone walking up toward the other Rangers, staying behind Nenet and the red-haired Ranger and keeping their face studiously lowered. Aurelie frowned in puzzlement. Was it someone trying to avoid her for some reason? Someone who didn't like her very much?

The thought was forgotten in the next moment when the small girl let out a scream and Aurelie quickly looked over to see the cause. The red-haired smith let out a gasp when she caught a glimpse of the gore and the amputated leg lying behind the girl, with a huge chunk of flesh bitten off. Her stomach turned, and she just as quickly glanced away.

"Arceus," she whispered to no one in particular, shuddering. "So much blood. It's horrible."

While others headed over to investigate the leg and still others volunteered to explore deeper into the forest, Aurelie gazed off in a different direction. There, she saw a collection of different, jewel-colored shards scattered across the ground: red, yellow, green, and blue. The glitter caught her interest, and her brows drew together in puzzlement.

She walked over to study the shards, feeling far more comfortable examining materials rather than body parts. Making things that poked holes in bodies—that was something Aurelie was good at. Being around the bodies with holes in them—not so much.

Pulling out a flashlight, Aurelie shone the beam onto the different shards, watching how the light hit them and the way the colors changed in direct illumination versus relative shadow. She also tentatively poked at the shards with a stick, listening to the tapping sound and assessing the hardness and texture of the shards. Pursing her lips in thought, she tried to recall her own belongings.

"Hmmmm," she murmured aloud. "These look kind of like the shards that people get from the...the interplanar distortions? Although I know for a fact you can find them elsewhere. Still—does that mean the Beastie's an interplanar creature? Or maybe its victims headed into a distortion recently?"



- Locatedin AREA 2
- Wearing button-down shirt, cargo pants, boots, and sunglasses (Outfit ref) and carrying machete
- Says thank you to , , and for confirming she's in Route 119 and waves hello to . Registers but doesn't see his face or recognize him
- Sees the dead body that stumbles on and nopes off toward the scattered shards instead
- Notes that they look like the shards you get from distortions

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

[newclass=.aurelie img]height:100px;width:100px;padding:15px;border:1px solid #fff;border-radius:100px;[/newclass]
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2023 7:16:14 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The compliments were welcome and brought a smile to Kazimir's face as it felt nice to know that at least the cover from the rain was appreciated. Although they all probably weren't going to spend much time under it if they were going to be looking for this beast and the people who went missing along this area. And speaking of beasts it seemed that a few people who gathered around him decided to share their thoughts all on the matter. From simple nature of a Pokemon to cause all this to the fact that it might have been poisoned by other worldly forces were honestly all plausible causes considering this was Hoenn.

Weird shit happened way too often here.

"Only the reports that they've been handing out. Lots of blood and torn up pieces of anything that wanders around here. Pokemon and people alike," He responds to first about what he's heard, Which is why I doubt its just a Pokemon being 'normal'. No normal thing is gonna go around leaving all this carnage behind. Not even the hungriest of 'mons are that dirty." Next he addresses 's deduction that its just being its normal predatory self. Something about the whole mess makes Kaz hesitant to just chalk it all up to that, its too clean for this mess.

Next comes who's thoughts help him lead into Thomas' other thought about what's going on, "While I doubt those blue guys would come out this far it being poisoned doesn't sound too farfetched. Maybe it at least had a run in with a Vileplume or something." It sounded the most plausible compared to the little history lesson provided by about old legends and the like. Honestly as Kaz took a quick glance at the weather they were dealing with it was probably safe to say that the whole thing was like a set piece for some old story.

That was when started to go from joining in their conversation for asking questions for Kazimir. Unfortunately as he stared down at her while his mind was trying to process and look for what she asked of him he knelt down with a sorry look. "Uh, I know a Kingsman but not a Kingsley. You might have better luck asking someone at some Ranger office. I'm just kind of a temp with them." Guilt flashed across his face for a second it stung he couldn't help this girl with her problem.

He probably couldn't have anyway considering the bigger problems they were facing. "For now why don't ya help us keep an eye out for those folks that were missing. We'd better start covering some ground if we wanna find any leads. Standing around ain't gonna change anything." As he spoke he rose back up and gave Vanilla a pat on the shoulder before heading out of the tarp, "I'll go on ahead. We gotta start somewhere after all."

As he walked he took out a Pokeball and returned his Urshifu who managed to watch over the people looking over the leftover ear. As he was returned to his ball Kazimir kept walking and threw out another ball to release a Ninetails that instantly lowered her head when the rain hit it. "Sorry girl, but ya think you can scout ahead for me? We're hunting today." The Shadow Pokemon let out a low growl as it turned its back on Kazimir and sprinting towards the swamp. Suddenly more copies of it started to rise up from the ground as it used double team to split itself and fan out to cover the most ground.

As Kazimir walked he came across a puddle and poked at it with his foot, noticing how sticky it was by how hard it was trying to not give him his foot. It certainly looked familiar but with the rain and fog pouring down it would be hard to tell unless he taste tested it. He learned his lesson that one time under the sea.

"Hey Thomas!" He calls out to , "Come look at this! I think your theory wasn't so crazy after all!"



[newclass=.pokkenger] [/newclass]
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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,840 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2023 17:33:42 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar



Mounted on the water type still, Yuina from a distance was kind of keeping an eye on the younger trainer who was off up towards the hill with their large feline Pokemon. She still didn't recognize anyone as she kind of glanced around, and truly didn't recognize the younger trainer, she didn't want to just bombard them out of nowhere... Moving towards and up the hill sounded like a great vantage point to work on though, and Yuina motioned Daikenki that way, but the water type wouldn't budge. It seemed something caught his attention. Yuina hesitated, but glancing back, she saw another two or three individuals heading towards the hill as well, so the buddy system was panning out. That was good at least, and she definitely wanted to make sure she kept a visual on at least one other person at all times, she definitely didn't want to get lost herself... Though the fog was beginning to make that a bit difficult with how thick it was growing.[break]
"Okay, we can't go too far, what are you stuck on," Yuina said then, entertaining Daikenki and wondering what it was that he was fixated on. The water type sloshed through the thick, muddy water, raising the smells of wet and must with every step. His senses were going to be sharper than hers by far, especially since he was a water predator that needed to be able to smell more than just the moisture in the air, so she wasn't surprised that he moved towards something stuck in some brush and bramble that stood out. It was getting darker every passing moment though, Yuina couldn't quite make out what it was from where she sat, so she took out a flashlight from her pack and begrudgingly let herself down from her mount, stepping into the muddy water. She grimmaced for a moment at feeling her shoes sink into the mud, hoping it wasn't too deep, but fortunately, it wasn't terrible yet given they were next to some foliage.[break][break]

"It looks like a scrap, I wonder if its torn from one of the missing persons," Yuina wondered aloud as she herself sloshed through the water, shining her flashlight and reaching out to grab the pink piece of tattered fabric that was clung to the bushes. Reaching out to grab hold of the large swatch of thick fabric, upon touching it Yuina couldn't help but feel... off... Like something was wrong with it being here, she couldn't place it...[break]
"Hmm, it's hard to tell how long it might have been out here, the color doesn't look faded and it's not stained too bad," she thought aloud, though as she turned it over in her hands, feeling some embroidery on the other side, she froze at the sight of the insignia on the front. Why did she recognize it...? And why did it feel like she actually knew what it was? The sight of it was reaching into some of the most far away places of her consciousness... Like something was trying to surface...[break][break]

"This doesn't look like any of the organization insignias we've seen recently... Why do I know what this is...," she muttered, she tried to think, really think about it, where did this come from...[break]
Touching the fabric, tracing the embroidery of the insignia, feeling how thick the fabric was, how authentic it felt, shining the flashlight it even looked like this was hand stitched... She thought really hard over it, her thoughts taking her to her work in the museum... One of the recent exhibits they had rotated out and cataloged was a series of uniforms from centuries ago from...[break][break]

"Wait, this is a faction of the Galaxy Expedition Team from... Centuries ago? This was the insignia for the Medical Corps," Yuina recalled aloud, more so speaking to Daikenki and trying to force pieces together, because she just couldn't understand... What was this doing here?[break]
"But... That's not right? One of the missing persons must have been wearing a replica for authenticity or something....," but it was so much more than that, and even Daikenki knew it, the Samurott was intent on that piece of fabric just like Yuina was. It was more than knowing what the insignia was, and what the uniform looked like.... It was so familiar... Something in the very deepest recesses of her mind made her feel like this was no replica... And she knew this from somewhere else... She clutched it tightly, she stuffed the armband into one of her pockets...[break][break]

"Let's see if anyone has any photos of the last appearances of the missing persons, surely this is the clothing of one of them that got torn off," Yuina returned, moving closer to Daikenki, her head was spinning and she didn't know why, she just wanted to get on with their investigation. The Samurott started to shift in the water, his own discomfort showing, but when his paws brushed against something hard and smooth with a corner in the mud, he lifted it up from the water to inspect whatever it was, and in his paw he held up a red piece of... Something.[break]
"Wait, that...," Yuina paused, it looked exactly like the piece that she picked up when she found Daikenki again, when she remembered him... What was going on?[break]
"I... I don't like this... Let's just keep moving," she couldn't help the panic, she pushed the piece out of Daikenki's paw and it splashed back into the water. She didn't understand what all of these puzzle pieces meant, but she sure didn't like the feelings of a deep, deep, deep repressed part of her subconscious nagging at her.[break]
"Come on, we don't want to get separated, let's try and get back with some of the others," Yuina huffed, her voice a bit shaky, and she moved to hoist herself back up onto Daikenki's back. Not understanding and not being able to pin point what she was feeling was one thing, but above all else she definitely didn't want to get separated from any of the others and get lost in the swamp by herself...


Yuina is in Area 2[break]
Daikenki the H!Samurott is active[break]
Yuina is riding on Daikenki's back in an attempt to be functional on the wet terrain[break]
Daikenki and Yuina don't immediately head towards that they were keeping an eye on, it seems that she is covered now and the buddy system is in place[break]
Stuck in some brush and bramble, Yuina dismounts Daikenki to investigate a tattered arm band that is ringing so many bells, but why? And why is it here?[break]
Also these shards... Why does everything feel like its scratching a very far away pieces of her brain?[break]


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TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2023 20:36:33 GMT

Between all of the stories and ideals of what could be causing the beast to act this way, it was proving clearly that there was not one set narrative or already conducted research done by the Hoennian rangers. Desiree and all of these kind souls would have to go into this somewhat blind, only knowing of the bloodlust of the mysterious creature, which was not the kindest to her anxieties. She agreed with about the need to get used to the idea that those who had fallen victim may not come out of the fog-adorned forest alive, and though it was heartbreaking to think at first, being realistic felt to be the more logical route to go when tackling this expedition. As for 's theories of the 'Megalopolans', 's stories from back home, 's theories of environmental hazards, and the rest of the group nearby the tarp's ideas, she figured they would all be imminently confirmed as true or false.[break][break]

If the rumors were true, all it would take was the painting of the skies red. "We'll just have to wait and see then, no? ♡ I hope we can find all of those that have gone missing, but if they are indeed gone- it's so sad to think of, it breaks my lil' heart. We'll need to find this beast and subdue it in their memory and for the protection of the rest of those inhabiting the areas where the cities meet the forest's edge." She placed her hand against her ever-so-beating heart, looking out into the fog that wisped from the wild grass. There she saw and approaching, which somewhat quelled her worries even more; there were so many kind, familiar faces. Seeing so many of her acquaintances coming to help felt right, raising her hand and waving at the two with a lit-up smile.[break][break]

The whimsical Hatterene rejoined Desiree's side, raising her hand like appendage to lead her out from the tarp behind . Pulling her hood back over her long flowing pink locks, she'd feel the patter of the rain amidst the fog- there was seemingly strength in numbers, as there were so many people around to get completely lost in the haze! The fairy companion was not enjoying the lack of visibility, however. Breaking the grasp to guide her trainer outward and moving a few feet forward, Hatterene attempted to use DAZZLING GLEAM to whisk away the effects that dotted the landscape. However, both of their curious gaze into the horizon would soon beckon toward 's request for assistance.[break][break]

"My.. song? ♡" Desiree called out, quickly grabbing the hand of the fairy type and nearing closer to the bridge. At first, she was innocently curious. Was there a discarded boombox or something? But when she neared the vicinity of and her Zorua, her stomach dropped into the pits; it was anything but a dainty music player, it was a discarded severed ear met with a mp3 player that was indeed playing her song on a loop. The closing track of her newest album, one of the darkest-sounding songs she had ever created. Having never been around such gruesome instances like this one, at least, other than the incident that had caused her to move to Hoenn in the first place, looking at the severed human part made the anxieties in her stomach evolve into pounding in tandem with her heartbeat. Desiree felt queasy, and though she already acknowledged that those missing may be gone for good, this felt like an arrow through the soul.[break][break]

Did this mean that, if the once listener was no longer in this world, her music was the last thing that they heard before their demise? "It is, I-" Her voice cut out due to the overwhelming feeling of dread, brushing away the lone tear that had manifested upon her cheek. "The creature responsible for this must be taken care of at all costs.. nobody deserves this, it hurts." Accompanied by that empathetic feeling of fear, her gaze quickly left the ear and flowed into the surroundings. She felt angry at the world, angry at whatever strange thing that once was and could be lurking within the depths of these woods.[break][break]

Desiree wanted to bring divine retribution to what had been responsible for such an ill tragedy. All there happened to be was the ear, so hope was not entirely lost; but if there happened to be a corpse of that fan up the route, a corpse missing an ear, well.. she wouldn't hold back in wanting to bring the rumored creature to the same fate it befell upon its victims. Taking a long, shaky drag of her cigarette, she and the Hatterene continued to peer at the treeline with the hope of finding more clues, amidst the pinkette's mourning for the beautiful soul that may have been lost forever.[break][break]

Even if she wanted to make logical decisions rather than emotional ones, after that sight, it felt hard not to want to watch the rumored creature's head roll through the grass, staining the blades of green with ichor in the name of revenge.[break][break]




AREA 1 GANG[break]
- Listens to all the theories and ideals, preparing for the worst as suggested by .[break]
- Expresses the need to subdue the rumored beast if the missing persons have passed on in their memory.[break]
- Waves at and ! Loves seeing such kind souls wanting to help![break]
- Follows out from under the tarp to continue on looking for clues.[break]
- Hatterene uses DAZZLING GLEAM in an attempt to dispel some of the fog to make it easier to see![break]
- Joins per request and gets queasy and emotional at the sight of the ear.[break]
- Confirms it is her song playing. Emotions turn to anger directed at the rumored creature.[break]
- Desiree wants revenge against what could have caused one of her fans to face such tragedy. To slay the beast.[break]
- Emotionally looks for more clues that may be dotting the landscape, shakily smoking her ciggy.



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