i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
826 posts
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2023 1:15:14 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

Swampland. Mud and grime just cakes in those Ranger boots. She just got these washed. Lotads spy from the distance, small eyes hovering above the water, watching her move in. Had Genny been more materialistic, maybe she'd care. But for now, as the muddy, earthy smell enters her nostrils, the fog presses down upon the muddy swampland.[break][break]

A bright yellow poncho sits over her usual attire, a hood over her head to keep the rain from her face, as she walks on with a quiet hum. The swampland was a challenge in its own right, and Genny had the feeling to come here.[break][break]

Just a feeling.[break][break]

Walking behind her, the hulking shiny Abomasnow, Frosty, trots along with her, getting his snowy yeti fur pelt dirtied. But, they were attempting to keep themselves mostly clean by usage of shrubbery disguises; an idea Genny had used from her time studying a Fuecoco back when she met .[break][break]

Someone seems to have tripped up ahead. To , as she kneels down in her poncho, she pulls out a small handkerchief. "Here you go. She gives a softer smile, turning her gaze to the Umbreon, and back to them. "You okay?" Frosty the Abomasnow stands behind Genny, menacingly eyeing around, keeping tabs on the fog, as Genny gives a quiet smile.[break][break]

She turns towards other investigators. None look familiar to her yet, as she offers a hand towards them to help them up. "We don't want to get separated, not in these enclosed woods." She begins to help wiping the mud from their glasses.[break][break]

Someone nearby... familiar voice as it was, asked if this was the Route. Genny calls out to . "Pretty sure! Anyone got a map of the region? I can probably pinpoint where we are on it."

, [break][break]


- IN AREA 2[break]
- Entering with Frosty the Abomasnow out, she sees falling down, and helps to clean her glasses. Keeping watch on all her vital areas.[break]
- Calls out to who asked if she was in the right place, and responds with pretty sure. She could probably point to where they were on a map.[break]
- Ranger Survival 101, baybee.



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Laika Boss

October 13
Ula'ula, Alola
Supply Coffee
God General's Wife
There are more things in heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy
628 posts
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TAG WITH @nenet
Neffatari Nzingha
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2023 4:30:58 GMT
Neffatari Nzingha Avatar

Nenet wasn't 15 minutes late, but she did have sugary-sweet coffee secured in her hand. Her expression shifts in disgust as her boot sticks in the muck; with a determined jerk of her foot she nearly loses balance, though manages to keep upright at the last moment.
Even more disgruntled now, she continues to trudge through the swamp until she spies a group of people; she winces as she spies some poor person go headlong into the muck. Thankfully, someone else has already helped, so she gives them both a nod of acknowledgement.
"Alright there?" she asks Nikola and Genevieve.
She then hears a familiar voice, one she spent the afternoon with at the spa, just across the way. Her hand lifting, she calls, "Aurelie! It's good to see you."


- Area 2.[break]
- , , .[break]
- Was going to Nikola's aid but Genevieve beats her to it.[break]
- Greets Aurelie who she spies in the distance!.



[newclass=".nenet1"]--accent:#EDE574;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".nenet1 .nenet1credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2023 5:43:43 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]AREA 2[break][break]

The second Isaac set foot in the wetland, he knew he'd made a mistake. The wet, clammy air sent shivers down his spine as it caressed him. While the wetlands were warm, the memory of holding him beneath Sootpolis' waters was all too cold. Nevertheless, he fought to keep a brave face. It was far harder to fear the unknown when the known proved itself to be far more terrifying.[break][break]

"You holding up alright back there, ?" The bad news about being a traitor was that the League wouldn't just let him run off willy-nilly. The good news was it was a lot easier to have a sponsor when that sponsor was also his little sibling. Hooray, nepotism! Hooray, having different last names and fathers! "Can't say this is my idea of a morning jog."[break][break]

At least Isaac didn't have to brave the mud himself. Cambria's sloping cranium and towering frame made for a surprisingly apt ride in a pinch. He even came with handlebars! It was an alliance of necessity, the Golisopod making it very clear that as soon as they trudged onto dry land Isaac would be getting flung off.[break][break]

The fog made it all feel so isolating. Isaac found himself looking over his shoulder on a regular basis, as if petrified that if he didn't keep checking El would disappear. Maybe he was terrified that at one point it would be Cil standing behind him instead. Just the thought made his stomach turn.[break][break]

Needless to say, the second Isaac heard a voice cut through the darkness, he was tempted to run towards it. Only when he processed why those Kalosian tones sounded so familiar did he direct Cambria to stop. . It was unmistakably her. made it no secret that, after his betrayal, everyone in Rocket would know what he had done. Aurelie never seemed the most dedicated Rocket. It was possible that she had never checked her communicator. It was possible that, even if she did, she wouldn't have cared.[break][break]

The possibility of being wrong filled him with dread. He knew he couldn't face her.[break][break]

Another voice, comforting for very different reasons, stole his attention. . Thank goodness. A familiar face that wouldn't want his head for what he'd done. Isaac steered Cambria in her direction, the great bug making his way over to the sound of her voice. "C'mon, El. Safety in numbers, yeah?"[break][break]

Isaac had already learned there was too much danger in solitude.[break][break]

Genny clearly learned the same lesson. She was already checking in on others, helping pry out from the mud. To think just two months ago the girl had been reduced to a bitter, angry drunk. Isaac couldn't help but smile as he noted how much she'd bounced back.[break][break]

She wasn't the only sun poking through the fog. Also heading to join them was 's sunshine, . She had made brief yet frequent appearances around the Howling, even after Zev himself had stopped coming by as often. Just seeing her filled Isaac with a longing for those baked goods she always showed up with.[break][break]

It also filled Isaac with a mix of longing and dread for what once was and what could have been.[break][break]

He shook the thought. Nenet wasn't Zev. She was so not Zev that sometimes Isaac was amazed the two were together. Perhaps she'd invited him here, but knowing Zev, he had much more important stuff to do than to go chasing phantoms. Surely, the worst Isaac would have to endure at her hands was awkward small talk about why he "left" the Howling.[break][break]

Secure in his decision, Isaac slid off of Cambria's back to avoid looking like the cryptid of the hour. He waved to the trio to show that he meant no harm, Cambria awkwardly repeating the gesture. "In this fog? I'd be amazed if you could even see it, let alone read it," Isaac said to Genny's silhouette. "But speaking of seeing, Genny, Nenet, good to see you guys."[break][break]

As Isaac spoke, he flicked through his phone, its screenlight barely cutting through the fog. Sheesh, no wonder there were so many disappearances around here. For all Isaac knew, they were just stumbling blindly around the woods to this day. Nevertheless, he was able to quickly pull up a map of the region before offering his phone over to Genny. "How's this work for you?"


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / @


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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2023 8:04:31 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]It never hits until you're really in it - The uncertainty, the suspense that gnaws at the nerves when you take the time to really process every bit of information that's been given. Both people and pokemon have died to this so-called bloodmoon beast, more bodies found each time they attempt to pursue it.[break][break]

Here sprouts a thought: Who's going to be next? A close friend? Someone akin to family? To end up finding their body, not mangled in the swamp but hastily gathered and swept into a body bag. To find out through hushed whispers or a solemn request to talk.[break][break]

Then sprouts the next thought: What it's like to be mauled, to be ripped asunder and watch your blood gush and stain alarmingly sharp teeth.[break][break]

Her fingers curl, a breath choked down as she dares to hover near the treelines. A little ways from the crowd, she can hear the many voices mingling: Both familiar and unfamiliar exchanging greetings and the such as they begin to group up. After all, it is some kind of terrible beast they're talking about. Banding together would most definitely bring about better chances of survival and bringing it down.[break][break]

But something about them causes her to shiver, to keep her head down and avoid their gaze. Not even or ...[break][break]

She stops in her tracks, whipping around so quickly that Reiner nearly jumps. What is he doing here? When he's just barely recovering from the freshest of hells he's been through?? A part of her wants nothing more than to march up to him and start yelling at him to go back, but the crowd that surrounds him is a pool that causes a strange sense of dread to prickle in her chest.[break][break]

Drawing a shaky breath through her teeth, her words fail as she turns her attention back to the forest. And she'll begin to pace towards the base of the hill, Reiner sticking close to her side as she cautiously takes a step. If the path remains relatively solid, she makes the climb, ready to try and look out for signs of strange shenanigans from higher up.[break][break]

✧ Starting AREA 2[break]
✧ REALISES is here WHAT THE HECC[break]
✧ Too nervous to approach the crowd though...[break]
✧ Climbing up the small hill with Luxray to try and look out for stuff
[attr="class","adrie-note"]@ area 2

KAY OF PIXEL PERFECT[break][break]

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August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,301 posts
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2023 12:48:25 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

Was everyone really here for that same damn expedition?
Kouji had a lot of things on his mind, to hunt for a singular pokemon. The people he saw in passing, the people he had his eyes on. Immediately, his eyes landed on @isaac, his expression was even as he wore his facemask that covered the lower half of his face, as if covering a cold. Making a fuss here would just get him jumped, but he went over to make himself known.
”Fancy seeing you here.”
It was a snide comment he made as he walked up to Isaac, and the surrounding group, there was a clear smirk in his voice. He avoided taking it any further than that, it wasn’t the fear of being jumped, but the task at hand was different. He would relish a good fight anyday, but whatever this thing was, it was better placed in Rocket’s hands.
Traitor hunting could wait.
The fog was difficult to see through, but he patted Isaac on the back before properly joining the group. ”Isaac, Genny.” It was a natural smile, closer to a smirk. He had his hands stuck in his pockets, unbothered about getting wet.
”This’ll be a lot easier with a ranger around, now, I ain’t met you three before, I’m Kouji. Call me Kou if ya want.” There was no point in bothering with fake names.



Kouji pats Isaac on the back, deliberates on hunting but decides against.[break]
Says hi to the group, introduces himself, is glad a ranger is around[break]
#RocketPosting #Area2Posting



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She / Her
June 10
Ecruteak City, Johto
Ace / ?-romantic
Boba Cafe Barista
May you always know pain as temporary and laughter better.
340 posts
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TAG WITH @xiura
Xiura Balfaltin
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2023 13:30:34 GMT
Xiura Balfaltin Avatar
Xiura wore one of her darker ponchos and rain boots, prepared for inclement weather in all ways she could have thought of. Water bottles and dry snacks were strapped fast in her backpack, and she had a flashlight and rope. Just in case.
The weather was awful and dreary as expected, the rain and fog that drifted through the swamp lands reducing vision and cloaking the movements of wildlife, though strange sounds of pitter-pattering and slurping intermittently came from various directions. Her Sableye Jin was acting cagier than normal, which wasn’t a surprise, considering the Bloodmoon Beast that was apparently lurking in the swamp. His apparent anxiety was unsettling on some level for Xiura as well, though she reached out and patted him on the head, trying to convey some sense of calm to him. Agitated, her dual-type Pokemon muttered briefly then scurried through the space between her legs, pointing crookedly to something in the distance.
She saw a group of people in the distance past the rickety bridge, and hurried over to them. Taking shelter under the tarp had set up, Xiura quietly said, “Thank you!” and flashed him a grateful smile. “This was so thoughtful of you.”
It appeared she had arrived in the midst of conversation and speculation. She listened to the others’ thoughts about the origins of the beast. She personally agreed with that the monster could be real, and very likely affected by an outside presence, especially if its aggression had only recently arisen. She hoped that they would be able to find the missing civilians.
But before she could express agreement, Jin started pacing around, clambering across the ground away from the tarp, clearly unhappy with their vantage point. She rushed after him, approaching a man () that appeared to be somberly keeping watch with his Gallade. “Hello,” she greeted politely, offering a smile. “I’m Xiura, and this is Jin. We’ll keep watch with you, if you don’t mind?” Her Sableye skittered around the Gallade and climbed up a lone, spindly tree, his glinting, gem-like eyes scanning the area with Detect, similar to Kazimir’s Urshifu. “Jin, don’t be rude,” she whispered worriedly, though the Sableye ignored her. She looked as far as she could into the distance, though her perception was likely dull compared to that of the Pokemon.

| open to interaction[break][break]


- Area 1[break]
- Joins the others and thanks for the tarp, quietly agrees with .[break]
- Introduces herself to and keeps watch. Her Sableye Jin uses Detect, similar to Kazimir's Urshifu.[break]



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[newclass=".lucinatest3 .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,840 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2023 15:29:47 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar



Donning a set of clothes that she hoped would work out for such a grueling trek into the swamps, Yuina chose a set of synthetic hiking pants tucked into a pair of calf high water resistant boots, a cotton tshirt and a pair of gloves to try and make herself as ready as possible to be in a swamp. She hadn't trekked something so... mucky before, so she really wanted to make sure she could be useful. She carried a small backpack on her shoulders, especially with extra water just in case, but fortunately it was getting ready for the sun to set so there wouldn't be a need to worry about heat exhaustion. Instead though... She would just need to worry about getting drenched anyway with the amount of fog, mist, and general moisture that the swamp carried, the giant, thick trees did wonders of holding all of it in.[break][break]
Mounted on Daikenki's back, Yuina also did her best to try and pick some functional Pokemon to come with her, and she figured that the water type would fit the bill. Being able to both swim and be on land seemed like the ideal situation for being in such a water logged area, and so far it seemed fruitful as the Samurott made easy work of walking through the water to follow the directions they'd been given to meet up with the rest of the group that might have signed on to try and help the situation at hand.[break]
People disappearing, bodies being discovered, a blood moon said to summon some kind of monster in the swamp? It felt... Maybe a bit much? Surely there was an explanation for some monster going around, and already she could tell that this place just wasn't a great place for people to go into if they weren't prepared. It would be no wonder if the missing persons just... Didn't make it and couldn't survive in this harsh swamp...[break][break]
Through the incredibly thick trees and the growing fog, Yuina heard the sounds of many voices floating along the mist, and that surely meant that she and Daikenki had reached their destination, to meet up with the set of trainers, rangers, and otherwise who came out to help the problem. She didn't immediately see anyone that she recognized though... Which was still an incredibly small number of people really, so she didn't immediately feel the need to hop into the group... Also, she really wanted to start getting to work on investigating the area they were in, that was what they were there for after all, and standing around in one big group just wasn't going to cut it.[break][break]
"Come on Daikenki, we're here to investigate. Keep your ears open, and I wonder if we can find anything to help us look for those missing persons," Yuina remarked, patting the large water type on the side of his neck, and the Samurott continued to slosh through the water, sniffing around while Yuina kept her head on a swivel. In that moment though, she did notice a younger trainer with a large feline Pokemon going off towards the hill, and that definitely wasn't good either. One big group might not be conducive, but going without at least one partner in a place like this was also a no no. Yuina motioned Daikenki forward and the two started to move towards @elis, both to make sure that the buddy system came in to play, and to get a different vantage point on their surroundings. Time to get to work!

Yuina enters into Area 2[break]
Daikenki the H!Samurott is active[break]
Yuina is riding on Daikenki's back in an attempt to be functional on the wet terrain[break]
Daikenki is listening to the water mostly to keep an ear out for anything that might disrupt the surface of the swamp or mud that isn't part of the group[break]
Yuina tried to come prepared![break]
Yuina regards the large group gathering within the trees, but one large group might not do them that much good... And notices going off alone, which is also the opposite of good. Buddy system at minimum![break]


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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
643 posts
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2023 18:16:27 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
Area 2

The warm humidity and muck of the wetlands was one that El could adjust to - both due to their Lavaridge origins, and their regular outings into the wilderness. But the rain and fog made for unfavorable conditions for a different reason - namely, that of how far one could see.

Were the weather clear, they would've been happy to mount up on Akero and scout from the skies above until they found some more solid evidence of the hostile pokemon's presence. It'd be safer that way, too, they imagined - although the jury was still out on whether or not the pokemon was land-bound. But if they tried here and now, all they'd see was fog, fog, and more fog.

So instead, El would be on foot. And though in theory it'd be dangerous for someone like themself to be trekking the wetlands solo, well... It wasn't exactly as though they were alone - or on their own feet.

As a certain spoke, El perked up - unable to help a snicker at their brother's dry humor. "I'm okay!" They called back with a warm smile; although after a moment, the smile shifted to something a bit more concerned. "Are you holding up okay, Isaac..?" They questioned in turn; because even if he seemed put together and alright... They knew that under the hood, Isaac may not have been as healthy and hale as he used to be, even if he was still their plenty capable and clever brother.

There was multiple reasons why El had brought Akero with them.

But for the time being, it was Yggy who was out and about - the fully-grown Torterra easily plodding along like a moving island through the water and muck. El was seated on her back, using her tree as a crow's nest as they kept an eye on their surroundings. She didn't seem to mind these conditions one bit - looking quite content with exploring the marshlands - though that wasn't to say her guard was down. Much like El, her eyes scanned their surroundings -watching.

Waiting to see, if that fabled beast would appear.

But more often, what the two saw was Isaac glancing back at them - and in turn, El couldn't help but find their own gaze regularly shifting towards Isaac. As if they both needed the reassurance that their sibling was still present, still within sight.

But, voices would soon draw the two's attention - and El would follow Isaac's lead in meeting up with a number of people. A couple of the faces (namely that of and ,) were familiar - in that weird sort of deja-vu sense, that El had grown quite familiar with after the events of that dreamworld Galar. And for that reason, they were more than ready to greet everyone with a smile and wave as Yggy approached. "Hello!"

While Isaac was happy to provide a map for the group though, El would just answer Aurelie's question outright - confirming "Yeah; this is 119. I think we're in the... Southern parts of it?" Being a Ranger, especially one stationed out of nearby Fortree, they had a pretty good grasp on the surrounding area - even if the fog made things tricky.

But for the group at large, especially those who looked as though they were having a hard time (such as ,) they'd offer "If anyone's having a hard time with all this muck and needs a ride, my Torterra - Yggy - is big enough and more than happy to carry a few folks." And they had a distinct feeling that she enjoyed carrying things around, now that she was big enough for it - perhaps because it was a display of how strong she is now.
- El is in Area 2, riding on their Torterra's tree and using it like a crow's nest.
- Following , joins up with the others of Area 2 and greets them
- Recognizes and in a deja-vu sense.
- Confirms to Aurelie that they're in 119
- Offers to let people hitch a ride on their Torterra's back.
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Forty Five
March 26
Castelia City, Unova
Musical Artist
I'm just a holy fool
32 posts
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TAG WITH @ambrosia
Ambrose Hendrix
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2023 19:49:36 GMT
Ambrose Hendrix Avatar
There was a monster hiding out near Fortree. A sordid beast with a taste for blood and flesh. The creature's vile activities within the woods became impossible to ignore, it had to be found and stopped before it could harm anything else. Most probably sought to hunt it down and slay the monstrosity, but not Ambrose. Ambrose read the the news and thought of only one thing: Adding this badass to his team.

I mean how could he pass up a chance like this? It was like a metal album cover came to life, a pokemon like this would be the ultimate mascot for Ambrose's comeback! Ignoring the tragic loss of life that surrounded this hunt, Ambrose came to Route 119 far too eager to encounter this mysterious predator. The weather was not ideal, it was far too rainy and muddy to hunt efficiently. Not that Ambrose cared, he just threw on a see-through poncho (had to show off his abs, otherwise why were they there?) and his favorite boots and marched through the mud with unyielding gusto.

There was a path he could follow to get deeper into the wetlands, and he would likely encounter the other members of the hunting party should Ambrose follow it. But Ambrose was convinced that the best way to track down the monster would be to avoid the paths! It was what the monster would least expect--maybe. So Ambrose would wander into the wilderness, gallantly getting lost without a care in the world.

He did not expect to find anyone else out here, but it would seem that at least two others would have the same idea. That or they were two serial killers waiting to ambush careless stragglers, either-or sounded like a fun time to Ambrose! He marched up to the figures and passed them by with a skip in his step.

"Evening gents! Great night for it huh? Gotta love that fresh, WET air!"

--Ambrose is disturbingly excited to encounter a psychopathic cryptid.
--Ambrose goes to AREA 1 and avoids the main path, coming upon and . Greets them accordingly.
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august 12
travel blogger
elite ranger
Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
643 posts
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TAG WITH @jack
jack wainwright
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2023 20:34:53 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar


Rain dripped from the wide-brimmed hat Jack wore as he straightened his Ranger Cadet armband under the voluminous transparent poncho he wore. It had been impossible to avoid news of the Bloodmoon Beast lately so Jack wasn't surprised when he received orders to head to Route 119 on behalf of the Rangers. He trudged slowly through the swamp toward the assignment meeting location where some brilliant and resourceful individual had set up a temporary shelter from the rain.[break][break]

As Jack arrived he nodded professionally in greeting, adding a wide smile for . His eyes scanned the faces of the assembled team, recognizing @elliot as the new Ranger he had seen announced in an organizational update. "Hey, mate," he greeted the man warmly, "The name's Jack. I'm based out of the Verdanturf station."[break][break]

Even while talking to his fellow Ranger, Jack couldn't shake the ominous feeling that seemed to pervade the area. He signaled to his togekiss floating calmly alongside him as a shimmering safeguard field began to form. "I'm not usually one to get spooked but this place is really giving me the creeps," he confessed to Elliot.




+ Area 1.[break]
+ Jack arrives on assignment from the Rangers and greets Elliot Langley.[break]
+ Togekiss uses SAFEGUARD.[break]

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July 2
Dewford Town
5'9 height
5'9 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
826 posts
Noel Parker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hellboyryan
Noel Parker
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2023 21:40:20 GMT
Noel Parker Avatar
[attr="class","mango leaguechar"]


Venturing out into the woods of Route 119, Noel finds himself surrounded by an almost endless sea of trees in his way. He had been walking around for what seemed like hours in hopes of finding the cause of the disappearance of the three civilians that had been reported missing recently. His heart felt heavy knowing that their families must be stricken with worry and fear over whether they are fine or if the worst is to be believed. He lets out a sigh thinking such heavy thoughts, noticing all the Pokemon around him such as the Seedot that were running from the rain, tucking themselves in holes and trees to shield themselves. If only he could do the same, he had not known it would rain this day and was ill prepared for it, no umbrella to save him and now his clothes and hair were drenched wet.[break][break]

Then suddenly, perhaps by pure luck, he sees what looks to be an ensemble of people in a clearing that were making preparations of some sort. Maybe they were also here to investigate the disappearances, the more people to help the better, he thought. He lets out his Whimsicott in order to lend a Helping Hand to any that would need it. The energetic ball of fluff running around to everyone giving its aid in any way it could. Noticing @elliot and , two people he had not met yet but had a Pokemon just like his, he stands besides them completely unannounced and introduces himself.[break][break]

"Hello there strangers, seems like I've finally found my way through this forest. Is everyone also here for the investigation? I'll be glad to lend my assistance and hopefully we can get this case closed."[break][break]

The brooding fog and heavy rain certainly set a despairing tone throughout the surroundings. Yet there was a chance it was nothing, Noel thought, uncertain of how tonight's events would proceed.

[attr="class","notes"]Starting in area 1[break][break]
Whimsicott uses Helping Hand to assist everyone in the area[break][break]
Meets up with Jack WainWright and Elliot Langley

[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,087 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2023 22:30:37 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu"]Area 1[break][break]

Already it's raining and the fog's rolling in, like the swamp itself is warning her not to be here. The foreboding isn't lost on her. Neither is the fact that bodies and a trail of carnage have made this swamp their home in recent weeks, signs that something's wrong.[break][break]

Despite that, everyone's relatively pleasant. It's even quaint, as if there isn't a reason this team's been assembled to find these missing people as soon as possible. The gravity of the situation likely isn't lost on them, but just listening, it doesn't seem as if they're treating it with the weight it deserves. That, or they're so desensitized to these things because of the war ravaging this land... [break][break]

No, even if she's seen Kanto being razed, she wouldn't be able to put this out of her mind. It's just an attempt to keep morale high. But... she doesn't like the pretense. [break][break]

"Every sighting of this 'beast' is accompanied by bodies. It doesn't discriminate, it seems to go after trainers and wild pokemon alike. At a glance, its targets don't have an established pattern. It really seems like a wild beast."[break][break]

She responds to 's question with a stern voice, butting into his and 's and 's conversation straight and to the point, crouching in a tree overhead while she scans the distance.[break][break]

She's in casual clothes, eschewing the conventional wisdom of everyone who came overly-prepared. Even if she's not underneath a tarp, she remains perfectly dry. Her Zorua makes sure of that, the white fox on her shoulder burning away with its malice any raindrop that grows near.[break][break]

"You may hate me for saying this, but everyone should prepare themselves for the prospect that we might not find our missing persons alive."[break][break]

She lingers on the sight of a few figures walking through the trees a small distance away. They might be a part of the search party as well, though they're walking in the wrong direction, lost in the fog.[break][break]

"Koyo, help 'em out, will ya?"[break][break]

She whispers to the fox on her shoulders and it nods, casting blue orbs of floating spiritual fire with Will-O-Wisp to guide , , and others to the rendez-vous point even despite the rain.[break][break]

+ #Area1gang @elliot [break]
+ Baki tells Kaz, Desiree, Thomas and others what she knows.[break]
+ Koyo (Zorua) uses Will-O-Wisp to guide Shred, Grigori, Ambrosia, and others to the search party - if they're willing to follow the trail of spooky fire.


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November 17th
Opelucid City
5'11" height
5'11" height
Days fade into a watercolour blur / Memories swim and haunt you
322 posts
Alba Evovae DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @alba
Alba Evovae
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 0:57:03 GMT
Alba Evovae Avatar


Bad Moon Rising

Alba had not spent his hard-earned wages on a new coat and boots just to look for a crusty old man and some sappy married couple. People just didn't respect ghost stories like they used to: if people were disappearing due to some horrible beast, and you willingly decided to wander into those woods, you got what came to you. No, whether these people were alive or not didn't matter that much to him; he was here for the thing that had taken them.[break][break]

…Yeah, from an objective standpoint, he was doing the exact same "wandering into the woods where people have vanished" thing the missing people presumably had done. But he was qualified, not like them. He'd lived through an apocalypse! He'd fought in an alien landscape! There were like, a dozen other people that were here with him! It was only hypocrisy if he ended up dead in a ditch.[break][break]

While Alba wasn't disguising himself here (he wasn't acting as a member of Team Rocker, after all), it still might have been hard to see his face underneath the heavy raincoat and pulled-up hood. He was trying to catch a cryptid, not a cold, though even despite his heavy-rain attire, he was thankful for giving them shelter from the storm.[break][break]

"Better than us freezing to death. Here, let me help…" Releasing Galvantula from his Poké Ball, it set to work stringing up parts of the tarp, to hopefully make it a little sturdier against the weather.[break][break]

And the conversation naturally turns to the star of tonight. Rumours and theories. thought it was a parasite, thought aliens(?) were involved, — well, she hadn't really put forward a theory on the beast, but after what she'd said, it seemed like a nice spot to chime in with his own two cents.[break][break]

"Back in my home region, there's an interesting local legend in one particular town. According to the tale, there's a monster that haunts the place. If you wander around at night, it'll drag you away and devour you. Obviously, it's just an old story… but still, people there tend to stay indoors when the sun goes down."[break][break]

Maybe it was just some particularly vicious Pokémon. Maybe it was a living super weapon that had escaped from a lab. Maybe the beast of Lacunosa had decided to take a vacation in Hoenn.[break][break]

"Whatever's lurking out here… I hope seeing it's worth fighting the rain."



Alba entering at Area 1[break]
Gets Galvantula to use String Shot to help reinforce 's shelter[break]
Listens to talk and chimes in with a cool story

[break][break]@area 1 gang



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scarlet dove
January 21
Laverre City
now everything
is down in flames
5'10" height
5'10" height
from the very beginning you have utterly failed to take action.
196 posts
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TAG WITH @camellia
Camellia Lemaitre
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 1:12:26 GMT
Camellia Lemaitre Avatar

Camellia entered route 119, her hair already beginning to drip from the rain. The area was bustling with noise, individuals moving between the muddy grounds to begin their investigation.[break][break]

She wondered just how prepared these people were for what could be waiting for them. From the news, this beast seemed dangerous. And this was certainly not the place for fun and games.[break][break]

She eyed and , deciding to skirt away from them and the noise coming in that direction. The LOTADS watched, though she suspected something else was there as well.[break][break]

The feeling of being watched was ever present, as she was familiar with on the hunt.[break][break]

Familiar purple hair, though the woman beside her was a stranger to her, caught Camellia's eye. She trudged over, her work boots squelching in the mud.[break][break]

"Unfortunate weather for the hunt," she offered in idle conversation, since she was unsure of 's status.

[attr="class","tag"] &



- area 2[break]
- avoiding and for now[break]
- approached and [break]
- wearing something akin to this tactical gear (can you see her in the camo?)


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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
407 posts
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TAG WITH @aubremckenna
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 1:45:27 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar
[attr="class","samjermain"]The redhead checked her pack about a dozen times before leaving. Did she have enough antidotes? Was there enough emergency food for a few days in case they ended up trapped? The outfit was also a display of this paranoid preparation. On top of her raincoat, she wore a poncho to help wick off the rain. Tall wading boots stopped just short of her knees—the oversized things making her petiteness more obvious.

An Oricorio—in Seiyu form—was perched upon her shoulder. The pressure of his talons helped to ground her in this place of Seedot cries and Kricetune strings. Above her, a Jumpluff cascaded through the fog. Its spinning left a trail behind it—resembling a fighter jet. “Maggie? Are we any closer to the rendezvous point?” A chipper call assured the doctor that she was on the right path.

Seeing the tarp in the distance, the redhead sped up to join the group under the canopy. As they neared, she whispered to the newly grounded Jumpluff. “Can you keep a lookout? Please?” She crushed herself into an unoccupied corner, listening to the conversations around her. A half-hearted wave was tossed Thomas’s way, but her eyes locked worriedly onto the child accompanying them. But it never felt like the right time to interrupt.

She pulled her collar tight against an imagined chill as if the fabric was enough to ward off whatever watched them.

At ’s words, Aubre would adjust her bag’s straps. The woman who stands before her strikes differently than the one The simple fiddling helped take her mind away from the missing people. At ’s words, the doctor shook her head. “I think the term monster sets us in the wrong mindset.” Her voice is quiet but firm. “It’s probably sick or hurt. And, for injured creatures, humans are—” She swallowed. “--easy prey.”

Meanwhile, Maggie followed the glowing orbs to @shred and his companions. With a happy gurgle, she pedaled over the nearest will-o-wisp. She spun a few times before trying to lead them to the group.

[attr="class","samjer","samjertag"]Area 1

  • Greets those under the canopy
  • Shivers at Tsubaki's dark pronouncement
  • Her Jumpluff joins @shred

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