i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
231 posts
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TAG WITH @pokejun2
Oliver Shrakes
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 2:08:18 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
A bloodthirsty Pokemon hunting people...never a good thing. Something that Oliver really needed to do was get a Pokemon that knew Odor Sleuth. Well, he had the Pokemon, but they had other gifts. Oliver brought his Dragonite as his main brawler to fight this beast, Breloom to act as support, and Chansey for healing and triage. The red head wore his ranger uniform and sort of skirted around the crowds. One of them caught his attention, if only because of how one of them treated and spoke to one of them. With the fog, he sort of kept close to listen in and see if this Kouji guy is actually a threat. Maybe not to him, but to this Isaac guy. Even with others there, including another ranger beyond him, hopefully the guy would keep focused on the job at hand. They needed to work together on this.

Unless someone here was with Rocket. Then they can just get mauled into obl...wait...was that a child?! Through the fog, he noticed a small figure riding a Luxray. Handy as that is in this type of situation, a child has no place here! As concerned as he was for this situation with that Kouji character, he started to walk towards the child. In speaking distance, he waved at her. "Hello there. I'm Oliver, a ranger. There's a big scary Pokemon around here, a kid shouldn't be here. Why don't you head back to Fortree City." Oliver kept his tone gentle. He often had a way with kids, and tried to get her away from here. At least all the other volunteers were adults and knew what they were getting into.

Area 2


Sees how spoke to , gets interested and sticks close to the group.
Also sees , wonders why a child was here?!
Asks her to leave, but we all know that ain't happening.

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January 3
131 height
131 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
299 posts
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TAG WITH @vanillakingsley
Vanilla Kingsley
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 2:19:24 GMT
Vanilla Kingsley Avatar
Vanilla trailed behind the small party that had gotten together for this crucial assignment. The youngest of the trio of and , waterlogged and tried to take cover from the rainstorm that had approached the entire area. While not one to shy away from frolicking in the rain, she wasn’t in the mood to catch a cold, alongside whatever ailments going inside of that volcano might have had on her. Her hooded raincoat protected her from the droplets of rain coming down on the three of them. "This reminds me of fall back home. Just constant rainy days." she observed, trying to lighten the mood for everyone. Thomas had always been so serious, and for good reason, but maybe Desiree would enjoy it more?

Speaking of which, the pink haired woman spied some cover for everyone present. Vanilla followed suit as the two came across another man, . Tall, broad and muscular. Desiree and Thomas had met the man before, leaving her as the odd one out. Not that she hadn’t grown used to it in her journeys. "I’m Vanilla. Nice to meet you, Kazimir." she offered a short wave before everyone got down to business on speculation and such. She listened to both and rummaged around her head to come up with some kind of explanation. Both of them were in the realm of being realistic. Shame that she had the least amount of experience out of any of them. "Maybe…" she said to both of their predictions, even turning to Kazimir for his. "What if it’s just something more natural? Like something in its environment is causing it to be super aggressive?"

That bit from Thomas did catch her ear. She perked up and looked up at the Ranger in hope. "You’re a Ranger?! D-Do you know if there’s a Ranger Kingsley in your ranks that’s reported in yet?" The outburst was sudden as she caught herself breaking up the task at hand. She frowned, casting her eyes away for a moment. "Ah, s-sorry. I was just curious…"

| |

↳ Vanilla joins and in AREA 1
↳ Joins KAZIMIR underneath his tarp
↳ Tries to wonder what’s causing the sudden aggression
↳ Asks KAZIMIR if he knows about her father.

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October 19
Slateport City
In bad dreams
6'1" height
6'1" height
Just keep running. It's what you do best, isn't it?
2,439 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 8:35:45 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

In some other life, he might have counted on being here to help him close out what he considers to be an unfinished chapter in their history. Yet though Adrian knew this string of incidents to bear resemblance to a previous investigation, he could not hope to bear a passing semblance to the well-to-do trainer Angelo may have once seen him as. Now there was only the stain that wouldn't wash out, three red strokes emblazoned as an "R" on his ledger.[break][break]

But even still he hopes to do some good, in memory of that time and the well meaning trainer that had been borne of it, or perhaps haunted by them.

As he crosses the threshold of the dim murk of the marshlands, he cannot help but be intimidated by the sprawling number of trainers hoping equally to lend their aid to a just cause. It's enough then to keep him cautious, hiding behind the HAZE and natural fog to elude any would-be complications. But still his eyes linger on a Thomas Benoit as well as those in accompaniment, unwittingly spotting such an obvious antagonist, avoiding them purely by chance.[break][break]

For now.[break][break]

There are certain... perks he regrettably lacks, and though his eyes squint and leer in hopes of discerning more than vague shapes through an uninviting mist, he can see naught but what the naked eye can tell. And so he is required to get his feet wet and hands dirty; to muddle through it all.[break][break]

Adrian approaches a pair of silhouettes admist the murk— and —in what can be summed up as blindly approaching them, under the guise of innocence. "Hey, excuse me—"[break][break]

Adrian seems to cast a wary glance over his shoulder, before turning his gaze back to them.[break][break]

"Do either of you know your way around this place?" Slithering in his wake an Arbok, Adrian appears to have only just arrived, same as most.



I hope you guys don't mind the tags.<3

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[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]
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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,749 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 9:53:31 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

It's a shame that Tempest had no idea where was or he would have argued with his theories. Not because he didn't believe them or anything, but because he thought it was funny when Howard got all worked up.[break][break]

Sadly, he would miss the chance for now, because Temp had gotten separated from his partner in crime almost as soon as his feet had hit the marshy earth.[break][break]

His Dashbun was at his side, sniffing at the ground uselessly as they walked. The wet ground had muddled the scent as much as the hazy air had blocked out good vision. It left Temp, who was mostly unprepared all things considered, wandering around aimlessly as he stomped boot shaped holes to form new puddles.[break][break]

The sounds of a group draws attention. Hoping it's Howard, or just anyone familiar, he makes his way towards them.[break][break]

would feel a hand thrown over his shoulder in an overly familiar way. Tempest would try to pull the other against him in the facsimile of a hug, much too tight. His smile down at him would be all teeth. A flicker of unshielded anger and betrayal in his eyes.[break][break]

"How are you holding up, buddy? Long time, no see." Was quipped, building off of 's question to the blond.[break][break]

He nodded to , then glanced between the other members of this motley crew; much like Kouji, Temp would play nice for now. He didn't really know , , or . was one of Rocket's but he wasn't as close to her as some others.[break][break]

inspired.... softer feelings. From a place twenty years ago that didn't exist. Where the harsh cold was fought off with Togekiss feathers.[break][break]

Yes. For now, he would play nice. The act of kindness they had shown to him had placed them in good enough graces to avoid making too much of a scene.[break][break]

"Good to see you again, too, El." They had met briefly before the Twenty Year Memory, at least. Leaning over, he picks up his dough-dog from the ground. "Is it okay if I put Brioche up there with you? I'm worried I'll lose him in a puddle."

[attr="class","tag"]@mud blood iron



🔗 route 2 gang[break]
🔗 joins kouji in bullying isaac[break]
🔗 but he isn't secure enough right now to try and break isaac's knees and drag him back to sooty :angel:[break]
🔗 looking for howard[break]
🔗 asks el if he can put his dachbun onto el's torterra[break]
🔗 doesn't know that is following (i promise i didn't forget you!)


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December 25
Hammerlocke City, Galar
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @cadeyrn
Cadeyrn Osmond
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 19:21:30 GMT
Cadeyrn Osmond Avatar

For most of the day Cadeyrn has been prepared himself for anything that happens once they look towards the location where the "Bloodmoon Beast" and where those people were last pointed. He didn't know much about the creature only it was a dangerous to everyone and needed to be either put down or figure a way to tame the beast.[break][break]

With the weather against them it would a lot diffcult, he brought a bag contacting a few things. A basic file of the missing people and some basic medical supplies mainly bandages just in case thing got ugly. He wore rain proof clothes and boots to avoid sickness and mub. He traveling with Eilse upon Carnelia as everyone arrived.[break][break]

Cade seems a bit more stoic eyeing everyone around him. There was a lot of people here among them were Team Rocket he was sure it. He didn't know who to trust  at the moment but Elise. His expression softened as she spoke. "I would beg to differ, Milady. We are entering the beast lands. It could it's hunting ground for all we know. It could be watching I just like their are  eyes everywhere." If Cade scared her he didn't meant too however if the beast was like the body found then who knows what they were up against even worse how many there are. [break][break]

He nodded look towards his tyrantrum whispering. "Patrol the perimeter. I don't anything jump out at us or anyone. Stealth rock it just to be on safe side." The dragon moving moving from to complete the task. As he notice a few of eilse's friends. "Isn't that , do don't we say hello? [break][break]

tl;dr: Cade prepared him brings him a bag with the report file on the mission and medical supplies. He wears rain proof clothing to protect him from the weather. After arriving with eilse in Area 1 he speaks her about his thought on the matter then tell his tyrantrum to patrol the perimeter and set up Stealth Rock as a layer of protection[break][break]

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 20:03:45 GMT
Deleted Avatar
[attr="class","mango Guinevere Renner"]
[attr="class","body"] Guinevere huddled under a tree, desperate to escape the steady drizzle overhead. Why had she thought this would be a good idea? She had gone back and forth so many times in the hours leading up to this moment. In the end, it had been her riolu, Mattrin, who had convinced her. He always had a way with words. Now he stood at her side, chest puffed out, ready to face any danger head on. She hugged her arms close, tucked away in her hoodie. In her hood, the applin, Duck, nestled close to the back of her neck, watching their back for additional signs of danger. Mattrin was especially on edge, Gwen could tell as she eyed him warily. He did his best, but he wasn't exactly 'tough' by any means. He was usually the cautious one, the level headed thinker. Now, however, he was on high alert. Something about this place made him nervous. Did he regret talking her into this adventure? Slowly, she lowered a hand to her belt, fingertips brushing the remaining two pokeballs. One, containing Bane, was calm and cool. Amarok's, however, was warm, to the touch, and pulsed every few moments. He wanted out. Gwen hesitated. She couldn't really risk him and Duck getting into another fight. It was beginning to wear her out, honestly. And this wasn't really the time or place. She swallowed, pulled her hand back briefly before touching it once again. She held her breath, hesitating before giving the button a gentle tap. It clicked and out came the abrasive archen. Amarok quickly took in the scenery, fluffing out his feathers against the rain. Mattrin and he huddled together as the riolu explained something to him, and Amarok nodded in return. There. They were on the same page, it seemed. "Well," she sighed, exhaling. "No time like the present. Let's get moving, I guess," Guinevere muttered, beginning to trudge ahead. With Duck in her hood, and Mattrin and Amarok on either side, she felt better. Between the four of them, it was doubtful anything could sneak up on them. They fell silent as they moved towards the tree line, slowing as they approached a clearing. Several meters ahead appeared a small group, huddling under a tarp and several tough looking pokemon surrounding them. Should she approach? Gwen swallowed, hesitating as she bit her lip. Maybe not quite yet. Urf.
Area 1
Notes; Gwen approaches from the east, hesitating as she spots the tarp group. Three of her pokemon are currently out of their pokeballs and close to her. She is nervous, particularly due to her inability to control her adamant archen at times.
[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-sun"]
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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
492 height
492 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,693 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 22:08:11 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar
[attr="class","rowwtw"]The slow trudge of the wetlands didn't bother Rowan as he stepped along through the muck and water. This was terrain he'd become accustomed to in his sojourn from the civilized world, able to navigate it with relative ease compared to others. Azure eyes instinctively flicked to a LOTAD that peered at them from the water, a friend among the cacophony of strangers he walked among. [break][break]

Rowan approached the Pokémon carefully, digging a small bundle of Pokémon food out of his satchel. "Here, little guy." He smiled, offering a hand towards the Lotad in hopes that they'd dig in.[break][break]

Not all of these people were strangers, however. A quick look around recognized both and , two people that he was rather close with, despite one's allegiances forcing them apart. As much as he wanted to approach , their disguise told him that she didn't want attention upon herself, and therefore he opted to respect her wishes. Still, he'd give her a knowing look.[break][break]

"Isaac!" Rowan raised from his crouched position, lifting a hand to wave towards the man, trudging along the waters. "It's good to see you up and about."

  • Area 2.
  • Fed the cute Lotad, acknowledged Lulu.
  • Went to talk to Isaac.


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litton wickham
september 25
lumiose city, kalos
webnovelist / council assistant
if desire is the heart’s intransigent verb.
353 posts
nagi miwa DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nagi
nagi miwa
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2023 3:17:04 GMT
nagi miwa Avatar
nagi’s foot sinks into the soft, waterlogged earth by the pond. fingers, damp and half-way to numb, fiddle at the buckle across his chest — unfastening and re-fastening clasp, the rhythmic clk, chk, clk, chk a low bass-and-snare beat beneath the instrumental patter of the rain, and the rising vocal line of conversation.[break][break]

he skirts around it. plods along the periphery of the crowd, an exoplanet in orbit, eyes flicking from face to face, cataloging each to working memory in an absent-minded roll call. they linger on for a beat longer than the rest; memory, unbidden, overlays an image over the dense, sepia fog. a snapshot, saturated in contrast: a morning a summer ago, soft sand under the arch of his sole, the sun a honeyed streak on the horizon.[break][break]

there’s something bedraggled and weary about the man now, beneath the sodden weight of the pouring rain. in the set of his shoulders under the rockfall of ’s arm, the shift of his gaze.[break][break]

nagi wonders. purses his lips, and turns away.[break][break]

and catches sight of a streak of pale blonde and red beyond the water-stained lens of his glasses. the blotch resolves into two figures as he draws nearer — he hears ’s voice rise over the ambient din.[break][break]

there’s a child on this expedition? [break][break]

his eyes drop to the small figure. [break][break]

“oh — ” recognition is a slow, warm shock. “the prodigy.”[break][break]

the spitfire with a sygna suit from the border, memory supplies. [break][break]

nagi shrugs, pack riding up on his shoulders with the slow, deliberate motion. he steps in closer to the pair, his voice a quiet, tepid murmur: “i think she’ll be fine.”[break][break]



AREA 2[break]
・recognises (or, does he, really?) from their first meeting at a beach last summer ー chooses not to approach[break]
・recognises as the prodigiously competent and terrifying child from the border. approaches her and [break]


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June 16th
Vermillion City
5 height
5 height
Mid-Life Crisis
30 posts
Dirk Evans DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @maybemike
Dirk Evans
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2023 5:16:08 GMT
Dirk Evans Avatar
"So, I realize this is a mucky dirty muddy terrible terrible place we couldn't take my bike through." Dirk said, his supremely natural yet now gelled hair to stop all this terrible water business, the orange flame like hair now a better signifier than anything his dark leather jacket could give away. "And I get, you all are really spoiled from the bike, everyone knows I am no exception..."

Dirf puffed up his chest, and yelled into the heavens "BUT WHY AM I THE REPLACEMENT?!"

Under each arm, was a dog, his Growlith in his left, his Houndour in his right, and atop his head and shoulders, Furfrou looked down disdainfully at everything from her perch. All three were clad in leather jackets that showed off his flaming skull hairstyle on their backs, and all three still had their shades on from when the sun was out.... Probably because he needed to be the one to remove them and put them in their jacket pockets... IRREGARDLESS!

"I could just put you all in your pokeballs you know!" Dirk stopped trudging through the muck, as if realizing an Epiphany that eluded him all his life. "...Why didn't I put you in your pokeballs..."

"Grow!" Pointed out his earstwhile Growlithe, yellow be his fur, point out the obvious with a jabbing paw into his side.

Dirk scowled, the sunglasses on his eyes making it really hard to see. He also needed to take his off. Wasn't like anyone was around anywho. "Look, a little bit of mud will hardly last! You'll all be be in pokeballs anyway! What does it matter!"

"Fur..." Growled the Furfrou atop his head, and he could only droop in response "Yes ma'am...."

He turned his head to the side as he muttered "It would of been one of the boys anyway..."

"Grow!" "Dour!" the two Boys in question shouted in objection!

"SHADDUP! Why should I have to suffer alone?!" Decried Dirk, even as he took another sucking set into the swamp.

No one wanted to be in the mud, so it was forced to be him! Outrageous.

"Look, all I'm saying, it would make MY life so much-" His foot caught on some sub-mud vine - "O-oh! No-no-no-n-" Dirk through his hands in the air, while Furfrou took a leap into hte air, sending Dirk RUSHING towards the ground in a sudden loud SPLAT.

Houndour and Growlithe impacted his mud free back first, resulting into "Guh-GAH!" from the Bike Rider as one then the other came down.

Followed immediately by a "OOF!" "GOW!" "DOU!", his back forming almost a solid U, as Furfrou came down on all three of the boys.

Her sniff of disdain was the only consolation.

With a shaky hand, Dirk raised two pokeballs "G-growlithe, H-houndour... R-Return."

Two beams of red light sucked up the two pokemon, leaving Furfrou to follow the few inches direcly onto Dirk's leather jacketed back.

Dirk's shaky attempted to raise a third pokeball was met with a succinct "Fur. Frou."

He could only muster a single response into the mud as his arm flopped down. "Y-yes, Ma'am."

Wiping his hands on his jacket, Dirk shakily stood, Furfrou once more taking her place on his head and shoulders. His entire front was marred in mud, his glasses needed to be flicked more than a few times to get all the mud off, and he was overall not having a nice night. Dirk continued mucking his way through the mud and Mire until he saw the most blessed sign.

Moss on a tree!

He practically tore it off, wiping his face and glasses. Yes, he was more wet, and hat to spit out his fair of moss from his face, but now he was mud free!


Now that he could see clearly now the mud was gone~! He actually took the time to try and glare through the darkness. In the distance, past a few fellows with an eerie purple light he could see a big ole group of- Wait, people with an earie purple light?

Dirk's head whipped past to the aforementioned people. It was definitely a weird bunch, one was the sickest fashion disigner he'd ever seen with them long blonde hair. The other looked more like some CEO boss guy who would sit in one of them fancy red chairs behind a desk plotting how to make money out of a talking Meowth. The final one looked like stocking clad rockstar who definitely didn't wear the boots for this trek...

Dirk looked down at his own mud covered biking boots... Maybe he didn't either...

"...Maybe I shouldn't be out here on a blood moon of all things... Theres some wild wild people around, lookin' like shady folk..." Dirk shuddered, taking bigger steps to try and avoid the creepy looking group. There looked to be a larger one round the other way anyhow! He can even take a looksie for that wild doggie pokemon he heard so much about!

Looking up at his Furfrou, he asked her the ever important question "So, you smell anything good? We're supposed to be out here finding a pokemon and missing people, we should be keeping eyes and noses out!"

Furfrou sniffed "Furfrou! Fur fur Furfrou!" She complained bitterly, motioning to the raining sky and all the mud clouding any scents.

Dirk drooped again, hanging his head "Yeah... I figured... Well, lets keep looking then."

Taking more mucking steps forward, deeper into the swamp.

⚰︎ Dirk has Arrived in Area 1!
⚰︎ Has a bit of incident with his own stupidity and the mud.
⚰︎ Had a choice thing to say about the trio trecking through the mud after some purple fire.
⚰︎ Attempted to sniff out some targets with Furfrou
⚰︎ Dirk and his team's ace Furfrou are searching for clues!


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May 21st
Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Private Investigator
Open-eyed, burn the page, my little dark age.
202 posts
part of
TAG WITH @aidan
Aidan Hereford
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2023 5:25:13 GMT
Aidan Hereford Avatar

Like a moth to the flame. For the first time Aidan had decided to take on a task for himself, no Rocket business, no ulterior motive here. Simply the will and want of a "retired" detective, the search of a interesting and interesting puzzle. Some may even call him arrogant for comparing the loss of a life with a simple puzzle and that might have been true, but it was simply a way to let his brain process while not breaking into a million pieces after seeing another decomposing body.[break][break]

Once his path had been selected. Aidan had made his first step with a massive 'SPLOSH'. Slowly closing his eyes before he would curse the world and all those in it. Taking a deep breath along with his second step, another 'splosh', much lighter than the first one since he perfectly knew what he had walked himself into. Mud, it had to always be mud.[break][break]

Moving his way through the sludge and wetlands, forever feeling like there were eyes on the back of his neck. It was impossible to feel comfortable in a scenario like this, perhaps this was that sixth sense that had kept humans alive for many centuries. He'd try to use this moment of natural stress to try and listen for the sound of the wetlands, after all a quiet ecosystem was never good news to anyone.[break][break]

Slowly moving forward he'd start to encounter and see more people, all unknown to him except one. Ahead of him he saw . He couldn't help but smile behind his mask. "Of course it would be him in a place like this." Aidan would say to himself before moving towards Rowan and what he assumed was his friend and a friend of Rowan was a associate to Aidan. "Hey there mud boy! Wait up! My old legs can only carry me for so long." Aidan would say loud enough so the two could hear him, pulling down his mask and waving to show he meant well, after all his disguise was more to keep himself dry from the rain and mud[break][break]






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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,361 posts
part of
TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2023 10:23:05 GMT
As the ranger approaches area one, the bridge and surrounding swamp gradually become less and less appealing. At the very least, it seems they'd be in good company. Numerous familiar faces make up the crowd.

The big guy setting up a makeshift shelter is the one he recognizes immediately. A sublte nod towards and the group he leads is the only gesture he makes before adding to the precautionary measures some appear to be taking.

Trekking along the outside of the party's breadth, the Maractus at Derek's side scatters it's LEECH SEED about the area they covered. Meaningless now, but a trap of sorts for anything of substantial power that might step on the seeds, triggering their growth and alarming all.

- derek arrives in area 1
- listens to these people's ideas as to what "it" is
- allows his maractus to lay a leech seed trap

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2023 22:47:00 GMT
luka chêne Avatar



Even with an umbrella tightly gripped in one hand, Luka isn't completely safe from the rain. Errant drops splatter her phone screen, making her thumb slide across the surface and distorting the letters that scroll down it.[break][break]

Taking notes isn't going to be easy in conditions like these. Luka clicks her tongue as she shoves the device back in her pocket— she'll have to rely on memory and her fellow adventurers when typing up a report for the rangers later. Though the expedition isn't officially sanctioned, there's still plenty of rangers in attendance, and their success tonight could mean a lot of positive press for the organization.[break][break]

But work aside, she's also keen to help! There are missing people that need assistance, mysteries to solve, fellow rescuers to heal and protect. And there's also the threat itself. If it really is a Pokemon, perhaps it can be dealt with without coming to harm. Maybe the rangers could rehabilitate it...what a lovely thought![break][break]

She's one of the last to arrive in this area, and immediately notices , who'd come just before her. and stick out as well, and she gives all three a little smile and wave, happy to see the latter two especially. Always nice to see some fellow girlies!![break][break]

"We should keep an eye out for signs of the missing people," she notes, keeping her eyes peeled through the rain for any sign of the poor victims. There are footprints in the mud, but those could be from any number of people: most likely those who have already gathered. It's hard to make out anything else concrete, but she scans the area regardless for signs of clothing, general debris, and blood, macabre as that might be.[break][break]

"A-and all stick together, of course." Her Musharna hovers by her side, dream mist spilling from her snout and pooling at her feet. Though she appears fast asleep as always, the tapir is keeping constant vigilance: her forewarn active to try and perceive any incoming threats or signs of the lost souls they're searching for.[break][break]

- in area 1[break]
- wearing a sygna suit[break]
- happy to see desiree and elise! girl gang....[break]
- scouts the area to search for any signs of the missing people[break]
- musharna deploying her forewarn ability[break]
- ty shiv for being understanding w my jetlag xoxo


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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October 13
808 height
808 height
39,425 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2023 5:18:25 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]BLOOD, MUD & IRON



Field (Late Night) - Pokémon Legends: Arceus


IN AREA ONE, prepares a tarp. Rain dances on the canvas; beneath it, several trainers and Pokemon alike scan the damp thicket of trees. The sprawling swamp sneaks in and out of view between the gnarled trunks and scarves of fog.[break][break]

Some wait for others to take the lead. @elliot, and remain cautious, their shoes sinking in the mud. Nearby, @guin's ARCHEN may feel tense due to the eerie surroundings and the anxiety building within its trainer.[break][break]

In another stretch of swamp, and wander helplessly... until they are joined by another, a lone wolf by the name of .[break][break]

In the dark wood, several WILL-O-WISPS glide over to the lost men. The fires beckon for them, bobbing up and down in the air like ghostly buoys before attempting to guide them back to and her ZORUA under 's tarp.[break][break]

Beneath the tarp, joins , her JUMPLUFF hovering over to should he near. and seek shelter on this tarp too, the fires of the latter's CERULEDGE casting flickering light on their clothes.[break][break]

The Ranger, , arrives under the Rangers' directive. His TOGEKISS employs a SAFEGUARD for those around the tarp, while joins him and @elliot with his WHIMSICOTT. The Windveiled Fairy claps, its HELPING HAND assisting the Pokemon who begin to scout.[break][break]

Curiously, the SAFEGUARD activates as , and happen upon the group. These trainers and their Pokemon, should they be out, are protected from POISON. They step in POISONOUS SLUDGE if they are unable to detect it from the lights of the WILL-O-WISP; however, the POISON IS INCREDIBLY STICKY. Whatever touches it becomes stuck—but thanks to the SAFEGUARD, with enough effort, the aforementioned would be able to break free with some help.[break][break]

's FURFROU, 's URSHIFU and 's HATTERENE are graced by the HELPING HAND of 's WHIMSICOTT as they scan their surroundings. Similarly, 's MUSHARNA makes use of its FOREWARN ABILITY while 's ARBOK casts a protective, neutralizing HAZE.[break][break]

is eventually joined by , while her SABLEYE attempts to DETECT objects of note or presences both amiable and malicious.[break][break]


  • the aforementioned sticky poison.
  • [break]
  • beneath the wooden plank bridge, a torn off ear. an earbud is still lodged in it, connected to a low battery mp3 player that is currently playing GHOSTINTHEWAVES - FROM THE ALBUM SHIMMERING BUTTERFLY (2023) on loop.
  • [break]
  • a small digital camera that is out of battery. should it be charged by an ELECTRIC-TYPE ATTACK, it will reveal selfies of Junichi and Minako Sato, photos of Hoennian landmarks, and a final, blurry photo: CLICK HERE
  • [break]
  • a larger presence deeper into the area, where the swamp overtakes the landscape.

In the meantime, 's MARACTUS sets a LEECH SEED TRAP. Perhaps it'll be of use in the future...[break][break]


IN AREA TWO, feeds the local fauna. The LOTAD take the treats; however, as would notice too, the Water Weed Pokemon take awhile to accept the food. The Pokemon seem awfully nervous, their small bodies huddling together.[break][break]

The archaeologist is approached by and his PIKACHU, who misnames the beast. Others prepare their search for The "Moonblood" Beast, but must contend with the elements first. experiences the muck of the swamp firsthand, losing their spectacles after a filthy trip. However, is able to clean them for them, their respective Pokemon, a SHINY UMBREON and ABOMASNOW coming together as they cut through the fog.[break][break]

greets the Lady of the Forge, . Despite the remote location, the assembling presences reveal that they are indeed in the correct place. It is doubly confirmed by on their TORTERRA, their high vantage point allowing them a better view of the eerie, fog filled swampland.[break][break]

Immediately nearby, and his GOLISOPOD are joined by . Their greetings alert to their presence nearby. She is swiftly approached and/or acknowledged by , and , while and join .[break][break]

Several Pokemon and their trainers scout the area. asks if his DACHSBUN can survey the area with them on top of the TORTERRA'S SHELL-TREE, while 's HOUNDOOM ODOUR SLEUTHS. 's LUXRAY sniffs about the hill and pushes through the fog.[break][break]

's LUCARIO QUICK GUARDS and who joins them. It swats away a YANMA that almost slams into them; it seems frightened, frenetically flapping its wings as it soars away from the area. Perhaps 's heavy duty clothes are well-warranted, for who knows what dangers may wait for them in the swamp?[break][break]


  • red, yellow, green, and blue shards scattered about the ground.
  • [break]
  • a very large, pink, and tattered armband. only would potentially be able to recognize that it is an armband (aesthetic example) belonging to a MEDICAL CORPS.
  • [break]
  • on the slope, blood and a disembodied leg with varicose veins. it has a huge chunk missing.
  • [break]
  • a larger presence deeper into the area, where the swamp overtakes the landscape.




  • [break]
  • only ONE of your characters can participate.
  • [break]
  • please provide a tl;dr &/or bold moves/abilities/items used with each post.
  • [break]
  • [break]
  • please WRITE IN YOUR NOTES IN BOLD WHICH AREA your character is in.
  • [break]
  • i will not tolerate complaints about not being mentioned, tagged, acknowledged or feeling "useless" in a raid. generally, i attempt to mention all characters and their actions in each post, but depending on the number of participants, this may not be feasible.
  • [break]
  • remember that although i am essentially the DUNGEON MASTER or GAME MASTER of this event, much of this event's enjoyment and storytelling lies upon the players shoulders. collaborate with what i provide in each moderator post and each other for the best result!
  • [break]
  • lastly, be cognizant of participating players and characters. no one is the "main character" of an event, and allowing space for give-and-take between characters and their actions is highly encouraged.
  • [break]
  • please ROLL with your post.
  • [break]


POST BY[break][break]SEPTEMBER 23RD, 11:59PM PST.

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
2,179 posts
part of
TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2023 6:34:21 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"Yep, you are! Sorry that you're on Route 119. Try to stay away from those folks at the Weather Institute." Howard told Aurelie, before returning to the Lotads.

"C'mon, Lotads. What's wrong? Not hungry?" They seemed scared, which Howard could relate to. It must be the proximity to the blasted Weather Institute. That, or Shirley. Shirley was pretty frightening, especially to a Lotad. Plus, her nerves were on edge today.

When Aaron ran over, Shirley opened her maw to let out a ferocious roar, only to have her mouth clamped shut by Howard. "Sorry!" Howard yelped as Shirley shook about. "She's feeling nippy. Calm yourself, girl!"

With a narrowed gaze, Shirley nodded. Howard laughed, and scratched her head, and offered a piece of jerky to the Pikachu. "I am! There's this worthless professor over at Slateport University who has been blocking my thesis on Ursaring evolutions through the ages. I'm here looking for references!" With references, came a completed thesis. With a completed thesis came an extra publication under Howard's belt. That was good, given his bank account was down to three digits, including decimals.

So hunting a bear seemed like a pretty sick deal over being evicted from his apartment.

Plus, that professor was a cunt. Howard was going to shame him all over the academic world. Then, he'd have to get two more references for each paper! That would show him to mess with Howard Slayte!

"It's actually the Bloodmo-" Suddenly, Shirley's pupils dilated, and she ran off into the woods. Did she smell something? Howard ran after her, shouting for her to stop. Given the torn jerky bag, there was a chance that Aaron's Pikachu would follow. Breaking through the brush, Howard follows his fossil to a hill, and sees a certain little girl standing there. Acting fast, he returns Aerodactyl, and switches it out with Claydol.

"Little lady! I knew I recognized that Luxray! You..." Howard trailed off as he saw the leg. His lips formed a hard line, and he sighed. "Oh, little lady... Crumble! Clear the area, pronto! It's just another dig!"

Getting on his knees, Howard's nose wrinkles at the stench of the leg. As he leans down, his hand brushes against something hard in the ground. He peers at the shard thoughtfully, inspecting it, before returning to the leg. "I'm sorry, little lady, are you okay?"

Seconds Sutherland's confirmation to Aurelie
Moving up to the next area via Shirley's nose. Leaving trail for Aaron.
Claydol's RAPID SPIN to clear the area to check for more evidence.
Inspects the shard.

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
4,904 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2023 6:44:37 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]All at once, she's approached by 3 different strangers. Or well, 2 strangers and one poor man who had the misfortune of running into her back at the borders between life and death. The closer they get, the sharper she flinches away, eventually taking a few steps back as Reiner hastily follows suit.[break][break]

At least, until her boot bumps against something heavy.[break][break]

She jumps and so does Reiner, the duo spinning around to check just what's there. But it's the furthest thing from a faint hope of a lost Lotad or some stone peeking from the ground. Instead, it's something that she doesn't quite recognise until she kneels down to get a closer look at it -[break][break]

Blood. Blood and a ripped leg drowned in all the muck. Swollen veins line its entire length, and she can't help but look around for a stick (even though Reiner indicates it's a terrible idea) as she reaches out to poke -[break][break]

A voice pipes up from behind her and she screams, quickly muffling it with her sleeve as she blinks her tears away. really needs to pick better times to approach her. If he'd laid a hand on her shoulder, he most likely would have gotten fried by Reiner without hesitation.[break][break]

Deep breaths. Okay, maybe not so deep as the stench of the leg, blood and petrichor hits her in full force. Breathing out slowly through gritted teeth, she shoots the archaelogist a dirty look. Then, with all things settled and seemingly peaceful enough, she reaches out with the stick and starts prodding it to flip it around. Though it feels like nothing but murky waters, memories quietly bubble to the surface - 20 years in a foreign land hadn't been spent in vain, the ailments of the human body prickling at the back of her mind as she wills herself to take a closer look.[break][break]

✧ Continuing into new area[break]
✧ Too many stranger adults approaching her, panics and tries to back away[break]
✧ Ends up backing up into and kicking someth- OH, IT WAS A LEG HUH[break]
jumpscares her from behind and she lets out a short scream, then muffles with her sleeve[break]
✧ Can't believe this man. Anyways, POKING THE LEG AND INVESTIGATIN IT!! vague medical memories from goodbye galar resurface...

KAY OF PIXEL PERFECT[break][break]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay