i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 19th
Fortree City
student (private school)
Single (not looking)
163cm height
163cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
190 posts
Knight Naito DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @knight
Knight Naito
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2024 12:18:42 GMT
Knight Naito Avatar

Knight was glad to see Thea was recovering, a little if not entirely, from her panic attack. He knew she didn't enjoy being in enclosed spaces and while he found the cell to be an okay size, he knew it wouldn't be the same for her.[break][break]

He made a silent promise to himself that he would take care of both girls, though that was quickly derailed as Thea tugged him close and held him in such a way that he was forced to look down.[break][break]

"Wha--" Kay wanted to ask what was going on but he heard some weird noises and then... Something that sounded not-so-good. Some people had yelled and Knight thought he heard a plate or tray being thrown.[break][break]

Then the shrieking started and it sent a chill down Knight's spine. There was the sound of something wet exploding and something falling to the ground. Knight shuddered against his cousin but didn't ask.[break][break]

It sounded back enough, he could only hope she hadn't seen it herself.[break][break]

When they were offered the mochi to eat, Knight saw that Thea ate one and so he took one without complaint. They looked familiar but his thoughts were too addled at that moment to remember why.[break][break]

At least they tasted good, "Mm! They're peach flavoured!" He said brightly to his cell-mates, happily eating the rest of the mochi up. His happiness didn't last long as the chain attached to him (his mask?) shot out suddenly and attached itself to the bars of their cell.[break][break]

Knight let out a cry of surprise mixed with fear at that but soon understood what was happening. They were expected to head out there but be tethered to their cells... So they had no chance of escaping. [break][break]

Not that Knight had thought about escaping right away. He was too stupid and naive to do anything but follow along with everything as expected. He left the cell and went towards the glittering shards of the Tera Crystals. [break][break]

When Thea tripped, Knight tried to help her but was unable to do so. His body just wouldn't react the way he wanted to and he had to watch her get hurt. A few seconds later and he was able to move towards his cousin and crouched next to her, "Are you okay?" He was worried about the cut she had received but he hoped it wouldn't be too dangerous.[break][break]

Looking around, he saw there were many other people in the same situation as them and it made Knight wonder how they had been picked to come here... Had these people also got involved in the weird events around Hoenn too? He recognised the chains holding everyone as the same ones that controlled the Pokémon, so there had to be a connection.[break][break]

However, he didn't dwell on it for too long and got to work sorting out the tera shards from the rocks and other dirt that had been in the crates. It wasn't pleasant or fun work but Knight didn't mind doing repetitive, mindless tasks like this. He could feel his hands getting a little cut up but that was bearable too -- for now. [break][break]





doesn't see (but still heard) the execution thanks to thea[break]
ate the mochi and recognised the toxic chains from other events around hoenn[break]
tried to help thea but something stopped him[break]
got to work sorting shards from rocks without complaint[break]



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[newclass=".knight .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2024 14:11:28 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



(Prison environment music lol )

He was not willing to eat. How could he? He had seen what that JUNK did to people! To the chains-- but he heard as the others talked and what had to be done. If he didn't eat, they would either be punished, forced to eat or grow weak. Their had to be a way around this. He tried not to think, but his head was in a vice, weak, throbbing and an empty stomach. Then he saw it through the bars. Those who ate the Moochi, the cells themselves would open in place, as the bars would become new poison chains to their masks to keep them secure but allow them to wander the yard. The Moochi became a means of leaving the cell-- and in their cells they couldn't accomplish anything. [break][break] It was then that a sound came-- and that Big, Ugly Poison-Chained Mutt showed up through the bars. He gave a big toothed grin, insisting they eat or he would cause the same pain he did to the inmates. [break][break] Zachary glared at the dog through the slits of his mask. He could only hope the mask obscured the nasty look he gave his warden, but the doggy was growing impatient. [break][break] Finally, Zachary knew what he had to do. He took one of the Moochi. One and only one. In a fevered attempt, he ate the one. He slammed it into his mask and quickly ate it-- sweet as it was to the taste, he soon felt naucious as it hit his stomach. The truth was, he only ate about maybe no more than a few bites, the majority he smeared on his mask, or slip through his sleeves of his prison garb, trying to avoid eating the majority to fool the dog. [break][break] Seemingly satisfied, and the bars changing-- soon connected to Zachary's mask and neck. [break][break] Okidogi came in and soon offered Zachary a pat on the head, as if to say "GOOD JOB"--- before grabbing his head and slamming him into the dirt. Zachary felt some of the Moochi already come up a bit from the violent slam, the dog a sadistic warden. The dog soon left the cell, seeming making a sound he could only presume was laughter. [break][break] Zachary groaned as he soon struggled to get up. Perhaps he should of ate more of that Moochi, but if it was poison, eating more wouldn't help him. Having as little as possible, meant it would leave his system later. As hungry as he was, eating something that could eventually kill him was not a good idea. If he had to he would eat more later, but for now... he had to prioritize learning more, so they could escape. [break][break]
[break][break] He soon joined the others on the labor floor. The white armored humanoid visitors were indeed problematic guards, to which Zachary regarded no different than the Okidogi. There were no tools, just having them slam rocks into rocks to try to dislodge and break the crystals. Tera Crystals. They were perhaps the only thing of interest to Zachary there as he knew those could be useful. For now, he just tried not to provoke the ire of the guards, or the sadistic doggo acting as their warden. He soon saw some people he thought he might know! They wore the masks but was it possible-- especially since he could see their faces. He may of seen and rangers he knew from his journey so far! Friends! More so, he also saw a woman with beautiful long, violet hair. That was unmistakable. ! She was here. He soon tried to approach her, moving closer so he could try to converse with the familiar souls he knew... [break][break] However, he felt a sudden tug on his chain and it caused him to trip. He fell flat on his back from the trip, covered in the dust of the mine-- to look to find Okidogi glaring down on him, his foot on Zachary's chain. [break][break] The irony of this situation was not lost on him. [break][break] Picking up the chain, the dog dragged Zachary to an unsorted pile of rocks, the boy scraped cruely on his back by the drag. With a vicious whip of the chain, he threw Zachary against the rocks, indicating he had to get back to work. [break][break] Zachary coughed as he fought for the strength to get up. "Ugh... Even DANTE was a better doggo than this prick..." Zachary sarcastically grumbled with a use of his coping mechanism. [break][break] However, Okidogi
seemingly understood-- and answered by kicking Zachary hard in his stomach, making Zachary cry out in pain. After a few vicious chuckles at Zachary's expense, the big bad dog finally left him alone so Zachary could work. As Zachary began to beat the stones, harvesting the Tera Crystals, he tried to see what small slivers of them he could use too. More so, every so often in an attempt of a 'break', he would look to where the guards, the watchposts, the center hole-- anywhere he could. He had to learn where things were, where this prison was oveseen.[break][break]Ultimately, he wanted to find where their Pokemon were being held. If they could get to their Pokemon, they would no longer be at the mercy of their prisons and could escape. He could only hope his own Pokemon were not subjected to these monsters. As he worked, what small shards of Tera Crystals he broke off that would be easy to slip into his pants or in the palm of his hand, he would squirl them away, trying to hold them on. He even would store some in the flap of his mask to keep them hidden. If he could find fire or psychic shards, that would probably work out the best... [break][break]



Weakling Ward.[break]
Reluctantly eats MOOCHI -- as little as possible smearing and hiding the rest to fake the majority.[break]
Okidogi being a cruel and annoying mutt as he shoves Zachary's face into ground.[break]
Zachary tries to 'work' while scouting out who is there with him, recognizing a couple of people.[break]
Okidogi once again punishes Zachary by dragging him across the yard and shoves him back to work and kicks him in the stomach. .[break]
Continues to look to find where the guards and Okidogi are keeping their Pokemon-- their only real hope of escape. .[break]
As he separates the piles, he uses what small slivers of Tera Crystals he can to hide in sleeves or keep concealed on his own body, so that he could use some for something.

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[newclass=".zachary1 .ooc b"]font-size:12px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".zachary1 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]


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cass, cassie
november 7th
petalburg city, hoenn
student (private school)
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
518 posts
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TAG WITH @cass
Cassandra Kubrick
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2024 15:55:56 GMT
Cassandra Kubrick Avatar
[attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][newclass=".emapokemonteam"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
Cass hasn't realised her mind drifting to even worse times, but upon Thea's touch and words, she looks up, and returns the smile faintly. "Yeah, we will," she lies, and makes a good effort in appearing more hopeful than she is. Or maybe it's the mask covering most of her face. She straightens her posture, still caught in near endless possibilities - it's actually only around 6² or 6^4 ... or worst case, they've got all of them.

The violent, gruesome scenario unfolds before her and she could not bear to look away. She notices Thea's efforts to shield Knight from the happenings, and she unconsciously also moves to block, without averting her own eyes. It's like she's burning the imagery to her mind, stomping every fiber of her that wants to be defiant like so often. (But, as she knows too well, ill weeds grow apace.)

She regards the mochi with apprehension, clearly remembering their encounters with them before, but ... She takes a deep breath, and eats one after Knight and Thea ate theirs. "At least they got the decency to make them taste," she says, "like some faerie food." And sure enough, the chains are reminiscent of those tales - don't eat their food, or you will never leave them anymore.

It only seems fitting that they'd be put to work then, and she simply follows. Thea's fall hits her with shock, but she also finds herself unable to move until after, following after Knight. She bites her lip, almost wanting to draw blood herself - but an infection here would be bad. She really needs to focus up, instead of wallowing in misery. "Guess we just got to be good little worker combees," she tries with a lighter tone, as she picks up some shards among the grit. Despite her featherlight grip, the edges would still cut, and she winces, flinches. Keep going, keep going ...

She would often look at Thea and Knight, but not have to offer anything to say. At Thea's frequent glances at their warden, Cass wonders if she's thinking what she often thinks. Part of her really wants to cover and help Thea's try, but she gently bumps her friend's shoulder, then shake her head a bit. "Not worth it. Nowhere to hide," she whispers to her. If offending has been met with gruesome death, she's not sure what the punishment for stealing would be - and it's just too easy to prove with unfamiliar clothes with no pockets (okay, that latter part is too familiar).

tl;dr dummy ward
- eats mochi, goes to work
- discourages thea from stealing a tera shard atm

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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
798 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2024 17:12:54 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Ameena's two cell mates bear the same masks. She understands the other woman's confusion, though the boy speaks with some knowledge. "All over Hoenn?" Ameena tugs on her chain lightly. What interesting world building for a dream. Usually, they are more abstract and nonsensical. [break][break]

The bird pokemon is treated like royalty, Ameena observes as she stares through the bars. It is sleek and beautiful. It makes her think of her Espathra. The Megalopolan guards speak of wrong-doing, though Ameena took no part in any three day war. "Group punishment, hm?" Her amused tone comes to end as the guards come around with Mochi. The violence against the unknown prisoner doesn't phase her; she's dreaming of imprisonment, so it clearly won't be a fun time, though she can't determine what her subconscious wants to say. Having no prior experience with the mochi given how she was all but locked in her lab last month, she reaches for the purple treat with little hesitation and takes a bite. [break][break]

"It is pecha flavored." Her dreams are not normally so vivid. "It is not bad, Luka. And you, you should try it," she says to the other woman. [break][break]

The toxic chains change into more of a leash as tera shards fill their space. Ameena plucks one and inspects it. She last saw tera in area zero. "What use would tera be now?" She wipes the dirt off of it with her prison clothing. The fact that she had just witnessed some tera crystals, and just learned about living Megalopolans, makes her confident in the dream state theory, but everything feels so real. "Either of you recognize that bird?"

TAGS [break]
NOTES – 1) eats mochi and 2) cleans some shards[break]Rp5Euf4R[break]



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May 02
Rustboro City, Hoenn
Pokémon Ranger
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
531 posts
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Roy Aker
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2024 17:23:12 GMT
Roy Aker Avatar

After her reply, he recognizes her voice. This is Illie, the same girl from before. Though it doesn't improve his situation, the familiarity offers some form of relief. As she claws at his palms, embarrassment colors the cheeks locked behind his mask, forcing him to instantly pull away. With words spilling from the nearby cell, it quickly becomes a tempting outlet for his frustration. But before he can react, she beats him to it, unleashing her own frustrations to their neighbors.

The entrance of the Megalopolans and their leader interrupts the tense moment. They're equipped with trays of purple mochi. Initially hesitant like the others, Roy's resolve wavers when he learns the consequences of refusal. He approaches the tray, stoops to pick up a single mochi, and inspects it cautiously. Then, with a swift motion, he hides it beneath his mask and seemingly swallows it whole. He pushes the tray with his toes to Illie, offering not even a single word as he attempts to avoid attention.

The transformation of the purple chain into a giant leash catches Roy off guard, but he adapts quickly to their new job. Outside their cell, a chaotic scene unfolds as they're tasked with sorting tera crystals from the debris. Roy dives into the work, selecting a crate of his own as a tool to separate the crystals from the rocks. As Munkidori and the Megalopolans oversee the operation, Roy seizes an opportunity to pocket a tera crystal for himself, the sharp edges cutting the roof of his mouth as he quickly stuffs it behind his mask.


[attr="class","pkmnlgndsnote"]roy eats a single mochi. sends the tray to . ignores . roy puts a tera crystal in his own mouth as he's working.


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✧ des ✧

✧ desi | diamandis ✧
✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty four ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
736 posts
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TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2024 20:19:33 GMT
[attr="class","pilotsb desiree"]

i’m afraid they’re gonna find you[break]
and there’s nothing that i can do




Enduring the grotesque, the unimaginable, was a double-edged sword in being within the direct proximity of another- it led her to wish to fight for their livelihood as it brought on the urge to keep crying, to enhance the squeeze of the toxic chain until there was nothing left but darkness. She perceived to fit the role of Pamplemousse in being a grapefruit adorned with fractals of sugar, though deep down, she made pleas with the universe that he could emerge acidic sour in the eyes of the Megalopolans only. Perhaps those pleas would let her overcome just enough to survive, casting diamond light of her own to shine in the eyes of all the innocent and those she loved, too.[break][break]

But all she could feel was rot- rot in her bloodstream trickling down from her neck, rot meeting the arrival of the monkey and the departure of the bird that had accompanied it down from above, rot in feeling that holding onto hope would be hopeless, here. It was a grapple of the mind and the soul, made explicit by the words channeled with the conviction of deeming those in the circle dumb and slaves all the same. She could feel it, all those that were loud and shedding their grievances were probably feeling it, too.[break][break]

The arrival of the monkey was met by the churning and thrashing of innocent, lovely bones. Conviction was real- the game was real, it had begun as soon as they had been granted the ability to witness the decrepit walls they had been surrounded in. It was a blessing that Pamplemousse, and all the others who had been deprived of their freedom, could not see behind the mask that stripped her individuality. The puffing of the cheeks, the cascading waterfalls of sorrow and fear, the sting that came behind her eyes— to be made a slave was too much to bear. A slight of the world that was worse than death, a true punishment of the divines.[break][break]

A punishment for war crimes that she had no part in committing. Mochi came, the only sustenance she believed to be able to indulge upon until something were to occur to give them momentary freedom- and though she experienced mental hesitation, she wished not to show it. The Megalopolans did not deserve to perceive, and she did not want to become like the one who wished to object. She raised it to her lips as she watched the crystalline scatter, taking as much as her mouth would allow with a single, pained gulp to bring it in.[break][break]

Sweet, but with an undeniable thrum. Pain, like the plentiful withdrawals after taking the load of the final needle. Desire, wanting to be the one to experience what rested in this so-called chamber of bliss. Dread, in feeling so deprived around those so depraved.[break][break]

"We win," she paused with a soft, guttural cough, speaking quietly into the ear of her cellmate, ".. and we share everything when the eyes are not upon us.."[break][break]

The virtue of survival led her to want to work to satisfy- but the selfishness, the spoiled heart that pittered and pattered inside of her chest's walls, led her to wish to be the one to go to the chamber. She wanted to know what rested inside- what desires would be given sustenance, what hints at where they existed would be sprawled against the walls and inside their cracks. Perhaps inside, there would be something able to assist them in the breaking of chains rather than stolen, sharp materials.[break][break]

A pull to stealing a sharp rock as a means to have some kind of defense was there as she slowly, shakily approached the center to avoid the whip of the shackle. But she wished to wait and see what would happen- taking items like those to use for personal benefit, smuggling, was better suited for the second or third time. If, in the end, there would be a second or third time to wander from the small single-cot quarters they were made to live in.[break][break]

Desiree sorted as quickly as she could, clenching her teeth as she watched the sharper parts of the stones protrude into the skin of her palms. She wished to achieve as much as she could to give gratification to her captors- to give an edge, to stand out for the better reason rather than the worst. She wanted to make them love her.. and for them to bite those feelings when the time came. Her focus on the task, alongside the pangs of nausea and toxicity, led her to not look up at the sea of the others that were masked.[break][break]

One was not due freedom any more than the other. She silently wept behind the mask, fearing that the hands that encountered similar cuts and stabs were those that had one day graced her cheek. One looked similar to 's when he held the cigarillo.. but she wished for it to be otherwise. The anticipated pain prevented her from looking up to match the characteristics.. just as it prevented her from seeing that it was who went to go use the restroom, and not just someone who had the same tone of voice.[break][break]

But she was paranoid- and it gave her all the more reasons to seek the freedom of them all. Regardless if it was them or not, which she forced herself to leave unconfirmed, they were still just as deserving to feel love in their hearts rather than toxicity granted by the chain of the alleged never-rot.[break][break]


(cc: )[break][break]
♡ DUMMY WARD ♡[break]
♡ it feels as if she is rotting, watching everything unfold- the monkey, the kill, the words. pain. ♡[break]
♡ but the game has begun. tries sooo hard throughout this post to present calm even though she is weeping and experiencing emo damage behind da mask. ♡[break]
♡ hesitation with eating mochi- but doesn't wanna be pulped. eats her fill. ♡[break]
♡ and wants to win to see desire chamber BAD for survival and selfishness.. expresses to jack hehe. ♡[break]
♡ approaches center slowly and gets to work. ♡[break]
♡ considers stealing shard for weapon but refrains for now. ♡[break]
♡ it hurts.. but she tries to trek through all the stabbing on the hands and sorts as quickly as she can. ♡[break]
♡ one hand looks like howard's and a voice sounds like andrea's.. but the anticipated pain leads her to not look up to confirm or deny. ♡[break]
♡ the captives are deserving of love and freedom regardless. and it would hurt too much to know. ♡


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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December 26
Slateport City
6"1' height
6"1' height
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2024 21:09:24 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Grigori joined the stranger at the bars, but did nothing but cross his arms and take stock of the environment. Those Megalopolans would surely wish to brain him, like he’d done to one of their comrades. Hell, he still had the hammer used to do the job. They saw that in his hands, he’d likely be put on a stake and brought to a golden brown.

I would not tempt fate with your pleas,” he said. “These guards might see you as a liability.

But there were plenty of people. Prisoners, None were immediately identifiable, but he heard plenty of screams from them all. And a massive, elegant bird. Ugly Ward?

Must’ve been a metaphorical ‘ugly’ they saw in him. He saw in himself. Unfortunately, despite his lack of desire to do certain acts, many desired to with him. It was annoying to turn them all down. But he couldn’t turn down the prospect of ‘lunch’, given in the form of mochi. He eyeballed the strange, purple rice sweet with a raised eyebrow.

Before he could react, some stranger voiced Grigori’s own personal doubts. Unfortunately, he had a good enough view to see the bird approach the cell and… do something. He didn’t know, but someone wouldn’t mangle themselves beyond recognition to worm past the bars to get closer to their demise, in the form of a single strike from its wing.

He ate a singular mochi and left the rest rot.

Outside, he quickly fell to his knees and picked up the first shard once the designated Megalopolan gave them orders. He was good at that, following orders. All he had to do was polish the shards? Sure.

But, quite obviously, there was a catch. Do the best, and he could see two other people in the ward. There was extreme danger there, but also extreme reward. If they were here for longer than a single day, then they could ‘meet up’. Make connections. Plot. All the better if there was at least one familiar Rocket face.

So he kept his eyes mostly down and focused on the shards. But they did wander, to the few groups on either side of him and . On the left were three main culprits, but they were all only vaguely familiar. Like he’d seen their eyes before, their body types, but had no way to know for sure. Impossible to truly predict who they were.

But the right… he knew those eyes anywhere. Sure, he could still be wrong, but it meant his own eyes occasionally flickered to the right, to the one man he loathed, but also was genuinely glad to know suffered the same fate. Was at the exact same rank as he. If that was there, then he could rest easy knowing this wasn’t hell.

That man would be suffering far, far worse than the grunt, if that were the case.

 - Ugly ward? Internal ugliness counted
 - Oh hey maybe don't grab the bars you might end up like that
 - Oh god oh fuck that guys fucking dead that's so fucked up
 - A good grunt gets to work without complains, and he's had 31 years of experience (Wants to get into that three person meeting to help strategize, in case it matters)
 - Doesn't recognize anyone on the left, but he could never forget the eyes of (but there is always a chance he is wrong, so he doesn't call out(Get FUCKED Zev I'll out BUSY WORK YOU ANY DAY OF THE WEEK THIS IS MY PRIME))

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september 12
hammerlocke, galar
but you know
that you're toxic
5'5" height
5'5" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
238 posts
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TAG WITH @diana
Diana Cavendish
POSTED ON Apr 8, 2024 21:13:06 GMT
Diana Cavendish Avatar
[attr="class","diana"]Their other cellmate finally wakes up, joining them with their conundrum. Diana couldn't tell who the others were by voice or name, though she supposed she'd get to know them sooner than later.

"Diana. My name is Diana," she added.

But she didn't have much longer to speak, as the guards surrounded the cells and began to speak. A bird was brought out as if it was like royalty. A Pokemon she'd never seen before, preening away at its feathers. It seemed to care about its appearance, which seemed to make since that it was running the newly named "Ugly Ward."

"Why are we in the Ugly Ward?" Diana muttered beneath her breath. She didn't consider herself unattractive.

And how did they wrong them? Once more, she didn't have much time to consider it, when there was an uproar from a nearby cell. Someone was spitting insults and curses angrily, until —

She gasped, looking away quickly as the individual was silenced. "Oh, gods! Oh, gods, save us!" she prayed. She never prayed.

If that was her fate, then she ate the mochi when it was delivered. Thankfully, it didn't taste disgusting. Work was announced. Tera shards appeared. Her new love, now a thorn in her side. So, she began to work, sitting silently as though she was afraid that speaking would draw attention to her.

Until spoke. "I've never seen it before. ?"

[attr="class","dianatag"] &
- introduces herself
- "why am i in the ugly ward"
- terrified of FEZANDIPITI
- eats the mochi yum yum
- cleans the tera shards
- converses with her cellmates
[googlefont="Nunito"][googlefont="Quattrocento"][newclass=.diana] width:370px;background-color:#232323;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:13px;line-height:16px;letter-spacing:.5px; margin: 0 auto; font-family:nunito, sans-serif; border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px; [/newclass][newclass=.diana b] color: #A59DED; font-size: 13px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-weight: 700; [/newclass][newclass=.diana i] color: #888; [/newclass][newclass=.diana u] text-decoration: none; font: bold 10px Quattrocento Sans; letter-spacing: 3px; color: #666666; text-transform: uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=.dianatag a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass][newclass=.dianatag] padding: 15px 44px 15px 45px; background-color: #2b2b2b; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 0px; margin-top: -30px; width: 369px; text-align: right; border-bottom: solid 1px #232323; border-left: solid 1px #232323; border-right: solid 1px #232323; border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px; [/newclass]
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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,329 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2024 1:00:45 GMT

As ungraciously as he'd expect from , watched as the admin made their way to his cot and plopped right down, sandals kicked up and all. He didn't protest, but simply laid an absentminded hand over the other's shins while still continuing the conversation, "Nothing. I just get choked if I try."[break][break]

The TOXIC CHAIN around their necks was meant to constrict and debilitate. He could only assume that their escape hinged upon the removal of these chains.[break][break]

As if on cue, a new source of information presented itself to the three ROCKETs. The mechanical whir of the platform was an enticing enough sound to goad to stand and observe near the bars of their cell. To his surprise, an elegantly avian Pokémon appeared, seemingly orchestrating the MEGALOPOLAN jailers to carry out its whims. [break][break]

Mochi. The wronged returning to where they belong. Three Day War. All familiar tidbits in their own way. But the never-rot? That was new.[break][break]

As if to punctuate the alien's little speech and emphasize the gravity of their current situation, the entire ward was host to the punishment doled out by the odd avian Pokémon. Barnaby observed, unflinching, as the prisoner succumbed to their gruesome fate. He noted the strange way the man had been lured through the bars at the expense of his body and how cleanly the bird had finished him off.[break][break]

His body stiffened, face grim behind the mask.[break][break]

Something to be aware of for the future, then, should they need to deal with the creature. In the meantime, the MOCHI slid sickeningly sweet down his throat, leaving only their prescribed work left to do. The bars shift and tether them to a short lead.[break][break]

"Let's lay low for now. Get our bearings. See if we can recognize anyone else here with us," He suggests lowly to and , out of earshot of their jailers, before stepping into the center of the ward and taking stock of those around him.[break][break]

Almost immediately, he noticed a familiar burn mark on the thigh of a nearby woman. The outraged screams from earlier were confirmed to be from , too, who worked with close beside him. Barnaby also thought he recognized the figure of , though he couldn't be sure from this distance.[break][break]

After a moment of consideration, he chose to pick his way over to and casually polish crystals near her, whispering under his breath, "It seems we're lost, little lamb."[break][break]



UGLY WARD [break][break]

• 1x salac berry used[break]
• takes mental notes of everything[break]
• eats his mochi like a good boy[break]
• suggests to fern & jayden that they lay low for now[break]
• recognizes elisa, zev, nenet & maybe theo[break]
• approaches elisa with a phrase she should recognize



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[newclass=.barnaby-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: lowercase; color: #796477; [/newclass]
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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,969 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2024 2:34:59 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Continued from here...

Oscar nodded lightly, letting out a impressed whistle. He was playing it cool, but if he were not wearing a mask it would have been fairly obvious that he was freaking out. He was sharing a cell with an Elite Four member? A deathly ill Elite Four member? Oscar could not decide if this meant he was lucky or unlucky; on one hand this provided him a superb opportunity to provide a devastating blow to the League but on the other...

It was not right, taking advantage of his current state. Oscar had what could be charitably called shit tier values, but even he had lines he did not cross. Yet he somehow remained undecided, open to the possibility of taking out such a valuable League asset to reinsert himself into Rocket's power structure. For now, he would continue to play the guardian angel.

"I was wonderin' who was gonna replace Callan." He said casually, not skipping a beat in the conversation. His training was serving him well. "You know, I've been meaning to challenge--" Oscar was cut off as a thunderous noise came from the center of the ward. Oscar twirled around, watching carefully to see what was transpiring. It took some time, but eventually the center platform descended to reveal their warden. Oscar relayed what he saw to Navy in a hushed tone.

"Their leader seems to be--a large bird pokemon--or at least the megalopolans are treating it like their leader. I don't recognize it. It bears a resemblance to our masks though." Oscar took note of the crates, balking as he read their labels. "Ugly ward--ugly? Ugly!?" Were they implying that Oscar was--no that was not possible. I mean Oscar was not conventionally attractive by any means but he certainly was not ugly. Perhaps they meant the actual physical appearance of the ward, which was indeed very ugly. Yes that must be it, they were simply being literal. Oscar almost felt silly for getting flustered.

Trays of bizarre pastries were brought to each cell. As they were delivered, one of the megalopolans would provide an introduction. Oscar would simply let Navy listen to the spiel himself, his ears still worked fine after all. As angry cries rang out in response, Oscar took a closer look at their food. They were not pastries it turned out, but rather large helpings of mochi ice cream. "How curious..." Oscar said while rubbing the chin of his mask. How come they looked both enticing and revolting?

Then the bird made an example out of one of the prisoners. Oscar looked up just in time to watch the gruesome scene, gasping as he watched the poor fucker turn himself into a human pretzel. Oscar was rightfully horrified, being able to do nothing else but mutter "Holy fuck..." as a reaction. If that was what awaited dissenters, Oscar would make no attempt to rebel--for now. As he saw others eat the mochi, Oscar would pick up their cell's tray and push it onto the desk in front of Navy. "Our warden just willed a man to break his own body, so we should do as they say. Eat up." Oscar grabbed a mochi and ate it without hesitation. It was sickeningly sweet, satisfying yet it left a heavy feeling within his stomach. As his chain morphed into the bars, Oscar began making movements to help Navy over to their work.

"Come one, I'm guessing you won't be getting any special treatment for being sick." As Oscar prepped Navy, he would briefly try to get a roster of recognizable allies going. The only person he could name was , whose voice was unmistakable. Perhaps other Rockets would be able to pick out Oscar and they could all form a plan to escape--eventually.


--Oscar freaks out internally about 's identity.
--Oscar watches the introduction and is Not down with the sickness.
--Oscar downs the mochi yum yum.
--Oscar helps Navy get over to their work so he does not get killed.
--Oscar hopes other Rockets within the ward will be able to recognize him.
--Ugly ward is ugly
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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2024 3:29:45 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

others come to all around them and soon the cells are a mix of violent threats and terrified screams. freya's cellmate, thankfully, doesn't lapse into despair, but curiously enough turns her interest towards one of the megalopolans. 

she shakes her head. "no, but i know of a couple who were there." 's incessant obsessive fears about them had made them wander down into the long dark of the ultra deep sea.

"they might be building another," she answers. bits of the ship they'd found on the quaestor lucis, pulled away seamlessly. "we think they want to - " but she's cut off by the arrival of their wardens. she turns with renewed interest, though tucks away the information she's just learned about her cellmate (useful in combat ((hopefully)). 

every bit of her wants to snarl and spit and summon fire, but she's stripped of her sygna suit, her dragons, her bow. all she's left is her pride, but even that must be stomached as she teethes at the chewy, poisonous food. with the alternative to slow and painful poison being an instant and bloody death, she'll take the former. 

she gestures for her cellmate to do the same.

"they seem as though their minds are their own," she says, voice low, grimacing as their toxic chains draw them to their cell bars. "so we bide our time. find allies."

work tumbling tera stones until their palms are scabbed and aching. she watches the guards, their rounds, waiting until they can make snippets freely. 

"the crystals. can we fashion them into anything? if we're careful?"

ugly ward
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January 25th
6'1 height
6'1 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @nimbus
Laurence Whateley
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2024 3:52:34 GMT
Laurence Whateley Avatar
"I'd say in any other circumstances it's nice to meet you Alba--"

There'd be little time to respond with his name before their attention would be diverted towards the sound of a bulky platform descending, eyes landing right on a primate and its avian companion, both unfamiliar faces, but what tied them together was the way the same chains they wore had been only like accessories to them. Laurence swallowed his bated breath; this did not spell anything good for them. Those were the exact same chains he’d tried learning about…The question would be, whether they were the ones who pulled the strings.

Laurence could only watch as the crate slowly approached them and hit the ground with a careless rumble that made the doctor jump. Munkidori hopped off the platform with its mischievous grin, its eyes glancing over Laurence and Alba as its henchmen came forward, giving their introduction of what could only be the group of Pokémon they'd seen earlier.

Everything the henchman said had almost left Laurence at a loss for words, he had no idea what the three-day war could have been, nor the destruction that it could have wreaked on the Pokemon, however, seeing that he had been captured, clearly they had been indiscriminately taking in any sort of person. It mattered not if hands were directly in the demise of them or not, every hoennite had their hands stained in whatever blood was shed.

Alba's quiet rebuttal admittedly has Laurence raise a hand to almost try to silence him, the sight of a live execution enough to make any man want to hide from whatever sick spotlight Munkidori had shone on the unfortunate victim.

“That is not what they think…And seeing how we’re in this situation, I can’t say we have much to argue about right now either.”

Laurence whispered under his breath, hoping Alba would catch wind of what had been said and quiet down a bit, for fear of getting the same treatment. He’d quietly wait as the Megalopolans fished out the items from the boxes, the same sickly purple mochi that had been found at the scene of various previous issues he’d seen. The Venusaur, the Ariados…He’d take another breath, remembering the effects on the patients, the rumors: Moodswings, Paling of the Face, Heterochromia. It was all the reason more to not to eat them…But he had little choice.

The bite hadn’t been as horrid as he’d thought, the taste almost pleasant had it not been that he could feel his pulse heighten, the tightness of his neck increasing as he could feel it connect to the bars of the prison cell bars. Another discovery, another issue. When it came time for their tasks, Laurence quietly got to his, without complaint, rather as he worked, his hands brutally suffering from no gloves, he simply eyes about, trying to find any familiar faces in the ward who would be brave enough to repeatedly go towards the center of the ward. However, it is only then that he hears Alba’s request for his name. He seemed to have forgotten.

“Laurence. The name is Laurence.”

He tries to say it without much of a concern in his tone, though it fails. Rather, as he speaks, he finds Alba hunched over the crystals and whispering his pleas to them, bringing back the fuzzy and vague memory of , and his claim of wishes of humanity…

* Laurence says hello to Alba
* Laurence witnesses a murder 
* Laurence eats Mochi
* Laurence decides that he will do his work, for fear that he will be next.
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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
87 height
650 posts
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2024 4:09:19 GMT
Ettie Avatar
Ettie's worldview was a simple one; a person came in one of four categories; friend/family, foe, predator, or prey. Someone was a potential ally or packmate, an intruder or competitor, something to be avoided and feared, or ultimately something to be hunted down and eaten. Those four categories were all that a wolf needed to worry about, after all.

The strange monkey pokemon, that came down the elevator, was a predator. Something that became quickly apparent, when said simian made an example out of one of their fellow prisoners. Ettie, though somewhat shaken at the sight, was not necessarily sickened. She was no stranger to blood and gore; although to understand that this one could end a person's life so easily...

... Munkidori was a predator - and Ettie could only hope that she wasn't to be prey.

Thus, as the mochi is dispensed, she eats. She does not trust the food, knowing the troubles that had occured in the days that led up to this, knowing that vague sense of ill that the poisonous anomalies had caused... And yet, despite the pattern recognition telling her that this was something to be avoided, the alternative - to starve, or even die - forced her to push down those instincts.

And as the way forward became clear with a tethered chain, Ettie would follow to the pile of shards and stones.

In contrast to him, Ettie had a somewhat easier time in plucking out the shards. Her fingers were deft - being no stranger to plucking berries from bramble bushes and the like - and when she did get scraped or cut, she'd manage to keep her reactions to a wince.

But, this did not spare her from her own shards mysteriously disappearing, when she turned away from the pile she had accumulated for but a moment. She is left glancing around in confusion, until she hears Munkidori's snicker - and she understands then. She dares not even meet its gaze though, simply allowing herself to appear small and uninteresting as she ducks her head to try and start up a new pile of shards - this one more carefully kept.

As Andrew speaks, she glances to him - and it's hard for her to place what sort of expression she must have right now, besides the need to avoid drawing the warden's attention as much as possible. "Is okay," She eventually responds - her voice low, soft. "Will stay safe... Will avoid being prey..."

But, there soon comes the sounds of a tumble; and Ettie looks to the side to see as another young girl is picking herself up - scraped from the rocks and shards that she had fell upon. Sympathy fills Ettie, and she spares Andrew but a brief glance - "I help friends," - before making her way to .

Her approach is careful, ginger, as if Eris were as much a skittish prey-animal as Ettie felt in this place. But as the wolfchild nears, she settles in next to the other to help Eris sort out the shards. "Is okay?" Ettie asks, briefly looking her up and down. "Ettie help."

Perhaps Ettie could keep an eye out, so that the both of them would be better prepared the next time Munkidori tried to interfere.
- Dummy Ward
- Ettie is spooked by Munkidori killing someone, but not necessarily sickened; she is used to blood/gore from hunting.
- Is used to scrapes/scratches + good at plucking berries out from bramble bushes, so does a decent job of sorting...
- ... But the monkey steals and misplaces Ettie's shards when noone's looking, causing her confusion.
- When speaks to her, she reassures him that she's okay, will stay safe, and will avoid 'being prey'.
- Sees take a tumble, and carefully joins her side to check on her and help her gather shards. Hopes that by keeping an eye out for Munkidori, that she can mitigate any mischief towards herself or Eris.
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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
553 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2024 4:57:26 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar


Imprisoned Investigator--Prison Sucks

Ever seemed like he couldn't give up the theory that the Megalopolans were all behind this and that they were all merely waiting to be eaten up. Elaine could not help but want to tear down that theory.

But now isn't the time for that.

Elaine took a deep sigh. She could probably present a good argument against it, but there was no need to be striking out someone else's possibilities just yet. What they truly lacked here was information and until they could get that, the amount of possibilites that they could come up with for what was happening was sorely limited.

"Who knows?" Elaine shrugged before leaning back against the wall and crossing her arms. "I'm sure whoever is behind this will make themselves known eventually."

As whirring reverberated throughout the ward, the platform began to descend. "And speak of the"

Despite her attempt at trying to make light of her timing, she found herself stopping as she saw what had been coming down on the platform. Three Pokemon, each wearing a chain had descended with the platform before it stopped on the ground.

As she watched what was going, she could hardly believe it. The largest one pulled out several crates that read 'For the Weakling Ward' before it remained off the platform.

If it weren't for the fact that they were behind bars, Elaine would have taken offense to the insinuation by someone else that she was weak. That judgement belonged to her and her alone.

Regardless, the platform once again began to descend, this time until it disappeared from view, taking the other two Pokemon--a bird-like one and a monke--along with it.

If one Pokemon left boxes here and stayed, that meant there was a chance that the other two would probably be doing the same down below. That meant there were definitely two floors down below, probably with prisoners themselves, though she was unable to catch the names of the other wards on the crates before they descended. On top of that, there was a chance that there were others on higher floors.

Cataloging what she had come to deduce about the structure they were all in, she listened to the greeting from the Megalopolan who clearly looked to be nothing more than a puppet as it spoke.

Wronged this creature? Three-Day war? Elaine had no idea what the representative was talking about considering this was the first time she had ever seen these creatures and even the chains that wrapped around them. It was not the first time she had been part of a group blamed for some great evil, but it still made her blood boil.

She clenched her fist, but before she could slam it into something and shout out, a cacophony erupted elsewhere. One had slammed the tray presented to them to the ground. And as quickly as they rebelled, they were immediately brutalized.

Elaine was a detective. She had seen her fair share of mutilated corpses and had seen many mutilations in progress before, but witnessing the act in person would have been enough to make her take a step back if she hadn't already had her back to a wall.

She grit her teeth as she let her fist unfurl. She had just barely been saved for a similar fate by someone else who had taken the punishment before she could transgress.

After calming down for a moment, Elaine had come to understand something. They could not rebel. Yet.

They did not have the strength to oppose their captors yet.

They had to bide their time. They needed to wait for their opportunity.

So, she silently ate the mochi. Elaine must not have had a meal in a while because the food she had just eaten almost resembled ambrosia at this point.

After the chains extended from their necks to the cell doors, she heeded the instructions the entire ward had been given.

"Well, we have no tools, so that's probably the best way to deal with it." Elaine sighed as she walked towards one of the nearest crates. As she did, her eyes trailed across the entire space. Numerous people had already walked out of their cells and had begun to chip away at their work. Above them was a strange light that felt a bit too omnimpresent for her liking. And then to her side was the corpse of the one who had been brutalized laying on the ground, untouched.

She was almost tempted to take one of the bones with her and fashion it into a knife using the wall or the ground. The thought of desecrating a corpse like that was not a welcome one but definitely one she had to consider.

However, she could also see a couple of others trying to pocket objects. There was no point in being the guinea pig yet. She had no idea if they would frisk everyone before they returned to their cells or even search their cells.

In other words, she needed to let the others be the test run for this while she remained in a safe-ish zone for now.

Getting to work, she began to sit on the ground and smash the rocks into the ground and against each other just like her cellmate had suggested. It was a solid idea, so she was hardly surpised when she was getting some semblance of chipping and fragmenting done.

"If only that were the case. I'd love nothing more for that desire to be returning to home but I doubt our captors are going to make it that easy to leave." The other young man was hopeful, but even he could clearly see that the situation needed a bit more objectivity to it.

As she stood up after getting enough fragments to return to a nearby crate, she looked at Ever. "For the time being, let's make sure we keep compliant. There's no safe zone here and they all can probably hear anything that has a hint of rebelliousness in it so just keep a watch of what you say and do. At least for now."

As she had finished saying that and dumping the shards she had already been able to create, she saw something in the corner of her vision that made her eyes widen.

Okidogi had grasped her chain a mere few feet away and immediately began to pull. As she found herself lifted upon the ground and flying, she felt like her breath had been squeezed out of her throat, but it wasn't over. The green Pokemon immediately tackled her, causing her to fly in the opposite direction.

As she flew, she could see it let go of the chain, start laughing and pointing at her. Had it deemed even what she said another sign of rebellion or had it been merely trying to mess around with her as it was everyone else?

The answer didn't matter as she slammed against the side of another crate a few yards away, causing it to tip over. As it did, she rolled over the side that then became its top before landing on the pile of rocks that had fallen over from within.

"Agh...." She couldn't even muster a cry of pain. It was hardly the worst thing she had faced. She had once been flung onto the surface of a meteorite before so hard she tore up her shoulder, arm, and chest. Compared to that, this was nowhere near that level.

As she caught her breath enough to sigh, she got back up off the ground and stretched a bit till she felt like she could move again before pulling the crate back up to the proper orientation and tossing everything that had fallen out back in.

As soon as she finished, she had caught sight of something--or someone--familiar. Long silver hair and long black hair. What were the odds that the two of them were both in each others' viscinities.

"Violet? Kyr?" She uttered both their names as she walked up to the ones she could swore she had recognized. Seeing friends she knew at this point was a greater ambrosia than even the mochi had been--even if it meant people close to her had been trapped too. "Is that really you?"

But she could still just reach out and hug them. In fact, she damn well tried.

  • Weakling Ward
  • Elaine considers creating a bone knife from the corpse's bones but opts to watch what happens to anyone else who attempts to smuggle something
  • Complies and agrees with Ever on how to proceed
  • Tells Ever there is no real safe space right now and that they need to bide their time
  • Gets tackled by Okidogi and smashes into a different crate
  • Recognizes and and ends up running to give the two of them a hug.

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played by


Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,931 posts
part of
TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2024 5:37:02 GMT
Navy Avatar







He has always been a good listener. A monster looming high in his memories demands he listen. To speak up in that monster’s house is to invite pain – upon himself, or upon the woman his virtue killed.[break][break]
Hunched over the desk, he hears the sounds of bones break. In some distant epoch, an alien calls him ugly. It is true. There is so much truth in the statement that it makes him smile beneath the mask.[break][break]
Oscar slides over the mochi. Navy has studied the stuff. He gave a healthy helping of it to Eva and Illeana in the lab. He remembers the results. This stuff is poison. Only a fool would eat this. Only idiots drink from a poisoned chalice, knowing it is poisoned…[break][break]
He wishes he could say he was the bigger man. He wishes he could stand tall, a true warrior. Raising his raging fists, he would beat their unseen warden senseless. They would all go free. An early curtain call.[break][break]
Navy eats the mochi without a word. Upon taking the first bite, he realizes how ravenous his hungry truly is. It’s like there’s a hole in his stomach. He fills that hole with all of the mochi. There is no trick here, there is simple candid hunger.[break][break]
His chains coil so sweetly. They offer him false liberation, the freedom to walk a few more steps. Even that, he can’t manage. Navy clings to Oscar like he’ll never stand up again if he lets go. Eventually, he sits down at a work station.[break][break]
Work is a blur. Everything is a fog. His head tilts. Strange dreams, whole stories born of his imagination spin to meandering conclusions. Others are familiar tales, autumn winds of distant days.[break][break]
He remembers making love to when he should have known better. He remembers the first time sang for him. Long ago capers with , , and fill his mind. Dreams of the past, when the world was simple and men were made of stronger steel.[break][break]
And all the while, his single stone sits unpolished. Not an ounce of progress has been made, save his hands making a small swirling pattern. Again and again, he cleans the same patch. He softly mumbles to himself, words.[break][break]
C-Callan’s…seat…yeah…” The mochi did not help. It simply reminded him how starved he is. “Someone’s…gotta fill it. Someone’s gotta keep fighting.”[break][break]
He doesn’t know who he’s talking to. He simply polishes his stone with fanatic fervor.[break][break]
Someone’s got to keep the flag flying.”[break][break]
His lax efforts have caught the eye of a being that might as well be his god in this place. The warden stops. It is beautiful, an unfurling tapestry of rich colors and opulent scents. Every creature he has ever seen, in this haze of mochi and fever, is ugly compared to this god-king.[break][break]
And it is displeased. Its eyes fall on the stone. A simple flick of a feather sends the stone flying from the Elite’s hand. Any attempt at intervention is met with cold eyes.[break][break]
Navy has to pick it up. Standing up, he looks up at the warden. Navy is a warrior. Blood seeped into his soul long ago. He has fought worse than this god-king.[break][break]
Yet, he turns. He bends down, practically sprawled onto the floor. He picks up the stone and the warden moves on. Only here does he see a glint of white hair from behind one mask and silver from another.[break][break]
B-Baki…? Freya…?” The guards haul him up, throw him back in the seat.[break][break]
There is still work to do.


notes about this post

Navy listens intently to Oscar and what happens outside the cell. He is slipping in and out of consciousness, experiencing fever dreams. When the mochi is offered, he eats it without resistance. In fact, he eats every single bite Oscar doesn't. Afterwards, he is helped out into the work yard. Navy is too sick to do any work. This angers Fezandipiti, who knocks a stone from his hand and makes him walk to pick it up. When he reaches for the stone, he recognizes and by their distinct hair. Returns to his work station. Per Shiv permission, Navy fails/rolls a natural 1 for this round.

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