i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,333 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 1:54:16 GMT

Despite and 's twilit union and the dazzling spectacle that was the wardens' trio of crystalline masks, the only light could see was deep, delicious magenta.[break][break]

The sheer amount of DYNERGY swirling around the battlefield was a dizzying indulgence. This, coupled with the sight of so many DYNAMAXED Pokémon fighting on their side of the conflict — both ROCKET and LEAGUE alike — emboldened The Infernal to act.[break][break]

The Loyal Three failed to impress in the face of their wards' combined opposition.[break][break]

However, Barnaby's hubris immediately cooled upon seeing a barrage of familiar-looking mochi flying his way. In an explosion of fine powder, saccharine poison from the NEVER-ROT itself claimed him once again, tinging his vision a hazy lavender. MOLTRES was comparably affected, but spread its wings wide in preparation to attack nonetheless.[break][break]

In an eerily similar fashion and nearly synchronized in its display, Barnaby raised his arms, too.[break][break]

Barnaby can unleash a powerful burst of shadow-infused flames ONCE PER THREAD, creating a persisting area of effect that damages enemies and hinders movement by inflicting deep fatigue.

Magenta intermingled with shadow as towering flames sprung up from a twofold source: MOLTRES with its FIERY WRATH and himself, funneling his patron's energy into an inferno made personally for MUNKIDORI. [break][break]



UGLY WARD [break][break]

• mask is still on[break]
• poisoned 💀[break]
• barnaby uses his shadow flames on munkidori[break]
• moltres uses FIERY WRATH on munkidori[break]



[newclass=.barnaby-wrap] margin: 0 auto; width: 420px; background-color: #272727; box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #333333,-2px 2px 0px #333333,2px -2px 0px #333333,-2px -2px 0px #333333; border: solid 1px #232323; border-radius:3px; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.barnaby-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: lowercase; color: #796477; [/newclass]
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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
part of
TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 2:09:17 GMT

there's a breaking point. [break][break]

a breaking point to madness and a breaking point to violence. surely, because even hell had its own standards to absurdity (hoenn isn't that kind; the megalopeons are not saints; they're human (or adjacent) like them, clinging onto what little hope they may have. they're no different from those who'd choose to sacrifice an unknown to protect themselves. they're no different from her).[break][break]

okidoki tries to instill fear with an overbearing presence, but the mind games it tries to play on her mind only worked when she wore the mask. the chains no longer shackle her and, frankly, she's felt worse. their display of domination feels more like an attempt to intimidate and, despite knowing it could very easily beat many of them to a pulp, she feels no fear. it's foolishness, or the exhaustion finally reaching fatigue. frankly, she couldn't care. she doesn't. [break][break]

munkidori sat, patient, though the large head makes it look ridiculous. marisol knows, after all - the genius mind is made a fool when intelligence is drowned by greed. munkidori is no different and, despite the strong psychic powers its shown, she can't help but to let out a chuckle seeing the ridiculous display (she'd point and laugh, had she the energy. it'll have to be buried between the crevices of her brain). [break][break]

fezendipiti was a bird, who was pretty in its own right. that's it. it tries to charm and lure others with the beauty, to other people's deaths. she has a personal stake against the dog, but there's something about it, still, that irritates her. maybe it was the way it tried to lure people to their deaths with its charm - it reminded her so much of someone. however for better or for worse, she's met someone just as charming. she's met someone just as lovely, but the danger from him was so, so much more painful - at least they lured people into an immediate death. [break][break]

she laughs, internally, at three of them. [break][break]

to be able to laugh means she's retained enough sanity to find this amusing, or she's already lost her mind, or self soothing. did it matter? [break][break]

her attention is quickly grabbed, seeing throughout the carnage. though she kept an eye on , she can't just leave a child out in the middle of a battle field - she already feels guilty as is for leaving her to fend for herself as they all descended to the lower floors. "mimi!" she calls out, sharply, hoping to grab her attention. the remnants of PROTECT don't last much longer, but it should facilitate a relatively smooth run. [break][break]

though she wanted nothing more than to protect the young lady, her eyes snap to a giant okidogi, who threatens to thrash the prison itself. she can't protect something that's been plummeted, now could she? the mega keystone shines through deeper, greyed hair, reclipped to her ear after she's retrieved the stone. a bright, pinkish hue resonates with the GARDEVOIR, wrapping her in fabrics of light, to adorn her in a larger dress and wrap her arms in the guards. [break][break]

"psychic on the bird!" she yells out toe the gardevoir, whose eyes glow a bright blue, aiming the waves of PSYCHIC towards the mark of it - much like many of the other people.



- reunites with , protecc the bean[break]
- acting as back-up for , but she's a healer and also-[break]
- GARDEVOIR mega evolves![break]
- fucku dog[break]
- praying no poison praying no poison praying no poi-- (pre-emptive fUCK)




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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 2:22:29 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]Unfortunately, Isaac wasn't the only one aiming to try and get the drop on the competition. Doubly unfortunately, the three wardens decided to take that idea far more literally. Before Isaac could so much as slip away from the room of Megalopian civilians and purloined gear, they decided to make a real big entrance.[break][break]


Well, piss. Not like Isaac could get away now. It was one thing to leave Hoenn alone with a bunch of children, infirm, and elderly. It was another to leave them alone with not one but three Godzillas. It looked like he was going to have to cut his ambitions short and jump into the fray.[break][break]

As much as Isaac would have loved to get his revenge on the monkey, he seemed thoroughly handled. Indeed, he was the second to be dogpiled, the population of Hoenn systematically going from legend to legend in a mad quest to beat down their former captors. Avatar powers, Dynamaxes, Terastalizations, they used their freshly-reclaimed tools with reckless abandon.[break][break]

Perhaps a little too reckless.[break][break]

As the Hoennites focused their efforts on two of the legends, a third stood tall; the pheasant with a waterlogged mask. He was under fire, sure, but much less so than his compatriots. Where they would be pinned down, he would be free to work his wicked ways. It was obvious what the dog could do, and Isaac knew all too well what the monkey was capable of. What would this unknown get away with if given the chance?[break][break]

He'd just have to not let that happen. Still shrouded in wind, Isaac decided to give a new strategy a try. He beelined not for the battlefield, but instead for the familiar sloped body of 's Aggron. Like a reverse Fred Flintstone, he began his climb, the winds tracing a path along its long, supportive tail and hunched, sloping shoulders.[break][break]

It was its helmet, the horn pointed upward and outward like a ramp at a stunt show, that would finally bring Isaac's plan to fruition. Between the towering Dynamax's height, and his weightless, wind-swept body, Isaac would have all the hangtime in the world to himself. As he sailed through the air, his destination was clear:[break][break]

The Wellspring Mask, its tears shimmering and wet and its hair the color of Suicune's fur.[break][break]

As Isaac's windy body caressed the mask's eyehole, he knew it was time to get to work. His fingers wrapped around the curves hole, using it as a makeshift handhold. Just the effort of trying to hold on left his arm straining like crazy, but he couldn't pass this chance up. Not until he had a chance to work his ways.[break][break]

With his other hand, he focused all of his efforts on trying to draw as much water from the Wellspring Mask as possible. It was fueled by Dynergy. It was fueled by Tera Energy. It was fueled by whatever the hell was coursing through the Poison Chain. Even tapping into it for but a moment would probably risk stopping his heart. But it didn't matter. Isaac needed it. He needed every bit he could siphon before the Fezandipiti could shake him off. He needed to make this one and only shot count.[break][break]

Once Isaac could hold on no longer, he'd bend the water right back at its ill-begotten master. He could only hope that the riptide he'd unleash on the legend would be worth the danger.[break][break]


TEAL DEER;[break]
Scouting run cancelled on account of kaiju.[break]
Isaac uses his windy body to vault off of Genny's Aggron, for all the world seeming like little more than a current of ventilation.[break]
He does this to get as close to the Fezandipiti, and the Wellspring Mask, as possible.[break]
Once there, he tries to bend as much water out of the mask as possible, then turn it back upon Fezandipiti before he falls.

TAG — @ [break]
NOTES — notes go here

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,969 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 2:46:58 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
The army of trainers faced off against three titanic wardens. The trio's masks glistened with unearned power, and the sight of the cocky bastards grinning as they held them aloft made Oscar's blood boil. He and Abner pushed forward beside Navy, watching through the endless sea of attacks for an opportunity to unleash one of their own.

Out of the three targets, Oscar had his eyes locked onto his former warden: Fezandipiti. Its smug smile taunted the fuming scientist from behind its mask, the very same that earlier revealed his deepest desire. Yet desires are fickle things that tend to change from day to day. While staring upon that blasted crying mask, all Oscar could think about wanting was seeing that bird die.

Navy unleashed some sort of bizarre sygna suit effect that enhanced fighting type moves. As Abner felt his muscles solidifying into abject perfection, Oscar knew the time to attack had finally come. Oscar pointed to the peacocking fowl, "Abner, fry that turkey!" The ursine titan roared, clapping his hands together with staggering force. As he pulled them apart, an orb would form within the gap between them. Abner pulled back before chucking the Aura Sphere directly at the bird--its impact inevitable.

Oscar's eyes could not help but drift away from his pokemon's attacks to his fellow fighters. A lot of them were performing awesome combos and working together, while he stood alone. Oscar frowned, "Damn I'm slacking."


--Empowered by 's Type Field:Fighting, Mega Urshifu uses Aura Sphere on Fezandipiti.

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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,087 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 3:06:50 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu4"]Black toxins run through 's veins, the same ones he was immersed in only a few short weeks ago. He has no time to refuse the poison. She would not spare him it even if he did.[break][break]

The Nihilego's innards roil in response to the chaos, shifting into shapes that defy all logic. It sings a heavenly choir, and the shimmering light burns Tsubaki's vision. Memories of the swamp, the rescue, the expedition to the Sea with ... it all rushes back in a moment, and Tsubaki looks up at the crumbling ceiling with gold-tinted eyes.[break][break]

It happens instantly. [break][break]

Tsubaki is doused in black, a black deeper than the night, than even the vacuum of space. She's submerged within her Nihilego as it devorus her whole. The ambient song it sings is granted an angelic voice, the girl's own, to speak with, and she and the parasite become one. Light pours off of them as crystalline flesh contorts into a more suitable form.[break][break]

Besides , , and , who were familiar with its effects, all who behold the light would be able to confirm that this is a form of Ultra Burst.[break][break]

"Finally! Been waitin' for you to show!"[break][break]

Tsubaki grins at the bird, her former captor, as it arrives. Clearly wounded, it has been healed by its benefactor. The fact it's still alive gives her comfort. Nothing should die here, she thinks. Not without her help.[break][break]

She stares deep into the bird's mask. A feeling of love overtakes her, a charm so powerful she can do only what she longs to do most to those she loves-- [break][break]

Break them down entirely.[break][break]

"Now you're MINE!!"[break][break]

A beam of concentrated space energy is levied in Fexandipiti's direction, a laser of perdition, meant to melt it down entirely. All of her efforts behind it, she blocks out all else. Falling rubble. Mochi. Her teammate's attacks. Nothing else matters but to slay this wounded creature and put it and her out of their mutual misery. It had kept her captive far too long, loved her far too dearly - and for that, so it would pay the price.[break][break]


+ assorted [break]
+ tl;dr - baki triggers ultra burst; falls in love with fezandipiti due to charm, and sends all of her love in the form of a meteor beam; technically I think the poison shouldn't proc cuz of ultra burst but it would be funny


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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
3,540 posts
Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 3:25:34 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.





A TAIL WIND whips up and assist her against the onslaught of the ice beam saves her from a worse fate. She looks towards the person who assists her and thanks her. She would remember her face. "Thank you!!"[break][break]

Melody turns back towards ready to defend and with her life but she finds herself suddenly redirected as the impending threat that loomed over them returned. Their wardens had returned to establish peace and squash this rebellion. She had a new priority, could wait since it seemed he also changed targets. Hideo begins to panic about Azelf and Melody reassures him "Don't worry, I told you we're all going to get out of here together in our dream right? Would I lie?" she reassures him as she walks towards the retainer pokemon defiantly. [break][break]

Melody looks to meloetta "Get some rest, we gotta share the spotlight with someone else" she says as Meloetta falls back and primarina takes center stage for Melody's performance. Primarina's sygnasuit wraps around Melody's body as a song seemingly starts to play from Melody's suit Now that her DESPAIR was gone, she could spread HOPE through her songs as she tries to keep everyone's spirits up.

"Let's give em a duet primarina!" she says as the soloist pokemon accepts her invitation. As the song starts Melody's syngasuit activates and gives her the ABILITY TO USE PRIMARINA'S MOVES. Melody uses MISTY TERRAIN and unleashes a pink mist out towards those around her to try and prevent them from falling victim to the poison mochi or other potential status effects. [break][break]

Primarina on the other hand unleashes a PSYCHIC NOISE towards the BIRD RETAINER POKEMON to try and destroy two of the DYNAENERGY BARRIER SEGMENTS thanks to the boon in strength.[break][break]



notes about this post

Notes go here

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Thanks for the assist and will thank her in person at a later point! (thank u ema!!)[break]
Melody shifts her focus from jayden to and @eritells hideo to not despair and decides to spread HOPE as it's what everyone needed.[break]
Meloetta out Primarina in[break]
Melody activates her SYNGASUIT and unleashes a MISTY TERRAIN to try and prevent the group around her (specifically and ) from falling victim to being poisoned. [break][

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 4:03:31 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

He listened to the Megalopolan getting the answers he wanted, at least to some degree. It was some creature that had made a deal with their leader in place of them. Amor didn't know who Cyllora was, nor did he really care, but he could respect someone taking on the burden of suffering all by their lonesome so their people didn't have to. Friend or foe, he could at least respect that, or so he thought. Things got hectic again quickly as the three wardens appeared once more, and the Never-Rot with them. At least he assumed that creature was the Never-Rot so that was their real foe.

Part of him almost rushed straight at the creature, but the Dynamaxed foes had to come first, though he wanted to trust the few people he knew in here to be able to handle that, as he had done so far. Things were getting down to the wire, and he turned to his dragon.

"The bird....Take it down...." He gave the command, and Draco blitzed towards the bird, both of his fists igniting with frosty energy as he lined up an Ice Punch, and attempted to punch the bird in the face. The object of their ire was so close, just behind these three dynamaxed pokemon, the one who had caused this entire mess, and forced them to be separated was there. So he would help defeat these three, and then their leader would be left helpless under the collective weight of their anger.

He stayed close to despite her earlier antics, and the fact that had to free the child. There would be a talk later about how to maintain your cover when you were in such a setting. With Draco back to him he felt calm once more, and let out a breath. They were close to defeating them all now, they had to be.


Draco the Dragonite is attacking Fezandipiti with Ice Punch!
Amor thinks!
Amor is ready to beline for that little Never-Rot bastard!
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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 4:07:56 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

[attr="class","cp cp-target-o"]


Paxton frowned as they assured him they wouldn't leave. Fine then, he wouldn't force them. There's not much to find or grab. As people panic and move he tries to grab a stray beast ball before turning back to rush out with Joules. As the megalopolans talk of the tera crystals he tries to wrap his head around how that worked out. [break][break]

The wardens come empowered by strange masks and dynamax as well. “Shit-” Joules beeps out an age old warning as the prisoners riot against their captors. He doesn't want to become a victim of the strange chains again or the wardens sogove shis orders. “ZAP CANNON on the bird, Joules!”





+ @everyone | using 2 salac [break][break]
tl;dr [break][break]
- tri3s to take A BEAST BALL [break]
- attacks fezendipiti with zap cannon

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON May 24, 2024 5:42:09 GMT



ENEMIES COME OUT OF THE WOODWORK: NECROZMA, SHADOW LUGIA, CHIEN PAO. and while the general consensus is that their mutual opponent are the three wardens, to fernando, all of these pokemon are viable targets. for he has faith in the league, and in those present, that they can overcome.

they can squash both, wholly and forthright.

his SYGNA SUIT burns with his conviction. its core, the SYNC STONE, cries out for its brethren. a unifying pulse to synchronize with the others (LEAGUE / SCIENTIST) emits in all directions, revealing his position to potential partners. he can feel the INFINITY ENERGY crawl across his skin, a melding of fabric and flesh.

when at least THREE SYGNA SUITED CHARACTERS with the SAME THEME come together, they are able to utilize SPECIFIC EMOTIONAL NATURES OR ELEVATED THEMES to empower their synced pokemon.

, , , , .

but they are never given the chance. like a premature star, born to die before it can recognize its own beauty, the signal is snuffed with sinister purpose. no one else here matters. his attention tunnels onto the same objective as his purpose for living: .



irrelevant. there is only her desire and his existence of fulfilling it. even the FEZANDIPITI charm can only steal away his attention. for his heart has already been seized by a different TOXIC CHAIN.


this time, the SHEER COLD is pointed. a lethal icicle expands rapidly, stealing from the ice formed around them, before following after WO-CHEIN’s BURNING JEALOUSY.



- normal fernando would PVP nearest target (npc or rocket)
- SYGNA SUIT tries to activate THEME bonus
- fernando forcibly cancels potential THEME activation
- ignores everyone who is not
- stands in front of her as a shield (ic explanation in event of low roll)
- attacks FEZANDIPITI on her behalf

- SHEER COLD is a OHKO attack // gains +2 to barrier

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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,909 posts
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TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 6:37:22 GMT





[attr="class","symbol"][attr="class","fas fa-fire"]


The thrum of battle begged for action. To place down disagreements of fate or vengence, to reach forward and take claim to what was here and what was down.
And so she listened.
Despite the anger that flooded, or the relevantions that fought against the instincts of denial, she listened. She reached from the pools of energy flooding through her SYGNA suit and called upon her Blaziken to release a row of STONE EDGE at Fezendipiti.


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


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August 15
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Mimi Hirose DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mimii
Mimi Hirose
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 23:08:03 GMT
Mimi Hirose Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb mimi"]

you've got no reason to be afraid




Mimi was out of breath as they continued to run, but managed to find some brief respite when Paxton decided to question some of the lingers meglapolans. She listens intently to their response, but their answer brought up more questions. "Cylorra..? who is that?" Mimi could only assume that they were the leader and master-mind behind this entire scheme. Before they could get any more information a loud explosion echoes around them. Within a second the same three wardens: okidogi, munkidori, and FEZANDIPITI towered over them in their dynamx form.
As the chaotic scene unfolded, Mimi lost sight of . She figured that he had rushed ahead to stop the impending attacks. Paxton and many others had courage she lacked, she didn't understand where they found that courage to rush into battle. [break][break]
Instead of trying to stop the attacks, she attempts to flee. Knowing full well that she had no chance to fight those titans without a pokemon or sygna suit.
As she runs she notices a change in mood. This battle was different from the one that took place before. Against ogerpon most people were fighting to survive, here it felt that they were fighting out of rage. for vengeance. This battle was far more terrifying than the other one, she was lost under it's chaos.
That was until she heard a desperate shout nearby. She paused immediately, frantically looking around for the voice. She recognized it to be 's the nurse who saved her from falling into despair simply by being kind and supportive. "MARISOL!" Mimi cries out, while she does not know what marisol looked like exactly, the nurses voice was the only indicator she needed to identify her.
"I'm so happy to see you!" She states swiftly, but this wasn't the time for reunions just yet. Marisol acts without hesitation; commanding her gardevoir to attack the threat by having it megaevolve and strike FEZANDIPITI with a powerful physic.
Guilt flickers in her gaze as she tugs at Marisol's arm with desperation. "I- I don't know what to do Marisol.. I'm not strong enough to fight alongside you."

TL;DR - Separates from Paxton when the loyal three attack

- reunites with Marisol, looks to her for guidance as to what she should do.

[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 5:29:17 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]PRISMATIC PENITENTIARY



Lusamine Encounter Theme


THROUGH PRIMAL SUNLIGHT, MOCHI HAILS FROM ABOVE. The OKIDOGI lifts the heavy CORNERSTONE MASK, its toxic chain grasping its stony lip. Surely, should the mask fall, those beneath its shadow will end up as splotches on the floor.[break][break]

Across the Breeding Pit's macabre chamber, tubes flail about as they are severed by soaring attacks like 's IRON CROWN'S TACHYON CUTTER. Above, the sunlight broils past CYLLORA & THE NEVER-ROT. 's summoned sunlight allows for SOLAR BEAM and other solar abilities activate under this old, paradoxical heat.[break][break]

's AGGRON DYNAMAXES. A MAX STEELSPIKE rushes toward the OKIDOGI and its mask, steel mountains jutting through tubes as they smash into the CORNERSTONE with a dramatic clang. A KINGAMBIT'S SUCKER PUNCH lands immediately after before the mask teeters back.[break][break]

Hatred descends in ice from a FIRE-TERASTALLIZED CHIEN-PAO; the Ruinous Beasts are present here too—and those who bear witness to their presence may find their hearts grasped by their pathological pathos.[break][break]

Frustrated, the OKIDOGI huffs and begins to swing its mask downward again. However, the winds of 's TORNADUS FEATHER blow by coached storms of shadow, terastallized waters, mega evolved muscle and blade, a DISCHARGE, a royal alliance between CALYREX and ZEKROM and more. Cracks begin to manifest in its brilliant sheen. A BLOOD MOON gilded by the primal sun slams into the mask, and as a brief filter of red flashes across the chamber, everyone's combined attacks hold the mask up long enough for...[break][break]

Carrying mixed emotions, the UNMOVING AZELF remaining in the periphery of his vision, and UXIE crush a Z-CRYSTAL. A Z-MOVE: SHATTERED PSYCHE collides with the CORNERSTONE MASK.[break][break]

The OKIDOGI yelps as it struggles to keep the mask up. And as 's STELLAR-TYPE UNOWN lands its TERA BLAST—and lands a devastating hit. The mask's cracks exponentially multiply as the OKIDOGI struggles beneath its weight...


THE SIMIAN IMBUES ITS TEAL MASK with its psychic energies. As it spins the mask around, shifting it rapidly from side to side.[break][break]

In midst of the flaring light of mega evolution and paradox flame, many band against the MUNKIDORI's game. Empowered by the sunlight, 's GOUGING FIRE helps lead the charge with a TEMPER FLARE. Near the paradoxical beast, a METEOR MASH from 's METAGROSS fires a METEOR-LIKE PUNCH. The radiance of mega evolutions illuminates Hisuian slashes, Draconid stingers, and two HOUNDOOM as they strike together, while 's CARRACOSTA and 's DUNSPARCE corkscrew toward the hastening mask with deluge and drill.[break][break]

In the face of danger, , , and combine their efforts. A potent glob of poison is forged by 's TRUBBISH. 's PRIMEAPE acts immediately. A SEISMIC TOSS pitches the SLUDGE BOMB and a crisp thwack from 's GALARIAN FARFETCH'D sends the festering ball flying. The batting team watch as the highspeed bomb smashes into the spinning mask, the putrid poison caking the peaks and slowing its spin. Some of the poison even scatters into the monkey's eyes.[break][break]

's GALARIAN MOLTRES makes itself known. Its infernal presence is a horrifying experience to those who bear witness to its burning shadows. A FIERY WRATH slams into the mask forcing it to a slow almost to a halt, as if flinching it.[break][break]

As a CLAYDOL'S devastating Z-MOVE: ANNIHILATION slams into the mask with its searing laser, a MUDDY WATER from obscures the MUNKIDORI'S VISION too. As the monkey shrieks, its mask slows—even more so thanks to the GRAVITY exerted by 's NECROZMA.[break][break]

PALKIA is summoned by its Avatar, . Its veritable PRESSURE is noticed by the TOXIC CHAINED CYLLORA & THE NEVER-ROT. The Megalopolan snarls and in a furious flash of prismatic pink, a SPATIAL REND scars the weakening mask. Cracks crawl across the face... before 's STELLAR-TYPE SHAYMIN, terastallized in a gorgeous multi-color, strikes with a hard-hitting TERA BLAST. It is joined by an emotional and her MESPRIT. The STELLAR TERA BLAST joins with the SHAYMIN's and erupts in a stunning display of imaginative dream light...[break][break]

The MUNKIDORI, still clawing at its eyes for mud and poison, begins to lose control of its breaking mask...


THE FEZANDIPITI TEMPTS THOSE WITH THE WELLSPRING MASK, the enticing taste of desires threatening to draw those closer toward CYLLORA and THE NEVER-ROT's chains.[break][break]

By ALTARIA wings, frigid fists and psychic lights, the teary-eyed mask is struck. Each strike causes waves of iridescence to trickle across its face. In the meantime, the FEZANDIPITI admires its own beautiful appearance in its reflection, multiplied in the mask's various facets.[break][break]

Stones intertwine with electrical bolts. They slam into the mask alongside a MEGA URSHIFU'S AURA SPHERE, and as a glacial HYPER BEAM joins it, a fantastic explosion rocks the mask. The charming effects subside before resuming as the FEZANDIPITI readjusts the mask for a better view—of itself.[break][break]

Still, the bird continuously struggles, its chain-sewn wing and the constant GRAVITY forcing it to exert strength for vanity. An IRON HEAD slams into the mask, as a Top Champion's PSYCHIC NOISE and Elite Four's DRAIN PUNCH combine together to chip away at the mask's downcast eyes.[break][break]

The DYNAMAXED Pokemon's roars rumble across the chamber. A MAX PHANTASM from 's CERULEDGE summons spectral artifacts to slam into the sobbing visage, while a GUZZLORD'S MAX OOZE spears and mucks up the mask. The FEZANDIPITI hisses, but before it can break away from its narcissistic mirror, leaps from 's AGGRON. With his abilities, he siphons waters from the mask. The blue begins to fade—and cracks form, as if the mask's skin were drying.[break][break]

Empowered by 's ORICHALCUM SUNLIGHT, 's RAGING BOLT fires a earsplitting ZAP CANNON. A stark light flashes across the room as ULTRA BURSTS with her NIHILEGO. Assimilated together as the MOTHER BEAST, the parasitic fusion sheds any and all POISON and fires a lethal METEOR BEAM.[break][break]

BURNING GRUDGES and fissures spread across the breaking mask before a SHEER COLD from dries the mask further, landing precisely thanks to the GRAVITY exerted by 's NECROZMA SHARD. By the Beast, 's PYROAR terastallizes into the GROUND TERA; crystalline and defiant, the Royal feline roars a HYPER VOICE that smashes into the mask, causing further cracks.[break][break]

Seeing this SHARD OF NECROZMA, the Megalopolan growls. "you've made this personal! you've allied yourself with that monster?!"[break][break]

As the FEZANDIPITI crows, two TAPU DEITIES unleash their attacks. A sparkling manifestation of ALOLA rises from 's SHINY TAPU KOKO. A brief moment of recognition can be seen on Cyllora's face when she bears witness to the black-clad Tapu, and as the fist slams into the mask, the FEZANDIPITI struggles in this contest of strength.[break][break]

However, a STELLAR TERA TAPU LELE unleashes a brilliant attack of lights; the PSYCHIC lands and as GRAVITY continues to tear fragments from the WELLSPRING MASK, the TERASTALLIZATION of its face begins to break...


THE MOCHI STRIKE the following trainers and/or their Pokemon (their choice). Some are protected by 's MIME JR.'s LIGHT SCREEN—but some fall victim to their virulent landings.

Upon being struck, the MOCHI burst into TOXIC CHAINS. They poison upon contact and act as a netting; however, they can be torn apart with enough strength from themselves or their Pokemon.[break][break]

Pokemon that are normally immune to POISON such as 's MAGNEZONE are able to shrug off the poison, but are still encumbered by the mesh of chains.[break][break]

and his Pokemon's INCREASED DEFENSES thanks to the ACTIVATION OF THE ADVENTURER THEME allow him to deflect the mochi deftly. Similarly, , , , and do the same.[break][break]

The activation of the LEAGUE THEME for , , and also allow their Pokemon's attacks to have an additional SECONDARY EFFECT special for this round. Petals, punches and song clear the MOCHI coming for the Pokemon and their trainers, sparing them from poisons and chains.


AS THE MASKS BREAK, several things happen at once.[break][break]

The OKIDOGI struggles beneath the CORNERSTONE MASK'S WEIGHT. As the mask's TERASTALLIZATION shatters, the canine loses its grip. Its chain falls limp and as the canine yelps an alarmed, "GROWOOR?!" it drops the mask on top of itself. Immediately, the OKIDOGI is crushed, its body a crumpled can.[break][break]

The MUNKIDORI shrieks and attempts to recontrol its TEAL MASK. The mask picks up speed again in a desperate acceleration, despite its broken crystalline exterior. As its TOXIC CHAIN rises to gaze into the FUTURE, its future gaze is hampered by the looping of time. It does not foresee itself cutting its own body in two as the monkey loses control of its TEAL MASK. The broken mask lands and shatters on the floor, resting beside MUNKI and DORI.[break][break]

The FEZANDIPITI screams in horror at the broken mask. The shattered mask acts as a distorting mirror, a carnival's trick that renders the bird's reflection as ugly, twisted and a true reflection of its inner self. Crying, the FEZANDIPITI attempts to gaze into its broken mask, picking up the sharp shards around it to forge its reflection back again. However, in its vain spiral, the GRAVITY & PRESSURE exerted by 's NECROZMA and 's PALKIA causes the bird's neck to snap as it peers into the shattered wellspring, its flesh cut on the sharp serrated fragments remaining on the mask.[break][break]

As the masks break, should the OGERPON witness the carnage, may notice the poor Pokemon lamenting their destruction.[break][break]

THE LOYAL THREE'S DYNAMAXED BODIES revert to normal.[break][break]

And remain as still as the AZELF tended to by , and .


WHEN ATTEMPTS TO REACH OUT TO AZELF, she does not receive an immediate answer. However, after the LOYAL THREE are killed, she receives a small telepathic pulse. No words. No feeling. No will. Just a small presence—but one that fades into endless dormancy.[break][break]

In the future, should AZELF be alive, it may seek a partner. However, the Lake Guardian has scried 's mind and has witnessed her slow march toward TEAM ROCKET'S IDEALS. Although AZELF may not ally itself with a member of the crime syndicate, in this fixed moment, everyone is united to survive and temporary alliances must be made.[break][break]

Similarly, the same telepathic pulse is communicated to and . The briefest hope is replaced with dread as intuition believes the AZELF has left a parting gift.[break][break]

MYSTICAL POWER is granted to , and temporarily, so that they may use the move themselves—or one of their Pokemon ONCE at a pivotal moment...


SEEING THEIR RETAINERS FALL, the Megalopolan and their NEVER-ROT growl angrily. "useless! lousy! dim-litted lowlifes! no matter. i have pecharunt... i have my precious pecharunt with me, and we'll bring our people home!"[break][break]

The DYNAMAXED NEVER-ROT cries, its petite frown wide as its shell fully separates. DYNERGY swirls around it ominously—and a visible barrier, stronger than any witnessed before shines around it. Chains begin to unleash out of its shell as your party recovers, but before they can strike, the UN-CHAINED MEGALOPOLANS emerge.[break][break]

With their cloned Pokemon, they unleash on onslaught of attacks alongside rallying cries despite their toxic chains. "get them! they blindsided us! those masks! the masks were supposed to light our home, and look at them now!"[break][break]

Attack after attack lands on the singular barrier before it shatters. The PECHARUNT wails as it begins to revert in size, each phase of shrinking robbing the poisonous predator of its intimidating stature. The chains shrink too, shriveling and withdrawing into the shell as Cyllora falls to the ground, no longer held by the NEVER-ROT'S CHAINS.[break][break]

In utter disbelief, Cyllora reels from their people's betrayal. "after all i've done, you would all betray me?"[break][break]

The Megalopolan raises their hand as if to order another attack from the PECHARUNT; however, from above, another Megalopolan dives with murderous intent. VELMOS, his blue skin tinted forever-purple from the digested toxins, wields a GRABBER in his hands—and like a spear, attempts to pierce Cyllora through the heart.[break][break]

However, before the blow can land, Velmos is quickly grabbed by the neck by one of PECHARUNT'S CHAINS. As he chokes and sputters, Cyllora stomps and throws a tantrum. feels time loop once more—but she is not the only one who has perceived the disturbance in time.[break][break]

"i've had enough!"

The PECHARUNT cries and countless chains shoot out from its body. They threaten to spear through you and your Pokemon. However, as Velmos is dangled, his lungs screaming for air, a chain smashes through a window. The alarm signals had heard in the vision begin to blare throughout the prison. The flying chain suddenly grows taut as if it had grabbed something. It pulls its catch into the ship through broken glass and flooding ULTRA SPACE LIGHT.[break][break]

CELEBI is dragged across the floor as the window begins to vacuum debris and rubble into ULTRA SPACE.[break][break]

Cyllora pulls out a curious fragment of stone? Crystal? One can not be too sure. It is INDIGO in hue. Another chain shoots outward and glides across the fragment, cutting the skin. As poison oozes from the chain's cut, the fragment shines and glimmers brilliantly before engulfing the entire chamber with blinding light. The whole ship seems to accelerate at the same time... before you are all rocked to the floor by a violent crash.


EVERYONE IS THRUST UPON THE FLOOR. Around you, piles of rubble lay where the prison walls used to be. You can feel fresh air grace your skin. The Prismatic Penitentiary has crash landed at its destination: ULTRA MEGALOPOLIS.[break][break]

By this point, your Ultra Bursted Pokemon, mega evolved Pokemon, your Dynamaxed Pokemon... all have reverted to normal.[break][break]

As you struggle to rise to your feet with your Pokemon, you can see the dark, black angular cityscape of the Megalopolan city. It is brutally dark. In the distance, you can hear the horrifying sounds of Megalopolan "zombies" driven mad by the eternal darkness. Hostile Ultra Beasts roam far off into the distance. Should any of these creatures see 's NECROZMA, they will cower and hiss in fear.[break][break]

The UNCHAINED MEGALOPOLANS and their cloned Pokemon rise: some afraid, some inspired.[break][break]

The bodies of the LOYAL THREE remain strewn about the crash site. Surprisingly, the CELEBI has been able to escape its chain thanks to the crash. It flies quickly to what who it senses as its kin—for it has met her before in times still unseen: . Its small hands grace hers...[break][break]

And immediately grant her a vision:[break]

stands beside . There may be others around, but Yuina can not see them in this limited perspective. Dahlia looks visibly shaken, for she is splattered in blood... and Yuina is too. In the periphery, Yuina sees a body in a black gown on the ground before a hot breath descends upon her.[break][break]

She raises her hand—and it rests upon a draconic, dark-blue crest.

When she comes to, the CELEBI seems to have allied itself with her:

MAY ADD CELEBI TO HER PARTY SHOULD SHE DESIRE. Choose the CELEBI'S MOVESET like a GACHAPON POKEMON. You will not be able to augment the CELEBI with additional moves or effects for the raid.

Another question is answered by their union: the CELEBI communicates what it has been doing this whole time. The capture of all these influential figures from Hoenn, ranging from Councilwomen to detectives to travel bloggers, would inflict incredible disaster upon the anomalous Hoenn region. The CELEBI understands this well, having traveled through the weave of time... time and time again.[break][break]

Ever since the the plague in Petalburg, the CELEBI has followed the TOXIC CHAINS closely. It has tracked CYLLORA and the NEVER-ROT'S schemes, the imagining and creation of this Megalopolan Ship-Prison, the capturing of poisoned trainers and their Pokemon, and the launch into ULTRA SPACE.[break][break]

Throughout the Prismatic Prison's journey, the CELEBI has toiled to traverse the SHIP ITSELF into the same point in time, while it travels closer to its destination. In other words, although the CELEBI can not manipulate the ship's spatial advance, it can warp the ship into the same point in time over and over again, while the ship physically travels forward.[break][break]

Mandatory rest for the Time Fairy has caused time to slip forward despite its best efforts, resulting in the ultimate passage of TWO DAYS...


CYLLORA AND THE PECHARUNT stand atop a pile of rubble from the ship that has spilled into the streets. Velmos remains held by one of the PECHARUNT'S CHAINS. The fragment in their hand is now dull and seemingly void of power.[break][break]

Wordlessly, more chains erupt from the PECHARUNT'S SHELL. They wrap around you and your Pokemon; however, the hold is weaker. You're no longer despairing. No longer beat down. You're able to push forth despite the MALIGNANT CHAINS corroding, poisoning your bodies.[break][break]

Without its retainers, the creature looks to be a COWARDLY creature hiding behind CYLLORA'S CONVICTIONS. However, the PECHARUNT holds hope, for the Megalopolans and their cloned Pokemon who are wrapped in the TOXIC CHAIN seem more susceptible to the chain's effects, and fall into a magenta stupor...[break][break]

"stay back. i'll feed you to the mad. all of you." They say, even to their own kind. Velmos remains, dangling from one of the chains. He's still alive, but barely conscious. "b-but... but we're home now. my mission is done! with the never-rot we can take back the city! if you leave me and my people alone, we'll send you back. safely."[break][break]

You can tell that Cyllora is being sincere.


FOR THIS ROUND, your characters must make a choice.[break][break]

Your character can ATTACK/DEFEAT CYLLORA AND THE PECHARUNT[break][break]



Your character can perform other actions; however, you must include in your NOTES/TL;DR, which outcome you'd like to vote for.[break][break]


THE OUTCOME THAT IS MOST VOTED ON will be selected. Attacking the PECHARUNT ONLY will cause CYLLORA to go ballistic and vice-versa. Fate has bound the two for this point in time.[break][break]

, and will be allowed to use a special MYSTICAL POWER to create a psychic version of the "RED CHAIN". This temporary, energy-based chain can be used to ensnare something, someone, or a Pokemon so that they can not act. AZELF'S STILL BODY remains with them.



  • please include TL;DRS and ideally, bold your vote!
  • [break]
  • only ONE of your characters can participate.
  • [break]
  • only ONE POKEMON can be out at a time (when applicable).
  • [break]
  • please provide a tl;dr &/or bold moves/abilities/items used with each post.
  • [break]
  • i will not tolerate complaints about not being mentioned, tagged, acknowledged or feeling "useless" in a raid. generally, i attempt to mention all characters and their actions in each post, but depending on the number of participants, this may not be feasible.
  • [break]
  • remember that although i am essentially the DUNGEON MASTER or GAME MASTER of this event, much of this event's enjoyment and storytelling rests upon the players shoulders. collaborate with what i provide in each moderator post and each other for the best result!
  • [break]
  • lastly, be cognizant of participating players and characters. no one is the "main character" of an event, and allowing space for give-and-take between characters and their actions is highly encouraged.
  • [break]
  • more rules may be specified in the actual event thread.
  • [break]


YOU CAN ONLY POST ONCE. Missing AT LEAST THREE ROUNDS will result in no rewards; however, due to the setting and scenario, characters will not be retconned from the event.[break][break]

, , , & has missed THREE ROUNDS and will not be eligible for rewards.[break][break]

--- has missed TWO ROUNDS and will receive DIMINISHED REWARDS.[break][break]

, , , , , , , and have missed ONE ROUND.


MAY 28TH, 11:59PM PST.

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played by


Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,137 posts
part of
TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 6:26:21 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
The sky fell. Time stopped. History ended.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-" Howard's voice was a shrill scream as the prison crashed down into the earth. Metal tore and shrieked and bent and bubbled. The heat of reentry was not to be underestimated, nor were the laws of physics meant to be denied. They were the schematics of the world.

Ah, but this wasn't 'the world' anymore, was it? This was somewhere new.


A flash of indigo. The admin's mask cracked in the impact, causing the mocking visage to become webbed with cracks. It did not shatter, and it did not reveal Howard's identity. That too was an act of 'fate'. The interconnecting strands that had once bore witness to.

Fate can be severed.

It can be split.

It can be redirected.

But it cannot be stopped.

Howard's eye opened to an alien world. The smell of festering blood and rubble assaulted his nostrils. The corpse of Munkidori stared back at Howard. A smidge of purple bile pooled from its lip. Howard resisted the urge to wipe it off. He gave one last look at his tormentor.

"Be chronicled." He took a memory of the ape and saved it. "Fucker."

He spat on its corpse. That page in history was closed.

It could rest easy, knowing its tale would never be forgotten. He could not speak for the other two wardens, but their memories could be saved. They could remain. They could continue to exist in his mind's eye as concepts, unmarred by the actions committed.

"Cyllora." Howard's voice was raw and unfettered as he picked his way through the corpse of the prison towards the general. Malice dripped from his lips like bile as he closed the distance between himself and her. His eye flicked to the Pecharunt cowering behind her. "CYLLORA!"

That was it? The source of their suffering was this tiny thing?

It made it all seem so laughable and pointless. As laughable as climbing the hill to reach the source of this misery.

"That's it? You're done? No grand orchestra? You're content to go out with a whimper?" A laugh rang out over the ruined battlefield. Ultra Megalopolis was a mummer's prize, but it was home. Even a spider like the Megalopolans longed for such a place. Even if the broken limbs of Velmos and Philomera danged behind, dead or dying, home would still be reached.

Even if that meant leaving behind Jules and Smohke.

"We're supposed to let you go? Live and let learn? The only thing we've learned over the past five years is how to kill each other! And you just get to walk away from that? FUCK THAT! You came to our world and sacked it! You burned our cities and stole our lives and ripped away our culture and our sites of heritage!"

New Mauville's missing ruin flashed in his mind. Eternatus flashed in strokes of red and purple and Howard's anger only grew. That ruin was gone, and without it...

"YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!" When Ultra Beasts shook Meteor Falls, Howard had hid in his apartment and cried until it was over. He had been incapable of doing anything to stop that alien threat, all those years ago. Now, he had the opportunity to do something. Five years of blood could be paid back here.

Regice floated behind him, its brother missing in a parallel world.

But what would it accomplish? What would another five years of bloodshed accomplish besides sowing the seeds of further suffering? Howard knew the histories as well as anybody. If this grudge was not abated now, it would haunt their world for a generation.

He hated Cyllora, but she was human. That made her no different from or or or or or . They could all go to hell. They were vile and deserved to be put to the sword.

But they were human. There was enough room in his heart for another target of his hatred.

I dreamed of you.

had warned him to avoid being chained by the past. Maybe he was right. Perhaps it was time to let go.

"You've doomed us and you've killed us, but orphans are loose change in this great war. You did all this, Cyllora." Howard turned back down the hill and walked away.

"Then do not regret it. People cannot change the past. All we can do is to accept our own actions. If you still wish to be burdened by what you've done, then forge a brighter future out of guilt. It is your choice on how to perceive something that has already happened."

He left the general and Pecharunt behind.


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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,742 posts
part of
TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 6:30:49 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","minimal elisa2"]

She watched their captors fall with grim relish, eyes shimmering an unsettling shade of ochre. The GRUDGES within her soared at the macabre sight, crowing like a starved Mandibuzz finally fed its pound of flesh.[break][break]

They'd won. She'd won.[break][break]

She threw back her head and laughed at the sight of the shattered masks and bodies crumpled on the ground. God, was there no pleasure sweeter than this? What ambrosia it was to live, while your enemies perished.[break][break]

How wrong that WELLSPRING MASK had surely been about her deepest, darkest desires.[break][break]

And then she saw it -- a flicker of familiar greenery, wide bright eyes of almost elfin make -- and the sound that ripped from her throat was barely human in its wailing rage. "I killed you," she cried, uncomprehending, as the impossibly-alive Celebi floated to the waiting figure of . "I killed... You shouldn't be..."[break][break]

What else had she suffered for, only to accomplish nothing? How many other corpses had she buried that would rise to the surface later? How soon would she stumble on the figure of on her doorstep, or perhaps the face of her late--?[break][break]

She blanched. No. Not him. Anyone but him.[break][break]

The yammering and stammering of Cyllora had the audacity to interrupt her thoughts. An ugliness overcame her, hateful and twisted with fury -- an anger that the Megalopolan had not earned in its entirety.[break][break]

Lightning strikes the closest thing to the heavens, simply because it must.[break][break]

"You dare beg for mercy?" she shouted at the Megalopolan, and the SHEER COLD that had caged her shattered as a thicket of vines aggressively pushed it aside. "Where was your mercy, when you watched us rot in your cells? When you tortured us and laughed for our pains?"[break][break]

Blinded to , , and the entire world with her GRUDGE-induced rage, the vines she summoned surged now towards the Pecharunt and its Megalopolan master, seeking to entangle them both in a tangle of unforgiving thorns.[break][break]

elisabeth's moods can now affect the natural world around her. notably, feelings of resentment and bitterness suck the life out of nearby flora and allow toxic and dangerous plants to grow in their stead; these can be manipulated and wielded by her to devastating effect.

As she did so, Wo-chien hissed loudly to beckon a swirling storm of RUINATION to strike her prey within a dome of dark, sinister energies.[break][break]



[attr="class","ooc"] [break][break]
Prismatic Penitentiary (TLDR)

- Haha, Fezandipiti is dead, SUCK IT. Dance on her grave.[break][break]
- Wtf can't believe Celebi is alive, RAGEEE.[break][break]
- CYLLORA HAS THE AUDACITY TO BEG FOR MERCY?? Grudges go nuts, we attack both Cyllora and Pecharunt with GRUDGY VINES and then Wo-chien slaps in a RUINATION for good measure.[break][break]
- Note: Shiv said could do Avatar attack + RUINATION cuz it's a vote-based round.[break][break]


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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON May 25, 2024 6:45:22 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
he turns his head in search of the source of willpower, lips curved to a smile despite the overwhelming pain of the searing streak on his arm and the nauseating poison permeating through his skin.

it remains as an expression on his face despite the loss of genuineness.

the second time it happens manages to put priam in his place. there is no way his expectations were to come according to his favor, much like how he feels his arm melt with prolonged exposure to any remnants of the star.

priam wants to give up and succumb to fatigue at this point, but voices pipe up.

he looks at his pokemon with him-- ones that have been cloned. he knows that these were amateur trainers, people who barely had any time to learn about the way of a trainer.

he also knows that shadow pokemon, who previously slaughtered unprepared trainers during the darkest day, were among those they brought with them.

"let them!" he shouts, voice weary from the draining effects of the fight. "let's just go home and ignore their shit!"

  • wants to sleep
  • notices he has shadow pokemon with him
  • votes mercy
  • expects cloned shadow pokemon to kill them in their sleep


The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing