i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,047 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2024 16:56:35 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]S.P.E.C.T.R.A. THE GAUNTLET




🎼 "Introducing the Tributes" - James Newton Howard | The Hunger Games: Catching Fire OST


A NEW, ENCLOSED ARENA HAS BEEN BUILT IN SOOTOPOLIS TO HOST THE GAUNTLET. When you enter, you find yourself on a large, circular platform. It is covered in various rough terrain: uneven footpaths, dense clusters of trees, rocky outcroppings, thick underbrush, and even a small pond in the center. An observation deck overlooks the arena from high above. [break][break]

As a group of you gathers on one side of the platform, the voice of Admin crackles over a loudspeaker.[break][break]

"Welcome, everyone. The sixteen of you have been selected to participate in our first run of The Gauntlet, a trial designed to push your battle capabilities to their absolute limits. I expect nothing short of excellence from each of you."

A large screen beneath the observation deck displays his words in text large enough to read from any distance in the arena.[break][break]

He launches into a concise explanation of the event. You will battle each other over several rounds, using a different Pokémon per round, until only one of you remains. The goal is clear: win at all costs. [break][break]

A different voice speaks next—that of Beast . [break][break]

"For this first round, you get ten minutes to prepare for combat. Take advantage of the terrain to lay traps, form a temporary alliance, or use a power-up such as Mega Evolution or Terastallization."[break][break]

"Now choose your first Pokémon and begin."

A bell chimes. The screen says, "BEGIN." Your ten minutes start now.[break][break]



DURING THE PREPARATION ROUND OF THE GAUNTLET, participants will not fight each other. Instead, they get 10 in-character minutes to perform one action to add 10 points to their upcoming Round 1 rolls (and only for Round 1). [break][break]

CHOOSE ONE OF THE ACTIONS BELOW to prepare for the first round of clashes. Use your imagination, but please remain within the confines of the arena description![break][break]

Also note that the Pokémon you use for this round will be your same partner for Round 1.[break][break]

  • Explore the arena and choose an advantageous place to begin the first round.
  • Build a trap using the terrain to catch another participant and/or their Pokémon.
  • Improvise a weapon using natural objects in the surrounding terrain (rocks, sticks, etc.).
  • Set up a defensive position using the surrounding terrain.
  • Agree to team up with another participant against the others for the first round only.
  • Secretly choose a specific participant to target during the first round who you believe you have an advantage over.
  • Use one of your Pokémon's moves to give you an advantage at your current position, such as a weather move, terrain move, Trick Room, etc.
  • Activate your Sygna Suit, Terastallize your Pokémon, or Mega Evolve your Pokémon. Keep in mind that this Pokémon will not be usable after the first round.

YOU DO NOT NEED TO ROLL THIS ROUND. You can also post as many times as you like, but please avoid double posting and spamming the thread.



  • The PVP portion of this event is limited to ROCKET participants who are not canons and/or Avatars.
  • The separate, non-PVP megathread will be limited to CURRENT ROCKET CANONS and ELIMINATED PARTICIPANTS only.
  • One character per player may participate.
  • A character must have at least 50 POSTS to participate.
  • A character age limit of 18+ is in place for this event's participation.
  • Each participant may bring FOUR POKÉMON with them into The Gauntlet. Participants must use a different Pokémon on their team each round, switching Pokémon at the start of every new round.
  • All mechanics/Pokémon (Sygna Suits, Paradox Pokémon, Ultra Beasts, Mega Stones, Tera Orbs, etc.) are allowed EXCEPT DYNAMAX.
  • Salac berries MAY NOT be used.
  • PLEASE INCLUDE A TL;DR at the bottom of your posts.


The outcome of each round will be decided by rolls, but participants are recommended to keep the following guidelines in mind during the event. [break][break]
  • Avoid godmodding, meaning taking control of another player's character or Pokémon during roleplay. This is sometimes called powerplaying.
  • Your characters may attempt to physically attack each other; however, remember, Pokémon are always more effective than human-made weapons.
  • Mod deliberations are final.



As stated, there will be five total rounds: Rounds 0-4. [break][break]

Round 0 is a preparation round that will allow participants to affect their rolls for ROUND 1 ONLY. Rounds 1-4 are PVP rounds for determining the winner of The Gauntlet. [break][break]

All participants must roll at the end of their posts for Rounds 1-4. For Rounds 2-4, each participant adds their rolls together for a total sum. Half of the participants in each round, the ones with the lowest totals, lose the round and cannot move on. Characters who miss the round are automatically eliminated. [break][break]


Each round will limit the maximum number of posts each participant can write, based on the number of participants in each round. [break][break]

  • Round 1: 16 participants (1 post per participant)
  • Round 2: 8 participants (2 posts per participant)
  • Round 3: 4 participants (4 posts per participant)
  • Round 4: 2 participants (5 posts per participant)

The more you post in a round (up to the limit), the higher your chance of moving on to the next round. As a result, this is considered a fast-paced event. PLEASE TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION IF YOU CAN POST AT THIS PACE BEFORE SIGNING UP. [break][break]

The winner will be determined from the Round 4 match-up.


All participants of The Gauntlet who posted in at least Rounds 0 and 1 will receive the following rewards: [break][break]

The winner of The Gauntlet will also receive: [break][break]




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jigokuhime, snow white
october 18
mauville city
ace lesbian
trustfund baby
i'm staying numb to my feelings, dodge 'em like novocaine
139 posts
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TAG WITH @maki
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2024 17:37:12 GMT
she needs to prove herself here.

today maki has opted to wear her disguise, given that many eyes are on her. that doesn't mean she's not representing the yukimura family and their contributions to rocket, so she won't be using it as an excuse to slack off even the tiniest bit. maki doesn't waste any time in scanning the area to decide where the most advantageous position is. she pays little mind to the other contestants and instead makes a beeline for the center of the arena. once there, she checks to make sure nobody else is around, and releases her empoleon. she commands it to hide underwater and prepare to spring out at anyone who comes too close once the competition starts.

after that, she chooses a nearby tree to climb and conceal herself in. high up enough, she can observe what's going on around her with less chances of being seen. once someone has fallen for her trap, she plans to attack as quickly as she can, before they have any time to react.

sheer force isn't going to be much use here if she gets herself outnumbered. better to be quick and silent, taking her enemies out one by one.

hides her empoleon in the pond.
hides herself in a tree nearby.

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played by


January 01
Fortree City
Rocket Employee
175 CM height
175 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
417 posts
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TAG WITH @gerald
Gerald Kaiser
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2024 18:09:54 GMT
Gerald Kaiser Avatar
Clad in appropriate gear Gerald entered the arena. He was ready to prove himself. He was ready to win. But he knew the others would enter the arena with the very same attitude. Attitude wouldn’t win him this Battle Royale. He had to be smarter than that, smarter than them.

Of the participants there was only one face he recognized. One face that he knew was a potential threat. . Taking him out quickly would increase his odds substantially. Especially if he could do it without expending too much energy.

Finding advantageous terrain against that one man in particular would prove difficult. And trying to fight with subterfuge and traps against people who almost certainly would be better at it than him was a losing strategy.

So he decided to play to his strength. Taking them out one by one as quickly as he could, that would be the play and his first target would be .

Quickly he began to move certain steps carrying him over the arena as he searched for his first victim, for Dorian. A fierce looking Absol ran by his side sniffing the air as it moved, ready to try and warn its trainer of approaching enemies.

- Gerald spends his 10 Minutes looking for . He intends to eliminate his perceived biggest enemy with his Absol.

- Secretly choose a specific participant to target during the first round who you believe you have an advantage over.




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played by


December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,200 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2024 22:28:59 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Taking up the gauntlet
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]A faint, melancholy smile touched Aurelie's lips at the familiar sound of 's voice reverberating over the loudspeaker, explaining the rules of this Spectra trial known as the Gauntlet. Then, an intense shudder rippled through her when began speaking. She squeezed her eye tightly closed as she remembered the last time she'd seen both of them: in the Megalopolan prison.

Maybe this is too soon, she thought, sucking in a sharp breath at the memory of the beatings, the psychological torture, the endless tedious labor, and the sweet poison of the Wellspring Mask. To leap into a challenge like this, even in an arena, after what I went through...

Then, Aurelie's eye flew open and her back stiffened when she then envisioned how she'd last seen them. Glowing with power, eyes blazing with unforgiving hatred, clearly in their glory as their Legendary partners were finally unleashed. Or maybe this should have happened long ago. If I were stronger, if I knew how to fight like them, I can keep from being put in that position ever again.

She could see a stretch of forest to one side, a field with a pond in the center, and an area of boulders and rocky outcroppings to another side. When the bell chimed, Aurelie hesitated for a moment and then jogged quickly toward the rocky area. She had a few ideas on how to use the terrain for her advantage...

After finding a pair of suitably large, heavy boulders, Aurelie summoned her Golurk. She gave it careful instructions, gesturing toward the boulders and indicating the shape she wanted. Then it went to work.

Using its colossal strength, the Pokemon lifted the boulders upright and set them so that they leaned against each other in a crude arch, like a few other rocky arches and heaps in the vicinity. Meanwhile, Aurelie tore off strips of her jacket and knotted them sturdily together to form a rope. She looped one end of the rope around the smaller boulder, so that it would jerk away if she gave a mighty heave.

Probably the world's most basic deadfall trap, the redhead thought ruefully, surveying their work with her hands on her hips. But even if it doesn't actually trap someone, I can use it as a handy hiding place too. Good for ambushing someone, maybe?

And there were plenty of other rocks and boulders in the area, too. Maybe I could use some of them to trigger a rockslide to trip someone up... Or even rig up the classic giant-rolling-boulder trap.

She broke into a grin. So many ideas, but so little time! I wish we had more than just ten minutes to work with.


Prompt: Build a trap using the terrain to catch another participant and/or their Pokémon.

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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january 1st
mahogany, johto
6'2" height
6'2" height
107 posts
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TAG WITH @dane
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 4:47:29 GMT


compared to everyone else, is a nobody. he is as nondescript as they come; dressed plainly and keeping to himself, he spends most of the round observing both the environment and the people around him.[break][break]

there are those far more invested than him, and others less invested but more skilled. his path to victory becomes clear: stay out of the way.[break][break]

taking inspiration from , dane slips away into the cluster of trees, quick to shroud himself in the foliage where he waits with his KIRLIA.[break][break]

"we're going to keep to ourselves, avoid people, and wait it out. i trust you to watch over us."[break][break]

because the moment KIRLIA picks up anything with its TELEPATHY, it readies a TELEPORT to take dane away from danger. or that's the idea, anyways.[break][break]

— TL;DR[break]
— explore the arena and choose an advantageous place to begin the first round:FOREST.



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Black Dog, the weakest beast
November 9th
5'3" and 1/2 height
5'3" and 1/2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
881 posts
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TAG WITH @hitoshi
Hitoshi Inoue
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 7:36:36 GMT
Hitoshi Inoue Avatar
Once upon a time, before mankind diluted their blood, dogs were wolves. They were beasts which found strength in numbers, running through the wild parts of the world. When faced with this challenge, Rocket’s black dog can only think of one approach: find a bosom brother. ’s voice rings across the arena and the creature’s soul sings. His packmate speaks. What he would give to dive into this hell with that man, blades in hand, and snatch victory for themselves. There can only be one, and his senpai his preoccupied with winning glory for Rocket. [break][break]
There is another dog in this place. Without reservation or fear, the black dog seeks out another competitor. is strong. The dog witnessed that strength firsthand. A title like beast is not something given lightly. There is strength in numbers, and together they will weather the bloodbath to come. [break][break]
Oi, Dory.” The dog smiles. “We’ll end up havin’ t’fight down the road, but whatcha say we team up? Just for a little while, ‘til we wipe out the chaff.” Jubei, the dog’s Ceruledge, lingers in his shadow like a ghost. It waits to hear the mad dog’s answer. Time is ticking. If he says no, then it seems they’ve at least found their opponent for the first round.

Looks for Dorian and proposes an alliance.

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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
694 posts
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 15:51:06 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

A trial, once more. This time though, it was not a team activity. Well, to an extent. Apparently, they could team up for the time being. Vio kept that in mind as she surveyed the immediate area she’d been put in. They were to find enemies and possibly allies on their own, it seemed. It was a bit odd, but that all still made sense. This was not one of those little league tournaments, but a more chaotic kind of fight to be. Which was fine by her. It meant that the outcome would be determined by luck, among other things, but not much more than some other fights. At least it was expected here.
So, as long as she did her best, it should be fine. This was to prove herself, first and foremost, on the last leg of her training to join the ranks. Doing this methodically and smartly would be enough. [break][break]
Though, of course, she also needed at least some power, so she brought out her Iron Crown to join her for the first round. It still was not too well trained, but she liked to start with a show of power before going for more tricky means. That tended to throw people off at some point. Plus, she was able to mount it for now as she started to move through the arena, looking for potential foes or allies.
Fortunately, she probably found the former first, coming across the guy from their little dungeon diving. He was running with his Absol when she noticed him crossing her path. Vio would keep her distance but cautiously approach, trying to run beside him but wary of being attacked right away. “Hey there. You seemed reliable, want to join up for now?” It was worth a try.

+ Enters, surveys area, summons out Iron Crown, tries to link up with Gerald Kaiser against other participants.



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fen (mille)
dee/dem/der, they/them
march 9th
mossdeep city
office worker (cracker)
5' height
5' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
443 posts
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TAG WITH @fenelle
Fenelle Miller
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 18:52:25 GMT
Fenelle Miller Avatar
Fenelle's first mistake is severely underestimating the budget this Gauntlet would have. A whole arena? With forests? An environment? Dee has made a good show of keeping a neutral face, but some cracks slipped - maybe for the better ... dee is aware that dee might be the greenest amongst the chosen group, which is a weird way to both increase and decrease pressure. It also solidifies Fenelle's plan of trying to slip under the radar, have the others underestimate dem.

Or maybe. 's words, written thankfully on clearly readable subtitles, make dem flinch for a moment, steeling demself. Maybe the whole "oh no don't hit me" should be kept for another time ... but dee would decide that later. goes to explain, and Fenelle doesn't hesitate to grab the ball that dee has intended for the first round, even as der headcanon imagined a football field arena kind of deal.

Metagross is summoned to der side, and dee hops onto its back, letting it lead the way. They psychically connect, and dee conveys the image of a stealth mission - something utterly impossible for dem in a forest setting. Fen also tells it to set a psychic ping out, figuring out who might be nearby - and ... Fenelle spots just as his Absol might spot the other duo, and immediately raises der hands in a show of non-hostility. The other grunt seems like he might be on the search, implying he has a plan - or a target. Making him, in turn, an ideal target for a temporary alliance when there's too many enemies on the board. There's also someone else approaching - also seems to have picked Gerald as temporary ally.

If allowed to approach, the Metagross would do so, with Fenelle signing Group? with a questioning look. Dee also points at der ears, shaking der head to signal that dee's deaf. Earning no understanding with that, der Metagross would attempt to psychically link with Gerald and Violet, while Fenelle hops down, taking a stick and starting to draw in a patch of sandy earth. It's a simple image of a mouse trap with cheese on it, where Fenelle draws so many arrows pointing at the cheese, before pointing at demself, too.

Dee has no chance staying quiet, so might as well try and be bait and cover for whoever Gerald's target is. (Also, the other layer of der plan does not include stealth or quiet at all, so might as well use it for several means.)

tl;dr round 0
- chooses metagross as partner
- flies atop the metagross for a moment, spots gerald/is spotted by him
- offers an alliance, i.e. being the bait/cover for whoever gerald attempts to eliminate
- PROMPT agree to team up with another participant ( & ) against the others for the first round only.

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march 21
debt collector
chaotic stupid, i'll get used to feeling useless
589 posts
parker jones DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @parker
parker jones
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2024 18:54:38 GMT
parker jones Avatar
she gets the wrong idea, despite telling her she needs to strategize, that she needs to take it seriously, that it's gonna be a big event. but gauntlet? knockout fight ring? she's expecting a field, some combat, some wham-bam-wapow and then maybe taking home the gold.

sheer will can get you through a bloodied fucking face, but mythical monsters beating each other to shit is different. she's not a battler. she's not special ops. she's not, well, anything really, but a glorified bodyguard, a title that seems ridiculous when the body you're guarding can literally rewrite reality.

also, she's been distracted. they have a new house. they live together. lots of furniture needs to be broken in. counters, walls, showers (they have TWO now), the carpet (ow, she still has some rug burn). there are more important things than getting ready for the inevitable war.

which brings us, now, to the present, with her staring out in dismay at some hunger games shit. but instead of platform circles that'll blow her sky high if she steps off before the buzzer, she has ten minutes to 'prepare.' 

plenty of others don't waste time in fucking off to do their own strategy. she pats herself down and walks with purpose, pulling her chicken back in and tossing out her pup instead. he's usually the lookout when she's on a job, tucked around the other side so he can aura sense if someone wants to be rude and interrupt her while she's wailing on a target. 

best someone watches her surroundings 'cause if she gets jumped, it's over before any of this can begin. so she scrambles into a well-defended position, scratches the back of her neck, and shares a look with remus. 
set up a defensive position using the surrounding terrain.
lucario aura sense active / parker lies in wait
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played by


Mad Dog of Rocket
May 8
Pyrite Town, Orre
Night Club Owner
Marionette Accardo
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
816 posts
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TAG WITH @dorian
dorian westcliff
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2024 3:06:54 GMT
dorian westcliff Avatar

Dorian, accompanied by his faithful Magmortar, surveyed the area carefully. He looked over his prospective opponents, wondering if any of them were gunning for him.

When Hitoshi proposed a temporary alliance, the Mad Dog grinned. "A wonderful idea!", Dorian replied, in a chipper tone.

"Allow me to set the stage.", Dorian began.

His Magmortar raised its arms, clearing the 'local' skies of clouds, and ushering in a Sunny Day.

"As much as I like getting up close and personal, I realize that's your specialty. So me and Smoochie can provide ranged support.", Dorian offered.

notes: Dorian accepts Hitoshi's proposal
Dorian's Magmortar used Sunny Day

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November 17th
Opelucid City
5'11" height
5'11" height
Days fade into a watercolour blur / Memories swim and haunt you
314 posts
Alba Evovae DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @alba
Alba Evovae
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2024 11:51:38 GMT
Alba Evovae Avatar



No time to waste. There are 600 seconds where Alba can make his advantage; too little for even a single fraction of time to be wasted. An alliance would be nice, but he’d rather make sure he has survive on his own first, lest he end up too dependent on someone who would inevitably become an opponent. And so as soon as the bell chimes the scientist darts off to find his own slice of the arena to make his den.[break][break]

The rocky terrain seems appealing for Heatran’s power; an outcropping looks like a nice vantage point to watch out for the other trainers, to hunker down in. He sets to work shaping his new home to be better fortified, using his Pokémon’s Earth Power to do the heavy lifting.[break][break]

In the first round, the objective is less to win and more to not lose. Running around the arena picking off rivals is just an easy way to wear yourself down for the other dozen or so participants. It’s not a showy strategy, but that’s fine; he’ll have more time to show off if he makes it through this first batch.



Round 1 Pokémon: Heatran[break]
Set up a defensive position using the surrounding terrain. (Rocky outcropping)[break]




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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
795 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
POSTED ON Jun 3, 2024 16:05:47 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Alliances were already forming, but Ameena wasn't close to anyone and knew next to nothing about most of the participants. She would make do without an alliance, at least for the beginning. She had four pokemon, so she had a chance to size up the competition before bringing out the big guns. [break][break]

It seemed she needed to bring out Nihilego who was the least seasoned in combat. The otherworldly pokemon was ideal for its trapping capacity. She settled in on an area of the platform where she had a decent distance between herself and others, then ordered Nihilego to release toxic spikes. Anyone coming to attack her first would face immediate punishment. "Defense first. We can show real power later," she asserted to her Nihilego. [break][break]

She wished she had had the opportunity to use the Nihilego's natural toxins on the pokemon in the gauntlet, but such a poisoning would've had to be done before making it to the field, and she wasn't sure if cheating would be celebrated or punished. Oh, well. She would play fair enough, at least in the beginning.

TAGS – [break]

NOTES – Use one of your Pokémon's moves to give you an advantage at your current position, such as a weather move, terrain move, Trick Room, etc. / Nihilego used toxic spikes.[break][break]


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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,605 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2024 21:40:23 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

Adrian shuffled about nonchalantly. This wasn't really his idea—he almost wonders if is the reason he's here in the first place—but he couldn't afford to make a fuss. Play along, and maybe it will prove a useful experience... At the very least, he had to look like he was trying—though he wasn't sure any individual effort would matter. Alliances, some backstabbing...[break][break]

That would be the way to win this thing, not that he trusts anyone enough to try.[break][break]


The minutes drag by. Adrian is too straightforward and honest for this phase of the gauntlet. A Grimmsnarl green behind the ears accompanies him, until he finds an open space, though the ground is remarkably uneven...[break][break]

It'll do for what the trainer has in mind.[break][break]

"Let's do our best not to get caught unawares," he manages to reply softly to his pokemon. Across the sizeable clearing, a faint mist emanates from Grimmsnarl as its epicenter, causing a haze to build up along the terrain. I guess we just wait here then...?[break][break]

Should none challenge him, he planned then to attack another loosely adjacent participant, whose strategy roughly mirrored his own...

[attr="class","bottom"]Use a move to provide an advantage (e.g. misty terrain)[break]Positioned on some open, uneven terrain[break]Also has a secret target in mind...[break]

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[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]
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March 03
Alamos, Sinnoh
boy genius
Associate Scientist
nature, nuture
heaven and home
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
sum of all and by them driven
541 posts
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TAG WITH @kepler
kepler brueshaber
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2024 16:33:37 GMT
kepler brueshaber Avatar

@ gauntlet

Sootopolis was a world of bone-colored stone and salty sea. The idea of sprawling forests and greenery seemed… strange. But when Kepler looked up, he was met with shifting shadows of dappled leaves, moving in an unfelt breeze… and then would promptly trip, a little, because the ground was uneven and this whole place was built to be a deathtrap.
Beware, underlanders, time hangs by a thread, he thought, trying really hard to control his pulse and not freak out. He felt very, very small here, outside-- sort of kind of-- for the first time in a thousand years, surrounded by strangers whose very programming was going to be going for his throat. As far as exposure therapy went, this was about as naked as he could get. The hunters are hunted, white water runs red.
It was an old rhyme from an old book he’d read as a child, and, surprisingly, it brought him comfort, if just allowing him to structure his racing thoughts, a little. Ten minutes was not enough time. He knew he wasn’t going to ally himself with any of the others-- he didn’t trust like that. Which meant it was up to him.
The gnawers will strike to extinguish the rest, the hope of the hopeless resides in a quest.
He looked around at the ground, at the rocks and the stone. He needed to get somewhere defendable, that was for sure. Somewhere high up, ideally with something at his back? Pulse racing, he scrabbled up a small incline, grip trembling with each overhand pull. This way, no one could sneak up behind him, and he could see people coming from a ways off. It was a little recessed, too, so he could always just Peeta his way out of this if needed.
The last who will die must decide where he stands.
The thought of a weapon seemed silly, considering he had a dragon-fish in a ball at his waist that could spit fire. He didn’t relish the thought of Ahamkara coming out at close quarters, though; she’d probably crush him into a pulp with all her thrashing and that would be it for ol’ Keppo.
The fate of the eight is contained in his hands.
He exhaled, long and low, and let Pluto’s Pokeball roll from his hands, and the Beheeyem appears in a flash. She nods, the sound of her head swiveling on her stony body loud in the quiet.
So bid him take care, bid him look where he leaps…
Kepler found himself reverting, a little. Back to his old parasite days, a stranger in his own body, an unwelcome guest in a larger host. But after it all, the tiny parasite survives, even if the host body dies. He could do this. He could do this.
As life becomes death and death life again reaps.

Explore the arena and choose an advantageous place to begin the first round.


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June 3
In Silence There Is Beauty
187 posts
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TAG WITH @kazu
Kazuya Yoshida
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2024 1:57:20 GMT
Kazuya Yoshida Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb kazuyapost"]

respect is not kindness, but it is priceless




The ex-convict can’t help but admire the ingenuity of the place. Not too long ago, this was an unremarkable patch of ground with nothing of worth. Now, it was a virtual stadium. As the speakers crackle to life, Kazuya turns to face the nearest one. Perched on his shoulder is a tiny yellow-and-white shape—his Emolga.

After giving his opponents a brief once-over, Kazuya turns his eyes to the arena itself. "Hm." Making short-term alliances does not sit well with him. He is also not a man who relies on traps. They are underhanded and best left to people who need them. The idea of hiding behind such thin trees is laughable. But he does briefly consider targeting directly. The pond provides a perfect conductor for Emolga’s attacks.

In the end, however, he settles for using the environment to his advantage. With so many heavy hitters around, his electric type shall be a mosquito. An annoyance that proves difficult to swat. “Let’s go.” His modulator crackles as he turns away from the central bloodbath and heads toward the copse of trees nearby. “Climb.”


With a squeak, the squirrel does as asked. Beady eyes stare down at her competition with surprising determination. With a nod to his companion, Kazuya moves to take up position on slightly higher ground.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] Uses time to pick an advantageous position for his Emolga. He's taking the high ground.


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP