i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,200 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 14:50:31 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]STEEL CHEF 2024 CONTEST




THE STEEL CHEF 2024 COOKING CONTEST IS UNDERWAY! Though a few contestants seem startled or puzzled by the Unovan challenge, others embrace it enthusiastically. After several minutes of planning and gathering ingredients, the contest kitchen is, predictably enough, the sizzling of hot oil and the hissing of flame grills joins the usual symphony of chopping, mixing, and boiling that accompanies most cooking processes.[break][break]

watches in pleasure as a wide array of dishes, from entrees to desserts and sides, are presented to the judges. "This is exactly what I was hoping for from a challenge about regional cooking!" she exclaims happily. "I love seeing the variety of things that chefs can come up with!"[break][break]

After all the judges' scores and votes are tallied, ' meatloaf proves the clear winner, as it perfectly captures the spirit and flavors of Unovan cooking, probably to his own dismay. In second place came 's burger, probably to his own surprise; perhaps his experience cooking over campfires on an archaeological dig made his offering slightly better liked than 's, though the judges complimented the latter's delicious fresh-baked bun. 's New Castelia cheesecake also won rave reviews, particularly for its piquant and refreshing Oran-Pecha-Sitrus sauce.[break][break]

The judges flash sympathetic smiles at and after the scores are announced. "Maybe it's just that Unovan cooking isn't your specialty," one says reassuringly. "I have no doubt you'll do better in the next round."[break][break]

"And speaking of that next round..." Aurelie interjects, deftly seeing the easy segue back into the contest. "This next one will be quite a change from Unovan cooking. And it's one that, for obvious reasons, is near and dear to my heart..."[break][break]

Her smile is almost wistful, and her single eye shines with something that could be warmth or could be homesickness. "Kalosian cooking. Not that any of you will ever match my mother's incomparable beef bourguignon, but...I certainly challenge all of you to try!"[break][break]

Taking a deep breath, she raises a fist high up in the air. "So now, with one and a half hours to conquer this challenge, this seems particularly fitting that I now say to you... Allez cuisine!"



ALL CONTESTANTS have been brought into a large warehouse near the Lilycove City harbor reserved for the occasion. Inside the warehouse, you find yourself within a high-ceilinged, cavernous kitchen space equipped with numerous rows of prep and cooking stations, one for each chef to use.[break][break]

Each prep and cook station features a gleaming stainless-steel countertop, stainless steel sink, gas stove, and electric oven. At the front of the kitchen is the presentation area, where the judges will sit together at a long table when tasting and appraising the contestants' dishes.[break][break]

A hallway to one side of the kitchen leads to the equipment room and pantry, which contain all the materials, cookware, and ingredients that contestants might need. Planter boxes line one wall of the pantry, filled with fresh herbs and greens that chefs can harvest and use in their dishes.[break][break]

The rest of the pantry is filled with shelves, refrigerators, and bins of fresh produce, meat, seafood, spices and seasonings, dairy, breads and grains, and kitchen staples (eggs, salt, sugar, flour, butter, several different types of cooking oil, cooking wine, and more) to help chefs bring their unique concoctions to life.[break][break]



TO PARTICIPATE, please read the following questions carefully:[break][break]

  • The Steel Chef 2024 contest will feature several rounds with deadlines.
  • Each round will feature a prompt to fulfill.
  • Each contestant must post once per round and make a roll at the end. If you miss a round, you won't be disqualified, but your chances to win will be lower. The roll will represent the judges' opinion of the contestant's dish.
  • At the end of the contest, the contestant with the highest roll total will be the winner. Therefore, please add up all your rolls at the end of each post.
  • Winning the contest will give your character a Clever Pokemon Contest win.
  • Like Shiv, I will not tolerate complaints about not being mentioned, tagged, acknowledged or feeling "useless" in a raid. Unlike Shiv, I'm arbitrary and capricious and will tag and mention people as I darn well please, including high- or low-rolling characters or characters who have the moxie to incorporate green eggs, purple shrimp, eldritch horror, or Eevee flavoring into their creations.



THE THIRD ROUND PROMPT is the Kalos region.

  • The dish your character creates for this round must be inspired by the KALOS region. (OOC note: This should refer to any dishes from French cuisine.)
  • In addition, please include a reference to any city or town located in the Kalos region.
DEADLINE IS[break]July 29, 11:59 PM PST.



The winning contestant will receive a Clever Pokemon Contest win and ribbon.[break][break]

In addition, every participant will receive a special prize for posting in each round:[break][break]

  • First round prize: 1 gacha ticket
  • Second round prize: 1 TM/TR
  • Third round prize: 1 shard (your choice of color)
  • Fourth round prize: 1 salac berry


1) - 169, 2) - 164, 3) - 138, 4) - 102, 5) - 89, 6) - 87, 7) and - 79, 8) and - 67, 9) - 56, 10) - 52, 11) - 44, 12) - 32

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fen (mille)
dee/dem/der, they/them
march 9th
mossdeep city
office worker (cracker)
5' height
5' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
443 posts
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TAG WITH @fenelle
Fenelle Miller
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 15:15:43 GMT
Fenelle Miller Avatar


Kalosian isn't only close to Aurelie's heart - Fenelle shudders at the idea of messing this one up too much when dee thinks of der Grandpa Théo. He probably has no idea about this contest because he's busy being eccentric with something else, but if he'd ... yeah. No. Fenelle is doubly-fear fuelled and thus brings up an incredibly unknown specialty from Glorio City - made even more unknwon since it's a family dish.

The dough's easily prepared, which only leaves the incredibly weird but oddly satisfying combination of fruits and cream that goes on top of it. Unfortunately, dee doesn't have the specific cheese dee would need to make it perfect, but it's better for literally every other contestant - for those unused to it, that cheese's a one-hit knock-out move with 100% accuracy.

Magnemite's in charge of the baking process again, which is frequently interrupted by a few more additions that all have to be timed to not be burned. The result is a rather interesting fruity dish that still has some hearty flavour because of the cheese and the crème fraîche.

dish flammkueche

[newclass=".emapkmn img"]float:none!important; border:none; box-shadow:none; padding:0px;height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px; [/newclass]
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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
795 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 15:31:08 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Kalosian cuisine was incredible. They arguably relied on butter far too much, but damn if they did not create the greatest pastries in the world. Aromatics were important, too. Kalosian food was an experience. She had little experience cooking it, but she understood the pillars of the culinary tradition. [break][break]

She would normally default to the steak frites, but she had made steak and potatoes last round, so she had to switch things up. She loved quiche lorraine. She had spent little time in Kalos, and her favorite quiche lorraine actually came from a small hole-in-the-wall restaurant in Johto, but she would do her best faithful recreation. [break][break]

She chose oinklogne for the quiche and got to chopping. She mixed in the ham with her eggs and seasonings and poured in a questionable amount of cream. These were fluffy, delightful quiches. She couldn't risk serving them a dense puck. Thankfully, it heated evenly and came out looking just like the ones served in Laverre City - or so she felt. Perhaps, she was giving herself too much credit. But it smelled delicious and, she was sure, tasted incredible.

TAGS – [break]

NOTES – Kalosian food: quiche lorraine / Kalosian town: laverre city[break]1bzV_sh2[break]


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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 15:37:03 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

He had to hide the cringe that crossed his face when the second round ended and his… his amalgamation of spices and meat was the worthiest of them all…

He definitely needed to go to confession after this entire shebang was over. The sin of humanity kitchen crime actually tasted that good?!

Once the dishes had been cleared out and the next round’s theme was announced… he groaned. When were they going to go a little farther south of Anistar, Kalos?

(Not to Paldea, a little further south. Down to where one of his home cities had been built around nature… Alto Mare.)

“Mamma mia,” he groaned as he racked his brains. He already had a sinking feeling that the most obvious foods were going to be taken, so what was he going to make that would stand out from all the rest?

An idea clicked; hopefully this would cover the few pieces of seafood he was not allergic to.

He would have to run and make the salad dressing first, making tracks towards the part of the store room where all the vegetables were stored; and quickly grabbing an armful—he would come back for the rest later.

Gulping, he would also go back for a small container of anchovies; and prayed that his seafood allergy hadn’t gotten worse throughout the years.

He had to find the thing—the one where the pepper was ground up—and prepared half a clove of garlic along with the respectable piece of anchovy fillet—no allergic reactions, alright, good—and put a dash of salt in the stone bowl, using the grinder to blend it together.

He almost forgot the mustard and the… wow, who knew there was this kind of fancy vinegar—red wine vinegar with the paste and began mixing it before leaving it alone for a while.

(At least he wasn’t allergic to tuna so that was a good thing.)

After he’d retrieved the tuna can and siphoned off some of the olive oil it came in, he would mix the oil with the paste—which was by now becoming a sauce—and left that to stand as he had to deal with the actual part of the salad itself.

(Good thing he was handy with a knife in the kitchen!)

There was a salted pot of cold water that had the potatoes he needed already simmering, and so he would handle the eggs next—the eggs were the absolute worst part of any dish if he was being honest, and these had to be cooked a certain way—making sure to not take his eyes off the pot where the eggs were boiling (seven or so minutes of tense pacing did the trick).

While waiting for the eggs he would prepare the handful of green beans, and once that was done he would get the eggs out and put them in an ice bath. Easier to peel for later. One of the few useful tricks he knew when he wasn’t too lazy to make ramen.

After taking care of the finicky ingredients (by getting the bowls ready by assembling the lettuce, olives, and adding the beans and sliced potatoes) he would then peel the eggs; smirking that the ‘ice bath’ trick never failed every time.

One harried assembly later… and… damn.

…maybe this wasn’t so bad to add to his usual repertoire of food he could eat when he wasn’t busy!

Meanwhile, the illumina Rotom would wander over to where was, opening their door and gesturing at the other man to help themselves to another can of beer before zipping back to where Lars was internally screaming and trying not to continue his descent into meltdown territory.

These dishes were getting pickier and pickier the longer the contest went on…


• his dish is salade niçoise
• the meltdown goes on!
• mentioned location is Anistar (originally I was supposed to mention an IRL place in the ACTUAL France but haha, reading comprehension is out the window SORRY)
• recipe followed is this one here


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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,868 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 15:54:42 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

[attr="class","mmilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


“Thank you.” The ambassador bows her head in apology when the judges came over to taste her dish and her chicken fried steak had came out to be less than delicious than the others. If she wanted to be a master chef, the Galarian royal would have to try a bit harder and make the audience proud. The shard legendary begins to clean up the mess on the stove while she listens for the next round’s prompt.[break][break]

The next round would have the contestants cook Kalosian food, a delicacy that Elise is sure would know more. The prince wasn’t there though, she had to think of what her late uncle could give her as a suggestion.[break][break]

Beginning to fry the beef until it was nicely cooked, she creates the stew in the pot while marinading it with red wine. Onion slices, mushrooms, bacon, and carrots were dropped inside the stew along with the beef. Charles the Calyrex gets to making the tomato paste and flavor for the stew as he uses Psychic to squeeze the juices out into the paste’s creation.[break][break]

Once Elise pours the bowl of tomato paste into the stew, she lets it boil for a little bit. The smell of her stew was making the hare king drool though she doesn’t want him to taste it until it’s ready.[break][break]

After she turns off the heat and the stew is ready to serve, Elise takes out a large spoon from the drawer and pours it into each bowl that’s on the table. For Charles’, she pours the stew so that the little bulbous crowned prince can eat his share.[break][break]

“I tried my best here.” The Galarian princess spoke while she hands the bowls of her dish to the judges. “It’s beef bourguignon. A favored dish that my late uncle, King Roland Tousignant of Galar, really liked from what he told me from his home in Kalos.” [break][break]

From the various cities and towns that her late uncle, the late king od Galar, had told her about, the princess did particularly like hearing about Camphrier Town. An ancient town that had the Tousignant clan that lived north of the town up in the mountains. It was a town that she wished to visit for some time, mostly because her Dragon type Pokemon wanted to go there too and she wanted to visit with her late uncle's family since they were the royalty of Camphrier.[break][break]





Prompt: Kalosian food (beef bourguignon)[break]
Roll Total: 56 (42 - round 1 + 14 - round 2)



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MAY 18th
eyes of an angel
lay me down
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
we still believe in love, so fuck you!
709 posts
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 16:28:59 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar

Okay, so that also hadn't gone as swimmingly as Eddie had hoped, but it was hard to be upset when another ice-cold beer was offered by the kindly (and very shiny) Rotom not long after Eddie had finished the dregs of his last one. He accepted the new can of ale gratefully and popped it open with a satisfying snap!; man, he hadn't been offered this many free drinks since that summer he spent in Porto Marinada (God bless The Taproom and all the handsome gentlemen therein). [break][break]

No time for a trip down memory lane, though. He had to figure out a goddamn Kalosian dish to cook, and Eddie was already dreading the prospect when he considered this very real blind-spot in his culinary repertoire. So much of what he'd seen of that region's cuisine was real fancy stuff, from delicate pastries to pretentious canapes (well, pretentious mostly when compared to his favored tapas) to expensive wines. He had to make some real food, damn it, but what could a chump like him whip up to impress the judges? [break][break]

It was when he took another sip of beer that a new bit of inspiration struck. Wine, huh? He could actually work with that. [break][break]

Blanche was at his heels as he gathered up the necessary ingredients and prayed that he had enough time to assemble the finished product. Diced bacon went into a enameled pot on the stove (because really, how was this ingredient any different than the traditional lardons?) and was removed once the pieces were cooked to crispy perfection. Chicken thighs followed thereafter to meet a similar fate, and would eventually join their porcine brethren on the side as veggies were sauteed in the rendered fat. Flour and tomato paste were next, until the star of the show took to the stage. [break][break]

Now this the part that would likely make or break the dish. Eddie didn't know much of anything about wine, but this rather lavish-looking red would probably do the trick. He tipped in some of the cabernet sauvignon before the rest of the ingredients rejoined the party, sealed off by the pot's lid for the next hour-ish until it was time to plate up. [break][break]

Eddie leaned forward on his arms against the counter, grinning with satisfaction as the coq au vin bubbled away. This would surely knock the judge's socks off, he thought a little smugly, and his eyes drifted from the pot on the stove to the half-empty bottle of wine on the counter. He glanced from it to his beer and paused, considering something. Maybe just one little taste couldn't hurt – [break][break]

Eddie only had the wine bottle to his lips long enough to have a sip before the extremely dry beverage went down the hatch with an anguished grimace. Good God, how the hell did people drink this stuff? He was happy to return to his beer and to never so much as touch another bottle of Camphrier red as long as he lived. [break][break]



[attr="class","bottom"]tl;dr [break]
oh boy, more beer! : D[break]
eddie makes coq au vin with a wine from camphrier town![break]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cloud-moon"]

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,073 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 21:13:25 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
Kalosian? Howard's eye found .


Most of Kalos's history involved spending more time finding ways to peel potatoes than to actually spend governing. If their kings had actually learned how to rule instead of creating overcomplicated recipes, maybe their monarchy would still be solvent.

This was why the Calcifets had never lost power. Galarian food sucked, and they hadn't bothered trying to improve it. Rather than eat good food, they ruled well.

Clever. He'd give this round to and .

"Hmmm... Hm...." Howard clapped his hands before taking another bite of bread. He chewed thoughtfully and swallowed. "Nope! I've got nothing!"

His time in Kalos had been spent sleeping in ditches, stealing food from Panchams, and getting mugged in Courmarine City. would've been helpful, right now. Wasn't he like, partially Kalosian? He was also rich and was better at getting poor people to cook for him.

"Alright, I can do this. I'm an adult. I'm a grown man." Hadn't Aurelie made Kalosian food for him a few times? Bouillabaisse stew? Clams? Shrimp? Something something, fish? Yeah, he could do this. Stew was just throwing a bunch of ingredients into a pot and praying to your deity of choice, so where was the harm in trying?

He took another bite of bread as he sauntered over to the cabinet to find ingredients.

Contemplate the french
Bouillabaisse Stew
aC3rb9U5 + 164

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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
643 posts
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 23:13:16 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
Amidst working on the apple pie and ice cream, it seemed that El and Bibidi would have a certain visitor in the form of 's cooking buddy. The Alakazam was able to sense Hati's approach - and would grab her and the bowl she knocked into with Telekinesis, both to keep her from getting into trouble and to keep the bowl from going astray.

El, however, couldn't help but laugh a little. "Hey there - you hungry, buddy?" They spoke kindly, getting out another bowl. "Here, I'll set some aside for you, gimme just a second..."

... And indeed, before long, Hati would be given some sliced apples, and - once they made doubly sure it was pokemon-safe - a scoop of vanilla soft-serve, to enjoy. "Here you are, cutie pie. Don't eat too fast, or you'll get a tummyache, okay?" That, or brainfreeze.

(If Hati allowed, El would end up getting a bit distracted scratching her behind the ear.)

. . .

But before long came the next round - and with this one, Kalosian cuisine! Kalos was quite the pretty place, from what El could recall from photos of places like Lumiose...

For this round though, they decided to continue with the sweets; Pokepuffs were a classic treat, and one they could share! "If you're good and patient, I'll share some this once it's finished, lil cutie." El cooed to Hati as they began working on the batter - Bibidi helping to convey as much with her telepathy.

(They'd just have to be mindful not to give her too many puffs; Arceus only knows how much sugar she's had thus far!)
Pokepuffs, and referencing Lumiose
mXhiE5G_ + 102
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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
553 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 1:28:23 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
In a turn of events, her dessert had been given rave reviews. Even Jeanne, the picky Pokemon though she was, had gobbled down the piece that Elaine had fed her. Perhaps that meant that trying to make desserts or confectionaries was the way to go for her. She didn't know many Kalosian dishes, sadly. But, she did have a favorite that she would often get from a pâtissier close to home back when she lived in Sinnoh.

"Sorry I'm not utilizing your skills better, Jeanne."

The Ceruledge shrugged as she looked at Elaine's steady acts of whipping up the meringue and readying the cookie shells upon the parchment paper on the baking sheets.

Though the food itself looked simple, macarons were a lot harder to make from scratch. Getting the consistency of the cookie batter right to make sure that it wasn't too hollow and getting the filling right were all rough for a first timer like her. But, at the end of it all, she had been able to ready the filling and had made a plethora of macarons, a few of which she had ended up giving to Jeanne who had crossed her arms and watched in the interim.

Perhaps, next time, she would be able to have her cut something up and help along better with the cooking. But, for now, she wanted to let those macarons feel like something that would come out of a small, yet homely confectioner's shop in Lumiose.

hYmH38aE (+79)
  • Dish: Macarons
  • Kalosian City: Lumiose
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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
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Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 5:06:05 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","eris109"]Kalos... Kalos. What does she know of Kalos? The endless snow in Snowbelle City, the towering windmills that colour the Dendemille landscape, an ancient tree that watches over the sleepy city of Laverre. Every little fragment of this region that she knows are figments of the imagination that have been breathed to life by her father. And she remembers how fondly he would speak of his hometown, the way he would watch the trains pull into the Couriway station, bringing people that came from all walks of life. Oh, and the way he would explain how each train was run and serviced as he poured crepe batter into a sizzling pan.[break][break]

Spread the batter out thin, let it sit till it sets and then flip it with a spatula. That faint scent that wafts through the air is sweet and comforting, a faint smile tugging at the ends of her lips as she waits for the edges to crisp just that tiny bit. And while she's busy cooking those to the very best of her abilities, Nessie watches over a few stewing pots of compote - Berries, stone fruits, and one even contains a mix of tomatoes and various spices.[break][break]

mmj9_lAO (+52)
[attr="class","eris103"]uh oh sisters
[attr="class","eris103"]steel chef
Crepes with various compote! If only she were GOOD AT ROLLING...

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 15:56:26 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

Hati greedily accepted the offering from before politely going to cause havoc elsewhere.[break][break]

After a quick sniff of the air, her eyes landed squarely on and his pokemon. Sneaking (poorly) over to the Gym Leader's counter, she hauled herself up and began helping herself to a few of the veggies that were scattered about. A menace who would eat her way through the entire competition if given the chance.[break][break]

Tempest, meanwhile, gathered up a few things to make something sweet. He didn't actually know a lot about Kalosian cuisine, much like he hadn't Unovan. His mother had been from Kalos, though. Usually his father would cook for them but he could very faintly remember the few times she would try her hand at it. She had been a terrible cook, but somehow the charred edges of her strange and 'exotic' meals had always fascinated him. It was a shame he couldn't remember that much about them.[break][break]

As he prepared his crust and sugar mixture, Tempest wondered what city she had been from. Was it Lumious? Ambrette? Maybe Anistar? It makes him sad to think too deeply on it; he never got to know her like how he would have liked.[break][break]

Still, Tempest presents his Tarte Tatin to the judges. Much like his mother's, it's a little rough around the edges. A bit too sweet, a bit too brown. It's made with pineapples instead of apples or pears. But he's still proud of it, all the same.

[attr="class","tag"]@ STEEL CHEF 2024



🔗 dish: tarte tatin (with pineapple)! score is above + 32


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july 14
laverre, kalos
i just want to
get to know you
5'4" / 162 cm height
5'4" / 162 cm height
guess i didn't quite think it through
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TAG WITH @bash
bastion blythe
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2024 16:17:05 GMT
bastion blythe Avatar
“You’d think I’d have the upper hand, what with being from Laverre.”

Ah, Kalos. The land of his ancestors. His homeland. Whose food he fucking loathed. Everything was so convoluted and ended up swimming in butter. And everything took so goddamn long-- what was he going to make in the allotted time?!

He mixed buckwheat flour with milk, eggs, and butter, and handed it to Striga to whisk. While that happened, he shaved an orange and dropped sugar and water into a pan. He painstakingly curled the orange zest pieces into spirals and dropped them in the candying pan so they coated and hardened into beautiful spirals.

As his fruit peels candied, he put out his crepe pan, and ladled the batter into thin layers and watched until the surface bubbled, which is when he flipped them off and folded the crepes into triangles. He topped them with candied orange peel and orange-maple syrup.

“Voila, as the kids say.”

IZRV0jgK + 87

round 3 dish: crepes
i loathe the french

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November 17th
Opelucid City
5'11" height
5'11" height
Days fade into a watercolour blur / Memories swim and haunt you
313 posts
Alba Evovae DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @alba
Alba Evovae
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2024 2:28:38 GMT
Alba Evovae Avatar


hell’s kitchen

Deep fried Kalosian food… No, his mind was coming up a total blank. Time to branch out into something else, then…[break][break]

The first thing that came to mind was ratatouille, after the Lumiose film that was based around the dish… Confit byaldi, the fancy variant that actually showed up in it, just for good measure.[break][break]

“I just need you to fetch the ingredients this time. Oh, you could lay them out on the tray as well, actually…” He’d slice the vegetables himself, aiming for thin, light cuts. Then there was the sauce, and the actual cooking… With all the work he was doing in the kitchen, surely he had earned at least a week’s worth of ordering take out after this.



Kalos City: Lumiose[break]
Previous round scores: 96, 42




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may 7th
hau’oli city, alola
rooksexual (demi)
lilycove gym leader
gym leader
his hands keep turning into birds and flying away from him. eventually the birds must land.
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lam logan DOLLARS
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lam logan
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2024 3:51:39 GMT
lam logan Avatar
[attr="class","ambrosia lam"]
[attr="class","amilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[attr="class","textbox"]Well… he looked down at Peaches as the results rolled out for round two. It wasn’t great, but it was far better than the first round at least.[break][break]

They still had time to make a better impression![break][break]

And at the mention of Kalosiam food, Lam was quick to perk up. Though this cuisine wasn’t exactly his specialty, he at least had one recipe in his pocket. “I know exactly what to make. C’mon, of to the veggies we go.” Once again, he returned to his station with a garden variety—all of the colors popping brightly against the steel top.[break][break]

Most notably—the deep purple of eggplants, green zucchini, and the rainbow variety of bell peppers. The bright red of tomatoes and crisp white of onions.[break][break]

“It’s unfortunate I can’t fit you under my hat to have you cook for me like in that movie,” Lam said with a snort of laughter as Peaches watched him begin chopping and dicing the myriad of veggies for the pot. But that was fine—ratatouille was a dish he made often at home. No extra assistance needed. So…surely that meant they’d do great this go round, right? Even if it didn’t rival the stuff they made out in Lumiose City.[break][break]

It was while he was dumping vegetables into the pot for stewing that the Psyduck let out a startled squawk— Lam looked up in time to see a fuzzy little gremlin chomping on some veggies. “Hey now! We need those!” But the twinkly little eevee was so cute, it was difficult to reprimand it reminded him of his own illumina shinx at home. Peaches did her best to intercept the snack thief, waving her pudgy arms and quacking at Hati dramatic haughtiness.[break][break]

He peered around until he spotted a station with no Pokémon. “I think your friend is running interference!” he called over to , laughing as he shook his head and got back to it.[break][break]

While she played guard duty against the rogue eevee, Lam softened each vegetable separately, sauteeing them into softness until they could all be combined into a thick, stewy mixture. Bay leaves and marjoram were added to draw out more flavor. All of simmered together, the smell warm and familiar.[break][break]

As a last touch, he grabbed a baguette and sliced it down the middle, laying it in the oven for a few minutes until it was nice and toasty—a nice companion to the medley of veggies.
[attr="class","nametag"] 5QEuOGat


[attr="class","icon-flying"] we makin loaded ratatouille!! [break]
eyeing my roll like <_<



[newclass=".lam"] --accent:#acc77b; [/newclass]

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2024 5:24:39 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar leered at his Starmie, who was on the fast track of getting the nickname of Shithead. As they headed back to their cooking area, Oscar berated himself out loud. "Why did I trust the Starmie to cook on its own. It doesn't even have a fuckin' mouth! Gah, stupid stupid stupid Oscar." The starmie looked down, seemingly embarrassed by its performance. It had such a fruitful career, how could it have gotten this wrong? Hmm, then again it did always have a human nearby to actually taste the food. Perhaps it was simply too foolhardy.

Oscar noticed his crestfallen sous-chef, and rolled his eyes as he gently grabbed it. "Oh come on, you did great--if you think about it. I mean, you got the technical skills down. You just need someone to--course correct. That'll be me." The starmie brightened up, twirling out of Oscar's hands as it resolved to do better.

Seeing his hardy little star bounce back brought a smile to Oscar's face. How could he stay mad at such a plucky little guy? Oscar then turned his attention to the task at hand, which seemed to be making a dish from Kalos. Now this Oscar knew a little bit about, he quite enjoyed Kalosian cuisine, one dish in particular. He knew a little cafe in Cyllage City that made the best Matelote in the world, and Oscar would try to emulate it.

This time working together, Oscar prepared a simmering pot of wine while chef Starmie chopped up some Feebas and herbs. The fish and the herbs were put into the pot, and after stewing for a bit--Voilà, it was done! Oscar poured the stew into a bowl and hurriedly presented it to the judges.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP