i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2024 13:38:31 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Uxie's fist made contact with the Okidogi, a smile of satisfaction on the pixie's face. It told its siblings it'd punch the Loyal Three in the face if they ever fought again, and it was following through on that promise.

And it was ready to follow through on that promise again.

Hideo could hear a voice shouting towards his direction. It was a familiar voice, but he couldn't quite put it down as 's voice; their meetings hadn't been many, and he was more focused on the battle in front of him. The same went for 's voice, who called down from above.

Though Uxie was well into getting some satisfying vengeance, it still did its best to keep Hideo aware of what was going on around them. It was how when Okidogi struck chunks of rocks in their direction, he'd raised an arm up.

His head was safe, though the rest of his body got to deal with a buffet of rocks. Even with his Sygna Suit helping protect him, it hurt, the boy staggering back.

Uxie handled it better, hurt but taking the blow just fine. Though the moment it saw Ogerpon take the field, it knew it was best not to get between the Ogre and the Dog, floating out of the former's way.

But Okidogi didn't seem intent on letting it get away. Uxie saw that punch getting charged up, aware Hideo was in the line of fire as well - and knew it wouldn't be wise to play defensively. It used its Mystical Power once more, this time to push the Okidogi away from itself and Hideo - and towards the Ogerpon.

I did hit him, I did - oh hi, Ogerpon.
Hideo tanks the rocks, Sygna Suit helps manage the hurt
Uxie tanks them too
Uxie uses Mystical Power to try and interrupt Okidogi and push it towards Ogerpon

Salac x1


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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2024 15:41:56 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]The past, the future, and the present he feared would come to pass converged around Isaac, picking his bones like a pack of slavering vultures.[break][break]

was no surprise. The only shock would be him shirking his duties at Sootopolis to come all the way here. ? Even less of a surprise, and Isaac already assumed he was lurking around every corner. would surely want her garden back, if only to reduce it to decay while making Isaac watch. ? ? ? Tragic Isaac had already made peace with, even if he could barely bring himself to raise a hand against them in turn. ? Isaac already knew where he stood. ? She, too, had made herself clear.[break][break]

Same with . Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? Still shame on you. The monument to the admin's betrayal still stomped around the ruins of Petalburg City. It wouldn't be hard for it to crush Isaac underfoot in the process. He'd probably make a big song and dance about how sorry he was as Isaac's bones splintered underfoot.[break][break]

All the snarled "I knows" in the world couldn't prepare him for . Fuck. For once, one of Munkidori's wild swings hit where it hurt.[break][break]

Dissection tables, a parodic echo of the experiment they had once collaborated on. Promises that this isn't what she wanted, how she's looking for any opportunity to set him free, that she's doing everything she can but some things are impossible under Rocket's watchful eye. The knowledge that, as soon as he had been studied and disposed of, she'd likely be sent to study Petalburg, an area warped by legend after legend in a nonstop barrage over the past year. The fact that, despite everything it meant, she'd enjoy it.[break][break]

Pressure crashed down on Isaac in a rolling wave, equal parts a comforting hand on a shoulder and a slap to the face. Suicune knew the fate of their brothers in this world. The former champion had told them plenty. This vision, a reenactment of the past through the lens of the future, meant nothing to it. For now, they needed their trainer to focus not on potential nightmares but on the one unfolding before him.[break][break]

As Isaac's vision refocused and the world came to, he saw the decay in ' chain.[break][break]

With what little strength he had left in his legs, Isaac flung himself forward. One hand set on the cancerous rot that had started to spread down the length of the red chain. The other formed his own blood, sweat, and tears into a knife of ice, as small as it was immaculately sharp. In a single, smooth motion he brought the knife down upon the chain, using the momentum from his own fall to sever it.[break][break]

He glowered at the chain on hands and knees. How dare this thing try and torment his beloved sister? For a brief moment, he remembered Suicune's original epithet. He didn't give a shit about purity. Rather than forcing people to mold to his mindset, he wanted to break their chains and set them free. In the ruins of Petalburg, it didn't feel like he could liberate jack shit.[break][break]

But for this insult pulsing in his hands? If just for one moment, he'd let himself be the purifier. The ice knife in his hand melted into waters of life, flowing into the decaying chain link until it tore itself apart.[break][break]

As Isaac focused on Eris, Suicune turned their eye to the rest of the group. The Pressure flowing out from them would try to grab the attention of the other wayward souls. The aurora shining overhead would serve as their beacon. Together, they would serve as an ebb and flow, guiding the lost and the damned away from their false futures and back to the battle at hand.[break][break]

Together they stand, or fractured they fall.[break][break]


TEAL DEER;[break]
Isaac remembers that many of the people he love either hate his guts or are contractually obligated to kill him. Most of these he's made peace with, but some hurt real bad.[break]
Suicune pushes him out of a particularly nasty vision just in time for Isaac to see Eris' chain decay. He severs it at the point of rot and furiously purges any remaining trace.[break]
In lieu of attacking, Suicune focused their Pressure outwards, using their pressure and Isaac's aurora to try and guide them out of the Future Sight and back into the fray.

TAG [break]
NOTES — notes go here

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cass, cassie
november 7th
petalburg city, hoenn
student (private school)
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
517 posts
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TAG WITH @cass
Cassandra Kubrick
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2024 19:07:47 GMT
Cassandra Kubrick Avatar
[newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
Fear. Fear, fear, fear, fear, Fear. The root of every waking thought; every nightmare that she's ever had. An uncertainty that she's done her best to blink away, or else it would eat her alive. It grabs her as she peers into this vision, the frightening prospect of the time to come. A violent death, leaving no identifiable corpse, hair mixed with blood and flesh.

And then, defiance. Do it scared. Why go out without a fight when you could give your enemy hell?

It rises and swells with Azelf, in front of her.

A crack in the Ralts disguise that travels and branches, converging into a scream as Azelf does a battle cry and reveals its true form. A small pixie who's mad. It doesn't remember dying too well - Celebi's done well to reverse the damage, making it that perhaps, this body has never died in the first place. But with memories willingly given, Azelf could relive its death through Cass' perspective. The downs and deepers of it all.

It would not die again so soon ...

The visions that Munkidori shares with everyone, it's also got in store for their former captor as a nasty-plotted Expanding Force swells with Azelf in its center, perhaps seeking to combine with 's Suicune's Pressure to instill willpower in frightened ghosts. However, most of its attack is still focused at one singular point - Munkidori. If that lackey would poison its gift for , it will not simply get away with it.


Cass stares at Azelf, and takes a step forward - not daring to interrupt anything, but she needs it to know that it's not alone in this fight. As much as she believes in her own pokémon, she shares this trust with Azelf now, even if it might kill them. But their future is uncertain, unlike Munkidori foretold. Her hands are trembling and she feels a sickening feeling rise, but she remains there.

Right by its side.


tl;dr N4
- cass is scared as shit and then :V scared and defiant (#TeenEnergy)
- azelf screams and is indignant, doubled down on its murderous intent and not backing away from a fight
- uses expanding force @ munkidori
- cass takes a step towards azelf so it isnt alone
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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
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Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2024 19:39:26 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

[attr="class","mmilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


Elise was worried that her Gengar’s attack would miss in helping Cade’s Dragapult push the Rocket away, but Kage’s Shadow Ball ends up doing its thing in forcing the masked Rocket off their backs. This would give her and time to run away from the Rocket and Elise could help out the other group with the giant psychic monkey. [break][break]

“Let’s make our getaway now.” She calls over to her red-headed knight while his Dragapult was making sure the Rocket wouldn’t be tailing them. “I want to have my revenge against one of the three wardens over there.” It was obvious that the Galarian royal was referring to the Munkidori, one of the three wardens that locked up the prisoners back at the penitentiary.[break][break]

But Cadeyrn wouldn’t know it unless he was imprisoned there himself.[break][break]

Returning her Gengar back to his Dusk Ball, the ambassador makes a getaway over to where she could see the silhouette in the sandstorm along with the Calyrex shard that follows the ambassador too. The single silhouette turns out to be a purple-haired girl and her blue fairy-like companion.[break][break]

“I do not know you much, but I am with you in fighting this simian.” Elise gives a nod over to the purple-haired girl and directs Charles to fight against the Munkidori. Even now, she still regrets making that choice of attempting to kill the Megalopolan and their cohort…but her mind was made up of wanting payback for her suffering.[break][break]

“Psychic now!”[break][break]

As soon as Elise’s command is spoken, the green bulbous crown of the hare king glows bright green, brighter than the light that comes from the sun. Psychic energies glow around the body of the Calyrex as Charles unleashes the same Psychic energy into a blast that is making its mark onto the Munkidori.[break][break]

Like the rest of the group, both Galarian Ambassador and her shard will fight to ensure the League’s survival.[break][break]





Location: N-5[break]
♔ Elise returns Gengar back inside his Dusk Ball.[break]
♔ Moves to N-5[break]
♔ Charles the Calyrex uses Psychic on Munkidori.[break]
♔ Using 2 Salacs.



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April ???
6'5 height
6'5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @gaius
gaius marcellus
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2024 19:53:27 GMT
gaius marcellus Avatar

His Hound, and the Abomination seemed equal, but how long would that last.

An Extreme Speed would force his Hound forward as fast as it's body could take it as it attempted to drive an elbow into the creatures face.

The knives appearing, perhaps might have caused others to back off, but all it caused Gaius to do was smile wider.

"Yes, this is how it should be. For what good is a victory without a life on the line!" So he stayed close unafraid of the knives as the other threw punch, and slash at him alike. A shallow cut on his cheek, lacerations on his arms, but he returned each attack with one of his own.

Another strike to the mans jaw, a body blow, over, and over like two boxers locked in a cage that wouldn't open until enough blood was spilled.

"YES! MORE! GIVE ME MORE!" He laughed with a maniacal smile on his lips, each drop of his blood that was shed, was just more gasoline added to the inferno that was his spirit.


After their initial clash Lucario uses Extreme Speed in an attempt to elbow Dracovish in the face!
Gaius is more excited when the knives are brought out, and fights even harder!
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august 12
travel blogger
elite ranger
Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
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jack wainwright
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2024 2:46:29 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar

His head throbbed as he pushed through the psychic onslaught, coming closer to vengeance with each passing moment. This would be sweet, snapping Munkidori's neck with his bare hands. A wide grin split Pamplemousse's face.[break][break]

A mental blast knocked him onto his back and then someone was on him, crushing down on his chest as panic filled him. Looking up, it was not Munkidori that he saw but the Masked Rocket () that had so often haunted Jack's nightmares. He barely had time to struggle before the Rocket slammed a knife down into the space where his shoulder connected to his trunk. Instead of burning fire, he felt ice spreading through his body.[break][break]

Not again. Not again. Not again.[break][break]

The Rocket ripped the blade from his body and brought it down again swiftly, tearing through the muscle of his other shoulder. In a smooth motion, the Masked Rocket reached up and tore away the mask. Freed from her disguise, shook her hair free and grinned down at him wickedly. With a seductive motion, she licked some of his blood from the blade before bringing it down again. Up and down, Pamplemousse could only watch as she tore into him with the knife while a pressure built in his chest. He would not scream, would not give her that final satisfaction.[break][break]

After inflicting sever more lacerations, she finally raised the blade above him with both hands like an ancient cult priestess. As she plunged it downward into his breast, 's pressure finally burst forth. The illusion shattered around him and Pamplemousse found himself down on one knee at the battlefield with Jack's Aggron by his side.[break][break]

"Break its concentration," he commanded hoarsely. The Aggron dug its arms into the already churned earth and tossed a globule of dirt to mud slap the Munkidori.[break][break]




– Location: O-4[break]
– Pamplemousse experiences the Masked Rocket (Barnaby Finch) attacking him but it is Aurelie beneath the mask. Aurelie tortures him with a knife before Isaac's pressure breaks Munkidori's illusion.[break]
– Aggron uses mud slap on Munkidori.



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hawkins, gil
january 15
unova, castelia city
the unavoidable sun weighs in my head
5'11", 180cm height
5'11", 180cm height
Why'd you crown the most violent to be champions?
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TAG WITH @hawkins
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2024 3:18:17 GMT
Hawkins Avatar
“Remember to survive,” is the first and only thing he tells Himiko as she strides past him and towards Ulysses. It is a reminder for why she followed him in the first place.

Thereafter, fading in and out like a mirage at the edges of the sandstorm is this humble, hobbled silhouette—like an overgrown crow perched on the branch of plausible deniability. Close enough to observe the action, to meddle in the Terrakion’s efforts; far enough to be a nuisance to strike.

When the sludge wave flows like a tide towards Hawkins and his chikorita, they seemingly slip back into the sandstorm.

Soon, more pinkish planes of light shimmer throughout the arena, forming a LIGHTSCREEN on top of the concurrent REFLECT. One gets the sense that the battle will only become more walled the longer it goes on.


Location: J5
Interact: (ulysses)
tl;dr dodges sludge wave. stands near the edge of the conflict like the nebby support character he is. chikorita uses a spread out, weaker version of light screen on the rocket side.
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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,210 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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Eris Halla
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2024 8:54:29 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","eris109"]So close, yet so far. She can feel the warmth of 's palm as her fingers graze for a hint of comfort. She can hear 's emboldening words that grow loud enough to compete against the winds. She knows them to be by her side, that they would not sit by as danger went for the throat. And yet, she still feels so scared, unable to do anything but attempt to hold down the monster that yearns to hurt them, to keep it tied down so it can't possibly reach her.[break][break]

One way or another, it still does. It treats the red chain as nothing more than a nuisance, an impurity spreading from inside out as the brilliant red is consumed by a hungering purple. And within a pure cascade of fear, new emotions begin to infect her: Confusion. Denial. Despair.[break][break]

Within seconds, she will die. She will fail to break the chain that she created and she will find that vile rot begin to eat at her too. Like a parasite writhing beneath her skin, gleefully dancing in her pulse as she thrashes and struggles for another breath.[break][break]

It will not go quick. When she falls, she will have more than enough time to realise that she is not alone. Mere seconds of anguish dragging into infinity as she watches Munkidori torment the people around her. Psychic forces twisting limbs at unnatural angles, pulling joints from their sockets, smashing them against the ground till she hears nothing but the unending wet eruption of flesh.

She falls. Pulled by the force of Isaac breaking her chain, she stumbles and falls to her knees, gasping for air as she resurfaces from the unending nightmare. Her heart sings, for it has forgotten its steady rhythm. Her body trembles as blood rushes through her veins to prepare her for an escape.[break][break]

we have to stop it.[break][break]

Numbness sets in without the slightest prompt from Mesprit and the world gets a little hazier. Her cheeks burn as she tries to blink the blurriness away.[break][break]

but how?[break][break]

Fight back.[break]

Be brave.


One hand sweeping Mesprit into her arms, she scrambles to her feet and turns tail. If this creature has the ability to corrupt the red chain, if those toxic chains have been able to infect Latias, there is a chance it could harm the pixie too. But where should she go? All that lies ahead is the hulking figure of a rampaging Regirock -[break][break]

Even through the endless storm that swallows the sky, she spots a dark spot growing larger by the second. A little closer, and she can just barely make out the shape of a person?[break][break]


They are already on it, flying from her grasp as they reach a hand out towards the figure. And they begin to channel their energy into a Ally switch that will place them gently upon the ground. Right next to Eris who, though still struggling to control her shaking self, is ready to render any kind of first aid or assistance required.[break][break]

[attr="class","eris103"]tile m-4
[attr="class","eris103"]battle of petalburg


Tl;dr -[break]
- toxic chain and corrupted red chain theory REAL?? (oh shit)[break]
- imagine dying to munkidori, but dying slow enough to see everyone else get minced like that poor guy in prismatic[break]
- helps sever the red chain before the bad touch can go any further, pulling eris out of the fake vision. absolutely in shock and she's tearing up[break]
- Running from the 'future' to M-4, heading in Regirock direction[break]
- Sees a shadow () falling out of the sky, Mesprit helps to stop his fall with an Ally Switch

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Roze, Rosie
March 28
Hulbury, Galar
5'9 height
5'9 height
I would give anything, just to thank you.
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Roze Falkner DOLLARS
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Roze Falkner
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2024 11:28:58 GMT
Roze Falkner Avatar

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I stumble many times,
[break]I might just get hurt,


As a new, ginger-haired face had shown up, with her own little masked compatriot, with Hideo and his own strange, pixie-esque friend determined to trade blows with the malicious mutt that refused to back down even after being cornered. Roze had dove behind a boulder to protect herself from the hail of rocks the poison pup had bombarded them with, her own Quaquaval deft in its attempt to dance around the shards of stone.[break][break]

Yet, there was no respite for Roze nor Sunshower, even with the onslaught tag team between the unfamiliar woman and the young boy Roze had barely known, in that split second moment, the conservationist wasn't quite able to fully assess the situation, whether their pincering blow was enough to stop the Okidogi, or if Hideo and his Uxie had been at risk.[break][break]

Simple support from afar hadn't quite right nor enough, a swift whistle escaped from her direction a little yonder from the boulder she'd used as a shield, her Quaquaval quick to understand, launching forward to bring a third prong to the exchange, fluid, hastening leaps and bounds as the dancer strode forward in a beautiful Aqua Step ending in a spinning kick to assist the positioning of the Okidogi in an attempt to maximize the crushing blow alongside Hideo's maneuver.[break][break]

Roze had hurried forward such that she'd be able to better manage her threat assessment, dirt marring her face and clothes, a dull pain in her still unhealed arm.


Location: F3[break]
TL;DR Roze attempts to hide behind a nearby boulder to protect herself from the rock barrage, her Quaquaval trying to dodge. The duo properly join the battle in an Aqua Step to help push the Okidogi back into a critical sweet spot for Andrea's Ogerpon.

But I keep on running.
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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June 3
In Silence There Is Beauty
187 posts
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TAG WITH @kazu
Kazuya Yoshida
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2024 12:25:00 GMT
Kazuya Yoshida Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb kazuyapost"]

respect is not kindness, but it is priceless




In this battle of titans, even an Avalugg seems like an ant. Though his attack reaches Regirock, it has the effect of a mound of sand. Something crumpled by a child’s sandal. As Dynergy floods the area, the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

Screams in the distance drew the man’s gaze. But the sandstorm stops him from making put the shapes of the Loyal Three. Though they would hold no significance to him if he could. The slab lifts high above them as Regirock prepares its next attack. He wonders if this is what the dinosaurs felt like as the meteors breathed down their neck.


And he can see they have little time to act before all of them are turned to pancakea.


An attack goes awry, almost striking him in the shoulder. It chips his Avalugg who cries out in pain.


With a silent snarl, he turns to face the morons behind him. The older Rocket’s eyes look onto the troublemaker. He wishes he could make his voice boom. But he can only reach down to turn up the device at his side. With a silent growl, he sends his Avalugg between the combatants.


It conjures a Wide Guard to cover and @caderyn in their retreat.


The kindler rises to his full height, ignoring the bruises and sand that batters him. “En-zzz—-ough.” He moves to insert himself directly before Kenjiro. Focus on zzzzzz problem.” He slashes his arm across empty space as the Avalugg tries to chip away the Regirock’s slab and barriers with a series of icebergs—Mountain Gale.


Swaps Wooper for Avalugg and uses Bulldoze[break]Chilling on M5[break]
Tries to stop , @caderyn, and from squabbling[break] Uses Mountain's Gale on Regirock


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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,865 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2024 17:49:12 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
It was almost like the lithe bird was meant for her. On its small wings, the TOXIC CHAINED bird flew. As she leaned left and right, the poison- and fairy-type turned. Shalin felt like she was in control; the Fezandipiti at first did not resist more than she could handle. As she soared higher and higher, the rush of the wild flight growing, she had been caught up in the moment to the point where she had forgotten the purpose of her riding the legendary Pokémon.

Except she had not forgotten. That purpose had been suppressed by its CHARMING pheromones. Were , , and to look toward Shalin, they would see her eyes a purple-pink color. It was a sign that she was not herself.

When Diancie's DIAMOND STORM raced toward them, Shalin thrust her body to one side to make a turn. The Fezandipiti turned the other way, exposing Shalin to the attack and making her crash, her left side bleeding in multiple places after the Fairy-type attack completely pierced her suit. Sandy, linked to Shalin, shared in that pain.

The critically hurt dragon, by virtue of being synced with its CHARMED trainer, was also CHARMED. Issuing a mental command to turn on her allies, Shalin whistled for her Flygon. Sitting atop the dragon Pokémon's translucent wing, she projected a NORMAL ZONE around herself, her mount's wings quickly roaring into a supersonic BOOMBURST.

The vibrations would be the least of their worries; a layer of shockwaves hurtled toward , , , and their Pokémon from the sonic boom created with every single wingbeat. The Flygon put everything she had into the vicious attack; even , , , and OKIDOGI may have been able to feel them or even adversely affected by them. Once her wings could not take any more, Sandy collapsed, the rider tumbling to the ground as her SYGNA SUIT ceased glowing.


- Shalin has been CHARMED by the FEZANDIPITI and has turned on her allies.
- Tapping into the full power of her Sygna Suit, Shalin hops onto her Flygon's wing, sets up a NORMAL ZONE, and looses a full-speed BOOMBURST upon , , , and their Pokémon.
- The noise is loud enough that it might disrupt communications for others, too.
- Shalin's Flygon FAINTS from exhaustion, causing Shalin's suit to become INERT.

{PC: 3}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Queen Zing    Beedrill**     KO
Lathiel       Silvally       Fair
Prower        Floatzel**     Good
Sandy         Flygon         KO
Saria         Venusaur       Critical
Dizzy         Starmie        Good
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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2024 18:40:15 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Lucario's and the other lady's attacks hit, but also knocked someone off. Aaron couldn't tell who, but at this point, he didn't care. The Dragonite's Safeguard helped with the toxic fumes...but not the bird itself as it dove straight at him. Aaron only survived by jumping back, but he still got severely injured with deep cuts in an X pattern on his lower ribs, upper hip, and the middle of the X just above his bellybutton. In the back of his mind, he knew that it wasn't good. Even in the best case. As a worn Pokeball started to shift and crack, Aaron returned Lucario, knowing it was one of his newer members. Before Aaron faded to black from shock, he grinned. "You're screwed bird..." Was the last sentence he spoke.

The worn pokeball shattered, and his Trevenant roared so loudly that it blew the Poison Gas away. He was outraged that his trainer was attacked and hurt directly. With glowing green arms, the tree's first approach was to stop the Fenzendippiti's retreat. Slamming both arms into the ground, large glowing and pointed trees zoomed out in a dome around them, moving fast to try to cut off its retreat. Then Trevenant attacked from all sides, with the purpose to kill the creature with its Horn Leech attack. Other people be damned! He will take revenge on it with a fury not seen before!

Aaron gets Cross Poisoned across his lower ribs/diaphram.
Returns Lucario, knowing that the fewer allies around, the better at that time.
Aaron is knocked out due to shock/blood loss.
Trevenant bursts out of his Pokeball in a blinding, furious rage, letting out a roar and shockwave that even , , , and Okidogi might hear/feel.
The pissed off tree uses several stretching Horn Leeches to try to trap Fenzendippiti, cutting it off from the sky and making a make-shift tree dome. And then attacking it from multiple directions with it.
Aaron is picked up by the Fenzendippiti via Toxic Chain. Hopefully is also being treated by Airi.

1 Salac Berry used (leaving 1 left in inventory)



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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first?
643 posts
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2024 19:15:12 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
The images that are inflicted upon El are, safe to say, less than pleasant. Memento mori, the reminder that one will always die - it is an eternal truth that no one ever really wants to be reminded of, no matter how much one is in theory aware of it. They are frozen amidst the grisly visions - of gunfire and poison and crushing limbs - the hand they had extended to trembling.

Though El is used to working with psychic-types, this experience is something else. It is only when the Pressure of Suicune's presence and the warmth of 's auroras wash over them that El snaps from their trance - just in time to see Eris run! "Eris - w-wait!" They try to call, though to little avail as she flees with Mesprit.

Eris was a capable girl - but between the situation at large, her prior injuries, and the fear she was clearly in, El did not feel safe leaving her be. "I-I'm going after her, Isaac; don't worry about us!" They call, climbing into Kiryuko's arms so that the Aggron can run after Eris and Mesprit.

When she comes to a stop - Mesprit rising from her arms - El is about to call out to her... But any words are put on hold, when they recognize the usage of Ally Switch - and watch as a man is swapped in in the pixie's place, eased down to the earth.

It takes but a glance to realize who this man is - to recognize as one of the more dangerous and infamous Rocket members. And there is a hue of alarm - of the does she recognize him, surely she does, what if he hurts Eris... But they'd rather go on the defensive than offensive.

Getting down from Kiryuko's arms, El approaches the two - assessing the situation, and getting their own first aid kit out. "Let me help, Eris. Watch our backs?" They ask her in a gentle voice - wanting to put themself between her and Dorian. The Aggron stands vigil, all the whilst - prepared to use Metal Burst if things become violent.
- Starts at N4, moves to M4 with . El uses a cane.
- Is initially frozen with fear by Munkidori's visions, but and Suicune snap them out of it with aurora and Pressure both.
- When flees, El and Aggron follow after to keep her safe.
- El recognizes as a dangerous Rocket, and is worried for Eris' safety as a result - but doesn't go on the immediate offensive.
- Instead offers to help Eris with first aid - asking her to watch their backs, in the hopes that doing so will let them put themself between Eris and Dorian.
- Aggron stands guard, and is prepared to Metal Burst if things become violent.

KO'd -
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January 1st
Snowbelle, Kalos
Search and Rescue / EMT
Ex-Gym Leader
Be kind to yourself
Even though it gets hard
5' 3" / 160 CM height
5' 3" / 160 CM height
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
322 posts
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TAG WITH @mudlark
Georgette Bluebottle
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2024 19:59:04 GMT
Georgette Bluebottle Avatar



She can hear 's pleas for help, but Gigi's too far away and a wall of ice and mud now stands between her and him. But those thoughts are gone when debris from the Rock Tomb abruptly strike the tiny woman and send her flying onto the ground.
Reeling from the unexpected pain, Georgette feels the air leave her lungs as a vision forces itself into her mind. One moment she's lying on the ground, the next there's nothing left of her, crushed beneath a boulder thrown by Regirock. It's quick. There one moment and gone the next. But no one in the fight seems to notice - no one cares - and the fight continues.
was right. None missed her in death, nor mourns her loss.
Tears streaming down her face, Gigi is pulled from her torment at the sound of her Glastrier's scream. Plunging forwards, the mare assaults Munkidori with an Icicle Crash and the ambient temperature plunges, freezing the tracks over Gigi's cheeks.
If she's to die, however, it won't be on the ground while weeping. Tears frosted to her lashes, Gigi pushes herself to stand as pain lances through her side.
"Be careful," she wheezes through grit teeth to her Glastrier.



❄️ Location: O4
❄️ Hears Scout but can't get back across the Avalanche-created barrier [break]
❄️ Sees herself crushed to death in the fight and no one notices [break]
❄️ Glastrier surges forwards with an Icicle Crash towards Munkidori [break]
❄️ Gigi cry'n but back on her feet, gotta keep pk'ing no time for tears

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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,083 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2024 20:08:06 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu4"]Rocket, or League?[break][break]

The question hangs in the air as Tsubaki looks back through the dark at the man (). [break][break]

Tsubaki feels a thrum in her chest, the feeling of light coursing through Manju in preparation for another power gem. Silently, she shuts down the pokemon's attack before it can fire. [break][break]

No. Leave them. They're not a threat. [break][break]

At least, not to us...

She turns and heads toward the twin titans ahead of her, leaving the man behind. [break][break]

Ahead, there are shouts. Footsteps that shake the earth. The collision of hardened rock and permafrost. [break][break]

As she draws near, the result of the titan's clash tears up rubble and earth.[break][break]

Manju reacts to the proximity of dynergy, and Tsubaki slips into its skin like a suit of armor without even thinking. She is dyed in black, and immediately she grows numb, insulated in the Nihilego's body. [break][break]

She feels her heart still tethered to 's regice, a lingering thread of power that she immediately feeds, black ichor pumping dynergy through the construct. A power that had been mostly exhausted, she muses, until her arrival. She can't help but smile, with a mouth that feels extraneous, not her own, at the very idea of it. [break][break]

The wellspring in her blackened heart was the very power he hated so much, filling and corrupting his golem.[break][break]

REGICE, YOU MUST KILL IT. [break][break]

KILL THIS INVADER. [break][break]


She pours all she can into disrupting Regice's loyalty to its master, attempting to imbue it with a hatred that is not its own. With any luck, the Dynamax Cannon that came from it would not be to stall the other titan in front of it, but to kill. [break][break]

Tendrils emerge from her body, attempting to grab the arm on the ground before it lifts away. They dig into rock armor with a myriad of black thorns, sizzling as they embed themselves into hard flesh, climbing onto the rival titan even as she empowers its opponent. [break][break]

She would poison it. Corrupt it. Dye it black, in the rot that pulses from her wicked heart. [break][break]

A barrier emerges from within the golem, and even through the numbing influence of the ichor, she feels like her heart is set alight. More dynergy than she has ever experienced courses through her. She feels as though herself, the woman named Tsubaki, is shunted aside - and Manju takes over, spreading its corrupting influence.[break][break]

Just hold on... a little longer...[break][break]


+ & the rest of regicrew[break]
+ Tsubaki advances to L-3? No response from Silph. Tsubaki stops her Nihilego from attacking him and moves on, where Regice and Regirock clash. As the fingerless hand lands in front of her, she ultra bursts, fusing with her Nihilego. Immediately begins fueling Regice again, who was running on fumes - and tries to get it to kill Regirock before Howard can convince it to follow him. Her Nihilego uses poisonous tendrils to both try and badly poison Regirock and climb onto its arm, Shadow of the Colossus style, heading toward Howard, Oscar, and John at the top of Regirock's head.


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP