i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
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Thea Naito DOLLARS
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Thea Naito
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2024 10:27:17 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

Thea's idea for the whole mask thing wasn't exactly amazing. She didn't have much creativity, so she went for something completely silly. Thea wore a half-mask that resembled a Wigglytuff, while Zeus the Primeape wore a half-mask that resembled a Minccino, Belle the Minccino wore a half-maskthat resembled a Pawmo, Hammy the Pawmo wore a half-mask that resembled a Primeape, and finally Gominha the Wigglytuff wore a half-mask that resembled Thea's face (for those that knew her, or could put together the upper half of the mask with the bottom half that was revealed by her half-mask).[break][break]

Not even the masks on the faces of the pokémons stopped them from quickly approaching the buffet.[break][break]

Despite the mask, and the initial excitement. When Thea actually got into the place, the ghost eerieness prickled her senses with a mild unsettling feeling, which made her approach the buffet without her usual eagerness. She wasn't outright scared off, but she couldn't help but stay wary and close to and , inching closer to Cass when Vespa's attention was quickly snatched by 's compliment.[break][break]

The stuttering and timid reaction of her friend helped her to relax, and with a laugher, she encouraged her—[break][break]

"No need to be so shy, Vess." She said, and added to the compliment while beaming— "You are pretty gorgeous, miss! Especially for taking a compliment out from my friend." Thea declared, but then remarked to Cass, a bit quieter. "You are more though."[break][break]



Joining the buffet with her friends, and trying to encourage Vespa to be more confident





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cass, cassie
november 7th
petalburg city, hoenn
student (private school)
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
541 posts
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TAG WITH @cass
Cassandra Kubrick
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2024 11:30:49 GMT
Cassandra Kubrick Avatar
[newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass][newclass=".emapkmnteam br"]display:none;[/newclass]
The distinct lack of human attendants would be frightening and unsettling to most people, but not for Cass. She's not as fond of ghost types as her friend , but her general attitude of preferring pokémon over humans persists. The invitation, cold as if coming directly from a grave in autumn, has excited several of her pokémon who all tag along now. She herself is donning a rather simple dress with long - purple with a casual layer of half-transparent, black fabric draped over it to take away some, but not all colour, and black leather gloves with neon green stripes. Below the irregular seam of her dress, one could actually see the sturdy dark brown boots she wears despite the occasion, for once not caring about a mismatched outfit. She wears a fairly mask that kind of resembles a helmet - a silver half-mask with additional plating on her cheeks, making it almost a full-mask if it weren't for the mouth that would still be visible (and able to eat). Her hair has been carefully styled in an updo where several strands of curled hair still fall down casually.

The Trubbish in her arms dons a mask that seems to consist entirely of flowers - some in full bloom, some wilted, some made of discarded paper and other trash - that match the nearby Comfey's garland. The Comfey himself is wearing a mask made of plastic bits and pieces, matching the Trubbish in turn.

The Tinkatuff and Charcadet also wear matching outfits in a different way - both of the pokémon are clad in armor, unnaturally and naturally, that seems particularly polished (but with a matte finish - not gleaming). They also wear half-masks made of metal, a chilly purple-red for the Tinkatuff and a pink one for the Charcadet. The Empoleon accompanying the duo also wears a mask made of steel in a similiar fashion, but with a blue hue and some golden ornaments carefully plated onto it - if one looked close, they could still see the spots where the mask had to be redone over and over again.

And lastly. An extremely excited and hyped Smeargle whose masks consists of purple paint (suspiciously matching the purple on his tail) that has simply been drawn on. Seeing how his head whips around this way and that, it honestly only made sense - anything not glued or painted on would've been sent flying already.

"I should've taken Dermot with me," Cass chuckles as her friends immediately make a beeline for the buffet. The Grafaiai also would've been a close choice, but she is curious about the mystery surrounding this hall after all, so she decided against being glued to the buffet. And well, Xinlan had looked very keen on going, even if her pride had not allowed her to show it like this. Still, now acting as the somewhat chaperone for Sona and Del worked out quite well. Sona seems particularly delighted about being here and wearing the armor she designed herself, and Del seems delighted to see Sona matching to her own.

"... what the fu- PIC!" she calls for her Smeargle who has gone missing, but is then also distracted by approaching Vespa, and thus also Thea and herself. The interaction between the gym leader that she recognises by voice and her tattoos and her friend is one that brings a grin to her face, forgetting for once that her Smeargle is loose somewhere.

She also blushes slightly at 's whispered addendum, doing a barely visible curtsy towards Thea before joining in on the conversation. "It's nice seeing you again- Ms Flowers," Cass greets Desiree with a slight question to her voice, wondering if the gym leader would prefer to be more anonymous or not. Jon in her arms also has recognised the pinkette and waves with one of his garbage arms at her.

And somewhere, a Smeargle is furiously scribbling into his new sketchbook, whether it be the ancient paintings in the main hall or even the people inside of it ...

- link to post with outfit descriptions
- cass: no humans no problems
- is with thea, vess and desiree at the buffet (hasn't taken food yet), greets desiree
- jon & martin are with her; xinlan, sona and del are nearby; pic is somewhere sketching (not the move)

information so far
  • hollowcrest hall used to be the grand estate of the rennard family, over a century old, commissioned by reginald rennard (first in hoenn). family vanished after the ultra beast war.
  • rumoured to be built atop ancient pokémon burial grounds. strange portals have been witnessed (allegedly). halloween night most unsettling with multiple disappearances.
  • ancient paintings and sculptures scattered throughout the mansion, often depicting legendary pokémon.

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January 5
Elite Ranger (ooc)
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
877 posts
robin coello DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @robin
robin coello
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2024 19:06:36 GMT
robin coello Avatar



Nostalgia twisted at her heart as she walked the outskirts of the giant room - not a result of any memories of her own, here, as she'd never visited the Rennard estate, but something softer that reminded her of the younger Ranger she was that obsessed over haunted houses. The one she had invited to had been particularly special. She felt possessed by the memories of the past year, right before things grew crazier in Hoenn than she could handle. [break][break]

The spell broke as she saw a familiar face, that of . Well, the mask made it a little less familiar, but she could recognize him just about anywhere. He had a sharp jawline and stunning eyes, and he was perfect material for a test battle as she grew more and more prepared to take down her rival, . "Sil, long time no see!" She approached with opening arms as if to offer a hug, but then the sight of punch caught her attention at the table and she secured a cup of the red juice instead. "I wasn't expecting to see you here."


- arrives later than she'd prefer, just in time to see silverio[break]
- wearing duskull mask that leaves only mouth exposed


[attr="class","meulkcodes"]MEULK CODES

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✧ des ✧

✧ desi | diamandis ✧
✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty five ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
741 posts
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TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2024 19:49:08 GMT

[attr="class","angel desireeblooms"]





Desiree and drinking alcohol out of straws mixed a little too well, as before she knew it, her glass was ringing out the ever-so-familiar chime of ‘fill me up again!!’. Though there was plenty to go around, she did not want to become more than tastefully intoxicated as a means to focus on festivities and curiosities.. even if the stuttering of the Wooper-masked’s instinctually led her to fill her cup once more, obscured only by her amused giggles.[break][break]

“Merci, that is just so sweet to say,” she exclaimed in delight, watching and listening to the emergence of Vespa’s friends, “.. and thank you— what a cute group of friends!”[break][break]

It seemed the Wigglytuff-masked had the confidence boosting talk handled. But the words of the purple haired’s of the group made an eyebrow raise beneath her fox mask— it appeared they had met some time ago. Taking yet another sip of wine, she tried desperately to recall the face that matched the body.. but she couldn’t, as the war had spanned in her mind just after they had met, spinning complex worlds of bright lights and bleak darkness. Cloaking the memories that rested just barely behind. [break][break]

“It’s nice seeing you again, too,” she nodded softly in unknowingness, petting the cap of her fungus, “.. Ms. Flowers is perfect.” Silly, yes, but not off the mark- hopefully not too similar, even if keeping her identity a secret during this event was an inherently trivial aspect.[break][break]

“Would it be okay if I hung around your group for a while? My Foongus and I,” she smiled, tipping its mask back up to sit pristine on its little cheeks, “.. there are some rumors about this place we are looking to gain intel on, but we don’t quite know where to start.”

🌸🌿 NOTES 🌿🌸
🌺 wine drinkin’ and dialogue with masked vespa / thea / cass. expresses want to stick around their group until they get any sorta clue about mysteries!


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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2024 21:08:06 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar stared at his drink: a cheap whiskey with lemon. The glass was still frosted from the touch of its server, a haunter. Oscar stared at the reflection of his skull-mask, both disgusted and disturbed by his surroundings. Oscar thought that he had gotten over his fear of ghosts by now, but his misguided journey into the Border had reignited his dread. Being served by the dead, willing or not, made his stomach churn.

He steeled himself, reluctantly grabbing the glass. The drink was hurriedly downed, Oscar having decided that the effects of the alcohol would make up for his distaste. He smacked the glass down, resting his head upon his idle forearm. It was a horrible sensation, this revulsion, and Oscar would groan as he stood back upright. He looked around, hoping that no one would notice his pitiful display.

Coming here was a mistake, this mansion made Oscar's skin crawl. The idea was to at least come to appreciate the architecture, but that was not enough to distract him by how--haunted everything was. It was all far more upsetting than he had anticipated. Oscar had half a mind to leave, but he was still in a headspace that could be open to finding a reason to stay. He was not so far gone, he could work past this.

A familiar voice captured his attention, tilting his head toward what was surely . The mask threw him off briefly, but he quickly recognized the red-head standing alongside . There we go, something to keep him anchored!

Oscar slide past other patrons to invite himself to their conversation, tapping Aurelie on the shoulder. "Psst hey! I'm joining you two, I need company." Oscar paused, his increasingly inebriated brain feeding him paranoia about their perceptions of him. "I mean, I'm not scared or anything like--I just wanna socialize! Yeah yeah--Isn't this place...great...?"

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Silv, Silvi
May 1st
Montenevera, Paldea
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @dynamo1
silverio delfino
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2024 22:34:06 GMT
silverio delfino Avatar



suppose that the misdreavus may have been signaling for someone, anyone, to come over and say hello the lone party guest, rather than to try and spook him out of dress shoes -- not that it would faze him, much. regardless, suffice to parties are better enjoyed with some good company, although the company in question presents itself as someone that silverio probably should have expected to arrive sooner rather than later. in hindsight, he will welcome it nonetheless. above all else, he'd see this encounter as a means to kill time until...[break][break]

wait...what's the premise of this get-together, anyway?[break][break]

"yeah, y'know i debated coming out here, but...huh!?" he sets his glass down as an oddly familiar voice behind a mask akin to a certain ghost pokémon moves to greet him. "robin...!? is that you? honestly, i should've expected to see you here. nice mask, by the way." of course, the one who claims to be revered by ghosts all over would be here, especially since the theme of this event can be assumed to be, well, ghostly, because that's all this man has seen to this point aside from other guests.[break][break]

who's hosting this thing!?[break][break]

as she moves aside for a drink, silv swipes a snack from another passing ghost with a platter. "it has been a while, but then again...a lot has happened since we last ventured together. how're you holding up lately?"

spoopy things w/


basic bitch mask, lol.[break]
chatting with robin[break]
snackin' on stuff[break]
open for other interactions.

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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2024 3:07:09 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar
[newclass="nullelem"]} .palise-mini-avatar.user-1602 .palise-mini-avatar-3 { background-image: url(https://images2.imgbox.com/bc/69/MTaoBpM0_o.png)!important; [/newclass]


[attr="class","cp cp-target-o"]


He's swirling his wine like he knows how to taste it beyond 'sweet' and 'dry' when he's joined by another masked companion. They seem a smidge flustered, and their plate is overflowing with snacks. Paxton swipes a stray olive that's falling off and eats it without missing a beat. "Yes, actually. I'm curious as to the invite and I really wanted to look at the older architecture they seem to have restored." he couldn't tell if something had happened or if it was simply maintenance though. [break][break]

"Yourself?" he asked, tilting his head and smiling at the attendee before nodding directly at the plate of food he carried. The movement makes the little bits and bobs of silver on his outfit jingle. Courtesy of , even if the man didn't get to see him wear it. [break][break]

"If we're being honest, I just came to investigate the rumors about the place." he added before another guest joins them at the INSTRUMENTS. "Good evening, fair lady." he greeted behind the mask looking to 's own. "Better now with you and, " he turned to nod to the priest . "them to converse with." he said politely as he took a sip of his wine. "What are you both hoping to find here?"


+ [break][break]
tl;dr [break][break]
- CURRENTLY AT: ghost instrument players [break]
- steals an olive from isaac <3 [break]
- talsk to him baout portals [break]
- greets elise as well [break]
- [break]

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2024 5:51:53 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
the emerald tones of in the phone's screen disappears.

he blinks when someone approaches him, dispersing the ghosts around him for a moment. they change their target to the newcomer, fussing over him instead to usher him inside.

unlike kyle, they gave noah a bit more time. he didn't loiter like kyle after all.

kyle absently nods to noah's invite as he adjusts his mask, taking a moment to recognize who the voice belonged to. the phone returns to his pocket as he allows noah to lead the way.

"a full mask, huh?" he teases. "how would you able to taste the food then?"

free food was always the main pull of these events for kyle.

  • enters the party with noah

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November 1st
Hearthome City
it's been a long, hard, twenty-year summer vacation.
17 posts
Isaac Ward DOLLARS
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Isaac Ward
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2024 14:20:01 GMT
Isaac Ward Avatar
[newclass="nullelem"]} .palise-mini-avatar.user-3121 .palise-mini-avatar-3 { background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/oIcMkqc.png)!important; [/newclass]

[attr="class","prophet isaacw"]
[attr="class","amilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


Isaac decided he liked the other man from the moment he watched the guest's nimble fingers save a wayward olive from its floor-bound fate. To be nimble and charming was one incredible combination. With the last of his baguette gone, Isaac smiled wide at him, [break][break]

“Oh yes, the invitations were quite curious, weren't they?” [break][break]

He had found his own tucked into an interior coat pocket, and now that he thought about it, Isaac wasn't quite sure how it had gotten there. Maybe the other guests had found theirs in a similar fashion. There was also the matter of the strange occurrences rumored to have taken place in these halls – a fact Isaac had almost entirely forgotten about in his quest to sate his voracious appetite, [break][break]

“Though I suppose this whole place is rather curious, now that you mention it.” [break][break]

But before he could gossip further about the mansion's sordid history, another guest joined them. Isaac nodded and smiled wider at the rather regal-looking young woman in all her finery, [break][break]

“Good evening, my lady,” he offered in greeting to the young woman before continuing to address both of his fellow guests, [break][break]

“And I suppose I am of a similar mind, my friends. While I am keen to enjoy the party, I am keener still to uncover what sorts of secrets this place might hold. Who wouldn't be drawn to such a history, hm?” [break][break]

Then, something occurred to Isaac, and in an instant, his face flushed with genuine embarrassment, [break][break]

“Oh goodness, where are my manners?” [break][break]

He suddenly shoved his plate into his Dusknoir's hands; the ghost just barely managed to grab hold of it before Isaac was bowing at the waist, [break][break]

“I can't believe that I have neglected to introduce myself!” He rose, and extended a hand for the two other guests to shake in turn, [break][break]

“Isaac Ward, of Our Father of Immaculate Creation. I've recently departed from my congregation in Hearthome City, and am still finding my bearings in this region, I'm afraid.”

[attr="class","nametag"] and

art credit + mask
TL;DR omg paxton :peepoblush: [break]
isaac chats with him, mentions the weird invites + mansion, greets elise, states hes there bcus he wants to party but is also curious about the weird rumors, and introduces himself finally [break]
Open to interactions!



[newclass=".isaacw"] --accent:#b79143; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".prophet .oocnotes b"]font:500 12px/10px 'Poppins'; text-transform:uppercase; [/newclass]


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Vess, Vee
February 19
Mossdeep City
lesbian asexual
student (private school)
so long,
ghost song.
5'5'' / 165 cm height
5'5'' / 165 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
138 posts
part of
TAG WITH @vespa
Vespa Baskerville
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2024 14:48:50 GMT
Vespa Baskerville Avatar

Maybe, the earth could swallow her whole, like, right about ... now? Or maybe Arceus could make a grand entrance - Giratina, even, so she could focus on battling God instead of the wave of panic that takes over her, and all because of a pretty lady. It only demonstrates to herself once more how utterly useless she is, all things considered, though her friends both make it worse and better as she nearly faints hearing 's bold words, and even more by the way that seems to recognise . Just what is she missing again? Ugh, does she even want to know?[break]
Thankfully, the - to her - stranger out of the small group gathered seems to take things well, with a little humour, even, and it makes her relax a little ... if only also she feels the flush on her cheeks worsen. "T-thank you ..." comes out much smaller than one would normally expect from someone who is very used to kick down doors if needed (there is a reason there aren't many at her family's apartment anymore), almost trying to blend into the background like the Ghost types that wisp around and fill the air.[break]
However, at the mention of mystery, there is some more life back in her as she nods, "o-oh ... oh! Yeah, I was actually also wondering - err - I was, uhm, I talked to one of the Chandelures, and - err - one of the Gengars seemed to know something, but what ... but, uh, nothing ... really happened so far, so - if you guys don't mind-" She looks at and , then to , "and if you don't mind ... of course ..." What is she talking? Hah. If only she knew, but there is only a chilly nuzzle of her little Ghost friend, Quinn Crisp making a beeline for the plate of food she's holding soon after.


- Vespa wears a Wooper mask and a mintgreen dress, and she is accompanied by her partner Quinn Crisp the Misdreavus who wears a Grookey mask.[break]
- The lesbian panic commences, but now she is joined by her friends, and , and together with , awaits the first happenings.



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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,911 posts
part of
TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2024 15:49:35 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

[attr="class","mmilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


’s greeting came with a question after. What did the Galarian hope to find here in this mansion’s great hall? Surely, there were other people who had other reasons to find what they wanted for the night. She hears the other blond man answer first. History appeared to be of interest to this man, especially from a mansion that had an older kind of history.[break][break]

“I, too, am of a similar interest. I’d want to find out more abut the mansion’s great history.” She gives her answer to the masked blond man while she feels the cold touch of a Gastly that keeps her company. “And I am very glad that the ghost Pokemon here in the mansion make great company when I arrived.”[break][break]

An introduction of a name comes from the blond man that the other was talking to. She takes the hand of the priest and gives it a shake. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Father Isaac.” A smile came upon the stunning pale face of the Galarian woman before she gives out her name in turn to . “Ivy Tudor. My father is a Duke of Hammerlocke descended from a family of aristocratic occultists.”[break][break]

Unluckily, a priest wouldn't be happy to be cursed. The Galarian imagines that a priest had anti-curses at his arsenal to ward off evil from possessing members of the church.



[attr="class","tag"]Witching Hour

♔ She answers Paxton's question.[break]
♔ Talks to Isaac and gives her name in turn.



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it's a long life full of long nights

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing