i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
808 height
808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 1:17:56 GMT
shiv Avatar


swarm has appeared!




ON THE FIERY PATH, a swarm of Cinderace practice their PYRO BALLS. Their young echo the older rabbits. As balls of flame are kicked back and forth, they hope to attract trainers to join them in their journeys; however, it won't be easy. Only the luckiest will be successful.[break][break]


what will you do?


  • only one character of yours may participate.
  • in order to qualify for the capture, you must ROLL using the ROLL COMMAND. after, INCLUDE A REFERENCE TO SOCCER somewhere in your post. you may use an image, gif, use an analogy, figurative language, etc.
  • the highest roll will earn a shiny cinderace; the second highest roll will earn a normal cinderace, and the lowest roll will net a scorbunny. the gender of the pokemon can be decided by the recipient.
  • the attempted capture will not consume a pokéball.
  • everyone who participates will receive a LUCKY LETTER.
  • the cinderace/scorbunny have movesets that will be revealed at the end of the event.
  • this is a time-limited event and will end january 20th, 12am pst.

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He, Him
August 1
Tapu Village, Alola
None currently
65 height
65 height
"Remember, the past need not become our future as well."
71 posts
Moana Reyes DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @sivanandi
Moana Reyes
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 1:25:09 GMT
Moana Reyes Avatar


Moana swore as he dove to the ground, a hot ball of fire soaring right over his head.

Holy shit. This was like the fifth time in a minute that he'd had to dodge a Pyro Ball. This was ridiculous. Sheru, beside him, fended off another aggressive Cinderace, striking with her scythe-arms and Ancient Power attacks, but the huge swarm of angry fire rabbits and their fighting-type moves didn't fare well for Sheru, either.

Even so, he figured that he might as well try to catch one of these feisty fighters. He brought out a Pokeball to throw--

"Shit!" He dropped the ball and dashed to the side to dodge another Pyro Ball. Arceus.

He decided to take a page from the Cinderace's book, kicking the fallen Pokeball like a soccer ball at the one that had just attacked him. To his surprise, it actually hit, falling to the ground and shaking violently...

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pokken rider, hendie
he, him, his
september 16th
xo xo
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
196 posts
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TAG WITH @hendrix
hendrix emmerson
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 1:26:30 GMT
hendrix emmerson Avatar

Suited up for the occasion, Pokken Rider can be conspicuously spotted amongst the swarm of Cinderace. His intention is obvious; rather than having the pokemon attract him, he hopes to attract one of them.

The vigilante’s movements are swift as the Rotom in his suit uses its Telekinesis to propel the hero high into the air. Spinning mid-air, he intercepts one of the fiery balls with his own kick, using the Rotom’s Overheat to send the ball high into the air in a fiery inferno which then promptly pops like fireworks.



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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
1,815 posts
Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 1:32:44 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

The fiery path was unofficially his stomping grounds so it was always a surprise when happenings made for a gathering along the usually vacant path.

With the same patience he had watching the Magcargo go by he waited for the speedy and hyperactive Cinderace and their bunny brood to stop their dangerous dance of attracting a proper trainer.

It was a strange thing he'd experienced in the wild with a Corsola but he'd never seen an entire evolution line doing it as a species.

With that kind of tenacity to be recruited and trained, Scorbunny, Raboots and Cinderace were likely to be highly productive and revered as a species to work with people.

With his little Scorbunny here it mimicked the moves and motions of its kind but after using AGILITY and attempting to use PYRO BALL without proper understanding of the move, it spun out hard and fast hitting the ground with a 'thud'.

"You've got to be more careful than that, understand?" With Sénon helping him up, dusting him off and checking for scrapes it felt warm and loved; determined to impress its trainer and learn a new move.

So it continued, far from ready to call it quits.

● tags: @swarm (cinderace)
● notes:

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Skids, Uncle
June 7
Fallabar Town
unemployed at the moment
13 height
13 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
71 posts
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TAG WITH @skids
Skids Lawrence
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 1:35:05 GMT
Skids Lawrence Avatar

Soccer....a sport Skids never really played growing up despite his high energy and always running around. Nope, as a kid and a teen. Skids prefered to be rushing off from location to location, looking for something new. Soccer at one time, did look appealing to him. All the rules and terminology though went over his head at that time. Plus he finally decided that at thirteen, he was going to head off on his own pokemon journey. Course, he did know that people could enjoy the sport.

The man ducked as a pyro ball was launched into the air and he could feel the heat of it pass over him. Letting a sigh go, he gave the cinderace that had kicked that ball a thumbs up of encouragement. Maybe the pokemon was expecting him to act as a goalie and deflect that ball of fire somewho? Skids knew that would be stupid  although...if someone did headbutt one of those fiery balls away from figurative goals, it probably would make the cinderace and scorbunny very happy and even amazed in that human. Skids sadly knew he couldn't do that...not even with how thick his own skull seemed to be.

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Zuzu (Josh only)
she / her / hers
april 17
Lavaridge, Hoenn
senior ranger
always look ahead, but never forget what you left behind.
412 posts
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TAG WITH @izumi
Izumi Yamamura
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 1:53:28 GMT
Izumi Yamamura Avatar

The Fiery Path.

A familiar place to Izumi, considering that it was so close to home, and—

“What the fuck?!” she screamed as a literal flaming mini-meteor came shooting from out of nowhere, almost singing her hair. Looking around wildly, she wondered where the fuck the little balls of fire were coming from—

Ah, shit!

“Yeow!” she yelped as she dodged for her life, flattening herself as another Pyro Ball attack came soaring close to where she stood. What the shit was going on?! Grumbling, she pulled herself up—and caught sight of…

Wabbits Rabbits.

Wait, what? Rabbits kicking a flaming ball of fire? Was this some kind of a demented soccer game or something? Penalty kick time?!

Grumbling, she pulled out an empty Pokéball and threw it at one of the closest she could reach.


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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
1,179 posts
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 2:02:35 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar
 Word of a new swarm tickled Lex's interest as she made her way past the Fiery Path. Several people seemed to have heard the news too. The heat radiating off the ground on this particular route had caused beads of sweat to uncomfortably swell and fall from her temples and forehead, stinging her amber eyes, "Arceus it's frikken hot," she grumbled in distaste, wiping her brow with a free hand. An empty pokeball was clenched in the other. Unfortunately, she failed to leave with a Slugma or Macargo last time, perhaps her luck would change today.

Lex gasped, stopping dead in the center of the route when she turned the corner. A mess of Scorbunny and Cinderace were playing . . . what was that, soccer? But with flaming pyro balls that hissed and spat sparks as the bounced along the dry ground. In the midst of them was a man in some sort of protective suit seeming to keep up with all the pokemon. Impressive. Lex admired the agility and speed of the pokemon. The Rocket Grunt had always had a knack for sports, picking them up quickly. Soccer wasn't her favorite of them all but she could appreciate a casual game of pick up every once in a while. She certainly wouldn't be joining this game, though.

"WHAT THE-" she called out in surprise as a flaming pyro ball hissed by her on the right. A Cinderace was quick on its tail, jumping agility to get in front of it and kick it back towards the group. Lex jumped the opposite way as it sizzled by her left this time. The Cinderace raced back towards the others, paying her no attention once so ever. Perhaps being in the middle of the path wasn't the best idea. Lex took her things to the outskirts of the makeshift soccer fields, settling in to watch the games unfold.

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July 13
Hau'oli City
40 height
40 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
115 posts
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TAG WITH @noel
Noelani Kekoa
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 2:17:27 GMT
Noelani Kekoa Avatar


The Cinderace was confidence as it dribbled the Pyro Ball towards the goal sure that Aloha his Bewear wouldn’t be able to stop it from scoring. Noelani had found himself into this impromptu match almost halftime ago while passing through Fiery Path. By now he was already sweaty tired and his leg singed despite the copious amounts of Soak and Life Dew both Octy and Morry had been applying.
He made for a sorry sight and it was probably why the Cinderace had dismissed him as a threat while moving pass him. That would be it’s undoing though because with his last bit of energy Noelani pulled of a magnificent sliding tackle. He would treasure the face of the rabbit forever as the young Scorbunny got the ball and managed to score.
Looking at it’s still fallen form Noelani threw the pokeball with a vindictive chuckle.



[attr="class","ooc-area"]a little note here — tag , tag2

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,667 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 2:24:36 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
It wasn’t very often that Hideo got to play soccer. For fairly obvious reasons, it was harder for him than for most kids. There were some soccer balls that emitted sound, so he’d know where they were, but it was hard to play and keep track where everyone else was and where he had to go. And there weren’t a lot of other blind kids to play with.

But today, he got to play with some Pokemon. He hadn’t even planned it, but someone had mentioned a bunch of soccer-ball-kicking Pokemon around here. So why not pay them a visit?

As he found out, because they were using flaming soccer balls. He had a few narrow dodges as some of the Cinderaces decided to play with the kid. None were actually trying to hit him, but they did get a good scare out of him.

The “assaults” only stopped when he tripped, helped back up by one of the many Cinderaces. He heard it drop something in front of him, then patted him on the back. Did it want him to try kicking it?

He took it up on it offer, driving his foot right to the ball in front of him.

Only to find out an important part about Pyro Ball; it wasn’t exactly a ball. It was a rock.

He didn’t scream in pain, but he was definitely hopping back, struggling to hold back tears. He did not appreciate that prank. At least nothing was broken - but it hurt like heck.

And that Cinderace was snickering at him. It knew exactly what it did.

Hideo took out a Pokeball, grimacing as he tried not to cry. He was gonna throw it right at this smug rabbit. He was better at throwing anyways.


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disaster lesbian
december 13th
pacifidlog town
em forma de enxurrada ela volta depois, arrasta nós dois
19 posts
Thais Flores DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @thais
Thais Flores
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 2:30:49 GMT
Thais Flores Avatar
 Thais was fucking amazing at soccer. Or so she was convinced. Growing up in a place like Pacifidlog meant you didn't get many chances to play on open fields - or any long, level stretch of terrain, really - so her skills might have been a little, well, lacking. You wouldn't hear that from her, though. The sailor ran alongside the Cinderace and other Fire-types, a wicked grin stretched across her face. Her Totodile clung onto her shoulders for dear life, seeming to instantly regret the decision of tagging along to this Fiery Path.

"Pass it to me, pass it to me!" Thais skid to a stop, her boots kicking up a wave of gravel. One of the Cinderace looked at her with disdain, and then dribbled her as easily as Neymar. "Oi!" she cried out, shooting after the Cinderace. These rabbits... they were hella fast. Thankfully, she had pretty long legs. The rabbit which had duped her continued forward, advancing towards the goal. Thais poured her last bit of stamina and overcame it, twisting around. She decided then and there to pull off a slide, feet first, aiming to snipe the ball from the Cinderace's feet. But she undershot - the sailor slid and crashed right into the Cinderace, limbs flying everywhere, her poor Totodile flung to the other side of the room. A chatter erupted amongst the spectating rabbits: foul! Foul! Red card!


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November 12
Silph co coder.
158 height
158 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Yui Fujin Silph
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 2:44:37 GMT
Yui Fujin Silph Avatar
Yui Fujin Silph Avatar



Dont tell fern, ok? uwu








Usually yui held a distain for fire types, she didnt like that they literally at times spewed the one thing she had a paranoia fear over. However! Cinderace was an exception to this, it was a cute Bunny pokemon! IT ALSO DIDNT SPEW FIRE LIKE OTHER FIRE TYPES. it would coat a rock or something small in nature and encase it in flames, giving it a very fine control over it's power and intensity when shot out! Plus they WERE ADORABLE! when she heard that a bunch of them were swarming an area to learn how to control their fire she got very excited and decided to check it out instantly. She watched them (from a very far distance mind you, fire balls were still fire.) and waited for the most opportune moment to lob a pokeball at it, knowing her chances weren't that grea given how far she was from the group. She then wondered, what came first? Scorbunny or soccer? Oooo she decided to try something fun instead, She decided to follow scorbunny and cinderace's lead and decided to kick the pokeball at the swarm and see if it worked. [break][break]  [break]








Male // Adaptibility // Tri-Attack, Lock on, Hyper-Beam, Magic Coat, Zap cannon, Agility
Porygon-Z// Porygon-z did x[break]



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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,652 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 2:54:25 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Chu-e did not know jack or shit about soccer. But he did know about rabbits, which Cinderance were, and he was looking to maybe be lucky enough to snag one like everyone else. The fiery path was already crowded with other people and the pokemon but he paid them no mind. Well, he knew if he tried to actually kick around one of the balls he would probably dies (over-dramatic bitch) so instead he just nudged one around a little with his foot for a while. But, he was sharp eyed, so when one of the fire types he lobbed his own pokeball. Time to see if he was successful!


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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,623 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 4:32:10 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
How'd he end up playing football with a bunch of Cinderace in the middle of nowhere?

There they were along the Fiery Path, fast at play using their PYRO BALL as a toy, when a stray kick sent one a little too close to Adrian. Although he was out of practice, he managed to 'juggle' it with his legs, before eventually returning it.

It reminded him of hacky sack, though Adrian wasn't quite as enthused as back then. They were only punting around a deadly weapon...

When he realizes the pokeballs have started flying elsewhere amidst the swarm, Adrian gives them a moment to scatter before reaching for a pokeball of his own, clasping it in his right palm. It was admittedly difficult to resist the temptation of catching a pokemon, under any pretense...

Pulling back his arm Adrian prepares his pitch, winding forward and chucking the pokeball towards the nearest one, though he'd seen how they moved; connecting the throw was a long shot.
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March 23
Mistralton City, Unova
lilycove police
37 height
37 height
i am the shadow driving the hearse
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TAG WITH @flynn
kris flynn-edwards
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 6:44:16 GMT
kris flynn-edwards Avatar
It was not a usual sight — to find Flynn stray from his usual spot in Lilycove or the Team Rocket ship. That being said, there he was, climbing up the Fiery Path when he spotted the collection of Cinderace that had gathered there. Playing soccer.

He couldn't have helped it - not even if he wanted to.

He glanced at who had seemed to crash into a mess on the floor, tangled limbs at all, and walked over to her. He grinned at her, a shark-teeth worth of a smile, and his eyes were bright with ambition as he pushed his sleeves up to his elbows. "Let me show you how you're actually supposed to do it." He and Blue jumped onto the field, the Mightyena quickly capturing a spiraling ball with Thunder Fang and tossing it over to Flynn. The former Soccer captain dribbled it expertly between his legs, darting around the Cinderace and Scorbunny who chased him, and gave it a deft kick into the nearby goal.

As the goalkeeper Cinderace caught the crackling ball of heat in it's hands, Flynn followed up with a pokeball, spun just as fast through the air. Might as well give it a shot, while he was here.


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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2021 7:21:14 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


when the world is callin' you, can you hear them screaming out your name?



"Hey hotshot, is that all you got?"[break][break]

The goalkeeper Cinderace stops the ball and dropkicks it back into the center of the field. Stormy tears after it, physically slamming Flynn as she passes him. There is a devilish smirk to her eye, a challenge buried beneath hot embers.[break][break]

"Let me show you how you're actually supposed to do it!"[break][break]

Her fancy footwork catch the ball between her ankles. She steps on it, stopping short to pin the ball beneath her. She pivots, pulling the ball along with her and narrowly missing the slide-tackle another Cinderace approaches with. She does so by lifting the ball up with the curve of her foot, holding it against her shin and bumping it away. [break][break]

"Nice try, but you won't snatch it from me that easily, bunny!"[break][break]

And then she takes it with her all the way to the end-goal, kicking the ball towards the net.[break][break]


[attr="class","ooc"]+ tagged &



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing