Vital Spirit Festival

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
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Eva Morales DOLLARS
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Eva Morales
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 4:42:00 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar

Eva was dutifully rubbing the Machamp’s shoulders to loosen her up for her next round against the fearsome Incineroar when all hell broke loose. The ruckus of the charging Tauros grabbed the trio’s attention. It was as if a flipped switched in the doctor’s head. Without saying a word, she smacked the Machamp and the three were off running to the source.

Years of experience on the Johto battlefront had prepared them well for the chaos that ignited across the festival grounds. Laughter and shouts of joy were quickly masked by the terrified screams of the people and the thundering roar of the stampede’s hooves. While others ran away from the danger, Eva ran towards it, “Syah!” Eva directed the Machamp towards a stall cramped with people trying to escape the violent stampede. A Tauros rammed into the fragile, wooden building, splintering a good chunk of it to expose the vulnerable people. Before the next Tauros could crash into the building the fighting-type rushed in, summoning the protective power of WIDE GUARD to deflect the stampede from trampling the people.

The high-pitched bell of the legendary TAPU BULU drew the doctor’s attention to the sky. Her chin nearly fell to the ground when she witnessed the Beast swinging literal tree trunks like they were nothing. The pokemon’s powerful swing struck a good Samaritan’s Pidgeotto and smacked it right out of the sky. The flying-type crashed to the ground with an uncomfortable crack. Eva knew that sound all too well.

It’s trainer hovered over the broken bird in a panic. It’s right wing was bent in a way it really shouldn’t be and by the time Eva got to it, it was gasping for breath and non-responsive, “Blade, set the wing, ma’am I need you to back up,” Eva gently ushered the trainer away from her pokemon. Eva and Blade’s medic vests elicited no questions or opposition. Blade set the wing back into place which ushered a painful cry from the Pidgeotto and a snap at the psychic-type. Eva lunged the lay over the bird’s neck, keeping it down while Blade let a HEAL PULSE stabilize the fracture.

The pokemon’s breaths still came in gasps and the quickly distended coelom screamed ruptured air sacs, “Trochanter!” the dual-type found the long, sharp object and handed it to the doctor, “Hold ‘im still,” she motioned to the trainer. After palpating the ideal spot, Eva shoved the device into the pokemon’s coelom, a hiss of air escaping rapidly before tapering off. Pidgeotto’s breaths came easier after that, “He’s stable, but get him to a pokemon center right away,” she instructed clearly.

Eva turned towards the people confronting TAPU BULU, ready to provide medical support if needed.

Notes: 7/15
Syah uses WIDE GUARD to deflect Tauros from innocent bystanders while Blade and Eva start to treat injured pokemon and people.

Eva and her team are ready to treat any wounded people or pokemon. Feel free to interact with her and her pokemon as needed


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 5:35:17 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
7/15 posts TAGGING

kazimir and incineroar were on the edges of their seats waiting for the match to end when the sounds of commotion reached their ears. looking over they could see a crowd of people running for their lives from a stampeding herd of tauros who looked spooked by something. the two of them shared a glance between them that quickly ended in a nod as a look of determination spread across their faces. "yo! gonna have to sit this sumo match out my man! duty calls!" he shouted towards before him and his incineroar set off to stop the stampede from trampling all over the festival.

as they raced to catch up the sound of a bell stopped them in their tracks as they witnessed a strange pokemon suddenly fly overhead with two tree trunks in its arms swinging them around wildly. "oh your kidding..." that sure was a scary sight to behold, enough to start a stampede of frightened bulls that's for sure. if that was the case then it was clear that kazimir had to deal with TAPU BULU of all things. "we might need a bit more help...and i think i got just the guy. just hope he doesn't cause an even bigger mess." kazimir mumbled to himself as he reached down to his belt and took out a blue colored ball and rubbed its edge once with his thumb before throwing it. "jorgen c'mon out!"

from the ball erupted a large creature, towering even over kazimir and incineroar who were both well over six feet of height. red muscles formed its body, four legs supported its weight, and a long stinger and wings gave off an insect sort of vibe, but who would believe that a muscular insect like pokemon could even exist? because it didn't exist in the world of pokemon that everyone knew of.

"pinsir attack you two. jorgen go for its arms, tigger we're gonna hit it big at the same time, just don't burn each other ok? big jobs call for some big muscle." he said as he bumped elbows with his two pokemon, his buzzwole going first making a mad dash before turning around and holding its hands together facing both kazimir and tigger, both of them striking a pose. "our evil blood runs hot like the sun. so burn them to a crisp, MAX MALICIOUS MOONSAULT!" a red aura flashed across both incineroar and trainer as the cat ran up to his partner ultra beast and took a single step into its hands before it was suddenly launched into the sky, high above the tapu bulu as it spread its body wide for a splash as fire erupted all around it as it freefalled into its z-move. on the ground the buzzwole squatted on all four of its legs before taking off in a lunge at the legendary pokemon.

TLDR: incineroar used z-move: max malicious moonsault on tapu bulu!
buzzwole used lunge on tapu bulu!

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the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,586 posts
noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 5:59:08 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 under unexpected firework light, noah finally finds time to reply. but the thing is, what makes officer duty tiring is the unexpected. it is coming in every day, unsure of what is to transpire, what is to leak through the agenda's pages or crackle through the radio's mesh speakers.

's voice comes over the radio— and he sends his text quickly, fingers tapping away to add a rushed tail to his message.

things are getting quiet now so oh nvm looks like i'll be seeing you soon lol

noah grabs his machamp's shoulder. with a grunt, he heaves himself into his partner's arms and like a moving mountain, the pokemon charges toward the commotion.

a renegade tauros scrambles onto their path. roaring, his machamp attempts to steer it back.

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon machamp"]

note: might not be a good idea to interact w/ noah unless u msg me since ill be very slow!! / post #2


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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 6:19:29 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar giggled as Priam handed him a firework, lighting it almost immediately. The firework erupted into a magnificent array of color, bring a childish grin to Oscar's face. Oscar watched intently as the sparks began to descend into the forest, but before he could see what would happen with that he would hear a commotion within the town. 

Suddenly the memories of Slateport beach came flooding back, not the epic firework part but rather the horrible fiery aftermath. Oscar clasped his cheeks with his hands, "Ffffffuck! We set the town on fire! Holy shit dude!" Oscar ran toward the town in a panic, genuinely believing that their little stunt once again caused catastrophic damage.

He was right, though not in the way he thought. Nothing was on fire, but a band of spooked tauros were spreading havoc throughout the festival. Not only that, but some sort of shit-faced cow thing was having a tantrum. Huh, maybe the fireworks didn't cause this after all. I mean, this was all too nuts to be their fault. 

Oscar shrugged, "Well I guess this isn't our pro-" A big burst of electricity caught his attention. A tauros had burst through the MGH stand, an arcade powered by a miniature version of the company's new power grid design. That same miniature, which cost about 50,000 poke, was now in sparking pieces. Oscar's expression grew dire. He strode forward, not waiting for his companions to join the fray.

Oscar snapped his fingers, and from the shadows emerged Emma the Ariados. The dark spider's eyes darted around at the chaos, resting them at last on her furious master. Oscar let out a low growl, "These bullish fucks just wrecked my exhibit. Round them up with your toxin!" Emma nodded, springing into action at once. She barreled toward the nearest Tauros, attempting to wrangle it with her Toxic Thread. Her goal was to do this over and over again, putting the wild tauros to sleep with her Shadow Venom.


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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 6:23:31 GMT
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    Rowan’s eyes widened slightly as recognition began to register on Lilith’s face, accepting his presence here at the festival almost like they hadn’t met years ago and on an entirely different continent. There were many things that he owed this girl from the brief time they’d known each other, the greatest being the seed of courage she planted within him that would eventually bloom and give the motivation he needed to leave his own home. “Lilith, you…” Words were hard to come by, too many emotions brimming on the surface that spanned the spectrum of sadness to fear. Yet, the singular emotion that he found himself reaching towards the most was joy. She hadn’t been weathered and beaten by the world, all on her own and without anyone to protect her but herself. She was alive, proof proper that his decision to leave his family and Galar all together wasn’t an ill-founded one. “...I can’t believe you’re here.” A soft smile spread across Rowan’s lips, eyes following her hand as she reached out towards Mistral. He’d expected to hear a trill of warning escape from the bird’s beak, but it seemed he agreed with the sentiment enough to stretch his flippers out towards the approaching hand. “Normally I wouldn’t but he has a tendency to not like to listen to me much if at all. I’ve heard that Piplup are stubborn and prideful, but it seems as though I found the one practically molded from vinegar.” Mistral huffed slightly as if he was denying the accusation entirely, turning his head away from Rowan to look at the young girl.

    “Apologies, how rude of me.” Rowan had been so wrapped up in this chance encounter that he hadn’t even noticed the approach of her male companion, offering him a slight nod as it seemed the need to introduce himself was dismissed usage of his name. “I couldn’t possibly impose on your date, it wouldn’t be proper.” Truthfully he had no idea if this was a romantic outing between the two, but he wasn’t aware of many platonic relationships that would travel to a festival together and view fireworks as a pair. “Besides I sh-...” Rowan’s words were cut off by the sudden screams and shattering of wood as a number of Tauros began to rampage through the streets, destroying anything in their path in an attempt to get away from the explosions in the sky. “Shit.” He muttered under his breath, looking around for a place to take cover out of pure instinct. Instead, he found that most people were pitching in to do their part and help stop this rampage from getting out of hand. Reaching down to one of the Pokéballs on his waist, Rowan plucked it free and let loose the Pokémon inside. “Eden, calm these beasts down!” The Roselia gave a small bow in recognition before she turned towards a rampaging Tauros bearing down upon them, opening up the pedals on both her hands and unleashing a SWEET SCENT that was sure to soothe their panicked mind and distract from the noise.



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 6:46:52 GMT
Deleted Avatar
sunflora eagerly gave the man another high five, glad that he remembered that it was apparently a very important thing to the grass pokemon. after all it was fun to slap humans. especially when they just let her. chunhua was confused when it wasn't the budew that came out of the pokeball but excited nonetheless. any grass type buddy was good enough for her. especially since she really only spent time around a lot of grass types. and feng of course. but feng was new. the sunflora gently patted her new friend whimsicott on the head with her spare leaf and let him take the other. it was going to be a good time.

unfortunately though things never did stay being a good time in hoenn. as the tauros began to rage chunhua tried to tug on her new whimsicott friend to bring him to safety and over to jinhai. after all it would be safer over there, wouldn't it? but jinhai was already up and ready to try and help. with a sigh he plucked another pokeball from his belt, knowing that it had only been a matter of time before all of this went to hell anyways.

daiyu would be more helpful here than either of the other pokemon he had available to him. "spore daiyu." hopefully if he could get some of the tauros to fall asleep they could stop much more of the damage that was happening.


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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Raziel Beckett
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 6:51:14 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar






"Because there are god damn trouble makers making it difficult," Razz growls his answer at 's rhetorical question. Already he couild feel a headache growing as he heard fireworks have gone off in the distance. Most likely near the tauros he was trying to help guide earlier. Well at least this is what he was here to do, help out. With a whistle Whis was at the ready as one of the bulls came close, another whistle and the large cat used PROTECT to help the crowd. [break][break]

"Good work," he praised the kitten before going for another pokeball for now to send out his Chikarita, with a look at his cat Salem jumped ahead as he used PSYCHIC to raise up a few of the rampaging bulls. "Calm them down!" he calls to the plan pokemon as she uses SWEET SCENT. The pink fragrance spreading around the small group as their panic stopped as the calmed down before Salem placed them back down. [break][break]

And people wondered why he hated things like this




Notes: Post #11/15 [break]



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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
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Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 7:02:52 GMT
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    Turtonator was no match for the crimson bull. Shattering his own shell was a risky move, and in this case the dragon turtle's enhanced speed hadn't been enough to make a difference. With ample bravado, Boshi had hurled himself at Tapu Bulu, and had been batted straight back at Zac with one of the tree trunks.

"Bloody hell!"
Zac shouted, as he hit the deck. The half-ton tortoise shot over his head and collided with a pile of stall-rubble. Boshi's shell trap triggered with a BOOM and the remains of the stalls ignited around the fallen Pokemon. Nearby, a real fire bell started to chime.

Zac looked around for help. There were plenty of people trying to calm the Tauros or attack Tapu Bulu, but Zac looked past them. He looked at the environment.
Flames, maybe. Rubble, unlikely. Stall remains? Might as well use matchsticks.
was fighting nearby, and a surge of lightning burst from her, electrifying the ground and paralyzing a group of Tauros.
There. Zac sent out Kev, and the Steelix roared into battle, exterior gleaming in the mixed light of flames, fireworks and broken lanterns.

"Stick ya tail in that lightning and wrap that big, red one!"
Zac shouted, pointing out the rampaging Bulu. Steelix surged forward, carving a deep path in the wreckage. His tail touched 's crackling terrain, and the electricity surged along his body, conducted by his steel skin. Steelix roared in discomfort, his movements halting as he fought the paralyzing effects of the terrain.

"Hold it together, Kev,"
Zac yelled, keeping his gaze trained on Tapu Bulu. "It's time to pen this bull."


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june 5th
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glitch maverick
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 7:05:53 GMT
glitch maverick Avatar
what the fuck? that was all glitch could think as tauros came barreling towards the crowd and stalls. luckily button was still close by and the dreepy immediately shot back into his spot inside glitch's sleeve and while that relieved glitch there was still the issue that he could still come to harm. knowing dreepy wouldn't be able to do shit against such large pokemon he figured it was time to bring out the big guns.

the nearly six foot tall water and ice pokemon would do nicely to keep him safe. and of course maybe some other people probably. but he mostly cared about himself if he was being honest. he always mostly cared about himself. "stop them slushie!" he tucked behind the large pokemon he'd just released in the mid of the confusion.

but of course it was willing to help out. frilling out the flares on its neck the arctovish opened its mouth and let out a freeze-dry while using aurora veil to help mitigate any damage it took head on. after all, they had extremely hard heads.


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January 29th
Castelia City
Hot Springs Employee, Media Personality
1 height
1 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Logan Ferris DOLLARS
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Logan Ferris
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 7:14:11 GMT
Logan Ferris Avatar



As the screams and cries of panicked people and Pokemon alike ripped through the joyous tone of the festival, both Logan and Dragonite near-instantly forgot about their loss in the sumo match to Eva and Machamp. From his perch, Logan could see what was happening; a stampeding herd of Tauros, and people targeting some sort of Pokemon floating up in the air. Did it startle the herd, or was it the fireworks? Looking down at his small companion, Logan took out a Pokeball from his bag and tapped it, engulfing Mudkip in a sparkling energy. "Return for now, buddy, it's not safe." Logan said soothingly to his unnerved friend. Securely tucking Mudkip's Pokeball back into his bag, Logan looked down at Dragonite, who was already locking gazes with its trainer. Pokemon and Trainer were on the same wavelength.
Logan initially went to turn his camera off to end the stream but at the last second he hesitated and changed his mind. Looking directly into the camera, he smiled nervously. "Sorry folks, change of plans. If you get motion sick or don't like heights, look away now." he warned as he picked up the camera and its mount from the statue they had been fastened to. Logan watched as both Eva and Kazimir ran off, giving them each an affirming stare, he knew they would be alright regardless of what they did.
Dragonite's powerful wingbeats rumbled through the immediate area as he took off into the air, sweeping past the statue low enough for Logan to jump upon his back. Up, up and away they went, in the direction of the herd. However, Logan caught Dragonite glaring in the direction of the legendary Pokemon. "It's alright...we can focus on that thing after we help these people." Logan soothed Havok as he patted the side of his neck whilst flying. Choosing to not show the fleeing crowd and the possibility of injuries on a livestream, Logan kept his camera pointed at Tapu Bulu for the moment.
Dragonite lowered towards a rooftop, allowing Logan to jump off onto the flat tiles, a safer spot than being on the ground. "Havok, keep the herd from tramplin' the people, but don't hurt them. It'll make things worse." Dragonite nodded with a grunt of understanding. The dragon descended towards the ground, barely managing to land between a Tauros and a festivalgoer in its path. With a growl, Havok grabbed onto the horns of the Tauros, its head inches from Havok's torso, and held it in place. After getting his footing, Havok pulled off a finicky manouvere; he forcefully turned the Tauros and pushed it, to make it go in another direction. With that risk handled for now, Havok started hurriedly flying armfuls of guests out of the risk the herd was running down, all while Logan watched both Dragonite and Tapu Bulu.
Logan had started filming both events now; people and Pokemon working together to both deal with the stampede, as well as engage the unusual Pokemon that had shown itself all of a sudden. Havok returned to Logan's side not long after. The latter rummaged through his bag for something, eventually pulling out a solid red bandana of some sort, proceeding to wrap it around Dragonite's neck firmly. "Remember how this works, pal?" he said as he patted Dragonite, who nodded in response. Fastened into the bandana was a small wireless device that would allow Havok to hear Logan's orders, without Logan having to constantly yell. He had came up with this after some of his viewers complained about him yelling orders to Dragonite, quite often.
Havok took off into the air at breakneck speeds, speeds which his kind were especially known for. In seconds, Havok was somewhere above Tapu Bulu, glaring down at it. Neither Havok nor Logan had seen this Pokemon before, only in passing glance -- or so Logan thought -- so they had to be careful. Logan spoke into the microphone of his mobile phone, which lit up as it recognised his voice. "Alright, Havok, hit it with Hurricane!" and as asked, Dragonite's wings kicked up a monstrous flowing gale-force wind, releasing the waves of powerful air towards the Tapu Bulu.
NOTES: LOGAN is livestreaming everything happening (people helping the crowd, trainers fighting the threat) + DRAGONITE used HURRICANE towards Tapu Bulu.


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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 7:18:22 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
the rampaging doesn't stop itself with the tapu bulu. taurus were running rampant, with most of them getting in the way of kyle and his attempt to throw sand at the legendary's eyes.

he takes out another mightyena to help them with the onslaught of taurus, mostly to contain the problem away from where the tapu bulu was already causing havoc. it'll drive them away somewhere else, but there's enough people to take care of them.

"roar," he orders as soon as the mightyena comes out of its ball.

a low rumbling into a loud roar drives one of them that's about to charge kyle away from them, skidding as it pulls the brakes before turning tail and going the opposite direction.


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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 8:06:11 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Vital Spirit Post #10
[attr="class","hearmenand2"]While they were all enthralled by the uproar surrounding the Blacephalon Pop game, Adrian was pulled away by the clamorous sound of a stampede. Sticking his head out between the crowd of bodies, he could see some of the errant beasts running loose ahead, making a ruckus and causing widespread panic. Doubtlessly he had some concerns, but as with any emergency before, he threw himself at the situation seemingly without regard to his own well being.

Before he's over to the situation, he's texting furiously: 'fukkin tauros, theyre runnin wild. im near xx. how bad is it?' The situation has clearly developed beyond the ability for a single man to contain by his lonesome, and he's hardly qualified to be a ranch hand to begin with. And while he absolutely loved to just throw gigantic monsters at one another and let them go to town, this particular town was presently filled to the brim with fragile, fleshy creatures called people. Capturing them was also off the table, since these were all likely owned, and poaching laws were unnecessarily strict here in Hoenn.

Adrian found his solution in the form of a Sigilyph he hastily retrieved from his PC storage. It hovered overhead without crowding the plaza, and boasted a few powers he thought might be handy. "Alright, Sigilyph. Let's go." Perhaps unannounced, his departure from Serena and Gavin might not have gone unnoticed, though it would be difficult to recognize and follow an individual through the panicked throng of fleeing tourists.

"Sigilyph, use Gravity to slow them all down...!" He's still approaching the scene as Tauros blindly trample everything around them. One even comes bursting out of what might've been a shop, glassware clattering and shattering to the ground as it emerged from the building. Bull in a China shop? That's a damn classic...

This is black sheep,
o v e r - a n d - o u t .
dandy ♫

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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
pr strategist
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TAG WITH @lancelot
Selena Desmarais
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 8:58:30 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar
Selena sees 's attempt to join forces and she nods in agreement. The stun of her ELECTRIC TERRAIN doesn't last much longer and she decides to expand her weapons.

“Luci, Raph, Isra, Rai—round the tauroses up and make sure civilians with no pokemons are out of the way. I'm gonna take care of the Tapu.”

Her dogs huff, following their trainer's command. The four of them leaps and barks at the panicking tauroses to herd them away from the festival grounds. Selena decides to approach Tapu Bulu.

“I'm closing in. Let's try to halt its movements.”

She is just echoing what she thinks will be doing, just wanting to make sure that they are on the same page.


TL;DR: Selena is in the festival ground! Talking with a moment before she sees the herd of tauros rampaging, attempts to halt them using her avatar powers.
Open to additional interaction.

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 9:20:02 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

Returning Adrian's greeting he barely had time to decide between the Stakataka plush or the Buzzwole before the screams of panicked festival goers and the irritated groans of stampeding tauros averted his attention.

It was just his damned luck that the pokemon he'd swapped out to help win a giant plush wouldn't be much help stopping a herd of Tauros.

For now, he'd have to depend on Kadabra.

Calling the Psi Pokémon to his side he handed over the bird pokéballs including Togekiss who landed nearby, beckoned by Kadabra's psychic call. Mentally he gave the evolved Abra precise orders.

Use TELEPORT to take this plush and these pokéballs back to the Cabin. He handed over a Buzzwole plush and the Pokéballs for Pidgey, Spearow, Toucanon and Togekiss. Take one of these Tauros with you and bring me back the others.

Knowing Adrian could take care of himself and his sister Sénon, turned his attention back to Rockruff getting down on one knee petting and rubbing its face and neck "Where's mommy? Can you smell her nearby? Take me to Mommy!"

With an affirming bark and furrowed brows the pup went about sniffing the ground and tracking Cait's scent in the chaos.

When Kadabra returned with his battle team, he could resume dealing with the Tauros. He'd gotten rid of one of them but to properly balance his work life and his love life, Cait was the priority now.

● tags: , , @vsfest
● notes: post 014

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no preference
november 25
Brighter than tomorrow and yesterday
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TAG WITH @lilith
lilith eirwin
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 10:54:04 GMT
lilith eirwin Avatar





[attr="class","hanalyrics"]festival lights
[attr="class","hanalyrics2"]spirits pass us by

[attr="class","hanatext"]A name as soft as fallen snow, a familiar face that brings forth so many memories and a promised sight that has yet to be seen. Though Lilith isn't one for crowded spaces, something about this strange turn of events pulls her ever closer to the spirit of festivities and fills her with a child-like wonder she's never gotten the chance to keep.

You're still mean as ever, huh? Mistral probably thinks so too… Maybe if you were a little nicer, he'd listen…" Kindness begets kindness and karma goes around, or so is the belief she clings onto. Lilith is never one to torment or spite her pokemon without reason and even if she does, she never does it out of true malice. She's gentle as she heaves Rubia with one hand and frees Mistral with her other, placing the Piplup on her shoulder and ensuring he hangs on safely. Of course, he's still free to wander but for now, she does agree with the unspoken sentiment of not wanting to lose him to the crowd.

But perhaps, the focus of the teasing is all too quickly turned back onto her, a strange remark about dates practically flying over her head as she struggles to understand the meaning behind it. "Date…? You're dating someone…?" She's never had a crush nor gotten intimate with people before, but from the many books and couples she's seen, having a partner seems to be something to be happy about. "Congrats, Rowan…" She nods at her well-constructed wishes, giving the boy a thumbs up without ever having a change in expressions.

However, just as Rubia preps herself to headbutt Lilith for her ignorance, bells toll with a curse of madness, the world soon erupting in panic and fear as the ground shakes. Instincts tell her to clutch tight onto the Wooloo and Piplup, her feet already shifting towards pockets of safety as her eyes lock onto the cause of the issue: A herd of startled Tauros charging straight into various stores and festival goers. In this very instant, Lilith does what she knows best as she makes a break for it. It's a cowardly thing to do and she knows it from the bottom of her heart, but never once does she dare to turn back - She just can't bring herself to expose her pokemon to such danger.

Where chaos breeds, the roots of evil grow. With cowardice comes a helplessness that cannot be shaken, muffled apologies desperately muttered under her breath like a mantra. She isn't strong enough, she isn't brave enough, she isn't like the others who can simply smile and say that they'll fight to right the world. She lives for herself and the only family she has left, she fights only to keep the smiles that they've struggled to regain after so long. And yet, helplessness isn't always a dead end, a sharp bleat from Rubia momentarily tearing her away from dissolving into panic. She calls with such conviction, writhing and struggling so violently that Lilith loses her grip and lets her go.

Stop running. She can see the anger in Rubia's eyes that clamour for any shreds of empathy she has left. That declaration of war is made with a firm step towards conflict, her woolly coat seeming to bristle as she dares her trainer to continue her escape.

"Rubia, please..."

But that plea falls on deaf ears, the Wooloo already sprinting towards danger, a defiant bleat echoing through the air as it attempts to Take Down the approaching legendary pokemon.


Tl;dr - Lilith BOOKS IT and tries to get away from the TAUROS. Rubia rebels and attempts to use Take Down on Tapu Bulu
[attr="class","hanatags"] || @dakota || strain || post #6

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