i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 9, 2021 4:12:30 GMT
Deleted Avatar
the meteor shower reaching its peak is a welcome distraction, artemis thinks. it's not enough to xompletely distract him from the image of mint wiping reve's eyes, or the fact that he still feels too close to crying for his own comfort, but it at least means he won't have to pay any attention to whatever mint and reve are doing. not that his mind doesn't supply images for him; mint dancing with reve or whatever couples do at events like these. joking about how poor, oblivious artemis had ruined what was supposed to be their perfect date night, maybe? he knows it isn't fair of him to be upset about it, and that he should go back to them, but—

his thoughts crash to a stop at how close the meteors are. they seem to be much closer than they were, and, for a second, artemis wonders if one really had touched the trees. there's a sinking feeling of dread, that he should get mint and reve and just leave, but he can't bring himself to look away, and he really doesn't want to bother either of them over something that may just be misguided nerves. he doesn't want to ruin their night.

and then one of the meteors breaks off and strikes the courtyard, dangerously close to where he is. for a second, he can see the headlines; artemis chary, killed in a freak accident involving a meteor. it all happens so fast that he can't even manage to take steps away from it before it lands, so he just hopes he doesn't get killed. he doesn't want to die, and especially not like this, in a place where he's far from home and the only two people that know him are too far away to get to him in time if he does.

when it lands, though, there's no explosion, no dust or gravel. instead, there's the sound of breaking glass, and more meteors fall in the general area, just far enough away that artemis is safe. he hopes— the pink gas comes closer to comfort than he would like, and...artemis' thinks he sees mint in it. just glimpses of them, like he's trying to get artemis to join him in it. he knows he really isn't, hadn't seen mint go past him into it and that he's probably still with reve, but...

the announcement goes one ear and out the other before he's walking into it, hoping it isn't something that's going to kill him and he just ignored the warning. any worries are gone just as fast, though, because mint is there. mint is waiting for him, and he looks lovestruck, and he's looking at artemis like that. like he's wanting to make up for the dance from earlier; to keep whatever's left of their fairy tale night.

it's easier than he expected to step closer to him, deeper into the pink mist. it's easier to get lost in it than he expected, with just him and mint and nobody else.

he doesn't hear any calls for his name, not really, even as he stretches a hand out in an offering to pull mint into another waltz to make up for the last one.

maybe, just maybe, this could be their perfect night after all.

- artemis being heartbroken and watching the meteor shower.
- it's time. artemis is standing close to where the first meteor hits and enters the mist because he thinks he sees "mint".
- doesn't hear reve or mint because he's too focused on his dreams. offers another waltz with "mint" and thinks this could be their perfect night.
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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May 24
38 height
38 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
155 posts
Asriel Pryde DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @asriel
Asriel Pryde
POSTED ON Oct 10, 2021 6:59:07 GMT
Asriel Pryde Avatar

"That so?" his expression remains normal but his tone sounded slightly surprised - unaware that his father had such an aspiration. He stirs the drink with one hand and draws upon his imagination. Picturing what it would of been like if Raziel was here with them.

A small crooked smile appears as it was hard to imagine. "Couldn't have done it without you, mother and beckett" He responds, raising the glass to the toast.

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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
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TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Oct 10, 2021 12:01:44 GMT

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
i have loved

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
the stars too fondly


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
to be fearful of what the night may bring

[attr=class,bulk][break]The scene of the soiree had been overtaken by a pink mist, prompting many to investigate. Derek's feet that were to be momentarily guided by Bo were drawn towards it instead. Dismissing himself politely, without too much regard for how they may take it, he ventured into the anomaly. Like many of those around, his curiosity would be sated...


Manifesting itself within, a world began to exist that differed greatly from the one he knew. A face Derek knew to be gone sat with him at the family table, with new ones appearing in the empty seats ailing parents soon left behind. The seasons and holidays washed through the lively household, breathing life into moments he wished happened, but knew could never take place.


These moments, like memories, passed him by. Some good, others bad. A perpetual cycle of the seasons spanning beyond his years, where he no longer sat at the table—but the house and family remained, allowing him to feel truly whole.

tags @desire [break]
Leaves Bo & co. to investigate the pink gas, begins dreaming.


template by punki

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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,873 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Oct 10, 2021 19:22:12 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]MOSSDEEP STAR SOIREE



AS DESIRES MANIFEST IN THIS PHANTASMAGORICAL REALM, the mist thickens. Those who indulge in their wishes may not realize the degree of separation between the previous dimension and the one they previously resided in. The further those venture into the mist, the more lost they become. Spatiality works differently. With one step into the mist, one can not simply take one step back to leave it. Traversal is different here— and whether it is due to the latent properties of the Interdream Zone or the dimensional dilapidation is unclear....[break][break]

Unbeknownst to everyone, there has been another dimensional break. Though, such an occurrence may come as no surprise to those who have witnessed the instability of ultra wormholes, temporal and spatial errors, and lost Unown.[break][break]


The dream mist that some of you wade in begins to darken in the liminal spaces between it and another energy. Some of you see eyes blinking back at you from the mist before disappearing into purple clouds that stain the pink quilt of this place. Suddenly, your characters' wishes begin to twist. Corrupt. Physical manifestations of lost loved ones become dreadful beings. Utopian scenes become worst case scenarios.[break][break]

Screams can be heard as the manifested desires begin to turn into nightmarish ones.[break][break]



EVERYONE WITHIN THE SOIREE, whether they are inside the building or not, will find some segment of the pink DREAM MIST to interact with. They may enter it directly or not.[break][break]

Gazing at the DREAM MIST will reveal images of what the characters DESIRE whether they are physical objects, people, or Pokemon, or physical representations of abstract wishes.[break][break]

The Interdream Zone is now mixing in with another dimension. This interaction of dimensions between Hoenn, the Interdream Zone, and an unknown realm is causing the manifested desires to become corrupt.[break][break]

These corrupted desires can be dangerous. By now, characters can get incredibly lost in the Interdream Zone. Those looking from the outside in may witness some of these horrible sights— but hopping into the mist does not guarantee that they will reach the people they see (up to player discretion).[break][break]

Lastly, feel free to continue the dream/fantasy scenarios and ignore the nightmares entirely (as it may not affect everyone).

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Oct 10, 2021 23:21:21 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

    The mist continued to thicken as Rowan pushed further into the phenomenon, disorienting him and obscuring the figure he’d seen before. “Rowan…” A voice whispered out to him from the haze, unknown and yet somehow familiar at the same time. “Who's there?” Cautious steps brought him towards the source of the enigmatic voice, the whimsical pink mist slowly becoming a sinister crimson before his eyes.

    Suddenly, Rowan found himself standing before a series of solid pillar-like structures, forming what appeared to be a cage. “Hello?” He called out, taking a step forward to place his hand on the stone, able to hear the sounds of heavy breathing on the other side. “Is someone back there?”

    Crimson eyes appeared in the darkness, hungry and filled with rage. “Let me out, Rowan…” The growling voice was deep, but still unmistakable...this was his own voice. LET ME OUT! It commanded with a booming shout, forcing him to quickly step backwards. One foot stepped over the other, causing Rowan to stumble and fall, plummeting down into seemingly infinite darkness below.

    Rowan opened his eyes to find he wasn’t falling anymore. The darkened walls that surrounded him continued to push forward, the room slowly closing in on him until he found himself in an area no bigger than a small closet. “Rowan, you’ve been misbehaving again.” A voice he recognized this time, his father’s. “Please, I promise I’ll be good! Don’t lock me in here!” Another voice, his own again but younger. “Please, father! I’m scared!”

    A door opened before him, light flooding the darkened room and temporarily blinding Rowan. “Hello?” There was a shape in the door, much taller than himself. The figure extended their hand into the darkness, and Rowan reached his own outwards. A warm hand clasped his own, slippery with some substance, dripping down his wrist. Soon, the disorientation faded away and Rowan found he was face to face with himself.

    Bodies were strewn across the room, blood splattered and gore exposed in a sickening scene. The other Rowan clutched a knife in his hand, a smile across his lips with flecks of blood clinging to his face. “This is what you really are, Rowan.” The doppelganger stepped around the room, kicking over one of the bodies to show the bloodied face of .

    “No...I couldn’t do something like this…” Rowan stepped backwards, nearly tripping over another body, the mutilated corpse of staring up at him with vacant eyes. “Stop lying to yourself.” Frightened, he searched the room for an exit, only to see slumped over against the wall, her throat sliced from one end to another. “I’m not you!”

    The doppelganger rushed forward and grabbed Rowan by the throat, pressing him up against the wall. “I’m what you need to be if you want to survive!” A sharp pain radiated from his gut, looking down to see the knife plunged into his own stomach. LET ME OUT!The voice shouted again, shaking the walls of the room and once more plunging him into darkness.
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triple h
september 14th
rustboro gym leader
champion (hoenn & vct)
now come together, come apart
4,046 posts
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TAG WITH @cian
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2021 4:52:20 GMT
his search through the mist for is interrupted.

the warm sight of his family camping stops him in his tracks, for he notices the slightest abnormality in their smiles. it looks strained, forced, as if someone had stitched their mouths in what they thought to be a smile.

he blinks, taking a step away only to feel a hand on his shoulder, and though he doesn't turn, he recognizes her voice well enough.

it haunts him.

"you'll never be enough."

nightmares POG
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april 13th
231 height
231 height
Diamond sparrow, my moonlight majesty, come flying back to me.
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POSTED ON Oct 11, 2021 4:54:31 GMT
what nightmares are there for him to find when he sees nothing in the first place?

perhaps the lack of a dream is frightening enough.

so, seemingly unaffected by the mist around him, danny continues to venture through, searching for a way out only to end up stumbling into .

"shit—sorry. are you okay?"

with in the mist
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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,459 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2021 5:01:09 GMT
what comes next is to be expected.

a tendril of flame lashes out at , or at least a version of her in his visions, and pulls her into the depths of the fire. he yells, snapping his hand out towards her but it's too late.

through shades of crimson and yellow he sees her outline slowly wilting away, and who else stands over her but the personification of evil itself?


fake or otherwise, matias lunges out towards him.

lost in the mist with
28th post
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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,233 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2021 8:02:32 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]a sky full of stars
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2a"]please wake me up from this nightmare
[attr="class","inner-finally"]A shift in perception. A click and a bang.
She's seen this before, imagined how it happened over and over again. Their warmth covers her hands, an empty shell clinking against the ground as they stumble backwards and fall. Amidst the sea of crimson eyes, stares and watches with a cold, calculative gaze.
When she looks back to their lifeless bodies, she sees another. Black crystals swarm him, covering every inch of his skin as they pull free of his skin. Sharpened, jagged and tearing through the flesh of , the parasite that lays within him begins to eat him alive. Rust pours out from his wounds, mixed with a putrid, black goo that she can't scrub her memories of.
And then, it begins to drip from the ceilings, warm and unpleasantly thick as she dares to turn her gaze to the skies. hangs from the balcony, strung up and pierced with glowing roots. His eyes are dull but his blood is illuminated to a bright red.
Her lips part but she can't find her voice, her eyes unable to tear their gaze from the sight.
Until she roars, blessed daughter of the seas. Lugia's cries echo through the foyer and her wings stir the winds, but what it brings isn't the winds of change but the stench of death. Her eyes glow red, miasma swirling around her presence and her crowned king. When their eyes, doesn't smile, merely lets his crimson knife fall upon the mangled body of .
It's all crumbling, she can't even take a step back. Her hands reach out behind her but all she feels is warmth upon matted fur. Her eyes snap to the Luxray, his breathing ragged as his throat gurgles with excessive blood.
She's losing him. She's losing all of them. She's powerless to protect any of them no matter how hard she tries. One by one, they'll slip through her fingers, fall far beyond where her gaze can reach. And in the end, she'll be all that's left.
All alone, once more.

[attr="class","adrie-note"]no one || post #24

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2021 13:22:58 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Hope is not something Mars often allows of himself, because hoping has never done him much good in the first place. It has always been for nothing, it has always ended in disappointment and pain. And yet here, in this mist, when standing before his mind’s image of his long-dead father, that’s exactly what he does: feel hopeful for the future.
It’s so easy to think of the good things, to focus on how everything has been so much better as of late – on how he’s been so much happier. To think of the things he loves and cherishes; the ones he wants to protect. To think that, after all of his efforts, all of his plans will finally come to fruition and he will be free to live the life he wants to live.
And then, just like that, with no warning at all, all that hope is crushed and crumpled and turned to dust in a matter of seconds.
All it takes is seeing the anger and disgust that suddenly takes over his father’s expression. Something strange to him, for those are not feelings Mars ever saw him wear back when he was a kid. What makes things worse at the words that come in a voice he thought he had long forgotten; those words Mars hates hearing from anyone, and that are as if a death sentence when spoken by the father who Mars had thought loved him:
”You’re just like them, Martín.”

There is no better future to hope for.
He will never be any different from his family.
”No, I–…” As is all too rare for him to do, Mars stutters, and before he can even begin to gather himself and come up with a good response, his father is gone. Just like that, he disappears in the blink of an eye, and Mars finds himself alone.
Isn’t that the most terrifying thing of all? To have no one at all? No one who cares for him. No one who loves him. No one who’s proud of him. No one to look out for him. No one to whom he matters at all.
The mere thought of it is suffocating, and his heart aches at that familiar loneliness, for just like every other one of his nightmares, this too is one he has experienced and knows well. Perhaps, that’s exactly why he’s able to snap out of it; why he can tell himself he needs to get away from here.
Out of the Dream Mist.
But, which way is the way out?
With each step the strange fog seems denser and denser, and soon enough, Mars finds himself running past other people’s nightmares. He doesn’t care, they don’t matter to him. Except, of course, for the one that makes him stop right on his tracks – out of breath.
He’s here.
He actually found him.
Relief washes over him, only to be quickly replaced by concern when seeing the person standing next to him. Even if Mars has never met her, assumptions are all too easily made.
Cian. She’s not real.”
Meeting ’s gaze, he steps closer. And right then, if only for a second, he wonders: what if this is a nightmare as well?


sadge IN DA MIST but at least he finally found cian??? ♡ (14)


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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,652 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2021 15:11:59 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
The mist shifts and so does the dream.

It's subtle. Unlike what was seeing, a night and day, this one is hard to notice at first. It's a change in view, the view out the kitchen window coming into focus.

Flames burn over everything, turning the sky a dark orange. Just like Kanto, everything is in ruin, and somehow Chu-e knows that he was the cause of it.

"W-wait, this isn't..." Isn't what he wanted? But it was what he was working for, right? By staying with Rocket? By helping to lead them, no less? When did he go wrong? Lead down this this path and not against it?

He feels sick, deeply, and only in reaching to cover his mouth does he notice... the crystals. Black and thick and biting, goring his skin as if it was just a chrysalis for what was underneath.

He wants to scream but nothing comes out.

- in the Nightmare Zone with and somewhere around
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February second
Lumiose City
54 height
54 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
369 posts
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TAG WITH @lime3
Evette Moreau
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2021 16:38:04 GMT
Evette Moreau Avatar

It felt good to sign, really. But at some point, Eve noticed a certain….chill, really. It wasn’t a drastic change. Likely, nothing changed at all there. After all, she was still on a lonely mountain. Nothing ‘factually’ changed. But she became…more away of that loneliness. Of the emptiness. The moonlight that seemed like an ephemeral spotlight just a little while ago just turned to show the desolation of empty nature. And the echo that seemingly had picked up her voice before turned hollow, reverberating more thoroughly and picking itself up.

It was eerie. And she just felt cold, enough for her to suddenly stumble over her words, miss the tone – and then have someone assault her.
Well, it wasn’t an assault, but she did not see it coming. He bumped into her, but she stumbled and fell, feeling as if she had been shoved. And then, looming over her, he said one word that was a bane of artists all over the world.

‘Okay’. He called her ‘okay’ she did not clearly hear the rest of these words. But it was just okay. Not grand. Not even terrible. But just okay, the signifier of utter mediocrity. The worst possible outcome. Eve found her eyes watering slightly. “I….I am sorry. I can do better….can do better….”

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,041 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2021 18:02:54 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar
It's sweet. Temp, too, isn't sure he could make this step right now. They're still too new to each other in this way, still have so much to learn. But he thinks he would like it someday, and didn't that mean the most? Something like... like what was showing him, he had never thought of that kind of stuff for himself. To share his name with someone like that.

He wonders if Gavin would do a ceremony for Pacifidlog if he did one like this. Something important to them both.

When Gavin turns away from it, he wonders what upset him, but he only squeezes their linked hands before reaching up to cup Gavin's cheek, further hide him from whatever pain he's seeing there.

Only, nothing could stay happy here, could it?

The warp spreads and so does Temp's vision, which makes him tense up as his previous dream is dashed on sharp rocks.

Instead he sits on the island underneath the carcass of his mother's ship, fresh graves on the shore. Gavin's, @piper's, his fathers... but also dozens more, all crammed on the tiny island, his village, his people, and Temp knows in this nightmare more than anything that he is alone. Everyone left him again.
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,456 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2021 19:10:13 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
The gentle brush of 's fingers against his cheek is enough to comfort Gavin only so long as he does not have to face the reality of his deepest desires. When he dares to glance back into the mist, his lover's dreams have warped into nightmares.

Gavin's throat tightens.

"No," he says, soft with intent to reassure, "that wouldn't..."

But he trails off as the mists begin to warp his own dreams, too.

He's in the office, this time, his want for power realized. The door bursts open, and the faces of those he trusts most file in. All those who'd been at the wedding, minus his parents and with the addition of . None of them look happy, now.

Gavin steps back with their advance. He knows why they're here.

"You're just like him."

"A monster."

He turns around, expecting to see the comforting glare of his patron ready to come to his aid, but there is only the unforgiving ocean beyond the submarine glass. Tendrils of black crystal spring from 's fingers and wrap around his throat.

He can't scream. He can't run.

Trapped. Controlled. Powerless.


post #12
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played by


The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,803 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2021 19:35:36 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar

Kanto is free, fresh out of war. They have won. Rocket had been snuffed out, brought to justice. That’s what they seem to be late for, the trial of and, later, . The two that had taken Pallet Town.

Eva finds herself reaching for the shadow of Matias as he reaches back for her. Even as the real Matias calls her name, it seems so far away. It’s a whisper that tickles the back of her neck. For a moment, she thinks about turning around, but the shadow of Matias takes her hand, and it feels so real.

She’s tugged deeper into the mist and their utopian Kanto. She falls in stride beside Matias as they walk through the halls of the courthouse. Something doesn’t feel right, but she refrains from entertaining the thought. He’s here, so it’s right.

An ominous presence lingers as crimson eyes from the shadows of the hall. Eva doesn’t notice, but the world seems to grow darker, as if the lights dim to signify the end of a scene. The doors open, and she’s frozen at the sight.

It’s her trial.

sits at the judge’s bench with his shadowed monster looming behind him. The large hand of firmly grabs the back of her neck, pushing her forward and tearing her away from Matias who does little to stop it. She struggles, but there’s little she can do against his strength. A forceful push throws her to her hands and knees and the fingers tangled in her long hair forces her to look up towards the bench.

”Major Eva Morales, you are charged with conspiracy and treason against the Kanto government, how do you plead?” Gavin’s smile is soft and pleasant as he leans over the bench to look down on her. It’s knowing. There’s only one way this trial goes.

16th post; Eva getting lost in Dream Mist and having a nightmare
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Hair: link

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing