Casino Royale

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,050 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
Casino Royale
POSTED ON May 8, 2022 4:54:00 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","monlyrics"]Roll the dice and see what happens.
[attr="class","monbody"]Standing off to one side of the plaza, Aurelie Lefevre broke into a round of applause after 's performance outside the casino. "Woo! Nice!" she cheered with unaffected enthusiasm, delighted by the prospect of a live concert by the famous idol singer and the eventual opening of the casino doors.

From Aurelie's point of view, it was sheer good fortune that she was in Sootopolis City in time for the grand opening of the Starlight Casino. She had planned this visit Sootopolis City to tour the sub and receive instructions and missions weeks in advance. The proffered "night in paradise" at the newly opened casino tonight, with free chips and an open bar, was too much to resist.

So, here she was, in a simple little black dress she'd thankfully packed in case of events just like this. Her only other concession to adornment was a sequined eyepatch over her right eye, which she could only hope made her look festive rather than foolish. Not that Aurelie matched up at all to the crowd of other partygoers that had already gathered around the fountain, exchanging flirtations and pleasantries like the best of friends. They all seemed to know each other well, while Aurelie knew none of them and felt all the more out of place for not knowing.

What a stunning picture they all made together, though! Look at that slender blonde who curved as gracefully as a scimitar in her off-the-shoulder green-and-gold gown, as eye-catching as a springtime flower blossoming within a ray of sunshine. Or the gorgeous blue-haired woman in a white feather boa and black evening gown, or the sun-bronzed knockout in a silver dress that fit like a second skin, or the pretty girl in the long red-and-black checked coat. All of them seemed like regal queens surrounded by knights in shining tuxedos. And of course, there was Melody Miro, sparkling like a precious gem amidst the flashing of cameras, basking in the attention and applause of the gathered crowd.

As conversation started up again in the wake of the musical performance, Aurelie's eyes flickered toward the doors of the casino. The prospect of trying to introduce herself to the mass of socialites daunted her, but the prospect of the casino games inside fired up her competitive spirit. Maybe there would be blackjack, or poker, or something unique to Hoenn or to the casino itself—but whatever it was, as long as it involved skill and luck and gave her some hope of victory, Aurelie knew she'd have fun.

Just be smart about it, she told herself. Remember, leave while you're ahead, or otherwise the house always wins. And that wouldn't be much fun at all.

[attr="class","montag"]Open for interactions | Outfit | Eyepatch

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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March 06
Hau'oli City
41 height
41 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @cathrine
Cathrine Fisher
Casino Royale
POSTED ON May 8, 2022 8:33:07 GMT
Cathrine Fisher Avatar



Experience is the spice of life, and I want a well-seasoned meal.


The air was abuzz with life. Even as Cathrine took a moment to get her bearings, as it was required due to materializing with no more than laced high heels against the pavement. Luckily she was used to teleporting around with the help of her own Gardevoir, but today ’s Gardevoir had the pleasure of transporting the two of them. She took a quick moment to make sure the simple black dress she wore was sitting appropriately, before allowing her hand to check up on her hair situation, both hair and dress were as they should be neat and on point.
“Do not worry, I will pull you away before you squander all of your life savings.” She jokingly responded, knowing very well that an establishment like this would certainly try to steal all that it could from Callan. Nevertheless, Callan took her hand interlocking his fingers with hers, and lead her into the sea of people. She would follow along, clearly letting Callan be the more forward one this time. With this crowd, there was a higher chance of him knowing people than the other way around.
And her assumption had been correct. It didn’t take long for them to reach a fountain that provided the backdrop for a rather growing group of well-looking people. She allowed Callan to do the talking, and she would do the looking. It was nice to see him among people he knew for once. And so while he did some talking, she faintly began to hear the sounds of a performance going on somewhere.
Though it seemed she drew the attention of one of the people in the group. She turned her attention to and gave her a small courteous nod as she spoke. “Indeed, we have not. My name is Cathrine Fisher, it is a pleasure to meet you, Miss?” She humbly requested the name. Though it was not often that she immediately took a position of humbleness, something about Elisabeth made it feel appropriate, She chalked it up to simply being an outsider among a group of friends.
Though her attention was quickly pulled away from Elisabeth and onto one , who seemed to be a rather flamboyant personage. Going so far as to introduce himself by name AND profession while offering a handshake. Cathrine saw no reason to deny his request, even if she had just directed an introduction towards Elisabeth. And so took his hand matching his pace and firmness to the best of her ability. “It is a pleasure to meet you as well. Cathrine fisher is my name Aspiring Author is what I’d like to claim my profession to be. But unfortunately, it is modeling which puts food on the table.” Figuring she would match Barnaby’s introduction with one of her own.
And so she would return to fade into the background letting Callan once more become the lead singer of their pair.




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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
Casino Royale
POSTED ON May 8, 2022 8:47:43 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
He could probably pull it off, couldn't he? And he'd rub it in her face too, the bastard. Skyler snorts inelegantly, her desire to prove him wrong crystalizing into a familiar kind of bullheadedness - reflected in the tilt of her chin and in the way her eyes narrow just so. Turns out, the taste of competition doesn't belong solely behind the Casino's closed doors.

"Tell you what," she whispers, voice pitched low to invite trouble, "you win more than me tonight, you get bragging rights. But-" Her smile is faux sweet, a dare dangling, tantalizing, from its curves. "-if I win, you have to wear these." The length of a toned leg boldly peeks out from the slit in her dress, highlighting the treacherous heels.

Her teeth flash, scythe-like, in the moonlight.


Nevermind that she's a horrible gambler.

's featherlight touch is halfway hidden by a chaotic mane of blonde curls, but the response it elicits is definitely not. Lips parting with a faint sigh, Skyler unabashedly leans into the frisson of pleasure that ignites down her spine. It's far too easy to fall into this familiar game, to allow a secretive warmth to curl her lips, to tilt her head just enough that moonlight kisses the column of her throat.

's spectacular performance dispells some of the haze, a hush falling over the gathered crowd as the young woman's voice rises up into the star-speckled night sky. For a moment, Skyler wonders if the singer was safe - this was Sootopolis, after all.

"There, with the HNN guy," she retorts, eyebrow lifted in amusement as Angelo plays dumb. "Y'know, the one nana likes." Skyler's pretty sure she's heard her nana call , among other things she won't mention, a strapping young lad or a roguish charmer or - on a specific occasion - a delicious morsel.

Between the casino and the company, she would've been in heaven right now.

open to interactions!
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March 24
Virbank City, Unova
POG social media
15 height
15 height
Surrender now or prepare to fight!
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TAG WITH @ricobass
Rico Bassanello
Casino Royale
POSTED ON May 8, 2022 9:51:31 GMT
Rico Bassanello Avatar
Oh dear, this was getting crowded, wasn't it? It was halfway to be expected in a large public event like this. Rest assured, 'Rika' kept up a cool and aloof front even when overwhelmed by multiple people. "Pleasured to meet all of you. If casinos weren't to my liking, Mr. Del Mar, I wouldn't be here, fufufu~" The cross-dressing grunt laughed softly, finally letting go of 's Cash Money.

... and instead turned his attention to 's Sunshine. "My, what a fitting name. She does shine like the sun!" He remarked, leaning down and smiling warmly at the little Sunkern. "Perhaps she has taken after her trainer." He added with a playful wink.

He then took a moment like everyone else to admire 's performance. What a talented young artist! He could almost forgive her for having her flying Wailord photobomb him the other day.

Surprised to hear that had dated Hoenn's favorite philanthropist, Rika's hand hovered near his O-shaped mouth. "Oh my, Mr. Del Mar. I must say you have some excellent taste!" He playfully said, while Czar and Duchess waved at Barnaby with their respective paws.

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
Casino Royale
POSTED ON May 8, 2022 14:48:48 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Newcomers join their conversation one after another, and it’s with natural ease that Mars takes a step to the side in order to make space for all of them – coincidentally making it so he ends up standing closer to .
He smiles, ever so polite, and although it takes a moment for him to remember where exactly he had met before (they had only spoken once, after all, and mostly through a rearview mirror), both him and his companion are greeted with delighted words. ”It’s wonderful to see that so many different people decided to come all the way to Sootopolis for our casino’s grand opening. I do hope you’re enjoying yourselves.” It’s an honest sentiment, one spoken just as his attention falls on . A hand is offered to her then. ”I don’t believe we’ve met, Miss Fisher. Martín del Mar. I’d love to know more about what sort of books you write.” He does not bother with mentioning his profession, for CEO of POG Bank as Mars may be known to be, this is obviously not his only business venture, and although the public may not be at all aware of it, he also happens to be one of the Team Rocket’s four admins.
Just like his business partner at this casino, who’s yet to show himself.
Of course, given the location, Mars had expected to see more than a few Rocket members in attendance, but civilians like , and are a welcomed sight, and he offers the couple a polite nod and a smile from the distance – also offering the same greeting despite the fact that they have never properly met.
Illicit affiliations are to be set aside for the night, even if those are exactly the reason why he knows people like . When she says ‘Hi’ him and the cats, Cash Money meows at her in response, raising a paw marked by adorably pink toebeans. ”Hey, Cygne. You look great.”
As per usual, compliments come with ease when speaking to people he’s fond of, although apparently they don’t for and when speaking to each other. Whatever that may say about their fondness for each other, Mars does not bother to presume, and he does no more than raise a brow at both them, almost as if saying ”Really? Here?” And yet, as if to contradict the gesture, a quip is what follows:
”Elisabeth, I didn’t know you were my competition for the spot of Barnaby’s favourite. Sounds like I may have to step up my game.” Harmless teasing, of course. But, is it really? Studied in the art of reading between the lines as is, Mars fully expects her to understand the implications made with his words. On the other hand, as Mars sees it, comment on him having excellent taste doesn’t merit the compliment of a rational rebuttal, for that much is always the case and it should be more than obvious. Leave it to a man with an ego as boundless as his to think things like those.
Thankfully, ’s performance draws everyone’s attention away from all such things, and for a moment, Mars simply watches her. It’s much different from the last performance he had attended, back during New Year’s, and although that had been spectacular too, this one seems much more suited to the Idol of Hoenn. Now also one of Hoenn’s Elite Four, performing right here at the city she had been gym leader of. It makes him wonder how she feels about the experience. Is it bittersweet? Nostalgic, even?
”You might want to get a statement from Melody for your article. I can introduce you two, if you’d like.” He quietly tells once the performance ends, and although such things can surely wait until later, he still raises a hand to greet the idol that stands nearby with her Hatterene.
”Melody! As amazing as ever.” He grins, and having also met the Elite Four member before (on the day he challenged her gym, no less), his pink-tailed is quick to go greet her.



By the fountain + POG Bank kitties ♡


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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
Casino Royale
POSTED ON May 8, 2022 15:24:52 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Just bragging rights?

A single eyebrow raises like a hook had snagged Angelo's brow, meeting Skyler's sharp smirk with one of his own, fox-like in his faux disinterest.

They both knew that should Skyler achieve the nigh impossible tonight, squashing his feet into her killer heels wouldn't be where the punishment ends.

Bragging rights was always a complimentary for the winner, not the prize itself.

Clearly the gambling couldn't wait for the doors to open. No matter the stakes stretching high or left sweet and simple, any kind of challenge set by has Angelo leaning in. Allured by their brand of competitive spark, sitting heavy in the air between them.

A sultry flash of a long, toned leg proves inspiring.

If I win, you keep them on tonight.” Moonlight isn't the only thing that kisses the captain's skin, suggestive whispers ghosting the shell of her ear. “Take it or leave it.

Voices fall to a respectable hush as takes the stage to officially kick start the evening with a stylish, musical number.

Angelo hopes she won't run into any trouble within her former city. Not like the newest Elite would need looking after.

His attention falls back to his wife once her performance finishes, Angelo's claps turning into another bubble of laughter.

Maybe we should've brought nana with us.” He comments as Skyler points out , recognising him more from nana's fawning than from HNN itself. “With her crush to distract her, it might give the rest of us a chance.” He'd yet to win again the eldest Dross when they'd faced one another across the table. This would be his year. 

When waves at them, Angelo raises a hand in return greeting. “Oh. Mars... Don't know how I missed him in that suit.

Better not look at him too long. He needed his eyesight intact.

// outfit

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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
1,563 posts
Callan Young DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
Casino Royale
POSTED ON May 8, 2022 15:45:57 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
Yes, hundreds upon hundreds of the wealthy, elite, the upper class, the nobility, gathered and collected here for the celebration of glory. The more Callan heard every individual in question reply, the more at ease he felt.

The nature of being in an upper crust environment, to him, was that every voice was either a subtle or unsubtle nod to each other's own wealth, hidden behind a veneer of politeness that fractured at the slightest touch. He was glad, at the very least, that the group was more genuine. He disliked being in the entertainment industry's charnel house of ego-masturbation.

But the people here were pleasant. There was no Bernstein, at the very least.

Callan smiled towards as she returned his greeting, "Likewise, I didn't take either of us to be profligate gamblers, but here we are." He chuckled. "That dress suits you, you look straight out of the aristocracy, I'd take you for a noble in the Galarian regions." As Cathrine began to speak however, he would pause as she introduced herself.

Callan took the hand by , shaking firmly, as he offered his handshakes and introduction to everyone. "Callan Young, nice to meet you Barnaby. I'm a musician." He replied, though the mention of HNN did make him reconsider the exact wordings of everything he'd say around him, it was nice to know that he didn't hide his affiliations.

At 's words, Callan pauses. The last time they had met, he was a driver, selling demo tapes in Slateport Park for 10 Pokedollars and struggling to make rent. He did not blame the man for not remembering him. He was not a man worth remembering at the time. "I think it depends on how well made a Negroni can be, and how reasonably priced it is." Callan replies.

Everything however, comes to a halt as the lights shut down, the silence culls over the voices, before it returns in spectacular fashion with helming the fountain.

The performance is spectacular, and while everyone else is appreciating the visuals, Callan gently taps his fingers to a perfectly imagined harmonic rhythm on his Stratocaster to the funky sound of the bossa nova inspired jazz pop in the background. The composition was fantastic, as was the show.

By the time it was over, Callan clapped his hands emphatically, briefly turning towards , "Let's go say hi to the pop icon."

Callan moved across the crowd alongside to , and Martin it seemed, having the same idea. "Hey Mel," He speaks towards .

He kisses on the cheek, though not on both sides, since he's not Kalosian, and also making sure this wasn't going to be used in witness testimony at a civil courts case at some point in the future.

"It's good to see you again." There was a lot to say, and he wasn't sure that the public would allow him to say anything. "This is , that was an amazing performance. Did you compose the jazz instrumentals?"

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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,506 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
Casino Royale
POSTED ON May 8, 2022 16:13:29 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
Bonne Chance

"That is kind of you to say, Callan," Elisabeth said in response to his suggestion of her aristocratic appearance, hoping against hope that wouldn't take the opportunity to once again trot out her Kalosian past like a one-trick pony. "Thank you. You and Miss Fisher look dazzling yourselves." A smile preceded her introduction: "My name is Elisabeth. A pleasure."

Speaking of Barnaby Finch. Elisabeth blinked slowly at the reporter's commentary, processing it as one might the incessant buzzing of a gnat. "Your generosity knows no bounds, Mr. Finch, to invite yourself to my time in such a manner. It is an unusual tactic to gain interviewees, I'll grant HNN that." Rather than fighting him, however, she swiftly deflected: "Though I must concede Martín's point that would be a far more interesting subject for your audience than a Petalburg florist, hm?"

Although the look in the Rocket admin's eyes carried a subtle warning, one that she felt obligated to heed due to the man's station of power over her. Frustrating as it was to be the one expected to stand down, when Barnaby was the one gleefully steering their conversation into absurd, undesired directions. The man thrived on insults and compliments alike, it seemed. Was indifference the only thing that pierced his ego?

To both and the blonde directed the following flat retort: "It appears that Mr. Finch and I remember Palentine's Day very differently." Though to the former, she said pleasantly, "Nonetheless I am pleased to hear you enjoyed yourself, Martín. It would be a shame if anyone were to waste your time, valuable as it is." seemed to have caught onto something that the florist was beginning to suspect, which was that the two had not arrived merely as friends, but something else entirely.

'Elisabeth, I didn’t know you were my competition for the spot of Barnaby’s favourite.'

At this confirmation of that suspicion, an eyebrow lifted perceptively. Here Elisabeth, too, expected Mars to read between the lines of her bitterly amused reply: "I see you all are bent to set against me for your merriment." A sly quote from a Shakespearean play that she and Mars had discussed at length, though rather than the words of the fae court, the CEO would recognize them as the words of poor Helena, a maiden aggrieved by the false adorations of Demetrius and Lysander alike.

Unspoken was the following wry observation: though Mars had once called her Titania, at least she was not the one enamoured of an ass tonight. It seemed highly unwise to voice aloud to her superior, however, that she felt he could do better than some puff piece HNN journalist.

...Especially given Elisabeth's own taste in men was hardly beyond reproach. Just ask her late husband, buried early six feet underground. Stones, glass houses, etc.

Humour ultimately seemed the best compromise: "However if Mr. Finch wishes me to be his favorite tonight, by all means, he's welcome to oppose me at the card tables. I would not say no to the opportunity to win his money."

Open to Interaction! ✿ Outfit + Hairstyle | |
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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Laika Boss

Chairman Húxiān
October 29
Fuchsia City, Kanto
Pharmaceutial CEO
5 height
5 height
"Past performance does not guarantee future results," you will whisper to the rising moon.
46 posts
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TAG WITH @tianyu
Húxiān Tianyu
Casino Royale
POSTED ON May 8, 2022 16:35:25 GMT
Húxiān Tianyu Avatar

The invitation had been delivered via messenger, a personal touch Tianyu could appreciate, soliciting his attendance to the grand opening of Casino Starlight. The decision to attend was easy enough to make, though having his scheduled cleared was another matter entirely.

It wouldn't do to snub a business partner.

Thus when he steps from the vehicle Tianyu pauses at the front of the newly-fabricated building, his scarlet gaze sweeping over the whitestone archways. A large structure, painted flashy beneath the explosion of fireworks and dazzling miniors, the architecture wasn't quite to Tianyu's tastes, though few buildings in this region were. Regardless of his personal preferences, the casino is undoubtedly an architectural jewel, and surely the pride of its owners' eyes.

Straightening his suit jacket, a scarlet affair lavished with brocade and gilded accents, Tianyu clasps his arms behind his back and enters the casino with measured steps. At his heels trails Fennekin Pharmaceuticals mascot Yuze, the silver-and-red Fennekin sporting a matching bow tie to the delight of several guests.

Tianyu plucks a champagne flute from one of the passing waiters to sip at, a low hum soon sounding from his chest when he spies within a crowd of people. Keeping his distance, he lifts his champagne flute and inclines his head when the pair catch one another's eyes, a slight smile offered in greeting. The Chairman then turns his attention once more to the surrounding architecture, his gaze thoughtful.

+ Lowkey greets Mars [break]
+ Open to interactions!

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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
1,177 posts
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Alexandra Briarwood
Casino Royale
POSTED ON May 8, 2022 18:07:43 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

It’s been a long time in the making, almost a year now, since this idea sprouted from his brilliant mind. As with everything Killian did, the dream never died. She will admit, she was hesitant. Not because she doubted his persistence, but simply because of what Casinos meant to her and her past. Now, they had a whole new meaning.

The cool night air nipped at her bare skin, goosebumps rising across her arms. She stepped closer to him for warmth and slid an arm between his. Her hand curled up to rest gently on his shoulder. Her engagement ring caught a flash of a passing spotlight, glistening brilliantly against the dark fabric of his suit.

“And it will be,” she ensured him with a soft smile.

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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,239 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
Casino Royale
POSTED ON May 9, 2022 0:31:49 GMT
Through half-lidded eyes that sparked with mild amusement, Barnaby watched as processed his subtle jabs and playful pokes meant to stir the pot. It was all so humorous for him, and irritating for her, as evidenced by the florist's cutting remarks. "I'm allowed creative freedom in the things that I produce for HNN, Ms. Fiorelli, and can decide for myself what is newsworthy. I think there is much to parse through in regards to your life experiences that would make for a riveting story."

Before Barnaby could continue, a look from Mars halted the words just as they were about to leave his lips. He paused, reassessing, and decided he'd temper his teasing. For now.

"But if that's not something you're interested in, we can table the matter for the time being." A concession made with a pleasant smile, perfectly friendly and unbothered.

At the mention of favorites, Barnaby leaned toward his friend and assured, "I wouldn't worry, Martín. Is it even possible to step up perfection, anyway?" These little teasing quips came easily when speaking of .

Speaking of quips, 's comment didn't faze Barnaby. After all, the journalist was not unaware of the effect his appearance had on men and women alike — especially the older women that watched his morning program, such as one Nana Dross being discussed by and a mere few feet away.

As their conversation turned to the main event of the evening, talks of gambling and competition ignited Barnaby's competitive spirit. This made Elisabeth's offer too tempting to pass up. "By all means, you're more than welcome to try. However, let's make things a little more interesting, hm?" Just a friendly wager. Nothing too provocative.

"A bet. One game. I win, you have to give me a genuine compliment." He'd let Elisabeth decide and then hear out her stipulations for if she were to win. Whatever it was he'd agree without hesitation, as there was no doubt in his mind that he'd come out the winner between the two of them.

With their bet made, Barnaby would finally turn back to . For a moment, the bustle of the surrounding crowd dimmed. Cobalt eyes met beautiful amber, and all Barnaby could think of was how good Mars looked — in his white tux and in this environment where he so excelled. This was one of the first times Barnaby had experienced the POG Bank CEO in his element: talking with guests, building connections, and promoting his business. It was a captivating thing to watch unfold.

"Great idea. I'd love it if you could introduce us." He responded, a warmth in his voice that had been noticeably absent when talking with .

As they approached , he'd wait for Mars to make the introductions.

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
Casino Royale
POSTED ON May 9, 2022 1:04:11 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

"Helena, no?" Of course he recognizes the recited quote. How could he not? The Shakespearean comedy in question is one he's all too fond of. Perhaps that's why there's such amusement in his response. "You may have a point, Elisabeth, but if so, you may also choose to take it as a compliment. A woman named Helena was one over which great wars were fought, after all, and although he may have been joking, Lysander claimed Helena shore brighter than the stars. Like it or not, that's true to her name."
He smiles, for there are a great many things Mars will accept, but having people make a scene at an event organised by one of his ventures (and thus get in the way of him making money) is not one of them. The warning looks are more than warranted, for he knows both ’s and ’s personalities all too well, and for now, he leaves it at just that, trusting that they both will know where to draw the line when in the public eye. For now.
His attention is momentarily drawn away from the saccharine-coated bickering anyway, pulled to the sight of someone raising a glass towards him. , of all people. Seeing him here is no surprise, since an invitation had been sent. Mars offers a polite nod, a mental note being made of going to chat with his fellow businessman when he has the chance. It’s then that an idea comes to mind.
”Elisabeth, have you met the CEO of Fennekin Pharmaceuticals, by any chance? I hear he takes great interest in herbalism and all things of the like.”
The comment comes with ease, spoken casually and also with a smile, since admittedly, he had been meaning to introduce the budding botanist to Tianyu. It seems like a good opportunity, right? Two birds, one stone, and all of that. Mars is nothing if not efficient and effective at getting what he wants, as would know.
And speaking of Barnaby…
Perfection, hm? Is that what you think me to be, Barnaby? Perfect for you? It's said teasingly, smirking, the last words meant only for him to hear. And, amber eyes meet cobalt ones just then, winking despite the fact that, undeniably so, there's something ever so pleasing about the notion...
Naturally, the thought leaves his mind as quickly as it comes, and it’s then that his attention turns to , approaching the idol and waiting until she finishes greeting so he can do his introductions. Of course, the Persian dutifully follows.





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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,506 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
Casino Royale
POSTED ON May 9, 2022 1:08:07 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
Bonne Chance

"I think there is much to parse through in regards to your life experiences that would make for a riveting story."

And there it was. A jab so subtle only someone in tune with the Kalosian news outlets of the past year would have caught it. That same smug, self-confident, cheeky implication that was a Kalosian black widow: the very same suggestion that had made at the Palentine's Day speed dating event. No words answered the journalist's inane, senseless chatter, but the frosty glare that accompanied Elisabeth's silent poise spoke volumes.

When Barnaby relented, however -- if only due to the presence of -- Elisabeth untensed as well, like a cat sheathing her claws. "A compliment?" she repeated, as if the very idea simultaneously repulsed and intrigued her. It could be a worse bet, certainly. That said, something of equal significance would have to be asked for in return; with such low stakes, Elisabeth couldn't be too greedy. A moment passed as she calculated her options. "I'll accept, if you approve my wager: if I win, you offer me a genuine apology." She didn't insult the man's intelligence by stating for what, exactly, he'd be apologizing for. He knew.

It took every ounce of her self control not to roll her eyes at the saccharine way that spoke to his date for the evening, their departure towards something she decided against following. Mars's parting words, however, piqued her interest. That vague phrasing... 'and the like.' Was this hinting at her other profession, by chance?

Elisabeth turned her attention to , considering, before dipping her head and excusing herself to join the stately gentleman, who was drinking champagne to the side.

"Care for company?" she asked the stranger, offering a bright smile mirrored by the cheery Sunkern poking out from her purse. "I believe our mutual friend, Mr. del Mar, is a tad busier than I anticipated this evening." A hand was extended in greeting. "Elisabeth Fiorelli. I am told you're the CEO of Fennekin Pharmaceuticals?"

Open to Interaction! ✿ Outfit + Hairstyle | |
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March 24
Virbank City, Unova
POG social media
15 height
15 height
Surrender now or prepare to fight!
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TAG WITH @ricobass
Rico Bassanello
Casino Royale
POSTED ON May 9, 2022 8:52:50 GMT
Rico Bassanello Avatar
Things were getting interesting between , and , as the three of them seemed to be engaged in some sort of twisted love triangle. Well, that characterization may have been a bit generous given Elisabeth's visible disdain for the fabulously-dressed journalist, but their interactions were juicy all the same.

It all culminated in a bold bet proposed by Barnaby. Should Elisabeth lose, she would have to give him a genuine compliment. "Ohohoho, that's so evil of you, Mr. Finch! Devious even! I love it!" Rika chimed in, raising his gloved hand next to his mouth and laughing like a spoiled noblewoman.

The trio seemed to be heading towards to shower her with compliments, although Elisabeth soon broke off presumably in order to get as far away from Barnaby as possible. The effeminately-dressed grunt also excused himself, leisurely approaching and .

"Darling, those heels are simply to die for! Where did you buy them?" He kicked things off with a compliment, unaware of the fact that those very heels were the subject of a different, sultrier wager made between the young couple. "Ah, where are my manners? I'm Rika, pleased to meet you. I'm just a regular connoisseur of all things that look pretty." He said, flipping his feather boa around himself.

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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
Casino Royale
POSTED ON May 9, 2022 11:12:35 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]CASINO STARLIGHT




Killian returned Lex's smile, "I'm glad you're here." she bolstered his confidence to heights taller than the skyscraper they stood on. Not that his ego needed more of a boost. [break][break]

He took a deep breath as the spotlights clicked off, and Melody began to sing. "It's almost time. Once Melody is finished with her song, we'll greet everyone in style." Dramatic flair wasn't usually his thing, but a night like this called for it. He held Lex tight while they waited. [break][break]

Water erupted below, and every spotlight jumped to Killian and Lex on the roof. "Down we go." he faced away from the crowd and let himself fall, dragging into his arms as he did. Air rushed past his ears, but Killian barely heard it over the beating of his heart. [break][break]

Thump Thump Thump[break][break]

The moment felt surreal, like a fantasy come to life.[break][break]

Streaks of colorful light stained the sky while he fell. Those who attended the Star Soiree would find the sight familiar. Minior, eight of them, glowing the various shades of the rainbow. They zoomed past and landed around the fountain, forming a circle.[break][break]

Killian nudged the alien slumbering inside him halfway down the building. Using Deoxys for a parlor trick insulted the creature, but what was it going to do? Let him die? He winced at its irritation but felt Deoxys' psionic powers flood his veins as he and Lex vanished. They reappeared in front of the fountain a moment later, Teleported by Deoxys. [break][break]

Smiling wide despite the discomfort, he waved to the crowd. "Greetings, everyone! I hope you enjoyed that wonderful performance by miss ." Killian gestured to Melody and clapped. She'd done better than he hoped. [break][break]

"Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Killian Decker, proprietor of Casino Starlight and your host for tonight's festivities. Thank you for accepting my invitation."[break][break]

"I can tell by your faces that you're eager to get inside, but first -" [break][break]

He nodded to one of the workers, and they muttered something into their earpiece. Seconds later, several Gardevoir and Gothitelle came walking out of the casino. They held boxes in their hand and formed a horizontal line in front of Killian. [break][break]

"These boxes hold Poke Balls that contain the complementary chips we promised. More importantly, our the numbers on the top of the balls. These are your lucky numbers, and you'll want to hang onto them."[break][break]

Killian smiled but said nothing else. [break][break]

"Now, hurry inside and play amongst the stars." [break][break]

God, he hated giving speeches. If Killian ever did this again, he'd let handle all the talking. That man loved the sound of his voice.[break][break]



  • Inside the Poke Balls are 10 CHIPS WORTH 10 PD (Reference Image). Keep track of these somewhere in your post, you'll need them for mini-games.
  • Please ROLL 3 TIMES in your post. Keep track of these numbers in subsequent posts, they will be important later.
  • Mingle with others!
  • You don't have to participate in the games to join.

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