i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,611 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2022 7:00:26 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

Seems like just back in the blackout, this monster would keep on killing and killing. Whether it was to eat or its own chaotic nature it didn't matter as beams of light from Nacrozma came at them. Thanks to Reshiram's influence Cynder was able to avoid any major injuries, however as one was coming aimed at the Ranger Razz couldn't move fast enough with Glaceon in his arms. Though the injured pokemon did what he could with his injuries to repeal Razz from himself and take the attack to save his trainer. [break][break]

There was a shock there as the cold still lingered in his arms as the Pokemon his old boss, , had given him sacrificed himself to save him. All there was was a searing rage at his failure to take action and this was once again happening just like then with pokemon after pokemon giving their lives for the fight... for him. [break][break]

'Are you thinking I was wrong?'

Reshiram's voice echoes in his head and for a moment Razz is confused. Yes there was doubt and blame but it was at himself not the deity. Because he wasn't strong enough to protect his pokemon, smart enough to help with a proper strategy, he wasn't... [break][break]

'but I choose you, and so you're saying I made the wrong choice'

"That isn't what... I've failed them... I've fail you... I've..."[break][break]

'The only way you fail is by giving up, and if that was something I saw in your eye then I never would've given you my fire, things can go wrong and at times you just have to take it by the throat'

As the deity talks to him to make sure he keeps on fighting Razz sees a familiar face in Remiel come to him. Talking about combing their power as around them something seems to have happened with the symbols and giving the pokemon around them a new energy to work with. Reshiram glowing with an odd electrified aura rather than his usual fiery one. A link was there and Reshiram seems to nod to his other half as they knew what needed to be done. [break][break]

The masked Ranger gives the other a nod, "I doubt there are many who don't know ya," Razz adopts the accent he usually plays with when he has the mask, "So sure, lets burn this bastard into ashes," he says more confidently than he normally would be as Reshiram powers up an attack similar to FUSION FLARE as an Orb of flame is created and Zekrom powers it up with Lightning before the Tao Duo attack as one for their Z-move:[break][break]


FABLED FIREBOLT [break][break]




    [Break]+ Glaceon dies protecting Razz.
    [Break]+ Reshiram gives Razz a pep talk as Remiel comes over.
    [Break]+ Razz agress to attack with the other avatar
    [Break]+ Reshiram and Zekrom use a Z-move called 'FABLED FIREBOLT'



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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2022 3:12:27 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]Fly me to the moon
Let me play among
the stars
Let me see
what spring is like
on Jupiter and Mars
“I’m alright.” Rowan assured as Adrian approached, understanding the concern. “Can’t say the same for Thorns, though.” Amber eyes drifted to the corpse of his Toxapex, sacrificed themselves to save him and his other Pokémon. A crimson light streaked across the battlefield, returning his remaining Pokémon to the safety of their capsules. “Room for two?”

He slipped on the back of Howitzer, gripping onto the torso of Adrian tight. “What are we going to do?” Rowan whispered, feeling just as helpless as them. “I’d hate to abandon them but…” Bodies were laying all around, everything was falling apart and it seemed hopeless to continue. At least if they left, they’d survive.


(notes)⏤meets up with adrian, hops on howitzer, considers leaving
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777 height
777 height
5,257 posts
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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2022 6:37:39 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]DAWN OF THE DARKEST DAY






those here, defiant until the end, put everything on the table as they stare down apocalypse. even the LAKE GUARDIANS, a trio resigned to observation, neglect their duties just to give the region a fighting chance.

the time to think and feel is over.

now is a time to act.

and with a will that steels itself against unsurmountable odds, they utilize hoenn’s power to the fullest. PRIMAL REVERSION, DYNAMAX, INFINITY ENERGY, all phenomenon found within the region’s deep seated history, comes out in full force. tremendous energy from so many attacks finally tear a wound against NECROZMA’s impenetrable PRISM ARMOR.

it falls. lands on its knees as the energy dissipates. but it does not disappear. the same energy given to those willing to enact the LAKE GUARDIAN’S will now return to their source. the RED CHAIN is completed, never ending crimson as far as the eye can see.

so much blood has been spilt just to lead up to this moment. and now that sacrifice pays dividends.

the RED CHAIN starts to bind NECROZMA. strewn across every spike and protrusion. completely and whole. only then does it constrict, tightening until the pokemon can barely wriggle within its constraints.


this is the end. NECROZMA is defeated!





THE RED CHAIN IS SEEMINGLY UNBREAKABLE. no matter how much NECROZMA resists, it cannot free itself. this very power is the same one that GIRATINA warns about. once activated, it is absolute. beyond time or space.

it is as absolute as creation itself.

so the NECROZMA cries out. it unleashes an alien screech that causes scorched earth to tremble before desperation. it matches the voice they heard earlier over coms. the same voice that was warned about months prior in METEOR FALLS.

’s DARKRAI is the first to feel it. something lurking in the darkness. something that has yet to reveal itself.

they are not alone.




THE FIRST TO NOTICE will be those closest to NECROZMA. the borrowed energy have left all except one: ’s BUZZSWOLE. it remains DYNAMAXED for reasons unknown.

those reasons work against them. the ULTRA BEAST turns, raising its fist to strike those nearby. a heavy hand comes down to smash those much smaller than it.

the DYNAMAX BUZZSWOLE will no longer obey .[break][break]
it cannot be returned until it is knocked out.[break][break]
it will be knocked out by the end of this thread.

elsewhere, the SHADOW POKEMON get to work. one by one, they turn on their trainers. their purpose is sinister and singular. free NECROZMA by any means necessary.

SHADOW PERSIAN rejects his attempts to return it. its lithe stature allows it to avoid those nearby, lunging at AZELF with a SHADOW RUSH. it BITES into the pixie’s neck, dangling from the floating pokemon until it can strike at its RED JEWEL. a strong enough blow causes it to crack, shattering.

likewise, will find his team in disarray as his SHADOW VULPIX and SHADOW GROWLITHE turn on him. their SHADOW FIRE starts to burn those around them, causing a scene to distract the others.

and will find themselves in a more dire situation. ’s SHADOW COMFEY expands, slipping around his XERNEAS’ neck. there, it shrinks, strangling the legendary pokemon. a corrupted DRAINING KISS starts to siphon off its energy. KLEFKI attempts the same with his wrist, threatening to contract until the limb snaps off completely.

voldemort,” valerio calls out, one of the first to notice. he’s mid-command when ’s SHADOW GLACEON attacks, lunging for his neck. from above, SHADOW BRAVIARY descends, sharp talons digging into his shoulder blades, tearing into him like fresh prey. only the underboss’ SHADOW LUGIA seems resistance to the change of heart.

any SHADOW POKEMON used in this thread will align with NECROZMA. [break][break]

they will leave their trainers at the end of this thread unless you write about them KILLING TWO POKEMON in your next post. don't forget to beat them into submission too![break][break]

you must own one of those pokemon.[break][break]
you must have OOC permission if the pokemon belongs to another character.[break][break]

this does not affect SHADOW LUGIA. [break][break]

this is not limited to but may affect pokemon or characters played by:

even those that are not classified as SHADOW POKEMON seem to react. ’s GARDEVOIR and ’s SHIINOTIC rise, deformed by the black crystals that sprout from their surface. unnoticed and unattended, they work their way into position, ambushing MESPIRIT and destroying its RED JEWEL.

even UXIE, who’s the furthest back, finds itself in danger. the same SHADOW BALL that tried to hit finds success the second time around. a SHADOW SHEDINJA, SHADOW AGGRON, and SHADOW KROOKODILE appear from the shadows. the same pokemon reported by the rangers several months ago.

but a handful of SHADOW POKEMON will not turn the tides of this battle. for all their power and malice, they are few in number. to corrupt a pokemon to this extent is a rare ANOMALY in hoenn.

until recently. trainers far and wide have attempted to recreate these beasts. for science or for power, the reasons mean little. by all accounts, the HATCHERY was a success. this endeavor alone has created a suitable army to trample hoenn’s last hope.

out of the woodwork they appear, countless red eyes in a sea of enemies.

like 's rats, they descend upon those present. valerio's LUNALA suffers the same fate, plummeting to the sky as they swarm the fallen legendary.


A MOONGEIST BEAM scores a critical hit against ’s SOLGALEO. the attack proves surprisingly effective as the pokemon struggles to keep up. in desperation, it tries to open an ULTRA WORMHOLE.

like every attempt since the ULTRA BEAST WAR, the wormhole is small. too weak for anyone to use. SOLGALEO does not have the power to fight against whatever is preventing wormholes from forming. but this time it is not alone.

darkness leaks from the other end. a familiar face peeks out from the other side. those who survived the BLACKOUT OF SLATEPORT will realize a terrifying truth. the creature trying to escape ULTRA SPACE is the same NECROZMA they fought. the same one dragged back by an unexplainable PURPLE HAND.


as the WORMHOLE struggles against forces unseen, so too does the RED CHAIN start to crumble. without the RED JEWELS, they are powerless. nothing more than an ornamental accessory.

the cusp or victory falls before a predetermined fate. this is hoenn's destiny.


here are some possible prompts to follow for those who need a little guidance! [break][break]

  • defend against SHADOW POKEMON!
  • prevent TREE OF LIFE NECROZMA from breaking free!
  • prevent ULTRA SPACE NECROZMA from entering!





after the ULTRA BEAST WAR, the dimensional stability between hoenn and ULTRA SPACE was weakened. this allowed a NECROZMA to escape to slateport. there, it fended off and hunted every pokemon it found.

a LUNALA assisted those present until a GIANT HAND pulled the NECROZMA back into ULTRA SPACE. the pokemon that survived this ordeal became SHADOW POKEMON.


tears in space that lead to ULTRA SPACE.

after the ULTRA BEAST WAR, travel between the two dimensions have become impossible. any attempts to open an ULTRA WORMHOLE has been met with an enigmatic attack.


below is a list of some predetermined plot decisions. this is revealed ahead of time to allow players to better navigate their characters and actions, temper expectations, and prevent this thread from bottlenecking other plots and site progression.

this only covers what will definitely happen within the thread. finer details along with additional clues and cameos will make an appearance based on character choices and corresponding narrative beats.

  • NECROZMA is controlling CHU-E’s dead body.
  • NECROZMA reaps the TREE OF LIFE.
  • NECROZMA splits from CHU-E.
  • CHU-E is resurrected.
  • the TREE OF LIFE no longer exists.
  • NECROZMA visits several spots in HOENN before disappearing.
  • WALSH enlists crucial medical care for injured rockets, appoints/receives two new underbosses.
  • GOODE makes a public statement offering support for sootopolis and the region as a whole before considering a new meeting.



please include TL;DR with every post, bold your ATTACKS or applicable ABILITIES, and refer to your pokemon by their SPECIES to make this thread more accessible for other players.[break][break]

reducing the amount of digging for information other players, including myself, have to do, the smoother this thread can proceed.

this thread is expected to have at least FIVE MOD POST but has room to expand up to ten. the predicted deadline for this round is FRIDAY 11:59PM PST but this is subject to change.

please ROLL ONCE in your post! you may use SALAC BERRIES.

@sirocco @miette

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2022 7:19:25 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Hope is such a fragile thing, is it not? Everytime she dares to wish for a glimmer of hope, the world decides to crack and crumble under the weight of something far bigger - A fate that threatens to eradicate them all.
"MESPRIT!" She screams, diving straight for the Lake Spirit in an attempt to push it behind her and away from the danger. "CRUX! RON! HERE!"
The Audino snaps his attention back, raising his hands up to the spirit and attempting to send it a Heal Pulse. And yet, she doesn't stop there, calling out a Florges to bestow a shattering Wish upon Mesprit. The named Aron turns around, squeaking as he tosses a Rock Tomb towards the Gardevoir and Shiinotic.
On the other hand, Ako has seen enough and finds herself far too agitated by the madness developing on the field. In one fell swoop, she begins swatting at the closest Shadow mons with reckless Psycho Cuts, screeching as she resonates with Eris' grief.
She doesn't want to be here, she's deathly worried for , and ... could be injured for all she knows and she's terrified of losing them.
W̴h̸͞at̶̢͢ ̛í̢͘f̕ ̧we̢͜ ̷͞d̶ié͠ ̨̛͟h̴̶è̷r̷̶e̶̡?̸
We can't. We won't. They'll be alright. They have to be.
They have to be...
- Audino and Florges using Heal Pulse and Wish respectively on Mesprit[break]
- Aron throwing Rock Tomb at the attacking Gardevoir and Shiinotic[break]
- Hatterene using PSYCHO CUT on nearby Shadow mons[break]
- Pretty sure Kabuto is still doing his best to protect !!!![break][break]
[attr="class","adrie-note"]the end upon us


THE LOST[break]

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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,636 posts
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2022 7:32:18 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

Did they succeed? Elinor watched. Small flickers of hope formed in her eyes before searing flashes of light forced them to close. When her eyes opened once more, she saw the damage they had wrought, the pain that Necrozma was seemingly in as the Red chain wrapped around the beast.

With the brief respite secured she turned her attention to Aggron. Its shape returned to that which it once was. She placed a gentle hand upon the Steel shoulder of her Pokémon. Sizzling heat burned her palm for a brief moment. She flinched but didn’t stop. She needed to feel that the Aggron was still there. A low rumbling growl confirmed its continued life as well.

Elinor smiled was this truly the end? Was it time for applause and curtain calls?

No, there would always be called for an Encore. And clearly, Necrozma had no intentions of denying its fans just that. With a powerful cry of desperation did the Necrozma summon allies and convert enemies. “Will, this never end?” Elinor mumbled, what hope had found a place in her heart quickly crumbled to ash. Though defeat wished to present itself on her face, frustration and anger had made claim even if it was all hidden by the mask granted to her earlier.

Aggron growled in reply. Trying to reassure its trainer that she would walk away from this alive, he would make sure of that.

Luckily for him, Elinor wasn’t fluent in Aggron or she would’ve scolded him for even hinting at the notion. But they had a choice to make now. Try to fight the Necrozma breaking away from the chains, deal with what appeared to be a second Necrozma, perhaps try their luck with the Rampant Red Ultra-beast whose name escaped her, or try to defeat the Shadow Pokémon that had appeared.

Who was she trying to fool? They had not the strength alone to fight one Necrozma, much less two. But the biggest issue would be the loss of more good men and women if that Red beast was allowed to wreak havoc in its giant form.

“Gron, protect those.” She pointed towards those whom the giant Buzzwole was about to attempt to crush beneath its hands. The Aggron nodded and roared like the Apex predator that it was. It charged toward the huge beast.

As Elinor watched the Aggron charge, she reached for a particular gem in her pocket. It was an item she always carried since its acquisition, just in case. But it was one she was unsure of how to use. Still, there was nothing to do but pray. She took the gem, prayed, hoped, wished for more power and then crushed the gem in her hand. A surge of light escaped from the gem and flew towards her Aggron.

As the Aggron charged it felt its body filled with a power unknown and unlike the one before. For a moment it felt like it could move mountains. And so it dared to try. Aggron sent all of the energy into the earth beneath it commanding it to form a huge almost mountain-like boulder which it by some physics-defying power sent flying in a CONTINENTAL CRUSH towards the Buzzwole’s head.

Though Aggron knew one simple attack wouldn’t be enough, and so he aimed for a Leg with its head coating it in Steel-type Energies to perform the IRON HEAD attack. He hoped to fell the beast or at least disrupt it enough to not crush people beneath the incoming fist.

For a brief moment before impact Aggron resigned himself to fate, but wondered if others would join him in this endeavor or if his presence alone would be enough. But a small part of him figured it wouldn’t. Though he hoped that perhaps it would be enough to stall the tide of battle in favor of his trainer’s safety.

b26SSfGz ->
(Using 1x Salac from Inventory)

- Starts to have hope, but is dashed
- Decides to deal with Buzzwole
- Elinor uses a Z-crystal to have AGGRON perform CONTINENTAL CRUSH aimed toward Buzzwole's head
- AGGRON also aim's an IRON HEAD at one of Buzzwole's legs.


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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2022 8:40:29 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
he's all the way at the back having returned to get his solgaleo. for a moment, the eerie silence of the slateport blackout was much more bearable than the sounds of war.

time was running out. staying lax proved to be the mistake he's been paying for as time goes on. he bites his lower lip as he's shown that maybe the tradition of throwing whatever you can works much better than being prepared.

the solgaleo's channel of its cosmic power breaks as the beast is forced to make another opening from ultra space. emotions run high as events coincided with the champion's resolution being made up.

he goes in, embers and ash start to spread from his location.

kyle can choose to make the ash manifest as raikou and suicune to aid him in battle.

as if out of nowhere, the entei roars to show his sudden arrival. quick action is undertaken by the trio, their connection with the avatar being more than enough to transcend the use of words for communication. they take their positions around kyle, seemingly on standby right after manifesting.

kyle turns to the smeargle he carries on his arm. "geomancy," he tells the pokemon, lulling it into obedience. 's comfey too, after seeing its brethren die in ' company, finds the strength to try again.

he knows the consequences of challenging endless mode, but he felt uninhabited right now. "bring it on!" kyle shouts, knowing none of his pokemon will bail on him on this final stand.

kyle's emerging hero complex has progressed into an ability to UPLIFT THE SPIRITS of willing people around him.

with his smeargle acting as a beacon as infinity energy, kyle hopes to attract the attention of the shadow pokemon to him. aromatherapy continuously wafts through the air after the comfey forces a grassy terrain to sprout from their ground.

suicune and raikou come into play, providing crowd control with an unlimited barrage of blizzard and thunder. any blight from the corrupted tree of life gets burnt off by sacred fire from his entei, with shadow pokemon being collateral.

in a limited area around him, kyle can choose pokemon and allies to REGENERATE HEALTH OVER TIME in the midst of battle

despite being seemingly beaten by the solgaleo before kyle's return, the terrakion finds itself getting back to its feet. it turns to kyle, surprised, before it sees its trainer mouth words to it. 'stop it.'

it quickly gets up and rushes the downed solgaleo. a bright sacred sword glows on its head, ready to enact justice on the corrupted pawn of the necrozma's game.

another player comes from kyle's pocket. he whistles a tune as the pokemon comes out, finding a duet as soon as it materializes.

mightyena unleashes a howl so chilling that enemies FLINCH. the user and party members gain a significant boost in all parameters.

as soon as kyle feels contentment, the shadows where ashes came from ignited into a burst of flames. an avian figure emerges, flying up to the sky, joining the ranks of other titans on sootopolis.

ho-oh shares no words with kyle, and vice versa. the enemy is evident, and the patron is responsible for fixing mistakes brought by its avatar's decisions.

sacred fire scorches the necrozma back to the ultra wormhole. the inferno, big enough to cover the entirety of the hole, pushes the invader back to where it came from.

far from where kyle had been, his silvally, who had been left by its trainer to deal with more pressing matters when it was assaulting tree of life necrozma, turns to 's ultra beast.

without its trainer to stop it, it acts with its instinct to go for the very beings it was created to destroy. still equipped with a fairy-type memory, it drops everything and rushes towards the fighting-type.

a juiced up multi-attack from its previous z-move's influence, as well as the xerneas' fairy aura, meets the buzzwole.


  • in which kyle sets up a 1v1 with wormhole necrozma at the edge of the map
  • summons entei/suicune/raikou
  • smeargle uses geomancy to taunt shadow pokemon towards them
  • comfey uses grassy terrain with aromatherapy
  • entei/suicune/raikou defend against shadow pokemon
  • terrakion recovers and knocks solgaleo out with sacred sword
  • kyle hp regen aura is active
  • mightyena in. uses z-move for group omni boost
  • ho-oh uses sacred fire on ultra wormhole necrozma
  • silvally is away from kyle. uses fairy-type multi-attack on buzzwole


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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2022 9:41:12 GMT


wasting little time sorting his priorities, matias calls out more pokemon as he swaps his team around before turning to focus on the immediate threats around him: SHADOW POKEMON.[break][break]

one in particular catches his attention.[break][break]

the stone in his arm glows as his gengar shifts into its MEGA EVOLUTION. it disappears into the shadow only to reappear to SUCKER PUNCH the SHADOW SHEDINJA.[break][break]

rapidash engulfs itself in a FLARE BLITZ before ramming into the SHADOW SHEDINJA. the onslaught continues, and whether matias' thrown POKEBALL works or not, they don't stop until it's either captured or down.[break][break]

from out of nowhere, another sword of justice joins the fray, quick to come to and terrakion's aid. with her SACRED SWORD, she attacks the solgaleo, moving in tune with her counterpart.

[attr="class","ooc"]idc_a8xZ [break]
- ONE SALAC used[break]
- matias recognizes SHADOW SHEDINJA from months ago when it attacked him on the beach[break]
- matias & team battling SHADOW POKEMON[break]
- MEGA GENGAR'S SHADOW TAG preventing SHADOW SHEDINJA from escaping[break]
- matias attempting capture on SHADOW SHEDINJA but will faint/kill it if capture fails[break]
- virizion joins and terrakion to defeat SOLGALEO[break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-rapidash"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-gengar form-mega"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-virizion"]

[newclass=".sixeyes"]--accent:#5d464e; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".sixeyes .top"]background-color:var(--accent); padding:10px; height:15px; background-image:url(https://image.ibb.co/dMFuMc/flower.png); background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right; width:430px; margin:0px auto; border:1px solid #232323; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sixeyes .ooc"]border-top:1px solid #222; padding-top:15px; text-align:center; margin-top:15px; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sixeyes .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
1,565 posts
Callan Young DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2022 14:32:17 GMT
Callan Young Avatar


His burn wounds seared his skin, the moment of relief that came, served only to act as a taste for the panic that set him. The high from the adrenaline was sucked out of him as their victory led only to more struggle.

He just wanted to leave. He just wanted to teleport out of Sootopolis. Take the nearest flight out of this shithole of a Region, see his daughter again.

Callan exhaled as he leaned against a propped up wedge of rock. He tossed his burned jacket away, and removed his shirt.

Then bound his wounds with it, knotting it tightly.

Not yet.

He'll die another day, surrounded by his daughter and family, his loved ones, his partner. The spine that snapped into him refused to budge. For a man that had spent so long trying to actively kill himself with alcohol, he didn't mind this development.

Bowie was still Mega-Evolved, even if it no longer was under the influence of Primal Reversion. Overhead, Necrozma struggled to break from the chain. The shroud of Shadow Pokemon, the opening on the side. Buzzwole broke free, and the Red Chain could not fully incapacitate Necrozma.

Right now however, he wasn't able to do much, not by himself. What was the best play. He surveyed his surroundings, and perhaps, for the first time, saw why was considered to be the champion of this Region. He sent out his Kadabra. "Rondo, take us nearby the healing mist."

A TELEPORT warps through the air. Bringing Callan, his Kadabra and Toxtricity near the edge of the healing mist, and in place of Alpha's MURDER MINSTREL. Callan feels his wounds knit together from Kyle's essence, the ash in his lung no longer blocking his ability to breathe properly.

But more importantly, his MEGA-TOXTRICITY received an ALL PARAMETER BUFF.

Callan unfurled his front pocket, taking an ELECTRIC Z-CRYSTAL in between his fingers. "One last time Bowie."

Callan crushed it, breaking the Z-Crystal with his fingers, spawning lightning between his hands as he unfurled it between his palms, holding it to point at his Toxtricity as his Z-Band infused MEGA-TOXTRICITY with its aura.

On queue, Bowie draws its guitar, once again, clearly exhausted from prior uses, once from its GMAX move, a second from using one from primal reversion. But it fights on, if not for itself, to keep everyone, including his master, alive.

It swings down its axe, as it does, a wide arc of lightning sweeps overhead, transforming into a massuive guitar, as it smashes down against the chained Necrozma in an attempt to stop it from breaking free of its chains.


+ Callan binds his wounds, and has Kadabra TELEPORT him, MEGA-TOXTRICITY, and itself to near .


+ Callan uses a Z-CRYSTAL to empower MEGA-TOXTRICITY.

+ MEGA-TOXTRICITY uses GIGAVOLT HAVOC on the CHAINED NECROZMA to stop it from breaking free.


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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2022 23:00:12 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
There's a muted feeling of triumph in his chest as Gavin watches the RED CHAIN bind their foe. He finds it hard to accept their turn in fortune, too often burned by Hoenn's relentless penchant for disaster. Yet the seed of hope begins to blossom as NECROZMA'S attempts to break free of its scarlet prison prove futile.

Then, just as Gavin starts to accept they've won, his own shadow Pokémon turn against him.

"Fuck, Val—"

There's nothing he can do. By the time LUGIA turns her fury on those who've betrayed their cause, the damage has been done. On SWIFT paws, the GLACEON turns to lunge for its master. Instinct sees Gavin's miasma swirl around him, the underboss stepping back with unnatural speed. Unfortunately, he hadn't been the only one to react to the Pokémon's aggression.


He stumbles back toward his fiancé as the feral ice-type is intercepted by Pacifidlog's gym leader. Sharp claws tear through a pitiful barrier of clothing in an earnest attempt to disembowel their prey.

Gavin's ears are ringing, vision blurring as panic threatens sense. It's SHADOW LUGIA'S telepathic voice, her mind unaffected by whatever spell had befallen the others, that cuts through the haze.


The lives it will cost don't matter to Gavin, so long as those lives do not belong to his partners — both legendary and human. As the SHADOW BRAVIARY drives 's CHANDELURE into the ground, Gavin offers up lesser Pokémon in sacrifice to the SHADOW GLACEON that it might abandon its assault on his fiancé. BASTIODON. CARRACOSTA. EMPOLEON. None of these Pokémon, their training neglected in favour of the monsters he so favoured, prove a match for the violent GLACEON'S wrath.

He would gladly throw as many as it took into the line of fire, but LUGIA unleashes a violent SPRINGTIDE STORM against the disobedient creatures to bring them to heel. Her spiked tail slams into the GLACEON, knocking it aside, while the storm's winds slam the airborne BRAVIARY into the earth with fierce speed. Gales imbued with LUGIA'S wrath carve their path across the battlefield, aiming for any shadow Pokémon that might dare to defy her influence.

Gavin's hands are shaking as he fumbles for the pokeball belonging to his ZARUDE, it's JUNGLE HEALING a desperate attempt at stabilization.

"You better stay with me."

It's half a threat, and half a desperate plea, palms drenched in his partner's blood as he holds the wounds closed.


⁠— Gavin redirects the aggression of SHADOW BRAVIARY and SHADOW GLACEON toward specific Pokémon ('s CHANDELURE and Gavin's BASTIODON, CARRACOSTA, EMPOLEON) using his avatar power. (All of Gavin's sacrifices are in my UFT section for ease of finding.)
⁠— LUGIA uses SPRINGTIDE STORM to dispatch GLACEON and BRAVIARY (+ assist against NPC shadows)
⁠— Gavin's freaking out about getting fucked up. (Injuries + Pokemon death were worked out between Yam and I OOC)
x3 SALAC used b/c thorn luck

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,037 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2022 1:04:07 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar
It almost seems like they've won, hasn't it?

Foolishly, Temp allows himself to hope. Just for a moment. It's ripped away when another twist is revealed.

But there is more to worry about. The Glaceon turns traitor. Temp is faster to realize, dart in front of to protect the man he loves from harm. He struggles, blood rushing in his ears. Temp is a strong man but pokemon will always be stronger. The Glaceon tries to snap at him with cared teeth so he forces his hands against it's jaws, tries to push away and keep them from clamping down. The sharp teeth tear into his hands and draw blood.

Worse is the claws.

But he bought Gavin time. Just a few moments to react.

Temp drops to his knees, blood leeching at an alarming rate from his body. He's unaware now, dazed and in pain, as the Zarude and Gavin try to tend to him. Yet, that splash of blond, he at least smiles.

Temp smiles up at Gavin like he's so proud of himself. The flayed wounds of his stomach allow one to peer inside in a way that shouldn't be possible. Even as the flesh knits together.

He doesn't see the Braviary smash his mother's Chandelure. He doesn't see Gavin over him.

Temp doesn't seem much of anything when he closes his eyes, unconscious.

There is one other problem they will face, though.

When Temp falls, a pokeball rolls free from his pocket.

Gavin's Zarude is not the only one free from it's ball. Bongo appears in a flash of light, dripping with malice. He survey's the battlefield, his eyes quickly landing on Temp.

The Zarude bares his teeth. Nostrils flare as he takes in the scent of fresh blood. He had never been a gentle pokemon. Always aiming to take out his anger with snapped bones and claws. Everyone was out to get him. Everyone hated him and he hated in return.

Temp was no different to the Zarude.

Yet seeing his would be trainer practically lifeless on the ground... Bongo feels many things. Fury, mostly; it was his default. Temp was his to wound and hurt alone. That selfishness gives way to something else. Regret? As Temp had also been the only one who tried. Bongo could always smell the fear from his Trainer when around but still the human would reach out a hand to him no matter how many times the Zarude tried to slap it away.

Temp closes his eyes and smiles and Bongo shrieks out a cry of sorrow. Z- Energy surrounds him, tapped into by a primal fury. A Jungle Healing surges from him but it's corrupted and wrong. Instead, thick vines and roots spring from the ground. They crack through earth and cement and stone, grabbing for anything around them.

Bongo simmers in his fury and launches himself at the black crystal abomination in front of him. The previously bound Necrozma is his target. The vines try to entangle the other as he tries to draw close. Teeth, claws, and rage- unafraid to get close and personal despite so many reasons that is a bad idea. Ready to try and shred the other. Or at least take out it's anger.

- temp gets in between the shadow glaceon and gavin
- he gets ripped to shreds and starts to bleed out
- chandelure is crushed and dies due to the shadow braviary
- temp passes out due to blood loss
- will edit if needed after a pending z move review!
- zarude is called out
- uses z-move: Jungle Wrath
Grass Type
Jungle Wrath
Summons vines in an AOE around itself to bind targets. Afterward, it selects one bound enemy to ravage.

- Jungle Wrath targets Everyone, both friend and foe to tangle up + the previously chained Necrozma
- Bongo attacks the previously chained up Necrozma

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,665 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2022 23:09:02 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
There was a brief wave of relief as his Medicham finally spotted his Gardevoir, relaying the information over to Hideo. Even if she looked different, she was alive. And with everyone laying into the giant monster, with it being restrained by the Lake Trio's power, she could get a chance to come back to him.

Yet that relief wavered when his Medicham told him she was walking away from him. She didn't even respond to a Telepathic ping.

And then everything went to shit. Battles broke out everywhere around the monster, from what were originally people's own Pokemon. Even Hideo's Gardevoir was a part of it, attacking the Mespirit, with Azelf under assault as well.

His Medicham left that part out, but Hideo could still tell something was wrong with her - she was always focused on keeping him safe, so why was she walking away now? "What is she doing?!" he asked, bewildered.

Yet before he could try to call her back, he heard something strike someone near him: the Uxie had been hit by an attack, and he was warned of three Pokemon that had appeared.

Hideo could feel his heart beat in his chest as his focus went to the threats around him. He didn't know what Pokemon they were, but there wasn't any time to find out. "Guys, we gotta protect Uxie!" he ordered listening to the affirmations of his three Pokemon.

Yet he only heard one, his Medicham's.

"Wishi? Speedster?" Why hadn't his Wishiwashi or Zebstrika responded? He called out to them again as a wave of dread ran through him, and they did not respond.

He heard something emerge from below: his Banette, using its Shadow Sneak to return to Hideo. "D-dusty, get a shield up around us!" Hideo ordered, expecting his Dustox to have come along as well.

But there was nothing. No sound of a Protect being raised.

Where were they?

Where were his Pokemon?

Why didn't they answer him?

The sounds of battle around him broke him out of his thoughts, if only for a moment. His Banette attacking the Shadow Krookodile with a Sucker Punch, his Medicham attacking the Shadow Aggron with a Force Palm. Someone else was already attacking the Shedninja (thanks ).

With his Pokemon doing all the fighting, Hideo could only think of one thing to do: he went towards where he'd heard the Uxie get attacked. He would try to wrap his arms around it, to try and protect it from any other attack that came its way.

At the very least, he could protect Uxie, even as he trembled and tears began to build in the corners of his eyes. He wouldn't let it die.

It was all he could do.

He could feel a cold chill run through him as he tried his best to keep Uxie safe - unaware his Spectrier had emerged from his shadow, prepared to help protect the boy.

Hideo starting to catch on to his missing Pokemon
Banette returns to Hideo
Banette uses Sucker Punch against the Shadow Krookodile
Medicham uses Force Palm against the Shadow Aggron
Hideo tries to grab Uxie and protect it
Spectrier emerges to cover Hideo

Salac x5

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he / him / his
september 10
Enju, Johto
errand boy
108 height
108 height
what’re you lookin’ at?
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TAG WITH @duke
Arashi Akiyama
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2022 12:29:44 GMT
Arashi Akiyama Avatar

It was them—everyone present—against whatever the hell was now bound by those red chains.

While Arashi didn’t know hide nor hair of whatever the hell was going on, fact of the matter is seeing so. many. powerful beings of lore unknown to him made his head spin.

This was too much for his brain to process and parse properly!

After his Rapidash fell back in a glorious explosion of flames, Mustang galloped back to where Ava was, and with a clumsy gesture, he recalled the Rapidash back to safety. Back to him.

(Because this Rapidash was a gift from a dearly departed friend, and there was no way in hell he was sending him to his doom.)

Despite wobbling and having a hard time balancing his ass, he was about to dismount back on the ground when all primordial hell broke loose—whatever was being held back by the chains was trying to break free, and wanted to lash out, bring as many of them as possible with them—

“Not today, Satan!” he growled to himself, quickly sliding down from Ava’s back as the Noivern let out a cry of alarm. Just as he was about to command her to take to the skies and help out with the assault—he turned around and saw that Hideo was being overwhelmed—


would have his ass if anything happened to Hideo.

But where was he even going to start?! As he was about to make a run back towards Hideo and help the other boy out, something caused him to slip and fall forward—

“WHOA!” he yelped, before making a grab at the offending object—wait, why was it pale blue and… silver? Where had this come from?

His Noivern let out a shriek, and he realized that maybe somehow, somewhere, Luxu and Alfons… were still there. Lingering around him, maybe giving him one last shot at going out with a bang—

(artist’s impression of Alfons the Golurk’s spirit still guiding Arashi)

“I know,” he hissed as he roughly wiped down the marble on what remained of his overcoat and biting it with his teeth as he fumbled around, one-handed, and pulled out a Heavy Ball—quickly summoning his Steelix, Alex Louis.

Hopefully this wasn’t going to be another sacrifice.

“Alex! CATCH!” he shouted, as he quickly threw the marble, and somehow, the shining rock lodged itself into one of the plates on his massive tail, before he pulled out, with his remaining hand, something that sparkled with all hue of the rainbow in the palm of his hand—

“Ava, take me up!”

The Noivern dived, scooping him up on her back as the Key Stone in his remaining hand shimmered, the light that shone so bright from his Steelix’s form consumed all—

In a burst of power, Alex Louis grew even taller, longer—more ferocious—and let out an almighty roar.

“STONE EDGE!” he shouted from the Noivern’s back, and with a loud, deafening scream, the Steelix began summoning a ground trail of sharp boulders rising from the ground, aiming them towards the Pokémon who were attacking Hideo and trying to eviscerate the younger boy to bits.

“Ava! Tailwind!” he continued as the Noivern let out a screaming noise, before whipping up a fierce wind to speed up all allied Pokémon on his side of the field.


• did they win…?
• for 0.5 seconds, Arashi thought they did
• but THEN—shit happens all over again, and corrupted Pokémon (Shadow Pokémon) start attacking everyone
• this is way too much for him to comprehend, what the fuck!
• recalls Rapidash and lands on the ground, almost trips over—a Steelixite.
• Arashi, who normally doesn’t believe in coincidences, knew that there was something he could do
• he then makes his way back to where Hideo is, on his Noivern’s back
• summons Alex Louis the Steelix, and uses Mega Evolution
if we’re going out with a bang, we’re going out with a FUCKING BANG
• mega!Steelix used Stone Edge on the attacking Shadow Pokémon that are trying to attack Hideo!
• Noivern used Tailwind!

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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
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TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2022 20:11:47 GMT

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
stare into the abyss and find bravery

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
within the mantle of the reaper


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
and the steel of his scythe

[attr=class,bulk]The relief of apparent victory doesn't last. Instead the shadow pokemon and much more begin to resist the Hoenn collective, acting against their best interests and seeking to free the imprisoned Necrozma. Or at least disrupt their ability to keep it restrained.
The WORMHOLE featuring another Necrozma on it's own is plenty of reason to panic. Releasing two more pokemon, Derek quickly sends them to what may very well be their demise. But if they didn't end this now, when they'd finally been dealt a good hand, then they might as well pull the trigger on themselves.
"You two, cling to them and detonate—quickly!" The Ferrothorn was sent to kamikaze the Necrozma that'd absorbed strength from the Tree of Life. The Ditto, which transformed into a Ferrothorn, did the same with the Necrozma from Ultra Space.
Looking towards Crota, he knew there wasn't much time left until the strain of mega-evolution became too great. "Just one more, Crota. One more and we can win this thing!" The desperation from before became zeal. Seeing their foe ever so crippled gave way for hope. Pointing towards the wormhole as it's target, the Mega-Grimmsnal let loose one more DARK PULSE before it would inevitably revert to a weaker version of itself.


- DITTO copies FERROTHORN and attacks US NECROZMA![break]


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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2022 0:54:03 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Jewels upon jewels form the links of the chain, blood-toned rubies that appear impossible to break. They surround Necrozma, capture it, bind it, and for a moment, an intense feeling of victory seems to overtake all of Sootopolis…
That’s when it shatters.
Bloodwit? It’s in quiet confusion that Mars watches his shadow-blooded Persian leap away instead of returning to the confines of the Luxury Ball as he had commanded, and when he sees where the pokémon is headed, it’s behind a mask that unseen horror overtakes his expression. ”No–…”
The Persian lunges at Azelf, biting the Willpower Pokémon and clinging by the sheer force of her maw. Blood drips, marking both the Guardian’s small body and the seal-point fur of the shadow feline. Azelf’s jewel cracks, and Mars is almost sure he can hear the devastating sound even from where he stands.
”Fuck–” This time, when he TELEPORTS, he gives no warning, appearing closer to where Azelf is and reaching for the few Luxury Balls he has left the moment he does. His Blastoise, ever swift, shoots a gelid ICE BEAM that forces the Persian to let go, giving Mars enough time to go catch the small injured deity as it falls, holding it in his arms. ”AZELF! Are you alright?”
His other pokémon, a Reuniclus and a Musharna, follow the Blastoise’s lead.
Rose-tinted mist swirls; a HYPNOSIS on part of the Musharna, intended to incapacitate the cantankerous feline. Wrinkling her nose, Bloodwit growls – hackles up and fangs in full display, ready to strike. The mist doesn’t seem to do much, but it does in fact distract her for long enough for the Reuniclus to attack…
A huge green fist hits the Persian’s jaw with a HAMMER ARM, bearing all the force the psychic type can muster. It sends ripples through the cat’s body, but before the Reuniclus can move away, she turns, biting down on the same fist that just hit her. Fangs dig deep into the gelatinous body of her assailant, spilling goo onto the ground. Translucent green becomes marked by deep red, and the Reuniclus screams in pain, attempting to break free from the hold of the Persian’s maw to no avail.
Bloodwit does not let go. Not until she flings the psychic type away, ripping all that ties its small body together and splattering gel. Only its arm remains hanging from the Persian’s jaws; motionless and barely holdings its shape. She spits it out, and coated in both blood and goo alike, she looks at the Musharna with wild crimson eyes.
She leaps, jumping onto the much slower pokémon, and even though the Blastoise shoots her with a FLASH CANNON, it does not stop her from digging her sharp claws into the Musharna’s body and downing it from the skies where it had been safely levitating. The Drowsing Pokémon attempts to use its PSYCHIC power to hold the Persian back, and although it appears to have some degree of success, it's soon enough that fangs pierce through purple flesh.
A blood-curdling shriek cuts through the air. The last sound emitted by the Musharna before the Persian tears its heart out.
All that happens in a matter of seconds, and although the sight of the bloody and lifeless Musharna the feline feasts on brings more than one painful thought to Mars’ mind, all he can do is take a deep breath and act.
”Calli. Life Dew. Z-Move. NOW.
Azelf’s safety has to be his priority. He needs to make sure the Guardian is safe and sound. In the rains brought upon by Kyogre’s presence, the healing ANGELIC SHOWERS join the downpour, restoring the health of all upon which they fall.

The user causes a downpour of healing rain that affects everyone within the vicinity. This rain and its healing will last for a brief period.

Hopefully, they’ll help Azelf, and although it has not been Mars’ intention, the downpour restores enough of the injured Reuniclus’ will for it to use the last of its power to strike the Persian with a confusion-inducing PSYBEAM.
Bloodwit retaliates immediately, tearing the Multiplying Pokémon apart with a FRENZY PLANT. However, this and all of the injuries she has sustained leave her incapacitated, and it’s only then that Mars attempts to call her back to her Luxury Ball one more time…
”That’s enough, Bloodwit.”
In the background, both Necrozma battle against everyone else, and Mars can only hope they’re able to hold the Darkest Day back. Both of them. The Guardians had been right.



[break]- Mars TELEPORTS closer to Azelf
[break]- Mars attempts to pick up? Catch? Azelf and hold it
[break]- Blastoise, Reuniclus, and Musharna fight against S!Persian
[break]- S!Persian kills Reuniclus and Musharna
[break]- BLASTOISE uses Z-MOVE LIFE DEW: ANGELIC SHOWERS in an attempt to heal AZELF
[break]- Mars attempts to call S!Persian back.
[break]- Metagross does nothing because there was enough going on in the post already



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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2022 2:53:00 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar







Bryan was too focused on Necrozma to realize what Comfey was doing, it was only the feeling around Bryan's own neck constricting itself that he suddenly realized something was wrong as suddenly all the Pokémon were turning on their masters. To make matters worse, an even bigger Necrozma was trying to shove it's way through another worm hole and intrude on Hoenn. [break][break]

"Shit shit shit!" he exclaims as bryan worries, wanting to save xerneas but also wanting to prevent Necrozma from entering Hoenn. So he finally decides to showcase one of his abilities as his body began to channel a surge of light as Bryan unleashed one of his avatar abilities. [break][break]

.in a limited area around him, bryan can choose Pokémon and allies to HEAL TO FULL in the midst of battle and cleanse ALL STATUS CONDITIONS once a thread. [break][break]

He aims his powers Primarily at the creature that had lent their aid to Xerneas earlier. "Eeevee! Comfey! Help Xerneas, get that traitor off of him!" he orders as Eevee unleashes a LIGHT OF RUIN attack upon the Shadow comfey and the Illumina Comfey unleashes a precise MAGICAL LEAF attack on it's shadow sister attempting to get it to release it's grip. [break][break]

On top of that, while Xerneas may have had his airway restricted, he was not entirely helpless either as a small barrier starts to form between the shadow comfey and Xerneas as it uses PROTECT to try and push the Pokémon off of him as it forms on it's skin and then slowly began trying to push the pokemon off of him.


notes about this post



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VWRVkRYD [break][break]
. Bryan panics as he realizes that Comfey is betraying them and that another Necrozma is trying to re-enter their realm. [break]
. Bryan uses his avatar ability to try and heal azelf back to full health and his allies around him.[break]
. Bryan orders eevee and his Illumina comfey to handle the shadow comfey traitor. Eeevee uses light of ruin and Illumina comfey uses a magical leaf on the comfey. [break]
.Xerneas tries to also pry the pokemon off of it by channeling a thing layer of PROTECT on it's skin and attempting to push it outwards to get comfey to release it's grip on the deer. [break]

Edit: one salac used.

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