i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
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Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2022 18:52:40 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar


(Johanna is answering these Personally… And she isn’t particularly taking into account that nothing ever stays anonymous on the internet)

Survey #1

That sounds really cool! And… Well, if I HAVE to choose, my suit would probably be styled after a Mimikyu or Shiinotic. Though the Later would just be a big old Pikachu-formed flour bag, wouldn’t it?

Survey #2

I don’t think I have a Rival, maybe that just means I am not skilled? Or at least I don’t see anyone as a rival, but maybe someone sees me as a rival. Though, I do have someone whose skills I look up to, and that is

Survey #3

I think it’s a stupid idea. Maybe I am naïve in thinking that if we just gathered enough Pokémon capable of using protection based moves, that we then could protect ourselves against it. But still, potential genocide in another reality to keep our own safe… That’s just not right.

Survey #4

I feel bad for them. Imagine to be forced to live with the expectations of a legendary Pokémon, as well as the expectations of all those around you because of your newfound avatar status. I do not envy them.

Survey #5

League or Rocket? Rocket definitely. While sure, The League is our official Government party, yada yada, I have found Team Rocket to be much more open and accepting of the more unfortunate lives, those whose life have lead them down to the bottom of the barrel, those whom the League have forsaken in their search for a just world. Team Rocket might not be perfect, but at least they try.

Survey #6

I have been out of town at each of those, and I count myself lucky for that. But still, I’ve seen how these events affect people, some more than others. I only wish I could do more to help those people.

Survey #7

Gotta be honest, I am not a fan of Teravolt, I am sure their music is alright. I just groove with other genres.

Survey #8

Destiny is merely the culmination of the choices made with our free will. So a bit of both, maybe?

Survey #9

My greatest fear is that I might disappoint my loved ones and that they in return might no longer wish to associate with me.

Survey #10

OH gosh, Uhm. My love language? I don’t know, uh, maybe just physical affection, you know. Holding hands, maybe light kissing and cuddling, stuff like that. Just being able to feel close, you know?

Survey #11


Most of the time I just really want to be able to hide myself under a disguise and pretend that I am better than I actually am. Oh Arceus that sounds worse than I intended.

Survey #12

Haven’t really thought about it. I suppose if I knew I was going to die tomorrow, I’d make sure to say my goodbyes and leave my Pokémon with someone I could trust to take care of them in my place.

Survey #13

I don’t think I can answer this. Isn’t this question more for someone else to answer on my behalf? But oh well, let’s try. I suppose I do love to fidget with my hair or move around restlessly when I am supposed to be sitting still. I can’t really think of anything else.

Survey #14

Not really a new skill. But I am always working to improve my abilities as a trainer.
And why?
Well, because it’s the only thing I’ve ever been REALLY good at.

Survey #15

All I want is acceptance, still don’t know how to get that.


Maybe ask people where they see themselves in five years?


Hmmmm. This is tricky, my best bet is a map. But that sounds too simple… Wait, it is a map isn’t it? Nobody would place their bets on something that simple.
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Blaze, Ash
July 15
Hau'oli City
Experimenting, but boys.
Petty Thief/odd jobs kid
Rocket Grunt
If you want to be strong, learn to fight alone!
256 posts
Asher Baran DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun3
Asher Baran
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2022 22:56:59 GMT
Asher Baran Avatar


(Asher is responding ICly.)

Survey #1

Really? That sounds awesome! Probably Larvesta, cuz Silky is such a cutie patooey! White with flames coming out of it, and gray face with big bug-like eyes!

Survey #2

I don't have a rival...yet...maybe I'll find one in the next Pokemon Contest?

Survey #3

Wait, we can do that?!!!

Survey #4


Survey #5

Honestly, both suck in their own ways. Foster homes and orphanages are often ripe with abuse, and Rocket does some shady stuff. Only reason I'm more for Rocket is because they're literally the best option for me right now.

Survey #6

I haven't noticed any effects of these.

Survey #7

I've heard of them, just never listened to any of their music, sorry.

Survey #8

If it was my destiny to be born into such a sucky family, destiny can go to hell! >:(

Survey #9

Honestly, probably never getting any further in life...I may just choose the worse option if that was the case.

Survey #10

What is love?

Survey #11

Any fire or poison-type Pokemon

There have been times where I wanted to see everything burn...or poison the worst people into a worse fate.

Survey #12

Anything I very well pleased!!

Survey #13

I'm not sure how to answer this. I'm a fiesty kid that punches above his weight class...I do tend to keep to myself though, but I'm also always looking for ways to earn some cash.

Survey #14

Pokemon Contests! inspired me! I'm thinking of starting practicing a few routines with my main three Pokefriends soon!

Survey #15

This question is way too open ended. My first two Pokemon, I happened to find. The first I was crying when it just sat down and started crying with me. The second one I patched up and nursed it back to health. My third buddy I simply hatched from an egg I found, and the rest I either beat into submission or gave a choice after doing what I can to help.

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2022 0:44:34 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar


(Aaron is responding ICly.)

Survey #1

Rumors are rumors. I don't pay them much heed until proven true.

Survey #2

I do not have a rival as of yet. At least no one that I would consider one.

Survey #3

Does it matter? They'll either do it or won't, whether we approve or not.

Survey #4

They're people too, and should be treated as such. Whether it is a gift or a curse is up to them and how they use their powers.

Survey #5

The League has its faults, but they do not do the crap that Rocket does. But I'm just a trainer that's an aspiring gym leader.

Survey #6

My parents were overprotective before these events. I had to piggyback on my brother's adventure to leave.

Survey #7

Never heard of them. Don't really care.

Survey #8

Destiny is a load of crap. If you want to win the game of life, work hard. And that hard work will pay off.

Survey #9

I don't have any known fears. It takes a lot to scare me.

Survey #10

Love language? Holding hands? Basic affection that's...more than friendly? I guess?

Survey #11

Any Ghost-type

Most have a second chance at life, so why not.

Survey #12

Life isn't limitless, there is an end. A battling blitz, and making sure my Pokemon are set.

Survey #13

I'm told that I act mature for my age. Or that I act uppity, bordering arrogance. I'm pretty stoic and don't show much emotion outside of passive annoyance or a very neutral expression.

Survey #14

Not a new skill, just honing my battling abilities, and training my Pokemon.

Survey #15

Food and water? Maybe a few other things?

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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,909 posts
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TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2022 2:25:26 GMT


Hmmm that's a tough one. Flaaffy, maybe? I've always found them cute and they're already the mascot of HBS, so it fits? Kinda? And style? I wouldn't really know what would be feasible, but I think it'd be nice if it was on the slim side and pink. Maybe it could even have those bulb ears flaaffys have, with a tail, too.


RIVAL? I suck way too much for that. Professionally wise, I'd say , though. That blonde hair himbo seriously gets on my nerves.


Survival of the fittest, right? Seriously, though, I find this line of action as clear proof of the league's lack of ethics. If we're willing to wipe out a whole region for our sake, what makes us any different than rocket? They're just doing the same, aren't they? Killing for the sake of a better future. If the league goes through with these plans....HBS won't stay quiet.


It scares me a little if I'll be honest. Who'll stop if he decides he's had enough with the league? Beyond a flimsy piece of paper, there's nothing really stopping these people from flipping a switch and obliterating us. Something about that just seems...i don't know, terrifying to think about? But there's not much of an alternative, is there? I can't say if it's a blessing or a curse. You'd have to ask one of them.


I'm a member of neither organization, but I begrudgingly support the league. Besides being the lesser of two evils, I have hope that the pillars of the league are still good, and the corruption isn't as deep as it seems. A better league leads to a better hoenn-- that's how I see it, at least.


They all affected me equally. As a reporter, it was my job to review the footage taken and speak to the victims involved. They were all equally cruel displays of the power of one's party over another.


Not my type of music, sorry.


Free will. It's what holds us all accountable and keeps us striving for something better than what we have. The idea of fate/destiny is just limiting and acts as a safety blanket for too many.


The future. Who will I be in 20 years from now? Will I accomplish what I've set myself to, or would I be set further behind than ever? Am I making the right decisions, or will these choices bite me in the ass someday? Those types of questions get to me. Especially since everything is so hard to predict. I could be doing everything right, and still fuck up somehow.


Cute question. Hmmm, mine would have to be quality time and touch. I would take a night in, cuddling on the couch with a random movie playing than any dinner or gift. Life's already too crazy as it is, so I don't know, I like the simplicity of that a lot more. And, as long as I know they care, I don't really mind how they show their love. UNLESS it's purely gift-giving-- that would get old fast.


Ampharos? I don't know, I would need to take a quiz, or something.


???? Why do you need to know this? I guess, badly??? I'm not too comfortable with the idea of death right now-- there's a lot I want to do and see still, so I try not to think too much about it. The thought of what comes after can also make me pretty anxious... But, if I were going to die tomorrow, I'd probably go see my little sister () first, give my goodbyes, then spend some time with (). Maybe we could visit Kalos together and see Lumiose city together. ...That would be nice.


Hard questions to answer haha. I hope I carry myself professionally? At least for work. Outside of work, I'd like to say I'm pretty easygoing. Except, I'd rather die than let someone talk over me. That kinda disrespect...I've dealt with it far too much in my industry.

The only 'tick' I really have is my slight stutter. It doesn't really come out unless I'm REALLY worked up, but I usually just take small pauses to combat it.


I'm investigating someone () but that's it.


Satisfaction, I'd say. Some seek it from the power they gain, and some get it from the love they receive, but it always leads back to satisfaction.

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september 20
Fashion Designer
rising star
born into this dying world, its time is up
329 posts
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TAG WITH @daphne
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2022 3:22:16 GMT



#1 Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?
... I suppose a gardevoir? it's a relatively simple design, and would be fairly easy to move around. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be all too practical for battling.. Perhaps for banquets? 
#2 All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?
I can't say I have one.
#3 Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?
Perhaps it would be the safest thing to do, it troubles me to think that said alternate universe won't take kindly to use redirecting our disaster.
#4 What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?
I think it's a good thing, however it can be quite dangerous for those with.. less than stellar intentions. 
#5 Why does you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?
I support the league.
#6 Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, The Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover.
.. I lost my brother in the Ultra Beast War. I.. Cannot say anything positive about that event. I am distraught, grieving, and pained thinking back on it. You will forgive me if I don't delve into the details. 
#7 TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist CALLAN YOUNG and Lead Vocalist ADRIAN MALCOLM, from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favourite song and why?
I am embarrassed to say I don't listen to much rock.
#8 Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?
I would like to believe that fate and destiny dictate what happen around us, and we have control over how we respond.
#9 What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?
Losing my loved ones, and losing myself. 
#10 What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?
I.. suppose it is intimacy, and gift giving? I wouldn't say I spoil my loved ones too much, though they would beg to differ..
#11 If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?
I am unsure.
#12 How do you feel about your own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?
I don't suppose anyone would like to think about how they would die tomorrow, or if they would die tomorrow. I can't say I will be content, as I still have plenty of regrets and unfulfilled goals. 
#13 How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?
Formal as the situation calls for it. 
#14 Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?
Ultra Beasts, as they seem to be the direct threat at the moment. Save for that..? The latest fashion trends, I suppose. 
#15 What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?
Companionship is what people often want out of a relationship, or some kind of co-reliance. 
SUGGESTION. Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below.
R̵̖͎͐͐I̸͓͘ΙḒ̵̭͒D̷͈̀͌L̵̹͋̿Ȇ̶͕.I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?
A map. 

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leo, leon
september 30th
rustboro city, hoenn
demirom. bisex.
ceo, inventor
save a little
love for me
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
i wish i were better, i wish i had strength. i wish i had anything to prove i was brave.
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TAG WITH @leonidas
Leonidas Stone
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2022 3:24:33 GMT
Leonidas Stone Avatar


(answered icly by )

1) "Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?"
I've always been a fan of fantasy-esque fashion, honestly— long coats, high boots, the works. If I had to pick a Pokemon, though...? I dunno, I feel like a Noivern could hit the spot color-wise.

2) "All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?"
The cliche answer would be myself. The honest answer would honestly be any rivaling game and tech companies.

3) "Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?"
If it was the absolute only answer, maybe? But, like...if it was possible to warp an entire meteor into another universe, it should be possible to just...warp it into a different trajectory in our universe. Maybe my thought's too naïve, but why slaughter an entire region just 'cause it's not our own? If the tech's enough of a powerhouse to bypass dimensions, it should be able to solve the problem in house, right?

4) "What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?"
Playing with fire. Whether it's a blessing or curse depends on the person, but I'd say it'd be better not to screw with that.

5) "Why do you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?"
I don't support the groups, personally. I support the method and morality. You can think what you want, but even if people think one side is "bad" and one side is "good," both sides are still equally likely to do some messed up shit.

6) "Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, The Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover."
The Ultra Beast War impacted me more than anything else.

(Multiple beginnings of an explanation seem to be scratched out)

7) "TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist CALLAN YOUNG and Lead Vocalist ADRIAN MALCOLM, from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their discography, which is your favourite song and why?"
Been blasting The End is Where We Begin on loop since the album dropped. That right there's what's always been up my alley.

8) "Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?"
Neither and both at the same time. Things happen. Things may or may not be changed. That's just how it is.

9) "What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?"
Can't say I know, but I'd just handle it as well as I could. Simple.

10) "What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?"
After thinking on my own for some time, maybe...some cross between quality time and acts of service?

11) "If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?"
No clue, honestly.

12) "How do you feel about your own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?"
...Because I could die tomorrow, I've already resolved to live my life to the fullest. I'll burn bridges and rebuild old ones as needed.

13) "How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?"
I'd like to think confidently. Wouldn't say I'm too obnoxious, but if you think I wouldn't take a chance to poke fun, you'd be wrong.

14) "Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?"
Oh, I absolutely am— but that in itself is a secret.

15) "What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?"
Lots of things, really, and the ways are situational. ...I'd say anyone and everyone just wants to have companionship and understanding, though.

Nah, not really.

Has to be a map, right? Unless it was, of those three-dimensional maps, I guess.
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Enma, Homura
may 27
Ecruteak City
we can fall
to hell together
92 height
92 height
Tell me what exactly are you thinking, right now - Do you still love me? Or is it that you hate me?
215 posts
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TAG WITH @ayame
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2022 3:33:14 GMT



#1 Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?
A beautifly or a vivillon, of course. Both very elegant and gorgeous bug pokemon, wouldn't you agree?~
#2 All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?
Mm.. Perhaps an old flame?
#3 Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?
They can do as they please, I think it would be amusing either way. I just hope they are prepared to face the consequences of sacrificing one reality in favour for ours.
#4 What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?
Everything is a blessing or a curse, it's just a matter of how you look at it. However, isn't the possibility of viewing something as a curse, already a curse in of itself?~
#5 Why does you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?
I'm impartial either way~
#6 Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, The Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover.
Ah.. I recall the night market attack. Horrible, truly. Many lives were lost that night, although I can't say it had affected me too much.. I have been away from Hoenn for a little while, you see.
#7 TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist CALLAN YOUNG and Lead Vocalist ADRIAN MALCOLM, from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favourite song and why?
.. Ah? Rock? I'm sorry, I prefer traditional music~.
#8 Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?
If fate exists, then it's quite cruel, isn't it? 

Although I suppose it's easier to blame our mistakes and short-comings on a pre-determined decision.
#9 What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?
My lover will be the death of me

... Only because I miss him so, and I become a complete, bumbling mess. Pathetic, isn't it?~
#10 What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?
My love is shared in the silence, and very slow hugs, cuddles, and hand holding~.
#11 If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?
Mmn.. A butterfly pokemon?~
#12 How do you feel about your own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?
If I were to die tomorrow, mmn? How morbid~

... I suppose I would have had it coming, though. Oh, I'd hate it, and would resist it, kicking and screaming, but the only person I'd like to ever speak to wouldn't look me in the eye. Mm.. Not that I blame them~.
#13 How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?
A small, subtle smile can take you a long way. It's what my mother taught me~
#14 Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?
Ah! Yes, fan dancing is such a fun hobby~
#15 What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?
Some form of companionship to stave off this deathly loneliness. Simply talking to someone can go a long way~
SUGGESTION. Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below.
Some questions were so, so glum and serious. There was no lead up to it, either. Please make the survey a little more consistent, that is, in the order the questions are presented. 
R̵̖͎͐͐I̸͓͘ΙḒ̵̭͒D̷͈̀͌L̵̹͋̿Ȇ̶͕.I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?
Isn't a map the obvious question? Although you could also suggest some warped reality! Wouldn't it be amusing to see icy deserts and smouldering snowlands? 

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fee, hye-jin
sunyshore city, sinnoh
police officer
got me addicted to the comfort when i don't even like you
86 posts
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TAG WITH @fiora
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2022 3:47:59 GMT



#1 Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?
Hatterene would be pretty cute.
#2 All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?
A criminal, he knows who he is. I know that smug little smile anywhere
#3 Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?
I.. don't really agree with that. Isn't there another way? There has to be, right?
#4 What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?
Definitely a blessing. I mean.. Isn't it something that can be used to help others?
#5 Why does you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?
League. I'm not all too keen about.. underhanded tactics. At least, the league is a bit more tactful and honest. 
#8 Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?
I'm one for free will
#9 What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?
Ghosts. I can't stand ghosts, they're creepy, and scary, and I hate being startled.
#10 What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?
Lots of hugs, lots of cuddles, and soft interactions. I guess I'm.. a little bit of a romantic? Not too much, though. Right? That's not a lot, right? Wait--
#11 If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?
I think Primarina is a good one
#12 How do you feel about your own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?
I-- What kind of question is this?
#13 How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?
I like to think I'm generally polite, and easy enough to get along with. Even if I can come off as a little.. prickly? I've heard? I don't get how people get that opinion of me, though.
#14 Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?
Not really studying, but.. Singing is more a hobby, though I've been learning how to play the piano, recently.
#15 What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?
I like friendly relationships, but I won't go out to look for them, I guess. 
SUGGESTION. Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below.
R̵̖͎͐͐I̸͓͘ΙḒ̵̭͒D̷͈̀͌L̵̹͋̿Ȇ̶͕.I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?
It.. should be a map, right? 

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may 30
anistar city, kalos
bee keeper
i know it's my fault, for breaking, falling apart, that's right
90 posts
mielle DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mielle
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2022 4:05:45 GMT
mielle Avatar



#1 Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?
A roserade or a meganium style would look nice~
#2 All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?
Oh goodness, I hope I don't have one ;A;
#3 Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?
Mmn.. It's a little too complicated for me to wrap my head around, but it sounds like an incredible feat, no? Dangerous, though.. what about the civilians in the other Hoenn?
#4 What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?
A blessing, should be. But.. if legendary were really all powerful.. why do they need humans?
#5 Why does you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?
The league, of course! The officers work really hard to keep everyone safe, and I think it's admirable, and important~

Living in fear is no way to live, after all~
#6 Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, The Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover.
Mm.. I can't say much about any of thees events. I'm sorry~.
#7 TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist CALLAN YOUNG and Lead Vocalist ADRIAN MALCOLM, from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favourite song and why?
I don't have one, but I'll listen to all of them right now to show my support ;u;
#8 Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?
Fate? I think fate exists, and I don't know what my destiny is. I just.. hope it puts me somewhere happy.
#9 What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?
I've already faced it, and I don't think it could get any worse. But because I said that, I'm prepared for things to take a horrible turn~.
#10 What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?
A lot of quality time, butterfly kisses, hang holding, pecks and a lot of affection~ 
#11 If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?
Combee, maybe? Is that a bit too on the nose?
#12 How do you feel about your own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?
Ah, I'd be alright with it. Actually.. I am quite happy with where I am right now. I could die happy right at this moment.
#13 How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?
Polite, supportive, and inclusive, just as my parents raised me. I've gotten complaints from others, however, about me being too physically affectionate? Does it make them uncomfortable, maybe?
#14 Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?
Oh, I've been learning hw to crochet! It's a very fun time killer
#15 What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?
(it looks like the answer has been written and scratched out a few times)
SUGGESTION. Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below.
No, this was fun!
R̵̖͎͐͐I̸͓͘ΙḒ̵̭͒D̷͈̀͌L̵̹͋̿Ȇ̶͕.I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?
Hmm.. Oh! I got it! Another world~

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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2022 4:23:10 GMT



#1 Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?
Cleffa might be cute.
#2 All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?
Bold of you to assume I haven't already defeated my rival.
#3 Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?
I don't agree, no. Isn't this the equivalent of dumping the trash in another yard? 
#4 What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?
... Maybe it's a bit of a curse. Wouldn't that amount of power invoke some sense of paranoia after some time? We've been living perfectly fine without avatars for a long time, I believe. Why do we need them now?
#5 Why does you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?
I support neither. I just want to support the people who are caught in the cross-fire. 
#6 Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, The Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover.
(many lines of differing feelings are written then scratched out multiple times)
#7 TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist CALLAN YOUNG and Lead Vocalist ADRIAN MALCOLM, from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favourite song and why?
... I enjoyed A Beautiful Lie a lot. I think it's the way it started? And the tempo it maintains throughout. 
#8 Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?
I don't know, and I don't care much for either. What matters is that we die in the end.
#9 What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?
Uncertainty in the future, and myself. or.. Instability. Yes, that's a more accurate way of describing it. 
#10 What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?
Physical intimacy is.. Foreign to me. I don't really have the time to think about it, either. 

(Hi, Nano speaking. She loves intimacy even though she'd be a tiny bit prickly at first. She'd love for nothing more than a good reading session under a heated blanket in the winters)
#11 If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?
Maybe mismagius.
#12 How do you feel about your own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?
I don't feel strongly either way. If I were to die tomorrow, then that's that and I'll take all my research with me.
#13 How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?
... Like a regular person? I suppose people will say I'm a little bit gloomy, or difficult to approach. I don't mind - I'm not much of a people person.
#14 Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?
Yes, I'm studying to become a nurse. 
#15 What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?
... I'm not sure. 
SUGGESTION. Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below.
R̵̖͎͐͐I̸͓͘ΙḒ̵̭͒D̷͈̀͌L̵̹͋̿Ȇ̶͕.I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?
A map. 

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Nov 24th
Neos City
Ex-Gym Leader
Lately I get the feeling nothing works cause we're cursed.
394 posts
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TAG WITH @xander
Xander Belmont
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2022 4:34:10 GMT
Xander Belmont Avatar



#1 Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?
Volcarona. I've had a special connection with them since my childhood.

A small sketch of the suit design is included at the bottom.

#2 All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?
My biggest rival is myself. I have a habit of getting in my head, and its held me back plenty in life and as a trainer.

#3 Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?
No, I don't. Those living in the other Hoenn have a right to life. They have people they love and bonds too precious to lose, just like we do. We shouldn't put an end to that because we're afraid. Sending the meteor to them is us giving in to that fear and running away.

And I'm tired of running.

#4 What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?

They're lucky and burdened with a heavy obligation. But I think some Avatars forget about the responsibility. They're too enraptured with power and prestige. The fact they've got a duty to the Pokemon blessing them falls by the wayside.

Not all of them are deserving either, though I guess that's not for me to decide.

If I'm honest, part of me is jealous, not of the fancy abilities or anything like that. I envy the trust - the deep bond with a legend. How different it must be from anything else in the world.

#5 Why do you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?
I side with the League because they're what's kept the world together. Rocket can make all sorts of promises about change and peace, but all they're doing is selling you snake oil.

#6 Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, The Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover.
None of them have impacted my life, honestly. I've not been in Hoenn that long, and until recently, I've kept out of trouble.

#7 TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist CALLAN YOUNG and Lead Vocalist ADRIAN MALCOLM, from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favourite song and why?
Been too busy to listen to music lately, but I've heard the one featuring . Whatever that one is called is my favorite.

#8 Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?
Both. We all have a purpose in this world, a destiny or whatever you want to call it. Whether or not you find it is an entirely different story. And that's where the free will comes in, I think.

#9 What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?
When I was ten, I died for a minute. My biggest fear is that my being saved was a mistake. That by being alive, I stole someone else's chance at life. The world needs balance, and it feels like I broke it sometimes.

I dunno what I'd do if that turned out to be true.

#10 What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?
Actions. You can talk about caring for someone until your last breath. It doesn't mean much if you don't put your money where your mouth is. I'm always there for those that matter, even if they don't ask me to be.

#11 If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?

#12 How do you feel about your own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?
It's a matter of time before the reaper catches up with me. We've brushed shoulders twice, and they've let me go. I don't think they'll be a third.

If I knew we'd meet tomorrow, I'd tell my family I loved them and paint one last picture.

#13 How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?
I dunno, I carry myself well? I'm a pretty closed-off person. My sister likes to joke that I'm as dry as a Palossand. Which might not be too far off. Frowning is my default, even if the situation isn't that bad. But I'm trying to change. It just takes time.

#14 Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?
I started taking archery lessons two months ago to impress this girl (). It's going...okay. Refreshing myself on all the archeology stuff my dad taught me is going a lot better.

#15 What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?
What I need most right now is someone to be there and listen. A person I can trust. I think I've found them, but only time will tell.


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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2022 8:32:43 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar




"Rumors say the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your own, and what would it look like?"


"I'll always have a soft spot for my Arcanine, Howitzer, so I guess it'd have a black-on-orange streak pattern with beige fur trim, as garrish as that sounds. I'll have to work on the idea, since my colors are red and black almost exclusively."


"All skilled trainers have a rival![break]Who's your rival and why?"


"I've never had a true rival that lasted, but I'm always getting caught up in some pissing match with . I hope he hears this."


"Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?"


"Ethics and morality makes me wish there was a better way, that they'd find one. My cynicism just hopes that their plan actually works, since we're all riding on their half-baked plan and a prayer."


"What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?"


"I've had firsthand encounters with avatars who brandish their gift without what I would call a conscience. I'm sure it's a blessing to those who wield it willfully and yet are granted protections by the League, but that places a burden on society. We shouldn't be weaponizing them in the first place."


"Why don't you support the League?"


"A long time ago, before the League failed me personally, I might've entertained the thought of joining them. Now, not so much. I can't stand with anyone who overlooks flagrant abuse of authority."


"How did the Blacephalon Attack on Slateport's Night Market affect you?"


"The Blacephalon attack during the New Year's celebrations was my first real taste of the troubles facing Hoenn, and I've tried hard to make sure I never feel so helpless if such a tragedy were to repeat itself. Which it already has several times over."


"TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist and Lead Vocalist , from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favorite and why?"


"Ha, that's funny... But I suppose Acid Rain is my favorite. Only because it was mostly an instrumental, so I'm really complimenting the way Callan Young brought it to life, and I wouldn't want to get caught patting myself on the back too much."


"Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is? Or would you like to know it?"


"Does it have to be so black-and-white? I believe in free will myself, but ultimately some things are always going to happen. Doesn't mean I would like to know when or how I'm going to go."


"What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?"


"Coincidentally, I've always had horrible nightmares involving large-scale disasters like insanely big bombs and meteors; widespread and inescapable casualties... I'll try not to look up, I guess."


"What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?"


"I'm a very intimate person, and more than a bit unchaste. I need someone who can play into my flirtatious nature, or at least abide it, otherwise it just won't really work out between us."


"If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?"


"I like to think of myself as a big, red Gyarados. Tenacious, if a bit unwieldy."


"How do you feel about your own human mortality? If you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do differently today?"


"It's something I try to avoid thinking deeply on, it psychs me out. It's like... the world may as well have ended, but it didn't really—but you're gone forever—you can't possibly conceive it."


"How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where'd they come from?"


"I'm a bit harsh and hard-headed, and some people might call me an asshole. Which I mean, maybe they are right, but fuck 'em..."[break](Shortens phonetics, e.g. -ing to -in', them to 'em, etc.)


"Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why does it interest you?"


"I've taken an interest in the Unown, and collected all of the known variants to see if I can figure out some of their more mysterious aspects, and to progress the ongoing Unown Report."


"What do you need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do you go about getting it from someone?"


"Attention and affection. I guess I'm likable enough, because these things come easy to me, but it's not really about getting it. If it wasn't there to begin with, then I wouldn't stick it out that long."


"Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below."


"When and why did you relocate to the Hoenn region? Do you regret that choice in light of any recent events? Why or why not?"


"I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?"


"I've heard this one before, not that I remember it. I'm sure I'll feel stupid when you tell me the answer... Yep, feelin' kinda stupid." (Map)

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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
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TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2022 0:58:24 GMT


Survey #1 [IC]

Does it have to resemble a pokemon? If it does...I guess Metagross (Melmetal in an AU where he has one already qq). But if not, I might be needing a tailor pretty soon.

Survey #2 [IC]

Could've given me a burn heal to go with that, damn. (Minus 10 Confidence Stat qq)

Survey #3 [IC]

Not exactly? But until anyone else comes up with a better idea, I don't think being critical of the plan will do us any good. I like to think someone'll think of something. With all this pressure, someone'll eventually make diamonds.

Survey #4 [IC]

A legendary pokemon with supernatural powers and responsibilities entrusts you with some of it's power? Sign me up. Though it's probably a lot more trouble than some of us realize. I mean, a lot of these pokemon shoulder a large responsibility in the cosmic scheme. Not really sure how they'll cope with the mortal coil we're accustomed to as lesser beings. Like, do they make time for you or you for them? I don't know, it's beyond me to really speak to any of this. I'd like to see more legendary pokemon, though! Well...assuming it's under better circumstances than usual. Haha... forehead sweats
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June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
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TAG WITH @pokejun2
Oliver Shrakes
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2022 1:24:43 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar


(Oliver is responding ICly.)

Survey #1

Yeah, I'm not convinced that this rumor is true. If it were, Dragonite based, with wings, orange-yellow color, and power and speed to spare.

Survey #2

I don't have one...I really should work with more rangers.

Survey #3

I don't completely approve. If we have the power to send it to another universe, surely we can keep it in this one and just send it around us and into the sun or another planet in the solar system.

Survey #4

I mean, who cares? It's no different than anything's how you use your power. It might be a little annoying having a legendary Pokemon in your head though.

Survey #5

I'm a ranger, so it should be obvious where I stand. My parents were killed by Rocket, as was countless other children's that escaped to Blackthorne Orphanage that my sister now runs. It ain't perfect, no government is, and it does seem like Hoenn needs a swift kick in the butt, but Rocket is just...evil all the way around.

Survey #6

They're the whole reason I was sent here from Johto, since my boss there figured Hoenn could use all the help they could get. From one example of the leadership on the ranger side things, I can see why.

Survey #7

I can't pick just one...and all the members are hot to boot...musical talent and good looks, they're going places!

Survey #8

Destiny may have a guiding hand...but overall, I think each person has their own choice on where to go.

Survey #9

Fears huh...probably being the last of my siblings to go. But at the same time, I wouldn't want any of my siblings to be the last to go...I don't want them or their loved ones to be alone...that's just heartbreaking. I don't have any idea what I would do in that case.

Survey #10

....where the hell do I begin? Where the hell do I end? I'm a hopeless romantic...dinner dates, movie theaters, holding hands, PDA, hugs, cuddles, and more...I can go all day on this one...

Survey #11

My best buddy, Dragonite

A perfect balance of temperment, power, kindless, and everything else. I would be honored to be represented by such a graceful Pokemon!

Survey #12

There's always a chance of death in my line of work. But if I knew that I wasn't going to be there the next day? Well...let's just say I'll like skip a few steps above and throw my hopeless romantic side out the window...

Survey #13

What can I say? I'm confident in what I do, I can be super sweet, and I don't take crap from anyone nor do I take kindly to incompetent people making a job harder than it should be. I do have an admittedly short temper with certain traits. I do like to party too! Though I also time that so I don't come into work with a hangover or anything. I like to think I have a good balance of fun and work.

Survey #14

I'm constantly learning on the job and the differences between here and Johto. I've had to catch a few Pokemon to plug up some holes in my abilities. That's part of why I like my just never know out in the field.

Survey #15

Everyone needs love and acceptance. Whether it be romantically, sibling, parent figures, whatever. And there's too many ways to get such affection to list it all. Sorry, but I can't get into it or this will be a huge ass article.

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2022 2:01:57 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar

passerby analytics hq.

survey answers

survey I

"oh, uh... the suit from the latest aqua assembly mission is my ideal suit! it was designed to look like one of golurks with glowing bits of what seems like mechanical life and these big gauntlets. for some reason, though, it wasn't the typical golurk colors? the glowing parts were pink. i think that suit is sort of... sliced up in the back, though."

survey II

"my rival? i don't really battle or compete much but... i suppose my biggest rival would be the idea i have of myself. maybe? i'm not really sure..."

survey III

"personally, yes. sea hoenn was... hostile. they wanted to use us for something. whether it was simply due to their contract with olivia abbiati or not is heresay but that doesn't make much of a difference in my mind. we were lucky, last time." she has to pause, has to reach for the scar on her back. "they will come back. they will attack us again and we won't be as lucky this time if we don't do something about it."

survey IV

"as someone who was an avatar, lost the powers and deity, and regained a small fraction of that power back... i think it's both a blessing and a curse. take bailey cooper, for example. her powers had been a welcome blessing until those very powers snuffed her out." she sighs. "i believe avatarship is a wonderful thing, especially considering the bond you feel with your deity. that doesn't, however, nullify the consequences of using powers not meant for us. don't get me wrong, i loved being the avatar for tapu lele but... it still brought some suffering i wasn't prepared for. so, i guess what i'm trying to say is i'm torn on this?"

survey V

"i suppose i support the league due to morals? i don't agree with the methods of team rocket but that's not to say i fully support everything the league does. i think there's a lot of grey area between good and evil. right and wrong depends on perspective and mine is... well, it's complicated right now."

survey VI

"the ultra beast war was, probably, one of the worst experiences i've had in hoenn. i lost a lot during those three days. love, avatarship, myself. it led to me leaving the region for a while to, well, process everything. some days... i wish i never went. and then i feel guilty for that because god, what if the people of meteor falls had been injured or worse because tapu lele and i weren't there? would things be different now if we didn't go? or if we went to a different warfront, even? it keeps me up at night, honestly."

survey VII

"the album is pretty good, actually! uh... if i had to pick? i guess there's something about betrayed by the game that resonates. the song with is amazing too, though!"

survey VIII

"oh, i definitely believe in fate." she lets out a soft laugh. "there's something so frustrating but... freeing about believing everything is fated. it's like knowing everything happens for a reason and feeling comfort in that concept. i don't know if i truly know what my destiny or fate is but... i'm sure i'll find out soon."

survey IX

"you want me to pick just one? god... there's a lot, unfortunately. ummm... i guess my biggest fear is abandonment? no-- wait, that's not quite right. well, that is one of them but the biggest one is never amounting to anything. like you know when you try and try and try and nothing ever gets any better or works? that kind of feeling is one of the big fears."

survey X

"quality time and words of affirmation, i think. truthfully, i'm a sucker for any displays of affection but just existing with the person you love is so calming for some reason... i think being shown and told i matter to the person i love is also a big thing for me. otherwise i'll just, you know, overthink it and assume the worst?"

survey XI

"if i could have a pokemon represent me? oh, definitely golurks!" her smile is proud, affectionate. "i think they're misunderstood creatures, you know? they're these massive, terrifying statues so full of life and yet, people are wary of them. i highly doubt anyone is exactly wary of me but i can relate to being misunderstood in a way. besides, they're actually super cute!"

survey XII

"the concept of mortality terrifies me, actually. it's uncomfortable to wonder if these will be your last moments. and if they are, what would you regret, you know?" she shifts awkwardly for a moment. "if today was my last day, though? i'd tell the people i love how i feel. fuck the thought of rejection if it's your last day, right?"

survey XIII

"i carry myself differently than i used to. before the ultra beast war, i was... very meek and uncertain of myself. now, i'm still uncertain of my path as everyone is but i'm more confident in my abilities and who i am. i'm still learning and still coming into my own person after past experiences but i'm no longer afraid of reaching for what i want, for the dreams i have."

survey XIV

"i'm currently researching the creation trio from sinnoh myths! i think after my distortion experience with ... i'm closer than where i started. i hope to see some results soon! oh, and i'm collaborating with on some of her research as well as working on some mew analysis."

survey XV

"i think humans and pokemon are not as different as we think. with pokemon, they're very instinctual creatures. humans are, as well, but with humans... we apply sentient thinking to every action. we consider past, present, and future as part of our thought processes while pokemon simply act in the moment. you know, that probably doesn't make much sense but... i don't quite know where i was going with this, i suppose."


no suggestions, just happy to be here c:


"a map."
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing