i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,062 posts
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 14:38:16 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
The present, so transient in its nature, yet so essential to the flow of time. Upon arriving at the terminal, the members of the ragtag group were greeted by a darkness that evoked a certain feeling of déjà vu, but before Andrea could comment on it, the scenery shifted to a domed, scale version of the Hoenn region.

A cataclysmic battle between the beings who controlled time and space broke out. Positively enthralled by the sight of the two legendaries and the unfathomable power they so effortlessly used, it took a few moments for the draconic cosplayer to realize that they were being held captive by a pair of giant appendages. Similar floating, white, disembodied hands surrounded their own group, like bosses from a certain video game. To make matter worse, a swarm of Unown released their Hidden Power in unison.

With Chomper still resting and Barron out of commission, Andrea reached for the third Pokéball she'd brought along for this journey, which contained her trusty Kangaskhan. One very large kangaroo wasn't enough to contest powers divine, though. Against the scientist's warnings, they'd have to fall back on the very power that supposedly threatened their dimension. Shuffling inside her own costume for a bit, her bare arm eventually came out of the head hole. The Mega Ring visibly worn around her middle finger shone with brilliant light.

"Missy, Mega Evolve!"

An enormous amount of energy coalesced around the oversized marsupial, solidifying in the form of an orb that quickly shattered. Rather than Kangaskhan's physical appearance being altered, the one to 'evolve' was her baby, rapidly aging into the adolescent stage of its development. No longer needing to stay inside the pouch, it jumped out, ready to fight alongside its mother.


The Mega-evolved Missy clenched her three-clawed fist and met one of the giant hands with her signature Mega Punch. Due to the earlier data loss, she and her child couldn't use their Parental Bond to its fullest potential, but the sheer boost in power that Mega Evolution provided should in theory be sufficient to even the odds.

Meanwhile, Andrea tried to outrun the Unown, a very risky maneuver that would require a lot of luck. Should it be successful, she would eventually reach the same screen was looking at, which displayed a nonsensical mess of textures that barely resembled a Pokémon. According to the Champion, it was a Donphan. The young PokéManiac squinted hard at it. "Hmmm, I was about to say Nidorina, but now that you mention it, it does look like Donphan!" She said.
//KANGASKHAN mega evolves
//MEGA KANGASKHAN uses MEGA PUNCH on one of the giant hands
//Andrea tries to reach the terminal's generator
//She agrees with 's answer of Donphan
//Mega evo. duration: 1/3


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2022 22:50:29 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Perhaps the almost otherworldly, horrifying, apocalyptic state of the sixth terminal should terrify him. Once, he probably would've nearly crumbled at the sight before him. Yet, he felt nothing.
Nothing at all.
Apathy filled his veins and fueled his thoughts. He was simply just following the herd, avoiding the hellfire from above. But weren't they all just pawns in all of this? Sheep to the slaughter, to those who ply the sword. Further spiraling into an abyssal end of existence. One that they had no chance of surviving. "..."
He had no reason to continue on, yet, something in him persisted. To continue on even though all of this was utterly pointless.
'It's a Mega Loppuny'. He thought internally. As he waited to see what everyone else would do.



+Apathic to the desolate future hellscape.
[break]+Follows everyone else and dodges the fire from above.[break]
+Figures out its a mega lopunny.[break]
+Waits for someone else to input the answer into the terminal.


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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2022 0:02:28 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Trevenant never faultered at the change of scenery. The celestial bodiesm, or anything else. You just had to take it in stride, and roll with the punches. Aaron stirred, and finally woke up. Seeing the new arena, and looking at the generator in the center, he pointed at it. Trevenant promptly walked over, weary of any traps or surprises. After being put down, he read the riddle even after the eggs started to hatch. The picture was interesting...closest thing he could he could guess was Magmar. Typing out his answer, the Unown hatched and started their assault.

Returning Trevenant, he let out Frillish, who then used Shadow Ball, sending black orbs at the psychic type Pokemon. He hoped he was right...and hopefully things won't go so horrifyingly wrong...

Personal Notes:

Frillish now knows only Hydro Pump, Destiny Bond, and Shadow Ball
Skarmary now knows only Slash, Drill Peck, and Body Press
Trevenant now knows only Wood Hammer, Phantom Force, and Leech Seed



Aaron finally woke up!
He guesses Magmar.
And returns Trevenant, brings out Frillish.
Who then counters with Shadow Ball at the Unown.

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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,527 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2022 1:31:24 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar



"oh, fuck off, mint," is her sharp parting gift for in the wake of his shitty joke. she gives him an icy look before she turns away and walks out of the main chamber.
in terminal six, the future is bleak. she steps past dead bodies with her hand hovering near her mouth, unsure how to digest the apocalyptic wasteland she's found herself in. dead legendaries, dead people, dead pokemon — countless lives lost fighting against a futile end. [break][break]
is this what that scientist imagines the origin point event will be? [break][break]
in the hollow space where her compassion used to be, a more selfish fear manifests. it creeps up her spine as she approaches the terminal's generator and the giant beast it's embedded into, settles somewhere in the back of her mind to compartmentalize for later. the next riddle appears on screen, a welcome distraction away from the death around her. [break][break]
"what is that?" she mumbles to herself, confused by the abstract picture displayed on the screen. a strange jellyfish pokemon floats up to the terminal, wearing 's face beneath its translucent skin, seemingly joined together. the elite four member draws a conclusion first and she can't help but steal a glance at the keyboard as the answer is given: klefki.
she looks at the image and reasons out that answer through the large swaths of gray speckled with pink. the colors in the middle do look like kleki's keys, somewhat. if she squints. kinda.
picks a different answer. aggravation flares inside her momentarily, subsiding as she recalls mint in terminal three. the legendary pokemon had targeted him for picking wrong — she hopes the same is true here, if it comes down to it. [break][break]
beams of light begin to rain from the sky, charring bare ground and incinerating the bodies strewn across the apocalyptic space. she flinches as one comes down nearby, too close to not feel the rumble beneath her feet. a few people have erected protections already, but the way her heart beats in her throat prompts her to call out her chesnaught. a hastily-given, "use spiky shield!" leaves her mouth as he materializes beside her.
chestnut slams his fists together and tangled, thorny vines begin to grow from his forearms, twisting together to create a round shield. he holds the spiky shield overhead like an umbrella as his trainer approaches the keyboard. [break][break]despite jellyfish!katherine's reassurances to the gathering crowd, she wants to cover her bases and submit an answer by her own hand. with a few quick taps, she puts in another klefki answer.
[attr="class","annalooc"] + tldr [break]

+ lets out chesnaught[break]
+ chesnaught uses spiky shield[break]
+ picks klefki[break]


[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]



[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]





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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,705 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2022 3:38:47 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

the darkness they ended up on didn’t startle her. the dome. the cloud. the colors that ran across what looked to be the network... that was a sight to behold. [break][break]

then, dialga and palkia materialized. digital renditions, but dialga’s attack was familiar, from her dream (historia), or whatever it had been. this was proof enough to her that it had been real in one way or another. [break][break]

she scrutinized the hands that came out of the void. the ring. white and gold. ”arceus?”[break][break]

if it existed, why was it doing this? why was it allowing this to happen?[break][break]

deciding against disturbing them while they were focused on each other, she went for the terminal. now that she’d made herself known, there was no point in hiding on the sidelines. she gestured towards it, alerting of she was still there.[break][break]

”eris, over there!”[break][break]

lulu rushed, switching out pokémon for her porygon to use disable on unown while they did their best to dodge. once again, was the quickest. she hadn’t even noticed him pass her. how was he already there?[break][break]

still making their way through a storm of unown, she glowered, watching him as he made the selection in the distance. so, now he was just making decisions for them.[break][break]

judging that there was likely little she could do in terms of battling hoenn’s champion without her patron all while fighting to survive against so many other threats, she seethed instead. looking up at the sky as she ran, she yelled up at whoever was listening, ”you’re just going to let him answer for all of us?!”[break][break]

but of course they were. it was the fault of the rest of them that they hadn’t gotten there first, wasn't it?[break][break]

what was done was done, right or not. there was no point in arguing, and no time to do so anyways. hopefully, they would make it to the terminal. hopefully, her porygon could retain a bit of information about what was going on around them, and they’d somehow make it out of this shitshow.[break][break]


• lost part of midsection, lower half of head[break]
• lost all sense of guilt and wrongdoing[break]
• alakazam is switched out for porygon[break]
• porygon uses disable on unown[break]
• just trying to make it to the terminal rly[break]
• used two salacs[break]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-poipole"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-alakazam"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-porygon-z"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,920 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2022 6:03:39 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The world of what could only be assumed to be the of Hoenn materialized before Josh, Saber, , and . Once the simulated environment was fully loaded, it resembled nothing short of a lifeless, post-apocalyptic world. Before he got so busy, Josh was into book series and video game series set in post-apocalyptic worlds. Nothing prepared him for quite this, though. While there was still plenty of breathable air on the black planet's surface despite there being no sign of an atmosphere, that was the only anomaly. Everything else about the environment seemed so incredibly real.

Josh guided his mount to what looked vaguely like Trainer Hill, where his Minor League Gym stood. Not one trace of it remained; the rivers composing his aquatic course, and even the entire lake feeding them, were bone dry. Every step he took on the black earth sounded like he was stepping on concrete. The only light sources on the planet were what could only be described as spears of light the size of buildings. His eyes, and those of his trusty electric steed, began to water, the first tears making a fizzing sound as they splashed the ground beneath him. Thoughts raced through the racer's mind as to what could have possibly caused this future to occur. "Where are we?" he asked the two whose lives he had attempted to save, his voice anything but the usual chipper tone.

Josh squeezed Saber's sides and tugged at the Manectric's reins, but the electric wolf refused to go any faster than a somber walk. As the two traveled by one of the spears embedded in the ground, he saw the bodies of a Xerneas, Kyogre, and Groudon, the last of which dangled from the spear's shaft. Both Josh's and Saber's bodies began involuntarily and uncontrollably shaking, their eyes both watering now. Faint fizzing noises became more frequent as the two walked on. Articuno, Lugia, Giratina...corpse after corpse of Pokémon considered to be gods. There was a distinct pattern to the angles the spears of light impaled them at, too: every single one passed right through the Pokémon's heart, presumably killing them instantly. Each spear was placed with surgical precision.

The spears seemed to grow more and more dense in formation as the two sighted a terminal not unlike the one he saw the realistic hologram of Raikou at before. These images, though, were of even higher, almost lifelike resolution. He was uncertain: was this just a digital facsimile, or was this a real Hoenn Maldacena had transported him to, some unknown amount of time in the future? Celebi was a mischievous mistress of time for certain, and that and the Timelord, Dialga, were the only Pokémon he knew of with this kind of power. What if one of those was on this Maldacena's side? There were too many what ifs; all the two could do was press on, the fizzing of their tears against the ground a near-constant.

As the two crested Trainer Hill and located the terminal now in plain sight, the sheer scale of the destruction came into view. The first thing he saw was the Great One, Ho-oh, impaled upon yet another spear of light, both its wings pierced and held into place by two other spears. "You too?!" Josh shouted as Saber bolted toward the deceased rainbow phoenix. "There's no way. No way. NO WAY. NO WAY! What could have done this to you, Great One?!" The benevolent bird god of Johto, his home region's deity, slain with a trio of spears of light. It seemed impossible. Josh could not fathom the kind of power needed to slay one god, let alone the dozens of gods that met their demise in what was clearly a battle that ended not just all life on Hoenn, but the entire world...and the entire multiverse, if this Maldacena figure was to be believed. "IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, YOU ASSHOLE, I WANT ANSWERS!" he screamed.

Once Saber had slid down the hill, the terminal was almost there. What he saw next caused the Manectric to make an uncommanded stop, followed by a traumatizing-sounding howl. He slowly turned his head to his right, and saw nine more spears. The first suspended the corpse of Beast of the North Wind, Suicune, to a cliff face near the entrance to the Great Desert...though all of Hoenn in its current state might as well be a Great Desert. Entei's corpse was nearby as well, similarly suspended. Josh's jaw hung wide open as Saber started to turn back toward the terminal, letting out cries of protest. The Manectric clearly wanted Josh to stop looking at the fallen Pokémon. But it was too late. His eyes continued to shift right, and there it was.

Raikou, the legendary Pokémon Josh idolized.

Struck through the rib cage and slain in a single blow. Six smaller spears of light surrounded the body of the fastest land Pokémon in the world. Each one of them was centered around a mutilated corpse that would have been difficult to recognize if Josh wasn't intimately familiar with the species. In a semicircle surrounding the electric Legendary's body were a barely recognizable Dragonair, Absol, Gogoat, Skarmory, male Pyroar, and lastly, a Manectric.

Those were Josh's Pokémon.

In this future, Josh had given up the lives of all six of his closest Pokémon in an effort to protect the Pokémon he worshiped above all else.

And he had failed.


"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" he started screaming at the top of his lungs, Saber immediately galloping away from the site where the Johto trio met their gruesome demise. While seeing two different Sabers tipped Josh off that this was another simulation despite the lifelike resolution, it didn't make things any easier on him. "WRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHH!!!"

That last scream hurt. Not just emotionally, but physically. "Whoever you are, I refuse to believe that this is our future!" He kept his voice raised, even though it was causing him physical pain to vent his despair. "I know I cannot change the past. I know I cannot change the present. BUT I KNOW I CAN CHANGE THE FUTURE! And don't you believe for ONE SECOND that this is the future of the Hoenn I know! There is only one person that decides MY future. AND THAT'S ME! NOT SOME POMPOUS ASSHOLE LIKE YOU! I would rather DIE PROTECTING HOENN than wake up to one that looks like this! YOU HEAR ME?! CAN YOU HEAR ME OUT THERE?! CAN YOU?! UNTIL I--"

Josh's monologue was interrupted as meteor-like pillars of light rained down from the heavens. Saber instinctively bucked his rider off to save him from being his own expense. The electric wolf let out an otherworldly howl as the force of the impact dislocated his tail. Even just a graze was enough to instantly down him. "Saber, NO!" he recalled his fallen Pokémon and released his final Pokémon, Twilight the Absol, who immediately took off toward the terminal. Both of them kept their eyes toward the skies, looking out for pillars of light in the path. If just a graze was enough to knock Saber out, one direct hit would spell the end for them.

When the two had reached the terminal, Josh stared at the scrambled Pokémon image. On top of his indecision, he was not at all thinking straight. After entering in five different Pokémon and changing his mind, he settled on his final answer of GIARTINA and pressed the Submit button, not realizing his typographical error.


{WC: 1,270}
{PC: 7}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Josh          Human          Poor
Resheph       Dragonair      KO
Twilight      Absol          Good
Saber         Manectric      KO


- Current data loss: Entire right arm; CONFIDENCE replaced with INDECISION. All Pokémon have lost all Abillities.
- Josh materializes in the post-apocalyptic world astride his Manectric, alongside and . He recognizes the landscape of his Gym but there is no sign of the facility anywhere. Only pure devastation.
- Despite being commanded to go faster, Josh's Manectric refuses to listen to him, instead solemnly carrying him past Legendary corpse after Legendary corpse, all assassinated with surgical precision.
- Josh finds Ho-oh's corpse and begins to collapse mentally.
- His mental collapse peaks as he finds the corpses of not only Raikou, but his six closest Pokémon (including a Gogoat I plan to acquire for him at a later date.)
- Destruction rains from the heavens!
- Josh's Manectric bucks him off to save him from being struck by a spear. Just a graze is enough to knock the Manectric out in a single hit.
- Josh races toward the terminal on his Absol, and enters GIARTINA as his answer (emphasis that this is misspelled.)

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2022 8:55:32 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Only narrowly avoiding 's SLUDGE WAVE in his haste to be free of , Gavin finds himself in an unfamiliar, unsettling reality. Naught but a glowing staircase within the void to guide them forward, and Gavin ascends with the rest. Blessedly, there are no signs of those who'd sought to pursue him among the gathered crowd; and present potential problems should they choose to fight, but they'd not been among the number to support Silph's initial attempt.

There are many Rockets here, too, and he's comforted by their presence even if they may offer no aid among suspicious company. Of their number, only remains outside of Rocket's top brass, but Gavin still acknowledges the younger man with an affirming nod should their eyes meet. It's to Klaus he's standing closest when the thing beneath them stirs from its slumber.

"The hell is that?"

It's gone before he can begin to formulate an idea of its dimensions.

He's not sure what to make of the Eggs it leaves behind. Though his family were patrons of the Church of Arceus and he'd heard all the scripture in his youth, such imprints of memory fade with time and disinterest, and so he makes no connections.

The Unown that swarm the eggs are of much more interest to him, as well as the terminal they've come here to find. He's about halfway there when a searing HIDDEN POWER narrowly misses his head, firing off across his shoulder as he ducks. It reminds him of Father Winter's game, the hellish reality he'd been sent to in Granite Cave, but there's no time to process those traumas as he's forced to dodge an onslaught of attacks. Returning his DHELMISE, Gavin replaces it with a Cryogonal who sticks close to him like an icy shield, its BANEFUL BUNKER hopefully protecting the underboss from the worst attacks.

Reaching the terminal, the colours of Magikarp and Fennekin come to mind. But when inputs MAGMAR as the decision, Gavin squints at it and tilts his head.

"Yeah. Yeah, I think I can see that."

He trusts in his friend, and doesn't input another answer.


We vibing with Beta Arceus while being vaguely unsettled; hi
SHADOW CRYOGONAL uses BANEFUL BUNKER and sticks close to Gavin to shield from HIDDEN POWER (we hope)
Gavin agrees with about MAGMAR and doesn't input another answer

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played by


october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
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TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2022 9:21:01 GMT
Scores of legendary pokemon litter the ruins like soldiers that fell in battle. Many are familiar. Others are not.

The one possessing a terminal is the former. It's Hoopa Unbound, and why the beast didn't choose to escape this apocalypse via one of it's portals perplexes Derek to no end. Surely it could have gone somewhere.

And it was too bad they couldn't see whether it was the meteor that did this or not. He came in here for answers, but wound up with more questions. Go figure.

Agreeing with Katherine, he moves closer while everyone begins to throw up some form of shielding. Releasing his Metagross, Derek commands it to blast away the nearing meteor(s) with it's LIGHT OF RUIN. While everyone gathers close for protection, he puts in his vote, hoping that the flood of correct answers causes the mayhem to cease in it's tracks.


- Derek summons Metagross!
- Metagross nukes the Meteor(s) w/ Light of Ruin!
- Derek puts in "Klefki" as well for his final answer!
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played by


leo, leon
september 30th
rustboro city, hoenn
demirom. bisex.
ceo, inventor
save a little
love for me
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
i wish i were better, i wish i had strength. i wish i had anything to prove i was brave.
468 posts
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TAG WITH @leonidas
Leonidas Stone
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2022 19:37:42 GMT
Leonidas Stone Avatar

”...You’re full of shit if you’re seriously saying that.”[break][break]

The words in themselves were enveloped within a depth of flatness, and yet despite as such, there had also been a touch of…annoyance? Impatience, perhaps? Something of the ilk had mingled within what little speech he had to offer, and though he had little more than honesty to convey, there had still been a sense of irk that continuously resonated within the back of his mind within the midst of his response.[break][break]

A spark of distaste ignited within his eyes, its furor combusting within a flame of malice before long. For but a brief moment did he pinch fingertip and fingertip against either one of his temples, rubbing them as an auburn blaze directed himself further from the reflection beneath him in favor of viewing the path ahead once more. Softly, a vague, sighing hiss escaped his lips in tandem to an absentminded, inaudible murmur; a further gesture of his frustrations.[break][break]

Why had he said what he did?[break]
…And as foreign as it felt, why couldn’t he quite pinpoint the reason for its foreign nature?[break][break]

Questions left to silent thought, truthfully speaking, and naught more. Within common scenarios, he would’ve normally apologized for his impolite commentary—a sort of commentary that seldom happened, altogether—yet as he progressed along to the next terminal, the void that had settled itself within the unnerving emptiness clouding his mind, and he couldn’t find it within himself to bother thinking upon it much longer.[break][break]

Especially not with the shifting within the spaces around him as he progressed forward.[break][break]

An amber glare had transitioned from clone to path; from path to surroundings. As the very cosmos began surging within their energies and formations around them, he couldn’t help but eye idly in what he could only describe as awe, despite the rather lackluster feeling maintaining such a vice grip upon his soul. It had truly been a sight to behold, but of course, his attentions had been brought elsewhere as the scenery only changed further and further, and with faintly widened eyes did he bear witness to the beast before them within the few moments prior to its vanishing, altogether.[break][break]

He hadn’t the time nor drive to bother gazing towards the terminal as the room ran amok with Unown upon Unown, and with a crease of tensed exasperation against the edge of his lips, he gave a whistle towards his drake (as put off and concerned as he was by his trainer’s change in demeanor) in summoning while giving the occasional glance towards the terminal screen as someone seemed to be on it already.[break][break]

Oranges and golds; whites and blacks.[break]
A number of Pokemon came to mind, but there had only one had come to mind soon enough.[break][break]

It had been hard to catch a proper, thorough glimpse amidst the chaos that had so swiftly embarked upon them, but upon noting the ebon strip within the center of the file, as well as the entry that the man afar seemed to make, he found that his guess had also been shared.[break][break]

Hopefully it was right.[break][break]

”Another Hurricane, Orion,” he called out, directing his attention towards the wyvern by him. His brows furrowed as he found himself met with a gaze of debate and confusion; a clear evidence of doubt within the face of an unknown man, seemingly enough.[break][break]

A low sigh amidst rapid glances around escaped his lips before he raised his voice.[break][break]

”We don’t have time for this— it’s either us or them!” he snapped, seemingly earning enough recognition to bring the drake to movement. Hurricane! Get as many of the fuckers as possible…!”[break][break]




  • leo's pre-hoenn memories, optimism, and sympathy + empathy have all been nixed.
  • ADDENDUM: in this post, orion (noivern) starts off under the effects of double team and NOT dragon dance. looked at the wrong pokemon in my last post
  • hears 's responses; calls bullshit on instinct
  • watches the terminal pathway begin changing; immediately on high alert upon seeing the creature + eggs
  • glances at the terminal and has his guess, but goes on the offensive, instead, after noting have the same answer. let's get this bread, magmar
  • orion (noivern, eva. x2) uses hurricane on the swarms of unown. full force this time, but if they can be grouped up again to help others hit, all the better


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played by

Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,667 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2022 23:10:08 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo ran: to get away from the ensuing battle, to get out of wherever they'd been brought, to get away from everything. He ran from the stomping sounds of 's Trevenant, to avoid getting caught in 's Sludge Wave.

And all it got him was to lose his footing. Not from falling off the edge - his Beheeyem made sure of that - but just from the path itself. He floated for a brief moment, clinging tightly to his Beheeyem, but once he felt solid ground again, he continued on his mad dash as many confusing and terrifying sounds rang out.

At the end of the staircase, a chill ran through his spine. It sounded like there was something grand in front of him - but he didn't know what it was.

With that moment of silence, his Beheeyem was able to act. And with little other recourse, he had to pull out his strongest tool: several lines of psychic energy grew from the colored dots on his hand, flying towards his head and connecting - then flying towards Hideo's head. The moment a connection was made with the boy, the lines dissipated, as if the Z-move had never been done.

Hideo didn't feel anything from it, but the connection had been made: the Psionic Sensory Sharing was complete - and he became aware of the strange creature ahead of them, even if he didn't have any idea what it was.

It also made him aware of the terminal - and that was already working on it, though he didn't have any idea what was on there. And more importantly, he was aware of the hundreds of Unown that were here.

And were now attacking them.

Of course, he didn't know why he was aware of all this, but the last part caught his attention the most: they were being shot at by Unown.

The same Pokemon that kept appearing in that dream mist.

The same Pokemon he'd been attacked by all the way back during the museum incident.

The ones that made his Ariados disappear.

A single hit would make it happen again.

A single blast would make Elga disappear.

He would lose Elga.

Just like how he lost Squeeze.

His hold over his Beheeyem tightened into a vice grip, his body trembling as tears dripped from his eyes.

He didn't know if he'd moved his legs on his own or his Beheeyem had lightly prodded him, but the moment he budged, he bolted, trying his damndest to get away from the Unown. At the very least, he was headed towards other people this time - his Beheeyem had made sure to prod him in that direction.

In particular, towards , who had also been around during the incident at the museum.


Beheeyem uses Z-move Psionic Sensory Sharing so Hideo has an idea what's going on
Just let everyone else solve the puzzle
Hideo getting some flashbacks of Ranger Raid
Haha panic machine go brrrrrrr
Running towards

PSIONIC SENSORY SHARING: Beheeyem psychically links the senses of another nearby living creature, linking their consciousnesses so that they can be aware of what the other sees or hears and vice-versa. this effect lasts up to THREE POSTS.

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played by


november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2022 16:45:33 GMT

it is a sight to witness even if it is simulated. it holds his attention for moments before he looks away to focus on familiar faces. again, he sees the likes of and and other unkowns that he might as well consider rocket, and while the urge to strike does rise, he knows they have more pressing matters at hand.[break][break]

he steps up next to and and urges the group to look up.[break][break]

"well, 's solved it, so let's deal with these fucking unowns."[break][break]

the HIDDEN POWERS are buffeted back with a rushing HURRICANE that looks to redirect them away. he hopes a few of them would stray and hit or but he doesn't put in the extra effort to ensure it.[break][break]

he looks over at the others to see if anyone in particular needs help.[break][break]


- using ONE SALAC.[break]
- trusts kyle to have correctly solved the riddle.[break]
- stands next to penny and nagi.[break]
- CHARIZARD using HURRICANE to buffet back the HIDDEN POWERS.[break]

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-charizard color-shiny"]

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[newclass=".sixeyes .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2022 17:00:54 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar

She felt like a guide Pokemon, and that was ok. What wasn't ok was the scenery that she and came upon. This was the future? She halts a moment, forgetting to warn Alexei of the sudden stop before jerking back into awareness. "...Sorry, I...I was just a little frightened." Her lie was easy. What came next would not.

Hand on Alexei's arm, she started to walk. In the chaos of everything else, she walked, short barks of words to inform Alexei before they had to walk over a bump. She felt no need to inform him what these bumps were.

She saw herself, in a flash of recognition. She was still whole, with one of those spears pierced through her body...of course, through her chest, where she still felt the bite in her nightmares. Something else familiar lay near too, something that reminded her of the Tree of Life, but in Pokemon form. Could it be? No matter. She had already died once, and she would forever never allow a second death. Would never allow her Ekans to lay next to her, destroyed. Would never allow her family the same fate. She squeezed Alexei's arm as if to keep him close...and if that meant some friends who were not really friends had to go, she'd be fine with that.

As the riddle was typed in, Kaida nodded, speaking out loud. "Yes, Klefki. Mischevious, closes and opens doors." She wondered if that meant something?

Not that she had long to ponder, as more attacks rained from the sky as scarlet howling. It seemed hot war had found her again. "Alexei! Protect ourselves!" She fumbled, the only one who's memories were still intact, trying to remember where he had gotten those elusive feathers. She didn't ask, pushing his hand around it as she pointed it upwards, "Make the wind, hurry!"

Her second hand fumbled for her Pokeballs, managing to return Yamega and release her arachnid companion, the Araquanid that immediately put up a Wide Guard. Her gaze shot around, fixing on as she made a decision. Alexei didn't need a friend that wasn't a friend, did he? Should he come near, he'd find Kaida ready to shove him out.


TLDR: Kaida leads into the future, trying to follow while also trying her best to not let him know what's all around them. She sees herself and Xerneas, and very much wants to prevent this death. She answers to herself what the riddle is: Klefki before the meteors fall. Remembering the wind Alexei summoned, she makes him grab a feather and points it up, while also switching her Pokemon for Araquanid to use Wide Guard...should Memo be nearby, she denies the protection to him.

Pokemon: Ekans: Male, Shed Skin. Bite, Glare, Acid Spray, Stockpile, Giga Drain, Swallow. Has Z-move Rattlesnake!
Yamega: Female, Speed Boost. Ancientpower, Uproar, Detect, Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Double Team. Can use Z-move Overspeed!
Araquanid: Male, Water Bubble. Soak, Wide Guard, Mirror Coat, Bubble Beam, Leech Life, Aqua Ring.

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played by


illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2022 18:49:04 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]the scene that unfolds...

is desolate. bleak. ruins.

and somehow, it's beautiful in a way that can only be described as the end of times.

muted eyes travel along the carnage. bodies of legendaries are skewered, empty husks of former glory. her eyes linger on the body of tapu lele longer than they should. would the future for the island deity change if she was still with it?

no... she knows it wouldn't. and somehow, that doesn't bother her as it used to. emptiness doesn't exist in the realization... only acceptance.

there is a sense of relief, though, when she doesn't see the torn body of palkia among the masses. it's safe, whole, breathing.

and it's still out there for her to find.

the terminal's power source is housed in the mangled body of a terrible creature.

she remembers it from a nightmare, from cold sweats and phantom feelings of loss. she shivers slightly with just a look at it as if it's only playing dead for the moment.

a swap of pokemon saves her pastel pony from the horrors in front of them. and in its place comes a massive dragon. the salamence snorts, dust already beginning to irritate its nostrils.

her head tilts up, then, as meteors begin to fall. judgement is upon them.

"protect," she barks, stepping closer to the salamence and beginning to climb on its back. the shimmering dome of protect falls around them and they hunker down against the meteors as they solve the riddle with an answer has already typed: klefki.

cyberchase conundrum.

tl;dr |
- missing half of torso & shoulder
- forgets memory of after silph co hire
- forgets memory of aqua assembly pt 2 & sea hoenn fight
- loses her empathy
- loses her insecurity
- loses her caution
- klefki is her answer
- swaps galarian ponyta for salamence
- salamence uses protect

[newclass=.illeana] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,909 posts
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TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2022 19:50:01 GMT

Penelope sucked in a harsh breath as the stimulation took flight, bathing the group's surroundings in a spectical of lights and sounds. Rather than curiosity, unease contorted her stomach, writhing her insides til they bled. What were they witnessing right now? What did it truly mean?
Reality became a hard pill to swallow when it involved massive, region-wide destruction.
Digging her fingers into her arms, the woman hunched forward to avoid further watching the display play out. Maybe could just tell her about it later.
Unfortunately, her wishes to keep her head plunged into the sand didn't last for long, as approached. Like a student facing the instructions of a teacher, she abided by his urging to look up.
Releasing Garlic, her feral Garchomp, from his cage, the woman gave soft directives to help aid the Charizard. The pokemon was a bit taken back by the lack of confidence, but listened regardless.
Taking on the opposing side, a TWISTER of draconic energy emerged, redirecting another swarm of hovering appendages. It's reckless natures failed to ensure this redirection wouldn't endanger another party member.
As this all occured, Penelope stepped closer to , covering the side of her mouth with the back of her right hand. "What should we do?"


[attr="class","ooc"] [break]
- turns away from the vision thingy[break]
- redirects the unknowns and HIDDEN POWER with her garchomp's TWISTER[breAk]
- Penelope Reverted to teenage Penelope[break]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-garchomp"]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2022 20:48:48 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


You're either perfect, or you're not me.

The man looked around as he arrived at the Terminal of the past, the world around him going crazy as they were all (somewhat literally, he noted as his feet took off the ground) launched straight into a Big Bang-esque, almost cinematic experience, the literal universe surrounding them and rapidly speeding through its history for them to witness.

"Living up to its name so far." The fearless agent said, arms on his hips as the world slowly began to make just a little more sense, the group getting dumped in front of a set of holy-ish looking staircases.

Without a second thought, the agent swaggered his way up, his gaze observing the beauty of the young cosmos around them.

As they reached the end of the stairs, an intricate platform stretches out before them, incomprehensible symbols etched upon it with light.

And from it... an ungodly thing sprung, massive and staring upon them with voids for eyes. They had not even looked into the abyss, and it was already glaring back.

Fortunately, no matter how much he looked it in the eye, he could not find a single fuck to give.

"Hail, creature. Enemy or ally?" He asked simply. It responded by summoning a bunch of eggs. "That does not tell me anything."

As if to respond further, a veritable army of unknown appeared and began blasting at them and providing him with a much clearer answer.

"A poor choice." He said as he held his hand over his chest and opened his palm wide. A sword flew out of his shadow and into his grip, and he swung it immediately as he leapt back, repelling a blast of hidden power as the attack began.

But the battle began in earnest only once their newest task was revealed. A color matching puzzle.

"Riveting." The super agent said, blowing his breath on his sun glasses before wiping them clean, staring at the puzzle blankly. "Magmar."

He said it out-loud since everyone else remained silent. The past few terminals had gone poorly due to a few falling out of line from the group. had not been wrong about that, no matter what the people insisted. Best if everyone was on the same page.

"Hn? Ah, Young Hideo." He said as he slashed at another blast of Hidden Power, his eyes inevitably finding and his Beheeyem as they rushed for him. How rare. Usually they were running literally anywhere else, getting themselves in trouble. "Uncharacteristically wise of you, but not unappreciated. Stick close- I'm moving to the terminal."

Galatine's sword grew to massive size before the man began to swing it about in a flurry of graceful swordsmanship, his injured body and sore muscles protesting the effort and going completely ignored by the self-assured knight as he cut a bloody swath to the terminal.

As he reached it, he typed out his answer and then grabbed Hideo closer.

"You as well." He insisted.


-He saunters into TERMINAL 04.
-fuggs.exe not found
-wazzup Cthulhu! u m'homie or m'beef?
-he chose beef.
-cuts a path to the terminal with .
-types out 'Magmar' as a response.
-tells Hideo to do the same.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing