i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,522 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON May 9, 2023 2:39:35 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]S.P.E.C.T.R.A. TRINITY TRIALS


MAY 1 - JUNE 30

🎼 Ternary Game | Zero Escape: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors | Shinji Hosoe



YOU HAVE COME HERE FOR ONE REASON: S.P.E.C.T.R.A. You have elected to pit yourself against the Legendaries and Avatars that would stand in Rocket's way of success.[break][break]

For everything is for the glory of Team Rocket.[break][break]

The initial evaluations, in individual clinical rooms, are simple. Health exams. Psychological exams. A basic questionnaire. You pass enough to make it this far. An officious-looking woman leads you further into the training rooms of the submarine, saying nothing as you follow.[break][break]

You feel unseen eyes fall upon you as the sliding doors open, revealing an auditorium filled with monitors and screens. A cold, monotone voice echoes in the hollowness of your surroundings:[break][break]



Among you, and would notably recognize this room as the S.P.E.C.T.R.A. HOLO-DECK.

Your name joins a multitude of others on the screen, next to headshots of your fellow initiates. Ranks, specialties, and Pokemon are likewise stated beside each name.[break][break]

Being listed like this feels strangely like being a number, and not a person. Something disposable.[break][break][break]


The distant gleam of cameras ensures you notice that you are being watched. There is no moment's reprieve from the scrutiny of the upper decks, where your evaluators will judge you in distant silence. Removed like indifferent gods, entertained by mortal affairs.[break][break]

The implication here is clear: the only people you can rely on here are yourself, and your fellow initiates.


PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY to understand the expectations of this event.[break][break]

  • Teams of THREE will be set at the mod's (Scarlet) discretion. If you have concerns about pairings, please DM Scarlet ahead of time.
  • Interactions during this megathread will be monitored in the designing of these teams.
  • AFK behavior and low activity in this megathread may lead to a character's dismissal from the event overall.
  • Please provide a TL;DR with each post.
  • You may post multiple times in a single round, but be courteous of others.
  • You may have ONE Pokemon out at a time from your sign-up list.
  • Please be respectful of thread partners and trust one another in the storytelling process.
  • If you are stuck, please consider the optional prompts at the end of each round when moving forward.


More rules may come as this megathread continues.


YOU MAY USE THE FOLLOWING OPTIONAL GUIDELINES to help forward round one of the event.[break][break]
  • Introduce yourself to another initiate.
  • Recognize another Rocket initiate displayed on the monitors, or muse over one you are unfamiliar with.
  • Discuss the S.P.E.C.T.R.A. initiative and posit theories of what to expect.
  • Examine the cameras, and comment on the unseen people watching you.


[break]SATURDAY May 13, 12:00AM EST.

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played by


March 6th
Nimbasa City
5'7 height
5'7 height
Look to the future, see in it everything you've ever wanted. Now find the strength to grab it.
514 posts
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TAG WITH @flood
Xenon Antheil
POSTED ON May 9, 2023 3:34:53 GMT
Xenon Antheil Avatar

The room fills with nameless Grunts as time goes on, she's smack dab in the middle of the flow as she enters the featureless room with a carefree grin on her features. Her arms are crossed behind her head as she looks around, carefully analyzing each and every face in the room. But the most important thing is the cameras scanning around, watching them, watching her most importantly. Like being in one of those punkass reality TV shows, she was sure that the judges were already picking their favorites before the trials even began.
Well, time to grab the audience by the throat then huh?
"ALRIGHT YOU PRIMITIVE MORONS, ALL EYES ON ME!" She screams as she summons Rhodium from its Pokeball and hops up onto its back. The duo ascend into the air as mechanical god and master, placing themselves above everyone else from step 1. "Most of you losers are gonna flunk out, but I wanna make something clear! If you try and cling onto my coattails, you better be pushing me up so that the whole future can see my ultramodern sensibilities! Cause if you try and drag me down with you, I swear to robo-Arceus I'm gonna bite your fucking faces off and shove them into the empty cavity that is your skull!" One look at her would tell anyone that she absolutely was not joking when she said that, nor was she exaggerating or using hyperbole in any way. This woman was absolutely crazy enough to do exactly what she said, nothing more and nothing less.
And with that, the Iron Jugulis descends back to the ground and she relaxes on its back whilst she waits for the fun to start.





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Black Dog
November 9th
Ecruteak City
5'3" and 1/2 height
5'3" and 1/2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
471 posts
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TAG WITH @hitoshi
Hitoshi Inoue
POSTED ON May 9, 2023 3:48:22 GMT
Hitoshi Inoue Avatar
While one woman makes a speech, another grunt peels off from the crowd. He makes for the camera. Walking right up to it, he has the demeanor of a dog sniffing a nannycam. Examining it curiously, he pokes it, prods it, looks right into the lens and smiles.[break]
"Oooooiii! Come on! Start the fight already! Talking's boring!" He pouts, realizing that he is, in fact, forced to talk to these people - rely on them. He's never been one for relying on others. A lone wolf, although he's never given much thought to whether that's by necessity or deliberate decision.[break]
That girl's manner of speech gives him a headache. There's a twinge of annoyance at the corner of his lips. Turning back towards her, a growl builds in his throat.[break]
"Anyone ever told you that you're one crazy bitch?" Says the pot to the kettle.
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played by


August 29th
Team Rocket
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,103 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
POSTED ON May 9, 2023 4:03:46 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

There were a lot of thoughts that ran through Kouji’s mind as he walked in, his mind was on battle, but he knew better; beaten by an army of pokemon in a false dimension, outsmarted by a brat, pushed down again and again.
He gripped the knife in his pocket as he pushed his way past Xenon, making sure to bump his shoulders against hers, he stepped in front of that other loud mouth, Hitoshi. ”I have.” A soft whisper he let go as he passed him, that was all, that was anything, and everything he needed to say.
Confidence was pointless, and yet at the same time he wanted to show as much as possible, the inability to decide on either annoyed him. The thoughts that raced in his mind, S.P.E.C.T.R.A, it was his opportunity to bite back at those monsters, to go further, to do more than he had managed to do before.
”You guys are too loud, that’s how you get put down.”







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may 15
5'10" height
5'10" height
Give some supportance to the bending twigs.
622 posts
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TAG WITH @elijah
elijah gardner
POSTED ON May 9, 2023 5:15:06 GMT
elijah gardner Avatar

elijah leans against the tough, speckled hide of his victreebel's tummy. his eyes are closed, tired slits above hardened crossed arms. there is no use. the barking and clamor is too loud, too proud to ignore. he understands their zeal, however. he's here to prove himself too. [break][break]

to . to . to and anyone else watching. but he is unaware of his own gaze turned darkly inward.[break][break]

"the musclehead's right." elijah says after . "rocket likes putting people in their place more than anything else."[break][break]

he cracks an eye open. his arched brow cinches his critical stare in place.[break][break]

"better be able to back your shit up." his victreebel shrieks and shakes its vines.



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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
738 posts
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
Shred Zeppelin
POSTED ON May 9, 2023 6:51:02 GMT
Shred Zeppelin Avatar
You've been the plenty of parties in your day, and this one has the worst vibes of them all.

Granted, this isn't really a "party", not in the traditional sense. Sure, there's plenty of bright lights and eager bodies in the room, but nobody is here for a good time. This is all business and no pleasure. It's akin to a school test, or a job interview, or maybe some kind of laboratory experiment. The higher-ups are here to spy on you like your Mankey in a laboratory, and it seems your peers are all too eager to ape out, so to speak. You're sure that if the cameras weren't there, most of them would already be smacking each other about the place. Hell, you'd be tempted to smack them too. There's some proper knackers among them that you wouldn't mind giving a kick in the hole.

Alas, that kind of behaviour seems liable to get you booted from the project. You're not really sure what this "S.P.E.C.T.R.A" stuff is all about, but you know a ladder when you see one, and this is definitely a ladder. This is your easy way up the ranks, the quick path to getting everything you'll need for that run at the Hoenn Championship, and if you've got to deal with some rowdy grunts and pseudononsense about so-called "legendary" Pokemon to get there? So be it.

...No, this isn't selling out. This is entirely different. Don't get it twisted - Just because you're playing along with the bigwigs and the higher-ups, that doesn't make you their lapdog. No, you're still the same old wild beast on the inside. Putting on sheep's clothing doesn't change that.

Still, "not getting kicked out" and "succeeding" are unfortunately not the same. That's why you've positioned yourself in front of the monitors, looking across the rows of faces and statistics. For better or for worse, this seems like a group project, and both the "for better" and the "for worse" of that statement are wholly dependent on who you're paired with. The difference between passing and failing is defined by the thin line of who they decide to stick you with, and how you perform with and in comparison to them. With that in mind, you look over all your peers and their accomplishments, and compare them with your own, and reach a single conclusion:

"Hm... I think... I might be fucked..."

You're not sure why you thought that say that out loud, and really, I don't either. It was, objectively, not the correct thing to say. So, here's hoping that nobody heard that little comment and you can just slip through without further scrutiny, yeah?

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON May 9, 2023 8:55:33 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

He was curious about what they had to say about them so he perused his own file first, it was nothing extraordinary, much like all the other files he was browsing afterward. It was just grunt after grunt. A thought occurred to him, that this felt like the scene out of a movie, where all the bad guys were gathered up, and then disposed of all at once. It honestly wouldn't surprise him if the floor opened up beneath them, and sent them all plummeting into a spike trap. Though he doubted Rocket would be that sadistic, one could always be on guard. If there was something he had learned in his life it was that. His overly large Dragonite was behind him, silently judging what it viewed to be competition. Unfortunately it hadn't had a proper battle since the Savage it had brought to it's master.

Thankfully there was one person among all of the others that he recognized. Someone that he had done a few adventures with now. was suppose to be here among the nameless riffraff with him, which was good, hopefully they would get paired together. They worked well together in the Mechanical Kingdom, and they had even helped him run an experiment to try, and contact Dialga. At least there was one person here whom he liked, but his chain of thought was broken almost immediately by someone obnoxiously declaring themselves to be the best.

Draco took that personally, and already was about to simply march over, and beat her Mechanical Pokemon into nothing but scrap, but a hand on his shoulder from Amor, stopped that.

"Not the time, or place buddy." His robotic sounding voice resonated quietly.

Folding his arms he observed the rest of those gathered, there were far to many faces that he didn't know, and that caused him to frown. There was no point in engaging in such a simple person, and he did his best to not let his gaze linger for to long on them, before sweeping it across the rest of them. Another familiar face appeared, it was . If he was lucky he would get Makoto, and Kouji on his team, but luck never favored him.

Draco the Dragonite almost went to throw hands with 's Iron Jugulus for her remarks!
Amor is in his MK.II armor, so he looks like This, and his voice is made to sound robotic!

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played by


July 6
Accumula Town
10 height
10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
89 posts
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TAG WITH @sylviacousteau
Sylvia Cousteau
POSTED ON May 9, 2023 9:37:34 GMT
Sylvia Cousteau Avatar
Wow, there certainly were a lot of people here! Sylvia was among the many grunts and lowlifes that had filled the interior of the room. Everyone was all nice and excited about the S.P.E.C.T.R.A. program that had also been fairly quiet, at least, until some girl entered and would loudly declare her superiority over everybody. Just the kind of person that Sylvia had all but known was pretty typical for Rocket. She let her tucker herself out before the others made themselves known, and she couldn't say they were unwarranted. The other guys' welcome was just as warm as she had thrown out to everyone. But seeing that little bit of hostility was just so delicious to the bundle of fun! SYlvia snickered to herself and then wander about, offering a wave to the group.

"Aw, c'moooon. Don't be so rude, guys!" the pepper haired woman said, smirking to herself as she motioned to the "All she needs is like...Well, a lot. But she's got that cute underdog spirit! I was intimidated for like half a second at least." The Kalosian woman looked back before folding her hands behind her head chewing the scenery for a bit. Her head tilted up along the wall, going across to the speakerphones, and then guided her right back to where the other people were.

"If you want, you try again! Or maybe share what you think the excerise is gunna entail. I'm hoping for something explosive!~"

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played by


January 01
Fortree City
Rocket Employee
175 CM height
175 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
397 posts
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TAG WITH @gerald
Gerald Kaiser
POSTED ON May 9, 2023 15:42:41 GMT
Gerald Kaiser Avatar

Gerald found himself amidst a bunch of grunts, suddenly realizing that perhaps he’d dressed a bit too formally for these trials. Jogging pants and tank-top had been switched with a slick albeit well-worn suit. It had been the finest one he could afford on a Grunt salary.

Eyes darting around, recognizing some faces and learning others. Pondering for a moment what sort of trials this would be. That was until he heard the voice of a . Suddenly a sensation akin to listening to nails being dragged along a blackboard washed down his spine.

But he quickly shook that off and began to wander about among the grunts. A friendly but forced smile had been placed upon his resting-bitch face.

As he walked among the grunts one singular word caught his undivided attention.


He made his way over to the red-haired woman and forced himself into the conversation with four simple words “Did someone say explosives?” A small greeting wave was sent toward and whoever she had been talking with.

- Gerald realizes he dressed too nicely for this.
- Also realizes that the weird science lady is here...
- Tries to initiate a conversation with & Co.

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played by


Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
pr strategist
437 height
437 height
1,218 posts
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TAG WITH @lancelot
Selena Desmarais
POSTED ON May 9, 2023 16:03:58 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar
THE HALL IS GRACED BY THEIR EXUBERANT SPIRITS, but Selena does not feel like competing. Brimming with overconfidence, the least she has to do is to actually prove herself in these trials. Selena knows they know what she already was: Tapu Koko's previous avatar, an ex-gym leader, a war veteran. She knows they know she is a wasted opportunity should be declined in this initiative. But the ex-gym leader also knows that recruiting her doesn't just give her a free pass to everything.

Perhaps that is what she has to prove in these tests: that she is to be trusted.

As the aspiring S.P.E.C.T.R.A. agents make their presences known in the room, Selena looks at them and then at the monitor each and everytime they speak, trying to associate their faces with their name. She sees 's name, a familiar face she wanted to join forces in the trials, but waits to approach until , a fellow Kalosian, makes her case.

"Good thing the League is not as tenacious as us with power; otherwise we'd all be dead with this display of attitude."

Right then and there, the other man () approaches the crowd too.


  • SELENA contemplates the reason why she is actually here
  • SELENA listens, sees in the group
  • SELENA addresses the group probably around the same time as LOL

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played by

Alicia Jewel

October 18
Pyrite Town, Orre
"Freelancer" (Rocket)
102 height
102 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
460 posts
Ruby Garcia DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rubygarcia
Ruby Garcia
POSTED ON May 9, 2023 18:14:10 GMT
Ruby Garcia Avatar

Maybe this whole setup was meant to be intimidating. And, sure, between the monotone voice announcing the start of the evaluation, the multitude of names and headshots on the screen, and the obvious signs of being observed, it was a bit unsettling. But Ruby didn't let it bother her. She was used to relying on herself and her Pokémon. The higher-ups could watch all they wanted, distant and uncaring. All they'd see was her surviving like she always had.

[break][break]There were only two familiar faces among the sea of Rocket grunts present, and Ruby didn't know if that spoke more for her lack of sociability or for just how many of them there were. The first was , the only person she'd ever be comfortable calling a friend. She was surprised to see him here, given how much he tried to avoid violence, but she supposed he had his own reasons. The other... Ugh, it was . They'd been to the Mechanical Kingdom a couple of times together, and Ruby thought he was a bossy pain in the ass.

[break][break]Someone Ruby didn't know shouted to get people's attention, and Ruby immediately wanted to punt her off that mechanical Hydreigon she rode. Beside her, Arachne chittered her annoyance.

[break][break]"Shut the hell up and put your money where your mouth is!" Ruby called back to . At least she wasn't alone in finding the girl obnoxious... mostly. "Don't encourage her," she said to .

[break][break]Unfortunately for , she did overhear his comment as she passed by. She bumped him with her elbow in a way that wasn't meant to hurt, but Ruby wasn't exactly the gentle sort. "We're all fucked if we don't get our acts together," she muttered to him before continuing on her way. She needed to find and talk to someone actually sane before she got driven to pulling her knives out.





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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
we could
have been us
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
1,341 posts
ana fell DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cygne
ana fell
POSTED ON May 9, 2023 18:38:53 GMT
ana fell Avatar

This entire situation was surreal. Back when Cyg’d first enlisted, she’d had 6 Pokemon and a fucking dream, and the SPECTRA exams were the first thing she’d done-- really done, as a Rocket.
Now, a third of the people she’d danced with during that first excursion were gone-- , , -- another third defected-- , -- and the final third-- like and , to her delight, and , much to her fucking dismay-- had ascended.
And she was still here. Crawling out of the woodwork with the other fucking insects. Not a fucking accolade to her name.
She’s dressed down, today: black leather jacket, jeans, combat boots, no makeup, hair in a high ponytail. Her face still has mottled yellow blotches from the beating she’d taken during the Rift combat and the trail of bruises disappeared under the collar of her jacket. She’s fucking amazed she passed the health exams but she tosses that up to generalized mental fortitude and the vodka-oxy cocktail she’d dined on just before entering.
Some strange tiny human jumps around screaming and Cyg just winces, sound sensitivity likely a remnant of her many concussions. She was still healing, after all, though she did forego ’s lent walking cane in favor of a MacGuyvered metal brace hidden under her pants. It was important not to show weakness, here. If she walked a little stiff, who was to say?
There were countless new faces all barking and yapping back and forth with one another. Cyg fought down a roll of her eyes as she noted that hadn’t changed from the first time-- the endless fucking waiting. But this time there was no to gather her in her skirts and guide her to safety. She was (kinda, sorta) on her own.
She lingers at the edges of the blue lights and lets the baby Rockets yell and threaten and bluster, fighting the urge to roll her eyes and keeping her face flat.
“Not any more than the rest of us,” she says, as an aside, to the stranger who’d just spoke ( ). It reminds her of how she was at her first SPECTRA event and how she is at this one. Normal. Boring. Underwhelming.
“This is the kinda typical crazy you get when we’re all in a room together. You get used to it.”



reminiscing peepoblush [break]
says dont worry about these crazies to shred :3c [break]
fit cheque, hair[break]


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September 7
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON May 9, 2023 19:43:02 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Ugh. She really had to differentiate herself from the grunts in some manner. Rank did not matter all that much when she was around her usual crowd of people in the science department – though she was reasonably certain everyone there knew she lacked the credentials to be a proper member – but stepping into this arena, for lack of a better term, she felt decidedly out of place.

Not necessarily due to power and prowess. She could not judge that from a glance, books, covers and all that. No, most of them simply did not know how to behave. It was almost embarrassing, in her opinion. Hence, she mostly rolled her eyes inwardly and very, very lightly scoffed as she took a spot near the front of the crowd. As always, she did her utmost to move with grace and apparent esteem. It was an act, but it was one she thoroughly lived, all but indistinguishable from the real thing. As long as she kept her bearings, of course.
So, she took a deep breath to relax and focus. Falling into the trap of looking down on everyone around her would be disastrous. After all, if she lost to some of them just because of that it would be embarrassing. Plus, a real noble spirit would lead by example, not by trying to bring everyone down so she could feel on top. “It is a bit late for conjecture. Though I am certain whatever test will be given will be equal parts challenging as it will adequate. This is pertaining a serious matter, after all.” In fact, it probably just rubbed her the wrong way that others took this all a bit too lightly. Violet doubted that most of them were here out of the same kind of conviction she was.

+ Adjusting to the crowd and situation, replying to the question in the room



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November 17th
Opelucid City
idk height
idk height
Days fade into a watercolour blur / Memories swim and haunt you
249 posts
Alba Evovae DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @alba
Alba Evovae
POSTED ON May 9, 2023 20:28:31 GMT
Alba Evovae Avatar


The Strongest of Shapes

"I think the view you'd get if you peeked inside a clown car… that's the kind of thing the people on the other side of that camera are enjoying right now." A mass of agitated bodies all gathered in a single room, inflated personalities filling up all the space and causing a racket… They weren't quite a circus, but given the kinds of things people were yelling out, it had to be a pretty good show.[break][break]

He would have joined in with the monologuing, but all of his colourful death threats were being saved for another time. And saying things like 'I'm so fucked' or 'We're so fucked' just seemed like a terrible idea. Still, the evaluation had started now; he needed something to make an impression.[break][break]

"I think we're gonna do death matches," Alba chimed in, picking up a thought nobody else had bothered with. "It's called the 'Trinity Trials', right? Trinity, as in three. But there are what, twenty-one, twenty-two of us? If you follow the pattern, it's obvious not all of us will be making it." It cleanly and neatly explained why he felt more like a chess piece than a person. Well, a pawn got to be promoted when it reached the end of the board. All it had to do was survive until that time.[break][break]

…Or something like that.



Event: S.P.E.C.T.R.A. Trinity Trials[break]
He's simply saying things




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December 2
Aspertia City, Unova
Picking up the pieces
But I, I will, go on howling and hollow
1,109 posts
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TAG WITH @ashley
Ashley Shepard
POSTED ON May 10, 2023 5:24:05 GMT
Ashley Shepard Avatar

Sheesh, it's busy here.[break][break]

Leaning against a wall in this featureless space, Ashley can hear the commotion. Whole bunch of Grunts on the lower end. Some girl () is screaming, gaining the attention or ire of those nearby. Another pouting () and wanting the fun to start, the craze of both Grunts evident. If it weren't for the intervening duo (, ) saying what was on Ash's mind, he'd have said something himself.[break][break]

Yawning quietly to the side, he pushes off the wall, and gestures to the lot, pushing a pinky in his ear, silver eyes attempting to go over all of them.[break][break]

"Yeah, underdog like a little Yamper." It's not an insult, at least, he hopes it isn't seen as one. It's mostly responding to . "Betting the test is to measure resolve. Knowing Rocket... shit's already started. Examining us as we speak." He points to the cameras around the room, yawning again much louder. Once his eyes pricked with water, and he placed them back, he gestures towards the Pokemon present.[break][break]

When speaks, Ash throws a thumb over their way.[break][break]

"Probably got the right of it. Trinity. Three. Probably a means to find out how you work in a team. Called a Team for a reason." It's easy enough to understand. Working as a team, in Team Rocket. Kind of a prerequisite. "Death matches though... seems pretty narrow." After all, if they were to do that, most of them would do well enough. Taking a second to look at the others in this room, he just gives them a friendly smile. No reason to be antagonistic to these people.



- OUTFIT[break]
- Ash is just listening in, remarks the loud girl is that like a Yamper.[break]
- Theorizes his own thoughts in tandem with Alba.



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