i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
492 height
492 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,693 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON May 13, 2023 8:24:42 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

The deep, resonant sound reverberated through the air, vibrating the ground beneath it. The initial impact was like a thunderclap, a deafening roar that echoed across the surrounding landscape.[break][break]

"Fucking hell." A swear muttered underneath hitched breath, forced to steady himself against the quakes. Rowan had fought against legends before, but caught between two warring against one another was an entirely different beast, terrifying in it's own right.[break][break]

Made worse was the presence of among the League's forces, whom he'd not seen since she nearly killed him with Cobalion's Curtain Call. At least was adjacent, someone Rowan could count on and trust to protect him in case things went sideways.[break][break]

"Nice work!" Words of encouragement called out to the fellow Ranger as her attack sprung, offering a small smile in tandem.[break][break]

After taking a moment to heed 's words over the radio, a sharp whistle sounded from his lips, directing the attack of his IRON BUNDLE. [break][break]

The Paradox Pokémon raised their pouch upwards, gears whirring to life as they unleashed the power of WHIRLPOOL at Ting-Lu's feet, hoping to churn the earth beneath them into a muddy slop to slow them down.[break][break]


[attr="class","rowwttag"]@rustedsword [break][break]

· Reacted with FEAR to the quakes, the battle and 's presence.[break][break]
· Encouraged like a good friend.[break][break]
· Iron Bundle used WHIRLPOOL at Ting-Lu's feet to make a muddy difficult terrain.[break][break]


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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,390 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON May 13, 2023 11:25:12 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
"i'd advise against that. the last thing you'd want is be a target by both zacian and everyone else, but, hey, what would i know?! ya might be an expert on these things!"

priam appears behind , this time, without a helmet to cover his features or muffle his speech. "tada, we're both blueys!"

he has sunglasses though, but the closest thing he could connect him with the same person he fought on granite cave is the sygna suit he's wearing. priam hopes he doesn't need to connect the dots for him, especially since he has a job to do.

"i'd love to stay and chat with dewford's newest gym leader though, but things needed to be done on my side of things. congrats, and good luck, navy! buh-bye!"

by job, he meant joining the dogpile (pun intended).

running from the edge of the fight to the thick of things, he calls his espeon out. it pops out of the ball as they run, caught by priam so it can have a ride in his arms, only to be thrown in the air for a better angle for an attack.

"pay day!"

coins rain from above from the espeon, peppering the general area of the fight with shiny, golden coins. at this stage of the game, any kind of attack would do. he could go for a big, powerful move or a protective one that paints him as a hero, but with everyone else doing that, it wasn't an option.

the best move to stand out was pay day, naturally.

  • comes in with his sygna suit
  • greets navy before ditching him afterwards
  • runs from the edge of the fight to the center of action
  • espeon uses pay day @ everything


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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
776 posts
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
Shred Zeppelin
POSTED ON May 13, 2023 11:41:17 GMT
Shred Zeppelin Avatar
"Arceus Wept."

There's not much else to say, is there? What you're looking at is pure chaos. Trainers and Pokemon everywhere, attacks being fired off left and right, and here you are, stuck in the middle of it all. Needless to say, this is a disaster in the making, and you're very much regretting your decision to interlope in this situation. Really makes you wonder why the hell you even showed up in the first place?

Is it the dogs? Maybe, maybe not. All you share in common with these beasts is a homeland that you've no love for. You don't really care what much happens to Zacian nor Zamazenta. Though, you can't much say you have any affection for that strange deer or that frigid weasel, either. Much the opposite, you can feel a deep and poignant distaste for them in your heart, so strong that it makes you want to turn tail and leave. Fear? That's a strong choice of word, really. Shred Zeppelin is no coward. Personally, you're choosing to think of it as "sensible loathing that encourages retreat", but now's hardly the time to split hairs over pointless definitions. Besides, you're not really here to pick sides in this conflict, not here to immerse yourself in some grand conflict of virtue against ruin. No, you're just a vulture, looking to pick up whatever scraps you can before you get out of here.

To that end, you've got to get a headstart on everyone else. Your gut is telling you the Ancient Tomb has to be important, so that's where you're heading. The moment you see your opening, you take it, and sprint for the entrance without a second thought. You're probably not the only one to have that idea, but you're certainly the most brazen about it. That'll be your advantage - Speed is the name of the game here, and if you can get in and out quick enough, then you'll get all the gain, and leave the rest with the pain.

Now, let's hope all the other fuckers can keep the fight stalled out here, because you sure as hell don't want to get up-close and personal with that nightmare of a vessel...

TL;DR: Shred (Masked, with no Pokemon currently out) is hitting the bricks and running straight for the Ancient Tomb.

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he / him
September 5
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
paralegal / special agent
6'1" / 185 cm height
6'1" / 185 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,365 posts
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TAG WITH @gunner
Gunner Graves
POSTED ON May 13, 2023 16:55:10 GMT
Gunner Graves Avatar

Like , Gunner was at 's side, dressed in tactical gear with official League patches. A mask covered his face fully, hiding his identity. At his side stood his Iron Valiant, Kahadin.[break][break]

"Understood, ma'am," he said, both regarding 's orders and Penelope's. The built-in modulator of his mask distorted his voice, making it sound harsh, guttural.[break][break]

Before Gunner could say or do anything else, however, a powerful shockwave blasted through the group from the strange, deer-like Pokémon. Instantly, the agent's mind filled with flashes of nightmare.[break][break]

His parents, slaughtered in their home. His brother , dead at the hands of Team Rocket. , sobbing and holding together her bleeding abdomen.[break][break]

A violent shudder passed through Gunner, and he grit his teeth against the terror. These fears were not new. They lurked in the darkest corners of his mind, persistent. He would not bow to them, not now. Not here.[break][break]

"Kahadin, set up a defense around here. Our job is to protect Miss Livy," Gunner said to his Pokémon, who promptly set up a WIDE GUARD.[break][break]

Many others were already attacking the Ruinous Beasts or protecting the Galarian dogs. But someone had to make sure those on the League's side weren't killed in the process.[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"]gg: rusted sword


Gunner is wearing League tactical gear + mask[break]
Acknowledges Dahlia's and Penelope's orders, gets a full blast of fear[break]
Iron Valiant uses WIDE GUARD to protect Penelope and those around her



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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON May 13, 2023 17:17:01 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar


Katherine's eyes narrow as she surveys the chaotic scene. The cacophony of thundering roars assaults her senses just as the fear-inducing reverberation surges through her, eliciting terror and fright to bubble within. She can still hear the sound of Zacian's blade striking the Ting-Lu's bowl ringing in her ears when she steps forward, her gaze snapping from one familiar face to another.
and her posse remained to her left, and the trio of , , and were to her right. The Malevolent makes no effort to add to her peer's instructions, allowing the coveted to take charge whilst she continues to silently judge and condemn those around her.
Her Mimikyu stands motionless beside her, a vacant stare in its beady eyes. And then she sees him, , the first culprit of many. Her successor.
Driven by a ruinous terror, Katherine issues a command to her Mimikyu, her voice low and dangerous. "Blow it all away," she whispers, her words dripping with venom. And with that, her ghostly creature unleashes a pink typhoon, copied from 's SPRINGTIDE STORM. If successful, the fragments Greyson sought would be caught up in the swirling winds, carried deeper into the tomb, far from his grasp and beyond his reach.
"Connors," she calls to him, "follow your orders and sate your curiosity later. Am I clear?"


- katherine tells her mimikyu to blow the dark fragments away.[break]
- mimikyu uses COPYCAT on 's SPRINGTIDE STORM in an attempt to do so / stop 's vespiquen from collecting the fragments.


[attr="class","bottom"]@ RUSTED SWORD [break]


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[newclass=".katherine1 .bottom a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]
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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
87 height
603 posts
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON May 13, 2023 19:16:26 GMT
Ettie Avatar
The fear that washed over everyone, it was a pressure that pressed down on Ettie's shoulders as she and her pack arrived upon the scene. It took the breath from the collective's lungs - Ettie tensing up from her spot on Anne's back, almost overwhelmed by the primal fight-or-flight need to lash out, or flee.

This was a clash between gods - the power of Legendaries on display - and it was something that Ettie could barely comprehend in that moment, even though she knew that once told her about just how strong they could be. Even though she desired to protect what she regarded as kin - fellow wolves, even if not ones of the same pack - the group was frozen on the spot, by the reverberations that shook one down to the very bone...

But then, a Safeguard from cloaks them in a soft green - and it's easier to breathe. Ettie sucks in a deep breath - can feel the heave of Anne taking in a breath beneath her - and on the exhale, the two's voices ring out in a Howl. This chorus is one echoed by the pack, as both a rallying cry against the fear, and a warcry to bolster those who'd fight against the Ting Lu.
- On a flavorful level, Ettie's pack is here - but those not listed are offscreen.
- Pack is briefly frozen up by the fear, but Safeguard from 's ninetales helps push it back enough for them to act.
- Dusk Lycanroc uses Howl to rally against the fear, and to bolster Everyone Protecting Zacian + Zacian themself.
- On a flavor level, everyone is howling as a rallying/war cry.

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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
pr strategist
437 height
437 height
1,218 posts
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TAG WITH @lancelot
Selena Desmarais
POSTED ON May 13, 2023 19:43:20 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar
SELENA SHAKILY TUCKS THE EARPIECE BEHIND HER SILVER HAIR UPON RECEIVING ORDERS FROM . This is posed to be her first public appearance after her two-year hiatus in Kalos, (save for the skirmishes she had in the Ultra Deep Sea) at least for anyone who has still remembered her days of infamy, but the fear of this going against her plans begins to consume her. The Rocket neophyte can no longer focus on surveying the field as she drowns in the noise and the chaos of the battlefield, of familiar faces of friends and enemies, of fear crawling her skin into her chest.

But the thing that breaks her from her nightmare is when she hears a familiar voice amongst the crowd—a familiar face sticking out.

From the shadows in the surrounding forest, Selena emerges after the second springtide storm riding Lucifer, TRAILBLAZING his way across the open field.

" ," the quadruped makes a momentary pause to gain momentum, which allows Selena to acknowledge the other lady's presence. The two were never friends to begin with but it was a joy to see her around. In a matter of seconds, Selena leaves her gaze bored into Katherine's eyes as her voice gets dragged with the speeding umbreon. "I'm glad you're still alive."

Lucifer further dashes into Ting Lu, and whatever may result upon this brash offensive shall rest upon Arceus's will.


- SELENA appears as herself, planning this to be her first public appearance (her being affiliated with Rocket is not yet exposed to the public)
- SELENA rides her UMBREON which uses TRAILBLAZE to get across the battlefield, momentarily stops to gain momentum and to say hi to , and then finally targets TING LU

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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,016 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON May 13, 2023 21:04:44 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu"]”See if you can slip past the fighting.”[break][break]

The words of one echo in your head, a command that you resent but can't quite argue with. [break][break]

He's right, there're bigger fish in this pond. [break][break]

So you gain some distance, watch those koi fish play, displaying all their beautiful colors. They flash so quickly it makes you nauseous. [break][break]

You swallow all that resentment. [break][break]

There’s bigger fish to fry.[break][break]

So you squeeze beneath it all in the coming dusk, hiding among shadows. Somehow, you always manage. Slipping between the cracks in the underground overseas was much like this, a talent you’re proud of. Everyone’s attention is so focused on the big guys that some lone kid just flies under the radar, manages to get through without a scratch.[break][break]

Crouching on one of the bigger ruins of the nearby Ancient Tomb, you watch for answers. There’s plenty of them to be had in a place like this. Where everyone else is so worried about who their next target will be, you disregard all that. Let the hatred in your heart burn away, cause there’s nothing here for you. [break][break]

You gave up on hatred in a past life.[break][break]

”Hey, Kuchi...”[break][break]

You softly murmur to her, as you pick it out of the crowd. Some masked guy running the opposite direction of all the fighting. [break][break]

Making a straight beeline in your direction.[break][break]

”That Rider lookin’ guy, what's he... where’s he goin’?”[break][break]

She clicks her pincers together in response, but you don’t need her sass right now. [break][break]

You watch closely for a second, and make the call. [break][break]

”... the cave... wrap it up tight, make sure he doesn’t get through!”[break][break]

She scutles down from where you’re seated, covering the entrance to the cave in a Sticky Web. As she does, your sight’s brought up from the guy headed in your direction by a flare in the sky. A giant gust of wind that pulls a dust of dark fragments your direction, straight at Kuchinashi’s ultra-Sticky Web. [break][break]

The dust encroaches, and in it you feel the fear take hold of your heart... [break][break]

”... this feeling, I don't like it..."[break][break]

... But there's little time to fear. You let your Ariados pick up what lands in her web, whether it's fragments of something, people, or even Pokemon.[break][break]


+Tsubaki’s wearing a bandana to cover her face.[break]
+Tsubaki heeds ‘s advice.[break]
+Tsubaki’s seated on the Ancient Tomb or nearby.[break]
+Tsubaki’s Ariados uses Sticky Web to attempt to halt ‘s and other's advance into the tomb.[break]
+Tsubaki’s Ariados’s Sticky Web attempts to catch the dark fragments blew her way as well, and gather them before her webs disappear.[break]



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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
4,908 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON May 14, 2023 0:42:27 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Madness is what has consumed the field by the time they enter, her eyes flitting from to the legends battling each other with their lives on the line. People are healing those in need, they're guarding against the invoked disasters, they're doing their best to stop one another in their tracks. And then, there are those who dare to bare their fangs against god-like beasts, all in the pursuit of absolute power.[break][break]


She knows that there's a reply from waiting to be read, knows that and must be out there somewhere in this crowd fighting to protect what they think is right. And if there's anything else she knows, it's that she doesn't believe in Walsh's directive.[break][break]

Whistle. The appearance of a shiny Wooper is followed by the bitter chill of an Ice Beam, unrelenting frost seeking to freeze the Nidoking where it stands. And as Lyra does, Eris is running through the field, swiftly slipping under waves of superpowers being thrown about and cutting right through the crowd.[break][break]

She sees them, that one rat that dares to use cowardly tactics to force Zacian into a corner.[break][break]

"ASSHOLE!" Her voice rings loud and clear, a feral screech tearing through the din of battle as she launches herself at a disguised , ready to punch his guts and claw at whatever else she can reach.[break][break]

"LEAVE THEM ALONE!"[break][break]

OREUKiiB (Sygna suit POG)[break][break]
✧ Entering with [break]
✧ Spies being a rat and attacking Zacian[break]
✧ Wooper uses ICE BEAM against Ashley's Nidoking![break]
✧ Hold on Razz, this is important. Eris is RUNNIN AT ASHLEY, SWINGING AT HIM HOLY!
[attr="class","adrie-note"]goodbye galar || outfit

KAY OF PIXEL PERFECT[break][break]

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december 21st
wyndon, calar
demirom. pansex.
pro fighter, hitman
show me
where the delicate stops
6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
you can call me king of the world
223 posts
Cain Toman DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cain
Cain Toman
POSTED ON May 14, 2023 0:56:22 GMT
Cain Toman Avatar

In all the fucked up shit he’d seen and thought of in the past, he’d never thought that meeting one—let alone both—of the selfsame mythos he’d heard about so many times growing up would become a reality. Honestly speaking, the briefing beforehand met his ears loud and clear, and same went for whatever evidence or bullshit Rocket’s upper crust went over before the mission went live.[break][break]

It hadn’t stopped him from being skeptical, but hey.[break]
There he was, right in the middle of everything, bearing witness to legends upon legends, all the same.[break][break]

Yet despite his normal nature, he knew how to pick his fights. The objective was to claim any and all of the beasts before him— but as things stood, he figured there would be more than an ample chance to tag onto that idea. Later. Later, when the League had paid their blood dues; later, when anyone and everyone had done all they could to hinder both sides of the conflict. Play dirty. Steal the kill.[break][break]

In the end, a win was a win, no matter how dishonorable.[break][break]

So he, alongside his Cinderance, kept a keen eye upon the conflict as it ignited within a blaze of chaotic proportions; its cacophonies of blitz and battle clashing so readily—so vigorously—amidst the scrape of metals against metals to further sound the boorish symphonies of the battlefield and its hardships. Hues of amber burned beneath the cover of his attire, alongside the mask accompanying it, before shifting forward towards the path before him, only barely managing to reach out to the fragments that suddenly blew past him before finding shuddering at the mercy of the sound that resonated throughout the field.[break][break]

His knees buckled before he could even realize what happened.[break]
He stumbled enough to break his sprint, though gathered his bearings as the flashes of memoriam and hypothetical futures singed his mind.[break][break]

Weakness. Loss. Anything and everything that threatened the very foundation of his being— it reverberated within him as vigorously as the gong causing it did. It lingered within his chest, though soon burned within a surge of warmth; of frustration; of rage.[break][break]

”Fuck this shit…” he muttered under his breath, glaring across the field for a moment as he began to run along once more. Barriers across the field. Traps. He eyed the Safeguard ( ) that was conjured, alongside the Sticky Web ( ) that seemed to form as he neared the entrance to the tomb.[break][break]

”Ros…!” he yelled, meeting eyes with the leporid accompanying him. ”Take everythin’ they got goin’ fer ‘em…! Court Change their shit!”[break][break]


  • The Drip(tm)
  • cain is beelining to the abandoned tomb alongside cinderace for now.
  • cain tries to catch some black fragments as they're blown to the tomb.
  • cain is affected by fear, which rapidly turns into anger and frustration.
  • cinderace uses court change to steal sheba's safeguard, tsubaki's sticky web, and other, similar effects away from zacian and the league for rocket's benefit.
  • my roll was 43 in case it got changed while correcting my sprites oop

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]

@ @rustedsword

[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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November 1
Mauville City
art collector
kiss me once
then kiss me twice
5'6" height
5'6" height
say a prayer for the wicked
1,146 posts
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TAG WITH @summer
Summer Atreides
POSTED ON May 14, 2023 1:33:34 GMT
Summer Atreides Avatar

The orders Walsh instructed rang in Summer's ears as she stepped foot on Route 120. Subdue, not destroy. Prevent the League from succeeding.[break][break]

That could be arranged. So long as no one got in her way, Summer was certain she could find some of her counterparts to accomplish their mission. She just needed to disguise her attempts to appear as if she was helping the League. The CEO of Prescott Industries was, after all, not publicly affiliated with team Rocket.[break][break]

She rolled a Poke ball in hand, standing ready to make her first attack. However, the beast of legend, ZACIAN, was already battle worn against another magnificent creature... one she wasn't sure she knew. And as they clashed, a forceful energy hit her.[break][break]

His voice, echoing in her mind... hands on her shoulder, whispering against her ear. "You were trained for this very moment, Summer. You know what to do." And on her own hands, scarlet dripped down, covering her clothes, her shoes. In front of her, was on the ground, eerily still, clinging to . And not far, was looking at her in horror.[break][break]

"Why did you do it? Why did you hurt us?"[break][break]

As quickly as the fear filled her, it seemed to dissipate. But it left her knees shaking, her stomach churning as nausea rose to her throat. "Dammit. Dammit!" she cursed, gathering her courage to strike.[break][break]

But before she could, Summer heard her. . Her stomach dropped, her face growing pale as she turned and spotted the girl running to to attack. It wasn't that it was Rocket on Rocket fight that made her panic. "Surtur, attack the mysterious Pokemon. Back me up."[break][break]

It was her.[break][break]

"Eris! No!"

[attr="class","tag"] + raid



⇨ aye aye captain, following rocket orders[break]
⇨ hit by the reverb and sees herself as her father's puppet[break]
⇨ shaken by the vision of hurting her loved ones[break]
⇨ spots attacking [break]


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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,444 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON May 14, 2023 2:10:58 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

Nomi was momentarily stunned by the sheer power on display before her: two legendary Galarian myths made manifest locked in treacherous combat with nightmares from another world. The closest clash to Nomi's position was between what had to be ZACIAN, the legendary sword-wielding Galarian canine, and a ruinous cervid of unknown origin. In another context, Nomi would be eager to study the horrible creature, its large stone vessel an ominous visage against the backdrop of Route 120's ANCIENT TOMB.[break][break]
But this was not the time for research. Their realm was, once again, in mortal peril. And with so much legendary force on display, Nomi had a nagging feeling that they would show up.[break][break]
The DRK TRIAD.[break][break]
"Parker?" Nomi glanced at , who stood beside the Head Scientist. Parker, who shouldn't be here (rest, she needs more rest, she's barely recovered, it's my fault -- ) but had insisted on accompanying Nomi to the conflict. A strange warmth burned in Nomi's chest for the other woman: anxiety that she might further injure herself; adoration for the fact that she was actually there, by Nomi's side, regardless of the risks.[break][break]
"We should make for the tomb. There's a reason this is happening here...I intend to find out what it is. Watch my back, okay?" She flashed Parker a small, determined smile.[break][break]
Valerian was, of course, flanking Nomi on her other side. The soft glow of his shiny ILLUMINA fur was a beacon in the midst of the chaos around them. The Sylveon glared fiercely at Zacian and its opponent, as if judging both of their worth in equal measure.[break][break]
Nomi began to rush forward only to be hit with a sudden wave of FEAR emanating from the vessel atop the terrible cervid. She staggered, sucking in a sharp breath. An ugly voice began to hiss in the back of Nomi's mind, overwhelming her, freezing her in place.[break][break]
She's going to abandon you. She'll leave you for dead. You're nothing to her. She doesn't need you or want you or care for you. Nobody does.[break][break]
Valerian seemed to recognize some kind of attack was coming. He leapt in front of Nomi and Parker, putting up a LIGHT SCREEN to protect them from whatever the vessel was about to unleash.[break][break]

[attr="class","tag"]GOODBYE GALAR: RUSTED SWORD


Nomi is wearing black tactical gear with a black mask, her pink hair tied up under a hat[break]
Nomi makes her intentions known to Parker, requests the other woman watch her back as they advance[break]
Nomi and her Sylveon rush towards the ANCIENT TOMB[break]
Nomi is influenced by the Ting-Lu's FEAR, briefly imagines Parker abandoning her during the fight[break]
Sylveon uses LIGHT SCREEN on Nomi, , and Parker's Pokémon in an attempt to protect them from the Ting-Lu's attack



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January 23
Cake Decorator
I might not feel pain, but I can still bleed.
287 posts
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TAG WITH @biscotti
Biscotti Kingsley
POSTED ON May 14, 2023 2:37:08 GMT
Biscotti Kingsley Avatar

[attr="class","bisc"]The second Scotti opened his mouth, there was zero doubt where he came from. His Galarian brogue was obvious, deeper when nervous. When he heard the dogs—the guardians of Galar—had been sighted, his curiosity got the best of him. He remembered Grandma telling stories of their gallantry, her trademark cookies now crumbs in the grandkids’ laps.

It’d taken a lot of convincing to get his sister to let him go. “It’s history in progress! Come on!” The fight continued until Bubbe and Jangle stepped in—paw and rock on his shoulder. ”Just keep your distance, Scotti. Promise me. Obviously, he didn’t plan on throwing himself into an active war zone. Getting shot wasn’t at the top of his list. Sure, he was a legal adult, but that wouldn’t stop her from making his life miserable if he snuck out.

So, as he promised, he hung back at first. His eyes watched the conflict with awe.

Another gong rang as the dog’s sword collided with the moose’s bowl. A shiver of fear went through him, his heart pounding. When scared, however, Scotti tended to freeze. His hands curled up into impotent fists, his breath escaping in harsh little puffs. The third time it happened, his eyes widened. Headphones. Duh. Seconds later, his earbuds were buzzing with the notes of a random pop song.

Whether this worked or not would be hard to tell considering the moose let out a devastating earthquake. As fear washed over him, the brunette’s composure snapped. A dragon—injured by the moose—crashed into the earth in front of him. Shoot!Like a Bunnelby, he bounded out of the way, finding himself knee-deep in another confrontation.

Labrador eyes widened when he spotted actual kids in the fray. What were they doing here? A deep resonant noise drew his gaze toward Ting-Liu. His heart jumped into his throat. 

As the pre-tremors approached them, Biscotti turned to face the two legendaries. The dog was dripping black. His lips pressed into a thin line as the destruction drew nearer. “Screw it! We’re helping him!” His hands stretched out toward the dog. “Bubbe!” He alled to his Runerigus. She twisted her core stone, her version of an attentive stare. “Use Crafty Shield!” As the air in front of him began to glitter—the devastation closer than ever—he frowned. “On the dog! Not me!”

With a shudder, the best imitation Bubbe had of a sigh, she did as asked. But, at the same time, she wrapped her tail around her stubborn, silly boy. A wail emerged, powerful tendrils launching him—aiming to keep him out of the earthquake’s path.


  • Claims he's here to observe. Immediately interferes.
  • Plugs his ears with earbuds trying to deaden the dread.
  • Has Runerigus use Crafty Shield on Zacian
  • Tossed into the air by Bubbe in hopes of escaping damage from the vibrations



[newclass=.bisc b] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.bisc i] color: #D7262B; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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march 21
debt collector
chaotic stupid, i'll get used to feeling useless
512 posts
parker jones DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @parker
parker jones
POSTED ON May 14, 2023 3:43:23 GMT
parker jones Avatar
parker is here for a number of reasons. 1. she's pretty sure if she ignores something of this magnitude, isn't going to give her a pass again. 2. she's up shit creek already and fuck it, she lives here, and she'd like to see the world keep moving in all its shitty glory, thank you very much. and 3. fucking nomi is here. 1 and 2 are farts in the wind compared to her third reason.

'cause she's pretty sure nomi saved her life and debts always need to be paid. 

it's organized mayhem. her earpiece is crackling. this isn't some low level shakedown. this is a war front and she's pretty sure that mangy mutt in front of them is some sort of super-pokemon. the deerling's ramen bowl wearing cousin makes her brows furrow. she's no expert on pokemon by any means, but what in the shit?

"the tomb. right." parker nods to amulius and both raise their fists in unison. her fingers shake as she curls them, heartbeat skittering and breath coming in short gasps. fear crawls down her throat and splashes around in her insides. but she swallows it, shoves it down, and with the help of valerian's light screen, attempts to clear a way for them.

amulius blitzes forward; fire burns from curling feathers, a supernova heat meant to clear some of the fray so the scientist and her bodyguard can advance.
blaziken uses flare blitz to attempt to clear a path to the tomb.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON May 14, 2023 8:17:42 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

One step onto the battlefield and already he could feel dread sweep across his whole body as he and his Lucario stopped their advance and looked at each other. Despite wearing his Pokkenger garb the Lucario could see the aura of its trainer turn a cold blue before a reassuring nod was given to the dog. Even if every hair on the back of his neck and arm were standing up Kaz knew that he needed to keep a level head in this.

Pokkenger feared nothing after all.

Even if Kazimir Wynter did he needed to be as strong as a Tauros for everyone's sake. That included the poor dog fighting for its dear life in all of this mess. "Heal 'im up Skywalker, and don't leave his side!" The masked hero called out and instantly his Lucario was on the war path with the vigilante in tow.

The aura reading dog was faster and more agile and able to make its way to Zacian's side where it placed a life dew above itself to heal the legendary hero pooch and soothe its wounds the best it could. Kaz managed to barrel his way to put Zacian behind him in case the deer tried to charge at it again. Seeing its visage sent even more fear more potent than the earlier sensation down his spine but the hero knew he had to be strong in the face of adversary. So he just pointed at the ruinous Pokemon. "Pick on someone your own size you walking toilet bowl!"


-feels the fear instantly.
-sends his lucario out to use life dew on zacian
-puts himself between zacian and ting-lu
-calls out ting-lu's yeye ass haircut

[newclass=.pokkenger] [/newclass]
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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay