i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,901 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2023 3:58:01 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

Kishi Ou no Hokori - Fate/Stay Night OST[break]

Her Noivern bucks her trainer off to keep the royal safe and gets kicked by the Thunderous Kick from the Galarian Zapdos. Returning her knocked out bat dragon to her Pokeball, the woman finds herself falling from the air since Minerva prioritized keeping her safe than getting hurt by the Galarian Zapdos’ Thunderous Kick. Luckily, she gets saved by the Fortree City gym leader’s Shiny Braviary as she gets off the larger bird with a thankful smile towards . “Thank you, Mr. Ivanov.” The Galarian Zapdos goes down with the help of the others and the younger birds of the same species going over to those who they imprint on.[break][break]


The first month:[break][break]

After the major attacks left the city to pick up its defenses, the royal enlists herself in the service of ’s royal court since he is the royalty the peasants consider. Her elder cousin wants her to learn how to be a royal ambassador and she goes to give the Galarian peasants her help in making sure they are in good morale and that being a leader figure to them from the elder crown prince’s royal court will benefit with her political tutoring. [break][break]

The woman smiles at the peasants when they surround her. The crowd calls her a princess of the Galarian people, something that the actual Galarian people back in her father’s home country with their anti-Hoenn sentiment would never call her as a princess who cared for them. [break][break]

Calyrex returns to Hammerlocke to check on how their progress is coming, Elise worries that he looks sickly, but she bows her head to him and tells him they’re doing good.[break][break]


The first year:[break][break]

Every day and night, she thinks of when she goes to bed at night and wakes up in the morning. He’s not with her and that she has to believe he’s okay out there. The royal picked out a home to live in the city with a little rose garden outside as she picks up a quill pen to write her boyfriend letters on how much she misses him, loves him, and wishes she was there with him. She wanted to cry every night over her despair on him not being there with her, but the royal knows she has to be the princess the peasants look up to. [break][break]

Many men tried to court and woo her since she’s one of the beautiful maidens they set eyes on, but she coolly rebuffs their advances. She’s not impressed with how they try to seduce her with gifts and flowers, almost like they were attempting to woo over a Galarian princess with honeyed words and telling her that she has to move on from her lover.[break][break]

Elise paints a picture of the taller man with his long silver hair and a Kalosian suit where her wish was to reunite with him when she gets home from her work. She imagines Amor proposing to her, getting married in her elaborate wedding gown and tiara while he wears a tuexdo, and having children of their own.[break][break]

She puts up a front of a royal princess who acted on a regal facade and queenly mask to hide her sorrowful feelings in order to not give the Galarian people despair.[break][break]

Asking to train with her when she sees him, she retires her EC crocs for the slippers to wear at the barracks when he asked her to and gets gifted the leather boots, they’re sturdy and practical for use in training when they spar together. Unwrapping them and throwing away the paper, they appear to be polished since he might have wanted them to be squeaky clean themselves.[break][break]

Remembering ’s teachings from his HGMA class, the royal picks up a sword and shield from the barracks to practice what he taught her in her strikes and parries with both shield and sword. Sword strikes hit the dummy at the training ground since she’s trying to train her mind and body for any other attacks.[break][break]


Ten years later:[break][break]

The first three years were spent training at the barracks with the color of her knightly armor being the same shade as her royal dress with the red accents making the appearance of hellish fire. Her helmet has a draconic Hydreigon-like design with her high collared feathered cape draped around her armor’s shoulders. She does her duty as the city’s protector, protecting the citizentry of Hammerlocke from external threats. The painting she had of her love still hangs in her house’s bedroom with all of the letters she wrote for him still on her desk.[break][break]

By the fifth year, her heart longed to try to reunite with her darling boyfriend, but this was impossible. He probably must have been thinking of her too. She doesn’t cry in front of the Galarian people when she goes to see them in the city with her smile hiding the apparent sadness and loneliness she feels from not being able to be with for a longer time. In her home where the queenly mask could shed itself without the eyes of the peasants looking over her, her tears fall for the heartbreak she felt during the nights spent without Amor’s presence.[break][break]

In her downtime between her duties of being Hammerlocke's protector and an official of her elder cousin's royal court to help the Galarian peasants with whatever they needed, Elise helps out in the bakery that found with her baking skills applying itself to making the pastries for the children and their family members.[break][break]

She also goes through a change of appearance to better fit that she's a little older and wiser from her time spent doing her job as the city's royal official with her hair becoming a little more blue. Elise doesn't wear her fascinator much those days since she's grown more confident in herself than when she was younger as a child and in her teens, the woman is much more at ease to talk with people instead of being shy and timid.[break][break]

Five years later, she helps to rebuild the city along with the rest of the others and the royalty of the city. Black metals were found in the wreckage where Necrozma had attacked the city with the casualties being buried. A small ten year old girl with long silver hair and wearing Galarian peasant clothes is crying on the street since she lost her parents during the attack made by Necrozma. The princess takes pity, adopts her into her care, and the girl tells her that her name is Iris. Iris gets her mother's last name since she will have to do as the Calcifet heir in case Remiel doesn't produce one himself. Iris Calcifet herself is being taught how to be a prim and proper princess by Elise as her adopted mother who's a single mother now.[break][break]

The woman shows her adopted daughter around the house and when Iris asks about the painting of a man in a Kalosian suit with the same hair color as hers and how long his hair was, the royal explains that this is her father...if he was there with them now. A wistful expression comes across the woman's face as she's sure her love will definitely adore taking care of a child with her.[break][break]

From the black metals found in the wreckage, Elise asks for a longsword and asks the local blacksmith in the city to help infuse it with Bitter Blade. When the blacksmith finishes, the longsword’s blade is black as the night with the cross-guard being a dark purple color, its grip and pommel become the same dark purple color. Bitter Blade gives the blade of the longsword an otherworldly bright purple-cyan glow and gives it the unholy image of a legendary sword being in its corrupted form, she’s given its scabbard with a black and purple ornate design. [break][break]

Her longsword’s name is Dyrncalibur, a fitting weapon for the princess clad in dark knight’s armor.[break][break]


@rustedsword [break][break]


- Enlists herself in cuz's royal court. Helps the Galarian peasants get more morale after the attack and does her thing as royal ambassador in the first month.[break]
- She trains with Paxton in the first year. Accepts Paxton's gift of the PRACTICAL leather boots and retires her EC crocs for slippers to wear at the barracks. (insert Zelda item get jingle)[break]
- Elise becomes a knight and becomes the city's protector.[break]
- Grieves and gets depresso about Amor for the ten years, misses him a lot.[break]
- Elise adopts a 10 year old long silver haired girl and dubs Iris with the Calcifet surname. Teaches her how to be a proper princess.[break]
- Makes a longsword out of the black metal and it's imbued with Bitter Blade, calls it Dyrncalibur. Dyrncalibur has a ranged attack of shooting a dark fiery sword beam when swung and when an enemy is struck by its blade, the foe's health is sapped to restore the user's health.[break]
- Timeskip FC: Medea from Fate series



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December 2
Aspertia City, Unova
Picking up the pieces
But I, I will, go on howling and hollow
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TAG WITH @ashley
Ashley Shepard
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2023 5:20:02 GMT
Ashley Shepard Avatar


It all just happens at once. The Zapdos throws a leg out, and like lightning, it shatters Pluto's protection. It sslams into Haku's chest, the dragon beginning to fall out of the sky, plummeting ever faster downwards, Ash's eyes staring on with fear, and ever faster does his heart sink as he grabs onto Kepler.[break][break]

Down to earth, Haku slams into the ground. She's alive, but as soon as the impact is made, the world goes dark. Ash's silvers close as he tumbles away from him. His body damn near ragdolls over, as consciousness leaves him a spell.[break][break]

For a couple of minutes, he's still, but breathing.[break][break]

His eyes shoot open.[break][break]

He wakes up to the masses surrounding him. The peasantry just surround him, and he pulls himself up to see the way they look at him. Some of them he noticed on his reconnaissance above the world, and some of them, he noticed just around on the ground during his assault on poisoned palms. They look at him like... he was something more. A hero?[break][break]

"I'm not a her-"[break][break]

He tries to deny it, but there are children here, and he remembers a dream he had a awhile ago now. His lips turn up. A day way back when, he wanted to open an orphanage, for kids like him to have a life. He never really got to have a hero when he was younger. Someone to look up to? The best he had was . And, well. That was a problem to begin with, back then at least.[break][break]

One of the kids puts a crown on his head. He melts, because... that was enough to tip him over. He tries to smile. Maybe this was fine? When he turns his head towards where his boyfriend was, he stares at the little bird in his lap.[break][break]

He is nothing like a king. He is no king. He's hardly that, but he gave people hope. Isn't that enough? So as he enjoys this, they laugh, they crown him as royalty. Let them believe. Let him believe.[break][break]

If he can inspire this much... why not more?[break][break]


It becomes abundantly clear, sleeping in their bed, lil' Chocobo between them, that home was fading away. He missed home sometimes. He'd get up, in a lavish robe, to stare at the moon, and just... settle. Come to terms with home being gone. A far off memory. He missed , , , , and . The world was so much different now.[break][break]

He had to be a king now. He dealt with people coming in his courts, and asking him for help, of which in the first month he did about as well as a plank of wood does establishing parliament.[break][break]

Barely. Sometimes, probably most times, he had to delegate to , because she was a superior. A mentor, almost. A safety net. A lot of the times, he did speak with as well. Ash was many things, but an intellectual? Not much. He read the odd magazine...[break][break]

Heh. Magazines were so old now. A far off memory.[break][break]

When Calyrex came, the prophecy comes with him. And Ashley is forced to reason his way through it all. Constellations would reveal wisdom? So it was important to stay awake at night. It would give them the wisdom they needed. So nightly, he would stare in the night sky. Waiting for a sign.[break][break]

Kepler is so perfect for the role. Smartest guy in the room... that was a joke he kept razzing Kep about, and with the prophecy so readied for them, it helps give Ash peace of mind.[break][break]

Weeks on, he just keeps staring at the night sky. To look at the stars, to study each one, as he leans into a disabled Haku, who can no longer take flight. Her days of flight over, she resorts herself to be a pillow, while he studies the night sky over and over again. Stars. He begins to draw constellations, trying to derive meaning...[break][break]

They used to call this astronomy.[break][break]


The war continues. He's grown older, another year wiser. His black hair is back, and it's probably gonna stay a fixture, with a little half and half. He's even taken up wearing glasses now. It's weird. Every single attack has him go out to assist the war effort, but he barely feels like he gets to do anything anymore.[break][break]

It's been months, but... well. He was gonna do this, until he was pulled from Hoenn to this Galar. Now was as good a time as any. One particularly nasty Grimmsnarl was sighted, and Kep went to go fight.[break][break]

Ashley was always worried.[break][break]

When he came home though, that's when. He'd peel Kep off of Chocobo, and hug into him, a kiss laced to his filthy cheek. "Hey filthy, I'm Ash." He'd gotten into puns now. How long had he been here?[break][break]

He'd tended to the men, the women, the children. He inspired hope, he tried to anyways. All the soldiers happy for the moment to be home, the battle hard fought and won. Tomorrow was another day, but tonight, they feasted. Ash said as much, because tonight he picked his queen.[break][break]

"Marry me."[break][break]

Because Ashley holds the ring out to Kep. A feast for this joyous day. He's crying now. Ash is too, and he presses his forehead Kep's.[break][break]

The crowd is offput, because royalty wedding a commoner, but King Ash has done little to show anyone else his heart but Kep, and as he sweeps him off his feet, and they holds each other tightly, he's grinning ear to ear.[break][break]

"Tonight! We feast!" He calls out to light the peasantry's spirits, and all while he carries Kepler away. He was so much happier, like the troubles of Hoenn were so far and away now.[break][break]

He was happy. Finally. Happy.[break][break]


Ash was a frontline Rocket once upon a time, in another life. An Executive, but here, he felt like he remembered what drove him for so long. Without the poison of Rocket so much affecting his mind, he could just be Ashley Shepard. Well. King Ash, but that was different. Entirely so. But sometime in that, he had found a fascination with protecting the people. Something in him grew a desire to protect.[break][break]

When the Necrozma came, things took a turn for the worse. Ashley, wiser at the age of 35, would look upon his people, and bare his heart. He saw men and women, crying for their loved ones in battle. He saw children missing their slain parents. And...[break][break]

It got worse when it was the parent who lost the kid. Those times, he felt his heart shatter again and again.[break][break]

Necrozma would leave... he would give them their reprieve, but an older Ashley would grip his head. This was troubling, but nothing they hadn't dealt with before.[break][break]

He holds Kepler close to him that night, when he confides in him, and Ashley just... remarks with a smile. "Well, the Black Knight is troubling. But, you always do seem to lead our people brilliantly." He says it like it was always their people. As he pulls Kepler closer, and kisses his forehead.[break][break]

But go back...?[break][break]

"Maybe one day... believe it or not, I was intending to ask you to come to Galar with me when I proposed all those years ago. The luscious greenery, the vibrant stadiums... I miss Hoenn, but I remember so little of it now. I can't even remember most of their faces." Sad as it was, it wasn't untrue. He doesn't really want to.[break][break]

As Haku, the fluffy old Dragonite, would crawl into the room, and sit right by the bed in a curl, much tihnner now and unable to fight, Ashley would go to sleep with his queen, holding him tightly.[break][break]


Maybe it was the happiness he felt, or how Rocket didn't affect him, but those black fragments from Necrozma, he found himself creating something himself; a need to lead the way, to protect those who followed. He found himself, in the shop at night, creating himself a shield. He spends nights on it, taking words from local blacksmiths, learning how best to forge it, the strongest materials...[break][break]

But it is done. The shield is large, enough for him to struggle to throw it around. They called it a kite shield? Black, with these red colorations. It was like Rocket, almost. A fun memory.[break][break]

He would gaze upon it.[break][break]

"The King's Shield is done." And that's exactly what it did. A King's Shield.[break][break]

A shield for the people. Hopefully. It would be enough.




- WARDROBE[break]
- They crash land, Haku the Dragonite can no longer fly. The people crown him, and he at first is reluctant. He finally accepts it after remembering a dream he had one day.[break]
- He isn't a great king at first. He's pretty bad, and Kep actually is more proactive in figuring it out. But, Ash still tries in his own way.[break]
- War continues. He tends to the people during one particular fight.[break]
-- He proposes to Kepler as he gets home, and yells to the people of a feast tonight for his queen. Ash is happy.[break]
- Necrozma comes in, and shit is fucked. But Ash and Kep get through it, and share a night to confide. Ash didn't want to go home.[break]
- Creates the King's Shield, capable of King's Shield. Defensive, baybee!



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May 21st
Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Private Investigator
Open-eyed, burn the page, my little dark age.
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TAG WITH @aidan
Aidan Hereford
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2023 6:58:15 GMT
Aidan Hereford Avatar

A hard won victory but a victory nonetheless. The Zapdos had been taken down with help from many people, the spoils of war had come in a shape Aidan had not expected at all, from the feathery remains of the pokemon, like a phoenix rising once more, an egg would be hatched and a small Zapdos would soon find Aidan and imprint on him. The cheers quickly filled the air as a new King and Queen had been chosen and . A time of happiness and festivities were upon them, if only Aidan knew how far this world would take everyone.[break][break]


One Month Later

Calyrex had finally visited the city, information had been shared among the chosen royals. Everyone was slowly getting used to one another as time passed, fights still broke out here and there. Rooms at the Ionia Hotel would quickly be filled up, Aidan would try to stay close someone he knew, grabbing himself a room on the same floor as . The one person he had been able to become friends with in this short period of time. Time flew by very fast as everyone scattered and started looking for their own ways of becoming a useful member of the community.[break][break]

Aidan had always struggled when it came to things such making choices for himself, always someone who had taken order after order. Perhaps he had always made the choices himself and he just needed someone to blame, the Sinnoh police force or even the Syndicate, always someone to push the blame on. In this world, in the dream like realm he was free from guilt and his past, he was free to make his choices. [break][break]


One Year Later

Things never got easier but things that had been new to Aidan had slowly become routine. Often times he could be found jogging around the village, his ever-growing Zapdos by his side, like a child and it's father. As everyone began picking the jobs that suited them the most, Aidan would pick and make his own tasks. Feeling that they should have a better system for communicating with the other cities, using his small knowledge of radios from his days at the Sinnoh police academy he's slowly work on trying to make their communication long range, it was daunting work but it was something that kept him busy. [break][break]

Time itself had never stopped. Slowly he would meet and befriend new people, first through he would meet and . Furthermore, because of Choco, his Zapdos he would meet who would patch him up any time he would get hurt, didn't matter if it was from battle or training the legendary pokemon. Due to his connection with Zapdos he would also befriend , the Rocket scientist and his superior, she had been the one in charge of studying the bird like pokemon and learning it's secrets. [break][break]


Ten Years Later

Life truly had it's ups and downs, even when in a dream. Losses were always felt by everyone in the city, it had come to the poinbt where everyone knew each other, where everyone had grown attached. Rivalries from the past had become friendships, old relationships had fallen apart or bloomed into hope filled flowers. As years passed even Aidan had been able to grasp unto glimpses of what could have been a life spent someone else. Nights had been spent with , a small fling he would never regret or forget, after all she was a great leader who he admired and would follow till the end. Nights had even been filled by , someone who he quickly grew attached to due to the people they were connected to, she truly was someone unforgettable who he would always enjoy the company of but sadly good things never last forever. [break][break]

Along with the tremendous work he had training his Zapdos he would not have forgotten his personal work with the radio. Thankfully with the help of and her greater knowledge of electronics they would always keep trying, never giving up for a second because at the other end there was someone else trying to connect with them, . Whenever Aidan could send a letter he'd always try to give the man an update on how far hi's and Eris' had come.[break][break]

Despite the great calamity that Necrozma's had brought to the city and the many deaths it had brought to everyone. The things that Aidan always kept in his mind had always been the good times. Whenever and threw their big banquets for Christmas or even whenever they invited people to eat, it was always heartwarming, they were truly two of the kindest people he had met. The times Aidan and would let go of everything and drink their troubles away at the bar, laughing and talking shit. Someone Aidan respected and admired for the job they provided to the city was but they never got the chance to work together but he was someone Aidan fully trusted his own life with on the battlefield.[break][break]

One of the most notable moments for him had been when handed him his own weapon. As someone who had spent a lot of time in the front lines it meant the world to him to have something that could potentially save his life. Despite having been something he requested her, he had never expected that it would have been so perfectly close to his specifications. The only thing he could reply her with was a truthful "Thank you!" Both him and his Zapdos would give her a slight bow before their left the blacksmith's area, perhaps even a tear rolling down his face.[break][break]





  • Outfit: Medieval Clothing
  • Location: Circhester
  • The 10 year look
  • Over the 10 years Aidan would train and spend time with his Zapdos
  • He'd meet and befriend many great people.
  • Along with , they try to get radio communication running.
  • With the help of , he acquires a sword with the move SACRED SWORD.


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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,740 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2023 7:08:54 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

When the dust settles, Thomas is among those investigating the fallen Galarian Zapdos. Noticing that it had died, the trainer gently places a hand on its body, mourning its passing. Thomas takes notice to the black armor on the bird, wondering if it had something to do with its death.

A long month passes, and an ailing Calyrex appears before those deemed royalty. It bestows onto them a prophecy. They are never seen again after that. Given their state, Thomas didn't have any faith in the Old King returning to them.

The realization that they'd be stuck in this world for an indefinite period of time horrified the Kalosian. Questions of what would happen on the outside world burned through his mind. Fears of his Ranch being attacked in his absence haunted him. Fear of never seeing Andraste again hounded him relentlessly.

Within the first year, all Thomas could do was roll with the punches. Defend the people of this settlement, by keeping watch over the city. His partnership with began as them being sparring partners. Eventually, they would teach others how to fight.

, and her brother , were among two of his students. After their encounter in Slateport, Thomas was already acting as Vanilla's teacher. So it was only natural that he continued to mentor her. Biscotti, due to his condition, was tougher to train. He had to make sure he didn't accidentally get himself killed. But Thomas would gladly help him survive well past twenty one.

Thomas would retain close contact with , and his Emerald Knights. Though he didn't join their ranks, he too would be among the first to respond to threats to their new home.

Reconnecting with his old friend, , proved pivitol in keeping himself sane. It would start out as him assisting her with Gym duties, however he could. Eventually, their bond would strengthen, and he would find her to be someone he could truly count on.

Revelations and discussions with would fray at their old friendship, however. Though he understood turning her back on the League, after all that happened, he couldn't quite overlook some of the things she said. He didn't know if he could quite trust her. Despite this, the need to work together prevailed, and Thomas would set aside his differences, for the time being.

Realizing that was starting to close himself off to the world around them, Thomas would take the time to visit his old friend, whenever he could.

In the ten years that followed, Thomas immersed himself in protecting Hammerlocke from the oncoming threats. The battles with the Dynamaxed Pokemon that emerged from the Power Spot kept him sharp.

His free time would be spent looking into the Breathnach Estate, with little luck.

But it wasn't enough for the assault on Hammerlocke by a Necrozma. Despite their best efforts, many innocent people had died in the crossfire. Thomas himself had nearly died to the Nercrozma, if not for the timely intervention of Gallium, who had evolved into a Melmetal.

When the Necrozma left, it had left black metal in its wake. Though many would choose to forge empowered weapons out of these fragments, Thomas remembered the Galarian Zapdos that had attacked their town, ten years earlier.

This was enough for Thomas to abstain from the 'blessing' of the metals. The former Elite Four knew a poisoned chalice when he saw one. He feared that those who had chosen to craft weapons from the metals would end up meeting the same fate as the Galarian Zapdos. But there was little he could do to convince the others.

All he could do was mourn for the lost, and protect those who had survived the horrific attack.

As the boulder that appeared in the middle of the city chipped away, Thomas began to make out the canine-like features. Was this prophecy beginning to come to fruition?


notes: Hammerlocke Crew
Thomas mourns for the G-Zapdos
Thomas keeps himself sane by acting as City Watch
Thomas becomes Paxton's partner
Thomas trains Vanilla and Biscotti
Thomas works closely with Kazimir, and the Emerald Knights
Thomas reconnects with Athena
Thomas and Selena talk, their relationship strains
Thomas visits Alexei whenever he can, in order to support his friend
Thomas nearly dies to Necrozma, is saved by the newly evolved Melmetal
Thomas abstains from crafting a weapon
Timeskip FC

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dross, captain
she, her
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sailor / treasure hunter
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how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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skyler dross DOLLARS
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2023 11:33:57 GMT
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The wall falls. So does the army at their feet, stalled before it could breach the city: a collection of obsidian bodies speared through on thick spikes of ice. Snow gathers over its fallen sergeant, struck dead by (what a guy).

Adrenaline creeps into a victorious grin, a high that would turn tasteless in the coming days, weeks, months. Years.

For now Skyler steps from under Kyogre’s shadow to join overlooking the ashen city and its denizens. Somewhere towards the center, she can hear the distant din of cheering people, although she’s too far away to know about their soon-to-be royals (which Skyler would tease endlessly for, like any annoying older sister ought to). In later years, pride would easily replace that emotion - though the teasing would remain.

“Think this is heroic enough, Angel?” She draws closer, leaning against his side to ward off the cold gusts of wind. “Maybe we ought to find some capes, strikes a pose or two.”

Oh my sweet summer child.



Hope is a stubborn and devious thing. It latches on in the silence between thoughts, budding at the first few drops of rain.

That’s more or less how the first year goes.

When that first victory sours in the face of stagnation, Skyler throws herself into plans and heavy work. Home is still a fresh memory when she builds upon those first icy barricades, erecting an imposing wall around the city and repairing it in the aftermath of each conflict.

She still envisions an ocean-touched future when she takes under her wing, dragging the professor out into the cold at the asscrack of dawn for grueling training sessions (and, afterwards, a home-cooked breakfast).

She doesn’t think about home. Her parents. Dorado. The Sotally Tober. She doesn’t. She can’t.

Claustrophobia sets in early on, and venturing outside the walls unavoidably becomes a common occurrence, either by herself or with . But this world proves far more hostile than the one they’d left behind, and one too many close calls reveal a terrifying truth: that for all their struggling, freedom is no longer theirs. That beloved sky and ocean have now become a noxious cage, choking all their efforts.

It all reaches a boiling point - and nearly becomes their death.

“Turn back! Angelo, it’s too-!” The voice is ripped from her throat, a ragged plea that chokes on toxic fumes. That she is joining him in this fate doesn’t even occur to her. Wouldn’t have mattered anyway. Leaving him isn’t an option. “Angel, please…”

She loses sight of him in the smog. And her world falls with him.



Skyler and Angelo move out of their hotel room in the days following their failed escape attempt, replacing its claustrophobic walls with a snow-dusted cottage on the outskirts of town. It allows them a brief glimpse of normalcy, a place to make their own.

Snow crunches under Skyler’s feet as she pushes past the creaky front door to find Angelo at the stove. Home, she realizes as her arms find a place around his waist and she melts against his warmth, had never really been that far away. They’re still two wild creatures caged, but comfort is found in each other.

In surviving. In thriving, together. Against all odds.

When they aren’t working they find projects. Hobbies. A nearby shed starts being used to store Skyler’s and Angelo’s iceboats, wooden constructions carved by their own hands. Strong winds carry the vessels at a dizzying speed across the ice, more so when Skyler and Angelo decide to race. They still crash the damned things (and themselves) every fifth attempt or so. It’s, somehow, progress.

(It’d felt good to take something and shape it under her fingers, to carve something out of nothing. It’d been a little bit like fighting, like gritting teeth, like spitting in the face of adversity. And that, Skyler could definitely get behind.)

Conflict inevitably draws Skyler to the front lines, to be part of the city’s vanguard. Armed with her Twin Axes alight in blue flame (thanks !), Skyler’s a heavy hitting cannon ball that crashes into swaths of hostile enemies. In the aftermath she checks on the gravelly injured, stabilizing them through Aqua Rings and sending them over to the nearest doctor/healer.

(She takes to wrestling her mane of hair into braids. It’s far more practical for combat- and also she loves it when Angelo unbraids her hair for her, back home.)

She reshapes the ice wall with each incursion, carving stairs and tunnels for easy access ( ’s idea). The responsibility had fallen into her lap in those first few incursions and she’d taken cautious ownership of it. She hadn’t been thinking in decades then. Weeks, maybe. Months at most.

More fool she.


The idea is a joke at first, spoken in jest during one of the many dinners with - and occasionally , , and . It becomes less of a joke when Skyler finds herself setting the table for fifteen, juggling plates and cutlery and what-have-you. A once-a-year dinner, around Christmas time, to bring them all together. Thank Arceus, Skyler isn’t cooking - but she does bring her own homemade special moonshine, which can prove equally deadly to the faint of heart.

Unfeazant in a red wine and cranberry sauce with sticky honey-roast parsnips and chestnuts, alto Marean-style braised Bunnelby with rosemary and mushrooms, Sawsbuck stew with thick red wine sauce and sweet potatoes, Combee honey and thyme glazed pears - a veritable feast is laid out before those who choose to attend.

The kitchen becomes crowded with conversation and delicious smells, the roaring fire within the cottage keeping winter’s bite at bay. Jones (Skyler’s dog, not - though the joke has been made countless times) wanders from person to person, doe-eyed and shameless, looking for pets and scraps.

And so, ten years pass…


one year:
- builds upon those first icy barricades. erects and maintains an ice wall around the city.
- starts training in hand-to-hand combat (we're getting fit here, gids).
- ventures outside often, searching for supplies and testing the limits of her reach. it doesn't go well.
ten years:
- move to a snow-dusted cottage with .
- finds hobbies such as: iceboat crafting and sailing, brewing moonshine
- is a front line warrior whenever the city's being attacked. in the aftermath, she repairs the ice wall
- builds stairs and tunnels into the ice wall ( 's idea)
- and start inviting everyone over for a once-year feast in their little cottage. shenanigans definitely ensue.
WEAPON: Twin (Viking) Axes with Inferno


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angel, rogue bastard
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angelo vestri
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2023 13:51:00 GMT
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Even from his perch way up high atop the wall, Angelo can hear the celebrations echo through the streets. Peasants had begun cheering in reverence and revelry, tiny specks flocking to their saviours like fretful wooloo.

Who the subjects of their adoration were, Angelo wouldn’t find out until later. His attention instead prioritises Latios, who’d flown to him after the battle was done with ruffled feathers. They greet one another fondly, relief for the other wordlessly shared.

At the feet of a man who’d come with them from Hoenn ( ), their avian foe lies still. Slain.

Angelo’s hand sails down Latios’s long neck, smiling hopefully to . “I’d say we’re off to a good start.


That first month flies by.

Motivated by the desire to see this whole thing end as soon as possible, Angelo throws himself into their mission. Each day the world takes a reminder of time lost for what he’d left behind.

He fights the corrupted pokémon that swarm Circhester. Plans its defence alongside the others who’d been transported alongside him. Watches from atop the wall, even when a despised cold bites mercilessly at flesh.

Auto-pilot takes over.

Calendar pages pass in the blink of an eye and he, alongside and , take the lead in protecting the city from the outside in.

While they focus on the wall and the city respectively, Angelo turns his sights beyond it. Forming a recon squad that’ll venture outside Circhester to gather information on their piece of Galar and the corrupted monsters crawling within it.

He just hopes it’ll fill a void in him…


It’s not enough.

Scouting beyond the wall is a cheap farce of the freedom he's desperate for. It doesn’t take long before he discovers there’s only so far to go before hitting dense, toxic mist. Even by air and water.

Not like that stops himself and from trying to push past boundaries. Angelo knew his wife felt similarly, rejecting the idea that their independence had been taken.

He dreads going back to that shitty, cramped hotel room that’s too claustrophobic to breathe in, every single day.

Begins to detest watching come and go as he pleases. Envious that he’s able to navigate the Galarian landscape.

And even though Latios tries to remain a rock for them, Angelo can sense his distress at being contained, too.

Their wings clipped in this icy prison.

Iit doesn’t take much effort on his part to convince Skyler to try again. Just one more time.

They could make it.

I'm not going back, Sky!” He can barely see her anymore yet he pushes on. Lost in the storm of toxic ash and snow, it's not just limbs that begin to lose feeling. His hope fades, too. “I can't...

They nearly don't...


Room 032 is abandoned not long after they recover. Replacing that cramped, lifeless cell with a quiet cottage on the outskirts of Circhester, sheltered beneath frost-dusted trees.

Its made of robust stone instead of wood, and sits on a soft blanket of snow when he’d always envisioned golden sand.

There’s no ocean view, but the fireplace Jones rests in front of maintains a constant flow of warmth and the faint smell of pine is comforting.

He takes pleasure in being able to cook in a kitchen for Skyler again. That he's able to hear nature outside the window and watch the eon duo peacefully sleep on thick branches.

Gradually, he can breathe again.

It may not be the life Angelo would’ve chosen but with Skyler, he's reminded there's always something in the day to seize. That with her, no matter where they are, he has a home. 


As seasons come and go, life becomes easier. Everyday adventures found with .

Together they pick up new hobbies, crafting iceboats and taking them onto the frozen route to race nearby. More than once it ends with Angelo overshooting into the water but its a rush, a taste of freedom lost.

Adventures are found in the quiet moments, too.

When he cooks for her Galarian dishes that he’d learned from the locals, Skyler’s arms around his waist.

During times spent sat in front of the fireplace.  Warming themselves on the flames, questionable moonshine and each other’s tender affections after days spent in the bitter cold.

Their home even becomes something of a gathering spot for the group they’d arrived with.

coming to the cottage for dinner is a weekly tradition that even an alternative world can’t break. Sometimes he brings with him and other times , or drop by. Meals always feels livelier for it. Angelo makes sure they always leave with extra food.

They become the annual Christmas dinner hosts. Squishing fifteen tipsy, rowdy personalities around their kitchen table never fails to be an experience, no space for elbows let alone former allegiances.

Angelo dances with at her wedding. Piss girl is elevated to an endearing ‘fucker’. (Matching nicknames.) He works alongside and , connections forged in blood and sweat.

You can’t redraw faction lines after sharing time like that. He doesn't want to, not when he can feel the bonds between them grow.

Even so, Angelo doesn’t return to the heart of Circhester often. Aside from when duties request him, he favours the outskirts and the unforgiving wilderness beyond the wall.

His recon squad flourishes out there. Adapting to the treacherous terrain, they begin taking proactive measures. Tracking the infected pokémon and dispatching them before they reach Circhester.

Angelo hones his abilities there, too. Becoming adept at remaining unnoticed, as silent and swift as the wind. At hunting. Foe and wild game alike rarely sense him coming before the blade strikes them down.

And should they flee, then the obsidian knives that forges for him would find their backs in pursuit

(Why should he be the only one who can’t run?)

No matter how many iceboats are raced or battles end in success however, the absence of the blue, endless sky can’t quite be filled.

That doesn’t keep Angelo and Latios from soaring as far as their wings stretch.

Galar can’t take that away from them fully. Ever.



- forms the recon squad to scout the circhester borders. gathering information, battling infected pokemon, surveying the area and keeping watch.
- doesn't do very well mentally in the first year or so
- him and skyler try to leave circhester. doesnt end well.
- moves from the hotel to a cottage with skyler on the town outskirts. 
- hosts christmas dinners for the circhester crew! 
- bonding with everyone yay
- hones his avatar abilities for a free training arc

weapons: knives with pursuit

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November 16th
Jubilife City
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TAG WITH @sailorarti
Serena Malcolm
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2023 17:54:04 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar

Serena's chest rose and fell rapidly as she attempted to catch her breath. Joker, who had been doing his best to endure this entire time for the sake of saving Serena's friend finally fainted due to the poison. Recalling her Shadow Mime Jr. , Serena offers a soft smile before placing his pokeball back on her belt. "You did well big guy." she whispered.[break][break]

Once Serena caught her breath and saw everything around them was being resolved quite nicely, she decided to check up on and . The latter had attempted assisting her with Rowan's rescue only to need to be rescued himself. The process ended up putting more strain on Joker but that was all in the past now. [break][break]

This entire dream they were in was fucking with her nerve and clearly the psyche of those around her. The sooner they could find their way out of this hellscape the better. But for now, they had a job to do. Cheers could be heard as the locals surrounded the heroes of the day. A familiar face, , and some fresh ones, , we're crowned King and Queen respectively, setting the tone for the rest of their time in this dream world.[break][break]



Time passed by in the blink of an eye.[break][break]

What Serena had expected to be a short expenditure turned out to be a year long endeavor. Suddenly the idea of getting out of here was feeling less and less like a reality to her. It filled her with a sense of dread and anxiety that she couldn't exactly explain. During this time she spent most of her time with those she trusted like her brother and . By extension she also got to know as well.[break][break]

She took up residency in the Hotel all the other's seemed to choose and attempted to keep herself busy to past the time. As the months bled into one another she wrestled with the issue of her identity. If they were going to be stuck here she wouldn't be able to keep up this farce for long. Eventually she decided to reveal her true identity to those at Circhester. [break][break]

They would've heard the public reports that 'Serena Malcolm' the influencer had passed a few months before this expedition. Those with ties to Rocket would've been alerted that the Former Rocket Beast lost her life in an altercation with the Elite Four member, . Either way, now they would all know the truth; that Serena was in fact not dead, and instead used that as a way to escape from Rocket's clutches.[break][break]

The decision to reveal her closely guarded secret wasn't made lightly, but if she was going to be trapped here. Rocket and League didn't matter to her any longer. With that in mind, she prepared herself to face backlash, and at first she did, but for the most part the distrusting glares were quickly shifted when Serena showed herself to be committed to her work.[break][break]

Serena didn't sit idly by twiddling her thumbs either. She even put her pokémon to work. Often sending her Blissey, Momo to assist with the medical endeavors he was in charge of overseeing. Wishing to stay in peak form she decided to align herself with familiar individuals like , who she had worked with in the past hunting ghosts. Now it seemed she was undergoing physical training with to maintain proper performance should anything unexpected arise. Serena always felt her skillsets were more skewed towards the physical things, so training with them served to keep her busy and prepare her for the inevitable.[break][break]



At some point this stopped being a dream and became Serena's new reality. As the years multiplied and time relentlessly ticked forward, Serena's appearance reflected the time spent here. The thought of leaving this place was no longer a source of anxiety for her. Instead she resigned herself to making this new reality for herself a livable one. [break][break]

She found herself befriending those around her, letting go of the aggressive an untrusting nature that she had developed due to the hardships she endured in Hoenn. Wanting to do her part for her newfound friends and the people around them, Serena assigned herself to assist with the City Watch which was run by , , , and . Whenever the city was attacked she was right there with them on the front lines assisting. [break][break]

In her downtime she had quickly decided that the people needed a source of entertainment and a place to relax. As someone who found entertainment second nature due to her previous vocation, it was no surprise that Serena had come up with a plan to erect a tavern in the city center. Dubbed 'The Thunder Bird', the tavern was the location for many social gatherings and events for the locals to throw their cares away and enjoy one another. [break][break]

As tension among her peers became nonexistent over the years Serena found herself making the most of her time here. Never one to shy away from the throes of passion, Serena found herself in countless flings between her peers. While some things might have changed with time, Serena's hesitance towards committing to a relationship hadn't. Thus did she find herself in a revolving door of entanglements between , , and even .[break][break]

Nonetheless the time of bliss spent with her peers was some of the best of her life, if she was being honest. The fact that she could count on all of them to have her back, despite her muddied past, was a great relief indeed. The annual Christmas feast hosted by and was one of the moments she looked too all year long.[break][break]

Maintaining her training, and post on the City Watch was a given as attacks had been getting more and more agressive as they all prepared for the prophecy Calyrex had given them. Like many others, Serena had sought the assistance of and the other blacksmiths in forging a weapon out of material from their encounters. Serena already had swords she was comfortable wielding but the BOW AND ARROW and the blacksmiths had fashioned her with quickly became one of her favorite tools.[break][break]

It took some practice before she was able to have her aim become second nature to her, but sure enough even that didn't present itself as a problem for her. She could only hope that all of her preparations for the coming battle would pay off. She'd worked her ass off for the past ten years after all.[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"]gg: rusted sword


Serena exchanged her disguise for medieval clothes[break]
LOCATION: Circhester[break]
Over the next 10 years, Serena reveals her true identity to those with her in Circhester, Opens a tavern called 'The Thunder Bird'[break]
Serena assists with the City Watch routinely[break]
Serena's Blissey (Momo) works as a nurse and assists Gideon Graves with medical treatment[break]
Serena trains with Skyler and Gideon[break]
Using Necrozma's dark fragments, she makes a BOW & ARROW WITH THE MOVE 'TRIPLE ARROW'[break]



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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2023 21:07:32 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar
[attr="class","rowwtw"]"I'm so sorry..." Rowan choked out, still attempting to regain his breath. A hand moved up to push wet locks from his eyes, getting a better look at his savior. This was the first time he'd met , but trust was immediately established. If they were one of Team Rocket's coverts, they wouldn't have put their own life on the line to save his.[break][break]

"Thank you, too." Amber eyes flicked to , assuming her presence nearby was the cause for his sudden calm.[break][break]


As Calyrex came and went, Rowan began to suspect there was no leaving this place. They were meant to be the ones to watch over this reminiscence of Galar, legends in their own right, defenders of the realm and heroes. This realization angered him, that their lives had been stripped from them and were forced to start anew. Who would force such a cruel fate upon them?[break][break]

His thoughts were with Mistral, and all the others that he'd been forced to leave behind. Pokémon that would suddenly find themselves alone and forced to fend for themselves, thinking that their trainer abandoned them.[break][break]

And what of people like ? Those that counted on him to help escape from Team Rocket, that he promised to be there for. These circumstances were nothing short of a curse.[break][break]


Anger had given way to fondness as months turned into a year, having settled into this new life. During the day Rowan spent his time working at the Pokémon Center, putting his informal medical training to use thanks to the advances that had been made between this period and his own. Caring for Pokémon had always been a passion of his, it was only natural that he'd look after the Pokémon of his companions of circumstance as well.[break][break]

At night, he could finally find happiness in the arms of . With the conflict between Team Rocket and the League no longer mattering, their relationship was able to blossom without fear of either of them being harmed. It wouldn't be long before Rowan took the initiative to propose to Adrian, having one of the local blacksmiths fashioned a ring for them. In this place, they could grow old together, live their lives without having to look over their shoulders.[break][break]

They only had to look into each others eyes.[break][break]



Over the years, life in Hoenn had become a far off memory akin to a scattered dream. Circhester had become his home, and those that lived here had become his family. Dinners with and , drinks with at 's bar, card games with , and watching grow up into the person he knew she could be. These were the memories he cherished, but none more so than the day he married .[break][break]

Occasionally Rowan visited , having become rather fond of the man since that day at the Heroes Bath. It was no longer about owing them his life, but had become true friendship over the years. [break][break]

When he wasn't seeing Pokémon patients, Rowan spent his time researching the poison that had afflicted the town, himself and the gigantic Kingler. If there were ever to be another corruption, Rowan wanted to know what they were fighting and how to purify it. He knew first hand what it was like to be infected, and he didn't want anyone else to suffer that same fate.[break][break]

In the wake of Necrozma's attack, Rowan fashioned himself a weapon alongside the others. A crossbow wasn't too difficult to create, using the black metal to line the guards and house the trigger mechanism. It was particularly surprising to discover that the weapon could manifest a SNIPE SHOT when fired, perhaps due to the unique nature of the metal.[break][break]



· Month One: Angry/sad hours[break]
· Year One: Started working at the Pokémon Center[break]
· Year One: Proposed to .[break]
· Year Ten: Runs the Pokémon Center.[break]
· Year Ten: Got married to at some point.[break]
· Year Ten: Spent majority of years studying the Poison that corrupted this Galar, attempting to come up with a cure.[break]
· Year Ten: Made a Crossbow with Snipe Shot


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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2023 0:16:27 GMT



ONE DECADE PASSES.[break][break]

many have moved on; one them is the man who was once indoctrinated into believing the ideologies and beliefs of an organization that profit from terror. after a decade, he is no longer , underboss of team rocket.[break][break]

he is simply .[break][break]

though not fishing can be done within the walls of motostoke, time has allowed him to expand on his knowledge of TOXICOLOGY, having had a more than solid foundation from his many years in kanto.[break][break]

the SLUDGE and POISON have been looked at and researched and where conclusions are formed, so too has a weapon.[break][break]

or, rather, an item of support: an AMULET OF LIFE DEW.[break][break]

along with breaking free from the chains of his past, he has since forged a better understanding of the DYNITE ORE and also INFINITY ENERGY, the latter of which he has taken inspiration from from way back when.[break][break]

in a way, he's grateful for his time here. if given the opportunity to return, he doubts he would take it, for there is nothing left for him in hoenn.[break][break]

just a life he never wanted.[break][break]


- spends most of the time RESEARCHING[break]
- actually head professor theo beckett pog?[break]


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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,909 posts
part of
TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2023 0:58:25 GMT

[attr="class","header"]IF I WERE TO KISS YOU THEN GO TO HELL, I WOULD.


Queens are never born, they are made. Through stick and stone, wit and charm, passion and spite, deceit and obligation, the ingredients of a proper ruler are all poured together, mixed to the point of indistinguishability. Death befalls the person who stood before, for there holds no additional space on the throne for imperfection.

When the peasantries of Motosoke first came in, roaring their allegiances and pledges of loyalty, Penelope was stunned. Moreso when such cries came accompanied by makeshift crowns, crafted in the cities' plated gold, embroidered by gemstones of sapphire, mirroring the rubies that shone along 's brow. The weight of the circlet's intricacies was far lighter than one would've expected - but maybe it was Penelope's experience that gave ease to this newfound set of responsibilities.

"Can you believe it, Pen," She recalled hearing Ollie say. His face crinkled with excitement, as it always does, and for the first time since their arrival, she could feel her chest squeeze tight.

"It's a lot."

Who goes from councilwoman and ranger to crowned royalty? No one.

"But if anyone can do it, it's us."

She felt the tips of his fingers begin to cradle hers. A sign of good peace, no doubt. But it's in that moment life became a balancing act. One based off the foundations of desires dueling realities. Envy battling her own withered securities.

A sudden surge of instincts urged her hand away. She turned, readying to stride off to the royal chambers the elated peasantries were begging to show.

"If you say so."

The first month marches with the gait of an old, deprecated man. The days are slow, time seemingly suspended in the harrowing air, and while others swear possibilities of escape, it is Motosoke's queen who acted as one of the first to repel the prospects of hope.

She wanted to believe in escape. Of recovering the days left crumpled in their past.

But something inside her warned of the dangers of naivety. It spoke of how easily baseless hope can poison a sound mind, dulling judgment and reason with fictive fantasies.

These thoughts only fertilized the ground of Penelope's first spring of budding envy.

Ollie tried his best to sway her. To sully these thoughts of crippling doubt. But whenever he came to her, the air grew frigid and her skin cold.


Motosoke had become a thick sheet of ice around Penelope's fire, encasing its swelling heat. Its suffocation allowed only a heap of smoldering frustrations within her heart.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see you."

Ollie was always like this. A baneful force of jovial energy redolent of their crystallized memories spent together. She sometimes wondered if it were an act propagated with hopes of forcing his queen to capitulate to his ideology and sweeping wishes of escape. Or if that was just how he was at all times.

Unfortunately, it was not like Penelope to hide within her ivory tower and admit defeat. She'd rather pour her frustrations into something productive; like cracking the prophecy the high king granted them.

"Well? You saw me."

They had a meeting set for the following hour. One where they'll share the High King's message with the rest of Motosoke's council. From there, she held plans of dispersing the information to the rest of the city.

Without warning, a blush of warmth blossomed on top of her exposed shoulder. And, for a second, she nearly faltered to its silent promise.



She craned her head back up, chin jutted outward, all in the name of meeting his soft gaze. Verdant green - just like the meadows outside her office in Evergrade.

"Take a break. You've been at that for hours."

She rolled her eyes. He was always like this - a mystic force of cloying exuberance.

"You do understand we have a meeting in an hour."

"I do."

"So how the hell do you expect me to take a break? "

He smiled the way only he can. His face crinkled, laugh lines showing around his lips.

"Like this."

The King stole his queen's hand and spun her into a short twirl. When it concludes, her expression is noticeably softer, heated by his ever-lasting warmth.

"C'mon, Pen. You deserve to rest."

A sigh came out - a clear sign of one's own defeat.

"Fine, okay, you win."

The earliest parts of the year were droughted by thoughts of Hoenn. Of those seemingly lost to the gears of age; forced into the role of a makeshift snow globe, to which she'd shake in times of dire stress.

Typically, they would come at the hushed hours of Motosoke's twilight, when the world allows its briefest gift of privacy.

Out on her balcony, the Queen of the mechanical kingdom would perch herself against the metal railing and stare off into the distant horizon of metaled gears and sludge-infested railroads. She would listen to its cranking, the loud billowing of steam jutting out from every pipe in the city. And through it all, she would transport her thoughts to those forbidden memories trapped in amber.

- the man who'd stolen her heart, then her sanity.[break]
- the witch she'd sought to destroy. Only to fail in delivering her revenge.[break]
and - men of valor, brought to her by parchment and pen. [break]
- a friendship that cultivated fruits that would never be plucked from their stems.

Over time, these memories faded, replaced by the growth of friendships both expected and surprising.

First and foremost, there were those she'd already begun to trust. Friends and coworkers who'd face Hoenn's destruction alongside her. And now, with war being thrusted down their throats at every waking moment, they were given opportunities to expand what was already there.

Among those, the most notable was, of course, and . The former took to nursing the idea they'd sprung together in an office realms away from Motosoke. Project H.O.M.E. it was called. As queen, it was Penelope's responsibility and pleasure to help aid whenever possible, which meant frequent visits to the pinkette. As for , well, the former councilwoman took to discovering the absurdities of their circumstances. At first, Penelope found reason to believe her theories, for they were the only things that made sense in this overabundance of senseless happenstance. But, over time, those feelings faded, and their conversations shifted from hypotheticals to questions rooted in their newfound reality. Out of everyone within the city's walls, it was who Penelope sought council from the most.[Break][break]

Then there was , , and . As the advisor of their military operations, it was no secret that Motosoke's royalty had become close to the former rockstar. Together, they spent hours pouring over maps sprawled out over metaled tabletops while enjoying goblets full of wine. It didn't make for the most typical friendship, but one spurred by mutual respect. Then there was , who'd handled the delivery of their postal. With Penelope, the two had sent the early weeks crafting what sought to be the earliest forms of galar's postal services. Through it letters upon letters were sent out to the neighboring cities, carrying secrets and confessions and prayers, all sealed away by red stamps of wax. Finally, there was . Ol' Derek. A friend of Penelope's far before these tumultuous times of trepidation. Whenever her schedule allowed it, the queen would make frequent visits, assisting in the form of supplies and oversight with the man's mining and forgery operations. Its with these frequent visits and curious by passer that rumors began to swell throughout the kingdom, noting a suspicious outing between the two. Some say they were just friends basking in the moon's hollow embrace, others make stories of a stolen kiss shared amongst old friends.

Both were true, although neither story ever succeeded in encapsulating the why behind the spontaneity of that captured moment. Even Derek might've been lost as to why the Queen leaned forward that quiet fall night, and allowed their lips to briskly pressed onto one another. [Break][break]

Among these fortified relations, there were the occasional buds of something new. As with the rolling months and begrudging realizations, factional divides became a ghost of their past. An idea clutched onto insignificance. And, as such, even the Queen of Motosoke had found herself bridging rifts she'd never thought to cross.

Namely, there was , underboss of the infamous group of fanatics. At first, conversations remained drenched in hostility, mainly from Penelope. But, with time, these tensions began to ease, with their snippets of conversations spanned out to hours' worth of ideas and theories shared between games of chess. Her relationship to his colleague, , held a similar trill of hesitancy, all of which faded over time.


But, out of everyone, the person who grew to understand and unravel Penelope - former councilwoman, now crowned Queen of Motosoke -- was .

---- [Break][break]



It all started near the tail end of the first year spent among the spires of metal and bronze and steam and noxious gas. It'd been a long night filled with twists and turns and admissions of guilt. Mumbles filled the depths of her room, and all the while nightmares filled her mind, tormenting her with hellish retellings of her own worse insecurities.

It was after the third startling shriek that Penelope flew out from her bedsheet, fingers curled in on themselves, and face pinched tight.

Small patters of bare feet hitting tile led her silhouette down the hall, back to where a familiar oak door took residence between two large paintings. Carefully, her knuckle rapped on the door, waited, then tried again. Some shuffles were heard, maybe a groan, all before the door creaked open. A face emerged from the pits of darkness left behind. Drowsiness still clung to his eyes that answered her call.

"Pen? What's the matter?"

Her curled finger drilled into the excess of her night gown, twirling the material tighter and tighter, until she had no choice but to release its fibers.

"I don't want to be alone tonight."

She must've left her courage back in bed, because her gaze remained steadfast, never once escaping from the floor.

But that didn't matter. Not to him.


That night, their bodies became the world's sturdiest shields, deflecting every sling and arrow their sorrows took aim with.

The following nights took to a balance, with some maintaining the original integrity of their previous sleeping arrangements and others infringing those set rulings with entangled limbs and murmurs of comfort. Between the two, it became obvious who'd win as a new normalcy bore into their lives.

From then on, the city of Motosoke became known as the city ruled by love itself. Their king and queen -- originally fickle in their relation -- became as inseparable as chain links strung together. There was no masquerading the way in which her heart yearned for his and vice versa.

Through quiet dances shared between sessions spent at the royal library, and visits to the peasantry completed with their hands fastened together, the Queen and King's infatuation for one another became a story every daughter gushed to their mother about.

As the years passed by, their love was solidified in poetic vows and golden bands. Then through the birth of two children, Eve and Cal.

They were why, when Necrozma first struck Motosoke, Penelope's fire, which held dormant for many years, surged with a great vengeance in the pits of her stomach. That thing - that gnarly urge to rush headfirst, regardless of the awaiting consequences - was back. She could feel it.

"Pen, it's too dangerous!"

He reached for her wrist, tethering her to the castle. To him. To their life spent together.

"Ollie, I have to," her pleads bled with the familiarity of previous battle strewn between them. With one of them always trying to go, all while the other begs them to reconsider - to stay. "If I don't come back... Make sure to keep Cal and Eve safe for me."

She snatched her hand back and pushed out toward the door.


"I love you."

The battle was won, though the level of causalities made the Queen question whether 'victory' correctly titled the events of that day. From the black armor collected between piles of leftover debris, Penelope commissioned the blacksmith from Hammerlocke, , to craft their weapons. For Penelope, a trident bathed in fire and brimstone.

Motosoke was their home now, and she'd be damned before some skeleton thought it his instead.



[attr="class","oocnotes"] + month 1: >:( [break]+year 1: :| [break]+ 10 years: :) [break]+Pellie got married and had two kids hehe [break]+ weapon | FIRE PLEDGE




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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2023 2:06:30 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]When the Zapdos is felled and everything seems to settle, there is a fleeting moment where she looks to the horizon, as if waiting for some canine figure to appear. She even climbs up towards the unbroken sections of the icy barricade, watching for any other signs of movement.[break][break]

There are cheers to be heard in the streets below, discussions held amongst people as they gather their wits about them or even attempt to deal with whatever remains of the fallen legendary. But she never once dares to tear her gaze from the distance, not even as warmth peels from the earth and the first trails of starlight begin to dance across the skies.



Time comes and goes quicker than she thinks, far quicker than she would like. Hope had once been woven into every prayer she muttered before a battle, but she’d found herself tending to leave out more and more as time went by. And so, anxiety would find a new home to nestle, gouging out the spots that positivity had once taken and seeping into all the other cracks.[break][break]

If only she could stop thinking about things. , , . is quick to let her down after she entrusted him with letters the first time, returning them to her hands within a month. Try as she might, she has to believe him when he comes back for the third time.[break][break]

Focus on what you can - Reiner urges her in his own way. She smiles at him, pulls him into long hugs and allows herself a moment to cry when it’s just them. She’d be lying if she said she was coping in the slightest.[break][break]

Just barely functional, she throws herself into treasured troves of books and science. If her time isn’t being spent on learning and practicing how to treat pokemon ailments, it’s snatched up by a rather grand project that has foreseen -[break][break]

To build a communication tower of sorts, in hopes of reaching out to other settlements for… whatever strategies or updates she supposes that they might like. She’s not a trained nor certified expert on it, but the notes and memories she holds from childhood are a blessing that will aid her in her attempts - Pa’s own expertise in the field is contained in those, his notes copied out for when the request is carried across growing wastelands by a brave rider.[break][break]

Information about the terrain between cities is gleaned from each time he comes to town, exchanged for a brief hug and a promise that her letter will be delivered to her brother. It’s not much, but having something to look forward to each month helps force herself into a momentum.[break][break]

That monthly fragment of comfort is turned near weekly when Razz begins to take her along for dinners with and . Things amongst them are picked up really quickly, like how Angelo is probably the best cook and that she should remain blissfully oblivious to the side effects brought about by Skyler’s kitchen creations.[break][break]

And so, she takes whatever little cooking tips she can get from the pilot, using that to improve her skills until she can say she’s confident enough. Little meals are always made for , an excuse to drag her aside and have a small moment together over some homemade food.[break][break]

At some point, she begins to do it for Navy too.



Late night musings had become a staple in her life, her hands running over cold stone as she sweeps stray leaves and cleans up any muck upon the strange canid-looking boulder. Up high, Mesprit flits over its head, chirping quietly as they help to sweep off little pieces of dirt. Down by her side, a Luxray sighs, generating a steady stream of static electricity as he tries to rub away the dust.[break][break]

A slow morning meant that she could afford to work on the comms, a few hours dedicated as has been for every day in the past few years. But around the afternoon, she found herself being called in to help.[break][break]

It had been a busy shift as always, starting first with the pokemon at the pokecentre - Bless for teaching her many things in their rare moments spent together. That had been a rather pleasant time overall and might have continued into the evening, if not for asking if she could help out with the human patients at his clinic.[break][break]

On one hand, she had found herself mildly berating any that would dare to test their luck and end up making their injuries worse. On the other, she found her mind occupied by the lives lost. Ten years tends to get you remembering names and faces at times, especially if they were people that popped in and out of the clinic at some point in time.[break][break]

Perhaps, she has to find solace in the fact that is at least alive and well enough to find her on this rather dreary night.[break][break]

”What brings you this way, o fair king? Needed a break from addressing the crowd?” A lazy call earns her a rolling of eyes and Mesprit's raucous laughter, her hands tucked into her pockets until she pulls a singular cigarette. Then she holds it up to Razz, waving it slowly before his very eyes. ”Wouldn’t happen to have a light, would you?”[break][break]

It's risky, blatantly admitting to her bad habit in front of a man who tends to stop her from doing stupid things. But at the same time, she's more than old enough that he wouldn't care as much.[break][break]

She'll draw his attention to a medical kit, lifting it up with her free hand and offering him a wry smile.[break][break]

"So what'd you end up doing with yours, huh?"


One year:[break]
✧ Starts working with to try and build a communication tower[break]
✧ Brushes up on her pokemon treatment skills that she got from [break]
Ten years:[break]
✧ Dedicated a whole bunch of time working on the radio tower over the past 10 years[break]
✧ Helps out 's pokecentre treating pokemon and at 's clinic, occasionally people[break]
✧ NIGHT TIME WALKIES near the canine boulder to clean it, meets there[break]
[attr="class","adrie-note"]goodbye galar

KAY OF PIXEL PERFECT[break][break]

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2023 2:16:32 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar



Galar is a shitshow. It doesn't take a simulation for Katherine to recognize that, nor does she require the assessment of a dark triad member to confirm her suspicion. This region proved to be a disappointment. No solace whispered its gentle reassurance into the Malevolent's troubled soul, for the illusion of unreality refused to bestow even a glimmer of respite. Whether real or fabricated, this charade was their only refuge. Well, this and the even-more-barren distortion world.
'This isn't real' is a sentence many of her friends and former peers hear over the first year Katherine spends in Galar. , , . They hear it, come low and come high. Its echoes weave their way even into unwilling ears. Katherine's unceasing repetition plays out like a melancholic symphony, fading into the background until even her listeners' interest wanes.
Truth hurts. [break]
It always has.
The Malevolent becomes increasingly withdrawn, her appearances in Motostoke becoming scarce and elusive. Her true name is eventually eclipsed, yielding to a revered title of the highest honour, celebrating her as a paragon of sorcery. She was no longer 'Katherine' nor a 'councilwoman'; she was a witch.
Some things truly never change.
Before, Hoenn had given her reasons to stay rooted in 'reality' and their home dimension. Galar, however, couldn't. The ethereal embrace of the distortion world mended the void left by their previous home. Barren and empty as it might be, it was hers. Still familiar, forever comforting. Her sanctuary. Bit by bit, month by month, she observed her realm reclaim its former glory. She cherished each familiar isle and cascading waterfall that returned to her dimension. It was proof; she told herself—concrete evidence she'd be foolish to ignore.
The first few times, she had even gone as far as inviting to see it with her. She allowed the queen to witness it for herself, the progress-- the proof that this wasn't their home-- that it was all fake. But she didn't fault Penny for not believing her.
The creation of her weapon is something she completes in her realm. Sheltered from distractions, she forges a whip befitting a THIEF. It is scarcely used, for she scarcely elects to protect Motostoke. She intervenes only when absolutely necessary, and even then, her contribution is left in the dark.
Others would have lost their minds by now. The isolation is bound to drive a person crazy—but as luck would have it, the witch is never alone. She spends every waking moment with the god, biding their time together. They keep a watchful eye over ETERNATUS' SLUDGE and await for THE BLACK KNIGHT to return.


- in motostoke[break]
- katherine mainly stays in the distortion world over the next decade (mainly after the first year, though)[break]
- grows reclusive / doesn't stay in touch with any1 past the first year, essentially. occasionally shows up to visit , & .[break]
- often chooses not to protect the city. when she does interfere, she does so in the dark.[break]
- forges a whip in the distortion world (THIEF)[break]
- waiting for eternatus / necrozma tm[break]
- 1 salac


[attr="class","bottom"]@ RUSTED SWORD [break]


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[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]·
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shiba inu
april 4th
saffron, kanto
inu ceo
and in this hell you'll stay
24 height
24 height
if this is the last night and you're feeling hollow - i'll give you my half life so you see tomorrow
122 posts
part of
TAG WITH @sheba
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2023 2:23:57 GMT

it's over. [break][break]

she thinks when she gazes out at the barricades, eyes narrowed on the delphox who smells horrible from the poison - still, she'll figure out how she can wash the big one with some water, later. or, she can have her use some psychic to get it off. either way, the woman sighs softly, recalling the pokemon back once all of the fighting is over. "you did well, love." she pecks the top of the delphox's pokeball, who, she thinks, deserves a rest. [break][break]

they'll get home, she thinks. they'll get home soon. [break][break]

she was wrong. [break][break]

they did not get home soon. [break][break]

one year:[break][break]

at first, it was jarring. there's no word from the beast that brought them here, and things have become.. oddly quiet amidst the poison and the gunk. she, like many others, are jarred, and at some point, she's starting to think that surely, no beast will leave them here, right? there's no way they're stuck here, right? because if they are, she'll be leaving behind a legacy. she'll be leaving behind her life, and leaving behind her children - and now she's wondering if participating in this battle was really a good idea. [break][break]

"i have to get back" she thinks, but how? it looks like you're in an entirely different region, in an entirely different timeline, and she doesn't understand how she or others could ever get back. the longer she thinks about it, the more anxious she becomes, and she can't be the only one with those intrusive thoughts (the thoughts that remind her that her children are still alone, without their mother, without her home). [break][break]

but if she's stuck here, she would prefer not to wallow and sulk forever. though and others have already gone ahead with organizing the populace for battle, one look around tells her that resources will certainly be a problem. there's farmland, yes, but she imagines that most of it would have been overrun with the poison, and the soil contaminated. there needed to be an effort for food (or else they'll all starve; they'll die of starvation before they'll die of war). [break][break]

so she uses this time to gather those around her, taking a look at food stocks, and rations, and the quality of food that they could eat. they would also need a fresh source of water, lest they go their days. [break][break]

ten years:[break][break]

ten years pass.[break][break]

the prophecy passes, with a black creature descending upon the land in a war. it's a fierce battle, but the people are ready, and the casualties aren't too severe. thankfully, with all the work and preparation, they don't have to go hungry either. she'll admit, perhaps she was a bit too strict with the food rations during the war, but it can't be helped when the majority of the working have become the injured, and the majority of the skilled were the majority of the fighters. they had to be frugal, for the sake of their now growing population (because children will always run the streets, regarding the time; they remind her of her own). [break][break]

those who have come to the past have also found new lives to lead, for better or for worse. sheba, for one, isn't one to hold onto the past for too long - not one to dwell. but if there's anything she thinks about, it's the children she left-- hopefully they've grown to be wonderful. maybe they haven't grown a bit, and the flow of time here was different (she hopes so). [break][break]

during the war, she's crafted herself a weapon: a scythe with the ability to teleport her. [break][break]

it was tricky to use, at first - which is why she uses the years after obtaining it to learn how to properly wield the weapon. sheba's never been much of a fighter, after all; but the events here taught her that she needs to. plus, it's certainly useful for hunting; something she initially had do, before she decides she's tired of sitting on her throne of capital.




  • location: motostoke
  • one year: angry/worried about her kids
  • one year: takes responsibility for food and resource rationing
  • one year: researching food sources, farm lands, and expandable space
  • ten years: business woman hours(tm), delegates work for peasants and manages resource circulation
  • weapon: teleporting scythe
  • ten years face: Mei mei

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]

@ @motostoke

[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,087 posts
part of
TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2023 3:29:46 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu"]Malaise floods the streets. It runs into the gutters, eats through the pavement and brick and mortar, falls down to the deepest depths where you lie. [break][break]

There near-abandoned with the rest of the fallen city you nurse a permanent hangover, pounding headache, like driving a screw into the back of your head tighter and tighter and tighter til the tension is about to give way, a sweet sound beckons and you listen with bated breath for every deafening beat of your heart, the rushing sound of your own blood in your ear.[break][break]

Or is it your own heart? [break][break]

You watch and aren't sure whether you are hallucinating the pulsing of flesh, a light that needs no incarnation, who's beats serve no purpose, but beat all the same, so you think, so you must imagine as you watch it, watch intently. [break][break]

Days, days into weeks and weeks into months and months into years, it spills forth like some sprawling tapestry, some spoil of war from some war never fought, a future that shouldn't be. But, because it does, you remain steadfastly focused, admiring the embroidery, every deliberate and perfect thrust of the needle keeping time like a conductor, never changing, always steady. [break][break]

Each time it strokes, the beat like a clock keeping time, you are here to listen. Not merely to observe, not as some pedestrian, not as some tourist, but as a scholar, an artist, an expert in the field of stopping hearts…[break][break]

You watch it, brutal pulsing organ, a thing that shouldn't exist. You watch it mark time as seasons pass, warmth pooling off it in the form of a red light in lieu of blood. [break][break]

Travels to the surface are few and far between. You have everything you need down here. Here at the bottom of the world you lie, and stare at the light. [break][break]

Eventually, after about a year submitting to its call, you think you come to some understanding. Distant hum like a foreign language you begin to decode it, slowly over the course of months, scribbles on a piece of paper. Things you hear, things you see in your dreams. [break][break]

Things it tells you.[break][break]

Geometric shapes, things hollow like bones, mapping out the sea. Each organ, each vessel, each grand antechamber that stretches for miles, all leading towards two points at either end. [break][break]

It simply speaks the shape of your soul, and you are its conduit. Occasional bloody noses. Occasional slips of consciousness. Sleepwalking. Moments where you forget who and what you are. None of it matters, bathed in that light. [break][break]

And so you continue, mapping constellations of the deep sea, until that cave is filled with stacks and stacks of papers, drawings of diagrams impossible to explain without insight, secrets in languages that you aren't sure have ever existed, slowly unraveling your very mind.[break][break]

Finally, finally, you think you're starting to understand. After a decade, you think, the true work can begin. [break][break]

But whether genuine insight into that light that makes pokemon grow so large, and the pulsing organ deep below that seems to be the source of the acid above, the hands, the venom tormenting the people of this doomed world, whether any of that can be gleaned…[break][break]

You aren't sure. [break][break]


+Tsubaki spends a decade lost in study, researching the mysterious light, the strange glowing organ, and the connection between them and the venom and poison hands.



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dr. graves
he / him
October 28
fallarbor town, hoenn
museum director
professor / researcher
allopatric isolation
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
i get by, but it's hard to forget in the smoke of denial and the fog of regret.
468 posts
part of
TAG WITH @gideon
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2023 3:48:32 GMT

They win the day, though their battles were long from over.

The townspeople rejoice in the aftermath, bizarrely crowning two of their own as King and Queen . To give power to strangers seemed odd to Gideon, but perhaps his logic didn't entirely apply now, in this new realm. [break][break]


Necessity bred innovation. Though not a medical doctor by training, Gideon saw a need for a town physician and set the task for himself. His background in genetics and virology lent themselves well to the profession; with time, and the study of texts from the local hospital, he became proficient at the work. [break][break]

Others joined him: volunteered to help in the veterinary section that was created due to the relentless, periodic attacks; 's BLISSEY was a frequent helper around the clinic; he worked with to reestablish the Pokémon Center as a place of healing; and even offered aid as a reliable peer and pen pal to bounce ideas off of, despite her being located in another city.[break][break]

In the aftermath of her breakup with , lost her pregnancy — and would have likely lost her life, too, without medical intervention on Gideon's part. He would remember the melancholy feeling of burying the child for years to come. A life lost, but at least not born to suffer in this poisoned world.[break][break]


Once his clinic was established, Gideon's next endeavor was focused on studying the phenomena within and around Circhester proper. After taking time to process and come to terms with 's ROCKET alignment, eventually the two co-create a small research facility that they man together as equals. Their time working alongside one another fosters a comfortable father-daughter relationship between the two — strong enough, in fact, that Gideon gives Nomi away at her wedding to .[break][break]

Oh, Parker. It was a difficult journey navigating the tensions and apprehensions surrounding the woman who'd nearly beaten him to death. But time, remarkably, healed those lingering wounds. And, of course, herself. She proved her redemption time and again in the way she treated with so much love and devotion, in how she helped the likes of and in combat, and by swallowing her pride and apologizing for what she'd done. Gideon forgave her, and the two went on to form a heckling friendship. She even got that dance at the wedding she asked for.[break][break]

Just as he'd always been want to do, romance was set aside in favor of other pursuits. His work was his heart, and he had so, so much to do now. Still, every now and again memories of resurfaced. These recollections waned as the years passed, however.[break][break]

Instead he found the companionship of friends and family to be fulfilling enough. [break][break]

and his ZAPDOS were regulars in his clinic, enough so that a friendly rapport developed between Gideon and the birdkeeper. The bracers imbued with the power of HEAL PULSE developed by after the attack by NECROZMA came in handy when treating him (what felt like) every other day.[break][break]

and were two consistent sources of normalcy and respite in an otherwise chaotic world. Gideon looked forward to his early morning training sessions with Skyler, the foraged goodies Angelo would bring back for him from his scouting trips, and all the dinners the two put on inside their cottage home. He came to care for the couple dearly as the years ticked on.[break][break]

Despite the dystopia they'd found themselves in, Gideon considered himself lucky to have at least been trapped with . As always, his brother was his rock — someone he could lean on in the hard times, of which there were many. The two could often be found patronizing 's tavern, playing a game of cards and nursing moonshine whenever their schedules aligned. [break][break]



circhester gang[break]
• becomes the town physician (humans + pokémon)[break]
• creates research lab w/ and gives her away at her wedding[break]
• him & are chill now I GUESS 🙄[break]
• trains in combat w/ until he earns the right to his lumberjack beard[break]
• thankful to have throughout all this shit[break]
forged equipment: bracers of HEAL PULSE


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing