i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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November 16th
Jubilife City
Former Beast
You don't wanna see me bratty~
595 posts
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TAG WITH @sailorarti
Serena Malcolm
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 3:05:38 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar

Ten more years pass in the blink of an eye. As time continues to be relentless, Serena almost finds herself forgetting about life before all of this completely. Almost. In the back of her mind she wonders about her parents whenever she still meets up with her brother, . It's in those moments that she misses the life she had. [break][break]

She finds it comical almost that the life that she had dreaded and saw no purpose in she would grow to look back and miss. Especially considering troubling times and foreboding futures ahead them here in Circhester. But even if she did miss her old life, she had grown immensely in these past two decades with the people here in Circhester, her new home. [break][break]

The dull hatred for herself had subsided and she'd learned to grow and love again. Even though things looked a little different with her, her trysts with and taught her how to forgive herself. She didn't have to be resigned to the tragic life she had been living, or rather, now that she was trapped here she didn't want to be. Serena actively gave life another shot and she was better for it. [break][break]

The friends that she made here meant the world to her now and she'd do anything and everything in her power to protect them. With that being said, she continued with her work with the City Watch. Always training and staying in shape due to the constant battles that they were having these past two decades. And to prepare for their final bout in the future, according to Calyrex. [break][break]

When she wasn't busy with her post on the City Watch she was taking care of 'The Thunder Bird' her tavern that she'd opened up ten years prior. This place had become the staple romping grounds for the people of Circhester. Every weekend was busy and Serena had no choice but to look for help with staffing the place. [break][break]

In order to continue to keep this place in tip top shape for those in the city she hired and trained her staff herself. At first it was hard for her to ask for help but as time marched forward she quickly swallowed her pride. And the Thunder Bird was better off for it. One particular trusty staff member was Heidi, Serena's fiery red-headed apprentice. [break][break]

She could put a smile on anyone's face but turned into the scariest person in the tavern when potential 'bar fights' threatened the security of the Thunder Bird. She quickly became someone that Serena relied on completely. When Serena needed to be away helping the City Watch protect the city she could trust that Heidi was protecting everyone back home.[break][break]


"Try this new pot roast recipe I came up with. I'm thinking of adding it to the menu." Heidi exclaimed as she plopped several plates of food down in front of Serena. "And what's this?" Serena asked as she poked at the casserole-style dish. "3-Cheese Potato Gratin! Also a new addition, sure to be a fast favorite."[break][break]

Her confidence was infectious and Serena found herself smiling as she began to dig in. "If you say so." she said with a grin. "Say that again once you taste it." Heidi quipped back. Sure enough the feast sprawled out before her was good enough to be added to the tavern menu. But Serena didn't doubt her abilities at this point. While she was eating she figured now would be the best time to tell Heidi than any.[break][break]

"How do you feel about taking over the bird?" Serena asked as she popped another bit of potato in her mouth. Heidi snorted as she placed some ale in front of her. "Yeah right." she scoffed but Serena shook her head. "I'm serious, I need someone to look after this place. I'll be too busy to take care of her myself soon." she said as she stared at her young apprentice.[break][break]

Heidi, finally realizing she was being serious hesitated. "But...I'm not ready yet. There's still so much I have to learn from you." Serena shook her head. "You run this place practically on your own now. I barely have to do anything because you take care of everything. What more do you need to learn?" Heidi was quiet for a second before continuing. [break][break]

"But I want to stay with you..." So that's what it was. Serena smiled at her and patted her hand. "You and I both know I have to help when the battle starts. I need someone I trust that can keep the people here safe. There's no one I'd give this task to but you." she said with a grin. "I'm proud of you." Heidi sniffed at her words as she nodded, understanding. "That's my girl."[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"]gg: rusted sword


Serena exchanged her disguise for medieval clothes[break]
LOCATION: Circhester[break]
Continues maintaining 'The Thunder Bird' and takes an apprentice under her wing and transfers ownership to her.[break]
Serena still helps with the City Watch[break]
Serena's Blissey (Momo) still works as a nurse and assists Gideon Graves with medical treatment[break]
Has a bow made from Necrozma's dark fragments, 'TRIPLE ARROW'[break]



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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 3:25:00 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


Alright, let's do this one last time.

"Hoh. That looks delightful, doesn't it?"

A large man sat before a gargantuan hearth. Several children and young men sat and stood around him as well. Everyone stared intently into the open hearth, weary and fresh faces alike taking in the blazing heat with rapt attention.

The last 10 years had been considerably better than the ones before them.

With the lands purified of the poison, food was more abundant. Travel more common. Exchange of goods and people much more convenient.

Unblinking eyes stared at the oldest man in the room, a massive lug of a man with platinum locks of hair, awell groomed beard, and the proof of his time on the battlefield carved into his smiling face.

"Now watch carefully, boys. This is the most important step." The man said, his smile growing as the youths around him narrowed their eyes in focus.

With a pair of clamps firmly in hand, the man reached into the hearth and turned the pieces over, humming thoughtfully as he stared at the color of their finish.

"You see that?" He asked, eyes all sage-like. They all nodded.

"Indeed. They are ready." He said, picking each and every piece out and laying them on a steel platter.

Grabbing a single one with the clamp, the man raised it to eye level to examine it carefully.

And then bit it.


"Ohoh! Tastes delightful, too!" The man laughed as he savored the freshly cooked meat, turning his gaze to the many sons of his students. "Go on, then! Lunch's served!"

As the crowd of kids surged for the food, the man cackled as he stepped aside and let them get their food, humming as he threw aside his apron and stepped away from the forge, yawning as he stretched his arms over his head.

The Dynamax band wrapped around his wrist gleamed under the light of the burning fire as he looked over his eye, grinning at them.

He had quite enjoyed the fruits of newly opened exchange in the last 5 years. His aging, once ailing body, had made a slow, steady recovery ever since his diet had broadened.

"Make sure they share!" The man said with laughter to the aged Gallade and Aegislash watching over the children, receiving twin, judgmental stares.

His name was Gwyar Wledig, a man of 59 summers. Husband of most beautiful woman in all of Galar. Master Smith of Ballonlea's craftsman guild. Combat Instructor of Ballonlea's militia. Swordmaster and warrior.

Cook and babysitter, occasionally.

He's lived a good life. Fell in love twice, Met and befriended many, continued to learn and better himself well into his twilight years.

He can proudly say the arms and weapons of those around him have been created by his hand; that the great powers they now wielded to challenge the encroaching calamity had been shaped by his hammer.

He has done his part, several times over; he likes to think so at least.

But he's not done yet.

"I thought it was my turn to cook today?" He said with a wry smile as he leaned against the kitchen's doorway, staring warmly at the woman before him.

was the reason he had become the man he was today. The reason he struggled to become a better man tomorrow. That he was sane to continue and fight to see his children. To fight to free them from this memory.

"Hoh... I can't help myself when you look at me like that." He chuckled, approaching with slow, measured steps, a growing smile on his lips as he slipped his arms around her.

"I love you."


-Gwyar cooks for his blacksmiths' boys using the forge lul.

-Gwyar has crafted weapons and armor for almost everyone, and dynamax bands for basically everyone. He's trained a lotta folk, and fought a lot of battles. He's old and proud of everything he's managed to accomplish.

-but he ain't done just yet.

-I'm coming home to you
Slipping off my shoes
Resting in my chair
I see you standing there
The silver in your hair
I'm coming home to you

-Short and sweet, it's late and I'm tired. If you mention Gwyar in your posts, feel free to assume he wilfully helped craft your weapons/dynamax band :pepechu:

GWYAR'S WEAPON AND EFFECT: An extremely light, thin and long blade with an elegant guard and pommel. , Ability: Swords dance.

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dr. graves
he / him
October 28
fallarbor town, hoenn
museum director
professor / researcher
allopatric isolation
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
i get by, but it's hard to forget in the smoke of denial and the fog of regret.
468 posts
part of
TAG WITH @gideon
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 3:56:19 GMT

...and life continues in much the same way for .[break][break]

The pressures of academia had long been absent from his daily routine by this point. There was no rush to publish papers, no stress about funding, no competition between peers. Despite the threats outside the walls of the city, time had slowed down for the professor.[break][break]

His was now a pastoral life, to some degree. Surrounded by friends and a found family — bolstered by a comradery nurtured over years of companionship — Gideon pursued other ventures to fill the time. Once the poison had receded enough to allow for travel out of Circhester, he began to indulge in hobbies long abandoned.[break][break]

With newfound springs and waterways rid of lingering toxins, Gideon could now continue a pastime of crafting handmade lures for his fishing trips away from the city. He enjoyed the toil of it; setting his hands to wood and metal and creating something useful. Even some of the townspeople had come to his small workshop, asking him to teach them his craft. Ever the teacher, Gideon was more than happy to do so.[break][break]

This realm and its technologies were gravely limited. With no camera to use recreationally, Gideon spent much of his excess creative energies on another artform: pencil sketches. Over time he filled innumerable leather-bound journals with artwork representing everyday life, his work, the flora and fauna of the region — everything. It was a way to engage and capture moments he wanted to immortalize. [break][break]

and sharing a moment of peace at their breakfast table. Johnny chopping wood in the front yard of their cottage. tinkering with her Dynamax Bands. at Nomi's side, walking toward the horizon and away from Circhester. sparring with Jonas. helping ZAPDOS preen its stubborn feathers. and laughing over mugs of ale. caring for an injured patient.[break][break]

Fond memories he could now look back on, if he desired.[break][break]

And yet... for all the things he'd gained here, Gideon felt himself stagnating. Routine was an enemy to someone whose entire life had been dedicated to discovery. He still ran the town clinic, but the days were stale with repetition. He still helped at the research center with , but their breakthroughs took years to manifest.[break][break]

His old vice returned — a love for drink that came on so slowly that Gideon never saw it as a problem. was the first to notice. After all, although he spent time with his friends and loved ones, they all had their own lives to lead. It left Gideon alone. And when he was alone, he drank. First at the bar, and then at home when Serena's concerned glances became too much of a burden.[break][break]

Newfound purpose was eventually given to Gideon in the form of a prophecy. Or at least, the realization that part of it spoke of a final battle on the Winter Solstice. The last trial before they were whisked home? ...But was Hoenn home anymore? He'd spent nearly half his life here now, in this poisoned place.[break][break]

Regardless, they needed to prepare. With motivation and a verbal kick in the ass from , Gideon eventually sobered up and participated in the readying activities. He trained, both his body and his Pokémon, for what was to come.[break][break]

It was not their return to Hoenn he was fighting for anymore. [break][break]

It was home — the people here. Everyone he'd immortalized with pencil and paper.[break][break]



circhester gang[break]
• pursues old hobbies; some in a new way [break]
• stagnates and feels discontented tho [break]
• starts drinking heavily [break]
• but eventually gets his ass in gear and helps prepare for the final battle[break]
forged equipment: bracers of HEAL PULSE


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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,909 posts
part of
TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 3:57:06 GMT

[attr="class","header"]IF I WERE TO KISS YOU THEN GO TO HELL, I WOULD.


During the following ten years, Penelope took to many crafts and skills, and responsibilities befitting the circlet of crusted gold along her brow, but none came close to the effort she placed in artistry.

Sketching out portraits, only to enrich them with colors spanning from rich yellows to humble blues and reminiscent reds, was like a dream come true.

It all started during her first pregnancy with Eve. For days, physicians (and her own husband) clipped her wings, enforcing strict regimens for the safety of the unborn. This meant no more patrolling with or swinging through the outskirts of Motosoke with . Even Motosoke's constant revelries -- a trademark they'd become none for -- had become off-limits for the expecting.

Rather, her time was forcibly devoted to simple tasks, such as letter writing to those stationed in the neighboring cities of Galar, or playing chess against the reformed head scientist .

It was nice, for the first few weeks. There was tranquility in quiet nights spent roaming the castle's gardens or sifting through paperwork with one's beloved. Later, she realized it was a rare luxury Hoenn had never been able to offer her. There was always something more to be done back then. But now, in the comforts of her new life, something was different. A hunger had been quenched.

Long hours spent in a quiet daze would often leave her stirring. It made her wonder whether that feeling was Chi-yu's dissatisfaction furling within herself, aching for the chaos she would never quite provide. With time these questions silenced themselves to obscurity. No answers ever came.

But with the second pregnancy came further isolation. Seclusion enforced by a crying of a newborn swaddled and strapped onto her at all times. Even when offered his assistance, there was never any escaping a child's wails for his mother. It was then she began to paint.
Years pass, and as the leaves danced from reds to browns to spring greens once more, change enveloped the steam-filled city of Motosoke.
Cal and Eva spent their days being taught by tutors from across the city. There was , who did well in teaching them the means of self-defense, then who taught them the mystic powers of music. Then, there were their godparents: , , and  . They all came to visit in varying frequencies, offering assistance in the form of short-term childcare and teachings of hard-earned advice.
It was during these occasional hours of solace that the queen would escape to her balcony, washing out the stress in sweeps of color. Oftentimes, while the sun would begin to make its holy descent down the horizon like one might slowly dip its toe into the lake, Penelope would place time into sketching pieces of her memory.
She had found, while reminiscing with during the late hours of Galar's twilight, how fickle one's memory could truly be. There were moments so strongly embedded into the back of her skull; not even Arceus could strip her of these. Then, there were memories -- a worrying amount, it seemed -- that held no issue with vanishing. Like a morning's first breeze, they swept out from her thoughts, leaving behind only clouded feelings of misshaped nostalgia.
And so, she'd taken to these paintings to recollect the forgotten and store them on a canvas. There, they could be safe from time's habitual thievery.
"You still out here?" A feathery voice emerged from her room, accompanied by a shadow that quickly embraced her.
"Yeah. Still finishing up."
The painting was incomplete. Chunks of the canvas were still muddled by unblended splotches of paint. Still, the picture remained radiant through the reddish-orange smog.
"Another memory?"
"I think? I don't know for sure." Her brows furrowed. It was growing harder and harder to separate fact from fiction. Without any tokens to solidify these moments, many truths were being consumed by the fictitious fantasies that now swam in her head.
"Well, when you're done, we should frame it. It looks amazing." He kissed the back of her head, a stroke of care gliding down her shoulder. "I love you."
"I love you, too."
When he left, the balcony's doors clicked behind him, signaling her return to the piece.
Penelope added more gray to the cliffs, bolding their edge, and dotted the rolling lava with specs of yellow. As she did so, a chill crept over her shoulders, imbuing them in a wash of familiarity. Remembrance.
Alone, two figures stood along the volcano's lip. Their bodies swayed close to one another, but never to the point of converging. One was painted in highlights of green, the other in shades of deep crimson. Casting a glance over her shoulder, she made sure to her loneliness before looking back at the canvas. Its imagery caused her heart to roar inside her chest. Cautiously, a hand rose. A finger hovered over the two fingers, tracing its linework with imaginary details not yet painted.
" ."
The name formed before thoughts could catch them.
Beyond the escapism Penelope kept to, other endeavors marked the following decade. Namely, there were her occasional visits to the neighboring cities, mainly hammerlocke and Circhesiar. There, she would meet with old friends, such as and and and the runaway .
It was and 's letters that kept her company during the long, arduous hours of solitude during her pregnancies, so she made it a point to thank them. Between the three of them, visitations faded into normalcy, becoming no different than weekend trips. Even still, their letters continued.
Practice became paramount, as 's warnings urged her to continue maintaining a battle-ready stance. And so, with the trident forged, the Queen took to the fields, practicing under the military advisor's instructions. Through this and their constant meetings, the two became fairly close. So much so that a letter was entrusted to her.
When she received it, a glassy gloss licked her eyes, and tears collected at her innermost corners.
"Of course. Anything for an old friend."
Her hand took to his, offering it a tight squeeze. Reassurance could only go so far as to ward off a doctor's diagnosis.
"Not to say you have permission to die on us just yet."
That night was topped off by drinks and bellows of laughter.

With the help of , the Queen was also able to develop and start off the first circuit of galar-based news. GNN, they called it. Galar News Network. Through that, updates and information could circulate through the various cities, keeping them connected in ways previously thought to be impossible. She'd even managed to add a bit of fun to these papers, adding a gossip column for all the nosy citizens to sniff through.
All was well in the City of Motosoke.
That is, until a letter from Queen was delivered to her.
Penelope read it out loud for to hear.
"We are offering you aid should you need any. I cannot offer you military assistance, but anything else, please don't hesitate to ask, and we can reach a negotiation,"
Her lips pursed at the first sentence, peeks of her younger, more callous personality striking through. Some things are never truly lost.
"Assuming we need their assistance? Awfully bold of them. "
Her husband, sweet as they come, tried to offer his spin to the queen's words. Smiling, he shrugged, "Love, I think they're just trying to be nice. Kind of like: we're in this together."
The queen scrunched her face at this.
"Then they should've said as much."
She continued.
"I should forewarn you that SKYLER DROSS and I came across a great disturbance in the sea. The poison receded there, and it seems like it's going to come forth again at any moment. It would appear that a disturbance is on the horizon. Be prepared."
A pause. Her eyes found her husband's, widened by revelation. They flitted to the nearest guardsman.
"call for , , and . Immediately."
Another pause, another thought.
"Call for , too."
If there was anyone's opinion she'd like to hear, it would be hers.



[attr="class","oocnotes"]+ weapon | FIRE PLEDGE[BREAK]+Penny takes on painting during her second pregnancy. [break] + She realizes, thru telling stories to her kids and ollie, that her memory of hoenn is fading. She uses painting to capture them before they all wash away. [break] + Paints images from PARADISE LOST [break] + gunner, Katherine, and paxton are god parents yipeee! [break] + accepts callan's letter/request [break] + Starts up GNN, galarian news network. includes a gossip column. [break] + reads summer's letter and calls for council




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blue, murk
october 29
goldenrod city, johto
lost dog (defector?)
death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit.
339 posts
blue murtagh DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @blue
blue murtagh
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 4:00:23 GMT
blue murtagh Avatar


the next ten years

We aren’t going home, Blue.[break][break]

These are words she thinks of often, no matter the years that pass her by, aging her body and weathering her bones. Each day cements ’s quiet insistence from that very first month more and more. Maybe she’s learned to accept her lot. Maybe she’s unwound defensive layers and taught herself a proper way of living that isn’t cagey or unnecessarily violent.[break][break]

But stubbornly, she doesn’t quite stop believing she’ll return to where she left a piece of her heart.[break][break]

Eventually, inexplicably. Somehow.[break][break]


Blue doesn’t move quite as quickly as she once did, but it doesn’t mean she’s any less lethal. She simply learns how to hold herself steady, to not fly off the handle and jump to violence as a first resort. Instead, she becomes a protector. A role she thought she would chafe at, but has come to appreciate for all of the resilience it teaches her. Her dogged loyalty actually put to good use.[break][break]


Sitting on the soft slope of a pond they managed to uncover that isn’t plagued with toxicity and grime, Blue lets her feet dangle in the water, hands in the grass. Her patience has improved in leaps and bounds through the years—not enough to be patient to hold a fishing pole of her own, however.[break][break]

When she was younger, it would’ve been impossible to keep her still, but now she can sit there in the quiet for hours. Rookidee song returns to the world around them as the sludge retreats. Why do you think it’s receding? she wants to ask him. After years of studying the stuff, why now? But it would shatter the repose.[break][break]

She looks at him like something dear, because he is.[break][break]

Somewhere along the line Theo transcended that arms length role of superior into a companion. In a way, she supposes she has him to thank. For teaching her, for soothing her sharper edges, for showing her what he meant a lifetime ago when he said that all he wanted was peace.[break][break]

“I’m surprised you accepted,” she finally remarks (killing the silence is still inevitable, it seems,) but there is a wry smile on her lips as she watches Theo. She squints against the sunlight, nose wrinkling as she mulls it over. “Think it’s high time they have you doing something all wide and smart-minded, though.”[break][break]

It’s a roundabout way of expressing her pride, but it’s not as if he needs that sort of validation from her. Instead—[break][break]

“Y’know, someone’s gonna need to watch your back for you, old man.”[break][break]

Sentimentality isn’t her strong suit. Never has been.[break][break]

She leans over and jostles his shoulder with hers, then dips sideways to let her head rest where her shoulder just was. It makes the fishing line bob, and probably disturbs the fish. But there will probably be more quiet moments for catch and release, just as there have been every year prior.[break][break]

There’s nothing else she can bring herself to voice. She fades back into quiet, letting her loyalties speak for themself.[break][break]

And so it goes on, much like the rest. Accepting of where they’ve landed, but always with the thought in the back of her mind.[break][break]

The train ride is long, but someday they’re gonna have to get off.[break][break]

At least now she knows how to enjoy the time it takes to arrive.[break][break]

And to keep it safe from the looming threats that lie in wait.

+ continues to assist as he steps into an advisory role. that’s her truest allegiance tbh[break]
+ takes on a the mantle of a guard.[break]
+ combat is still second hand, but now she uses it to be a protector.[break]
+ she’s practically sage!! who would’ve thought!![break]
+ choice of weapon is a war hammer with meteor mash[break]


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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,888 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 4:15:29 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
- The Fifteenth Year -

The piercing squeal of Flygon wings audible for miles was a sign that Shalin had repelled yet another Dynamax Pokémon from Balloonlea. This time, though, there was one major difference. She had become so practiced with her suit and so synced with her Flygon that she did not feel one bit of vertigo. She slid down from the formerly-buzzing appendage without so much as a stumble. She felt on top of the world. Not only had she conquered the fastest wings known to mankind, but she had put her highly unusual talent to great use in battle. The sonic explosion had become synonymous with victory. Occasionally, citizens of Balloonlea would flock to see Shalin perform with her Flygon. While some would scoff and ridicule her for her methods, many were dazzled at seeing her turn into a blur and hold onto something moving so fast.

When Shalin got word that travel between the cities was possible, she would do so, putting on similar performances there while meeting up with some of her old friends, such as , , , and . Particularly , whom she had been writing back and forth to for quite some time. More importantly, she reunited with the Birdfather's Djinni: the source of power for her flying-type AVIAN ARROWS. What a relief it was to have those back. Her aim with them would be sharp as ever, having been used to firing normal arrows for well over a decade.

- The Twentieth Year -

Time had not treated Shalin kindly. One day, when she had finished repelling yet another Dynamax Pokémon with a SYNC STONE-enhanced BUG BUZZ, she slid off her Flygon's wing, Galar's Wildest Rider in writhing pain. As it turned out, not even the protection of her SYGNA SUIT and a perfect bond with her Flygon could shield her from the biological curse that was old age. While she was far from old, her body simply could not withstand the punishment it used to.

Ballonlea, and Galar as a whole, had lost one of their most powerful weapons: perhaps the strongest Boomburst in the realm.

It couldn't have come at a worse time, too; with horrible omen after horrible omen making its way across the cities of Galar, she needed a new way to harness her powers. While the bond was there, the bottleneck was Shalin's physical capabilities. Shalin's suit's power had been so focused around her Flygon's sonic attacks that without them, she needed to find an alternate source of fuel for her suit's stone. Unfortunately, she would not have the time to do before the true disaster arrived on Galarian soil.

Shalin continued to help the others in whatever ways she could with the Dynite Ore and operations in the underground, as well as foraging and hunting operations with . She even had the pleasure of going for a ride on Miya mid-hunt. What speed the Galarian Zapdos was capable of! She wondered what would have thought of being astride such a creature, what with his fixation with Raikou and legendary Pokémon in general. Every stride felt like the fighting-type Pokémon was trying to buck her off. A burst of AGILITY followed by the thrust of a THUNDEROUS KICK unseated the aging rider. While she had her fly, her first ride on the back of a legendary Pokémon was... overwhelming, to say the least.

With her suit being almost completely out of commission, she needed a new way to battle. A DYNAMAX BAND sounded like a grand idea! And what better person to go to than , who had previously hooked her up with a killer set of arrows capable of freezing Pokémon in their tracks? If riding some of her Pokémon was too tough on her body, then making them uncomfortably large would no longer be an issue!


- Shalin at last masters her suit, able to sit on her Flygon's wing mid-Boomburst without suffering extreme vertigo.
- Shalin makes use of the talent during most attacks on the city, the normally terrifying sound of layered sonic booms a sign of how great the city's defenses against their new foes is. In between attacks, she puts on "performances" with the talent.
- Shalin travels the cities to meet up with old friends, such as , , , and , showing them her new, Sygna Suit-empowered talent. She would also perform in those cities to raise morale.
- Shalin meets with 's TORNADUS to restock on AVIAN ARROWS.

- Shalin's age begins to catch up with her; one day, after a routine defense operation necessitating a Sygna-enhanced Bug Buzz, she becomes wrack with maddening pain. Her body is too old to withstand being flung around so rapidly, even with her Sygna Suit.
- During a hunt, Shalin goes for a ride on 's Galarian Zapdos and gets thrown off.
- Shalin spends a significant amount of time experimenting with her suit to find a new way to harness its power. Ultimately, she is unsuccessful, disabling her Sygna Suit beyond the basic protections it offers.
- Shalin asks to craft a DYNAMAX BAND for her.

{WC: 646}
{PC: 7}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Shalin          Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Flit            Yanmega           Good
Sandy           Flygon            Good
Queen Zing      Beedrill**        Good
Treble          Kommo-o           Good
Lathiel         Type: Null        Good
Levy            Milotic           Good
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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,661 posts
part of
TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 4:20:21 GMT
ollie morales Avatar


[attr="class","mainbox"] days turned into weeks turned into years. before he knew it, life in galar transformed into a tapestry. each of them weaved forth a memory that felt just as authentic and real as the time that he had spent in hoenn, and it wasn’t long before ollie could no longer differentiate what was memory from what was real. [break][break]

slowly but surely, motostoke began to return to it’s former glory. buildings rose, townships grew, and the heartbeat of the galarian peasantry could be heard echoing through all of it’s cities.


as parents, it goes about as expected. [break][break]

ollie is a proud, expectant father. he is thrilled when penny tells him of the news, swinging her around the room until laughter tumbles out of her lips. he handles most of the childcare, mostly because penny is often too busy in meetings or diplomatic agendas to do so. [break][break]

but there are still enough moments of them as a family together. penny teaching eve how to paint, ollie teaching cal how to string a bow. [break][break]

soon, the castle becomes filled with her paintings - with her memories - and the sound of laughter and joy becomes a common staple in the castle’s quarters. [break][break]


“you know,” he says, as he hangs up another one of her paintings. “your paintings are beautiful.” [break][break]

while he’s always been good with his hands, arts and crafts have always eluded him. she’s a wonderful artist - maybe the weeks spent cooped up away before eve’s birth had done her well - and each piece she makes is more breathtaking than the last. [break][break]

“you always say that,” she chides him, rolling her eyes as he slips the canvas into a golden frame. [break][break]

“yeah, but i mean it.” he looks up at all the paintings that line the walls. memories of hoenn, piece by piece, hung up in frames all around their castle. there are even dabbles of the kalosian sea, the mountains in which they’d fell in love again and again. of the masquerade they danced to without even knowing each other. [break][break]

even the paintings he does not understand, of foggy shapes and volcanic edges, of endless swaths of verdant green and vibrant crimson, he finds enthralling. just as he finds her. [break][break]

ollie looks back to her, smiling, as her hand encircles his waist. his own wraps around her shoulders, pulling her close, as he kisses her forehead. [break][break]

“it reminds me of home.”


out of nowhere, WISHING STARS crash land into cities. ollie knows nothing of them, only hears about them from the townfolk and their scientists. about the tales of THE BLACK KNIGHT & SKELETON, and the calamity that is to come. [break][break]

he looks to his queen, a look of concern on his face. [break][break]

“we should visit ballonea.” [break][break]


“illie!” [break][break]

when the borders open up, it should come to no surprise that ollie is sent to half the cities for meetings on diplomacy. sometimes those meetings are spent with penny, other times they are not. [break][break]

but whenever he goes to ballonea, he makes a point to visit in the observatory. much like ollie, she - too - is a monarch of her city, but unlike him, it always seems as if the years have worn away at her. [break][break]

where sunshine spills with ollie’s every step, it seems the darkness warps queen even more than the poison does. [break][break]

“illie? come on - i’m here to see you. let me say hi.” [break][break]


it takes a few tries before she’ll even look his way, and even then, the moments are filled with silence.


“is she always like that?” he asks first. the two have never been particularly close, but they grow closer over the years as their children do. [break][break]

ollie brings his kids over to ballonea to look at the yearly blossoms of the mushroom forest, to show his children the stars they can’t see at home. [break][break]

when cal and evelyn run after the future ballonea monarchs, ollie turns to aaron and throws him a beer. [break][break]

“just stay by her side,” he tells . it’s what worked for penny, when she was like that, maybe it’ll work for illie too. [break][break]


he worries after his friend, even so much as going to circhester’s . [break][break]

their relationship is different now, in their old age, but ollie has always looked to the scientist for his breadth of knowledge. whether it’s to ask for medication to heal ’s sadness, or it is to ask if cale’s cough could be deadly, he looks to gideon for counsel. [break][break]

but more than that, he enjoys the professor’s company. [break][break]

with a grin, he says: [break][break]

“want me to set you up with someone cute?” [break][break]

as far as he remembers, was still single. [break][break]


illie doesn’t talk about much, but she at least talks about the stars. [break][break]

science has always been a thing that excites her. ollie remembers it just as keenly as he had thought it that day back in hoenn, on the morning of one of their runs. [break][break]

you’re super, super cool, illie. [break]
believe in yourself, the way others believe in you.

ollie may not quite understand everything she says about the stars, but he does support her work to find a way home. he doesn’t quite understand it the way she does - how can he? when his true love came to this world with him? - but he’s there to support her along the way regardless. [break][break]

after all, she’d said it once: [break][break]

it was hard to be sad when he or eva was there. [break][break]


he meets other friends too, and makes new ones. he finds a friendship in people like and , even going as far to name them godfathers to his children alongside . it’s a reminder of hoenn filled into their new lives, a little flurry of memoria into what seems will be a future catalycsm. [break][break]

glad you survived, my king. [break][break]

it’s a weird thing hearing not only say it, but anyone else. but over the next decade, it becomes a normal thing. to be king, to stand by penny’s side like he was always meant to be. [break][break]

it becomes as easy as breathing. [break][break]

the world around them shifts, changing – and ollie becomes cemented by the people he laughs with, the people he loves. [break][break]


“you want one?” ollie laughs, joking alongside . the former hbic-agent, now-city watch looks at him with a look of serious constipation. [break][break]

around him, the king’s children clamber atop him like a jungle gym. but ollie doesn’t seem to mind, not when their two kids scream and shriek in his ear. he enjoys being a father almost as much as he enjoys being the queen’s husband – it is like a life that he has been meant to live. [break][break]

but the look in gunner’s face nearly speaks of the sheer opposite. [break][break]

“don’t worry,” ollie says, grinning as he hands a baby caleb up to . “he won’t bite. probably.” [break][break]


in hammerlocke, he visits the calcifets. and both. sharing tea with them over the city’s horizon almost makes him reminisce of home, makes him think of all the things that he and once planned for the rangers. [break][break]

“it seems a bit foolish now,” he asks, with a laugh. “doesn’t it? now that everyone’s getting along?” [break][break]

the galarian royal - though he supposed they were both royalty now - crumbles a biscuit in his mouth. [break][break]

“time is the healer of all wounds. both young and old.” [break][break]

you sound old to me, remy.” [break][break]

“you both sound old now,” teases, walking into the room, setting upon the table a plate of freshly-baked treats [break][break]


“it’s thanks to you that we can visit each other,” ollie tells knight who had become a good friend to him over the years. motostoke’s king can’t help but strike up a conversation with the knight whenever he visits, knowing how instrumental the other was in setting up radio communications between cities. [break][break]

eve finds the most interest in the knight, asking for a chance to spar with him and exchange stories of the snowy city of circhester. [break][break]

“can we visit?” his daughter asks of him, tugging on his arm. “i miss uncle angel and auntie sky.” [break][break]


once in a while, ollie and penny occasionally show up for the routine circhester dinners too, whenever they’re invited at least. to no one’s surprise, ollie quickly thrives at developing friendships, both new and old. [break][break]

while talks shop with and , nights are spent trying to drink and under the table, or tag-teaming bullying with . [break][break]

you know, your love advice never worked. [break]
i never said that it would!


eve and cal grow up in an overindulgence of warmth and love and affection. ollie works with both to establish a survey corps, and to strengthen their militia. when they’re of the appropriate age, the royal children follow suit but it’s eve who takes more to the training than her brother. [break][break]

with and ’s expertise, she quickly equips a sword, eager to spar with anyone who’d be willing to drag her along, and ollie is weak to her whims – as long as it doesn’t put her in any immediate danger, it’s impossible to say no to her. [break][break]

not to her gold hair or bright green eyes that look just like ’s. [break][break]


cal takes to the bow, but more than that, his interests are always to the stars. he adores hearing stories from when he comes home from his journey, or listening to either of his parents tales late at night. he spends hours with the scientists, or toddling after whenever she appears out of the blue, like a dream. [break][break]

his hair is blond like his sister’s, but his eyes are amber-bright like his mother’s, but it’s the crooked smile that he wears that reminds everyone of motostoke’s king. [break][break]

“c’mon, auntie kat. tell me about the prophecy again.”


somewhere, with the help of , and several others, they host a tournament in motostoke.

“thanks for coming!” he says to everyone who passes, but it’s king that catches his eyes. it feels like years since the two have spoken to each other, and for a moment, ollie doesn’t recognize him. not until the other is kneeling to the ground and asking for forgiveness that he doesn’t need. [break][break]

“hey, hey,” ollie says, quickly bringing a hand to the other’s arm to pull him up. “get up. there’s no need.” [break][break]

but, king ollie - [break][break]

“call me ollie. it’s been years, ” he smiles - bright, brilliant - like the sun he’s so well known for. “there’s no need to ask for my forgiveness. you’ve always had it.” [break][break]

it’s only after a moment of silence that the other answers. [break][break]

we may be fellow kings, but… you can call me ash. [break][break]

ollie flashes a crooked grin, forest-green gaze full of mirth. [break][break]

“well, ash, my girl’s gonna wipe the floor with your hammerlocke kids today.” [break][break]

“as if,” a voice appears behind him and ollie turns. of course, it’s , smirking right at the motostoke king. “my daughter’s going to win today, ollie.” [break][break]

the king’s eyes gleam with the promise of competition. [break][break]

“you wanna bet?” [break][break]




days stretch into weeks stretch into months. [break][break]

people gather around for the holidays, and his relationships with that of the motostoke grow only stronger still. they invite people from other cities too, whenever they’re able, but ollie isn’t blind. not everyone can be happy, especially not when he witnesses the deterioration of or the way that a once-happy seems to return back to the sadness that was his former self. [break][break]

he isn’t sure what causes it, isn’t sure why stops talking about his husband with the same pride that ollie talks about his wife. [break][break]

but he hugs closer still as he cradles a blanket around her and the campfire, as ’s winter performance sings bright and true in the motostoke frigid air. [break][break]

“i love you,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to her cheek as she smiles into a mug of hot cocoa. “merry christmas, penny.” [break][break]


the poison recedes, and it’s made ollie happier than he has ever been before, finally able to breathe. he’s never been the kind of person that dwells well with being cooped up, something that he learns is a sentiment shared by and . [break][break]

but it’s the sea queen that warns him of the pending disaster. [break][break]

“i don’t trust it,” she says, taking a swig of drink. “kyogre doesn’t either.”


“dynamax bands?” motostoke’s king asks, looking upon . over the years, the two have grown close - or at least ollie likes to think so. he missed the other when he was out with , and was glad to see him back in his station. [break][break]

his eyes flickered over towards where his two kids were sparring, and where stood talking to . [break][break]

they’d heard of the prophecy, and the info regarding the dynite ore. ollie could only hope that it would be enough to prepare them for the upcoming battle. the earthquakes were growing with more certainty now, and it was only a matter of time before they would need them. [break][break]

he clasps derek’s shoulder. [break][break]

“thanks. we’re going to need this.” [break][break]

“the winter solstice is coming soon.” [break][break]





• MOTOSTOKE (w/ ) [break][break]
• pellie become parents to cal and eve. their godparents are , and . [break]
• ollie travels a lot to other cities to meet his friends, and make new ones. he attends diplomatic meetings with , and studies the stars with . he attends dinners in circhester, and has tea with the calcifets in hammerlocke. [break]
makes dynamax bands for them to prepare them for the upcoming battle. [break][break]



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december 21st
wyndon, calar
demirom. pansex.
pro fighter, hitman
show me
where the delicate stops
6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
you can call me king of the world
223 posts
Cain Toman DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cain
Cain Toman
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 4:23:56 GMT
Cain Toman Avatar

The skies spoke volumes upon volumes for all to see, yet even throughout the changes he’d experienced within the warped dreamscape of his home region, some things had never changed— and one of those things had been his lacking affinity for ideals of Heaven and Hell, alongside what may dwell within either. As much as he gradually found himself garnering a broadening appreciation for the stars above within the passing nights, the fact of the matter had been that the specifics of it all had been—and would always remain to be—far from his expertise and interest, alike.[break][break]

Star scryers seemed to become somewhat bountiful.[break]
Whatever they did was their business.[break][break]

So as the others toiled, he merely continued as he was; a mere soldier amidst the masses.[break][break]

(x - xv.)

Even throughout the first decade of their residence within the god-forsaken memory they called home, there had been similarities to be drawn between realities both old and new. The struggle for life. The struggle between life and death.[break][break]

The struggle brought upon those whose lives were changed by lost and missing figures.[break][break]

Initially it had been something he intended to distance himself from for none other reason than it being none of his business, yet as the years softened him, and as the years found miracles in continuously molding the seemingly unmalleable clay of his persona, there was a point in which he brought it upon himself to approach both youth and not. Though his involvement within the resource trade had begun to dwindle more within passing and ever-changing necessities within the guardsmen, his connection to it remained, nevertheless. There was a power that he had— one that would benefit those in need.[break][break]

One that he, himself, had needed all those years ago.[break][break]


(xv - xx.)

The blood upon his hands would forever stain the roots of his being, yet it would be those selfsame hands that forged everything pristine and pure.[break][break]

What begun as simple, sparing interactions with those afflicted by loss and mourning had, much to his surprise, blossomed into interaction upon interaction; fulfillment upon fulfillment; bonding upon bonding. Whether or not it was due to the fact that he’d witnessed much of himself within those poor, unfortunate souls had been something he preferred not to dwell upon too often, yet despite those preferences, the answer had been one he’d unfortunately found himself at ends with one way or another.[break][break]

(if they ain’t got no one else, they at least got me.)

A silent vow to naught more than the specters of his imagination, truly.[break][break]

Yet those specters had been the selfsame ones that gave him a foundation; a secondary means. Though the idea of genuine intimacy alongside a partner had never quite piqued his interest—the warmth and haste of differing bodies by the sparing nights had always been a fitting placebo for him—it had been the little ones that ultimately found a place within his care. It begun with those that he interacted with over the years, then expanded towards others that came along— and then some time later, the surprise of one of his own from someone within the prior decade’s past.[break][break]

The mother in question claimed to be initially intent within caring for the child herself on account of his past priorities and absences for the guard, though as the years burned on, she found herself tiring more and more. Life as a singular parent had droned on and on enough for her to want little to do with it at all, though by that point, it hadn’t been something he minded in the slightest.[break][break]

(i need to do what i can.)

For all those he’d taken under his watchful eye.[break]
For those with late introductions.[break][break]

So with a steadfast spirit, alongside an ignited flame within his gaze, he continued on for those ones he’d affiliated himself with. Alongside those fellow, mourning companions he’d met in the past, he organized a place to be equal parts a shelter and home, alike; one to house those selfsame lost souls that found themselves at the mercy of the world’s happenings. A determination to mend their broken, voided hearts had been the driving force for his later years, alongside a desire to train any others who were willing to lend their grit to their own defenses in the light of the carnage that progressively surfaced, and in light of the sparks of conflict that had begun to dwell upon the lot of them within the skies.[break][break]

Whatever he could do to ensure the safety and preservation of his home, he would do.[break][break]


  • The Drip(tm) is officially abandoned
  • smoker is his timeskip look
  • small retcon: cain's got a seventeen year-old son, now? LMFAO a kid from a one night stand, i guess?? mom got tired of parental life and just dumped the truth about the kid's dad on him, and then dumped him on cain. big shock hours, but let's say he's caring for him as best as he can and making up for as much lost time as possible
  • years ten through fifteen: more or less just caring for those that lost friends and family, especially The Kiddos(tm).
  • fifteen through twenty: officially starts a shelter + orphanage for those without homes. trains up the older kids and refugees. basically just becomes a dad that plucks strays from the street tbh LMFAO
  • dynamax band, yes yes. completely forgot to write it in, but he absolutely would've gotten one at some point, oop
  • crafted weapon: a pair of armored gauntlets (bitter blade)

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]

@ @rustedsword

[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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shiba inu
april 4th
saffron, kanto
inu ceo
and in this hell you'll stay
24 height
24 height
if this is the last night and you're feeling hollow - i'll give you my half life so you see tomorrow
122 posts
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TAG WITH @sheba
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 4:31:22 GMT

she works, and works, but the work is never done. [break][break]

the help of many is what keeps this collapsing city afloat, but as the years pass with a blur, she finds it harder to focus herself. yes, perhaps she's starting to lose herself in this sea of liquid time. she has to be going crazy, to begin seeing the children of this far faded town as children of her own ( they are nothing but the distant souls of the dead; simulacrums of a clinging memory ). [break][break]

it feels like she's betrayed something. [break][break]

so she works until they are self-sufficient, and works until her death. she'll do just that in this new, old familiar world, and she'll do the same once she returns whence she came from ( but will she return the same woman? will her children look at her, and think of her all the same? nothing scares her more than her own children eyeing her, only to ask where their sweet mother has gone ). [break][break]

since when has she been sweet? [break][break]

many others have focused on the prophecy, and many others focused on battle. though her bones have grown old and her skin weary, looking in the mirror is what reminds her of the passage of this joke of time. [break][break]

she despises these children, who replace her own, but as a mother she can't turn a blind eye ( not when she's been the child with nothing ). it can't be helped when she takes a child in, under her wing, teaching them finance like she would her own. it can't be helped when the child brings another in, then another, and another, and another again. it can't be helped when she finds herself surrounded by those eager to learn to wield weapons, and wield books. [break][break]

so she brings them to an orphanage built up by , who seems.. much more eager and receptive to helping. maybe it's old age that's made them wiser, or maybe it's the desire to help foster the next generation. who knows?[break][break]

"thank you for your help." she smiles, weary and fatigued from both work and age. the children will eat well, and train well, she's sure. though the extent of her responsibility to them is providing, she found herself visiting one day, then the next, then the next, until it's become a near daily occurrence. [break][break]

she forgotten how much she's loved the laughter of children. [break][break]

more time passes. [break][break]


and a wrinkled, tired woman has worked her flames and embers, but the frigid sheet of frost that layers her heart is no more. she gazes out at the window, at the rays of sun that seep through the glass. the orphanage has grown, and many rejoice in the retreating poison. the children who once mewled helplessly have grown capable, and some even checking in on her. [break][break]

a knock comes at her door, and she moves across old planks to open it. [break][break]

"sheba!" a woman calls out, smile bright on her face with a woven basket on her elbow. [break][break]

she immediately leans over to give the elder a hug, to which she only smiles softly and leans against her shoulder in response. "ah, sigrid." the name leaves her lips, to the child she once found huddled, and shivering. [break][break]

"we were able to grow some apples! i came here to give you some." [break][break]

she smiles so brightly, with locks of bronze messily falling over darker eyes. [break][break]

"ah, that's good. i was worried that they wouldn't be able to grow in these conditions.." winter was always harsh, especially on vegetation. the only reason they can sustain the growth is due to pokemon, and the use of modern knowledge. [break][break]

the girl grins, holding the shaped fruit of red to shove into her grasp. "take it." [break][break]

"it's alright, sigrid, i've eaten ple--"[break][break]


a giggle comes from the woman at the door, her smile still bright, like the rays of sunlight on chilled winter skin. [break][break]

"you've been working hard to make sure we ration for the winter" [break][break]

she starts, the peasant beginning to hold the basket out to the aged woman. [break][break]

"so this is the least we could do." [break][break]

it was sickeningly sweet, this young woman. she's full of vigor, and life, and hope for a better tomorrow - a far cry from sheba, but it tells her that the sweet child was raised right, and raised with love, against all odds. it's this image that pricks at a tired heart, and the bottled up tears well as the woman reaches over in a panic. [break][break]

"whoa! are you okay?! why are you crying?!" she starts, her thin arms reaching out to hold slightly chilled skin, as though to catch something so fragile and dainty. [break][break]

"it's nothing." [break][break]

"did someone make you cry?"[break][break]

"no, sigrid, no one--"[break][break]

"i'll find them and kick some sense into them!" [break][break]

"sigrid--" [break][break]

age has made her wiser, but hasn't made her any stronger. so instead, she reaches to take a young lady in her arms and into a warm embrace. "i'm just happy." she says, the tears rolling down her cheeks and onto brown cloth.[break][break]

"so happy that you, and others lived." [break][break]


it approaches: the day of the prophecy. no amount of preparation will mentally steel her, and no amount of preparation will ready her for the children to fight. their lives will be lost, and some will be injured - but never has she wished for someone to live so vigilantly-- even if they're just memories. [break][break]

so one day she watches the window, though no longer longing for a home. what was silent yearning has been filled with the last words before the night takes her:[break][break]

"i hope i remember."




  • location: motostoke
  • only sane bc she's a workaholic tbh
  • delphox gets to rest, dorime delphox
  • just wants to get back to her kids
  • co-parents the orphanage with
  • got herself a dynamax band in preparation for the final days(tm)
  • weapon: teleporting scythe
  • it's still Mei mei

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]

@ @motostoke

[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
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Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 4:35:16 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.




Melody time, accepts her past with her own parents and decided to have children of her own during the twenty years in galar with . He did prove to be a good father, when he was actually around. During that time Melody continued to practice her sword play, even training her two children, her daughter and a son. [break][break]

Yet despite the fact he leaves her for child rearing, something she was rather angry at him for since he literally became the dad who goes to the gas station for milk, she sighs. She knows he was a good man but that idiot left her all alone. Again. [break][break]

She sighs, at least Auntie and and uncle ? [break][break]

During every holiday, Melody puts on a performance for the most part as it felt so natural for her, she felt like in another world she would've been a singer instead of running an orphanage for the welfare of pokemon. [break][break]

Melody's daugher Crystal and their son Raphael learned from Melody's sword play and even finding their own style. On the rare occasion, even Cobalion joined as Melody continued to work closely with him, giving up on becoming his avatar even after all this time as she only cared that the two stayed close at this point as he was going to be a close guardian of her children. Over the years Melody also pays visits to pay her respects to and , her daughter also becoming good friends with the queen's daughter. [break][break]

She sighs, was called to the castle once more. She couldn't help but feel like something was wrong, why was she so easily cast to the side, this did not feel like the part she was meant to play in a previous life...a previous life? The thought felt oddly foreign yet she couldn't help but feel something was wrong. [break][break]

She placed a hand on both of her children's head as she sits them both down for a talk. "Listen. You're both coming of age now to be young adults. Raphael, you are in charge of protecting crystal." before she pauses and looks towards her daughter "And you are in charge of protecting your brother, do you both understand? You stick together regardless of what happens in the coming days. I need to respond to the threat coming...the knight, the skeleton..I play a role in this." she tries to explain to them as they are confused and scared. [break][break]

And she had no answers for them as Cobalion watched on, ever so silent as he knew Melody would respond to the situation. [break][break]

She readies her sword, her rapier she had kept with her all this time, refined and well kept as it feel like an extension of her at this point as she bears a dynamax band, one entrusted to her by as he knew she'd make good use of it. She looks to the skies, awaiting for the winter solstice to approach.[break][break]



notes about this post

Melody continues to train with her sword play and dynamaxing thanks to the band that gave her [break]
Melody has two kids with who grow up to be the same age as ollie and penelope's kids.[break]
Cobalion and Melody prepare for the winter solstice as Melody starts to doubt her memories feel real at this point.

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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
5,711 posts
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 4:51:54 GMT




he's surprised he accepted, too. for years he has been content with staying out of the limelight as nothing awaits him there. no responsibilities, no expectations, no duty.[break][break]

but when the call from their queen comes, he responds, and it did not take him long to accept.[break][break]

"how could i ever pass on being hand of the queen?"[break][break]

but the title has little to do with it. his friendship with along with an inevitable fight is the real reason he accepted. he knows that there is no avoiding it. they're all in this together now.[break][break]

"you're right. my fighting days are long behind me."[break][break]

the fishing line bobs.[break][break]

"will you watch my back, blue?"[break][break]


- spends most of the time RESEARCHING[break]
- focuses his research into the DYNAMAX PHENOMENON[break]
- head professor theo beckett pog[break]
- accepts 's request for him to be HAND OF THE QUEEN[break]
- life companions with [break]


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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,620 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 5:18:01 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar



[attr=class,charname accenttext]
Just one more time before I go...

Reluctant in his going-ons in Galar, Adrian grounds himself in this distorted memory by pursuing conflict. But the fragmented existence addles his mind—when he slumbers, it is oft difficult to tell where the dream ends, and this strange fable begins. It is a curious, jarring experience that challenges the visceral nature of the human condition. Somewhere out there, beyond the stretches of space and time, of fiction and fact—their old life awaits them... Or at least, one chooses to believe. Restlessness with being unable to directly pursue such an ultimatum is, of course, enough to leave him dissatisfied. Malcontent with little recourse, and few places to direct his frustration...[break][break]

By helping to push back the poison, he strengthens his bond with his pokemon, allowing him fond memories of previous excursions—moments of no small glory, for someone whose life has since dwindled as a flame in the night's wind—and these flickers kindle a passion that may have otherwise dulled, left to rot. Once more he is reminded how fortunate they are, to have these mystical creatures at their side...[break][break]

...But faces are drawn with lines, wrinkles that tell of a passage of time—of a foreboding approach towards the conclusion of a natural cycle, and in this he finds himself driven further—towards desperation and ire, with a fierce need...[break][break]

Adrian grows wistful and withdrawn, fearing for the worst... That they might be required to live out their days here, spending this small moment in the sun languishing under strange stars, away from a place of belonging.[break][break]

Those closest to him can see the breaks. Losing touch with what made him him, he almost seems like a different person—despite his efforts to appear as anything other than his fondest memory of himself. It all seems so far off now...[break][break]


tags ADRIAN keeps himself grounded in the memory by battling. Grows increasingly weary with time, hoping a return is close in the distance. Finds the emergent technology interesting, and would dabble where permissible, though only as made available to him. (BLACK CRYSTAL SHIV - KNOCK OFF)[break]


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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 5:51:13 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

How crushing was it, to realize that the first decade was just—an incredibly long stretch of time as compared to most?

How was everyone back… back there? Surely missing persons reports only lasted for so long before the person in question was declared… dead, right?

(Because the feeling of dread never left him, no matter how much time passed.)

There was… there was something off about ’s partner, however he couldn’t pin it quite down just yet. The reason for it being—the words of that he remembered, after one of their talks so long ago, rose back up to the forefront of his memory:

Didn’t the ‘people’ who ran around Hammerlocke have some semblance to people they knew from… from somewhere?

(Probably, this was also why he’d made the decision to enter the ‘marriage of convenience’ with Miss Elise—another reason being it would be much easier to throw everyone else pestering the both of them off their tracks.

And even then, he knew that he would always be loyal to… who was it, again?)

He would have to ask to remind him again, as they’d agreed to become their city’s respective ‘lorekeepers’, in a way—but not of the Hammerlocke lore, but of… where?)

Why was his memory failing him?

His brows furrowed when Tom started acting strange, going on and on about the person he cared most about—much as he tried to point out that he was dealing with what was possibly a shade, or maybe a figment of their collective imagination—he couldn’t do it. He had to… he had to go along with it.

The moment he’d heard about the poison receding, he immediately knew—it was his chance to travel.

To find one of the other people he’d been exchanging written communication with. He’d go off quietly to Ballonlea one evening; and arrive looking for , spending a few days with his friend and catching up; hell he’d even challenged her to an archery contest—to see who was better between them with a bow: he from Hammerlocke or her of Ballonlea.

(He wasn’t sure if Circlechest—Circhester and Motostoke had their own archers, however he was more than certain he was one of the few ‘strangers from beyond’ who took up the way of the bow in Hammerlocke, as most of everyone he personally knew had either gone for melee or defense over there.)

Over time, he doesn’t realize that he’d already lived past the supposed ‘deadline’ that was slapped down on him, back there (wherever ‘there’ was) and was getting close to fifty… fifty. Fifty years old. (Well, forty-nine to be honest; but you get the gist.)

And it isn’t until he managed to take a closer look at himself, again does he realize…

“Why do I look like… him?” he mused as he ran calloused fingers through the hair, now turning back to white (but with remaining traces of purple at the tips).


With the ‘dawn of the final day’ looming on the horizon, he throws himself full-tilt into getting ready for whatever awaited them all across the rubicon.

This, of course, included training with ‘Dynamax’—imagine the momentary glee that flashed across his face the moment he’d managed to do it with Kyouya, the cranky Braviary.

“Now if only I could ride on your back when you’re in that size.”


not even he is immune to forgetting about Hoenn
• remembered what he and Tom talked about way back then—about how the ‘people’ of Hammerlocke bore resemblance to those from there (Hoenn)
it’s been so long, he can’t remember anymore due to so many years being stuck in Hammerlocke. Like, the feeling is there but he cannot connect it to the name, nor the face anymore
• the moment he hears about the receding poison, he immediately books it toward Ballonlea and meets up with Shalin, one reunion at least!
• has another late life crisis when his appearance is turning back towards what he first looked like, only to realize that he’s sort of starting to look like his fucking dad
• has a late-game training arc with Dynamax usage; acquires a Dynamax band and successfully pulls Dynamaxing off on Kyouya the Braviary
• +20 timeskip FC: Kinjou Shirasu from Donten ni Warau

@tags up there as mentioned

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castelia city, unova
gym trainer
10 height
10 height
hello world, i'm your wild girl
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TAG WITH @athena
athena oswald
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 6:05:14 GMT
athena oswald Avatar
The years march steadily on, and Athena is swept right along with them.[break][break]

They mature slightly, but maintain the same bright, indomitable will that's always kept her going. Their soul is on fire and the years do nothing to dampen it. They train with their Pokemon, train their body, adapt to the new weapon they'd created.[break][break]

When the scientists figure out what to do with the Dynite Ore she's one of the first to recieve a band. Their gym's location makes them a perfect candidate, and they often practice the art of Dynamaxing near the stadium's power spot.[break][break]

But not all developments catch their attention so thoroughly. Athena doesn't undertand the significance behind the stars so frankly, she doesn't care. Prophecies and fate are all just mumbo-jumbo words made up by people who would rather have their lives spelled out for them than do the hard work of shaping them.[break][break]

So instead of turning their eyes skyward, Athena focuses on the world around them.[break][break]

Their gym is at the center of their new life, the pride and joy of Hammerlocke. Her zeal for battle hasn't been dampened at all over the years- if anything, it becomes stronger. Someone smarter than her might say that she's using her battling as a crutch, clinging onto the remnants of her old life in whatever ways she can; if they tried, she's probably punch them in the mouth.[break][break]

When the world expands outside the walls of Hammerlocke, Athena is among the first to fully take advantage of the receeding poison. Though she can't leave the gym for long, she often participates in tournaments across the remaining cities, glad to see that the subculture of battling still hasn't changed much in Galar. Sometimes, she even wins them.[break][break]

The gym brings in more and more people from Hammerlocke and beyond, and eventually Athena becomes something she'd never considered herself: a mentor. 's child in particular becomes her first gym trainer, and she becomes close with the man himself as a result. The other Athena (junior, she likes to call her, even if Paxton hates it) may even become her replacement, should the need arise.[break][break]

Other friendships flourish and fade as well. Though Athena is no angel of comfort they manage to help through his loss as best as they're able. Ofter this leads to hours long training sessions and drinks at the bar afterwards, for serious conversations are only worthwhile with a finger of whiskey in their glasses.[break][break]

But her attachment with suffers the erosion of time. The monarch throws himself into his work— he becomes a fanatic. And it bores her. Her nighttime visits become less frequent and eventually cease. Surprisingly, there's little animosity between them, just the realization that whatever they'd found between each other has faded.[break][break]

What's more surprising is when she finds a relationship that sticks. She finds it in a widow, a woman who sends her son to Athena's gym for training. The son is talented and bright, and a friendship is soon struck up with his mother, Adelaide.[break][break]

"She's a total fucking MILF," she tells one night over beers, grinning from ear to ear. "I'm gonna smash that."[break][break]

And she does. But there's something different this time. And before she knows it she isn't leaving first thing in the morning. She stays around for dinner. Adelaide brings her lunch and holds her hand and all the sappy romantic shit that she'd never in a million years wanted. But suddenly, it all starts to feel right.[break][break]

"I'm not settling down," she insists often. "Just resting my head for a while, that's all."[break][break]

But during late nights, holding her partner and listening to the soft sound of her breathing, she can't imagine anywhere else she'd rather be. Adelaide's son— their son, sleeps soundly in the other room, and her old and frail Stoutland snores at the foot of the bed.[break][break]

It suprises her to realize that she doesn't want this— all of this— to end.[break][break]




in hammerlocke.[break]
continues her work as a gym leader, and trains apprentices as gym trainers[break]
develops brass knuckles that can use close combat[break]
acquires a dynamax band[break]
settles down with a widow and her child and somehow starts to really dig it


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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2023 6:52:46 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

A normal day at Hammerlocke meant that she had most of the political duties in her elder cousin’s royal court along with seeing , his husband, and their daughter, Athena, who Paxton asks her to have a playdate with. She and and her adopted daughter, Iris, play with the other girl while the days turn to weeks and months. Months of living in the royal capital of Galar or the medieval looking version of it that she finally gets a ‘husband’ in a ‘marriage of convenience’, mostly to throw people off her back that she wasn’t married.[break][break]

She and become Hammerlocke’s ‘lorekeepers’ though she does remind him of his partner’s name. After each day of work, the royal makes dinner for both Iris and Alexei at the table while thinking of the others she knew that there were letters sent to them. Hearing that the poison has receded which made travel to the other cities possible than being able to know how her friends were in letters, the woman makes a trip to see them.[break][break]

is first, the royal pays a visit to and asks how he’s doing. She notices that he works as a knight which was a very honorable job to do. As she pays a visit to , the woman gets to talk with him and his husband over both her and Rowan’s time in the Pokemon Rangers. She remembers some bits and pieces of the time they worked together though it was a bit of a memory now.[break][break]

Balloonlea is the second place that she pays a visit. still talks a lot about her unusual ride Pokemon though the royal worries a bit about how Shalin’s body wasn’t as fit as it used to be. Giving a smile to when she sees him training the boys in the barracks, Elise speaks with him about her training on HGMA and how it was helping her to be in tune with her sword and shield.[break][break]

When she returns to Hammerlocke, the royal gets a visit from Molostoke’s king. She bakes him and a couple of treats for the tea they had together while watching the sun set on the horizon in the city. is a lot older, but he still acted like he was his old self, both as a mentor and friend to her. She’s so happy to talk about her adopted daughter, Iris, and her ‘husband’ with the ranger captain and her elder cousin.[break][break]

Dynamax bands were being made in preparation for the upcoming battle. She becomes a forty-three year old lady who’s seven years away from fifty though Alexei appears to be a lot closer to it. Iris learns how to cook meals when Elise is away at the castle stadium to train herself in Dynamaxing and preparing for whatever was to come. Elise’s Aegislash gets to be the size of a giant when she Dynamaxes the royal sword as the knightly sword would be happy to train along with her.[break][break]


@rustedsword [break][break]


- She and Alexei enter a 'marriage of convenience'.[break]
- Has a playdate with Athena, Paxton and his hubby's daughter. Iris comes along to play with her too.[break]
- Visits Circhester, talks with Mikael and Rowan. Some catching up.[break]
- Visits Balloonlea, talks with Shalin and Gwyar. More catching up.[break]
- Has tea with King Ollie Morales of Molostoke and cuz in Hammerlocke.[break]
- Does a training arc with Dynamax.[break]
- Weapon: Dyrncalibur (Longsword) | Bitter Blade[break]
- Timeskip FC: Medea from Fate series



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing