i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,333 posts
part of
TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2023 1:48:21 GMT

As spoke, Barnaby nodded along, processing the intel before adding, "That correlates with my source. Apparently, is on the brink of losing his Avatarship, if one of his rangers is to be believed. He and Articuno are not on speaking terms." would know that the ranger in question was his younger brother, . [break][break]

As if summoned by talk of the Legendary Bird, the cavern around them chilled to an uncomfortable degree. It preceded 's reveal — that succeeded none other than Kanto's own ROCKET Boss. It was a surprise to everyone at the table, even , though this only showed in the slight raise of an eyebrow.[break][break]

Discussion continued in the wake of this revelation, with suggesting they air out some of the major LEAGUE figureheads' dirty laundry. Except, it wasn't that simple, as detailed by . To this, Barnaby allowed Beast Frost an approving tilt of his head.[break][break]

"Subterfuge is a calculated endeavor, as I'm sure you know, Head Scientist Rose." Approaching things incorrectly was at best a waste of resources and at worst a blow to their own organization. "Underboss Fiorelli and Admin Cross have the right idea. Let the League squabble over surface-level trivialities; meanwhile, we can focus on uprooting foundations."[break][break]

As for talk of extending their influence across Hoenn's seas, Barnaby's opinion on their invasion plans was boiled down to a simple, "We take Dewford, but have Beast Harcourt's associate leak us information from within the Space Center regardless."[break][break]

At the mention of the Red Chain by , the admin offered his own experiences to the table. "Something similar appeared at Mt. Pyre, ensnaring the Palkia Father Winter controlled. That chain was composed of Unown, however, unlike the one that held Necrozma." [break][break]

Here he glanced at and wondered — was she friendly enough with the hive to have them create something of that magnitude? A tool to chain gods and bend their will to serve ROCKET?

outfit check[break]
• shares that lars & articuno aren't on speaking terms[break]
• agrees with mint, jayden, & elisa re: amor publicity stunt[break]
• let's take dewford but still use for space center info[break]
• remembers the red chain made of unown at mt. pyre


[newclass=.barnaby-wrap] margin: 0 auto; width: 420px; background-color: #272727; box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #333333,-2px 2px 0px #333333,2px -2px 0px #333333,-2px -2px 0px #333333; border: solid 1px #232323; border-radius:3px; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.barnaby-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: lowercase; color: #796477; [/newclass]
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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,408 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2023 2:30:34 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","lyrics"]inside the beast still grows. waiting, chewing through the noose

[attr="class","mainbox"] "They aren't," Jayden confirms, when the topic of and his Articuno is brought up. Not only had he submitted a report on the battle that is referencing, but the little rat in the rangers — — had provided a report that would be available to all regarding the last big Ranger meeting. "Grunt Athanasia confirmed it."

[break][break] As the conversation shifts to the topic of war and conquest, the Rocket Admin's face grows contemplative.

[break][break] They discuss the importance of Mossdeep, of which Jayden cannot help agree. He thinks about the time that he had be brought into the city with — breaking into the laboratory seemed simple enough, assuming that it's security had not changed from the last time that he had went there. Though the primal crystal would likely no longer be there, there would be plenty of other information to cultivate.

[break][break] He glances over at when he voices his agreement, and Admin Bee's as well, nodding to both in acknowledgement.

[break][break] "But Underboss makes a solid point. The League may be expecting both acquisitions, which would make attaining either difficult."

[break][break] "Perhaps," his tone turns contemplative. "We create a distraction. A red herring of sorts."

[break][break] "We could attack Pacifidlog, under the ruse of capturing it due to it's proximity to Lesser Megalopolis and the Sky Pillar." He glances towards Admin . "While the League are busy attempting to defend it, we focus our efforts on Mossdeep or Dewford."




jayden agreege with and about articuno [break]
jayden thinky about bestie & mossdeep [break]
he suggests targeting PACIFIDLOG as a red herring [break]



[attr="class","title"]DISSEMINATE II


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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
1,040 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2023 5:20:56 GMT
fern delaney Avatar



[attr="class","text"] The insinuations made about Kanto go over about as well as Fern could expect, though the arguments made do little to assuage Fern’s opinion on the matter. Their mouth opens to reply, but ’s interception of the subject quells them. Even the revelation made about the former commissioner and his true placement as Kanto’s figure head rings a bit hollow and tinny. If anything, making such a bold reveal seems like a diversion than the merit of Kanto’s necessity to the conversation. A means of distracting those at the table with morsels rather than the whole meal. They don’t buy it.[break][break]

But for now, their mouth remains shut.[break][break]

Fern’s chair swivels slightly toward , their expression thoughtful as they cast a glance at the hovering tapu koko. “I’m not too sure how it might feel being back in Lesser Megalopolis for an extended period of time, but I’ve no reason to believe that it wouldn’t provide assistance.” They pause, “If it can be properly appeased, more than likely.” Next, they look across the table to Mint.[break][break]

”No, it has not spoken to me on the matter. Thusfar, it’s provided no verbal insight at all, but this just seems to be tapu koko’s nature, rather than obstinate refusal. As for why or how long it was there, I’m not wholly certain, but given its ability to track the team I was a part of, I would say that it does have a decent knowledge of the city’s structure and layout.”[break][break]

They cast another glance toward the deity, “However, I’ve already been planning a return trip with , who was also a member of that expedition, in order to seek out answers to those exact questions.” This time, there would more than likely be a report.[break][break]

“As for which location is most suitable, I’m inclined to agree with those advocating for Dewford. Though I agree with Admin Cross that providing a guise through Pacifidlog is a useful tool. If we capture Dewford, and maintain control over Lesser Megalopolis, and to an extent Sky Pillar beneath it, that would mark claim on two rifts, as well as provide a steady channel between Sootopolis and Sky Pillar.”




- still thinks kanto’s sus, thinks mentioning Monroe is just a diversion to implement kanto’s “purpose” but keeps quiet this time[break]
- votes Dewford, but agrees with Jayden’s red herring approach [break]
- answers questions regarding tapu koko, primarily that it has revealed little and the reason it was in lesser megalopolis to begin with [break]
- does state his intention to look into the why of it, tho

[attr="class","credit"]MADE BY GUNSMILE

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[newclass=".enzo .credit a"]font:10px Poppins;[/newclass]
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saffron city
Hoenn TR Boss
Rocket Boss
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
150 posts
declan walsh DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @declan
declan walsh
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2023 4:51:37 GMT
declan walsh Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]DISSEMINATE II



Battle! Team Rainbow Rocket - Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon


"many reasons. at the time, we did not have many political inroads in hoenn." The Rocket Boss says. "additionally, it was a personal request of boss monroe's: to hand down his position to dahlia goode. though his choice came suddenly, the man is a bigger enigma than me admittedly."[break][break]

"i will lay the responsibility of finding a way to control necrozma upon beast harcourt's shoulders... if that is a burden he is able to bear." The Boss says, eyes gliding from Beast to the Necrozma Avatar. "despite your reluctance beast delarosa, should necrozma become our ally, be prepared to empower it should such a process ever be advantageous to us."[break][break]

In relation to legendaries, elaborates upon the status of YVELTAL. He goes on to explain that YVELTAL has returned to THE BORDER in order to oversee the balance of life and death within the region. However, The Rocket Boss is now uncertain of which faction it is allied with, if any.[break][break]

"no interview will be necessary, amor. mixing your personal squabbles with rocket agendas will only create further mess of your reputation." The Rocket Boss says. "the dissemination of misinformation must be done carefully and organically. but do not forget your fire when crossing paths with the league on the battlefield. i expect you to finish the job with of the elite four the second time around."[break][break]

"before we decide between mossdeep or dewford as our next acquisition, beast frost, underboss cillian's idea of spreading falsified intelligence about an attack on pacifidlog can be prepared... alongside a red herring offensive on the town admin cross has suggested. striking while one of their avatars are weak will be pivotal."[break][break]

The Rocket Boss moves his solemn gaze from Admin to Head Scientist and 's. "in the mean time, let us acquire further knowledge about mossdeep, ultra megalopolis, about the unown and their ability to chain, and about our frozen deoxys core."[break][break]

An almost-smile emerges on the Boss' face, though to call it a smile would be a far cry. He pulls a pokeball from underneath his cape and tosses it to . "we were able to procure the deoxys from decker before his departure. i can grant you temporary access to it while you find a way to coax the other out."

NOTE: can place the DEOXYS (NORMAL FORME) into his PC for the time being. please choose the moveset like a gachapon pkmn. deoxys can replace one of the pokemon had signed-up with.

"as head scientist fujihara and underboss beckett has stated, dewford is quite far with a pest protecting it. yet, the more rifts we control, the better it will be for our resources." He says, referencing Admin . He catches in the corner of his eye. "we will have time to decide. do not fret beast volchitsa, your patience for violence will be rewarded soon."

NOTE: thanks to your characters' input, dewford or mossdeep will be voted on as the next possible locations of attack in a future event.


NEW THEME: Battle Vs. Giovanni (Final) - Pokémon Masters EX

AND INDEED MARZA IS REWARDED. The CAVE OF ORIGIN suddenly dips into frigid temperatures. From the bowels of the cave, a howling wind of frost surges forth alongside a wave of snow. Ice crawls across the cavern walls, freezing stone as it spikes into violent peaks of crystalline ice. Vaulting across the subterranean avalanche, a CHIEN-PAO snarls, wielding its broken swords.[break][break]

The attack comes as a complete surprise. The cavern had been thoroughly inspected. Every cave lake, tunnel and dead end had been cleared of threats and yet, this creature of ruin has been able to infiltrate their exclusive assembly. Furthermore, should 's WO-CHIEN and CHIEN-PAO witness each other's presence, the two would betray little of their wider plan and act antagonistic to each other.[break][break]

After all, they must bide time for TING-LU to carry its dangerous cargo.[break][break]

The ICE SHOOTS OUT OF THE CAVE OF ORIGIN like a violent geyser. It interrupts and , but somehow is tossed back inside the CAVE OF ORIGIN by luck of position and by the attack's force.

NOTE: may participate in the following rounds by fighting alongside Team Rocket's higher-ups if their player would like to. please select AT LEAST ONE POKEMON to participate with and include their information in DISSEMINATE II SIGN-UPS or in their post.[break][break]

and are allowed to make a post in this thread (and/or their personal thread involving their infiltration of Underboss 's purse).[break][break]

may make a post too involving his reaction.

Snow crashes into their table as the CHIEN-PAO breaches their meeting space with stunning speed. A RUINATION descends upon EVERYONE & THEIR POKEMON, cutting their health in half. In this claustrophobic cave, feelings of HATRED begin to coalesce with GRUDGES for a chaotic concoction.



CURRENTLY, this event will have the following rules:[break][break]
  • there is no posting order; however, be conscientious to some degree of other players' response time. however, preserving momentum should take priority.
  • remember, in-character actions (or lack of actions) will have natural narrative consequences.
  • you can only bring 3 POKEMON.
  • 1 pokemon out at a time.
  • 1 move per pokemon.
  • too long; don't read (tl;dr) notes are required.
  • bold/highlight Pokémon moves/abilities in posts.
  • please only post once this round.

Please remember, these rules are tentative and subject to change.


There will be no specified deadline before the next "moderator post". However, try to post within three or so days.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
part of
TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2023 14:13:34 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

"Congratulations, ."[break][break]

It's all he gets to say.[break][break]

Shrouded as always in his SHADOW MIASMA, Cillian is one of the first to react as the cold wind crackles through the Cave of Origin. Yet the Chien-Pao is faster. Cillian's on his feet, staggering back from the table as the lithe predator crashes down amongst them.[break][break]

It doesn't save him from the effects of the RUINATION.[break][break]

Dread clots among the festering GRUDGE, giving way to an overwhelming feeling of HATRED. It's paralyzing, directionless in the moment, causing his hands to tremble as it surges through him and feeds off the corruption within.[break][break]

His head pounds, his stomach churns.[break][break]

He wants nothing more than to wrap his hands around someone's neck and squeeze.[break][break]

's face flashes first into mind, the most recent target of his ire. Yet older grudges trump the rest, those against and even . He finds himself casting a glare toward the Rocket Boss before he gets a hold of himself, shaking his head hard as if to clear it and taking another shaky step away from the chaos in the Cave's center.[break][break]

Lugia acts of her own accord, letting out a haunting cry as she levies the bay's waters against the Chien-Pao, attempting to trap it within the vortex of a WHIRLPOOL that her allies might find easier purchase with their attacks.

[attr="class","tag"]DISSEMINATE II



Cillian is overwhelmed by hatred, acts quickly but erratic.[break]
Definitely doesn't fantasize about murdering Rocket's upper-management.[break]


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Jan 1
castelia city, unova
hella lesbian
rocket beast
give me grief, give me violence
239 posts
part of
TAG WITH @marza
Marza Volchitsa
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2023 16:22:26 GMT
Marza Volchitsa Avatar


"We will have time to decide. Do not fret beast volchitsa, your patience for violence will be rewarded soon." She nods her head to the boss. Despite her proclivity for violence, she was the type that was capable of biding her time. Although patience wasn't often regarded in the beast's dossier, she was more than capable of harnessing it. Though whether or not knew something the rest of them didn't, she couldn't tell.
And yet, he was correct. Her wishes would be granted and she was quick to respond, with a mad grin decorating her battle-scarred face. Even with the full weight of ruination clinging to her bones. That terrible sense of hatred and grudge that almost seemed to peel away all her composure and fraudulent sensibility. This kind of violence was in her blood, and it would lash out at anyone that got in her way. "Finally." She muttered low, hand quickly calling out the corviknight that often partnered her. was quicker, calling forth Lugia and a massive vortex, which sapped out what little warmth was left in the cave.
Fanning along the icy winds of the whirlpool, the currents shot the Corviknight forward to strike down on the Chien-Pao with a high-powered STEELWING.

- literally all she's been waiting for, thank you shiv[break]
- corviknight attacks Chien-Pao with STEEL WING[break]
- marza is feeling a bit too much bloodlust, so don't get in her way :'3[break]


[attr="class","bottom"]@ my rocket peoples [break]

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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,051 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2023 17:34:03 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

The meeting continued with answering questions, making decisions, and revealing new information: regarding Monroe, Necrozma, Yveltal, and the debate over Mossdeep, Dewford, and Pacifidlog.[break][break]

Most interesting was the reveal of the first Deoxys, stored for safekeeping in a Pokéball, which found its way to 's hands. Zev gave the Head Scientist the barest of nods in acknowledgement of the honor granted.[break][break]

And then chaos descended upon the cavern. The temperature dropped—not noticed by Zev at first, for the store of light inside his body kept him warmer than normal. But it was impossible to ignore the sudden gale of ice and snow, the thud of the enormous cat upon the long table, and the wave of HATRED displacing the GRUDGE that enveloped them.[break][break]

Zev was knocked backward out of his chair, momentarily disoriented as unnatural pain lanced through his body. A seething rage boiled in his veins, as searing hot as 's betrayal had been.[break][break]

But the hitman's fighting instinct took over almost at once. He scrambled to his feet as Smoke emerged from his shadow to fight.[break][break]

Lugia and 's Corviknight struck first. Zev's Gengar surged through the air in the next available opening, raking claws across Chien-Pao's body to deliver a POISON JAB.[break][break]

Hopefully, the toxins would make their way into the Ruinous Beast's blood, poisoning it.

[attr="class","tag"]disseminate ii


Acknowledges as being trusted with Deoxys[break]
Zev is hit by a wave of HATRED that reminds him of Caleb's betrayal[break]
Gengar uses POISON JAB on Chien-Pao



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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2023 17:50:48 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

Listening to @walsh tell him to finish the next time they faced off, earned a nod from the silvery haired man. Of that he intended, there wouldn't be a next time after that, he planned to crush her, and that false partner of 'justice' that she was always on about. They didn't know the meaning of that word, and he would hear it torn from her lips among the gurgled screams of agony that he inflicted on her....

That was odd....Amor didn't usually think that way? He was suppose to be more composed? His mind wasn't suppose to have rampant thoughts like that, typically he was composed....What was that? Then the frigid cold came, and before them stood one of the Ruinous Beasts, and he frowned. That had to have been the cause? Everything dark urge he felt, and kept in check bubbled to the surface, like a slow poison aching to be sweat out. The beast struck first covering the room in it's Ruination, and immediately crippling their chances of winning this fight easily.

"What a pesky opponent...."

"Draco, go..." He grit his teeth as his mind became fuzzy with intrusive thoughts. Holding up his black, and red Tera Orb, Draco changed into a Steel Type, and aimed a harsh Iron Head to the Beast of Ruin. The sweet thoughts of how he would torment sang into his mind. How he would show them just how helpless they were as he carved upon them their sins.

"Augh, stop it!" he mentally screamed at the enemy. This was not who he was, or who he would be, he was better than that, wasn't he?

Amor's feelings towards get a bit skewed....Or are they revealed!
Draco the Dragonite Tera's into a Steel Type, and uses Iron Head!
Draco is at half health due to Ruination!
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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
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mint frost DOLLARS
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mint frost
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2023 21:31:06 GMT
mint frost Avatar




Mint nodded along to , glancing back and forth between his compatriots. "I can pivot studies from Kyurem and Hoopa's disappearance into currying favor with Yveltal. Or at the very least, watching it to be sure League doesn't get to it first." again, he looks at his superiors, looking at mainly as his SPECTRA squad mate. He was adept at multitasking, and if the scientists needed spare hands he would always offer. After all, he depended on them just as much for his own interests. [break][break]

He nodded, alert when the Boss addressed him before smiling. That sounded good enough to him. And right up 's alley. Though it seemed Walsh felt the same. He watches as is lent the Deoxys pokeball and looks to him to offer a nod. "If you need someone from the Meteor or the footage, I can give you a first hand account. Though, the labs should have a copy of that raid on file as well." he said to the newly appointed scientist. "Oh, congrats!" he added. His smiled could've been knocked right off his face as chaos erupts. [break][break]

The chill hits first, unnatural and beyond something Mint has felt before, even as an Ice type specialist. However, its not as paralyzing as Kyurem thankfully. Still, things could always get worse. As he sees his breath he looks to Walsh and pulls out his own pokeball dropping Straciatella the Abomasnow. "Cover-!" he shouted before being knocked over by a surge of snow. The pain hits before the cold settles. Sharp and sudden and throbbing everywhere as every inch of exposed skin freezes. The heat sapped out of him like a vampire. [break][break]

Straciatella does her best, but CHIEN-PAO is too fast. Aching, Straciatella takes a moment to recover before plucking out her trainer as he steadies himself on the snow and rock. A snowstorm whips around them and he locks eyes on the beast in shock. "No way." but people are moving and he needs to too. [break][break]

Duty overtakes his instincts for a moment as Mint searches for his superior. Instead he sees first. Feels a rush hit him before giving a slight nod and turning to give out his commands. He was no replacement for the Rocket's Shield. far outclassed him when it came to that. But if was going to take up the burden of being their Sword, then he'd be a Shield for however long Jayden needed. [break][break]

"Go, cover Walsh!" He ordered his partner, the tank of an ice type rushing to locate the older man before slapping their hands together. In a flash, lights and colors intermingle with the snowy terrain as AURORA VEIL sets up to offer Walsh and the rest of the higher brass protection for whatever was next. [break][break]

But whatever love and loyalty he held for Jayden- for Rocket- it couldn't outweigh the mix of negativity that boiled underneath the surface as he spots . He feels it. A pang inside his chest, and a tightening at the base of his throat. 's unintentional influence mixed with CHIEN-PAO's.

His GRUDGE bursts forth, and a burning HATRED carries him forward. The faintest of memories try to surface but its like static. Echoes and echoes of a dream. What remains is how he felt. And he'd felt horrible. But feelings that were buried with Galar's dream are yanked back up by the Beasts of Ruin. And that's perfectly fine. Straciatella had her orders, and now he had his. He could do both. He could multi-task. Kill, research, study, train. Didn't he juggle all these different tasks well enough since his promotion? Not to mention Walsh had the protection of so many others right now. [break][break]

Mint takes off like a shot, darting past his friends and colleagues. His Abomasnow is steady, holding the line for them. Mint is doing anything but. His vision tunnels, he slides behind, rips out a dagger, holds it like told him too, reverse grip and all, and aims to plunge it down flush into 's kidneys and rip the serrated blade up. [break][break]

"Fuck you." he uttered before he realized how far he'd gone.

tagged ▸ ooc @ varios
- offers to pivot on studies from kyurem to yveltal b/c of spectra [break]
- offers to help kaname with extra footage and congratulates him [break]
- pulls out Straciatella the Abomasnow ( half health ) [break]
- with SNOWY terrain, sends her in for AURORA VEIL (1/5) [break]
- elisabeth's RESENTMENT and CHIEN-PAO'S HATRED take over Mint for a moment [break]
- TRYING to borrow bryan's kidney

| drip [break]




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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 1:16:36 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

"Ah, yes, the chain! I think if we - " Nomi began to answer excitedly, remembering he had shown interest in the Unown earlier in the conversation as well, but her exclamation died in her throat as 's commanding voice echoed throughout the cavern.[break][break]
Yveltal's return to the Border was not unexpected, but Nomi did find the chance that it was no longer allied with Rocket concerning. She made a mental note to look into that at a later time. First Zapdos, now Yveltal...Rocket seemed to be losing connections with powerful allies left and right.[break][break]
Until Walsh surprised them all by tossing a Deoxys at . Nomi's eyes widened: Killian's Deoxys had been recovered? She turned to look at her fellow Head Scientist, flashing him an excited smile. The breakthrough we needed! This changes everything. After the meeting, she planned to approach Kaname about attempting to free the Meteno Deoxys.[break][break]
Mossdeep or Dewford? Nomi still considered Mossdeep the more important location, in terms of scientific research, but if had someone on the inside of the Space Center already...perhaps she could arrange an introduction, and do a little bit of her own snooping ahead of any organized infiltration. The League was definitely up to something suspicious within the Ultra Deep Sea; despite Rocket acquiring the Seal Stone, League agents kept flocking to Granite Cave as if it still held a wealth of knowledge - and perhaps artifacts - within its murky depths.[break][break]
A sudden drop in temperature tore Nomi from her mental debate, and she glanced up to see a whirlwind of snow descend into the cave, icicles extending down from the ceiling like sharp, crystalline teeth. She shivered, immediately tensing, the Unown-A next to her twisting to fixate its singular eye on a dark corner of the cave. With a vicious growl, one of the ruinous beasts from the Ancient Tomb appeared there, seeming to manifest out of thin air - or rather, ice. A massive avalanche surged forward, covering the table - and the Rockets themselves - in a shower of frigid snow.[break][break]
Nomi leapt from her seat, scurrying backwards to avoid getting buried. A sudden panic seized her - how had this creature entered the cave? What of the guards outside? Did something happen to ?[break][break]
A sudden wave of HATRED overtook Nomi's anxiety, and she gasped, crimson eyes narrowing. "The DRK Triad?" She hissed.[break][break]
Were those meddlesome agents here? Had they really been able to infiltrate this meeting, without any of Rocket's leaders noticing? Anger - at Holo and her cryptic games, especially - caused Nomi to clench her fists tight enough to draw blood. How she hated the feeling of being outmatched, hated not knowing things, hated feeling helpless against a seemingly insurmountable oncoming apocalypse. What was the point of being brilliant if she couldn't prevent their Hoenn from being destroyed?[break][break]
The Unown-A had been injured by the RUINATION but not completely subdued. As if in response to Nomi's riled emotions, it began to glow an angry red. With a burst of energy, the Unown-A beamed a HIDDEN POWER directly at the Chien-Pao.

[attr="class","tag"]DISSEMINATE II


Nomi starts to respond to but stops when Walsh begins speaking[break]
Concerned about Yveltal potentially leaving Rocket, but excited by 's acquisition of the Deoxys![break]
Tries to decide which location would be better to attack (Mossdeep or Dewford) but her thoughts are interrupted by the arrival of the Chien-Pao[break]
, baby, are you okay?? Nomi is worried![break]
Avalanche knocks Nomi back, covers her in snow. The Chien-Pao's HATRED riles Nomi's anger at the DRK Triad for meddling in the fate of their universe, for withholding information that could potentially save their Hoenn.[break]
Unown-A uses HIDDEN POWER on the Chien-Pao.



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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 4:17:00 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","minimal elisa"]

Wo-chien's ochre eyes narrowed as the temperature plunged to unforgiving lows. Eddies of frost began to trace shivers across the underboss's exposed skin, a prickling at the back of her mind sensing danger through the link with her own Ruinous Beast.[break][break]

"We know you," whispered an innate understanding that settled in her bones with frightening certainty. "We are one and the same, you and I."[break][break]

What grudge existed free of the clawing grasp of hatred? What resentments ever failed to bear the fruit of indignant wrath?[break][break]

The two were sister emotions, twins birthed of the same misery.[break][break]

Elisabeth's carmine eyes met those of the ice-blue as she faced the feline creature with an unsettling calmness of demeanor. Rising up from her seat, she made as if to walk towards the Ruinous Beast -- only for its RUINATION to cut through the entirety of the chamber, denying her advance and any kinship that the two might have shared as dark energies pulled at her and Wo-chien alike.[break][break]

"You dare?" her eyes silently demanded, incensed, as Wo-chien snarled at the creature. This unexpected betrayal ignited Elisabeth's own GRUDGE as HATRED comfortably settled in the crevices that emotion left behind. "You would fail to claim us as your kin?"[break][break]

Had Tapu Fini not done the same to her, when it dared offer its outstretched arms to ?[break][break]

What had previously been a subtle presence of scornful derision amplified to a palpable, seething resentment that thickened in the air like humidity, swirling around woman and Beast alike. Darkness coalesced and gathered like a storm cloud, retaliating against Chien-Pao with the very same RUINATION that it had dared wield against them.[break][break]

They would not allow this impudence to go unpunished.

The world around her went unseen, unacknowledged, and unobserved.[break][break]

In the storm of her own self-righteous fury, she was blind to her own negative influence on her surroundings.[break][break]


  • Absolutely pissed that Chien-Pao DARES to attack RUINATION HOMIES!!111!!
  • Wo-chien uses RUINATION on Chien-Pao.
  • Elisabeth's GRUDGES amplify with HATRED, making the entirety of the room more effed up.
  • Is unaware this might be influencing other people like, say, . Go tackle her, champ.
  • PS: we are definitely salty that and Tapu Fini got along better than us and this rejection is hitting a sore spot, ouch.



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December 26
Slateport City
6"1' height
6"1' height
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 4:40:52 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
That was odd. Did ominous shadows also come with an A/C unit? Grigori straightened up. He knew the answer, but all but willed it to be false. Had he brought this upon himself with his initial thoughts, or did he get caught up in the crossfire again?

Another gust. He raised his arms in front of his body, his Scizor in the same position. Whatever it was, the feeling erupted all over his body in the form of bumps. Like thousands of painless needles pricked into his skin. Then, they were both swept up in another gust. Extremely violent, and powerful enough to bring them both inside the Cave of Origin.

As they tumbled to the ground like sacks of potatoes, the first thing they felt was the cold. Then, the painful grudges of the past. Still fresh, but even stronger now. While he tried to get up and decide which of these fuckers he felt the most pissed at, he realized that his hatred extended to... just about everyone in the damned room.

Perhaps most unfortunate, these feelings weren't even out of nowhere. Instead, it felt like his past self had come back to haunt him. And in what state of mind was he in to say no to these thoughts?

However, there was a slightly larger problem than his personal grudges and pissy feelings: that... Pokémon? Grigori had never seen the likes of it before. And the way everyone else commanded their own to attack it felt misguided. Instincts said that a thing like this wouldn't pick a fight with people like this unless...

Grigori placed a shaking hand on his Scizor, who felt similar feelings. It looked ready to assault just about everyone in this room without even a moment's notice. It looked back at its trainer, confused and absolutely furious. "Scizor... Swords Dance first."

The red insect smiled. Grigori did not pause and wait for his Pokémon to finish its little jig. Overwhelming rage coursed through his veins, a feeling he hasn't felt since...

The grunt charged into the fray, eager to act upon these violent impulses. A quiet voice in his head opposed the idea wholeheartedly, but in turn he ignored it. That one right there, , looked the most vulnerable. Almost oblivious to the world, and the nearest to her own mythical Pokémon. 

"ggrrrrrrrrrrAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA--" Grigori dived right for her, despite the growing and persistent thought that his actions would have dire consequences if he went any further than this. 

- Grigori gets whisked into the fray and all the NEGATIVE VIBES caused by the Chien Pao.
 - His Scizor sets up a Swords dance to ohko Chien Pao what do you MEAN this isn't Pokemon Showdown?
 - His Hatred and Grudge against Team Rocket surface, and he goes to tackle despite a small voice screaming that it is very stupid and dumb and not smart.
 - Live Wo-Chien Reaction

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,408 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 19:11:28 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","lyrics"]inside the beast still grows. waiting, chewing through the noose

[attr="class","mainbox"] the pieces are set up. whether by means of false intelligence, subterfuge, or a full-frontal attack, hoenn's future is sealed. the league would crumble into ash, and rocket would rise in it's place.

[break][break] some might call it fate.

[break][break] in that moment, sitting amongst his family, jayden feels nothing but a surge of pride and loyalty.

[break][break] the closest thing to solace he will ever feel.

[break][break] then, in the coldness of that cave, disaster strikes. a calamity that had been waiting, biding it's time, on the fringes of peace bursts forth through the cave's opening.

[break][break] their meeting is cut short. a violent wind crashes through them all with the ferocity of jagged knives. in a heartbeat, splintered ice claims the stone walls as a freezing tempest howls, crystallizing the very air in which they breathe.

[break][break] a screech like a razor slides along rock and ice, stabbing jayden's ears, as a ruinous beast stands before them, all snarling teeth and whipping snow. a fierce, unending blue pierces the admin from where he stands as he locks eyes with the creature. jayden shivers involuntarily; it is freezing cold in the chamber.

[break][break] however, in that moment, it is not the cold that jayden feels in all-consuming amount.

[break][break] it is HATE.

[break][break] hurt, guilt, resentment, pain — all fall by the wayside to the overwhelming hatred that fills the air, only strengthened further by the GRUDGE that emanates from underboss in waves. it swarms around jayden, swallowing him whole. nearly smothering him in it's intensity.

[break][break] suddenly, he is brought back to the day called him to his office. the day all his failures were dragged right to the surface. of him being strangled by their rocket boss' deity, made to face the consequence of his crimes.

[break][break] how could jayden do it? how could he have failed rocket in such a horrible and profound way?

[break][break] no — how could they do it? how could so many people that jayden trusted simply turn their back on him - on rocket - and stab him in the back?

[break][break] the list was endless. , , , , .

[break][break] 's reminder burns, scalding hot as that day that it seared through his skin.

[break][break] the cave is ice cold but the coals of resentment in jayden's chest burn fire hot, the same ones that had begun churning from the moment that he had stepped back into hoenn soil.

[break][break] slowly, surely, purposefully.

[break][break] jayden had given his life to them, to rocket, and for what? all for and the league to poison his friends and family with their ideals? for the DRK triad and the mysterious forces of hoenn to accumulate into the ORIGIN POINT, leading to their eventual demise?

[break][break] it was 's fault. it was 's fault. it was everyone in the universe who dared stand against rocket — stand against him — and —

[break][break] suddenly, jayden cannot see anything.

[break][break] he can't see beside him, can't see trying to stab in the chest, can't feel the building grudge of .

[break][break] all he sees is red. white hot rage consumes him as he leaps atop of the stone table and grips the swords at his side, wielding them like second hands.

[break][break] chien pao is in front of them, but all he can see is . . .

[break][break] hurdles in the way of rocket's success. of his success.

[break][break] his swords glow with the radiance of empowered steel, and jayden sprint forward. his eyes burn a violet fury.

[break][break] colorless light ripples out of the blades as the rocket admin leaps and swings, casting down upon that ruinous feline his SWORD OF JUDGEMENT.

doublade focuses all of its power into a single strike like a judge's gavel. it breaks through defenses like screens and inflicts the PARALYSIS condition.



jayden attacks, using his duoblade's Z-MOVE: SWORD OF JUDGEMENT


[attr="class","title"]DISSEMINATE II


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march 11th
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2023 14:22:12 GMT
[attr="class","beckmain"]HATRED and GRUDGE—these should be familiar to those birthed from the deepest pits of kanto; those that fought and clawed their way to survive only to be chained up and used for a cause they might not even believe in.

HATRED for all they have done to him.

HATRED for all he has done for them.

but it is because of this familiarity that allows clarity even if only for the sliver of a second. it is enough for him to call out his bayleef, and the AROMATHERAPY that instantly spreads across the space should be familiar to those around him.

and especially.

"contain it!"

but it is not CHIEN-PAO he focuses on. despite the GRUDGE he has for , he throws a kick to 's face right after they tackle the underboss.

- BAYLEEF uses AROMATHERAPY to try and help others resist the rising HATRED and GRUDGE
- THEO watches GRIGORI tackle ELISABETH lol
- ok jk THEO teeps GRIGORI right after the tackle
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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,038 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2023 19:21:48 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

It happens very quickly.[break][break]

One moment Tempest is glancing up at the ring around the sky, the volcano's lip, and the next ice explodes in a showering geyser. It stuns him, stock still, as a chill caresses his cheeks.[break][break]

A quick blink.[break][break]

A scowl as his face edges into something more serious.[break][break]

Was it that creature? The ice cat... thing that had sent them to the alternate Galar? Tempest is too far away to feel the true effects of the creature's aura, yet a sticky anger flashes in his chest anyway.[break][break]

A pokeball is tossed out, a quick order. His Flareon, Agni, counters the ice with flame. Her Sizzly Slide is a powerful bomb of energy, but she will need time or assistance to break through.[break][break]

The comms crackle in his ear. If anyone inside has theirs in, they may hear him as he speaks.

"This is Executive Quinn. Backup requested for the Cave of Origin immediately. All SPECTRA operatives requested." There is a tinny sound from the other side, a question, but Temp's voice hardens into something rough. "I said now. is barked.[break][break]

When all the higher ups were being flayed open by whatever was inside there, someone had to take the bull by the horns and take charge here.[break][break]

Tempest snarls and stares at the ice, hands curling into fists. The leather of his Sygna Suit's gloves crinkle from his white knuckle grip.

[attr="class","tag"]@ tag



🔗 Temp is shocked little man about the ICE EXPLOSION[break]
🔗 Calls for backup and demands for SPECTRA agents to be there[break]
🔗 Calls out Flareon to try and start melting the ice to help find a way in/out for everyone


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