i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,333 posts
part of
TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2023 1:49:42 GMT

Festering GRUDGES and immense HATRED were not unfamiliar sentiments to . In fact, they were partly what fueled his ambitions within ROCKET. Funneled forces, motivators for control.[break][break]

Currently, however, these feelings were unleashed — no longer tethered by the admin's natural composure. CHIEN-PAO and WO-CHIEN's influence, now heightened in intensity by their proximity, saw to that.[break][break]

Instinctively, Barnaby recoiled from the gelid ice and wind summoned by the Ruinous Beast, raising his arms to protect himself from its first frigid attack.[break][break]

Sybille, on the other hand, wasted no time trying to block the cold; the NINETALES' DROUGHT ability raised the temperature around her to an uncomfortable degree, melting the snow on contact with her body. The fox leapt into action, positioning herself between Barnaby and CHIEN-PAO, before expelling a concentrated HEAT WAVE toward the enormous feline.[break][break]

Meanwhile, the thudding sound of flesh hitting the floor caused Barnaby to whip around, only to see splayed beneath the body of another man.[break][break]

"Idiot!" The word clawed its way out from deep in Barnaby's chest, guttural and angry. A firm grip seized by the back of his collar and, without hesitation, the admin heaved him toward CHIEN-PAO. 's kick wasn't enough for someone so weak-minded and treacherous.[break][break]

Though the guard wouldn't be thrown far, it was enough to lay him out on the table like a sacrificial lamb. Better a mindless fool given up to the beast than one of the other higher-ups.

outfit check[break]
NINTALES uses HEATWAVE (w/ DOUGHT ability)[break]
• sees on the floor?? >:C[break]
• throws toward CHIEN-PAO


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[newclass=.barnaby-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: lowercase; color: #796477; [/newclass]
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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
1,040 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2023 3:05:42 GMT
fern delaney Avatar




They aren’t necessarily cognizant of the way begrudging emotions conflate under the surface thanks to influence of the snail at the table. As Walsh continues on, their thoughts turn over themselves bitterly, they find themselves more and more unsettled with the brush off of their complaint. It’s a placation that they reject, if only in their mind.[break][break]

Temporary distraction comes in the form of a BLIZZARD crashing through their meeting. The yowling feline jolting them back in time to Route 120 for a moment before time speeds up again and building tensions finally crack into discordant fragments.[break][break]

Before that grudge can implode into full blown hatred, the waft of AROMATHERAPY from directly next to them cuts through the noxious, bubbling undercurrent in their head and clears the air so to speak. It reminds them of the soothing behavior of their own sinistea at home—the release of tea leaves and spices, all combined to bring calm and order in moments of disarray. Anything amiss with the move goes over their head. Looking to their side, a short nod of appreciation is given to …moments before he tries to give a swift kick to .[break][break]

It is not enough to break through the onslaught as chaos continues to whip up through the swirl of ice and snow around them, it seems. Not entirely. But is the eye of the storm really the appearance of another creature of ruination?[break][break]

Tapu Koko, with grievances of its own, sails down and snaps its arms together in front of Fern, shielding them with the ornate again emblem it forms. Snow pelts against it, fly up and around them. The deity finds itself particularly bitter—where it was the center of attention moments before, it finds itself shadows by the feral cat’s attack. And if there is little that Tapu Koko cares for, it is being shunted.[break][break]

Not wishing to be outdone, it takes grudging matters into its own hands. One pincer breaks away again as it shifts to continue blocking its chosen from the barrage of frigid element with the other. In a sweeping pull, it brings its arm down to slam against the table, sending out a rippling arc of electricity in vibrant magenta. Other colors mix and mingle with the pulse that hurdles toward the nimble feline, bringing down all of NATURE’S MADNESS on its perceived successor of attention.[break][break]


To disparage their patron for this would, admittedly, be a hypocritical matter. But Fern is paying little attention to the volts of pink of blue that flow from Tapu Koko to wrap around chien-pao. Their attention has moved to what they think the real focal point. Amid the frenzy of attacks flying between Pokémon and people, still semi-shielded by Tapu-Koko’s interference, Fern’s attention moves not to chien-pao, nor the more personal confrontations coming to light— but to the head of the table.[break][break]

Narrowed eyes fix on , unwavering. Scrutinizing in the way they evaluate every action he takes. Chilled strands of dark, snow-swept hair cling to reddened, wind whipped cheeks as their head tilts in obvious observation. They register the crackle of static of electricity at their fingertips, but they curl their fists around it. Stifling it without making any sort of move just yet. Still, resentment and disdain slowly resurface, bolstered by the buoyancy of their prior skepticism.[break][break]

What part does he play in this? What strings does he pull now from the shadows, unnoticed, as everything goes to pieces?



- appreciative of theo’s aromatherapy [break]
- tapu koko uses NATURE’S MADNESS on chien pao[break]
- tapu koko resents the fact that chien pao is stealing its thunder :3[break]
- fern, meanwhile, is scrutinizing Walsh for how he is reacting to everything happening - the object of his own criticisms and suspicion, given their prior behavior in pushing about kanto.[break]
- watching…and waiting >:3c

[attr="class","credit"]MADE BY GUNSMILE

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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,740 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2023 16:53:01 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar







"Understood sir. I will uphold my end if asked of me." he responds as he dare not speak against the man, Bryan knows the enigma would find a way to end his life prematurely, he wouldn't be surprised if walsh was already aware of how to end bryan.

Bryan is caught off guard while his defenses were down, frost and ice suddenly encompass the entrance and much of the cave. [break][break]

The drop in temperature was accompanied by intense emotions of anger and hatred, grudges against the league bubble up again, against for the words she said to him, against his beloved . But before he could react in time a much more nimble member of team rocket leaped on their chance to enact their revenge, as Bryan prepared to use his avatar abilities to heal everyone around him, interupts him and gets him in his kidney.[break][break]

"You LITTL-" he says as his emotions get the better of him and he grabs Mint's hand with the blade, holding it a bit too tight for comfort. He gives mint the most disgusted and rage inducing expression he could muster. "What the FUCK was that frost? You think you get special privileges cause of galar?" he asks him as he raises mint closer to his fast, trying to lift young man up.

However a small smirk appears across his face as he realized, he could hurt mint all he wanted, but he knew better than most all physical wounds healed. He leaned in close to Mint's ear and whispered something "Do you feel good? Did you get it all out of your system?" [break][break]

He grins, for he knows exactly how mint will respond next "I'm glad, because you'll never be able to hurt me in a way that matters. Frost. You'll never be able to get away from me. You're stuck with me until the day you take your last breath." he says before attempting to fully throw mint across the room and farthest away from him. [break][break]

He grabs his kidney and feels himself fading quickly, Xerneas was also hit by CHIEN-PAO'S ruination and it goes into ACTIVE MODE and FAIRY AURA actives, enhancing the strength of FAIRY TYPE MOVES in the area. Against one opponent his Z-MOVE would do more damage than help as it would also hit his allies, he couldn't redirect the vines enough to avoid it. [break][break]

Thank to 's research, he's also now painfully aware with Xerneas's health already dropping by half and xerneas lending his own life force to Bryan, they were both in grave danger. "Xerneas! Protect!" he orders as the pokemon quickly obeys, creating a shield over itself and bryan chooses carefully who to share his energy with. He begins to use his avatar abilities to heal himself ,  , , , and directly and not their pokemon. [break][break]

he didn't have much energy to spare. His wounds began to close up but he dropped to his knees after as he grimmaced. His wound inflicted by closed but his stamina had begun to fade.


notes about this post

Responds to walsh yes dad I will. [break]
Get stabbed by mint in the kidney, tells mint some nasty things in return. [break]
Throws mint across the room after attempting to crush his hands with his super strength. [break]
Tells xerneas to use protect and directly heals Nomi, Jayden, Amor, and Zev as they are his closest allies using his once a thread avatar ability [break]
Falls to his knees after since he is beginning to feel weak from Xerneas's injuries.

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October 4th
Celadon City
Rocket Scientist
76 height
76 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
187 posts
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TAG WITH @kaname
Kaname Fujihara
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2023 4:23:31 GMT
Kaname Fujihara Avatar
Kaname’s hands shot to catch the flying pokeball, a stunned look gracing his face. “Thank you, sir.” The scientist’s voice was subdued as he stared, transfixed by the pokeball in his hand. The extraterrestrial pokemon Deoxys laid with, generously lended to him by , just opened a world of opportunity for him. His attention shifts to Underboss , who offers him a congratulatory remark. Kaname opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted by the sudden plunge in temperature in the cavern.[break][break]

Ice dances across the stone walls of the Cave of Origin as an avalanche of snow pours forth, accompanied by a feline intruder. The avalanche barrels onto their meeting table, throwing Kaname backward in his chair and sending him to the ground, writhing in momentary agony as Chien-Pao calls down Ruination on all present. He tightly clutched the pokeball containing the DNA Pokemon, waves of resentment and hatred coursed through Kaname as he clamored to his feet.[break][break]

His blood boiled as he shot a venomous look; grudge and hate had made way for envy to take center stage; after all if Admin Delaney had what he wanted, then he should just rip it away from them. His finger was primed to release the extraterrestrial from the confines of its pokeball until ’s Bayleef released a soothing aroma that grounded him in the reality of the situation. He lingers for a moment, stowing the pokeball containing Deoxys before being spurred to life by Underboss Beckett’s call to action.[break][break]

“Trick Room.” He uttered the command and his Galarian Slowking complied, the gem on his shell glowing as a rectangular barrier formed around their battlefield. Within the barrier, pokemon like Chien-Pao would be mired under the Trick Room’s reversal of one’s natural speed, forced to move a snail’s pace and hopefully be subdued with ease.



+ TL;DR: Kaname offers Declan a thank you, has a little moment where he wants to hurt Fern (sorry) but snaps back to reality and stows Deoxys (for now) and has G!Slowking use Trick Room to slow things down.[break]

+ Outfit [break]



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saffron city
Hoenn TR Boss
Rocket Boss
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
150 posts
declan walsh DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @declan
declan walsh
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2023 23:21:11 GMT
declan walsh Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]DISSEMINATE II



Battle! Team Rainbow Rocket - Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon


THE CHIEN-PAO IS A RELENTLESS FORCE. Its presence alone is enough to disarm everyone and their Pokemon of their defenses (ABILITY: SWORD OF RUIN) by lowering concientiousness in favour for hatred. Though 's WO-CHIEN may be able to counteract the feline's lethal strength with its ability, secretly, it dampens its own power for its fellow ruinous legend to do its work.[break][break]

Across cavern stone, walls, and snow banks, Team Rocket engages with CHIEN-PAO:

  • 's LUGIA uses WHIRLPOOL on Chien-Pao.[break]
    The Chien-Pao is struck, but swiftly breaks free of the trapping waters by freezing and crushing the iced Whirlpool.
  • 's CORVIKNIGHT uses STEEL WING on Chien-Pao.[break]
    The Chien-Pao and Corviknight clash in the air, their wings and swords clanging violently in the cave before the feline lands on a ramp of ice it creates.
  • 's GENGAR uses POISON JAB on Chien-Pao.[break]
    The Chien-Pao parries the blow with its blade-like teeth, revealing to Zev that it is smart enough to avoid poisoning by defending with metal.
  • 's DRAGONITE TERASTALLIZES to STEEL-TYPE and uses IRON HEAD on Chien-Pao.[break]
    Amor would notice that his Tera Orb is drawing energy from the cave itself. The empowered Iron Head strikes the Chien-Pao, sending it skidding toward the cave waters; however, as soon as its paws touch the water, it turns to ice for the Chien-Pao to skid on.
  • 's ABOMASNOW uses AURORA VEIL in SNOW on Chien-Pao.[break]
    The Chien-Pao swings its fangs toward the Abomasnow with SACRED SWORD, but the AURORA VEIL is able to prevent the Pokemon from fainting.
  • 's SCIZOR uses SWORDS DANCE.[break]
    The Scizor lifts its fighting spirit as it tracks the Chien-Pao's moves.

Yowling, the Chien-Pao discharges a flurry of swift skin searching ICE SHARDS. The attacks seem to focus the humans in the room, rather than the Pokemon...


Through the snow and ice encasing the Cave of Origin's walls, 's Ninetales' HEAT WAVE scythes right through. Steaming rivulets of water reveal an unusual discovery: tera crystals have infiltrated here too. When is thrown across the cave by after his vindictive attack on the man, he may land near or against a tera-crusted wall too.


, who scrutinizes 's every move, would notice that the man's expression is flat and unchanging. With stoic visage, the Rocket Boss swirls into a geyser of smoke before rematerializing behind to catch him in mid-air. The Boss says nothing, but as the CHIEN-PAO leaps toward him, both Fern and Grigori may notice his blank expression twitching as if he is fighting the hatred swelling inside.[break][break]

Thankfully, 's BAYLEEF and its AROMATHERAPY grants with a thin threshold to resist for now... and anyone else who is able to partake in the Pokemon's sweet and spicy aroma.[break][break]

However, the Chien-Pao manages to lunge toward who carries in his arms. The blades cleave at his back, smoke billowing from where he is struck. The Boss and Grigori land on the cave floor—or are caught by Grigori's empowered SCIZOR (RYSA's choice).[break][break]

  • 's UNOWN-A uses HIDDEN POWER, while 's NINETALES activates DROUGHT (SUNNY WEATHER) and uses HEAT WAVE on Chien-Pao.[break]
    The Chien-Pao's SNOW fades though 's AURORA VEIL persists. The feline leaps over the Heat Wave and Hidden Power, forcing it to reroute its path. However, the Heat Wave helps to melt some of the snow and ice...
  • 's DOUBLADE uses Z-MOVE: JUDGEMENT to break defenses and inflict PARALYSIS.[break]
    The attacks from Nomi & Barnaby force the Chien-Pao into the direct path of the Z-Move. Hissing, the Chien-Pao is paralyzed.
  • 's G!SLOWKING uses TRICK ROOM. 's ✨TAPU KOKO uses NATURE'S MADNESS on Chien-Pao; 's WO-CHIEN uses RUINATION on Chien-Pao.[break]
    The Paralysis and Trick Room slows the Chien-Pao enough for the devastating attacks of Tapu Koko and Wo-Chien to land. Briefly, it seems like the feline is finally downed...

However, before the feline can be subdued, the cave glows bright. The TERA CRYSTALS around them exude a blinding radiance that briefly stuns those who behold it.[break][break]

Around the Chien-Pao, manifestations of everyone's hatred suddenly come to life, appearing out of thin air. They surround the feline as it attempts to RECOVER.[break][break]

The Rocket Boss releases Grigori should he be against him. With a hoarse, pained voice, he says, "seize that pokemon at all costs. it is far too powerful to roam free, let alone be at risk of falling into the league's hands."


CHIEN-PAO & TERA CRYSTALS' INFLUENCES have coalesced together to conjure twisted forms of everyone's hatred. Like Paradox Pokemon, should the manifestations of your character's hatred be a living being, they will be slightly different than their original selves.[break][break]

The manifested hatred may be a representation of something abstract as well. You may be creative with this. You can think of new ideas for what your character hates other than the ones previously mentioned in this thread.[break][break]

These manifestations will attempt to defend the CHIEN-PAO and/or attack you.



CURRENTLY, this event will have the following rules:[break][break]
  • there is no posting order; however, be conscientious to some degree of other players' response time. however, preserving momentum should take priority.
  • remember, in-character actions (or lack of actions) will have natural narrative consequences.
  • you can only bring 3 POKEMON.
  • 1 pokemon out at a time.
  • 1 move per pokemon.
  • too long; don't read (tl;dr) notes are required.
  • bold/highlight Pokémon moves/abilities in posts.
  • you may post more than once this round.

Please remember, these rules are tentative and subject to change.


There will be no specified deadline before the next "moderator post". However, try to post within three or so days.

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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,051 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Sept 4, 2023 0:51:55 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

Vitality surged through Zev thanks to Xerneas' power. But he had no time to acknowledge with a nod, not with the chaotic battle unfolding before them. As soon as he saw ICE SHARDS flying at him, Zev summoned his armor, covering himself from head to foot with black crystal.[break][break]

The TRICK ROOM from 's Galarian Slowking took hold; before their eyes, all Pokémon's speed swapped.[break][break]

Chien-Pao collapsed under the weight of all the blows, slowed to a crawl by the psychic energy. Exposed Tera crystals glittering along the cave's walls glowed with a brilliant light, and so did the Ruinous Beast as the air around it shifted and warped.[break][break]

Recognizing a healing move, Zev immediately recalled his Gengar and threw a different Pokéball. Type: Null emerged with a furious roar, eyes darting around the cavern to take in the scene.[break][break]

Zev whistled a single note, sharp and high. Extensive training paid off; Type: Null immediately focused a HEAL BLOCK on Chien-Pao, in an effort to stop any chance of its recovery.[break][break]

But the hitman had no time to relax. A person had manifested out of the hazy air around Chien-Pao and was now charging at him, wielding a knife. Zev's eyes widened with shock as the person drew near.[break][break]

"Caleb?!" he snarled, anger and HATRED burning through him, turning his vision red. A time to question why his brother was in the cave would come later.[break][break]

As the knife swung down, Zev caught Caleb's arm to block it. In the same motion, enormous spikes of jagged, void-black crystal burst out of Zev's other arm as he thrust it forward. They tore through Caleb's body, nearly reducing him to a gory pile of shredded flesh and shattered bone.[break][break]

In that moment, so close to his enemy, Zev saw it was not Caleb. He knew his brother's features like the back of his hand, so similar were they to his own. This creature's eyes were wrong, the hair, the bone structure of his face.[break][break]

Zev shoved the abomination away, retracting the crystalline spikes back into his body.

[attr="class","tag"]disseminate ii


Zev is FULLY ARMORED: nothing can break through his defense, and things that hit him may take damage on impact[break]
Recalls Gengar and brings out Type: Null; Type: Null uses HEAL BLOCK on Chien-Pao[break]
Blocks an attack from Paradox! and retaliates by nearly shredding it to pieces



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December 26
Slateport City
6"1' height
6"1' height
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON Sept 4, 2023 3:44:18 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
As both a boot slammed into his face, and he was pulled from atop the Team Rocket gal and flung right to the Chien Pao, that small voice reminded Grigori that this outcome was possibly the kindest one available. It would've been all too easy for either person (or whom he tackled herself) to make short work of his life. For that, he must be grateful.

And that small voice grew bigger as the large cat grew in size. More powerful. Not that it could do much, but at least he wasn't consumed by that all powerful hatred. That sort of emotion did little to actually solve problems. He knew it all too well. After all, where did his whole life get him? 

Right into a rain of ice and on a crash course for a mythical Pokémon. 

At least, until someone stepped in. A body got in the way of the Chien Pao, one who Grigori knew all too well. "
Mr... Walsh? What--

Two things stopped him from finishing his sentence. First: that look of hidden hatred. Underneath the calm and stoicism was an ocean of absolute hatred. This was not the visage of a man anyone would want to pick a fight with. Even himself. Second?

The rough landing. Even as his Scizor dashed forward, through the ice and chaos to catch the both of them, the sudden impact gave his body a jolt of pain. How many bruises would he have come morning?

Upon 's call for action, Grigori nodded and half-pulled-half-was-pushed out of the Team Rocket leader's grasp. He didn't have to tell the Scizor who to target. It dashed forward, past the thing that Grigori would have to contend with. Right towards the Chien Pao, a nasty
Bullet Punch right into it's face. If Scizors could grin, the creature would see one a mile wide on the metallic bug as it swung it's punch.

Meanwhile, Grigori stood in front of the leader. Even if a part of him screamed to run and save himself, and another to join in with whatever grudge Declan had and assault him, he ignored them both. As for his own hatred, the grunt stood firm. There were two options for it to be, and he didn't see any reflections of himself in the newly formed manifestations. Instead, he saw--

Arceus above, was he still not over it? The person who approached was not a new face. He'd seen in a couple years ago, in that garage--

"I'm sorry for my past actions. But you will not claim me yet!"

Karma truly was an unforgiving bitch. His soul groaned as he raised his fists against his ...enemy? once more. Covered in blood, Grigori's manifestation walked perfectly right towards him, smug face still in its prime. A figure in peak health and shape. He had it all. Everything that the grunt yearned for. Jealously jabbed in the back of his head, but he pushed it aside.

 If the first time had been in a red, jealous rage, then this time would be with relative peace of mind. Plus whatever Declan had in store for himself. If only he had brought Brick with him...

 - Gets kicked and thrown right to Chien Pao. Understandable have a day.
 -Grigori Notices Declan Walsh's hidden fury as the man saves him
 - Scizor catches them, and after Declan Walsh orders the group to capture the Chien Pao it instead decides to +2 252+ Atk Technician Scizor Bullet Punch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Chien-Pao: 516-608 (171.4 - 201.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO
 - Grigori, somehow suppressing his anger and jealousy, decides to fight a former friend in the shape of a perfect being conjured by Chien Pao and attempt to stop anything that the Chien Pao would have in store for Declan Walsh (He is cheesed to meet them)

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Sept 4, 2023 11:26:37 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

The effects of 's AROMATHERAPY on Cillian are immediate, overpowering even the festering HATRED and GRUDGE. This feeling is older, embedded deep within the psyche by years of training and torture.[break][break]

His thoughts fill with fire and blood, then overwhelming fear. It lasts but for a moment, but that moment is enough.[break][break]

Catching the breath that sticks in his throat, he offers a begrudging nod of thanks in 's direction.[break][break]

What the fuck was I thinking?[break][break]

It had involved the knife he finds in his hand and the man whose hoarse, pained voice draws the ear of the underboss. He snaps his attention toward , then to the Chien-pao as the order registers. At all costs.[break][break]

SELF-LOATHING is not something he experiences often, but a hatred for HIS OWN WEAKNESS manifests in the form of a sneering doppelganger. The very antithesis of Cillian Quinn, whose loyalty to Rocket was matchless, it mocks Declan's orders with its very presence, standing firm between Rocket and their sworn goal.[break][break]

The back of Cillian's neck burns with the shame of knowing that anyone paying enough attention might recognize his imitation, and thus the weakness with which he currently grappled.
Sending out his Dhelmise, he clicks his tongue. Its ANCHOR SHOT would seek purchase where Lugia's whirlpool had failed; if it could trap the accursed feline, its shadowy boon would render it vulnerable.

[attr="class","tag"]DISSEMINATE II



Theo re-traumatizes him but snaps him out of murder-mode, so he's grateful.[break]
Experiencing some SELF-LOATHING right now, and there's a not-quite-Cillian doppelganger as a result.[break]
Rather than engage with it, trying not to draw attention to it, Cillian sends out Dhelmise to ANCHOR SHOT the Chien-pao. Any opponent that Dhelmise successfully uses a TRAPPING MOVE on will receive increased damage from attacks from other Pokémon for a brief period of time. We pray.


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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Sept 4, 2023 20:12:46 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

So much happened so quickly, Amor was barely able to react to it all. Chien-Pao's aura was infecting him he could feel, and when the Ice Shard came at him, Draco came in to buffer the hit, taking barely any damage thanks to his Steel Typing. However cuts still wound up on Amor, that were suddenly closed thanks to . Everything was happening at a breakneck pace, and he felt the cracks forming inside of him. Amor didn't know what was going, something wanted out. It was bubbling under the surface, and it was making him feel physically ill because he didn't know how to handle it. How could you cure something you didn't understand, but then they had the Chien-Pao on the ropes.

's order came, and right as Amor was about to tell Draco to finish it off, he felt something break inside of him. Like how a piece of stone is eroded, and a piece of it falls away. Something inside of him went missing, and he felt lighter, he felt different....But not better, a sense of dread filled his very being. The hairs on his neck stood up, and he felt goosebumps crawl along his skin as he looked over to see something horrific take place. A skeleton, muscle tissue, and skin formed one after the other, with a white suit appearing on the body of the man.

Long silvery hair flowed down his back, and teal eyes with slitted dragon like pupils graced his face.

"Oh it took long enough. Arceus do you know how awful it was having to share a body with the likes of you?" The doppleganger snorted out derisively as it flexed it's fingers adjusting to it's new physical parameters.

"Who are you....?" Amor asked gritting his teeth, but he had a feeling that he didn't really want an answer to that question.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh what I rich question. Honestly we both know who I am." And in a blink the Entity was upon him, and a loud crack could be felt as his fist crashed against Amor's face causing the man to be knocked off balance. "I'm you." Came the two word reply as a kick was thrown.

Amor was able to parry it with a knee, and he managed to throw a punch to his Dopplegangers face, but ti was blocked, and then he felt his feet lift from the ground, and then he was slammed into the ground hard.

"AUGH!" Came the pained sound as he felt his back collide on the hard floor. Draco was rushing to help him, but the Dragonite stopped mid air as a sharp piece of Ice was pressed to Amor's throat.

"Play nice Draco, or I kill him...." Came the cold reply as the stab came, but not to the throat, that would be to quick, to sudden. No Amor had to suffer, and so the dagger of ice was shoved into his shoulder. "Honestly look at you, how pathetic....The greatest injustice in this godforsaken world is knowing that I share a soul with you, but once I kill you, I can take over." Hatred burned in the Entity's eyes as he glared at Amor. "You who was given the world, but wasted it all sniveling, and begging others for help....You make me sick." Another stab to the left shoulder.

"What- ugh! Are you....Talking....About....Who....Are you....?" He panted the words out as he tried to twist out of the grip of the Entity, but whatever force made this thing, it was far stronger than he was.

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Who am I? I told you....I'm you, but perfected." He sneered before leaning down to whisper. "Every time you snapped....Remember ? How about ? That rage, that sheer unfettered hatred. The disdain that you feel for everyone. That's me....Walter did a sloppy job trying to fix us...." He glowered as he stood up, and dusted off his suit before stepping hard on Amor's stomach. "Honestly I thought you'd give me a better showing. The Escargot with attitude over there has more backbone than you, and it's an invertebrate." He mocked Amor, point to 's Wo-Chien.

"Now I have a job to do." He went to walk away before an arm reached to grab him by his ankle. Annoyance flashed his face as he looked down at the man who was bleeding out all over shoes. "Honestly...." He started before he saw 's Dhelmise attempting to attack the Pokemon that had finally freed him. "Take one for the team won't you?" The Entity snarled before he threw Amor in the way of 's Anchor Shot, forcing the newly minted Head Scientist to take the shot for Chien-Pao.

The attack should it hit would send Amor careening into a wall. He felt his consciousness fading, darkness was eroding the edges of his vision. It still didn't hurt more than the Dragon Energy that Melody had hit him with.

"Draco...." He didn't get to finish his order before blood spilled from his lips.

Meanwhile the entity looked around, assessed the data that he knew from his captivity in the weaklings mind. An Immortal, A walking suit of Armor, An Angry Snail, and whatever powers had....He could do this.

"I am free, and I am not going back! Hahahahahahaha" And so he set his sights on his first target, and rushed at . He had already successfully defeated himself so he would finish the rest of them to protect the one who freed him from his chains.

NegAmor is born! PORQUE!?
Amor gets bodied by himself!
Amor gets used as a Meat Shield to block Anchor Shot by NegAmor!
Draco is currently stunlocked!
NegAmor decides he likes his odds, and that the best defense is a strong offense, and attacks with an ice shard he picked up!

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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,742 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2023 5:16:57 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","minimal elisa"]

Her body collided against the floor with a dull thud in the wake of the unexpected attack. Wincing as she let out a low hiss through clenched teeth, she glanced up in time to see of all people kicking back, and then grabbing him by the collar, incensed in a way she'd never seen him before.[break][break]

Was that burning indignation in his cobalt eyes for her? No, she hurriedly corrected herself, that surely couldn't be the case. This was inspired by the audacity of someone inferior striking out against the ranks, of course. Or was it simply because this Ruinous Beast inspired a fury none of them knew how to quell?[break][break]

She didn't have time to investigate these dizzying thoughts, as a slimy vine snaked its way across the cavern to yank her back by the ankle.[break][break]

"Don't tell me we care about this one," purred a voice she recalled from her time in the Ultra Deep Sea, though this time, it was no beautiful blonde succubus of herself that smiled back at her.[break][break]

Instead, oil-slick black hair matted with seaweed and branches tangled down this swamp-like creature's shoulders to her waist. Webbed hands propped the half-human, half-beastly being upright as she crawled towards the underboss with monstrous intent. Behind her, a long piscine tail of void-black scales slithered like a snake's, dragging flotsam and jetsam behind her in a trail of algae and debris.[break][break]

Eyes blue and empty as the sea itself shone back at Elisabeth, pink mist exhaled with every expelled puff of breath to hint at the Avatarship that the woman kept hidden deep inside of herself. A grin slashed across her vacant face, mocking Elisabeth with its knife-like teeth.[break][break]

"We both know we'll ruin him anyway," the mermaid giggled as her attention turned to , sounding almost gleeful at the notion as she bared her fangs. "Isn't that what we always do? Might as well have fun breaking him first."[break][break]

So much hatred Elisabeth couldn't bear to feel it all poured through her like kerosene, ignited like a match by the way this dryad of oceanic rot cackled and laughed at her. Not this time, she silently willed herself as Wo-chien began to shift behind her in answer to the fury building like an inferno inside herself. I won't let it happen this time. I know better than to get too close.[break][break]

The icy temperature around her began to shimmer with heat as a rubescent glow manifested around Wo-chien that caused the Tablets of Ruin on its back to blaze as if caught afire. Moss and leaves gave way to autumnal flame, ochre eyes cutting like a devil's through hellfire.[break][break]

Her Ruinous patron purged the piscine silhouette with a single TERA BLAST, cutting through the illusion towards its source:[break][break]


Lust death scene in Full Metal Alchemist.


  • Shook that and especially defended her from .
  • A swampy mermaid version of Elisabeth intent on ruining everything she loves appears, vaguely reminiscent of Tapu Fini with Wo-chien powers. Decides it wants to fuck up because lol, doesn't Elisa just ruin everything good in her life anyway?
  • Hatred for this self-destructive side of herself fuels a FIRE TERASTALLIZATION of WO-CHIEN! Hellsnail hours, bb.
  • Wo-chien uses TERA BLAST on the mermaid!Elisabeth, stopping her from getting her webbed hands on .
  • The FIRE TERA BLAST cuts through towards Chien-Pao when the mermaid implodes!



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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,858 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2023 23:09:05 GMT
mint frost Avatar




Any clarity that 's AROMATHERAPY would've given him is dashed by everything said. He barely remembered all the little details but this- this right here hurt. More than the hundreds of bones in his hands and wrist getting crushed even as he cries out in pain and struggles against the beast despite himself. [break][break]

He shuddered as the Beast's voice dropped and shivers ran down his back. "You get off on this??" He hissed back in disgust. There's no remorse. It spreads and erodes through him like battery acid. "You-!" He began, snarling before his stomach flips as he goes flying. His body arcs but is no cat. He can't right himself mid air. He can't land on his feet. But at the very least he knows how to fall. So he tucks in, protects his head and skids on the ground like a skipping stone, rolling to the stop on snow slush and smacking harshly on a cave riddled with beautiful crystal. He just manages to see Bryan on his knees and laughs. "Walk it off, bitch!" [break][break]

Big words for a Beast on the ground. So he gets up and hides his pain, mirroring a memory he's lost. His Abomasnow is darting towards him, her original target gone and defaulting back to protecting him. She's quick, faster than her usual lumbering pace. She helps steady him and turns to face Chien-Pao. [break][break]

But Mint is still unsteady, shaking in a mix of pain and adrenaline that only fight or flight brings out of him. And he’s too deep into this shit to flee now. As the cat pulls back hurt, something manifests before them. He sees figures running out for everyone and Mint momentarily is ready to call for their defense. Whoever he could reach but his vision is cut short as a wall of black sludge, pretty like oil and dripping like tar surges form Chien Pao and blocks his view. Mint scrambles back, primal instinct making him agile enough to avoid one sticky blow. He recognizes this. He smells the rotten food and feels his arms itch. For a moment he things his sleeves grow wet and warm before a quick glanced and panicked breaths prove otherwise. [break][break]

ew ew ew ew

The sludge, lumbering and aggressive takes the form of at first, cruel and monstrous in his imitation, head snapping into place. But it’s eerie, no hatred, no disgust. Only emptiness. And Mint bares his teeth because it means nothing. “Move.” he ordered, muscles shaking as he barely held back lashing out. [break][break]

The sludge doesn’t and Mint sets his sights to Chien Pao again. He touches Straciatella’s outstretched hand as she muscles between her and the poor imitation of a Beast that couldn't satisfy his own lust for carnage. She’s then gone in a flash, swapped out with a brilliant golden fuzzball of a thing. Carbonara screams, flames licking the sides of her mouth. “Carbonara, the cat!” he snapped and the giant moth creature turned. “We’re surging, pull from these walls baby girl!” he added as he pulled out his TERA ORB. As tendrils of tar shoot from the melting Bryan Delarosa and begin sniping Mint, latching on and hook in he called his next move. “Corner it, LOW SWEEP!” The Slither wing pulse from the cave TERASTALIZING into a FIGHTING TERA TYPE before gunning for Chine- Pao and trying to drop it while it’s weak. [break][break]

As she does, the sludge pounces at Mint, Bryan’s form nothing but melted and vaguely humanoid and wailing, groaning coming out of the pile as it wraps an appendage on Mint’s throat and crushes it. As it takes shape it becomes something rather unassuming. A young boy, with a gaunt face. Clothes a size too big, and thick framed glasses. Thin, definitely thin. And despite all that one hand at Mint’s throat the other wielding it’s weapon of choice. Cold fear shoots through Mint before it begins speaking coherently as it crushes his windpipe. [break][break]

“...b..b-b..borr- bo… bor-...burrowed- borrowed. Borrowed. Borrowed. Borrowed. BORROWED.”

Each repetition another squeeze even as one of his hands shoots up to grab at the hand choking him and the other pawing madly for a knife or something just as deadly. [break][break]

“BorrowedborrowedborrrowedBooRrOwedbOORROOWWEED BORROWED TIME. BORROWED TIME.”

Oxygen low, now he’s actually choking, wheezing and gasping on the wet ground. [break][break]


Perfectly manicured nails claw at the floor while Mint knees and kicks and tries to curl his foot under a chest cavity. [break][break]


His heel catches and Mint struggles to bring the other leg in as he grasps at a fallen TERA CRYSTAL. [break][break]


The head explodes into a mess of black ooze and bleeding over his face. It splatter on his fair skin but only for a moment as he kicks up and off with both legs. The oozing creature breaks off, tendrils just barely sticking to Mint. “I don’t NEED this right now!” he yelled, pouncing on the torso of the headless creature and bashing in the crystal until the pile of sludger becomes a puddle and stops twitching. Panting, and finding a moment of peace, he checks himself his spyglasses checking to see if the things still work before attempting to get them working. “Underboss can Wo-Chien do that?!” he called out as he scrambled away from his hate manifestation and trying to RECORD the rest of the meeting.

tagged ▸ ooc @ various
- fights with bryan and gets yoted [break]
- taunts bryan after he gets up [break]
- gets attacked by nega bryan [break]
- swaps straciatella the abomasnow for carbonara the slither wing while mint gets slorped up [break]
- fights his weird sludge monster while it chokes him [break]
- carbonara the slither wing TERASTALIZED into a FIGHTIGN TYPE and used LOW SWEEP [break]
- mint bashes ooze monster head in and scrambles to RECORD meeting [break]
- asks elisa if she can do the same thing [break]

| drip [break]




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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
5,711 posts
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2023 9:23:28 GMT
[attr="class","beckmain"]as AROMATHERAPY spreads through the cave, allowing them clarity no matter how brief, his eyes look around, assessing the situation only to realize how susceptible they all are.

"compose yourselves!"

he sniffs, doing his best to focus on the floral scent.

"focus on the objective!"

even as his own HATRED manifests before him, his focus remains on CHIEN-PAO.

orders come in the form of clicks—something he had perfected with —and bayleef's VINE WHIP reaches out in an attempt to wrap around CHIEN-PAO to hold it in place.

left on his own, he weaves underneath a thrown punch from a shape will be familiar with. the man responsible for killing theo's family is the same man responsible for raising .

he continues evading.

- tells rocket family to FOCUS UP
- BAYLEEF uses VINE WHIP to try and wrap around CHIEN-PAO to hold it in place
- PAPA CROSS manifests as theo's HATRED
- THEO spends the round evading attacks
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,597 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2023 13:53:58 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

A sudden surge of vigorous energy flowed through Nomi, warming her from within. She looked over her shoulder at , understanding instinctively that such healing could only come from the Xerneas-blessed, but her eyes widened with anxiety as she saw him doubled over - obviously gravely injured.[break][break]
He will heal, the rational part of her brain assured her. She ripped her gaze away, focusing instead on the Chien-Pao: the primary threat in the room.[break][break]
Thanks to a cleverly timed DROUGHT from 's Ninetails, as well as Alpha's HIDDEN POWER, the icy feline was forced to dart right into the path of 's merciless blades. Slowed, it hissed in rage, the snow around it beginning to melt. Nomi's chest surged with triumph, but any celebration she might have voiced was cut short by a sudden glowing light, so bright it was blinding.[break][break]
Falling to her knees, Nomi shielded her eyes as they re-adjusted. The once-dim cave was now lit by the glow of hundreds of shimmering TERA CRYSTALS, sharp as knives. Nomi gasped, momentarily awed, but then a new wave of HATRED - stronger than the last - washed over her, and she felt her entire body shudder beneath its influence.[break][break]
Cruel laughter echoed through Nomi's mind: Holo's mockery, amplified tenfold. Nomi covered her ears as if to block it out, but it only grew louder.[break][break]
"Foolish girl, you cannot stop the inevitable. You cannot prevent your own doom. You know nothing."[break][break]
How it angered her to not know every detail about the ORIGIN POINT. How it angered her to still be in the dark, to flounder while the DRK Triad succeeded. How it burned through her - a potent fury - that she constantly felt as if she were racing after a foe that had always had a head start, an unfair advantage.[break][break]
Lack of knowledge was her true enemy. Without knowledge, she was powerless.[break][break]
A form coalesced before her, ancient and archaic, the representation of everything she had not yet learned about the universe. An ivory equine creature, ringed in gold, the truth of its nature beyond all human comprehension. Its blood red eyes bored into her, and Nomi felt suddenly exposed: as if it could see right into her heart, able to rip her soul from her body merely by blinking.[break][break]
"Arceus," She breathed. Some part of her knew it wasn't really there - that it couldn't possibly be there - but she didn't care. She launched herself towards it, only to fall forward, bloodied palms grasping at nothing. She screamed in frustration, an agonized sound, tears streaming down her cheeks as she grappled with the weight of her self-loathing.[break][break]
Somewhere nearby, Alpha began to glow a bright orange. It had floated over to one of the massive, intruding TERA CRYSTALS and had started to react to it, as if channeling Nomi's tormented emotions into usable energy. It crystallized, transforming into a TERASTALLIZED FIRE TYPE, then beamed a FIRE TERA BLAST at the impeded Chien-Pao, recognizing that it was attempting to heal itself despite Nomi's preoccupied mind.

[attr="class","tag"]DISSEMINATE II


Nomi is grateful for 's healing; worries about him but decides to trust his regeneration ability[break]
Alpha the Unown-A recovers from its injuries, and Nomi is also healed[break]
Oh shit, TERA CRYSTALS everywhere![break]
Despite temporarily impeding the Chien-Pao, Nomi is overcome with another wave of HATE[break]
Powered by TERA energy and HATE, Nomi realizes her greatest enemy is HER OWN LACK OF KNOWLEDGE, which manifests in the form of an ephemeral copy of ARCEUS[break]
Nomi tries to attack the Tera!Arceus, but it disappears before she can harm it. She falls to the ground in frustration, hating herself for not knowing how to save Hoenn[break]
Unown-A TERASTALLIZES into a FIRE type and uses a fire-powered TERA BLAST at Chien-Pao



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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,333 posts
part of
TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2023 2:48:04 GMT

The way swooped in to save barely registered in 's scope of attention, so inconsequential was the guard's wellbeing. Instead, every nerve and muscle were hyper-focused on processing the dizzying battle happening all around.[break][break]

A spray of ICE SHARDs hurdled down from above and Barnaby was just able to dodge the bulk of them, but one still ultimately found purchase on his upper arm and sliced through the fabric there. Blood trickled to the stone floor below, but there was no time to assess the severity of the injury. Adrenaline numbed the pain, anyway, allowing the admin to react to CHIEN-PAO.[break][break]

With the TERA CRYSTALS embedded in the walls of the cave now revealed, he noticed utilizing this source of power. That, coupled with the TRICK ROOM set up by , prompted Barnaby to return his NINETALES and release his SHADOW STEELIX, whose crystalline physique immediately began to glow a shimmering silver before even larger crystals jutted out from its body. The Pokémon was clever enough to take advantage of its surroundings to heighten its natural Steel-type power without instruction from its master.[break][break]

Before it could lunge at CHIEN-PAO, however, a flash of multi-colored light momentarily blinded both the STEELIX and . When sight was restored seconds later, abominations had sprung from seemingly nothing, lined between the hellcat and its attackers.[break][break]

One was bold enough to scurry after Barnaby, looking akin to — if she'd been a siren summoned from the monstrous waters of the Odyssey itself. But this was no work of fiction; these manifestations were real, tangible beings. Luckily this one was decimated before it could do Barnaby any harm. To this, he gave Elisa an appreciative look, but nothing more.[break][break]

He had his own demon to contend with.[break][break]

Putrid filth oozed out from the earth, coalescing into a grotesque, vaguely humanoid shape. The sight and smell was reminiscent of the vile sludge they'd suffered with for twenty years in a nightmare Galar, though this was only a vague feeling of HATRED now. [break][break]

Dangling shackles from each wrist clattered against stone as it clawed its way forward, mouth agape and moaning ominously. Now closer, a revolving set of faces could be seen — morphed in the muck — that knew all too well. [break][break]

Baptiste. Agustin. Camille. Among others. It was a family affair.[break][break]

Resentment bubbled up and into his throat, barely contained thanks to 's AROMATHERAPY. Suddenly, the creature's left arm shot forward toward Barnaby, elongating rapidly ahead of it.[break][break]

With its newfound speed, Quartz acted to block the manifestation's attack by slamming its tail down between it and Barnaby just in time, pinning the sludgy limb beneath a hulk of crystal and steel. In the same movement, its jaw unhinged to release a FLASH CANNON toward CHIEN-PAO, increased in power due to the STEELIX's TERASTALLIZED state and its SHEER FORCE ability.

outfit check[break]
• ice shard slices upper arm (owie)[break]
• returns NINETALES, releases SHADOW STEELIX[break]
• ty elisa for not letting the siren eat me[break]
• we got the gg sludge reincarnation x2 [break]
• sludgy tries to attack barnaby but STEELIX pins its arm [break]


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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,408 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2023 4:50:35 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","lyrics"]inside the beast still grows. waiting, chewing through the noose

[attr="class","mainbox"] steel crashes upon storms of white, his fingers twisting around the hilt of his blades as he crashes down with all the vengeance of a man breaking. when the admin's feet hit the floor, they land upon sheets of ice.

[break][break] wind whips viciously around him, eyes bleeding violet — his breathing labors as he stares at the creature that is causing him all this pain. all this destruction.

[break][break] finally.

[break][break] "i will not let you destroy," he hisses, gritting his teeth. "everything we've worked so hard to build."

[break][break] he readies his blade for another swing. only to falter.

[break][break] before CHIEN PAO, the countenance of all of rocket's traitors manifest in front of him. the people who taunted him in his dreams. the reflections of and , of and . the league.

[break][break] betrayal squeezes his heart, as if someone had reached into his chest and grabbed onto it with bleeding claws.

[break][break] the familiar shapes warp and twist before him, a wall of shadow soldiers pushed between him and the paralyzed chien-pao.

[break][break] one body sits out among them.

[break][break] ?

[break][break] before he can catch his breath, though, the bodies are swept by clouds of ice. suddenly, the faces of his old friends are no longer in front of him. suddenly, it is burning amber and feral teeth, the shape of a man that could only be —

[break][break] "."

[break][break] the shadow morphs into substance and a hand fearlessly grips the curve of his blades, shoving jayden backwards. the admin stumbles against the ice, wincing, at the forceful pressure to retreat.

[break][break] "tch," the voice snarls. "you think you can beat me?"

[break][break] overwhelming and relentless, the emotional storm threatens to overwhelm jayden. it chokes him.

[break][break] "idiot."

[break][break] even though his hands are bleeding, only expands in size. shadows whip around him, flaming hot fire burning in eyes of mocking amber.

[break][break] "do you want to know why everyone ignored you? because you're weak. why would they ever listen to you? it's a shame, really, because you're right. i am the biggest threat to rocket.

[break][break] somewhere, in the back of his mind, jayden knows that this isn't real. that this has to be fake. there's no way that a member of the elite four could have broken into sootopolis, into their chambers. not even held the power of the heavens to be able to —

[break][break] somewhere, the sound of something awful roars and jayden's gaze flicks away to see the sight of shadows coalescing in front of . is that...? his heart stutters. it clenches, gripping around the hilt of his blade. he should move. he should go. he needs to save his sister —

[break][break] the hesitation allows to grip the blades tighter, tearing the weapon away from him. the duoblades clatter to the ground with a terrifying ring.

[break][break] "i've killed your underboss, i've taken some fucker's ear, but i don't have to kill you because what are you?"

[break][break] it is like being in a pilfering cloud of smoke, a maze that he cannot find his way out of. the cold is nothing, the shouts over the sound of whipping wind and crystal ice are nothing.

[break][break] he sees nothing, he feels nothing.

[break][break] but it is snarling at him that burns the hole in his chest.

[break][break] he glares furiously up at the elite four member. resentment boils in his stomach at the words that lash him stronger than the storm. was right. no one had listened to him — they all said that there were bigger things to worry about than . every meeting before this had been the same. he was a rocket, born and raised, and yet louder voices had always overtaken him. even when he was a beast, even when he'd ascended to admin.

[break][break] beside him, hands curl into fists at his side. nails dig into his palms, hard enough to bleed.

[break][break] they didn't understand.

[break][break] they didn't hear him. did. of all people, was the only one who understood.

[break][break] "you're nothing."

[break][break] an ugly laugh rips from 's throat.

[break][break] 'i don't even remember your name.'

[break][break] 's AROMATHERAPY wafts through the air, reaching him. it both triggers a traumatic beating of his heart, and pulls him from the deluge of hatred, just enough for him to control himself.

[break][break] 's healing, too, fills him with renewed vigor. though that only erases the pain to allow more hate to flow freely through.

[break][break] with sudden aggression, jayden leaps to his feet. hatred coils around his chest as the admin calls for his blades. they rise in the snow, before a coordinated plunge cuts through 's left shoulder on their way back to their owner's hands. the movement is hasty, blood smearing around the hilt of his blades.

[break][break] they are matching now, festering wounds brought upon by vitriol and violence.

[break][break] "you don't remember it?"

[break][break] undulated rage morphs the admin's expression, his face matching 's rotten look. he wants, more than anything, to wipe that arrogant expression off his face. suddenly, jayden no longer cares about the people around him, around rocket. all he can see is the smug grin on face, the one that he must have worn when he killed , when he tore 's ear right from him.

[break][break] "you will."

[break][break] malicious winds tear apart the air in front of him, his duoblade whipping up a vicious SPRINGTIDE STORM.

[break][break] the split second before howling hate lashes out into the air, spiraling towards both elite four and ruinous beast, 's feral grin is replaced by dmitri's sinister smile.



jayden attacks, using his duoblade's SPRINGTIDE STORM (on matias and towards chien pao)


[attr="class","title"]DISSEMINATE II


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing