i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,532 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2024 9:32:20 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar



her ceruledge cleaves 's pistol in half, then gets snatched up in 's arcanine's teeth. exhausted by the fight against paradox pokemon, the ghost-type can do little to defend against the mauling. at the rocket's command, her pokemon is dropped unceremoniously and left behind in a motionless heap. red light washes over the knight, spiriting her away back into her pokeball. [break][break] 's and 's justifications fall on deaf ears. she's had the same conversation with — though, unwittingly, he stands with her now. [break][break]"you are deluded. you both are! we should all be focused on kyurem, not palkia!"[break][break]if these rockets couldn't see the issue with the colossal dragon bearing down on the region by now, they wouldn't hear it from her, either. mutually, they all seem to find the same conclusion: their breath is wasted on each other. [break][break]annalise can barely process the chaos of the battle unfolding. she loses sight of and beneath a rock slide, feels the stinging heat of 's mind blown as it explodes against the cold. 's lugia casts a tall shadow over the group as she lands nearby. [break][break]annalise takes a shuddering breath, letting her vision tunnel in on as she turns her head to look at her. [break][break]"professor, help palkia," she bids, the words spilling out stressed and hasty. "we'll deal with them." [break][break]
exhaling, she reaches for another ball at her belt. her meowstic appears with a flash of light. she stretches her little paws out, lifting her folded ears to expose the eyes hidden beneath. reacting to the urgency, she concentrates all her energy into erecting a protect around and palkia.

+ tldr [break]
+ ceruledge faints ):  [break]+ thinks and  are silly [break]+ tells to focus up and help palkia [break]+ releases meowstic [break]+ meowstic uses protect on palkia and [break]


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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
892 posts
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2024 15:32:27 GMT
Shred Avatar
For a moment, it seemed like you might've actually gotten away with your risky push. Plenty of attacks are coming from both sides, but none of them are directed towards you. The arrival of and certainly helps, as does the meddling of and the ever-present threat of @howard's Regice. There's a good few seconds where you fully believe you're in the clear.

And then, a technicolour head is flung high into the air, accompanied by a sinister jingling. Shit! A Mind Blown!? And one of that size, too? That's not good. Luckily, Dragapult is fast enough to dodge it, but you doubt the same could be said about the titanic Regice. But surely, @howard has a plan for--

He's screaming.

...Well, it's not exactly how you wanted to go out, but...

You take a deep breath, and proceed to throw yourself off of Dragapult and right into the path of the Mind Blown.


The flash of the combustion is blinding. The sound of the explosion is deafening. The smell of smoke choking, yhe taste of iron biting. The sensation of fire burning your skin black is nothing short of agonising. It's sheer sensory overload, and it's nothing short of torture. The scream that tears its way out of your throat is almost enough to burst your lungs. You hit the ground hard, and your Dragapult, spared the worse of the explosion but nevertheless caught in it, falls shortly thereafter.

To describe the full extent of your injuries would be a highly overlong endeavour. Every fracture, every rupture, every inch of burnt skin, it's a list too long to consider right now. It'll certainly be a closed casket funeral for you.

Which makes it all the more miraculous that you're alive.

Alive. Yes.


You try to struggle to your feet, but despite your heart pounding and your adrenaline pumping, your legs don't seem inclined to move. Oh well. Doesn't matter. You're close enough to Palkia now. Close enough to hurt it. Close enough to make it stop. You just need the chance.

With clenched teeth, you manage to drag your arm down to your belt, bringing back the unconscious Dragapult. Then, with another strained tap, you send out your Grimmsnarl. The ogre's attention immediately snaps towards 's Blacephalon, the brightly coloured nuisance jingling and jangling about. Without so much as a moment's hesitation, the monster lurches forward, aiming a Foul Play to smash the clown in its neck-stump before its head can possibly regrow.

TL;DR - SHRED IS IN FUCKING AGONY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (He tanks the Mind Blown on behalf of his boyfriend, suffers immense misfortune yet somehow survives, then sends out Grimmsnarl who Foul Plays to make sure that shit DOES NOT happen again).
Shred's disguise probably got blown to smitheroons by the Clown Bomb but he's still masked (it may or may not be melted onto his face).
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,335 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2024 18:12:10 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]as chaos continues to erupt across the battlefield the icelands have turned into, the head scientist tries to focus on the task at hand: protecting and helping palkia.

provides a cover and despite the urge to do more, illeana can't find it in herself to turn her down. instead, she flashes a tired, grateful smile.

"thank you."

and as she turns her attention back to the spatial dragon at her side, ready to apply all of her focus into assisting however she can...

crashes the party once more. her expression shifts into a sharp scowl and she whirls around on her heels to stare him down. with palkia's body behind her, her silhouette is bathed in pink from spatial energy.

her shiny blacephalon tries to block the approach of the man and his grimmsnarl but it is deterred by a foul play to its neck stem. the clown, still regrowing its head, reels back with a sharp jingle of pain.

"can't you leave well enough alone?"

she snarls, positioning her body between , his grimmsnarl, and palkia. if he wants to attack the dragon, he'll have to kill her first perhaps.

and as her shiny blacephalon finally grows its head back, the funky clown promptly plucks the new head off and throws it... toward the pink energy trying to split kyurem in two.

's protect rises a moment later, shielding both illeana and palkia. somehow, her protective snarl doesn't quite leave. it persists, as if nothing more than a wolf protecting its pack or a dragon guarding its treasure.

kyurem raid.

- a lot happened...
- thanks and tries to focus on helping palkia
- shiny blacephalon takes a beating from 's grimmsnarl
- shiny blacephalon manages to regrow its head just in time to throw another mind blown at kyurem instead
- illie says gtfo to
- 's protect is up around illie & palkia ty my pookie
- 14th post, selecting iron leaves

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[newclass=.illeana i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]

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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2024 19:47:24 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

This Rocket had no respect, and even when the dog snarls, all Genny can do is look with disgust backwards. He can't remember a name, but as Kusanagi whirls around her and him, she can't help but hold her hands out at the ready.[break][break]

"You won't hurt another soul as long as I breathe," he rushes her down, and a hand touches on Genny's shoulder. The blade goes through her chest only seconds after her body disappears with another TELEPORT, missing her as she jumps up and attempts another kick. This trick would only work so long, and Genny and Venus knows that.[break][break]

She has to win though. She's not letting him out of here alive. Not anymore. He's threatened . So as far as she's concerned...[break][break]

His death will keep people alive. That justification is all that matters in her head right now.



- OUTFIT[break]
- Post #11, Iron Boulder picked.[break]
- Kusanagi shuts them off into a blood duel? Fine. You got it, let's make this interesting, ![break]
- Genny states the absolute death flag line 'as long as i breathe you won't hurt anyone else.' We love it. c:[break]
- Venus continues to help with TELEPORT to help Genny dodge, Genny goes in to kicks again, this time to the back.[break]
- Genny is ready to kill. Venus has Todo's clap frfr.



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Black Dog, the weakest beast
November 9th
5'3" and 1/2 height
5'3" and 1/2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
911 posts
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TAG WITH @hitoshi
Hitoshi Inoue
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2024 20:34:12 GMT
Hitoshi Inoue Avatar
This is his greatest sin, and his kindest act. A girl hardens her heart and resolves to kill a dog. By ripping his heart out, ending one creature's life, she would save many. By holding him high above her head, another might live. It is a path to heroism and damnation, the two entwined with exquisite craftsmanship.[break][break]
This creature, who would spur her to such, feels lower than a dog. Ice beats through his veins, like the creature that haunts . Let him be evil, let him be vile, let him be hateful, if that is the kindling this would-be hero needs.[break][break]
His blade cuts nothing but empty air. The stroke comes seconds too late. Instincts compel him to go low. His shoulder absorbs much of the kick, rising to elbow her away.[break][break]
"One trick, huh?" His grin is the wide, toothy grin of an animal. The dog adjusts himself, rising back up. He is at his full height, such as it is, turning to face her once more.[break][break]
"Act like a broken record and you'll be eatin' dirt."

Hitoshi gets knocked down. Lunges back up, elbowing Genny. Turns to face her, talks shit.
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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2024 20:46:53 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

It dinged. Somehow, it dinged. Violet let out a deep, deep sigh of relief. Honestly, she had just hoped for this to work. Aegislash had hit home hard, but had gotten steel antlers back for its troubles. She’d had to recall it – and in the same breath decided to simply try and throw one of her open balls at the injured Iron Crown. It was a valid tactic, in her experience, to just make a catch attempt and run.
Only this time, the ball had bounced back with a ding and a catch. It was almost too much to believe. But she decided to simple take it, for now, and worry about things later.
Pandemonium was still raging all around her, after all. She had to make some sense of it, quickly. Hence, she took it in broad strokes.
The horde was seemingly on the backfoot, with Hoopa trying to get away. The Kyurem was ceasing hostilities, it appeared, to a degree.
So, of course, people went straight back to trying to kill one another. Violet could not help but sigh as to what she was hearing on the coms. Her attention was half focused on that when she noticed a familiar pinkette apparently being helped up onto her Togekiss, seemingly injured. [break][break]
Vio decided to head there, first, while she tried to make some sense of the newly-drawn battle lines on the side. As her own Togekiss approached, she decided to offer some aid right off the bat. “I know you are a bit hurt yourself, but give these two a Wish for now, alright?”
Fortunately, Togekiss obeyed and used the move to support its kin and the rider. “Sorry Desiree, I heard something but I got attacked first,” she started, honestly being a bit apologetic. After all, she had separated from this one out of awkwardness, only to find her injured now. Vio still wasn’t a monster, after all.
Plus, she had heard what the strangers had said to the Togekiss, so she decided to order her own. “I’ll give them some escort until they are out of the worst, at least,” she informed those, hoping to use her Togekiss to guide the other out of the active battle-zone. While still listening in to the comms, so that she could figure out the best course of action after.

+ Catching Iron Crown, going down to and , casting a wish on the other Togekiss and rider and offering to escort them up, while still making sense of the mayhem



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bel, lyle
june 21
rustboro city
SPECTRA co-captain
the renegade who had it made
180 posts
Belial Stone DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @belial
Belial Stone
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2024 23:43:06 GMT
Belial Stone Avatar









A clash of egos in a confined space was a bad idea no matter which way one sliced it. Belial, however, invited her arrogance with a smirk. didn't know who she was dealing with. It was a fault he intended to exploit.[break][break]

And, though he takes note of the violence and partake in, the mercenary captain is primarily focused on the councilwoman. "Let me change your mind, beautiful. There's a lot SPECTRA would love to learn about you, after all."[break][break]

Like, for example, the speed at which her MAGMA travels.

Slower than a BOLT from or for sure. Perhaps even sluggish compared to the pillars of EARTH is capable of summoning. Enough so that swiftly mounting his Hisuian Arcanine once more is no trouble for Belial before he executes his next command.[break][break]

"Send it right back!"

His canine mount pivots around, shielding her trainer with its large tail before planting her back paws into the ground and kicking the earth and magma right back at and anyone near her (SCORCHING SANDS).[break][break]


Meanwhile, the structural integrity of their DOME would begin to crumble after the SHADOW BALL from the WYDEER belonging to strikes it. "You still alive back there, red?! This place is coming down!" It'd be a shame to lose her after such a short scrap.[break][break]


has his identity concealed with a MASK[break][break]


mocks (flirts?) with [break]
mounts his HISUIAN ARCANINE once more[break]
HISUIAN ARCANINE kicks back MAGMA and earth at and anyone near her with SCORCHING SANDS[break]
SHADOW BALL from the WYDEER belonging to strikes the DOME wall and weakens its integrity

[attr="class","belial-lb-bannerbottom"]TO SOW DRAGON'S TEETH ⚜️



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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,617 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2024 2:49:59 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
palkia's appearance and alignment was suggestive enough for kyle to inch more to the side of canon events being true.

his own efforts would be in vain since it's likely pre-written that it has to be the palkia that saves the reshiram from kyurem's fusion rather than his solgaleo. he supposed it's worth a try, still, since he doesn't know which events are one and which aren't.

"oi, matias, ignore palkia and-"

the arrival of 's greninja chills his blood due to a similar happening beforehand, but without the trainer with it, kyle sighs a breath of relief. instead, pokeballs were given.

"fuck. i guess this really is my role now."

without releasing the pokemon inside, he squeezes the capsules hard enough to combust in flames. 's pokeballs, scorched by ho-oh's fire, now remains in his person as he sends the greninja off to help its trainer.

"keep the focus on kyurem," he finishes his statement to .

terrakion pushes past regardless of kyle's words, dashing through the crowd with its sacred sword ready to slice the dragons in half, separating the two.

  • receives balls from navy
  • revives dead mons in them
  • keeps them in his person to be returned after the raid
  • terrakion uses sacred sword at kyurem


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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2024 5:31:20 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

A dog should know their place. But even as the kick comes in, attempting to slap into the dog, his shoulder absorbs it, and she feels the elbow dig into her stomach, the air pushed out of her lungs, as she takes the step back...[break][break]

"You'll find... I'm full of surprises," she wheezes for air, as she digs her boot heels into the ground, her hazel eyes filled with anger.[break][break]

And then Venus disappeared. In her place, a flash of lightning. A quick switched yellow cat bursting out of the ball. "Go." The yellow cat bounces like lightning, as Genny comes up towards the Rocket, intent to throw a punch. But the Zeraora comes in with the PLASMA FISTS, throwing hands with such agility. If he focuses too much on Genny, he gets hurt. If he focused on the yellow flash, Genny was getting an attack in.[break][break]

Unless Kusanagi stopped them. But Genny was betting on it. Just a little.



- OUTFIT[break]
- Post #12, Iron Boulder picked.[break]
- Oh? Hitoshi knocks the wind out of her? Fine. She's getting stale. Time to slap around.[break]
- Ky the Zeraora switched in. Time to re-enact Mahito's ass beating. PLASMA FIST. ONLY THING I KNOW FOR REAL.[break]
- What's he guhn do, say no? Bring it. Thank you VCT for gifting her the ability to avenge.



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the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,598 posts
noah faber DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noah
noah faber
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2024 5:49:07 GMT
noah faber Avatar

the iron boulder bulldozes through the windblown snowfield, forging snowbanks by way of its pointed horns. noah's hitmonlee matches the machine's charge with a cold clang.[break][break]

feet and claw clash with the glowing cranium. an ominous buzzing rings through the sleet.[break][break]

"watch out!"[break][break]

his hitmonlee leans back just in time as the iron boulder's horns fuse together with a brilliant flash of orange.[break][break]

noah tosses his other capsules, continuing to defend against the iron army before palkia's sublime presence.


tl;dr: noah fights another iron boulder / 6 POSTS

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[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]
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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,858 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2024 18:01:08 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar



There was little else that Yuina could do in the moments that followed, she couldn't very well continue in the fight that waged on around them despite how much she wished she could press forward. This series of cataclysmic events was not going to stop just because a handful of them got hurt or injured.... Why did that crazed monster drag her through one of its portals the way that it did?[break]
She was beginning to understand the gravity of her mortality, in spite of the other worldly affects that others could bestow, or the Pokemon that naturally maintained healing energies and could help in a given situation... She wasn't invincible, but Yuina couldn't help but treat herself that way... Especially when it came to trying to protect her friends... Even if she couldn't protect them from herself now it seemed...[break][break]
Cold and numb, for better or for worse, unable to feel the intensity of the pain that again wracked her body after being thrust into the ice and snow, Yuina could only stay focused on the gleaming silver machine that stood over her, it's digital blue eyes glancing down at her occasionally. It maintained its stance over her, its blue energy glowing bright, like a beacon of sorts, or perhaps a warning to the other machines that still rushed and waged war around them. The way she could feel it, like something was prodding at the forefront of her consciousness, Yuina could swear that it felt like a psychic type power of sorts, but surely something this foreign and strange couldn't bear the same kind of typing or powers as a regular Pokemon that she could recall?[break]
She would never know for certain.... What she did know though is that she could hear in the near distance, her voice calling out to those that had stood in this fight along side them.... Yuina didn't know where Elise or Genny had gone... But if she could find Desiree, they had to get out of here...[break][break]
Her breath came in shallow, shuttering coughs, and she dared to reach out a hand to the leg of the metallic creature that stood over her... And as Yuina made contact with its cold body, unable to feel the sting of freezing metal against her already frozen hands, it did not flinch or step away at her contact. Whatever this thing was, it perhaps had chosen her now in this moment, and for that, Yuina was grateful[break]
With the help of both the Iron Crown aiding her mostly limp figure, and North leaning down into the snow, Yuina was able to get up from the ground and collapse across North's back, unable to go much further...[break][break]
"Find Desiree...," Yuina coughed, and the horse huffed in heaving frosty breaths as his hooves clomped through the snow, finding and , in their attempt to get away from the remainder of the fight... And with Thomas' help, the two friends were able to get out of the worst of the fray, needing to find help for themselves after their perils...

To Sow Dragon's Teeth: Left Lane[break]
Posts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11[break]
Yuina is on the ground for a minute, but the Iron Crown staves off any other attackers with North clearing their immediate area[break]
She didn't know where went, or what happened to her, but she can hear her somewhere, she's still close[break]
Struggling and hardly able to breathe right, Yuina starts getting up from the ground with the help of Iron Crown, and manages to collapse on North's back[break]
North finds and , and starts following the small group so she and Desiree can get out of the icelands and get some help[break]
Glastrier is designated attacker/event participant. Iron Crown is for flavor context only[break]


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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,044 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2024 18:39:43 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

Elsewhere, under the power from forces of nature, Bongo gives one final shriek of fury before collapsing on the field. Close to , close to . Perhaps the latter would recognize the ape as it lay still and unconscious.[break][break]

Meanwhile, Tempest feels the crack of a fist in his face. Of the skin of his wrist melting off. Coupled with the searing heat from his legs and feet and-[break][break]

They're cooking me is thought, fleeting, as he tries to regain some control of himself. Liquid heat from his own lifeblood oozes down his back in thick rivulets, sizzling when they drip to the ground. The dome they've been trapped in is more of an oven than a blessing.[break][break]

Wobbling in place, Tempest grits his teeth and spits out blood on the dirt before lunging at again.[break][break]

"Don't patronize me." Is slurred out. The grip on his feet slackened, Tempest tries to sweep Ollie's feet out from under him. can have . If the masked man fails, he'll just have to cut the bitch's head off when he's done with the Head Ranger.[break][break]

She was just another false idol in the end.[break][break]

Another heavy fist goes to slam into the other man's face in return with his undamaged arm. Vision blackens at the edges from bloodloss and pain. But if anyone was more a snarling dog fighting to it's last breath, Tempest would be surprised.

[attr="class","tag"]@ tag



🔗 zarude is knocked out![break]
🔗 temp has the shit burned out of him by penny[break]
🔗 also gets punched in the face by ollie[break]
🔗 refuses to give up tho[break]
🔗 tries to sweep ollie's feet and knock him down. also tries to punch him in the face[break]
🔗 bloodloss from the stab wound + the other injuries is getting to him tho[break]
🔗 dancing_dog.gif


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✧ des ✧

✧ desi | diamandis ✧
✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty five ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
742 posts
part of
TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2024 21:23:27 GMT

Desiree did not need to know 's name to consider them the owner of a beautiful, kind soul- she looked up at them during her attempts to pull herself up with panic in her eyes, but the grateful feeling reigned true in her heart. She tried to confirm that she was more than willing to bask in their aide, but when she tried to speak all that could come out was a pained cough. A labored nod replaced anything else that she could do, and with that, she felt her body begin to lift off the ground. It was a strange feeling, but the Togekiss did its best to help her nestle upon its soft, feathery spine.[break][break]

Hovering lightly upon the ground as the pinkette looked up at the snow that fell from the sky, she wished not for the failure of her mortal confines to bring worry or fear in the hearts of those that she cared about. It was all the more embarrassing, being one of those who had been unable to exhibit smarts as a means of preservation- she hated herself for it, she felt weak. "I'm okay.. Descension, I.. don't need to go," she spoke out to the fairy and , as if she was trying to convince them as much as she wished to convince herself. But she knew all of that was a lie. Of course, she did not belong here anymore, her wish of love was taken with the blood that formed deep, dark bruises inside of her shoes.[break][break]

Labored pain and breathing heightened at the calls and approach of her beloved . They led her astray into darker thoughts, those that she would never be good enough- those that the training they effervescently worked toward would never be enough to propel her to what she wished to achieve. Tears welted in her eyes, the pain radiating up into her thigh and pelvis. She did not wish to see him in a state of panic- she wanted to see him flourish, she wanted to make her boyfriend proud. Useless, a shackle to the world that would only bring those around her down. By leaving she could temporarily quell the shackle- but in her eyes, she felt it would be a permanent one. Unable to improve. Ultimately hard on herself.[break][break]

"My love..," she cried, slumping to stare into the fray of snow and madness that continued to unfold, ".. protect Genny.. and Yuina.. and Elise.. and this brilliant ranger with a heart of gold.. and Violet.. and yourself.. you need to protect yourself.. you need to survive.. please, Thomas..!"[break][break]

All of the love that bloomed through the pain that emanated through her body, like pulsating rose petals in fields of rotting, sharpened thorns, helped her believe that love was true in the world one way or another- it was allowed to prosper through individual connections, perhaps stronger than it ever could by the great forces born within the cosmos. But it made her feel like the damsel that she truly was- and she wished to destroy that damsel and replace it with a warrior, to change the fate that the cosmos wished to bestow onto her through innocence. It was something she wished for above all else, but how could she, when in the end she was reduced to a shackle that she felt would only bring down those she loved and wished to protect?[break][break]

's companion's wish brought the energy that seeped out of her body to retain itself, to become a tad more stable than before- she used it to erratically rip a ribbon off of her clothes, tying it around her stomach and the Togekiss to allow her to experience a much more stable ride than she could ever have in a state like this. Yet the health that had been restored to her allowed the numbness of slowly losing consciousness to fade; pain prospered, it shone. It led her to wince, both in agony of the broken bones and the empathy she had for all the souls that had drifted upward from the cold, lifeless bodies that dotted the landscape.[break][break]

It pained her to see the pain that was experiencing, even with the relief she felt seeing her arrive on the back of her Glastrier- she would have taken it all if she could have. If the universe had been so generous, she would have taken all the pain from those she loved and bundled it into her heart. But she could not, it was impossible. Seeing her like this was enough to snap her into the reality that the two needed to leave- that she would cooperate and join them in their escape, led by the party that had expressed willingness to cover them as they made their way out of Kyurem's shadow.[break][break]

Out of her pocket came a pen, one that she typically used to sign autographs. She etched the ink into her skin, leaving a message for those at the hospital if she were to fall unconscious on the way. Too deep of an etching, at that- it was left in blood mixed with the ink. She was too busy making pleas with the universe, wishing to protect all the beautiful souls that she knew were present. And, with the way she knew those that she loved, those that she had been unaware made their existence known to Kyurem; there was no way of knowing, no way of feeling. She was paranoid, erratic, hopeful yet hopeless. A mess, an endlessly ticking clock of panic and worry.[break][break]

"Yuina..," she called out with a faltering voice from the back of the Togekiss within their escort, ".. we'll make it out.. we'll survive.. you'll survive. And.. it will be so different next time.. We'll get stronger.. we'll save everyone.."[break][break]

She wished that could be true. All she had to do was believe her own words, which in the end, was harder said than done. Now all they needed was to get help for themselves to make that reality certain. The hospital in OLDALE awaited them.[break][break]

"Thank you..," she said to her love, closing her eyes so the tears could forcibly come to a halt, ".. my sun in the stars."



- is grateful for el's appearance and help with the effective lift of the telekinesis! <3[break]
- insists she is fine to avoid decreasing morale. but that's a lie and she knows it![break]
- until thomas shows up. seeing him in panic breaks her down. it hurts. she feels like a heavy, useless shackle.[break]
- begs thomas to protect genevieve, elise, el, and especially himself.[break]
- violet's wish partially invigorates. helps. but makes it feel even more real.[break]
- uses the energy she has left to tear a long ribbon off her clothes and uses it to tie herself onto her togekiss![break]
- and writes 'help.. foot, leg, bleeding, please' on her arm in sharpie in case she passes tf out on the way to the hospital.[break]
- but yuina looks so hurt too.. so much help is so nice. but the hurt..[break]
- begs the universe to not take anything else away from her- all those she loves. all those beautiful souls.[break]
- VACATES TO SOW DRAGON'S TEETH: i haven't been keeping track of post counts but im well above 7 i think this is post 10 or 11??



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Black Dog, the weakest beast
November 9th
5'3" and 1/2 height
5'3" and 1/2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
911 posts
part of
TAG WITH @hitoshi
Hitoshi Inoue
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2024 23:28:43 GMT
Hitoshi Inoue Avatar
"You'll have'ta show me what you've got, then." The dog barks with a mad smile on his face. When she comes at him again, he meets her charge. The only sign of deeper thought is a sharp whistle.[break][break]
Just as she's picking up on his tricks, he's learning hers. If she's going to keep having her Pokemon intervene, he'll do the same. Privately, the black dog of Rocket remembers his checkers matches with one of the Beasts. Proud of himself for thinking ahead, he doesn't consider the notion that the other trainer might well be doing the same.[break][break]
Kusanagi flies in, a precise blade. He means to intervene, sending the electric beast back with a sacred sword. At his side, Hitoshi's blade strikes downward, arms extended. It's a blow that would open its unfortunate victim from shoulder to stomach, if they weren't thinking ahead.

Hitoshi goes in again, tries to cut Genny.
Kartana clashes with Zerora, using sacred sword.[break]

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played by


March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,916 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON Jan 27, 2024 0:33:37 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Out of Pokémon that could fly, Shalin had little choice. She had to rely on the one she had just captured if she wanted out of the chasm. With the others having found their ways out, she needed to make her own. "Alright, Midori, strap me on!" Climbing aboard the lithe Iron Leaves, the Ranger and paradox Pokémon ascended the cliff with incredible agility. The Virizion look-alike seemed to be just as nimble as her legendary counterpart. When there was no cliff to stand on, she sliced a ledge open with her powerful PSYBLADE. After a long series of leaps, she had ascended to the surface, only to find an even worse horror:

The Spacelord PALKIA, standing next to . It was a terrifying sight: this was the very behemoth that was the sibling to DIALGA, the Timelord, who wielded godlike power when she was deployed to Littleroot so long ago. With other gods present and at war, she knew when she was outmatched. Her heart racing, she knew when she was outmatched. There was only one way she was escaping, and that was with her Sygna Suit. Using it would be painful for Saria, requiring the Venusaur to stand on ice while she used the mightiest power Shalin could muster.

Shalin convened with some of her friends, including , , and , signaling that she was alright. Whether or not they wanted to, they would see Shalin at her strongest, and simultaneously, at her weakest. Strongest in terms of Infinity Energy output, weakest in terms of force of will. With a SPATIAL REND from Palkia capable of ripping her and her Venusaur into nothingness if she stood around too much longer, she tapped into her Sygna Suit's full power.

She slid off and withdrew Midori, swapping her for Saria. The shivering Venusaur, knowing what her trainer wanted, extended one of her gigantic vines. Both of them glowing green, the girl took a seat as close to the business end of it as possible. Even for her, as practiced as she was, this might sting when it was all over. "Saria, POWER WHIP!" she yelled, keeping one hand on her Poké Ball's switch to withdraw her the moment she executed the dangerous stunt only her Sygna Suit would let her withstand.

Saria wildly shaking her body, the vine Shalin was seated on drew her back, already feeling the buildup of power race toward its end. About a second before the pulse reached the end of the massive vine, smaller VINE WHIPS sprouted from the back of the girl's hands, ready to crack and sting anything foolish enough to try to intercept her while she hurtled through the air fast enough to rock the air with an aural explosion. Right as the pulse reached her, she let go of the Venusaur's vine, letting the cracker flick her forward so fast that she couldn't hear a thing after launch.

Or it would have, were it not for 's Z-MOVE: MIMIC YOU keeping her held fast. The deafening whipcrack roared, assaulting the ears of ally and enemy. Trapped inside the ghost-type's cage with , , , , , , , and , the discharge of Infinity Energy was so dense that Shalin resembled a green comet in the middle of her stunt, her body the very source of the sonic boom. Her two VINE WHIPS also moved as fast and as chaotically as she did, their cracking and lashing indiscriminate of ally or enemy.


- Iron Leaves carries Shalin to the surface, where she's terrified of Palkia and
- Shalin reconvenes with , , and , making it apparent that she's okay for now
- Shalin withdraws her Iron Leaves and sends out her Venusaur.
- Shalin uses her Sygna Suit and her Venusaur's Power Whip in an effort to launch herself across the Icelands at the speed of a whipcrack, but is interrupted by 's Z-MOVE: MIMIC YOU.
- The move traps her and her Venusaur with the others inside, subjecting them to both the Power Whip's sonic boom and the smaller sonic booms from her Venusaur pseudo-avatar's Vine Whips. , , , , , , , and are potentially affected.
- Post 8/7: Selecting IRON LEAVES

{WC: 583}
{PC: 8}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Sandy         Flygon         KO
Flit          Yanmega        KO
Midori        Iron Leaves    Poor
         Venusaur       Good

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing