i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,408 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 13:53:28 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

To jolt awake drenched in sweat is nothing new for Cillian, though it's happened far less since had moved in. This time, however, when he seeks the comfort of his partner, his fingers caress not skin nor even sheets but cold, hard stone.[break][break]

His breath is hot. He feels unwell. There's something affixed to his face.[break][break]

He tries to rip it off. Of course he does. But it doesn't budge, and it does cause an uncomfortable constriction about his neck. This was not the sort of breath play he engaged in with his partner; this was something sinister and alien. His grasping fingers find not a collar, but a chain wrapped around his throat. Immediately, his frantic mind connects the sickness in his stomach to the TOXIC CHAINS that have caused trouble throughout the region, and he knows.[break][break]

"No, no, no," he mumbles to himself as he gets to his feet, as yet oblivious to the presence of a cellmate. "Fuck this. Hey!" He spots a Megalopolan guard patrolling the ward. "Let me out. We're on the same side, asshole!"[break][break]

Only these are not the Megalopolans who've forged an alliance with Team Rocket, and the guard only watches him struggle with the bars.[break][break]

Furious, Cillian attempts to call upon his power. The SHADOW MIASMA wouldn't help him escape, but perhaps he could leverage his power as an Avatar to frighten them, or else convince them to cooperation.[break][break]

Only instead of the comforting smoke, he's forced choking to his knees as the TOXIC CHAIN constricts. Tugging at it with his fingers is of no use; he must relax and release his attempts to summon his power before it allows him air to breathe. There are tears in his eyes from choking, but he can't swipe them away thanks to the mask.[break][break]

Seething with pain and rage, he turns around to pace the cell and catalogue his surroundings.[break][break]

That's when he notices the bed (upon which he had not awoken) and it's occupant (). He gets an idea, then, of what his mask might look like. Of what the CHAIN looked like. But who the hell was beneath it?[break][break]

"Hey." Softer, this time, in hopes of not drawing the guards' attention. He tries to shake his cellmate awake, should they not already have been roused by his shouting fury. "You have any idea where we are?"




Cillian is upsetti spaghetti at being confined[break]
Tries and fails to use his avatar powers, womp womp.[break]
Goes to wake/converse with .


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January 9th
senior ranger
6’1” height
6’1” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
290 posts
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TAG WITH @ever
ever blackwell
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 14:18:22 GMT
ever blackwell Avatar



Ugh, he had a pounding headache. The last thing he remembers was going on his nightly walk, since he wasn't going to sleep, and then nothing. From the pounding headache and the knot on the back of his head, he could only assume he had been attacked. Weird for someone to be able to sneak up on him considering he was always in a constant mode of alertness.
Once he could think past his pounding head, he tried to figure out just how injured he was. No nausea. And his thoughts were starting to clear. Good, he didn't have a concussion then. That was one less thing to worry about.
Once he had assessed his well-being, he allowed himself to become aware of other things. First of all, the feel of unfamiliar fabric. Had someone seriously undressed him after abducting him? That was creepy on so many levels. Seriously, who just did that?
Deciding to worry about what exactly he was wearing later, he groped around for his Pokéballs. Nothing. He supposed if someone had gone through the trouble of changing him, they wouldn't have left him his Pokéballs.
Blood roared in his ears at the thought of being without his Pokémon. Of being without Rook, his Corviknight, particularly.
Rook had been with him through thick and thin, barely having been apart since they had both found each other. He had been with him through his father's abuse. He had helped him deal with that by being a constant presence to turn to after his father had finished beating him. And now he was gone. As were his other Pokémon.
Panic tried to seize him. His nails digging into his palms was the only thing keeping him grounded.
Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he realized it was a bit hard to breathe. Frowning, he groped around his face to feel a mask of some kind. That was what had been obstructing his breathing as well as his vision. Having been locked in a pitch-black room before, the fact that his vision had been obstructed hadn't registered until now. And after feeling around his neck notices some kind of chain that seems to have a life of its on.
Taking another deep breath, he looked around, checking his surroundings. Some kind of cell. A dingy one.
The whole cell thing made him think once more about his father. He was in jail. Was that where he was at? Came the unbidden thought.
Mentally shaking himself, he frowned. 'Don't be absurd, what would he have been arrested for? And even if there was a reason to arrest him, why would he have been taken back to Hammerlocke?'
No, something else was going on here.
Getting up off of the ground, he let his gaze sweep the cell, taking in the stool and the single bed someone was lying on.
Blinking, he slowly approached but kept some distance in case the person was dangerous. "Hey you, are you okay?"[break]

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + TL;DR: Wakes up in a cell in the weakling ward after being knocked out. [break] Confirms that he in fact doesn’t have a concussion [break] notices his change of clothes and that he’s without Pokémon [break] being without any of his Pokémon brings back to many memories [break] Almost panics [break] Notices the mask and chain [break] notices he’s in a cell and that he has a cellmate [break] to wrapped up in figuring things out to notice the other prisoners



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April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
341 posts
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 14:23:30 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

Discomfort registered first as Beau slowly came awake. Dripping with sweat and feeling fabric bunched against his body in all the wrong places, he could only assume groggily that he'd managed to kick his sheets off of him again. He really had to get his A/C looked at, but who had the time?
Stretching, his hands encountered an unforgiving stone wall. Blinking in alarm, he sat up hurriedly and sucked in a surprised breath, hissing through the surface of the mask that he suddenly registered on his face. What the hell was going on? He ran his fingers along the edges inexpertly, trying to pull it off, and felt something tighten around his neck as he did so, causing him to choke. The chain tightened the harder he pulled, until he finally relented with a gasp, light-headed and frantic.
Breathing heavily, he looked around to take the scene in. He was in some kind of cell, and the guards wandering around had the same- oh no. Feeling carefully at his neck, he traced the smooth, rounded shape of the same Toxic Chains he'd been responding to all month. Panic shot down his spine as he frantically put his brain to work, limited though it might have been. Was it because he'd been so sick? Had getting too close to those things done this?
He jolted in alarm as he surveyed his cell and noticed another figure slumped against the opposite wall, sporting an identical Toxic Chain and a mask that he assumed must be like the one he was wearing. Scrabbling to his feet, he moved to see whether the man was breathing, and heaved a sigh of relief as he saw the other's chest move.
"Brah! Brah, wake up," he hissed, crouching and facing away from the barred entry of the cell as he attempted to nudge the other into wakefulness. "What the hell is going on?"



Beau is in the Weakling Ward.[break]
Beau is Very Panicked and attempting to rouse his cellmate.




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MAY 18th
eyes of an angel
lay me down
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
we still believe in love, so fuck you!
711 posts
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 14:40:04 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar
[attr="class","pilots eddiepp"]

this all was worth this, i won't let you down




When Eddie awoke, he assumed he must have still been dreaming. After all, why else would the world be so shrouded in darkness even as he blearily tried to blink away the last of the sleep that hung heavy on his eyes? When he reached up to wipe at his face, it was with some horror that he realized something thick and metallic impeded the motion. [break][break]

Eddie was only vaguely aware of the person next to him as his thick fingers traced over the mask's surface, probing and prodding for any way he could pry the damn thing off. When he tried to dig them beneath the seam where the edge of the mask clasped around his neck, Eddie felt something tighten with tremendous force, choking him like a dog hurtling past the end of it's lead. He sputtered against the inside of his mask, hands moving to his throat to soothe the pain there. Fuck, no way was he trying that again. [break][break]

Rather than continue to try and rip the damn thing off his head, Eddie instead looked up to try and gauge his surroundings. As his eyes adjusted to the peculiar obfuscation of the mask's visor and the darkness of the cell, Eddie suddenly realized that a figure lingered close to his side, crouched and somewhat indistinct in the darkness. He started for a moment, caught off-guard by the low hiss of their voice, but Eddie noticed something familiar even in the grim shade of the cell. Even if that familiar little vocal tic hadn't been a dead giveaway, Eddie knew that he recognized the familiar slope of those muscular shoulders and defined arms toned by a life of athleticism. He knew this man from somewhere, that much was certain, but it wasn't until he recalled the words his cellmate uttered to urge him awake that the realization struck him in it's entirety. [break][break]

No, please Arceus, no; not him, not here. Eddie reached out slowly, and for a moment, the words he wanted to say were caught in his throat. Some part of him was afraid that the mere sound of them would speak his worst fears into life, but he had to know for sure. After a moment of hesitation, Eddie finally managed to force the words out, even if they came out no louder than a harsh whisper, [break][break]

“Beau? Is that you?” [break][break]

Please, let it be anyone other than the tenderhearted man he'd met at the Border, pursued by haunting shades and staring with misty-eyed reverence into the whirling sky above. Let anyone but him be trapped in this hell of iron and stone.

NOTES: Eddie wakes up in the Weakling ward [break]
Is horrified by the realization that someone he knows is stuck here too


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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
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TAG WITH @aubremckenna
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 14:40:15 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar


“AWOOOOOOO!” [break][break]A howl stirs the doctor from her fitful slumber. Heart pounding and breathing erratically, she sits bolt upright on the couch. “!?” Unlike many others, her first reaction isn’t to scream. It’s to throw furtive glances across the way like a child hiding from a monster beneath the bed. She notices the bars. So obsessed is she with finding the cause of the howl that she doesn’t immediately notice the mask.

Concentrate. A scratchy blanket beneath her hands. Unfamiliar fabric on her trembling knees. Thirty bars across the front of the cell.Take deep breaths. These attempts to ground herself take her panic from a ten to an eight.[break][break]

She is able to identify as the source of the noise. This doesn't comfort her. What's a child doing here?

After a moment, her lips purse with confusion. Fear gives way to cautious curiosity. Then, the sound of dozens of panicked voices floods in. An attempt to turn her head meets resistance. What’s going on? A hand lifts to her face to feel the mask, slipping down to the fleshy thing that wraps around her neck. She pulls at it in a panic. No, no, no! She remembers blood under her fingernails.

She almost stumbles over her cellmate in the dark. For a moment, there is fear. But then she sees the outline of a tattoo on his arm. A hint of silver hair beneath his mask There is a way he holds his hands. A certain smell that goes beyond cologne. For a moment, she wonders if this is his fault.

It's a better alternative to the idea that's beginning to form. A frightened hand reaches for his shoulder. It pauses. The sound of heels in the hallway makes her turn. A guard goes by. Her green eyes fixate on the line of blue flesh visible above his gloves.

For an instant, their eyes meet. He flashes shark-like teeth at her. 'Heh...heh.' He licks his lips. A hand lifts to the scar on her shoulder. It's shaped like teeth marks. Any thoughts of peaceful negotiation fade.

Images of disembodied limbs surge to the forefront. The acrid smell of smoke in a cave. A human wrist picked clean by figurative vultures. The odor of roasting meat. Evil cack The way this chain feels around her neck is hauntingly familiar. “The Megalopans?” Then, her earlier revelation crawls back. Her eyes sweep through the other cells. There are plenty of other young faces out there. Her heart sinks.

Her memory is fuzzy. A client had called her in for an emergency appointment. She planned to meet Leon and her parents after. Wasn't Michaela supposed to be with him? "Mikky?" A hand tugs violently at the chain around her neck as she moves to the bars. There's no familiar toddler out there. "Where's--where's Michaela?" This statement is whispered to herself. A paranoid statement that bubbles through. They probably already ate her. Some mother you are.
Her tears now fog the inside of the visor. They represent a dozen things: panic, fear, frustration, and despair. The thing around her neck seems suddenly oppressive.
She can't.[break]
Focus on the here and now.[break]
She can't.[break]
Don't think about your daughter.[break]
She CAN'T.[break]

With a panicked expression, she races to the desk. In its gleam, she hopes to find something sharp. Anything that might help get out of this cell. A way to free her from this parasite. Anything to avoid sitting there and thinking about what could be happening to her daughter or her Pokemon. She’d tear this chain out with her teeth if she had to. Her hands shake too much to apply real pressure. [break][break]
But she keeps trying anyway.
Panicked eyes slide to her husband, though they aren't visible beneath the mask. They plead. They beg. Make this okay. Wake me up.[break][break]

She lets out a noise somewhere between a sob and a laugh.


Wakes up to 's howling[break]
Takes a moment to survey the room[break]
Initially blames before noticing a Megalopan[break]
Panics that they have her daughter[break]
Starts trying to saw the chain off with the desk[break]

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[newclass=".aubretemplate .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 16:18:40 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

It was a strange sensation almost like a dream, he didn't think anything of it until he woke up on the cold hard ground. Immediately he bolted upright to see that he was not in his manor, or his bed, and there was something on his face. Panic set in as he tried to take it off, but each time he tried something constricted around his neck, and choked him. Coughing after each attempt he growled lowly as he stood up trying to orient himself, he wasn't in his bed clothes either. In fact he was in some sort of kimono, and already he was far more annoyed. Looking around there was a single cot, and walking over to the bars he spotted the blue skinned megalopolans trouncing around, and gripped the bars as if he could pull them apart.

No pokeballs....

Where was Erebus?

Where was Draco?

This wasn't good. He hated this feeling this pit in his stomach, and he turned around to see if there was anyone else in the cell with him, and that is when he spotted her. Immediate rage filled his veins. Like himself she had very distinct hair, it was impossible to mistake who it belonged to, and the stars shone their luck upon her, because if he would have had his pokemon. She might've never woken up again.

Now not only was he trapped in this hell, he was stuck in a cell with a person that he loathed more than any other. Irony....This was the definition of irony. He'd swap her out for in a heartbeat, because at least Lulu would be more enjoyable to hold a conversation with. Or , he could cuddle with Oscar at the very least....Anyone but her.

So he walked over to the woman who was still, and he kicked her in her butt perhaps a bit harder than was necessary.

"Wake up trogladyte....We're trapped."

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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
798 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 16:35:59 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Ameena came to with a pounding headache. She immediately realized she was not in her robes, and her second realization was that she was somewhere strange. Her third is heat on her face from the confines of a mask. Her hands jolt up to her face, touching it and then the chain that keeps it there. The chain and mask do not budge. [break][break]

"I must be dreaming," she says breathily. She moves immediately to the edge of the cell to overlook the wide circular area before her. There is no doubt in her mind this is a prison. It's circular shape screams Panopticon, but she knows of no structure in Hoenn built in this manner. [break][break]

A guard walks by. It takes her confused mind a sluggish moment to place why they look so strange. [break][break]


Her time in the Ultra Deep Sea might not prove advantageous. She has never encountered one herself, though she knew what they looked like after and talked about the Megalopolans. Ameena turns to see two other figures in her cell baring masks that must be like her own. The mixture of known and unknown makes her confident this is a dream. As such, she needs to explore it fully for her research. "I am Ameena. Are either of you familiar with this?" She tugs on the toxic chain keeping her mask affixed.

TAGS [break]
NOTES – [break][break]



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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,969 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 16:43:43 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar flailed on the floor, the sour air within his mask choking him awake. He bolted into an upright position, coughing harshly to clear his throat. Even after such a raucous fit, he found no relief from whatever fumes had penetrated this bizarre covering. Is his eyes adjusted to the darkness, the weight of the mask would gradually register to the groggy Oscar.

He slapped the mask's cheeks, feeling them up as he tried to comprehend its shape. "What..." Had he gone to a rave the night before? No, as far as he could remember he had stayed in. The shouting of other voices grabbed Oscar's attention, causing him to finally take in his environment. He was in some sort of cell, shared by another body. Was it alive?

He felt overwhelmed by every new sensation, the sounds of shouting voices pulling him like a magnet to the cell's bars. He saw the masks of others pressed against their own cells, shouting at patrolling megalopolans wielding large purple chains. As he noticed the chains around the necks of others, Oscar reluctantly grabbed for his neck.

His eyes shot open as grabbed his own chain, fruitlessly pulling at it in a blind panic. "What!?" Everything was becoming a blur, a terrible blending of putrid sights and tortured sounds. His mind was completely tangled with questions. Where was he? What had happened to him? What was with this chain? The morbid accessory seemed to tighten as Oscar struggled against it, forcing him to give up and fall to the floor.

As he gasped for air, he suddenly became very aware of how cold it was. He slowly sat up once more, looking down to find the most horrific discovery of all. His tailored suit had been replaced with an ill-fitting short-kimono, revealing his ghostly legs to the entire world! "WHAT!?"

Oscar leapt back to the bars, shaking them as violently as an enraged chimpanzee. "Let me out of here!" He growled as he tried in vain to pry open the bars. "I demand an explanation! Or at least A CHANGE IN UNIFORM!"

--Oscar is not happy about his wardrobe.
--He has yet to address or notice
--Ugly Ward
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jigokuhime, snow white
october 18
mauville city
ace lesbian
trustfund baby
i'm staying numb to my feelings, dodge 'em like novocaine
144 posts
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TAG WITH @maki
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 16:54:07 GMT
upon waking, maki immediately takes note of her surroundings. it's a bit dim, but she can see the contents of her cell well enough, including the fact that there's another person here. for now, she brushes that to the side, instead getting to her feet so she can peer through the bars of her cage. her pokeballs are gone, as are the weapons she usually keeps concealed on her... this outfit has no pockets, so the only things she has to defend herself with are her wits and her own body.

no matter. she can make do with that.

she can make out other cells in the block, but she can't quite make out their inhabitants. instead she turns to her cellmate, someone she doesn't recognize. she doesn't know if they're with rocket or not, so it's best to play nice for now.

"excuse me," she says calmly. "are you alright?"

[ ]
observing surroundings.
addressing sylvia.
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played by


Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,741 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 17:04:38 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","minimal elisa2"]

She'd had nightmares like this.[break][break]

Sometimes the chain was a suffocating choker of rubies, the bridal gift cutting into her flesh like the thin slit of a guillotine. Sometimes the chain about her throat was a man's hand, throttling her protests into silence. Sometimes the chain was an intangible noose of pink mist, coiling about her with sweet, seductive lies.[break][break]

The imagery changed over the past decade, but what the nightmare represented was always the same: powerlessness.[break][break]

How long had she outrun that shadow?[break][break]

Pale, shaking hands roamed over a mask that replaced her face, tugging on the chain to find it unyielding. The clothes she wore weren't her own; no weapons could be found on her person; nothing about the darkness around her spoke of familiarity or comfort.[break][break]

Megalopolans paraded outside her cell, and a terrible, traitorous thought grabbed hold of her: had betrayed her, trading her over to their newfound allies? Had she finally exhausted her worth to Rocket, as she always feared she would, and been exchanged as a bargaining chip in some greater war?[break][break]

Her fingers fisted themselves in her hair as she stepped back, shaking her head at this horrific realization. Though anyone could have done this, couldn't they? She had so very many enemies, within Rocket and out, who could have done something like this to her and justified the reason.[break][break]

Not just Walsh. . . . Even .[break][break]

"No," she whispered, barely able to hear herself over the sound of her heartbeat as it rammed frantically against her ribs. "No, please, not this. Not again."[break][break]

I'm not helpless, she reminded herself wildly, desperately. Not this time, no. Not this time.[break][break]

She'd sold her sanity to guarantee that. She'd killed the first man she'd ever loved and made a demonic pact to ensure it.[break][break]

She reached forward with an uncurled fist, the indignation burning in her heart more than enough to fuel the wellspring of grudges her patron demanded. You wanted me to suffer, she silently reminded the unseen Ruinous Beast, imagining the thicket of thorns and brambles she'd conjure at its behest. Have my suffering, then. Drink your fill.[break][break]

Only the unfeeling void of her own thoughts answered, before a searing pain radiated out from her neck like a brand. She screamed then, a primal sound of terror and agony in equal weight to the power she'd offered, and the world around her blacked out as she fell to her knees.[break][break]

Tears sprang to her eyes as anger flared, only to freefall into the numbness of despair.[break][break]

So Wo-chien had abandoned her, too. Just as she'd always feared, ever since she'd seen it behold with such gluttony in its ochre eyes.[break][break]

...But what of the other? What of Tapu Fini?[break][break]

Cautiously, she righted herself again, her breathing rapid and shallow as she swayed unsteadily on her feet. Dizziness overwhelmed her, but she grit her teeth and opened her palm again, this time imagining a blossoming heart of MISTY TERRAIN unfurling from its center.[break][break]

The second scream threw her backwards, unable to regain composure in the wake of the first aftershock as the chain scorched her tender flesh anew. Her limbs cried out in pain; her mouth and throat were dry, weak from dehydration; her stomach churned sick with nausea that she fought down, knowing her mask wouldn't allow her that weakness.[break][break]

She laid there on the floor, staring up at the ceiling, and fought to breathe. The room wouldn't stop spinning.[break][break]

A desk. (Breathe.) A stool. (Breathe.) A cot. (Breathe.) Darkness.[break][break]

(Breathe. Don't just feel, Elisabeth. Think.)[break][break]

To lose both her Avatarships at once was strange. No, she realized suddenly, that didn't make sense. This chain had punished her for using her powers; it meant her tether to her patrons, in some way, still remained. Someone had trapped her here against her will and made her powerless, intentionally.[break][break]

The only question was who. And why.[break][break]

Her eyes closed, then reopened, taking in the room again from her place sprawled on the ground.[break][break]

A desk. (Breathe.) A stool. (Breathe.) A cot. (Breathe.) Darkness.[break][break]

And in the darkness--[break][break]

Panic surged again in her lungs as she crawled upright, the rush of fear and adrenaline reanimating her as she backed up against the wall like a cornered animal.[break][break]

And in the darkness, there was a man.

Prismatic Penitentiary: Ugly Ward (TLDR)

- Elisabeth's resurfaced trauma from being trapped and powerless in her abusive marriage triggers a panic attack.[break][break]
- She first thinks the Megalopolans are proof Rocket sold her out, but then realizes a lot of people would do this to her.[break][break]
- Tests both Wo-chien and Tapu Fini's Avatarship abilities, screams in pain both times. Realizes she hasn't lost her Avatarships, but they are being suppressed.[break][break]
- Belatedly discovers she is not alone, and regards the figure of a strange masked man with great alarm, backing up against the wall.


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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,654 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 17:39:53 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
"Squeeze, get off…"

He realized something was wrong the moment he heard his voice reverberating around him. Had his Ariados merely fallen asleep on top of him again, his voice would've bounced to the sides, not around him. He reached to his face, feeling that there was no living creature on or around him - merely a mask that was tighter than he was comfortable with.

But as he made an attempt to pry off the mask, something wrapped around his neck constricted. His hand went down, immediately trying to pull the chain out so he could breathe. It relented, but was still wrapped tight around him.

"The fuck…" Hideo muttered to himself. He took a moment to feel out the chain as well - attached to the mask. One wasn't coming off without the other, and he wanted them both off, to get out of this uncomfortable warmth around him.

And this unwell feeling…this was just like with those Toxic Chains.

His mind drifted back to what he last remembered before this; when he was trying to help Celebi get free of its chain. He'd taken a rest to try and get over his ill feeling, his Beheeyem and Shaymin attending to him. They'd gotten distracted by some chained Pokemon, and were fighting them off when Hideo heard something get close to him…

And now he was here.

Hideo rose from the hardened metal he rested on - and immediately noticed the strange fabric he was wearing. It was nothing like what he'd been wearing before, and a brief feel-over with his hand told him he was wearing traditional clothing.

Ones with no pockets.

He didn't have any of his Pokeballs on him.

"Oh shit," Hideo muttered, feeling around the area around him, in case any of them were nearby. There were none on the cold, hard cot he'd been sleeping on, nor on the ground near him. "Elga?! Shen?! Where are you!?"

He could hear other people calling out from other cells, but none were the sounds of his Pokemon. His heart raced as he searched, making little effort to be discrete as he moved whatever he could in his search, both in an effort to find where his stuff was, as well as to learn what was in here.

And judging from the minimal furniture, to the bars that stopped him from leaving this area, he could only guess he was in some kind of cell.

"Elga!? Where are you?" He was done being quiet, shouting out to try and get some kind of answer, whether it reached his ears first or his mind.

But he didn't get either from his Beheeyem.

He was all alone.

(Though he didn't know he wasn't the only person in this cell).

Hideo wakes up, realizes he's got a mask on and a chain around his neck
Was kidnapped during PP2: Celebi
Realizes he's not wearing his usual drip (probably doesn't even have stripes you monsters)
Oh shit where's his Pokemon
Feels around the cell as he tears it apart looking for his Pokemon
Not being quiet about it - doesn't know his cellmate ( ) is asleep. Or that he has a cellmate

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,867 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 17:41:06 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Was wrong? Was the Emergent wrong to deem Josh a Champion? He had shown such strength throughout his Champion Assessment. Growth from the naive, ambitious fool he was before it begun to the more restrained Champion he was now. He was still fast, both in the mind and in the saddle, but had developed the acuity to control such speeds. In just one year, he had transformed from one of Hoenn's most maligned Gym Leaders into one of the most celebrated. If the public found out that he had come to in a hot, musty prison cell mere weeks after ascending to the pinnacle of the Gym circuit, he would be the laughingstock of the region.

This wouldn't be the first time, either.

The Master of Faster came to, his visor blocking all but a half-moon's worth of light. "Where... where am..." Josh gasped, realizing a TOXIC CHAIN around his neck was making it difficult to speak. The same TOXIC CHAINS he had helped free countless Hoennian citizens from. Was his capture vengeance from the bearers of the TOXIC CHAINS for all the hard work he had done to stop them?

As he started to pat himself down, taking care not to touch the chains with any bare skin, Josh realized his belt with Saber, Raikiri, and his most trusted Pokémon was missing. That was the least of his worries; he felt around where he normally stored his most prized possession, the RAINBOW FEATHER bestowed upon him by the Great One. It, too, was gone. And with it, his connection to what made him the Knight of Thunder.

His connection to Raikou.

Never having felt so much despair and panic in his life, Josh let out a raspy scream that made his lungs burn. A scream that, unbeknownst to him, his cellmate and neighbors , , , and may recognize...


- Josh wakes up in the pokey, realizes his feather is gone, and screams in anguish
- Leaving the details of Josh's capture vague for maximum flexibility

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July 11
Castelia City, Unova
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
64 posts
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TAG WITH @michaeldavis
Michael Davis
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 18:22:34 GMT
Michael Davis Avatar

The dirge of screams and wails jolted Michael awake with a massive hypnic jerk. Multiple sensations drowned his thoughts in the moments his consciousness arose. The first feeling he recognized came from an uncomfortable metal mask that obstructed his vision and embraced his visage. Next, he felt the Toxic Chain that wrapped around his neck like an Arbok's coils. Then came the aching burn on the back of his skull that lingered with the mask's hold. The Cadet's surroundings became clear with the help of the dim moonlight that shone into the complex. Michael understood now that he was held in a single stone cell, its surface damp with moisture.

A raspy scream that echoed in the gaol caught Michael by more surprise. The clouds of overwhelming emotions parted enough for the Cadet to recognize the notes. Michael fought back the drake of fear and dismay just enough to push hismelf to help comfort his cellmate.

"Josh, Josh!" Michael shouted, scrambling to get to his colleague's side. His hands went to clasp firmly on the other's shoulders. "Hey, relax! It's going to be okay!"

Talking led Michael to grasp that his lips and mouth were incredibly dry. A sharp pang in his stomach revealed that he was also starving. When did he last have food or water?

Michael's mind reeled as the gravity of the situation continued to loom over him. A quick self inspection revealed he had no Pokeballs, nor equipment. His heart raced faster while his thoughts went to the safety of his Pokemon. Eimyrja, Cobalt, Jaws, Dusty...They were nowhere to be found.

The Ranger Cadet tried to calm himself down.

"Josh, listen. Let's focus on the positives. Remember our Prisoners of War training! Panicking and screaming won't help. We have to save our strength and strategize how we'll survive, and eventually, escape."

His voice remained harsh yet hushed. The guards did not need to hear the planning that would ensue.

"What matters more than ever is that we remain strong. People are counting on us. Our Pokemon are counting on us."

Though he did his best to show a brave face, deep down, he, too, remained doubtful. One could tell by the shakiness of his words as Michael battled against his inner demons.

-Michael awakes from the screams of the others in the prison.
-Keeping the details of his capture vague.
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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,827 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 18:52:27 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar

For better or for worse, Yuina had grown familiar with, even grown to rely on, the hazy sickness of being exposed to the toxins that had overtaken the region. The long term exposure had certainly taken a toll, but in exchange it dulled the searing pain of her shadows that burned her from the inside out. Maybe that was worth it, the lesser of two evils... That didn't mean it was that much more manageable.[break]
Some days were easier than others, and even beginning to prefer the sickness over her darkness, her stomach still lurched with a pang of nausea. Yuina groaned first, stirring awake, curling in on herself as her arms clung around her stomach, not an uncommon way for her to be awoken within the last little while. However, blinking for a moment, the sounds of shouts and voices echoing in a not so far away distance...[break][break]
Yuina shot up, sitting upright in a panic as the shouts continued, gritting her teeth at the jarring haze she felt over her entire body inside and out. This was far worse than anything she had experience while being out on the field for all of the poisonous problems around the region. She moved to hold her head, to stop the spinning, feeling not her bed creak beneath her movement, and found that her face was marred by something covering her... Something around her neck...[break][break]
Where Yuina would have thought she was still in some terrible nightmare, hands trembling, tracing what might be a mask that covered her face, all of this, everything felt far too real... She could even swear some of the shouting even sounded familiar...[break][break]
Panic and terror was quick to set in, she realized she could hardly see, whatever was stuck on and around her face, everything was so dim, but she feared the worst without restraint. Had she been found and taken by the Drk Triad...[break]
The very thought sent Yuina into an absolute state, flinging herself from the surface she sat up on, unceremoniously knocking into something (Doug) as she rushed forward, finding confinement bars in front of her in the dimness of her vision.[break][break]
"Wh-what... no....," her broken voice uttered, marred by the mask that she wore, as she recoiled back against the wall beside her. She was stricken, visibly shaking as she leaned and slumped against the wall, looking out to the open area, shouts and curses coming from every direction, but as a figure moved forward, coming into her line of sight, she didn't know which would have been worse... The Drk Triad... Or the Megalopolans...



- Yuina wakes up because sick, oh no wait[break]
- Actual panic, she got got[break]
- Flees from the cot, hits Doug on the way, and sees a Megalopolan[break]
- Yikes



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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,687 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 19:09:43 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar
though panic screamed through her, she was quiet upon coming to. fear only whispered from her pursed lips, as other waves of panic crashed in explosive echoes against walls of the ward. they were drowning.[break][break]

memories of wedgehurst struck her – of bad, sleepless nights when inmates would inevitably unravel, screaming and thrashing at concrete and steel to no avail, like animals. memory of punishment kept her silent, rigid against the wall for those first few moments.[break][break]

she peered into the darkness of her cell as her fingers explored her headgear. they froze when she located another, and her heart sank further, as she realized this was no ordinary prison.[break][break]

she’d been jailed with a corpse.[break][break]

her heart raced as her fingers found the chain, eyes catching on a passing guard and seeing theirs too. this was no work of dionysus, as she initially guessed. perhaps, rather, they had finally lost the war for their world.[break][break]

as others awoke in terror, she pressed her back against the furthest wall, wrapping arms around her legs, and breathing from her nose into her knees to find a quieter place in her head to think.[break][break]

∙ memories of galarian prison keep lulu quiet.[break]
∙ believes to be dead, does not investigate.[break]
∙ in a far corner of the cell thinking.

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP