i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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trey, graves
twenty seven
august 18
lavender town, kanto
on a manhunt
fire to a flame
ignite it
5' 10" height
5' 10" height
To infinity, even beyond it; I am a comet, no destination
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TAG WITH @atreyu
Atreyu Hargrave
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2024 4:01:00 GMT
Atreyu Hargrave Avatar
Atreyu didn't move much, even as what he could only assume was the Toxic Chained beast cried out in frustration. His shoulder throbbed and his ribs ached, even as he rested on his forearms, teeth grit. Someone muttering "shower" barely registered. It was only the icy rain of water pouring down on those within the Dummy and Weakling wards that rocked him out of his stupor, the cold seemingly bringing him back to a sense of awareness beyond pain. As he reclined back on folded legs, idly rubbing the blood and mochi off of his arms under the deluge, wet fabric sticking to his body, he found himself wondering what the more intense treatment would've been. Maybe the Megalopolans would've held them down and beat them individually; maybe more of their pokemon would've been sacrificed. He couldn't say for certain, and while thinking of all the possibilities might've prepared him to some degree, he didn't particularly care to try and muse about what ways he may be punished. Soon, the Toxic Chain coming from his mask strangled him, something he acknowledged as being alerted to their bestial wardens' presence. With some effort he was on his feet, and while he didn't wish to see the chamber they were leaving again, he couldn't help but look back—

The hooded pokemon had been released from its chains. It gorged on the contents in the bowl—mochi and flesh alike—causing Trey's guts to churn.

It was just as much a prisoner as the rest of them.

The tubes in the halls were just as abstract and weird as the rest of the place. As they were ushered back to their stations, Toxic Chains tethering them to their cells, neither the new plate of mochi or the fresh clothes made Trey feel much better about the situation. There was no sign of his former cellmate yet, and while that may have meant he could've used the cot, the fact that a child hadn't regrouped yet was concerning. He changed and ate while he was alone, then propped himself against a wall as he sat. His abdomen ached, a dull throb that spurned his thoughts.

It'd just been one day—the first among what he could only presume would be many. If he couldn't withstand this, how was he supposed to last a week? Months? A long, winded sigh escaped him as his head reclined against the wall, looking off to the side so he could keep a look out for if his cellmate came back. It seemed they were allowed to talk to each other to some degree. Maybe if the right people with the right ideas found each other and started scheming...

Slowly, Atreyu realized he was coming to consciousness in another place. When he roused, eyes fluttering open, he was standing in the middle of the street of a large, brilliant city, signs and shiny glass reflecting neon lights. It was like experiencing Celadon ten-fold; he couldn't quite compare it to a place he'd been to before. Focusing on himself revealed that he was in no pain, nor was he in the same clothes, and the people that passed by were clearly Megalopolans, ignoring him as they carried on with their lives. Was this a simulation, then? Or, more simply, a dream, even though he didn't remember nodding off. Whatever it was, he needed to use it to his advantage if he could.

Conversing with those around him revealed friendly-enough citizens of the polished, futuristic city, though none of them knew what he was talking about. When referencing the Toxic Chain, they did not recognize the previous events he spoke of, nor did they know what Never-Rot was, but they did make it known that they didn't wish to be imprisoned. It made sense—if their magenta-tinted eyes and robotic presentations weren't clear enough signs that they were being controlled, then this was. If he could even trust what he was seeing in a dream. He searched for a face he might recognize—even if he could just find Embry, that'd make this worth it—but nothing turned up aside from more Megalopolans.

Until he saw his dad.

Trey barely caught a glimpse of him rounding a corner. As he ran after him, movements slow and exaggerated in his dream-state, he ended up at the opposite end of a dimly-lit alley, watching as the man entered a random building. It felt like it took ages for Trey to get there, and when he did, there was no getting through the door—no handle, knob, or window was to be found, the "entrance" nothing more than an outline against smooth steel. There was a window display, however, and when Trey looked within, there were five large tank-like tubes situated in front of them, pink liquid inside. When he recognized what was inside, his face paled.

Devi. Remedy. Riot. Indigo. Wisp. All five of them were encapsulated, eyes closed as they floated in the mysterious liquid. Anger and sorrow rose like bile in Trey's throat, emotion gripping him as he placed a hand against the glass. Bubbles emerged from his Absol's mouth, but otherwise, the five pokemon remained undisturbed.

What were these fuckers trying to get at? The Megalopolans had said they were being punished for deeds done in Hoenn. He had a feeling the pokemon ringleaders were just doing what they wanted for the hell of it. The only thing they'd done that made any sort of progress was sorting the crystals, and what those were for hadn't been revealed to him yet. Did the other wards gain more knowledge? Or other ward, he supposed. Dummy had been with Weakling for the latter part of the day. What was Ugly doing? Were they gaining an advantage somehow? If they were able to control the level of punishment doled out, just what else were they getting to do?

His hand slowly bunched up into a fist, resting against the glass to the building with ire. There were still too many variables; too many unanswered questions. He'd have to talk to some of the others soon. In the back of his mind, something registered—a ping of acknowledgement.

If anything was going to do him it, it would be the waiting—being left in the dark. Not the pain.

-trey "showers" clothed bc he's too owie to think about taking anything off
-watches ogerpon chow down and gets grossed out
-falls asleep while keeping an eye out for his cellmate, leaving the cot open in case she comes back (let's just say he fell asleep before she got there!)
-asks ppl questions in the dreamscape
-finds his pokemon. gets angy. knows he's gonna have to group up if he wants to make any progress
-still stubbornly refusing despair (for now) hehe
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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2024 4:02:51 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar









A weak hint of a smirk tugs at the corner of his lips at the sight of on the floor. Remiel, in the meantime, sits upon the cot alone, garbed in freshly pressed garments after a merciful excuse for a shower. However, he doesn't stay conscious for long before the allure of sleep takes him into another world with the others.[break][break]


ULTRA MEGALOPOLIS. ZEKROM, suspended in a strange tank beneath a futuristic plaza. The return of his AVATAR abilities without the influence of the TOXIC CHAIN to suppress them. All of these things lead Remiel down the dark path of seizing a MEGALOPOLAN and bringing him to his knees.[break][break]

Past the pained expressions of being electrocuted, he recognizes the MEGALOPOLAN as one of the guards in his ward. But this one offers very little regarding intel. He didn't want to be TOXIC CHAINED, he pleaded. He didn't know who the NEVER-ROT was, he promised.[break][break]

Fueled by primal anger and fear, Remiel grabs the alien by the collar and spawns a LIGHTNING BOLT in his other hand before—[break][break]


A beacon of LIGHTNING strikes down from the sky, echoing a shimmering neon blue light throughout the city skyscrapers. It is only when the MEGALOPOLAN's smoking body collapses onto the ground that he realizes is standing there at the edges of the plaza. Suddenly, he considers what he's just done... though runs off to hug her just the same.[break][break]

"I-I'm so sorry... how long have you been standing there?" He asks in a half-whisper, taking notice of two approaching figures in the distance before growing wide-eyed. "... Diana? Luka?"[break][break]


They're sitting on a pair of benches in the plaza. Below them, through the translucent floor, they can see ZEKROM in his suspended slumber. Remiel tells them about the WEAKLING WARD and what they went through, surmises that this dream must be some sort of echo of ULTRA MEGALOPOLIS as it once was, and promises them he will do his best to get them all out of there. Though he reeks of worry and desperation nonetheless.[break][break]

For the time being, any awkwardness between his former lover and his current one is ignored.[break][break]

Instead, after surmising that and are in the UGLY WARD, Remiel asks: "What is going on in there? Why was the DUMMY WARD punished?" Asking if they were okay was pointless, after all. None of them were okay.[break][break]

NOTES ♔[break][break]


[attr="class","remy-lb-bannerbottom"]PRISMATIC PENITENTIARY ⛓️


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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2024 4:38:35 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar's eyes opened slowly, blinking rapidly as neon lights attempted to blind him. He sat up, arms slack as he took in his new surroundings. The last thing he remembered was--sleeping? Or at least falling asleep. Was this a dream? It must have been, because Oscar was once again well dressed and free of his recently inflicted wounds. And---

Oscar clasped his throat, realizing that the toxic chain was gone. He was excited for a moment, until he remembered that this was a dream and it did not matter. Oscar deflated, slowly standing up as he tried to make sense of what was happening around him. Sense could not be found; he seemed to be within a Megalopolan city. Only instead of the ruined hellscape he had explored with , it was the beautiful utopia from its prime.

So yeah, must have been a dream. None of this should look as nice as it does. Oscar suddenly felt detached, unable to consciously attach himself to this delusion. He got up and began to wander, barely registering the friendly faces he passed by. Especially the megalopolans, they might as well had been shades. Oscar probably would have wandered aimlessly until he woke up, doing nothing of value with his time within the dreamscape. Until...

Oscar heard someone calling his name, and out of curiosity he would follow the voice. Eventually he would come upon , or at least a shade resembling Priam. Oscar decided to approach, smiling as he slunk up from behind. "Mister Oscar? What am I your fuckin' teacher?" Oscar decided to follow Priam around, stopping where he stopped and listening to his conversations. It almost made this dream enjoyable, just wandering an illusion with his best friend. It was a feeling he missed.

Eventually they were joined by the shade of , and the trio would go from place to place seeing what they could see. Oscar pointed out a particularly large tower in the distance once it had came into view, "That big dick looking one is supposed to be a fake sun. But, I think it's off."

--Oscar plays tourist with and .
--Megalopolan Towers look a little like dicks.
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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2024 4:56:45 GMT
[attr="class","uglytheo prisonertheo"]

i'm standing on the ashes of who i used to be



"the cot is yours."[break][break]

his gentle and kind offer is given before has a chance to claim it and make the decision her own, his generosity unmatched and undimmed even in the most oppressive of environments.[break][break]

the mochi is eaten.[break][break]

clean and no longer stinky, he lays on the floor of their shared cell, his mind still stuck on the vision he saw in the mask. he believes it to be true; he knows it to be true; he only has to reach out and make it happen.[break][break]

he will control them.[break][break]


theo's interactions in this thriving city of a dream world are limited. he takes it in for what it is but he knows this isn't real. it can't be real.[break][break]

before he makes his way over to , , , and in the near distance, he takes his sweet time walking through the streets, pretending as though he's just another MEGALOPOLAN.[break][break]

but his mind wanders, lingering on his vision.[break][break]

"you," he stops a random MEGALOPOLAN, reaching for their arm. "your world thrives, meaning it survived necrozma and the darkness. how?"[break][break]

should they ever return to their world, he has to know how to survive .

ugly ward[break]
. theo is a good prisoner[break]
. theo offers anna the cot[break]
. theo honk shoo shoos[break]
. dream!theo keeps mostly to himself[break]
. dream!theo stops a megalopolan and asks them how they dealt with necrozma


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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,435 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2024 5:03:54 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
Like Nomi, Greyson look on to the ogre Pokémon with helpless sympathy.

No creature deserved to be chained or forced to feed on the remnants of human and mochi remains.

The small creature he'd met with in that RKS Simulation was anything but violent — was this the effect of the Toxic Chain? Did it effect this unknown Pokémon than in a way different than the others here? Was there a grudge here?

Questions to be answered when his life wasn't at stake.

He trudges alongside Nomi the entire way back, exhaustion settling into his bones and slumping his shoulders, eyes heavy beneath an addled mind.

He doesn't bother changing. Instead, Greyson sits against the far wall of the cell, elbows propped against his knees, eyes closed and head back.

"No need," he says, blindly searching one of the Mochi left over. He takes a soft chunk out of it, letting his hand hang limply.

"Take the bed, Visionary. I'm fine here."

Her answer? It fell on deaf ears. With half-eaten Mochi still hanging off the tips of fingers Greyson slips into a deep sleep.

The world of dreams is a strange one. His mind clears from the exhaustion, though a pressure in the back of his skull tells him this would be only temporary.

Greyson looks around, brow furrowed in confusion, wandering from building to building. He hadn't been to ULTRA MEGALOPOLIS, but this certainly matched a description.

Pokemon hang limply in window displays like stringed puppets, and he walks from viewing to viewing until his eyes widen. Quickly, and without the decorum of a guest, he breaks the glass to retrieve his own Pokémon. They were weak and barely responsive, but he cradles the four of them nevertheless.

Just then a Megalopolan passes by and, without thinking, Greyson grabs the individual by the throat. It's so similar to his actions against that his thoughts freeze for a moment, but momentum carries the alien to be pinned against the wall.

He couldn't afford to hesitate. Not here.

"Where the hell are we?"

No. More.

"What has you all so afraid?"

Did he recognize this man?

Weak Ward.
Looks on with sympathy as Ogrepon eats refuse from the bowl; wonders what this creature did to be treated like this, an arguably worse fate than the others?
Is exhausted and in pain. Sinks against the wall and falls asleep instantly after eating some mochi.
Tells to take the cot.
Wakes up in UM confused. Saves his Pokémon by breaking the glass but grabs a passing Megalopolan and choke slams them against the wall.
Asks: "Where the hell are we?"
Asks: "What has you all so afraid?"
Follow on thread

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2024 5:10:09 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


"Eh? Oh...I have no idea."[break][break]

's query meets with a less than satisfactory answer. Luka doesn't know much about tera crystals, and can't begin to try and connect the dots between them and the strange masks being built. "Maybe...m-maybe they all do something different? The blue one showed us good what if the others show something else?"[break][break]

It's a weak hypothesis, but it's all she can come up with. After a bit more idle chatter, and insisting along with that she's fine on the floor, is granted the bed while the other two women try to make themselves comfortable. Surprisingly, despite the cold hard stone beneath her, sleep comes to Luka easily.[break][break]


When she wakes up in another world, Luka's first reaction is no longer surprise, but a dull acceptance. However, it's quickly clear that this isn't someplace new, but a dream. It's so vivid though, and no attempt at pinching herself can wake her up. She's also not alone; but unlike the dream world she'd been in a few months ago, all the other inhabitants seem to be unwilling prisoners like herself.[break][break]

As she wanders the city, a familiar voice floats towards her. Though Luka still doesn't know at all, she can at least recognize her cellmate. But before they can locate the third member of their trio, and find them.[break][break]

It's funny; ages ago, she might have felt relieved Remiel was there, or horrified that he had to suffer too. Now all she feels is a kind of blank acceptance— not indifference, but his influence on her has waned. Perhaps that's for the best.[break][break]

The four of them hold court under Zekrom's macabre chandelier, swapping stories of their confinements and answering questions. Luka replies to Remiel's tale with her own stories of the UGLY ward and their captor, though doesn't explain her vision in the chamber of desires just yet.[break][break]

As she speaks she fiddles absently with the ring finger of her left hand, as though toying with a ring that isn't there.[break][break]

"They...t-the other wards didn't do as well," she says softly. "Ours was...w-we followed orders the best, I suppose. So they were punished instead." [break][break]

Even though she hadn't explicitly taken part, she still feels guilty about it. "I didn't vote, so I don't's awful though, isn't it? I felt so bad for them." And yet she knows that come tomorrow, should they still wake up in the same horrid cell, she'll do anything to avoid being the ward that gets punished.[break][break]

"Do you think—" she pauses, as though afraid of being overheard. By what, she isn't sure. "D-do you think there's any way out of here?"[break][break]

- still thinking about that mawwiage[break]
- meets with and in the dream world[break]
- sharing info abt their wards and the situation


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



[newclass=.siege] width:450px; margin:0px auto; background:#222; position:relative; color:#000; [/newclass] [newclass=.siege] --accent:#ffd5da; [/newclass] [newclass=.siege:hover .top] border-left:450px solid var(--accent); height:10px; transition:1s all; [/newclass] [newclass=.siege .top] border-left:0px solid #222; height:10px; transition:1s all; [/newclass] [newclass=.siege .main] font:11px 'roboto'; margin:20px 30px 30px 30px; text-align:justify; color:#bbb; background:rgba(0,0,0,0.2); padding:25px; [/newclass] [newclass=.siege .bottom] background:var(--accent); min-height:135px; [/newclass] [newclass=.siege .bottom .avatar] width:90px; float:left; margin:20px; [/newclass] [newclass=.siege .bottom .name b] color:rgba(224,0,0,0.4) [/newclass] [newclass=.siege .bottom .name] font:48px 'Poppins'; line-height:50px; letter-spacing:-3px; padding-top:10px; text-align:center;[/newclass] [newclass=.siege .bottom .subtxt] background:rgba(0,0,0,0.3); padding:2px 0px; font:bold 8px 'roboto'; color:#fff; margin-left:100px; text-transform:uppercase; text-align:right; padding-right:10px; letter-spacing:3px; [/newclass] [newclass=.siege .bottom .pkmn] margin-left:140px; margin-top:-10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.siege .bottom .pkmn img] margin-left:-10px; filter:grayscale(100%); transition:0.5s all; [/newclass] [newclass=.siege .bottom .pkmn img:hover] filter:none; transition:0.5s all; [/newclass] [newclass=.siege .credit] font:bold 11px poppins; text-transform:uppercase; position:absolute; transform:rotate(90deg); right:-40px; top:20px; background:var(--accent); padding:0px 10px; color:rgba(0,0,0,0.7);[/newclass]


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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,028 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2024 5:23:29 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

Everything hurts. Tempest thinks he hears 's voice, hears his pain, but their is a buzzing in his mind. He groans softly before being pulled to his feet by his chain, body throbbing. Something is broken, he thinks, but it's too hard for him to think through the muddled mind at the moment. Icy water soaks to the bone.[break][break]

He groans and strips the wet clothes which land on the floor with a splat. Bare assed and uncaring, Tempest just let's that thang swang. He's never been one to be shy of his body; let people look at what they can't have.[break][break]

The mask stifles his pants of pain.[break][break]

Clean clothes barely drape over his body, damp from the chilled water. The cot is hard but provides a weird relief when Tempest lays down.[break][break]

Sleep brings a waking dream-scape. Tall buildings and empty streets find his bare feet, painless here, but drowsy and strange. Tempest peers around alien landscapes and traces fingers over the oddly polished stone of the buildings. A distant murmuring catches him, pulling his attention towards strange round benches.[break][break]

Two of the blue people. They sit with haunted eyes and whisper amongst themselves. From what tempest can guess, it seems to be two women; he thinks he saw one of them patrolling the Dummy Ward earlier. It's hard to tell, though. They all kind of look the same.[break][break]

The two women quiet when he approaches. Instead of attack or yelling, there is a tiredness that still clings at the edges of his mind. He makes himself comfortable on the bench beside them, both of them peering at him with a tense curiosity.[break][break]

Tempest glances over at them, studying them.[break][break]

He thinks of Velmos.[break][break]

He thinks of the war.[break][break]

"How come you guys didn't just ask for help?"[break][break]

It's a question that's always burned within him.
[attr="class","tag"]@ PRISMATIC



🔗 temp is hurt but still shows off his dick before dreaming of some hot blue ladies. he asks them question


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[newclass=.twtgm .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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september 12
hammerlocke, galar
but you know
that you're toxic
5'5" height
5'5" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
238 posts
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TAG WITH @diana
Diana Cavendish
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2024 5:28:31 GMT
Diana Cavendish Avatar
[attr="class","diana"]There was a bolt of lightning, striking down not far from where Diana had taken a seat beside . It jolted her from her muddled mind, the static crackling in the air. ”What was that?”

”Him. Him. Him. He is near. Galar is to be saved.” Her mind chanted, as if it was being pulled toward like a magnet.

”Remiel.” Diana’s feet take her there before she can truly process it, her arms reaching for his neck and pulling her former fiance into an embrace. Whether their company found it friendly or more so was up to them. For her, she was happy he was okay.

The information he gave them was a vast world apart from the one she’d shared with her cellmate. The blessings of the Chamber of Desires and the hot shower, the exposure to brilliant tera shards… it seemed the Calcifets had endured much in their punishment with the Dummy Ward.

There was a twinge of guilt in her stomach, though relief was evident that they made the right choice. Right?

Diana shared a glance to , wondering who would break the news of the vote to him and or share the information about the Chamber of Desires. ”We voted for the punishment. It added up to the Dummy Ward. I suppose it was the name and what we saw televised on the shards… the punishments.” She referenced and .

”My only hope was you were safe.” She sighed, clasping her hands together in front of her. If she had the power to, the Weakling Ward would be protected.

”We… we went to a chamber. The Chamber of Desires. And it showed us our future… what we can achieve or what we want.” Diana did not speak further of her own, reserving to tell about it when they were alone. Nevertheless, her eyes pierced him.

[attr="class","dianatag"] & &
- reunites with luka, remiel, and elise
- him xoxo
- exchange information
- has yet to tell what she's seen in the chamber
[googlefont="Nunito"][googlefont="Quattrocento"][newclass=.diana] width:370px;background-color:#232323;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:13px;line-height:16px;letter-spacing:.5px; margin: 0 auto; font-family:nunito, sans-serif; border-radius: 5px 5px 0px 0px; [/newclass][newclass=.diana b] color: #A59DED; font-size: 13px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-weight: 700; [/newclass][newclass=.diana i] color: #888; [/newclass][newclass=.diana u] text-decoration: none; font: bold 10px Quattrocento Sans; letter-spacing: 3px; color: #666666; text-transform: uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=.dianatag a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass][newclass=.dianatag] padding: 15px 44px 15px 45px; background-color: #2b2b2b; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 0px; margin-top: -30px; width: 369px; text-align: right; border-bottom: solid 1px #232323; border-left: solid 1px #232323; border-right: solid 1px #232323; border-radius: 0px 0px 5px 5px; [/newclass]
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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
553 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2024 6:08:20 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar


Imprisoned Investigator--Premiere Prisoner

"Do you really think we have these voluntarily? If I could get rid of it all, I would glady throw them away!"

It was quite the stark difference from what she had heard in the prisons. In fact, the one she had found first was the one who was acting as the role of the representative announcer.

It was all involuntary--truly a violation of their wills, even moreso than what was done to the people that had been snatched up from Hoenn. Talk of the Never-rot and the chains had been met with nothing short of the most salubrious of praise there, but there was an even greater repulsion here.

What was this side? She had already seen that it was different from what she had faced before. After all, she was not even wearing her mask and her clothes were her usual--the same ones she had fallen asleep in before all of this happened.

She wanted to ask more about the Never-rot itself. When did all the strangeness start? When did they notice?

But her mind tacked onto something far more fundamental.

"Kyr?" Elaine called out the name she had heard. She had spent a lot of time questioning the locals, but this was the first time she had come to encounter someone she had known. There were tens of people in the prison.

So, the fact that she ran into Kyrenai here meant that the others were likely scattered around here. If she wandered enough, she could probably find Ever or Violet, too.

"Strange is an understatement. The more time progresses, the less sense things make. I have half a mind to believe that a good chunk of what we've experienced isn't even reality."

She sighed as she pressed her thumb against her forehead.

"I'll explain more as we go along. Let's look for some of the others while we talk."

As she walked forward, she continued on.

"Things aren't adding up. Between the prison that we're stuck in, the abnormalities among the corpses, and now where we currently are. I assume you found your Pokemon as well. It felt like all of our fundamental assumptions were wrong. So I had to ask the Megalopolans here something."

"Where is this? And I don't just mean that this place looks like the Megalopolis you hail from. One of these sides isn't real. But what kind of unreality is it? Where is this? Where is the prison? And are any of you able to even act upon your will in the slightest on the other side?"

After all, theorems were only logical conclusions that could be drawn from postulates. But those would all be wrong if the axioms they ran with were incorrect.

  • Weakling Ward
  • Elaine sees Kyr and tags along with her
  • Elaine spends time questioning the Megalopolans
  • Elaine questions where exactly they are beyond simple terms like the Megalopolis and a prison. She is trying to get a good understanding of what is real and where they are now and where the prison is.
  • Elaine also asks them if they have any power to exert their will despite the Toxic Chains' influence.

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miss monroe
june 7th
verdanturf town
ranger / daycare asst.
cadet / nurse
we came, we saw
we complicated...
5'11" height
5'11" height
mirror on the wall, tell me all the ways to stay away.
135 posts
part of
TAG WITH @noble
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2024 6:52:28 GMT


Bruised and broken, Petra is eager to return to their cells. The mochi she reluctantly consumed was now a welcomed luxury, though she struggles changing into her fresh clothes. She doesn't even bother fighting over the cot, stress and injury snuffing any energy to do so. She just leans against the wall, ready to pass out at any moment.

As slumber overtakes the senses, Petra's thoughts revolve around the last few things she saw. The orange face of that savage thing, and the throbbing tubes that alluded to something more beneath them. It was all very fascinating, and though she would've enjoyed better circumstances... The wonders help to distract her adled mind.



Eyes that shut on one side open on another, and the spectacle of a thriving Megalopolan city causes a bit of excitement. When she moves, there is no grief from injury. I'm dreaming? Venturing to explore this place, it's apparent there are others.

But Petra doesn't manage to find anyone she knows, and opts instead to explore on her own. Eventually a daycare display comes into view, and it seems like her pokemon are in it!

"Hey! Wake up!" A fist beats against the window in protest, though it serves no good. At least for now, which causes her to wonder - How real was any of this? Before she can confirm if their pokemon mean anything, she has to make sure that the others in this place aren't just a fabrication of a mind desperate to escape it's cage...


- Lorem[break]
- Lorem[break]
- Lorem[break]
- Lorem


[attr="class","bottom"]PP: WEAKLING WARD[break]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cloud-moon"]

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[newclass=".petraevent .credit a"]font-size:12px; position:absolute; z-index:99; right:100px; bottom:10px; opacity:0.3;[/newclass]·
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July 6
Accumula Town
5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
96 posts
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TAG WITH @sylviacousteau
Sylvia Cousteau
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2024 7:15:53 GMT
Sylvia Cousteau Avatar
It was a pretty cute creature that had decided to just ram into her like that. Sylvia wasn't too bothered, much to enamored by its design to really pay her wounds any mind. She goofed off and tried to shirk off enough work to watch others suffer for a bit with the biggest grin on her face. The mask on its face did make her wonder if that was the source of it lashing out or was it just not a people person. She'd need some kind of wildlife person to really give her an answer about that. Just some more food for thought around her noggin! After storming around for a while, the floor was cleaned and the entire group was offered some reprieve. They got an ice cold shower and a new change of clothes before being sent to bed.

Sylvia was surprised by her roomie opting to no use the cot inside. Not that she was going to really offer her the comfortable resting place. "Wow, you look like shit." she said to with an amuse chuckle. "But pretty cute shit! If we're paired together for the Dummy Ward, guess all we got is our looks, huh~ Rest that little noggin of yours, bestie!" Sylvia fell asleep almost instantly, dreaming of a better place to rest. She missed being back home with her bug pals. No doubt Gendri was trying to keep the peace between everybody!


  • Wants a little rampaging Pokemon of her own
  • Gets a nice cold shower and currently in pain
  • Hogs the cot meant for and falls asleep...

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played by


January 9th
senior ranger
6’1” height
6’1” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
292 posts
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TAG WITH @ever
ever blackwell
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2024 7:33:04 GMT
ever blackwell Avatar



After running into in the dream world, he took to wandering the streets aimlessly as his mind raced.
If his mentor was here, who else that he had grown close to was here?
Was here?
Just like with Josh, he thought he had heard her voice earlier when it came to voting. Since it seemed he had been right in his thoughts that Josh was here, wasn’t it right to assume Elise was here as well?
And if those two were here, who else?
Who else could be here with them that he had come to know before he had ended up in this mess?
Taking a deep breath to steady himself, his racing thoughts slowed, at least enough for him to realize he had come to a stop. When had that happened? How long had he been standing here, just staring off into the distance?
Mentally shaking himself, he took stock of his surroundings.
He had no idea where he was in this dream world. Not really surprising.
He was also completely alone. No one else in sight. Now, usually, he thrived in solitude, but at the moment, he just couldn’t help but feel unnerved.
The feeling grew overwhelming, almost making him feel suffocated, despite the fact that the toxic chain as well as the mask that had bound him in the waking world were no longer present. In fact, nothing of the waking world remained when it came to his attire. His own clothing had been replaced by his Ranger uniform, though he couldn’t for the life of him remember if that was what he had been wearing when he had been knocked out.
Attire aside, he still couldn’t shake the unnerving feeling of being alone in this place.
So, ignoring his usual instincts of keeping his distance from others, he would resume walking with the purpose of finding someone. Anyone.
Of course, at first, he would be unsuccessful. In fact, the first thing he would do was stumble across something kind of weird. A weird nursery with very familiar Pokémon floating in tubes with some kind of strange liquid.
Rook, Volt, Flash, Nyx, Sonic Boom, and Celestia.
They were all here. His Pokémon.
Unlike many others, he didn’t try to break them out, instead choosing to just press his hand against the glass. While lucid dreaming was hard to come to terms with, he had enough experience dealing with dreams to know they never went the way you wanted. It was how they knew no force on earth would break their Pokémon out of their prisons. At least not while they were in this realistic dream world.
“Wherever you are, I will find you. I’ll get you out of here; I just have to,” he murmured softly before reluctantly stepping back and allowing his hand to fall back to his side.
Taking another deep breath, he would turn his back to the forms of his Pokémon and resume his earlier task of trying to find other people in the dream world they had found themselves in.
He would actually manage to stumble across others. Some he would chat with for a bit, while others he would simply pass by.
Eventually, he would find himself running into his cellmate after a bit more aimless wandering. The only acknowledgment he would give his cellmate is a simple inclination of his head before walking with them. However, he would remain silent, not adding anything to any conversation that sprung up, just choosing to let them do the talking.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + TL;DR: Mentally freaks out over being caught up in this mess as well as the possibility of others he has come to know in Hoenn being caught up in this mess [break] calms himself down and proceeds to find others [break] it’s unnerving being alone in this place okay [break] stumbles across his Pokémon [break] vows to get them all out even if he has some doubts on that front [break] he’s trying okay [break] reluctantly pulls himself away from his Pokémon and proceeds to come across the others [break] eventually finds himself in the company his cell mate once more and becomes a ghost as he follows and around, not literally of course



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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,088 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2024 8:02:23 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
After fighting for the cot, Howard found himself staring at the ceiling. First come, first serve, and as the one who didn't get choked out trying to use his nonexistent powers, Howard found himself first to the cell and first to the cot that lie within.

As for sharing, forget that. He'd rather share it with a pit viper than the HBIC's head honcho. She could investigate her way into sleeping on the floor.

They were served mochi. They ate the mochi. They excreted the mochi. This too was a samsara of history. The transient meantime of a sheltered eternity, in which many were content to live, but not to dream. Why dream here? What salvation was there to dreaming? What had dreaming gotten him but misery and heartache.

Daring to dream of a world where he could follow his love for archaeology was why he was in this cot, staring up at uncaring ceiling. To dream was a mistake. To live was a mistake. To exist was to err, and to err was to fail.

As he stared upwards, he dreamed of a bear.

"Doug..." His functioning eye squeezed shut. Shock had left his body, and all that was left was to mourn. "I'm sorry. I failed you."

It was just a bear. That's all it was. It was just a remnant of an era that had long since turned to dust. The humans who had lived in the era of Hisui were dead, and their bones had left no imprint upon the physical world. It was just a bear. Its capsule was just another object.

"Or perhaps you failed me."

Their losses were negligible.

It was just a bear.

Death was a constant. To embrace living was to accept the end.

It was just a bear.

The flesh was fallible and weak. Memories were all that remained.

's friend. 's masterpiece. Those memories were all that would remain.

That was fine. They were more valuable than the life when it had existed.

He had no right to experience the fruits of life for himself, but it was a shame when the story of another came to an end. How many tales had ended across the countless stream of time? They had been meaningless, but the stories they left behind had been delicious to behold. They were worthy of being chronicled in the tale of mankind.

It was just a bear.

No, it was more than that.

It was his friend.

Yet friendship is brittle and not necessary. The more connections an individual holds to the mortal world, the more likely it is for them to be harmed. An observer had no right to such luxuries.

This was deserved. A crime for joining Rocket.

He wept as he closed his eyes to sleep. Tomorrow was another day. Humanity would triumph, no matter the cost. If a thousand corpses were needed to crawl out of this prison, than Howard would gladly allow them to be stacked. Stack them higher in exchange for the triumph of humanity.

It is easy to be brave when dealing with hypotheticals. Even the most cravenly man can mask himself in the garb of a hero.

"Doug." The admin opened his eye to a world of shining light and glimmering hope. "Doug."

Hope burned like a scathing flame. It was worthless. Meaningless. Yet it was something to fill his belly and his heart. Something to help him get by. Something to let him dream of a brighter future. Dreams were worthless, and the flesh was weak.

Yet it was something that he could sup upon. He wandered past a frozen statue of his legendary giant. The admin did not turn to it. Its power could not save him. If this was a dream, then it would give him what he wanted. One last reunion to steel his nerve.


There were still many roads to walk. There were still many stories to perceive. There were still many lives to snuff out to reach the pristine dawn.

But there was no need to rush.

Eventually, he'd make it to the other side.

Fighting over the cot
Bear :C
Looking for the bear.
Still masked in the dream
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played by


Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,329 posts
part of
TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2024 9:26:52 GMT

They could not hide from their poisoned fate, even in their dreams. [break][break]

After deliberating their sleeping arrangements, , , and all materialized into a collective dreamscape — a futuristic, vaguely familiar one. The architecture reminded him of LESSER MEGALOPOLIS, and Megalopolans themselves milled around, free of their TOXIC CHAINS. When asked, one of the denizens informed him this was ULTRA MEGALOPOLIS. Their home, their desire.[break][break]

"How long have you been inside the prison?" Barnaby asked one of them, recognizing them from his ward.[break][break]

When he parted ways with the Megalopolan, he continued on and wandered the city, looking for other familiar faces in the throngs of people. The first sight he recognized was not another person, however, but his Evangeline, bobbing mutely in an odd, fluid-filled container. He called to the STARMIE, banged the glass with his fists, but they did not stir.[break][break]

Eventually he tore himself away from the tank, realizing that there was no way to get them out. What use would they be here anyway?[break][break]


From the crowd he heard his pseudonym shouted by an easily recognizable voice: . Though usually the man inspired unease, it was a relief to see another familiar face. They stayed together for some time, conversing about their plight and even sharing a few personal revelations.


UGLY WARD [break][break]

• unmasked[break]
• asks a megalopolan: [break]
"how long have you been inside the prison?"[break]
• finds his starmie but can't free them[break]
• meets up with zev and they have a silly little convo



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played by


August 15
4’9 height
4’9 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
61 posts
Mimi Hirose DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @mimii
Mimi Hirose
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2024 9:35:06 GMT
Mimi Hirose Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb mimi"]

you've got no reason to be afraid




"hehe.. ahahaha..!..!"
the laugher bubbled forth from her; Was it strange... to find comfort in the suffering of others? Hearing the pained cries of those nearby made her realize she wasn't suffering alone. Mimi scoffs at herself in disbelief for having a twisted mindset, if it was up to her would she wish this on others? If possible she would rather not go through something so painful. Her thoughts are interrupted by the sudden announcement of a 'shower'. looking upwards towards the sprinklers, she laughs once again finding the sensation of the water hitting her skin to be pleasing. It was a much needed distraction from the pain which consumed her body.
The laughter didn't last, she abruptly coughs, followed by gasps and shivers filled with pain. Groaning weakly, she uses the pits walls to support as she slowly rises to her feet. The pain of broken ribs while standing is overwhelming she does her best to alleviate the pain by leaning her weight to the opposite side of her injuries. She grimaces as she walks forward but she knew that there was no other choice but to continue - the wardens were pushing them forward presumably back towards the cells.
The walk back was extremely strange, as Mimi was not entirely sure if the pain was causing her to hallucinate seeing fleshly structures. Distracted by her pain she continued to move forward not thinking much on what she had seen. Finally a chance to change had finally arrived, Mimi was grateful to exchange her drenched prison uniform to a fresh pressed peach smelling one. As the platform returned them to their wardens the chains are latched on immediately, her energy being completely depleted she lets the chain guide her back to the cell where she's once again reunites with .
"I'm okay.." Mimi responds weakly, overall relieved to see Marisol was still alive. She listens to Marisol slowly munching on the mochi as she stumbles towards the cot. "See you in the m-morning.." Mimi mumbles slowly as she supports herself by leaning onto Marisols back she groans with pain but it doesn't take long for her to drift asleep..

She awakes and finds herself in a massive futuristic city. "M-Marisol?" Mimi calls out looking around for her cellmate in a confused manner, she sees a few others around but out of precaution decides not to interact with them. Not hearing anyone nearby Mimi decides to venture down a nearby alleyway, luckily what the injuries she experienced in the prison do not seem to affect her in the dreamworld.
Hearing someone nearby, Mimi quickly takes notice of 's presence. Deciding to take a risk Mimi responds back "over here, don't worry I won't hurt you!" She calls out towards her before making her approach. Once she got close enough she greeted her in a more friendly manner.
"Hi.. hope I didn't startle you, My name's Mimi." she tries to smile but it quickly fades as she takes another look around. "is this.. still the prison?" Mimi asks herself aloud, not intending for Genevieve to hear her.

- experience is making her question her Morality
-reunites with in their cell, delighted to see her and listens to her advice
-runs into in the dreamland attempts to start a conversation with her.



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP